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mercy_n hear_v lord_n sin_n 15,720 5 5.7661 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19216 The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye of the same: but also the church and sacramentes therof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Engla[n]d, and al the commons of the same. ... Lorde increase our faith.; Humble and unfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 5630; ESTC S111154 26,257 72

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bewayle theyr manyfold offences to acknowledge and confesse thē vnto God hartely to cal on him for mercye wholy to conuert vnto hym and louingly to reconcile thēselues wit● their neighbours afore they presume to aproche vnto the table of the Lord. And doo they not yet fall into it lyke Hogges walowing styl in the filthenes of their abhominable liuing with out any iust remorce of conscience w t out any true repentaunce or amendement of lyfe wythout suche charytable recon●iliacion as was wont to be among the worthy Cōmunicātes of Christes holy Sacrament The Priest ought so to minister in such a language y t the people might vnderstād what he saith But he hudling it vp in a corner by hym self mūbleth we can not tel what His dutye is sēsibly to declare vnto vs the Lordes death that we therby myghte be styrred vp aswel to remember taste the swetenes of this mistery of our redemption as to be thankful vnto the Lord for the same But the Prest speaking to the wal not vnto vs kepeth vs stil in blynde ignoraunce So that as we cannot consider what the Lord hathe done doth or offereth to do for vs so is it no maruayle that we remayne styl vnthankful We should at the ministracion and recept of the Sacrament haue good natural bread but in stede thereof we haue printed waifers and suche starched stuffe as is not pure perfecte bread nor lyke vnto that whych was vsed in the eating of the Lordes holy Supper at the first The Lord biddeth his disciples take the breade but oure lay people whō we trust yet to be the Lords disciples are forbiddē to touch it The Lord saith Take ye eate ye he saith not take thou it alon and let no mā els eate with the. He saith take and eate he saith not lift it vp aboue your heades But nowe the Priestes take and lyft it vp an high He sayeth Take and eate and saieth not hang it vp But now it is taken hanged vp by a lyne or cord He sayth Take and eate and saith not take and worshyp it as God But now men crouch and kneele vnto it honour and worship it as theyr maker The Lord saith Take eate He saith not put it vp in store or kepe it in a boxe tyl another tyme But now it is reserued caried about in procession and in the streetes that the people may fal downe yea when they se it not knocke theyr breastes worship it The Lord saith Do this in remembraunce of me He sayeth not do it in remembraunce of others but now the Priestes do theyr Masse in remembraunce of the quicke deade in remembraunce of Angels saints they make an oblacion sacrifice of it for the soules departed for beasts and Catfel for syknesses and diseases c. The Lord willeth al the Disciples that were with him to drinke of the Cup and the Euangelist saith ▪ that they al dranke of it But now the part of the Sacrament is takē from the lay people as though Christ had not shed his bloud for thē as wel as for others What can we then iustly looke for at the Lordes hand to be partakers of in this worthy Sacrament when we so vnworthely disdaine think scorne to minister receaue and vse it according to the Lordes most holy institucion but chop and chaunge adde and minysh after the pleasures imaginacions and fond fantasies of men not after the word of the Lorde nor after the rightful practise of hys primitiue and most pure Church Because the Corinthians did so vnworthely behaue them selues aboute thys holy Sacrament by reason of these and such like abuses as we haue now spoken of and for that thei made no difference of the Lordes body that is to say because thei so litle regarded not only his mistical body the church and congregacion but also the death and merites of his natural blessed body that suffred and was crucified for them therfore saith the Apostle many are weake and sicke among you and many sleepe And what thing els vnder the Sunne hathe more prouoked the wrath and indignatiō of god ouer vs or is a greater occasion why he withdraweth his grace holy spirit from vs and otherwise also sēdeth his sondrye plages amongst vs Yea what hath bene or is at thys daye a greater cause of his displeasure thē is the most filthy and abhominable idolatry and supersticion of theyr masse the blinde and wylfull abusing of the Sacramēt when neither the doctrine of the Lord is trulye taught nor beleued neither those worthye fruites of repentaunce folow that so godly florished in the primitiue churche that so vertuously shuld appeare in euerie one that receaueth y e holy cōmunion But now to conclude for our own part This worthy Sacrament of our Lord and only sauiour Iesus Christ we so honour and reuerence that we are fully resolued and perswade● by the testimony of hys holy word that it is a synguler and precious Iewell ▪ which the Lorde himselfe by hys last wyl and testament hath moste graciously cōmitted and left to hys owne holy congregacion and church to the intent that the same worthye Sacrament which he ordayned to be a special renewing of hys gracious couenaunt with vs and an vndoubted testimony and seale of his louing mercy towardes vs should be also a continual and frutful exercise of our faith loue hope to himward a myghtye prouocaciō vnto charity and al good workes among our selues So as we fyrst duely examining our owne consciences and then assembling our selues orderly to that solempne memorial of our redemption hearing there the death of the Lorde declared vnto vs callyng the same in special and all other hys benefites in general moste thankfully to remembraunce lamenting bewailing and repēting vs earnestly of our sinnes knowledgyng cōfessing them vnto God ●euoutlye calling vpō him for mercy professing a new vertuous life conuertynge vs wholy vnto him forgeueing one another in brotherly reconsiliacion frō the botome of our hartes shoulde in the vnity of the holy Ghost aproche reuerently vnto the table of the Lord and worthely receiue such notable increase of heauenly cōfort spirituall repaste in our consciēces as He there for that purpose by the cōmuniō and felowship that we haue with hym in his precious body bloude most louinglye doth offer vnto vs euen clothing vs as it were wyth a newe power and strengthe frō aboue that we being armed a freshe with hys owne weapons may frō hence●orthe fyght themore valeauntly vnder his baner against the flesh y ● world the Diuel whiche to do he graunt vs hys grace and holy spirit Amen ¶ From Wittonburge by Nichola● Dorcastor Ann. M.D.Liiii the .xiiii. of May. Roma i. Mat. xxiiii i. Pet. iiii ii Tim. iii. i. Iohn ii iii.iiii Luke xiiii Mat. vii i. Cor. ii Ephe. ii Psa. cxvii Mark xii i. Pete ii Esa. xxviii Esay x. i. Pet. v. Math. vi Luke xi Apoc. vii i. Cor. xi Psa. cxviii Apo. ii Math. v. i. Tim. vi Iob. i. ii Math. vii Mat. xxvi Psalm v● i. Cor. iiii Esay xl Genes iii. Luke xii Mat. xvi Esay lix Iosu. vii ii Esdr. Thre i. Math. ix Ioel. ii Mat. vii Luke xi Ephes. iiii Col. iii. iiii ●i Tim. iii ii Pet. i. ●● Iohn i Math. vii Col●o ii Gala. i. Collo ii i. Tim. vi ii Tess. ii Esay xxix Math. xv Mar. vii Psa. lxxxi Psal. cxix * Iosu. xxiii Deut. xi Deut. iiii xii Pro. xxx Apo. xxii The Byshops of England in theyr booke to king Henrye ▪ y e .viii. circa An. M.D.XXXviii ▪ De doct Christia lib. iii. ca. In lib. ad Orosin cōtra Priscilliam et Origenis Rom. xii i. Cor. xii ▪ ii Tim. iii ▪ * Ez. xxxvii Cant. vi Iohn x. * Act. ii iiii Eph. iiii * Ez. xxxvii Ioh. xiiii xvi i. Iohn ii Eph. iiii * i. Ihon. i. Heb. ix Ephes. v. * i. Pet. i. * Mat. xvi i. Cor. xiii * Es. xxviii * i. Pet. ii i. Tim. iii. Ephe. i. Collos. i. Psal. xlv Eph. v. Titus iii. Ephe. iiii Roma xii i. Cor. xii Ephe. iiii Hebr. xiii Ephe. ii Heb. xii Iohn iiii Luke i. Psa. i. iii Math. v. Math. vi Mat. vii Math. x. Math. xi Mat. xiii Luke xi Iohn ● Psa. xxxii Rom. iiii Mat. xviii Iohn xx Act. i. ii.iiii i. Cori. xi x.iii Titus ii Iohn x. Math. xvi Mat. xvii● ▪ Mat. vii Mat. xii vii iii. Re. viii i. Tim. iii. Cōtra epistolam fundamenti cap. v. Iohn xii Psa. xxvi Roma iii. Iaco. iii. Ephe. v. Philip. ● ▪ Collo ii i. Tessa i. Rom. xvi Hebru i. Mar. xvi Madateu saie Mat. xxviii Iohn xx Luk. xxiiii Roma xii i. Cor. xii i. Cor. iiii ii Cor. iii. ii Cor. viii ii Cor. iiii ii Cor. iiii ii Cor. v. Luke x. Iohn xiii Mat. x. Luke x. Actes i. Mat. ix.x. Act. xx Titus i. i. Pet. v ▪ i. Cor. iii. i. Cor. iiii i. Tim. iii. De●o● Christian. lib. iii. cap. xii The misterye Gene. i. ii Genes ii Genes iii. Roma ● Gen. xvii Roma iiii Exod. xii Heb. xi Exod. xvi Iohn vi Ad Ianu●rium Rom. iiii Roma v. Iohn vi Gala. v. Ephes v. Gene. iii. Heb. ii Iohn vi Iohn vi i. Iohn i. i. Corin. ● Ephes. v. Mat. xxvi Mar. xiiii Luke xxii i. Cor. xi Gen. xvii Exod. xii ma. xxviii Ma● xvi Iohn iii. Actes ii Titus iii i. Cor. xi mat xxvi Luke xx i. Cori. xi What things ar requyred afore the holy communion The order to be kepte at y e holye cōmunion The name of thys holy Sacrament i. Cor. x. xi i. Cor. xi Ye shal se shortlye a boke whē eueri part of y e masse began