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B12393 Certaine godly and verie comfortable letters, full of christian consolation. Written by M. Ed Dering vnto sondry of his friends. And nowe published, for the proffite of the Church of God Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1590 (1590) STC 6682.5; ESTC S116582 40,526 65

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but the heauens also you haue destroyed death you shall feele thē all within you the fellowship of Saints Angels the forgiuenes of sinns the resurrection of the body the life euerlasting and the God of glorie your eyes lightened with a pure faith shall see these things in so perfect beautie that you shall cast out death the feare of it yea you should thinke your time wearines if your dayes should be prolonged and you should bee yet many yeares a soiorner in this bodie in which you are a straunger from the presence of the Lorde And the nearer your time approcheth the gladder you shal be of the ende of your iourney when your harte shall feele it And when the earthlie house of this tabernacle shal be destroyed you haue a building giuen of God a house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens In this faith you shall not onely not feare death but you shall sigh and moane as Paule saith till you see your glorie and the lot of the saints that is in light where there is no more sorrow nor care nor feare nor death but the God of all mercie and father of our lord Jesus Christ shal be before vs for euer Thus Madame as my duetie is J haue written vnto you and God will blesse it as his promise is that it shall be for the best in the wisdome of his word we shal be strengthned in his grace that death sicknesse shal be forgotten all the desirs of our heart shal be with him And the Lord God for his Sonnes sake so haue mercie vpon vs that all euill taken from vs we may reioyce in him and see his blessed age that is in immortality is sealed in our heartes with his blessed spirit To whom be glorie for euermore Amen From Saint Ellens the tenth of Ianuarie Anno Domini 1576. Yours bounden in the Lord Iesu the onely forgiuenes of all our sinnes Ed. Deringe A Letter written by M. Edward Deringe to his Lord Maister the Duke of Northfolke Gratia et pax a Deo patre et domino nostro Iesu Christo THE longe good will that I haue borne vnto you as to one that earnestlie professed the Gospell and the great duetie I owe vnto you as to my Lord Master make that nowe I should write vnto you not knowing whether opportunitie shal be such that hereafter J may doe you any seruice God the author of all life he hath shutte both you and me vp in his handes that there is great likelihood our liues in this worlde they are but short The Prince that executeth the iudgement of the Lord she hath found you out in your great sinnes and sickenes that raigneth ouer all fleshe it hath taken now longe holde vpon me So that as I saide we are both in the handes of the Lord we are summoned paremtorilie death hath giuen an assault and the weake holdes of our life they are violentlie shaken Nowe therefore my good Lord let it vs take counsell togither and as a wise Maister learne of a faithfull seruaunt what is best to be done the worst that our sinnes can doe vnto vs is to lay vpon vs the iust rewarde of death my disease which thus afflicteth me for many thousand sinns it can but take away my life which J haue so abused And all your deepe dissimulation and hypocrisie your great ambitions your faithlesse religion which haue so bewitched you what can they doe more then this The remedie nowe is to make of necessitie a vertue that is to beare it wisely which you must needes abide J haue I thanke God founde that grace that I can loue this saying Cupio dissolui esse cum Christo the Lord also open your hearte and guide your vnderstandinge that with all saintes you may doe likewise and praye Veni Domine Iesu And now for asmuch as this is the last duetie that J am like to doe vnto you as God shall giue grace I will so aduice you as I may testifie myne owne faith and make you strong against the daye of triall trusting that our God shall so remember vs both in mercie that after a little while we shall see better dayes and raigne with him that abideth King for euer There is now but one thing necessarie for you to learne in this life that is how you may willinglie desire to die a hard lesson for a natural mā for death is our last enimie his assault most violent to the triall of our faith but Christ who hath ouercome death and hell hee hath broken the strength of this battell and set vp the songes of triumph vnto all that beleeue that we may haue the fulnesse of ioy and say with gladnes ô death where is thy sting Nowe that this ioye may be yours and this gladnes your inheritāce prepare your selfe not in your own wisdō for that hath alredie deceiued you but in the wisdome of god that your hope may be sure Jf you will now haue the hart that shal cōdemne the force of death cōsider wherfore you are called to die It is laid to your charg that you haue delt traytrously with your Prince with your coūtry with the religiō of God and vpon these crimes you are cōdemned to die If you be guiltles ô my Lord blessed are you blessed is your portion he hath spokē it that neuer will change Jf whē you do well you suffer wrōgfully take it patiētly for this is acceptable to god but if you be guilty you haue not your hope in death for that you haue deserued but your hope is this that you die so as it becōmeth you which if god shal grāt vnto you then blessed is the howre that God shall bring vpon you you shal make that change which god for his Christes sake lay speedily vpon all his children you shal die once that you may liue euer Now that you may know how you ought to die learne this of the lord which he hath so plainly taught you The first part of your true repētāce must be an hūble cōfessiō what soeuer your own conscience can vtter more thē is reuealed O my Lorde speake opēly the trueth sathan is enimie vnto vs his slightes are many if you will treade the malicious serpent vnder your feete triumph with Christ who hath spoiled hell tell the trueth my Lord conceale nothing so shall you shunne the diuel If my words seeme but light to perswade you heare the wisest counsellour that euer raigned in Israel He that hideth his sinne saieth Salomon shall neuer prosper but he that cōfesseth forsaketh them shall finde mercie Whē Acan had transgressed in Israel deserued death when he was brought into iudgemēt Ioshua said vnto him My Son J beseech thee giue glory to the lord God of Israel make cōfession vnto him shew me now what thou hast done Loe my Lord this is to giue glorie vnto God to cōfesse your sin
eyelyddes payned with being open or are our eares wounded with the sounde of the ayre or what griefe what care what sorrowe is it why we wishe our time forgotten past Surely Iob knewe not this when hee saide His time passed faster thē a poste nor Dauid knewe it not whē he thought his life but a spanne longe and surely he hath but a wretched lyfe let him not loue it who is fayne to runne to the birdes of the ayre and the beastes of the fielde to seeke some comfort against it And therefore good Maistres B. let pastime alone and be not wearied with your good dayes your tymes are passed meetely well and you haue seene 40. yeares filled and gone the residue behinde will passe with them You shall not holde them if you would but pastyme and they will dwell togither till our appointed time shall come and one ende shal be vnto all But then you shall see another state and this enimitie betweene vs and it shal be taken away we shall not be wearie of it to wishe it gone and it will not bee wearie of vs to weare vs away but Tyme and we shall dwell togither and the glorie of God shal be eternally before vs and we before his Maiestie in Jmmortalitie A blessed state a hope of lyfe a glorious body a heauēly minde and woe be to all these tyme passers of that know how to delight in this but haue more pleasure in all vncleannes when the end of their labour shall come vppon them they shall feele more griefe in one day then after shal be eased world without ende And in one sentence of an angrie Judge goe you cursed into eternall fire they shal be wounded with that miserie whiche worlde without end shall rest vpon them and their olde pastime shall neuer more be founde but this is the portion of them that knowe not God But you good Maistres B. haue alreadie passed the dayes of your ignorance and the kingdome of heauen is come vnto you with power you loue the trueth of the Lorde Jesus and all false wayes you doe abhorre you doe feele the hope of the Elect of God and it hath quenched the desires of vngodlie Pray still that you may haue increase and read the Scriptures in whiche you shall haue comfort these will leade you in a perfect way and neyther Paule nor Peter haue a more blessed end then is for vs in a like pretious faith and J as J am bounde will beseeche the God of mercie and father of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will looke vpon you to fill you with his grace and holy spirite that it may guyde you and all your children before you and your houshold committed to your charge that you may dwell in the newe and blessed Testament of the forgiuenes of sinnes through faith in Christ Iesus who hath destroyed the workes of the Diuell and is able to keepe you for euer more And to his gracious defence J hartely leaue you and all yours Yours in the Lord Ed. Dering To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you euer Amen Good Maistres Baret howe fayne J would be with you God knoweth and howe I am indebted to doe good in your house if J should not confesse I must needes accuse my selfe of much vnthankefulnes but God alone disposeth all our wayes to be so as pleaseth him whom hartily I beseeche for his sonnes sake blesse vs with that blessing whiche hee gaue his Apostle that in all places wee may bee vnto him in Iesus Christ a sweete sauour of life vnto life to all his saints with whom wee are So shall I more gladlie walke all the wayes of his appointment and you more willinglie beare with myne absence the will of God bee done in all thinges When you are at Braye if the Lorde will I shal be more quiet with you In the meane time good Maistres so beleeue as you haue seene and hearde and praye for me that I may liue to his glorie who hath shewed me such mercie that I may say with the Prophet Dauid What shall I giue againe for all that he hath giuen mee And so doe you reioyce in the blessing that GOD hath giuen you that more and more your estate here may be a sure testimonie of a more blessed hope that shall one day bee reuealed when honor and glorie shall succeed in the place of labour and sorrowe that nowe aboundeth The Lord blesse you and all yours keepe you and giue you a plentifull blessing in his newe Testament and in his kingdome which is righteousnes and peace and ioye in the holy Ghost the glorie whereof shall not bee darkened when the Sunne and Moone shall lose their light and faine men with desire of it that shall fill vs once with the countenance of the Lorde A glorious hope in an earthly tabernacle but a more glorious performance in a heauenly creature when we shal be free from sinne and death and be made like vnto him that sitteth at the right hande of maiestie and power Which tyme the Lorde God fulfill in the goodnes of his pleasure for our soules hope in whom we haue setled our hope Commendations c. Yours Ed. Deringe To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ bee with you euer Amen J am sorie that hitherto I could not come vnto you I would be more sorie if you should thinke I had leuer be any where then in your house I had thought shortly to haue come and I felte my selfe somewhat stronge and able to trauell but nowe on friday last the eleuēth of this moneth I had a feauer and fiue or sixe dayes after I felte it and my stomacke is very ill euer since and my cough much increaseth This is my health that God giueth me But let him do his will he is the God of life and one day will abolishe these troublesome thinges and make vs feele health in immortalitie and I beseeche him for his Christes sake to remember vs in his goodnes that wee may knowe all his mercies and then J am well assured both you and I and all weake bodyes shall so little care for the frayeltie of these tabernacles that we will reioyce in the remembrance of putting them of to thinke that wee shall see and take holde of him that liueth euer and will one day make these mortall bodyes like vnto the glorious body of his beloued sonne This we knowe in this we are comforted and holde it fast good Mistresse B. euen as you will holde your happie dayes for the hope of it shall not be confounded but when all our enimies haue spentt their euill willes and can doe no more hurt vnto vs he shal be on our right hande whom we haue looked for and he shall call vs with that blessed voyce Come ye blessed of my Father Let vs praye to vnderstande this for it hath pleasure effectuall gladnes more then all the faire
which haue ouerflowed the earth haue still wyde roomes in the heartes of manie The Popes supremacie Latin seruice prayer for the dead Masses Diriges Pardons Pilgrimages Sensinge and all poperie with the authours of it Popes Cardinalls Monkes Fryers all which haue neither trueth nor shadowe of trueth not one worde of them is in all the Gospell of Christ onely olde custome hath bredde it in our bones and an opinion of our fathers hath printed it in our brestes and wee will not cast it out But the Lorde be thanked who hath had mercie vpon vs to make vs holde faste the worde of trueth what soeuer our fathers haue vainely taught vs and yet we are not in securitie But a thirde enimie is in the harte of man that the worde of God may not haue his perfect honour and that is an opinion conceyued of earthlie thinges and planting of holynes in corruptible creatures as in Meates Drinkes Dayes Garmentes conditions of life places tymes Ceremonies neyther hearing our Sauiour Christ that God is a spirite and onely hee is to bee worshipped in Spirite and Trueth Neither his Apostle Paule That the Element of that worlde commende vs not vnto God for neyther if we eate are we euer the worse neither if we eate not are we euer the better These and many great temptations stand against vs assoone as we would giue ouer our selues to the worde of God whiche is the beginning of a christian life Trowe you that in the continuance of our course and journey before we come at our Sauiour Christ shall we not be sifted and tryed to see what is within vs And you good Maistres H. to applie this to your selfe tell mee howe you haue learned Christ hath his Gospell bene peaceable in you from the first day till nowe without all contradiction Was your mynde neuer puffed vp in vayne imaginations Did the traditions perswasions of men neuer shake your thoughte Haue you not bene tempted with opinions of creatures as though some were more holy some more prophane J knowe as you long after Christ and desire his trueth in single heart so his grace you haue not without sharpe and bitter tryalls and the more freely the worde of God shall possesse your soule and fill your heart with all desire of it the more you shall feele what fight is against it looke for the like in all your life and when you approche to the true feare of God prepare your heart to the strongest assault The worde of God thus made knowen vnto vs and when we followe it with all our soule that wee may haue a liuely faith to reioyce at the promises of God to feare at his threatninge and feele a full perswasion of a certaine performance of all his wordes O Lorde what is the malice of Sathan And though many temptations are against vs the longe prosperitie of the wicked in which they triumphe why lest the goodnesse of God prouoketh them still to repentance the bitter sighting of the godly in which they mourne vnder manie crosses whyles God maketh their faith pretious before him these haue rooted quite out of the heartes of the vngodly the faith and trueth whiche they owe vnto God so that against all his iudgementes they haue opened their mouth and said aloude Where is the promise of his comming And against all his mercies they haue proclaymed warre and saide They wil not haue Christ to reigne ouer them But these temptations Christ hath ouercome in vs and giuen vs his spirite in which we knowe assuredlie that the Lord reigneth neyther slacketh he his comminge as many accounte slacknes but he will come and his glorie shal be knowen And yet we are not in peace but Sathan will sifte vs another way he will laye our sinnes before vs to make vs feare that tht promises of God belonge not vnto vs and this of all temptations is the greatest yet we feare not for what belongeth to all our sinnes which Christ hath not borne sorrowe sicknes death hell condemnation were they not in his body and are they not all crucified vpon the crosse Is he not risen from them hath he not brokē the chaynes of death and so is ascended into glorie If this bee my feare because I am a sinner rather let mee reioyce for Christ hath taken my sinnes vpō him hath buried thē deeper then the bottome of the Sea he hath led it openly in triumphe and nayled it vpon the crosse frō henceforth for euermore it hath no strēgth whosoeuer seeme to colour it as redd as scarlet or make it like purple it is still nothing and casteth but a vayne terrour before our eyes we will neuer denie this but freelie confesse it that we be miserable sinners and not worthie to lifte vp our eyes to heauen but who will lay our sinnes to our charge nowe God hath iustified vs or what sinne can rest vpon vs now Christ hath washed them awaye That which once was in fight with Christ and he hath ouercome it who shall set too his hande the seconde time to make the victorie perfect This is true and euerlasting trueth hath sealed it vp that sinne is abolished for euer and euer howsoeuer wee feare or tremble or bee faint harted yet before the Lorde with whom our life is hidde there is no perill no daunger no feare but peace righteousnes without ende Let our sinnes be neuer so great neither wee nor our sinnes can chaunge the newe Testament that God is mercifull to our sinnes and will blot out all our transgressions therefore this care is past that our sinnes be many the more they are the greater is his mercy who hath forgiuen them And this is the token which God hath giuen vs that we are his because we are grieued with our sinnes for our Sauior Christ ouercame sinne with paynes and sufferinges which belong vnto it and this is the badge of our redemption to be made like him in afflictions wee haue sinne and abhorre it it woundeth vs with feare it setteth before vs condemnation we haue a sence and feeling of Gods anger against it and hell gnaweth vppon our soules because of transgression O blessed state and treasure of gladnes this was the Jmage of Christe when he ouercame sinne a marke of my redemption in myne owne fleshe that I should not fainte As the sunne maketh the day and the night darkenes so this affliction of sinne is the badge and cognisance of our certaine forgiuenes And herein see the goodnes of God which turneth all things to the best to those that loue him Through feare of sinne the Diuell fighteth against vs without feare of sinne we could neuer haue boldnes through anguishe of heart the Diuell would ouerwhelme vs with sorrowe without anguish of hart we could neuer haue ioye In feelinge Gods anger the Diuell would make vs to dispaire without feelinge his threatning and trembling before him we could neuer haue strēgth of faith that his mercies
are for euer In all suffrings I am like to Christ they are the marks of mine adoption that J am his childe Doe wee not heare the Lorde Himselfe doeth speake If wee bee without correction then are we bastardes and not sonnes and to shewe what our correction shal bee hee sayeth in an other place If we bee planted with him into the similitude of his death then shall wee also be partakers of his resurrection Who hath heard so great saluation as this Euery weapon wherewith the enemie striketh the same armeth vs to greater saluation And euery wounde that we doe receyue the same confirmeth vs to a surer life Then as before I saide care not for sinne for that is abolished so here I maye adde care not for hell for the nearer wee feele it the further we are from it Let them feare sinne that feele it not and let them be afraide of condemnation that knowe not what it is vppon whom destruction shall come sodenlie as an armed man Our eyes haue bene kept waking and we haue seene our sinnes our harts haue fainted before the anger of the Lorde And wee haue not despised his heauenlie callinge therfore in the day of trouble we shall haue rest In this perswasion we will liue and die and if our soules should melte for feare within vs although the Lorde should kill vs yet would we trust in him Abraham beleeued in the Lorde and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes against hope hee beleeued vnder hope and if our hope seemed to be taken from vs yet would wee patientlie wayte the Lords leasure vntill hee saue our hope agayne that at the least our faith might haue againe the glorie and trueth of full assurance Another thing we must labour in and in another thinge wee shall haue temptation and that is that wee may see what is the glorie of God and immortall life herein lett vs meditate in our beddes and thinke on this in our secret places in the middest of our companies let these cogitations be often in our hartes and in all places let these be our muses When we shal apprehende with all the seruauntes of God what is the height the bredth the length the depth wee shall knowe that the glorie is great of immortalitie and he is onely to bee beleued who shall shine in honour when this vanitie is ouerpast His strength is great that layde the foundations of the world and his brightnes exceeding that made the Sunne and the Moone His treasure and ritches are aboue measure who hath giuen Princes their golde and siluer and other pretious stones for the honour of man he in deede is of excellent maiestie who is King of Kings and Lord of Lordes and his power is aboue all who maketh sicknesse his messengers and death his minister till he shall abolishe them both For his mercies are vnspeakable that forgiueth vs all our sinnes and his goodnes is great who hath had regarde to the children of men From nothing hee brought vs into life he kept vs from the graue he will restore vs and make vs see his glorie When I would thinke on this my soule is compassed with dulnes of fleshe that J cannot see the fulnes of his fauour When I would consider in my heart what is his grace Darkenesse ouershadoweth myne vnderstāding all my thoughts doe vanishe in his immortalitie When J would speake of his louing kindnes my tonge cleaueth to the roote of my mouthe and my wordes sticke faste within my lippes But this one thinge in all myne infirmities J can perceyue that his glorie is exceeding great whose glorie I can not comprehende and the life is longe appointed vnto man where his heart and minde can see no ende If all the worlde were a flowing water and euery yeare one droppe should be diminished the Sea should be all made drye and the bottomes of the deepe should appeare before he shall cease to lyue whom God hath raysed from the dead and this breadth widenesse betweene heauen and earth if it should bee filled vp and euery yeare but one handfull of earth added to the worke yet sooner should the great distance bee closed vp and the emptie places made full then hee shall cease from ioye and gladnes who shall stande in the resurrection of the iust This is the glorie that hath neither spot nor blemishe before which me thinketh not only Princes and the glorie of the world but the Sunn and Moone all the hostes of heauen are nothing els but meere vanitie for death shadoweth the glorie of man though hee spred his braunches neuer so farre yet the graue closseth vp in little roome the ambitious heart which before was enlarged from East to West And the Heauens that are high and free from death yet are holden vnder the tyrannie of enuious and consuming tyme in which they shal be chaunged Only the Lord is in honor and maiestie who hath set eternitie rounde about him and cast out tyme vnto confusion Oh Lorde where are their eyes that see not this or their hearts that see and regarde it not Who hath bewitched them in the countenances of men to carrie the heartes of beastes and to forget the latter ende The Lorde turne them that runne astray that they may knowe and see where is their glorie but the temptations haue ouertaken them Which are against our honour when the Lorde shall deliuer them from euill they shall giue thankes and reioyce with vs that they also haue eyes to see And blessed are you good Mistres H. and God hath visited you in an acceptable time whose heart he hath touched with feare whose afflictions he hath filled with hunger and thirst that you should mourne for the redemption that is in Christ and be pleased with nothing but with the grace of his countenance This is a Schoolemistres to bringe you vnto him and a bond to tye you faste that you shall not be seperated and accomplishe J beseeche you this good worke of his grace till you loue the Lord withall your heart and till you can say with the blessed Apostle I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ For this purpose wee are chastised of the Lorde and whē our faith is tryed at the last it shal be made strong that with it we may quench all the fierie dartes of Sathan and in righteousnes and peace and ioye of the holy Ghoste runne the course that is set before vs till in a blessed issue of happie dayes with a good spirite we may say boldlie Lorde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace Which I beseeche God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the God of mercie and Father of all consolation graunt vnto you Amen Pray pray pray praye this is your best seruice wheresoeuer your duetie is most bounde Letters of Ed. Der. to Maistres B. GRace mercie and peace from God our Father c. J had much leuer good Maistres B. come my self then write
countenances of the world in which in deede there is nothinge but vanitie of vanities and all is vanitie and thinke good Mistresse B. howe many occasions are before vs to cause vs to forget this or to let the desire of it to be● quenched in vs or at the least to fill our selues with other pleasures of the worlde but God shall keepe you from the corruptions of the worlde and giue vnto you a wise heart which euery daye may searche your thoughtes and suffer you neuer to forget your latter ende and seeing euery day doeth bring you neare vnto it let euery day kindle more your affections that you may loue it vnto the ende and then our hope shal be full and our mouthes opened for euer Amen Yours Ed. Deringe To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ be with you euer As J trust the Lord doeth strenghten you to better health that you may liue to his prayse so J am desirous to heare also of your amendment but much more as God hath made manifest in you many tokens of his grace so J hartily pray that you may bee made euen as Paule to moorne still in this earthlie tabernacle and to saye vnfainedlie I desire to bee dissolued and to be with Christ this is that good issue of life to which I haue often prayed that J might attayne vnto it this is that measure of grace whiche as I am most bounde so hartely J beseech our God and Sauiour that it may plentifully be powred vppon you And if wee shal be made in our liues so happie then haue we a dwelling in perfect peace and in deede we be receyued into the couenaunt of the newe Testament that wee should be filled with ioye of the holy Ghost For what can disquiet vs or what can bee grieuous vnto vs if in the face of Iesus Christ we see our rising agayne from the graue and feare not before the shaddow of death all other afflictions they are but ministers vnto this in the presence of death they are dispersed and they doe not followe vs vnto the darke places If God will haue mercie vpon vs to blesse vs into this victorie thē hath hee giuen vs our inheritaunce in pleasant places and our portion in a happie lot What so euer enimies are against vs they shall striue in vayne and all things contrarie vnto vs shall haue no strength for beyonde death there is no power in them and death it selfe is dispised in our eyes Jf we felt not this in our heartes but would seeke outwarde testimonie of men let him speake that findeth any greater feare then this The sicke person or prisoner may bee loth to dye but the dead man he feareth no euill and they that liue in prosperitie this is not their feare least they should haue a fall but it is death that is bitter vnto all them that haue peace in their riches Seeing this then is the greatest tyrant that maketh Princes tremble and that anguish of harte that turneth all pleasure into wormwoode what soeuer is vnder the sunne good maistres B. as you are so abyde and as you haue receyued so abounde till the good graces of the liuinge GOD haue made you stronger then sinne or death so shall your dayes be all in blessing and your accounted tymes haue true delight till the latter ende doe shine in hope So shall you bee bolde to saye with Dauid Surely the Lord will deliuer me from the snare of the hunter and from the noysome pestilence I shall not bee afrayde of the feare of the night nor of the arrowe that flyeth in the day nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darkenes nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone I haue set the most highe to bee my refuge and there shall no euill come neare my tabernacle The Lorde blesse vs in this good hope make stronge our confidence in this perswasion that at last we may dwell in ioye and gladnes if feare haue often recourse into our fraile bodyes because we carrie in vs corruption whiche is the strength of death yet that feare shall not alwayes grieue vs for our hope is perfect and shall not be shaken Wee shall goe but as Saint Paule and Peter Abraham and Jsaac haue gone before and not onely they but oure Fathers our Mothers and our dearest friendes are gone with them and all that are behinde shall ouertake vs. The trouble of the trauell must needes appeare light in the middest of so happie companie or if their loue haue not such force in vs that Parentes and Friendes Apostles Prophetes Patriarkes and all the Saintes of God can make vs say Let vs dye with the righteous and let our latter ende bee as vnto them yet sure when among the dead I haue seene Christ and in the graue haue founde the God of glorie J shall say with a perfect hearte Christ is my life and death is myne aduantage What then remayneth more vnto vs but to striue faithfullie that we may come vnto this that God may worke with vs as with his saintes and wee may be pertaker with the happie Prophete to see the louing kindnes of the Lorde which is better then lyfe and to saye with him As the hart longeth after the water brookes so my soule longeth to see the Lord and in the meane season that we yet fulfill our accounted tyme whiche the Lorde graunt for his Churches sake that you may doe euen vntill olde age and many yeares in good increase of your childrens children happie peace of his chosen people In the meane while I say that your hope may be precious before you and in this earthlie tabernacle yet may haue your conuersation in the highest heauen from thence lookinge for a Sauiour euen Iesus Christ the righteous who shall change this corruptible body to make it like to his glorious body in that blessed time whiche shall skatter away all affliction seale within that happie assurāce of immortalitie whiche shal be in the presence of the God of glorie when this weake body shall haue a recompence of a fewe sorrowfull dayes in euerlastinge righteousnes Jn whiche hope the Lorde graunt many yeares you may rest Yours Ed. Dering To Maistres B. THe Lord who is riche in mercie keepe vs euer in the assured couenant of his newe Testament made in Jesus Christ that we may feele the forgiuenes of our sinnes and reioyce in the hope of eternall life Amen I am sure you wil be gladde good maistres B. to heare of our safe comming home And J would be gladde to heare of all your well dooing at your Saint Ellins therefore J writte vnto you Both to heare agayne that God continueth his good blessinges towardes you and to certifie you that I thanke God J am nowe safe at Shenfildes I haue not yet taken the plaster but this day J haue begonne to drinke Maistres P. Water Let it haue the worke which God will For in health our