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A16752 A treasurie of catechisme, or Christian instruction. The first part, which is concerning the morall law or ten Commandements of Almightie God: with certaine questions and aunswers preparatory to the same Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1600 (1600) STC 366; ESTC S100095 232,397 320

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onely his bodily eyes opened but also the eyes of his mind to see the truth of God as one taught by his holy Spirit not onely giuing witnesse of our Sauiour Christ that hath giuen him his sight that he was a true worshipper of God and therefore such a one whose prayers God would heare and did heare for the restoring of him but also that euery true worshipper of God which is not a sinner that is to say is not such a one as hath giuen himselfe ouer to sinne but hath repented of it and striueth against it and to that ende calleth vpon God for grace he shall be heard of him Scope of the Commandement Whereunto agree these last words of the Lord himselfe in this our Commandement assuring vs that he will shew mercy that is all kind of mercie for soule and for body c. vpon all those that shall loue him and keepe his Commandements And in this comfort let vs proceed to the third Commandement Rehearse the words of it Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine What is the scope and drift of this Commandement how is it to be distinguished from the former two This third Commandement aimeth at these two points following First to shevv vvhat ought to be the ordinarie course of the vvhole life and conuersation of the true worshipper of God both in vvord and deed Secondly to declare vvhat is the chiefe ende of life and of all the thoughts words works thereof not only in the duties of Gods worship both inward outward according to the first second Commandement but also in euery other duty ac●ording to all the Commandements of the vvhole Lavv of God What is the chiefe end of all obedience The honour and glory of God This is indeed the generall scope and drift of this Commandement according to the generall instructions and admonitions and exhortations of the word of God shewing how the life of the seruants of God should differ from the life of all prophane and worldly ones both in the manner and forme of it and also in the ende which they ought to propound to themselues therein such as are the instructions c. which we may reade Math. 5.16 1. Peter chapter 2.12 and chapter 3.15.16 and chap. Eph. chap. 20.21 and chap. 5. verses 15.16.17 and Phil. and chap. 4.8.9 and Col. c. Reade also 1. Thes 2.10 Acts. 20.18 and 2. Tim. 3.10.11 And it was necessarie that the Lord should adde this Commaundement to such ende and purpose as hath beene thus declared that thereby he might meete with the hypocrisie or lightnesse and vanity of a number who desiring not to be accounted altogether prophane and without Religion do therefore come to the place of Gods worship and sit downe or stand vp to heare the Sermon and kneele downe to prayer c. yet the same neuerthelesse so soone as they are out of the Church-doore let all their thoughts and words and the whole course of their life loose to a kind of Libertinisme c. This the Lord cannot endure it being an vnworthy and dishonorable profession of his name and Religion yea he accounteth it no better then a defiling of his name as we may reade Leuit. 22. verses 31.32.33 and chap. 20.3 The polluting of his name the defiling of his sāctuary the place of his worship they are ioyned together And verily they shew themselues to haue litle profited by the hearing of his word and by their prayers c. whosoeuer haue no reuerend regard to giue glory to the name of God Such receiue the word of God in vaine 2. Cor. 6.1 They call vpon the name of God in vaine All their worship is in vaine Isa chap. 1. The Lord requireth of his worshippers to take another course He cannot like that we should vnder couert of his name follow our owne vaine minds and lusts neither yet one to sooth and flatter another by an Italienate behauiour c. after the manner of this world which is full of subtility and glozing but in simplicity and truth c. as we haue a notable description of a right godly life 2. Cor. and Iames 3.17.18 The life of the true worshipper of God is not sychophanticall and effeminate but it is cordiall without hypocrisie or guile The contrary therefore is condemned of God Reade Iohn 5.44 and chap. 12.43 and chap. 7.18 and Gal. 1.10 reade also Rom. 2.24 But these things will yet further appeare to be the meaning of the Lord in this Cōmandement by the particular handling of the words thereof as well those of the Commandement as the other of the reason annexed which containeth the curse against the transgressors of it Words interpreted Let vs therefore come to it What things are we to obserue that we may find out this to be the sense and meaning of this Commandement Three things are to be considered of vs. Which are they First vvhat is meant by the name of God Secondly vvhat it is for vs to take the name of God Thirdly hovv the name of God is taken in vaine Of these things in order that so we may perceiue both what are the euill things forbidden and also what on the contrary are the good things commanded What is meant by the name of God First all which maketh God most famously knowne to be God as one infinitely differing from all other things that is to say his diuine titles vvord and vvorks Secondly God himselfe and vvhatsoeuer he hath by the same his diuine titles vvord and vvorkes reuealed of himselfe that it should be knowne of vs as his eternall power and Godhead by the creation of the vvorld and all things else according to that description vvhich he hath by his owne voyce from heauen giuen forth and by his owne handvvriting set downe of himselfe Touching the first of these points let vs consider that it is the very vse of a name to put difference betwixt one thing and another and specially betwixt the creature and the Creator Reade Exod. Ier. 16.21 That the word of God is as the name of God in that it maketh him most perfectly and fully knowne Reade Psal 138.2 Consule Trem. reade also 1. Tim. 6.1 How the works of God do make the Lord knowne reade Psal 19.1 c. Isa 40.26 c. and chapter 45.11.12 c. Ier. 10.11.12 c. Act. 14.17 and chap. 17.23.24 Rom. 1.19.20 More particularly how the iudgements of God do set foorth his name reade Exod. chap 9.16 and Isa 30.27 Psal 9.16 Ezek. 30.19.26 and 33.29 and 35.11.15 and 38.23 and 39.6.7 And for his mercies Isa 45.20 c. and chap. Phil. Reade also Exod. 23.21 Ezek. 16.59 c. and chap. 28. verse 29. c. and chap. 29.21 and 37.13 Ioel. 2.26.27 c. and chap.
this life and the things that belong to the comfort thereof Of this kind of more open and professed theft there was a most grieuous practise of man-stealing among the Israelites selling them to the heathen What is the punishment which God in his ciuill iustice appointeth vnto it That thiefe shall dye saith the Lord so shalt thou put euill away from among you Deut. chap. 24. verse 7. This is a very great sinne to betray any mans libertie specially the libertie and freedome which any of Gods people haue with their brethren in the worship of God c. as Dauid complaineth in the 1. of Sam. 26.19 And therefore the punishment of this theft is increased by a more grieuous temporall punishment The greatnesse of this sinne may euidently appeare by the contrarie patronage which the Lord graunteth vnto him that shall flie from the heathen to his people for the loue of their religion as we reade Deut. 23.15.16 Thou shalt not saith the Lord to Israel deliuer the seruant to his maister which is escaped from his maister vnto thee He shall dwell with thee euen among you in what place he shall chose in any of thy cities where it liketh him best thou shalt not vexe him c. Of this kind of sinne as hath bene shewed before is the stealing away of any mans daughter or sonne out from his gouernement though it be not to sell them to straungers but to marrie them at their disposition they hauing no right to deale in that action And seeing it is of this kind of sinne it cannot be doubted but the like curse and punishment from the wrath of God belongeth vnto it And though any be spared in this life yet without repentance no thiefe shall escape the spirituall sentence and iudgement of God as 1. Cor. 6.10 No thieues shall inherite the kingdome of God What is the curse against the publike magistrate whosoeuer amongst them either inferiour or superiour do execute iniustice vnder pretence of iustice he sitting in the seate of iustice and specially when he doth it against the fatherlesse and widow In the 23. chapter of the Prouer. vers 10.11 thus we reade Remoue thou not the auncient bounds neither enter thou into the fields of the fatherlesse For he that redeemeth them is mightie he will defend their cause against thee And Deut. 27.17 Cursed be he saith the Lord which remoueth his neighbours mark and all the people shall say Amen Likewise verse 19. Cursed be he that hindreth the right of the straunger the fatherlesse and the widow and all the people shall say Amen Here againe call to mind the iudgement of God against king Ahab and Queene Iezabell for their cruell iniustice against Naboth Reade also Prou. chap. 22. vers 22.23 and Ierem. 22.13 c. 24.25.26 Amos 4.1 c. Micah Zephan What is the curse against such Land-lords as ioyne house to house and lay field to field that they themselues may dwell alone The Lord pronounceth a fearefull wo against all such Isa chapter 5. verses 8.9.10 Wo vnto them saith the Lord by his holy Prophet that ioyne house to house and lay field to field till there be no place that you may be placed by your selues in the midst of the earth In my hearing that is in the Prophets hearing saith the Lord of hostes Surely many houses shall be desolate euen great and faire without inhabitant For ten acres of the vineyardes shall yeeld but one Bath and the seede of an Homer shall yeeld but an Ephah What is the curse against the priuate person which practiseth theeuish deceite in some honest calling and vnder the profession of Gods true worship and religion The gathering of treasure by a deceitfull tongue saith king Salomon is vanitie tossed too and fro of them that seeke death Prouerbes chapter 21.6 Reade also Prouerbs 13.11 The riches of vanitie shall diminish And chap. 22.16 He that oppresseth the poore to increase himselfe and giueth to the rich shall surely come to pouertie Reade also chap. 20.17 Amos chapter 8.4.5 c. and Micah c. the curse threatened against those that vse false weights and sell corrupt wares for good And no maruell for the false ballances are abomination to the Lord Prou. 11.1 Reade also Zacharie chapter where note the grieuousnesse and greatnesse of the curse from the description of the greatnesse of the booke which was represented to the Prophet And note also that when vniust dealing is countenanced by lying and swearing that the theft is made the more hainous thereby And yet alas this practise is vsuall almost in euerie occupiers shop c. And therefore iustly may we feare that the grieuous curse of God is euen alreadie entring in at the doores c. A speciall iudgement of God as I haue heard it verie credibly reported fell vpon an Ostler in the citie of Norwich who fell in dispaire of Gods mercie because he had defrauded the poore trauelling horses in their allowance of hay and prouender Yea in the terrour of his conscience he thought his sin the more vnpardonable because he had iniured the pore beasts which could not complaine of the sinfull wrong done vnto them c. What is the curse against him that keepeth backe the hyred seruants wages The Lord will come neare to iudgement and be a swift witnesse against such Mal. 3.5 And Iames 5.1 many miseries shall come vpon them Reade also Deut. chap. 24.14.15 What is the curse against the seruant that practiseth deceit for his maisters aduantage In the day of the Lords sacrifice I will visit saith the Lord all those that daunce vpon the threshold so proudly vvhich fill their Maisters houses by crueltie and deceit Zephan chap. 1.9 What is the curse against him that is any way partener with a theefe though he be not the principall agent He that is partner with a theefe saith king Salomon hateth his owne soule Prou. chap. 29. verse 24. Reade also Psal 50. vers 18.19.22 Hitherto of the curse against all vniust increasing of men their owne selues with the impouerishing of others Now further as touching those that commit iniustice by their not vsing of their owne goods which they enioy as they ought to do First and formost what is the curse against the couetous and niggardly person He that maketh hast to be rich shall not be innocent Prou. 28.20 and verse 22. A man with a wicked eye hasteth to riches and knoweth not that pouertie shall come vpon him And againe chap. 21.5 But more then this No couetous person shall inherite the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 6.10 Reade also Prou. 1.19 Sed consule Tremel And Isaiah 57.17 Ezek. 22.12.13 Reade also a more generall curse Isa This is the curse of the couetous person but you haue not yet shewed the curse of the niggard What is that He that spareth more then is right surely commeth to pouertie Prou. 11.24 See more of this in the curse
vvritten of the Serpent is to be vnderstood of the Diuell vvhose instrument onely the Serpent vvas You answer truly as may euidently appeare by conference of other places of the holy Scriptures with this third of Genesis as 2. Cor. 11.3.14 and Reuela 12.3.4 and Rom. 16.20 reade also Iohn 8.44 and 1. Epistle Act. 26.18 2. Cor. 4.4 Ephes 2.2.3 Chap. 6.12 and 2. Tim. 2.26 and. 1. Pet. 5.8 and finally 2. Pet. 2.4 c. And in the Epistle of Iude the 6. verse But though Adam and Eue the first man and woman fell away from the Lord lost their first estate and pulled miserie vpon themselues what proofe haue you that it is so likewise with all their posterity In the fift Chapter of the Epistle to the Romanes verses 12.13.14 in these vvords Wherefore saith the Apostle as by one man sinne entred into the vvorld and death by sinne and so death vvent ouer all men for asmuch as all haue sinned For vnto the time of the Lavv vvas sinne in the vvorld though sinne is not imputed or rather not regarded where there is no Lavv. Also death reigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer them that sinned not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam vvho vvas a figure of him that vvas to come This place doth plainly confirme it indeed And it is iust with the Lord that it should be so no lesse then the attainder of the children of a traytour is accounted iust with men vntill the Prince of his clemency mercy shall pardon restore them The issue therefore of all is this that we haue very iust and also exceeding great cause in godly sorrow to lament and bewaile our sinne and to turne to the Lord by true repentance vtterly denying our owne wisedome which is nothing but folly and our owne righteousnesse which is meere iniustice c. if happily we might find fauour with God c. But haue we of our selues due conscience and remorse of sinne so to do Mans recouery not of himselfe We haue it not neither can vve possibly attaine vnto it vnlesse God of his free grace and mercy vouchsafe to giue it that is vnlesse he do by his word and Spirit mightily quicken and awaken our dead and drousie consciences and also mollifie our hard and stony hearts Nay rather vve blesse and thinke our selues happie in putting farre away the consideration of these things from vs euery one excusing and iustifying himselfe against God though we go on in neuer so vvicked and godlesse a course Shew some proofe of this that you say In the 17. Chapt. of Ieremie the 9. verse The heart is deciptfull and vvicked aboue all things vvho can know it I the Lord search the heart And againe Prouerbs 16.2 All the vvayes of a man are cleane in his owne eyes but the Lord pondereth the Spirits Thus therefore it is plaine and manifest euery way that naturally we neither know God nor our selues aright and that our corruption vanitie sinne and miserie is aboue all that we can conceiue so that infinite cause haue we to renounce our selues and all opinion of our owne wisdome and goodnesse so submit our selues to seeke our wisdom from the instruction of the word of God and that our hearts may be renewed by the grace of his holy Spirit and that we should pray vnto him earnestly and continually and vse all good and holy meanes appointed of God himselfe to the same end that so happily we may be blessed of him And so come we now after all former questions premised to the parts of Christian Catechisme and instruction mentioned in the beginning of this our exercise whereunto as was sayd all that hath hitherto bene discoursed hath as it were paued the way Rehearse the Law or ten Commaundements of Almighty God God spake all these vvords and sayd I am the Lord thy God c. We begin with the Law that is with the ten Commandements of Almighty God because they are that portion of Scripture which God hath specially sanctified to discouer vnto vs The Law of God detecteth sinne c. and to cause vs in and by his wisedome to see our owne folly by his holinesse our prophanesse by his righteousnesse our sinne and by our sinne our owne most iustly deserued death and damnation but not that we should peremptorily and without all bayle and maineprise as we may say be condemned but rather that we might be led to Christ Iesus thereby and so in him find wisedome holinesse righteousnesse redemption repentance and godlinesse of life here in this world and life euerlasting with all glory and happinesse hereafter in the kingdome of heauen To the which end and purpose let vs now in the feare of God trusting in his grace and in the blessed direction and comfort of his holy Spirit enter vpon the interpretation of the same the most wise holy and righteous Law of the Lord our God And yet because these words Law sinne curse repentance vertue or righteousnesse and blessing will be of often and necessary vse in this part of our exercise and therefore also necessary to be well vnderstood of all it shall be good for vs in few words to set downe the meaning of them before we come to the particular interpretation of the Commandements I aske therefore what this word Law meaneth The Lavv of God is a deuine rule or doctrine vvhich teacheth and commandeth the perfect righteousnesse of vvorkes That it is so we may perceiue by that we reade Leuit. 18.5 and Rom. 10.5 What is sinne It is the transgression of the Lavv either in deed vvord or thought neuer so litle swaruing from it So doth Saint Iohn define sin 1. Epistle chap. 3. vers 4. And Rom. 7.7 Lust is sinne And Marke 7.21 our Sauiour Christ telleth vs that wicked thoughts defile a man What is the curse of the Law which is the reward of sinne It containeth all the heauy and vvofull effects of Gods wrath that is to say all the plagues and punishments both of soule and body in this life and the euerlasting torment of hell fire in the vvorld to come This is plainly layd forth Leuit. 26. from the 14. verse and Deut. 28. from the 15. verse What sinne curse blessing c. do meane c. And Chap. 29.18.19 c. and chap. and Isaiah 30.33 and Matth. 25.41 What is repentance whereby if it be of faith the curse may be auoyded It is an vtter forsaking of all sinne proceeding of hearty sorrovv for it vvith vnfeined hatred and strife against it and a zealous following of all true godlinesse and vertue vvith constant ioy and delight therein That this is the nature of repentance reade Isaiah 1.16.17 Amos 5.15 Rom. 12.9 2. Cor. and Prouerbs chap. 21.15 It is ioy to the iust to do iudgement What is vertue or righteousnesse which is the chiefe fruit or part of repentance It is perfect
c. and chapt 35.2.3 c. Nehem. ch 10.31 chap. 13.16 and Ier. 17.21.22 Iohn 2.14 and Matth. 21.12.13 But it may be demaunded for the remouing of all doubt whether at no hand nor vpon anie necessitie it may not be lawfull to do some bodily workes vpon the Sabbath day yea some of these workes which haue alreadie bene mentioned What answere haue you learned to giue vnto this All bodily labours together vvith the thoughts consultations and speeches thereof vvhich be of present necessitie either to further the vvorship of God for our ovvne spirituall benefite or our selues to it for the glorie of God or else be presently necessarie for the bodily safetie either of our neighbour or our selues or of anie thing of good and necessarie vse belonging vnto vs or them they are all lavvfull on the Sabbath day yea though it be for the time of necessitie vvith ceassing from the publike duties of Gods vvorship so as the mind and heart be disposed as it ought to be in the doing of the same Shew further how you haue bene taught that this ought to be I meane how the heart and mind of man ought to be affected in such cases of present necessitie which enforce vs to intermit the holy duties of Gods worship vpon the Lords day We ought to be sorie for the occasion in respect of our hinderance from the worship of God which aboue all things we ought to long after and to desire but yet in respect of our neighbours necessitie ought to be heartily glad that we may be instruments of Gods prouidence for anie speciall reliefe and benefite to him And therewithall also we ought to haue care to make as speedie expedition as the necessitie will permit that we may ioyne vvith the Church of God in the most principall duties of his holy Sabbath Shew these things yet further by some instances that we may see more clearely how we are with good testimonie of our conscience to behaue our selues in these cases The occasions are more particular as thus if our neighbour for whose comfort our attendance or seruice is necessarie be for the time of Gods publike vvorship verie sore or daungerously sicke or if anie of his cattell vvhose life I may preserue be in my knovvledge vvithout my speedie helpe in speciall daunger of decay There are also more generall and publike occasions as they may fall out thus if our neighbours house be on a fire or if the enemie do vpon the Lords Sabbath make warre vpon our countrie in such cases and the like the Lord requireth mercie to our neighbour and fidelitie and fortitude for the safetie of our Prince and countrie according to the instant necessitie and not sacrifice as the holy Scriptures teach vs. It is true So we reade the testimonie of our Sauiour Christ Matth. 12.11.12 And againe Luke 6.9 Reade also chap. 13. verses 14.15.16 And againe chapter 14.5.6 And touching the like libertie in publike daungers reade 2. Kings chap. 11. And againe 2. Chron. 23. Reade also Nehem. 13.19 And 1. Maccab. 2.40.41 and chapter 9.43 c. we haue the practise of necessarie defence by warre Now which are those holy things and businesses wherein and about the which we stand charged by Gods Commandement to spend the whole day of his Sabbath as much as we may possibly attaine vnto which he calleth the sanctifying of the Sabbaths These holy businesses and duties are the religious frequenting of the holy assemblies of Gods people in the holy places thereunto appoynted and in the holy times and seasons thereof that is on the dayes of the holy Sabbath of the Lord. They are also the excercising of our selues both publikely with the rest of the congregation and priuately apart by our selues in all the holy duties and exercises of Gods holy worship both inward and outward mentioned before in the interpretation both of the first and also of the second and third Commaundement Furthermore they are the trying of our ovvne heartes and liues hovv vve proceede or go backevvard or stand at a stay in the loue and obedience of the true religion of God and accordingly in the remembrance and meditation of Gods mercie chiefly of our redemption by our Sauiour Iesus Christ and of his iudgements eyther vpon our selues or others a stirring vp and quickening of our ovvne soules either to thankefulnesse and ioy in the Lord or to godly sorrovv and repentance vvith the increases thereof in regard of our ovvne sinnes and faylings as the matter it selfe and as the seuerall occasions shall require Finally they are the speciall exercises of mutuall brotherly kindnesse and mercifull dealing both tovvardes the bodies in outvvard reliefe and also the soules of our brethren by spirituall succour of instruction conference or prayer to the vttermost of that grace and povver vvherevvith the Lord shall make euerie one of vs able from time to time You answere truely for notwithstanding the institution of these duties of Gods worship is set downe in the former Commaundement yet the speciall practise of them all is required in this fourth Commaundement which assigneth and layeth foorth vnto vs the principall times and seasons specially sanctified of God to the same end But are these holy duties so tyed and appropriated to the Lords holy Sabbaths and on the other side are we so bound to vncessant labour in the ordinarie duties of our worldly callings for the whole space of the sixe dayes of the weeke Duties commanded Libertie of Sabbath Sixe dayes labour that we be exempt and discharged from all holy dutie of Gods worship vpon those dayes We may not vnderstand the Commaundement so for as it is lavvfull for a man to do such bodily vvorkes and labours as be necessarie euen on the Sabbath day in such maner as hath bene alreadie ansvvered so yea much rather is it lavvfull yea euen the bounden dutie of all the seruants of God vpon euerie one of the sixe dayes in the vveeke to spend so much time in the holy and spirituall duties of Gods vvorship as he shall find necessarie to keepe his heart vvith God and by prayer morning and euening to commend himselfe and all his affaires and the vvhole Church of God to the continuall protection and blessing of God Further also it is lawfull yea the bounden dutie of euerie one not hindred by some necessarie let to cease his ordinarie vvorke or honest recreation or delight to heare the sermon if there be anie on the vveeke day yea to spend the vvhole day vvhen it is commaunded either for the publike fast or for a publike thankesgiuing and holy feast to the speciall honour of God according to the speciall occasion which he himselfe shall giue thereunto Hitherto of the good duties commaunded whereunto also belongeth that speciall point of the gouernours dutie mentioned in the beginning of our interpretation but because the occasion of this consideration is expresly giuen in the negatiue part of the Commaundement whereunto we
faith may be established to beleeue in Christ for your redemption touching your transgressions against this Commandement and that he is your righteousnesse in the obedience of it What proofe haue you that he hath perfectly obeyed it for you And first touching his innocency and harmlesnesse with all the vertues belonging thereunto what proofe haue you thereof We haue a full proofe of our Sauiour Christ his perfect innocency in that it is truly testified of him that euen then when he was most grieuously oppressed and prouoked by his enemies yet he did not open his mouth for so it is written He was brought as a sheepe vnto the slaughter and as the sheepe is dumbe before the shearer so opened he not his mouth Isa 53.7 And 1. Peter When he was reuiled he reuiled not againe when he suffered he threatned not c. And as touching his perfect meeknesse in obedience to God euen then vvhen he did beare the most heauy burthen of our sinnes and did drinke the bitterest cup of Gods vvrath that might be euen dregges and all it is further most faithfully testified that he did not vvith the least discontentment mutter against it but in all reuerence humbly prayeth My father if it be possible let this cup passe from me neuerthelesse not my vvill but thine be done Matth. 26.36 c. and Luke 22.42 These are indeed very sufficient proofes for if there had bene any vnaduised anger or any other bitter affection in him it would then surely haue broken foorth and vttered it selfe when he had most vehement prouocation thereunto Moses though when he liued he was the meekest man that was vpon the earth yet when he was prouoked he spake vnaduisedly at a certaine time but so did our Sauiour Christ neuer He was sometime angry indeed but with a holy anger not of impatience or vnbeleefe but for the vnbeleefe and hardnesse of heart that was in the people he together with his anger mourning for them Reade Marke 3.5 yea though his wicked aduersaries did of purpose prouoke him what they could yet were they not able to put his holy soule out of patience Luke 11.53.54 He was therefore a perfect well stayed man seeing he knew how to be angry without sinne neither offended in his tongue For if any man sinne not in word sayth the Apostle Iames he is a perfect man chap. 3.2 Thus then it is euident that our Sauiour Christ was perfectly innocent and harmelesse Hebr. 7.26 Shew likewise what proofe you haue of his perfect obedience in doing all good in shewing mercy pity and compassion and in deliuering and sauing all such as it was meete for him according to the appointment of God to succour and releeue and to deliuer and saue This is so manifest in all things recorded of him in the holy Gospell both touching his vvord and vvorkers and also touching the very thoughts and intents of his heart that it can be no more hidden then the Sunne shining in the full brightnesse of it His doctrine is a most gracious and sauing doctrine and altogether tending to settle and confirme all perfect peace both betwixt God and man and also betwixt men among themselues His vvorkes likewise vvere all vvorkes of mercy towards all sorts of impotent and diseased persons and specially toward the forlorne soules of all both sicke and vvhole poore and rich c. And finally vvhat may be added to this that in his death and by his death he hath giuen life yea euerlasting life and happinesse not onely to his friends vvhose hearts he had already won to himselfe by his most gracious and more then friendly dealing toward them but also to many of those who were yet his bitter enemies he praying most hartily for them vpon the crosse saying Father forgiue them for they knovv not vvhat they do Luke chapter 23. verse 34. Reade Matth. 4.24 and chapter 8.16.17 and chapter 15.32 and Luke 19.41 c. Reade also Matth. and chap. 18.11 What remaineth therefore but that we yeeld all worthy honour and praise to this our most blessed and perfect Sauiour Let vs therefore vnfainedly repent of all our former sinnes against this holy Commaundements of all our anger wrath bitternesse of our cursed speeches and wishes and of all our murtherous and hatefull thoughts c. And let vs labour more and more to mind speake and practise all goodnesse c. If we shall not do thus behold sinne lyeth at the doore as the Lord sayd to Caine Gen. 4.7 And as he sayth to the Iewes Ier. 7.9 Will ye murther c. and come and stand before me and say we are deliuered c. so will he say vnto vs Will ye be hatefull and wrathful will ye curse and raile will ye quarrell and fight and yet for all that thinke to find mercy with me c. Reade also Psalme 50.16 c. Keepe thou this wretched vnfaithfulnesse from vs ô Lord and graunt vs alwayes thy saluation aswell from the power of sinne as from the guiltinesse and punishment of sinne we humbly beseech thee for Christ Iesus sake that we truly worshipping and seruing thee and liuing in loue toward our brethren all our life here may liue for euer with thee in thy heauenly kingdome through the same our blessed Lord and only Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen The seauenth Commaundement is next Which is that Thou shalt not commit adultery The Lord hauing in the former Commandement prouided for the defence and cherishing of those to whom he hath already giuen life he doth in this which commeth now to hand take order for the pure and honourable propagation of mankind because otherwise by reason of the mortality of man the earth should soone be left empty and voyd at the least of an honest and godly posterity c. And besides next vnto murther this sinne of adultery hath the next place in the greatnesse of the offence This Commandement as well as the rest bindeth all estates and degrees aswell high as low Let vs now come to the interpretation And first concerning the negatiue and forbidding part What is the sinne of adultery which is here thus expresly forbidden Sinnes forbidden It is the breach of the mariage couenant either on the husbands or on the wiues part and of their parts also which breake it with them whether they be maried or vnmaried It is that sinne which is forbidden Leuit. 18. verse 20. where the Lord doth more plainely expresse what it is It is committed also if any vpon vniust diuorces marry any other while their former yoke-fellowes do liue Marke 10. verses 11.12 and Matth. 5.32 and chap. 19. verse 9. and Luke 16.18 Yea the husband committeth adultery if he take any other wife to the former though he do not put her away but keepe her still as his wife together with the other This sinne is forbidden Leuit. 18.18 Vide Tremel Iunij interpretationes annotationes Deutronomie 17.17 and chapter
liberis vt noua soboles ad Deum colendum sisccedat summae turpitudinis damnatur eorum ignauia quibus Dei memoriam aeterno silentio obruere nulla religio est vt per eos non stet quò minus intercidat Promiscuè monentur omnes operam hanc gratissimam esse Deo si nomen eius transmittere studeant ad aetates futuras to the end it may continue and as it were suruiue vs after that we be dead For as he saith further in so much as the holie Ghost layeth this as a common charge vpon all that are godlie minded that they be diligēt in teaching their children to the end a new of-spring may succeede in the practise of Gods worship most shamefull is their lubberishnesse who are so profane that they care not though the memoriall of God be for euer suppressed and that for any thing they will do it should be so farre from continuance that it should vtterly fall away And Psal 78. vpon the 5. and 6. verses he doth likewise very worthilie obserue that from these wordes of the Psalme God hath commanded that fathers should teach their childrē That the posteritie might know his Law the children which shold be borne should stand vp and declare it to their children c. All saith he are generallie aduertised that they performe a dutie most acceptable to God whosoeuer do carefullie indeuour to set ouer his name that is to make him trulie knowne to the ages to come Finally as touching the last point of the answer that is concerning the blessing of God following this carefull indeuour read Deut. 28.1 c. 14. Read also Psal 67. and Iohn 9.31.1 Tim. 4.8 There are many such like testimonies And on the cōtrarie for Gods curse vpon the neglect hereof reade againe Deut. 28. verses 15.16 c. Psal 78. from the 8. ver There are likewise many other such like places of holie Scripture Yea examples also of Gods fearefull iudgements 2. King chap. 2.23.24 and chap. 17. of the same booke And Psal 106.37.38 c. But these for the present shall suffice Let vs now proceede Which are the parts or most generall heads and grounds of Christian Catechisme They are these two the morall Law or ten Commandements of almightie God and the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ It is true for the morall Law or ten Commandements they are a brief sum of the old Testament in so much as the ceremoniall and iudiciall lawes of God are but as it were appendices or appurtenances to those which are morall The parts And the Gospell that is to say the glad tidings of saluation containing the Articles of our Christian faith it is as one may say an abridgement of the New Testament Whereunto belongeth the doctrine of the Sacraments which are as signes and seales annexed to the Gospell c. We begin with the Law of God not that we hold it the only right and necessarie course of Catechising For God as it pleaseth him doth somtime enlighten call and renew those that be his not by humbling or casting them down at the first as he did Saul as we reade of Martin Luther c. by the terrors of the law in the sight of their sinnes and of that horrible damnation and vengeance due to the same but by giuing them notwithstanding they are grieuous sinners a comfortable sight and sweet tast and feeling in the apprehension of his rich and tender mercies touching forgiuenesse of sinnes through Iesus Christ And accordingly is the doctrine diuersly fitted and disposed in the holie Scriptures themselues For sometime the instruction proceedeth from the discouery of sinne of the corruption of nature as God dealeth with Adā in the beginning our Sauiour Christ with Nicodemus in the Gospell Paul in his Epistle to the Romans sometime from the blessings as God with Abraham and Paul to the Ephesians somtime from the curse as Iacob with his sonnes at his death sometime frō both iointlie and expresly as Leuit. chap. 26. and Deut. chap. 27 and chap. 28. or at the least inclusiuely as Iohn the Baptist our Sauiour Christ Repent amend for the kingdome of God is at hand Neuerthelesse let vs wisely marke we shall see that which way soeuer God giueth an entrance into his kingdome either by terrour or by comfort yet he doth afterward schoole and nourture them both wayes he sometime laying to their consciences the greatnesse of their sinnes and iust deserued miserie by the rebukes of the Law so driueth them to Christ the comfortes of the Gospell then againe from Christ in whom their soules are refreshed to more care and conscience of better dutie then before in obedience to Gods Law least comfort should hide it selfe and trouble and discomfort should returne more vncomfortably then before So that we our selues shall finde by experience that there is a continuall and necessarie vse successiuelie both of the law and also of the Gospell Questions preparatorie to the Law partly because of the dulnesse hardnesse of our hearts least we should waxe wanton against the Lord and profane his mercies and partly because of the weakenesse of our faith and failings in repentance least we should be driuen to dispaire of Gods mercy beholding the strictnesse and perfection of his glorious iustice And yet seeing humiliation by the Law is for the ordinarie course more fit for vs howsoeuer the ioy of the Gospell is more agreeable to the bountie of Gods grace and mercie and seeing Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance therefore saith Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden therefore let vs hold our purpose to make our entrance into the doctrine of Catechisme from the law The reason whereof shal yet further appeare hereafter yet so as by the grace of God we will neuer be contentious herein In the meane while let vs consider of the answers to certaine questions profitable to prepare the way thereunto as also to the whole doctrine of Catechisme I demaunde therfore first what euerie one of vs ought both first of all in order of time as most necessarie and chiefly also as being most worthy aboue all other things to seeke and labour after all the dayes of this short and transitorie life of ours Rightly to know beleeue loue feare serue and worship God in Christ Iesus to the glorifying of his name in this present euill world that we may be glorified of him and with him for euer in his heauēly kingdome in the world to come Mat. 6.33 For so is the cōmandemēt of our Sauiour Christ Iohn 17.3 First seeke ye the kingdome of God his righteousnesse And againe This is life eternall to know thee the onelie true God and him whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Haue we such knowledge good dispositiō as you speake of by our owne naturall inclination No for it is written The naturall man
plainly be gathered frō these Scriptures following in the which these things are opposed to all idols and to euery carnall inuention and doctrine of man Ezod 23.13 Deut. c. Isa 40.21 c. 31. and chap. c. and Ier. Zach. Hosh 14.8.9 Ephraim what haue I to do with idols sayth the Lord c. Reade also Acts 17.23.24 c. Here call to mind againe Isa 29.13 Math. 15.9 Mar. 7.5 c. And verily no wise man can thinke but Gods owne creatures and the works which he hath wrought in the nature of al things are more liuely representatiōs of his eternal Godhead of his diuine power wisedome iustice mercy c. then the worke of any artificiall workmā whose worke is but a weake imperfect imitatiō of nature neither can he make so much as a shadow of the soule life vitall power or motion of any creature c. The more also the senses are caried after dumbe pictures and dead images the lesse groweth the care of reading and hearing of the liuely Scriptures themselues according as we see plainly in the Church of Rome that by this meanes the diuell preuailed both to suppresse the holy Scriptures of God and to bring in their owne lying Legends to confirme their owne false worship and all their lying doctrines Touching the second part of this answere reade Math. 4.10 and Psalme 95.6 What our mutuall care ought to be herein reade Psal Isa 2.3 Micah 4.1 Zeph. 3.9.10 What the care of the Prince and ciuill Magistrate ought to be consider from the example of Iosh chapter 24. and from the example of the godly Kinges of Iudah reade Deut. 17. verse 18. c. What the care of the maister of the familie ought to be consider from the example of Abraham Gen. 18. verse 19. and of Iaacob Gen. 35.1 c. Concerning the publicke place of Gods worship reade Leuit. 19.30 and chap. 26.2 and Deut. c. The like is to be considered concerning euery place of Gods worship appointed for the assembling of Gods people It is necessary also to this end that the Ministers of the word should haue meete maintenance and that there should be schooles of learning appointed for the trayning vp of scholers in good learning for the preparing of meete men for the holy Ministerie of the word in so much as God doth not ordinarily giue his gifts but by ordinary meanes Reade Deut. and 2. Chron. c. Nehem. 1. Cor. c. Gal. Reade also 2. Kings 2.3 verses 15.16 1. Tim. 3.15 For the third part of the answere reade Deut. 4.15 verse 23. chap. 7.3.4 verse 25. and chap. 11.16 chap. 12. verse 13. and verse 30. and chap. For the proofe of the fourth part reade Pro. 2.20 and chapter 13.20 The danger of fellowship with idolaters Dauid well saw when he complaineth as we reade 1. Sam. 26.19 And therupon also it is that on the other side he maketh so precious reckening of the fellowship and cōmunion of the godly Psa c. and of the place and exercises of Gods pure worship Psa c. and Psal 27.4 and 42.1 c. and Psal 84. and 122.1.2 Reade also Psa 73.27.28 and Psa 119. verse 79. Acts. 2.46.47 Hebr. For the fift part reade Exod. chap. 23 verse 24. Deut. 7.25.26 and cha Herein those noble Kings of Iuda Hezekiah and Iosiah they are right Princely patterns to all Christian Kings and Princes And for the zeale of the Ministers of the Gospell how great it ought to be against idolatry and false worship whom may we rather take for examples then the holy Prophets of God and Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ For the last part reade Rom. 14. and chap. 15.1.2 and 1. Cor. 6.12.13 and chap. 8. and chap. 10.23 c. Reade also Gal. 5.1 c. By the which Scriptures we may euidētly perceiue that their speech is ouer loose shallow who make humane lawes to ouerrule the cōscience to dissolue take away the consideration of those circumstāces which the word of God in such cases requireth to be religiously respected But which are the duties of Gods true outward worship whereby his spirituall seruice and worship is to be manifested and declared in the open profession and practise of it such as God requireth to be in perpetuall vse amongst Christians They are the publike preaching and administration reading hearing and receyuing of the word and Sacraments ioyned with confession of sinnes prayer thankesgiuing singing of Psalmes execution of the iust censures of the Church discipline as the occasion requireth in that holy and christian communion of Saints whereunto God hath called hoth the Ministers of his word and also the rest of his people in their seuerall congregations and the priuate prayers and thankesgiuings with reading of the holy Scriptures conferences Catechisings and singing of Psalmes in euerie Christian familie by the gouernours thereof their children and seruants according to the course of their priuate gouernement and the prayers and thankesgiuings of euery member of the family apart by himselfe according to their particular occasions and oportunities both when he sitteth downe and when he riseth vp from meate when he lyeth downe and riseth from his bed when he iournieth abrode and when he returneth home when he falleth sicke and vvhen he recouereth his health These are the essentiall duties of Gods outward vvorship both publike and priuate whereunto we are to adde their accidents or adioyntes Which are they Reuerend and religious outward behauiour in all these holy actions and namely in the confession of sinnes and prayer the vncouering of the heade the bowing of the knees or rising vp if a man be set downe holding vp the hands lifting vp the eyes to heauen with holy and reuerent boldnesse of our faith in the mercies of God or on the contrarie looking dovvne to the earth or couering the face or striking on the breast or some other vvay in seemely manner euen vvith teares sometimes as the case may require declaring thereby our godly sorrovv and anger against our selues for our sinnes as also fasting ioyned vvith extraordinarie humiliation by speciall confession of sinnes and prayer and fasting ioyned with speciall thankesgiuing according to the exāples and practise of the seruants of God yea euen of whole Churches and congregations of his people layd before vs in the holy Scriptures to the same end It is so for these as one may terme them are a kind of morall ceremonies common and perpetuall both to the Iewes and Gentiles and to all zealous and reuerend worshippers of God from the beginning of the world and so shall be to the end of the same if there be no such necessarie impediment or let which in good discretion may hinder that particular practise for a season or because of some
Abraham as the holy storie plentifully reporteth seeing he was a true worshipper of him c. reade 2. Chron. 20.7 Isa ch 4.18 But in the reason of the commandement which are the words of the curse against Idolaters They are these For I the Lord thy God mighty and iealous do visite the iniquitie of the Fathers vpon the Children vpon the third generation and vpon the fourth on such as hate me What meaneth the Lord when he saith he will visite the iniquitie of the fathers on the children His meaning is that he will seuerely punish this grieuous sin of Idolatrie God indeede doth not visite and make inquisition for sin in vaine but finding it he taketh vengeance of it as we may obserue his proceeding against Sodome and Gomorrha and the cities adioyning Gen. 18.20.21 and chapter 19.23 Read the 1. chapter of Zephaniah where the threatning of the punishment is ioyned with the visitation and search for sinne diuerse times in that chapter And the Lord professeth himselfe specially wroth as we see in this place against this sinne of Idolatrie which he accounteth a spiritual and most filthie fornication Remember againe Ezechiel chapter 16. chap. 8.15 and Iosh 24.19.20 The Curse Yea let vs marke in reading of the holy Scriptures we shall find that the Lord is not more often nor more earnest against anie sinne then against this of Idolatrie Read Deut. 27 15. EZek. 14.34.5 ch 8. vers both secret and open which is the peruerting of his whole true religion as hath bene answered in our entrance vpon the interpretation of this commandement What is the punishment and curse which God threateneth Vnquietnesse and turmoile of conscience with many bodily calamities here in this world and after this life euerlasting and most wofull destruction both of bodie and soule in the world to come if it be not preuented by true repentance Reade Psal 16.4 Isa and chap. 8 21.22 ch 16.12 and chap. 47.11.12 c. against the Babylonians and chap. 57.10 c. 20.21 against the Israelites And Hosh 8.7.8 chap. 10.15 1. Corinthians 6.9 1. Peter and Reuel 22.15 But why doth God call Idolaters haters of him seeing they say they do that which they do of singular loue deuotion and zeale which they beare vnto him Because Idolaters can no more loue God in truth then the adulterous woman can loue her husband howsoeuer she speaketh him faire and flattereth with her lippes This indeede doth the Lord giue all Idolaters plainely to vnderstand if they had grace to see But that we may hast forward the threatening as we see is not made against Idolaters themselues onely but also against their children and posteritie to the third and fourth generation Is not this vnequal thinke you that God should punish the children from one generation to another for the fathers offences It is rather of wonderfull mercie that he doth so graciously limite and restraine the curse seeing he might iustly withdraw his grace from the whole posteritie of the Idolaters as from an illegitimate and bastardly seede seeing he hath asmuch as in him lyeth made the condition of the couenant of this spirituall mariage vtterly voyd and frustrate Yea and herein also doth the wonderfull mercie of God more clearely vtter it selfe because he doth not so cast off the next generations of the idolaters but whosoeuer of them will forsake the sinne of their fathers and be true worshippers of him they shall not onely be accepted themselues but the couenant also shall in them be renewed to their children and posteritie for euer whosoeuer among them shall abide faithfull therein Reade Ezek. chap. 18.1 c. to the end and chap. reade also Psal 78.4 c. 7.8 and Ier. 3.1 Hosh 3. Here therefore is wonderfull mercie indeede And further also the verie curse it selfe serueth to exceeding gracious purpose that is both to feare parents from idolatrie euen for that loue they ought to beare to their posteritie welfare of their children both in soule and body and also to withdraw children from the example of their idolatrous parents which is for them a verie daungerous inducement to idolatrie and so to the vtter vndoing of all that should come of them to the third and fourth generation by a pitifull interruption of the course of Gods mercies toward them But all this concerneth those children that liue to come to knowledge What is to be said of those children of Idolaters which dye before they can discerne of the Idolatries of their forefathers shall all such be condemned They are doubtlesse in a feareful estate neuerthelesse we must in feare and reuerence leaue the secret iudgements of God to himselfe who will in due time shew himselfe most righteous in all his vvayes So said Moses Deut. 29.29 Secret things belong to the Lord our God c. Yet thus far may we be in good hope that notwithstanding they are cut off from the benefite of the couenant of the Law which is not made to thousands but vpon condition of the childrens faithfulnes in their generations after the example of their godly parents some of them may be saued through the grace of that couenant which was made to Abraham according to the free electiō of God in Christ Iesus before this couenant of the Law was made and which is established vpon better promises Heb. 8.6 Hitherto of the curse against the transgressors of this Commandement which as was said is the first part of the reason The Blessing the second part followeth In what words is that contained In these For I the Lord thy God do shew mercie vnto thousands to such as loue me and keepe my commandements What is that mercie which the Lord will shew them He will blesse them with all blessings of this life so farre as shall be good for them but more specially he will giue them abundance of true spirituall comfort here in this world and euerlasting happinesse and glorie in the kingdome of heauen Yea he will bestow these mercies not onely vpon themselues but also vpon their posteritie to a thousand generations That is euen to the worlds end and for euer and euer Reade Deut. ● 9. and Psal 105.8 So great is the largenesse of Gods most gracious couenant to all that truely loue God in dutifull and thankefull regard of his most tender as it were mariage loue toward them and in loue as a fruite thereof do purely and chastly worship him and keepe his commandements For the loue of God in vs is the immediate roote and fountaine of all our obedience euen as his loue toward vs and the sweetnesse thereof apprehended and felt in our harts by faith is the original first cause of our loue to him But shall all the posteritie of the true worshippers of God be thus blessed and saued without exception No but they onely which keepe couenant with the Lord following the
and be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you These are most comfortable gracious blessings whose heart may they not worthily allure to enter into this course of true wisedome glorie and happinesse whosoeuer haue anie sparke of grace and true wisedome in them But alas it may be said that in so much as the Law promiseth not any blessing but vpon condition of perfect obedience and seeing we are all yea euen they that haue receiued greatest grace greatly behind and much failing therein that we say nothing of those that are so farre from the course both of speech and life here commanded that they reioyce in wickednesse thinke themselues to remember God the better when they sweare and rap out all the othes they can thinke on and condemne the obedience of this commandement as too great precisenesse and to be an hypocriticall holinesse c. what shall we say for our reliefe against those so great discomforts Though our failings yea though our rebellions haue bene great against this holy Commandement so as we may iustly look to meete with the curses and not to haue our part in any of the blessings yet Gods mercie in Christ Iesus is greater then our sins and his bloud shall wash away both them and the guiltinesse of them not onely from the eye of Gods iustice but also from the accusation and prickings of our owne consciences if we shall truly beleeue in his name that he hath satisfied for these our sins and fulfilled this part of obedience for vs and if we shall heartily repent and be henceforth more carefull both with the words of our mouthes and also in the actions of our liues to glorifie the name of God then hitherto we haue bene This is our onely comfort indeed according to that gracious promise of our Sauiour Christ Matth. 12.31.32 But what proofe haue you that Christ hath not onely satisfied for these our sinnes but also hath fulfilled the righteousnesse and obedience of this Commandement for vs so as the Lord will be moued for his sake to forgiue our sinnes and to accept and to blesse our vnperfect and vnworthie obedience Our Sauiour Christ himselfe Our Sauiour Christs perfect obedience for vs vvho is most faithfull and true giueth a plentifull vvitnesse of it in the 17. chapter of the Gospell vvritten by his holy Euangelist Saint Iohn The whole Chapter is notable to this purpose being a most heauenly prayer of our Sauiour Christ to his and thorough him our heauenly Father for his whole Church and people But let vs heare the principall words tending to this end In the 4. verse our Sauiour Christ saith thus I haue glorified thee on earth I haue finished the vvorke vvhich thou gauest me to do And verse 6. I haue declared thy name vnto the men vvhich thou gauest me out of the vvorld thine they vvere and thou gauest them me and they haue kept thy vvord And verse 11.12 And novv am I no more in the vvorld but these are in the vvorld and I come vnto thee Holy Father keepe them in thy name euen them vvhome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as vve are While I vvas in the vvorld I kept them in thy name those vvhome thou gauest me I haue kept c. And verses 15.16.17 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the vvorld but that thou keep them from euill They are not of the vvorld as I am not of the vvorld Sanctifie them vvith thy truth thy vvord is truth And the last verse of the chapter I haue declared to them thy name and vvill declare it that the loue vvherevvith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them Here indeed we see a plentifull proofe of our Sauiour Christ his perfect obedience in glorifying the name of God by his perfect preaching and publishing of it according to his office and calling and that also euen from the beginning to the end of the time thereof vers 4.6.26 Secondly we haue a testimonie of our iustification in Christ through his obedience in the end of the 6. verse and verses 11.12 where also we see how carefull he was ouer his Disciples to keepe them in obedience to God and that his name should not be dishonoured by them Thirdly Our vnperfect obedience is for Christs sake accepted of God our Sauiour Christ prayeth for the increase of our sanctification and obedience according to the will of God and therein giueth to vnderstand that God accepteth the obedience of his seruants though it be still vnperfect Reade also a testimonie of our Sauiour Christ his glorifying of the name of God and of our iustification in him Hebrewes Finally what his generall care of glorifying the name of God call to mind from his doctrine Matth. 5.16 and verses Yea his whole doctrine is a most ample full declaration of it Reade also Iohn chapter and chapter 8.49.50 Nothing remaineth therefore but that we placing our trust and beliefe in the mercies of our God in the name of Christ repenting of our sinnes do carefully and in godly maner labour to increase dayly in righteousnesse and holinesse to the glorifying of his name nothing doubting but that thus we shall be plentifully blessed of him though not for the worthines therof yet for the honour of his owne name and the praise of his rich mercies to whome be all praise and honour for euer and euer Amen And thus come we to the fourth Commandement the last of that great commandement of almightie God contayned in the first Table Rehearse the words of the fourth Commandement Remember the Sabbath day to keepe it holy Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all thy worke But the seuenth day is a Sabbath to the Lord thy God see that neither thou do anie worke therein nor thy sonne c. For in sixe dayes c. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it This fourth Commandement concerning the speciall time of Gods worship hath some neare affinitie with the second which commandeth a speciall place to the same end and therfore they are sometimes in one common charge linked together Leuit. 19.30 and chap. 26.3 Neuerthelesse it requireth a speciall practise of all the former commandements of this first table and the seuerall duties thereof both inward outward priuate and publike to the perfecting of the entire and whole practise of Gods worship Yea it requireth also a speciall practise of all duties of loue to our neigbour both generall in affection and meditation and particular in action as the occasions shall require Diuers wayes distinguished from euery other Commandement And finally it is both the schoole-time and as it were the nurcerie of all godlinesse and vertue to be practised in the whole course of our liues and also the market or fayer day of our soules wherein the Lord doth in
shall dye the death Whosoeuer worketh therein the same person shall be cut off from among his people And againe Whosoeuer dath any worke in the Sabbath day shall dye the death Exod. chap. Of this part of Gods iustice the Magistrate was his instrument There are other curses which God threateneth to bring vpon the breakers of his Sabbath more immediatly from his owne hand Which are they In the 17. Chapter of Ieremie verse 27. Thus sayth the Lord If ye vvill not heare me to sanctifie the Sabbath day and not to beare a burthen nor to go through the gates of Ierusalem on the Sabbath day then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof and it shall deuour the pallaces of Ierusalem and it shall not be quenched A grieuous iudgement of God and that which may point vs to the cause of the often burnings that we heare off and see among our selues euen because the Sabbaths of the Lord are so greatly profaned c. The Curses But let vs go forward What is the curse against those who notwithstanding they will peraduenture do no bodily worke or make their market on the Sabbath day yet their hearts runne after their earthly profit and gaine neither regard they to exercise mercy but rather deale hardly against their poore brethren Heare this sayth the Prophet Amos chapter 8. verse 4. O ye that swallovv vp the poore that ye may make the needy of the land to faile Saying vvhen vvill the nevv Moone be gone that vve may sell corne and the Sabbath that vve may sell foorth vvheate and make the Epha small and the shekell great and falsifie the weights by deceipt That we may buy the poore with siluer and the needy for a paire of shoes that is for a matter of small price for litle or nothing as we say yea and sell the refuse of vvheate The Lord hath sworne by the excellency of Iaacob that is to say by himselfe surely I will neuer forget any of his workes Shall not the land tremble for this and euery one mourne that dwelleth therein This iudgement also is very grieuous and fearefull as the Prophet still prosecuteth it to the end of the Chapter shewing that these euill fruites arise from the contempt of the word and the preaching thereof which is as it were the life of the Sabbath Reade also Nehem. chap. 13.17.18 The prophaning of the Sabbath is the ruine both of the Church and common-wealth Hitherto of the doctrine of this Commandement The vse is yet behind haue you perfectly obeyed it No but I beseech God of his infinite mercy to forgiue me my manyfold and grieuous transgressions against it God of his infinite mercie pardon and forgiue vs all for as often as we examine our selues we shall euerie one find that we both are and haue beene grieuous transgressors of it c. Now therefore seeing our onely succour against our owne sinnes and against the curses thereof together with all our hope of blessing resteth in our Sauiour Christ alone Christ onely hath perfectly obeyed it shall be greatly for the comfort and confirmation of our faith to see some proofe and confirmation out of the word of God that he hath perfectly obeyed this Law of God for vs. What proofe can you alledge for it The whole history of his Gospell doth manifestly and verie plentifully confirme it vnder the vndoubted testimony of all the Euangelists Shew how that is It is euident not onely that they do all and specially Marke and Luke diligently set downe and record in holy vvrit his most holy and constant labour in the preaching of the Gospell vpon the Sabbath dayes for the instructing of the soules of men in the right way of their saluation and therewithall likewise how vpon the same dayes he exercised his spirituall workes of mercy towards the bodies of all sorts of impotent and diseased men yea towards both bodies and soules of such as were wholly possessed and vexed by Diuels But also it is euident by that more particular testimony of the Euangelist Luke concerning his most holy care euen from his childhood to resort to the places of Gods vvorship in the speciall times thereof to vvorship God and to heare and inquire of the doctrine of his word at the mouthes of those which were the Doctors and teachers thereof as we reade 2. Luke from the 42. verse to the end of the Chapter So indeed we reade there that when he was twelue yeares old he went vp to Ierusalem c. But much more when he came to mans age and that he was to manifest himselfe to Israel c. It is plentifully testified that he most carefully and perfectly sanctified the Sabbath dayes By him therefore are we redeemed from the curse of this Law and iustified in the sight of God By him also if we beleeue in his name and repent of our sinnes indeuoring more and more after the true sanctifying of the Sabbath the Lord will accept our obedience though it be vnperfect yea and he will for Christs sake interesse vs in all those promises which he hath made to all such as will haue care to sanctifie them as they ought to do The perpetuity of the Sabbath though they cannot fully attaine thereunto here in this life But what particular ground or proofe of Scripture may we haue for this Euen the same which vvas alledged before out of the 9. chap. of Iohn the 31. verse that God vvill heare euery man that is not a sinner but is a vvorshipper of God and indeuoureth to do his will This one place may well serue to either purpose c. And thus might we ende the whole doctrine and vse of this fourth Commandement saue that the vnaduised contradiction of some doth occasion a further businesse as though the Sabbath that is the sanctifying of euery seauenth day were nothing but a meere Iewish ceremony But we will vse as quicke speed as may be in the rehearsall of this point What is the summe of that which hath bene said and which ought to be firmely held of vs against that opinion assertion which is against the Sabbath We haue learned that the Sabbath cannot be truly sayd to haue bene at any time a meere ceremony but that it hath alwayes bene and so is still a morall and vnremoueable Commandement of God We haue learned also that neither our Sauiour Christ himselfe nor hic Apostles haue abrogated nor euer minded to abrogate the Lords Commandement touching the Sabbath but they haue firmely confirmed and established it What proofe haue you that our Sauiour Christ neuer minded to abrogate the Sabbath seeing that it may seeme that he both taught and practised a greater libertie then the Law permitteth He himselfe speaking of the vvhole morall Law and of the doctrine of the Prophets who were the true and faithfull interpreters thereof saith professedly that he came not to destroy it or any part of it but wholly to
friendship commeth into no reckening before the Lord One carnall friend hath his recompence with another Good holdeth himselfe no debter to either of them A proofe whereof we haue in the place a litle before alledged Luke 14.12 And againe chapter If you loue them that loue you what thanke shall ye haue for euen sinners loue them that loue them c. God will no more recompence carnal friendship then vain-glorious almes c. They therefore that be truly wise will auoide such wast and lost workes they will not worke thus for naught seeing the Lord hath prepared so many blessed workes for vs to walke in Euery worke is lost labour which God doth not vndertake to blesse and reward But godly friendship no doubt is a vertue to the which the blessing of God belongeth The blessing of those that are louing and kind not onely to their godly friends but euen to their enemies also in readinesse to forgiue them and in their need to helpe them c. the blessing I say of these is yet behind What proofe haue you that God will blesse such It followeth in the same place of Luke chapter 6. verse 35. wherefore sayth our Sauiour Christ loue ye your enemies and do good and lend looking for nothing againe and your reward shall be great and ye shall be the children of the most high for he is kind to the vnkind and to the euill Be ye therefore mercifull as your father also is mercifull Reade also Prouerbs 25.21.22 If he that hateth thee be hungry giue him bread c. The Lord will recompence thee But in the place of Luke our Sauiour Christ doth most liuely set forth the excellency of this dutie in the sight of God by the blessing which he assureth vs to belong vnto it And verily the Lord will be so much the more carefull in that case to make recompence not onely because all kindnesse to such is most vnthankefully accepted at their hands but chiefly because the children of God do in this duty most of all deny themselues yea because herein they haue the greatest victory ouer themselues Hitherto both of the interpretation and also of the equity and of the curse and now last of all of the blessing belonging to this Commandemnt The vse is yet behind Haue you perfectly obeyed this holy righteous Comandement of God that is haue you bene so perfectly meeke patient peaceable c. and haue you bene so helpefull euery way to euery body yea euen to those whom you take to be your enemies Euery one of vs is a damnable transgressor that you may perswade your selfe to be out of the daunger of the curse and that you may reioyce in the hope of the blessing of this Commandement for any worthinesse thereof No but contrariwise I find my selfe to be by nature cruelly and spitefully minded for vpon euery occasion I am easily prouoked to anger and to reuiling speeches quarelling and fighting I am very apt to wish euill and to seeke reuenge either openly or priuately against all that I imagine to do me the least wrong and therefore I must needs acknowledge my selfe to be so farre from the blessing of this Commaundement that the curse is due to me yea I am already vnder it saue that I trust God vvill for Christ Iesus sake haue mercy vpon me and forgiue me my sinnes It is true both concerning your selfe and euery one of vs. The Scripture saith not in vaine The spirit which is in vs lusteth after enuie Iames 4.5 Reade also the beginning of the same Chapter And to this purpose let vs marke and we shall perceiue that when the Spirit of God mindeth to set out the corruption of our nature as he doth oftentimes in his holy Scriptures he standeth much vpon this point to describe how exceeding cruell and reuengefull we are euen resembling the Diuell by whom we are peruerted who was himselfe a murtherer from the beginning Reade Isaiah chapter 1.15 Your hands are full of bloud that is of cruelty And chapter 11.6 we are in our naturall corruption compared to the Wolfe Leopard Lyon Beare Aspe Cock-atrise And chapter 59.3 Your hands are defiled with bloud c. And the like Psalme 14.3.4 and Ro. 3.10 c. Yea we thinke it great reason that we may boldly giue euery man as good as they bring that is that we may lawfully reuenge our selues to the vttermost c. We see how little children will striue to giue the last stroke or tap And touching the strength of this sinne we haue a liuely patterne in Lamech Genesis 4.23.24 Heare my voice c. I would slay a man for my greater wound and a young man for my lesser hurt It is euident therefore that vnlesse we find redemption and iustification by our Sauiour Christ we cannot but perish for euer in these our sinnes And this we are the rather to obserue in this Commandement because our cruelties and bloudy sinnes are not otherwise washed away but by the bloud of our Sauiour Christ and by his induring of all cruell and hard dealings at the hands of men and all seuerity of punishment from the hand of God for our sakes For without bloud there is no remission of sinnes Heb. 9.22.23 c. Yea note that as the height of our sinfull corruption appeareth generally against vs all in this that both Iewes and Gentiles conspired in most cruell and despitefull maner to put our Sauiour Christ the Lord of life and glory to a most reprochfull and cursed death so on the contrary the infinite perfection of Gods mercy shineth foorth most brightly in so much as he hath appointed that to be the onely meanes of our eternall redemption and saluation which alone in his iustice might haue bene as the broade seale of our euerlasting condemnation according to that we reade Mathew 22.33.34 c. And againe Luke chap. 20. verse 9. c. Wonderfull therefore is this mercy of our God whereby the bloud of our Sauiour Christ speaketh better things for vs then the bloud of Abell did against Caine Hebrewes chapter 12. verse 24. For this bloud cleanseth vs from all sinne 1. Iohn chapter 1.7 Yet so as if we would haue forgiuenesse of murther with Dauid of hatred with Iosephes brethren of persecution with Paule c. we must repent with them in godly sorrow for the same or any other our sinnes in the same kind against this holy Commandement Yea further we must labour not onely to be harmelesse but more and more to be helpefull to the preseruation and comfort of life c. For the power of our Sauiour Christ his death to the mortifying of sinne and to the quickening of vs vnto newnesse of life goeth alwayes with the merite and worthinesse of his death to take away the guiltinesse of sinne c. Who was more tender hearted then Paule after he was conuerted c. Our Sauiour Christs perfect obedience for vs. But that your
disease or other and namely with that which is called the French pockes which vsually waiteth vpon it Yea it meeteth vvith a generall wasting both of the vvhole bodily and worldly substance and vvith an vntimely and wretched death Finally no adulterer shall inherite the kingdome of God but they shall haue their portion together in that lake which burneth vvith fire and brimstone for euer in hell That temporall death is the punishment of adulterie by the ciuill ordinance of God reade Leuit. 20.10 and Deut. 22.22 And for the practise of other nations reade Genes 26.10.11 and chap. 39. and Ezek. chap. 16.36 c. and chapter 23.10 and Ierem. 29.22.23 Concerning other punishments and curses from the hand of God we reade oftentimes in the Prouerbs and in many other places of the holy Scriptures Finally touching euerlasting destruction both of bodie and soule 1. Cor. 1.6.9 Reuel 21.8 and chap. 22.15 Hebr. 13.4 The same eternall destruction belongeth also to the incestuous person and to those that commit the sinnes against nature as in the same place of the Apostle to the Corinthians The lawes also of our own nation agreable to the Law of God do punish buggerie and rauishment by death And further also by our law the carnall knowledge of any woman-child vnder ten yeares of age is fellonie and so death to him that defloureth her though the child should giue consent And likewise also God hath commaunded all those abhominable sinnes to be punished with temporall death in the ciuill course of iustice among his people as appeareth in the 20. chapter of Leuiticus and in diuerse other places Genes chapter 28. reade how God by his owne hand punished Onans sinne The like indignation he beareth against all selfe defilements Moreouer God commaundeth the fornication of the maid found with child by another after mariage as also the fornication of the espoused person to be punished by death Deuteronomy 22.20 c. These things thus considered let vs now go forward What is the curse of God against the transgression of the law of mariage by taking more wiues the none which is also a sinne against this Commandement as hath bene shewed It is no doubt in it selfe without the mercie of God a damnable sinne seeing it is a kind of adulterie and God hath from the beginning alwayes punished it with much disquietnesse and vexations in the families vvhere it hath bene entertained Reade Genesis 4.23.24 Yea we may see it in the family of Abraham and of Iaakob Genesis chapter 16. and chapter 29. and chapter 30. And also 1. Samuel 1. Contrariwise Isaak liued a more sweete and comfortable life with his onely wife Rebecca for that he kept both himselfe and his loue entire vnto her Genes 24.67 Now which is the curse against fornication committed betwixt single persons Albeit the Lord doth not iudge it with so heauie a temporall punishment as he doth adulterie yet he shutteth the very fornicator aswell as the adulterer yea the vvanton bodie also and filthie talker out of his heauenly kingdome 1. Corinth 6.9 and Ephes 5.4 c. So indeede we reade it plainely expressed in those places And concerning temporall punishment reade Exodus 22.16.17 and Deuteronomy 22.28.29 Leuiticus chapter it is such as when it was in practise did sufficiently fray all well disposed persons from this sinne beside the feare of the eternall punishment of hell What is the curse against intemperance in eating and drinking King Salomon doth notably lay it forth in the 23. chapter of his Prouerbs verse 21. The drunkard and the glutton shall be poore and the sleeper shall be clothed vvith ragges And then verses 29.30 To vvhom is vvo saith he to vvhom is sorrovv to vvhom is strife to vvhom is murmuring to vvhom are vvounds vvithout cause to vvhome is the rednesse of the eyes Euen to them that tarrie long at the vvine and so forth to the end of the chapter And our Sauiour Christ Luke 21.34 Take heede to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed vvith surfetting and drunkennesse and cares of this life and least that day that is the day of the last iudgement come on you at vnawares Reade also Isa The curses of this sinne are banishment and famine in this life and euerlasting destruction in hell Reade also verse 22. And likewise Amos 6. Chapter 1. c. What is the curse against the curious pride wanton nicenesse of women in apparell with immodest curling and laying out of the haire c In the 3. chapter of the Prophecie of Isaiah verse 17. c. The Lord saith he vvill make the heads of such bald and that he vvill discouer their secret parts he vvill take avvay all their ornaments wherein they delight and pride themselues And in steade of svveete sauour saith the Lord by his holy Prophet there shall be stinke and in steade of a girdle a rent and in steade of dressing of the haire baldnesse and in steade of a stomacher a girding of sackecloth and burning in steade of beautie Finally the svvord famine miserie and all outvvard calamitie This is the curse of vaine and proud women What is the curse against the vanitie and pride of men in the same abuse In the Prophesie of Zephaniah chap. 1.18 In the day of the Lords sacrifice as saith the Prophet he vvill visite the princes and the kings children and all such as are clothed vvith strange apparell That is to say such as are full of the maners and fashions of other nations Isa 2.6 What is the curse of adulterous thoughts and motions if they be in the least measure consented vnto The curse and punishment of them is hell fire Mat. 5.29.30 And besides all they that striue not against thoughts and motions vnto vncleanenesse do at one time or other fall into the actions of vncleanenesse themselues and so all the former curses alreadie rehearsed take hold of them We haue seene it before in the example of king Dauid and therefore it is that he prayeth so earnestly Create in me a cleane heart ô God c. Psalm 51. Daily experience confirmeth the truth of it Wherefore it most vrgently standeth vs vpon to hearken to the admonition of our Sauiour Christ If thy right eye cause thee to offend plucke it out and cast it from thee for it is better for thee that one of thy members perish then that thy whole body should be cast into hell Finally what is the curse of those that are so farre from care to further chastitie and temperance in others and to stay the course of their vncleanely conuersation that they willingly suffer themselues to be drawne into fellowship with them In the 50. Psalme verse 18. and 22. The Lord threateneth destruction yea so as none shall be able to rescue and deliuer These then are the curses and plagues which in the righteous iudgement of God belong to the transgressions of this holy pure commandement of
the grace of God and by his blessing vpon good nurture and education repressed and driuen away Reade Prouerbs chap. and chap. 22.15 And how easily children will learne filthie words and behauiour if they heare and see them in others euerie one can tell that knoweth any thing whereby it is euident that naturally we are all greatly inclined this way So that vnlesse our Sauiour Christ had satisfied the iustice of God that is to say vnlesse his bloud had bene shed yea euen that water and bloud which ranne from his very heart to wash away this filthinesse of our nature and all the euill and vncleane fruites thereof and if he had not also in his owne life fulfilled the righteousnesse and obedience of this Commaundement for vs as well as the rest of the Commaundements of God this alone would condemne vs to the verie bottomlesse pit of hell for a iust reward of our transgressions against the same Against the which damnation therefore that our faith may be comforted and established in this point I meane the faith of so many as shall truely repent of their sinnes and labour after purenesse of life let vs to our comfort earnestly consider of the perfect obedience which our Sauiour Christ hath yeelded vnto it on our behalfe VVhat proofe haue you of this part of his perfect obedience Although our Sauiour Christ being in all things like vnto vs sinne onely excepted had an aptnesse in nature to know vvhat belongeth to the desire of mariage so farre as he might knovv it in the puritie of mans nature vvithout sinne yet he liued a most chast temperate and sober life in the vnmaried estate as it is euident by that vvhich is testified in the holy Gospell of his most pure conuersation tovvard all Our Sauiour Christs perfect obedience for vs. both men and vvomen and of his effectuall reprouing of the sinnes of bodily vncleanenesse so that many harlots vvere conuerted and brought to repentance by his most holy and pure doctrine not onely in publike sermon but also in priuate speech according to euery iust occasion Such as vvas the vvoman of Samaria of vvhom vve reade in the fourth chapter of the Gospell of the Euangelist Iohn and that other sinfull vvoman vvho vvashed the feete of our Sauiour Christ vvith the teares of her repentaunce and vviped them vvith the haires of her heade Luke chapt 7. verse 37. and so forth to the end of the chapter And the perfect obedience of our Sauiour Christ to this seuenth Commaundement is yet further confirmed in that albeit he liued all his dayes in the vnmaried estate he vsing his most perfect gift of chastitie vvithout mariage as vvas euerie vvay most meete for him both in respect of his diuine person he being both God and man and also in respect of his most holy office and calling yet he by all meanes honoured mariage as the holy ordinance the diuine gift and grace of God both by doctrine and also by miracle For as vve reade in the second chapter of Iohn he wrought his first miracle at a mariage feast he there turning vvater into vvine And Matthevv chapter 19. vvhere he reproueth the abuse of vnlavvfull diuorcements vvhich vvere against the perpetuitie of the mariage couenant vve reade hovv he calleth all backe to the first institution of God in the beginning of the creation for the reformation of euerie abuse against it and for the restoring of mariage to the first and most honourable dignitie of it And for the same cause also it is that he vvas so vehement and seuere against adulterie yea euen against the vnchast looke of the eye and against the verie lust of the heart as hath bene ansvvered before out of the fift chapter of the same Gospell according to S. Matthevv These things duely considered do sufficiently confirme the perfect obedience of our Sauiour Christ to this Commaundement Thus then if we beleeue in our Sauiour Christ and if by saith we apprehend in him both our redemption through his bloud for our transgressions against this Commaunnement and also our iustification by his perfect obedience and the imputation therof vnto vs through Gods most free and bounteous grace and if we shall labour after a temperate and sober life we may then comfortably perswade our selues that we shall escape euerie curse and be partakers of all blessing and happinesse But what particular proofe haue you that God will forgiue the transgressions of this Commandement yea the most hainous of them to all such as shall truely repent thereof and beleeue in the name of our Sauiour Christ In the 21. chapter of Matthew verses 31.32 our Sauiour Christ himselfe saith that Publicanes and harlots beleeuing and repenting shall go into the kingdome of God and enioy the euerlasting crowne of happinesse Yea he saith they shall go into his kingdome before such as in comparison of them seeme to themselues righteous and therefore regard not to beleeue neither are moued to repentance What proofe else haue you The Apostle Paule 1. Cor. chap. 6. hauing made mention of fornicators adulterers wantons buggerers saith that such were some of the Corinthians before their conuersion by the preaching of the Gospell but now saith the Apostle ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God O most gracious and wonderfull riches of Gods free grace and bounteous mercie in our Sauiour Christ what blessing and praise and honour and thankes may we render vnto his maiestie for so vnspeakeable a grace But is not this the way to make sinners the more bold to commit these sinnes by such preaching of the forgiuenesse of them It is not so long as repentance is preached as well as forgiuenesse It is very true for all they that haue grace to repent The Equitie to whom onely forgiuenesse doth belong the more and greater sinnes they vnderstand by the Gospell to be forgiuen them through the riches of Gods mercie in Christ the more do they loue God and Christ their Sauiour and the more do they hate their sinne and the more carefull they are to please God for euer after according to that which our Sauiour Christ saith of the sinfull woman Luke chapter 7.47 Manie sinnes are forgiuen her that is she hath comfortable perswasion thereof in her heart by faith and therefore as our Sauiour Christ argueth from thence she loued verie much And so no doubt do all they that haue the like perswasion We must alwaies remember the words of our Sauiour Christ Go and sinne no more least a worse thing come vnto thee Iohn 5.14 And thus is the repentance of Iudah noted touching his incestuous adultery with his daughter in law that he acknowledged his sinne and lay with her no more Genesis chapt 38. verse 26. The like are we to thinke of Lot Noah Dauid and of the incestuous Corinthians that they sinned no more in such sort
poore which be in want Fourthly in respect of common society Let vs therefore consider of these things seuerally And first what is the equity of this Commandement in respect of God himselfe Seeing God is the God of righteousnesse and of all equity and iudgement it cannot be but it must needs be very iust and equall that he should command his people all iustice and iudgement and that he should forbid them the contrary The Equity And likewise because he hauing the soueraigne right of all things in his owne hand hath in most excellent vvisedome distributed and disposed to euery man his seuerall portion as was answered afore concerning the ground and foundation of the righteousnesse of this Commandement The Lord in the vnequall distribution of the riches of this world followeth the same course which he holdeth in all other of his workes There is a differing glory of the heauenly creatures so there is of the earthy in the seuerall kinds thereof He giueth to the rich abundance that the poore may therein behold his bounteous mercy he giueth to the poore lesse to some very litle to other as it were nothing at all in comparison of the rest that both poore and rich might behold their owne sinne and by sinne their vnworthinesse of the least benefit of this life God maketh not all poore because he would haue some to relieue and succour the rest he maketh not all rich because then none should be humbled through want c. Now therefore in the second place what is the equity of this Commandement in respect of those that be owners and possessors of the wealth of the world Because God hath not so passed away his right and interest vnto them but that the fee-simple as it were remaineth still in himselfe alone The rich therefore are but as stewards to God that they may giue to euery one their due portion on the Lords behalfe according as they shall stand in need It is true he hath not giuen to any man his riches that he should consume them according to his owne corrupt will and lust but according to the will of God who is the soueraigne Lord and possessor of them It followeth in the third place that you shew what the equity of this Commandement is in respect of those that be in present want Because albeit God might in his iustice altogether withhold euery blessing of this life both from poore and rich yet besides that he hath commanded the rich to deale liberally vvith the poore he himselfe vndertaketh to be a foster-father to prouide for them vpon condition that they will patiently beare their wants diligently follow their callings and in all things deale truly and iustly vvith all men To this purpose it is that God calleth himselfe in speciall maner the father of the fatherlesse and of euery one that is destitute though he be indeed the generall foster-father of all mankind Such therefore is the equity of this Commandement in respect of God himselfe and also in respect of the rich and of the poore considered a part by themselues Now in the last place what is the equity of it in respect of common society The Lord God as pleaseth him doth oftentimes for iust causes knowne to himselfe make the rich poore and the poore rich and therefore great equity that they vvhich be rich now should relieue and succour those that be presently poore that the poore againe whosoeuer from among them shall be made rich may likewise relieue and succour such as shall be impouerished by the hand of God vvhether they themselues or any of their posterity as it often falleth out vvithin a fevv generations yea sometime in one and the same age This is that equity which the Apostle Paul reasoneth from that he might moue the faithfull Corinthians who were for the present more wealthy to helpe the afflicted Christians at Ierusalem 2. Cor. chap. 8. verses 13.14.15 Reade also Prou. 27.24 and Psalme 113. Thus then the equity of this Commandement the argument whereof is true iustice and iudgement concerning our neighbours goods and our owne it is as you haue answered very manifold This Law of God therefore being so equall it followeth hereupon according to that which we haue seene concerning the former Commandement that all the curses threatned against the transgressions of it are likewise very equall and iust Let vs therefore now come to consider of them And that in the same order wherein the sinnes forbidden haue bene set downe and rehearsed not of all the particulars for that would be ouerlong for vs at this time but of the more generall heads and of the particulars which be more principall and chiefe among the rest so neare as we can In the first place what is the curse against the tyrant which openly violateth all iustice to worke his owne ambitious and licentious will which he maketh his soueraigne Law for the spoiling of other men of their goods to the enriching of himselfe Wo to thee that spoilest and wast not spoiled and dost vvickedly and they did not wickedly against thee saith the Lord by his holy Prophet Isaiah when thou shalt cease to spoile thou shalt be spoiled and vvhen thou shalt make an end to do wickedly they shall do wickedly against thee chap. 33.1 Reade also Hab. chap. 2.5.6 c. 12. and Prou. 21.7 The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them for they haue refused to execute iudgement What is the curse or punishment against the thiefe which maketh stealing as it were his professed practise and occupation to liue by In the ciuill course of Gods iustice in Israel it was for the stolen oxe restitution of fiue oxen and for the stolen sheepe foure fold restitution if the thiefe should haue killed or sold them because that is as it were the perfect conuiction of the theft But if the cattell should be found aliue vvith the thiefe then the Lord commaunded but double restitution Yet so as if the party could not make restitution either double or more as the cause should require that then he should loose his freedome and be sold for a bond-slaue This indeed is the Law of God as we reade Exod. chapter 22. verses 1.4 The same penalty of double restitution is layed vpon the thiefe that stealeth any thing out of a mans house as we reade in the same Chapter verse 7. Yet so againe as if the stealth be attempted in way of burglary and breaking vp of the house and that also in the night time he is put out of the protection of the Law as an outlawed man so as if he be slaine in his enterprise he that killed him is quit from murther The Curses the bloud of the thiefe is vpon his owne head verses 2.3 That manifold restitution therefore or for want of restitution the losse of libertie and this vile account of the thiefe his life in the case of burglarie shew that they are vnder the curse of God touching
liued with his parents he wrought diligently in the worke and labour of Iosephs occupation Marke chap. 6.3 And afterward vvhen the time vvas come that he should more immediatly do the vvill of his heauenly Father he hauing no house of his ovvne to hide his head in as vve reade Mat. chap. 8. vers 20. and painefully going about from place to place to preach the Gospell most vvillingly contented himselfe vvith that maintenance onely vvhich grevv vnto him as a fruite from his preaching no othervvise then as God moued the hearts of those that receiued spirituall comfort from him to minister of their outvvard things vnto him Luke chap. 8.2.3 This he did all the time wherein he went about preaching euen till as a reward from the hands of wicked men he was put to death and nayled to the crosse betweene two thieues which were crucified with him they counting him among transgressors as the Prophet Isaiah saith as if he had bene a most vnrighteous person though in truth as the same Prophet testifieth he neuer did anie violence neither practised any deceit as hath bene noted before out of the 53. chapter of his Prophesie And further also that our Sauiour Christ was free from couetousnesse we haue a principall and most euident proofe euen from the beginning of his entrance into the discharge of his publike ministerie at what time the Diuell tempted him most subtilly diuerse wayes and namely to ambition and desire of earthly glorie pompe dignitie and riches but he could not preuaile Behold therefore a singular proofe of our Sauiour Christ his perfect righteousnesse in his contentment with his poore estate patiently enduring hunger and thirst neuer vsing any vnlawfull meanes to relieue himselfe but rested vpon Gods prouidence by faith as is euident by his answere to the Diuell Man liueth not by bread only but by euerie word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God c. By this righteousnesse of our Sauiour Christ are we iustified from all our vnrighteousnesse against this Commaundement if we do truely beleeue in him and earnestly repent and labour after righteous dealing remembring that this is one principall end of our redemption and iustification Luke 1.75 and Titus and 1. Pet. 2.24 And that all such as do thus repent of their vnrighteousnesse and beleeue in the name of Christ be iustified by him and are receiued into the fauour of God reade Acts 10.35 Reade also Leuiticus 6.1 c. Consider here of the thiefe repenting on the crosse Consider also the example of Zacheus Luke 19. Reade also Leuiticus chapter 24.18.21 with Numbers 5. verses 6.7 and Exodus and chapter c. Where also note that as a fruite of true repentance restitution is commaunded by God and practised of his seruaunts yea and that with some recompence in way of satisfaction in a ciuill course of iustice But what if a man knoweth not whome nor how many he hath iniured and is sorie for it and would gladly make restitution but he knoweth not how What is to be done in this case which is surely more or lesse the condition and case of vs all We must so much the more speedily breake off our former course and accordingly be so much the more carefull to practise both iustice and mercie then heretofore at any time vve haue bene This is indeed the blessed counsell of the Prophet Daniel to Nebucadnezzer that great robber and spoiler of the nations of the world chapter 4.24 O King saith the Prophet let my counsell be acceptable to thee and breake off thy sinnes by righteousnesse Anabaptists communitie of goods and possessions ouerthrowne and thine iniquitie by mercie and compassion toward the poore lo let there be an healing of thine error The like is the generall counsell and charge of the Apostle Paul to euerie vniust person yea euen to the pettie thiefe Eph. 4.28 Let him that stole steale no more but let him labour and worke with his hands the thing which is good that he may haue to giue vnto him that needeth And now onely for the conclusion of this Commaundement let vs after all the premises obserue as a truth most euident and cleare against all Anabaptistes that the Lord doth at no hand approue of their confused communitie of goods Nay this Commaundement leuelleth as it were the maine shot of the Lords ordinance to the vtter batterie and ouerthrow of it euen to the worlds end according to the perpetuitie of the force and power of this his expresse morall Law and Commaundement As touching the communion of goods which was among the Christians in the primitiue Church in the Apostles time it was no such as they imagine but onely the kindnesse and liberalitie practised among them was verie extraordinarily abounding to the releeuing of the common and great necessitie of the poore Christians The same God who wrought that abundant loue and liberalitie in them and yet preserued them from all barbarous and fantasticall confusion he for his mercies sake graunt that all true professors of his blessed and glorious Gospell may more and more honour it with daily increase of all liberall and kind dealing with like preseruation of the ground of iustice in that proprietie of goods and possessions which he by his good prouidence hath set and determined among his people Amen The ninth Commaundement of the Law of God now followeth Which is that Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thahhaneh vsed in this Cōmandement properly signifieth to answer as though the Lord should say thou shalt not answer false witnesse that is thou shalt not beare false witnesse when thou art demanded to testifie any truth which thou knowest and oughtest of loue and dutie to make known for the benefite of anie neighbour Word● interpreted After the former Commaundement therefore of righteous dealing followeth now the Law of true speaking according as they are in the same order rehearsed in diuerse other places of holy Scripture and namely Leuiticus 19.11 Psalme 15.2 and Psalm 119. verse 138. Ephes 4.24.25 and chap. 5.9 For the vnderstanding of the which Commaundement ye may remember that ye were taught that three things are to be considered Which are they First vvho is to be reputed and taken for a mans neighbour Secondly vvho he is that must not beare false vvitnesse Thirdly vvhat it is to beare false vvitnesse Touching the first of these points whom haue you learned that we ought to repute and take for our neighbour I haue learned that this vvord neighbour comprehendeth euerie one vvithout respect of persons concerning vvhom vve haue iust occasion to yeeld our testimonie in any matter vvhich on his behalfe is called into question So it is and thus generally is the same word neighbour to be vnderstood in the sixt seuenth and eight Commaundements going before although it is not expressed till now Thou shalt not murther any neighbour c. that
other principall members of the publike bodie Now therefore that we may go forward what is the blessing of him that is so farre from false witnesse bearing lying slaundering flatterie and euill suspitions without iust cause that contrariwise he is of a charitable iudgement louing and tendering the good name estimation of euerie good neighbour desiring that it may continue and prosper without all preiudice either in his owne heart or in the opinion of anie other What I say is the blessing of euerie such man Blessed saith the holy Psalmist is he that iudgeth wisely of the poore saying The Lord will deliuer him in the time of trouble And so foorth as it followeth from the beginning of the 41. Psalme This charitable iudgement which the holy Prophet speaketh of is the ground and foundation of much truth in speech and as a strong fortresse against all lying and slaundering And therefore also doth our Sauiour Christ assure all such of like recompence at the hands of all other good and well aduised and charitable minded men Iudge not saith he and ye shall not be iudged condemne not and ye shall not be condemned forgiue and ye shall be forgiuen Luke chap. 6.37 We will hast forward What is the blessing of them that will hearken to the instruction and counsell of such as teach and instruct them in the wayes of God that so they may haue a good name which surely ought of all the children of God to be greatly desired and laboured after What is the blessing of such Let not mercie and truth forsake thee saith king Salomon bind them vpon thy necke and vvrite them vpon the table of thine heart So shalt thou find fauour and good vnderstanding or as some translate prosperous successe in the sight of God and man Prouerbes chapter 3. verse 3. and 4. and chapter 10.17 He that regardeth instruction is in the way of life And in the same chap. vers 7. The memoriall of the iust shall be blessed That is to say the remembrance of such as walke in the righteous wayes of God shall be gracious and acceptable in the Church of God both while they liue and also after their death It shall be a continuall occasion of praysing God and a spurre to stirre vp other to imitation Wherefore earnest is that often repeated exhortation wherein the holy Ghost moueth to the obedience of holy doctrine Prou. 1.8.9 And againe chap. 4 13. likewise chap. 6.20 and verse 23. And yet againe chap. 7.2 and chap. 8.10 and verse 33. and also chap. 13. verse 14. and verse 18. He that regardeth correction shall be honoured And is there not a blessing also for those that haue care to teach instruct others to walke in the gracious and commendable waies of the Lord that so they may haue fauour both with God and man Yes very great according to the excellencie of this dutie in the sight of God and according to the greatnes of the blessing which hereby they procure vnto their brethren as we may reade Dan. 12. verse 3. and in the end of the Epistle of the Apostle Iames. Whereof also we haue Abigail for a liuely example 1. Sam. chap. 25. vers 32.33 Let vs for example sake and to the end that by a particular instance the matter may be the more cleare let vs I say heare the blessing which Dauid in this respect put vpon Abigail Blessed saith the Prophet Dauid be the Lord God of Israell who hath sent thee this day to meete me And blessed be thy counsell and blessed be thou vvho hast kept me this day from comming to shed bloud and that mine hand hath not saued me This is a notable instance and may well serue for our issue and conclusion of this point And thus we hauing through the gracious blessing of God the whole interpretation of this Commaundement touching the euils forbidden and the vertues commaunded touching the curses against the one and the blessings vpon the other let vs now come to the vse Haue you pefectly obeyed this 9. Commaundement that so you may thinke your selfe worthie to be freed from the curses and to be partaker of the blessings of it No I haue no more perfectly obeyed this Commaundement then any of the former but I haue euerie way sinned against it partly through ignorance and forgetfulnesse of the truth in many matters which I ought to haue knowne and remembred and partly for want of loue both vnto the truth and also to my neighbour but much more by reason of that hatred and enuie which aboundeth in my corrupt nature For hence is it that I haue bene so far from speaking the truth alwaies giuing a faithfull witnesse in all things concerning my neighbour that vpon euery occasion of vnkindnes displeasure I haue bene readie to deny him his due praise yea to speake all euill of him and to inuent all maner of lyes and slaunders against him Moreouer as I am readie to accuse and blame those whom I account my foes falsly and aboue that there is iust cause so am I apt to flatter such as I take to be my friends and againe to make vntrue excuses and partiall defences for my selfe to all those of whom I stand in any feare Finally I am by my naturall disposition so far from amending my faults when I am reproued that of wilfull stubburnnesse I wil rather do the worse because I am reproued for them Wherfore I must needs acknowledge that I am so farre from worthinesse to enioy the blessing of this Commaundement that I haue iustly deserued all the curses of it vnlesse it shall please God of his free grace bounteous mercie for Christ Iesus sake to forgiue these my grieuous sins to giue me grace vnfainedly to repent of thē It is true which you answer concerning euerie one of vs yea concerning all the sonnes and daughters of men through the whole race of mankind For thus the holy Prophet of God affirmeth Psalm 58.3 and Psalm 62.9 Reade also Psalm 116.11 and Rom. 3.4 Experience also sheweth Eueryone of vs is a damnable transgressor that all men naturally are lyers and that naturally we are more delighted with lyes then with the truth The beginning of this vice appearing in childhood increaseth with age vnlesse God by his grace doth correct the same as they haue plentifull experience to whome the examination of malefactors appertaineth And as we are altogether corrupt and sinfull in lying all maner of lyes both earnest lyes merrie lyes and officious lyes in cunning excuses in false accusations in the root of all these selfe loue hatred and euill suspitions so are we as apt to flatter and sooth vp such as we feare or such from whom we looke for benefit or preferment c. And touching our obstinacie against rebuke is not euerie one readie to bewray the deepe corruption which lyeth lurking in his heart I speake of all such as haue not yet receiued
Coueting therefore or lusting is as an vniuersall leprosie or contagious poison ouerspreading or rather vndermining all good dutie It may seeme therefore that this Commandement is nothing else but a repetition or interpretation of that which hath bene alreadie forbidden How may this stand with the wisedome of the most wise God that he minding to set downe his Law most briefly should forbid one and the same thing more then once This question containeth in it selfe a full and sufficient answer vnder it for in so much as God is most wise and discreet yea euen the very author of all that distinction whereby any thing differeth from other we may in no wise thinke that he should in so short a Law as he gaue to his people make any vnnecessarie repetition of one and the same thing It is very true God that hath made and disposed all things most exactly as it were by line weight and measure Isa God who numbreth the starres and calleth them all by their names Psalm 147.4 God that giueth man all the vnderstanding and discretion which he hath to discerne betwixt things that differ he that taketh the wise in all their crafts and quirkes c. shall not he know how to speake distinctly It followeth therefore that we do necessarily make a distinction betwixt this coueting which is forbidden in this Commandement and that which is forbidden in the Commandements going before What distinction may this be In the former Commaundements all coueting is forbidden to the vvhich consent is giuen Here coueting is forbidden in the least motion though no consent be yeelded at all Yea the least flitting and vagrant motion which hath neuer so litle delight mixed with it And not onely so but also the idle vain and loose thought of the vniust enioying of any thing that is our neighbours which our Sauiour Christ seemeth to call discoursing in the ayer Luke 12.29 yea euen the verie originall inclination of our corrupt nature to anie vnrighteous lust and desire is forbidden albeit there arise no motion or any the least delight therewithall And therefore much rather doth the Lord forbid all continued consultation and deliberation of the heart tending to any vnlawfull and inordinate lust So then in this Commandement we haue diligently to consider foure degrees of sin to be forbidden which go before that consent which is giuen to wicked coueting or lusting I would haue you make rehearsall what they be They are these which follovv First the naturall inclination of the heart vvhich since the fall of Adam hath bene and is in vs and in all his posteritie corrupt from the vvombe Secondly the thought and imagination vvhich ariseth from that secret and inmost corruption Thirdly the motion vvhich springeth from the thought Fourthly consultation and deliberation vvhich ariseth from the motion and delight is the next forerunner to full consent Or thus to the same effect In this Commuandement the Lord forbiddeth first the contraries to originall inclination to that perfect righteousnesse and loue which we do owe to our neighbour that is to say originall inclination to iniustice and to the hatred of our neighbour Yea and also originall inclination to the inordinate and excessiue loue of our selues Euen all the corruption which is come vpon our nature by the fall of Adam Secondly the Lord forbiddeth the immediate fruites of the same inclination to iniustice and vnrighteousnesse and to the vile hatred of our neighbour and to the inordinate loue of our selues Sins forbidden that is to say all vniust and hatefull thoughts and motions of the heart enticing and prouoking to the hurt of our neighbour as also vaine and fond thoughts motions discourses tending to the puffing vp of our selues in selfe-loue pride c. Yea further let it be obserued that the former inclination thought motion and deliberation euen concerning lawfull things and such as do belong to our selues if they arise in our hearts before the iust time and season thereof they are comprehended vnder this coueting which is here forbidden of God As for example the thought and desire of mariage before the time meete fot it also longing after the possession of an inheritance while a mans father is liuing or being vnder wardship before he is come to lawfull and conuenient age to enter vpon the possession and vse of it Yea the flitting desire or longing after any thing whatsoeuer before the time and season appointed of God or by no lawfull and good meanes though the time and season may be thought meete and conuenient all such flitting desires are here condemned Finally the not resisting of these thoughts motions and discourses is against the righteousnesse of this Commaundement as being the hinderance of loue and euerie other good fruite thereof and the cherisher of all sinne against our owne consciences in the fruites of selfe-loue and vnkindnesse against our neighbour And thus we haue the vnfolding of the sinne forbidden in this Commaundemeut whereby the difference betwixt it and all the former Commaundements of this second Table may plainely be discerned whereby also we both vnderstand the excellencie of the diuine wisedome of God in giuing so perfect a Law of all righteousnesse and loue toward our neighbour and likewise we may see more deepely into that miserie or rather sinke of iniquitie that lurketh in our corrupt nature till we be renewed in the spirit of our mind and made new creatures fashioned againe by the Spirit of God in a more secret manner then we were in our mothers wombe Now therefore hauing helpe against the difficultie hardnesse of the vnderstanding of this Cōmandement Knowledge of this Commandement most necessary I wold gladly heare the reasons of you why the knowledge of it should be so specially necessary and profitable as you haue bene taught the same to be Which are they Because without the knowledge hereof we can neither see into the full greatnesse of our owne sinne and the extreame misery which is due to the same nor into the perfect excellency of Gods righteousnesse in the punishing of sinne nor into the riches of his mercies in forgiuing sinne and sauing of sinners nor the necessity we haue of a Sauiour neither what godly sorrow for sinne meaneth nor what regeneration and repentance is nor what it is to be truly humbled before God nor how great cause we haue to be in continuall watch and ward yea in earnest battell and fight against sinne least it should get strength to raigne in vs to the euerlasting destruction both of our bodies and also of our soules All this is euident from the former discourse already layd open in the example of Saint Paule Rom. 7. and by that conclusion which he maketh vpon that discourse verses 24.25 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death I thanke God through Iesu Christ our Lord. Hence therefore we may perceiue that we do altogether deceiue our selues when we
continue and end in the Lord for his sake it is manifest that although we are to loue all vnfainedly yet by how much any among the rest do more liuely resemble the image of God in that true righteousnesse and holinesse which the Law commaundeth so much the more dearely are we to regard and loue them as the more honourable members of the houshold of God The least also of such ought to be alwaies more regarded and loued of vs then the greatest and most glorious of the prophane and vngodly children of this wicked and malignant euill world according to the doctrine of the 3. verse of the 16. Psalme mentioned a litle before Now therefore to God onely wise most holy righteous and mercifull the most worthie of all loue feare honour and glorie for this his great mercie in giuing vs so holy righteous and perfect a Law for the discouering and disclosing of our sinne and miserie and for the guiding of vs to Christ Iesus the onely mediatour of our eternall happinesse and saluation be all honour and glorie and praise both now and for euer Amen The last exercise for conclusion of this first part of Christian Catechisme and instruction concerning the holy Lawes and Commandements of Almightie God Ye may remember that for the conclusion and shutting vp of this part of our Catechisme diuerse proofes were rehearsed to shew the generall perfection of the whole Law both for the wisedome and also the righteousnesse of it Likewise diuerse proofes were rehearsed for the generall equitie of the whole Law and for the curses which God hath generally threatened against the transgression of it and for the blessing which he hath generally promised to the obedience of the same Moreouer diuerse proofes haue bene alledged for our generall disobedience and that therefore of our selues we haue not onely no interest in any of the blessings but that all the curses are due vnto vs. Likewise diuerse proofes for the perfect obedience of our Sauiour Christ by whose death and perfect obedience onely we are deliuered from euerie curse and made partakers of all blessings Last of all from that which followeth in the 20. chapter of Exodus from the 18. verse to the 21. we haue seene both to what ends and purposes the Lord God did in most fearefull maner publish his Law vnto his people and also what effects it wrought in the hearts of the people of Israell to whom it was in that fearefull maner published And so from thence to what ends the Lord will haue the same his most holy and righteous Law to be preached from time to time vnto his people what vses we our selues who through the goodnes of God haue now lately heard it so fully opened vnto vs ought to make of it The generall perfection of the whole Law These things let vs briefly call to remembraunce and so end this part of our Catechisme concerning the Law of God First therefore what proofe do you remember concerning the generall perfection of the wisedome and righteousnesse of the Law of God One principall proofe was alledged out of the 4. chapter of Deut. the 5.6.7 and 8. verses in these words Behold saith Moses to the people of Israell I haue taught you ordinances lawes as the Lord my God commaunded me that ye should do euen so within the land whither ye go to possesse it Keepe them therefore and do them for that is your wisedome and your vnderstanding in the sight of the people which shall heare all these ordinances and say onely this people is wise and of vnderstanding and a great nation For what great nation is there vnto whom the Gods come so neare vnto them as the Lord our God is neare vnto vs in al that we call vnto him for And what great nation is there that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous as all this Law which I set before you this day This was one principall proofe alledged indeed which as we see euidently commendeth the excellencie and perfection of the Law of God with all the appertenances such as are the holy rites and ceremonies thereof yea euen from the testimonie of the heathen themselues c. Reade also Psalm 19. from the 7. verse and Psalm 119. in many places and Psalm 147. the last two verses This excellent commendation of the Law of God is to singular end and purpose For the knowledge of it is a necessarie introduction to all obedience as on the contrarie the base account of it is the high way to all sinne But leauing this point What proofe do you remember to haue bene alledged to shew the generall meaning of God in his Law both on the negatiue part and also on the affirmatiue part of the same To this purpose was alledged the saying of the Lord by his Prophet Isaiah chap. 1. verse 16. and the beginning of the 17. Wash you make you clean take away the euill of your works from before mine eyes The generall meaning of the Law cease to do euill learne to do vvell And againe that vvhich the Apostle vvriteth Rom. 12.9 Abhorre that vvhich is euill and cleaue vnto that vvhich is good These places do as briefly as may be comprehend the whole summe and contents of the Law wherein God forbiddeth all that is euill and commaundeth all whatsoeuer is good for man to thinke speake or do Our Sauiour Christ also as hath bene answered before comprehendeth all obedience to the Law vnder the perfect loue of God and the perfect loue of our neighbour In the 3. chapter of the 1. Epistle of Iohn all sinne which is the transgression of the Law is called vnrighteousnesse and all obedience is noted by the name of righteousnesse Shew now what proofe was alledged for the generall equitie of the Law of God The contents of the vvhole 18. chapter of the Prophet Ezekiell vvas to this end briefly opened vvherein God himselfe pleadeth at large for the iustifying of his proceedings vvhich vvere according to the equitie of this his Lavv contrarie to the vnequall cauals of the vvickeder sort among the Israelites We may to this purpose cal againe to mind that which was alledged Deut. 4.8 Reade also Rom. 6.19 Isa chap. 5. vers 3.4 and Micah chap. Note that in this respect the Commaundements of God are called iudgements Psalm 19. and Psalm 119. All are giuen with most holy and perfect ad●●isement We are now come to the generall curse against the transgression of the Law and to the generall blessing promised to the whole and entire obedience of it What generall proofes were rehearsed for these points Some of them did more ioyntly lay forth both the curse and blessing Other did the same seuerally and apart Which are those proofes which do ioyntly lay forth both the blessing and the curse Most briefly are both the curse and the blessing comprehended in the 13. chap. of the Prou. the 13. verse He that despiseth the vvord shall be destroyed