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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16598 A godly sermon preached before the right worshipfull Edvvard Cooke Esquier Atturney Generall vnto the Queens most excellent Maiestie, and others of worship, in Tittleshall in Norfolke: by F.B. Bradley, Francis, fl. 1600. 1600 (1600) STC 3505; ESTC S116905 21,385 48

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A GODLY SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE RIGHT Worshipfull EDVVARD COOKE Esquier Atturney Generall vnto the Queens most excellent Maiestie and others of Worship in Tittleshall in Norfolke by F. B. Babes it is the last time and as ye haue heard that Antichrist shall come euen now are there many Antichrists wherby we know that it is the last time Ioh. 1. Chap. 2. Vers 18. Babes keepe your selues from Idols Ioh. 1. Chap. 5. Vers 21. Imprinted at London by Felix Kingston for Thomas Man 1600. To the Right Worshipfull Edward Cooke Esquier Atturney Generall to the Queens most excellent Maiestie grace mercie and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ AMong the sinnes in generall Right Worshipfull possessing our peruersenature ingratitude chalengeth to hir selfe a speciall propertie in vs a thing repugnant to reason disagreeing to humanitie and contrarie to the expectation of man that it disagreeth with humanitie Nature her selfe may best be Iudge who hath not dealt so sparing in bestowing of her gifts but she will censure him as most vnkind whom shee taketh tardie in this sin of ingratitude Which sinne as it is common so it is contagious and hath infected many and yet for my own part I desire to be asmuch as may be free frō it which I should hardly be if I should burie so many fauours receiued from your worship in the graue of forgetfulnesse wherefore in token of my dutie I haue presumed to publish this my poore talent vnder your good acceptance desiring your fauourable pardon for the same I must confesse I stoode long in suspence with my selfe vnto whom I should commit this small trauell but your wonted affection and zeale towards the word soone stirred me vp to present it vnto you not being much dismaied hauing so many reasons to induce me thereunto among the rest this being one of the chiefest namely your patient and godly attention when it was preached of whom I may say as Paul saith to the Thessalonians you receiued it not as it was the word of man but as it was indeede the word of God 1. Thess chap. 2. vers 13. Thus with my heartie prayer vnto Almightie God that it will please his Maiestie to blesse you with many prosperous yeares and daies in this life and in the end eternall life with eternall ioyes I humbly take my leaue Your worships most bounden to commaund Francis Bradley 2. CHRON. 24. CHAP. 17.18 VERSES And after the death of Ichoiada came the Princes of Iudah and did reuerence to the King and the King harkened vnto them And they left the house of the Lord God of their fathers and serued groues and Idols and wrath came vpon Iudah and Ierusalem because of this their trespasse IN this portion of Scripture Right worshipfull and beloued in our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the spirit of God setteth downe the lamentable fall of King Ioash vnto Idolatrie which was by the malice of Sathan effected by his Princes but before we come to speake of the wordes set downe in this Text it shall not bee amisse to consider diuers circumstances going before which are verie pertinēt to this place In which circumstāces first we may obserue the prouidēce of God in preseruing this yong king Ioash from the cruell tyrannie of Athalia who after the death of Ahaziah his father caused all the kings lynage to be slaine to the ende that she might vsurpe the kingdome and so raigne as Queene ouer Iudah and Ierusalem Which thing she brought to passe for a time but the Lord who ouerthroweth the practises of the wicked whē it pleaseth him deliuered this yong infant out of her bloodie hands by the good policie of Iehosheba his fathers sister who did steale the child away that he might not be put to death according to the commandement of that blood thirstie woman and caused him to be kept secretly in the bedchamber of the house of the Lord All which time wicked Athalia raigned ouer the people But when the appointed time was come and that Ioash being of the age of seuen years that Grandcaptaine and holy high priest of the Lord Iehoiada brought forth this child with great solemnitie and caused him to be crowned king ouer the people and commaunded the vsurping Queene to be put to death which thing was performed accordingly by the iust iudgement of God she being troaden vnder the feete of horses And Iehoiada made a couenant betweene him and the people 2. Chro. 23.16 and the king that they should be the Lords people all which time the land inioyed her peace And Iehoiada was protector to the king from time to time teaching him the feare of the Lord insomuch that the young king grew to be more forward in the Law of God giuen by Moses as also in repairing of the Temple then any of the Priests or Leuites which zeale and forwardnes of his continued all the lifetime of Iehoiada which forwardnes of King Ioash in religion and repairing of the Temple as also the bloodie Tragedy of Athalia with the courage and boldnes of Iehoiada I will referre you to the chapter going before as also this out of which I haue chosen my Text with the 11. and 12. chapters of the 2. booke of the Kings where the holy Ghost hath most largely and amplie set downe this historie vnto vs. Now let vs come to the words as they lie in order to be handled and after the death of Iehoiada c. In these words I obserue fiue speciall circumstances the three first are contained in the 17. verse the other two in the 18. verse In the first there is offered vnto our considerations by the holy Ghost the time when these princes came to seduce Ioash and that is set down in these words After the death of Iehoiada came the princes of Iuda c. In the second we are to consider the manner of their comming in these words And they did reuerence vnto the King In the third the willing and readie consent of the King vnto their counsell in these words And the King hearkened vnto them In the fourth is set downe the matter wherein the king obeyed them in these words And they left the house of the Lord God of their fathers and serued groues Idols In the fift and last is set downe the iust iudgement of God against the king Princes and people for their rebellion and disobedience in these words And wrath came vpon Iuda and Ierusalem because of this their trespasse Concerning the first which is the time wherin Sathan stirred vp his instruments to wit these princes of Iuda to alienate and withdraw the heart of this yong king from the true feare and seruice of God wherin he was trained vp by Gods high Priest it is said to be after that death of Iehoiada By which practise of Satā we may see that to be verified in this king which Peter speaketh of in his first Epistle and last chapter The
should thereby profit in repentance Sinne vnrepented what are the effects following it Amongst many good meanes to draw men to vnfaigned repentance of their sinnes before God and in their owne heart this me thinketh should not be of the least force wel and deepely to weigh the feareful effects that finne vnrepented of bringeth foorth in the sight of God and men and in their owne minds that liue so impenitently 1. First it quencheth yea driueth away the power and working of Gods spirit in vs which being most holy and pure of it selfe cannot abide to dwel in much lesse to worke effectually in an vncleane soule and impenitent heart 2 Secondly it hindereth vs from the right and holy profit that we might receiue by the worde of God which is not profitable nor powerfull in any but those that tremble thereat as God speaketh in Esay 3 Thirdly it shutteth our mouthes from inuocation prayer and calling vpon Gods name for how can wee call vpon him in whom we beleeue not or how can we be said to beleeue whilest we continue in our sinnes 4 Fourthly it causeth God to stop his eares from hearing our prayers or graunting our requests for God heareth not sinners and againe the prayers of the wicked are abominable as the Scripture saith 5 Lastly it prouoketh God that of his owne nature is most inclinable vnto all mercie through our sinnes to let in vpon vs all the floods of his eternall Iustice to our fearefull confusion our sinnes and nothing els making a separation betwixt vs and God as the Prophet affirmeth Isay 17. Amongst many things Sinne to be repressed because it bringeth iudgement vpon all estates and persons that should represse the rage of sinne before we fall or els should moue vs to vnfeigned repentance after sinne is committed this me thinketh should be one of great force and power namely that euen some particular mens sinnes vnrepented of or wincked at and not punished may and do iustly prouoke Gods heauie indignation against all estates and persons 1 As first for example against the Magistrates because that God hauing put the sword of holy authoritie into their hands for the punishment of euill and maintenance of good they haue not according to Gods word their duties and the haynousnesse of the offence punished the same 2 Against Ministers Malac. 22. because God hauing put into their mouthes the worde of trueth and appointing them thereby to cut downe sinne they contrary vnto Gods expresse commandement and their owne conscience and calling haue bin tongue-tied and durst not speake 3 Against the people because that they keeping themselues notwithstanding in the compasse of their Christiācalling haue not by sharpe reproofe either shewed their dislikes of the sinnes committed or their loue labouring the conuersion of the offending partie 4 And against the parties committing it because they through impenitencie and hard heartednesse continuing in sinne and hauing few or no meanes for their reclaiming can not but looke for fearefull indignation and wrath from the Lord for the same But the wicked do deferre their repentance not thinking Gods iudgementes to be at hand when as indeed the Lorde hath stretched out his arme already to strike But it is otherwise with the children of God who are not drawne by a slauish feare of punishment vnto obedience but rather of a childlike loue they beare vnto God their father through and by which loue they perfourme willingly that which the Lord hath commaunded according to that measure of grace which God hath giuen them omitting also the contrary through loue which obedience is no doubt acceptable to God The Lord for his Christs sake touch our hearts with such loue to his Maiestie that all our wayes may please him and that as wee haue inioyed many yeeres of peace and plentie of temporary blessings with the preaching of his glorious Gospell vnder the raigne of our most dread Soueraigne so let vs call vpon his name for the continuance of all his mercies with the preseruation of our gracious Queene that although our sinnes haue prouoked the contrary yet that hee would graunt vs these things for his Christ his sake our onely Lorde and Sauiour to whom with God the Father and the holy Ghost we acknowledge to be due and desire in our hearts to yeeld all praise glory and honor both now and euermore Amen What ere thou be pray God alwayes To blesse our Queene with happie dayes Whose wisdome vnder God so long Hath kept this Realme from forreine wrong FINIS