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A01956 The happines of the church, or, A description of those spirituall prerogatiues vvherewith Christ hath endowed her considered in some contemplations vpon part of the 12. chapter of the Hebrewes : together with certain other meditations and discourses vpon other portions of Holy Scriptures, the titles wherof immediately precede the booke : being the summe of diuerse sermons preached in S. Gregories London / by Thomas Adams ... Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653. 1619 (1619) STC 121; ESTC S100417 558,918 846

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the better mistres and worthy of more seruants alas glad to be shrowded in holes your Greatnes now wisheth it selfe so litle that it might not be seene You insatiate couetous that neuer ceased ioyning house to house land to land and possessing whole countryes yet whined for lacke of elbow-roome loe you shall at this day be glad of a hole a darke hollow caue in a rocke for your parlour or more glad if you might be dissolued into nothing They said We haue described the Persons What they were let vs see what they did They said They open their lips to confesse the invincible and inevitable power of Christ. whence derive we two obseruations 1. The sense of present miserie takes away Atheisme Before their mouthes were either shut by silence or opened by blasphemies possessed either with a dumbe or a roring deuill God was not in all their thoughtes or if in their thoughts not in their lips or if in their lips but to his dishonour not named but in their oathes Now loe they speake and make a desperate acknowledgment of that power they erst derided The day of iudgment when it comes shall find no Atheist What those degenerate creatures would not beleeue they shall see they would not acknowledge their maker they shall find their Iudge and cry to the mountaines Fall one vs c. Consider this ye that forget God lest you be torne in pieces when there is none to deliuer you You may forget him during your short pleasure you shall remember him for euer in torture Proceed to speake of him wickedly and like enemies to take his Name in vaine you shall one day fall low before his footestoole not with a voluntary but enforced reuerence You that haue denied God on earth the first voice that shall come from your lips shall be a hopelesse acknowledgment of his maiestie 2. The saying that comes from them is desperate whence note that in Gods iust punishment Desperation is the reward of Presumption They that erst feared two little shall now feare too much Before they thought not of Gods Iustice now they shall not conceiue his Mercie Consciences that are without remorse are not without horror It is the kindnes which presumptuous sinne doth the heart to make it at last despaire of forgiuenes They say Behold God accuseth not they accuse themselues God loues to haue a sinner accuse himselfe and therefore sets his deputie in the brest of man which though it be a neuter when the act is doing is an aduersary afterwards The conscience is like the poise of a clocke the poise being downe all motion ceaseth the wheeles stirre not wound vp all is set on going Whiles conscience is downe there is no noise or moouing in the heart all is quiet but when it is wound vp by the iustice of God it sets all the wheeles on working tongue to confesse eyes to weepe hands to wring brest to be beaten heart to ake voice to cry and that where mercie steps not in a fatall cry to the hils Fall on vs and hide vs. Sinne and iudgment for sinne make the most cruell men cowardly Tyrants whose frownes haue beene death oppressors that haue made their poore Tenants quake at their lookes now tremble themselues would change firmnes with an aspine leafe They that care not for the act of sinne shall care for the punishment Tumidi faciendo timidi patiendo Nero that could not be tired in cutting throtes is soone weary of his owne torment They that haue made others weepe shall desperately howle themselues Cain that durst kill the fourth part of the world at a blow euen his owne brother dares afterwards not looke a man in the face lest he should be slayne Who durst be more impudently bold with God then Iudas when he betrayed his onely Sonne to murderers yet after the treason who more cowardly then Iudas he becomes his owne hangman The curse that followes sinne makes Presumption it selfe to shudder But what madnes is it not to complaine till too late If our foresight were but halfe as sharpe as our sense we should not dare to sinne The issue of wickednes would appeare a thousand times more horrible then the act is pleasant Let this teach vs now to thinke of the Iustice of God as well as his mercie that herafter we may thinke of his mercie as well as his Iustice. The mercie of God is abused to encourage lewdnes and wretched men by Christs merits are emboldned to committe that for which he dyed but so men may runne with mercie in their mouthes to hell They that in life will giue no obedience to the law shall in death haue no benefite by by the Gospell When they gaue themselues ouer to lying swaring coueting c. they were wont to cry Mercie mercie now loe they feele what those sinnes are and cry nothing but Iustice Iustice they cannot thinke on mercie They that haue abused mercie must be quitted with vengance The good now sing With thee O Lord is mercie therefore thou shalt be feared The reprobates sing at last with thee O Lord is iudgment with thee is storme and tempest indignation wrath confusion and vengence and therefore art thou feared These necessary occurrences thus considered let vs passe to their Inuocation wherein is exemplified their Error Here we must obserue To what For what they call To what They are Mountaines and rockes vnreasonable yea insensible creatures whence we may deduce two inferences a negatiue and an affirmatiue 1. Negatiuely it is cleare that they haue no acquaintance with God therefore know not how to direct their prayers vnto him If their trust had beene in God they needed not to fly to the M●…aines So Dauid sweetly Psal. 11. Ia the Lord put I my trust how then say you to my soule Flie as a bird to your mountaine It is Gods charge Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me But Rom. 10. How shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeued Or beleeue in him they haue not knowne and how should they know him but by his word Alas those mutuall passages and entercourse of meanes they haue euer barred themselues They would neither suffer God to trouble them by his word nor would they offer to trouble him by their prayers They will not call vpon him nor will they heare him calling vpon them Therefore as those that neuer were in the companie of God they know not how to addresse themselues to him but rather to rockes and mountaines As extremity discerneth friends Verè amat qui miserum amat so it distinguisheth a man in himselfe A suddaine disturbance giues a great try all of a Christians disposition For as in a naturall man at such an affrightment all the bloud runs to the heart to guard the part that is principall so in a good man at such an instance all the powers
suffer commit c. What. The Soule and the keeping thereof The Soule is a very precious thing it had need of a good keeper For what is a man profited if he shall gaine the whole world and loose his owne soule We trust the Lawyer to keepe our Inheritance the Physitian to keepe our body the coffer to keepe our money shepheards to keepe our flockes but the Soule had need of a better keeper Howsoeuer it goes with thy libertie with thy loue with thy land with thy life be sure to looke well to thy soule that lost all is lost The bodie is not safe where the Soule is in hazard Non-anima pro corpore sed corpus pro anima factum est The soule is not made for the bodie but the bodie for the Soule He that neglects the better let him looke neuer so well to the worse shall loose both He that looks well to the keeping of the better though he somwhat neglect the worst shal saue both The Body is the instrument of the soule it acts what the other directs so it is the externall actuall and instrumentall offender Satan will come with a Habeus corpus for it But I am perswaded if hee take the Body hee will not leaue the Soule behind him To whom To God he is the best Keeper Adam had his Saluation in his owne hands hee could not keepe it Esau had his Birth-right in his owne hands hee could not keepe it The Prodigall had his Patrimonie in his owne hands he could not keepe it If our Soule were left in our own hands we could not keepe it The world is a false keeper let the soule runne to ryot hee will goe with it The Deuill is a Churlish keeper he labours to keepe the soule from saluatiō The Body is a brittle inconstant keeper euery sicknes opens the doore and lets it out God onely is the sure keeper Your life is hid with Christ in God This was Dauids confidence Thou art my hiding place thou shalt keepe mee The Iewells giuen to thy little children thou wilt not trust them with but keepe them thy selfe O Lord keepe thou our onely one doe thou Rescue our soule from destructions our Darling from the Lyons Trust vs not with our owne soules wee shall passe them away for an Apple as Adam did for a morsell of meate as Esau did for the loue of a harlot as that Prodigall did Lord doe thou keepe our Soules Now the Christian patient must commit the keeping of his Soule to God both in Life Death 1. Liuing the Soule hath three places of being In the body from the Lord in the Lord from the body in the body with the Lord. The two last are referred to our saluation in heauen either in part when the Soule is glorified alone or totally when both are crowned together Now the soule must be euen here in the Lords keeping or else it is lost If God let goe his hold it sinkes It came from God it returnes to God it cannot be well one moment without God It is not in the right vbi except the Lord be with it It is sine sua domo if sine suo Domino Here be foure sorts of men reprouable 1. They that trust not God with their soules nor themselues but relie it only vpon other men 2. They that will not trust God with their soules nor others but onely keepe it themselues 3. They that will trust neither God with their soules nor others nor keepe it it themselues 4. They that will neither trust others with their soules nor themselues but only God yet without his warrant that he will keepe it 1. They that trust their soules simplie on the care of others they are either Papists or prophane Protestants The Papist trusts Antichrist with his soule he 's like to haue it well kept If Masses Asses can keepe it for so the Iesuites terme their secular Priests it shall not bee lost The deuill fights against the soule the Pope interposeth an armoury of Agnus Dei's sprinklings crossings amulets prayers to Saints But surely if this Armour were of proofe S. Paul forgot himselfe in both these places where he describes that Panoply or whole armour of God He speakes of a plate of righteousnesse for the breast shooes of patience for the feete the shield of Faith the helmet of saluation the sword of the Spirit To the Thessalonians indeed hee somewhat varies the pieces of armour but in neither place doth he mention Crosses Crucifixes aspersions vnctions c. Or they will trust the Saints in heauen with their soules Sancta virgo Dorothea tua nos virtute bea cor in nobis nouum crea What that Prophet desired of God they as if they were Ioth to trouble the Lord about it and could haue it neerer hand beg of their Saint Dorothy to create a new heart within them Such a rithme haue they to the Virgin Mary Virgo mater maris stella Fons hortorum verbi cella ne nos pestis aut procella peccatores obruant But the Saints are deafe non audiunt They would pray them to forbeare such prayers they abhorre such superstitious worship They that were so iealous of Gods honour on earth would be loth to robbe him of it in heauen So our carnall professors onely trust the Minister with their soule as if God had imposed on him that charge which the Prophet gaue to Ahab keepe this man if by any meanes he be missing then shall thy life be for his life But indeed if he doe his duty in admonishing If thou warne the wicked of his way to turne from it if he do not turne from his way he shall die in his iniquitie but thou hast deliuered thy soule 2. They that will not trust others with their soule but keepe it themselues They wrapit warme in the nest of their own presumptuous merits as if good workes should hatch it vp to heauen But the soule that is thus kept will be lost He that wil goe to heauen by his own righteousnes and climbers by no other ladder then his owne Iust workes shall neuer come there The best Saints that haue had the most good workes durst not trust their soules with them I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not hereby iustified In many things we sin all All in many things many in all things And the most learned Papists whatsoeuer they haue said in their disputations reserue this truth in their hearts otherwise speaking in their deaths then they did in their liues Now non merita mea sed misericordia tua not my merits but thy mercies O Lord. All our life is either vnprofitable or damnable therfore O man what remaines Nisi vt in tota vita tua deplores totam vitam tuā but that during al thy life thou shouldest lament al thy life workes cannot keepe vs but grace let them boast of perfection we cry for
but the goates are not written in his booke The foundation of God standeth sure hauing the seale the Lord knoweth them that are his It is a goodly thing to be famous and remarkable in the world Est pulchrum digito monstrari dicier hic est It is a goodly thing to bee sayd this is the man whom the world honours but perhaps this is not he whom God honours He that suffers and does according to the will of God the Lord will take that man into his boso●… Such honour haue all his Saints It is no great matter for men to be knowne to kings and nobles if the Lord know them not nothing to ride in the second Coach as Ioseph to be next to the Prince if they bee strangers to the Court of heauen Therefore let vs all lay hold on well-doing that we may haue comfort in well-dying Wee desire to shut vp our last scene of life with In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum Lord Into thy handes I commend my spirit Behold while we liue GOD sayes to vs In manus tuas homo commendo spiritum meum Man into thy hands I commend my spirit As we vse Gods Spirit in life God will vse our Spirit at death If we open the doores of our hearts to his Spirit he will open the doores of heauen to our Spirit If we feast him with a supper of Grace he will feast vs with a supper of Glory If wee grieue his Spirit he will grieue all the veines of our hearts When such shall say Lord into thy handes wee commend our soules no sayth God I will none of your Spirit for you would none of my Spirit You shut him out when hee would haue entred your hearts hee shall shut you out when you would enter heauen Let vs therefore here vse Gods Spirit kindly that hereafter hee may so vse our spirits Let vs in life entertaine him with Faith that in death he may embrace vs with mercy So Lord into thy handes wee commend our soules keepe and receiue them O thou faithful Creator and God of truth through Iesus CHRIST Amen FINIS a 2 Cor. 3. 9. b Mal. 4. 2. c Iohn 1. 8. d Ioh. 1. 17. Heb. 3. 6. e Paraeus f Ioh. 6. 44. g Can. 1. 4. h Psal. 143. 10. i 2. Kin. 25. 7. k Acts 3. 2. Ber. l Heb. 11. 6. m Rom. 8. 24. n Iohn 5. 24. o Phil. 3. 20. 1 p Psal. 87. 2. q Math. 4. 8. r Deu. 34. 4. 2 s Ioh. 14. 2. t Gen. 30. 8. u Psal. 36. 6. x Ion. 3. 3. y Psal. 106. 28. a Heb. 9. 14. b Mat. 22. 32. c Psal. 49. 11. d Mat. 24. 2. 3 4 e Reu. 21. 27. 5. 6. f Rom. 4. 25. 7. Aug. g Iohn 3. 16. h Psal. 87. 2. i Psa. 78. 60. k Psal. 107. 34. l 2. Pet. 3. 10. m Mat. 7. 27. n 1. Pet. 2. 6. o Psal. 30. 8. p Amos 6. 1. q Esa. 21. 11. r 1. King 20. 23. s Ierem. 3. 6. t Luk. 12. 19. u Esay 40. 4. x Luk. 23. 30. a Psal. 125. 1. b Sen. c Iohn 14. 2. d Esay 2. 2. e Psal. 149. 9. f Mat. 5. 14. g Psal. 48. 2. h Rom. 2. 24. i 1. Pet. 2. 12. k Exod. 10. 23. l Iud. 6. 37. m Psal. 4. 6. n Reu. 2. 17. Sen. Greg. o Iob. 31. 24. p Dan. 4. 30. Ambr. Aug. q Gal. 4. 29. r Rom. 5. 1. s 1. Iohn 3. 2. t Ioh 16. 22. Aug. u Psal. 84. 10. x Mat. 17. 2. y Psal. 84. 1. a Mat. 25. 23. b Psal. 2. 6. c Reu. 14. 1. d Acts 8. 32. e Psal. 121. 4. f Psal. 97. 5 8. g Psal. 114. 4. h Psal 78. 68. i Psal. 132. 13. k Psal. 48. 4. c l Gene. 19. 20. m Gen. 4. 17. n Gene. 11. 4. o Psal. 127. 1. p Iere. 22. 15. q Acts 12. 23 r Psal. 122. 3. s Psal. 101. 8. t Mat. 10. 23. u Luk. 13. 23. x Rom. 8. 29. y Rom. 7. 9. a Mat 10. 16. b Luke 12. 32 c Esay 1. 9. d Esay 6. 13. e Esay 17. 6. f Esay 24. 13. g Mich. 7. 1. h Iere. 3. 14. i Amos 3. 12 k Gene. 6. 12. l Esay 8. 18. m Ioh. 7. 51. n 2 Tim. 4. 16 o Act. 19. 34. p Reu. 13. 16. q 1. Kin. 20. 27. r Rom. 9. 27. s Reue. 3. 1. t 2. Esdr. 5. 23. u Luk. 13. 14. x 2. Esd. 7. 6. Aug. a Reu. 18. 2. b Gal. 4. 26. c Psal. 2 6. d Ephes. 2. 2. e 2. Tim. 2. 19. f 1. Ich. 2. 16. Greg. g Hebr. 11. 10. h Iud. ver 14. i Psal. 49. 13. Aug. k 2. Cor. 5. 19. l 1. Iohn 5. 29. m Mat. 24. 51. a Hebr. 1. 6. b Rom. 8. 29. c Rom. 13. 4. d 2. Cor. 5. 20. e 1. Thes. 4. 3. f Mat. 6. 32. g Mat. 5. 34. h Rom. 6. 23. n Luk. 10. 16. o Mark 11. 17. p Mala. 3. 8. q Act. 8. 19. r Gala. 5. 22. s Ioh. 6. 63. Theodoret. t Prou. 20. 25. u 2. Chr. 26. 19. x Psal. 80. 13. y Iudg. 7. 22. a Iudg. 4. 9. b 1. King 21. 19 c Ier. 5. 29. 1 Sam. 5. 11. Exod. 12. 31. Aug. e Mark 12. 17. Aug. f Psal. 116. 12. g Psal. 51. 15. h Luk. 10. 39. i Gal. 1. 2. k Eph. 3. 14. l Act. 7. 60. m Luk. 6. 38. n 1. Cor. 8. 5. o Psal. 82 6. p Rom. 13. 1. q Ioh. 19. 11. r Rom. 13. 2. s Acts 17. 18. t Acts 14. 11. u Psal. 106. 28. x 1. Cor. 8. 4. y Psal. 135. 17. a 1. Thes. 1. 9. b 2. Cor. 4. 4. c Iohn 16. 11. d Rom. 16. 20. e Eph. 4. 27. f 〈◊〉 Cor. 6. 13. g Esa. 2. 20. * 1. Tim 6. 16. h Psal 104. 3. i Gal. 2. 20. k Col. 3. 3. l Ver. 4. m Prou. 23. 5. n Luk. 6. 25. o Mat. 27. 53. p Gene. 22. 14. q Heb. 7. 2. r Gala. 5. 12. s 2. Cor. 13. 11. t Gala. 4. 25. u Reu. 21. 2. x Gala. 4. 26 Hugo Card. y Psal. 132. 13. a 1. Pet. 2. 9. b Esay 5. 2. c Eph. 4. 3. d 1. Tim. 3. 15. e Psal. 122. 5. f Reue. 3. 7. g Iam. 1. 18. Phil. 3. 20. Ambr. h Ephe. 1. 3. i Iob 4. 19. k Iohn 17. 24. Plato l Gen. 12. 1. m Iere. 22. 29. n Hebr. 13. 14 Damasc. o Gene. 18. 8. Caluin p Gen. 18. 2. q Luk. 24. 4. r Iude. ver 6. s Col. 1. 20. t Esa. 6. 2. Greg. u Eph. 3. 10. x 1. Tim. 3. 16. a Mat. 24. 36. b Acts 1. 24. c Psal. 103. 20. d 2. Thes. 1. 7. 2. Kings 19. 35. e Reu. 12. 8. f Hos. 12. 9. g Gen. 19. 22. h Exod. 32. 10. i 2. Pet. 2. 4. k Mat. 18. 10. l Heb. 2. 16. m Greg. n Gene. 48. 16. o Exo. 14. 19. p Mal. 3.
written on a monument equall to a Colossus yet be ignominious written on the Hospitall-gates yet goe to hell written on his own house yet another come to possesse it All these are but writings in the dnst or vpon the vvaters where the characters perish so soone as they are made They no more proue a man happy then the foole could proue Pontius Pilate a Saint because his name was written in the Creed But they that be written in heauen are sure to inherite it Now to apply all this vsefully to our selues some perhaps would be satisfied how wee may know our names written in heauen It is certaine that no eye hath looked into Gods booke yet himselfe hath allowed certaine arguments and proofes whereby wee haue more then a coniecturall knowledge The principall is the Testimonie of Gods Spirit concurring with our spirit Rom. 8. 16. But of this I haue liberally spoken in some later passages of this booke together with the most pregnant signes of our election Here therefore I am straightned to insert onely some there omitted effects Which are these foure If our hearts be on Gods booke If the poore be in our booke If wee well order the booke of our conscience Lastly if we can write our selues holy in earth then be bold we are vvritten happy in heauen 1. If our heart be on Gods booke and this wee shall find è conuerso if Gods booke be in our heart Mary laid vp Christs words in her heart It must not lye like loose corne on the floore subiect to the pecking vp of euery fowle but it is ground by meditation digested by faith manet alto corde repostum God saies My sonne giue thy heart to me doe thou pray My Father first giue thy selfe to my heart I aske not whether this booke lyes in thy study but whether the study of it lyes in thy heart The life of the Scriptures is not in verborum folijs sed in medulla cordis not in the letters and leaues but in the inwards of the heart It is not lectio nor relectio but dilectio not reading but leading a life answerable that assures vs. If we syncerely loue this booke wee are certainly in Gods booke Mary zealously louing Christs word is said to chuse the better part that shall neuer be taken from her 2. If the poore be in thy booke and this is reciprocall then thou art in their booke and the conclusion is infallible thou art in the booke of Life For the relieued poore by their prayers entertaine or make way for thy entertainement into euerlasting habitations And Christ at the last day calls them to himselfe that haue beene charitable to his members Come yee blessed receiue the kingdome prepared for you Your works haue not merited this kingdome for it was prepared for you but as that vvas prepared for you so your charitie hath prepared you for it Come and take it Let not thy left hand knowe vvhat thy right hand doth Doe thou write it in the dust the poore will write it in their hearts GOD findes it in their prayers their prayers preuaile for thy mercie mercy writes thy name in heauen Thy prayers and thy almes are come vp for a memoriall before God Therefore Cast thy bread vpon the waters drowne it in those watry eyes it is not lost in that Riuer like Peter thou throwest in an angle bringest vp siluer enough to make thee blessed Via coeli est pauper si non vis errare incipe erogare The poore is the high-way to heauen if thou wouldest not wander in thy iourney shew mercy Non potes habere nisi quòd acceperis non potes non habere quod dederis Thou canst haue nothing vnlesse thou receiue it thou canst keepe nothing vnlesse thou giue it Him that the poore writes not charitable on earth nor doth God write saueable in heauen 3. If thy name be written Christian in the booke of thy Conscience this is a speciall argument of thy registring in heauen For if our heart condemne vs not vvee haue boldnesse and confidence towards God Ang. VVhat if mans ignorance and vnmercifull ielousie blot thee out of the booke of his credite Si de libro vinentium nunquam propria deleat conscientia so long as thy owne conscience doth not blot thee forth the booke of blessednesse If the good spoken of vs be not found in our conscience that glory is our shame If the euill spoken of vs be not found in our conscience that shame is our glory Therefore it is that Hugo calls the cōscience Librum signatum et clausum in die Indicij aperiendum a booke shut and sealed onely at the Resurrection to be opened Conscientiam magis quàm famam attende falls saepe poterit fama conscientiae nunquam Looke to thy Conscience more then to thy credite fame may often be deceiued conscience neuer The beames that play vpon the water are shot from the Sunne in heauen the peace and ioy that danceth in the conscience comes from the Sonne of righteousnes the Lord Iesus If a hearty laughter dimple the cheeke there is a smooth and quiet mind within Vpon the wall there is a writing a man sitting with his backe to the wall how should hee read it but let a looking-glasse be set before him it vvill reflect it to his eyes he shall read it by the resultance The writing our names in heauen is hid yet in the glasse of a good conscience it is presented to our eye of faith and the soule reades it For it is impossible to haue a good conscience on earth except a man be written in heauen 4. If the booke of Sanctification haue our names written then surely the booke of Glorification hath them and they shall neuer be blotted out For God hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the vvorld that wee should be holy and vvithout blame before him in loue Now as we may reason from the cause to the effect so certainely from the effect to the cause Election is the cause Holinesse the effect as therefore euery one written in heauen shall be holy on earth so euery one holy on earth is written in heauen This sanctitie is manifested in our obedience vvhich must be Ad totum I had respect to all thy commandements Per totum I haue enclined my heart to keepe thy statutes Alway euen to the end De tote to keepe thy precepts with my whole heart In Rome the Patres conscripti were distinguished by their robes and they of the Liuery in London haue a peculiar habite by themselues to differ from the rest of the Company Is thy name enrolled in that Legend of Saints thy liuery will witnes it thy conuersation is in heauen A Senator relating to his sonne the great honours decreed to a number of Souldiers whose names vvere written in a booke the sonne was importunate to see that booke The father shewes him the
Another tempest comes and now hee vowes againe the seuen at least Deliuered then also he thought that seuen were too many and one Oxe vvould serue the turne Yet another perill comes and now he vowes solemnely to fall no lower if he might be rescued an Oxe Iupiter shall haue Againe freed the Oxe stickes in his stomacke and hee would faine dravv his deuotion to a lower rate a Sheepe vvas sufficient But at last being set ashore hee thought a Sheepe too much and purposeth to carry to the Altar onely a few Dates But by the way he eates vp the Dates and layes on the Altar onely the shels After this rate doe many performe their vowes They promise whole Hecatombes in sickenesse but they reduce them lower and lower still as they grow vvell He that vowed to build an Hospitall to restore an Impropriation to the Church to lay open his inclosures and to serue God with an honest heart brings all at last to a poore reckoning and thinkes to please the Lord with his empty shells There vvas some hope of this mans soules health vvhiles his body was sicke but as his body riseth to strength his soule falls to vveakenesse It is the reproach of Rome No peny no Pater noster let it not be our reproach and reproofe too No plague no Pater-noster no punishments no prayers Thy vowes are Gods debts and Gods debts must be payd He vvill not as men doe desperate debters dismisse thee on a slight composition No Iustè exigitur ad soluendum qui non cogitur ad vouendum He is iustly required to pay that vvas not compelled to vow Non talis eris si non feceris quod vouisti qualis mansisti si nihil tale vouisses Minor enim tunc esses non peior Thou remainest not the same hauing vowed and not performed as thou hadst beene hadst thou not vowed Thou hadst then been lesse thou art now worse Well then Beloued if wee haue vowed a lawfull vow to the Lord let vs pay it Let it not be sayd of vs that we doe Aliud sedentes aliud stantes one thing sitting in our chayre of sickenesse another thing standing in our stations of health The Lord doth not deliuer vs out of the bond of distresse that we should deliuer our selues out of the bond of obedience Be not deceiued God is not mocked for whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he reape The next blow of his hand will be heauier because thou hast soone forgotten this Who can blame iustice if he strike vs with yet greater plagues that haue on our deliuerance from the former so mocked him with the falling fruites of our vowed deuotion Come wee then whose hearts the mercy of God and bloud of Iesus Christ hath softned and say with our Psalmist We vvill goe into thy house O Lord we will pay thee our vowes You see all the parts of this Song the whole comfort or harmony of all is Praising God I haue shewed you Quo loco in his house Quo modo with burnt offerings Quo animo paying our vowes Time hath abridged this discourse contrary to my promise and purpose In a word which of vs is not infinitely beholding to the Lord our God for sending to vs many good things sending away frō vs many euill things O where is our praise where is our thankefulnesse What shall we doe vnto thee O thou preseruer of men What but take the cup of saluation and blesse the Name of the Lord O let vs enter into his gates with thanksgiuing and into his Courts vvith praise let vs be thankefull vnto him and blesse his Name And let vs not bring our bodies onely but our hearts let our soules be thankfull Mans body is closed vp within the Elements his bloud within his body his spirits in his bloud his soule within his spirits and the Lord resteth in his soule Let then the soule praise the Lord let vs not draw neere with our lippes and leaue our hearts behind vs but let vs giue the searcher of the hearts a hartie praise Ingratitude is the deuills Text oathes execrations blaspemies lewd speeches are Commentaries vpon it But thankfulnesse is the language of heauen for it becommeth Saints to bee thankefull As therefore we would giue testimonie to the world and argument to our owne conscience that vvee serue the Lord let vs promise and performe the vvords of my Text We will goe into thy house with burnt offerings we will pay thee our vowes The Lord giue thankfulnesse to vs and accept it of vs for Iesus Christ his sake Amen MANS SEED-TIME AND HARVEST OR Lex Talionis GALAT. 6. 7. Be not deceiued God is not mocked for whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he also reape THESE words haue so neere alliance to the former that before wee speake personally of them we must first finde out their Pedegree To fetch it no higher then from the beginning of this Chapter the line of their Genealogie runnes thus 1. Supportation of the weake vers 1. and 2. 2. Probation of our selues vers 4. 3. Communication of dueties to our Teachers vers 6. The first is an action of Charity the second of Integrity the third of Equity This last is the Father of my Text and it is fitte that we being to speake of the childe should first looke a little into his Parentage Patrique simillima proles It is this Let him that is taught in the word communicate to him that teacheth in all good things This one would thinke should stand like the Sunne all men blessing it yet Mammon hath suborned some dogges to barke against it Will they say Let him is onely permissi●…e They shall finde it was imperatiue Let there be light and there was light Though their sensible hearts want the obedience of these insensible creatures Or will they except against Taught as if they that vvill not be taught were not bound Indeed many are bet●…er fed then taught otherwise they would not deny foode to his body that does not deny food to their soules Or perhaps they will plead Indignitatem docentis the vnworthinesse of the Teacher And what Paul shall be worthy if euery Barbarian may censure him But non tollatur diuinum debi●…um propter humanam debilitatem Let not God lose his right for mans weakenesse You haue robbed me saith God not my Ministers Will not all this quarrelling serue yet still Pauls proposition must haue some opposition Though we must giue something to our Teachers yet this charge doth not fetch in Tithes This this is the point proue this and you shall finde many a great mans soule as his Impropriations cannot be in a damnable Lapse I would say somthing of it but me thinkes I heare my friends telling me what Sadolet said to Erasmus Erasmus would proue that worshipping of Images might well bee abolished I grant quoth Sadolet thy opinion is good but this point should not bee handled because it vvill not
is passed from death to life Patience Is one of the Pillars Hebr. 10. Ye haue need of Patience that when you haue done the will of God yee might receiue the Promise That when you haue suffered before the gates ye may enter the Citie There bee three Enemies that assault the soule before shee enter the gates a Lyon a Leopard and a Foxe The Lion is the Deuill who roareth with hideous cryes and bloudy iawes The Leopard is the world which hath a gay spotted hide but if it take vs within the clutches it deuoures vs. The Foxe is our Concupiscence bred in vs which craftily spoyles our grapes our young vines our tender graces Patience hath therfore an armed Souldier with her called Christian Fortitude to giue repulse to all these encounters And what he cannot conquer feriendo by smiting she conquers ferendo by suffering Uincit etiam dum patitur She ouercomes euen while shee suffers Patience meekely beares wrongs done to our owne person Fortitude encounters couragiously wrongs done to the Person of Christ. She will not yeeld to sinne though she die She hath the spirit of Esther to withstand things that dishonour God If I perish I perish Innocence Is the other Pillar As Patience teacheth vs to beare wrongs so Innocence to doe none Patience giues vs a Shield but Innocence denyes vs a sword Our selues we may defend others we must not offend Innocence is such a vertue Quae cùm alijs non nocet nec sibi nocet Which as it wrongs not others so nor itselfe Hee that hurts himselfe is not innocent The Prodigall is no mans foe but his owne saith the prouerbe but because hee is his owne foe he is not innocent Triumphus Innocentiae est non peccare vbi potest It is the triumph of Innocence not to offend where it may No testimony is more sweet to the conscience then this Remember O Lord how I haue walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart So Iob My heart shall not condemne me for my dayes Blessed soule thus comforted it smiles at the frownes of earth and dares stand the thunder Though there bee no Innocency but reioyceth to stand in the sight of Mercy Yet thus in the middest of iniuries it cheeres it selfe O Lord thou knowest my innocence The wicked couer themselues with violence as with a garment therefore confusion shall couer them as a cloake But Blessed are the meeke for they shall inherit the earth That part of the earth they liue in shall afford them quiet and their part in heauen hath no disquiet in it Si amouean●… admouentur in locum à quo non remouentur in aeternum If they be mooued they are moued to a place from whence they shall neuer be remoued I will wash mine hands in Innocency so will I compasse thine Altar O Lord. If Innocence must leade vs to the Altar on earth sure that must bee our gate to the glory of heauen Charity Is the Roofe Diligendo perficitur lo●… makes vp the building Now abideth faith hope and charity but the greatest of these is charity It is a grace of the loueliest Countenance and longest Continuance For Countenance it is amiable all loue it The poore respect not thy faith so much as thy charity For Continuance faith and hope takes their leaues of vs in death but charity brings vs to heauen-dore vshers vs in to glory I know not what to say more in thy praise O charity then vt Deum de coelo traheres hominem ad coelum eleuares Then that thou didst bring downe God from heauen to earth and dost lift vp man from earth to heauen Great is thy vertue that by thee God should be humbled to man by thee man should be exalted to God You haue the Gates described Let vs draw a short conclusion from these two former circumstances and then enter the Citie The Summe There is no entrance to the Citie but by the Gates no passage to Glory but by Grace The wall of this Citie is said to be great and high High no climbing ouer Great no breaking through So Christ saith No theefe can breake through and steale Therefore through the gates or no way Corruption doth not inherit incorruption This corrupted man must bee regenerate that hee may bee saued must be sanctified that he may be glorified Babel-builders may offer faire for h●…uen but not come neer it the Gyants of our time I meane the monstrous sinners may imponere Pelion Ossae lay rebellion vpon presumption treason vpon rebellion blasphemy vpon all as if they would sinke heauen with their loud and lewd ordinance and plucke God out of his Throne but hell gapes in expectation of them This Gate is kept as the gate of Paradise with a flaming sword of Iustice to keepe out Idolaters Adulterers theeues couetous drunkards reuilers extortioners and other dogges of the same litter from the kingdome of God Some trust to open these gates with golden keyes but bribery is rather a key to vnlocke the gates of hell Let Rome sell what she list and warrant it like the Seller in the Prouerbs It is good it is good Yet it is naught but were it good God neuer promised to stand to the Popes bargaines Others haue dream't of no other gate but their owne righteousnesse Poore soules they cannot finde the gate because they stand in their owne light Others thinke to passe through the gates of other mens merits as well one bird may flie with another birds wings For all those hote promises of the workes of Saints for their ready money they may blow their nailes in hell Onely grace is the gate Per portam Ecclesiae intramus ad portam Paradisi Wee must bee true members of the Church or the dore of life will be shut against vs. Heauen is a glorious place therefore reserued for gracious men Admittuntur ad spiritus iustorum non nisi iusti To those spirits of iust men made perfect must be admitted none saue they that are iustified Kings are there the Companie none of base and ignoble liues can be accepted Heauen is the great White Hall the Court of the high King none are entertained but Albi such as are washed white in the bloud of Christ and keepe white their owne innocence Vngracious offenders looke for no dwelling in this glory You that haue so little loue to the gates are not worthy the Citie If you will not passe through the gates of holinesse in this life you must not enter the Citie of happinesse in the life to come Thus wee haue passed the gates and are now come to The Citie Now if I had beene with Paul rapt vp to the third heauen or had the Angels Reed wherewith he measured the wall I might say something to the description of this Citie But how can darkenesse speake of that light or the base
of the Saints as they did the soule of Lazarus into the bosome of Abraham haue no commission for this mans soule This rich man might be wheeled and whirled in a Coach or perhaps Pope-like be borne on mens shoulders but the poore begger vvhose hope is in heauen though his body on earth that could neither stand goe nor sitte is now carried in the highest state by the very Angels when the other dying hath no better attendance then deuils And so if you aske who then require his soule sith neither God nor heauē nor the blessed Angels wil receiue it why deuills they that haue right to it by Gods iust decree for his vniust obedience Gods iustice so appoints it for his sinnes haue so caused it Sathan chalengeth his due his officers require it Thou hast offended oh miserable Cosmopolite against thy great Soueraignes Law Crowne and Maiestie now all thou hast is confiscate thy goods thy body thy soule Thou whose whole desires were set to scrape all together shalt now find all scattered asunder thy close congestion meets with a vvide dispersion Euery one claimes his owne the vvorld thy riches the wormes thy carkase the deuill thy soule Lust hath transported thine eyes blasphemie thy tongue pride thy foote oppression thy hand couetousnesse thy heart now Satan requires thy soule Not to giue it ease rest or supply to the defects of thy insatiate desires no dabit in cruciatum he shal deliuer it ouer to torment When. This night In this darke Quando lie hid two fearefull extremities Sadnesse and Suddennesse It is not onely said In the night but in This night 1. In the Night this aggrauates the horror of his iudgement The night is a sad and vncomfortable time therefore misery is compared to the Night and ioy said to come in the Morning Pray that your flight be not in the night saith Christ to the Iewes as if the dismall time would make desperate their sorow The night presents to the fantasie which then lies most patient of such impressions many deceiuing and affrightfull imaginations Well then may a true not fantasied terror worke strongly on this wretches heart whiles the night helps it forward All sicknesse is generally stronger by night then by day this very circumstance of season then aggrauates his miserie making at once his greefe stronger himselfe vveaker But what if wee looke further then the literall sense and conceiue by this night the darknesse of his soule Such a blindnesse as he brings on himselfe though the day of the Gospell be broke round about him The cause of night to a man is the interposition of the earth betwixt him and the Sunne This worldling hath placed the earth the thicke and grosse body of riches betweene his eyes and the Sunne of righteousnesse And so shine the Sunne neuer so cleare it is still night with him There is light enough without him but there is darknesse too much within him And then darkenesse must to darkenesse inward to outward as Christ calls it vtter darkenesse He would not see whiles he might hee shall not see when he would Though hee shall for euer haue fire enough yet it shall giue him no light except it bee a little glimmering to shew him the torments of others and others the torments of himselfe 2. This night the sadnesse is yet encreased by the sodainnesse It will be fearefull not onely to bee surprised in the night but in that night when hee doth not dreame of any such matter when there is no feare nor suspition of apprehension His case is as with a man that hauing rested with a pleasing slumber and beene fedde with a golden dreame suddenly waking findes his house flaming about his eares his wife and children dying in the fire robbers ransacking his coffers and transporting his goods all louers forsaking no friend pitying when the very thrusting in of an arme might deliuer him This rich man was long asleepe and beene delighted with prety wanton dreames of enlarged barnes and plentifull haruests as all worldly pleasures are but waking dreames now he starts vp on the hearing of this Soule-knell and perceiues all was but a dreame and that indeed hee is euerlastingly wretched The suddennes encreaseth the misery The rich man hath no time to dispose his goods how shall he doe with his soule If in his health wealth peace strength succoured with all the helps of nature of opportunity preaching of the Gospell counsell of ministers comfort of friends he would not worke out his saluation what shall hee doe when extreame pangs deny capablenesse to receiue them and shortnesse of his time preuents their approaching to him He hath a huge bottome of sinne to vnrauell by repentance which he hath beene many years winding vp by disobedience now a great worke and a little time doe not well agree This sudden call is fearefull This night shall thy soule be required Yet before I part from this point let me giue you two notes 1. There is mercy in God that it is hac nocte this night not this houre not this moment Hac nocte vvas suddaine but hoc momento had beene more sudden and that this larger exhibition of time is allowed was Gods meere mercy against the worldlings merit He that spared Niniueh many forties of yeares will yet allow her forty daies He that forbore this wretch many daies receiuing no fruit worth his expectation will yet adde a few houres God in the midst of iustice remembers mercie much time he had receiued and abused yet he shall haue a little more When the Lords hand is lifted vp to strike him yet he giues him some lucida interualla monitionis warning before he lets it downe But let not the worldling presume on this sometimes not an houre not a minute is granted Sword Palsie Apoplexie Impostume makes quicke dispatch and there is no space giuen to cry for mercy But what if a paucity of houres be permitted ancient wounds are not cured in haste the plaister must lie long vpon them There was one man so saued to take away desperation and but one so saued to barre presumption Conuersion at the eleuenth houre is a wonder at the twelfth a miracle All theeues doe not goe from the gallhouse to glory because one did no more then al Asses speak because God opened the mouth of one Flatter not thy selfe with hope of time Nemo sibi promittat quod non promittit Euangelium Let no man promise himselfe a larger patent then the Gospell hath sealed to him 2. The day of the wicked turnes at last to a night After the day of vanity comes the night of iudgment Now is the time when the rich mans Sunne sets his light and his delight is taken from him His last sand is runne out the clocke hath ended his latest minute his night is come His day of pleasure was short his night of sorrow is euerlasting Extremum gaudij luctus occupat Vexation treads on the
own hearts lie still Thus often our Lecturer shall preach we will giue the hearing when we list Thus many Ministers come to a Parish with their bones full of marrow veynes full of bloud but all is soone spent and the people neuer the better We ring but you doe not rise 3. The third Bell is the Meane and this is Suspiria gemitusque morientium the cryes grones of the dying Anothers Passing-bell is thy warning-bell Death snatcheth here and there about vs thousands on our left tenne thousands on our right yet as if we had a Supersedeas or Protection against it we neither relent nor repent Our securitie is argued of the more madnesse because we haue so common motions and monitions of death Yet Nonerimus memores esse necesse mori How horrible is it to be drunke in a charnell house As Christ spake Let the dead bury the dead So we bring to the Church dead bodies with deader soules Forma fauor populi feruor inuenilis opesque Surripuere tibi noscere quid sit homo We confesse our selues mortall yet we liue as if death had no quarrell against vs. This Bell is the Meane but it is too meane to wake vs. 4. The fourth Bell is the Counter-tenor vox pauperum the cry of the poore This bell rings loud either to vs for mercy or against vs for crueltie Let vs know that if it cannot waken vs it shal waken God aganst vs. Their cryes are entred into the eares of the Lord of Sabbaoth Set not thy soule in danger of the peoples curse by inhauncings ingrossings oppressions c. But thou sayest they are wicked men that will curse and God will not heare the wishes of the wicked I answere it is often seene that the curse of the vndone waster lights vpon the head of the vndooing Vsurer The imprecation of one euill man may fall vpon another God so suffers it not because he cursed thee but because thou hast deserued this curse Let this Bell make Oppressors arise to shew mercy that God may rise to shewe them mercy Otherwise the poore man is ready to pray Arise O Lord in thine anger lift vp thy selfe because of the rage of our enemies awake for vs to the iudgement thou hast commanded Yea though they pray not for it God will doe it For the oppression of the poore for the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord. I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at it If this Bel sound mournfully to thee for bread to the hungry arise to this sound as that neighbor rose at midnight to relieue his importunate friend If it cannot waken thy couetous soule to shew mercy to Christ tempore suo in his time of need nor will Christ arise to shew mercy to thee tempore tuo in thy time of need 5. The last Bell is the Tenor the Bow-bell able to waken all the Citie But though that materiall Bell can teach vs when it is time to goe to bedde yet this mysticall bell cannot teach vs the time to arise This is the abuse of the creatures The rust of the gold cryes against the hoorder the stone out of the wall against the Oppressor the corne and wine against the Epicure This is a roring and a groning Bell. The whole creature grones and trauells in paine vnder vs. This is the creatures ordinary Sermon Accipe redde caue vse vs without abusing return thankfulnesse without dissembling or looke for vengeance without sparing They seeme to cry vnto vs We desire not to be spared but not to be abused Necessitati subseruire non recusamus sed luxui we would satisfie your naturall necessity not intemperate riot We are the nocent creatures that cause their innocencie to become miserable And but that the Diuine prouidence restraines them it is maruell that they break not their league with vs and with their hornes and hoofes and other artillery of nature make warre vpon vs as their vnrighteous and tyrannicall Lords Let some of these Bells waken vs lest as God once protested against Israel that seeing they would not when it was offered therefore they should neuer enter into his rest so a renuntiation come out against vs If any will be filthy let them be filthy still if they will not arise they shal lie still for euer If this peale cannot effect it yet God hath foure things more to rouze vs. 1. A Goad that pricks the skin and smarts the flesh Affliction he hath Crosses and Curses those gall these deepely wound they are able to make any but a Pharaoh arise It was affliction that waken'd Dauid It is good for me that I was troubled The Leprosie brought Naaman to the Prophet the Prophet brought him to God It is strange if bloudy sides put not sense into vs. Yet such was the obduracy of Israel Thou hast stricken them but they haue not sorrowed thou hast consumed them yet they refused to returne Insensible hearts The people turneth not to him that smiteth them neyther doe they seeke the Lord of Hosts Hast thou beene wounded and wilt thou not be wakened beware lest God speake to thy soule as in another sense Christ did to Peter Sleepe on now and take thy rest 2. Hee hath to rouze vs Thunder of heauier Iudgements perhaps the light scratches which some aduerse thornes make are slightly reckoned scarce change countenance for them But he sleepes soundly whom thunder cannot wake Humanas motura tonitrua mentes When God thundred that menace in the cares of Niniueh it waked them Let Absolon fire Ioabs barley fields and he shal make him rise Shake the foundations of the Prison and the sterne layler will rise a conuerted Christian Sirs what shall I doe to be saued This thundring of iudgements should cleanse our ayre awaken our sleepy mindes purge our vncleane hearts If the Lyon roare who will not feare If the Lord thunder what man will not be afraid 3. He hath an Ordnance to shoot off Death Statutum est omnibus mori It is a Statute-Law of heauen an Ordinance from the Court of Iustice Euery man shall die When this Canon is discharged at thy paper-walls then let thy soule rise or neuer The shooting off this Ordinance made Belshazzar stagger before hee was drunke His knees smote one against another when that fatall hand wrote his destiny on the wall Indeed most doe slumber on the Couch of health they are quiet no sicknesse stirs them they are at a couenant with the graue Sed cito finitam datur istam cernere vitam Praeceps mortis iter Death makes a headlong progresse This Ordinance carries death in the mouth it is an euen hand that shootes one that will neuer misse the marke let this rouze vs. 4. God hath a Trumpet to sound The Lord shall descend from heauen with a shout with the voyce of the Archangell and with the Trumpe of God
and faculties run to the soule to saue that which is principall The bloud and spirits striue to saue the life of the bodie faith hope to saue the life of the soule So that at the suddaine assault of some daunger a man shall best iudge of his owne heart It may bee at other times a dissembler for mans heart is false who can know it yet at such time it will manifest it selfe and cannot deceiue If God hath beene our familiar friend and accustomed helper danger doth not sooner salute vs then we salute him by our prayers The first thought of our hearts is Iesus Christ the first voyce of our lips is Peters on the sea in such an extremitie Lord saue mee our faith is reposed on his wonted mercy and protection Wee know whom we haue beleeued Daniell cals on GOD ere hee fals to the Lions this stoppes their mouthes The wicked in such miserie are either heauie and heartlesse as Nabal whose heart dyed within him and he became as a stone Or desperate as Iulian throwing his bloud vp into the ayre with a blasphemous confession Or sottish as these here running to the mountaines vnprofitable vnpossible helpes When the blow of vengeance strikes the couetous he runs to his counting house if his bagges can giue him no succour he is distracted If any broken reed bee their confidence in these ouerwhelming woes they catch drowning hold of that so they and their hopes perish together There are some whose tongues are so poysoned with blasphemie that in an vnexpected accident the very first breath of their lips is a curse or an oath As if they would sweare away destruction which euery vngodly speech drawes on neerer If these men hadde beene acquainted with God in faire weather they would not forget him in a storme But they that will haue no familiaritie with God in peace shall haue him to seeke in extremitie When therefore some sudden perill hath threatned thee with terrour note seriously how thou art affected Though the danger came vnlook'd for let it not passe vnthought of but as thou blessest God for deliuery so examine the good or ill disposednesse of thine owne heart If thou find thy selfe couragious and heauenly minded on thy confidence in God take at once assurance of thy faith and Gods mercie Hee that nowe stood by thee will neuer leaue thee If otherwise lament thy sinnes which darken thy soules way to the mercie-seate and beseech Iesus Christ to store thy heart with better comforts If thy treasure be in heauen and thy soule hath beene vsed to trauell often thither when danger comes it knowes the way so well that it cannot misse it 2. Affirmatiuely this presents a soule amazed with feare and follie They call to the Mountaines that can neither heare nor answere When the world was destroyed with water men climbed vp to the tops of the Mountaines when it shall be dissolued with fire they will desire the holes of the rockes and to lie vnder the hils The mountaines are but swellings of the earth and the rockes are surd things that haue no eares can they heare or if they heare can they answere or if they answere can they saue when the graues must vomite vp their dead shall the rockes conceale the liuing Those fiue Kings could not be hid in the caue of Makkedah from Ioshua and shall any caue hide from Iesus Whiles guilt and feare consult of refuge how vaine shifts they imagine Adam would hide his disobedience in the bushes Saul his rebellion in the crowd of the people So the hood-wink'd foole seeing no body thinkes no body sees him Helplesse euasions when Adoniah heard the trumpets sounding at Salomons coronation he quaked and fled to the hornes of the Altar When the vngodly shall heare the Archangels Trumpe proclaiming the coronation of Christ they haue no Sanctuarie they neuer loued it in all their liues but flie to the rockes and mountaines The graue is a darke and priuatiue place yet as a prisoner that comes out of a sordid and stinking dungeon into the open ayre for his triall in a desperate cause had rather keepe the prison still So these reprobates newly raysed from the earth cry to it to receiue them againe glad to remaine though not on the face of it with pleasure in the bowels of it with rottenesse and solitude rather then in the open light to come before the iudgement seat of Christ. The graue is a drowne-bed to hell They suddainly start out of their sleepe and meet with gastly amasednesse at the mouth of their sepulchers beholding on the one side sins accusing on another side hellish fiends vexing an anguish'd conscience burning within heauen earth without aboue them the countenance of an angry Iudge below them a lake of vnquenchable fire round about howling and bitter lamentations no maruell then if at the worlds end they be at their wittes end and cry to the mountaines Fall on vs. Let all this declare to men the vanitie of their worldly hopes God is the Preseruer of men not hils rocks The rich man is brought in vpon a Premunire can his gold acquit him in this Starre-chamber The Epicure thinkes to drowne sorrow in lustie wines the oppressor mistrusts not the power of his owne hand the proud refugeth his troubled heart in his trunkes the lustfull in his punkes what is this but running to rockes and mountaines Thus madly doe men commit two errors Ier. 2. They forsake the creator which would neuer forsake them and adhere to the creatures which can neuer helpe them O Lord the hope of Israell all that forsake thee shall be ashamed and all that dep●…t from thee shall be written in the earth Nowe at this day perhaps they would seeke to the Lord but they are answered Go●… to the gods whom ye haue serued Loe then of these gods they shall be wearie as in the 2. of Esay where these very words of my Text are deliuerd ver 19. They shall goe into the holes of the rockes c. it is immediatly added In that day a man shall cast his Idols of siluer and his Idols of gold which he made for himselfe to worship 〈◊〉 the moules and to the battes Euen the spirituall Idolater the Couetous shall throw his Images golden or siluer shrines for the Diana of his auarice his damned coyne to combustion with a vae Woe vnto it it hath lost my soule As the sicke stomacke lothes the meate whereof it surfetted Well let vs leaue inuocation to these Rockes worldly refuges and remember that there is one to be called on who is onely able to defend vs a spirituall holy and happy Rocke Iesus Christ. Dauid often cals God his Rocke and his refuge A rocke that beares vp the pillars of the world Their Rocke is not as our Rocke euen our enemies themselues being iudges He that builds his house of assurance on this rocke shall stand
through with reward Let the Philosophers stop their mouths Scelus aliquis tutum nemo securum tulit Some guiltie men haue beene safe none euer secure This euerie eye must see Let adulterie plead that nature is encourager and directer of it and that she is vniust to giue him an affection and to barre him the action yet we see it plagued To teach vs that the sin is of a greater latitude then some imagine it vncleane fedifragous periured Broad impudence contemplatiue Bauderie an eye full of whores are things but iested at the committers at last find them no iest when God powres vengance on the body and wrath on the naked conscience Let drunkennes stagger in the robes of good fellowship and shrowdit selfe vnder the wings of merriment yet we see it haue the punishment euen in this life It corrupts the bloud drownes the spirits beggers the purse and enricheth the carcase with surfets a present iudgement waites vpon it He that is a theefe to others is at last a theefe also to himselfe and steales away his owne life God doth not euer forbeare sin to the last day nor shall the bloudy Ruffian still escape but his owne bloud shall answere some in present and his soule the rest eternally Let the Seminary pretend a warrant from the Pope to betray and murder Princes and build his damnation on their tetricall grounds which haue Parum rationis minus honestatis Religionis nihil Little Reason lesse Honestie no Religion Yet we see God reueales their malicious stratagems and buries them in their owne pit Piercies head now stands Centinell where he was once a Pioner If a whole land flow with wickednes it escapes not a deluge of vengeance For England haue not her bowells groaned vnder the heauy pestilence If the plague be so common in our mouthes how should it not be common in our streets With that plague wherwith we curse others the iust God curseth vs. Wee shall find in that Emperiall state of Rome that till Constantines time almost euery Emperour dyed by treason or massacre after the receiuing of the Gospell none except that reuolter Iulian Let not sinne then be made a sport or iest which God will not forbeare to punish euen in this life 3. But if it bring not present Iudgement it is the more fearefull The lesse punishment wickednes receiues here the more is behind God strikes those here whom he meanes to spare hereafter and corrects that sonne which he purposeth to saue But hee scarce meddles with them at all whom hee intends to beate once for all The Almond tree is forborne them who are bequeathed to the boiling Potte There is no rod to scourge such in present so they goe with whole sides to hell The purse and the flesh scapes but the soule payes for it This is Misericordia puniens a greeuous mercie when men are spared for a while that they may be spilled for euer This made that good Saint cry Lord here afflict cut burnt torture me Vt in aeternum parcas that for euer thou wilt saue me No sorrow troubles the wicked no disturbance embitters their pleasures But remember sayth Abraham to the merry-liu'ed rich man Thou wert delighted but thou art tormented Tarditas supplicij grauitate pensatur and hee will strike with iron hands that came to strike with leaden feete Tuli nunquid semper feram no their hell-fire shall be so much the hoter as God hath beene coole and tardy in the execution of his vengeance This is a Iudgement for Sinne that comes inuisible to the world insensible to him on whom it lights To be giuen ouer to a reprobate mind to a hard and impenitent heart If any thing be vengance this is it I haue read of plagues famine death come temperd with loue and mercie this neuer but in anger Many taken with this spirituall lethargie sing in Tauernes that should howle with dragons and sleepe out Sabboths and Sermons whose awaked soules would rend their hearts with anguish Fooles then onely make a mocke at sinne 4. Sinne that shall at last be laid heauy on the conscience the lighter the burthen was at first it shall be at last the more ponderous The wicked conscience may for a while lie a sleepe but Tranquilitas ista tempestas est this calme is the greatest storme The mortallest enemies are not euermore in pitched fields one against the other the guiltie may haue a seeming truce true peace they cannot haue A mans debt is not payd by 〈◊〉 bring euen while thou sleepest thy arrerages run on If thy conscience be quiet without good cause remember that Cedat iniustissima pax iustissimo bello a iust warre is better then vniust peace The conscience is like a fire vnder a pile of greene wood long ere it burne but once kindled it flames beyond quenching It is not pacifiable whiles sinne is within to vexe it the hand will not cease throbbing so long as the thorne is within the flesh In vaine he striueth to feast away cares sleepe out thoughtes drinke downe sorrowes that hath his tormentor within him When one violently offers to stoppe a sourse of bloud at the nostril it finds a way downe the throate not without hazzard of suff●…cation The stroken deare runs into the thicket and there breakes off the arrow but the head stickes still within him and rankles to death Flitting and shifting ground giues way to further anguish The vnappeased conscience will not leaue him till it hath shewed him hell nor then neither Let then this Foole know that his now feared conscience shall be quickned his death-bed shall smart for this And his amazed heart shall rue his old wilfull adiournings of repentance How many haue there raued on the thought of their old sinnes which in the dayes of their hote lust they would not thinke sinnes Let not then the Foole make a mocke at sinne 5. Sinne which hath another direfull effect of greater latitude and comprehensiue of all the rest Diuinam incitat iram It prouokes God to anger The wrath of a king is as messengers of death what is the wrath of the king of kings For our God is a consuming fire If the fire of his anger be once throughly incensed all the riuers in the South are not able to quench it What piller of the earth or foundation of heauen can stand when he will wake them Hee that in his wrath can open the iawes of earth to swallow thee sluce out flouds from the sea to drowne thee raine downe fire from heauen to consume thee Sodome the old world Corah drunke of these wrathfull vialls Or to goe no further he can set at iarre the elements within thee by whose peace thy spirits are held together drowne thee with a dropsie bred in thy owne flesh burne thee with a pestilence begotten in thy owne bloud or bury thee in the earthly graue of thy owne melancholy Oh it is a fearefull thing to
Such a charming power said a worthy Diuine hath the musicke of money and wealth and such fittes it workes in a mans heart First it takes him from peacefull setlednes and from great content in his litle and puts him into dumps a miserable carking thoughtfullnes how to scrape together much dirt Next when he hath it and begins with delight to sucke on the dugges of the world his purse his barnes and all his but his heart full hee fals to dancing and singing requiems Soule take thine ●…ase eate drinke and be merry Then shall his table standfull of the best dishes his cup of the purest wine his backe with the richest robes and he conceites a kinde of immortalitie in his coffers he denies himselfe no satietie no surquedrie But at last the worldes bedla●…-musicke puts him into frenzi●… hee growes rampant Runnes into oppressions extortions depopulations rapes whordomes murders massacres spares not bloud or friendship authoritie nor v●…ssalage widow nor orphan Prince nor subiect Nec 〈◊〉 nec Ar●… neither poore mans co●…tage nor Churches altar Yea if the Common wealth had but one throate as Nero wish ed of Rome he would cut it O the vnpacifiable madnes that this worlds musicke puts those into which will dance after his Pipe For this cause saith our Apostle continue in the Charitie thou hast begun Walke in loue Ye did run well who did hinder you Doth wealth keepe you from charitie This perswasion commeth not of him that calleth you God neuer meant when he gaue you riches that you should then begin to be couetous He did not for this purpose shew new mercie to you that you should take away your old mercies from his There are other that seeme to end in Loue who neuer all their dayes walked in this heauenly path They haue a will lying by them wherein they haue bequeathed a certaine legacie to the poore something to such a Church or such an Hospitall But this will is not of force till the testator be dead so that a man may say though the will be ready yet to will is not ready with thē for God shall not haue it so long as they can keepe it These can wish with Balaam to dye Christians but they must liue Pagans Hauing raised thousands out of their sacrilegious and inhospitable Impropriations they can bestow the dead hope of a litle mite on the Church In memoriall whereof the heyre must procure an annuall recitation besides the monumentall sculpture on the Tombe Be his life neuer so blacke and more tenebrous then the vaults of lust yet said a Reuerend Diuine he shall find a blacke prophet for a blacke cloake that with a blacke mouth shall commend him for whiter then snow and lillies Though his vnrepented oppressions vnrestored extortions and bloud-drawing vsuries haue sent his soule to the infernall dungeon of Sathan whose parishioner he was all his life yet money may get him cannonizd a Saint at Rome and robe him with spotles integritie and innocence So diuerse among them that liued More Latronū yet in death affected Cultum martyrum Hence Epitaphs and funerall orations shall commend a mans charitie who neuer all his dayes walked two steps in Loue. But it is in vaine to write a mans charitie in a repaired window when his tyrannous life is written in the bloudy and indeleble characters of many poore mens ruine and ouerthrow Nor can the narrow plaster of a little poore beneuolence hide and couer the multitude of gaping wounds made by extortion and vnmercifulnes No God hates the Sacrifice of robberie their drinke offerings of bloud will I not offer said Dauid The oblation that is made vp of the earnings of the poore is an abomination offending Gods eye and prouoking his hand First restore the lands and goods of others iniuriously or vsuriously gotten let not an vniust peny lie rotting on thy heape and heart and then build Hospitals repaire ruin'd holy places produce the fruits of mercie walke in Loue. Otherwise it is not smooth marble and engrauen brasse with a commending epitaph that can any more preserue the name from rotten putrefaction then the carcase But for all that the memorie shall stinke aboue ground as the body doth vnder it It is a desperate hazard that a wicked man by a charitable will shal make amends for all whereas commonly an vsurers Testament is but a Testimonie of his lewd life There is small hope that they end in charitie who would neuer walke in Loue. There bee others that cannot walke in Loue through a double defect either of eyes or of feete Some haue Feet but want eyes Eyes but want feet 1. Some haue the feet of affections but they lacke eyes and so cannot descry the true and perfect way of Loue. Indeed no man can find it without God Shew me thy wayes O Lord teach me thy pathes For it is he that directs sinners wandrers to the way These want him that should Leade them by the way that they should goe They thinke that by building vp a ladder of good workes their soules shall on meritorious rounds climbe vp to heauen They cannot distinguish betweene Viam regni and causamregnandi They suppose if they releeue Seminaries fast Lents keepe their numbredorisons pro digally sacrifice their blouds in treasons for that Romaine Harlot this is via dilectionis the way of Loue. So the silly seruant biddē to open the gates set his shoulders to them but with all his might could not stir them whereas another comes with the key easily vnlocks thē These men so confidēt in their good workes do but set their shoulders to heauen-gates alas without comfort for it is the key of faith that only opēs them These haue nimble feete forward affections harts workeable to charitie and would Walke in Loue if they had eyes Therfore Let vs prayfor them Cause them to know the way O Lord wherein they should walke 2. Other haue eyes but they want feete they vnderstand the way of loue but they haue no affection to walke in it They know that false measures forsworne valuations adulterate wares smooth-checked circumuentions painted cosenages malicious repinings denied succours are all against Loue. Noscunt poscunt They know them but they will vse them They know that humblenes kindnes meekenes patience remission compassion giuing and forgiuing actuall comforts are the fruits of Loue. Norunt nolunt They know it but they will none of it These know but walke not in Loue. It is fabled that a great king gaue to one of his subiects of his owne meere fauour a goodly citie happily replenished with all treasures and pleasures He does not onely freely giue it but directes him the way which keeping hee should not misse it The reioyced subiect soone enters on his iourney and rests not till hee comes within sight of the Citie Thus neare it he spies a great company of men digging in the ground to whom approching hee found
the eyes of Doues by the riuers of water washed with milke ●…d fitly set as a precious stone in the foile of a Ring A white doue is a pleasing sight but not like a white soule 2. Chastitie Nescit adu●…erij fla●…am inte●…erata Columba The Doue knowes not the luxurious pollution of an adulterate bed Who euer saw Doue sicke of that lustfull disease Happie bodie that hath such continencie and blessed soule which shall be presented a pure virgin to Iesus Christ. They are virgines and follow the Lambe whether s●…euer he goeth 3. Fruitfulnesse Most moneths in the yeare they bring forth young The faithfull are in this respect Doues for faith is euer pregnant of good workes trauels with them and on all occasions brings them forth 4. Amitie They loue their owne mates not changing till death giue one of them a bill of diuorce G●…mit ●…urtur the turtle groanes when hee hath lost his mate Nature teacheth them what Reason aboue nature and Grace aboue Reason teacheth vs to reioyce with the wiues of our youth 5. Vnitie They liue feed flie by companies Many of them can agree quietly in one house Euen teaching vs how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in vnitie That as we haue one hop●… so to haue one heart Therefore the holy Ghost came downe in the likenesse of a Doue of all birds and it was the Doue that would not leaue Noahs Arke But these are but circumstances my C●…nter is their Innocence Columba simplex est animal felle caret rostro non l●…dit Other fowles haue their talons and beakes whereby they gripe and deuoure like vsurers and oppressors in a Common-wealth The Doue hath no such weapon to vse no such heart to vse it They write that she hath no gall and so free from the bitternesse of anger Talem Columbam audi●…imus non talem hominem We haue heard of such a Doue not of such a Man Who can say he hath innocent hands and a simple heart Indeed none perfectly in Gods sight yet some haue had and may haue this in part by the witnesse of their owne consciences Samuel could chalenge the Israelites to accuse him Whose ●…xe haue I taken Whom haue I defrauded Of whose h●…d ha●…e I receiued any bribe And Iob sweetly My heart shall not condemne me for my dayes If I haue lift vp my hand against the fatherles let it be broken If I reioyced at the destruction of him that hated me For that is true Innocence sayth Augustine quae nec inimico nocet that hurts not our verie enemie If my land cry against me or the furrowes thereof complaine Let thistles grow in stead of wheat and cockles in stead of barley How few amongst vs dare thus plead So Dauid O Lord thou knowest mine innocenc●… O blessed testimonie This is Munus a●…eneus a wall of brasse about a man In 〈◊〉 sper●…re bonum nisi innocens n●… potest To hope for good in the middest of euils no man can but the Innocent He goes fearlesse of danger though not secure Impauidum ferient ruinae Ne●… suspectus est pa●… quod se non 〈◊〉 fecisse He cannot looke to suffer that wrong which he knowes hee hath not done Innocence sayth Chrysoft is free in seruitude safe in danger ioyfull in bonds Cum humiliatur erigitur ●…um pugnat vincit cum occiditur coronatur When it is cast downe it is raysed vp when it fights it conquers when it is killed it is crowned This is that ●…elesnes which must be ioyned with the Serpents Wisedome So Paul to his Romans I would h●…ue you wise vnto that which is good and simple concerning euill This is an excellent mixture sayth Gregor Vt simplicitatem 〈◊〉 ast●…ia serpentis instrueret vt serpentis astut●… simplicitas colu●…●…emperaret That the wisedome of the Serpent might instruct the simplicity of the Doue that the Doues simplicitie might temper the Serpents policie So ●…eda on the first of Iob. Iob is sayd to be simple and vpright simple in innocencie vpright in discreet equitie Simplex quia alijs non l●…dit rectus quia se ab alijs non corrumpi 〈◊〉 Simple in that he did not hurt others vpright in that he suffered not himselfe to be corrupted by others Non mul●…ùm distat in vitio aut decipere aus decipiposse There is small difference in that vice which either deceiues or may be deceiued The one is weakenesse the other wickednesse This is that grace to which the gates of heauen stand open Innocence But alas where shall the robbers and workers of violence appeare What shall become of the vsurer No creature in heauen or earth shall testifie his innocencie But the sighes cryes and grones of vndone parents of beggard widdowes and Orphanes shall witnesse the contrary All his money like Hempe seede is sowed with curses and euery obligation is written on earth with inke and bloud and in hell with bloud and fire What shall become of the Encloser of Commons Who shall plead his innocence Hedges ditches fields and townes the weeping of the poore the very lowings of beastes shall witnesse against him Where shall fraud cosenage racking of rents iniurie periurie mischiefe appeare You may conceale your craft from the eyes of man defraud the minister beguile your neighbour impouerish the Common-wealth vnperceiued vnpunished but know that the Lord will not hold you innocent I conclude Make you the picture of Innocencie and hang it in your houses but especially draw it in the table of your hearts Let it bee a Virgin faire and louely without any spot of wrong to blemish her beautie Let her garments be white as snow and yet not so white as her conscience Let the teares of compassion drop from her eyes and an Angell holding a bottle to catch them Let her weepe not so much for her owne afflictions as for the wickednes of her afflicters Let the wayes be milke where she sets her foote and let not the earth complaine of her pressure Let the Sun offer her his beames the clouds their raine the ground her fruits euery creature his vertue Let the poore blesse her yea let her very enemies be forced to prayse her Let the world be sommoned to accuse her of wrong and let none be found to witnesse it Let peace lie in her lappe and Integritie betweene her brests Let religion kisse her lippes and all Lawes reuerence her Patience possesse her heart and humilitie sit in her eyes Let all Christians make her the precedent of their liues and studie the doctrine that her mouth teacheth Let the Angels of heauen be her guardians and the mercie of God a shield of defence vnto her Let her tread vpon iniurie and stampe the Deuill and violence vnder her feete Let her greatest aduersaries Oppression and Hypocrisie flie from her presence Let rapine malice extortion depopulation fraud and wrong be as farre
teares he that payes not this tribute of raine shall want the sun-shine of mercy The subsidies of our mouthes are our praises Tibi omne os confitebitur Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise The subsidies of our eares are attention to his word Mary sate at Iesus feete and heard his word The subsidies of our heads are meditations of his power iustice mercy truth The blessed man doth meditate in the Law of the Lord day and night This reduceth Christianity to practice a rare habite and yet it is as possible to be good without it as to swallow and neuer chew the cudde A Sermon without consequent meditation may come to be remembred againe in hell The subsidies of our knees are geniculations I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. Steuen kneeled downe prayed c. If our knees be too stout to pay this tribute heauen gate will be too low for our entrance The subsidies of our hands are almes to the poore the due paiment of this interest shall blesse and increase the principall Giue and it shall bee giuen you To the King wee pay Fifteenes to God Tenths these he hath separated to himselfe The honest Pharise could say Tyth and be rich the dishonest Christian sayes Tyth and bee poore But what men get by this detinie shall be their fatall destiny they shall leaue the gold behind them but carry the guilt with them to euerlasting fire Robbe not this Citie militant lest God turne you from the City triumphant Of the liuing God This hath beene an ancient attribute to God liuing and it is added heere partly for distinction partly for demonstration First it distinguisheth the owner of this Citie from other titular gods For there bee gods many and lords many The name of gods hath beene giuen to men to Idols to lusts Homines Dij mortales Idola dij mortui Libidines dij mortiferi Men are gods dying Idols dead lusts deadly There are 1. Dij deputati reputed and deputed gods such are Magistrates and Princes I haue said Yee are gods but these are mortall gods ye shall die like men You haue your life from this liuing GOD both the life of nature common with others and the life of power superiour to others The powers that be are ordained of God Pilate receiued that power from God whereby hee vniustly condemned the Sonne of God Thou couldest haue no power against me except it were giuen thee from aboue Wee must giue to those gods obedience eyther actiue or passiue actiue when they command well passiue though they command ill Otherwise we incurre damnation for obstinate disobeying as themselues haue damnation for vniust commanding These are momentany gods as men are Kings on the stage till the play is done 2. Dij fictitij fayned gods as Mars the god of warre Neptune the god of the sea c. They were strange gods that ran a whoring after women made way to their lusts if not by flattery by bloud Scarce ranker villany in the Deuils then was found in those gods This the Philosophers obiected against Paul that he was a setter forth of strange gods The superstitious Lystrians tooke Paul and Barnabas for such gods Dij descenderunt the gods are come downe to vs in the likenesse of men But Paul vers 15. points them to the liuing GOD that made heauen and earth Those fayned gods are confounded by this liuing GOD. 3. Dij manufacti gods made with mens hands Idols but these are dead gods Yea not onely dead but nothing An Idol is nothing in the world It is true that they haue matter and forme the gold brasse wood or stone whereof they are made be substances they haue something in esse naturae nothing in esse vitae they haue stuffe but no life in them They haue eyes and see not there is no breath in their mouthes S. Paul commends in the Thessalonians this happy conuersion from dead idols to the liuing God O that it were as easie to confute Idolaters as it is to confound Idols Res hominis conculcat talem Deum No Idol is so great a god but the foote of man can kicke it downe 4. Dij vsurpantes vsurping gods deuils So Paul calls Satan the god of this world Of the whole world What is then left for God Not so he is Deus improborum not elementorum God of the wicked not of the frame of the world The Prince of this world is already iudged A goodly god that is already iudged The God of peace shall tread Satan vnder your feet Not you but God shall tread him down to your comfort vnder your feet Therefore give no place to the Deuill for there is no place for the Deuill but where it is giuen him 5. Dij sensuales sensuall gods Some make their belly their god and delicate cheare his sacrifices Meates for the belly and the belly for meates but God shall destroy both it and them Others make gold and siluer their gods worse then Pagan Idolatrie they had gods of corne and of wine But These idols of siluer and of gold which they made for themselues to worship they shall one day castaway with malediction Some make their wife a goddesse dote vpon her with the extremest Idolatry a faire coloured peece of clay hath more worship then the Lord of heauen To some their Patron is a god they more quake at his frowne then at all the curses in the Bible These are not onely dead but deadly gods For demonstration the owner of this City is the liuing God both formaliter in himselfe and effectiuè to others who onely hath immortality Onely Are not Angels and mens soules immortall But God giues to them this immortality onely he hath it in himselfe Therefore hee is called the liuing God and the God of life there be three degrees of life all giuen by this liuing God 1. Vniuersall which consists of sense and motion of this the beasts participate Thou sendest forth thy Spirit and they are created 2. Rationall a life proper to man not to other earthly creatures 3. Supernaturall which belongs onely to the faithfull Christ himselfe is this life in vs. Now liue not I but Christ liueth in mee Haec vita reponitur deponitur nunquam This life is laid vp but neuer lost The world sees it not because it is hid with Christ in God We now feele it liue by it But when Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall we appeare with him in glory Behold here with comfort the master wee serue the liuing God Riches is a flying Master it hasts away with the wings of an Eagle Honour is a dying master it brings a man to the sepulcher and then goes backe with the Heralds Pleasure is a spilling Master Wo to them that laugh for they
the Popes gaine He must be Iudge yea he shall be an vnerring Iudge Yet if the Pope haue this infallibility I wonder what need there is of Councells Here they fly to distinctions as to familiar spirits The Pope may erre Argumentatiuè not Definitiuè in his chamber not in his chaire Personaliter non Formaliter as man not as Pope How proue they such an exposition of the Scripture Here they fly to the Pope hee so expounds it How prooue they the Pope cannot erre Here straight they fly back againe to Scripture Peter I haue prayed for thee that thy faith shal not faile These hang gether like a sick mans dreame Insequeris fugio Fugis insequor Yet thus they conclude against their own wills whiles they only proue the Pope by the Scripture spight of their teeth they preferre the Scripture aboue the Pope If this be so that the truth of the Gospell being professed belieued obeyed among vs manifest vs against all aduersaries to be true members of this Generall assembly then two subordinate questions offer themselues collaterally here to be handled First whether corrupters of our Truth and disturbers of our peace are to bee tolerated Secondly whether for some corruptions of doctrine or vices in manners it be lawfull for any of vs to make separation from vs. 1. Seditious and pestilent seedsmen of heresies are to be restrained If a little leuen sowre the whole lumpe what will a little poison do If Paul to his Galatians could not endure Christ and Moses together how would he to his Corinthians endure Christ and Belial together Hee sticks not to ingeminate Anathema's to them that preached another Gospel The Papists cry out against vs for persecution they that shame not to bely the Scriptures will not blush to bely vs. Their prosperity their riches their numbers among vs directly proue that a man may be a Papist in England and liue But if their religion turne to treason shall it scape vnpunished A Papist may liue a Traitor may not liue To perswade that a Christian king at the Popes will may yea must be decrowned or murdered is this the voice of Religion or Treason If this be conscience there is no villany if such an act merite Heauen let no man feare Hell I would aske a Papist vvhether he be not bound by his religion to execute the Popes doctrinall will whether if he bid him kill his King hee may refraine from that sacred bloud and not sinne If he refuse treason he is not constant to his Religion if hee keepe his Religion hee must not sticke at any act of treason So that who knowes whether this day a mere Papist may not on the Popes command to morrow be a Traytor But say they this a supposition as likely as if Heauen should fall the Pope will neuer command it I answere that Popes haue commanded it But we hope his present Holinesse will not we were in a pitious case if our securitie was no better then your hope God blesse our gracious Soueraigne from euer standing at the Popes mercy Why should such Seminaries of heresie and Incendiaries of conspiracie be suffered What atonement of affection can there be in such disparitie of Religion when some cry God helpe vs others Baal heare vs. They to Angels and Saints wee to the Lord that made Heauen and Earth But the euent hath often prooued which of these could best heare prayers As in that memorable fight on the Leuant Seas of fiue English ships against eleuen Spanish they crying for victory to our Lady wee to our Lord it seemes the Sonne heard better then the Mother for the victory was ours The Common-vvealth that stands vpon legges partly of yron and partly of clay is neuer sure One wombe held Romulus Remus in peace one kingdome could not containe them But euery mans mind is as free as the Emperors Conscience is a Castle and there is nothing so voluntarie as religion faith comes by perswasion not by compulsion Yield all this and say with Tertullian Nihil minus fidei est quàm fidem cogere And with Bernard Suspendite verbera ostendite vbera Make a man in error rather blush then bleede But if they breake the foundation Non ferendi sed feriendi First speake to the Conscience by good counsell but if that eare be stopt shake the whole house about it Speake to the eares of the inheritance of the liberty of the body by mulct by prison by exile Let the Liberty say to the Conscience For thy sake I am restrained let the Inheritance say For thy sake I am empouerished let the Body say For thy sake I am afflicted But because heresie dies not with the particular person but kills also others and Centum inficit dum vnum intersicit And because it strikes at the life of a Christian that is his Faith For the iust shal liue by his faith Therfore pereat vnus potius quàm vnitas Haretici corrigendi ne pereant reprimendi ne perimant Heretikes are to be corrected lest they damne themselues to be restrained lest they damne others Persecutio facit Martyres haeresis apostatas plus nocuerunt horum tog●… quàm illorum galeae Persecution made Martyrs heresie makes Apostates the Heretikes words haue done more hurt then the tyrants swords Apertè sauit persecutor vt Leo haereticus insidiatur vt draco Ille negare Christum cogit iste docet Aduersus illum opus patientià aduersus istum opus vigilantia The persecutor rageth like a Lyon the heretike insinuates himselfe like a serpent To deny Christ he compels this man instructs Against the former wee haue need of patience against the latter of vigilance Excommunication bondage exile haue bin thought fit punishments for heretikes fire and fagot is not Gods Law but the Popes Canon-shot An heretike dying in his heresie cannot be saued therefore Luther thinkes hee that puts an heretike to death is a double murderer destroying his body with death temporall his soule with death eternall But saith Augustine Diligite homines interficite errores Loue the persons kill the errors Presume on the truth without pride striue for it without rage Seueritas quasi s●…ua veritas but verity and seuerity doe not agree Fire and sword may put to death heretickes but not heresies See heere the difference betwixt the Papists proceedings against vs and ours against them They dye not among vs for refusing our faith but vs they burned not for denying any article of faith but for not beleeuing Transubstantiation So strange an Article that Bellarmine himselfe doubts whether it may bee proued from Scripture or no but that the Church hath declared it so to be But though faith be aboue reason yet it is not against reason This is my body saith Christ. Hoc This bread this Pronoune demonstratiue they will haue to demonstrate nothing Hoc aliquid nihil est How then this nothing is my body not this bread but this nothing
I haue belieued when the life shall witnesse the contrary thy lips affirme but thy works deny As our Sauiour said Opera testantur de me my workes beare witnesse of me that I am Christ so thou must say Opera testantur de me my works beare witnesse of me that I am a Christian. Thou shalt be saued for thy faith not for thy works but for such a faith as is without works thou shalt neuer be saued Works are disioyned A iustificando non a iustificato from the act of iustifying not from the person iustified If this Iudge for his owne merits giue vs saluation wee must shew him the faire copy of our conuersation Quicquid Christus operatur pro nobis operatur in nobis Whatsoeuer Christ vvorkes for vs he also workes in vs. If he hath freed vs from the damnation of sinne he hath also freed vs from the dominion of sinne Albeit in our iustification Fiet nobis secundum fidem nostram Be it vnto vs according to our Faith yet in saluation Reddetur vnicuique secundum operasua Euery man shall bee rewarded according to his workes Let not that which is a word of comfort to vs be a bill of inditement against vs. 4. The Sentence As there be two sorts of men to be sentenced so there is a double sentence one of Absolution the other of Damnation With Absolution our Sauiour begins in action with that let vs begin in meditation He begins with fauour O he is ready to shew mercy and comes slowly to wrath and iudgement In the Absolution are considerable foure circumstances A Calling a Commending a Reply and an Answere First the calling is set downe Math. 25. 34. Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world In which gracious speech wee may perceiue sixe gradations 1. Amabilis vocatio Come This was the voyce of Christ generally to all in the day of Grace is particularly to the Elect in the day of Glory Now he calls more then vvill come then he will not call all that would come Now he giues many Venite's Come to me all that labour If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke The Spirit and Bride say Come and let him that heareth say Come and let him that is athirst come Send not others but come your selues Come to no others eyther Saints or Angels but come to me Let vs take heed of that Discedite quia nol●…stis venire Depart from me good reason for you would not come vnto mee You declined my call when I was humbled Is not this the Carpenters Sonne I vvill decline you now I am exalted None of those men that were called shall tast of my supper But such as haue obediently heard his Come in holines shall also graciously heare his second Come in happinesse 2. Su●…is Benedictio Ye Blessed Neuer man was is or shall be but desires secundum sensum suum after his own sense to be blessed saith Aristotle though the most haue sought it out of the right vbi vvhere it vvas not to bee found In Christ onely it is found vvho is indeed the Father of blessednesse Mat. 3. 3. Blessed are the poore in spirit The first vvord of the first lesson of Christs first Sermon is Blessed So he beginnes so there he continues so here he concludes Come ye blessed a vvord able to make a man blessed 3. Patris dilectio Of my Father to be blessed of God is to be surely blessed Parents doe vvell in blessing their children Princes in blessing their people here 's the difference Benedicunt but not Beatificant they may wish them blessed but not make them blessed But saith God to Abraham In blessing I will blesse thee I haue blessed him and he shall be blessed All blessednes springs from that fountaine the Lord hath blessed vs and requires vs to blesse him who is ouer all God blessed for euer Amen This the vniuersall song of all creatures giues him Blessing honour c. 4. Foelicitatis Possessio Inherite Inheritance is of Birth not industry the younger brother is often of more desert then the elder yet cannot this make him his Fathers Heyre This is of Inheritance therefore not of merit It differs from an earthly Inheritance in three things 1. In that the Testator must be dead and the successor liuing in this God the Testator is euer liuing and his heyres before they can fully possesse it must bee dead Ambr. A temporall inheritance diuided is diminished one is of so much land shortned as is to another shared The heires heere are without number of all nations kinred and languages yet though the inheritance be imparted it is not empaired Tanta singulis quanta omnibus Euery one hath as ●…ch as any one Ardens 3. The partition of an earthly inheritance breeds among the coheyres enuy grudging but in this the ioy of one is the ioy of all Dispar gloria singulorum tamen communis laetitia omnium Aug. One starre may excell another starre in glory but none shall enuy another in glory There shall be no repining at anothers more glorious clearenesse where remaines in all one gracious dearenesse Inherite 5. Haereditatis Perfectio a kingdom The top of mans desires is a kingdom nil nisi Regna placent Yet if they be earthly kingdoms they will not satisfie Alexander is not content with his vniuersall Monarchy But here is a kingdom will satisfie you will say there are many Kings but one kingdome therfore not roome enough yes for the bounds of the least are not narrower then heauen it selfe 6. Regni Paratio Prepared for you Not merited in your times but prepared before all times It had no beginning in respect of Gods intention it shall haue no end in respect of your possession Gods decree to giue it vs had no beginning but shall haue an end our fruition of it shal haue a beginning but no end Gods mercy in both hath neither beginning nor end but is from euerlasting to euerlasting Had the Lord such care to prouide a kingdom for his children before they were then sure hee will giue it them at the appointed time So certaine are they of blessednesse that it is prepared for them from the foundation of the world For you not for all there is no vniuersall election God decrees not all to bee saued Then Christ should haue said thus Inherit the kingdome Paratum omnibus Datum vobis prepared for all and giuen to you but he saith Prepared for you therefore not purposed to all Seeing there is so good cheare prepared for vs let vs prepared for vs let vs prepare our selues for that like some dainty guest who knowing there is such delicate fare behinde keepes his stomacke for it Let vs disdaine the course diet of this world that dangers vs to the dropsie of couetice or the surfets of ryot We vse to fast on
the Eeues that vve may feast on the Holy-dayes let vs here abstaine from the table of sinne that wee may heereafter banket in the Kingdome of Heauen This is matter of comfort to vs heere the world condemns the godly therefore they shall haue a time of absoluing When that Generall Session comes then looke vp and lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth nye There is no mercy to be had in this vvorld for the wicked themselues are accusers witnesses iudges but at that day a poore mans case will be heard Therefore the poore committeth himselfe vnto thee for thou art the helper of the fatherlesse Christ vvill take the cause into his own hand The soules vnder the Altar cry with a loud voyce How long O Lord holy and true dost thou not iudge and auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth Yes it is fit euery one should haue a day of hearing This is theirs that shall be ours The righteous shall reioyce when hee seeth the vengeance Reioyce yes they haue no charity to vs on earth vve must haue no charity to them in hell 2. The Commendation followes the calling Mat. 25. 35. For I was hungry and ye gaue me meate I was thirsty and ye gaue mee drinke c. Christ witnesseth their faith from the effects they brought foorth fruits of mercy Thus it is euident that not according to the internall habite of faith and charity but according to the externall acts proceeding from them is the reward bestowed Christ before iustified them by their faith apprehending his merits now hee iustifies them by testimony of that faith arising from their vvorkes The point Christ insists in is their workes of mercy which are sixe visito poto cibo redimo tego colligo fratres Giuing them meat drinke harbour clothing visitation in sicknesse redemption from bondage Where obserue that the maine point Christ will scanne at the last is the point of mercy Not how wise nor how learned nor how iust but how mercifull Ambr. Now if a Scholler standing for preferment knew directly that one question vvherein hee should be opposed he would study a full and ready answer to it We all know that one and maine question wherein Christ vvill examine vs vvhat vvorkes of mercy haue we done if we haue gotten no demonstration of mercy vve are vvorthily condemned Now their mercy is commended partly in respect of the obiect and partly in respect of the act For the obiect it is done to Christ happy mercy that is done to the Lord Iesus it shall neuer passe vnrewarded Ioash forgot the kindnesse of Iehoiada but the King of heauen will remember all the good done vnto him Sayes that good malefactor Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome I will not forget thee answeres Iesus To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise I was hungry and ye fedme I and me saith Christ. In regard of the act the thing they distribute and contribute is not bare vvords but actuall mercies food clothing c. This is the effect of a true faith not a verball but a reall working faith A faith not like that the Psalmist seemes to mention though in another sense I belieued ideo locutus sum and therefore I spake but such as the Apostle speakes of I belieued ideo operatus sum and therefore I wrought a faith working by loue It is easie to mistake Saint Paul Rom. 14. 22. Hast thou faith haue it to thy selfe before God vnlesse vve expound him by S. Iames Iam. 2. 18. Hast thou faith shew thy faith by thy workes If vve vvill be the children of Abraham who is the Father of them that belieue wee must bee so by Sara vvho is the mother of them that obey They that vvill be trees of righteousnesse in Gods garden must not bee like the fig-tree in the Gospell that had onely leaues no fruit but like the tree that brings forth her fruit in due season Or like Aarons rod that of a dead sticke hauing life and sappe put into it presently bare Almonds fruit no leaues spoken of Some giue words enow contrary to Moses who was a man of few vvords The Papists vvill rather loose a penny then a Paternoster these vvill giue ten Paternosters before one penny They giue the words of Nepthali pleasant words but no meate As if the poore were like Ephraim fed with the wind Or as if their word were verbum Domini the word of God that men might liue by it Salomon sayes Wisedome is good with an inheritance so good counsell is good vvith an almes If a famished man begge bread of thee and thou onely fallest to instruct his soule but deniest food to his body hee may reply as Hushai said to Absolon of Achitophels counsell The counsell that Achitophel hath giuen is good but not at this time Martial demands of Caius a small piece of siluer Quod vel donanti non graue Caius blamed him for his idle profession of Poetry counselled him to study the Lavv that vvould enrich him To him Martial Quod peto da mihi tu non peto consilium Giue me that I aske thee I doe not aske thee counsell Many are like S. Peters fish it had money in the mouth but not a hand to giue it Or like Diues his dogs they can licke a poore man vvith their tongues else giue him no reliefe Diogenes a witty begger would vsually walke in a place where earthen Statues were erected in honour of some that died for their country To them he would pray to them reach out his hand bow and beg being asked the reason he answered Nihil aliud quàm repulsam meditor I thinke of nothing but a repulse and deniall Wee haue many such liuing Statues meere Idols that haue mouthes and speake not eyes and pity not hands and giue not the poore are sure of nothing but a repulse 3. The reply or question vpon this commendation made by the Saints Math. 25. 37. Then shall the righteous answere him Lord when saw we thee an hungred and fedde thee or thirstie and gaue thee drinke c. This is no deniall of that truth Christ hath auouched But 1. to magnifie Christs mercy who takes these workes as done to himselfe which are done for his sake Let no couetous Churle plead he wants subiects vpon whom to exercise his mercy Pauper vbique iacet which way can he walke and not behold one hungry another thirsty c 2. To testifie their humilitie that albeit these things are true yet they acknowledge no merite in them they haue not done so much of these as they ought Besides they might haue an after-consideration of their sinnes past which valued with their good works they find one to out-weigh a thousand The Papists ostent their merits on earth the Saints dare not doe so euen ready for heauen but cast downe their crownes before the Throne saying
no peace to thy selfe till thou haue peace with GOD. Quamdiù imp●…nitentia manet maledictio imminet So long as vnrepentance abides in vs Cursednesse hangs ouer vs. He that wilfully goes on in knowne wickednesse hazards himselfe to ineuitable cursednesse Goe ye cursed 4. The horrour of the paines Into euerlasting fire Fire of all elements the most violent therefore fittest to describe those pangs The pile thereof is ●…ire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a riuer of bri●…stone doth kindle it Euerlasting the torments thereof are euer frying neuer dying Where the worme dieth not and the fire is not quenched Aug. Vermis corrodet conscientiam ignis comburet carnem quia corde corpore deliquerunt The fire shall torture their flesh the worme their spirit because both in flesh and spirit they haue sinned The reprobates shall be packed and crowded together like ●…rickes in a fiery furnace hauing not so much as a chinke where any winde may enter in to coole them 5. The preordinance of their torments Prepared for the Deuill and his Angels ordained before-hand Origen held that the Deuill and his angels should one day be released from their tortures and that these words of Christ vvere spoken Minaciter potiùs quàm veraciter rather by way of threatning then true meaning But Augustine answers that the Scripture hath confuted him plenissime ac planissimè For the fire prepared for Satan is not temporarie but euerlasting vvhere though flouds of teares bee continually raining vpon it yet can it not bee put out Prepared to the terror of vvicked men that couenant with hell alas they are deceiued it vvas made for some purpose That fire vvas prepared for some and some haue prepared themselues for it Burning in lusts in malice in reuenge vntill themselues their lusts malice and reuenge and all burne in hell The Deuill was crafty yet he could not scape hell be as vvily as you can yet beware hell It is not policy but piety that must escape this fire Now as this brings to the vvicked much terror so it helpes to preserue the godly against error And this vvas one principall cause of the penning this sentence The vvise master of the family vvill chide his seruants vea and vpon desert correct them in the presence of his child that he may learne by it to stand in awe of his Father So deales God Minatur quod faciet improbis ne faciat quod minatur sanctis He threatens the vvicked vvhat he vvill doe to their sinnes that the godly may auoid vvhat hee threatens for sinnes Omnis minatio amica monitio euery threatning is a faire vvarning The Lord giue vs mutare sententiam nostram vt ipse mutet sententiam suam to change our minde that God may change his menace Let vs now come humbly to him in repentance that vve may neuer depart from him into vengeance The other circumstances I will but touch 2. The reason of this reiection Mat. 25. 42. For I was hungry and ye gaue mee no no meate I was thirsty and yee gaue me no drinke They are not iudged Ex malis commissis sedex bonis omissis not by the euill deedes they haue done but by the good things they haue not done Christ saies not Yee tooke away my meat vvhen I vvas hungry but you gaue me not your meate You did not strip mee of the clothes I had but you gaue me no clothes vvhen I had not The axe cuts vp the tree which brought not forth good fruit though it bee not accused for bringing foorth bad fruit Innocency is good but not enough vve see that not to haue relieued is an vnanswerable inditement at that day How heauy vvill this sentence fall vpon many among vs What heapes haue many in this City perhaps some got vvithout a tenter'd conscience yeeld it no worse yet vvould to God it vvere so vvell for it is hard Bonum cito ●…uadere diuitem for an honest man to become rich on the sodaine They haue it and now may they not keepe it is it not their owne But O it is fearefull vvhen for this keeping they shall be condemned It is not a groat weekely or monethly to the poore and a small pension to the much-robbed Church that can discharge you but you must giue proportionably Pleade what you can to the poore Christ vvill not be so answered Who can force me to giue none but because thou wilt not giue vnforced thou shalt iustly be condemned 3. The obiection against this reason Math. 25. 44. Lord when saw wee thee an hungred or athi●…st c. and did not minister vnto thee They haue a kinde of impudence still adhering to their foreheads they would seeme to iustifie themselues though they bee deseruedly punished When did we see thee Often When this poore widow hath departed without thy mercy that orphan vvithout thy helpe that blinde or lame vvithout thy almes When when not euery occasion shall be a bill of enditement against thee Who will wonder to see a Romish Pharise sooth and flatter himselfe on earth when hee is not ashamed to doe it in iudgement ●…efore the Lord Iesus Christ Sed nulla defensio absoluet reum nulla infensio dissoluet iudicium Plead they whether subtilly or angrily as if some vvrong vvere done them it is Equity it selfe that doth sentence them 4. The confutation of their obiection Math. 25. 45. Insomuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me This one distinction takes away all their arguments here is a full answer to their Quando a declaration of their death-deseruing wickednesse that would haue no pitty on the Lord Iesus Iudgement mercilesse shall be giuen to them that shew no mercy you know this Diues was denied a drop because he would not giue a crumme you know this Hee that stoppeth his eare at the cry of the poore shall cry himselfe and not be heard Did not I tell you thus The poore you had euer this mercy you shewed neuer therefore Goe ye cursed 5. Lastly the Retribution this is set downe in briefe but the matter it containes is long and euerlasting All shall come forth they that haue done good to the resurrection of life they that haue done euil to the resurrection of condemnation These shall goe away into euerlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternall An estate soone versed neuer to bee reuersed The voice of Christ shall speake it and the power of Christ shall effect it No Angell shall speake against it no deuill shall withstand it How should this teach Saint Pauls vse who considering that there shall be a resurrectian of the dead both of the iust and vniust resolued with himselfe to haue alwaies a good conscience void of offence toward God and toward man Let it instruct vs al to watch for this day a decaied charge then which nothing was more current in the
put on obedience if for stubbornnesse he must put on patience he must serue if he will deserue this God alone cannot doe if to die he must be mortall this onely God cannot be Therefore this Mediator is made man to be himselfe bound as he is GOD to free others that are bound Man to become weake God to vanquish Man to die God to triumph ouer death This is that sacred Ladder whose top in heauen reaching to the bosome of God expresseth his Diuinitie his foote on earth close to Iacobs loynes witnesseth his Humanitie We are bankrout debters God is a sure Creditor Christ sets all on his score We are ignorant Clients God is a skilfull Iudge Christ is our Aduocate to plead our cause for vs. God is a iust Master we are vnfaithfull vnfruitfull vnprofitable seruants this Mediator takes vp the matter betweene vs. Of the new Couenant For Moses may seeme to be a Mediator of the Old Couenant I stood between the Lord and you at that time to shew you the Word of the Lord. This Mediatorship of the New couenant is a high office competible to none but the Lord Iesus Who should appeare betweene a iust God and sinfull men but he that is mortall with men and iust with God It is a Couenant for there is something agreed on both sides we couenant to belieue and God to forgiue A New couenant there was cold comfort for vs in the old A man reading Fac hoc et vines Doe this and thou shalt liue thinks of it as if he were bidden to catch a starre from the firmament take it for his labour But in the New Crede et vine belieue liue for euer The condition on mans part is belieuing the couenant on Gods part is Sauing Now though it be true that it is as easie for man of himselfe to fulfill the Law as it is to belieue the Gospel yet the New couenant Dat credere giues a man power to belieue for faith is the faire gift of God Praecipit non adiuvat Lex offert et affert Euangelium The Law giues commandement but not amendment the Gospel brings saluation to our hearts our hearts to saluation As it chargeth vs so it aydeth vs. As this Mediator giues Fidem quam credimus the faith which we belieue mercy and remission so also Fidem qua credimus the faith whereby we belieue grace to apprehend this mercy Christ hath obtained a more excellent ministery by how much also he is the Mediator of a better Couenant which was established vpon better promises Briefely here consider the excellencie of this New and Euangelicall Couenant aboue the Old and Legall In the beginning God made man righteous for he created him in his owne Image which the Apostle saies consisted in righteousnesse and the holinesse of truth But man soone defaced this goodly and godly picture This I haue found that God made man righteous but he sought out many inuentions waves to make himselfe wicked and wretched Hence it followed that our restitution was a greater work then our constitution The house was with more ease built vp new then repaired being old and ruinous That was done per verbum enuntiatum this per verbum annuntiatum There he spake the word and all things were created here the Word was made flesh Fecit mira tulit dira passus dura verba duriora verbera There it was done by saying Dic verbum tantùm here by doing yea by dying suffering grieuous words more grieuous wounds Factus in terris fractus in terris There all begun in Adam who was Terrae filius a sonne of the earth here all in Christ who is Coeli Dominus the Lord of Heauen Spirituall life is better then naturall firmer surer There man had onely a power to stand but with it a power to fall according to his owne pleasure heere he hath a certaintie of inseparable coniunction to Christ. He so stands as neuer to fall so liues as neuer to die so is loued as neuer to bee hated There Adam and Eue were married to propagate filios carnis children of the flesh heere Christ is married to his Church to beget filios spirituales children in the Spirit and that with a bond neuer to be diuorced Thus at first God commanded that to exist which was not before now he makes one contrary to be changed into another flesh into spirit darknesse into light corruption into holinesse greater miracles then changing stones into bread Dignus vindice nodus a knot worthy the finger of God to vntie Here is the wonderfull worke of the New Couenant we were made Ex spirituoris redeemed ex sanguine cordis created by the breath of Gods mouth but saued by the bloud of his heart Therefore not sixe Cherubims as in the vision of Esay nor foure and twenty Elders as in the Reuelation of Iohn but a royall Armie of heauenly souldiers were heard praysing GOD at the birth of Iesus Christ. In summe there is but one Mediator of the New Couenant neither Saint nor Angel hath any part in this dignity Melancth Idem est multos Deos fingere ac sanctos mortuos inuocare to worship old Saints is to make new Gods He that shall pray to dead men dishonours the liuing Mediator Saint Paul saith expresly There is one God and one Mediator betweene God and men the man Christ Iesus Whence it is manifest that it is the same blasphemous presumption to make moe Mediators then one that to make moe Gods then one Heere the Romanists distinguish Christ is the sole Mediator of Redemption not of Intercession Opus est mediatore ad mediatore Christum VVee must haue a Mediator of intercession to this Mediator of redemption A blind answere for Paul directly there speakes of prayers and Intercession ver 1. c. But say they Our prayers are to be made to God alone tanquam per cum implenda because our desires are fulfilled onely by him but vnto the Saints tanquam per eos impetranda because they are obtained by them As if Christ were so busie that hee could not tend to heare vs or so stately that hee vvould not bend to heare vs or so vniust as to deny his owne Venite and not to performe his promise Come vnto me all that labour We oppose against them that comfortable saying of S. Iohn If any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous They answere Indeed Christ is our chiefe Aduocate Saints and Angels secondary or subordinate Aduocates But the word Aduocate is borrowed of the Lawyers signifies him only that doth plead the iustice of his clients cause A stranger in the court may become a petitioner to the Iudge intreat fauor for the person guilty but Aduocates are Patrons Proctors of their Clients Angels in heauen Saints on earth are suitors in our behalfe to God but Christ alone is our Aduocate And
vpon good cause for who but he can so well plead his own righteousnes whereby he hath iustified vs Therefore the Apostle calls him there our Propitiation he that wil be our Aduocate must also be our Propitiation no Saints or Angels can be a Propitiation for vs therefore no Saints or Angels can be our Aduocates Augustine sayes that if S. Iohn had offered himselfe to this office he had not been Apostolus sed Antichristus We obiect further Christs promise Whatsoeuer you shall aske the Father in my Name he will giue it you Not in Maries or Peters but in my Name Bellarmine answers that there may be a Mediator between disagreeing parties three waies 1. By declaring who hath the wrong and so there is no controuersie for all agree that GOD is the party grieued 2. By paying the Creditor for the Debter so Christ is alone Mediator 3. By desiring the Creditor to forgiue the Debter and in this sense he saies Angels and Saints are Mediators But this distinction is no other then Bellarmines mincing who indeed seemes to be ashamed of the blasphemous phrases in their Missals As Maria mater gratiae Sancte Petre miserere mei salua me c. These saith he are our words but not our meanings that Mary or Peter should conferre grace on vs in this life or glory in the life to come Yet both their Schoole and Practice speakes more For Aquin sayes our prayers are effectuall by the merits of Saints that Christs intercession is gotten by the patronage of Apostles by the interuention of Martyrs by the bloud of Becket and merits of all Saints And the practice of the people is to hold Angels and Saints immediate Mediators able to satisfie and saue But as one hath well obserued if euery Saint in the Popes Calender be receiued as a Mediator we shall worship vnknowne men as the Athenians did vnknown gods For the best Papists doubt whether there were euer any S. George or S. Christopher But say they The Virgin is a knowne Saint she can and may by the right of a Mother command her Sonne Christ. Their whole Church sings O foelix puerpera nostra p●…ans scelera inre matris impera And Maria consolatio infirmorum redemptio captiuorum liberatio damnatorum salus uniuersorum They haue giuen so much to the Mother that they haue left nothing for the Sonne Ozorius the Iesuite saies Caput gratiae Christus Maria collū Christ is the Head of grace but Mary is the Neck no grace can come from the head but it must passe through the necke They inuocate her their Aduocate but of Christs mediation the medium or better halfe is taken from him as if he were still a child in subiection to his Mother But as he is Mariae filius so he is Mariae Dominus the Sonne and the Lord of his Mother Therefore the first words that we read Christ euer spake to his Parents were rough and by way of reproofe According to Saint Luke these were his first How is it that yee sought mee Wist yee not that I must be about my Fathers busines According to Saint Iohn more sharply Woman vvhat haue I to doe vvith thee Quanquàm locuta est iure matris tamen duriter respondet Where was then their Monstra te esse Matrem Though at the commaund of his Mother he spake yet hee spake roughly Whereas Gods kingdome consists of his Iustice and Mercy the Papists attribute the greatest part which is his Mercy to Mary making her as one noted the Lady high Chancelour Christ as it were the Lord chiefe Iustice. As we appeale from the Kings-Bench barre to the Chancerie so a Papist may appeale from the Tribunall of God to the Court of our Lady So they make her Domina fac totum when one flatteringly wrote of Pope Adrian Traiectum plantauit Louanium rigauit Caesar autem incrementum dedit Traiectum planted Louaine watered but the Pope gaue the increase one wittily vnderwrites Deus interim nihil fecit God did nothing the while So if Mary be the comfort of the weake the redeemer of captiues the deliuerer of the damned the saluation of all the Aduocate of the poore the Patronesse of the rich then sure Christ hath nothing to doe No beloued Abraham is ignorant of vs the blessed Virgin knowes vs not but the Lord Iesus is our Redeemer Prayer is not a labour of the lippes onely but an inward groning of the spirit a powring out of the soule before God Now Saints and Angels vnderstand not the heart it is the righteous God that tryeth the heart and the reynes Christ is the master of all Requests in the Court of Heauen there needs no porter nor waiter It is but praying Lord Iesus come vnto me and he presently answeres I am with thee Heare mee O Christ for it is easie to thy power and vsuall to thy mercie and agreèable to thy promise O blessed Mediator of the new Couenant heare vs. To the bloud of sprinkling Aspersionis Hebraico more pro asperso Two things are implyed in the two words Sacrificium and Beneficium Bloud there is the sacrifice of Sprinkling there is the benefite To the bloud To speake properly it is the death of Christ that satisfies the Iustice of God for our sinnes and that is the true materiall cause of our redemption Yet is this frequently ascribed to his bloud The bloud of Christ purgeth the Conscience from dead works Out of his pierced side came forth bloud and water As God wrote nothing in vaine so what he hath often repeated hee would haue seriously considered Non leuiter praetereat lectura nostra quod tam frequenter insculpsit Scriptura sacra There are some reasons why our saluation is ascribed to CHRISTS bloud 1. Because in the bloud is the life Flesh with the bloud therof which is the life therof you shall not eat Leu. 17. 14. The soule of a beast is in the bloud and in the bloud is the life of euery reasonable creature on earth The effusion thereof doth exhaust the vitall spirits and death followes In Christs bloud was his life the shedding of that was his death that death by the losse of that bloud is our redemption 2. Because this bloud answeres to the types of the legall sacrifices This our Apostle exemplifies in a large conference The first Testament was not dedicated without bloud Moses sprinkling the booke and all the people sayd This is the bloud of the Testament Almost all things are by the Law purged by bloud and without shedding of bloud is no remission No reconciliation no remission without bloud All directed vs to this Lambe of GOD whose bloud onely vindicates vs from eternall condemnation Not that the bloud of a meere man could thus merite but of that man who is also God therefore it is called the Bloud of God 3. Because bloud is fitter for applyment to the heart of man who
couer'd with waues but Christs rebuke quieted all and there followed a great calme Heere are cruell Nimrods riding ouer innocent heads as they would ouer fallow lands and dangerous passages through fire and water but the storme is soone ended or rather the passengers are landed Thou broughtest vs out into a wealthy place So that this straine of Dauids musicke or Psalmodie consists of two notes one mournefull the other mirthfull the one a touch of distresse the other of redresse which directs our course to an obseruation of Mise●…e Mercie of grieuous misery of gracious Mercy There is desolation and Consolation in one verse a deepe deiection as laid vnder the feete of beasts a high erection brought out into a wealthy place In both these straines God hath his stroke he is a principall in this Consort He is brought in for an Actor Author an Actor in the Persecution an Author in the deliuerance Thou causest c. Thou broughtest c. In the one he is a causing worker in the other a sole-working cause In the one he is ioyned with company in the other he workes alone He hath a finger in the former his whole hand in the latter We must begin with the Miserie before wee come to the Mercie If there were no trouble wee should not know the worth of a deliuerance The passion of the Saints is giuen by the hearty and ponderous description for very grieuous yet it is written in the forehead of the Text The Lord caused it Thou causedst men to ride c. Heereupon some wicked Libertine may offer to rubbe his filthinesse vpon Gods purity and to plead an authenticall deriuation of all his villany against the Saints from the Lords warrant He caused it Wee answere to the iustification of Truth it selfe that God doth ordaine and order euery persecution that striketh his children without any allowance to the instrument that giues the blow God workes in the same action with others not after the same manner In the affliction of Iob were three Agents God Satan and the Sabeans The Diuell works on his body the Sabeans on his goods yet Iob confesseth a third party The Lord giues and the Lord takes away Here Oppressors trample on the godly and God is said to cause it He causeth affliction for triall so ver 10. and 11. Thou hast tried vs c. they vvorke it for malice neither can God be accused nor they excused In a sinfull action there be two things the Materiall and the Formall part which we commonly distinguish into the act and defect The Materiall part is of GOD from whom is all Motion the Formall is from the prauitie of the agent Persecutors could not accuse vs maliciously if GOD gaue not motion to their tongues nor strike vs wrongfully if he denied strength to their hands Thought sight desire speech strength motion are Gods good gifts to turne all these to his dishonour is the wicked persons fault God hath another intent then man hath euen in mans worke The Chaldeans steale Iobs wealth to enrich themselues the Diuell afflicts his body in his hatred to mankind God suffers all this for the triall of his patience Man for couetousnesse the diuell for malice God for probation of the afflicted's constancie and aduancing his owne glory In the giuing of Christ to death as Augustine obserues the Father gaue the Sonne the Sonne gaue himselfe Iudas betrayed him and the Iewes crucified him In one and the same tradition God is to be blessed and man condemned Quia in re vna quam fecerunt causa non vna ob quam fecerunt Because in that same thing they all did there vvas not the same cause vvhy they all did it Gods end was loue Iudas his auarice the Ievves malice The couetous Extortioner taketh away the goods of his neighbour that robber spoyleth He could haue no tongue to plead nor wit to circumuent nor hands to carry away without God from him hee hath those creatures that notion and motion But to peruert all these to damnifie others and to damne himselfe ariseth from his owne auarous and rancorous prauity His intent is wicked yet not without Gods wisedom to raise profit from it Perhaps the oppressed had too good a liking to the World and beganne to admit a little confidence in their wealth the Lord hath benefited them in taking away these snares to saue their soules Yet without toleration countenance or helpe to the wicked The Vsurer hath done thee good by making thee poore in purse helped thee to the riches of grace yet he goes to hell for his labour They that doe GOD seruice against their wills shall haue but shrewd wages It cannot be denied but the diuell did God seruice in trying Iob winnowing Peter buffetting Paul executing Iudas yet shall not all this ease the least torment of his damnation For triall here are these oppressors suffred to ride ouer the godly's heads and to driue them through fire and vvater when these haue like furnaces purged them from drosse corruption themselues shall be burnt For it is vsuall with God when he hath done beating his children to throw the rodde into the fire Babylon a long time shall be the Lords Hammer to bruise the Nations at last it selfe shal be bruised Iudas did an act that redounds to Gods eternal honour and our blessed saluation yet was his wages the gallhouse All these hammers axes rods sawes swords instruments when they haue done those offices they neuer meant shall for those they haue meant be throwne to confusion I will now leaue Gods iustice to himselfe and come to the iniustice of these Oppressors and the passion of the sufferers And because the qualitie of these latter shal adde some aggrauation to the cruell malice of the former I will first set before your eyes the Martyrs The Psalme beeing written by Dauid and the suffrers spoken of in the first person plurall We Vs and Our it followes that it was both Dauid and such as Dauid was beloued of God holy Saints And whom doth the vvorld thinke to ride ouer but Saints Psal. 44. 22. Who should be appointed to the slaughter but Sheepe The Wolfe will not prey on the Fox he 's too crafty nor on the Elephant he 's too mighty nor on a dogge he 's too equall but on the silly Lambe that can neither run to scape nor fight to conquer They write of a Bird that is the Crocodiles toothpicker and feedes on the fragments left in his teeth whiles the serpent lyes a sunning vvhich when the vnthankfull Crocodile would deuoure God hath set so sharpe a prick on the top of the Birds head that he dares not shut his iawes till it be gone And they speake of a little Fish that goes bristling by the Pike or any other rauenous water-creature and they dare not for his pricks thornes touch him Those whom Nature or Art strength or sleight haue made inexposable to easie ruine may passe vnmolested The
spoken Be of good cheere This same But is like a happy oare that turnes our vessell from the rocks of despaire and lands it at the hauen of comfort But c. Thou Thou onely without helpe or succour of either man or Angell that art able to saue with a few as well as with many that art A man of vvarre Exod. 15. and commest armed against thine enemies with a speare of wrath and a sword of vengeance Thou of whose greatnesse there is no end no limits no determination Thou O Lord without any partner either to share thy glory or our thanks Thou broughtest vs out Thou of thy owne goodnesse so well as by thy ovvne greatnesse hast deliuered vs. No merite of ours procured or deserued this mercy at thy hands but our freedome comes onely by thy Maiestie of thy mercy Here were no armes of flesh nor Armies of Angels in this worke of our Redemption but Thou hast brought vs out that vvee might praise thy Name Therefore wee say Blesse the Lord O our soules O Lord thou art very great thou art clothed vvith honour and maiesty Eduxisti Broughtest out Great workes become a great God Opera testantur de me saith our Sauiour My workes beare witnesse of mee I heale the sicke cleanse the Leprous giue sight to the blinde raise the dead cast out deuils Will you not belieue O ye carnall eyes vnlesse you see will you trust your fiue senses aboue the foure Gospels vers 5. Come then and see the workes of God See workes not a fancie speculation or deceiuing shadow but reall visible acted accomplished workes Eduxists Sensus assensus Let demonstration conuince you the Snare is broken and we are deliuered The Lord workes potenter and patenter There is not onely manifold mercy but manifest mercy in his doings He brought vs out When the vngodly see vs so low brought that persecutors ride ouer our heads they are ready to say Where is now their G●…d Behold hîc est Deus our God is heere where there was need of him opus Deo a work fit for the Deity to performe Misery had wrapped and entangled vs the wicked hands had ty'd vs as the Philistines did Samson with the bands of death Here then was Dignus vindice nodus a knot worthy the finger of God to vntie He looked downe from the height of his Sanctuary from heauen did the Lord behold the earth For what purpose To heare the groning of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed to death Behold the waters went ouer our soule yet we were not drowned Malice had doomed vs to the Fire but our comfort is Nihil potestatis in nos habu●…sse ignem that the fire had not power ouer vs. They trode vs vnder their cruell insultations but the Lord hath lifted vs vp The Lord of Hosts was with vs the God of Iacob was our refuge Vs. To this act of God if we tye the Subiect wherein hee workes and knit to Eduxisti Nos which I called verbum solitudinis a word of former wretchednesse and calamitie we shall finde our misery a fit obiect for GODS mercy Especially if you set the others malice against our meeknesse their wickednesse against our weakenesse the persons whom God deliuers the persons from whom will greatly commend the mercy of our deliuerance It is a pleasure to God to haue his strength perfected in our infirmitie When the danger is most violent in it own nature and our sense then is his helping arme most welcome Esa. 17. In the day of griefe and of desperate sorrow the haruest shall be great a plentifull croppe of ioy Qui Deus est noster Deus est salutis He that is our God is the God of saluation and vnto God the Lord belong the issues from death He delights to haue vs say in this deepe extremity Eduxisti Thou hast brought vs out When Ionas was taken vp by the Mariners put from the succour of the Shippe no helpe in any Rockes nor mercy in the waters neither means nor desire to escape by swimming for he yeelds himselfe into the iaws of death with as mortified affection as if a lumpe of lead had beene throwne into the sea a man would haue thought that saluation it selfe could not haue saued Ionas Yet Ionas shall not die Here is now a deliuery fit for God a cure for the almightie hand to vndertake Mans extremity is Gods opportunity Distressed desire is importunate It is time that thou haue mercy vpon vs yea the time is come But if God doe not presently answere we are ready to pant out a groane of despaire The time is past If our importunity preuaile not wee thinke all opportunity is gone But God sayes Tempus nondum venit the time is not yet God waites the maturity of the danger the more to increase his honour As Alexander cheared himselfe when hee should fight with men and beasts haughty enemies and huge Elephants Tandem par animo meo periculum video I see at last a danger somewhat equall to my minde Will you heare when this time is come Iohn 11. Martha tells Christ Master if thou hadst beene heere my brother had not died Christ knevv this before vers 15. Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there that you might belieue Obserue the different thoughts of God and man Martha is sorry Christ is glad She thought that the time of helpe was past Christ thought that the time was not opportune till now Iairus his seruant comes and tels him Thy daughter is dead trouble the master no further This was the word Christ expected to heare And now he sayes Be not afraid onely beleeue Heare the Israelites desperate complaint The waters of the Sea roare before their faces the wheeles of the Chariots rattle behinde their backs hereon they cry to Moses Were there no graues in Egypt that thou hast brought vs hither to die Now saith Moses Feare not stand still and see the saluation of God From that hath beene spoken and that which follows we may obserue two workes of Gods mercy Which consist Remouendo Promouendo the one remouing avvay much euill the other preferring to much good Eduxisti shewes his kindenesse in freeing vs from calamity In locum opulentum his goodnesse in exalting vs to dignity The former is an act of deliuerance the latter of aduancement So there is Terminus à quo from whence vvee are freed and Terminus ad quem to which vvee are exalted For the former wee haue God heere Educentem bringing out of trouble Sometime wee finde GOD Ducentem leading guiding directing Wilt not thou O Lord goe forth vvith our hoastes And Hee ledde them through the wildernesse by the hand of Moses and Aaron Sometimes Inducentem vers 11. Thou broughtest vs into the net thou hast laid affliction vpon our loynes Sometimes Adducentem Thou O Lord hast brought vs home to thy selfe
c. Sometimes Reducentem Psalm 126. 4. Turne againe our captiuitie O Lord as the streames in the South Often Educentem Psalm 105. 43. Hee brought forth his people vvith ioy and his chosen with gladnesse Neuer Seducentem beguiling deceiuing causing to erre for that is opus Diaboli who is the Accuser and Seducer of men For the latter Into a wealthy place The greatnesse of our felicity doth farre transcend the grieuousnesse of our past misery The dimension of our height exceedes that of our depth neyther did affliction euer bring it so low as our eleuation hath aduanced vs high Hereon S. Paul Rom. 8. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall bee reuealed in vs. whether we compare or their Strength Length For their vigour or strength the affliction of man in the greatest extremitie that he can lay it on man is but finite as the afflicter The blow comes but from an arme of flesh and therefore can wound but flesh Yeeld the extention of it to reach so farre as any possible malice can driue it yet it can but racke the body distend the ioynts sluce out the bloud and giue liberty to the imprison'd soule Which soule they cannot strike Therefore saith Christ Feare not him that hath power ouer the body onely not ouer the soule And euen in the middest of this dire persecution God can eyther quite deliuer vs that the storme shall blow ouer our heads and hurt vs not or if he suffers vs to suffer that yet he will so qualifie the heat of it that the coole refreshing of his blessed spirit inwardly to the Conscience shall in a manner extinguish the torment But now this vvealthy place the spring of ioy that succeedes this winter of anguish is illimited insuppressible inexpressible infinite So strongly guarded with an almighty power that no robber violently nor theefe subtilly can steale it from vs. Some pleasure is mixed with that paine but no paine is incident to this pleasure There was some laughter among those teares but there shall be no teares in this laughter For Teares shall bee quite wiped from our eyes By hovv much then the power of God transcends mans yea Gods mercie mans malice by so much shall our reioysing exceede our passion By how much the glorious City of heauen walled with Iasper and pure gold shining as brasse is stronger then the vndefensed and naked cottage of this transient world our future comforts arise in measure pleasure and security aboue our passed distresse Thus for Strength If we compare their Length we shall finde an infinite inequalitie Paul calls affliction momentany glory eternall Time shall determine the one and that a short time a very winters day but the other is aboue the wheeles of motion and therefore beyond the reach of time For a moment in mine anger saith the Lord I did hide my face from thee but with euerlasting mercy I haue had compassion on thee Nothing but eternity can make eyther ioy or sorrow absolute Hee can brooke his imprisonment that knowes the short date of it and he finds poore content in his pleasure that is certaine of a sodaine losse We know that our pilgrimage is not long through this valley of teares and miserable Desart but our Canaan home Inheritance is a wealthy place glorious for countenance blessed for continuance vvealthy vvithout want stable vvithout alteration a constant Mansion an immoueable Kingdome Vnto vvhich our Lord Iesus in his appointed time bring vs. To whom with the Father and Spirit of consolation be all praise and glory for euer Amen GODS HOVSE OR THE PLACE OF PRAYSES PSALME 66. 12. I will goe into thy House with burnt offerings I will pay thee my vowes THE formerverse connexed with this demonstrate with words of life Dauids Affliction Affection His Affliction to be ouer-ridden with Persecutors his Affection to blesse God for his deliuerance Great misery taken away by great mercy requires great thankefulnesse I will goe into thy c. Before wee put this Song into parts or deriue it into particulars two generall things must be considered The Matter The Maner the Substance the Forme The matter and substance of the verse is Thankèfulnesse the manner and forme Resolution The whole fabricke declares the former the fashion of the building the latter The Tenor of all is Praysing God the key or tune it is set in Purpose I will goe into thy house I will pay thee my vowes So that first I must intreat you to looke vpon a Solution and a Resolution a debt to be payd and a purpose of heart to pay it The Debt Is Thankefulnesse This is the matter and substance of the wordes God hauing first by affliction taught vs to know our selues doth afterwards by deliuerance teach vs to know him And when his gracious hand hath helped vs out of the low pitte hee lookes that like Israel Exod. 15. wee should stand vpon the shore and blesse his name Dauid that prayed to God de profundis out of the depths haue I called vnto thee doth after praise him in excelsis with the highest Organs and instruments of laud. Generall mercies require our continuall thankes but new fauours new prayses O Sing vnto the Lord a New Song for he hath done maruellous things There is a fourefold life belonging to man and God is the keeper of all His naturall ciuill spirituall and eternall life Eloudie man would take away our naturall life Psal. 37. The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him GOD keepes it The slanderous world would blast our ciuill life God blesseth our memory The corrupted flesh would poyson our spirituall life God hides it in Christ. The raging Deuill would kill our eternall life God preserues it in heauen Vnworthy are wee of rest that night wherein we sleepe or of the light of the Sunne that day wherein we rise without praysing God for these mercies If wee thinke not on him that made vs vvee thinke not to vvhat purpose hee made vs. When I consider the workes of GOD saith Augustine I am wonderfully mooued to praise the Creator Qui prorsus ita magnus est in operibus magnis vt minor non sit in minimis vvho is so great in his great workes that hee is not lesse in his least But when we consider his worke of Redemption about which he was not as about the Creation six dayes but aboue thirtie yeeres Where non sua dedit sed se he gaue not his riches but himselfe and that non tam in Dominum quàm in seruum et sacrificium not to be a Lord but a seruant a sacrifice We haue Adamantine hearts if the bloud of this saluation cannot melt them into praises But speciall fauours require speciall thanks vvhether they consist in Eximendo Exhibendo either in redeeming vs from dangers or heaping vpon vs benefites Our Prophet in fiue instances Psal. 107. exemplifieth
of hearing that they forget the feruencie of praying and praising God The End is euer held more noble then the meanes that conduce vnto it Sin brought in ignorance and ignorance takes away deuotion The Word preached brings in knowledge and knowledge rectifies deuotion So that all our preaching is but to beget your praying to instruct you to praise and worship God The most immediate proper seruice and worship of God is the end and hearing but the meanes to that end And the rule is true Semper finis excellit id quod est ad finem the end euer excells that which leads to the end Scientia non est qualitas actiua sed principium quo aliquis dirigitur in operando Knowledge is not an actiue qualitie but onely a meanes to direct a man in working Non tam audire quàm obedire requirit Deus God reckons not so much of our audience as of our obedience not the hearers but the dooers are blessed in their deed Indeed Christ saith Blessed are they that heare the Word of God but with this condition that they keepe it The worship of GOD is the fruit of hearing shew me this fruit Our Oratoria are turned into Auditoria and we are content that God should speake earnestly to vs but wee will not speake deuoutly to him I hope that no man will so ignorantly and iniuriously vnderstand me as if I spake against hearing of Sermons frequently God forbid you must heare and we must preach Acts. 6. The Apostles gaue themselues continually to prayer and to the preaching of the Word Where yet Prayer is put in the first place I complaine not that our Churches are Auditories but that they are not Oratories not that you come to Sermons for Gods sake come faster but that you neglect publique prayer As if it were onely Gods part to blesse you not yours to blesse God And hereof I complaine with good company Chrysostome saith that such a multitude came to his Sermons that there was scarce roome for a late commer those would all patiently attend the end of the Sermon But when prayers were to be read or Sacraments to be administred the company was thinne the seates empty Uacua desertaque Ecclesia reddebatur Beloued mistake not It is not the onely exercise of a Christian to heare a Sermon nor is that Sabbath well spent that dispatcheth no other businesse for heauen I will be bold to tell you that in Heauen there shall be no Sermons and yet in Heauen there shall be Halleluiahs And this same end for which Dauid came to Gods house shall remaine in glory to praise the Lord. So that all Gods seruice is not to be narrowed vp in hearing it hath greater latitude there must be prayer praise adoration and worship of God Neither is it the scope of Christianitie to knowe but the scope of knowledge is to be a good Christian. You are not Heathen to aske Quid credendum What must we belieue nor Catechists to demand Quid faciendum What must we doe You know what to belieue you know what to doe Our preaching hath not so much need monere as monere though you also need instruction yet more need of exhortation for you haue learnt more then euer you haue followed Come then hither both to heare God and to praise God As Dauid was not onely here a Praiser but ver 16. a Preacher Come and heare all ye that feare God and I wil tell you what he hath done for my soule 2. Which fitly brings mee to the further exemplyfying of this cause mouing Dauid to enter into Gods house Which was not onely to praise him but to praise him publiquely Otherwise he might haue muttered his orisons to himselfe no he desires that his mouth should be a trumpet of Gods glory as frequently in the Psalmes I will praise thee before the great congregations There are some that whatsoeuer seruice they doe to God desire many vvitnesses of it others desire no witnesses at all The former are hypocrites who would haue all mens eyes take notice of their deuotion as if they durst not trust God vvithout witnesse for feare he should deny it Such were the Pharises they gaue no almes without the proclamation of a trumpet and their prayers were at the corners of streets such corners where diuerse streets met so more spectable to many passengers To these Christ Math. 6. Doe thy deuotion in secret and hee that see●… in secret shall reward thee openly The other haue a little desire to serue GOD but they would haue no witnesses at all They depend vpon some great man that will be angry with it And these would faine haue God take notice of their deuotion and no body else So Nichodemus stole to Christ by night and many a Papists seruant would come to Church if hee were sure his Master might not know of it For hee feares more to be turned out of his seruice then out of Gods seruice To these Christ Luke 12. Be not afraid of them that can kill the body and no more but feare him that hath power to cast into hell yea I say vnto you feare him A man may better lose his Landlords fauour then the Lords fauour his Farme on earth then his manor or mansion in heauen Dauid was neither of these His thankfulnesse shal not be hidden timore minantium nor yet will hee manifest it amore laudantium Neither for feare of Commanders nor for loue of commenders He is neither Timidus nor Tumidus not fearefull of frownes nor luxurious of praises but onely desires to manifest the integritie of his conscience in the sight of God It is the manner of the godly not onely to ruminate in their minds Gods mercies but to divulge them to the bettering of others When vvee yeeld thus to the world a testimony of our faith thankfulnesse in Gods publique honour we prouoke others to harken to religion and inflame their hearts with a feruent desire to partake the like mercies The fame of Alexander gaue heart to Iulius Caesar to be the more noble vvarriour The freedome of our deuotion giues an edge to others Beneficium qui dedit taceat narret qui accepit Let him that giues a benefit be silent let him speake of it that hath receiued it There is that law of difference saith that Philosopher betwixt the dooer of a good turne and the receiuer of it Alter statim obliuisci debet dati alter accepti nunquam The one ought quickly to forget what he hath giuen the other ought neuer to forget what hee hath receiued We are the receiuers and must not forget God gaue the Law to Israel and the Custome of the Saints obserued it What we haue heard and knowne and our Fathers haue told vs we will not hide from our children shewing to the generations to come the praises of the Lord. Indeed there was a time when Christ forbad the
heeles of vanity Mans life is compared to a Day This day to some may be distinguished into twelue houres The first giues vs natiuity euen in this houre there is sin an originall prauity indisposition to good pronenesse to euill Secondly Infancy God now protects the cradle Thirdly Childhood and now we learn to speake and to sweare together the sap of iniquity begins to put out Fourthly Tender age wherein toyes and gawdes fill vp our scene Fiftly Youth this is a madding a gadding time Remember not the sins of this time prayes Dauid their remembrance is bitter sayes Iob. Sixtly Our high noone God that could not be heard before for the loud noyse of vanity now looks for audience for obedience Seuenthly This is full of cares crosses the dugs of the world taste bitter it is full time that this houre should weane vs. Eightly Brings vs to a sense of mortality we feele our bloud decaying Ninthly Our bodies goe crooked and stooping to put vs in minde that they are going to their originall earth Tenthly We are euen as dying we do dye by degrees our senses first faile vs our eyes are dimme like old Isaacs our eares deafe our taste dull our grinders are done our stilts vnable to support vs. Eleuenthly We are a burden to our selues to our friends we long for death if any hope of a better life hath possessed our hearts The twelfth houre it comes Which of these houres pass ouer vs without Gods mercies without our voluntary vnthankfulnesse vnlesse those first houres wherein our ignorance is vncapable of such obseruance All thy day long haue I stretched out my hands vnto thee saith God If none of these houres reclaime vs our day is spent and the night comes that night wherein no man can worke actiuely to comfort though passiuely he worke for euer in torment I knovv that God cuts many one short of most of these houres and often shuts vp his day-light before hee comes to his noone But howsoeuer man passe from Infancy to childhood from childhood to youth from youth to age yet senectutem nemo excedit none can be more then olde Though tam senex nemo quin putet se annum posse viuere no man is so old but still he thinks hee may liue another yeare And therefore lightly the older the more couetous and Quò minus viae restat eò plus viatici qu●…ritur the lesse iourney men haue the more prouision they make God allowes this liberall time to some but what enemies are we to our selues that of all these twelue houres allow our selues not one Many post off their conuersion from day to day sending Religion afore them to thirty and then putting it off to forty and not pleased yet to ouertake it promise it entertainment at threescore at last death comes and allowes not one houre In youth men resolue to allow themselues the time of age to serue God in age they shuffle it off to sicknesse when sicknes comes care to dispose their goods lothnesse to dye hope to escape martyrs that good thought and their resolution still keepes before them the length of Gracious street at least If wee haue but the lease of a Farme for twenty yeares we make vse of the time and gather profit But in this precious Farme of Time we are so ill husbands that our Lease comes out before we are one penniworth of grace the richer by it Take heed it is dangerous trifling out thy good day lest thou heare this message in the euening This night shall thy soule be required of thee Then whose shall those things be which thou hast prouided This is the Question It were somewhat if thou mightest perpetually enioy them thy selfe if thou couldst fetch downe eternity to them As those in the 49. Psalme whose inward thought is that their houses shall continue for euer and their dwelling places to all generations they call their lands after their owne names But there is a Quamdiù and a Quousque Hovv long Hab. 2. How long Thou that lodest thy selfe vvith thicke clay How farre Esa. 14. How farre Thou that madest the earth to tremble and didst shake the Kingdomes Here is a Non vltra to both thy power is confined thy time is limited both thy latitude and extention are brief'd vp heere 's thy period a full stop in the midst of the sentence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whose shall those things bee which thou hast prouided He that should read thy history being ignorant of thy destiny and finde so plentifull a happinesse in the first page of the booke grounds so fertill cattell so prospering house so furnished possibilities stro●… king thy hopes hopes milking thy desires desires dancing to the tune of thy pleasures promises of larger barnes more opulent fruites and all this with ease yea with hearts-ease Soule be merry and comming now to the end of the page but not of the sentence turning ouer a new leafe thinking there to reade the maturity and perfection of all should finde a blanke an abrupt period an vnlook'd for stoppe would surely imagine that eyther destiny was mistaken or else some leaues were torne out of the booke Such a Cuius erunt haec omnia would be a terrible dash in a story of happinesse so fairely written and promising so good an Epilogue But here is his end you must read him no further He whom you haue seene this day you shall see him againe no more for euer Whose shall these things be O worldling Were thy grounds as Eden and thy house like the Court of Iehoiakim yet dost thou thinke to raigne because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar no aduenit finis t●…us Thy end is come Whose shall these things be It were something yet if thy children might enioy these riches But there is a man that hath no child yet is there no end of his labour neyther is his eye satisfied vvith wealth And he sayth not For whom doe I trauell and bereaue my soule of this good The prodigall would bee his owne heyre and Executor but this couetous man bequeaths neyther legacy to himselfe nor to any knowne Inheritour The other desires to see en end of all his substance this man to see onely the beginning Hee hunts the world full cry yet hath no purpose to ouertake it he liues behind his wealth as the other liues beyond it But suppose hee hath children and then though hee famish himselfe to feed them fatte though he be damned yet if his sonne may be made a Gentleman there is some satisfaction But this Cuius erunt is a scattering word and of great vncertainty Whose shall they be perhaps not thy childrens They say Happy is that sonne whose father goes to the Deuill but thou maist goe to the Deuill and yet not make thy sonne happy For men make heritages but God makes heyres He will wash away the vnholy seed and cut off the generation of the wicked Salomon had
giues a cup of cold water to a Disciple shall not lose his reward This hire and reward is not the stipend of our labours but of Gods loue He giues vs the good of grace and then rewards it with the good of glory It is a reward Secundum quid a gift simpliciter Compare eternall life to the worke looking no farther it is a reward Reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen But examine the Originall from whence it proceedes then it is the gift of God Eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ. He is said to Shew mercy to them that keep his Commande●…ents the very keeping the Commandements is not merit it hath neede of mercy Loe thus the Lord giues grace then praiseth it blesseth it rewards it Christ cloatheth his Spouse with his owne garments the smell of Myrrhe Alloes and Cassia A white robe of his perfect righteousnesse imputed with his golden merits and inestimable Iewels of graces and then praiseth her Thou art all faire my Loue there is no spot in thee When God made the world with all creatures in it he beheld it and Euge bonum behold it is exceeding good so when hee makes a Christian Maiorem meliorem mundo and hath furnished him with competent graces hee turnes backe and lookes vpon his owne workemanship Ecce bonum it is exceeding good hee forbeares not to commend it Now what doth hee specially commend in this conuerted Leper his praysing of God The Leper prayseth God God praiseth the Leper He prayseth in his praysing two things the Rightnesse and the Rarenesse 1. The Rightnesse that he gaue praise to God directed it thither where it was onely due He returned to giue glory to God non mihi sed Deo saith Christ not to me but to God Perhaps his knowledge was not yet so farre enlightned as to know him that cured him to be God therefore bestowed his praise where hee was sure it should be accepted where onely it is deserued on God I seeke not my owne praise saith Iesus but mittentis the praise of him that sent me If I honour my selfe my honour is nothing 2. The Rarenesse and that in two respects 1. That hee alone of tenne blessed God God had but his Tenth it is much if the tenth soule goe to heauen The godly are so rare that they are set vp for markes and signes and wonders as if the world stood amazed at them 2. That hee onely was the Stranger a Samaritan Many great vertues were found among the Samaritans Faith Charity Thankfulnesse First Faith Many of the Samaritans of that Citie beleeued on him Secondly Charity It was the Samaritan that tooke compassion on the man wounded between Ierusalem and Iericho The Priest and the Leuite passed by him without pitie but the Samaritan bound vp his wounds Thirdly Gratitude exemplified in this Samaritan Leper none of the Iewes gaue God praise for their healing but only the Samaritan It was strange that in Gentiles should be found such vertue where it was least looked for Verily I say vnto you I haue not found so great faith no not in Israel The least informed did proue the best reformed Samaritan was held a word of reproach amongst the Iewes as appeares by their malicious imputation to Christ. Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a Diuell They were esteemed as dogges It is not meete to take the childrens bread and to cast it to dogs And at the first promulgation of the Gospell the Apostles receiued a manifest prohibition Goe not into the way of the Gentiles and into any City of the Samaritans enter ye not It was therefore rare to reape such fruites out of the wild Forrest cursed like the mountaines of Gilboa Let there be no dew neither raine vpon you nor fields of offerings To be good in good company is little wonder for Angels to be good in heauen Adam in Paradise Iudas in Christs Colledge had been no admirable matter to apostate in these places so exemplary of goodnesse was intolerable weakenesse But for Abraham to be good in Chalde Noah in the old world Lot in Sodome for a man now to be humble in Spaine continent in France chaste in Venice sober in Germany temperate in England this is the commendation Such a one is a Lilly in a Forrest of thornes a handfull of wheate in a field of cockle Let me not here omit two things worthy my insertion and your obseruation 1. Gods iudgement and mans do not concurre the Samaritans were condemned of the Iewes yet here nine Iewes are condemned by one Samaritan They that seeme best to the world are often the worst to God they that are best to God seeme worst to the world When the Moone is lightest to the earth she is darkest to heauen when she is lightest to heauen she is darkest to the earth So often men most glorious to the world are obscurest to the diuine approbation others obscure to the worlds acknowledgement are principally respected in Gods fauor Man would haue cleared the Pharise and condemned the Publican when they both appeared in the Temple together the one as it were in the Quire the other in the Belfrey But Christs iudgemēt is that the Publicane departed rather iustified The Iewes thought that if but 2. men in the world were saued the one should be a Scribe the other a Pharise But Christ saith neither of them both shall come there You shall see others in the Kingdome of heauen and you your selues thrust out Some like the Moone are greater or lesse by the Sunne of mens estimation Samuel was mistaken in Eliab Abinadab and Shammah for the Lord had chosen Dauid Isaac preferred Esau but God preferred Iacob and made the father giue the blessing to that sonne to whom he least meant it All this iustifies that my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your wayes my wayes ●…aith the Lord. 2. Learne we here from Christ to giue men their due praise to them that deserue praise God ●…akes of vices with commination of vertues wit●…●…endation Let vs speake of others sinnes with griefe of their good workes with praise and ioy Of others sinnes with griefe so did S. Paul Many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping that they are enemies of the crosse of Christ. So Dauid Riuers of waters ru●… downe mine eyes because men keepe not thy Law Our Sauiour wept ouer apostate Ierusalem he wept ouer the people beholding them as scattered sheep without a shepheard Who can forbeare weeping to see soules muffled misse-led by ignorance like the babes of Niniuch not able to distinguish the right hand from the left Alas there are innumerable soules that know not their owne estate O pitie them Because thou wilt not heare this my soule shall weepe in secret for thy pride But let vs mention
Discedite but depart the Church without the blessing they will not stay till Christ bids them Goe They venture therein wretchedly and dangerously if they could so conceiue it to depart without the Peace of God It is an vsuall complaint of man in distresse Quare direliquisti me Domine Why hast thou forsaken me O Lord God iustly answeres Quare direliquisti me Home Why didst thou forsake me first O man Would you needs depart when you should not you therefore shall depart when you would not Discedite Depart indeed a wofull reiection Depart from me yee cursed why cursed good reason you would not tarry for a blessing Thus is God euen with the wicked Recedistis à me recedam à vobis You left me I therefore leaue you Will you go without bidding Abite get you gone He that will goe into captiuity let him go Deus prior in amore posterior in odio God loued vs before we loued him hee doth not actually hate vs till we first hate him Nunquam deserit nisi cum deseritur Hee forsakes not vs till wee forsake him no man can take Christ from thy soule vnlesse thou take thy soule from Christ. God complaines of the Iewes that they had left him My people haue forsaken mee Forsake thee O Lord liuing Father of mercies and God of all comfort Will a man forsake the snow of Lebanon and the old flowing waters that come from the Rockes If any will do so then heare the curse O Lord the hope of Israel all that forsake thee shall bee ashamed and they that depart from thee shall be written in the earth because they haue forsaken the Lord the fountaine of liuing waters But let them that cleaue to the Lord heare the blessing I will not leaue thee nor forsake thee Let vs hang on the mouth of God for decision of all our doubts direction of all our waies like the Centurions seruants Going when he bids vs comming when he cals vs doing what he commands vs. At his Word let vs arise and goe on earth at his Call wee shall arise and goe to heauen Hee that obeyes the surge in grace shall haue the surge in Glory Hee that goes in the wayes of Holinesse shall go into the courts of Happinesse Hee that goeth forth weeping bearing with him precious seed shall come againe reioycing and bring his sheaues with him They that haue done well shall goe into euerlasting life Thus much of these two words as they belonged to that person the Leper Now let vs vsefully apply them to our selues First let vs obserue from this Arise 1. It is Christ that giues the Surge which reuiueth vs we can neuer stirre from the seate of impietie till hee bids vs Arise No man can come to me except the Father draw him The Spirit of Christ must draw vs out of the black and mirie pit of iniquity as Ebedmelech drew Ieremy out of the dungeon We cannot arise of our selues Nature hath no foote that can make one true step toward heauen That which is borne of the flesh is flesh not fleshly in the concrete but flesh in the abstract We cannot speake vnlesse he open our lips God sayes to the Prophet Cry What shall I cry the Spirit must giue the word All flesh is grasse c. Wee cannot stand vnlesse hee giues vs feet Sonne of man stand vpon thy feete alas he cannot but ver 2. The Spirit entred into me and set me vpon my feete We cannot see except hee giues vs eyes Intelligite insipientes Bee wise O yee fooles Alas they cannot but Da mihi intellectum do thou O Lord giue them wisedome Bee yee not conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of your minde that you may proue c. There are first two verbes Passiue then an Actiue to shew that we are double so much Patients as we are Agents Being moued we moue Acta fit actiua voluntas when God hath enclined our will to good that will can then incline vs to performe goodnesse If we cannot speake without lips from him nor walke without affections from him nor see except hee giue vs eyes then neither can we arise except he takes vs by the hand as Peter tooke the Creeple and lift him vp and immediately his feete and ancle bones receiued strength If the spirit of our Lord Iesus giue vs a Surge our lame soules shall grow strong and liuely in the nerues of graces we shall Arise and walke leaping and singing and praising God 2 We must arise for wee are naturally downe By nature a man lyeth in wickednesse by grace he riseth to newnesse of life Nature and Religion are two opposites I meane by nature corrupted nature and by Religion true Religion for otherwise the accepting of some Religion is ingraffed to euery Nature It is Nature to bee dead in sinnes it is Religion to be dead to sinne It is Nature to be Reprobate to euery good worke Religion to be ready to euery good worke It is nature to be a Louer of ones selfe 2. Tim. 3. 2. Religion to deny ones selfe Luk. 9. 23. It is nature for a man to seeke onely his owne profite Religion to Serue others by loue Nature esteemes Preaching folly Religion the power of God to saluation There are two lights in man as in heauen Reason and Faith Reason like Sara is still asking How can this bee Faith like Abraham not disputes but beleeues There is no validity in Morall vertues Ciuill mens good workes are a meere carkase without the soule of Faith They are like that Romane that hauing fortunately slaine his three enemies the Curiatij comming home in triumph and beholding all the people welcome him with acclamations onely his sister weepe because hee had slaine her loue hee embittered his victories with the murder of his owne sister Carnall men may doe glorious deeds flourish with braue atchieuements but they marre all by killing their owne sister the deare soule Thus we are downe by Nature Grace can onely helpe vs vp and make vs arise If you aske how Nature hath deiected vs how we came originally thus depraued I answer We know not so well how we came by it as we are sure we haue it Nihil ad pr●…dicandum notius nihil ad intelligendum secretius Nothing is more certainely true to be preached nothing more secretly hard to be vnderstood Therefore as in case of a Town on fire let vs not busily enquire how it came but carefully endeuour to put it out A Traueller passing by and seeing a man fallen into a deep pit began to wonder how he sell in to whom the other replyed Tu cogita quomodo hinc me liberes non quomodo huc ceciderim quaeras Do thou good friend rather study how to helpe me out then stand questioning how I came in Pray to Christ for this Surge
the other walke after that direction and they vvill bring the soule to heauen For Transition or Passing as the feete corporally so these spiritually mooue and conduct the man from place to place Indeed none can come to the Sonne vnlesse the Father draw him but when he hath giuen vs feet he looks we should goe Hee that hath eares to heare let him heare he that hath hands let him worke hee that hath feet let him goe Hence is that exhortation Draw neer to God he will draw neer to you In this foot-manship there is Terminus à quo recedimus Terminus ad quem accedimus motus per quem procedimus From the waies of darknes from the wages of darknes to the fruition of light to the counersation in light From darknes exterior interiour inferiour Outward this land is full of darknes fraught operibus tenebrarum with the works of darknesse Inward Hauing the vnderstanding darkned being alienated frō the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindnes of their heart Outer darkenesse that which Christ cals 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or lower darkenesse Hee hath reserued the Lost angels in euer lasting chaines vnder darkenesse Vnto light externall internall eternall Outward Light Thy word is a lampe vnto my feet and a light vnto my path Inward light In the hidden parts thou shalt make mee to know wisedom Euerlasting Light They shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and as the starres for euer and euer Blessed feet that carry vs to That light which lightneth euery man that commeth into the world and to the beames of that Sunne which giues light to them that sit in darkenesse and in the shadow of death happy feet they shall bee guided into the way of peace Looke to thy foote wheresoeuer thou treadest beware the gardens of temporall pleasures Est aliquid quod in ipsis flori●… angat It is worse going on fertile ground then on ba●… the smooth wayes of prosperity are slippery in rough ●…fflictions we may take sure footing Let your feet bee ●…od saith Paul your affections restrained barre lust of her vaine obiects turne her from earth to heauen Set her a trauelling not after riches but graces Keepe the foot of desire still going but put it in the right way direct it to euerlasting blessednes And this is 3. The End whither we must goe to perfection Thou hast done well yet goe on still Nihil praesumitur actum dum superest aliquid ad agendū nothing is said to be done whiles any part remaines to doe No man can goe too far in goodnesse Nimis iustus et nimis sapiens potes esse non nimis bonus Thou maiest be too iust thou maist be too wise but thou canst neuer be too good Summae religionis est imitari quem colis It is a true height of religion to be a follower of that God of whom thou art a worshipper Come so nigh to God as possibly thou canst in imitation not of his power wisedome maiestie but of his mercie Be holy as the Lord is holy Be merciful as your heauenly Father is mercifull The going on forward to this perfection shall not displease him but crowne thee Giue not ouer this going vntill with Saint Paul thou haue quite finished thy course Aime at perfection shoot at this marke though thou cannot reach it When the wrastling Angel said to Iacob Let me goe for the day breaketh he answered I will not let thee goe except thou blesse me happy perseuerance When I caught him whom my soule loued I held him and would not let him goe O sweet Iesus who would let thee goe Qui tenes tenentem apprehendentem fortificus fortificatum confirmas confirmatum perficis perfectum coronas Thou that holdest him that holdeth thee that strengthenest him that trusteth thee confirmest whom thou hast strengthened perfectest whom thou hast confirmed and crownest whom thou hast perfected In the behalfe of this continuance the Holy Ghost giues those exhortations Hold fast Stand fast Hold that thou hast that no man take thy crowne The same to the Church of Thyatira Tene quod habes Reu. 2. 25. Stand fast in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free It is an ill hearing Ye not doe but did runne well The Prophet in his threnes weepes that they which were brought vp in scarlet embrace dunghils It is iust matter of lamentation when soules which haue beene clad with zeale as with scarlet constantly forward for the glory of God fall to such Apostacie as with Demas to embrace the dūghil of this world and with an auarous hausture to lick vp the mudde of corruption Ioseph had a coat reaching downe to his feete our religion must be such a garment neither too scant to couer nor too short to continue ad vltimum to the last day of our temporary breath Be thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee the crowne of life this crowne is promised to a good beginning but performed to a good ending Striue to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height If we can comprehend with the Saints not onely the height of hope the depth of faith the breadth of charity but also the length of continuance we are blessed for euer Euen the tired horse when he comes neere home mends his pace be good alwaies vvithout wearinesse but best at last that the neerer thou commest to the end of thy dayes the neerer thou mayest be to the end of thy hopes the saluation of thy soule Omnis coelestis Curia nos expectat desideremus eam quanto possumus desiderio The whole Court of heauen waites for vs let vs long for that blessed society with a hearty affection The Saints looke for our comming desiring to haue the number of the elect fulfilled the Angels blush when they see vs stumble grieue when vve fall clappe their vvings vvith ioy when vve goe cheerefully forward our Sauiour Christ stands on the battlements of heauen and with the hand of helpe and comfort wafteth vs to him When a noble Souldier in a forraine Land hath atchieued braue designes wonne honourable victories subdued dangerous aduersaries and with worthy Chiualry hath renowned his King and Country home he comes the King sends for him to Court and there in open audience of his Noble Courtiers giues him words of grace commendeth and vvhich is rarely more rewardeth his Valour heapes dignities preferments and places of honour on him So shall Christ at the last day to all those Souldiers that haue valiantly combated and conquered his enemies in the sight of heauen and earth audience of men and Angels giue victorious wreathes crownes and garlands long white robes to witnesse their innocency and Palmes in their hands to expresse their victory and finally he shall giue them a glorious kingdome
Pluck thy selfe vp by the rootes and plant thy selfe in the sea and it shall obey them yet reprobates also had it for euen they that are cast out with a Discedite à me plead this In thy name haue we cast out deuils and done many wonderfull workes But it was not this faith 5. There is a faith that beleeues to go to heauen though it bend the course directly to hell that thinks to arriue at the Ierusalem of blessednesse through the Samaria of prophanenesse a presumption but it was not this faith 6. There is a faith that beleeues a mans owne mercy in Iesus Christ and liues a life worthy of this hope and becomming such a prosession and it was this faith that our Sauiour commendeth When Samuel came to anoint one of the sonnes of Iesse Eliab was presented to him and he said Surely the Lords Anointed is before him He was deceiued hee might haue a goodly countenance and a high stature but it was not he Then passed by Abinadab nor is this he then Shammah nor is this hee Then seuen of his sonnes were presented The Lord hath chosen none of th●…se Be here all saith Samuel Iesse answered No the yongest is behind and he keepeth the sheepe Then said Samuel Send and fetch him for we will not sit downe till he come When he was come he was ruddy and withall of a beautifull countenance and goodly to looke on And the Lord said Arise and anoint him for this is he If wee should make such a quest for the principall Grace Temperance is a sober and matronly vertue but not shee Humility in the lowest is respected of the Highest but not she Wisedome is a heauenly grace similisque creanti like the Maker but not shee Patience a sweet and comfortable vertue that lookes cheerefully on troubles when her brest is red with the bloud of sufferance her cheekes are white with the purenesse of innocence yet not shee Iustice hath a hand spotlesse as the brow of heauen a heart transparant as Christall a countenance able to daunt temptation it selfe yet not she Charity is a louely vertue little innocents hang at her brests Angels kisse her cheekes Her lips are like a threed of scarlet and her speech is comely her Temples are like a Pomegranate within her lookes all the ends of the earth call her blessed yet not shee Lastly Faith appeares beautified with the robe of her Sauiours righteousnesse adorned with the iewels of his graces and shining in that fairenesse which hee gaue her Iam Regina venit now comes the Queene of Graces This is she Now as Faith excells all other graces so there is a speciall degree of faith that excells all other degrees For euery faith is not a sauing faith The King of Syria commanded his Captaines y Fight neither with small nor great saue onely with the King of Israel How should they know him By his Princely attire and royall deportment Perhaps they met with many glorious personages slew heere and there one none of them was the King of Israel Setting vpon Iehoshaphat they said Surely this is the King of Israel no it was not One drew a bow at a venture smote a man in his Charet and that was the King of Israel The faith that belieues Gods Word to be true is a good faith but not Illa fides that sauing Faith The faith that beleeues Christ to be the worlds Sauiour is a true faith but not that faith The faith that belieues many men shall be saued is vera fides non illa fides a true faith but not that faith The faith that beleeues a mans owne soule redeemed iustified saued by the merits of Iesus Christ not without vvorks answerable to this beliefe this is that faith That was the King of Israel and this is the Queene of Isra●… all the other be but her attendants There is Fides Sentiends Assentiendi and Appropriandi a man may haue the first and not the second he may haue the first and second and yet not the third but if he haue the third degree he hath all the former Some know the truth but doe not consent to it some know it and assent to it yet beleeue not their owne part they that belieue their own mercy haue all the rest As meat digested turnes to iuyce in the stomake to bloud in the liuer to spirits in the heart so faith is in the braine knowledge in the reason assent in the heart application As the child in the wombe hath first a vegetatiue life then a sensitiue last a rationall So faith as meere knowledge hath but a vegetation as allowance but sense onely the applying and apportioning the merites of Christ to the owne soule by it this is the rationall the very life of it But thus we may better exemplifie this Similitude The vegetatiue soule is the soule of plants and it is a true soule in the kind though it haue neither sense nor reason The sensitiue soule is the soule of beasts a true soule includes vegetation but is voide of reason The rationall soule is the soule of man a distinct soule by it selfe comprehends both vegetation and sense hauing added to them the perfection of reason So there are three kindes or degrees of Faith 1. To belieue there is a God this is the faith of Pagans and it is a true faith though it neither belieue the Word of God nor mercy from God 2. To belieue that what God sayes is true this is the faith of deuils and reprobates and a true faith including the faith of Pagans and going beyond it yet it apprehends no mercy 3. To belieue on God to rely vpon his mercy in Christ and to affie their owne reconciliation this is the faith of the Elect comprehends both the former yet is a distinct faith by it selfe This faith onely saues and it hath two properties 1. It is a repenting faith for Repentance is Faiths Vsher deawes all her way with teares Repentance reades the Law and weepes Faith reads the Gospell and comforts Both haue seueral bookes in their hands Poenitentia intuetur Mosem Fides Christum Repentance lookes on the rigorous brow of Moses Faith beholds the sweet countenance of Christ Iesus 2. It is a working faith if it worke not it is dead and a dead faith no more saues then a painted fire warmes Faith is a great Queene her cloathing is of wrought gold the virgins her companions that follow her are good deeds Omnis fidelis tantum credit quantum sperat amat quantum credit sperat amat tantum operatur A Christian so farre beleeues as he hopes and loues and so farre as he belieues hopes and loues he workes Now as Moses is said to see him that is invisible because he saw his back-parts and as when we see the members of the body mouing to their seuerall functions we know there is a soule within albeit vnseene so faith cannot
eye Faith like the Hand layes vnremoued hold on Christ Hope like the Foote walkes toward him in an holy expectation patiently enduring all wrongs in hope of sweet issue Sight which belongs to the Eye shall fully apprehend him when it is gloryfied In this bright knowledge we shall all meete Our present knowledge shall be excelled by our future in 5. differences 1. In qualitie this is an abstracted knowledge of Christ absent that a plenary knowledge of Christ present Ex abstractiua fit intuitiua notitia The light of a lampe vanisheth when the glorious sunne appeareth If our knowledge were mundus eruditionis a world of learning yet is it but eruditio mundi the learning of the world of narrow bounds in regard of the knowledge in heauen 2. In quantitie euen that we know now shall be known then in a greater measure The orbes elements planets plants the herbes of the field parts of our own bodyes we know now but alas weakly in regard of that perfection which this future life shall giue vs. Indeed the Christian for his owne sauing health knowes so much as is able to make him euerlastingly blessed for he knowes Christ his Sauiour and that is eternall life But then he shall know him in a higher measure and perfectly see those things now vnconceaueable Paul heard vnspeakable words in his rapture aboue which below he confesseth not possible for man to vtter 3. In perfection or maturitie Our knowledge heere growes from degree there it shall be one and the same receauing or requiring no augmentation They goe from strength to strength how long till they appeare before God in Sion 4. In continuance Earthly knowledge is momentany all skill in tongs and arts is like the authors mortall and shall come to an end The most famous Artists haue often either mette with a derogate name or beene buried in obliuion The study of Christ is onely eternall and shall not be abrogated but perfected we shall know then as we are knowne 5. In vnitie various dissonant and not seldome repugnant is humane knowledge indeed not worthy the name of knowledge for it is Opinion Man is contrary to man yea man to himselfe this same vnum sentire to be of one minde is difficult if not impossible to be found Though wee ayme our knowledge at one marke yet some shoote on the right hand some on the left some short others shoote ouer hauing a knowledge that puffeth vp Whose learning hath in it some poyson if it be let goe without the true correctiue of it But at this expected day we shall all meete in an vnitie of knowledge Of the Sonne of God That eternall Sonne of God who in the fulnesse of time became for vs the Sonne of man shall then be more clearly knowne to vs. We now beleeue his truth of perfection we shall then see his perfection of truth We shall brightly apprehend the vnconceiueable mysterie of him who is Filius Dei sine matre filius hominis sine patre the Sonne of God without mother the sonne of man without father If any aske whether our knowledge shall extend no further then to Christ our Sauiour There is no doubt but as we know our elder brother set in his throne aboue all the powers of heauen so we shall also knowe the rest of our fraternitie Loue is a grace that neuer fades and therefore shall haue knowledge to make way before it We shall loue the Saints I may inferre wee shall know them Peter knew Moses and Elias on the Mount whom yet before he neuer saw why then should we not know them in heauen and if them why not other of our glorified friends If nothing but that which is earthly and sauours of corruption shall cease and fall off like Eliah's mantle then knowledge must needs remaine being a diuine grace pure and euerlasting as the soule But seeke we to know the Sonne of God here to be our Sauiour and without doubt hereafter we shall know him to be our glorifier Whereunto To a perfect man Before hee speakes in the plurall number of a multitude We shall All meete noweby a sweete kind of Solaecisme he compacts it into the singular all into one We shall All meete to a perfect man Here lie three notes not to be balked 1. This shewes what the vnitie of the Saints shall be one man Here they are sometimes sayd to haue one heart one soule there they shall be one man That not a carnall corruptible sinfull man for he may dissent from himselfe but a perfect man Not materially for there shall bee distinct bodies and soules still as here but metaphorically in regard of the neuer-iarring harmonie Oh sweete musicke where the symphonie shall exceedingly delight vs without diuision without frets 2. The whole Church is compared to a man we haue often read it compared to a body here to a man As in other places to a Body cuius Cap●… est Christus whose Head is Christ so our Apostle here ver 16. speaketh of our growing to the Head which is Christ. So in this place to a Man cuius anima est Christus whose soule is Christ. Now the soule in the body encreaseth not augmentatiuely but secundum vigorem transfusing into the bodie her vertuall powers operations more strongly Christ is euer the same Heb. 13. Iesus Christ yesterday and to day and the same for euer In this soule there is no mutation but the body encreaseth with the encrease of God For as Christ encreaseth the strength of his grace in vs so we grow to perfection 3. Full perfection is onely reserued for heauen and not granted till we meete in glory then shall the Church be one perfect man We may be now mundi saith Aug. cleane yet still mundandi to be cleansed Not so perfect but still glad of mercie Our puritie is not in facto but in fieri inchoate not finished though begunne All our righteousnes consists in the not imputation of our sinnes Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie Summa perfectio imperfectionis confessio Our greatest cleannesse is the free acknowledging our vilenesse The other immunitie shall be when there are no passions in men no lusts capable of sinne nowe it is well if wee liue without scandall without eruption though not without corruption Non sine culpa●…ed sine querela And so the commendation of Zacharie must be vnderstood which calleth him righteous walking in all the commaundements of the Lord blamelesse He liued blamelesse in the worlds eye not in the Lords If thou shouldest marke iniquitie O Lord who shall stand Especially when his eye of iustice onely shall looke vpon it Vae etiam laudabili vitae hominum si remota misericordia discutiatur Woe to the most commendable life of man if mercie bee remooued when it is examined It is enough to proue Zacharie a sinner in that hee
was a Priest For it was imposed on the Priest first to offer for his owne sinnes and then the sinnes of the people which had beene needlesse if the Priest had not beene guiltie of sinne and liable to condemnation The iustification of Dauid seemes to rise higher Psal. 17. Thou hast tryed me and shalt find nothing What! hath God tryed him the searcher of the hearts that sees into all the inward cabbins and hidden concaues of the soule and shall he find nothing not great impieties not lesse infirmities nothing This phrase seemes generall yet is not totally exclusiue nothing against Saul no trecherie or iniustice against the Lords annointed So it is by Euthymius and must bee restrictiuely considered Otherwise Dauid had many sinnes originall I was conceiued in sinne actuall and publicke in slaying not a Philistine but an Israelite an Israelite his subiect his honest and worthy subiect and that by the sword of the vncircumcised and yet more by a wile sending for him home and making him drunke And to ripen this blister he adulterizeth with his wife he hath had many wiues robbes his poore neighbour of his singular comfort onely wife These were apparant vniustifiable impieties which makes him fall to a Psalme of mercy Haue mercy vpon me O Lord haue mercy vpon me heale my soule for I haue sinned against thee These were knowne to the world no doubt diuers others were knowne to his owne heart and yet more which neither the world nor his owne heart knew who can tell how oft he offendeth O cleanse thou me from my secret faults Yet in the matter of Saule thou canst find nothing As Bishop Latimer once said in his Sermon before King Edw. 6. For sedition me thinkes for ought I know if I may so speake I should not need Christ. Dauid was no traitour but Dauid was an adulterer He was in many personall faults an offender but as a subiect he was a good subiect as a King an excellent Prince No lesse is the praise of Iob a perfect and vpright man none like him in the earth Which yet is not to be taken for a positiue but comparatiue commendation There was none like him in that part of the earth and he was perfect in regard of those vitious times Heare himselfe speake How shall a man be iust with God and ver 28. I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent Let then the Pelagian drinke neuer so deepe in this iustifying cup of their owne righteousnes and let the Papist as deeply pledge him yet perfection is reserued for another world when we shall meete to a perfect man Here we may haue it partially there gradually here so much as belongs Ad viam to our way Phil. 3. Let vs as many as are perfect be thus minded there onely that is proper Ad patriam to our countrey ver 12. not as though we were already perfect but following after c. Let vs 1. be humble in acknowledging our owne wants and sinnes who cannot to God contending with vs answere one of a thousand Nec millessimae nec minimae parti sayth Bern. 2. Labour to perfection in forgetting those things which are behind and reading forth vnto those things which are before 3. Comfort our endeuouring hearts with this sweete encouragement we shall one day meete to a perfect man To the measure of the stature The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before translated Age is now better by our New and according to Beza Stature If any will here ground that in heauen we shall liue in that measure of Christs age and stature wherein he dyed I subscribe not but am silent It is not safe wading without a bottome Onely thus much there shall be nothing wanting to make our glory perfect and whether you conceaue the 33 yeare of a mans age to be the beauty and compleat perfection I dispute not This implies a spirituall stature whereunto euery Saint must grow Whence inferre 1. That we must grow vp so fast as we can in this life ioyning to faith vertue to vertue knowledge c. We must encrease our talents enlarge our graces shoote vp in talenesse grow vp to this stature For Gods familie admits no dwarfes stunted profession was neuer found If the sappe of grace be in a plant it will shoote out in boughes of good wordes and fruit of good workes alwayes expected the winter of an afflicted conscience If a table and consumption take our graces they had neuer good lungs the true breath of Gods Spirit in them 2. God will so ripen our Christian endeuours that though we come short on earth we shall haue a full measure in heauen We haue a great measure of comfort here but withall a large proportion of distresse there we shall haue a full measure heapen and shaken and thrust together and yet running ouer without the least bitternesse to distast it This is a high and a happie measure Regard not what measure of outward things thou hast so thou get this measure Trouble not thy selfe with many things this one is sufficient the better part the greater measure neuer to be lost or lessned Open both thine eyes of Reason and Faith and see first the litle helpe that lyes in great worldly riches As the partrich sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not so he that getteth riches and not by right shall leaue them in the 〈◊〉 of his dayes and at his end shall be a f●…e A bird that steales young ones from other birds and tenderly nourisheth them is mocked for her motherly kindnes when they are fligge Euen now shee had many running after her by and by they giue her the slip are all gone pleasures delights riches are hatched and brooded by the wicked as their owne But when God at whose command they are calls them away they take them to their heeles like fugitiues they are gone and no officer can bring them backe The rich man may shut vp his wealth for a season but as a bird in a cage if it spye a hole open it is gone and flyes farre enough beyond recouerie towring like an Eagle euen vp toward heauen were thy measure neuer so ample as full as his Barnes Luke 12. yet but a night a peece of a night all is gone The first borne of death shall deuoure his strength sayth Bildad and it shall bring him to the King of terrors what helpe is in weaknes neuer talke of helping thee with fine floure and the best grapes the richest excrements of wormes silken garments thou wilt one day say this is no succour No that is succour which will help thee in anguish of thy soule and distresse of thy consience calme the troubles of thy spirit and heale the wounds of thy broken heart when the horrour of death and terrours of sinne sharpened with a keene edge of Gods Iustice shall beseege thee now let the thing be praysed
with the workes that are therein shall be burnt vp The workes of mens hands the workes of their brines their very thoughts shall perish The Lords voyce shooke the earth and hee hath saide yet once againe I will shake not the earth onely but also heauen O blessed place that is not subiect to this shaking whose ioyes haue not onely an amiable countenance but a glorious continuance The things that are shaken shall be remoued but the things that are not shaken remaine for euer All the terrours of this worlde mooue not him that is fixed in heauen Impauidum ferient ruinae They that put their trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion which cannot beremoued but abideth for euer But the Tabernacles and hopes of the wicked shall perish together For the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God abideth euer Whereon sayth August Quid vis Vtrum amare temporalia transire cum tempore an amare Christum viuere in aeternum Whether wilt thou loue the world and perish with it or loue Christ liue for euer 3. Myracle The rockes rent A wonderfull act to breake stones and rend rockes This giues vs two obseruations 1. This did foresignifie the power and efficacie of the Gospell that it should bee able to breake the very rockes As the death and passion of Christ did cleaue those solid and almost impenetrable substances so the publishing of his death and passion shall rend and breake in pieces the rockie hearts of men So Iohn Baptist said God is able of stones to rayse vp children vnto Abraham The hearts of Zaccheus Mary Magdalene Paul were such rockes yet they were cleft with the wedge of the Gospell This is that Rod of Moses able to breake the hardest Rockes till they gush out with flouds of penitent teares This is Ieremies hammer powerfull to bruise the most obdurate hearts The bloud of the Goate sacrificed of force to dissolue Adamant There is power in the bloud of Iesus to put sense into stones Blessed are you if you be thus broken-hearted for him whose heart was broken for you For the broken heart the Lord will not despise 2. Obserue the wonderfull hardnesse of the Iewes hearts The stones rent and claue in sunder at the cruell death of Iesus but their hearts more stony then stones are no whit moued They rend not their garments much lesse their hearts when as the earth rent the Stones her bones and the rockes her ribbes The flints are softer then they the flints breake they harden They still belch their malicious blasphemies the rocks relent the stones are become men and the men stones O the sencelesnesse of a hard heart rockes will sooner breake then that can be mollified Euen the hardest creatures are flexible to some agents flints to the raine iron to the fire stones to the hammer but this heart yeelds to nothing neyther the showers of mercie nor the hammer of reproofe nor the fire of Iudgements but like the stithy are still the harder for beating All the plagues of Egypt cannot mollifie the heart of Pharaoh It is wondrously vnnaturall that men made the softest hearted of all should be rigidiores lupis duriores lapidibus more cruell then wolues more hard then stones I woulde to GOD all hard-heartednesse had dyed with these Iewes but it is not so Howe often hath Christ beene here crucified in the word preaching his Crosse to your eares in the Sacraments presenting his death to your eyes thinke thinke in your owne soules haue not the stones in the walles of this Church beene as much moued God forbid our obduratenesse should be punished as theirs was since they would be so stony-hearted Ierusalem was turned to a heape of stones and the conquering Romanes dasht them pitifully against those stones which they exceeded in hardnesse Here let the wicked see their doome the stones that will not be softned shall be broken There is no changing the decree of God but change thy nature and then know thou art not decreed to death Stony harts shall bee broken to pieces with vengeance doe not striue to alter that doome but alter thy owne stony heart to a heart of flesh and so preuent it in the particular Wolues and goates shall not enter into heauen thou maiest pull starres out of heauen before alter this sentence but doe it thus Leaue that nature and become one of Christes sheepe and then thou art sure to enter No adulter●… nor couetous person sayth Paul shall inherite the kingdo●… of heauen this doome must stand but not against thee if thou bee conuerted Such were ye but ye are washed c. You are not such Had the Iewes ceased to be stones they had beene spared God will roote thornes and bryers out of his vineyard if thou wouldst not haue him roote out thee become a Vine and bring forth good grapes God threatens to breake the hairy sealpe of him that goes on in sinne yet mayest thou ward this blow from thy selfe Goe no further on in sinne When God comes in iudgement to visite the earth to shatter rockes and breake stones in peeces thou hast a heart of flesh mollified with repentance Let the earth quake and the rockes teare thy faith hath saued thee goe in peace 4. Miracle The graues were opened and many bodyes of Sanits which slept arose Concerning this two questions are moued 1. Where their soules were all this while before I answere where the scripture hath no tongue we should haue no eare Most probably thus their soules were in heauen in Abrahams bosome and came downe to their bodyes by diuine dispensation to manifest the power and Deitie of Christ. 2. Whither they went afterwards I answere by the same likelyhood that they died no more but waited on the earth till Christs resurrection and then attended him to heauen But these things that are concealed should not be disputed Tutum est nescire quod tegitur It is a safe ignorance where a man is not commanded to know Let vs then see what profitable instructions we can hence deriue to our selues They are many and therefore I will but lightly touch them 1. This teacheth vs that Christ by his death hath vanquished death euen in the graue his owne chamber That gyant is subdued the graues flie open the dead goe out This beares ample witnesse to that speach of Christ. I am the resurrection and the life he that beleeueth in me though he were dead yet shall he liue The bodies of the Saints what part of the earth or sea soeuer holds their dusts shall not be detayned in prison when Christ cals for them as the members must needs goe when the Head drawes them He shall speake to all creatures Reddite quod deuorastis restore whatsoeuer of man you haue deuoured not a dust not a bone can be denyed The bodyes of the Saints shall be raised sayth August Tanta
facilitate quanta faelicitate with as much easynes as happynes Desinunt ista non pereunt mors intermittit vitam non eripit Our bodies are left for a time but perish not death may discontinue life not conclude it Intermittit●… non interimitur it may be paused cannot be destroyed 2. Obserue that all the dead doe not rise but Many and those Saints The generall resurrection is reserued to the last day this a pledge or earnest of it Now who shall rise with this comfort none but Saints as here Christ takes no other company from the graues but Saints The dead in Christ shall rise first Christ is called The first borne from the dead He hath risen and his shall next follow him Euerie man in his owne order Christ the first fruits afterward they that are Christs at his comming Wormes and corruption shall not hinder he that sayd To Corruption thou art my mother and to the wormes you are my brethren and sisters sayd also I know that my Redeemer liueth and one day with these eyes I shall behold him The wicked shall also be raised though with horrour to looke vpon him whom they haue pierced But as Christ did here so will he at the last single out the Saints to beare him companie 3. This sheweth the true operation of Christs death in all men We are all dead in our sins as these bodies were in their graues now when Christs death becomes effectuall to our soules we rise againe and become new creatures From the graue of this world we come into the Church the holy Citie But thou complainest of the deadnes of thy hart it is well thou complainest there is some life or thou couldst not feele the deadnesse The houre is comming now is when the dead shall heare the voice of the Sonne of God and they that heare it shall liue If this word hath raysed thee from death and wrought spirituall life in thy heart thou shalt perceiue it by thy breathing words glorifying God by thy mouing in the waies to the workes of obedience 4 Obserue that these Saints which arose are sayd to haue Slept The death of the godly is often called a Sleepe So it is sayd of the Patriarches and Kings of Iudah they slept with their fathers So Paul saith they sleep in Christ. The Coffin is a couch In quo molliùs dormit qui benè in vita laborauit wherein hee takes good rest that hath wrought hard in the worke of his saluation before he went to bed Foelix somnus cum requie requies cum voluptate voluptas ●…um aeternitate It is a sweete sleepe that hath peace with rest rest with pleasure pleasure with euerlastingnes So the godly sleepe till the Sound of a Trumpet shall waken them and then eternall glory shall receiue them 5. Lastly obserue that Ierusalem is called the Holy citie though she were at this time a sinke of sinne and a debaushed harlot Either as some thinke that she is called holy because she was once holy So Rahab is called the harlot because she was a harlot Simon is termed the Leper for that hee was a leper and Mathew the Publican for that he was a Publican Or els she was called holy for the couenants sake in regard of the Temple sacrifices seruice of God and of the elect people of God that were in it Whence we may inferre how vnlawfull it is to separate from a Church because it hath some corruptions Is apostate Ierusalem that hath crucified her Sauiour called still the holy Citie and must England that departeth in nothing from the faith and doctrine of her Sauiour for some scarce discernible Imperfections be reiected as a foedifragous strumpet But there be wicked persons in it what then Shee may be still a holy Cittie Recedatur ab iniquitate non ab iniquis Let vs depart from sinne we cannot runne from sinners Thus we haue considered the Miracles let vs now looke into the causes wherefore they were wrought These may be reduced into fiue In respect of The Sufferer dying The Creatures obeying The Iewes persecuting The Women beholding The Disciples forsaking 1. In regard of Christ to testifie not onely his Innocencie but his Maiestie His Innocencie that hee was as Pilates wife acknowledged a Iust man His Maiestie as the Centurion confessed Seeing the earth quake and the things that were done Truely this was the Sonne of God He seemed a worme no man the contempt and derision of the people forsaken of his confidence in the midst of all God will not leaue him without witnesses but raiseth vp senseles creatures as Preachers of his deitie Est aterni filius qui illic pendet mortuus He that hangs there dead on the Crosse is the Sonne of the eternall God Rather then the children of God shall want witnesses of their integritie God will worke myracles for their testimonie 2. In regard of the Creatures to shew their Obedience to their Creator they are not wanting to him that gaue being to them These demonstrate it was their Lord that suffered and that they were ready to execute vengeance on his murderers The heauen that was darke would haue rained fire on them the earth that quaked shooke them to peeces the rockes that rent tumbled on them and the graues that opened to let out other prisoners haue swallowed them quicke They all waited but his command to performe this revengefull execution Who shall now dare to persecute Christ in his members The stones are thy enemies the earth gapes for thee hell it selfe enlargeth her iawes if the Lord but hisse to them they are suddenly in an vprore against thee Goe on in your malice ye raging persecutors you cannot wrong Christ no not in his very members but you pull the fists of all creatures in heauen earth and hell about your eares flies from the aire beasts from the earth poison from sustenance thunder from the clouds yea at last also though now they helpe you the very deuils from hell against you All creatures shoote their malignancie at them that shoot theirs at Christ. 3. In respect of the Iewes his enemies to shame and confound them The rockes and graues are moued at his passion not they Lapides tremunt homines fremunt The stones rent the huge earth quakes with feare the Iewes rage with malice We see how difficult it is to mollifie a hard heart harder then to remoue a mountaine raise the dead cleaue a rocke shake the whole earth It is a great mryacle to conuert a wicked man greater then rending of rockes Moses rod stroke a Rocke thrice and did it ministers haue stroke mens rocky harts three hundreth times and cannot The graues sooner open then the sepulchers of sinne and darkenes the vast earth sooner quakes then mens hearts at Gods iudgements 4. In respect of the women that stood by that their faith might be confirmed For seeing him on the Crosse at their mercie
whose bowels neuer knew the softnes of such a nature exposed to all the tyrannie of their hands and tongs hands that like cruell Chirurgions searched euery part of his blessed body tongues that ranne nimbly through all the passages of obloquie till they had ouertaken reproch it selfe and cast it on him His body at the full will of the tormenters and his soule not without intolerable terrors as they might iudge by strange speech that came from him My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Doth man triumph ouer him and doth God forsake him This might breed in their hearts a suspition either that hee was a deceiuer or else vtterly cut off To stifle this doubt in the very birth hee shakes the earth and rends the rockes that as they knew him dying Hominem v●…rum so they might perceaue him doing these myracles not Hominem merum but the euerliuing God These wonders blow the sparke of their faith almost dying with Christ and roote in their hearts a deepe and infallible perswasion of their Sauiour Something there is to keepe the faith of the elect from quenching though Satan raigne on it showres of discomforts Though no obiect greets the eye of flesh but discouragement yet there is a secret Sp●…it within that will neuer suffer the faith to faile 5. In regard of the Disciples to shame and conuince them for leauing him Christ had said before Luk. 19. Si hitacerent loquerentur lapides If these speaking of his Disciples should hold their peace the stones would immediatly cry out Loe this saying is here come to passe the Disciples hold their peace the stones speake they forsake Christ the rockes proclaime him Such a shame is it for Apostles and ministers of Christ to hold their peace that if they be silent the very stones shall preach against them The walles windowes pauements of Churches shall cry out against such Pastors that vndertake the office of a sheep-heard and feed Christ his flocke with nothing but ayre And euen you that come to heare if no remorse can be put into your hearts at the relation of our Sauiours death if you haue no feeling of his sorrowes no apprehension of these mysteries no repentance of your sinnes no emendation of your liues know that the very seates whereon you sit the walles of your Temples the very stones you tread on shall beare witnesse against you Now the Lord Iesus that at his death brake the Rockes by the vertue of his death breake our rocky hearts that being mollified in this life they may be glorified in the life to come Grant this O Father for thy mercies sake O Christ for thy merits sake O holy Spirit for thy names sake To whom three persons one onely wise and eternall God be glory and prayse for euer Amen THE FOOLE And His Sport PROV 14. 9. Fooles make a mocke at sinne THE Prouerbes of Salomon are so many select aphorismes or diuinely morall Sayes without any mutuall dependance one vpon another Therefore to studie a coherence were to force a marriage betweene vnwilling parties The words read spend themselues on a description of two things the Foole and his Sport The Foole is the wicked man his Sport pastime or babble is Sinne. Mocking is the medium or connexion that brings together the Foole and Sinne thus he makes himselfe merry they meete in mocking The foole makes a mocke at sinne Fooles The foole is the wicked an ignorant heart is alwayes a sinfull heart and a man without knowledge is a man without grace So Thamar to Ammon vnder his rauishing hands Doe not this folly If thou doest it Thou shalt be as one of the Fooles in Israell Ignorance cannot excusare a toto wilfull not a tanto Christ shall come in flaming fire rendring vengeance to them that knowe not God The state of these Fooles is fearefull Like hooded Hawkes they are easily carryed by the Infernall Falconer to hell Their lights are out how shall their house scape robbing These Fooles haue a knowledge but it is to doe euill They haue also a knowledge of good but not scientiam approbationis they know but they refuse it So God iustly quites them for though hee knowe them ad scientiam he will not know them ad approbationem But giues them a Discedite nescio vos I know you not depart from me ye workers of iniquitie A man may be a Foole two wayes by knowing too Little Much. 1. By knowing too little when hee knoweth not those things whereof he cannot be ignorant and doe well I determined not to know any thing among you saue Iesus Christ and him crucified But euery man sayth hee knowes Christ. If men knew Christ his loue in dying for them they would loue him aboue all thinges how doe they know him that loue their money aboue him Nemo verè nouit Christum qui non verè amat Christum No man knowes Christ truely that loues him not syncerely If men knew Christ that he should be Iudge of quicke and dead durst they liue so lewdly Non nouit Christum qui non odit peccatum Hee neuer knew Christ that doth not hate iniquitie Some attribute too much to themselues as if they would haue a share with Christ in their owne saluation Nesciunt Christum seipsos they are ignorant of both Christ and themselues Others lay too much on Christ all the burden of their sinnes which they can with all possible voracitie swallow downe and blasphemie vomite vp againe vpon him But they know not Christ who thus seeke to diuide Aquam a sanguine his bloud from his water and they shall faile of iustification in heauen that refuse sanctification vpon earth 2. By knowing too much when a man presumes to know more then he ought His knowledge is apt to be pursie and grosse and must be kept low Mind not high things sayth the Apostle Festus slandered Paul that much learning had made him madde Indeed it might haue done if Paul had bin as proud of his learning as Festus was of his honour This is the knowledge that puffeth vp It troubles the braine like vndigested meate in the stomach or like the scumme that seeths into the broth To auoyd this follie Paul fortbids vs to be wise in our owne conceites Whereof I find wo readings Be not wise in your selues and Be not wise to your selues Not in your selues coniure not your witte into the circle of your owne secret profit Wee account the simple Fooles God accounts the crafty Fooles He that thinkes himselfe wise is a Foole ipso facto It was a modest speech that fell from the Philosopher Si quando fatuo delectari volo non est mihi longè quaerendus me video Therfore Christ pronounced his Woes to the Pharises his doctrines to the people The first entrie to wisedome is Scire quod nescias to know thy ignorance Sobrietie is the measure for knowledge as the
Which mysterie they thus resolue that the Lyon of Iudah should one day giue himselfe for vs a perfect expiatory Sacrifice Thus Once in the end of the world hath hee appeared to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe 7. The last poynt is the Effect Of a sweet smelling sauour Here is the fruit and efficacie of all Neuer was the Lord pleased with sinfull man till now Were he neuer so angry here is a pacification a sweete sauour If the whole world were quintessenced into one per●…ume it could not yeeld so fragrant a smell We are all of our selues putida putrida cad●…vera dead and stinking carkases the pure nostrels of the most holy cannot endure vs behold the per●…ume that sweetens vs the redeeming bloud of the Lord Iesus This so filles him with a delightfull sent that hee will not smell our noisome wickednesse Let me leaue you with this comfort in your bosomes How vnsavoury soever our owne sin●… haue made vs yet if our hand of faith lay hold on this Saviours censor God will sent none of our corruptions but we shall smell sweetely in his nostrels Be●…d for all O deare Iesus Mori deb●… tusolvis 〈◊〉 peccavi●…us tu ●…uis Opus sine exemplo gratia sine merito ch●…as sine ●…do We should die thou payest it we haue offended thou art punished A mercie without example a favour without merite a loue without measure Therefore I conclude my Sermon as we all shut vp our prayers with this one clause Through our Lord Iesus Christ. O Father of mercie accept our Sacrifice of Prayer and Prayse for his Sacrifice of payne and merite even for our Lord Iesus Christ his sake To whom with the Father blessed Spirit be all glory for ever Amen THE GOOD POLITICIAN DIRECTED MATTH 10. 16. Be ye wise as Serpents and harmelesse as Doues OV●… of euery creature simply considered there is some good to bee learned The diuine Poet sweetly The World 's a Schoole where in a generall si●…rie God alwayes reads dumbe l●…ctures of his glorie It is a three leau'd booke Heauen Earth and Sea and euery leafe of this booke euery line of euery leafe euery creature in this vniuerse can read to man for whom they were made a Diuinitie lecture In a speaking silence they preach to vs that Deitie which made both them and vs and them for vs. Secul●…m Speculum the world is a glasse wherein wee may behold our Creators Maiestie From the highest Angell to the lowest worme all instruct vs somewhat For one and the same almightie hand that made the Angels in heauen made also the wormes on earth Non superior in illis non inferior in istis Besides this generall lecture they haue all their particular schoole Salomon sends vs to the A●…t to learne Prouidence Esay to the Oxe to learne thankfulnesse Many beasts doe excell Man in many naturall things Nos aper auditu praecellit a●…anea tactu Vultur odoratu Lynx visu simia gustu The Bore excels vs in hearing the spider in touching the Vulture in smelling the Lynx in seeing the Ape in tasting Some haue obserued that the art of curing the eyes was first taken from the Swallowes The E●…gles haue taught vs architecture we receiued the light of Phlebotomie from the Hippopotamas The Egyptian bird Ibis first gaue to Physicians knowledge how to vse the Glister The Spider taught vs to Weaue Here the Serpent instructs vs in Policie the Doue in simplicitie Now we are falne among Serpents stinging serpents enemies to man can wee fetch away any good from them Yes those very venemous and malicious creatures shall afford vs Documenta not Nocumenta they shall teach vs not touch vs. I may say of them as it is sayd of the Iewes Hostes sunt in cordibus suffragatores in codicibus They are our enemies in their hearts our friends in their bookes The malice of Serpents is mortall their vse shall be vitall So it may so it shall if our sobrietie keepe the allowed compasse For our imitation is limited qualified We must not be in all points like Serpents nor in all respects like Doues but in some but in this Be ye wise as serpents harmelesse as doues Perhaps other vses might be accommodated As the Serpent might teach vs how with wisedome to dwell below on the earth and the Doue with wings of innocence to flie vp to heauen aboue We may in earthly matters keepe a serpentine and winding motion but to heauen with the Doue we must haue a strait course But I confine my selfe to the pith of the Text and our Sauiours meaning Be wise as Serpents innocent as Doues The words may not vnfitly be distinguished into a Perhibition Cohibition as it were the Raines and the Curbe The Perhibition allowance or Raines Be wise as serpents The Cohibition correctiue restraint or Curbe Be harmelesse as Doues They must goe hand in hand without disiunction Vnited they are commodious parted dangerous There is a necessitie of their vnion to our peace diuide them and you loose your selues Witte without innocence will offend others Innocence without witte will not defend our selues Prudentia sine simplicitate malitia simplicitas sine prudentia stultitia Witte without innocence is wickednesse innocence without witte is foolishnes Whosoeuer hath the one and wants the other must needs be either guiltie of follie or of dishonestie Least we be too craftie and circumuent others let vs keepe the innocencie of the Doue least we be too simple and others circumuent vs let vs keepe the wisedome of the Serpent Let vs first see from the Serpent how we should bee wise and then goe to the Doue for innocence Sixe principall Lessons of Wisedome the Serpent may teach vs. 1. Their first policie is by all possible meanes to defend their head If they must encounter with danger they expose their whole body to it but howsoeuer they will safeguard their head They write of them that though all a serpents body be mangled vnlesse his head be cut off which he cunningly hides by a kind of attractiue power and vigor one part will come to another againe This is to vs a singular document of Wisedome to looke well to our Head Christ is our Head and the sinewes and nerues that knitte vs to him is our Faith and Hope let vs preserue these indanted indamaged We fight against an enemie that seekes especially to wound vs there He strikes indeed at euery place he hath sayth Ierome no●…ina mille mille nocendi artes therefore Paul chargeth vs to Put on the whole armour of God that we may be able to stand against all the w●…les of the Deuill but especially the head Aboue all take the shield of Faith and the Helmet of saluation saue the Head Protect all parts if it be poss●…le let not oppression wound thee in the hand nor blasphemie in the tongue nor wantonnes in the eye nor couetousnesse
remoued from her as hell is from heauen Let the hand of mercie dry her eyes and wipe away her teares Let those glorious spirits lift her vp to the place of rest Let heauen adde to her beautie Immortalitie set her in a throne of ioy and Eternitie crowne her with glorie Whether may all her children follow her through the bloud and merites of that most innocent Lambe Iesus Christ. Amen THE WAY HOME MATTH 2. 12. And being warned of God in a dreame that they should not returne to Herod they departed into their owne Countrey another way WHen these Wise men had presented to Christ their gifts which indeed he first gaue them for the earth is his and the fulnesse thereof yet he rewardes them They emptied their Treasures of Gold Myrrhe and Frankincense and he filled the treasure of their hearts with heauenly graces For their Gold he returnes them pure wisedome They were called Wise men before but their wisedome was infernall downewards to hell perhaps consulting with Deuils Now he giues them Wisedome from aboue pure and refined as gold For their Frankincense he purgeth them of their former superstitious Idolatries from sacrificings to Satan and instructs them to whom frankincense is due and all other offerings of pietie to their Creator and Sauiour For their Myrrhe he giues them Charitie a true loue to him that so truely loued them and for his sake a loue to others They made then a blessed exchange with Christ when for Gold Frankincense Myrrhe they receiued Wisedome Devotion Charitie Now to testifie how highly the Lord fauoured them he speakes to them in a dreame and reveales his mind for the safety of his Sonne that they should not returne to Herode And to witnesse how truely they serued the Lord they gaue obedience They departed into their owne countrey another way The whole may be distinguished into An Informing into a word Performing worke God giues the word the Magi doe the worke God doth informe and they performe Hee instructeth and they execute He giues direction they obedience His word informance instruction direction is He warned them in a dreame that they should not returne to Herod Their worke performance pliable obedience They departed into their countrey another way In the direction or monition Informing are considerable these three circumstances The Men Wise men Magicians Maner In a dreame Matter That they should not returne to Herod The Persons to whom God gaue this admonition are expressely called Wise men Some say they were also Great men If so then was this reuelation made Potentibus Petentibus 1. To great men It is the opinion of some that these magi were kings that the Euangelist in calling them wise men gaue them a more honourable title then if hee had called them kings So Ludolphus sayes that Magus was in those dayes more noble then Magnus But wee must know who they are that thus stile them Fryers Iesuites such as can by no meanes endure the superiority of Princes That are Derisores hominum maxime potentū Hereon some of them haue mooted strange problemes able to fill whole volumes An Sacerdotes Regibus praeferendi Whether Priests be not aboue kings But still the conclusion is against Princes Some more moderate on that side haue confessed them not Reges but Regulos litle kings petit Princes Like those one thirtie kings that conspired against Iosuah Or those fifty that met at Troy There is a kind of king in France whom the common people call Le Roy Dlynetot But that these were but three in number and kings in power it may be painted in a popish window is not in Catholickes bible therefore needs not be in a Christians creed 2. Howsoeuer these Magi were Potentes or no they were Petentes Though they were great men yet they humbly seeke the greatest of men yea the great God Iesus And behold gratiously the Lord offers himselfe to their search according to his infallible promise that he will be found out of al that seeke him Dedit aspicientibus intellectum qui praestitit signum quod fecit intelligi fecit inquiri So he offers himselfe to all faithful searchers But we cannot find him we seeke vnles he find vs first that came to seeke to saue that which was lost We seeke in vaine vnles we seeke him wee seeke him in vaine vnles he find vs. Nos ad se quarendum suscitat-se ad inveniendum porrigit He stirres vp our hearts to seeke him offers himselfe to be found There was neuer faithfull hart sought the Lord Iesus but he found him whom his soule loued His patience might be excercised his fidelity tried his desires extended by Gods hiding himselfe for a season In the night of obscurity security ignorance he may misse him ver 1. Though hee enquire among the deepest Philosophers honestest worldlings ver 2. he may not find him But. ver 3. the watchmen wil bring him to him yea ver 4. Christ himselfe wil appeare in gratious mercy He may say for a while as the Poet of Anchises Quaregio Christum quis habet locus Illius ergo Venimus Where is Christ in what countrey may I find him But the Lord Iesus will reueale himselfe yea meete him halfe way as the mercifull father mette his vnthrifty Sonne when he returned Wee shall conclude with ioy We haue found the Messias euen him of whom Moses in the Law and the prophets did write Iesus of Nazareth You heare the Persons to whom this admonition was giuen the next Circumstance is The Maner In a dreame I might here enter into a cloudy and confused discourse of Dreames till I brought you all asleepe But I loue not to fetch any bowtes when there is a neerer way Herein I may say with Augustine I would to God I could discerne betweene dreames Some are Naturall Preternaturall Supernaturall 1. Naturall and such arise either from Complexion Affection 1. From complexion or constitution The Sanguine hath merry dreames the melācholy sorrowful dreames the Cholericke dreames of fire and such turbulent thoughts the Phlegmaticke of raine of flouds and such warry obiects And as these elementall humours do abound in a man the dreames haue a stronger force and more violent perturbation 2. From Affection what a man most desires hee soonest dreames of Omnia quae sensu voluuntur vota diurno Tempore nocturno reddit amica quies Venator defessa toro dum membra reponit Mens tamen ad siluas sua lustra redit Gaudet amans furto permutat nauit a merces Et vigil elapsas quarit a●…arus opes So Augustine S●… nascitur ex studi●…s praeteritis what man desires in the day he dreames in the night The hunters mind is in the forrest whiles his wearied bones are reposed on a soft bed The souldiour dreames of batteries assault●… encounters the Lawyer of quirkes and demurres the citizen of trickes and frauds
he is Not future euents but present condition may be thus learned Neither day nor night scapes a good man without some profite the night teacheth him what he is as the day what he should be Therefore said a Philosopher that all waking men are in one common world but in sleepe euery man goes into a world by himselfe For his dreames doe signifie to him those secret inclinations to which hee thought himselfe a stranger though they were home-dwellers in his heart Euen those fancies are speaking images of a mans disposition And as I haue heard of some that talke in their dreames and then reueale those secrets which awake they would not haue disclosed So may thy dreames tell thee when thou wakest what kind of man thou art The hypocrite dreames of dissimulation the proud woman of paint and colours the theefe of robberie and booties the Iesuite of treasons Let them aske their very sleepe quale●… sint what manner of men they ar●… For so lightly they answere temptations actually waking as their thoughts doe sleeping Thus onely a man may make good vse of his dreames Here let vs obserue that God doth sometimes draw men to him suis ipsorum 〈◊〉 by their owne delights and studies No doubt these Magi were well acquainted with dreames it being amongst Ethnickes and Peripatetickes a speciall obiect of diuination Therefore there is a booke bearing the name of Aristotle De diui●…ne p●…r somnium Many ●…ors these men had swallowed by dreames now behold in a dreame they shall receiue the truth So God called them by a Starre whose profession was to relie too much on the Starres Quare per Stellam vt per Christum ipsa materia erroris fieret salutis occasio Why by a Starre that through Iesus Christ the very matter of their error might be made a meanes of their saluation Per 〈◊〉 ill●…s vocat qu●… famil●…ria illis cons●…tudo fecit God cals them by those things which custome had made familiar to them They that are stung with Scorpions must be cured by the oyle of Scorpions Thus God allures men to him as Fishermen 〈◊〉 with such baites as may bee somewhat ag●…ble to them Paul is occasioned by the Al●… 〈◊〉 the vnknow●… God to make knowne the true God the 〈◊〉 Iesus Doth Dauid loue the Sheepe-folds he shall be a Shepheard still From following the e●…s great with yong he brought him to feed Iacob his people and Isr●…ll his ●…ritance Doth Peter loue fishing he shall goe a fishing still though for more noble creatures to catch soule●… Doe these Magicians loue Starres and Dreames behold a Starre and a Dreame shall instruct them in the truth of God Old Is●… takes occasion by the smell of his Sons garments sauouring of the field to pronounce a spirituall blessing The smell of my Sonne is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed Ierome notes of Amos that he begins his Prophecie with roaring The Lord shall roare from Sion Because he being a field-man kept the woods where hee was wonted to the roaring of Lyons Iudaei signa quaerunt Doe the Iewes seeke a signe Why Christ will there euen among them worke his Myracles Doth Augustine loue eloquence Ambrose shall catch him at a Sermon All things shall worke to their good that are good Omnia etiam peccata All things euen their very sinnes sayth Augustin●… 〈◊〉 in his Essayes writes that a libidinous gentleman sporting with a Courtezan in a house of sinne chanced to aske her name which she sayd was Mary Whereat he was stricken with such a remorse and reuerence that he instantly not onely cast off the Harlot but amended his whole future life Well-beloued since this is Gods mercie to allure vs to him by our owne delights let vs yeeld our selues to be caught What scope doth thy addiction leuell at that is not sinfull which Gods word doth not promise and afford What delight can you aske which the Sanctuarie giues not Loue you hunting learne here to hunt the Foxes the little Cubbes those craftie sins sculking in your bosomes Would you dance let your hearts keepe the measures of Christian ioy and leape like Iohn the Baptist in Elizabeths wombe at the saluation of Iesus Delight you in running Paul sets you a race So runne that ye may obtaine You shall haue good company D●…id promiseth that he will run the way of Gods commandements Peter and Iohn will runne with you to Iesus Loue you Musicke Here are the Bels of Aaron still ringing the treble of Mercie and the tenor of Iudgement Leui's Lute and Dauids Harpe There are no such songs as the songs of Sion Would you be merry Reioyce in the Lord alwayes and againe I say reioyce If euer you found ioy like this ioy the peace of conscience and ioy of the holy Ghost backe againe to the world Louest thou daintie cheare here be the best cates the body and bloud of thy Sauiour the bread of life no hunger after it Wilt thou drinke much Drinke my wine and my milke drinke yea drinke abundantly O Beloued Bib●…e 〈◊〉 as the originall imports drinke and bee drunken with loues pledge the health that Christ begun euen asauing health to all nations Are you ambitious there is no preferment like that to be had here in the Court of the King of Kings Dauid iudged it no little thing to bee Sonne in law to a King but what is it then to bee a King Desire you stately buildings Alas the whole world is but a Cottage a poore transient Tabernacle to the Mansions promised by Christ. Lastly are you couetous Yet I need not aske that question but take it as granted Why then here is gold more precious then that of Arabia or of Hauilah rust or theefe may distresse that this is a treasure can neuer be lost What should I say more What can winne you Which way soeuer your desires stands God doth allure you The best thinges in earth or in heauen are your baite With these doth the Lord seeke you not for any need that he hath of you but for your owne saluation When the fairest of all Beloueds doth thus wooe vs let him winne vs and espouse vs to himselfe in grace that wee haue the plenary marriage in glory You see the Manner of their Warning The Matter That they should not returne to Herod Why not to Herod Because the Lord now lets them see his hypocrisie For howsoeuer he pretended Ver. 8. to come and worship him yet he intended not seruire but s●…uire not to honour him but to murder him He cals the Wisemen priuily as if hee quaked at the propagation of this newes for it came vpon him like the pangs of death He commands them to inquire de infante not de rege of the babe not of the King for that title galled him to the heart That I may worship him Dirum facinus tingit colore pietatis
skip out of the way of righteousnes at euery dog that reproachfully barkes at it nor at euery Siren that temptingly would call it aside The Deuill with all his force of terror or error cannot seduce it Constancie it is euer trauelling though through many hindrances It hath a heauy load of flesh to burden it and make euery step tedious yet it goes Cares for family troubles of contentious neighbours frowning of great aduersaries malicious turbulencie of the world all offer to stay it but it goes on As if it had receiued the Apostles Commission Salute none of these Remora's by the way it resteth not till it see the saluation of God The Lord deliuers the feete from falling that it may walke before God in the light of the living 3 We must not returne backe to Herod Why not to Herod He was a fit type of the Deuill and they that are recouered and escaped from him should not fall backe into his clutches The Deuill is like Herod both for his subtletie and crueltie The Herods were all dissemblers all cruell There was Herod Ascalonita Herod Antipas and Herod Agrippa all cruell in the butchering of Gods Saints Ascalonita necat pueros Antipa Iohannem Agrippa Iacobum mittitque in carcere Petrum Ascalonite makes an earnest shew of zeale to Christ but he desired not subijcerese Christ●… sedsib●… Christum not to become subiect to Christ but to make Christ the sub iect of his furie Antipas seemed to loue Iohn the Baptist but he suffers a dancing foote to kicke off his head The crueltie of the other Herod was monstrous He slew all those whom hee could suspect to issue from the line of Dauid all the Infants of Bethlem vnder two yeares old at one slaughter Hee slew his kinred his sister his wife his sonne Hee cut the throates of many noble Iewes whiles he lay on his death bed Yea made it in his will that so soone as euer the breath was out of his body all the sonnes of the nobler Iewes shut vp into a safe place should be instantly slaine to beare him company By this meanes hee resolued that some should lament his death which otherwise would haue bin the cause of great ioy A wretched Testament and fit for such a deuill to make That Deuill wee are charged not to returne to exceeds this both in subtletie and crueltie euen as much as a father may his Sonne Herod was not so perfect a Master of his art The wise men deceiued Herod hee must be a wise man indeed that ouer-reaches Satan Herod was a bungler to him he trusted to instruments to destroy Christ the Deuill lookes to that busines himselfe Hee can transforme himselfe into an Angel of light and rather then not draw men to hell hee will dissemble a loue to heauen He will speake good that he may worke euill and confesse the truth that therby hee may procure credit to greater falshood He can stoope to the reprobate like a tame horse till they get vp and ride him but when he hath them on his backe he runs post with them to hell When he hath thus excercised his policie wil he spare his power when his Foxes part is done hee begins his Lyons Bloud massacre destruction are his softest embraces horror and amazement are the pleasures of his Court kill kill burne burne is the language of his tongue to those miserable wretches which must euer be burning neuer consumed euer killing and neuer die Oh then let vs neuer returne to Herod nor venture on his mercie The poore bird that hath escaped the hawkes talons is carefull to auoyd his walke The strayed Lambe falne into the wolfes caue and deliuered by the Shephard will no more straggle out of the flocke If the Lord Iesus hath sought and brought vs to himselfe by the Starre of his Gospell let vs no more goe backe to Herod flying the workes of darknes and seruing the liuing God with an vpright heart Indeed they that are truely freed from his seruitude will neuer more become his vassalls Many seeme escaped that are not If the adulterer returne like the Hogge to the mire and the drunkard like the Dog to his vomit it is likely that they loue Herod well for they goe backe to him The minister may desire to offer them vp a liuing sacrifice to the Lord but like wild beasts they breake the rope and will not bee sacrificed But wee being deliuered by Christ out of the hands of our enemies must serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life 4. Wee must goe to our owne Countrey In this world wee are but strangers though perhaps we thinke too well of these vanities yet they are but forraine things wee haue another home We may be rauished with this earth as Peter with Tabor Bonum hic it is good being here but if wee looke vp to that heauen which is our Countrey Mundi calcamus inutile pondus Behold the very outside is faire the outmost walls are beautified with glorious lights euerie one as a world for greatnes so a heauen for goodlinesse All those spangles bee as radiant stones full of Lustre pure gold to the drosse of earthly things What may wee then thinke there is within Yea whatsoeuer the wicked thinke yet this world is but the through-fare and it is not their home neither though indeede they haue their portion in this life It is sayd of Iudas going to hell that he went to his owne place therefore that and not this is their owne countrey as sure as they thinke themselues of this world In heauen there is all life no death in hell all death no life on earth men both liue and die passing through it as the wildernes either to Egipt or Canaan This earth as it is betweene both so it prepares vs for both and sends euery one to their owne countrey eternall ioy or euerlasting sorrow Hee that here dies to sinne shall hereafter liue in heauen he that liues in sinne shall hereafter die in hell All soiourne either with GOD feeding on his graces or with Satan surfe●…ing on his iniquities They that will haue Sathan for their host in transgression shall afterwards be his guests in perdition But they that obey God as theyr master shall also haue him their father and that for euer Contemne we then this world what though we haue many sorrows here a still succession of miseries we are not at home What stranger looks for kind vsage amongst his enemies As well might the captiue Iewes expect quiet among the Babilonians Thou art sure of a countrey wherein is peace In that heauen the wicked haue no part though here much pleasure When thou considerest this truely thou wouldst not change portions with them Let it be cōfort sufficient since we cannot haue both that we haue by many degrees the better Their owne countrey Heauen is our owne countrey 1. Ours ordained for vs by
continet verbum Domini nisi verbum Dominum There is nothing contained in the word of God but God the Word Nor is he the Center onely of his Word but of our rest and Peace I determined not to know any thing among you saue Iesus Christ and him crucified Thou hast made vs for thee O Christ and our heart is vnquiet till it rest in thee It is naturall to euery thing appettere centrum to desire the Center But our life is hid with Christ in God We must needes amare where wee must animare Our mind is where our pleasure is our heart is where our treasure is our loue is where our life is but all these our pleasure treasure life are reposed in Iesus Christ. Thou art my Portion O Lord sayth Dauid Take the world that please let our Portion be Christ. We haue left all sayth Peter and fellowed thee you haue lost nothing by it sayth Christ for you haue gotten me Nimis auarus est cui non sufficit Christus Hee is too couetous whom Iesus Christ cannot satisfie Let vs seeke this Center sayth August Qu●…ramus inueniendum quaeramus inuentum Vt inveniendus qu●…ratur paratus est vt inuentus qu●…ratur immensus est Let vs seeke him till wee haue found him and still seeke him when we haue found him That seeking wee may find him he is ready that finding we may seeke him he is infinite You see the Center The referring Line proper to this Center is Semper Idem The same There is no mutabilitie in Christ no variablenes nor shadow of turning All lower lights haue their inconstancie but in the Father of lights there is no changeablenes The Sunne hath his shadow the the Sonne of righteousnesse is without shadow that turnes vpon the Diall but Christ hath no turning Whom he loues he loues to the end He loues vs to the end of his loue there is no end Tempus crit consummandi nullus consumendi misericordiam His mercie shall be perfected in vs neuer ended In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment but with euerlasting kindnesse will I haue mercie vpon thee sayth the Lord thy Redeemer His wrath is short his goodnesse is euerlasting The mountaines shall depart and the hils be remoued but my kindnesse shall not depart from thee neither shall the couenant of my peace be remoued sayth the Lord that hath mercie on thee The mountaines are stable things the hils stedfast yet hils mountaines yea the whole earth shall totter on the foundations yea the very heauens shall passe away with a noyse and the elements shall melt with heate but the Couenant of God shall not be broken I will betroth thee vnto me for euer sayth God This marriage-bond shall neuer be canceld nor sinne nor death nor hell shall be able to diuorce vs. Six twentie times in one Psalme that sweet singer chants it His mercie endureth for euer Iesus Christ the same yesterday and to day and for euer As this meditation distilles into our beleeuing hearts much comfort so let it giue vs some instructions Two things it readily teacheth vs a Diswasiue caution Perswasiue lesson 1. It diswades our confidence in worldly thinges because they are inconstant How poore a space do●… they remaine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same To proue this you haue in the first of Iudges Ver. 6. a Iury of threescore and ten Kings to take their oathes vpon it Euery one had his throne yet there lickes crums vnder another Kings table and shortly euen this King that made them all so miserable is made himselfe most miserable Salomon compares wealth to a wild fowle Riches make themselues wings they flie away as an Eagle toward heauen Not some tame house-bird or a hawke that may be fetched downe with a lure or found againe by her bels but an Eagle that violently cuts the aire and is gone past recalling Wealth is like a bird it hops all day from man to man as that doth from tree to tree and none can say where it will roust or rest at night It is like a vagrant fellow which because he is big boned able to worke a man takes in a dores and cherisheth and perhaps for a while he takes paines but when he spies opportunity the fugitiue seruant is gone and takes away more with him then all his seruice came to The world may seeme to stand thee in some stead for a season but at last it irreuocably runs away and carries with it thy ioyes thy gods as Rachell stole Labans Idoles thy peace and content of heart goes with it and thou art left desperate You see how quickly riches cease to be the same and can any other earthly thing boast more stabillitie Honour must put off the robes when the play is done make it neuer so glorious a shew on this worlds stage it hath but a short part to act A great name of worldly glory is but like a peale rung on the bels the Common people are the clappers the rope that moues them is popularitie if you once let goe your hold leaue pulling the clapper lies still and farewell honour Strength though like Ieroboam it put forth the arme of oppression shall soone fall downe withered Beautie is like an Almanacke if it last a yeare t' is well Pleasure like lightning ●…ritur moritur sweet but short a flash and away All vanities are but butter-flies which wanton children greedily catch for and sometimes they flie besides them sometimes before them sometimes behind them sometimes close by them yea through their fingers and yet they misse them and when th●… haue them they are but butterflies they haue painted wings but are crude and squalid wormes Such are the things of this world vanities butter-flies Vel sequendo labimur vel assequendo l●…dimur The world it selfe is not vnlike a Hartechoke nine parts of it are vnprofitable leaues scarce the tythe is good about it there is a l●…ttle picking meate nothing so wholesome as daintie in the midst of it there is a coare which is enough to choke them that deuoure it O then set not your hearts vpon these things calcanda sunt as Ierome obserues on Act. 4. They that sold their possessions brought the prises and layed them downe at the Apostles feete At their feete not at their hearts they are fitter to be troden vnder feet then to be waited on with hearts I conclude this with Augustine Ecce turbat mundus amatur quid si tranquillus esset Formoso quomodo h●…reres qui sic amplecteris soedum Flores eius quàm colligeres qui sic a spinis non reuocas manū Quàm confideres ●…terno qui sic adh●…res caduco Behold the world is turbulent and full of vexation yet it is loued how would it be embraced if it were calme and quiet If it were a beauteous Damosell how would they
sayth Christ my workes beare witnesse of me We may thus vnderstand God ex operibus his actions preach his will 3. God speakes by his Sonne Hebr. 1. God who at sundry times and in diuers manners spake in t●…me past vnto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last daves spoken vnto vs by his Sonne Hee is therefore called the Word Ioh. 1 The sacred Scriptures and sayings of the Prophets giuen by the inspiration of God for no prophecie is of private interpretation it came not by the will of man but holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost are called Verbum Domini the word of the Lord. But to distinguish God the Sonne from those words he is after an eminent sort called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word or That excellent word As also hee is called not a light but That light not a lambe but ●…hat lambe Not a vocall word formed by the tongue beating the aire for hee was before eyther sound or aire But the mentall and substantiall word of his Father but Ipse Pater●… 〈◊〉 effigies lumenque a lumine vero According to that of Paul The brightnesse of his glory and expresse image of his person 4. GOD speakes by his Scriptures Whatsoever things were writen aforetime are written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope Scripta sunt they are written Things that go onely by take or tradition meete with such variations augmentations abbreuiations corruptions false glosses that as in a Lawyers pleading Truth is lost in the Quaere for her Related thinges wee are long in getting quicke in forgetting Therefore God commanded his law should be written Litera scripta manet Thus God doth effectually speake to vs. Many good wholesome instructions haue drop'd from humane pennes to lesson and direct man in goodnesse But there is no promise giuen to any word to conuert the soule but to Gods word Without this Antiquitie is noueltie Noueltie subtletie Subtletie death Theologia Scholastica multis modis sophistica Schoole Diuinitie is little better then meere Sophistrie Plus argutiarum quam doctrine plus doctrina quàm vsus It hath more quicknesse then soundnesse more fauce then meate more difficultie then doctrine more doctrine then vse This Scripture is the Perfect and Absolute rule Bellarmine acknowledgeth two thinges requireable in a Perfect Rule Certaintie and Evidence If it bee not certaine it is no Rule if it bee not euident it is no rule to vs. Onely the Scripture is both in truth and euidence a perfect rule Other writings may haue canonicall veritie the Scripture onely hath canonicall authoritie Others like oile may make cheerefull mans countenance but this like Bread strengthens his heart This is the absolute Rule And as many as walke according to this Rule peace be on them and mercie and vppon the Israel of God O that wee had hearts to blesse GOD for this mercie that the Scriptures are among vs and that not sealed vp vnder an vnknowne tongue The time was when a deuout Father was glad of a piece of the new Testament in English when he tooke his little Sonne into a corner and with ioy of soule heard him reade a chapter so that euen Children became Fathers to their Fathers and begate them to CHRIST Now as if the commonnesse had abated the worth our Bibles lie dusty in the windowes it is all if a Sunday-handling quite them from perpetuall obliuion Few can read fewer do reade fewest of all read as they should God of his infinite mercie lay not to our charge this neglect 5. GOD speakes by his Ministers expounding and opening to vs those Scriptures These are Legati a latere dispencers of the mysteries of heauen Ambassadors for CHRIST as if God did beseech you through vs so wee pray you in Christs stead that you would be reconciled to God This voice is continually sounding in our Churches beating vpon our eares I would it could pierce our consciences and that our liues would eccho to it in an answerable obedience How great should be our thankfullnesse God hath delt with vs as hee did with Eliah The Lord passed by and a great strong wind rent the mountaines and brake in pieces the rockes before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind After the wind came an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake After the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire And after the fire a still voyce and the Lord came with that voyce After the same manner hath God done to this Land In the time of K. Henry 8. there came a great and mightie Wind that rent downe Churches ouerthrew Altarages impropriated from Ministers their liuings that made Lay-men substantiall Parsons and Clergie men their vicar-shadowes It blew away the rights of Leui into the lappe of Issachar a violent wind but God was not in that wind In the dayes of King Edward the sixt there came a terrible Earthquake hideous vapours of Treasons and conspiracies rumbling from Rome to shake the foundations of that Church which had now left off louing the Whore and turned Antichrist quite out of his saddle Excommunications of Prince and people execrations and curses in their tetricall formes with Bell Booke and Candle Indulgences Bulls Pardons promises of heauen to all traytors that would ext●…rpate such a King and kingdome a Monstrous earthquake but GOD was not in the Earthquake In the dayes of Queene Mary came the Fire an vnmercifull fire such a one as was neuer before kindled in England and wee trust in Iesus Christ neuer shall be againe It raged against all that professed the Gospell of Christ made bonefires of silly women for not vnderstanding that their ineffable mysterie of Transubstantiation burnt the mother with the child Boner and Gardiner those hellish bellowes that set it on flaming A raging and insatiable fire but God was not in that fire In the dayes of Queene Elizabeth of blessed memorie came the still voyce saluting vs with the songs of Sion and speaking the comfortable things of Iesus Christ and GOD came with his voyce This sweete and blessed voyce is still continued by our Gracious Soueraigne GOD long preserued him with it and it with him and vs all with them both Let vs not say of this blessing as Lot of Zoar Is it not a litle one nor bee weary of Manna with Israel lest GODS voyce grow dumbe vnto vs and to our woe wee heare it speake no more No rather let our hearts answere with Samuel Speake Lord for thy seruants heare If wee will not heare him say to our soules I am your saluation wee shall heare him say Depart from mee I know you not So sayth wisedome Because I haue called and yee refused I will therefore laugh at your calamitie and mocke when your feare commeth The gallant promiseth himselfe many yeares and in them all to reioyce
onely runne but so runne that you may obtaine Schismatickes runne but they runne out of the Church they loue the truth but not in peace Secure people runne but they run beside the church they loue peace but not in truth Others follow the truth in peace but not for the truth Dum quaerunt cam non quaerunt ipsam They saile in their Sic they misse this same Well Prosunt alijs sibi neutiquam They doe good to others but not well to themselues But wee haue almost lost both Bonum and Bene Good and Well It is an ill disiunction that our fathers had so good workes and wanted our faith and wee haue the true faith but want their workes This Well is the very forme of a good worke and Forma dat esse rei it can not be good without it Let mee take here iust cause to reproue two sorts of people 1. Some there are that trust God with their soules and destroy their owne bodies But God will take no charge of the soule but in well doing Those virgins that would kill themselues to preuent rauishments are reproued by iust censure Satius incertum adulterium in futuro quàm certum homicidium in praesenti Better an vncertaine adulterie to be endured then a certaine selfe-murther to be acted How can they hope for Gods hand of mercie that lay on themselues a hand of crueltie Rhasis in the Maccabees falling vpon his owne sword and throwing himselfe downe from the wall yet committed himselfe to Gods keeping calling vpon the Lord of life and spirit c. The Text sayes twice with little credite to the owne Iudgement that it was done Manfully But it was magnè potius quàm benè factum done with desperate valour with more venture then wisedome temeritie then honesty This was that the Deuill left out when he cited Scripture to Christ In all thy wayes he made that a parenthesis which was essentiall to the Text. This the originall testified Psal. 91. 11. Custodient in vijs tuis but this was none of his wayes downe from the pinacle to shew the people a tumbling tricke and to breake his necke So the Deuill labours to secure men of Gods prouidence generally though they be quite out of the way He bids men be confident that God will keepe their soules howsoeuer they walke so vnder colour of Gods protection he brings them to destruction Hee tels a man of predestination that he is sure of an eternall election to life therefore may liue at his owne pleasure so from Gods decree drawes encouragement to a secure life He tels him of Iustification that he is acquitted by the bloud of Christ so emboldens him on the backe of presumption to ride post to Hell whereas Predestination Iustification are onely made knowne to vs by well-doing 2. It is impossible for a man of an ill life to hope that God will keepe his soule Hee that liues ill and hopes well teacheth his ignorance to deceiue his wickednesse and them both to deceiue his soule Your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God But separate your selues from the vncleane thing and I will receiue you Take away the barre your sinnes breake off the partition by repentance then I will keepe you saith God Commit your soules to the Lordes trust in well-doing or not at all If Christ had come downe from the pinacle headlong and not by the staires he had neglected the way and so beene out of the compasse of Gods promise to keepe him It is an ouer-bold presumption to charge God to keepe thy soule whilest thou doest wilfully loose it Wilt thou clippe the wings of thy soule and then bid it flie to God It is all one as if thou shouldest cut off a mans legge and then send him on an arrand Our presumption is able to tie vp Gods armes that he cannot helpe vs. Hee that will walke in prophanesse and commit his soule to God is like him that throwes himselfe into a deepe pit to trie whether God will helpe him out and saue him from drowning Man is timorous where he should bee bold and bold where he should be timorous God bids vs cast our care vpon him for this life Take no thought for your life what you shall eate or what you shall drinke or wherewith you shall be clothed your heauenly Father knowes yee haue need of all these things Yet wee dare not trust God without a pawne vnlesse wee haue bread we thinke wee shall starue Here we feare where wee ought not God tells vs the bread of heauen must feed our spirits more necessary to maintaine life in the soule then is bread to preserue life in the body we neuer hunger after this yet presume we haue sound soules and trust God to keepe them Here wee doe not feare where wee ought Wee are so sottish that wee dare trust God with the soule the more precious part without well doing the meanes to haue it saued yet dare not trust him with our bodyes vnlesse we can see our barnes full or at lest our cupbords But in vaine thou committest thy soule to God except thou obeyest God There is still a Commaundement with the promise if thou keepe not the precept thou hast no interest in the promise If thou wilt not performe thy part God is discharged of his part if thou refuse to doe well hee will not keepe thy Soule The protection of God extends not to vs in lewd courses we are then out of our way and the Deuill may take vs vp as Vagabonds If thou doe well shalt thou not be accepted if thou doe euill sinne lieth at the doore If thou doe euill Sinne is thy keeper not God There was a Temple called the Temple of Trust God will not be to them a Temple of Trust that had no trust in their Temples It is a good thing to haue God keepe the soule but the wicked cannot haue this hope He that hath money layes it vp in his coffers or if he sends it abroad like a sterne laylor he suffers it not to goe without a keeper sound bonds He that hath lands makes strong conueyances to his desired heires that they may bee kept If children he prouides to haue them safely kept He keepes his goods from the theefe his chickens from the kite his lambe from the wolfe his fawne from the hound his doue from the vermine yet he keeps not his soule from the Deuill O wretched man that must die and knowes not what shall become of his soule The world would haue it but hee knowes it must not himselfe would keepe it but hee knowes he cannot Sathan would haue it and he knowes not whether he shall he would haue God take it and he knowes not whether he will O miserable man that must part with his soule he knowes not whether We see what it is to lead an euill life and to bee a stranger to God He knowes his sheepe