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A68446 An humble supplicacion vnto God for the restoring of hys holye woorde, vnto the churche of Englande, mooste mete to be sayde in these oure dayes, euen with teares of euery true [and] faythfull English harte. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1554 (1554) STC 1730; ESTC S110450 34,239 76

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❧ An humble supplicacion vnto God / for the restoringe of hys holye woorde / vnto the churche of Englande / mooste mete to be sayde in these oure dayes / euen with teares of euery true faythfull English harte ❀ Esa 59. ☞ Beholde / the Lordes hāde is not so shortened / that it cā not help / neither is his eare so stopped / that it maye not heare ❀ ¶ Imprynted at Strasburgh in Elsas / at the signe of the goldē Bibell / In the moneth of Auguste the yeare of our LORD 1554. The supplicacion O Moste dere / gentle Gen. 1. Sap. 8. Ioan. 1. Psal 95. Prou. 21. louing and merciful father / maker / ruler / conseruer / and disposer of all thinges / bothe in heauen in earthe / withoute whose will / ordinaunce and commaundemēt nothing is done that is done / in whose handes all the coastes of the earthe and the hartes of princes and of all other thy humayne creatures are / to be ruled / ordered and bent / as thy godly wisedome dothe appointe / from whome also / as from a most righteous iudge / commeth prosperitie and Eccles 11. Deut. 28. Psal 148 Amos. 8. Math. 9. aduersitie / health and syckenesse / wealth s●asones / peace and trouble / blessinges and plagues / the gift of the holy worde / and the takinge awaye of thesame / the sendinge of faythful workeman into thy haruest / the displasinge of them agayn / the apointemēt Eccle. 10. Iob. 34. of godly magistrates / and setting vp of hypocrites and tyrauntes for the punishment of the disobedient / vngodly and stifnecked people We fele / we fele / yea / we Englishe men fele / O father of mercies / and God 2. Cor. 1 of all consolacion so greate a dongehis● of Iere. 17. synne within vs / such vilenes / such corrupcion / such vnthankefulnes / and suche disobedience againste the and thy blessed wil / that except thou haddest geuen vs a commaundemēt to praye / and also ioyned vnto Prai●r thesame / a faithful and louing promise that thou wilt heare vs / whan soeuer we cal on the / in the name of Iesus Christ thy derely beloued sonne ouxe Lorde / and oure alone sauioure / we neuer durste soo muche / as once too lifte vp oure eyes vnto the / and to approche vnto the gracious and mercifull throne of thy diuine maiestie / for a redresse of those euils / wherewith at thys present alas for sorow we are miserably / yet worthely plagued / punished and tormented But o heauenly father / and oure moste benigne and gentle Lorde / thou graciously cōsidering bothe oure vilenes and weakenes of conscience / haste notwithstanding geuen vs a commaundement by thy seruaūt ●auid not to feare / but franckely too fle vnto the / as vnto a mooste stronge mightie and inuincible bulwarke / by feruent prayer in all oure troubles / and haste also promised / not for anye woorkes of righteousnes that Titus 3. we haue done / but for thyne exceding great and vnspeakable mercies sake / to heare vs and to satisfye oure requestes / sayeng Ca● on me in the daye of thy trouble / and I wil Psal 50. delyuer the / and thou shalte honoure me Here haue we poore wretches vnto oure greate comforte / bothe a commaundement of the to praye / also a promyse that thou wilte hear● vs. And thy moste dere and onely begotten Math. 7. Luce. 11. sonne commaundeth vs not onely to aske / too seke / and too knocke / but he also promyseth / that whosoeuer wil axe / thesame shal receaue / whosoeuer will seke / thesame shal fynde / and to him that knocketh / it shall be Ioan. 14. opened / yea / his promyse is / that whatsoeuer we axe of the in hys name / thou wilte gyue it vs. We beynge encouraged / and as it were vnderpropped with this thy gracious commaundemente to praye / and louinge promyse too be hearde / are bolde at this presente / in the name of Christe too come vnto the merciful thron of thy godly maiestie / and before thesame too poore ou● the sorowful griefes of oure most sorowful hartes / most hūbly besechīg the for thy mercies sake / for thy promises sake / for thy names sake / yea / for thy dere Christes sake / that thou turnīg away thine eyes frō oure sinnes / wilt behold thin holy anoīted / whō 1. Tim. 2. 1. Ioan. 2. Math. 17 Marc. 9 thou hast made our media ●or aduocat for whose sake thou hast opēly declared euē frō the heauēs / that thou art wel pleased with and for his dignitie and worthines graciously Luc. 9. 2. Pet. 1. heare the lamentable peticions hūble requestes of oure broosed hartes / and troubled consciences Ah moste dere father / great are our miseries / but greater are our synnes / greuous are oure troubles / but more greuous are the wickednesses / whiche we moste wretched synners haue committed againste thy fatherly goodnes / intollerable are the plagues / that be layde vpon vs / but those thorow oure vnthankefulnes and wicked lyninge we frely confessed haue we mooste worthely deserued / whiche haue so ofte deseru●d the very tormentes of hell fyre / alas wretches that we are / and yet are we compelled euen of necessitie for vayne is the Iere. 17. helpe that commeth from man / yea / cursed be he / that putteth his truste in man / maketh flesh his arme to fle for soccoure vnto the / whome we haue so ofte so greuously offended / whose righteousnes notwithstāding in punis●hinge synners whan we beholde / we begynne to despayre and too caste awaye all hope / but whann we beholde thy mercy / setforth in the precious bloude of thy moste dere sonne Christe Iesu oure Lorde / we take a good harte vnto vs / and setting before our eyes thy moste louinge / swete and fatherly promises / in hearing vs for Christes sake / we are encouraged to beleue / that although our synnes be neuer so great and greuous / neuer so abhominable and intollerable / we were neuer so wicked and filthy synners / yet for thy mercies sake / for thy promise sake / for thy names sake / yea / for thy dere christes sake thou wilt mercifully heare vs / and graunte vs oure earnest requestes / yea / and that so muche the more / because the matter is not onelye oures / but thyne also / agayne / seynge we come not vnto the to desyre longe lyfe / gold and ryches with the wicked wordlynges / nor yet to craue at thy hande wealth pleasure / bishoprikes and benefices / Deanries / Prebendes and such other worldly promocions with the swinishe and beastlye Epicures / whose God their bellye is / but oure Phil. 3. The Christen mās desyre humble supplicacion / our earnest request / oure hartye desyre is / onely that thou wilt
consyder thyne owne glory / the halowinge of thy blessed name / the auauncemente off thy glorious kyngdom / the accomplyshmēt of thy heauēly wil / the honour of thy only begottē sonne / the settingforth of hys holy Gospel / the purenes of the Christen religion / the syncere preachinge of thy lyuely worde / the true administraciō of thy wholsome sacramentes / the saluacion of suche as thy derely beloued sonne hathe boughte from the tyranny of sathan / with the pryce of hys moste precious and dere hart bloud These thinges / these thinges o heauenly father do we poore wretches craue and begge at thy merciful hande These thinges / these thinges ▪ euen with sorowfull groninges lamētable teares do we miserable captiues desyre the to consyder / and not so to suffer thine aduersaries to triumphe / as thoughe there were no God at all / no Christe / no Gospell / no faythe / no true religion / but whatsoeuer pleaseth the hypocrites to cōmaunde thy people to beleue Thou callest thy self a ielous God / why than doest thou Exod. 20 suffer thy people / thy congregacion / thy flocke / thyne heritage / to be thus seduced ledde awaye from the vnto all kynde of spiritual fornicacion / and abhominable whordome by that Antichriste of Rome / ●hat greate Baal / that stoute Nemroth / that Pestilences of the Christen cōmon vvealte fals prophet / that beast / that whore of Babylon / that sonne of perdicion / and by hys abhominable adherentes / Cardinalles / Archebischoppes / Bischoppes / Suffraganes / Archedeacons / Deanes / Prouostes / Prebēdaries / Commissaries / Parsonnes / Vicares / Purgatorierakers / Priestes / Monkes / Friers / Chanons / Nonnes / Anckers / Anckresses / Pardonners / Proctors / Scribes / Officialles / Sōners / Lawers / Massemongers / Can●nistes / Papis●es / Antichr●stes / Māmonistes / Epicures / Libert●●es / With all the table of beas●lye hypocrytes that haue receued the beastes mar● / which do not hing els than seke / how they may establishe their Antichristian kyngdom / by suppressinge thy holy worde / and leadinge thy people into all kynde of ●lyndenes / errours and lyes Thou callest thy self a Lorde / and thou sayeste / that thou wilt gyue thy glory to none other / nor thy prayse vnto grauen Imag●s / howe commeth it than to passe / that thou suffrest thy glory so too decaye in the realme of Englande / so many to steale awaye thy prayse and ●onoure / by sayenge their idolatrous and deuelishe masses / by Ab●omina●●lons ministeringe a sorte of Heythenish and Iewishe cerem●nies / by prayenge vntoo ●ead sainctes / by blottinge oute of the temples / thy holy lawe there written / according to thy commaundement / for the edifyenge of thy people / and by settinge vp in the steade therof Idols and Mawmettes / clea●e contrary Deut. 4. Heb. 12. to thy blessed worde Thou callest thy self a Lyō a cōsumīgfyre / threatenes● vtter destrucciō vnto thin aduersaries / whi suffereth thou thā these Antichristes thus to ryse / ro●e / rage / agaīst the testamēt of thy most dere sonne / to beat doune thy trueth / to call thy holy lawe heresy / to banishe the preachinge of the Gospel / the true ●se of the Sacramentes / to seke the destrucciō of so many as vnfaynedly loue the and thy blessed worde Thou promiseste / that so many as hate Psal 129. Syo● / that is to saye / thy faithfull congregacion / shal be confounded and broughte to noughte / howe cometh it thā to passe / that the wicked now florish like the grene olyue tree / liuing in all wealth / pompe and pleasure / and thy people / whome thou hast sealed with thy holy spirite vnto euerlasting lyfe / are moste miserablye entreated / some bannis●●ed / some in pryson / some cruellye murthered / but all in moste sorowfull miseries / and miserable sorowes Thou promises●e / that thou wilt deliuer Ezec. 34. thy flocke from the hande of the wicked shepehardes / and that thou thy selfe wilte fede them in moste pleasaunt and swete / pastures ah good God / how cometh it thā to passe / that wher as before thy shepe were f●dde with the confortable meate of thy glorious gospel / by the ministerie of the godly learned preachers / the faithfull shepehardes are driuen awaye / and a rable of rauening Acto 20 wolfes are bras●e into the shepefolde / which spare not the flocke / but cruelly murder / not ouly their bodies by ●mpr●sonning hanging / heading and brenning them / but their soulc● also by teaching them wicked and pestilent doctrine Thy moste dere sonne / bothe promised prophecied / that euery plante / whiche thou the heauenly father haste not planted / ●hal be plucked vp by the rootes / but we se it otherwise Math. 15. come to passe in the realm of Englande For suche plantes / as the deuill and hys chaplens had planted / were thorowe the diligence and godly zele of thy seruauntes kynge Henry the eyghte / and kyng Edward the syxte / moste blessedly plucked vp / and thy holy ordinaunces agayne planted vnto the greate ioye and vnspeakeable conforte of all the faithfull But now / thorow the tyranny and blynde zele of certayne / are thy blessed statutes plucked vp by the rootes / and set in agayn / are the damnable decrees / and crocked constitucions of Antichriste / vnto the excedinge greate griefe / sorow and pensyuenes of all faithfull Christians Ah Lorde God / seme these thinges matters of s●al importans / before the eyes of thy diu●ne maiestie Can these outragious thīges be done in earth / thou wincke at them in heauen Arte not thou he / that kepeth Israel Psal 121. Esa 59. But he neither sleapeth nor slombreth / sayeth the Psalmographe / that kepeth Israel Aryse therfore / o Lord / why sleapest thou Is thy eare so stopped / that thou canste no more heare And is thy hāde so shortened / that it can nomore healpe O Lord / arise for thy mercies sake / helpe vs. Haste the to deliuer vs for thy name sake / for great are oure troubles / intollerable are oure miseries Ah Lorde / vouchesafe once again to looke dounefrō heauen / cōsyder the lamentable state of the realme off England / of the godly inhabitaūtes therof / which desyre nothing so greatly / as to se thy true honour perfectly setforth / thy holy worde truly preached / the Christen religion hyghly aua●nced / and thy holy name sanctified / praysed / magnified commended for euer Ah Lorde God / heretofore in the time of Kinge Hēry the ●yght● thy blessinge / thou gauest to the realme off Englande a man to reygne ouer it / vnder whome the churche was purged of many enormities great abuses / the true religion began to haue good successe And whā it
was thy godly pleasure too call hym frō this vale of misery / vnto thy heauēly kingdome / thou gauest vnto vs his sonne to be Kyng Edvvarde the sixte oure Kynge / a Prince / althoughe yonge in yeares / tender in age / yet auncieut in the knowledge of the / of thy sonne Christ / of thy holy worde / as another Iosias / altogether bent vtterly to wedeout al fals religion / supersticiō / hypocrisye / papistrie / c. after a moste perfect manner / to set vp thy holy religion / to auaūce the har●y fauourers of thesame / vnto the great wōderful exāple of all Christen princes But alas for sorow / this most goodly godly Impe / this moste Christē kyng / this noble yōge Iosias was for oure vnthankefulnes wicked lyuing taken awaye from vs / before the tyme vnto our great sorow vnspeakable hartes disease Whose death was the beginning / is now still the cōtinuaūce of all our sorowes / griefes miseries For in the steade of that verteous prince / thou haste set to rule ouer vs an womā / whom nature hath formed 1. Tim. 2. to be in subiecciō vnto mā / whō thou by thyne holy Apostle cōmaundest to kepe silēce / not to speake in the cōgregaciō Ah Lord / to take away the empire frō a mā / to gyue it vnto a womā / semeth to be an euidēt tokē of thyne āger toward vs Englishmen Esa ● For by the Prophet● / thou beyng displeased with thy people / threatnest to sette womē to rule ouer thē / as people vnworthy to haue lawful / natural mete gouernors to reign ouer thē And verely though we fynd / that womē somtime bare rule amōg thy people / yet do we rede / that suche as ruled were quenes / were for the moste part wicked / vngodly / supersticious / geuē to idolatry / to al filthy abhominaciō / as we may se in the histories of quene Iesabel / 3. Reg. 19. 4. Reg. 11 quene Athalla / quene Herodias / such like Ah Lorde God / we dare not take vpon vs Math. 14 to iudge anye creature / for vnto the alone are the secretes of all hartes knowne / but of this are we sure / that synce she ruled / whyther of her owne disposicton / or of the prouocacion of a certayne wylde bore / successor Psal 80. Acto 23. too Ananias that whygh●ie daubed waulle / we know not / thy vineyarde is vtterly rooted vp and layde waste / thy true religion is bannished / and popishe supersticion The clo●e of papistes too deceaue the simple hath preuayled / yea / that vnder the coloure of the catholicke churche / and the olde auncient fayth / whan notwithstanding darkenes is not more contrary to light / nor colde vnto heate / than their procedinges are cōtrary to the trueth of thy holy worde if the practise and doctrine of the true catholicke churche / we speake of the Patriarches and Prophetes / of Christe and hys Apostles / and of so many godly people / as lyued from Adam vnto the tyme that Antichrist / the bisshop of Rome set vp his kyngdome 2 Thes 2. / and auaūced hym self aboue all that is called God might be the iudge / go for payment For besydes the geuinge of the kyngdome / vnto the rule of a woman / O Lorde / we mos●e humbly beseche the / to cōsider that outragious floudes of moste greuous enormities / haue braste in and ouerflowed the realme of Englād / vnto the vtter subuersion of thesame / except thy merciful goodnes do the shortly helpe Ah Lord God / heretofore vnder the rule Psal 50 Rom. 10. of that moste Christen kinge Edwarde the ●yxte / we were ●aught accordīg to thy word to fle with oure prayers vnto the alone / in all our troubles and necessities / as a Lorde plētefully ryche for so many as call on the. God alone is to be called on But nowe the Antichristiane Preachers teache / that we muste also praye to creatures that are dead / that they maye pray for vs / or els we praye vnto the invayne / and oure prayers shal neuer be hearde Heretofore we were taught / that Christ 1. Tim. 2. 1. Ioan. 8. Roma 2. Christalene is oure mediator aduocate and intercessour God and man is oure alone mediatoure / aduocate and intercessore But now the priestes of Baal teach / that Mary / Iames Peter / Ihon / Paule / Andrew / we know not who / are also oure mediators / aduocates and Intercessoures / and that we muste call vppon them in oure troubles and aduersities / whan soeuer we will haue to do with the / namely if we will haue our matter go forwarde Heretofore we were taughte / that the 1. Ioan. 1. Apoc. 1. Christes bloud is the alo●e Purgatory off the faithful precious bloude of oure sauioure Christe is the alone and sufficient Purgatory for the synnes of all them that repēt beleue But now the papistes teache / that there is a purging place after this lyfe / where the soules of the faithful shal be mise●ably tormented with fyrye f●ames / tyll eyther they them selfes haue made satis●accion for all their synnes / by suffering dew punishment or els other in this world haue made amēdes for them / by prayeng / by synging of trē talles / by goyng on ●ylgrimage / by dealeng monye / by ●yenge the pepes pardons for their redempcion / and suche lyke / whan the holy scripture contrariwise teacheth / that Sap. 3. Apoc. 14 the faythful so sone as they departe frome this lyfe / go streyghtwayes vnto glorye / ●he vnfaythful vnto euerlastinge payne damnacion / as we maye se in the historie of the ryche glotton / and of the poore man Lazarus Luc. 16 Heretofore we were taught / that Christ Christis one and alone sacrifice sufficith foreuer and euer Esa 53. Heb. 7. 9. 10. 1. Pet. 2. Apoc. 1. thy sonne and oure alone Sauiour / made vpon the aultare of the crosse / whan he suffered and dyed for vs / so sufficient / perfect / absolute and consummate oblacion / and sacrifice for the synnes of the people / that by that one / and alone sacrifice / grace / fauour / mercy / forgeuenes of synnes euerlastinge lyfe / is for euer and euer plentefully obtayned of the / for so many as repent beleue But now a dayes / those Baali●e massemongers are not ashamed to reproue that swete smelling sacrifice of Christe / and too saye / that it is not so perfect / but that they also muste offer Christ vp againe dayly in their masses for the synnes of the people / that their oblacion is a propiciatory sacrifice / and of no les vertue / strength / efficaci● might and power / than the pashon death of Christ
wyffes withe their yonge Childeren are not only brought to the state of pouerte but also vnto extrem beggeri without hous or harbour / without meat / drynk clothe Yea māy of them / becaus they wil not be defiled with the Idolatre of Antichrist / which is now receaneed agayne into E●glande an bowe theyr knee vnto Baal / are compelled to forsak theyr natyu contrie / their parētes / theyr frendes / theyr lyuynges / and to wander abrode in strange Realmes / ledyng moste sorowfull confortles liues / but that theyhaue the their good Lorde merciful father / which confortest them in all their tribulacyon / and leauyst non without socoure that put their trust in the. Thus seist thowe O moste mercifull father Howe miserabli the face of the chryst● comon weale of England is beyond all measure defame● The Christ● comō vveal of England● miserabl● 〈◊〉 formed Thns seist thoue / howe thygodly doctrine and most holy ordinances are vtterly abolyshed / and menes tradicions see vp in the place of them Thus seiste thowe / howe thy glorie honore that is due to the alone / is attributed and geueue to an Idoleof bread to their wicked Maumets Thus feist thowe / howe the Saluacion / whiche is thorow faithe to be hoped looked for ōlye in the glorius passion / precius deathe / triumphant Resurrecion of thy most dere so●● andour alone Sauiour Lord Iesus 〈◊〉 / is nowe reposed in the sinfull merites of●ipocrites / in the iutercession of Saintes● in ceremonies / in the obseruances of menes idle imaginacious c. Thus seist thow / how thy holy worde is set aside and / mans doctri hathe the vppermost hand Thus seist thow how thy holy mysteries are tomoch filtheli defiled of the swynyshe Papistes Thusseist thowe / howe all thynges in the temples be done without edifieng Nothyng is herad in them but boyng / bellowyng and blearing Thus seist thowe / howe the fatherli Bish oppes and faithfull pastores are vniustli put out of their cures / depriued of all that they haue / banyshed and handled like shepe appoynted to the slaughter / and in the steade offthem whyte dawbed walles / paynted Sepulckers full of all filthines abhominaciō / blynde Phareseis / subtile Hypocrites / vnlea●ned asses / Romyshe foxes / Rawenyngwolues / Lordly Tyrantes / and suche Lyke pestilences / are appoynted to rule ouer thy flocke Thus seist thowe / howe thy poore myserable thepe are most villy wrechedly handled of thes pastors / Yea Idolles / theues / Robbers / and murtherars / while they are compelled / wil they / nil they / to taste of their pestelent and poysonfull pastures / to eate of theyr phatisaicall leauen / and to drynck oftheir dirtie and myrie puddeles Thus seist thowe / how the honorable Maryage of the Godly ministers is vtterly cōdemnede as A thyng vnlawfull and vnmete for the ministerie of thy worde and Sacramentes / and a bominable whordome frely suffered / bornewithe all / and wincked at Psal 79. Thus seist thow / howe the heathen are brast iuto thyne heritage / haue defiled thy holy temple / and mad Ierusalem an heape of stones Ah Lorde sence the puttyng downe of thy holy religiō The miser●● of the ●nglishe Christians in England / we that professe thy name / and wold gladly serue the accordīg to thy blessed worde not after the fāsyes of men / which we know to be abominable in thy sighte / are become an open shame vnto our enemies avery scorne and verision vnto them / that are round about vs. They that hayte vs / spoile owre goodes Psal 44. We are eaten vp like shepe Yea so ●●tim our dere frendes neighbours abhore vs and refuse oure company so fearfull are they of liffe and goodes A Very by worde are we become among the Papistesand the vngodly people shake theire heades att vs. Owre soule is broughte lowe euen vnto the duste / and oure bely clea●eth to the grownde For thy sake are we killed all thedaye longe / are counted as shepe apoynted to be stayue Vp Lorde why sleapest thow / awake and caste vs not of for euer Whe●fore hideste ●howe thy face Wilte thowe cleane forget owr miseri and oppression Arise o Lorde helpe vs deliuer vs for thy mercie sake Ah Lorde howe / longe wilte thowe be angrye psal 79. shall thy ielousy burne like fire foreuer Poure out thyne indinguacion vpon theh eathen whiche knowe the not / vpon the kyngdomes that call not vpon thy name For they haue dewoured Iacobe / and Layde wayste his dwellyng place Oh remember not oure olde synnes but haue mercye vpon vs and that soune / for we are come to great mysery Helpe vs / o God oure Sauioure / for the glorie of thy name O delyuer vs forgyue vs oure synnes for thy names sake Wherfor shall the heathen The Papistes saye / Where is nowe their God Whereisnowe theire Gosspell Oh / let the vengeāns of thy seruautes blood that is shedde / be opēlye shewed vpon the heathen in oure sighte Oh / let the sorowsull syghiuges of the presōners come before the / and accordynge to thepowr of thyne arme preserue those that are appoynted to dye Psal 80. Steerre vp thy pawre / o Lorde / and come to helpe vs. Inrne to vs A gayne and shewe vs the lyghte of thy louyng counteuaūs / that we may be saued O Lord God of hostes / howe longe wylte thowe beangrye ouer the prayers of thy people How longe wil●e thowe fede theme that beleue in the with the bread of teares / and gyue them plentye of sorowes to drynke Howe longe●hal they be a laughing stock to the Papystes Howe longe shall thy viny●rde be rootedvp of the wylde bore / be dewoured of the / veastes of the feilde Howe longe shall ●irehedges be brokene / that they whiche go by / may plucke vp hir grapes Howe long shall it be brent withe fire and lye vais●e O turn the agayne thow God of hostes / looke doune frome heauen / behoulde and visete thy vinyarde Houlde not thy tonge / o God / kepenot silence / refrayn not thy selffe o god psal 82. For Lo / thyne enemies make a murmuryng / and they that hate the / lifte vp their heade They imagine craftely agayuste thy people / andtake councell agayns●e thy holyones Come say they / lete vs root them out from among the people / that the name of Israel maye beput out of remembrance For they haue cast their heades together withe one consente / are confederate agaynst the thy holyehword They shame not to saye / We will haue the howse of God in possessiou We will hauemene to beleue / as we liste Psal 11. Owre tong shal preuaile We are they that oughte to speake / who is Lorde ower vs As for the wordeswhiche the faithful preachars speke vnto vs in the