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A19608 Musica sacra to sixe voyces. Composed in the Italian tongue by Giouanni Croce. Newly Englished. Croce, Giovanni, ca. 1557-1609.; R. H.; Bembo, Francesco. Sette sonetti penitentiali. English. aut 1608 (1608) STC 6040; ESTC S105136 33,413 146

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CANTVS MVSICA SACRA TO Sixe Voyces Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE Newly Englished IN LONDON PRINTED BY THOMAS ESTE the assigne of William Barley 1608. To the vertuous Louers of Musicke THese Sonnets composed first most exquisitely in Italian by S ior Francesco Bembo a Gentleman of Italie were so admired of Giouan Croce one of the most excellent Musitians of the world as well for their Poesie as Pietie the Substance of them being drawen from those seauen notable Psalmes called Penetentials indited by that Sweete Singer of Israel inspired of the holie Spirit as that hee thought it worthy of his skill in Musicke to apply them to this Harmonie of Sixe parts as well to honour their Author and his Composition as to giue a profitable Delight vnto the vertuous And my selfe often obseruing the generall applause giuen these Songs when I haue heard them soong though somtimes without the words thought it would be verie gratefull to many of our English louers of Musick if they were translated or imitated in our tongue the rather because through their want of vnderstanding the Italian they are depriued of a Chief part of their delight For albeit that the verie concent of the Note may sweetly strike the outward sence of the eare yet it is the Dittie which conuayed with the Musicke to the intellectual Soule by the Organs of hearing that doth touch the hart and stir the affections eyther to Iocondnes or Sadnes Leuitie or Grauitie according to the nature of the Composition in which respect especially the articulate voice of man excelleth all other voices and Instruments in the world Besides I supposed that the Scarcetie not onely in our tongue but in all other vulgars of Musicke in this kinde whereby men may be edified and God glorified would make these the more acceptable and peraduenture be a motiue to some of our excellent Musitians to dedicate their diuine skill to the Seruice of God in Songs of this more Sanctified kinde In which respects and for that I was encouraged thereto by some Skilfull in this Arte I haue aduentured to publish these otherwise destinate to priuacie vnto the view of the world Although I am not Ignorant that in this curious age it is likely to run the ordinary fortune euen of more exact labours vpon the Shelues of ridged censure But the Gentle will winck at small faults where they spie them As for the Supercilious Critick if after he haue compared them with the Originall he dislike them he may please him selfe and doe them all better But doe Yee accept them with a Sèrene browe and vse them to the glory of God and your Laudable and Christian delight Fare yee well Your well-willer R. H. FIRST SONNET Ex Psal 6. LOrd in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie╌most Supernall Saue it alas from the'uer-neuer Dying For who in deepe Hell and fierce Torments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My bed and bosome with my teares I water My foes Despight hath ploughd my face with furrows But now my Soule let the vngodly Scatter Hence yee wicked sith God so gracious for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter Of 6. voc First part CANTVS Signor non mi riprender LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly O Lord Lord in thy wrath reproue me not Lord in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercie on my Sins exceeding mea╌sure For full of feares my Soule my Soule is vex╌ed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it O Lord Almightie╌most Supernall Saue it alas from th'euer-neuer-neuer Dying For who in deep Hell and fierce Tor╌ments frying Shall sing thy praise Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall or can extoll th'Eter╌nall Of 6. voc Second part CANTVS Penato ho lungamente LOng haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sor╌row's My Bed and bosom with my tear's I wa╌ter My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's My foes Despight hath plow'd my face hath plow'd my face with furrow's But now my Soule my Soule But now my Soule But now my Soule let th'ungodly Scatter Hence hence ye wicked Sith God so gratio'us for vs Sith God so gratio'us for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter and doth regard regard my matter SECOND SONNET Ex Psal 32. BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remission And they whose Sinns of Act and of Omission Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graciously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heauen And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee O thou my Refuge and my Consolation Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluation A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their expectation Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Of 6. voc First part CANTVS Beati quei BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on Haue free forgiuenes and full re╌missi'on And a full remis╌si'on And they whose Sins of Act And they whose Sins whose Sins of Act and of Omissi'on are not Imputed but in mercy in mercy hidden Therfore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graci'ously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heau'n And all thy Saints shall in due time a╌dore thee And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee In due time adore thee adore thee Of 6. voc Second part CANTVS Tu mio Refugio O Thou my Refuge and my Conso╌la╌ti'on O thou my Re╌fuge and Conso╌la╌ti╌on Deliuer me my God which art Almightie Deliuer me my God Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies From Enemies that enuie my Salua╌ti'on my Sal╌uati'on A many Rods pursue the Sinner right╌ly But those that place in thee their Expectati'on Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly THIRD SONNET Ex Psal 38. LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out for Anguish My Strength eu'n fail's me and my Sight hath fled me And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee But I as Deaf the while with Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to
me Ah Leaue me not thou that canst best bested me Thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me Of 6. voc First part CANTVS Signor nel tuo furor LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reproue me Nor in thy Furie multiplie my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes moue mee Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so wholy ouer╌came mee Sorely afflicted afflicted and all humbled am I and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out Roars out for an╌guish for an╌guish Of 6 voc Second part CANTVS Già la virtù mi lascia MY Strength eu'n fail's eu'n fail's me My Strength eu'n fail's me And my Sight my Sight hath fled me fled me hath fled me fled me And eu'rie one Endeauours to vn╌doo me But I as Deafned the while with Dumbnes Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah Ah listen to mee Ah! Ah Leaue thou me not Ah Leaue thou me not Thou my Salua╌ti'on thou my Saluati'on and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto mee and Comfort Comfort sole vnto me and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto mee FOVRTH SONNET Ex Psal 51. SHew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou know'st my Sinfull mother bore mee But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee Giue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy Voice auer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer Of 6. voc First part CANTVS Habbi di me Signor SHew mercie Lord on me on me O Lord on me most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin my Sin so grieuous guiltie and Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight O Lord I am onely onely Sinner In Sin thou knowest my Sinfull Mother bore me Thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie thou Guide vnto to the heau'nly Cit╌tie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy pittie So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe be╌fore me in whitenes goe before mee In whitenes goe before mee Of 6. voc Second part CANTVS Dammi vn cor mondo GIue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit an vntainted Spi╌rit an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me ne╌uer neuer bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more thy Seruice more and more and more Endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy voyce auer it Sith broken harts as doth thy voyce a╌uer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioyest in E╌uer thou Ioyest in E╌uer FIFT SONNET Ex Psal 102. HArken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade as Smoak my hart in Langor Hyes Flyes to thee why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In sted of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tears while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Crying All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not Thou thou that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Ocean hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest Of 6. voc First part CANTVS Essaudisci Signor gli humil miei preghi HArken Lord vnto mine humble Play╌nings Hide not thy face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade doe vade as Smoak doe vade as Smoak My hart in Langor Hyes flyes to thee Hyes flyes to thee why Shun'st thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none Friends haue I none now from mee All are flying In stead of Bread I haue ben fed In stead of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tear's while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Cryings Of 6. voc Second part CANTVS Sarà ogni Rè ogni Popolo ALL Kings and Nati'ons shall admi'er ad╌mi╌er thy Glo╌ry When thou the Sighs of th' humble When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ It shall be Writ It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story in an Eternall Story Ah Leaue me not thou Thou that All Defen╌dest that all Defendest That madest All That madest All That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an and Oce'an hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest and neuer En╌dest SIXT SONNET Ex Psal 102. FRom profound CENTER of my hart I cryed To thee O Lord LORD let thine EARE draw neer mee To note my MOVRNINGS and quick-quickly heare mee Heare my Sad GRONES to thy Sweet GRACE applyed LORD if thou looke with RIGOVR downe into VS To mark our SIN O who shall then abide it But if with PARDON thou bee pleas'd to hide it If MERCY thou Vouchsafe What shall Vndoo VS Vpon thy WORD my SOVLE hath firmly reared Her Tower of TRVST there is my HOPE possessed With thee is MERCY that thou maist bee feared MERCY for those that are in SOVLE depressed ISRAELS Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Beecom's through thee of SINNER SAINT and BLESSED Of 6. voc First part CANTVS Dal profondo del core FRom Profound Center of my hart of my hart to thee I cri'ed to thee I cri'ed O Lord Lord let thine eare draw neere me To note my mourning and quickly heare me and quickly heare me Heare my Sad Grones to thy Sweet Grace applyed to thy Sweet Grace apply'ed Lord if thou looke with Rigor down into vs to mark our Sins O who shall then abide it O who shall then abide abide it But if thou be pleas'd with pardon thou be pleas'd bee pleas'd to hide it if thou Mercie vouchsafe if thou Mercy vouchsafe if thou Mercy vouchsafe What shall vndoo Vs vndoo Vs what shall vndoo Vs Of 6. voc Second part CANTVS Ne la parola tua VPon thy Word my Soule hath firmely reared her Tower of Trust there is my Hope possessed for with thee is Mercy that thou maist be fear'd thou maist be feared Mercy for those Mercy for those that are in Soule depressed in Soule depres╌sed Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Whom thou hast endeer'd endeered Becom's through thee of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed and Blessed of Sinner Saint of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed SEAVENTH SONNET Ex Psal 143.
LIsten O LORD vnto my Prostrate PRAYER Nor into IVDGMENT with thy Seruant enter For who is IVST The foule infernall TEMPTER Pursues my SOVLE with Terrors of DESPAYRE My hart 's all inly Vext Yet I apply'd mee To waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy MERCY the Chiefe place reserued Then Shew my SIN and in thy Seruice guide mee Succour mee LORD Saue mee with expedition My SPIRIT fainteth therefore mine affection My MINDE my SOVLE I lift with all Submission To thee my LORD my GOD and my protection Draw mee from DANGER vnder thy Tuition For I thy Seruant am by thine Election Of 6 voc First part CANTVS Essaudisci Signor le mie LIsten Listen O Lord Listen Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate pray╌er Nor into Iudgment with thy Seruant enter For who is Iust For who is Iust The foule In╌fernall Tempter pursues my Soule with terrors of De╌spay'r My hart 's all inly vexed My hart 's all inly vexed all inly vex╌ed Yet I apply'd me to waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obser╌ued But to thy Mercy but to thy Mercy the Chief place reserued the Chief place reserued Then Shew my Sin my Sin Then shew my Sin my Sin Then shew my Sin and in thy Seruice guide mee Of 6. voc Second part CANTVS Socorrimi Signor SVccour me Lord Saue me with expediti'on with expedi╌ti'on My Spirit fainteth therefore mine affec╌ti'on My Spirit fainteth therefore mine affec╌ti'on My Minde my Soule My Minde my Soule I lift with all Submissi'on To thee my Lord my God my God and my Protec╌ti'on and my Protecti'on Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i╌ti'on For I thy Seruant am For I thy Seruant am by thine Electi'on by thine by thine Electi'on by thine Electi'on FINIS ALTVS MVSICA SACRA TO Sixe Voyces Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE Newly Englished IN LONDON PRINTED BY THOMAS ESTE the assigne of William Barley 1608. To the vertuous Louers of Musicke THese Sonnets composed first most exquisitely in Italian by S ior Francesco Bembo a Gentleman of Italie were so admired of Giouan Croce one of the most excellent Musitians of the world as well for their Poesie as Pietie the Substance of them being drawen from those seauen notable Psalmes called Penetentials indited by that Sweete Singer of Israel inspired of the holie Spirit as that hee thought it worthy of his skill in Musicke to apply them to this Harmonie of Sixe parts as well to honour their Author and his Composition as to giue a profitable Delight vnto the vertuous And my selfe often obseruing the generall applause giuen these Songs when I haue heard them soong though somtimes without the words thought it would be verie gratefull to many of our English louers of Musick if they were translated or imitated in our tongue the rather because through their want of vnderstanding the Italian they are depriued of a Chief part of their delight For albeit that the verie concent of the Note may sweetly strike the outward sence of the eare yet it is the Dittie which conuayed with the Musicke to the intellectual Soule by the Organs of hearing that doth touch the hart and stir the affections eyther to Iocondnes or Sadnes Leuitie or Grauitie according to the nature of the Composition in which respect especially the articulate voice of man excelleth all other voices and Instruments in the world Besides I supposed that the Scarcetie not onely in our tongue but in all other vulgars of Musicke in this kinde whereby men may be edified and God glorified would make these the more acceptable and peraduenture be a motiue to some of our excellent Musitians to dedicate their diuine skill to the Seruice of God in Songs of this more Sanctified kinde In which respects and for that I was encouraged thereto by some Skilfull in this Arte I haue aduentured to publish these otherwise destinate to priuacie vnto the view of the world Although I am not Ignorant that in this curious age it is likely to run the ordinary fortune euen of more exact labours vpon the Shelues of ridged censure But the Gentle will winck at small faults where they spie them As for the Supercilious Critick if after he haue compared them with the Originall he dislike them he may please himselfe and doe them all better But doe Yee accept them with a Sèrene browe and vse them to the glory of God and your Laudable and Christian delight Fare yee well Your well-willer R. H. FIRST SONNET Ex Psal 6. LOrd in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie most Supernall Saue it alas from the'uer-neuer Dying For who in deepe Hell and fierce torments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall Long haue I languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My bed and bosome with my teares I water My foes despight hath ploughd my face with furrows But now my Soule let the vngodly scatter Hence yee wicked sith God so gracious for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter Of 6. voc First part ALTVS Signor non mi riprender LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly not seuearly Lord in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displea╌sure Haue mercie Haue mer╌cie on my sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vex╌ed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it O Lord Almightie-most supernall Saue it Lord Saue it alas from th'euer-neuer Dying For who in deep Hell and fierce tor╌ments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall or can extoll th' Eternall ex╌tol th'Eter╌nall Of 6. voc Second part ALTVS Penato ho lungamente LOng haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's my grie╌uous Sorrow's My bed and bosom with my tear's I wa╌ter My foes Despight hath plow'd my face My foes Despight hath plow'd my face My foes Despight My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's But now my Soule But now my Soule let th'ungodly Scatter Hence hence ye wicked Sith God so gratio'us for vs Sith God so gratio'us God so gratio'us for vs hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter and doth regard regard my matter SECOND SONNET Ex Psal 32. BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remission And they whose Sinns of Act and of Omission Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graciously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heauen And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee O thou my Refuge and my Consolation Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluation A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their expectation Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Of 6. voc First part ALTVS
Beati quei BLessed are they whose faults so oft for╌bidden whose faults so oft for╌bid╌den Haue free forgiuenes and full remissi'on Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on And they whose Sins of Act And they whose sinns whose sinns of Act and of Omissi'on are not imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my crime I haue confest before thee which graci'ously my God thou hast for╌gi╌uen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heau'n And all thy Saints thy Saints And all thy Saints shall in due time All thy Saints shall in due time adore thee Of 6. voc Second part ALTVS Tu mio Refugio O Thou my Refuge and my Conso╌la╌ti'on and Conso╌la╌ti'on and Conso╌lati'on Deliuer me my God Deliuer me my God Deliuer me my God which art Almightie Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluati'on my Sal╌uati'on A many Rods pursue the Sinner right╌ly But those that place in thee their Expectati'on Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vp╌rightly THIRD SONNET Ex Psal 38. LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out for Anguish My Strength eu'n fail's me and my Sight hath fled me And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee But I as Deaf the while with Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to me Ah Leaue me not thou that canst best bested me Thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me Of 6. voc First part ALTVS Signor nel tuo furor LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reproue me Nor in thy Furie multiplie my Sor╌row's For in my Fleash I feele For in my Fleash I feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto goodnesse moue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish doth Sigh and Lan╌guish Because my Sins so wholely ouercame me Sorely afflicted afflicted and all humbled am I and all humbled am I And in my plaint my hart Roars out Roars out Roars out Roars out for an╌guish for an╌guish Of 6 voc Second part ALTVS Già la virtù mi lascia MY Strength eu'n fail's eu'n fail's me And my Sight my Sight hath fled me hath fled me fled me hath fled me fled me And eu'rie one Endeauours to vn╌doo me But I as Deafned the while with Dumbnes Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen listen Ah listen to mee Ah Ah leaue thou me not Ah leaue thou me not Thou my Saluati╌on thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vn╌to mee and Comfort sole vnto mee FOVRTH SONNET Ex Psal 51. SHew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou know'st my Sinfull mother bore mee But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee Giue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy Voice auer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer Of 6. voc First part ALTVS Habbi di me Signor SHew mercie O Lord on me most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it and Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight O Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou knowest my Sinfull Mother bore me But O thou Guide thou Guide thou Guide vnto the heau'nly heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy pittie So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before me So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before me In whitenes goe before mee Of 6. voc Second part ALTVS Dammi vn cor mondo GIue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit an vntainted an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereare me neuer And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore So shall I more adore thy name thy name and feare it thy name thy name and feare it thy name and feare it And to And to thy Seruice more and more Indeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy voyce auer it Sith broken harts as doth thy voyce auer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioyest in E╌uer thou Ioyest in euer FIFT SONNET Ex Psal 102. HArken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade as Smoak my hart in Langor Hyes Flyes to thee why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In sted of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tears while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Crying All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not Thou thou that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Ocean hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest Of 6. voc First part ALTVS Essaudisci Signor gli humil miei preghi HArken Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade doe vade as Smoak doe vade as Smoak My hart in Langor Hyes flyes to thee Hyes flyes to thee why Shun'st thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In stead of Bread of Bread In stead of Bread I haue ben fed I haue ben fed with A╌shes My Drinck my Tear's while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all for all mine often Cryings Of 6. voc Second part ALTVS Sarà ogni Rè ogni Popolo ALL Kings and Nati'ons shall admi'er admi╌er thy Glo╌ry When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Storie It shall bee Writ It shall bee Writ in an Eternall Storie in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not thou Thou that All Defendest that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an hoa╌rie That neuer didst begin and neuer Endest and ne╌uer En╌dest SIXT SONNET Ex Psal 102. FRom profound CENTER of my hart I cryed To thee O Lord LORD let thine EARE draw neer mee To note my MOVRNINGS and quick-quickly heare mee Heare my Sad GRONES
the vngodly Scatter Hence yee wicked sith God so gracious for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter Of 6. voc First part TENOR Signor non mi riprender LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly Lord in thy wrath reproue me not Lord in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercie on my Sins exceeding mea╌sure For full of feares my Soule is vex╌ed drear╌ly Saue it O Lord Almightie most Supernall Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it alas from th'euer ne╌uer Dying For who in deep Hell and fierce Tor╌ments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall or can extoll or can extoll th' Eternall Of 6. voc Second part TENOR Penato ho lungamente LOng haue I Lan╌guisht Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sor╌row's My Bed and bosom with my tear's I water My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's hath plow'd my face hath plow'd my face with furrow's But now my Soule my Soule let th'ungodly Scat╌ter Hence hence ye wicked Sith God so gratio'us Sith God so gratio'us God so gratio'us God so gracio'us for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my mat╌ter and doth regard regard my mat╌ter SECOND SONNET Ex Psal 32 BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remission And they whose Sinns of Act and of Omission Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graciously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heauen And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee O thou my Refuge and my Consolation Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluation A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their expectation Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Of 6. voc First part TENOR Beati quei BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on And they whose Sins And they whose Sins whose Sins of Act and of Omissi'on Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therfore my Crime Therfore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graci'ously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therfore I Laude thee King of Heau'n And all thy Saints shall in due time all thy Saints shall in due time And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee Of 6. voc Second part TENOR Tu mio Refugio O Thou my Refuge and my Conso╌la╌ti'on my Conso╌la╌ti'on Deliuer me my God which art Almightie which art Almightie From E╌nemies that en╌uie my Saluati'on my Sal╌uati'on A many Rods pursue the Sin╌ner rightly But those that place in thee their Expectati'on Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly THIRD SONNET Ex Psal 38 LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out for Anguish My Strength eu'n fail's me and my Sight hath fled me And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee But I as Deaf the while with Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to me Ah Leaue me not thou that canst best bested me Thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me Of 6. voc First part TENOR Signor nel tuo furor LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reproue me Nor in thy Furie multiplie my Sorrow's For in my fleash I Feele in my Fleash I feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnesse moue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish doth Sigh and Lan╌guish Because my Sins so wholely because my Sins so wholy ouercame mee Sorely afflicted afflicted and all humbled am I And in my plaint my hart Roars out Roars out Roars out for an╌guish for an╌guish Of 6 voc Second part TENOR Già la virtù mi lascia MY Strength eu'n fail's eu'n fail's me And my Sight my Sight hath fled me fled me hath fled me fled me And eu'rie one Endeauours Endeauours to vndoo me But I as Deafned the while with Dumbnes Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen listen to me Ah! Ah Leaue thou me not Ah Leaue thou me not Thou my Saluati'on thou my Saluati'on and Comfort sole and Comfort sole and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto me and Comfort sole vnto me vnto me FOVRTH SONNET Ex Psal 51 SHew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou know'st my Sinfull mother bore mee But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee Giue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy Voice auerr it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer Of 6. voc First part TENOR Habbi di me Signor SHew mercie Lord on me O Lord on me most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin my Sin so grieuous guiltie so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it And Purifie me Fil╌thy me Filthy and Purifie me Filthy me Filthy For in thy Sight Lord I am onely onely Sinner In Sin thou knowest my Sinfull Mother bore me Thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cit╌tie Wash O wash my Soule in Lauer of thy pittie So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow in whitenes goe beefore me So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before mee Of 6. voc Second part TENOR Dammi vn cor mondo GIue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer And of thy Grace and Face And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more and more Endeauour Are th' only Sa╌crifice thou Ioy'st in E╌uer Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioyest in Euer thou Ioyest in Euer FIFT SONNET Ex Psal 102 HArken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade as Smoak my hart in Langor Hyes Flyes to thee why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In sted
of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tears while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Crying All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not Thou thou that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Ocean hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest Of 6. voc First part TENOR Essaudisci Signor gli'humil miei preghi HArken Lord vnto mine humble Play╌nings Hide not thy face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade doe vade as Smoak doe vade as Smoak My hart in Lan╌gor Hyes flyes to thee why Shun'st thou my Complaynings my Complaynings Friends haue I none Friends haue I none now from mee All are flying In stead of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes In stead of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tear's While I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath While I haue felt the Lashes For all for all mine often Cryings Of 6. voc Second part TENOR Sarà ogni Rè ogni Popolo ALL Kings and Nati'ons shall admi'er admi'er thy Glo╌ry When thou the Sighs of th'umble When thou the Sighs of humble Soules atten╌dest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story It shall bee Writ It shall bee Writ in an Eternall Storie in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not thou Thou that All Defendest That madest All That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an Heau'n Earth and Oce'an hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer En╌dest and neuer Endest SIXT SONNET Ex Psal 102 FRom profound CENTER of my hart I cryed To thee O Lord LORD let thine EARE draw neer mee To note my MOVRNINGS and quick-quickly heare mee Heare my Sad GRONES to thy Sweet GRACE applyed LORD if thou looke with RIGOVR downe into VS To mark our SIN O who shall then abide it But if with PARDON thou bee pleas'd to hide it If MERCY thou Vouchsafe What shall Vndoo VS Vpon thy WORD my SOVLE hath firmly reared Her Tower of TRVST there is my HOPE possessed With thee is MERCY that thou maist bee feared MERCY for those that are in SOVLE depressed ISRAELS Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Beecom's through thee of SINNER SAINT and BLESSED Of 6. voc First part TENOR Dal profondo del core FRom Profound Center of my hart to thee I cri'ed I cri'ed to thee I cri'ed O Lord O Lord Lord let thine eare draw neere mee To note my mourning To note my mourning and quickly heare mee and quickly heare mee Heare my Sad Grones to thy Sweet Grace To thy Sweet Grace To thy Sweet Grace apply'ed Lord if thou looke with Rigor down into Vs to mark our Sins O who shall then abide it who shall abide it But if thou be pleas'd But if with pardon thou be pleas'd to hide it If thou Mercy vouchsafe what shall vndoo Vs if thou Mercy vouchsafe What shall vndoo Vs What shall vndoo Vs What shall vndoo Vs Of 6. voc Second part TENOR Ne la parola tua VPon thy Word my Soule hath firmely reared hath firmely reared her Tower of Trust There is my Hope possessed for with thee is Mercy that thou maist be fea╌red Mercy for those that are depressed in Soule depressed Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Becom's through thee of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed and Blessed SEAVENTH SONNET Ex Psal 143 LIsten O LORD vnto my Prostrate PRAYER Nor into IVDGMENT with thy Seruant enter For who is IVST The foule infernall TEMPTER Pursues my SOVLE with Terrors of DESPAYRE My hart 's all inly Vext Yet I apply'd mee To waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy MERCY the Chiefe place reserued Then Shew my SIN and in thy Seruice guide mee Succour mee LORD Saue mee with expedition My SPIRIT fainteth therefore mine affection My MINDE my SOVLE I lift with all Submission To thee my LORD my GOD and my protection Draw mee from DANGER vnder thy Tuition For I thy Seruant am by thine Election Of 6 voc First part TENOR Essaudisci Signor le mie LIsten Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate prayer Prostrate prayer Nor into Iudgment with thy Seruant enter For who Ô who is Iust For who is Iust The foule In╌fernall Tempter pursues my Soule with terrors with terrors of Despay'r My hart 's all inly vexed My hart 's all inly vexed all inly vexed Yet I apply'd me to waigh thy Works thy Wonders I ob╌serued But to thy Mercy But to thy Mercy the Chief place reserued the Chief place reserued Then Shew my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me Then shew my Sin Then shew my Sin Then shew my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me Of 6. voc Second part TENOR Socorrimi Signor SVccour me Lord Saue mee saue mee with expe╌di╌ti'on with expe╌di╌ti'on with expe╌di╌ti╌on My Spirit fainteth My Spirit fainteth therefore mine affec╌ti'on My Minde my Soule I lift my Minde my Soule I lift with all Submissi'on To thee my Lord my God my God and my Protecti'on my God and my Protecti'on Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i╌ti'on Draw me from Danger draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i╌ti'on For I thy Seruant am For I thy Seruant am by thine by thine Electi'on by thine Electi'on by thine Electi'on FINIS QVINTVS MVSICA SACRA TO Sixe Voyces Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE Newly Englished IN LONDON PRINTED BY THOMAS ESTE the assigne of William Barley 1608. To the vertuous Louers of Musicke THese Sonnets composed first most exquisitely in Italian by S ior Francesco Bembo a Gentleman of Italie were so admired of Giouan Croce one of the most excellent Musitians of the world as well for their Poesie as Pietie the Substance of them being drawen from those seauen notable Psalmes called Penetentials indited by that Sweete Singer of Israel inspired of the holie Spirit as that hee thought it worthy of his skill in Musicke to apply them to this Harmonie of Sixe parts as well to honour their Author and his Composition as to giue a profitable Delight vnto the vertuous And my selfe often obseruing the generall applause giuen these Songs when I haue heard them soong though somtimes without the words thought it would be verie gratefull to many of our English louers of Musick if they were translated or imitated in our tongue the rather because through their want of vnderstanding the Italian they are depriued of a Chief part of their delight For albeit that the verie concent of the Note may sweetly strike the outward sence of the eare yet it is the Dittie which conuayed with the Musicke to the intellectual Soule by the Organs of hearing that doth touch the hart and stir the affections eyther to Iocondnes or Sadnes Leuitie or Grauitie according to the nature of the Composition in which respect
especially the articulate voice of man excelleth all other voices and Instruments in the world Besides I supposed that the Scarcetie not onely in our tongue but in all other vulgars of Musicke in this kinde whereby men may be edified and God glorified would make these the more acceptable and peraduenture be a motiue to some of our excellent Musitians to dedicate their diuine skill to the Seruice of God in Songs of this more Sanctified kinde In which respects and for that I was encouraged thereto by some Skilfull in this Arte I haue aduentured to publish these otherwise destinate to priuacie vnto the view of the world Although I am not Ignorant that in this curious age it is likely to run the ordinary fortune euen of more exact labours vpon the Shelues of ridged censure But the Gentle will winck at small faults where they spie them As for the Supercilious Critick if after he haue compared them with the Originall he dislike them he may please him selfe and doe them all better But doe Yee accept them with a Sèrene browe and vse them to the glory of God and your Laudable and Christian delight Fare yee well Your well-willer R. H. FIRST SONNET Ex Psal 6 LOrd in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from the'uer-neuer Dying For who in deepe Hell and fierce Torments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My bed and bosome with my teares I water My foes Despight hath ploughd my face with furrows But now my Soule let the vngodly Scatter Hence yee wicked sith God so gracious for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter Of 6. voc First part QVINTVS Signor non mi riprender LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly in thy wrath reproue me not Lord in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercie Haue mercy on my Sins exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drear╌ly Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from th'euer-neuer Dy╌ing For who in deep Hell deep Hell and fierce Tor╌ments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall or can extoll th' Eternall th'Eter╌nall Of 6. voc Second part QVINTVS Penato ho lungamente LOng haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's in my grieuous Sorrow's My Bed and bosom with my tear's I water My foes Despight hath plow'd my face My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's But now my Soule my Soule But now my Soule let th'ungodly th'ungodly Seat╌ter Hence hence ye wicked Sith God so gratio'us for vs Sith God so gratio'us for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter and doth regard regard my matter SECOND SONNET Ex Psal 32 BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remission And they whose Sinns of Act and of Omission Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graciously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heauen And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee O thou my Refuge and my Consolation Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluation A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their expectation Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Of 6. voc First part QVINTVS Beati quei BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbid╌den whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and full remissi'on Haue free forgiuenes and full remissi'on And a full remissi'on And they whose Sins of Act And they whose Sins whose Sins of Act and of Omis╌si'on Omis╌si'on Are not Imputed but in mercy hid╌den Therfore my Crime Therfore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graci'ously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude I Laude thee King of Heau'n In due time adore thee And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee in due time in due time adore thee Of 6. voc Second part QVINTVS Tu mio Refugio O Thou my Refuge and my Conso╌la╌ti'on and my Conso╌lati'on De╌liuer me my God which art Almightie De╌liuer me my God which art Almigh╌tie From Enemies that en╌uie my Saluati'on my Sal╌ua╌ti'on A many Rods pursue the Sinner right╌ly But those that place in thee their Expecta╌ti'on Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly THIRD SONNET Ex Psal 38 LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out for Anguish My Strength eu'n fail's me and my Sight hath fled me And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee But I as Deaf the while with Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to me Ah Leaue me not thou that canst best bested me Thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me Of 6. voc First part QVINTVS Signor nel tuo furor LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reproue me Nor in thy Furie multiplie my Sor╌rows multiplie my Sor╌rows For in my fleash I Feele in my Fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes moue mee Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Lan╌guish Because my Sins so wholely ouercame mee ouercame me Sorely afflicted afflicted and all humbled am I and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out Roars out Roars out for an╌guish for an╌guish Of 6 voc Second part QVINTVS Già la virtù mi lascia MY Strength eu'n fail's eu'n fail's me And my Sight my Sight and my Sight my Sight hath fled me fled me hath fled me fled me And eu'rie one Endeauours to vndoo me But I as Deafned the while with Dumbnes Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen Ah listen to me Ah listen to mee Ah! Ah Leaue thou me not Ah Leaue thou me not Thou my Saluati'on thou my Saluati'on and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto mee and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto mee FOVRTH SONNET Ex Psal 51 SHew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou know'st my Sinfull mother bore mee But O thou Guide
vnto the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee Giue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy Voice auer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer Of 6. voc First part QNINTVS Habbi di me Signor SHew mercie Lord on me O Lord on me most haynous haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin my Sin so grieuous grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it And Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Fil╌thy and Purifie me Filthy For in thy Sight O Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou knowest my Sinfull Mother bore me But O thou Guide vnto the heau'n╌ly Cittie Wash O wash my Soule in Lauer of thy pittie So shal no Snow no Snow in whitenes So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before me So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before mee Of 6. voc Second part QVINTVS Dammi vn cor mondo GIue me a cleane hart an vntainted an vntainted Spirit an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it and feare it thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more thy Seruice more and more and more Endeauour Are th' only Sa╌crifice thou Ioyest in E╌uer Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioyest in E╌uer thou Ioyest in E╌uer FIFT SONNET Ex Psal 102 HArken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade as Smoak my hart in Langor Hyes Flyes to thee why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In sted of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tears while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Crying All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not Thou thou that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Ocean hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest Of 6. voc First part QVINTVS Essaudisci Signor gli'humil miei preghi HArken Lord vnto mine humble Play╌nings Hide not thy face for euer in thine An╌ger My Dayes doe vade doe vade as Smoak My dayes doe vade as Smoak My hart in Langor Hyes flyes to thee why Shun'st thou my Com╌playnings Hyes flyes to thee why Shun'st thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from mee All are fly╌ing In stead of Bread In stead of Bread I haue ben fed I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tear's While I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath For all for all mine often Cryings Of 6. voc Second part QVINTVS Sarà ogni Rè ogni Popolo ALL Kings and Nati'ons shall admi'er ad╌mi-er thy Glo╌ry When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest of humble Soules When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Sto╌rie It shall be Writ It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story in an Eternall Story Ah Leaue me not thou Thou that All Defen╌dest That madest All That madest All That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an hoarie hoa╌ry That neuer didst Begin and neuer En╌dest and ne╌uer En╌dest SIXT SONNET Ex Psal 102 FRom profound CENTER of my hart I cryed To thee O Lord LORD let thine EARE draw neer mee To note my MOVRNINGS and quick-quickly heare mee Heare my Sad GRONES to thy Sweet GRACE applyed LORD if thou looke with RIGOVR downe into VS To mark our SIN O who shall then abide it But if with PARDON thou bee pleas'd to hide it If MERCY thou Vouchsafe What shall Vndoo VS Vpon thy WORD my SOVLE hath firmly reared Her Tower of TRVST there is my HOPE possessed With thee is MERCY that thou maist bee feared MERCY for those that are in SOVLE depressed ISRAELS Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Beecom's through thee of SINNER SAINT and BLESSED Of 6. voc First part QVINTVS Dal profondo del core FRom Profound Center of my hart to thee I cri'ed to thee I cri'ed O Lord O Lord Lord let thine eare draw neere me To note my mourning and quickly heare me quickly heare me Heare my Sad Grones to thy Sweet Grace applyed to thy Sweet Grace apply'ed Lord if thou looke with Rigor down into vs to mark our Sins O who shal then O who shal then abide abide it But if thou be pleas'd But if thou be pleas'd But if with pardon thou bee pleas'd bee pleas'd to hide it if thou Mercie vouchsafe What shall vndoo Vs if thou Mercy vouchsafe What shall vndoo Vs What shall vndoo Vs What shall vndoo vndoo Vs Of 6. voc Second part QVINTVS Ne la parola tua VPon thy Word my Soule Vpon thy Word my Soule hath firmely reared hath firmely reared her Tow'er of Trust Ther is my Hope possessed for with thee for with thee there is Mercy that thou maist be fea╌red Mercy for those that are depressed that are in Soule depres╌sed Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered thou hast endeered Becom's through thee of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed Saint and Blessed SEAVENTH SONNET Ex Psal 143 LIsten O LORD vnto my Prostrate PRAYER Nor into IVDGMENT with thy Seruant enter For who is IVST The foule infernall TEMPTER Pursues my SOVLE with Terrors of DESPAYRE My hart 's all inly Vext Yet I apply'd mee To waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy MERCY the Chiefe place reserued Then Shew my SIN and in thy Seruice guide mee Succour mee LORD Saue mee with expedition My SPIRIT fainteth therefore mine affection My MINDE my SOVLE I lift with all Submission To thee my LORD my GOD and my protection Draw mee from DANGER vnder thy Tuition For I thy Seruant am by thine Election Of 6 voc First part QVINTVS Essaudisci Signor le mie LIsten Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate prayer my Prostrate pray╌er Nor in╌to Iudgment with thy Seruant en╌ter For who is Iust For who O who is Iust The foule In╌fernall Tempter pursues my Soule with terrors with terrors of Despay'r My hart 's all inly vexed inly vexed My hart 's all inly vexed Yet I apply'd me to waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy Mercy But to thy Mercy the Chief place the Chief place reserued the Chief place reserued Then Shew my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me Then shew my Sin shew my Sin Then shew my Sin my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me Of 6. voc Second part QVINTVS Socorrimi Signor SVccour me
Lord Saue me Succour me Lord saue me with expe╌diti'on with expe╌di╌ti'on My Spirit fainteth therfore mine affecti'on My Spirit fainteth therfore mine affecti'on My Minde my Soule I lift with all Submis╌si'on with all Submissi'on To thee my Lord my God my God my God and my Protecti'on and my Protecti'on Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i ╌ti'on Draw me from Danger Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌iti'on For I thy Seruant am For I thy Seruant am by thine Electi'on by thine Electi'on FINIS SEXTVS MVSICA SACRA TO Sixe Voyces Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE Newly Englished IN LONDON PRINTED BY THOMAS ESTE the assigne of William Barley 1608. To the vertuous Louers of Musicke THese Sonnets composed first most exquisitely in Italian by S ior Francesco Bembo a Gentleman of Italie were so admired of Giouan Croce one of the most excellent Musitians of the world as well for their Poesie as Pietie the Substance of them being drawen from those seauen notable Psalmes called Penetentials indited by that Sweete Singer of Israel inspired of the holie Spirit as that hee thought it worthy of his skill in Musicke to apply them to this Harmonie of Sixe parts as well to honour their Author and his Composition as to giue a profitable Delight vnto the vertuous And my selfe often obseruing the generall applause giuen these Songs when I haue heard them soong though somtimes without the words thought it would be verie gratefull to many of our English louers of Musick if they were translated or imitated in our tongue the rather because through their want of vnderstanding the Italian they are depriued of a Chief part of their delight For albeit that the verie concent of the Note may sweetly strike the outward sence of the eare yet it is the Dittie which conuayed with the Musicke to the intellectual Soule by the Organs of hearing that doth touch the hart and stir the affections eyther to Iocondnes or Sadnes Leuitie or Grauitie according to the nature of the Composition in which respect especially the articulate voice of man excelleth all other voices and Instruments in the world Besides I supposed that the Scarcetie not onely in our tongue but in all other vulgars of Musicke in this kinde whereby men may be edified and God glorified would make these the more acceptable and peraduenture be a motiue to some of our excellent Musitians to dedicate their diuine skill to the Seruice of God in Songs of this more Sanctified kinde In which respects and for that I was encouraged thereto by some Skilfull in this Arte I haue aduentured to publish these otherwise destinate to priuacie vnto the view of the world Although I am not Ignorant that in this curious age it is likely to run the ordinary fortune euen of more exact labours vpon the Shelues of ridged censure But the Gentle will winck at small faults where they spie them As for the Supercilious Critick if after he haue compared them with the Originall he dislike them he may please himselfe and doe them all better But doe Yee accept them with a Sèrene browe and vse them to the glory of God and your Laudable and Christian delight Fare yee well Your well-willer R. H. FIRST SONNET Ex Psal 6 LOrd in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from the'uer-neuer Dying For who in deepe Hell and fierce Torments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My bed and bosome with my teares I water My foes Despight hath ploughd my face with furrows But now my Soule let the vngodly Scatter Hence yee wicked sith God so gracious for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter Of 6. voc First part SEXTVS Signor non mi riprender LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly Lord in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercie on my Sins exceeding measure My Sins exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule my Soule is vexed is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it O Lord Almightie Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from th'euer-neuer Dying For who in deep Hell deep Hell and fierce Torments frying Shall sing thy praise Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall th' Eternall Of 6. voc Second part SEXTVS Penato ho lungamente LOng haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My Bed and bosom with my tear's I water My foes Despight My foes Despight My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with fur╌row's But now my Soule my Soule let th'ungodly Scatter Hence hence ye wicked Sith God so gratio'us for vs Sith God so gratio'us God so gratio'us for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter and doth regard my matter SECOND SONNET Ex Psal 32 BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remission And they whose Sinns of Act and of Omission Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graciously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heauen And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee O thou my Refuge and my Consolation Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluation A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their expectation Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Of 6. voc First part SEXTVS Beati quei BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on a full remissi'on And a full remissi'on re╌missi'on And they whose Sins they whose Sins of Act And they whose Sins whose Sins of Act and of Omis╌si'on are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therfore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graci'ously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heau'n thee King of Heau'n And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee due time adore thee All thy Saints shall in due time adore thee in due time adore adore thee Of 6. voc Second part SEXTVS Tu mio Refugio O Thou my Refuge and Conso╌lati'on and my Conso╌lati'on Deliuer me my God Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluati'on my Sal╌uati'on A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their Expecta╌ti'on Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly THIRD SONNET Ex Psal 38 LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth
vnto Goodnes mooue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out for Anguish My Strength eu'n fail's me and my Sight hath fled me And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee But I as Deaf the while with Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to me Ah Leaue me not thou that canst best bested me Thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me Of 6. voc First part SEXTVS Signor nel tuo'furor LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reproue me Nor in thy Furie multiplie my Sorrow's multiplie my Sorrow's For in my Fleash I feele For in my Fleash I feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnesse moue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish doth Sigh and Languish and Languish Because my Sins so wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted afflicted afflicted and all humbled am I And in my plaint my hart Roars╌ out Roars out for an╌guish for an╌guish Of 6 voc Second part SEXTVS Già la virtù mi lascia MY Strength eu'n fail's eu'n fail's me And my Sight my Sight hath fled me fled me hath fled me fled me And eu'rie one Endeauours to vn╌doo me But I as Deafned the while with Dumbnes Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to mee Ah listen to mee Ah! Ah Leaue thou me not Ah Leaue thou me not Thou my Salua╌ti'on thou my Salua╌ti'on and Comfort sole and Comfort sole and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto mee and Comfort sole and Comfort sole vnto mee FOVRTH SONNET Ex Psal 51 SHew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou know'st my Sinfull mother bore mee But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee Giue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy Voice auer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer Of 6. voc First part SEXTVS Habbi di me Signor SHew mercie Lord on me O Lord on me most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin my Sin so grieuous guiltie grieuous guiltie And Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Filthy and Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight O Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou knowest my Sinfull Mother bore me But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy pittie So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow no Snow So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before me So shall no Snow no Snow in white╌nes goe before mee Of 6. voc Second part SEXTVS Dammi vn cor mondo GIue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit an vntainted an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more thy Seruice more and more and more Endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy voyce auer it Sith broken harts as doth thy voyce auer it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioyest in Euer thou Ioyest in E╌uer FIFT SONNET Ex Psal 102 HArken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade as Smoak my hart in Langor Hyes Flyes to thee why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In sted of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tears while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Crying All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not Thou thou that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Ocean hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest Of 6. voc First part SEXTVS Essaudisci Signor gli'humil miei preghi HArken Lord vnto mine humble mine humble Playnings Hide not thy face for euer for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade doe vade doe vade as Smoak as Smoak My hart in Langor Hyes flyes to thee why Shun'st thou my Complay╌nings Friends haue I none Friends haue I none now from mee All are fly╌ing In stead of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes In stead of Bread I haue ben fed with A╌shes My Drinck my Tear's While I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath For all mine often Cryings Of 6. voc Second part SEXTVS Sarà ogni Rè ogni Popolo ALL Kings and Nati'ons shall admi'er admi'er thy Glo╌ry When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ It shall bee Writ It shall bee Writ It shall be Writ in an Eternall Sto╌rie Ah! Leaue me not thou Thou that All Defen╌dest That madest All That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an and Oce'an hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest and neuer Endest SIXT SONNET Ex Psal 102 FRom profound CENTER of my hart I cryed To thee O Lord LORD let thine EARE draw neer mee To note my MOVRNINGS and quick-quickly heare mee Heare my Sad GRONES to thy Sweet GRACE applyed LORD if thou looke with RIGOVR downe into VS To mark our SIN O who shall then abide it But if with PARDON thou bee pleas'd to hide it If MERCY thou Vouchsafe What shall Vndoo VS Vpon thy WORD my SOVLE hath firmly reared Her Tower of TRVST there is my HOPE possessed With thee is MERCY that thou maist bee feared MERCY for those that are in SOVLE depressed ISRAELS Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Beecom's through thee of SINNER SAINT and BLESSED Of 6. voc First part SEXTVS Dal profondo del core FRom Profound Center of my hart of my hart to thee I cri'ed to thee I cri'ed O Lord O Lord O Lord Lord let thine eare draw neere mee To note my mourning and quickly heare mee and quickly heare mee Heare my Sad Grones to thy Sweet Grace applyed Lord if thou looke with Rigor down into Vs to mark our Sins O who shall then abide it O who shall then abide abide it But if thou bee pleas'd But if with pardon thou be pleas'd to hide it be pleas'd to hide it If thou Mercy vouchsafe if thou Mercy vouchsafe what shal vndoo Vs if thou Mercy vouchsafe what shall vndoo vs what shall vndoo Vs Of 6. voc Second part SEXTVS Ne la parola tua VPon thy Word my Soule hath firmely reared hath firmely reared her Tow'er of Trust there is my Hope there is
my Hope pos╌sessed for with thee with thee is Mercy that thou maist be feared Mercy for those that are in Soule depressed in Soule depressed Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered thou hast endeered Becom's through thee of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint of Sinner Saint Blessed of Sinner Saint Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed SEAVENTH SONNET Ex Psal 143 LIsten O LORD vnto my Prostrate PRAYER Nor into IVDGMENT with thy Seruant enter For who is IVST The foule infernall TEMPTER Pursues my SOVLE with Terrors of DESPAYRE My hart 's all inly Vext Yet I apply'd mee To waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy MERCY the Chiefe place reserued Then Shew my SIN and in thy Seruice guide mee Succour mee LORD Saue mee with expedition My SPIRIT fainteth therefore mine affection My MINDE my SOVLE I lift with all Submission To thee my LORD my GOD and my protection Draw mee from DANGER vnder thy Tuition For I thy Seruant am by thine Election Of 6 voc First part SEXTVS Essaudisci Signor le mie LIsten Listen O Lord Listen Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate pray╌er Nor into Iudgment with thy Seruant enter For who O who is Iust The foule In╌fernall Tempter pursues my Soule with terrors terrors of Despay'r My hart 's all inly vexed My hart 's all inly vexed my hart 's all inly vexed vexed Yet I apply'd me to waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obser╌ued But to thy Mercy but to thy Mer╌cy the Chief place reserued the Chief place reserued Then Shew my Sin my Sin Then shew my Sin Then shew my Sin my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me Of 6. voc Second part SEXTVS Socorrimi Signor SVccour me Lord Saue me saue me with expediti'on with expe╌diti'on My Spirit fainteth therefore mine affec╌ti'on My Spirit fainteth therfore mine affecti'on My Minde my Soule I lift with all Submissi'on with all Submissi'on To thee my Lord my God my God and my Protecti'on my God and my Protecti'on Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i╌ti'on For I thy Seruant am For I thy Seruant am by thine Electi'on by thine Electi'on by thine Elec╌ti'on E╌lecti'on FINIS BASSVS MVSICA SACRA TO Sixe Voyces Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE Newly Englished IN LONDON PRINTED BY THOMAS ESTE the assigne of William Barley 1608. To the vertuous Louers of Musicke THese Sonnets composed first most exquisitely in Italian by S ior Francesco Bembo a Gentleman of Italie were so admired of Giouan Croce one of the most excellent Musitians of the world as well for their Poesie as Pietie the Substance of them being drawen from those seauen notable Psalmes called Penetentials indited by that Sweete Singer of Israel inspired of the holie Spirit as that hee thought it worthy of his skill in Musicke to apply them to this Harmonie of Sixe parts as well to honour their Author and his Composition as to giue a profitable Delight vnto the vertuous And my selfe often obseruing the generall applause giuen these Songs when I haue heard them soong though somtimes without the words thought it would be verie gratefull to many of our English louers of Musick if they were translated or imitated in our tongue the rather because through their want of vnderstanding the Italian they are depriued of a Chief part of their delight For albeit that the verie concent of the Note may sweetly strike the outward sence of the eare yet it is the Dittie which conuayed with the Musicke to the intellectual Soule by the Organs of hearing that doth touch the hart and stir the affections eyther to Iocondnes or Sadnes Leuitie or Grauitie according to the nature of the Composition in which respect especially the articulate voice of man excelleth all other voices and Instruments in the world Besides I supposed that the Scarcetie not onely in our tongue but in all other vulgars of Musicke in this kinde whereby men may be edified and God glorified would make these the more acceptable and peraduenture be a motiue to some of our excellent Musitians to dedicate their diuine skill to the Seruice of God in Songs of this more Sanctified kinde In which respects and for that I was encouraged thereto by some Skilfull in this Arte I haue aduentured to publish these otherwise destinate to priuacie vnto the view of the world Although I am not Ignorant that in this curious age it is likely to run the ordinary fortune euen of more exact labours vpon the Shelues of ridged censure But the Gentle will winck at small faults where they spie them As for the Supercilious Critick if after he haue compared them with the Originall he dislike them he may please him selfe and doe them all better But doe Yee accept them with a Sèrene browe and vse them to the glory of God and your Laudable and Christian delight Fare yee well Your well-willer R. H. FIRST SONNET Ex Psal 6 LOrd in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from the'ùer-neuer Dying For who in deep Hell and fierce Torments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My Bed and bosome with my teares I water My foes Despight hath ploughd my face with furrows But now my Soule let the vngodly Scatter Hence yee wicked sith God so gracious for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter Of 6. voc First part BASSVS Signor non mi riprender LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not seuearly Lord in thy wrath reproue me not seuear╌ly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercie on my Sins exceeding measure My Sins exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vex╌ed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from th'euer-neuer Dying For who in deep Hell and fierce Tor╌ments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall or can extoll ex╌toll th' Eternall Of 6. voc Second part BASSVS Penato ho lungamente LOng haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's my grieuous Sorrow's my grieuous Sorrow's My Bed and bosom with my tear's I water My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's My foes Despight hath plow'd my face with furrow's my face with furrow's But now my Soule my Soule let th'ungod╌ly Scatter Hence hence ye wicked Sith God so gratio'us for vs Sith God so gratio'us God so gratio'us for vs Hath heard my moan and doth regard my matter and doth regard my matter SECOND SONNET Ex Psal 32 BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remission And they whose Sinns of Act and of Omission Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graciously my God thou hast
forgiuen The more therefore I Laude thee King of Heauen And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee O thou my Refuge and my Consolation Deliuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluation A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their expectation Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Of 6. voc First part BASSVS Beati quei BLessed are they whose faults so oft forbidden whose faults so oft forbidden Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on Haue free forgiuenes and a full remissi'on And they whose Sins whose Sins of Act and of Omissi'on And of Omissi'on Are not Imputed but in mercy hidden Therfore my Crime I haue confest before thee Which graci'ously my God thou hast forgiuen The more therfore I Laude thee King of Heau'n The more therfore I Laude thee King of Heau'n And all thy Saints shall in due time a╌dore thee in due time adore thee in due time adore thee Of 6. voc Second part BASSVS Tu mio Refugio O Thou my Refuge and Consola╌ti'on and Conso╌la╌ti'on and Conso╌la╌tion Deliuer me my God which art Almightie De╌liuer me my God which art Almightie From Enemies that enuie my Saluati'on my Sal╌uati'on A many Rods pursue the Sinner rightly But those that place in thee their Expectati'on Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Grace shall embrace Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly Ioy yee that walk vprightly THIRD SONNET Ex Psal 38 LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out for Anguish My Strength eu'n fail's me and my Sight hath fled me And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee But I as Deaf the while with Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen to me Ah Leaue me not thou that canst best bested me Thou my Saluation and Comfort sole vnto me Of 6. voc First part BASSVS Signor nel tuo furor LOrd in thine Anger doe no more reproue me Nor in thy Furie multiplie my Sorrows For in my fleash I Feele For in my Fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes moue mee Sick in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Lan╌guish doth Sigh and Languish Because my Sins so wholely ouercame mee Sorely afflicted afflicted and all humbled am I And in my playnt my hart Roars out Roars out Roars out for an╌guish for an╌guish Of 6 voc Second part BASSVS Già la virtù mi lascia MY Strength eu'n fail's eu'n fail's me And my Sight my Sight hath fled me fled me hath fled me fled me And eu'rie one Endeauours to vndoo me But I as Deafned the while with Dumbnes Dumbnes sped me In thee I hope my GOD Ah listen Ah listen to me Ah! Ah Leaue thou me not Ah Leaue thou me not Thou my Saluati'on thou my Saluati╌on and Comfort sole vnto me and Comfort sole vnto me and Comfort sole vnto me FOVRTH SONNET Ex Psal 51 SHew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it Purifie me Filthy For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou know'st my Sinfull mother bore mee But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee Giue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour Sith broken harts as doth thy Voice auerr it Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer Of 6. voc First part BASSVS Habbi di me Signor SHew mercie Lord on me O Lord on me most haynous Sinner And mortifie my Sin my Sin so grieuous guiltie O cleanse me from it And Purifie me Fil╌thy and Purifie me Filthy For in thy Sight O Lord I am onely Sinner In Sin thou knowest my Sinfull Mother bore me But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cit╌tie Wash wash my Soule in Lauer of thy pittie So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes in whitenes goe before me So shall no Snow no Snow in whitenes goe before mee Of 6. voc Second part BASSVS Dammi vn cor mondo GIue me a cleane hart an vntainted Spirit an vntainted Spirit And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer And of thy Grace and Face bereaue me neuer So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it thy Name thy Name and feare it thy Name and feare it And to thy Seruice more and more thy Seruice more and more Endeauour Are th' only Sa╌crifice thou Ioy'st in Euer Are th' only Sacrifice thou Ioyest in Euer thou Ioyest in Euer FIFT SONNET Ex Psal 102 HArken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade as Smoak my hart in Langor Hyes Flyes to thee why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from me All are flying In sted of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tears while I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath for all mine often Crying All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory When thou the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story Ah! Leaue me not Thou thou that All Defendest That madest All Heau'n Earth and Ocean hoarie That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest Of 6. voc First part BASSVS Essaudisci Signor gli'humil miei preghi HArken Lord vnto mine humble Playnings Hide not thy face for euer in thine Anger My Dayes doe vade doe vade as Smoak as Smoak My hart in Langor Hyes flyes to thee Why Shun'st thou my Complaynings Hyes flyes to thee why shun'st thou my Complaynings Friends haue I none now from mee All are flying In stead of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes My Drinck my Tear's While I haue felt the Lashes Of thy fierce Wrath For all mine often Cryings Of 6. voc Second part BASSVS Sarà ogni Rè ogni Popolo ALL Kings and Nati'ons shall admi'er admi╌er thy Glo╌ry When thou the Sighs the Sighs of humble Soules attendest It shal be Writ in an Eternall Sto╌rie It shall be Writ It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story in an Eternall Story Ah Leaue me not thou Thou that All Defendest That madest All That madest All Heau'n Earth and Oce'an and Oce'an hoary That neuer didst Begin and neuer Endest and neuer Endest SIXT SONNET Ex Psal 102 FRom profound CENTER of my hart I cryed To thee O Lord LORD let thine EARE draw neer mee To note my MOVRNINGS and quick-quickly heare mee Heare my Sad GRONES to thy Sweet
GRACE applyed LORD if thou looke with RIGOVR downe into VS To mark our SIN O who shall then abide it But if with PARDON thou bee pleas'd to hide it If MERCY thou Vouchsafe What shall Vndoo VS Vpon thy WORD my SOVLE hath firmly reared Her Tower of TRVST there is my HOPE possessed With thee is MERCY that thou maist bee feared MERCY for those that are in SOVLE depressed ISRAELS Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Beecom's through thee of SINNER SAINT and BLESSED Of 6. voc First part BASSVS Dal profondo del core FRom Profound Center of my hart to thee I cri'ed to thee I cri'ed O Lord Lord let thine eare draw neere me To note my mourning To note my mourning and quickly heare mee and quickly heare mee Heare my Sad Grones to thy Sweet Grace applyed to thy Sweet Grace apply'ed Lord if thou looke with Rigor down into vs to mark our Sins O who shall then abide it abide it But if thou be pleased But if with pardon thou be pleas'd to hide it if thou Mercie vouchsafe if thou Mercy vouchsafe What shal vndoo vs what shal vndoo vs what shal vndoo vs what shall vndoo vs Of 6. voc Second part BASSVS Ne la parola 〈◊〉 VPon thy Word my Soule hath firmely reared hath firmely reared hath firmely reared her Tower of Trust There is my Hope possessed For with thee is Mercy that thou maist be feared Mercy for those in Soule depressed in Soule depressed Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Becom's through thee of Sinner Saint and Blessed and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed SEAVENTH SONNET Ex Psal 143 LIsten O LORD vnto my Prostrate PRAYER Nor into IVDGMENT with thy Seruant enter For who is IVST The foule infernall TEMPTER Pursues my SOVLE with Terrors of DESPAYRE My hart 's all inly Vext Yet I apply'd mee To waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy MERCY the Chiefe place reserued Then Shew my SIN and in thy Seruice guide mee Succour mee LORD Saue mee with expedition My SPIRIT fainteth therefore mine affection My MINDE my SOVLE I lift with all Submission To thee my LORD my GOD and my protection Draw mee from DANGER vnder thy Tuition For I thy Seruant am by thine Election Of 6 voc First part BASSVS Essaudisci Signor le mie LIsten Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate prayer Nor into Iudgment with thy Seruant enter For who O who is Iust For who O who is Iust The foule In╌fernall Tempter pursues my Soule with terrors with terrors of Despay'r My hart 's all inly vexed My hart 's all inly vexed all inly vexed Yet I apply'd me to waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy Mercy But to thy Mercy the Chief place reserued the Chief place the Chief place reserued Then Shew my Sin my Sin Then shew my Sin Then shew my Sin my Sin Then shew my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me Of 6. voc Second part BASSVS Socorrimi Signor SVccour me Lord Saue mee saue mee with expediti'on with expe╌di╌ti'on My Spirit fainteth therfore mine affecti'on My Spirit fainteth therefore mine affecti'on My Minde my Soule I lift with all Submissi'on To thee my Lord my God my God and my Protecti'on and my Protecti'on Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i╌ti'on Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tu╌i╌ti'on For I thy Seruant am For I thy Seruant am by thine Electi'on by thine by thine Electi'on by thine Electi'on FINIS
to thy Sweet GRACE applyed LORD if thou looke with RIGOVR downe into VS To mark our SIN O who shall then abide it But if with PARDON thou bee pleas'd to hide it If MERCY thou Vouchsafe What shall Vndoo VS Vpon thy WORD my SOVLE hath firmly reared Her Tower of TRVST there is my HOPE possessed With thee is MERCY that thou maist bee feared MERCY for those that are in SOVLE depressed ISRAELS Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Beecom's through thee of SINNER SAINT and BLESSEDS Of 6. voc First part ALTVS Dal profondo del core FRom Profound Center of my hart of my hart to thee I cri'ed I cri'ed to thee I cri'ed O Lord Lord let thine eare draw neere me To note my mourning to note my mourning and quickly heare me and quickly heare me Heare my Sad Groning to thy Sweet Grace to thy Sweet Grace apply╌ed to thy Sweet Grace applyed Lord if thou looke with Rigor down into Vs to mark our Sin our Sin O who shal then abide it Who shal then abide it But if with pardon thou be pleas'd to hide it be pleas'd to hide it If thou Mercy vouchsafe what shal vndoo Vs what shal vndoo Vs if thou Mercy vouchsafe if thou Mercy vouchsafest what shal vndoo vndoo vs what shall vn╌doo Vs Of 6. voc Second part ALTVS Ne la parola tua VPon thy Word my Soule vpon thy Word my Soule hath firmely Rea╌red her Tower of Trust there is my Hope possessed for with thee with thee is Mercy that thou maist be feared Mercy for those that are in Soule depres╌sed in Soule depres╌sed Is╌ra╌els Redeemer Whom thou hast endeered Whom thou hast endeered whom thou hast endeered Becom's through thee of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Blessed and Blessed of Sinner Saint and Bles╌sed of Sinner Saint and Bles╌sed SEAVENTH SONNET Ex Psal 143 LIsten O LORD vnto my Prostrate PRAYER Nor into IVDGMENT with thy Seruant enter For who is IVST The soule infernall TEMPTER Pursues my SOVLE with Terrors of DESPAYRE My hart 's all inly Vext Yet I apply'd mee To waigh thy Works thy Wonders I obserued But to thy MERCY the Chiefe place reserued Then Shew my SIN and in thy Seruice guide mee Succour mee LORD Saue mee with expedition My SPIRIT fainteth therefore mine affection My MINDE my SOVLE I lift with all Submission To thee my LORD my GOD and my protection Draw mee from DANGER vnder thy Tuition For I thy Seruant am by thine Election Of 6 voc First part ALTVS Essaudisci Signor le miei LIsten Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate prayer vnto my Prostrate prayer Nor into Iudgment with thy Seruant enter For who O who is Iust For who O who is Iust The foule In╌fernall Tempter The foule infernall Tempter pursues my Soule with terrors of Despay'r My hart 's all inly vexed inly vexed Yet I apply'd me to waigh thy works thy wonders I obserued But to thy Mercy but to thy Mercy the Chief place reserued the chief place reserued Then Shew my Sin then shew my Sin my Sin then shew my Sin and in thy Seruice guide me thy Seruice guide mee Of 6. voc Second part ALTVS Socorrimi Signor SVccour me Lord Saue me with expediti'on with expediti'on My Spirit fainteth therefore mine affecti'on My Spirit fainteth fainteth My Spirit fainteth fainteth therefore mine affec╌ti'on My Minde my Soule I lift with all Submis╌si'on with all Submissi'on To thee my Lord my God my God and my Protecti'on and my Protec╌ti'on Draw me from Danger Draw me from Danger vnder thy Tuiti'on For I thy Seruant am For I thy Seruant am by thine Electi'on by thine Elec╌ti'on FINIS TENOR MVSICA SACRA TO Sixe Voyces Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE Newly Englished IN LONDON PRINTED BY THOMAS ESTE the assigne of William Barley 1608. To the vertuous Louers of Musicke THese Sonnets composed first most exquisitely in Italian by S ior Francesco Bembo a Gentleman of Italie were so admired of Giouan Croce one of the most excellent Musitians of the world as well for their Poesie as Pietie the Substance of them being drawen from those seauen notable Psalmes called Penetentials indited by that Sweete Singer of Israel inspired of the holie Spirit as that hee thought it worthy of his skill in Musicke to apply them to this Harmonie of Sixe parts as well to honour their Author and his Composition as to giue a profitable Delight vnto the vertuous And my selfe often obseruing the generall applause giuen these Songs when I haue heard them soong though somtimes without the words thought it would be verie gratefull to many of our English louers of Musick if they were translated or imitated in our tongue the rather because through their want of vnderstanding the Italian they are depriued of a Chief part of their delight For albeit that the verie concent of the Note may sweetly strike the outward sence of the eare yet it is the Dittie which conuayed with the Musicke to the intellectual Soule by the Organs of hearing that doth touch the hart and stir the affections eyther to Iocondnes or Sadnes Leuitie or Grauitie according to the nature of the Composition in which respect especially the articulate voice of man excelleth all other voices and Instruments in the world Besides I supposed that the Scarcetie not onely in our tongue but in all other vulgars of Musicke in this kinde whereby men may be edified and God glorified would make these the more acceptable and peraduenture be a motiue to some of our excellent Musitians to dedicate their diuine skill to the Seruice of God in Songs of this more Sanctified kinde In which respects and for that I was encouraged thereto by some Skilfull in this Arte I haue aduentured to publish these otherwise destinate to priuacie vnto the view of the world Although I am not Ignorant that in this curious age it is likely to run the ordinary fortune euen of more exact labours vpon the Shelues of ridged censure But the Gentle will winck at small faults where they spie them As for the Supercilious Critick if after he haue compared them with the Originall he dislike them he may please him selfe and doe them all better But doe Yee accept them with a Sèrene browe and vse them to the glory of God and your Laudable and Christian delight Fare yee well Your well-willer R. H. FIRST SONNET Ex Psal 6 LOrd in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure For full of feares my Soule is vexed drearly Saue it O Lord Almightie-most Supernall Saue it alas from the'uer-neuer Dying For who in deep Hell and fierce Torments frying Shall sing thy praise or can extoll th' Eternall Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's My Bed and bosome with my teares I water My foes Despight hath ploughd my face with furrows But now my Soule let