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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22590 A vvarning to the dragon and all his angels Eleanor, Lady, d. 1652. 1625 (1625) STC 904; ESTC S115841 38,694 114

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and Blasphemy viz. worshipping Idols of Gold and and Silver Brasse Wood and Stone mixing holy things with filthy excrements remission the forgiuenesse of sinnes and calling the foule Sinagogue of Sathan the Church of God and these are the spices and spirits wherewith her Cup is brewed and this is the Golden Cuppe wherewith the Kings of the Earth haue been made so drunken with a Cup of Sodome Wine mixed with the Blood of Dragons and stirred with the stings of Aspes Is this meate indeed and drinke indeed the sawce commeth after Is this the true Mother is this the Woman shee is taken for with Eagles wings her childe caught vp vnto God and to his Throne and having a crowne of Twelue Starres in no wise in her there is no Bowells of a Mother though they striue to the end of the world Her Iudgement followeth And a name was written vpon her forehead BABILON The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth the Print is not small yet not so large as the mysterie is deepe It was written and therefore to bee read Thus the hidden mystery of this Enigmaticall writing is here the secret of numbers to teach vs to number her dayes The numbers are these and I heard the number of them Two hundred thousand thousand horsemen hauing breast plates of fire and Gunpowder or hiacinth force and furie in stead of faith and loue alluding to the double number of NINVS Horsemen wherewith he subdued so many Nations in Seventeene years The double confirmation of this mysterie seventeene hundred yeares also being the limited time fixed to finish her warre which began with the Lambe and ended in subduing his Saints and Servants And as the fiery Army needing no fuell were to the Army of NINVS consisting of Twenty hundred Thousand amounting a hundred to one so is the accompt of the time when the spreading Vine of the Earth the clusters of her Grapes being ripe she shall be cast into the great wine-presse of the wrath of God These Tyrants here is wisdome to looke into these accompts shall make her desolate and naked and eate her flesh and burne her with fire for God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill his will when Babylon the glory of Kingdomes shall be as Sodome and Gomorah the time is neere the dayes shall not bee prolonged The Father of this goodly Baby yet auncient no novice in her whoredome for so hee nameth himselfe there is no need to name him at whose entrance the Fourth Angell or Winde was loosed as hee is sufficiently notorious so is he mistaken Sathan that old Serpent begetting the Impe of Fornication before ever the Beast and his false spouse came together deceivers as seldome wanting cloakes of craft to hide their shame as their of-spring faile in Lyneaments and likenesse too their Parents seven heads no lesse markes then Mountaines seeing as incredible as superfluous and monstrous were it not the Evidence and demonstration of that Sinagogue to proue her title and visibilitie drunken with the Blood of Saints and Martyrs In steed of her Mothers milke and breast shee sucks her hart-Blood whose Father was a Lyer and a Murtherer from the beginning To Administer the rites of their vnrighteous mistery This City Bab hath Citie Gossips NINEVY is not invited she repented at the Preaching of the poore Prophet shee is none of them But Babylon for her Pride and impudency at this Antichristian solemnity or shew of Christianitie The Mother of Harlots for her stiffe neck is preferred before her whose name this shamelesse place never to be outworne or blotten out beares in her fatall brazen forehead Besides this Lady sitting vpon her Beast seventeene Kings to beare vp her Traine decked with Gold and pretious Stones and Pearle whose name is also Semiramis or Iesabell for magnificence millions of men viz. a hundred times Twenty hundred Thousand Her Altars Images Sorceries and Blood of Prophets and Saints Saying in her hart I sit a Queene and am no Widow a Lady for ever I am and none else besides mee there are Seven Kingdomes Fiue are fallen downe dead drunke vpon whom the Lord hath poured out the spirit of deepe sleepe and closed their eyes they shall revert nor rise no more After slumbering the other Two though they haue falne from the truth shall stagger and come to themselues againe and that Must now growne sower and stale their lust shall be little to taste thereof againe The first Kingdome or ONE IS are the Brittish Islands the right Inheritance of King IAMES the first of that Name of Great Britaine and Ireland for the Iles feared the Iudgement of the Lord and saw it Even the ends of the Earth were afraid and drew neere The other is not yet come and when it commeth it can continue no long space the end of the world is so neere O sencelesse poore Beasts who hath bewitched you why lye yee still who hath bitten you arise choose not Death rather then life how are yee swolne why should your Carcasses be dung and meate for the fowles of Heaven Why will yee dye stand vp why goe yee backward what astonishment is this that hath taken you be recovered vnderstand halt not yet heare the word of the Lord curst cattell backsliding Heifers hee delighteth in Mercy provoke not him with your strange vanities and Bruitish abominations The day of the Lord is at hand Therefore awake yee Drunkards weepe and howle all yee drinkers of Wine because of the new Wine the Deepe Cup the day of the wrath of the Lord is at hand yee Kings of the Earth and Rulers of Sodome who haue commited fornication and lived delitiously with this indulgent Witch the mother of Harlots when yee see her brought to the stake and vtterly burnt with fire how will yee stand for strong is the Lord who Iudgeth her what will yee say yee shall stand a farre off or wish in vaine the Mountaines to cover you howling and gnashing your Teethes for feare of her Torment whoso sinnes as the smoake of her Burning haue reached vp vnto Heaven saying alasse alasse Sodome alasse Babylon Rome the great Citie the head of the Monarchy for in the twinckling of an eye an houre vnlookt for thy Iudgement is come is that a time to cast dust on your heads Never more shall we heare in thee the voyce of Harpers and Pipers awaking and calling for rewards to Saints and our Lady and Trumpeters when wee doe our Almes Never more shall wee see in thee Idolls or Images so auntient the curious device of the Crafts-man nor the sound of the grinding Milstone our Altars decked as a shop shining with the light of so many Tapers and Candles Nor the voyce of the Bridegroome called the head and the Bride by Prelates and so many Kings our holy Mother The Net is spread shee is taken in the Snare in grinding the face of the Poore shee that so much glorified her selfe in a day and an houre her
A VVARNING TO THE DRAGON AND ALL HIS ANGELS Marke yee this wicked persons yee friends of the vnrighteous MAMMON LVKE XXI Take heed to your selues lest at any time your hearts be over-charged with Surfetting and Drunkennesse and the Cares of this life and so that day come vpon you vnawares For as a SNARE shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole Earth A SNARE O DEUIL Printed M.DC.XXV A GENERALL EPISTLE TO The fold and Flocke of CHRIST and to them that are gone astray that say they are Apostles and Catholiques and are not c. GRace be to you and Peace from God the Father and from our Lord IESUS CHRIST who gaue himselfe for our Sinnes and in the absence of his Body for a remmbrance the Blessed Supper till his second appearing As often as we taste thereof he takes it as a token we are not vnmindfull of his tender mercy that tasted Death it selfe for vs so many melting trials and torments the innocent Lambe for a brood of Vipers whose damme is Death whose sting is Sinne he that washed vs in his owne Blood vnto whome there is no accesse but by Faith Behold hee commeth and euery eye shall see him To him be glory and dominion for euer and euer Amen Jt seemed good vnto me having a perfect vnderstanding giuen mee in these things and the dispensation of them an office not a trade to roote out to pull downe to build and to plant by the grace and bounty of IESUS our Lord God To present this Visitation to your view joyning you together of the first Arke and vniuersall great House vessels of Honor and dishonor some cleane and purified others having need of purging Former things are come to passe and new things I declare vnto you no age so weake nor sex excusing when the Lord shall send and will put his words in their Mouth He powreth out his Spirit vpon his hand-maidens the rich are sent emptie away even so Father for it seemed good in thy sight Pressed and constrained with obedience to him and Duty towards you saying no other things then the Prophets and Apostles did say should come to passe that yee might know the certainty of those things wherein yee haue beene instructed whether you will heare or whether you will forbeare Jt is a salue to annoint and open the eyes of the blinde to bring them that sit in darkenesse a light to leade them out of the Prison-house others by meanes of remembrance whose annoynting long since teacheth them all thinges to stirre them vppe It is a true looking-glasse a large houre-glasse Phisicke for the sicke wholsome for the whole milke for the young and meate for the strong It is vpon Record due an olde debt One and Twenty hun-yeares since Vnto me is giuen this stone to polish vnto me this grace is giuen Jt is as it were a new Song to be sung before the euerlasting Throne a salutation for Strangers and the Brethren if we loue them that loue vs if we salute the Brethren only what doe wee more then others yea but they come at the last houre others hauing borne the heate and burthen of the Day Shall not the lost Son be found againe the Father of these that Blaspheme and are found lyers But in the eye of our weakenesse their prosperitie will weaue the webbe of enuie murmure not at the good-man of the House Is it not lawfull is it no wrong as he will to dispose the riches of his owne goodnesse nay rather may we not all say we are vnprofitable we haue both gon out of the way there is none that doth good no not one nay are not his Iudgements according to truth O man grudge not his grace dispute not his justice But they haue bin and will be to the worlds end our persecutors and slaunderers need they not so much the more our Prayers recompence no man evill for evill Therefore let the Congregations of the faithfull Pray for them poore blind distracted naked wretched people and giue glory to God who hath done away the vaile from these hidden mysteries that hindred our stedfast sight Though to blinde mindes and deafe harts this vaile remaines still vntaken away Wherein for mine owne part J challenge little not so much as those that brought to the Tabernacle guifts of their owne spinning of Blew and other colours But rather to be in the number of those servants that drew out the wonderfull Wine for the Bridegroomes Feast to beare it to the Gouernor and the Guests though to cast in my myte with others J was never vnwilling Finally to those that require a Signe or thinke this Confidence Boasting that high stiles are not steps for the declining age of this weake world to climbe my age of this weake world to climbe my defence is no shorter then free Least any should thinke of me aboue or better then he seeth me to be as others to suspect a forged passe To present you with Pearles of that sort or holy things I forbeare at this time If the debt be paid the secret of the multiplyed oyle is to my selfe Though J shut the Doore or shadow my name I feare no faces smiles nor frownes for the hope of Israel to me no chaines are heauie it is no bought nor stolne fire my ability nor boldnesse extending so high yet a Candle too high mounted for Sathan and all his attempts to blowe it out thriued the Gospell the lesse rejected of the Iewes But all alike hit not the marke they presse forward wranglers started aside like a broken Bowe the match is wonne one Foord is not knowne to all Passengers eleven strikes the clocke saith he twelue saith she doe these contradict those that are not against vs or with vs Antichristians those that are not against vs are with vs Even so glory be to him alone the Set is ours the houre and set time of whose Iudgement is at hand and O Lord remember thy servants Abraham Isaac Iacob looke not to the stubbornnes nor to the wickednes of this People turne their harts preserue thy Church and his victorious Matie to tread downe the power of his enemies our Soveraigne gratious Lord and the Queene annoint them with thy holy Spirit Crowne them with Grace and forren Princes especially the Kings excellent Sister with a happie life here and eternall life hereafter Be gratious to the remnant of IOSEPH heare J beseech thee the Prayer of thy servant The Servant of Iesus Christ O A SVRE DANIEL DANIEL I END AL. Postscript TO maske my name with boldnesse to vnmaske Error J craue no Pardon the manner let none dispise Dreames in times past haue beene interpreted our Fathers in divers manners haue beene spoken vnto the winde bloweth where it listeth ELEANOR AVDELEY REVEALE O DANIEL TO THE GREAT PRINCE the King of Great BRITAINE FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith THE INTERPRETATION OF THE VISIONS OF THE PROPHET