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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16588 The hurte of hering masse. Set forth by the faithfull seruau[n]t of god [and] constant marter of Christ. IhonĖ„ Bradforth, whe[n] he was prisoner in the Tower of London Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1561 (1561) STC 3494; ESTC S109668 38,185 86

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chryst hath abolisshed if they be of thoder of Melchisedick thē be thei Christs Other orders of preistes I rede none saue that whiche all Christians be to ofer vp them selues to god and other spyrituall Sacrifices by Christe And thorder of preistes of Baall whose successors in ded the massers bee For else if they were as they wolde be taken of thorder of the Apostles then shulde they be mynysters and not massers Preachers not treatours as they be bothe to god and hys churche God amende them Chrystes sacrifice once made by him selfe on the tree on the mounte of Caluarye is the full and perfecte propycyatorye sacrifice to the sanctificatiō of al them that are and shalbe saued neuer more to be reiterated done agayne for that signifieth an Imperfection But y e masse is called and hade for a cacrifice propiciatorie and that suche a one as fetcheth pardon A pena et a culpa for the quicke and deade and for whom syr Ihon wyll In wordes or syllables the papistes wyll denye this but in verye dede they do other wyse And in y e latter ende of theyr Canon playnelye they cal it a propiciatorie sacrifice So that the masse we se is altogether agaynst christ a lyue that is agaynste his preist hode agaynst his death that is his sacrifce therfore a detestable euell I trowe Secondlie the masse is not onely a let but also a destruccion of the trewe worshypping of god For where the tyme is past to serue god now as once he requyred wyth gottes bullockes c. And the tyme is come to serue hym rationali cultu as Paule saieth in the offeringe vp of our bodies by the renewing of our mindes seruing him in spirite truth vnfeanedlye fearinge hys displeasure trusting in his truthe and mercy and louynge his goodnes and out of these in externall obedience as he commaundeth The masse as I saye not onelye letteth this but also vtterly destroyeth it For who knoweth not that the very outwarde worke of sayeng or seynge of masse is taken for a greate goodes seruyce who knoweth not that the outwarde worke of the masse is and hathe bene applyed for the remission of sinnes of the quicke and y e d●de And wher dyd they euer teache that the masse was nothynge worth either to the doer or to them for whome is done wythout this spiritual seruice of god the true feare of god fayth and loue of god No worde at all was or yet is spoken hereof All men may know therfore yf they wyll the masse to let yea to destroye goddes true seruyce for what nedeth repentaūce when syr Iohn wyll saue me by masses euen when the tyme of repentaunce is preuēted by death what nedeth faith what nedeth godlynes of lyfe what nedeth preaching what nedeth prayenge what nedeth any pietie at al when that the masse hath al and wyl and can saue from all For by it cometh pardone of sinnes by it cometh deliueraunce from hell and purgatorye by it cometh fayre wether by it cometh peace and plentie by it cometh helth for man and beaste Summa the masse is Mare Malorum I shulde haue sayde Mare Bonorum the most singular excellent and incomparable Iewell that canne be so that it being gone all is gone the churche is lost the people perysh the fayth faileth and god is not worshipped But where it is al is wel ther nedeth no preaching there nedeth no heringe of gods worde praing in spirite repenting or godlines of lyfe If so be once a daye men come to churche to heare masse to se the sacring he that doth this is a good catholyke a chylde of the churche a man of god all thoughe dayly after he haue hard masse he al daye at tauerne or alehouse at tipplinge bybbinge c. All though he vse whoredame swering dysing theuyng pollynge bribing c. If in the morrow after he come to church take holy water hear masse deuoutlye take altel holybreade he is sure ynough saye the papystes So that as I sayd I say againe the masse vtterly destroieth al godlynes of lyfe and al goddes seruice as by this maye some thinge be sene and as by experience experyence doth nowe teach vs. For it can not awaye with that whiche is the rote of al godlynes that is goddes word and the true often prechyng therof the one can not but sende the other out of the waye I meane aither the masse wil put the pure preaching of goddes word a parte and then the people perysh pro. 29. or els prechīg must put it awaye as ones it dyd wyth vs and styl wold haue done yf we had bene thankfull to god for preachyng and preachers and if we had had a lust to haue lyued as we haue heard Iuste therfore art thou oh lorde thus to pūesh vs for we haue deserued it Oh in thyne anger remember thye mercie be not angrie wyth vs for euer Turne to vs agayne oh lorde god of hostes looke merelye vpon vs and we shalbe saued thy wyll be done not myne Thyrdlye y e masse is not onely besides Christes institucion ordinance but it is vtterlie against it peruerteth it horrible I mean this as concerning y e supper and sacramente of Christes bodye and bloude For whear he dyd ordeine hys supper to be a memoriall of hys deathe and passion and therfore in the celebrasion therof the lordes deathe shulde be preached oute tyll he come as Paule wryteth I praye you who heareth anye thinge hereof in the masse Naye they are wyse enough to kepe in that For when that is spoken of men can not but see therby forgeuenes of sinnes to come to suche as beleue frelye and so falleth there marte Christ ordeined his supper to be celebrated and receyued of the congregacion and therfore paule wylleth the Corinthians to tarye one for an other that they might all receiue together But all mē se that heare is no such thinge Chose the people whether they wyll come or noo syr Iohn is a kyn to the tyde he wyll tarye noo man if he haue a boye to answere hym amen or yf he tarye for the people yet get they no parte with him all is to lytle for him selfe where christ yet byddeth them doo this that is distribute and geue take eate as he dyd Christ ordeined this supper to be a takīg matter Take eate saith he but y e masse is a loking matter pepe see loke stoupe downe before c. Chryst wolde the celebrators of this his supper to be assured that his bodie was brokē for them and his bloude shedde for their synnes as they are assured and in possession of the breade they eate and the wynne they drinke but leste they shuld be certeine therof the masse and her miniō the preist wyll spare nothing to the people to eate or drinke wyth him No at no tyme the people muste haue theyr right For the cuppe they
more then apon thursdaye c. then vsed they ● rightlye Now lett vs see their .viii. reason It is Anabaptisticall saye they to absteyne from the ministerie and temple because of others mennis faultes rather men shulde proue and trye them selues then others The preists ilnes or the papistes errour can not hurte vs it wee in hart consēt not to their euil or alowe it This reason is lyk the rest For the mynisterie of goddes worde and the mans at two thinges the one meor repugnāt to the other and destroyers the one of y e other he doth wickedlye whiche with y e Anabaptistes or Donatisses thynke y t the faulte of y e minister or people shulde empaire christes ministerie or sacramētes and y e vertue and efficacie therof to him wardes In vsyng goddes ordinaūces let vs trie our selfes and not others But syr what ordinaūce of god c●l yea the masse who taught to praye publikelye in an vnknowen tonge who caught christes supper to be a priuate supper but of this looke more before Now will I dispatch their .ix. and .x. reasons 9.10 Bicause god beholdeth the harte and not y t outwarde apperaūce .1 re 12 because the eyes of god looke for faith Heremi .v. Bicause the bewtie of godds churche is with in psal xiv Therfore y e outward dede of going to masse forceith not if so be inwardlie it be not aproued To theis I aunswer y e indede it is true god looketh on the harte but yet so that he beholdeth the words and workes also Malach. His eyes looke on faithe But so that he casteth his eyes on mennys factes also psal And therfore the scrypture sayeth that godd wyll iudge after our workes and sayings rede Mat. 25 and .12 of the wordes thou shalt be iustefyed c. Theis therfore conclude not as theye gather but rather teach vs godds priuiledge which wee must not meddle with all ●nelie we must know the tra● by the tru●es the which frutes if at anie tyme they deceyue vs yet god can they neuer deceyue for he knoweth y e harte be knoweth y e fath and whether y e fruts springe therof or noe yea this sentence well wayed doch gyue vs occasion to set the popishe churche to be no churche in goddes sight as doith the sentence they alledge for theyr tenthe reasons of the bewtie of the Kyngges daughter that is the churche withe in For if we be holde the face of the popishe churche in respect of christes true churche whose bewtie in dede is al inward being replenished with the spirite of christ and the frutes of y e same outwardlie being but symple for she wyll adde nothinge to christes commandementes in goddes seruice and religion otherwise then for orders sake it I saye we beholde the face of the popishe church lord how it glistereth gorgiouse it is in cōparisō or christes true churche which is deformed in theis dayes but by the word of god trulye preachyd the sacramentes purelye minestred and sume discipline nothing so much as hath bene might be shuld be where as the popishe church wantes nothing to set hir selfe forth to the shew as he that considereth y e persones Pope Cardinalles Legates Archbisshoppes bissheppes suffraganes Abbores Priores Deanes Prebendarres archedeacons Canons Monkes Friers Persones Vicares Paryshprystes Masse prystes Nonnes susters nonices Deacones subdecones c. and a thousande moe the pore ryches honors promotions landes houses fare seruice as singing sayeng ringing playeng sensing c Impelmentes Crosses Chalices relykes Iewels Basens copes cruettes Vestimētes Bookes Belles candelles c. He I saye that considereth theis thinges he cannot but with Samuel thinking Eliab had bene he whom god had chosen Thynke this to be the catholike church and spouse of christ But this sētence sayeth the bewtie of goddes paramor is within and therfore this maye be suspected to be the rose colored whore S. Ihon speketh of in the Apocalipse For whome her ministers watch nyght daye how to mantaine theyr mystres whore madame with indowinge her w t the riches power and pleasures of y e earth where as the ministers of christs true churche watche and labour howe to enryche and bewtifie goddes people wyth Heauenlye ryches euen wythe the knowledge of god and hys chryste and ther fore they vse daylye preaching and publike prayeing and vsing the sacrament so as maye edifie They vrge men to repentaūces to begī a new life they wold haue men to horde by theyr treasures in heauen c. And this gayre they worlde lyketh not But murmureth at the ministers contemptneth thē pilleth them that for pouertye and lyuinges sake thee myght speake to please as experience hath taught hearin Englād But to make an ende of this matter I wold wyshe that they whiche vse suche sentences as theys be to hyde theyr manyfest ydolatrie and fornicatiō at y e masse wold know that theyr spouse is gelyouse and wyll aswell be angrye with them whoring so in their bodyes as they wold be yf ther wiues were taken in bodelye acte withe others wolde they take this excuse yf the wyfe shulde saye forsouth husbande this is no matter for I promise you no bodye but you alone hath myne harte c. God for hys mercies sake in chryste open our eyes hartes to se know loue his wyl y t wee maye serue hym there after God power into our harts the sence of chrystes sweete sacrifyce made for our sinnes in hys owne persone and by his owne selfe Thē suerlye we cānot but earnestlye detest thys masse wyiche is moste enemy● there ageinste and that not onnelye in spirite inwardelie but also in bodie outwardlye euen as all honest women can not but be sore greued in harte or bodelye acte to departe frome there husbandes The gretter loue in harte the wyfe hard to her husband the more pure wyl her bodie be kepte from the fellowship● of others And so it goeth with vs herein le●t vs therfore praye god to engraft his loue in our hartes and then vndoubtidlie we wyll neither do nor saye enyething that shall displease hym Let his worde be the lanterne vnto our feet none other waye to go then we shal see it giue lyght before vs. Let his word so lye and remayne in our hartes that it maye be as a leuen in vs to chaung y t fauor of all our wordes and workes to be therafter Let vs hyde goddes words in our hartes that we synne not Let vs kepe our feete from all enyiwayes that we maye kepe goddes lawes testimonies And here I wyll write an historye not vntill for this purpose as I thinke Ther was in y e time of Sapores king of Persia which cruellie persecuted the Christians a certayne Archebysshoppe Selenchya Etesiphon called Symon which was called before y e king diuerse tymes but at the last bound like a thefe for christes gospelles sake howbeit all preuailed nothyng constant he was