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mercy_n hear_v lord_n sin_n 15,720 5 5.7661 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17487 A godly and learned sermon, vpon the 91. psalme Declaring how, and to what place, a Christian man ought to flie in the daungerous time of the pestilence, for his best safetie and deliuerance. By T.C. VVher-unto are ioyned, certaine fruitfull prayers, very necessarie for the time of infection. T. C., fl. 1603. 1603 (1603) STC 4303; ESTC S117370 19,764 54

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it that passeth away thinking it to be temporall fading at the twinckling of an eye and vanity that is in this worlde We haue here no abyding thing but must looke about for the thing to come that endureth for euer For this cause doth God draw and pull vs so from the creatures And séeing hee is our true father and bridegrome and husband he can not for hee is strong and ielous abide that we set our hope loue or trust vpon any creature This is the cause then that he doeth take vs from them and carieth vs vpon him selfe For looke on what creature wee haue most hope loue and affection that will he soonest take out of our sight if he doth loue vs. And when hee hath such ielousie vpon vs then doeth hee most chiefly declare his loue towarde vs. By this also it commeth that Christ Math. 18. forbiddeth vs to call any man father vpon earth for we haue onely one father in heauen namely GOD which will not nor can suffer vs to call or to haue any man vpon earth father that because wee should depend and hang onely vpon him looking for all good of him For he wil be the same that we may surely trust vnto séeing he cannot nor will faile vs and that because he is no earthly but an heauenly father For this cause then is that man blessed and happie that putteth his trust hope and confidence in the Lorde as the Prophet sayeth Finally if when nature fulfilleth her course man hath but continuall trauaile miserie after that this course of nature is ended and at rest man is eased of so great trauaile we séeme to hate rather then to loue them that be departed if wee would wish them to be in this wretched world againe Moreouer in making so much of our friends departed and setting so great affection vpon them wishing Gods worke not to be fulfilled vpon them wee blame God in his will and working as though he knewe not better what were best both for them and vs than we Let vs therefore set our will in Gods will and suffer him to worke at his pleasure For he knoweth best what is both our friendes and our soules health A Psalme to bee said in the time of sickenesse or any other aduersities O Come let vs humble our selues fall downe before the Lorde with reuerence and feare For he is the Lord our God and wee are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his hands Come therefore let vs turne againe vnto our Lord for he hath smitten vs and he shall heale vs. Let vs repent turne from our wickednesse And our sinnes shal be forgiuen vs. Let vs turne and the Lorde will turne from his heauy wrath and wil pardon vs and wee shall not perrish For we acknowledge our faults and our sinnes be euer before vs. We haue sore prouoked thine anger O Lord thy wrath is waxed hot thy heauy displeasure is sore kindled against vs. Thou hast in thine indignatiō strickē vs with grieuoussicknes by by we haue fallen as leaues beaten downe with a vehement winde Indéede wee acknowledge that all punishments are lesse then our deseruings But yet of thy mercy Lord correct vs to amendement and plague vs not to our destruction For thy hand is not shortened that thou canst not helpe neither is thy goodnesse abated that thou wilt not heare Thou hast promised O Lorde that afore we cry thou wilt heare vs whilest we yet speake thou wilt haue mercy vpon vs. For none that trust in thee shall be confounded neither any that call vppon thee shall be despised For thou art the only Lord who woundest and doest heale againe who killest reuiuest bringest euen to hell and bringest backe againe Our father 's hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou diddest deliuer them They called vpon thee and were helped they put their trust in thée and were not consounded O Lord rebuke vs not in thine indignation neither chastē vs in thy heauy displeasure O remember not the sinnes and offences of our youth but according to thy mercie thinke thou vpon vs O Lord for thy goodnesse Haue mercy vpon vs O Lord for wee are weake O Lord heale vs for our bones are vexed And now in the vexation of our spirits and the anguish of our soules we remember thee and wee crie vnto thee heare Lord and haue mercy For thine owne sake and for thy holy names sake in cline thine eare and heare O mercifull Lord. For we doe not powre out our prayers before thy face trusting in our owne righteousnesse but in thy great and manifolde mercies Wash vs throughly from our wickednesse and clense vs from our sinnes Turne thy face from our sinnes and put out all our misdéedes Make vs cleane hearts O God and renew a right spirit within vs. Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs and be merciful vnto our sinnes for thy names sake So we that be thy people and sheepe of thy pasture shall giue thee thankes for euer and will alwaies be shewing foorth thy prayse from generation to generation Glory be to the Father and to the sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shall be world without end Amen A Prayer to be vsed at the visitation of the sicke O Almightie Lorde and heauenly Father which hast promised to heare our requests and the petitions of those that aske of thee in thy Sonne our Sauiour Christes Name and hast commaunded vs to pray one for another we humblie beséech thée through his precious death and blood-shedding which is the onely attonement for our sinnes to bee mercifull to this thy sicke seruant Forgiue vnto him his sinnes O Lord and increase in him such a lyuelie Faith and féeling of thy fatherly loue towardes him that all pangues and paines of sicknes be they neuer so extreame may séeme nothing but thy mercifull and louing calling from these worldly miseries into the fellowship of thy holy ones whom the more thou louedst the more they taste of afflictions that béeing throughly purged from the rust of sinne they might shyne the more gloriouslie in the kingdom of heauen Neuerthelesse O mercifull Lord for that through our frailtie we often doubt whether in extreame paine we may féele our selues thy children or thée our angrie Judge whereby our Faith is wauering and sore displeasing vnto thée we humbly pray thée if it be thy holy will to mitigate his torments and make stedfast and perfect his Faith that he may with the more quyet minde and assured confidence cry Abba Father in this life and after ioyfullie to receaue the crown which thou hast prepared for them that continue vnto the end The Lord performe all our petitions through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Thy mightie arme O Lord be still his defender thy mercie and louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne his saluation thy grace and holy Spirit his comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end So-be-it Amen