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A47589 The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. To which is prefixed, the life of Mahomet, the prophet of the Turks, and author of the Alcoran. With A needful caveat, or admonition, for them who desire to know what use may be made of, or if there be danger in reading the Alcoran.; Koran. English. 1649. Du Ryer, André, ca. 1580-ca. 1660.; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. aut 1688 (1688) Wing K748; ESTC R213797 330,837 588

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them to shelter them and how they believed it would fall upon their heads we said to them Learn with affection what we teach you and remember perhaps you will fear disobedience Thy Lord caused to come out of Adams Reins all his Posterity and asked them saying Am not I your Lord they answered yes thou art our Lord we know it well They cannot therefore say at the Day of Judgment That they knew not his unity they shall say for excuse Our Fathers adored many gods before us we are their Posterity wilt thou destroy us because of their iniquity Thus do I discover my mysteries to Men it may be they will be converted Relate to them the History of him that saw our miracles he was dispoiled of his understanding the Devil followed it and he was in the number of the wretched Had we so pleased we had exalted him through the knowledge of our wonders among the Doctors but he crouched to the ground and followed his own appetite like to a chafed Dog if thou chase him with Choler he putteth forth his Tongue if thou leave him at rest he will still put forth his Tongue like to the Infidels that contemn our instructions if thou recount to them our miracles or do not recount perhaps they will be converted perhaps they will not be converted and shall be like such as have abjured our Commandments and injured their own Souls He whom God guideth is well guided and he whom God mis-leadeth is in the number of the miserable We have created Hell to punish Devils and Men they have hearts and comprehend not the truth they have eyes and see it not ears have they and hear it not they are like to Beasts and worse than Beasts they are altogether ignorant The most beautiful names of the World appertain to God Beseech him by the beauty of his name and depart from them that depart from the truth through the names that they impose on their Idols they shall be chastised after their demerits Some there be that follow the truth and judge with equity I will by degrees punish them that shall reject our Commandments when they shall think thereon I will defer their punishment some time because my wrath is violent Remember they not that they said Mahomet is possest of the Devil On the contrary he declareth the joys of Paradise and preacheth the torments of Hell. Consider they not the Kingdom of Heaven and of Earth which God hath created of nothing The fear of Death shall arrive before they have acknowledged their sins in what will they believe if they have no Faith in the Alcoran He whom God shall mis-lead shall find none to guide him he shall leave Infidels confounded in their disobedience They shall enquire of thee concerning the Hour and Day of Judgment Say unto them No Man knoweth it but God but the greatest part of the World believe it not I have not power to do either good or evil of my self if God do not permit it if I knew the future I should provide wealth to preserve me from poverty I am sent only to declare the joyes of Paradise and preach the torments of Hell to them that believe in God he it is that created you of one sole person and created his spouse of his Rib to dwell with her When she doubted of being with Child she ceased not to travel as she was wont but when her conception rendred her heavy they both besought God their Lord and said Lord give an happy progeny to the end we may be in the number of them that return thee thanks for thy favours When God gave them a Son a righteous Man they associated him in what he had given them and all of them exalted the glory of his Divine Majesty above the Idols of the Infidels that adored things which could create nothing that are things created and can do neither good nor harm If you call Idolaters to the right way they will not follow you if ye invoke Idols misery shall be upon you will you be mute to profess the unity of God Will you worship the Creatures instead of the Creator Go adore your Idols and may they hear your prayers if you believe them to be Gods Have they Feet to walk Hands to touch Eyes to see and Ears to hear Say unto them If ye invoke your Idols and conspire against me you shall find none to protect you God is my protector he hath caused the Alcoran to descend from Heaven he is the defendor of the righteous what ye adore can neither benefit nor hurt you If thou invokest Idols they shall not hear thee they shall look upon thee and shall not see thee do what is lawful to be done command things honest and depart from the ignorant if the Devil would seduce thee trust in God he heareth and knoweth all things such as fear him remember his mercies and chastisements when they are tempted of the Devil Although Infidels know the Truth the Devil ceaseth not to continue them in their sin they always follow their impiety If thou goest to them to instruct them they say thou singest an old Song say unto them I do what my Lord inspired into me what I teach you is the light of Faith the right way and the grace of God for them that believe in his Divine Majesty for such as hear the Alcoran and study it perhaps God will give you his mercy Remember thou God in thy Soul worship in publick and private pray unto him evening and morning and be not in the number of the ignorant The Angels that are near to thy Lord neglect not to worship him they praise and adore him with humility CHAP. VIII The Chapter of the Spoil containing seventy and five Verses written at Medina IN the name of God gracious and merciful They will demand of thee to whom appertaineth the spoyl Say unto them the spoyl appertaineth to God and his Prophet Fear God live with mutual amity and obey his Divine Majesty and his Prophet if you believe in his Law Such as fear when they hear mention of God who augment their faith when they have heard relation of his miracles who trust in him who persevere in their prayers and dispend in pious works some part of their wealth believe in the unity of his Divine Majesty they have the degree of their habitation in Paradise shall receive from their Lord pardon of their sins and exceeding great treasure When thy Lord caused thee to go out of thine House to go against the Infidels a party of the true believers had a great aversion to sighting they disputed with thee the necessity of Combates having seen and known that their Enemies led them to a certain Death Call to mind that God promised you that a party of the Army of the Enemies should obey you Desire you other thing th●… the glory and honour of Victory God confirmeth the Truth by his words and destroyeth the wicked
other he that shall be trusted in shall satisfie his promise and fear God his Lord no Man shall conceal his testimony he that shall conceal shall sin in his heart God knoweth all your actions Whatsoever is in Heaven or in Earth belonging unto God whether you conceal or reveal what is in your minds he shall require an account of you he pardoneth and chastiseth whom it pleaseth him he is Omnipotent The Prophet believed in all that God sent to him as likewise all the true believers Such as believe in God the Angels and Scriptures and generally all the Prophets without exception say We have heard and obeyed Pardon us O Lord Thou art our refuge God requireth of no Man more than he is able to perform the good that a Man shall do shall be for himself and the evil that he doth shall be likewise against him Lord excuse us if we have forgotten thee or sinned Lord charge us not with any heavy burthen as thou didst charge them that were before us charge us not with that which we are not able to support blot out our sins and give us thy mercy Thou art our Lord give us victory against the Infidels CHAP. III. The Chapter of the Lineage of Joachim containing two hundred Verses written at Medina IN the name of God gracious and merciful I am the most wise God. God! There is but one only God living and eternal He hath sent to thee the Book that containeth truth and confirmeth the Scriptures that were sent before it He sent the Old Testament and the Gospel that were heretofore guides to the People He hath sent the Alcoran that distinguisheth good from evil they that believe not in the Law of God shall be severely chastised He is Omnipotent and revengeful Nothing is hid from him in Heaven or in Earth It is he that formed you in the Wombs of your Mothers as it pleased him there is no God but the Omnipotent and Wise God. He it is that sent to thee the Book whose precepts are necessary they are the original and foundation of the Law like in purity one to the other and without contradiction Such as in their heart incline to depart from the truth do often follow their inclination desirous of Sedition and to understand the explication of the Alcoran but none understand it's explication but God and such as are profound in learning they say we believe in God all things proceed from his Divine Wisdom nevertheless none remember but the wise Lord cause not our hearts to erre after thou hast guided us into the right way give us thy mercy thou art most bountiful towards thy Creatures Lord thou art he that shalt assemble the World at the Day of Judgment at which day nothing shall be found doubtful when thou wilt not go against thy Promises and when wealth and Children shall not serve to the wicked but to kindle the fire of Hell. The Infidel Lineage of Pharoah and those that preceded him blasphemed and abjured the Law of God but he surprized them in their sin he is grievous in his Chastisements Say to the Infidels they shall be vanquished and shall be gathered together into the fire of Hell that is prepared for them You have an example in the two Troops that fought for the glory of God they beheld with their eyes Infidels become true Believers like unto themselves God strengtheneth with his Aid whom it pleaseth him this shall be for example to such as shall clearly see The love and desire of Women of Children of Riches abundance of Gold and of Silver of Horses Cattel and of Tillage are pleasing to Men such are the Riches of the life of this World but the most assured refuge is in God. Say unto them I will declare unto you things much better for them that shall have the fear of God before their eyes they shall dwell eternally in Paradise where flow many Rivers with Women beautiful and Lean and all manner of Content God beholdeth them that adore him and that say Lord we believe in thy Law pardon our sins and deliver us from the torments of Fire The Patient the persevering true Believers the obedient the good Men such as beg Pardon of God in the Morning the Angels the Learned that love Justice testifie that there is but one only God. The Law of Salvation is a Law pleasing to his Divine Majesty no man contradicteth this Truth among such as know the written Law but through Envy He that shall not obey the Commandments of God shall find his Divine Majesty very exact to call him to an Account If the impious dispute with thee say to them I am wholly resigned to the Will of God with all such as have followed me Ask of such as know the written Law and them that know it not if they resign themselves to God if they do they will follow the right way if they go astray thou hast none other Obligation but to preach to them God beholdeth them that adore him Declare grievous torments to those that conceal his Commandments that kill the Prophets and injure them that instruct the people in Justice the good Works that they do shall be unprofitable to them on Earth and they shall be in the other World deprived of protection Seest thou not a party of them that know the written Law how they were called to a Lecture of the Book of God to the end they might judge with Equity the differences that are among them but many are returned to their sin they contemned the Scripture in that they said the fire shall not touch us but for a certain number of days They are deceived in their blasphemies what will become of them when we shall assemble them at the day of Judgment when nothing shall be doubtful and every one shall be recompensed as he shall have merited No injustice shall be done unto them Say Lord thou possessest the Kingdoms of the World thou givest Royalty to whom thou seest good from thy hand O Lord proceedeth all good thou art Omnipotent thou causest day to enter the night and night the day thou causest life to come out of death and death out of life thou enrichest without measure whom thou seest good The Believers shall not obey the unbelievers to the exclusion of true Believers he that doth this thing observeth not the law of God but if you fear your Enemies God willeth that you fear him also he is the assured refuge of the righteous say to them whether you conceal what is in your heart or whether you manifest i●… God knoweth all things he knoweth all that is either in Heaven or Earth he is Omnipotent think on the day wherein every one shall find the good and the evil that he hath done then shall you desire to be cleansed from your sins and that the number of your good works exceed that of your evil God willeth that you fear him he is
shall the fifth time call for the curse of God to be upon them if they be lyars The wife shall be exempt from punishment if she swear four times that her husband is a lyar and if the fifth time she pray that the wrath and indignation of God may be upon her if what her husband hath said be true in this manner doth God gratifie you that ye may understand the truth he is most gracious and most wise That Troup that made defection from the True believers with a lye and false testimony did you no harm on the contrary they did advantage you every one shall bear the burden of his sins the most malicious among them shall be thrown headlong into the torments of Hell It was an happiness that ye heard the sense of the Believers from their own mouth when they said that those men lyed impudently if they had not presented those four witnesses they had found none other they are lyars without the grace and mercy of God they should have already felt great torments in this world and in the other because of that imposture When they spake of what they were ignorant ye deemed it to be nothing but it is an exceeding great sin before God if when ye heard it ye said that to speak of those things did not concern you ye knew it to be an imposture God forbiddeth you to relapse if ye believe in his Law he thus declareth to you his pleasure he is Omniscient and most Prudent such as desire to cast obloquy among the True-believers shall be rigorously chastised in this World and in the other God knoweth that of which ye are ignorant Had not God been favourable to you he had chastised you in burning fury he is gracious and merciful Oh ye that are True-believers follow not the foot-steps of the Devil he will enjoyn you vice and sin had not God gratified you with his Mercy not any among you should have been purged from that imposture but God purifieth whom he seeth good he heareth all and knoweth all your intentions The most rich and powerful among you have not sworn to do no good to their Parents the Poor or to them that fight for the Law of God nevertheless they do it not to them and flie them desire they not that God should pardon them He is neither gentle nor pitiful but towards True-believers They that accuse of immodesty Women chaste innocent and faithful shall be accursed in this World and shall suffer great torments at the day when their Tongues their Hands and their Feet shall testifie against them at the same time shall God pay to them what shall be due unto them without injustice and they shall know that God is truth it self The wicked Women shall speak as the wicked men and the wicked men as the wicked Women The good Women shall speak as the good men and the good men as the good Women the good are innocent of the imposture of the wicked they shall enjoy the Grace of God and the Treasures of Paradise Oh ye that are True-believers enter not into anothers House without permission if ye salute them that dwell there ye shall do well peradventure ye will be mindful it ye find none of the House enter not without permission if they speak to you to return ye shall return it is better than to stay at the door God beholdeth all that ye do ye shall not offend God to enter into houses inhabited if ye have affairs there God knoweth all your intentions Speak unto the True-believers that they contain their sight that they be chaste that they do good and that God knoweth all their actions Speak unto the True-believing Women that they contain their sight and that they be chaste that they suffer nothing of their beauty to be seen but what ought to be seen that they cover their bosom and their visage that they permit them not to be be seen but by their Husbands their Children the Children of their Husbands their Brothers their Nephews their Sisters their Women and their Daughters Maid-servants and Slaves by their Domestiques that are not capable of Marriage by Children that regard not the beauty of Women and that they move not their feet to shew they are well shod Implore pardon of God peradventure ye shall be happy many Maidens of your own Religion the Daughters of the Righteous or your Slaves if they be poor God shall enrich them with his Grace he is most liberal and Omniscient Such as have not Means to Marry shall live chastly until God hath given them means Such as have desire to marry their Slaves shall have power to pass a Contract of Marriage if they know them to be wise and shall give them part of the wealth that God hath bestowed on them Despise not your Wives that are chaste to commit Whoredom if ye desire good in this World if ye contemn them God shall be to them propitious and merciful we have sent to you these Precepts clear and intelligible like to them that were taught your Predecessors to be preached to the Righteous God illuminateth the Heaven and the Earth as the Lamp that is in the Lanthorn of Chrystal fed with Oyl of the blessed Olive it seemeth to be a Star full of Light which goeth neither to the West nor to the East and yeildeth brightness upon brightness God guideth by his light whom it pleaseth him he teacheth his People Parables and is Omniscient he permitteth you to praise him in your Houses there to be mindful of his name and to exalt him evening and morning Oh ye men your affairs ought not to hinder your remembrance of his divine Majesty to make your prayers at the time appointed neither to pay Tithes Fear the day when the hearts of men shall be perplexed and their sight troubled when God shall reward and chastise every one after his works and shall augment his grace upon the good he enricheth with his innumerable benefits whom to him seemeth good The good works of the wicked are like to mists in a spacious plain they seem to be water when afar off and being approached nothing is to be there found They shall find before God the Book wherein is written whatsoever they have done he shall punish them according to their demerits he is exact to keep account Their actions are moreover like to the darkness that is in the bottom of the sea that is covered with wave upon wave obscurity and darkness upon one another he that is in this darkness cannot see his hand he that shall not be illuminated by God shall not see a jot Seest thou not that whatsoever is in Heaven and Earth exalteth the glory of God the Birds extend their wings before him to praise him he heareth the prayers of all his creatures and understandeth the praises that they give him he knoweth all that they do he is King of Heaven and earth the refuge of all the world
it they are remote from the Angels and cannot hear their speech say not there is another God with God if thou say it thou shalt be chastised preach the torments of Hell to them that shall follow thee be humble and civil to True believers if they disobey thee say unto them I am innocent of what ye do and am resigned to the Will of God 〈◊〉 potent and merciful He beholdeth thee when thou dost pray and worship him he heareth and knoweth all things Shall I tell ye to whom the Devils address themselves They apply themselves to Lyars they tell to them what they have heard spoken but they all lye The erronous imitate the Poets they are confuted in their Discourse and say they have done what they have not except those that believe in God that do good works who often think of his Divine Majesty and that have been protected against the injustice of Infidels the unjust shall know that they shall one day rise again CHAP. XXVII The Chapter of the Pismire containing Fourscore and thirteen Verses written at Mecca IN the Name of God Gracious and Merciful God is most pure he understandeth all These mysteries are the mysteries of the Alcoran which distinguisheth the Truth from a Lye it conducteth men into the right way and proclaimeth the Joys of Paradise to such as believe in the Law of God who make their prayers at the time appointed pay Tithes and have knowledg of their end They that believe not in the Day of Judgment like well of what they do and are in confusion they shall in the end be in the number of the damned The Alcoran was conveyed to thee from the most prudent that knoweth all things Remember thou that Moses said to his Family I see a Fire I go to it I will bring you tidings I will bring you a spark peradventure you shall be warmed when he drew near to the Fire he heard a voice that said to him oh Moses that which is in this Fire and whatsoever is about it is blessed praise is due to God Lord of the Universe I am God Omnipotent and Eternal Cast thy staff on the ground When Moses beheld his staff to move as it had been alive he went back very sorrowful and returned no more Fear not that staff my Messenger and my Prophets have no fear in my presence he that shall be converted shall find me gracious and merciful Put thine Hand into thy Pocket it shall come forth white without harm it shall be one of the Nine marks of my Omnipotency Pharoah and his Ministers were altogether erroneous when they saw my Miracles they said that they were but Sorcery they despised them and encreased their impiety Consider what is the end of the wicked and how they have been destroyed We gave knowledg to David and to Solomon they said God hath gratified us above many of his Servants that have believed in his Omnipotency Solomon was David's H●…ir and and said to the People we understand the Language of Birds we know whatsoever can be known it is an exceeding great Grace Solomon's Army being one day assembled before him composed of Men Devils and Birds ●…e lead them to the Valle●… of Pismires a 〈◊〉 their Queen cryed out Oh Pismires ●… enter into your Houses le●…t Solomon and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 trample you under foot with●… knowledg 〈◊〉 it Solomon hearing these words 〈◊〉 some time without speaking and 〈◊〉 end began to laugh saying Lord assist me that I may give thee thanks for the benefits and graces which thou didst confer upon my Father if I do well thou wilt accept it place me through thy Mercy in number of them that exalt thy glory he called for the Whoop and said Wherefore see I not the Whoop Is she in the number of the absent I will punish and put her to death if she have not a lawful excuse not long after she humbled her self before Solomon who asked her whence she came She answered I come from seeing what thou seest not I come from the Kingdom of Saba whence I bring certain tidings I have found a woman their Queen who hath whatsoever is necessary for a King she hath a great and magnificent Throne I have found that she with her Subjects adore the Sun the Devil caused them to delight in this their action he hath seduced them from the right way and they shall be in error until they worship one God who sendeth Rain from Heaven and maketh the Earth to produce Plants and Fruits who knoweth whatsoever is in the hearts of men and what they utter God! There is but one God Lord of the Universe Solomon said I shall soon see if thou speak truth or whether thou be in the number of the Lyars Go bear to her this Letter and observe what she and her People shall answer at her arrival the Queen said to her Ministers Oh ye that are raised to dignity in my dominions a Letter is given me from Solomon of this tenour In the Name of God gracious and merciful rise not up against me and obey me Give me counsel what I ought to do I will do nothing without your advice and what you see not with your eyes They answered Our welfare and misery depend on thee command whatsoever shall seem good to thee and we will obey thee She said When Kings enter a City they introduce many disorders they abase and humble the chief of the Inhabitants and the most eminent if Solomon and his People come hither they will use us in the like manner I think it requisite to send to him an Ambassador with some presents perhaps he will take a resolution to return When the Ambassador arrived in Solomon's presence he said unto him Do ye bring me presents God hath bestowed on me more riches then on you presents rejoyce you because ye love them Return to them that sent you I will go visit them with Forces so great that they shall not be able to resist I will drive them out of their Dominions and they shall be miserable if they obey me not Then he said to his People Sirs who will bring to me the Royal Seat of that Woman before she and her subjects obey me One of the Devils said unto him I I will bring it before thou arise from thy place I am strong enough to bear it I will carry it carefully One of them that attended Solomon who knew the Scriptures said I will bring it to thee in the twinkling of an eye When Solomon beheld this Throne before him he said Behold here a favour of God to try if I would acknowledg his benefits He that returneth thanks to God for his graces performeth his duty he rejecteth him that is ungrateful I will try if she followeth the right way or whether she be in the number of the seduced They changed something in her Royal seat to try if she would know it when she arrived in Solomon's presence
not cease to fight you until they have if they can accomplish it mis●…led you from your Religion His good works among you that shall quit his Law and die an Infidel shall be vain in this World and himself be confined in the fire of Hell Such as believe in God that separate themselves from the impious that abandon their Houses for the service of his Divine Majesty and that fight for the Faith hope for his Mercy he is gracious and merciful They will enquire of thee concerning Wine and Games of hazard say unto them that it is in them a very great sin and yet of Utility to Men but the evil that they cause is much greater than the profit they reap They will demand what they ought to expend in good works say unto them what shall remain to you your own Affairs being done So God teacheth you his Commandments peradventure you will call to mind the things of Earth and Heaven They will enquire concerning Orphans say unto them if their substance be intermingled with your own do them no wrong they are your Brethren in God he knoweth them that do good and those that do Evil if it had pleased him he had detained much more from you for he is Omnipotent and just Marry not women that believe in many Gods until they believe in one sole God a Slave that is a true Believer is of more value than a free Infidel notwithstanding she is beautiful Infidels shall be summoned to Hell fire and God calleth men to Paradise and to his mercy through his meer good Pleasure and declareth to them his Commandments perhaps they will remember them They will enquire of thee concerning the Monthly terms of Women answer that they are unclean separate your selves from your Wives when they are menstruous and come not nigh them until they be purified when they shall be clean approach them according to what God hath commanded he loveth them that repent of their Errours that are clean and purified your Wives are your Tillage go to your Tillage at your Pleasure and do good for your Souls you shall one day find it fear God and preach his Commandments to the true Believers Your Religion doth not permit you to swear by God in vain and oftentimes to justifie your selves God understandeth and knoweth all things he will not regard what you shall speak at Random that shall not be hurtful to any but he will see what it shall be in your heart He will be gracious and merciful to such as shall swear not to touch their Wives for the space of four Months if they return to them he is gracious and merciful but if they desire to repudiate them he understandeth and knoweth all things Women divorced shall tarry until their Terms be past four times before they Marry again it is not permitted them to conceal what God hath created in their Womb if they believe in his divine Majesty and the Day of Judgment if they flie from their Husbands they shall be brought again to them which is a thing reasonable They ought to honour them and their Husbands likewise ought to honour them but the Husbands have a degree of advantage above them God is Omnipotent and most wise in what he ordaineth Divorce the first and second time ought to be performed with mildness courtesie and good deeds it is not lawful for you to take any thing from your Wives of what you have given them if you both fear a disability of not satisfying the Commandments of God but if you both fear to transgress the bounds prescribed by God you shall do well to accord together such are the commandments of his Divine Majesty transgress them not such as transgress them are exceedingly to blame He that shall have repudiated his Wife thrice shall not resume her until she hath been married to another that hath divorced her then they may return to each other and marry again without Sin if they think themselves able to continue within the limits prescribed by God which he manifesteth to the wise and prudent When you shall repudiate your Wives appoint them the time they must tarry before they again marry take them with civility and modesty and in the like manner dismiss them give them presents according to your abilities and take them not to abuse nor torment them they that do this offend their own Souls Mock not at the Commandments of God Remember his favours and how he hath taught you Scripture Knowledge and the mysteries of his Law Fear God and know that he understandeth all your actions When you repudiate your Wives appoint them they ought to tarry before they marry again and hinder them not to marry according to the Commandments of God. These things are preached to them among you that believe in God and in the Day of Judgment it is requisite so to make use of them God knoweth what you know not The Women shall give suck to their Children two years entire if they desire to accomplish the time appointed to suckle them the Father shall nourish and cloath the Wife and his Children according to his faculties expend not but according to the measure of your goods the Father and Mother shall not necessitate themselves for their Children the heir shall perform what is above ordained he shall entertain his Father and Mother according to his abilities if the Parents desire to wean their Children before two years be expired they may do it without offending God if they both agree to it If you cause your Children to be nursed by other Women than your own Wives God will not be offended in giving them their sallary according to reason and honesty fear God and know that he seeth what ever you do Widows shall tarry four months and ten nights after the death of their Husbands before they marry again this time being accomplished they shall do what shall seem good to them according to reason and honesty God knoweth all your actions You will not offend God in speaking a word in secret to Women that you research in marriage although you conceal in your mind your design to espouse them he understandeth what ever you think of them know them not secretly until you have pronounced the words appointed by the Law and enter not the bonds of marriage until the time set down in writing be accomplished God knoweth whatever is in your hearts take heed unto your selves he is gentle and gracious to them that fear him It is no sin to repudiate your Wives before you have touched them you shall give them some presents and do good unto them according to the proportion of your wealth or poverty and civilly intreat them as is the custom of honest Men. If you repudiate them before you have touched them and have bestowed on them any presents of garments moveables and other things they shall have the moity if they release it not to you or if the Husband remitting with his own
to Mecca neither to them that assume Collers neither hinder Pilgrims to repair thither to demand the Grace of God and his mercies It is lawful for you to hunt when you shall have finished your Pilgrimage beware lest some persons cause you to sin and hinder your going to Mecca to oblige you to punish them repose your confidence in the justice and fear of God and not in the sin and malice of your neighbour Fear God who is severe in his chastisements It is forbidden you to eat Carrion Blood Swines Flesh and whatsoever is not killed in pronouncing the name of God you are prohibited to eat Animals strangled choakt knockt down precipitated that are slain striking each other and such as beasts shall have slain if you find them not alive to let out their Blood in pronouncing the name of God. You shall not eat of Beasts sacrificed to Idols Consult not with Southsayers or Lots it is a great sin The day shall come when they that have abandoned your Law shall be desperate fear not them and fear me The day will come when I shall accomplish your Law and my Grace shall be abundantly upon you The Law of Salvation is the Law that I desire to give you If any one be in necessity and eateth of what is prohibited without a will to sin God shall be to him gracious and merciful They will demand of thee what is permitted them to eat Say to them it is lawful to eat all sorts of Beasts that are not unclean and whatever hath been taught you from God touching Beasts that have been wounded by Lions or Dogs eat the Beast you shall take and remember God in blooding them fear God he is exact to take account This day it is lawful that you eat what is not unclean and the meats of them that know the written Law their meats are lawful for you and yours for them You are permitted to espouse Maidens and Women of free Condition that are of your Religion and Maidens and Women of free Condition that know the written Law giving them their Dowry with civility commit neither Concubinage nor Adultery with them neither secretly or publickly the good works of him that shall renounce your Law shall be unprofitable he shall be at the Day of Judgment in the number of the Damned O ye that believe in God when you would make your Prayers wash your Faces your Hands to the Elbow and pass your hand over your head and over your feet to the ancles If you be polluted purifie your selves if sick or in a Journey or about to discharge your Belly or have known Women and find no water to wash you lay hand on the Sand pass it over your Visage and wipe therewith your hands God enjoyneth you nothing irksome but willeth you be clean and desireth to accomplish his Grace upon you peradventure you will give him thanks O ye that believe in God! call to mind his Grace and promise he made to you when you said We heard and obeyed fear him he knoweth all that is in your hearts O ye that believe in God! obey his Commandments and be true in your Testimonies take heed that no man move you to offend God in diverting you from what is just render justice to all his fear inviteth you to it have it before your eyes he knoweth all your Actions hath promised his grace and great recompences to the true Believers that shall do good works in this World and hath prepared Hell to punish Infidels O ye that believe in God! remember his favour towards you when some Persons would have extended their hands upon you and how he delivered you from their Malice Fear him all true Believers ought to resign themselves to his Will. God received the Promise of the Children of Israel to observe his Commandments he established among them twelve Captains and said to them I will be with you when you shall make your Prayers pay your Tithes believe in the Prophets de●…end them and shall lend to me any Alms I will cover your sins and cause you to enter Paradise wherein flow many Rivers and he among you that shall be an Infidel shall be entirely erroneous from the right path When they swerved from what they had promised we gave them our Curse and hardned their heart they have altered the words of the Scripture and abjured what they had approved Thou shalt not know them that shall be Traytors except very few of them forgive and depart from them God loveth them that do good We likewise received the Promise of those who call themselves Christians but they have forgotten what they promised they have altered what was taught them and we have cast among them Enmity and hatred even until the Day of Judgment That day God shall cause them to know whatever they have done for their punishment O ye that know the written Law our Prophet is come to bring to light many things of the Scripture which you conceal and he likewise leaveth in silence many things that it is not time to make manifest God hath sent you a Book full of light to conduct into the way of Salvation them that love him to bring them out of darkness and by his special Grace to lead them into the way of Salvation Certainly he that saith that the Messiah the Son of Mary is God is impious Say to him who can hinder God to exterminate the Messiah and his Mother with whatsoever is in the Earth when it shall seem good to him God is King of Heaven and Earth he created with them what seemed good to him he is Omnipotent The Iews and Christians have said we are the Children of God his well beloved Say to them shall not God chastise you for your sins Certainly ye are men He that created you pardoneth and punisheth as it pleaseth him he is the King of all that is in Heaven or Earth and of whatever is between them he is the refuge of the righteous O ye that have knowledge in the written Law The Prophet the Apostle of God is come to instruct you in a time that there is none other Prophet but he on the Earth Will you say that no man preached to you the torments of Hell Certainly the word of God is this day preached to you the torment of Hell and the Omnipotency of his Divine Majesty Remember thou what Moses said to his people O people call to mind the grace of God towards you he hath chosen from among you Prophets and Kings hath conferred on you what he hath given to none in the World Enter into the Holy Land as God hath commanded turn not your Backs to your Enemies lest you be in the number of Reprobates They answered O Moses there are Gyants and Tyrants in the Holy Land we will not enter into it until they be gone out of it if they forsake it we will enter into it Then two men of them that
and are gone astray from the right way It is God who created the Gardens full of Fruits and herbs of divers colours with Olives Pomegranets and other fruits alike and different Eat of the fruits of the Earth Pay the dues appointed when you reap and dispense not your substance lightly God abhorreth prodigals Of clean beasts some there be that have born the burthen and others that are young and have not born it Eat what God hath given you and follow not the footsteps of the Devil he is your open Enemy Say unto them behold eight pair of Beasts viz. two pair of Wethers two of Ewes two of Camels and two pair of Cowes of which is it permitted or forbidden you to eat Is it lawful for you to eat the Males or Females Which are those that God hath forbidden you Who is more wicked than he that blasphemeth to seduce from the right way the People that are ignorant God guideth not the unjust Say unto them In all that God hath inspired into me I find not that it is prohibited to eat of those beasts except they die of some Disease and if they be slain without pronouncing the name of God. The Flesh of Swine is forbidden you if you eat of it you incur the wrath of God If any one be in necessity and eateth without design to provoke God he shall find God gracious and merciful We forbad the Iews to eat of Beasts whose Feet were cloven and of the fat of Beasts except of such as is interlarded in the flesh the Entrails and the Bones We enjoyned this prohibition by reason of their sin and we are veritable in our words and exact in our promises If they slander thee say unto them The mercy of God is great and the wicked shall not avoid the punishment of their crimes The Infidels have said Had it pleased God we had not been unbelievers neither our Fathers also and nothing had been prohibited Their predecessors spake as they until they felt the punishment of their sin Say unto them Are you assured that God is content with your proceeding Tell us whence ariseth this assurance You in this follow but your opinion you are but lyers Gods providence is great he had guided all of you in the right way had it so pleased him Cause them come before us who said It is unlawful to eat of clean Beasts were they present when God made the Prohibition If they say they were present say not as they neither follow the appetites of blasphemous Infidels who believe not in the end of the word and worship many Gods. Say unto them Come I will instruct you what is by God forbidden to be eaten there is but one sole God say not he hath Companions equal to him do good to your Father and Mother and slay not your Children in fear of dying with Famine God shall bestow on you and them also what shall be necessary commit not whoredom either privately or publickly kill no Man if justice do not command it God requireth you to observe what is above ordained perhaps you will consider it Take not the goods of Orphans but to succour them until they be of age of discretion measure and weight with good weight and just measure I enjoyn no Man any thing but what is in his power to perform Judge with equity although it be against your Parents and Allies satisfie what is above ordained God commandeth it peradventure you will consider it it is the right way which you ought to pursue go not aside God commandeth it perhaps you will fear his Divine Majesty We taught Moses our Commandments it is a peculiar grace to instruct the righteous and guide the People in the right way it may be you will believe in the Resurrection O ye Inhabitants of Mecca We have sent to you the Alcoran full of benediction perform what is ordained flie impiety your sins shall be forgiven you say not That God hath sent his Law to the two Nations that preceded you and that it is hid from you Will you say That had God taught you the Scripture you had been more obedient than they Certainly he hath taught you his Commandments it is a special grace to guide you into the right way Who is more unjust than he that blasphemeth against his Divine Majesty and departeth from his Commandments Such Men shall be rigorously chastised in the fire of Hell. Will they expect that the Angels came to visit them That God should punish and declare to them his miracles Will they look for the Day of Judgment wherein repentance and conversion shall be unprofitable Such as believe in one part of the Law and reject the other have no foundation in their belief God shall make them to know their errors and shall punish them after the enormity of their crimes He that shall do a good work shall have a reward tenfold Whosoever acteth any wickedness shall be punished in like manner neither shall he receive injustice Say unto them God hath guided me in the way of his Law such as profess the Law of Abraham profess the unity of God Abraham was not in the number of unbelievers my prayers my vows my life my death shall be consecrated to God he hath no Companion I wholly commend my self to his Divine pleasure Say unto them Do I desire to worship other Gods than the Lord of the Universe The good that a Man doth is for himself and the evil that he committeth is against them you all shall one day appear in the presence of God he shall resolve your disputes He it is that prolongeth your Posterity and exalteth some above others to prove you your Lord is exact to chastise the wicked and gracious and merciful to the righteous CHAP. VII The Chapter of Prisons containing an hundred and six Verses written at Mecca Reader Mahomet entituled this Chapter the Chapter of Aaraf which is a place between Paradise and Hell where Men suffer no punishment See Mokari Bedaoi and Kitab el tenoir IN the name of God gracious and merciful I am God the most wise the most true This Book was sent to thee to preach to the True believers doubt not the Contents of it Say unto them Believe in what was sent to you from your Lord and worship none other God but him few there be among you that consider it How many Cities have we destroyed How often have we inflicted our punishment on their Inhabitants by day and by night when they reposed Nevertheless they said nothing but that they were greatly afflicted We will examine the People to whom we have sent our Prophets and require account of what they have learned and of what they have done We will examine our Prophets and demand an account of such as have followed and obeyed them I will cause them to remember what they have done worthy of reward We forsook not our Prophets when they preached to them the Truth their
were commanded to go forth of your Houses to fight for the Law of God The Riches of this World are contemptible if you consider those of Heaven if you leave not your Houses to fight with the Prophet God shall severely punish you and put other Persons in your places you shall not protect the Prophet God alone is his Protector he protected him when he went out of Mecca he with his Companion they being both in a Cave he said to his Companion afflict not thy self God is with us He hath defended and succoured us by invisible Troops he hath debased the word of Unbelievers and exalted that of true Believers he is Omnipotent and wise Fight according to your power for the Law of God you shall do well if you have knowledge to understand it if you require the wealth of this World Honour and Reputation they are not far from you they follow you at hand but the punishment of Crimes and Misery are as yet far remote of Infidels they swear by the Name of God that they were unable to go out of Mecca with the Prophet in which they destroy their Souls for God knoweth them to be Lyars excuse them not that thou knowest not them that spoke truth and those that were Lyars True Believers will not excuse themselves from fighting or employing their wealth and Persons for the Law of God he knoweth such as fear him They that believe not in God neither the Day of Judgment refuse to go with thee they doubt the Mysteries of Faith but shall continue in their doubt to their confusion had they inclined to go out against the Enemy they had Arms to perform it God contemned their going out rendred them negligent and caused them to remain with the sick the Women and Children had they gone forth with you they had brought with them more of disorder than affection to the Service of his Divine Majesty they hate you nevertheless you hearken to them God knoweth them that are to blame they hated thee heretofore accused thee of all their mischief until through the permission of God the truth appeared against their Will many of them said excuse us and scandalize us not and they fell themselves into scandal and impiety but Hell is the Habitation of those wicked Persons if good happen to you they are discontented if evil befal you they say they took heed to themselves and foresaw i●… and depart from you with joy say unto them nothing befel us but what God had ordained he is our Lord all true Believers are resigned to the Will of his Divine Majesty say unto them will ye expect that one of the two Graces either Victory or Martyrdom befal us we will expect with you until God hath chastised you by our hands expect we will expect with you say unto them expend through force or affection for the glory of God your works shall not be accepted of him because you are Infidels your Alms shall be unprofitable for that you believe not in God nor in his Prophet ye praise not God but with negligence and with regret for what you spend for his Service Be not then amazed at the quantity of their Treasures neither the number of their Children God shall make use of them to punish them in this World and shall destroy them with their wickedness They swear by the name of God that they are yours and are not and fear to be discovered if they meet with any Den Cave or House wherein to hide them they speedily repair thither There be of them that say it is ignominious to give Alms if they give Alms it is with Choler if they gave them for the love of God and his Prophet they would say God is our Benefactor he will give us through his Grace and to the Prophet whatsoever shall be necessary our hope is in him Alms are appointed for the poor for them that recommend themselves to God to redeem Slaves for such as are in Debt and necessitous God knoweth all things and is most prudent in what he ordaineth There be among them who deprave the Prophet and say he shall understand what we say say unto them should it be to you a great advantage to hear well The Prophet believeth in God and teacheth true Believers the Truth the mercy of God is for them that believe in his Divine Majesty Such as detract from the Prophet shall feel grievous torments they swear by the Name of God that they desire to content God and his Prophet it is reasonable that they content them if they be good Men know they not that such as transgress the Will of God and that of his Prophet shall be eternally damned The wicked fear lest God should discover to the righteous the Malice that they conceal in their Souls and that they contemn them Say unto them ye shall be contemned for God bringeth to light what you fear If you question them concerning what they say they will answer for excuse that they had no evil intent and that they but jeast say unto them will you jeast with God with his Commandments and his Prophets There is none excuse for you ye are truely impious if God pardon any one of you he shall rigorously punish such as persist to offend him The wicked teach among them impiety to their Posterity they depart from the truth they go hand in hand and agree to disobey God they forget God and God forgetteth them he hath prepared Hell for them where they shall remain eternally he hath Cursed them and they shall feel the torment of infinite pains The wicked that were before you shall undergo them like you they were more powerful than you they possessed store of wealth and had many Children they possessed part of their substance and ye possess yours as did your Predecessours ye were plunged in impiety as they were plunged but the good works that they have done in this World shall be to them unprofitable and at the Day of Judgment they shall be in the number of the miserable Have they not known the History of their Predecessours the History of the people of Noah of Aad of Temod of Abraham and the Cities that were subverted The Prophets preached to them the Commandments of God who did to them no injustice they drew affliction on themselves through the Enormity of their Crimes The true Believers mutually obey each other they command to do what things are honest prohibit to act what is not approved they make their Prayers at the time appointed distribute Tithes obey God and his Prophet God shall remit to them their sins he is Omnipotent and hath promised to them Gardens wherein flow many Rivers and an Habitation full of content in Eden he hath promised them his Grace which is the perfection of felicity O Prophet fight against the Infidels fortifie thy self against them Hell shall be their Habitation they shall swear by the Name of God that they have not traduced thee
true believers They shall say had God guided me into the right way I had had his fear before mine eyes When they shall see hell they shall say could I return into the world I would be in the number of the righteous on the contrary my Commandments were taught you but ye became proud and despised them Thou shalt see that day how the visages of Infidels shall be blackned is there not a place in hell prepared for the proud God loveth and putteth into a place of felicitie them that fear him they shall not be touched either with displeasure or affliction God hath created all things and disposeth all at his pleasure he hath in his power the keyes of heaven and earth such as disobey him are damned Say unto them oh ignorant men will ye enjoyn me to worship another god besides God It hath been preached to you and your predecessors that all your good works shall be unprofitable if ye adore many gods and that you shall be in the number of the damned there is but one God worship him and be mindful of his graces The Infidels have not praised God as he ought to be praised they have no knowledg of his power he shall make the earth to tremble and gather together the heavens by rhe strength of his right hand at the day of Judgment praised be God he hath no companion When the Trumpet shall sound the first time he shall cause to die whom he will have to die in the heavens and earth the second time all the world shall rise again and attend his Commandments the earth shall be full of the light of the Lord thereof he shall bring his book wherein shall be written what the Prophets and Martyrs have taught he shall judge the world with equity and shall not do injustice to any every one shall be rewarded and chastised for his works he knoweth all that they have done he shall send the Infidels into the fire of hell in troops when they shall be arrived at the gate it shall open before their eyes it shall be said unto them behold Hell which ye have merited were there not Prophets and Apostles to teach you the Commandments of God and to preach unto you on Earth the coming of this rigorous day They shall say yes but the word of God shall be accomplished against the wicked It shall be said unto them go enter into Hell ye shall abide there eternally it is the habitation of the proud Such as shall have the fear of God before their eyes shall be conducted in troops to the gate of Paradise the gate shall open before their eyes it shall be said unto them behold what ye have gained the peace of God is with you ye have not been ignorant enter into Paradise ye shall dwell therein eternally They shall say praised be God for that we believed in his Law and because we are heirs of his grace we will go into Paradise into what place shall seem good to us God giveth his blessing to the righteous Thou shalt see the Angels about the Throne of thy Lord who shall praise and exalt his glory they shall say God hath judged his creatures with equity praise is due to the Lord of the Universe CHAP. XL. The Chapter of the True believer containing Eighty five Verses written at Mecca Reader Gelaldin entituleth this Chapter Of the Pitiful IN the Name of God Gracious and Merciful God is prudent and wise This Book is sent by the Omnipotent who knoweth all things who pardoneth sins and accepteth the conversion of his creatures he is severe in his chastisements and indulgent to his People there is no God but he and all the World shall one day be assembled before his Divine Majesty to be judged No man disputeth against the Precepts of the Alcoran but the wicked be not thou discontented if they live on Earth with some felicity the People of Noah's time contemned his instructions their Posterity did like them and every Nation hath conspired the death of them whom God sent to instruct them they disputed to obscure the truth through their lyes but they were punished and after what manner So is the Word of God accomplished against the wicked they all shall be damned The Angels that are about the Throne of God and those that bear him praise and exalt his Divine Majesty they believe in his Unity and beg pardon of him for the True believers Lord thy mercy extendeth through the whole World nothing is hid from thee either in Heaven or Earth pardon their sins that convert and embrace thy holy Law deliver them from the Fire of Hell open to them the gate of the Gardens of Eden which thou hast prepared for them their Fathers Wives and Children and them of their Lineage that shall do good works thou art Omnipotent and wise Depart from sin he that shall depart from it shall resent the effect of God's mercy at the Day of Judgment and shall enjoy eternal felicity the Infidels shall be hated of God his hatred is infinitely more dangerous than yours will ye be Infidels after being called to the observation of the Law of Salvation They said Lord wilt thou cause us to die twice And shall we twice rise again But they shall say at the day of Judgment Lord we confess we have offended thee we acknowledg our sin in having renounced the belief of thine Unity shall we never go out of Hell to observe thy Law and follow the way of Salvation No ye shall suffer in the Fire of Hell because that ye have believed them that adored Idols and because ye have said that God hath companions equal to him All things obey one sole God Omnipotent he it is that made you to see his Miracles and sendeth you the riches of Heaven and Earth none consider it but such as are converted Pray to God and observe his Law although it be against the will of the wicked he elevateth his Creatures to what degree he listeth he hath created his Throne and sent his inspirations to whom he seeth good to preach the Day of Judgment that Day shall the People come out of their Monuments and none shall be able to hide himself from his Divine Majesty Who shall command that day It shall be God alone victorious that day shall he recompence every one after his works without injustice he is exact to make account If thou preach to the wicked the Day of Judgment their heart will lift them up and they shall be full of affliction their prayers shall not be heard and none shall intercede for them God knoweth them that have eyes of treachery and seeth all that is in the hearts of men he judgeth of every thing with truth the Idols which they worship are without power God alone understandeth all things and is Omnipotent Consider they not what was the end of their predecessors Who were more powerful and more wealthy than they God surprised them in
we sent our Messengers with our Commandments we sent with them their Scriptures and Ballance that People might weigh with good weights We gave Iron to men it causeth great evils and great good in the World God knoweth them that fight with zeal for his Law and his Prophet without seeing him he is Strong and Omnipotent We sent Noah and Abraham to instruct the People we instructed their Progeny in the Scripture some followed the right way and many disobeyed our Commandments we sent after them our Prophets and Apostles we sent Iesus the Son of Mary we taught him the Gospel we put civility clemency and chastity into the hearts of them that followed him we did not command them to keep Virginity they kept it of their own accord because of their desire they had to please God they have not observed their Law as they ought many have been disobedient but we have rewarded those among them that believed O ye that believe in Iesus fear God and believe in his Prophet ye shall have double the reward of God's mercy he shall pardon your sins he is gracious and merciful I teach you these things to the end that such as have heretofore received the written Law may know that they have no power over the grace of God he giveth it to whom he listeth certainly it is immense CHAP. LVIII The Chapter of the Dispute containing Twenty two Verses written at Medina IN the Name of God gracious and merciful God hath heard the speech of her that disputed with thee concerning the action of her Husband she exhibited to him her complaints he heareth all your discourses he heareth and seeth all No person among you shall swear never to touch his Wife no more than his Mother your wives are not your mothers your Mothers are those that conceiyed and brought you forth they that speak in that manner speak uncivilly but God is gracious and merciful He that shall have sworn to touch no more his Wife and shall desire afterwards to know her shall give liberty to a Slave for satisfaction of his Oath before he touch her this is commanded you God knoweth all your actions if he have not the power to free a Slave he shall fast two Months together before touching her if he cannot fast he shall give to Fifty poor Thus ought ye to do if ye believe in God and his Prophet God so appointed it and hath prepared great torments for them that transgress his Commandments They that shall disobey him and the Prophet shall be covered with shame and ignominy as were their Predecessors in impiety God hath sent his Commandments on Earth those who shall reject them shall be severely tormented at the day that he shall revive them he shall declare to them all that they have done he hath kept account and they have forgotten it he seeth all Seest thou not that all that is in the Heaven and Earth is Gods If ye be Three secretly met together he is the Fourth if ye be Five he is the Sixth if ye be more or less he is always with you wheresoever you are He shall relate to men at the Day of Judgment all that they have done he knoweth all things Seest thou not the actions of them to whom private meetings were prohibited They return to their sin and do what was forbidden them they assemble secretly with malice to conspire against thee and to disobey thee and when they come towards thee they say that thou hast spoken things that God hath not inspired thee to utter they know in their Souls that God will chastise them for their discourse and that they all shall go into Hell where their Rendezvous is Oh ye that believe make no private meetings to offend God to conspire against his Prophet and to disobey him assemble ye to perform acts of Virtue and to serve God have his fear before your eyes ye shall once appear before his Divine Majesty to be judged Private assemblies proceed from the Devil for the affliction of the Righteous He bringeth no evil upon them but through God's permission and all believers ought to resign themselves to his Divine Will. O ye that believe when ye shall be assembled with your Prophet and are entreated to inlarge your selves inlarge ye your selves God shall inlarge to you his grace When ye are bid to rise rise God shall raise up all the True believers that are among you and place the learned some degrees above others he knoweth your actions O ye that believe when ye shall be disposed to deliver any secret to the prophet speak to him with truth good shall befal you and he shall purifie you If ye fear to impart to him your secret God will not give you his grace Make your prayers at the time appointed distribute Tithes obey God and his Prophet God knoweth what ye do Seest thou not them that have abandoned his Law The wrath of his Divine Majesty is faln upon them they are of different opinion in their lye and know not that they lye but he hath prepared for them a great punishment because of their blasphemies they have concealed their Faith and are seduced certainly he hath prepared for them grievous pains their Wealth and their Children shall not be able to deliver them from his Indignation they shall be precipitated into the Fire of Hell where they shall abide eternally Be thou mindful of the day when he will cause them to revive they shall swear as they swear before thee that they believed in his Law they affirm they do good and are Lyars the Devil hath prepossessed them and hath made them forget the word of God such as follow him are damned They that transgress the will of God and that of his Prophet are overcome of the Devil God hath said in the Scriptures thou shalt not obtain victory over me neither over my Prophet he is Omnipotent and alway victorious thou shalt find none of them that believe in his Law and the Day of Judgment that doth not exactly observe the Commandments of his Divine Majesty and those of his Prophet although their Fathers their Children their Brethren and companions oppose them God hath imprinted Faith in their hearts he hath strengthened them through his Spirit and shall cause them to enter into gardens wherein flow many Rivers where they shall abide eternally He shall be satisfied with their obedience and they shall be content with his grace Such as shall obey his Commandments shall be happy CHAP. LIX The Chapter of Exile containing Twenty four Verses written at Medina IN the Name of God gracious and merciful Whatsoever is in the Heavens and Earth exalteth the glory of God he is Omnipotent and Wise he it is that hath exiled the wicked from among them that have knowledge of the written Law when he the first time exiled them ye believed not that they should depart from their Houses ye believed that their Cittadels would defend them from his
punishment but he surprized them and did cast terror into their hearts and they destroyed their dwelling places with their own hands to assist the True believers O ye that are wise consider their end If God had not appointed them to quit their Countrey he had chastised them in some other manner they in the end shall suffer the pains of Hell fire because they have disobeyed his Commandments and his Prophet he that shall disobey him shall be severely chastised ye cut not Palm-trees and leave none standing but through Gods permission he covereth with shame and infamy them that disobey him He commandeth you to give to the Prophet a part of the spoil that ye shall gain from your enemies as well of Horses and Camels as of other spoils he endueth him with power and authority over whom he pleaseth he is Omnipotent He enjoineth you to give to the Prophet a part of what ye shall conquer over them of the City of Mecca he commandeth what pleaseth him Give a share to God to the Prophet his Parents Orphaus the poor and Pilgrims that no disorder may arise among you that are rich perform what the Prophet shall command you abstain from what he shall prohibit you and fear God he is severe in his chastisements Do good to the poor that have forsaken their faculties and houses and separated themselves from the wicked for the Service of God and to defend his Law and Prophet They that before them forsook their houses for the Service of God affect those that have followed them they bear them no malice for the wealth they possess although themselves are necessitous They that are not avaricious shall be happy such as shall succeed them shall pray for them and say Lord pardon our sins and our brethren that were our Predecessors in the observance of thy Commandments infuse no malice into our hearts against them that follow thy Law thou art gracious and merciful Seest thou not that the wicked say to their brethren wicked as themselves Had ye not so soon left Medina we had gone out with you and had never obeyed him whom ye have obeyed had ye fought we had defended you God seeth that they are impious had they delayed to go forth they should not have gone forth with them had they fought they would not have succoured them they had turned the back and had found no protection they fear men more than God because they are ignorant The Iews shall not fight against you together unless in their Fortres●…es and behind Walls the War among them is cruel but think not that they may assemble and unite themselves their hearts are divided because they are ignorant they are like their Predecessors who were chastised and slain and shall suffer great torments at the Day of Judgment they are like to him whom the Devil hath seduced and said to him I am innocent of thine impiety I fear God Lord of the Universe the end of both is to be cast headlong into the fire of Hell where they shall abide Eternally such is the reward of the wicked O ye that believe fear God and consider what ye shall do at the Day of Judgment fear God he knoweth whatsoever ye do be not like to those that forget his Commandments he forgetteth them and they continue in the number of the damned they shall be most miserable and such as shall go into Paradise shall be blessed If we should make the Alcoran to descend upon a Mountain it will open it self with the fear it will have of the Word of God. Thus do I speak in Parables to the People peradventure they will be converted There is but One only God who knoweth what is present future and past he is gracious and merciful there is but one God King of all things He is holy the delieverer true the punisher strong powerful glorious Praised be God he bath no companion he is God the Creator who hath formed whatsoever is in the World all glorious Attributes are due to him whatsoever is in Heaven and Earth exalt his glory he is Omnipotent and Wise. CHAP. LX. The Chapter of Tryal containing Eighteen Verses written at Mecca Some Mahometan Doctors have intituled this the Chapter of Vocation because it entreateth of Women that forsook thrir Husbands to follow the Law of Mahomet who appointed to try their hearts intention and to know their Vocation IN the Name of God gracious and merciful O ye that believe obey not mine nor your enemies ye shew kindness to them when ye meet them nevertheless they reject the truth that hath been sent unto them and chase away the Prophet and you also and that because ye believe in God your Lord seek not their friendship when ye fight against them for my Law I know what ye ought to fear and ye know it not he that shall do what is here above prohibited followeth an evil way if they have advantage over you they will be your enemies they will stretch forth their hands and Tongues against you they will revile you and desire that you may renounce your faith if ye do it ye shall have no content in your Wives or Children at the Day of Judgment ye shall be separated from them and God shall behold all your actions Ye have a fair example in Abraham and them that were with him when they said to the People we are innocent of the sin that ye commit in worshipping any other God but God Abraham said to his Father I will not implore pardon of God for thee I am not able to deliver thee from his punishment if thou art an Idolater Lord all our confidence is in thee our refuge is in thy mercy protect not unbelievers against us pardon our sins thou art merciful and wise ye have in them a fair example for them that fear God and apprehend the day of Judgment God hath not to do with them that obey Infidels neither hath he need of any person and praise is due to him in all places peradventure he will establish for the future great amity between you and them that ye hate he is omnipotent gracious and merciful he doth prohibit you the conversation of them that fight not against you for his faith and that expel you not from your houses he doth not forbid you to do them justice he loveth the just He forbiddeth you to converse with them that fight against your faith that drive you from your houses and aid to expel you he prohibiteth you to obey them and to contract amity with them such as obey them shall be exceedingly too blame O ye that believe in God! when the wives of your enemies shall throw themselves into your party try their conscience if ye know them to be faithful and to believe in the Law of God restore them not to the incredulous Infidels it is not lawful for them to know them neither for the women to teach them give them subsistence ye shall not
knoweth all things hath revealed it to me that ye may be converted your hearts are inclined to do what is forbidden if ye act any thing against the Prophet know that God is his protector the Angel Gabriel and all the believers will defend him the Angels shall protect him against you If it be his will to repudiate you God shall give him for the future other wives in your place that shall be obedient True believers humble faithful devout contented mild clean Virgins and not Virgins Oh ye that believe in God! strengthen your selves you and your Families in obedience to his Commandments the Idolaters shall burn in the Fire of Hell with their Idols the Angels deputed to torment them disobey not God they execute whatsoever is commanded them Oh ye that are Infidels there is no excuse for you ye shall be chastised after your demerits Oh ye that believe turn to God with affection he shall pardon your sins and make you to enter into Gardens wherein flow many Rivers the light of Faith shall go before the Prophet and them that have followed him when God shall recompence them they shall say Lord give us thy light pardon our sins thou art Omnipotent Oh Prophet fight against the Infidels and the wicked fortifie thy self against them Hell shall be their habitation God teacheth unbelievers a Parable and saith the wives of Noah and the wives of Lot were under the power of my two Servants righteous men they betrayed them but did not escape the punishment of their sin It was said unto them enter into the Fire of Hell with them that go into it God teacheth them a Parable that follow his Law take example by the Wife of Pharaoh she prayed to God and said Lord build me an House in Paradise deliver me from Pharoah from his works and unjust men Mary the daughter of Ios●…phat preserved her Virginity we inspired into her our Spirit she believed the words of her Lord and the Scriptures she was in the number of them that obey CHAP. LXVII The Chapter of Empire containing Thirty Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and merciful Praised be he to whom belongeth the Empire o●… the World who is Omnipotent and hath created Life and Death to let you know which is the better he is Omnipotent and merciful He hath created seven Heavens one upon another thou seest nothing of what he hath created that is not proportioned raise yet thy sight to Heaven thou shalt not there see any thing defective behold it twice or more often thou shalt not perceive therein any thing vain or imperfect We have adorned the Heaven and the World with Stars we expelled thence the Devils we prepared for them a great fire and the torments of Hell for unbelievers They shall hear horrible and terribble voices that proceed from despair and wrath when they shall be cast thither headlong when they shall enter into Hell by Troops the Overseer of the torments shall say unto them Had you none on Earth that preached to you the pains of Hell Yes shall they reply they were preached to us but we traduced our preachers we said that God did not command to do what they declared that they were lyars and seduced from the right way had we heard them and had we been wise we should not this day have been in the number of the damned they shall confess their sins in the bottom of Hell. Such as fear God without seeing him shall receive pardon of their offences and an exceeding great reward Speak secretly or publickly God knoweth whatsoever ye have in your hearts since the time of your creation he is blessed and omniscient He hath established ways upon the earth go on all sides and live of his good things ye all shall revive and be one day assembled before him to be judged Believe ye that he who is in heaven cannot render the earrh dry and barren and cause it to tremble Believe ye that he who is in heaven is not able to send against you an impetuous wind to destroy you Ye shall hereafter feel what are the torments of hell Your predecessors would not believe them and were chastised for their incredulity Consider ye not the birds that flie over your heads how they extend and shut their wings nothing supporteth them but that mercy that beholdeth all things Who but God shall protect you in your miseries The Infidels are proud Who shall enrich you if God restraineth his grace nevertheless ye persevere in your sins and flie the truth Is he that creepeth on his face like to him that goeth on his feet in the right way Say unto them God hath created you he hath given you sight hearing and sense but few among you return him thanks for his graces Say unto them he created you of earth and ye shall one day be assembled before him to render account of your actions The wicked demand when the day of Judgment shall be Say unto them God knows I am sent only to preach to you the pains of hell Their visages shall become black when they shall see the punishment of their sins approach It shall be said to them behold that which ye have demanded with so much impatience Say unto them did you see that God destroyed me and them that were with me No he gave us his grace Who shall deliver the Infidels from the torments of hell Say unto them God is merciful we believe in him and we are resigned to the will of his divine Majesty ye shall know hereafter them that shall be seduced If the water that watereth your flocks enter under the earth who shall give you other water or another Fountain to supply you CHAP. LXVIII The Chapter of the Pen containing fifty two Verses written at Mecca Bedaoi entituleth this the Chapter of the Letter Noun n and saith that it is as much as to say Whale or great Fish Some other Doctors say that Noun n is the name of the Ink or Table on which the Angels write the Commandments of God Others affirm it to signifie the Inkhorn but many of the Mahometan Doctors intitle this the Chapttr of the Pen. IN the name of God gracious and merciful I swear by the Pen and by all that is written that thou art not possessed of the Devil through the grace of thy Lord thou shalt have an infinite reward God hath created thee with a creation high and most illustrious Thou shalt hereafter know and the Infidels likewise shall know one day them among you that are ignorant Certainly thy Lord knoweth them that are seduced and them that follow the right way Obey not the wicked they desire thee to be more in●…ulgent towards them and themselves more ●…ild towards thee Obey not those infamous ●…ars those bablers sinners and seducers and wicked persons full of treasures and children When the Mysteries of faith are related to them ●…hey say that they are but fables of antiquity we