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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A63254 The triumphs of grace: or, The last words and edifying death of the Lady Margaret de la Musse a noble French lady, who died in May 1681. Aged but sixteen years. Englished by P. L. La Musse, Margaret de, Lady, 1664 or 5-1681.; P. L. 1687 (1687) Wing T2296; ESTC R220913 33,954 149

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the Pit do go Have mercy upon me Psal 15.1 O God after thy great goodness according to the multitude of thy merccies blot out mine offences v. 12. O restore unto me the comfort of thy salvation and stablish me with thy free Spirit IT cannot be describ'd how great her grief and disquiet was when she reflected upon her weaknesses and the little care she conceiv'd she had taken in the performance of her Duty to God and in this doleful condition she cry'd out Lord God of health Psal 88.1 2 3. Old Transl the hope and stay Thou art alone to me I call and cry throughout the day And all the night to thee O let my Prayer soon ascend Vnto thy sight on high Incline thine ear O Lord attend And bearken to my cry For why with wo my heart is fill'd And does in trouble dwell My life and breath almost does yield And draweth nigh to Hell. O Lord Jer. 14.7 though my sins witness against me yet do thou pardon and put away mine iniquities for thy Great Names sake which I invoke For thy wrath endures but a moment Psal 30.5 and in thy favour is life Behold my troubles Lord How they with baste advance Psal 70.1 Patr. O do not stay but come as fast To my deliverance Like Psal 42.1 as the Hart pants after the Water brooks so longs my Soul after thee v. 2. O God! My Soul is athirst for God yea even for the Living God When shall I come and appear before God Look dawn to me and be the same Psal 119. v. 132. Woodford As thou art us'd to be to them who love thy Name 'T is for thy favour that I sue Psal 119.57 Woodf And hastning of that promise which thy Word makes due ALL the night long she was rehearsing the most pathetical Verses of the Psalms and in the morning being Munday a Roman Catholick being come to see her about nine of the Clock and expressing his grief upon the score of her sickness she answer'd his Civility and withal gave him an account of her Faith and the Hope that was in her assuring him she was resolv'd to die in that Religion which she was brought up in and always had profess'd Some few days after this a Divine by name Monsieur Boursault being come to visit her discoursed her a little while and then pray'd with her she instancing to him after his Prayer was ended what part of it had most affected her This whole day as the foregoing she pass'd in continual sighs and tears often crying out Oh! how much weakness and infirmity O my God am I sensible of Oh! how unworthy am I to appear before thee If thou O Lord mark my transgressions I shall not be able to abide it But O my God I beseech thee speak peace unto me and say to my Soul I am thy Salvation Incline thine ear to hear my voice Psal 119.149 Old Transl And pity on me take As thou wast wont so help me Lord Lest life should me forsake Since my sins do abound Rom. 5.20 O Lord so make thy Grace much more abound towards me Psal 69.16 Hear me O Lord for thy loving kindness is good turn unto me according to the multitude of thy mercies v. 17. And hide not thy face from thy servant for I am in trouble O haste thee and hear me Draw nigh unto my Soul v. 18. and save it for thy mercies sake WITH these she rehearsed also several admirable Sentences she had learn'd out of a Book intitul'd Comforts against the Terrours of Death which being slipt out of our mind are not mentioned here SHE having been from the Sunday-morning in continual frights and disquiets occasion'd by the sense of her sins and her apprehension of God's Judgments found her Spirit calmed and her mind much compos'd about seven of the Clock in the Evening when she felt the Comforts of the Holy Ghost and was fill'd with that unspeakable Joy and Glory which God diffuses in their hearts who are struck with a lively sorrow for having offended him NOW at the time of these happy Inspirations it was that she hearing them who were about her talk of giving her something to refresh her body said to them All that is done to me is to no purpose for from my God I have receiv'd the onely Remedy my Soul so much long'd for Psal 118.5 I called upon the Lord in my trouble and the Lord heard me at large I feel my God is on my side v. 6. therefore I will fear no evil v. 16. For the right hand of the Lord is exalted the right hand of the Lord brings mighty things to pass Psal 116.2 The Lord has inclined his ear unto me therefore will I call upon him as long as I breath v. 3. The snares of death compassed me about and the pains of Hell gat hold of me v. 4. I found trouble and heaviness but I will call upon the the Name of the Lord O Lord I beseech thee deliver my Soul. Gracious is the Lord v. 5. and righteous yea our God is merciful v. 6. The Lord preserves the simple I was in misery and he helped me v. 7. Turn again then unto thy rest O my soul for the Lord has dealt bountifully with thee HERE she making a stop they gave her that which was prepar'd for her and some of the Company telling her she should endeavour to take some rest she answer'd That the Rest and Peace she felt in her Soul was her sole joy and happiness And when it was farther said to her that she ought to take courage there being yet hopes of Recovery Ah! reply'd she tell me no more of living here on Earth again now all my thoughts are fix'd upon Heaven Neither does death affright me at all Rom. 6.23 for though I know it is the wages of sin I know also that the Gift of God is Eternal Life Onely pray to God for me that he would be pleas'd to strengthen me more and more against the fears which the sense of my sins may raise in me to the end I may be enabled to fight the good fight 2 Tim 4.7 and so obtain the Crown of Life UPON which one saying to her that the fears occasioned from sin ought to be much less in her than any body else she having always liv'd a most pious retired life she made this answer How do you know I would not have loved the World if I had been brought up as other people of my Quality are Am not I more happy now that my Saviour will take me from it Let us therefore pray him that be would so dispose my Heart that I may go to him with a full assurance of his Mercy O Lord this is the needful time help me my God hast thee to my relief THEN another saying to her But Madam suppose God would
Nobleness of Bloud Their great and unparallel'd Zeal for God's Glory and unmovable Constancy in the True Religion cannot sufficiently be commended and admir'd Afflictions and Sufferings which are the Lot of the Church-Militant here on Earth having never been able to make them renounce the Doctrine our Saviour taught and his Martyrs have seal'd with their Bloud For they all-along made it their chiefest Business more and more to establish the Covenant of God and knowledge of his Truth in their Family and to the end all the Children God had given them might he Heirs of their Piety and Virtue as well as Estate their greatest concern and care ever was to afford them together with a good Education the powerful Example of an Holy Life And though God has some time since depriv'd this Illustrious Family of Him who was the Head of it yet by the Care of his most pious Lady Godliness has no less flourish'd in it than before insomuch that God being honour'd and fear'd his Holy Name call'd upon and his Sacred Word made the subject of constant Meditation among them this Wise Mother always had the comfort and happiness to see her Cares and Desires herein answer'd by every one of her Children and particularly by this Daughter of hers whose Dying Words are here rehears'd who in the last moments of her Life did in a special manner shew how deep an impression those good Instructions had made on her which she had receiv'd in her most tender Age. THIS Pious young Lady after some days indisposition which dayly grew upon her did on the 4th of May 1681. being Sunday fall into such violent Fits that as soon as she was come to her self again perceiving her Latter End was near desir'd the Lady her Mother should be call'd that she might receive her Blessing and be comforted by her who no sooner appear'd but this Dutiful Daughter stretching forth her Hands to her with all the submission imaginable spake thus My dear Mother now is the time God will call me to Himself Let us put our selves in a condition of coming into his Presence But alas how unworthy am I to present my self before him How weak is my Faith and how disproportionate my Repentance Pray entreat God for me that he would grant me the Pardon of my Sins and speak Peace to my Soul. Oh how unhappy am I He does not speak at all to my Soul O beg of Him to have mercy on me HOW much soever the Lady her Mother found her self mov'd at this Discourse yet she had so much power over her self as to return her this Answer Dear Child it 's true Psal 143.2 that in God's sight no man living but through his mercy can be justifi'd But has not the Saviour of the World made an atonement for the greatest Sinners Have not the sins of David Manasses St. Peter the penitent Thief and abundance of others been forgiven them JESUS CHRIST as you very well know my Child did not come to call the Righteous Mat. 9.13 but Sinners to repentance 'T IS true repli'd the young Lady but such a repentance I do not find wrought in me as God requires of those he calls to him for alas he speaks not to my Soul. My dear Child answer'd the Lady her Mother since your heart is so sensible of grief for your Sins it 's a sign that your Conscience is not sear'd or stupifi'd there is something that fights within you And what can that be but the Holy Ghost Always put your trust in God's Mercy and the Merits of your Redeemer who has said Joh. 6 17. Him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out At the hearing of which comfortable words the Patient with her Eyes lifted up to Heaven broke out into these O Lord Cant. 1.4 draw me then that I may run after thee THEN she desir'd to see their Chaplain Monsieur de Malnoe who no sooner was acquainted with it but he repair'd to her Chamber in company of some Gentlewomen of the Neighbourhood he met at the door to whom as they drew near to her Bed-side to see her she spoke thus My dear Friends I beg of you pray to God that he would be pleas'd to have mercy on me And then turning to the Minister she earnestly desir'd him to assist her with his Prayers and comfortable Exhortations AND some few hours after this she finding her self uneasie in her Chamber desir'd to be and was accordingly remov'd to another and she still growing worse and worse requested to be recommended to God in the Prayers of the Church In the mean time she would hear nothing but Godly Discourses and always was talking of the heinousness of her sins Whereupon being told that it was very pleasing to God to see us accuse our selves before him 'T is true cry'd she Whosoever does confess and forsake his sins shall have mercy Prov. 28.13 ALL the rest of the day she spent in lamenting and bewailing the weakness and imperfection of her Piety and no sooner was fallen into a slumber but she awak'd and call'd for the Chaplain still continuing in Meditation and Prayer and frequently calling upon God as particularly thus With speed send help Psal 40.18 Old Transl and set me free My God I thee require Make hast with aid to succour me O Lord at my desire Like a lost Sheep I 've gone astray Psal 119.176 Patrick But now to thee I come Thy Precepts I resolve t' obey Lord bring thy Servant home O Lord Psal 6.1 rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure Psal 130.3 If thou Lord wilt be extream to mark what is done amiss v. 4. O Lord who shall stand But there is mercy with thee that thou mayst be fear'd Psal 51.2 Wash me throughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sins v. 3. For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me v. 9. Turn thy face from mine iniquities and put out all my misdeeds v. 10. Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me Lord to my Prayer incline thine ear Th' afflicted hear Psal 55.2 Sandys Nor be thou deaf to my Complaint For O I faint Regard the sighs the groans the cries Which from my pensive Soul arise O wretched Creature that I am Rom. 7.27 who shall deliver me from the body of this death WHICH having said she remain'd silent for a little while and then began to speak again saying Draw near to me O Lord and I will draw near to thee and purifie my heart that I may appear before thee To thee O Lord my God lo I Do stretch my craving hands Psal 143. v. 6 7 8. Old Transl My Soul desires after thee As do the thirsty Lands Hear me with speed my Spirit does fail Hide not thy face me fro Else shall I be like them that down Into
with my mouth and he was extolled with my tongue If I had inclin'd my heart to wickedness v. 18. the Lord would not have heard me v. 19. But now he has heard me and consider'd the voice of my Prayer v. 20. Let us therefore praise the Lord who has not cast away my Prayer nor turned his Mercy from me WHICH having said she then pray'd for the King in these words Psal 72.1 Give the King thy Judgments O God and thy Righteousness unto the King's Son v. 2. and grant that he may judge thy people according to Justice and defend them that are opprest with wrong Bless him and all the Royal Family with thy most exquisite Benedictions from Heaven above and on the Earth beneath And thou O Lord who hast the hearts of Kings in thy hands inspire the heart of thine Anointed with tender Mercy Pity and Compassion and incline him to be the Defender of thy poor distressed People that are his Majesty's faithful and loyal Subjects Psal 20.9 Save them O Lord and let the King hear them when they call WITH which she also recited that out of the 44th 74th and 102 Psalms which was proper in this place and at the same time earnestly pray'd for the church in general saying among other things O merciful God vouchsafe in thy tender compassions to look upon thy poor desolate Sion whom thou hast chosen for thy Spouse She is afflicted and grievously opprest Psal 102.13 It is time that thou have mercy upon her Psal 103.5 and renew her youth like that of an Eagle Psal 90.15 O Lord send thy children prosperity And comfort them again now after the time thou hast plagued them and for the years wherein they have suffer'd adversity Alas poor Church there is no constant rest for thee on Earth Here thou must like thy Saviour wear a Crown of Thorns but be of good chear this will not last always thy miseries shall have an end and thy Saviour will replenish thee with eternal Joy and Consolations which he has given me a taste of already and will further make us all partakers of one day in a more abundant manner according to the Riches of his infinite Goodness and mercy And particularly she pray'd for the Church of Nantes making it her humble suit to God that He who is the God of peace would be pleas'd always to be with her and keep Unity and Concord Love and Charity in the midst of her THEN she rehears'd the 133 Psalm Behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell in unity And so on And after that this Exhortation of St. Paul Rom. 12.10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love in honour preferring one another Which having said she turn'd towards the Lady her Mother and spake to her thus Dear Mother give thanks and praise to God all your life long for his great goodness and bounty to you in giving you a Daughter whom though she be but a wretched Worm he has made the Temple of his Holy Spirit May He that good God bless you with his choicest Blessings may He also bless your Posterity and establish his Covenant with them for all Generations as long as the Sun and Moon shall endure Then she proceeded to give her Blessing to the young Ladies her Sisters whom she call'd to her and likewise to her Brothers Brothers-in-law Sister-in-law and Niece though they were absent And after this desiring they would all come near her who were in her Chamber and had in company with the Chaplain watch'd with her the night before she in a most tender manner embrac'd and bless'd them all speaking to every one of them according to their respective conditions and that so pertinently and properly that she was the admiration of all AND in a particular manner she shew'd a great deal of respect to Monsieur de la Colombrie who was Steward of the House expressing her acknowledgment to him for his great concern and affection for their Family desiring him to continue the same Then speaking to his Wife Mrs. de la Colombrie said to her Come and rejoyce with me and take your share of these delights I am filled with as feeling my self the most satisfi'd and happy Person in the World. And afterwards directing her Speech and Exhortation to the whole Company said My dear Friends leave off sinning I pray you You see what cruel disquiets mine have caus'd me Let us according to our Calling edifie the Church of God and shew good Examples in our Lives and Conversations Tit. 2.12 Let us as the Apostle advises live soberly righteously and godly in this present World Phil. 4.8 And Whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any vertue if there be any praise let us think on these things O how great is my love for you my dear Friends I love every one of you alike in JESUS CHRIST for I have no more affection to my own Mother Brothers and Sisters than all other persons I know I am in charity with all the World and would e'en love my Enemies if I had any NOW she hearing some body weep about her Bed said Don't you mourn for me but mourn for your sins Then presently recalling her words she thus express'd her self Oh let us lament and bewail our sins And for a proof she was not mov'd at all with the tears they shed on her account added 2 Cor. 5.16 That now she knew no body after the flesh Which saying of the Apostle she had learn'd of Monsieur Royer to whom a pious Lady spoke it on her Death-bed Whereupon she calling him to mind wished him all happiness and gave him the character of a real good man saying He is a person whom I have always observ'd to be most piously and charitably inclined I pray God bless him and more and more increase his Gifts in him Would I could see him I know he would speak comfortable words to me and we would edifie one another Here she repeated her earnest wishes for a Blessing upon Monsieur de Malnoe whom she always call'd her good Pastor and her dear Pastor and embracing him heartily pray'd that he might ever live quietly and in peace with his Brothers and Prosperity never depart from his Family saying to him I heartily beg of God to bless you and your Ministry And she at the same time expressed also a great desire to see Monsieur de Brissac praying God likewise to bless both him and his Thus having spoken for a while to the Standers-by she began again to return her thanks to God with the same zeal and fervency as before saying with David O God the spring of all my joys Psal 42.1 Patr. for thee I long to thee I look No chased Hart does pant so much after the cooling water-brook
would confess with me that I should have been miserable without this his gracious Visitation AFTER this she had about an hour's sleep out of which being awaked she said What is our Life Jam. 4.14 Truly it is even a vapour that appears for a little time and then vanishes away Psal 90.12 Therefore O Lord teach us so to number our days as that we may apply our hearts to Wisdom Psal 8.4 What is man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of Man that thou visitest him Psal 146.4 When his breath goes forth he returns to his Earth But we know 2 Cor. 5.1 that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolv'd we have a Building of God an House not made with hands Hag. 2.9 eternal in the Heavens And the glory of this latter House shall be greater than that of the former 2 Cor. 4.18 For the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal THEN she said Pray let my Chaplain be call'd in that he may comfort me O the comforts of the Holy Ghost are the refreshment of my Soul. LORD Psal 119.103 how sweet are thy words to my taste yea sweeter than honey to my mouth When the Chaplain was come in she said to him ' Come Sir Heb. 4.16 Let us go boldly unto the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Whereupon he answering Why don't you say Let us go and implore for Mercy rather than say as with confidence you do Let us go that we may obtain mercy She reply'd Sir it is because I find a Redeemer there 1 Cor. 6.20 Joh. 6.37 who has bought me with a price and said Him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out ' and I am perswaded 1 Joh. 1.9 He is faithful and just to keep his promise Aye Madam answered the Chaplain this Promise he has made to your Contrition Repentance and Faith. DURING this whole day which was Wednesday she spake many other admirable things that could not all of them be remember'd One would have thought by seeing her that her Soul was set loose from the Body She had quite forgot the Earth and all Ties and Relations here her onely thoughts being now to unite her self with her God by Meditation till she might be more perfectly united to him in Heaven ABOUT Evening she felt a great drought in her Throat and was very thirsty yet they durst not give her any thing by reason her Stomach could not bear so much as one drop of fair Water without bringing of it up and that with a vehement Cough accompani'd with a stoppage and shortness of breath they therefore onely call'd for an Epitheme to allay her great palpitation of heart But she little regarding the Relief they were willing to give her Body cry'd out on a sudden LORD JESUS thou my Heavenly Physician apply the Merits of thy precious Bloud to me for that alone can infallibly heal my Soul. IMMEDIATELY after this she fell into most cruel Agonies which made her take very little rest all that night But yet she continu'd to comfort her self in God seeking no-where else but in his Word for a Remedy to all her griefs And in these circumstances she often cry'd 1 Sam. 3.10 Speak O Lord for thy servant hears Speak thou O my God to the Soul of thy poor Hand-maid WHICH having said she asked a Gentleman that was opening the Windows of her Chamber what time of the day it was he answer'd It was almost day-light adding Madam why do you ask me this Question have you a mind to do as David did and rise by break of day to praise God No Sir reply'd she I can't do that but I will continually bless and magnifie him upon this my Bed of Languishing Early my God before 't is light Psal 63. Woodf And all the Stars are up but that which makes the day Whilst Heav'n alone with flames is bright And all below is hurl'd in sable veil of night Which they can neither draw nor take away Early I 'll worship and one glance from thee E're 't is with others day shall make it noon with me And as this dry and thirsty Land Where the ground ready to expire for want of Rain Gaping and out of breath does stand And shews its very bowels shrivled like its sand And having drunk gapes for more drink again The Wilderness and I in this agree For as that thirsts for Rain so Lord I thirst for thee I thirst thy glorious Power to see As I have seen it in thy Temple heretofore When ravish'd with thy love to me To die I was content could I but so love thee And so to die this Life would chuse no more Those thoughts so high my fainting Spirit do raise That through my lips they force their voice in Songs of praise For this Pll bless thee and on high To thy Great Name send up my praises whilst I live For since at present I enjoy A mind content it shall prepare for more supply Though thou at present onely that dost give E'en that shall bring my famish'd Soul more good Than what my body had from most delicious food Marrow and fatness it shall be And all the solid meats which please and feed the strong For I shall come at last to thee Who art the blessed End of all felicity And the best subject of my humble Song And on my Bed when I revolve thy might My Praises shall instead of Watches part the night ABOUT four of the Clock her Illness so increas'd upon her that she felt most intolerable pains which was perceiv'd both by the sharp Shreeks and lamentable Cries she from time to time put forth and by the violent Convulsion-sits she suffer'd that distorted her Arms and bent her Body double But for all this her mind was still the same and lost nothing of its strength and freedom IN one of these Fits she did cry to God Lord have mercy on me Mat. 26.39 Let this Cup pass from me Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt In another Fit which one would have thought would have thrown her out of her Bed so vehemently it toss'd her Body she cry'd out Thunder lightning bruise break to pieces and do what thou wilt with this poor Body yet will I still love thee O my God! Yea I will always bless thee for thy wondrous Love and Mercy to me AT another time as she felt a Fit a coming again upon her said Verily Thine arrows have wounded me already Yet O my God though thou shouldst multiply thy Plagues upon me to infinity yet would that but the more increase my love towards thee Hear me O Lord Psal 69.16 for thy loving kindness is good turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies v. 17. And hide not thy face from thy
servant for I am in trouble hear me speedily Draw nigh unto my soul v. 18. And thou Rev. 22.20 LORD JESV come yea come quickly My soul out of this Prison bring Psal 142.7 Sand. That I may praise thee O my King. I most humbly beseech thee O Lord mitigate and allay my pains and speedily place me with thee Luk. 22.42 Nevertheless not my will but thine be done Then she looking on the Lady her Mother said to her Dear Mother I now suffer the cruel wounds and pangs of Death AGAIN at another time when her violent pains seized her she cry'd out Pray to God for me my dear Friends pray assist me I am quite spent I am now a drinking the very dregs of the Cup of Affliction Upon which the Chaplain said to her Madam God deals now with you as he did once with his only begotten Son with whom he never was more pleased than when he lay under his deepest sufferings O answered she I do wholly submit my self to God's will. For when I am weak 2 Cor. 12.10 Phil. 4.13 then am I strong I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me NOW the Fits returning very thick upon her she cry'd to God O my good Lord How much do I suffer But it is thy will and it is mine too Grant I may suffer patiently 1 Pet. 2.20 for that it is acceptable with thee ' And I beseech thee O Lord set a watch before my mouth Psal 141.3 and keep the door of my lips that I may not speak unadvisedly with my tongue or murmur against thee For it is my earnest desire always to bless and love thee O my God. AFTER a little pause she turning to the Company said to them I pray God shorten your Agonies when any of you shall arrive at your latter End. And then again she called upon God in these words of David O thou Psal 57.1 Woodf on whom my soul for help relies Let my distress find pity in thine Eyes Mercy Psal 56.1 my God on me thy mercy shew And if thy pleasure does my need says now The sorrows of death compass me round about Psal 116.3 and the pains of Hell have got hold upon me I find trouble and heaviness Hide not thy self from me in the needful time of my distress Hearken unto me answer me and haste thee to help me O my God! I spread my complaint and make my trouble known unto thee Have mercy Lord on thy poor Hand-maid My heart fails and my soul faints within me All these Passages she rehears'd at several times in the midst of her terrible pains for she had not now breath to speak for a long time together AFTER this she sate up in her Bed and with a tone that would have made one think she was not the same person cry'd out Why art thou troubled soul Psal 42.11 Woodf and and restless grown As if forgetten through despair As if thy God had left his care And lower than indeed thou art cast down Trust in him still for thou his Name shalt praise And whom his absence has depress'd his sight shall raise Then the Lady her Mother saying to her Like as a Father pities his Children Psal 103.13 so the Lord pities them that fear him Aye dear Mother answer'd she your love is nothing in comparison of that my Saviour has for me I know my God loves me He speaks to his Hand-maid according to her heart and heaps his mercies upon me 2 Cor. 12.7 Onely lest I should be exalted above measure he has put this thorn in my flesh WHENEVER she had any intervals from pain she sate up in her Bed praising God for the relief and ease he gave her saying I will ever bless and love thee O my good God. And when her grief return'd she held her sides with her hands and excited her self to patience with these words Courage my Soul still bless thy God Courage my Soul still love thy God. Rom. 8.18 For the sufferings of this present World are not worthy to be compar'd with the glory which shall be revealed in us ' Though indeed my pain is very grievous And grief to th' Earth my soul so low does bend Psal 31.10 Woodf That scarce in sighs I can to Heav'n ascend Consum'd with care my soul and life decay And in my wasted flesh unwillingly do stay Now her violent pains returning upon her she cry'd out again I am quite spent O let me gather strength Psal 39.13 Sand. before I pass away and be no more O my God thy Correction is very severe yet will I Kiss the Rod wherewith thou chastisest me Whereupon the Chaplain said to her Heb. 12.8 If you were without chastisement then were you a Bastard and not a true born Child for you know v. 6. Whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges every Child he receives To which she answer'd 'T is true Sir I am well perswaded of what you say Why My Saviour has suffer'd for me and if I suffer with him I shall reign with him also He had Vinegar and Gall given him to drink and was wounded to the very heart for me Lord cover me with thy Merits impute thy Righteousness to me and let those cruel pains thou enduredst upon the Cross for me make me forget my own As they gave her a little Wine to refresh her she took the Glass and said Mat. 26.29 The hour is coming when I shall drink it new in my Father's Kingdom IMMEDIATELY after this her pains seizing her again she cry'd Psal 42.7 All thy Waves and thy Billows are gone over me Which the Chaplain hearing said to her But Madam you don't add that the Waves of his Mercy and the Billows of his Grace have over-whelmed you also Aye reply'd she 't is very true the Grace and Mercies of my God are greater than all the Miseries I undergo Do you think continu'd the Chaplain who heard her still groan and complain of her being overborn with anguish your Heavenly Father is an gry with you and will let you sink under this temptation No answered she sitting up in her Bed No Sir I know that in all these things I am more than Conquerour through Him that loved me Rom. 8.37 and that as my miseries and troubles abound so his Grace and Comforts abound much more If the Daughter of Sion cries to them that pass by Lam. 1.12 Behold and see whether there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow Yet I will add Come and see whether ever any joy were like unto my joy But O how much sorrow and solace meet together Thou O my sweet Saviour Joh. 16.20 hast said Your sorrow shall be turned into joy Here the Chaplain saying to her Now Madam you experience what St. Paul affirms 2 Cor. 4.16 That though our outward man decay yet the inward man is renew'd day by
day she answer'd in the words of the Psalmist On God's Almighty Word will I depend Psal 56.4 Woodf On God I 'll trust who certain help will send Come let us sing unto the Lord Psal 95.1 And all his deeds with thankfulness record Vnto our God come let us sing And to his Courts with shouts our presents bring He is our God to Him our Verse we 'll raise And he who heard our Prayers shall now attend our praise AT the same time she also rehearsed the greatest part of the LXII Psalm and often repeated these words Psal 62.1 Truly my soul waits upon God from him comes my salvation adding Where indeed rests this salvation of mine but in him whose presence is the fulness of joy Psal 34.5 They looked unto him and were lighten'd and their faces were not asham'd AFTER which she fell into a little slumber and then putting her hand out of her Bed said O Blessed be the living Lord Most worthy of all praise Psal 18.45 Old Transl That is my Rock and saving health Praised be He always And to that added several other Verses of the same Psalm and also of the XXXV and other Psalms picking out such places as were most pathetical and pertinent to her condition and more particularly insisted upon those that express'd a true and thorough repentance thereby to move God to be more favourable to her Every word of these Divine Hymns was a Sacred Balm for her which she apply'd to her Wounds with such success that she presently found her grief give way to the virtue of it And what is more to be wondred at is that the violence of her pains had not almost alter'd her at all but she look'd as fair as ever Her Eyes were brisk and lively her Countenance gay and her Speech strong yet did she not think her self to be in this condition when observing them who were about her to look upon her with mournful Aspects she said to them I suppose I fright you Pray reach me a Glass that I may see how I look Which being brought her and she having view'd her self in it said God be thanked yet I look very chearful And then in a kind of contempt striking the Glass with her hand bad them have it away THE Lady her Mother desiring nothing more than an opportunity to give this dear Daughter of hers some Token of her Tenderness and let her see that she was very far from affrighting her as she suppos'd did offer to kiss her But the Patient withdrawing her self and seeming to be as much scandalized at it as if her Mother had been going to commit Idolatry said to her Ah Mother what d' ye do Sure you forget your self And turning to the other side of the Bed where the Chaplain stood said to him Is this not a cruel thing I am got loose from the World and my Mother would tye me to it again A little while after this she also perceiv'd that her Sister the Lady De Ponthue with whom she had ever liv'd in perfect love and union look'd upon her with a very compassionate look but without being in the least mov'd or concern'd at it And now finding none of those kind and tender motions which her great love to her Sister had formerly inspir'd her with she said to her Pray dear Sister forbear you are no more to me now than another ABOUT seven a clock in the Evening the doors of her Chamber being set open she said to Monsieur de la Colombrie ' Sir that is the place pointing with her hand to the Chappel in which were the tombs of her Ancestors where this my Body is very suddenly to be laid up till the Day of the Resurrection of the Just Upon which he taking occasion of asking her whether she had any Commands to lay upon him No Sir reply'd she my thoughts are no more emply'd about things here below now my Soul is rais'd up to Heaven already and if she still animates this Body it is but to give continual praise to my God. And thus persisting to turn all her discourse to the concerns of Salvation she went on and said I have overcome all the fears of sin I shall also conquer all my pains though they be never so great Yea I shall be more than Conqueror through JESVS CHRIST who has strengthen'd me O how worthy is this Combat of my Courage WITH these and the like Expressions she either took out of the Scripture or receiv'd more immediately from the Holy Ghost she was entertaining her self and the Company and would frequently say I shall be shelter'd from the wrath of God and often repeated these Ejaculations O my God I will ever love thee I will ever bless thee And thou my Soul be of good chear Not my will Lord but thine be done Come Lord JESV yea come quickly THESE were the words she us'd in her Complaints and with which she appeas'd her grief But for hasty and murmuring words there fell not one from her mouth And as some body was once speaking to her of the temptations of the Devil and his great Warrings against the Faithful at all times especially when they were at the point of death she cry'd out Tush I fear him not 2 King. 6.16 They that he with me are more than they that be against me Joh. 14.30 The Prince of this World has nothing in me The Prince of Darkness cannot prevail against me Rom. 5.1 For being justifi'd by Faith I have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ And there is no condemnation to them which are in Him. AS it drew towards Mid-night she fell into a little slumber and her Friends that were continually with her were glad of this opportunity they had to take a little repose also for as they had watch'd suffer'd and pray'd so they were willing likewise to take some rest with her The Lady her Mother who had laid her self down upon the side of her Bed heard her about an hour before day-light often repeat these words ' Mercy Lord Mercy Come LORD JESV come quickly And she observ'd that her Daughter's cries did not express any grief now but a great deal of joy which she took notice of to others It was now Friday-morning when the Lady her Mother seeing her enjoy a greater tranquillity than she had since the preceding Wednesday at night and that she look'd very chearfully said to her Dear Child the Lord will suddenly put an end to our troubles Wait for thy God with patience Whereupon this young Virgin raising her self in her Bed and with a serene pleasant countenance looking upon my Lady said to her Dear Mother I shall not die Death is but a passage to a more constant happy Life Joh. 11.4 This my sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God. Luk. 15.6 Come and rejoyce with me JESVS CHRIST has found me who was a lost Sheep me who