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A17130 Seaven sparkes of the enkindled soule With foure lamentations, which composed in the hard times of Queene Elizabeth, may be vsed at all times, when the Church hapneth to be extreamely persecuted. Drawne out of the holy Scriptures, after the forme of Psalmes. By R.B.P. Buckland, Ralph, 1564-1611. 1604-1605 (1605) STC 4008; ESTC S117366 36,700 158

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worship him More pretious are your soules in his sight then the Phoenix or the Vnicornes fole He hath raised vnto you a seate of mercy whither to haue recourse for remission of sinnes And prepared a table for your refection wherein himselfe is the banquet and feast O howe delectable are thy dainties O Lord howe acceptable are thy holy Altars Much better are the reliques there of then the exquisite cates of princes Much better is it to be an abject in thy houshold then a great man in Kings Courtes The meanest in thy Church is noble the poorest in thy Church is rich Who is able to expresse the magnificence of thy Church or the one halfe of her glory We haue Priestes rightly consecrated and anointed in sacred wise Orderly accomplishing thy dread full misteries in vestments of holynesse and honour Monkes and other Religious persons persisting day and night in prayer With fasting and disciplines afflicting themselues in sackcloath and hayre for the sinnes of the people Vowed Virgins veiled handmaides of thy Christ by like order of life contend for like Crowne And fixing him profoundly in hart whome they haue chosen as celestiall Spouse Endeauour nothing else then to be perfect in his sight and serue him without distraction Vpon the society of thy faithfull legions of Angels attend for their defence Vpon them thy eyes are perpetually open to consider their wants and heare their prayers Who liueth in their vnity is in the communion of Saintes partaker of their assistance and patronage Hath his part in euery good deed and is daylie prayd for throughout the world Who dieth a liuely member of this holy body misticall by prayers of the liuing hath remission of payne Happy art thou O flocke of Peter blessed are all nations subject to his chaire Where sit the judges of the house of Iacob the rodde and scepter of thy Kingdome O Redeemer Thy selfe art a watchman ouer it who neuer sleepest a protector who neuer slumbrest Whosoeuer impugne it shall rotte as they liue their eyes shall sinke and their tongue shall be eaten out They shall perish in thy fury and melt like waxe before the fire None shall resist thy Church and be innocent No man fighteth against her without foile he dasheth his fist against a Rocke Her enemies shall licke the dust of her feete and those which oppugned her kisse her steps Such as will not shall be called a reprobate company vvith vvhome thou wilt exercise eternall wrath Aboundance of blessinges vpon all them which honour her and curses eternally will followe them which vexe her Her loue and mercy is more then the tender hart of a Mother Her anger more to be feared then a Princes rage In her remayneth knowledge vvhich can not erre power vvhich may not be contradicted In her is the treasure of thy Sons merits reposed In her possession are the Keyes of thy heauenly Kingdome Thou art her teacher that shee may not be ignorant The holy Ghost is her sanctifier to preserue her from iniquity As the Moone from the Sunne fetcheth her light so is she illuminated from Christ her Spouse In her only dost thou raigne with magnificence in her only thou art to be found Not so the Sinagogue of the wicked not so the congregation of Heretikes Among whome as in his Kingdome sitteth the Prince of pride who hath dominion ouer all children of darknesse Presuming as though they were thy counsailors or as if the holy Ghost spake in their eare As though they were the lampes of the world with whome Religion was borne with whome it should die They say to the auncient Fathers hold your peace and to the Doctors of the Church we will teach you wisedome But their pride is more then their power for thou dwellest not in harts subject to sinfulnesse Swelling in cogitations of their harts they proudly tosse vp their heddes as vntamed coltes As childrē of Belial without yoke they challenge liberty without obedience Priestes they make to themselues for their newe lawe and put vpon them authority which they cannot giue Like Apostata children they haue made assemblies not in thy name begonne a webbe and not in thy spirit False Prophets sell them follies and lies and set cushions of ease vnder sinners elbowes For a little lucre they justifie the wicked vpon confidence of faith they assure saluation Peoples sores they close vvith a false skinne vvhen the vvound festreth they say all is well Eating in effect the peoples sinnes and cloathing themselues vvith their iniquities In steede of the supersubstantiall Bread of life they giue them Serpents for the Chalice of saluation poyson of Adders Making thee more vnjust then any Tyrant they teach that thou punishest all sinnes with equall payne And that vvithout difference of desertes thou rewardest all vvith equall glory They say thou canst not make thy Saints and Angels to vnderstand our prayers nor shewe to them thinges done in earth They foolishly say that thou wilt not haue vs honour thy friendes and that thou settest litle by their intercession Denying that vvhose sinnes the Church forgiueth are forgiuen in heauen they say thou canst not giue such authority to man Doubting of thy Omnipotency they say with the Capharnaits howe can Christ giue vs his body for food With the faithlesse they sticke not to say his wordes are hard and who can beleeue him His promise of being vvith his Church to the end of the vvorld they contemne And that the Holy Ghost shall teach her all truth they credit not Wanting the band of vnity vnder seuerall heades they make seuerall companies and sects Hauing no certayne rule of faith each is author of his owne beliefe framing a Religion by priuate fancy Both in Doctrine and life all disorder is among them eternall horrour and confusion Oh with how great difference most supereminent light hast thou seperated Israell from the Aegyptians So plaine hast thou made the high way of truth that a very foole neede not misse the path Our enemies giue testimony to our faith and confesse that we may be saued therein They which oppugne it doe justifie it in confessing the primitiue Doctors to haue erred with vs. And thy Church not vnmindefull of her great priuiledge nor vngratefull for thy benefits Honoureth thee alwaies with inward purity worthy of thy holines and with outward ornaments worthy of thy Majesty Seauen times in the day shee singeth thy prayses and prayeth for Catholikes throughout the world Heare her prayers O enemy of falshood and giue all the earth to vnderstand That Heresie is a tempest raging only for a time but the foundation of thy Church endureth for euer A PSALME WHEREIN THE CATHOLIKE CALleth to minde his conuersion giuing thankes to God for the same THE SIXT PSALME MEDITATE O my soule a newe song open my lips to a psalme of thanksgiuing Rejoyce in him that made thee rejoyce in him that redeemed thee Rejoyce in him that conserueth thee rejoyce in him that
the counsaile of the sage He buildeth breaketh scepters and bringeth wisardes to their wittes end Pharao was by his plagues compelled to let the children of Israell Sacrifice in liberty Cyrus by his aide conquered the Oppressor dissolued by his instinct the long captiuity of Iuda A second Cyrus hath he stirred vp confirming his scepter for the good of his people He shal likewise bring the Infants of Sion from all quarters of their banishment joyfully shall they returne from forraigne landes And those Countries where now they harbour shall finde succour in this Isle to their ovvne necessities Thrise happy are yee who shall see those dayes your hartes shall be replenished with joy There shal not be any more grief misery and tribulation But persecution shal be recoumpted with mirth as persons arriued discourse of shipwracke The arme of the malignant being broaken our LORD shall raigne in mens hartes for euer and euer The tempestuous night being passed a perpetuall day shall be our comfort Which if we liue to see to haue suffered for Christ shall be a joy during life If we die before we rest in assured confidence of a happy resurrection And alwayes an immaculate conscience shall bee a svveete odour to the Almighty and a banquet to our selues By affliction our soules are purged of their drosse and their imperfections consumed By persecution we are tried as by the fanne whether we will be carried away with euery wind They which nowe stand shall be planted afresh as a glorious generation and be as principall stones in restauration of the Temple Aboundantly shall Gods mercies recompence their losses gladnesse shal exceede their sorrowes an hundred-fold All that shall see them shall know and say these are they which would not bowe to Baall Constant Confessors of Christ Iesus the only glory of our nation Iust is God in his judgementes and hath ordayned a time wherein to remember vs. His comming shall be as a sweete showre to the parched ground and as a labourers vvages at the vveekes end Cease shall our bondage and he shall blesse vs vvith an eternall liberty His truth his justice his Priestes his Sacrifice shal no more be taken away For a moment he afflicted vs but for euer shall his consolation endure Nowe therefore shew your selues men yee that endure for justifying your faith Runne forward without wearines atchieue vvithout fainting a happy course A Crowne hangeth ouer your heades vnspeakeable blisse is prepared for you God himselfe shall be your great reward your hope is full of immortality A DEEPE RECOGITATION OF THE FIRST conuersion of the English nation to the faith of Christ and the continuance thereof THE THIRD PSALME MY hart melteth and my bowels tremble while I conferre the times O my God The times of this our miserable age with the golden dayes of our forefathers We haue heard with our eares and thy Scribes haue commended to eternall memory The worke that thou wroughtest one thousand yeares past in conuerting our Auncestors to the faith To a people that sate in darknesse and shadowe of death it pleased thee to shew the light of thy countenance That the reliques of an Heathen nation should be saued that no people should be exempt from knowledge of thy lawe and title to thy glory Thou preparedst thine elect seruant Gregory to gouerne the Apostolike Sea A Pastor like Dauid according to thine owne hart Who vvith great care executing his charge fulfilled perfectly the name and office of a watchman Thou stirredst vp his hart to enterprise the conuersion of the English And enflamedst his minde with zeale of dilating thy name vnto the endes of the world While he was yet priuate thou hadst sent of our youth to be sold at Rome Intending thereby the accomplishment of thy purposed mercy They were brought to the Market-place to be cheapned as beastes price was set vpon them as slaues Endevved yet vvith reasonable soules and such visages as commended the excellency of thy beautifull workmanship Iust neuerthelesse was their present condition vvho vvere bruite beastes by sinne and slaues of the Diuell by infidelity Thy holy seruant sawe them and his hart yearned at their calamity But thou inspiredst him that their saluation was neare and that himselfe should be the instrumēt thereof Thou placedst thy wordes in his lips and hearing that they were called Angles he said To Angels this nation must be vnited whome in countenance they so resemble Vnderstāding their Prouince was called Deira and their King Aëlle He inferred that deliuered from Gods ire indignation they shortly should sing Alleluia After this O Lord thou diddest raise vp Gregory to be supreame Pastor of thy vniuersall flocke Thou gauest him both ability and will to compasse that which he had before thirsted And to finish the worke which thou secretly hadst in hand He sent Augustine thy approoued Priest with a chosen company fit for so great and holy an enterprise A long and weary some way they passed but thou easedst their trauaile with daylie consolation In the midst of their journey their courage languished but thou confirmedst them afresh Through straunge landes and vncouth wayes they passed but thy hand euermore protected them They crossed the Seas and came to an Island whose tongue they vnderstood not Thou didest alwayes assist them and wert a present aide to their necessities Thou art Lord of the Isles no lesse then of the continent neither doth distance of places abridge thy power Thus thou broughtest Monkes from beyond the high insuperable Alpes to kindle in Infidels hartes the fire of thy loue At their entrance they bare before them the triumphant signe of the Crosse the badge of Christians the memory of our Redemption A token that they preached the Sonne of Man crucified a protestation of their faith and profession They sange the sacred Litanies with loude voice inuocating Saints and Angels to their assistance Grace thou gauest them in the sight of Princes and our Country beganne to yeald her fruits The seede vvhich they sovved tooke roote and yealded encrease apace Through many tempestes and stormes it preuailed through contradictions it augmented the more They conquered this land to thy CHRIST and subdued all mens hartes to thy Gospell Possessing the Prouinces not by the sword but in thy word not in their arme but in thy spirit They established the function of thy holy Altar wherein thy Sonne is both Priest and Sacrifice They administred the seauen SACRAMENTES and planted the vvhole Doctrine of the Catholike Church They laide a firme foundation of their forefathers faith with the honourable rites thereunto appertayning And once more this Island flourished afresh recouering her auncient glory Which many yeares before shee had attayned by embracing the Christian faith Vaunting her selfe to be the first Christian Prouince of the world the eldest child of the Church The faithful throughout the earth rejoyced at her Religious example Singing her happy choice and celebrating her with Titles some of
built vpon a rocke but vpon sand great and shamefull is his fall Permit not that my ghostly enemies scorne at me and point me out this is he whose soule we haue seduced Who beganne a worke and could not finish it satisfying our eyes with his disgrace Let not the aduersaries of thy law and testament triumph ouer me as of a conquest Conceiuing by my example that more will yeald and fewe resist a cruell assault And that we esteeme no more of our faith then they of theirs nor haue assured certainty of our Religion Forbidde the fowles of the ayre the fiendes of hell to take from my hart the seede which thou hast sowen Forbidde that either riches and cares choke it or the heate of persecution wither it Forbidde that perswasions of carnall friends should corrupt it or any thing else hinder the encrease thereof Fie that wealth should be dearer to me then my faith or worldlie friendes then my God Heretofore I comforted other and when I am touched my selfe shall I tremble Where is then my awe and loue where is sortitude and patience Where is the dutie of a Christian man become The constancie and seruice which I owe to thee my GOD I vvill alwaies keepe to thee my life shall liue The word of truth take not out of my mouth for in thee is all my confidence Cursed are they which decline from thy Commandements All iniquity therefore bee farre from me still may I cleaue to thy lawe Dilate my hart comfort my spirit that I may cheerefully runne my race and gayne my crowne Shall I not loue thee whome only I ought to serue Shall I joyne with thy enemies in their prouocations and blasphemies Or shall I lie with my lippes and say I loue thee when I doe not followe thee No no I vvill confesse thy Religion neither before people or Magistrate will I be ashamed Least thou deny me likewise at the latter day and before thy Angels and Saints put me to confusion If they vrge me with obedience I will not let to tell them that God must be obeyed before man If they threaten paynes I will set before mine eyes the euerlasting torments prepared for rennegats I will tell them that whatsoeuer they can doe must haue a short end Happy man who escapeth paines which neuer cease If they punish me I will with thy Apostles rejoyce that thou hast vouchsafed me to suffer for thy sake If they kill me it is the vtmost of their power and the beginning of my glory Yet know I that Satan is chayned and can not hurt a hayre but by thy permission Thou art my light and my saluation whome should I feare thou art my protector whereat should I quake Heauen fall the earth sinke the whole frame of the world turne vpside downe All that is therein runne to confufusion chaunce vvhatsoeuer may chaunce Rather then that I forsake my faith by renouncing to be of thy holy congregation One thing only is necessary O my Lord and my God to serue thee stedfastly and all thinges else are vaine In this happy course begonne graunt that I faint not during my life The zeale which thou once didst in me kindle suffer not to waxe cold Let not the spirit of thy loue be in me extinguished Though I forsake all for the pretious pearle which thou hast reuealed vnto the world Yea though I forsake my selfe also I buy it not too deare Thou hast shewed me a hidden treasure the price of the field I must and will pay This only with Dauid I aske of thy diuine Majesty to dwell in thy house all the dayes of my life To be a member of thy holy body mysticall a childe of thy Spouse for euer That I may be partaker of thy perpetuall Sacrifice Whereby thy Passion is applyed vnto vs and we reape the fruit of our redemption Giue me thy grace O thou which sanctifiest soules giue me strength and courage giue me wisdome and patience Then though a thousand fall on my right side and ten thousand on my left yet will I stand Though those which shine like the Sunne and Moone fall from thy kingdome yet will I be stedfast Thou forsakest none except they first forsake thee confirme therefore my heart that it may neuer quaile Confidence in mine owne power I haue none but what is it that in thee I dare not vndertake In thee who art the mightiest haue I placed my hope thou art my refuge to thee I commend my selfe Thou shalt deliuer mee from the open arrovve by day and from darke daungers of secret malice From the Day-diuell and temptations vvhich comming in their ovvne likenesse dare shewe their face And from the night spirits which shroude themselues vnder faire pretences Whatsoeuer become of me to thy blessed will I resigne vp my selfe my fortune is in thy hand Great O Lord art thou great is thy might and thy wisdome is incomprehensible Many perils our frailty is wont to fore-cast still we cry fearing to be drowned But if we delight in thee thou wilt thou wilt giue vs our desires and bring those feares to nothing Men will forge excuses to serue their turne And a thousand shiftes iniquity searcheth to build vnto it selfe a sinnefull and false security Thou searchest the harts peines discerning easily howe men flatter themselues Shall I as diuers doe blind mine eyes least I should see or when I see shall I not vnderstand Shall I seeke darknesse in the open Sunne and subject my conscience to my will Direct my paths according to thy lawe that vnrighteousnesse neuer subdue me Regard my affliction and combat dispose of me according to thy prouidence ouer the Elect. Keepe my feete from sliding and be still before mine eyes preserue my soule from the death of deadly sinne For those which so die inherit not with thee but with them in whose seruice they partake Thou hast once lightned my lāpe keepe me therefore euermore from darknesse Examples sometime doe giue me scandall prouoking my hart in like sort to ralent Ah wreatch that I were if I relied my soule vpon such shattered reedes And would as it were for company post forward to hell Whereas holy examples are plentifull of glorious Confessors which fill the prisons It hath come to my minde that I may be saued at the last and repent vvhen Death knocks at the doore A foole whosoeuer so ventureth eternall damnation not knowing hovve soone he shall be cited to appeare Thy grace is not alwayes at commaundement and vncertayne is the valewe of constrayned repentance The tempter hath suggested that thou art mercifull and wilt easily enough forgiue But thy mercy and clemency I haue already prooued in expecting me to saluation In not striking me in midst of my sinnes and taking me away in mine ignorance It is nowe time to thinke of thy judgementes and hazard no more to prouoke thy wrath Who assurest vs that thou art a seuere Iudge and comparest thy self to a soure
cure her leprosie and to remedy her loathsomenesse She is proued a bastard vine and degenerated to a soure grape A froward bowe which will rather flie in peeces then come to the bent A fruitlesse and barren soile not answerable to the sowers hope Against thee her God she hath lifted vp her hand against the omnipotent she hath vaunted her feathers With a proude gate and lofty countenance she hath stalked against thee as though she would checke thee to thy face She saith I am safe in the midest of waters my shippes are my brasen wall Yet is she flesh and not a spirit a worme and not a God Be it that she soareth as high as an Eagle shee should be reached with thy arrowe but spare her O Lord. Be it she were as stronge as steele shee should bee dashed in peeces by thy fury but mittigate thy wrath She extolleth her selfe in conceipt of prosperity and vannteth her proceedinges in iniquity In a moment canst thou crush her bones and lay her pride in the dust but oh remember thy mercy VVhat-soeuer this people thinketh is meere iniquity all their communication is conspiracy against heauen and treason against thee They haue all made a league with death and concluded a couenant with hell Their feete are svvifte to euill and their handes stronge to doe mischiefe The earth it selfe is infected with wickednesse of the inhabitants and cryeth vnto thee for vengeance And possibly vvould svvallovve them as it did Chore and his company vvere it not for thy elect sake Reuenging fire of Sodome and Gomorrha might be justly feared if the faithfull stayed not thy rodde If any forsake iniquity he is made a pray our chanels flow with bloud Who did euer heare such horrible thinges as this people commit against thee their maker Degenerated is thy vineyarde and turned wilde yealding verjuce for wine Thy darling and vowed Virgin hath giuen ouer her selfe common to all adulteries To Luther and Caluin she hath opened her bosome and to whome so-euer else that would dishonour her She hath sought her louers farre and neere and hired teachers for her itching eares She careth not whome she admit so she admit not thee her first spouse nor whither she runne so she flie from thy face As a woman contemneth her husband so hath she contemned thee and with disdaine turned her backe Defending her iniquity vnder pretext of thy glory she dareth to say I am no adulteresse I am no Apostatrice Her brasen face cannot blush her impudent minde can conceiue no repentance But if she harden her face not to repent harden the face of thy messengers to reprehend If she harden her face to persecute harden thou their face to withstand Confirme the hartes of those thy labourers endue them with strength from aboue and giue successe vnto their endeauours Whose only presence representeth in some sort the state of former times And maintayneth thy holy fire that it goe not out Diminish not their number because of our sinnes and vnworthynesse but encrease it for our better comfort That the daylie foode of our soules we may receiue at their hands and not want their assistance in our extreamities Protect them night and day from their enemies wheresoeuer thy busines detayneth them Embolden our harts with courage from heauen to concurre with them freely in furthering thy seruice Fully thereby to discharge our Christian duty and be partaker of their reward and Crowne So may they build apace the wales of thy Hierusalem and winne innumerable soules to thy Kingdome So may they speedily bring to passe that auncient happinesse may returne So may thy Temples be clensed of their abhominations returning to the vse whereunto they were builded No longer be dennes of Diuels and instruments of thy dishonour Be it so O mighty Patron of thy afflicted be it so And all that loue their Country let this be their daylie teares A CONTEMPLATION OF THE BLESsed state of a Catholike THE FIPT PSALME COME and consider vvith me the sweetnesse of our Lord O all yee that be of his holy congregation Come and consider with me the glory of his Spouse O all yee that dwell in her Tabernacle Come and consider with me the happinesse of your owne soules yee which haue entred into the sanctuary of our God Meditate his goodnes in the night in the day time lift vp your handes vnto his holy Seate Great is he and vvorthy of all prayse thy workes beare witnesse of thee O Lord. Thou hast erected thy Church as thy Kingdome vpon earth her glory shall not depart from the lippes of thy Saintes In thy only Sonne it was founded from the beginning and to the end of the world it shall endure For faithfull art thou in all thy wordes and holy in all thy workes Iust righteous in all thy wayes and perfect in thy determinations As in the sunne-beames thou hast placed this thy Tabernacle that the vertue thereof might comfort the world Vpon an hill thou hast situated thy City whither all people should repaire for lawes and doctrine This is the Queene standing at thy right hand glittering in gold and rich attire Thy Spouse vvhome thou canst not but loue thy turtle which can not but be chast and true The piller of truth whereupon thy faith is builded The rocke against vvhich hell gates shall not preuaile The ship which thou permittest to be tossed but neuer sufferest to be ouerwhelmed The arke ordayned to saue the elect out of which who so is found perisheth euerlastingly The sanctuary of refuge whither to flie from the anger to come The mount of thy sanctification which the right hand hath cōquered The inheritance which thou hast purchased with thy Sonnes bloud A pauilion immoueable vvhose pinnes can neuer bee pulled out whose cordes can neuer be broaken A high and strong Castle vvhose vvalles are Adamant against which no strength can preuaile A massy hard stone vpō whome it lighteth it crusheth him in peeces All benediction thou hast bestowed vpon thy Church vvho hath not her for Mother shall not haue thee for Father In her only thou hast established thy true worship and confirmed it neuer to faile As other people haue Gods none the true God but Christians So may factions adore the also none truly and fruitfully but thy Catholike Church alone Among all trees thou hast chosen one Palme amōg al birds one Doue Among all flowres thou hast preferred one Lilly among all hilles one Sion All nations are thy subjectes and creatures but we thine inheritance Rejoyce and be glad yee inhabitants of Hierusalem among whome is the great and holy one of Israell Yee are all like Gods the true children of the Highest Happy are the eyes vvhich see that yee see and enjoy the presence of him whome yee adore Happy are the eares that heare what yee heare and the harts which are partakers of your instructions No nation vnder heauen hath a God so potent so louing so neere to them which