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A33456 The Divine services and anthems usually sung in the cathedrals and collegiate choires in the Church of England collected by J. C. Clifford, James, 1622-1698. 1663 (1663) Wing C4703; ESTC R8935 42,075 266

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evermore and mo● towards us and the truth ● the Lord and ii endure● forever and ever Amen Adrian Batte● ANTHEM XIV Lord we beseech thee c. The Collect for the third Sunday ●● Advent LOrd we beseech thee ii give ear unto our prayers ii and by thy gracious visitation lighten the darkness of our hearts by our Lord Jesus Christ ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM XV. When the Lord turned again c. Psal 126. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. VVHen the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion then were we like to them that dream 2. Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with joy 3. Then said they among the heathen the Lord hath done great things for them 4. Yea the Lord hath done great things for us already ii whereof we rejoice Glory be to the Father ii and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it c. Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM XVI I call and crie to thee O Lord c. A Prayer I Call and cry to thee O Lord ii give ear unto my plaint Bow down thine eyes and mark my heavy plight ii and how my soul doth faint ii for I have many waies offended thee ii forget my wickedness O Lord I beseech thee ii Thomas Tallis ANTHEM XVII I will exalt thee O Lord c. Psal 30. v. 1. 2 3 4 11 12 13. The first Part. 1. I Will exalt thee O Lord for thou hast defended me ii and not suffered mine enemies to have their pleasure upon me ii 2. O Lord my God I have cryed unto thee and thou hast healed me ii 3. Lord thou hast brought my Soul out of hell ii thou hast preserved me ii from them that goe down into the pit The second Part. 4. Sing unto the Lord ye that be his Saints ii and give thanks with a remembrance of his holiness ii 11. The Lord hath heard me and hath taken mercy upon me the Lord is made my helper ii 12. Thou hast turned my sorrow into joy ii thou hast put off my sackcloth ii and hast compassed me with gladness ii 13. That my glory may sing to thee without grief ii O Lord my God ii I shall evermore give thanks to thee ii Dr. Tye. ANTHEM XVIII O Lord I bow the knees c. These words are taken out of the Prayer of Manasses King of Judah when he was holden captive in Babylon O LORD I bow the knees of my heart requiring mercy ii of thee O Lord. I have sinned and known mine iniquity ii forgive me and destroy me not ii with mine iniquities neither doe thou alwaies remember mine evils ii to punish them but save me which am unworthy of thy great mercy ii and I will praise thee everlastingly all the daies of my life for all the vertues of heaven praiseth thee and unto thee belongeth all glory world without end Amen William Mundy ANTHEM XIX O God be mercifull unto us c. Psal 67. The first Part. 1. O GOD be mercifull unto us ii and bless u● ii and shew the light of hi● countenance upon us ii The second part 2. That we may know th● way upon earth ii and th● saving health among all heathen ii 3. Let thy peopl● praise thee O God let all thy people praise thee The third part 4. O let the people rejoice and be glad that thou judgest them righteously and governest all nations upon the earth ii 5. Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee 6. God even our own God give us his blessing that the earth may bring forth her increase ii 7. God bless us ii and let all the ends of the world fear him ii So be it This may be sung instead of the Nune Dimittis Dr. Tye. ANTHEM XX. Behold it is Christ c. These words are taken out of the tenth Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles being part of the 42 and 43 verses BEhold it is Christ ii which was ordained by God ii to be the Judge of the quick and the dead To him give all the Prophets witness that through his name ii whosoever believeth in him ii shall receive remission of their sins ii Edmund Hooper ANTHEM XXI The Lord bless us c. A Prayer ●HE Lord bless us and keep us ii the Lord make ●s face ii to shine upon us and be mercifull unto ● ii the Lord lift up his ●untenance upon us ii and ●ve us peace forevermore ii men Robert White ANTHEM XXII Blessed be thy name c. A Thanksgiving BLessed be thy name O G● of our Fathers ii whi● when thou art wroth shew● mercy and in the time trouble ii thou forgav● the sins of them that call up● thee ii Thomas Tall●● ANTHEM XXIII ●ith all our hearts and mouths VVIth all our hearts and mouths we confess ●aise and bless thee ii God ●e Father unbegotten and ●ee the Son only begotten ●ith the holy Ghost the Com●rter holy and unseparable ●rinity ii to thee be glory ●r evermore ii Amen Thomas Tallis ANTHEM XXIV Wipe away my sins c. A Prayer VVIpe away my sins ● Lord ii which ignorantly in my youth I hav● done and give pardon to th● penitent ii all the hope o● my soul doth only rest in thee ii Thou art my hope an● my health ii my tears do● testifie my grief my plaint an● grievous grone ii be mercifull O Lord my God of thy good will ii and with thy favour look thou upon me O Lord my God then shall m● heart rejoice in thee ii an● my spirit shall serve thee ii Amen Tho. Tallis ANTHEM XXV O God whom our offences c. A Prayer O GOD whom our offences have displeased ●nd with our repentance wilt ●e appeased we humbly beseech thee ii with mercy to hear the prayers of thy people ●i and turn from us the scourges of thy wrath ii which our sins have justly deserved ii Amen William Bird. ANTHEM XXVI Prevent us O Lord c. The fourth Prayer after the Communion PRevent us O Lord in al● our doings with thy mos● gracious favour and further u● with thy continual help ii that in all our works began continued and ended in the● we may glorifie thy holy name ii and finally by thy merc● obtain everlasting life throug● Jesus Christ our Lord Amen William Bird ANTHEM XXVII I lift my heart to thee c. A prayer I Lift my heart to thee my God most just ii now suffer me to pour out my plaint ii my sins alas are so inlarged that when I look up loe I am cast down ii my humble suit then for mercy is mercy good Lord mercy I crave let me thy mercy have Amen Dr. Tye. ANTHEM XXVIII O Lord turn thy wrath c. A Prayer The first part O Lord turn thy wrath away from us for thy mercy sake ii call to mind no more O our God our former sins wickedness ii look down with thy mercifull eyes ii and
see we be thy people and thy pasture sheep ii The second Part. Bow thine ear O Lord and hear ii let thine anger cease from us ii Sion thy Sion is wasted and brought low Jerusalem is wasted quite desolate and void ii Will. Bird. ANTHEM XXIX O give thanks unto the Lord c. A Thanksgiving O Give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious ii and his mercy endureth for ever ii O sing praises unto the Lord ii and give thanks unto him with a remembrance of his goodness ii God hath shewed his goodness ii plenteously and our eyes have seen their desire upon our enemies ii the Lords name be praised therefore from this time forth forevermore ii Amen Dr Gyles ANTHEM XXX Sing joyfully unto God c. Psal 81. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. SIng joyfully unto God our strength sing aloud unto the God of Jacob. ii 2. Take the song ii and bring forth the Timbrel the pleasant Harp ii and the Violl ii 3. Blow the Trumpet in the new Moon ii even in the time appointed ii and at our feast day ii 4. For this is a statute for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob. ii William Bird. ANTHEM XXXI Deliver me from mine enemies Psal 59. v. 1 2. 60. 11. DEliver me from mine enemies O God defend me from them that rise up against me ii 2. O deliver me from the wicked doers and save me from blood-thirsty men ii Psal 60. 11. O be thou our help in trouble ii for vain is the help of man ii Robert Persons ANTHEM XXXII Hosanna to the Son of David These words are taken out of the 9th verse of the 21 Chapter of the Gospel written by S. Matthew HOSANNA to the Son of David Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord ii blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord ii peace in heaven and glory in the highest places ii Hosanna in the highest heavens ii Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM XXXIII Lift up your heads c. Psal 24. v. 7 8. 7. LIft up your heads O ye gates ii and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors ii and the King of glory shall come in ii 8. It is the Lord ii strong and mighty ii even the Lord of hosts ii he is the King of glory ii Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM XXXIV O Lord rebuke me not c. Psal 6. v. 1 2 4. 1. O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure ii 2. Have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak ii O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed ii 4. Turn thee O Lord and deliver my soul O save me for thy names sake ii Amen William Bird. ANTHEM XXXV Hear my prayer O God c. Psal 153. v. 1 2. HEar my prayer O God ii and consider my desire Hearken unto me for thy ●uth and righteousness sake ii And enter not into judg●ent with thy servant for in ●hy sight shall no man living be ●ustified ii William Bird. ANTHEM XXXVI Ah helpless wretch c. A Prayer AH helplesse wretch wha● shall I doe Or which wa● shall I goe or run The eart● bewrayes the heav'ns record The wickednesse that I hav● done Have mercy Lord fo● Christ thy Son ii Alas where shall I succour find Both heav'n and earth doth me deny So that unto the heav'n● above I dare not once lift up mine eye For I have sinn'd so grievously ii If heaven and earth shall witness be Against my sickly soul for sin Untimely birth alas for me A great ●eale better more had been Then heav'n to lose and hell ●o win ii Shall I despair ●hou God forbid I know that ●ercy more is thine That if ●he sin of all the world Were ●nit and linked unto mine Wherefore my Soul doe not ●epine ii Despise not then ●ost loving Lord ii The ●orm and image of thy face ii Which thou hast wrought and ●early bought ii With mercy great goodness and grace ii Accept therefore my humble plaints And grant me rest ●mong the Saints Amen William Mundy ANTHEM XXXVII Out of the deep c. Psal 130. 1. OUT of the deep have called unto thee O Lord. Lord hear my voice 2. O let thine ears conside● well the voice of my complaint ii 3. If thou Lor● wilt be extream to mark wha● is done amiss O Lord wh● may abide it ii 4. For there is mercy with thee therefore shalt thou be feared 5. ● look for the Lord my sou● doth wait for him in his wor● is my trust 6. My soul flyeth unto the Lord before the morning watch I say before the ●orning watch 7. O Israel ●ust in the Lord for with the ●ord there is mercy and with ●m is plenteous redemption ● And he shall redeem Israel ●om all his sins Amen Thomas Morley Adrian Batten ANTHEM XXXVIII Behold thou hast made my dayes Psal 39. v. 6 7 8 13 14. 15. 6. BEhold thou hast made m● dayes as it were a sp● long and mine age is even ● nothing in respect of thee an● verily every man living is altogether vanity ii 7. For ma● walketh in a vain shadow an● disquieteth himself in vain He heapeth up riches and ca● not tell who shall gather them 8. And now Lord what is m● hope truly my hope is even i● thee ii 13. Hear my praye● O Lord and with thine ea● consider my calling hold no● thy peace at my tears 14. For ●am a stranger with thee and sojourner as all my fathers ●ere 15. O spare me a lit●e that I may recover my ●rength before I goe hence ●d be no more seen ii Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM XXXIX I will praise the Lord c. Psal 9. v. 1 2 3 4 5. 1. I Will praise the Lor● with my whole heart will speak of all thy marvelou● works I will rejoice and b● glad in thee ii 2. I wil● sing praises to thy holy name O thou most high ii 3. Fo● that mine enemies are drive● back ii they shall fall and perish at thy presence ii 4. Fo● thou hast maintained my caus● and my right thou art set i● the Throne and judgest righ● ii 5. Thou hast rebuked th● heathen thou hast destroye● the wicked thou hast put ou● their name forever ii Amen John Ward ANTHEM XL. Thou God that guidest c. A Prayer for the KING THou God that guid'st both heaven and earth On whom we all depend Preserve our King in perfect health And him from harms defend ii Conserve his life in peace to reign Augment his joyes withall Increase his friends maintain his cause And hear us when we call ii So shall all we that faithfull be Rejoice and praise thy name ii O God O Christ O holy Ghost ii Give ear and grant the same ii Amen W. Bird. ANTHEM XLI Christ rising again from the dead For Easterday in the morning These words are taken out of the 8th Chapter of St Paul's Epistle to the
After the Sermon the last Anthe● At Evening Service AFter the Psalms a Voluntary lone by the Organ After the first Lesson is sung th● Magnificat i. My soul doth magni● the Lord. After the second Lesson the Nu●dimittis i. Lord now lettest thou th● servant depart in peace c. After the third Collect i. Light● our darkness we beseech c. is sung th● first Anthem After the Sermon is sung the la● Anthem THE TABLE A. IX ALmighty and everlasting God page 10 XXXVI Ah helpless wretch what 42 XLV Almighty and everlasting God 57 L. Almighty and everlasting God we hu 62 LX. Almighty God whose praise this day 72 LXI Almighty God which madest thy bl 73 LXXXVII Almighty God who through 116 LXXXIX Almighty God the fountain 118 XCII Arise O Lord why sleepest thou 121 CIV * Almighty God which by the lead 137 CXXXVIII Above the Stars my Savio 192 CXLII All laud and praise with heart 198 CLII. Alack when I look back upon 216 CLVIII A new Commandment give 224 CLXV Awake my soul and come aw 236 B. XX. BEhold it is Christ which was ord 26 XXII Blessed be thy name O God 28 XXXVIII Behold thou hast made my d 46 XLVI Behold how good and joyful a th 58 LIX Behold now praise the Lord all ye 71 LXXIII Blessed are those that are undef 92 XCIII Blessed art thou that fearest Go 122 CXII Bow down thine eye O Lord a 150 CXXII Behold I bring you glad tydi 164 CXXV Bow down thine ear O Lord 168 CXXIX Blessed be the Lord God of Is 176 CXXXI Blessed are all they that fear 178 C. VI. CAll to remembrance O Lord page 6 XLI Christ rising again from the dead 50 Christ is risen again c. 51 XLVIII Christ our Paschal Lamb 60 LXXXI Christ our passeover is sacrifi 106 LXXXII Christ is risen from the dead 108 D. XII DEliver us O Lord our God 14 XXXI Deliver me from mine enemies 37 XLIV Deliver me O God from all 56 E. CXLVII EXalt thy self above the 208 G. LII GOdliness is great riches 64 LXXII Glorous and powerfull God 90 CIX God the Protector of all that 145 CXIX Glory be to God on high and 160 CXL Give the King thy judgments 194 CXLVIII God which as on this day 209 H. III. HIde not thou thy face from me 3 VIII Haste thee O God to deliver me 8 XXXII Hosanna to the Son of David 38 XXXV Hear my prayer O God and co 41 LIII Hear the prayers O our God 65 LXXXVIII Holy Lord God Almighty 117 XCIV How long wilt thou forget me 124 CVIII Have mercy upon me O God 144 CXX Holy holy holy Lord God of host 162 CXXIII Holy holy holy Lord God Al 165 CXXVIII Hearken ye nations O come 174 CXXX Hear my prayer O Lord and 177 CLVII He that hath my Commande 223 CLIX. Hear the voice and prayer of thy 225 CLXIV Hearken O God unto a wre 234 I. XVI I Call and cry to thee O Lord 19 XVII I will exalt thee O Lord for thou 20 XXVII I lift my heart to thee 33 XXXIX I will praise the Lord with 48 XLVII If ye love me keep my Comma 59 LI. I am the resurrection and the life 63 LXVI I heard a voice saying in 80 LXXIV In thee O Lord have I put 94 LXXVI If ye be risen again with Christ 97 XCVI I will magnifie thee O Lord 126 CII I beheld and loe a great multitude 132 CXXIV In Bethlehem Town O happy 166 CXXXV In thee O Lord have I 186 CXXXVI If the Lord himself had not 188 CL. I heard a voice in heaven Saying 213 CLX I have loved for the Lord will 226 L. XIV LOrd we beseech thee give 17 XXXIII Lift up your heads O ye 39 XLII Let God arise and let his enemies 52 LV. Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabern 67 LXX Let us now laud and magnifie 88 LXXVIII Let God arise and let his 100 LXXX Let my complaint come before 104 CXIV Lord who shall dwell in thy Ta 152 CXVII Lord to the I make my moan 158 CXXXIX Lord I am not high minded 193 CXLI Lord in thy wrath reprove 196 CLXVI Look Shepherds look Why 238 M. LXVII MY song shall be of mercy 82 N. LVII NOT unto us O Lord not 69 O. I. O Lord make thy servant Charls 1 II. O Lord grant the King a long life 2 IV. O Lord give thy holy Spirit 4 VII O Lord the Maker of all things 7 X. O thou God Almighty Father of all 11 XI O Lord the worlds Saviour 12 XIII O praise the Lord all ye heathen 16 XVIII O Lord I bow the knees of my 22 XIX O God be merciful unto us and 24 XXV O God whom our offences 31 XXVIII O Lord turn thy wrath 34 XXIX O give thanks unto the Lord 35 XXXIV O Lord rebuke me not in thine 40 XXXVII Out of the deep have I called 44 LVI O clap your hands together all ye 68 LXIII O how happy a thing it is 76 LXVIII O Lord our Governour 84 LXIX O Lord thou hast searched me out 86 LXXI O praise God in his holiness 89 LXXV O God my heart is ready 96 LXXXIII O Lord of hosts thou God 109 LXXXIV O eternal God Almighty 110 XC O how glorious art thou O God 119 XCVII O God the proud are risen up 127 XCVIII O glorious God O Christ our 128 XCIX O how amiable are thy dwelling 129 CI. O God who through the preaching 131 CIII O Lord turn not away thy face 134 CV O Lord in thee is all my trust 138 CX O sing unto the Lord a new song 146 CXIII O Lord I have loved the habita 151 CXVI O clap your hands together all 156 CXVIII O mortal man how long wilt 159 CXXVI O God of gods O King of ki 170 CXXVII O God of gods O King of 172 CXXXII O Lord let me know mine 180 CXXXIV O Jesu meek O Jesu sweet 184 CXLIII O Lord of whom I do depend 200 CXLVI O sing unto the Lord a new 207 CLI O Lord my God in all distress 214 CLIV. O God the King of glory which 220 CLXI O Lord make thy servant 228 P. XXVI PRevent us O Lord in all our 32 LXII Ponder my words O Lord 74 LXIV Praise the Lord O my soul 78 CXXXVII Praise the Lord the God of 190 CXLV Plead thou my cause O Lord 204 R. CXV REmember not O Lord God 154 S. XXX SIng joyfully unto God our 36 XLIX So God loved the world that 61 LVIII Save us good Lord waking 70 LXV Sing we merrily unto God 79 LXXXV Save me O God for thy 112 C. Sing unto the Lord O ye Princes 130 CVI. Sing unto God all ye kingdoms 140 CXXI Steven being full of the holy G 163 CLXII Submit your selves one to ano 230 CLXIII Sitting by the streams that gl 231 CLXVII See sinfull soul the Saviour 240 T. V. TEach me thy way O Lord and 5
XXI The Lord bless us and keep 27 XL. Thou God that guidst both heaven 49 XLIII Teach me O Lord the way of th 54 LXXVII Turn thou us O good Lord 98 LXXIX Thou art my portion O Lord 102 LXXXVI Thou art my King O God 114 XCI The Lord bless us and keep 120 CVII The Lord is my Shepherd there 142 CXI The Lord even the most mighty 148 CLIII The King shall rejoice in thy 218 CLVI This is my Commandement that 222 U CXLIV UNto thee O Lord will I 202 W. XV. VVHen the Lord turned again 18 XXIII With all our hearts and mouths 29 XXIV Wipe away my sins O Lord 30 LIV. We beseech thee Almighty God 66 CXXXIII What Child was he whose 182 CXLIX When as we sate in Babylon 210 Z CLV ZAdock the priest and Nathan 221 Novemb. 20. 1622. Imprimatur DAN NICOLS R. P. D. Arch. Cant. Capel Domesticus ANTHEM I. O Lord make thy servant Charls A Prayer for the KING O LORD make thy servant thy servant Charles our King to rejoice rejoice in thy strength give him his hearts desire and deny not the request of his lips give ii of ii But prevent him with thine everlasting blessing blessing and give him a long life even for ever and ever and give him a long life even ii and give ii for ii Amen Will. Bird. ANTHEM II. O Lord grant the King a long life Psal 61. v. 6 7 8. O LORD grant the King a long life a long life that his years may endure throughout all generations all ii let him dwell before thee forever before ii O prepare thy loving mercy and faithfulness that they may preserve him that ii that ii ii preserve him preserve him So shall we alwaies sing and praise thy name thy name so shall we alwaies sing and praise thy name and praise thy name and praise thy name Amen Thomas Weelks ANTHEM III. Hide not thou thy face c. A Prayer HIde not thou thy face from us O Lord and cast not off thy servant in thy displeasure for we confess our sins unto thee and hide not our unrighteousness for thy mercy sake for ii deliver us from all our sins deliver ii for thy mercy sake for ii deliver ii deliver ii Amen Richard Farrant ANTHEM IV. O Lord give thy holy Spirit c. A Prayer O LORD give thy holy Spirit into our hearts and lighten our understanding that we may dwell in the fear of thy name in ii in ii all the dayes of our life all ii that we may know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent and ii and ii Tho. Tallis ANTHEM V. Teach me thy way O Lord c. Psal 86. v. 11 12. TEach me thy way O Lord O Lord and I will walk in thy truth in ii O knit my heart unto thee that I may fear thy name O knit ii that I ii And I will thank thee O Lord with all my heart and ii with all my heart with ii and will praise thy name forevermore and ii and ii forevermore Amen Edmund Hooper ANTHEM VI. Call to remembrance O Lord c. Psal 25. v. 5 6. CALL to remembrance O Lord O ii call to ii thy tender mercy and thy loving kindness which hath been ever of old which ii O remember not the sins and offences of my youth but according to thy mercy think thou on me O Lord but according to thy mercy think thou on me O Lord for thy goodness Richard Farrant ANTHEM VII O Lord the maker of all things A Hymn at Evening prayer O LORD the maker of all things we pray thee now in this evening us to defend through thy mercy ii from all deceit of our enemies of ii Let neither us deluded be Good Lord with dream or fantasie Our hearts waking in thee thou keep That we in sin fall not on sleep That ii O father through thy blessed Son Grant us this our petition To whom with the holy Ghost alwayes in heaven and earth be laud and praise in ii Amen W. Mundy ANTHEM VIII Haste thee O God to deliver me Psal 70. The first Part. HAste thee O God to deliver me make haste to help me O Lord let them be ashamed and confounded and confounded that seek after my soul let them be turned backward and put to confusion that wish me evil let them for their reward be soon brought to shame let ii that cry over me There there ii The second Part. But let all those that seek thee be joyfull and glad in thee ●nd let all such as delight in ●hy salvation say alwayes The Lord be praised the ii the ii As for me I am poor and in misery haste thee unto me O God thou art my helper and my Redeemer O Lord make no long tarrying O Lord ii Amen John Shepheard ANTHEM IX Almighty and everlasting God The Collect for the third Sunday after the Epiphany ALmighty and everlasting God mercifully look upon our infirmities mercifully ii and in all our dangers and necessities and ii stretch forth thy right hand stretch ii stretch ii to help and defend us to ii to ii and ii through Jesus Christ our Lord through Christ our Lord Amen Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM X. O thou God Almighty c. A Prayer O Thou God Almighty Father of all mercy Father ● ii Father ii Fountain of ● pity Fountain ii grant ●ord we beseech thee grant ● ii of thy great clemency ● us to have mercy grant ii ●ant ii of ii to ii to ii ● ii Edmund Hooper ANTHEM XI O Lord the worlds Saviour A Hymne at Evening Prayer O LORD the worlds Savio● which hast preserved this day this night also our succour and save us e● we thee pray be mercifull n● unto us and spare us which d● pray to thee our sins forgi● Lord gracious that our da●ness might lightned be th● sleep our minde doe not o●press doe ii nor that o● enemies us beguile nor th● the flesh full of frailness o● Soul and Body doe desile d● ii O Lord reformer of a● things with hearts desire we ●ray to thee that after our rest ●nd sleeping and ii We may ●ise chast and worship thee Amen William Mundy ANTHEM XII Deliver us O Lord our God c Psal 106. v. 45 46. The first part DEliver us O Lord our God deliver ii deliver ii deliver ii O Lord our God and gather us from among the heathen that we may give thanks that ii that ii unto thy holy name and make our boast of thy praise The second Part. Blessed be the Lord God of ●rael from everlasting from ii ●om ii from ii from ii and ●orld without end and ii and ●t all the people say Amen ●men and ii Amen Amen Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM XIII O praise the Lord all ye heathe● Psal 117. O Praise the Lord all y● heathen praise him a● ye nations for his merciful● kindness for ii his merciful● his ii is
Romans being part of the 9 10 11. verses The first Part. CHrist rising again from the dead now dieth not Death from henceforth ii hath no power upon him For in that he died he died but once to put away sin ii But in that he liveth he liveth unto God And so likewise count your selves dead unto sin but living unto God in Christ Jesus our Lord. ii These words are taken out of the 15 Chapter of the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians vers 20 21 22. The second Part. 20. CHrist is risen again the first fruits of them that sleep ii 21. For seeing that by man came death ii By man also cometh the resurrection of the dead 22. For as by Adam all men doe die ii so by Christ all men shall be restored to life ii Amen William Bird. ANTHEM XLII Let God arise c. Psal 68. v. 1 3 4. c. 1. LET God arise ii and let his enemies be scattered ii Let them also that hate him flee before him ii 3. But let the righteous be glad and rejoice before God let them also be merry and joyfull ii 4. O sing unto God and sing praises unto his name magnifie him that rideth upon the heavens ii Praise him in his name ii Yea and rejoice before him ii Sing unto the Lord a new song and his praise from the ends of the earth They that goe down ii to the Sea let them give glory to the Lord and declare his praise ii John Ward ANTHEM XLIII Teach me O Lord the way c. These words are the fifth Portion of Psal 119. 1. TEach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it unto the end 2. Give me understanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall keep it with my whole heart 3. Make me to goe in the path of thy commandements for therein is my desire 4. Incline my heart unto thy Testimonies and not to coveteousness 5. O turn away mine eyes lest they behold vanity and quicken thou me in thy way 6. O stablish thy word in thy servant that I may fear thee ii 7. Take away the rebuke that I am afraid of ii for thy judgments are good 8. Behold my delight is in thy commandments O quicken me in thy righteousness ii John Hilton ANTHEM XLIV Deliver me O God c. A Prayer DEliver me O God from all my foes that be And me defend and those withstand that riseth against me ii Deliver me also from those that wicked be From those that thirsteth after blood good Lord deliver me ii Mine enemies be strong thou Lord the same dost see Without offence upon my part they still doe trouble me ii My self my cause and all I doe commit to thee From traps from snares and bloody hands good Lord deliver me ii Amen Dr Bull. ANTHEM XLV Almighty and everlasting God The Collect for the second Sunday after the Epiphany A Prayer ALmighty and everlasting God which dost govern ●ll things in heaven and earth mercifully hear the supplica●ions of thy people and grant ●s thy peace all the daies of our ●ife through Jesus Christ our Lord. ii Amen Richard Price ANTHEM XLVI Behold how good and joyfull c Psal 133. BEhold how good and joyfull a thing it is brethre● to dwell together in unity 2. It is like the pretious ointment upon the head that ra● down unto the beard eve● unto Aarons beard and we●● down to the skirts of his cloathing 3. Like as the dew o● Hermon which fell upon the hi● of Sion 4. For there the Lor● promised his blessing and lif● forevermore Albertus Bryne ANTHEM XLVII If ye love me c. John 14. v. 15 16. 5. IF ye love me keep my Commandements ii 6. And I will pray the Fa●her ii and he shall give you ●nother Comforter ii even ●he Spirit of truth ii that he ●ay abide with you forever ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM XLVIII Christ our Paschall Lamb. These words are taken out of the 5● Chap. of 1 Cor. 7 8. verses CHrist our Paschal Lamb'● offered up for us once fo● all when he bare our sins o● his body ii upon the Cross For he is the very Lamb of Go● that taketh away the sins o● the world ii wherefore le● us keep a joyfull and holy fea● with the Lord. ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM XLIX So God loved the world c. John 3. v. 16 18. 6. SO God loved the world that he gave his only ●egotten Son that whosoever ●elieveth in him should not ●erish but have everlasting life ●8 For he that believeth not ● condemned already because ●e hath not beleived ii in the ●ame of the only begotten Son ●f God ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM L. Almighty and everlasting God The Collect for the Purification ● St. Mary the Virgin A Prayer ALmighty and everlastin● God we humbly beseec● thy majesty that as thy onl● begotten Son was this day presented in thy Temple in th● substance of our flesh so gran● that we may be presented unt● thee with pure and clear mind● by Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Simon Ive ANTHEM LI. ●am the resurrection and the life The Funerall Anthem John 11. 25 26. Job 19. 25 c. 5. I Am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord ●e that believeth in me Yea ●ough he were dead yet shall ●e live 26. And whosoever ●veth and believeth in me shall ●ot die for ever Job 19. 25 ●6 27. I know that my Re●eemer liveth and that I shall ●se out of the earth in the last ●ay and shall be covered again ●ith my skin and shall see God ● my flesh yea and I my self ●all behold him ii not with ●ther but with the same eyes ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM LII Godliness is great riches c. 1 Tim. 6. v. 6 7. Job 1. 21. 6. GOdliness is great riche● If a man can be conte● with that he hath 7. Fo● we brought nothing ii int● this world neither may we ca●● any thing out of this world ● Job 1. 21. The Lord givet● and the Lord taketh awa● blessed be the name of th● Lord ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LIII Hear the Prayers O our God c. A Prayer HEar the prayers O our God ii of thy humble servants ii when we pray unto thee ii in thy holy Temple ii and when thou hearest have mercy on us for Christ Jesus sake our Lord ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LIV. We beseech thee Almighty God The Collect for the third Sunday in Lent A Prayer VVE beseech thee Almighty God ii look upon the hearty desires ii of thy humble servants and stretch forth ii the right hand of thy Majesty to be our defence against all our enemies through Jesus Christ our Lord ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LV. Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle c. Psal 15. v. 1 2 7. 1. LORD who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle ii or who shall rest upon thy holy hill
ii 2. Even he that leadeth an uncorrupt life ii and doth the thing that is right ii and speaketh the truth from his heart ii 7. Who so doth these things shall never fall ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM LVI O Clap your hands together c. Psal 47. v. 1 5 6 7. 1. O Clap your hands together all ye people ii O sing unto God ii with the voice of melodie ii 5. God is gon up with a merry noise ii and the Lord with the sound of the Trumpet ii 6. O sing praises unto our King 7. For God is King of all the earth sing praises with understanding ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LVII Not unto us O Lord c. Psal 115. v. 1 2 3. 1. NOT unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy name give thy praise for thy loving mercy and for thy truths sake ii 2. Wherefore shall the heathen say where is now their God ii 3. As for our God he is in heaven he hath done whatsoever pleased him ii So be it Adrian Batten ANTHEM LVIII Save us good Lord c. A Prayer SAve us good Lord waking and sleeping that we may watch in Christ and rest in peace Preserve us O Lord ii as the apple of an eye and protect us under the shadow of thy wings ii Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this night without sin O Lord hear our prayers ii and let our cry come unto thee ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LIX Behold now praise the Lord c. Psal 134. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. BEhold now praise the Lord all ye servants of the Lord. ii 2. Ye that by night stand in the house of the Lord ii even in the Courts of the house of our God ii 3. Lift up your hands in the Sanctuary ii and praise the Lord. ii 4. The Lord that made heaven and earth give ●hee blessing out of Sion ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM LX. Almighty God whose praise c. The Collect for the holy Innocents Day A prayer ALmighty God whose praise this day the young Innocents thy witnesses have confessed and shewed forth not in speaking but in dying ii Mortifie and kill all vices in us ii that in our conversation our life may express thy faith which with our tongues we doe confess ii through Jesus Christ our Lord. ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXI Almighty God which madest c. The Collect for the day of the Circumcision of Christ A Prayer ALmighty God which madest thy blessed Son to be ●ircumcised ii and obedient ●o the Law for man ii Grant ●s the true circumcision of the Spirit that our hearts and all our members being mortified from all worldly and carnal ●usts ii may in all things obey thy blessed will through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXII Ponder my words O Lord c. Psal 5. 1. POnder my words O Lord and consider my meditation 2. O hearken thou unto the voice of my calling my King and my God For unto thee will I make my prayer 3. My voice shalt thou hear betimes O Lord early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up 4. For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickedness neither shall any evill dwell with thee ii 5. Such as be foolish shall not and in thy sight for thou ha●st all them that work vanity ● Thou shalt destroy them ●at speak leasing the Lord will ●●hor both the bloodthirsty ●nd deceitfull man 7. But ●s for me I will come into thy ●ouse even upon the multitude ●f thy mercies and in thy fear ●ill I worship towards thy holy ●emple ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXIII O how happy a thing it is c. Psal 133. in Metre O How happy a thing it i● And joyfull for to se● Brethren together fast to hol● The band of amitie It call● to mind the sweet perfume An● that costly ointment Whic● on the sacrificers head By God● precept was spent It wet no● Aaron's head alone but drench● his beard throughout An● finally it did run down his ric● attire about And as the lowe● ground doth drink The dew o● Hermon hill And Sion with her silver drops The fields with fruit doth fill Even so the ●ord doth pour on them His ●essings manifold Whose ●earts and minds without all ●ile This knot doe keep and ●old Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXIV Praise the Lord O my Soul c Psal 146. 1. 145. 2. 1. PRaise the Lord O m● Soul while I live will praise the Lord ii yea as lo● as I have any being ii I wi● sing praises unto my God ii Psal 145. 2. Every day will give thanks to thee and prai● thy name ii forevermore ii Amen Adrian Batt● ANTHEM LXV Sing we merrily unto God c. Psal 81. v. 1 2 3. ● SIng we merrily ii unto God our strength Make cheerfull noise ii unto the God of Jacob. ii 2. Take ●he Psalm bring hither the Ta●ret the merry Harp with the ●ute ii 3. Blow up the Trumpet ii in the new Moon ii even in the time ●ppointed and upon our solemn ●east day ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXVI I heard a voice saying in Heaven The Anthem for St. Michaels day These words are taken out of the 12● Chapter of the Revelation of S● John v. 10. c. 10. I Heard a voice saying in heaven is now ma● salvation and strength ii an● the kingdome of our God ii and the power of his Christ ii 12. Therefore rejoice y● heavens and ye that dwell i● them ii 10. For the accuse● of our brethren is cast down ● which accused them befor● God day and night 12. Therefore rejoice c. 11. An● they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb ii and by the word of their testimony 12. Therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXVII My song shall be of mercy c. Psal 101. 1. MY song shall be of mercy and judgment unto thee O Lord will I sing 2. O let me have understanding in the way of Godliness 3. When wilt thou come unto me I will walk in my house with a perfect heart 4. I will take no wicked thing in hand I hate the sins of unfaithfulness there shall no such cleave unto me ii 5. A froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person 6. Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour him will I destroy 7. Whoso hath a proud look and high stomack I will not suffer him ii 8. Mine eyes look upon such as be faithfull in the land that they may dwell with me ii 9. Whoso leadeth a godly life he shall be my servant 10. There shall no deceitfull person dwell in my house he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight 11. I shall soon destroy all the ungodly that are in the land that I may root out all wicked doers from the city of the Lord.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without ●nd Amen Will. Mundy ANTHEM LXVIII O Lord our Governour c. Psal 8. v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1. O Lord our Governour ii how excellent i● thy name in all the world i● 2. Out of the mouth of very Babes and Sucklings hast thou ordained strength because o● thine enemies that thou mightst still the enemy and th● avenger 3. For I will consider the heav'ns ii even th● works of thy fingers the Moo● and the stars which thou has● ordained ii 4. What is ma● that thou art mindfull of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him ii 5. Thou hast made him lower ii than the Angels to crown him with glory and worship ii 6. Thou makest him to have dominion of the works of thy hands and ●hou hast put all things ii in ●ubjection under his feet Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXIX O Lord thou hast searched me out Psal 139. v. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8. 1. O Lord thou hast searched me out and known me thou knowest my down sitting and my uprising thou understandest my thoughts long before 2. Thou art about my path and about my bed and spiest out all my waies 3. For loe there i● not a word in my tongue but thou O Lord knowest it altogether 4. Thou hast fashioned me behind and before and laid thine hand upon me ii 6. Whither shall I goe then from thy Spirit or whither shall I goe then from thy presence 7. If I climb up into heaven thou art there if I goe down to hell thou art ●here also ii 8. If I take ●he wings of the morning and ●emain in the uttermost parts of the Sea ii Glory be to ●he Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was ●n the beginning and is now ●nd ever shall be world without end ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXX Let us now laud an magnifie c. A Thanksgiving LET us now laud and magnifie With musick of concord ii The Father Son Holy Ghost One everliving God ii With tuned notes that sweetly sounds To praise our heavenly King With chearfull hearts with pleasant voice ii On this wise let us sing ii Glory be to the Trinity One God and persons three As it is now and ever was ii And evermore shall be ii Amen William Mundy ANTHEM LXXI O praise God in his holiness c. Psal 150. 1. O Praise God in his holiness praise him in the firmament of his power 2. Praise him in his noble acts praise him according to his excellent greatness ii 3. Praise him in the sound of the Trumpet praise him upon the Lute and Harp ii 4. Praise him in the Cymbals and Dances praise him upon the strings and Pipe ii 5. Praise him upon the well-tuned Cymbals praise him upon the loud Cymbals ii 6. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXXII Glorious and powerfull God c. A Prayer GLorious and powerfull God we understand thy dwelling is on high above the starry sky To dwell is thy delight neer hand though out of sight Thou dwell'st not in stone Temples made with hands but in the flesh hearts of the sons of men to dwell is thy delight neer hand though out of sight We give of thine own hand thy acceptation is very life and blood to all acti'ons good whenever here and hence our supplication from pure and with unfeigned hearts to thee ascend be present with thy grace shew us thy loving face ii O down on us full showers of mercy send let thy loves burning beams dry up all ii our sins streams Arise O Lord and come into thy rest both now and evermore thy name be blest Founder and foundation of endless habitation ii Amen Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM LXXIII Blessed are those that are c. Psal 119. v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1. BLessed are those that are undefiled in the way and walk in the law of the Lord. 2. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies and seek him with their whole heart ii 3. For they which doe no wickedness walk in his waies ii 4. Thou hast charged us O Lord that we shall diligently keep thy Commandments ii 5. O that our waies were made so direct ii that we might keep thy statutes 6. So shall we not be confounded while we have respect unto all thy Commandements Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Thomas Tallis ANTHEM LXXIV In thee O Lord have I put my trust Psal 31. v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1. IN thee O Lord have I pu● my trust let me never be put to confusion deliver me in thy righteousness 2. Bow down ii thine ear to me make hast to deliver me ii 3. And be thou my strong Rock and the house of defence ii that thou mayst save me 4. For thou art my strong Rock and my Castle be tho● also my Guide ii and lea● me for thy names sake 5. Draw me out of the ne● that they have laid privily fo● me for thou art my strength ●i 6. Into thy hands I commend my Spirit for thou hast ●edeemed me O Lord thou God of truth Amen Thomas Weelks ANTHEM LXXV O God my heart is ready c. Psal 108. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. O God my heart is ready my heart is ready will sing and give praise wit● the best member that I have i● 2. Awake thou Lute and Harp I my self will awake right ea●ly ii 3. I will give thank● unto thee O Lord among th● people I will sing praises unt● thee among the nations 4. S● up thy self O God ii abo● the heavens and thy glo● above all the earth ii Ame● ANTHEM LXXVI If ye be risen again with Christ An Anthem for Easter day Col. 3. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. IF ye be risen again with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ ●itteth on the right hand of God ii 2. Set your affections on heavenly ii things and ●ot on earthly things ii 3. For ●e are dead ii and your life ●s hid ii with Christ in God 4. Whensoever Christ which ●s our life ii shall shew him●elf ii then shall we also ap●ear with him ii in Glory Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM LXXVII Turn thou us O good Lord c. The last Collect in the Commination A Prayer TUrn thou us O good Lord and so shall we be turned be favourable O Lord be favourable to thy people which turn to thee in weeping fasting and praying for tho● art a mercifull God ii ful● of compassion long suffering i● and full of great pity ii Tho● sparest when we deserve punishment and in thy wrat● thinkest upon mercy Spar● thy people good Lord goo● Lord spare them
and let no● thine heritage be brought to confusion ii Hear us good Lord for thy mercy is great and after the multitude of thy mercies ii look upon us Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM LXXVIII Let God arise c. Psal 68. v. 1 2 3 4. 1. LET God arise ii and let his enemies be scattered ii let them also ii that hate him flee before him ii 2. Like as the smoak vanisheth so shalt thou drive them away and like as wax melteth at the fire so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God ii 3. But let the righteous ii be glad and rejoice before God let them also be merry ii and joyfull 4. O sing unto God ii and sing praises unto his name magnifie him that rideth upon the heavens as it were upon an horse praise him in his name yea and rejoyce ii before him Alleluiah ii Mr Cob. ANTHEM LXXIX Thou art my portion O Lord c. The eighth part of Psal 119. 1. THou art my portion O Lord ii I have promised to keep thy law ii 2. I made my humble petition in thy presence with my whole heart O be mercifull unto me according to thy Word 3. I called mine own waies to remembrance and turned my feet ii unto thy Testimonies 4. I made hast and prolonged not the time to keep thy Commandements 5. The Congregation of the ungodly have robbed me ii but I have not forgotten thy Law 6. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous Judgments 7. I am a Companion of all them ii that fear thee and keep thy Commandments 8. The earth O Lord is full of thy mercy O teach me thy statutes Henry Molle ANTHEM LXXX Let my complaint come before c. The twenty second Portion of Psal 119. The first Part. LET my Complaint come before thee O Lord give me understanding according to thy word 2. O let my supplication come before thee deliver me according to thy word 3. My lips shall speak of thy praise when thou hast taught me thy statutes 4. Yea my tongue shall sing of thy word for all thy Commandements are righteous The second Part. 5. Let thine hand help me for I have chosen thy Commandments 6. I have longed for thy saving health O Lord and in thy Law is my delight 7. O Let my Soul ●ive and it shall praise thee ●nd thy judgments shall help ●e 8. I have gone astray like ● sheep that is lost O seek thy ●ervant for I doe not forget ●hy Commandements Mr. Shepherd ANTHEM LXXXI Christ our passeover is sacrificed For Easter day instead of the Venite 1 Cor. 5. 7 8. The first part 7. CHRIST our passeover is sacrificed for us 8. Therefore let us keep the feast not with old Leaven neither with the Leaven of malice and wickednesse but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth Rom. 6. v. 9 10 11. The second Part. 9. Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion ●ver him 10. For in that he ●ied he died unto sin once ●ut in that he liveth he ●iveth unto God 11. Like●ise reckon ye also your selves ●o be dead indeed unto sin ●ut alive unto God through ●esus Christ our Lord. ANTHEM LXXXII Christ is risen from the dead ● 1 Cor. 15. v. 20 21 22. 20. CHRIST is risen fro● the dead and becom● the first fruits of them th● slept 21. For since by ma● came death by man came als● the resurrection of the dea● 22. For as in Adam all die● even so in Christ shall all b● made alive Glory be to th● Father and to the Son and t● the Holy Ghost As it was i● the beginning and is now an● ever shall be world withou● end Amen ANTHEM LXXXIII O Lord of hosts thou God c. A prayer O LORD of hosts thou God of Israel which sittest ●pon the Cherubins thou art ●●e God alone of all the King●omes of the world thou only ●ast created heaven and earth ●ncline thine ear O Lord and ●onsider open thine eyes and ●ee Deliver us from the hands ●f our adversaries to the intent ●ll the Kingdomes of the earth ●ay know that thou only art ●he Lord ii So be it ii Dr. Tye. ANTHEM LXXXIV O Eternall God Almighty c. A Prayer The first Part. O Eternal God Almight● Just and holy who● name is the Lord God of host● to thee O Lord we call a● cry for mercy ii again● thee have we offended ● and our fathers have sinne● we have done unjustly we ha● committed iniquity now gra● to us O Lord thy great merc● ii for great is our misery ii The second part Save thy people O Lord and blesse thine own inheritance despise not the works of thine own hands because we be sinfull thou shalt be called Mercifull ii forgive us now for the glory of thy holy name ii that we may know that thou art more mercifull than we deserve The third part We shall give thanks to thee O Lord and rejoice in thy laud and praise thee for evermore ii Amen Mr. Johnson ANTHEM LXXXV Save me O God for thy names c. Psal 54. 1. SAve me O God for thy names sake and avenge me in thy strength 2. Hear my prayer O God ii and hearken unto the words of my mouth ii 3. For strangers are risen up against me and tyrants which have not God before their eyes seek after my soul ii 4. Behold God is my helper the Lord is with them that uphold my Soul ii 5. He shall reward evil unto mine enemies destroy thou them in thy truth ii 6. An offering of a free heart ii will I give thee ii and praise thy name O Lord ii because it is so comfortable 7. For he hath delivered me out of all my trouble and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies So be it Dr. Tye. ANTHEM LXXXVI Thou art my King O God c. Psal 44. v. 5 6 7 8 9. 5. THOU art my King O God ii send help unto Jacob. ii 6. Through thee will we overthrow our enemies ii and in thy name ii I will tread them down ii that rise up against me ii 7. For I will not trust in my bow ii It is not my sword that shall help me ii 8. But it is thou ii that savest us from our enemies ii and puttest them to confusion ii tha● hate us ii 9. We make our boast all the day long and will praise thy name for evermore ii Mr. Tomkins ANTHEM LXXXVII Almighty God who through c. The Collect for Easter day ALMIGHTY God who through thy only begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life we humbly beseech thee tha● as by thy special grace preventing us thou dost put into ou● minds good desires so by thy continual help we may bring the same to good effect through Jesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth wit●
Lord turn not away thy face The 1 2 4 5 and 6 staves of The Lamentation of a sinner O Lord turn not away thy face From him that lyes prostrate Lamenting sore his sinfull life Before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those That do lament their sin Shut not that against me Lord but let me enter in ii And call me not to mine account How I have lived here For then I know righ● well O Lord How vile I shal● appear I need not to confes● my life I am sure thou cans● tell What I have been and what I am I know thou know'st it well And can the things that I have done Be hidden from thee then Nay nay thou know'st them all O Lord Where they were done and when Wherefore with tears I come to thee To beg and to intreat Even as the child that hath done ill And feareth to be beat ii So come I to thy mercy gate Where mercy doth abound Requiring mercy for my sin To heal my deadly wound O Lord I need not to repeat What I doe beg or crave Thou know'st O Lord before I ask The thing that I would have ii Mercy good Lord mercy I ask That is the total summe For mercy Lord is all my suite Lord let thy mercy come Mr. Hooper ANTHEM CIV Almighty God which by the c. The Collect for the Epiphany ALmighty God which by the leading of a Star ii didst manifest thine only begotten Son to the Gentils ii mercifully grant that we which know thee now by faith ii may after this life ii have the fruition of the glorious Godhead through Christ our Lord ii Amen ii Dr. Bull. ANTHEM CV O Lord in thee is all my trust c The Lamentation O Lord in thee is all my trust give eare unto my wofull crie Refuse me no● that am unjust but bowing down thy heavenly eye Behold how I do still lament my sinnes wherein I doe offend O Lord for them shall I b● shent sith thee to please I d● intend ii No no not so thy will is bent to deal with sinner● in thine ire But when in hear● they shall repent thou grant'●● with speed their just desire To thee therefore still shall I crie to wash away my sinfull crime ●hy blood O Lord is not yet ●rie but that it may help me ● time ii Haste thee O Lord ●aste thee I say to powre on ●e thy gifts of grace That ●hen this life shall flit away ● heaven with thee I may ●ave place ii Where thou ●ost reign eternally with God ●hich once did down thee ●end Where Angels sing con●inually to thee be praise ●orld without end Mr. Hooper ANTHEM CVI. Sing unto God all ye kingdome● of the earth c. Psal 68. v. 32 33 34 35. 32. SIng unto God ii al● ye kingdoms of th● earth ii O sing praises unto the Lord ii 33. Who sitteth in the heavens over all ii from the beginning Loe ii he doth send out his voice ii yea and that a mighty voice ii 34. Ascribe ye the power to God over Israel his worship and strength is in the clouds ii 35. O God wonderfull art thou ii in thy holy places ii even the God of Israel ii he will give strength ii and ●ower unto his people ii ●lessed be God ii Mr. Tomkins Mr. Stonard ANTHEM CVII The Lord is my sheepherd c. Psal 23. 1. THE Lord is my sheephe● therefore can I lack nothing ii 2. He shall feed m● in a green pasture and lea● me forth besides the waters ● comfort 3. He shall conve● my soul and bring me forth i● the paths of righteousness ii ● for his name sake ii 4. Ye● though I walke through th● valley of the shadow of dea● I will fear no evil for tho● art with me ii thy rod a● thy staffe comfort me ii ● 5. Thou shalt prepare a tab● before me against them that ●rouble me thou hast anoin●ed my head with oyl and my ●up shall be full 6. But thy ●oving kindness and mercy ●hall follow me all the dayes of my life ii and I will dwell in the house of the Lord ii for ever ii Amen ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM CVIII Have mercy upon me O God ● Psal 51. v. 1 7 9 11. 1. HAve mercy upon me ● God after thy grea● Goodness ii and accordin● to the multitude of thy me●cies doe away mine offence 7. Thou shalt purge me wit● Hyssope and I shall be clean thou shalt wash me and I sha● be whiter than snow ii 9. Tur● thy face from my sins ii and put out all my misdeed 11. Cast me not away fro● thy presence ii and take no● thy holy Spirit from me ii Amen Adrian Batte● ANTHEM CIX God the Protector of all that c. The Collect for the fourth Sunday after Trinity GOD the Protector of all that trust in thee without whom nothing is strong nothing is holy Encrease and multiply upon us thy mercy that thou being our Ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporall that we finally lose not the things eternall Grant this O heavenly Father for Jesus Christs sake our Lord Amen Henry Molle ANTHEM CX O sing unto the Lord a new song Psal 149. 1. O Sing unto the Lord a new song let the Congregation of saints praise him 2. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him ii and let the children of Sion ii be joyfull in their King 3. Let them praise his name in the dance ii Let them sing praises unto him ii with Tabret and Harp ii 4. For the Lord hath pleasure in his people and helpeth the meek hearted ii 5. Let the saints be Joyfull with glory ii let them rejoice in their beds ii 6. Let the praises of God be in their mouth and a tow-edged sword in their hands ii 7. To be avenged of the Heathen and to rebuke the people 8. To binde their Kings in chaines ii and their nobles with links of iron 9. That they may be avenged of the heathen as it is written Such honour have all his saints ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM CXI The Lord even the most c. Psal 50. v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1. THE Lord even the most mighty God hath spoken ii and call'd the world ii from the rising up of the Sun ii unto the going down ii thereof 2. Out of Sion hath God appeared in perfect beauty ii 3. Our God shall come ii and shall not keep silence ii there shall goe before him ii a consuming fire ii and a mighty tempest ii shall be stirred up round about him ii 4. He shall call the heavens ii from above and the earth that he may judge his people 5. Gather my Saints together unto me ii those that have made a covenant ii with me ii with sacrifice ii 6. And the heavens shall declare his righteousness ii for God is judge himself Mr. Tomkins ANTHEM CXII Bow down thine eye O Lord
betray our King ii But rather joy with host of heaven ii Which at his birth did sing ii The sweetest song that ever was ii Peace glory and good will To earth to God to man such Songs good Lord continue still ii Amen Adrian Batten ANTHEM CXXV Bow down thine eare O Lord c. A Prayer collected out of the Psalms BOW down thine eare O Lord ii and hear me make hast ii to deliver me ii Hearken unto my voice O Lord and have mercy upon me and hide not thy face from me ii for thou hast been my succour ii Leave me not neither forsake me O God ii of my salvation O be thou my strong Rock and defence that thou mayest save me for my hope hath been in thee O Lord I have said Thou art my God ii Let me not be confounded O Lord ii For I have called upon thee ii Into thy hands I commend my Spirit ii for thou hast Redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM CXXVI O God of Gods O King of Kings For the Kings Inauguration O God of Gods O King o● Kings Eternal Father o● all things In heaven and eart● and every where ii By whom all Kings their Scepters bear God of our Soveraign Charles King of peace Heavens darling Englands happiness For him we praise thee in this song i● And pray that we may prais● thee long ii And we beseec● thee mighty Lord To us suc● favour to afford ii That thi● triumphant Festival This holy day Imperial ii To his Inaugring consecrated May be so ●ten celebrated ii That fi●lly it be not done Till the ●eat coming of thy Son ii ●nd that his health his joys and ●eace May as his reign and ●ears encrease ii To the ●lmighty Trinity Three per●ons in one Diety ii All ●lorious in heaven ii All ●raise all thanks all Laud be ●iven ii With Organs Trum●ets with Flutes VVith Cor●ets Viols with Lutes VVith Harpes with Symbals and with Shawms With sacred Anthems Hymns and Psalms VVith notes of Angels and of men Sing Alleluia Amen Amen ii Mr. Bennett ANTHEM CXXVII O God of Gods O King of King● Another of the same O God of Gods O King o● Kings Eternal Father o● all things In heaven above an● every where By whom a● Kings their Scepters bear ● Great God of Charles our ble●sed King ii Who peace an● joy ii to us did bring ii VVhom thou a chief and Roya● guide ii Didst for our guid● less troups provide ii Now we beseech thee mighty Lord To us such heavenly grace afford That this united Monarchy This Empire of great Brittanie ii To thy high pleasure consecrate May so long ●esse his Royall state That fi●lly it be not done Till the ●eat coming of thy Son ii ●d that his health his joys ●d peace ii May as his ●gn and years encrease ii ● the Almighty Trinity ●ree Persons in one Diety ●ost bright and glorious in ●ven ii above All praise ● thanks all laud be given ii ●ith Organs Trumpets and ●h Flutes ii With Cornets ●rons and with Lutes ii ●ith Harpes with Symbals and ●h Shawmes ii With sacred ●thems Hymnes and Psalms ● With note of Angels and ● men ii Sing Alleluia ●en Amen ii Mr. Hooper ANTHEM CXXVIII Hearken ye nations O come For Gunpowder Treason-day HEarken ye Nations come see and hear ● ye that serve the Lord in tr● and fear and we will sh● what wonders his high ha● Hath done unto our Souls a● to this Land Our King ano●ted with his blessed seed i● Our sacred Prophets that ● souls doe feed ii ● honourable Senates Peo● Peers Men Women ● fants of all sorts of years T● day our God from Foes blo● thirsty ire hath sav'd as bra● new taken from the Fire ● This is the day himself made ii ● Rejoice and sing ii his ●raises with a chearfull voice ii ●onsider this ye true of heart ●nd wise it is Gods work and ●onderous in our eyes ii he ●ends his terrours to affright ●i not kill as signs more of ●is pow're ii than of his will ii O may our Moses ●rust in him his Tower ii and ●ll our Aarons magnifie his ●ower ii He is our shield ii ●ay no unhallowed arme ii Touch his anointed ii nor ●is Prophets harm ii Record we this to all posterity that ●hey may praise him to Eter●ity And joyn in holy fear ii with one accord ii to keep ●his day ii holy to the Lord ii Mr. Hooper ANTHEM CXXIX Blessed be the Lord God of c. Psal 106. v. 46. 46. BLessed be the Lord Go● of Israel from everlasting ii and world withou● end ii and let all the peopl● say Amen ii Thomas Tomkin ANTHEM CXXX Hear my prayer O Lord c. Psal 39. v. 13 14 15. c. 13. HEar my prayer O Lord ii and with thine ears consider my calling hold not thy peace at my tears ii 14. For I am a stranger ii with thee and a sojourner as all my fathers were ii 15. O spare me a little while ii that I may recover my strength ii before I goe hence and be no more seen ii Lam. 5. 16. My strength hath fail'd ii and is gone Woe unto me ii woe ii that I have sinned ii Mr. Wilkinson ANTHEM CXXXI Blessed are all they that feare c. Psal 128. 1. BLessed are all they that feare the Lord and walk in his wayes ii 2. For thou shalt eat the labours of thy hands O well is thee and happy shalt thou be 3. Thy wife shall be as the fruitfull vine upon the walls of thine house 4. Thy children like the olive branches round about thy table ii 5. Loe thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. ii 6. The Lord from out of Sion shall so bless thee ii that thou shalt see● Jerusalem in prosperity all thy life long 7. Yea that thou shalt see thy childrens children and peace upon Israel ii Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM CXXXII O Lord let me know mine end Psal 39. v. 5 6 7 8. 5. O LORD let me know mine end and the number of my dayes that I may be certified ii how long ii I have to live ii 6. Behold thou hast made my dayes as it were a span long ii and mine age is even as nothing ii in respect of thee and verily every man living is altogether vanity ii 7. For man ii walketh in a vain shadow and disquieteth himself in vain ii he heapeth up riches and cannot tell ii who shall gather them ii 8. And now Lord ii what is my hope ii truly my hope ii is even in thee ii And now ii Thomas Tomkins ANTHEM CXXXIII What Child was he whose c. A Hymn VVHAT Child was he whose birth did Angels glad whose guide was
eare and didst provide to ease me with relief Of thy good will thou hast call'd back my soul from hell to save Thou didst revive when strength did lack and kept'st me from the grave Sing praise ye saints that prove and see the goodness of the Lord In memory of his Majesty rejoice with one accord Sing ye I say unto the Lord a song of melody ii And let all men with heart and voice extoll his majesty ii Praise him alway both night and day due praises to him give For by his mighty power and strength we dayly here do live ii For by ii Amen Mr. Weelkes ANTHEM CXLIII O Lord of whom I doe depend c. Taken out of the humble suit of a sinner O LORD of whom I doe depend behold my carefull heart And when thy will and pleasure is release me of my smart release ii Thou seest my sorrows what they are my grief is known to thee And there is none that can remove ii nor take the same from me ii And ii But only thou whose aide I crave whose mercy still is prest To ease all those that come to thee for succour for rest Wherefore this is yet once again my suit and my request To grant me pardon for my sin ii that I in thee may rest To ii Then shall my heart ii my tongue and voice be instruments of praise And in thy Church and house of saints sing Psalms to thee alwaies ii And ii Amen Dr. Giles ANTHEM CXLIV Vnto thee O Lord will I c. Psal 25. v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1. UNTO thee O Lord will I lift up my soul ii my God I have put my trust in thee O Let me not be confounded neither let mine enemies triumph over me ii 2. For all they that hope in thee shall not be ashamed but such as trangress without a cause ii shall be put to confusion ii For ii 3. Shew me thy waies O Lord ii and teach me thy paths 4. Lead me forth in thy truth and learn me for thou ar● the God of my salvation ii in thee hath been my hope all the day long ii In ii 5. Call to remembrance O Lord ii thy tender mercies and thy loving kindness ii which hath been ever of old and ii 6. O Remember not the sins and offences of my youth ii but according to thy mercies think thou upon me O Lord ●i for thy goodness but ii Mr. Warde ANTHEM CXLV Plead thou my cause O Lord with them that c. Psal 35. v. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18. 1. PLead thou my cause O Lord with them that strive with me and fight thou against them that fight against me 2. Lay hand upon the shield and buckler and stand up to helpe me 3. Bring forth the spear and stop the way against them that persecute me say unto my soul I am thy salvation 4. Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul let them be turned back and brought to confusion that imagine mischief for me 5. Let ●hem be as the dust before the wind and the Angel of the Lord ii scattering them 6. Let their way be dark and ●lippery and let the Angel of ●he Lord persecute them 7. For they have privily laid ● net to destroy me without ● cause yea even without a ●ause have they made a pit ●or my soul 8. Let a sudden destruction come upon him ●nawares and his net that he ●ath laid privily catch himself ●hat he may fall into his own ●ischief 9. And my soul ●e joyfull in the Lord it shall ●ejoice in his salvation 18. So will I give thee thanks in the great Congregation I will praise thee among muc● people ii Amen Mr. Weelkes ANTHEM CXLVI O sing unto the Lord a new song Psal 149. v. 1 2. 1. O Sing unto the Lord a new song ii let the Congregation of saints ii sing praise unto him ii 2. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him ii and let the children of Sion ii forever sing Alleluiah ii Thomas Tomkins ANTHEM CXLVII Exalt thy self ahove the heavens Psal 57. v. 6 9 10 11 12. 6. EXalt thy self above the heavens ii and let thy glory be upon the earth ii 9. Awake my tongue awake Viol and Harp ii I will awake ii right early ii 10. I will praise thee O Lord ii among the people ii and I will sing unto thee ii among the Nations ii 11. For thy mercy is great ii unto the heavens ii and thy truth unto the clouds ii 12. Exalt thy self O God ii above the heavens ii and let thy glory be upon the earth ii Amen Mr. Bird. ANTHEM CXLVIII God which as on this day c. The Collect for White-Sunday GOD which as on this day didst teach the hearts of thy faithfull people ii by the sending to them the Light ii of thy holy Spirit ii Grant us by the same Spirit ii to have a right judgement in all things ii and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort ii through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour ii who liveth ii and reigneth with thee ii in the unity of the same Spirit ii one God world without end ii Amen Dr. Giles ANTHEM CXLIX When as we sate in Babylon c. Psal 137. in metre VVHen as we sat in Babylon the rivers round about And in remembrance of Sion the tears for grief burst out We hang'd our Harps and instruments the willow trees upon For in tha● place men for their use had planted many a one The● they to whom we prisoners were said to us tantingly Now let us heare your Hebrew songs and pleasant melodie● Alas said we who can onc● frame his sorrowfull heart t● sing The praises of our loving God thus under a strange King But if that I Jerusalem out of my heart let slide Then let my singers quite forget the warbling Harp to guide And let my tongue within my mouth be tied forever fast If that I joy before I see thy full deliverance past Therefore O Lord remember now the cursed noise and crie That Edoms sons against us made when they raz'd our city Remember Lord the cruel words when as with one accord They cride On sack and raze their walls in despite of the Lord. Even so shalt thou O Babylon at length to dust be brought And happy shall that man be call'd that takes thy children young To dash their bones against hard stones which lie the streets among ANTHEM CL. I heard a voice in heaven c. Rev. 19. 1 2 3 7. 1. I Heard a voice in heaven Saying Alleluia Salvation and glory power and praise and thanks be unto the Lord our God 2. For true and righteous are his judgements 3. And again they say Alleluia Come O come and gather your selves together unto the Supper of the great God Come O come ii 7. Let us rejoice and be glad and give honor to him for the marriage of
c. A prayer for the King BOW down thine eye O Lord ii and behold this thy servant ii CHARLES our King and Governour give him a long life ii for ever and ever ii through Jesus Christ our Lord. ii Mr. Mundy ANTHEM CXIII O Lord I have loved the c. Psal 26. v. 8 9. 8. O LORD I have loved the habitation of thine house and the place where thine honour dwelleth ii 9. O shut not up my Soul ii with the sinners nor my life with the bloud-thirsty ii Thomas Tomkins ANTHEM CXIV Lord who shall dwell in thy c. Psal 15. 1. LORD who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle ii or who shall rest upon thy holy hill 2. Even he that leadeth an uncorrupt life and doth the thing that is right and speaketh the truth from his heart ii 3. He that used no deceipt in his tongue ii nor done evil to his neighbour and hath not slandred his neigbour 4. He that setteth not by himself but is lowly in his own eyes ii and maketh much of them that fear the Lord. ii 5. He that sweareth unto his neigh●our and disappointeth him ●ot ii though it were to his ●wn hindrance ii 6. He that ●ath not given his money upon ●sury nor taken reward against ●he innocent 7. Whoso doth ●hese things shall never fall ii Amen Mr. White ANTHEM CXV Remember not O Lord God ● A Prayer REmember not O Lor● God our old iniquitie● but let thy mercy speedily pr●vent us for we be very miserable ii Help us O God ou● Saviour ii and for the glory o● thy name deliver us be me●cifull and forgive our sins fo● thy names sake ii Let no● the wicked people say ii where is their God ii w● be thy people and the sheep o● thy pasture we shall giv● thanks unto thee for ever ● from age to age we shall se● forth thy laud and praise To ●ee be honour and glory ●orld without end ii ●men Thomas Tallis ANTHEM CXVI O clap your hands together ● Psal 47. 1. O Clap your hands tog●ther all ye people ● sing unto God with the voi● of melodie 2. The Lord ● high and to be feared he ● the great King upon all th● earth 3. He shall subdue th● people under us and th● nations under our feet 4. H● shall choose out an heritage f● us even the worship of J●cob whom he loved 5. Go● is gon up with a merry noise● and the Lord with the soun● of the Trump 6. O sin● paises sing praises unto our God O sing praises sing ●raises unto our King 7. For God is the King of all the ●arth sing ye praises with ●nderstanding 8. God reig●eth over the heathen God ●tteth upon his holy seat ● The princes of the people ●re joyned unto the people of ●he God of Abraham for God which is very high exal●ed doth defend the earth as ● were with a shield Glory ●e to the Father c. As it was ●n the beginning c. Amen ANTHEM CXVII Lord to thee I make my moan A prayer in Metre LORD to the I make m● moan ii When dange● me oppress ii I call I sig● complain and Groan ii Tr●sting to find release ii He● now O Lord my request For is full due time And let thin● ears aye be prest ii Unto th● prayer mine ii Amen Thomas Weelke ANTHEM CXVIII O mortal man how long c. O Mortall man how long wilt thou remain drowed in sin ii in danger for to ●ye Lift up thine heart and ●rn to Christ again with all ●eekness ii and most humity Beseeching aye his heaenly majesty of faith and ●orce to fight against the flesh ●hich wanders here in this ●ale of misery ii wher 's none ●ut he ii that may our silly ●ouls refresh ii Amen ii Mr. Weelks ANTHEM CXIX Gloria in Excelsis GLory be to God on hig● and in earth peace goo● will towards men We prai● thee we bless thee we worsh● thee we glorifie thee we gi● thanks to thee for thy gre● glory O Lord God heaven King God the Father Almigty O Lord the only begott● Son Jesus Christ O Lord Go● Lamb of Lord Son of the ●ther that takest away the s● of the world have mercy up● us Thou that takest away t● sins of the world have me● upon us Thou that tak● away the sins of the world receive our prayers Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father have mercy upon us For thou only art holy thou only art the Lord thou only O Christ with the holy Ghost art most high in the glory of God the Father Amen Mr. Tomkins Mr. Jeffereys ANTHEM CXX Sanctus HOly holy holy Lord God of hosts heaven and earth are full of thy glory Glory be to thee O Lord most High Thomas Tallis Mr. Jeffereys ANTHEM CXXI Steven being full of the holy Ghost For St. Steven's day Act. 7. v. 55 56. 55. STeven being full of the holy Ghost ii looking up stedfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God ii and Jesus ii standing on the right hand of God 56. And said Behold I see the heavens ii open and the Son of man ii standing on the right hand of God Mr. Tomkins ANTHEM CXXII Behold I bring you glad tydings For Christmas day Taken out of the second Chapter of St. Luke v. 10. 11 14. 10. BEhold I bring you glad tydings of great joy ii which shall be to all people 11. That unto us a Child is born ii unto us a Son is given ii which is Christ the Lord. 14. Glory be to God on high ii and in earth peace good will towards men ii Orlando Gibbons ANTHEM CXXIII Holy holy holy Lord God c. For Trinity Sunday Rev. 4. v. 8 11. 8. HOly holy holy Lord God Almighty ii which was and is and is to come ii 11. Thou art worthy O Lord our God to receive glory honour and power ii For thou hast created all things and for thy wills sake they are and were created ii Adrian Batten ANTHEM CXXIV In Bethlehem Town O happy For Twelfth-Eve IN Bethlehem Town O happy Town In which our God himself delights To take mans form unworthy form For such a God of might There shin'd a Star a lightsome Star was never Star so cleer That lead lifes way which then began to Gentils to appear ii The place once found O gladsome place ii To them tha● did it mind They entred in no Tongue can tell ii Wha● joy they there did find The● saw a King a King of King● upon ii a Virgins knee The● saw mans God became a man for mans felicity ii Then down they fell ii prostrate they fell It did them so behove and offred Gifts sweet smelling gifts ii good arguments ii of love Home then they went with mirth and glee But home another way Then Herod thought O wicked thought So sweet a Babe to slay ii beware we by him learn we by them ii Not to
the Lamb is come Amen Albertus Bryne ANTHEM CLI O Lord my God in all distresse This is taken out of Psal 7. in metre O LORD my God in all distresse my trust is whole in thee Preserve me from those deadly foes that rise and trouble me As thou art just defend me Lord and aid me from all fear Send me thy help and grant my suit and humble prayer hear Be thou my rock to whom I may for aid all times resort Thy promise is to help alway thou art my fence and sort Save me O God ii from wicked men and from their rage and power From men unjust and eke from them that would my life devour ii Thou art my stay wherein I trust thou Lord of hosts art he Even from my youth I had a lust still to depend on thee ii For thou hast kept me since I was born from dangers many one ii Therefore all praise and thank 's I give to thee O Lord alone ii Therefore ii Amen Dr. Giles ANTHEM CLII. Alack when I look back c. ALack when I look back upon my youth that 's past And deeply ponder youths offence and youths reward at last ii With tears and sighs I say O God I not deny My youth through folly hath deserv'd with folly for to dye ii But yet if ever sinfull man might mercy move to ruth Good Lord with mercy doe forgive the follies of my youth In youth I rang'd the field where vices all did grow In youth alas I wanted grace such vice to overthrow ii In youth what seemed sweet most bitter now I finde Thus have the follies of my youth in folly kept me blind ii But as the Eagle casts her bill whereby her age reneu●th So Lord with mercy doe forgive the follies of my youth Good Lord with mercy ii Amen Mr. Bird. ANTHEM CLIII The King shall rejoice in thy c. Psal 21. v. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 13. 1. THE King shall rejoice in thy strength O Lord exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation 2. Thou hast given him his hearts desire and hast not denied him the request of his lips 3. For thou shalt prevent him with the blessings of goodness and shalt set a crown of pure gold upon his head 4. He asked life of thee and thou gavest him a long life even for ever and ever 5. His honour is great in thy salvation glory and great worship shalt thou lay upon him 7. And why because the King putteth his trust in the Lord and in the mercy of the most Highest he shall not miscarry 8. All thine enemies shall feel thine hand thy right hand shall find out them that hate thee 11. For they intended mischief against thee and imagined such a device as they are not able to perform 13. Be thou exalted Lord in thine own strength so will we sing and praise thy power So be it Radolph Jewett ANTHEM CLIV. O God the King of glory c. The Collect for the Sunday after Ascension day A Prayer O God the King of glory which hast exalted thine onely Son Jesus Christ with great triumph into thy Kingdome of heaven we beseech thee leave us not comfortlesse but send down the holy Ghost to comfort us and exalt us unto the same place whither our Saviour Christ is gone before who liveth and reigneth with thee ever one God world without end Amen Randolph Jewett ANTHEM CLV Zadock the Priest and c. For the Coronation-day ZAdock the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King and joyfully approaching they cryed they cryed God save the King for ever and ever God save the King ii Alleluiah Alleluiah Henry Lawes ANTHEM CLVI This is my Commandement c. John 15. v. 12 13. 12. THis is my Commandement ii that ye love one another even as I have loved you ii 13. No man hath greater love than this ii to give his life even for his friends ii No man ii Mr. Johnson ANTHEM CLVII He that hath my Commandements John 14. v. 21. 21. HE that hath my Commandments and keepeth them ii the same is he that loveth me ii and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father ii and I will love him ii and I will shew mine own self unto him ii and he ii Mr. Coste ANTHEM CLVIII A new Commandement give c. John 13. v. 34 35. 34. A New Commandment give I unto you saith the Lord that ye love together ii as I have loved you that even so ye love one another ii 35. By this shall every man know that ye are my disciples ii if ye have love one to another ii Thomas Tallis ANTHEM CLIX. Hear the voice and prayer c. This is taken out of the 6. Chapter of the second Book of the Chron. A Prayer HEar the voice and prayer of thy servants ii that they make before thee this day that thine ears may be open towards this House night and day ii ever towards this place ii of which thou hast said My name shall be there ii And when thou hearest have mercy on them ii That thine ears ii Amen Thomas Tallis ANTHEM CLX I have loved c. Taken out of Psal 116. c. I Have loved ii for the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer ii for he hath enclined his ear unto me ii and in all my daies I will call upon him ii the sorrows of death have compassed me round about ii and the perils of hell have entangled me ii I have found much trouble and sorrow ii and have called upon the name of the Lord ii O deliver my soul O mercifull Lord and just our God is mercifull ii The Lord preserveth the simple ii I was brought low ii and he delivered me ii Turn into thy rest O my soul ii For the Lord hath done much for thee ii for he hath delivered my soul from death ii mine eyes from tears ii my feet from sliding ii my feet from falling Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end So be it Dr. Tye. ANTHEM CLXI O Lord make thy servant c. A prayer for the King collected out of the Psalms of David O LORD make thy servant CHARLES our Gracious King to rejoice in thy strength ii exceeding glad shall he be ii of thy salvation ii Exceeding ii For thou shalt prevent him with the blessing of Goodness ii and shalt set a Crown of pure gold upon his head ii His honour is great in thy salvation Glory and great worship shalt thou lay upon him ii As for his enemies O Lord cloath them all with shame ii but upon himself let his Crown flourish let it flourish O Lord let it flourish ii let his Crown alwaies flourish ii long let his Crown flourish As for his ii Amen Mr. Cranford ANTHEM CLXII Submit your selves one to c. Ephes 5. v.