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A14100 The garlande of godly flowers bewtifully adorned as most freshly they flourish in the gardeins of right faithfull Christian writers. Yéeldyng foorth a very comfortable sauour to the afflicted soule, wherby hée is salfly [sic] transported vnto the mercifull throne of the most glorious God. Carefully collected, and diligently digested into ordre, by Tho. Twyne, Gentleman. 1574. Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613. 1574 (1574) STC 24408; ESTC S118788 34,454 128

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wherof may bee the one of you by our most prudent Prince doubtlesse at the secret motion of GOD raysed vnto sutch highnesse in Honour as match with the best inferiour to none I neede seeke for no farther occasions of commendation or auntient titles of worship or honour the siluered heares giuing euident token of the golden wit and the honourable age ▪ of the verteous forepassed life and the many yeres of the blessing of the most highest god On th' other side bewtified with a louing Lady the ofspringe of an excellent race Nice to rightwoorship full Grandsiers daughter to a woorthy Knight Schollar to a learned scholemaister Sister to a right honourable Lady Moother of mutch hoped impes Aunt to a peerelesse coūtesse Wife to a noble Counseller Ladie of a Godly Famely Subiect to a louinge Prince a trewe woorshipper of Almightie god Vnto whose good pleasure for the prolonging and continuance of both your liues in increse of godlie Honour and all other delightes apperteininge whereby the race of this transitorie life may bee made lesse irksome to the bodie or preiudiciall to the soule I am bownden dayly to pray the effect whereof hee graunte who tendreth our iust requestes and is the only giuer of all goodnesse At London this first day of Ianuarie 1574. Your honours euer at commaundment T. Twine FATIS VOLENTIBVS VIRTVTE DVCE No worldly pelfe see thee from God do call Incline thine hart to doo the thyng is iust Confirme thy Faith that thou doo neuer fall Holde fast on GOD in him repose thy trust Obserue thy wayes amende what is a misse Lay vp thy wealth where rust may do no harme Amende thy crimes while vacant time there is Submit thy cause vnto Gods mightie arme Auenge thee not when thou canst well repay Neuer let vices harbour in thine hart Needes vrgent law consider thou alway Eke to the poore doo of thy goodes impart Beware of Pride by Glorie set no price Avvay from giltlesse blood turne backe thy face Consider sutes weigh causes once or twice Open thy mouth on wydowes wofull case Nothing from Praier let thee once disseuer Ensue this lore and thou shalt liue for euer there consisteth life and welfare vnto my sowle and by breatch and violation nothing else but seuere sentence of finall dampnation Therfore I cannot tell most miserable wretch as I am how I shuld presume to approche thée for mercie I dare not shew my selfe beefore thée but if it were possible I would gladly hide my self from thy sight where thou mighst not finde mée out that by sutch meanes I might escape thy dreadfull iudgement Howbeit O Lorde thou art the mightie God to whom all things in heauen and earth are knowne whose eies béeholde what is done in the top of the highest and in the bottome of the deapest places in the world In thy sight Lord the most secret thoughtes of the harte are open and from thée there are no cogitations pretences practises deuises nor the smallest motions of the mind hidden Vnto thée therefore with tremblinge and teares I returne appealing from thy high dread and terryble throne of iust iudgement remoouing my cause to thy most swéete amiable pleasaunt and comfortable court of thy manifold mercies Euen there Lord thou hast layde vp sutch store and abundance of graces pardons forgiuenes of sinnes that they do surmounte the numbre and ouers●read the greatnes of al thy wonderfull woorkes Héere then it is O my God that I dare to appeare béefore thy diuine Maiestie a fylthye sinner béefore a mercifull God a very lumpe of wickednes beefore the eternall creator of all thinges of inestimable wisdome that takest mercie vppon our weakenes and infirmitie béecause thou wotest well the stuffe and substaunce wherof thou hast made vs. Béeholde Lord I call vnto mée thy dearelybéeloued sonne my most louing redéemer and sauiour Ihesus Christe to bée myne aduocate according vnto his own fréewil and voluntarie offering in whom and through whom by his most precious blouddeshed vnto thée vpon the acceptable altare of the Crosse in liew of the double death that wée should al haue died for our-most horrible offences Pardon I béeséech thée O god my gréeuous iniquities forgyue mée all my wickednes release my necligences remit mine ignorances abandon the lothsomenes of my sinnes which from my mothers wombe vnto this present day I haue cōmitted or shall do hereafter vnto my liues ende That béeing so clensed and purified from all contagion of sinfull impuritie let mée obtayn a liuely and feruent fayth at thy handes stedfastly to call vpon thée in most hartie prayer Lord in all my necessities aduersities troubles and afflictions confirme my harte that I may put my whole trust and affiance in thy maiestie and séeke none other meanes nor take none other comfort but in reading thy worthy woorde or in recourse to thée in most faithful and effectuall supplications If at any tyme Lorde as is the frailtie of our corruptible nature and the incessant suggestions of Sathan our auncient enemie I féele in my selfe any faintnes or fayling of feruencie in calling continually vppon thée kindle thou then my hart with the heauenly heate of thy holy spirit Graunt mée grace to crie with thy hollie Apostle for encrease of faithe that béeing awaked and stirred vppe through thée I may enioy the effect of my godly desiers which thou hast promised to yelde vnto mée through thy sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour Performe my God that whiche thou hast indented with thy selly seruant who with anguishe of minde séeketh after the comfort of thy face continue in mée the custome to call vpon thée in praier and all the powers of my body shal not cease to sing thy sacred praise Amen J. ¶ If yee beeing euil know to giue your children good giftes how mutch more will your Father which is in heauen giue good thinges to them that aske them ¶ The second Flower IN most hartie hope of thy manyfold mercies and with lowly reuerence O euerlasting God loe thus I draw nighe vnto thée béeing sore laden with th'infinite number of my sinnes trusting in thy fatherly goodnes and entier loue which thou bearest vnto mankinde thou wilte discharge mée of mine vnrighteousnes and wash away al mine infirmities Thy louing kindenes hath ben inestimable which thou hast borne vnto mée since my simple conception in the tender intrailes of my mother within whose body thou didest laye forth the platforme of my body and gauest vnto mée the representatiō of a man thy bestbéeloued and cumliest creature After this in due maturitie of time according to the established and ordinarie season assigned by thy heauenly wisedome thou broughtest mée foorth into this worlde my first tune giuyng proofe of the vnhappie condicion that I should enioy therin Lorde thou knowest how that so soone as I was deliuered frō my mothers wombe euen then I béegan my life in féeblenes and sorow and the my thoughte kéepe myne eies from seing it myne eares
sinne the serpent of troublesome temptations the minger of all mischeifes and the ouerthrower of vertues But O thou most glorious God as thou hast lightned my vnderstandyng and perseuerance in these to discerne what is hurtfull to mee and displeasant to thee dispose euen so the hart of thy seruant with the dayly influence of thy grace that I may bée acquit from al such sharpe assaultes as may winne mée from thee but confirme mée in all Godlinesse trueth and faithfulnesse Make my harte the vndefiled instrument of pure perfect thoughts and my tungue the Trump of thine eternall prayse my bodie the habitation of the holly Ghost myne eyes the windowes to beholde the worthy way that leadeth vnto thée my legges the supporters of my bodie and soule towardes th'attainment of thy heauenly kyngdome Incline mine eares that I may giue diligent attendance vnto thy moste blessed will and commaundementes expressed in thy moste sacred woorde mollifie the hardnesse of my hart that it may easely entre in and firmely take roote to th' increase of semblant seedes of vertu and godlinesse in mee graunt this O Lorde for my delight is in thy seruice Knocke harde O Lorde God O knocke harde at the doore of my conscience with the ringle of thy moste holly wil awake mée out of the snorkyng sleepe of securitie in sinnynge whereout manie doo neuer rise agayne but vtterly perish put mee in minde of my duetie towardes thy diuine maiestie let mée haue the wisdome to know my self and that thou only art my good Lorde and God. I confesse with gréeuous gronyng of hart that I haue manifoldly transgressed thy commaundementes in seekyng thee I haue embraced that which I should haue refused I haue stragled longe whilst I should haue walked in thy wayes and trode in thy pathes I haue gone backe when I should haue pursued thy pleasure and haue trained my selfe in the trauerse of thy teachynges Leade mée O Lorde with thy heauenly hande and I shalbée truely lead dirext mee with the spirite of vnderstandyng and I shalbée saulfly directed let the bright burnyng lampe of thy woonderfull woorde still shyne béefore mine eyes and pearce into my harte so shall I bée sure not to treade one steppe amisse bée thou alwayes my most mercifull God and make mée continually thy most obedient childe Blot the beadroule of my misdeedes out of thy remembrance O thou kynge of mercie and indorse the recordes of my transgressions with a discharge of thy great compassion set thy holly hande vpon my harte in token that I am thy childe and write the woordes of thy pleasure in my breast make mée assured that I am one whom thou haste predestinated vnto life Glorifie thy self in mée Lorde for I am thy woork and let mée bee glorified in thée for thou art my GOD my strength my saluation and glorie purifie my soule that thou mayst dwell in mée and graunt I may bée made woorthy to dwell in thee for thou art in althinges and althinges are in thée to thée therfore bée praise and honour for euer and euer Amen L. ¶ Learne to do wel applie your selues to equatie deliuer the oppressed helpe the Fatherlesse to his right let the widdowes complaint come before you ¶ The sixt Flower LORDE in thy moste louynge mercies haue I alwayes put my whole trust and confidence wherfore thou haste assured mée that I shall come to no reproche nor shame there shal no ignominie nor confusion take holde vpon mee and although there should rise whole thousandes of wicked conspiratours against mée yet should they not preuayle for thou art the portion of my hope Accordynge vnto whiche moste swéetest couenantes of thine so let thy kindenesse more then fatherlie compasse mée alwayes like the garment wherwith I am couered let thy mercies bée vnto mée a shielde of defence and a buckler of assured protection that I may neuer dread the furie of any foe striue hée to ouerthrow my bodie or soule O turne the hartes of those that hate mée without a cause or bée offēded with mée for thy blessinges sake wherewith thou hast blessed mée eyther because thou hast increased mee with wealth or aduaunced mée to honour or lifted mée into the fauour of my gracious Soueraigne wherin I yéelde thy maiestie moste hartie thankes Make mée O Lorde a méete mēber for the vocation whervnto thou hast called mée graunt mee the gifte of godlinesse as thou haste planted mee in preheminēce of place let vertue flowrish and vice bée suppressed the righteous cause of the Orphane widowe and sutche as are destitute preuayle and the oppressour receaue his deserued foyle Bryng it thou to effect O almightie God from whom procéedeth the motion of all good thoughtes that as thou hast made thine onely Sonne our Sauiour Christe the sole sheapheard of thy faithfull flocke so wee may all know his voyce and follow him in sinceritie of life and puritie of doctrine all the dayes of our life I hartly béeséeche thee Lorde that in consideration of mine vnrighteousnesse thou giue mee not ouer into the handes of mine enemies and sutch as fayne woulde see my fal and reioyce at my finall destruction and especially deliuer mée from false prophetes and preachers whiche seeke only their owne commoditie and not the edefication of thy hungrie peoples soules Cause mee to take a moste singulare delight in the readynge and hearyng of thy holly Gospell to frame my life accordyng vnto the sacred institutions of thy woorthie woorde without whiche all other doctrine concernyng the woorshipping of thée is deuilish and vngodly and that by all meanes I may seeke the settyng foorth of the same Let the enemies of thy trueth bee enemies vnto mée that embrasinge their persons with laudable charitie I may persecute their offences vnto th'amendement of their liues and conuersation and that they may vnderstand at length that thou art a ielous God and wilt not giue thine honour to another O moste mightie kynge and giuer of all gracious goodnesse conuert the hartes of all sutche as persecute thy Christe in his membres thine elect open their eies I béeséeche thée that they may béehold their errours and repent them of their misdeedes and confirme the hartes of the afflicted that they may persist in confessing thy name Mercifully cal mée backe for I acknowledge that for my parte I haue walked wronge thou hast giuen me vnderstandynge to perceaue myne owne imperfections the multitude of them lieth heaped béefore myne eyes and my harte is sore gréeued therwith O comfort mée good Lord and quicken mée oftsoonesin thée I haue bin continually more readie to offende thy maiestie then to execute thy heauenly will there is no maner of meanes wherin a man may displease thée that I am guiltlesse take mercie vpon mée and forgiue mée therefore for I am determined neuer agayne to commit the like strengthen mee with thy spirite that I neuer sinne hereafter Most louynge Father and mercifull God I hartely require thee for my Lorde Iesus
Christes sake graunt mée that I may couet with a prudent minde those thinges that be pleasant and acceptable vnto thée that I may finde them easely searche them wisely know them truely and exercise them effectually to the worthy praise of thy glorious name Dispose the whole course of my life in sutche order that it may accomplish that whiche thy godly pleasure requireth at my handes that I may perfectly know it haue a willyng minde to do it and power from thée to fulfill it whereby I may obtayne those thinges that bée moste conuenient for my necessities and appertaynyng to my saluation Chéere vp my hart O my moste déere God with the hope of thy plenteous promises and make mée alwayes as merie as it béecommeth a Christian and one that feareth God giue mée grace euer to reioyce in thée and thy godly will and that I may bée sorie for nothynge but onely in dooyng those thinges that draw mee away from thee to éeuell O Lorde God of infinite wisdom inspire my hart and direct my voyce that I may not thinke nor vtter any thinge béefore thée then that whiche thou knowest to bée expedient for mée to aske and glorious for thée to giue turne not my prayer into perdition nor my sute into sinne for thou art my God on whom I wholy depende saue mée for thy mercies sake O saue mée accordynge as I haue alwayes repoased my confidence in thée Amen A. ¶ A mans almes is as a purse with him and shall keepe a mans fauour as the apple of an eye and afterwarde shall it arise and pay euery man his rewarde vpon his head ¶ The seuenth Flower ACcordyng vnto the incomprehēsible numbre of thy manifolde mercies O Lorde take pitie and compassion vpon mée discharge mee of the importable fraught of mine in firmities for thou art hee that losest and none can binde and that bindest and none can lose lose mée therefore I béeséeche thee from the lothesome burden of my sinne and binde mee that I may not depart from thy statutes O thou God of my power make my hart to resemble the driest towe and let the most feruent loue of thy lawes kindle as it were a flaminge fier within my breast that I may so bée consumed with a greedie zeale in fulfillyng thy heastes let no coale of conscience in aniwise extinguish this burnyng nor yet likewarmenesse aswage this heate Let others sée this in mée that they may take example thereat and bee confirmed in Godlinesse for I am priuily greeued that I haue bin vnacquayne deth in dread of thy driry iudgement lookyng for deliuerance and running for refuge to the redoubted rampier of thy milde mercies Pardon mée Lorde if at any time I haue sought the ayde of any creature neclecting thée that art the creator of all thynges without whom there is no health nor saluation if I haue drunken of the lothsome lakes and refused thee that art the Fountayne of Life if I haue fully fead on wicked weedes and passed by the holsome herbes of diuine doctrine I haue erred Lorde and gone astray like a wilfull shéepe and harkned vnto the voyce of fayned sheapheards that had no part with thée I haue bin loste in the wildernesse of wicked superstition and Idolatrie and torne in the briars of sutche as sought my fleece and cared not for my soule but to destroy it I haue tasted of the deadly dewe and the rotte is entred into my veynes I am extreame sicke that I cannot stand vpon my legges I am not able to lift vp my voyce for my lungues are infected my threat is horce with criyng I am vexed with a cough and the terrible stitche assaulteth me so sore within my ribbes that I am nothynge but a carcas fraught with care and a wretche wrapped in sinfull sickenesses O come thou God of my saluation come visite thy poore seruant bring mée home whiche am lost and direct mee that haue gone astray teache mée to know the liuely sounde of thy moste holly woord that I may wholy harken therto and to the voyce of none other that shall happen to call vnto mee saying lo héere is Christ or there is Christe Saue mée Lorde from the vnsauerie smell of pharasaicall superstition that my hart neuer bee defiled therewith and for thy mercie sake asist mée moste graciously that I fall not into any dotage of deuilish Idolatrie for thou art a ielous God and wilt not suffer thine honour to bee giuen to other and béesides thee ther is none that can helpe I haue fead O Lorde to mutche at full vpon the sugred delightes of this wicked worlde whiche indeede are sauced with most bitter woormewood the taste of them is pleasant but the tayle is abhominable tarte I haue chawed them with pleasure but they haue choked mee with cares they seemed vnto mee as toothesome Triacles but I haue founde them pestilent poysons Deliuer mee gratious GOD through thy great goodnesse say vnto mee I wilbée thy comfort and vnto my soule I will bée thy phisition then shall there no daunger daunt my hart nor ghostly greife procure myne anoy but that I may alwaies cheerefully singe foorthe thy noble prayse for euer Amen S. ¶ Say not vnto thy neighbour goe thy way and come agayne tomorow I will giue thee wheras thou hast now to giue him ¶ The eight Flower SAluation immortalitie and vnspeakeable pleasures O God are prepared bountifully to embrace those that put their trust in thee and without all doublenesse of harte or contagion of sinne leade foorthe the lingrynge steppes of their lothsome life in the wayes of trueth and obedience towardes thy commaundementes Thy wayes most swéete Lorde are the wayes of wealthe and thy commaundementes conducte vnto heauenly honour thou haste layde foorth a streigth pathe vnto those that haue grace to walke therin and thou hast promised most singular rewardes vnto sutche as obey thy moste woorthy will. As for thy wil it is the welspring of welfare the pathe of peace the sea of securitie the porte of perfection and the fountayne of all felicitie Wherefore I would fayne bée clensed that I might tread foorthe the time of this daungerous pilgrimage in accomplishing thy heauenly heastes and fulfilling thy statutes full of consolation O thou that art the God of al trueth whiche in puritie doest passe the Angels and exceedest the saincts in perfection in respect of whose hollinesse all thinges are vile and sinfull my poore pantyng ghost sore longeth after thée for that thou art the consummation of all goodnesse in the sight of thy glorie I am ashamed of mine owne vnrighteousnesse Lorde faine would I intreate thy maiestie and I doo moste hartely request the same that thou wouldest béeholde the wofull afflictions greifs miseries stripes sores and wounds which my soule sustayneth through the continuall surprise of my cancred sinnes and in the large abundance of thy milde mercies heale them with thy holly hande Woe am I my God that I appeere béefore thée thus
for I acknowledge my manifolde iniquities and I am hartely sorie for my sinnes I am woe that euer I went awrie thou seest Lord the contrition of my hart and my sighing is not hid from thée take no reguarde to my crimes that are past but harken how I purpose to amende only guide mée with thy grace shunne not the sute of a sinner but heare the prayer of him that putteth his trust in thee as thou most louingly hast promised Thou art almightie O Lorde my God and canst graunt whatsoeuer is asked giue vnto my soule an hartie féelyng of true deuotion fulfill mée with the Charitie and louynge kindenesse of thy deere sunne which hee expressed when moste humbly hée offred himselfe vpon the Crosse died the bitter death and shedde his precious bloud for the sinnes of mee and many Lorde if my teares were in quantitie match to the déepe sea and my sighes were as the smoke of a Fornace and my sobbes coulde breake the harde Diamonde and my waylynges were equall vnto the noyse of thundre and my sorow were sutch as no tongue can expresse yet could I not sufficiently lamēt for the guilt of my gréeuous offences Thou hast giuen mee an harte to vnderstande thee and eies to béehold thee in thy woorthie woorkes giue mée also I pray thee a desier to walke in thy will and then I am certayne I shall want nothynge that is needefull for the good estate of my bodie or soule aboue all giue mée the quietnesse of a calme conscience and seperate mée not from the hope of thy health I haue prayed vnto thee my swéet God for perfection of minde so I béeséeche thée also sende mée the strength and firmitude of bodie with al the powers therof to thy pleasure preserue the corporal life of my soueraigne thy faithfull seruant our gracious gouerner likewise of my parentes friendes and kinsefolke vouchesaulfe to bée fauourable vnto my feere whom thou hast sent mée in thy feare and stande good father vnto my poore remainder the béeloued moitie of my life If thou graunt not my petitions thou art true notwithstandyng for God heareth not sinners and if thou giue eare vnto my prayers thou art merciful for thou commaundest mée to aske and I shall receaue and if I obtayne it is only thy méere liberalitie no desert of mine shew mée thy mercie that I may bee hearde and make mee worthy O Lorde to receaue Thou hast taught mée to pray O deliuer mée from the greate éeuill saue mée from the mouth of the monstrous Dragon whiche continually prosecuteth mée and with the sheild of thy might deliuer mée from his perilous hornes for his most gréedy desier is to entrappe my life and to deuoure my soule whiche thou haste created Wherefore O Lorde incessantly I crie vnto thee acquite mee from my daylie aduersarie whiche whether I sleepe or wake whether I eate or drinke or whatsoeuer I doo by all meanes bothe day and night lieth in waite priuely or openly to shoote his venemous shaftes against mee and to sley my soule but bee thou my gracious protectour If thou Lorde bée on my side I estéeme not the force of any foe there is nothynge to hurt where thou arte to helpe there can no fende of darcknesse impugne where the Lorde of light doth defende let mée not perish Lorde through lacke of thy succour for in my hart I haue made thee the full refuge of my hope and the rampier of my health Confesse I must néedes that the deuises of my hart haue driuen mee from my duetie and the imaginations of my minde haue augmented my mischeif but I trust Lorde that in the ritchnesse of thy mercies thou wilt thinke on my pouertie and in the plentie of thy goodnesse thou wilt remembre my scarcitie of perfectiōs and take fauourable compassion vppon mee O eternall Lorde I powre not foorthe my prayers béefore thy presence trustynge in the strength of mine owne righteousnesse but in thy greate and manifolde mercies saue mée Lorde for thy déere sonnes sake preserue mée from slaundrous tungues and hatefull hartes defende mée from mishappe pestilence famine murther and sudden death I béeséeche thee I will singe with my mouth and giue thankes with my harte and set foorth thy glorie most glorious God and I will conforme all the members of my body that they shall doo thy will I wil bee wholy the Lords and the Lorde shal bee the porcion of my patrimonie refuse mée not for my will shall alwayes bée with thée Amen E. ¶ Euery mans woorke shalbeo made manifest the day shall declare it bicause it shal bee reuealed by the fier and the fier shall trie euerie mans woorke what it is ¶ The .xij. Flower EVerlastyng God and most mercifull Father thou haste stirred mée vp with the liuely feelyng of an vnfayned faith this day to call vpon thy most holly name increase I béeséethe thee continually that godly desier within my breast for I know thou hast guiftes enow in store for vs all and thou wilt heare the humilitie of an hartie praier Heare mée now therefore O my Lorde for I stande a far of criynge with the Publican Lorde haue mercie vpon mée which am a sinner and with the Leaper Lorde if it bée thy will thou canst clense mée and with the faithfull Centurian Lorde my seruant is very sicke and like to die but say thou the woorde and hée shall bée made whole What doo théese woordes signifie other O Lorde but that I am in miserie and fayne woulde bée reléeued I am in sorow and fayne would bée comforted I am in distresse and fayne woulde bee succoured I am in sinne and fayne woulde bée pardoned and I come vnto thee for thou art the only woorker of wealth and Lorde of mercie and I hope thou wilt helpe mée Haue mercie vpon mée O Lorde haue mercie vpon mée for I had neuer so mutche néede my offences are increased and my force is diminished a●d if I would take in hand to write the millians of my misdeedes that dayly doo burden my bodie and sinke my soule it were néedeful that thou shouldest create in mee a thousande new toongues I can hide nothyng from thée that whiche I haue committed in secrete lieth manifest béefore thy celestiall eyes for at the dooynge of all thynges thou art present and thou art the perpetuall bee holder of my harte and all my delightes déedes and deuises of minde are as cleare in thy sight as is the light of the nooneday and more clearer But harken now awhile O my soule forsake thy worldly businesse and carefull cogitations for a season bée at leasure vnto God and take thy rest in him entre into the secret closet of thy harte and shut foorth all other occupations and when thou art there alone then séeke for the lorde and hée will séeke for thée and if thou list thou shalt surely finde him And when thou hast founde him say then vnto him O lorde my harte hath sought thy face
recorded in our hartes and heare with our eares whiche wée haue read with our eies and feele with our sence that whiche wée haue manifoldly conceaued in our mindes but all as it were in a cloude or veyle but then to enioye them in expresse and perfect kinde Mortefie the man of sinne I pray thée good Lorde which reigneth with in my mortall body that alwayes rebelleth agaynst my spirite depressinge mee downe euer in ignorance and enuiyng mée the fruition of thy noble bewtie let no feare of any corporall death deterre mée from the moste heauenly féelynge of sutche a ghostly contemplation If once the fulnesse of this effect were brought vnto wisshed ende wée should not néede with sutche desier to make sute for our sinnes for in thy kyngdome O most pure god there diuelleth no wickednesse nor infirmitie but eche toongue is busie in singyng thy prayse all laude and honour bée vnto thée O most mightie God for euer and euer worlde without ende Amen ¶ A COMPLAINT TO ALMIGHTIE GOD in bitternesse of soule of one wrapped in aduerfitie TOu art my creator for thou haste made mee thou arte my god for I doo honour thee O Lorde God of Hostes shew vnto mée thy sauynge health in the midst of the aduersities that haue ouerta ken mée for whilst I am oppresied with woes and erie vnto thee from the deapth of my harte and woulde fayne aspire with my voyce vnto the toppe of thy mercie I am waxed faynt with féeblenesse my throate is become sore and I am nothyng the néere of helpe Hast thou forgotten mée my lorde am not I thy wretched seruant and sunne of thy handmaiden Sumtime waies in the tendrenesse of thy most milde mercies withdraw thy scourges for I am alreadie feebled layde wast and vtterly forlorne Shew mée Lorde are my sinnes more haynous in thy sight then any mans else that thou hast singularly plagued mée aboue the rest And haue I not bought déere enough my secret offences Are they all pure that flowe in golde that walke in silkes that féede on deinties that sléepe on downe that abounde in possessions that kéepe companie with princes that liue in all worldly wealth and am I made poore abiect contēptible forsaken and castaway bicause I am only sinfull Turne thee O Lorde into my comfort and remembre that I am but fleash and blood set not thy might agaynst the infirmitie of my mould for I acknowledge that I haue aggrauated the frutes of thy wrath and the dayly déedes of my neclected duetie ly foorth béefore my face I cannot excuse my selfe of the greatest sinne there is no punishment that may bée made matche vnto my maliciousnesse it is to light whiche thou hast layde vpon mée for mine offences Weigh my sorowes O God I call vnto thée from the botome of a broken harte and a sighynge soule and a tormented minde cease of the sowernesse of thy pretence and mollifie thy moode into mercie conuerte my pouertie into sufficiencie my contempt into some reguarde take from mée thy descrued plague that I cannot prosper whiche some terme éeuell fortune and erect mée into a place where the good giftes may bee seene whiche thou hast béestowed vppon mée It is Lorde a gréeuous wounde to my hart when I béehold the good happe that some men haue and how euery thyng goeth awrie with mee that I take in hande not that I am sorie at their good successe but it irketh mee that I finde not the like Thei liue in good case in whom there is not that which resteth in mée they square in abundance and I lurke in want they take their ease and gayne I labour and liue by the losse they sléepe and waxe ritche I toyle and euer am poore they stande still and it commeth vnto them I runne after it and still it flieth from mée I haue bin fayerly promised but I sée no perfourmance at al that ensueth and they that should doo mee good either they cannot or they will not either I come to rathe or to late vnto them or els they feede mée with shales and another enioyeth the frute either they put mee of with delayes and O Lorde I perish in the meane season Note my sweete God how vncourteously I haue bin dealt withal for my friendship I haue found hatred sutch as I haue bin principall to procure them releife haue bin the chief causers to cast mee out of my liuinge I haue bin accused without cause for that I neuer ment I am supposed to bee other then I am I am hit in the teeth with other mens faultes and hard borne for things I can not mend I am heauelie friended of sutch as shoulde fauour mee they are readie to take from mee that which I haue which of duetie should giue mee that which I lacke and O God thou knowest mine innocency and how vndeseruedly they doo it I haue bin obedient to my power but my portion is alotted as I had bin otherwise I was borne as of thy seruant Sara but I am reputed as one of the sunnes of Agar it were almost infinite to shew how I haue bin afflicted and I am now oppressed with a burden that I cannot sustaine stayne vnlesse thou bée my singular good God and I hope herein thou wilt haue a speciall reguarde vnto mée Euer hetherto thou hast stirred vp woorthy vessels to relieue the woes and cure the cares of sutche as were wrapped in aduersitie hast thou raysed none to helpe mée O Lorde Surely I do constantly béeléeue that thou wilt not leaue mée vnlooked to although at this present I see almoste no signe of succour and the welspringes of my blood bée waxed drie towardes mée and thou hast multiplied the numbre of my kinnesfolkes aboue my fréeinds and slender bée the twyne whereon the stay of my simple liuyng dependeth Suffre then not to want I béeséeche thée that haue fréeindly looked vpon my penurie stande thou good Father vnto them that haue dealt with mée as their naturall childe let not their barnes bée the emptier nor their bagges the lighter nor their houses the desolater nor theyr hartes the heauier nor their heyres the poorer and when it shall please thée then haue mée also in remembrance as I stande not in doubt of thy gracious goodnesse Lorde let my hope take effect as the lookyng for that day hetherto hath bin cheif cause of the lengthnynge of this my lingrynge lothed life FJNIS ¶ Imprinted at London in Fléet-streete by William How dwellynge at Temple Barre
and the spirite of constancie to perseuere in the same Bende downe thine heauely eies O Lorde from the celestiall throne of thy glorie and béeholde the state and condition of mée that lie héere in the earth béelow waltrynge in this vale of wickednesse drenched in this dungeon of darkenesse martired in millians of miseries couched in this cloake of calamities loste in this laberinth of lustes smoultred in this smoke of sensualitie greatly growyng from grace and voide of vertue Wherefore as thou haste at this present time so continew with dayly increasing in mée a lothyng of my self in respect of sinne a desier vnto thée by meane of faithfull praier hartie contrition possible satisfactiō innouation of life continuation of Grace tendynge vnto the preseruation both of my body and soule Send downe vnto mée Lorde the cleere lookyng glasse of thy wisdoome that I may béeholde therin th' ouglesomenesse and deformitie of mine vnrighteousnes giue mée a Viale ful of the water of vnfained repentance that sprincklyng my self therwith although I were with sinnes more read then scarlet I may bée made more white then snow Wash away the filthinesse of my sinnes with a branche of bitter I sop wherein is figured the vnpleasant fast of afflictions troubles and persecutions sent vnto vs by thy hande most righteous God in liew of our offences and I shall béecome passing pure Neuertheles ouercharge mee not O swéet Lorde I béeséeche thée nor lay not more vpon my backe then I am able to carie for thou knowest best th' infirmitie of my fraile fleash and the weakenes of our kinde since wée all bée thine and the worke of thy holly handes O my God what is there in this worlde that men should bée so greedie to continue therin and so lothe to forgoe the fruition of this transitorie life while wée remayne héere wee are all touched with troubles those that haue wealth at will are checked with calamities yea Princes themselues are not alwayes at ease béesides that wée heape vp dayly the desert of thy iudgement Whilst my dayes bée prolonged within this darke den of mortallitie lighten the Lantern of thy diuine woord béefore my feete that I stumble not agaynst the heape of my haynous offences and fall downe head long into the déepe Dungeon of desperation Likewise plucke from mée the fonde Feathers of saucie presumption least takyng an hautie conceite in my selfe to bee that which alas I am not thou reueale my filthinesse and cast mée downe thither where there is no redemption Gratiously graunt vnto mee O my Lorde and Kynge that I may neuer take my selfe to bée other then in deede I am make mée to bée sutch one as I ought and let mée bée hée that I would thē shal I neuer dwell in errour thy fauour shoulde neuer fayle mee and hereafter which notwithstandyng I hope bée an inheritour of thy heauenly kyngdome Lorde I béeséeche thée keepe mee that I neuer fall into reprobate sence and let mée not bée seduced by any false doctrine let the lines of thy law bee printed in the bowels of my bellie lighten inflame and confirme the hartes of thy chosen people that they may haue one minde one will all a like seeke thee finde thee see thee and magnifie thy glorious name Preuent all my dooinges with thy most fauourable kyndenes O father of mercies and so direct my wayes in thy Faith and feare of thy maiestie that I may commit no wickednes nor consent thereto let there bee founde no guilt in my handes nor guile in my hart preserue my lippes from lies from incontinencie mine eyes my fleash from filth my sowle from sinne and the whole course of my life from offence transgression O Lorde heare my praiers let myne ernest crie come into thy presence and entre into thine Eares whiche I yeeld heere vnto thee from the very deapth of my Hart with a wounded conscience and a bleedyng soule with broken sighes and weepyng eyes bended knees and stretched handes but which most is with ardent affection and feruent Faith. Bende downe thy selfe O bende downe vnto my piteous playntes thou God of our Fathers and accordyng as thou hast spoken let it so bée doone vnto thy seruant Great is thy grace O graunt mée thy grace manifolde are thy mercies O shew mée thy mercie puisant is thy power O sende mee thy power that I may turne from sinne and turne to thee leaue my olde life and leade a new that I may alwaies bee thy seruant and thou likewise eternally bée mine eternall God. Amen O. ¶ O thou Earth Earth Earth heare the woorde of the Lorde Of a trueth GOD hath no reguarde of persons but in euery nation hee that feareth him and woorketh righteousnesse is accepted with him ¶ The fift Flower O Euerlastyng GOD and moste louyng Father maker of all the world kyng of Blisse Lorde of Life giuer of peace and continuer of concorde looke downe into the bottome and deapth of my conscience and consider the perpetuall afflictions which dayly I sustayne therin to the daungerous distresse wonderful woundyng of the same Strengthen mee O Lord against the furious inuasions of three my moste mortall foes the Fleash the Worlde and the Deuill whiche to th' intent they might suppresse mee cease not continually withall theyr force to assayle the séely spirite which thou hast lent vnto mee the woorke of thy wisedome and the image of thy substance My moste sweet God keepe mee with the winges of thy vertue asist mee with thy holy ghost that I may heedfully withholde my feete from all snares and trappes whiche may any way intangle mee withdraw mee from due obedience towardes thee and thy will staying mee from walkyng forwarde in thy heauenly heastes that lead to life For Satan myne auntient enemie seeketh out a thousand meanes to beguile mee hée excelleth in subteltie hée aboundeth in craftes hee passeth in wilinesse in so mutch that hee transformeth his lothsome shape into the likenesse of an Angell of light therby to supplant thine elect but defende thou mee from him O my most mightie God. Pondre the nature and disposition of my frayle fleash how it is nothing els but the graue of my ghost a farthell of infirmities a lumpe of lothesomnesse a prison of perdition a sink of sinne and a frame of frowarde moulde contrarie to that whiche is good and alwaies promptly prest to the worse As for this worlde it is the vale of wilfulnesse the way of wicked cōuersation a iorney fraught with ioperdie a pilgrimage fully pight with pitious pininges a deepe dungeon of destruction an infectious soyle with sinfulnesse a lake of vnlawful lustes and a tree of traiterous fruites repugnant O God to thy moste sacred will. The Deuill is the déerlyng of damnation the Prince of dreadful darkenesse the Kynge of calamities the wicked woorker of woes the Fende of finall destruction the greedie gaper for mans procured perdition the poysoned puddle of lies the sneaking Snake of
couered quight in a sacke of sinne my filthinesse maketh mée stande in feare of thee and horrour of my self I tremble to thinke what one thou seest of mee if possible thou mayest sée mée for the numbre of my sinnes that exceede the flowers of the springe or leaues thy fatherlie pitie and forgiuenesse Turne not away from mée poore wretch thy woonted benignitie forasmutch as I confesse my daily iniquitie and although my sinnes bée mo in number then is for mée méete and sittinge yet let thy mercie bée no lesse then it is decent for so gentle and pitieful a god O god the god of al fauourablenes How mutch the more abhominable my sinnes are in thy sight yéeldinge foorth a lothsome smell of displeasure in thy presence O god so mutch the more do they stand in néed of holsome cure which of necessitie procéedeth from thée and none other to requite the same with sutche integritie and newnesse of life as may bée acceptable vnto thee Heale therefore O most singular good Lorde my gréeuous infirmitie and so shalt thou ridde mée of that whiche offendeth thée my wofull deformitie acquite mee from my contagious sickenesse and thou shalt smel no more my most horrible lothsomnesse pardon within mée this bitter calamitie and nothyng shall lenger offende thy sinceritie Create in mée O Lorde God a moste godly zeale and feruent desier to perseuere alwayes within the cōpasse of thy heauenly will and neuer to commit any thynge that is repugnant vnto the same asistyng mée also with thy holly spirite that I fayle not in this most godly purpose but stedfastly pursue it vnto the last day of my life so shall I bée assuredly salf from sinne and my toongue shall alwayes bée tellynge thy perelesse prayses Amen A. ¶ A gratious woman getteth honour an huswifely woman is a crowne vnto her husband but shee that beehaueth her self vnhonestly is a corruption in his bones ¶ The ninthe Flower AS a childe that hath transgressed the cōmaundement of his master standeth in awe of the rodde euen so O lorde am I in greate dread of thy iudgement for that is the hier of sutch as obserue not thy heastes bicause I haue not walked after thy will nor harckned vnto the voyce of thy woorde but run foorthe on the reigne of myne owne sensualitie But thou haste made a couenant with mée that when so euer I conuert myselfe vnto thée thou wylte fauourably turne thy selfe vnto mée and if I repent thou wilt forgiue if I bée sorie thou wilt remēber myne offences no longer sée then Lorde for I bring with mée now the branch of sorow and héere I hold it vp vnto thée for a monument of thy remembraunce Saue mée good Lorde as hitherto thou hast done deliuer mée in the day of distresse for thou art the horne of my health and the sheild of my saluation and the gaine of my glorie I haue no power at all but it procéedeth from thée and thou bearest vp the féeblenes of myne infirmitie and thy mercie is my staffe to leane vpō From the daungers of death and from the snares of Sathan and from the cheines of Hell and when I was swallowed vp thou didst deliuer my soule from destruction I was wrapped in woe but I am set at libertie as a bird that was fallen into the fowlers lyme and at length is losed by some good bodie For these thy bountiful benefites O god take from mée the vice of vnthankfulnes that I may thinke and thanke thée therefore and graciously dispose the waies of thy seruant that I may continew in thy pleasure but if thou wouldest so direct mée that I might offende thée no more there shoulde no ioy bée comparable vnto myne They are hated of thée that do turn thy plentifull blessings into scarcitie and they are partakers of their wickednes that are in aucthoritie seinge it and do not redresse it open their eies swéet god that they may sée it endeuour their hartes to amend it that thy people perishe not throughe the iniquitie of a fewe that haue heaped vp a great sinne I haue praid vnto thée with an ernest hart for all my imperfections to bée deliuered of them and nowe I humbly sue good Lorde that thou wouldest vouchsalfe to preserue mée from the déede that may prouoke the bitternes of any mans soule against mée for I am assured that thou wilt repay it with vengeance There bée some that haue laid wait to intrap mée and they would bee excéeding glad of my fall but my trust is in thée that thou wilt not giue mée ouer as a praye to myne ennemies make their desiers void let them bée confounded in their owne drifts and faile of their purpose that they wickedly haue inuented Pardon mée O god in all my presumptions forgiue them that persecute mee make mée loue them that hate me and hartely to pray for them that wish my finall destruction how beeit I béeséech thée Lorde to saue me from their handes lest if thou shouldst forsake mee I fall into their power and there bée none to defende mée from their malice Truly Lord I am fully determined to make thy precepts a gardeyne of pleasure and thy lawes an alley of delight to take my recreation therin during the dayes of my flesh only I request thée of thy goodnes to graunt mee thy grace with the continuance of this good woorke which thou hast béegun in mee Since thou lothest Lorde an vngodly life giue mee power I praye thee to flie the woorkes of the fleshe which thou dost hate and to embrace the deedes of righteousenes whiche thou doest loue and in them to seeke thy glorie incline my mind alwaies to meditate on thy lawe and to caste all the cares of my hart vpon thee The death and buriall the resurrection ascention of thee my swéet sauiour Christe I humbly adore and giue hartie thankes for them for in them there riseth vnto mee a sauour of life through the quickenyng smell of all these raise vp my soule I pray thée good Lorde from the dreadfull death of sinne O dust and ashes why doest thou walke with a proude hart and stretched out neck and why art thou mooued with impacience agaynst euerie triflynge aduersitie Béeholde the méekenesse and humilitie of thy redéemer and learne to bee humble of harte and low of courage bée ashamed of pride and blush for want of patience Lorde if I coulde giue vnto thée Heauen and Earth and all the glory thereof for hier from the toppe of my rewarde I coulde not sufficiently recompence the deapth of thy desert yet giue mée that grace that so farre as mine abilitie extendeth I may requite thy bountie with thankes and shew how mutch I am bettered by thy heauenly liberalitie Giue mée thy peace whiche the worlde cannot giue graunt mée the ioy whiche thine elect doo possesse sustayne mée with the comfort that neuer shalbée voyde erect mée with hope that shall alwayes persist instruct mée with thy woorde that