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A14109 The poore mans Pater noster with a preparatiue to praier: wherto are annexed diuers godly psalmes and meditations: collected out of the sacred scriptures, by Thomas Timme minister. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1598 (1598) STC 24419; ESTC S102050 35,056 260

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towardes thee wherewith I may come to as great merit in heauen as though I had spent all my life in remembrance of thy blessed passion and gratiouslie deliuer me from all tribulation of bodie and soule captiuitie anguish and perils and all Christian people Amen A Psalme for remission of sinnes HAue mercie vpon me O God after thy great goodnes according to the multitude of thy mercies doo awaie mine offences Wash mee throughly from my wickednesse and cleanse me from my sinne For I acknowledge my faults and my sinne is euer before me Against thee onely haue I sinned and doone this euill in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cléere when thou art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me Who can vnderstande his faultes cleanse me O Lord from secret sinnes For mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head and are as a weightie burthen too heauie for me to beare My sinnes haue taken such hold vpon me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are mo in number than the hairs of my head therfore my hart hath failed me Therefore I say Lord haue mercie vppon mee heale my soul for I haue sinned against thee Returne O Lord deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercies sake Wilt thou Lord absent thy selfe for euer and wilt thou be no more intreated Is thy mercie cleane gone for euer and is thy promise come vtterlie to an ende for euermore Hast thou God forgotten to be gratious and wilt thou shut vp thy louing kindnesse in displeasure O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger nor chastise me in thy heauie displeasure I faint in my mourning euerie night I wash my bed and water my couch with my teares Haue mercie vpon me O Lord for I am weake O lord heale mee for my bones are vexed Lord I power my whole desire before thée and my sighing is not hid from thée Remember not the sins of my youth but according to thy mercie thinke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnes For thy names sake bee mercifull vnto mine iniquitie for it is great Turne thy face from my sinnes and put out all my misdeeds Looke vpon my affliction and trouble and forgiue mee all my sinnes Though I haue gone astray like a shéepe that is lost yet séeke thy seruant for I do not forget thy commandements Kéepe my soule and deliuer mee let mee not bee confounded for I do put my trust in thee A Psalme wherein thou desirest god to heare thy praier HEare mee when I call O God of my righteousnes haue mercie vpon mee and hearken vnto my praier Heare my woordes O Lorde vnsterstande my meditation Hearken vnto the voice of my crie my king my God for vnto thee doo I pray My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee and art so far from my health and from the words of my complaint O my God I crie by day but thou hearest not and by night but I haue no audience Our father 's trusted in thee and thou didst deliuer them They called vpon thee and were not confounded But I am a worme and not a man a shame of men and the outcast of the people Be not far from me because trouble is néere for there is none to helpe me Hide not thy face from me nor cast awaie thy seruant in displeasure thou hast beene my succor leaue mee not neither forsake mee O God of my saluation Let my praier be directed in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be an euening sacrifice I stretch forth my hands vnto thée my foule desireth after thee as the thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirite waxeth faint hide not thy face from me least I bee like vnto them that goe downe into the pit O let mee heare thy louing kindnesse betimes in the morning for in thee is my trust shew thou me the way that I should walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Comfort the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee doo I lift vp my soule For my soule is full of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell My sight fayleth for verie trouble Lord I haue called daylie vpon thee I haue stretched out my hands vnto thée I am wearie of crying my throat is drie whiles I waite for my God My heart trembleth within me and the terrors of death are fallen vpon me Heare me O Lord for thy louing kindnes is comfortable turne thee vnto me according to the multitude of thy mercies And hide not thy face from thy seruant for I am in trouble oh hast thée and heare me Draw nigh vnto my soule and saue it oh deliuer me because I trust in thée A Psalme for Gods grace TEache mee thy waie O God and I will walke in thy truth O knit my heart vnto thée that I may feare thy name Turne vnto mee and haue mercie vppon mee giue thy strength to thy seruant and saue the sonne of thy handemaid O that my waies were directed to kéepe thy statutes Staie my steps in thy paths that my féet do not slide Be gratious vnto thy seruant that I may liue keepe thy worde With my whole heart haue I sought thee let me not wander fro thy commandements Take from me the way of lieng and cause thou mee to make much of thy lawe Incline my heart vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousnesse O turne away mine eies least they behold vanitie and quicken thou me in thy way Let my heart be vpright in thy statutes that I bee not ashamed Direct my steppes in thy word let no iniquitie haue dominion ouer me Kéepe thy seruant from presumptuous sinnes let them not raigne ouer me so shall I be vpright and made cleane from much wickednes Forsake mee not O Lord be not thou farre from me O my God Create in me a clean hart and renue a right spirit within me Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thy holie spirit from me Giue me the comfort of thy helpe againe and stablish mee with thy free spirit Send thy light thy truth let them leade mee and bring mee to thy holie mountaine and to thy tabernacle Teach me to doo thy will for thou art my God let thy good spirit leade mee into the land of righteousnesse Bowe downe thine care to me make haste to helpe mee bee vnto mee a strong rocke and a house of defence to saue me So shall I bee glad and reioyce in thee and I will sing praise vnto thy name O most high A Psalme wherein we pray God to deliuer vs from our enemies DEliuer me O Lord from the euill man and preserue mee from the wicked man Which imagineth mischief in their hearts and stirre vppe strife all the day long They haue sharpened their toongs like a serpent adders poison is vnder their lips This thou hast seene O lord holde not thy tongue then
forwarde in that good course like a louing nurse vnto thy church Giue her wisdom vnderstanding to do that thing which is acceptable vnto thee profitable for vs her subiects and hurtfull to none Grant her O Lorde a perpetuall time long life and continuall felicitie Protect her as the apple of thine eie and deliuer thou her not into the handes of her enimies Giue her victorie O God we beséech thée ouer all thine her enimies and blesse all her godlie actions in such wise that all the worlde maie knowe and the posteritie to come may say that thy mightie arme hath raised vp in England a Debora a Iudith an Hester and a nourcing Queene for thy Church Make her to reioyce in thy strength and mightily to triumph in thy saluation Grant her the desires of her heart and denie not the petitions of her lips Let thy heauie hand O Lord light vpon her enemies and thy right hand find out all such as hate her and enuy her prosperitie Saue our Queene O louing father from all her enimies which either secretlie or openlie go about to bring her life to the graue and her glory to the dust Let her finish her course O God in a good age an old woman and of great yeares to the comfort of thy church and the glorie of thy name and to her euerlasting saluation thorough Iesus Christ in thy heauenlie kingdome Amen A Psalme of praises and thanksgiuing to God for his benefites PRaise the lord ye that feare him magnifie him all ye of the séede of Iacob For hee hath not abhorred nor despised the affliction of the poore neither hath hee hidde his face from him but when he called vnto him hee heard him Sing praises vnto the lord all yee his saintes and giue thanks to him for a remembrance of his holinesse For who is God beside the Lord and who is mightie saue our God Praise ye the Lord with me and let vs magnify his name togither Thy mercie O Lord reacheth vnto the heauens and thy faithfulnes to the clouds How excellent is thy mercie O God therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadow of thy wings Thou art the father of the fatherlesse and a iudge of the widowes euen God in his holie habitation Thou art the god which helpest vs and powrest thy benefits vpon vs. Thou art our god of whom commeth saluation God is the Lord by whom we escape death Blessed is the people O lord that can reioyce in thée they shall walke in the light of thy countenance Thou Lord art slew to anger and of great mercie Thou hast not dealt with vs after our sins nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities O speak good of the Lord al ye works of his in all places of his dominion praise thou the Lord O my soule Another MY hart is fixed O God my heart is fixed I will sing and giue praise Vnto thee O my strength will I sing for God is my defence and my mercifull God For thy louing kindnesse is better than life it selfe my lips shall praise thée As long as I liue will I magnifie thee on this maner and lift vp mine hands in thy name My soule shall be satisfied as it were with marrow and fatnesse when my mouth praiseth thée with ioifull lips I will alwaies giue thanks vnto the Lord his praise shall be in my mouth continually I sought the Lord and hee heard me and deliuered mee out of all my feare Praised be God which hath not put backe my praier nor his mercie from me Thou hast deliuered me fro my strong enimie and from them that hate me and hast drawne mee out of manie troubles Thou hast giuen mee the shield of thy saluation thy right hand hath staied me and thy louing kindnes hath caused me to increase What reward shall I giue vnto the Lord for all the bene fits he hath done vnto me I will thanke thée O Lord my God with all my heart and will praise thy name for euermore For great is thy mercie toward me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the nethermost hell Therfore my praise shall be of thée in the great congregation my vowes will I perform in the sight of them that feare thee Thou art my god and I wil thanke thee thou art my God and I will praise thee Blessed be the Lorde God euen the God of Israel which onelie dooeth woonderous things And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer and all the earth shall be filled with his Maiestie Amen A Psalme of blessedfulnesse BLessed is he whom thou O Lorde dooest elect and causest to come vnto thée he shall dwell within thy courts Blessed is he whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie and in whose spirit there is no guile Blessed is the man that putteth his trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and delighteth greatlie in his commandements Blessed are they that dwell in thine house they will euer praise thee Blessed is the man that doth not walke in the counsell of the wicked nor stande in the waie of sinners nor sit in the seate of the scornfull Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee in whose heart are thy wayes Blessed are they that are vpright in their way and walke in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that kéepe iudgement and doo righteousnesse at all times Blessed is he that considereth the poore and néedie the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble Blessed is the man whome thou chastisest O Lorde and teachest him thy law Blessed are they that kéepe his testimonies and seek him with their whole hart Secrete Meditations of the hart to stir vs vp vnto godlinesse BY creation I am a man made of earth therefore transitorie mortall Yet indued with a minde that is to say with vnderstanding reason and iudgement by which I may vnderstand that most excellent goodnesse which is God and may bee ioyned with him in immortalitie and blessednesse But my reason vnderstanding and iudgement beeing by the malice of Sathan corrupted I do neglect this happinesse I rather séeke to enioy the delights and pleasures of my flesh In the most vile transitorie things I occupie my whole minde I ouerwhelme my selfe wholie with earth of heauenlie I make my selfe earthlie and change my selfe from a reasonable man into a brute beast But god who once loued me in his sonne Christ dooth not forsake mee but calleth mee still outwardlie by his word and inwardlie by his holie spirite and knocketh at the doore of my heart and minde that I might loue him feare him and serue him Yet I am deafe and blind and being more stonie hearted than flint dooth féele nothing O vnthankefull wretch that I am which doo neglect and despise so great benefites God gently offereth to lead me by the hande and I stubbornlie turne awaie my face from him Awake my soule lift vp thy selfe and lette vs not thus wallow in our filthines stoutlie striue thou agaynst wicked custome tread vnder thy foote these contemptible and vile delightes and couet after the most excellent things Nowe God calleth I will hearken to him hee leadeth me and I will follow him he offereth himselfe and I will take the oportunitie hee sheweth the waie to euerlasting blessednesse I will not turne away my face but will séeke to attaine ¶ Print these things in thy minde and let them not be in vaine and ineffectuall cogitations but put them in practise and thou shalt receiue the fruit FINIS To Jesus Christ I Iesus my ioy and comfort onlie good E Euer to stand and neuer to decay S Sathan be fel be fierce and furious wood V vorld do thy worst sin do thou not stay S Speed you to spil plie to beare the sway C Crosse be my share carking be my hire H Hartbreak my cōfort sadnes my feast R Railing my recōpence by toongs of fire I Iesus be mine these things are he lest S So art thou mine ful fixed in my thoght T Trusty O Christ O world vile vaine and nought 1598 SVBLIME DEDIT OS HOMINI ¶ Printed at London Peter Short dwellin Bredstreet hill at the signe of the Star
Forgiue vs our sinnes Wash vs thorowly from our iniquities and clense vs from all our sins in such wise that they may no waie preuaile agaynst vs. Cast them into the bottome of the sea that they may neuer arise before thee in the daie of iudgement Let thy wrath and anger and heauie displeasure bee turned from vs which we haue deserued and take vs into thy fatherly fauour againe that we may be thy sonnes Shewe vs thy mercie O Lorde and graunt vs thy saluation for thy names sake It is thou O god alone that canst pardon and forgiue vs our sinnes it is thou alone that doost make vs happie and blessed by couering our iniquities and not imputing our sinnes vnto vs. It is thou alone that canst put awaie our transgressions like to a cloud and our sins as a mist None but thou O God alone can remit so great a debt as that ten thousand talents we owe vnto thee Forgiue vs therefore wee beseech thee O most liberall father which art rich in mercies al our sinnes not for our merits but for thy mercies sake and remooue them so farre from vs as the east is from the west Pardon vs we humbly beséech thee for our Sauiour Iesus Christes sake who hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes who was wounded broken for our iniquities on whom thou hast layd the chastisement of our peace that we might bee healed with his stripes Purge vs with his bloud from all our sins cancel the hand writing which is against vs which thy sonne fastened to his crosse for the full satisfaction of thy iustice Him O Lord wee oppose with his innocencie with his holinesse with his righteousnesse and with all the merits of his sufferings in the flesh agaynst thy iustice as our onlie sufficient mediatour our peacemaker and our reconciler to thy heauenly fauour who by thy will was made sinne for vs that wee might be thy righteousnes through him and also accursed for vs that wee might be blessed for euer Wherefore vpon sure trust and confidence of these thy great mercies offered to vs in thy son Iesus being bolde and ioyfull and also sorrowfull that euer wee offended thee so louing a Father wee doo with deepe sighes of heart crie vnto thee Forgiue vs our sinnes Remit our offences and couer our nakednes with the holines and righteousnes of our eternall Sauiour thy sonne Iesus Christ and from hence forth kéep vs from presumptuous sins and restore in vs the decayed image of thy heauenlie light that we maie hereafter serue thee in feare in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life through our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen As we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. A praier for brotherlie charitie AS thou art our heauenlie Father so O Lord it is necessarie that wee should be like thee in mercie in kindnes in loue shewing mercie kindnesse and loue vnto our enimies as thou hast loued vs when wee were thine enimies And herein wee shall shew our selues to bee led by thy spirit as thy déere sons whome thou hast adopted and therefore assured of remission of sinnes It hath pleased thy sonne our sauiour Christ therfore to adde this condition As wee forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs that wee might bee ascertained of forgiuenesse to forgiue our brethren which trespasse against vs. What greater thing O Father can we aske of thee then forgiuenesse of our sins whereupon our euerlasting saluation dependeth For the which thou requirest neither gold nor siluer nor anie laborious worke of the bodie at our hands but onelie this that as thou of thy méere grace and fauour hast pardoned vs so we in like maner shoulde forgiue them which haue offended vs. Expresse in vs good Father wee humblie beseech thee this similitude of thy good wil and transforme vs into thy likenesse that our soules by the illumination of thy holie spirite may bee ioyned to thee and that the image of thy fatherlie kindnes mercie and loue may shine in vs. Stirre vp in vs a desire of brotherlie good will and Christian charitie that wee may haue care to helpe one another as members of one bodie Grant vs grace that our loue may bee perfect not fayned false or hypocriticall not in word and toong but in deed and truth That we may be patient curteous long suffering gentle méeke not suspitious not disdainefull nor easilie mooued to anger but forbearing and forgiuing one another through loue O heauenlie Father take from vs all bitternesse and anger and wrath and crying and euill speaking with all maliciousnes and inflame our mindes that after thy example wee may vnfeynedlie loue euen our verie enemies and blesse them that cursse vs doe good to them that hate vs and hurt vs leauing reuengement alwayes vnto thee That thus retayning mercie loue the bonde of all perfection and the fulfilling of the lawe we may declare our selues to dwell in thee and thou in vs to the honour and glorie of thy holie name Amen 6 And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill A prayer agaynst temptation O Heauenlie father and euerlasting God wee most humblie beseech thee protect and strengthen vs weake and feeble men agaynst all euill temptations of sathan the sworne and mortall enimie of mans saluation a lyer and our accuser that great Dragon the olde Serpent which is called the diuell a wicked spirite a deceyuer which goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom hee may deuoure But especially in this latter age of the worlde he knowing his time of raging to be but short and perceiuing the day of iudgement to be verie nie at hand rangeth in a deadlie hatred against thy children and by all meanes séeketh the destruction of all mankinde and sundrie wayes by diuers subtleties hee layeth snares to entrap our soules bending his whole power against vs and prieng for anie occasion to break thy commandements and so at length to plunge vs horriblie into desperation And because wee of our selues are naturallie prone to all wickednesse hauing in vs the seede of sinne which is concupiscence hee taketh an aduantage héereof to tempt vs to wounde vs or at the least to hurt vs with one pricke or other hee prepareth baites to take vs and intrap vs in wealth in pouertie in pleasure and in the inticements of the flesh in griefe of minde in ambition and desire of glorie hee maketh vs euill contented with our vocation to grudge in our inferiour condition hee troubleth vs with excéeding cares of this life and maketh vs couetous malicious seeking reuenge he prouoketh to pride and presumption and woulde feine bring vs to doubt of thy diuine will and prouidence he taketh great paines to lull vs asléepe in the cradle of securitie Night and daie sléeping and waking eating or drinking hee is about vs seeking with open mouth to deuoure vs. O Lord our God who is able to stand agaynst the manifold assaultes and
daies of my life Another confession of sinnes I Thy poor creature vnworthie to appeare before thy mightie maiesty O moste gracious Lorde doo powre downe euen heere before thee my sacke that is full with sinnes which I haue committed euen from my youth They are great and manie without number Neuerthelesse trusting of thine accustomed and naturall propertie to bee mercifull to all sinners that beeing sorie for the committing of their offences with all their hearts call and turne to thee acknowledging and knowing that thou diddest not sende thy louing sonne to call those that seeme in their owne conceits to be iust but to call those to repentance which confesse themselues to bee sinners I therfore Lord willing by the helpe of thy grace vtterlie to forsake sinne and to fulfill thy holie will héereafter desire thee humblie of forgiuenes and to admit me among the number of those that are blessed and their vnrighteousnesse forgiuen I will not hide from thee my sinnes neither yet excuse them But I praie thee gratious Lorde and most louing Father to hide them in the bloody wounds of thy Sonne Christ where they shall bee put in perpetuall obliuion For who so couereth his owne iniquitie thou wilt discouer it to all the worlde at the daie of iudgement to his shame Thou wilt then haue him stripped as naked as hee was borne that is his shame shall not be hid but manifest to all men in that day Wherfore I will not hide my wound my selfe to the intent thou my good Surgeon maiest lay a playster theron to couer it betime that the deuill mine enimie neuer espie where it was A praier to be said before the receiuing of the holy Communion O Lord although I be not worthie to receiue thee into the house of my soule for mine innumerable offences and sinnes doone against thy great goodnes yet trusting good Lorde in thy great pittie and infinit mercie I come to receiue thy blessed bodie as a sicke creature to thee that art the health of life vncleane to thee that art the well of mercie blinde by ignorance to thée that art the light euerlasting néedie of grace and poore in vertue to thee that art the king of heauen and earth naked of good workes to thée that art the author of grace I come as a wretch to thee my Lord and maker all desolate and comforties thou that art my helpe and succour for besides thee there is no consolation I come as a sinner vnto thee that art the mediator and meane between God and man I come as a caitife to thee my most mercifull sauiour I come all sinfull vnto thée the granter of remission and pardon dead by sinne to thee the restorer of life euill to thee that art all goodnesse hard hearted to bee relieued by the infusion of superabundant grace beseeching and desiring thee most méekelie to heale mine infirmitie and sickenesse to wash and clense awaie all my sinnes and filthinesse and to lighten my blindnesse and reduce mee into the right waie for I am out thereof to comfort mee being desolate and without anie one poynt of goodnesse Haue mercie on my wickednes pardon my sinfulnesse giue mee the light of grace buried drowned in sin that I may receiue thee the foode of angels the king of glorie the Lorde of all lordes with such chastitie of bodie with such purenesse and cleannesse of soule with such contrition of heart and abundance of wéeping teares with such spirituall ioy and gladnes with such dread and reuerence with such faith hope and charitie with such obedience and humilitie with such loue and deuotion faithfulnesse thankfulnesse as it is beséeming for such a Lord to be receiued and to my soule most expedient And bee not displeased good lord that I a sinner with an vncleane hart and polluted minde come hither this daie to receiue thy precious bodie in sacramentall bread wine but remember merciful Lord thou that refusedst not the sinfull Magdalen being penitent from the kissing of thy blessed feet And in like wise despise mee not nor put thou me away as vnworthie from the receiuing of thy bodie in the blessed sacrament for my sins and vnkindnesse but grant thou me compunction of heart plentie of wéeping teares to wash my sins and wickednesse so that with a pure heart and cleane conscience I maie this daie receiue the Sacrament to my soules health that I may obteine and possesse therby euer lasting life with all holie saints in heauens glorie and in this present life to be replenished with thy holie spirite and neuer to admit other louer besides thee Grant me blessed Iesu for to receiue the sacrament of bread and wine that I maie be worthie to be counted for a member of thy mysticall body here in earth and though as yet I bee not anie way worthie to be numbred amongest the simplest and lowest of thy seruants but rather to be reiected and cast out for my simplenes yet good Lorde for thine infinite power thou make me equall and like to the merits of thine elect and chosen seruantes Come thou Father of the fatherlesse comfort of the comfortlesse come and clense my soule from all contagiousnes of sinne for it is not conuenient and according there to bee anie vncleannesse where thou the spouse of virginall chastitie should come in and dwell Come apparell my soule with such ornaments of vertue and grace that it may delight thée therein to dwel and abide And as thou disdainest not to touch the sore leapers with thy holie hande so good Lorde vouchsafe to annoint my simple soule with the ointment of remission and pardon that in this life by stedfast hope firme faith and perfect charitie I may so increse in vertue from daie to daie that I may attaine to the glorious fruition of thy godhed in the kingdome of heauen where I may see thée face to face worlde without ende Amen A thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the Communion I Thanke thee good Lord of thine infinit goodnes that thou this day hast fedde mee with thy bodie and bloud in the Sacrament desiring thee méekelie that this Sacrament which I haue receiued may be to mee a purgation and cleansing of my sinnes a fortitude and spirituall strength against my frailtie and sure defence agaynst worldlie troubles a purchasing of grace and pardon a medicine of life and a continuall remembrance of thy passion so that in the waie it may conduct and guide mee when I am out of the way it may reduce mee when I stumble it may vpholde me and when I am fallen it may raise me so that by good continuance in thy will to euerlasting glorie it may bring me and so to order the tallage and taste of my heart that I nere féele other swéetnes but thee that I neuer séeke other loue but thee nor none other comforter besides thée so that I care for none other honour but thine And giue me such a perfect loue
of the worlde O holie ghost the sweet comforter O the diuine essence thrée persons and one God haue mercie vpon me most vile caitife and miserable sinner I haue offended both against heauen earth more than my toong can expresse Whither then may I go or whither should I flie To heauen I may be ashamed to lift vp mine eies and in earth I finde no place of refuge or succour To thée therfore O Lord do I come to thée doo I humble my selfe saieng O Lord my God my sinnes be great but yet haue mercy vpon me for thy great mercie The great mysterie that God became man was not wrought for little or few offences Thou diddest not giue thy sonne O heauenlie Father vnto death for small sinnes onelie but for all the greatest sinnes of the world so that the sinner returne to thee with his whole heart as by grace first receyued from thée I doo héer at this present Wherefore haue mercie vpon me O God whose propertie is alwaies to haue mercy haue mercie vppon mee O Lorde for thy great mercie I craue nothing O Lord for my owne merits but for thy names sake that it may be hallowed thereby and for thy déere son Iesu Christes sake And therfore I continue forth my crie vnto thee from the bottom of my heart saieng Our father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name c. Our Father TO none doth this name Father more truelie belong then vnto thée O God our father For both they which haue begotten vs fostered vs do bring vs vp and also our spirituall pastors which do instruct vs are called fathers But thou O Lord art the father of all creatures which are vpon the earth whome thou hast made of somewhat as thou madest man but of nothing which none else coulde do These thou dooest féede and preserue which else shoulde returne to their nothing againe These thou dooest gouerne teach and stirre vp to do their seuerall and proper offices Thou hast made all things therefore thou art the father of all but more speciallie man whom thou hast formed after thine owne similitude and image Thou dooest rule and gouerne all thinges as thy seruants but man as thy sonne To other liuing creatures thou hast giuen out of thy plentifull storehouse good giftes but vppon man thou hast powred them forth with full hande and hast adorned him with a liuing soule of all giftes one of greatest excellencie Thou doost driue forward al other creatuers as it were with a certain secret spurre but thou gently teachest and instructest vs. Other creatures thou dooest violentlie draw but vs thou doost fatherly teach and direct In al these fatherlie properties we wonder at thy power and adore and worship thy wisedome But amongst al thy fatherly mercies there is one which with great delectation wee consider as more profitable for vs namely our adoption by which thou hast made vs thy sonnes thorough Iesus Christ the sonne of the omnipotent essence and diuine nature Wonderfull is this goodnes of Christ and most swéet is his loue toward vs who wil not haue vs to be terrified with seruile feare and therefore hath not taught vs to cal thee his father Our lord which is a name of power but Our father which is a name of loue He concealeth thy greatnes and setteth forth thy goodnes the sooner to allure vs. What man considering rightlie his vile nature and corrupt will dare cal thee father except thou command him What vngratious and inferiour seruaunt will presume to call his king father except he be beside himselfe But how much greater difference is there betweene thée and vs then betweene a mortal king and a seruant which do not differ in condition of nature but onely in state of fortune We compared with thee in nature are most far different Thou art the essence and the incompresensible fulnes of all things which art all in all and wee are vtterlie nothing And in condition of worthinesse and excellencie wee being with thée compared are vnhappie and most miserable bondslaues of sin and the diuell which is the most vile and execrable state but thou art the most blessed lord of al. We are ignorance and darknesse but thou art wisedome and light Thy excellencie is infinit our shame and reproch more than can be expressed mans mind is not able to comprehend the difference betwéene thée and vs. But thy onlie sonne hath giuen vs boldnes to call thee Our father that we by adoption might be made partakers of that excellent dignitie to be called sonnes through his fauour and grace which he alone in right of his diuine nature possesseth Nowe howe more néerelie and trulie art thou the father of all those that are baptised in thy name and that are purged and clensed by the bloud of thy sonne Christ to whome beeing reconciled with thee and receiued into thy fauour thou hast giuen the earnest of Euerlasting blisse the loue of thee and an assured faith and confidence in thee and thereby perfect peace and rest of conscience Oh howe often do we féele to our great comfort thy fatherlie goodnesse Thou dooest giue vs light in darkenesse thou holdest vs vp when we stumble and are readie to fall thou turnest from vs manie wicked euils which hang ouer our heades and changest them into good and in all goodnes thou doost establish and preserue vs. What dooe our fathers helpe vs which are onelie fathers in name by whom wee haue nothing but that which hirelings and seruants haue that is to say the necessaries of this present life But this is the true fatherhood wherof we may rightlie reioyce by which we haue an euerlasting inheritance Oh woonderfull clemencie of thy son Christ which vouchsafed on vs the dignitie of his proper inheritance What wilt thou not giue O father vnto thy sons now which thou shalt thinke profitable for them We haue attained the greatest gifte that thou shouldest bee called and be indéed our father how then can we misse and bee destitute of thy fatherlie affection and liberalitie towardes vs And forasmuch as wee all which truelie are called Christians are knit togither in one knot of loue and are therfore members of one bodie and so one thing therefore that which wee aske for our selues wee craue of thee O Father for our brethren also And for this cause wee call thee iointlie togither Our father Beséeching thée that as thou vouchestsafe to be called of vs Our father so thou wilt make vs thy obedient children that not with mouth alone but with heart and mind wee may truelie feare thée serue thee loue thee and call thee our father to the honour and glorie of thy holie name Amen Which art in heauen THou art alone O Lord and we are not That being which we haue is heere in Earth that is to saie in the middest of manie tempestes and floudes of all manner of calamities wherewith we are continuallie turmoiled But thou both art and also
chéerfull countenance Wee that plant and water are nothing Thou art all in all that giuest the increase Therefore we stand like poore beggers at thy doore crauing thy dailie almes and saying Giue vs this day our daylye bread And also we praie thee O Father that as thou makest these creatures of thine ours by thy frée gift so also they may bee ours by our labour and studie in that vocation whervnto we are called Giue vs thy grace wee beséech thee that wee eate not our breade with idlenesse that wee take not from our brethren theyr bread by rapine theft oppression vsurie briberie extortion and by such other vnlawfull meanes but that wee may receiue from thy liberal and most merciful hands our owne bread in the sweate of our owne browes that wee may bee blessed in the labour of our owne hands And as thou hast from daie to daie all the daies of our life hither to fed vs most liberally and preserued vs so wee beseech thee good lord that forsomuch as this daie wee doo hunger and thirst and shall daylie so long as wee are in this flesh stand in need of thy goodnesse thou wilt vouchsafe to giue vs this day our daylie bread And when thou hast satisfied our mouth with good things giue vs O Father contented mindes that wee followe not the insatiable lusts of our flesh which beeing neuer contented with thy good gifts abuse them intemperatly and deuise and desire new daintie dishes for lust and cause vs to say with the wanton Israelites Can God prepare a table in the wildernes Can he giue bread also prepare flesh for his people Represse in vs these carnall delights giue vs temperance that we maie liue not to eat but eat to liue For thy kingdome O God is not meate drinke but a reioysing in the holie ghost And as for the bellie and the meate thou shalt destroy them both If therefore it shall please thy goodnesse to giue vs our daylie bread in abundance giue vs also aboundance of thy grace that we be not proude intemperate or luxurious but that wee maie vse thy gifts to the relieuing of our faint and weake bodyes to the comfort and helpe of our brethren and also to the honour and prayse of thy holie name Make vs mindfull thankfull O heauenlie Father for thy great goodnesse that wee doo not sit downe at thy table as thy ghestes to eate thy bread and drinke thy drinke and then to rise vp to plaie and so to forget thee the author giuer of all good gifts Far be this grosse vnthankefulnesse from vs. For the oxe knoweth his owner and the asse his maisters crib and shall wee forget thee The horse loueth his keeper and the dog will fight for his maister The brute beare and the fierce Lion are thankefull to them that féede them And the earth yeeldeth fruite to him that tilleth it and shall wée so far degenerate that we shall bee more vnreasonable then brute beastes Farre be this O Lorde from thy children Make vs therefore O father to receiue our daylie breade with thankesgiuing that hauing thee alwaies before our eies which art the giuer of all good thinges and refreshest the hungrie soule with goodnes and considering also our owne néede and necessitie we may continuallie for our daily bread ascribe vnto thée our father with thy sonne our sauiour and the holie ghost our comforter all honour praise and glorie for euer and euer Amen 5 And forgiue vs our trespasses A praier for remission of sinnes WHen wee present our selues O father before thy diuine Maiestie sathan our aduersarie our continuall accuser and sworne enimie dooth trouble vs and striketh our consciences with the sting of our sinnes which aforetime wee haue committed agaynst thée Howe darest thou saith hee miserable man presume to come into the presence of God with thy praiers with what face canst thou call him thy father when as thou at no time hast shewed thy selfe an obedient son Art thou not ashamed to pray that he will sanctifie and glorifie his name when as thou dooest daylie prophane and dishonour the same what reason hast thou to desire him to come vnto thee with his kingdome which hitherto hast not submitted thy selfe vnto him and hast not suffered him to raigne in thee Also why doest thou praie that the will of God maie bee doone in thee when as thou hatest his will and willinglie runnest into disobedience Is it not impudent temeritie that thou askest thy daylie bread of God when as thou hast so ledde thy life hitherto that thou rather deseruest to bee called a dog then a sonne hast thou forgotten that the Lord hath said It is not meete to take the childrens bread and to giue it vnto dogges These such like heauie cogitations O Lord our enemie dooth assayle our mindes to discourage vs and to drawe vs away from calling vppon thy name But we being here taught by thy son Christ our sauior to make our petitions to thee and also he hauing giuen vs boldnesse to haue accesse vnto thee and hauing also giuen vs the earnest of his holie spirit whereby we crie Abba Father doo repell these gréeuous temptations and fierie darts of the diuell crieng vnto thee with true repentance Forgiue O father our trespasses and sinnes for wee haue sinned in déede agaynst heauen and agaynst thee and are no more worthie to bee called thy sonnes but haue in our selues deserued the wages of sinne eternall death For wee haue all sinned wee haue all gone out of the waie and are become vnprofitable Wee are Lorde conceiued in sinne and borne in iniquitie all the thoughts of our hearts are euill euen from our natiuitie we haue not beene so thankefull vnto thée for the benefits bestowed on vs as becommeth vs we haue manie waies abused thy gifts wee haue not receiued thy worde with that reuerend regarde that appertained to the same neither haue wee obeyed thy will therein reuealed yea in manie things wee offend all And although wee be renewed by the immortall seede of thy worde yet the corruption of our nature and the dregs of sinne remaine still in vs and the lawe of sinne in our members which holdeth vs captiue against the will of the spirit hath place in vs which is the cause that wee breake thy holie commandements We are therefore O father in respect of our guiltines inforced to crie vnto thée Forgiue vs our sinnes and thou in respect of the punishment which wee thereby haue deserued must forgiue vs for thy sonnes Christs sake or els wee shall for euer perish For if thou Lord doe in extremitie and iustice looke vppon our sinnes whoe shall abide it If thou enter into iudgement with thy seruant what flesh shall bee iustified in thy sight Wherefore we appeale to the high throne of thy mercie humblie beseeching thee O most louing God and mercifull Father according to thy great mercie and according to the multitude of thy compassions