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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09658 Aggeus and Abdias prophetes the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared. Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1562 (1562) STC 19927; ESTC S105053 233,877 506

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our appointed time If this were well considered it woulde make our proude Peacockes feathers too fall when we remember frome whence we come and whither we shall and how we be not able too thinke of oure selues a good thoughte but that all oure goodnes is geuen vs of God and vnto him we bee traytours and theeues if we be proude of his giftes and geue not him worthy thākes for them but take the prayse to oure selues Thus by degrees doth God encrease his plages and threatning not destroying vs at the firste but by layinge on vs one litle rodde at the first he biddeth warneth vs to beware of the next for that wil be greater if we amend not this he doth by his other Prophetes also In Osee he cōpares hym self to the mothe Lyon in punishing for the mothe doth not eate vp clothes hastely but by leasur by litle and litle but the Lyon deuoureth vp all at once So saieth God I will be no more onely as a mothe in clothes in punishing you so gently and by leasure for by that gentle kynde of punishinge ye waxe wors● 〈◊〉 worse but I will come now as a Liō and destroye you quickely for ye abuse my gētlenes and I can not hold my handes any longer beside you Lorde soften oure har● hearts that wher we be gilty in thesame fault of negligent buyldinge thy house we may heare and feare those great 〈◊〉 teninges towardes vs wee maye dri●●● thee and obtayne mercy for our sins pa●● and here after be more diligente too serue thee verse 12 Then Zerobabel the sonne of Salathiel and Iosua y● sonne of Iehozadac the hyghe Priest and all the remnaūt of the people gaue eare vnto the voyce of the Lorde their God and vnto the woordes of Aggens the Prophete ●● as much that the Lord their God sent hym and the people were afraid in the sight of God verse 13 13 And Aggeus the messenger of the Lorde sayd in the messages of the Lorde to the people sayinge I am with you saieth the Lorde ¶ Hitherto from the beginninge hathe ben nothinge but chydinge and threateninge for their greate negligence in buyldinge Gods house nowe folowes the profite and commoditie that came by suche a sharpe kynde of rebukinge They began to geue eare vnto it marke it and were afrayde too heare and consider those plages whiche yet hanged ouer their heads they beleued those sayinges too bee true whiche Aggeus sayde vnto them and thei ●eared God This is the ordinary way that God vseth to teache by whiche the scripture sets before vs to learne too beleue in God and feare him First to rebuke sinne and declare the anger of God towardes sinners and preache repētaunce as Ihon Baptist and oure sauioure Christe began to preache repent the kyngdome of God is at hāde Fayth commeth by hearing saith sainct Paule and hearinge by the woorde of God therefore he that will beleue and haue his fayth encreased must be diligent in the scriptures too heare sermons and marke what God saieth vntoo vs there What maruayl is it if the Papistes haue so litle faith seing thei reade not the scripture and hold opinion that it is not necessary yea not to be suffered that the scripture should be muche read or taughte but the Popes lawes customes and decr●es The whole scripture hath these .ii. chiefe partes into the whiche it is deuided the lawe and the Gospell the lawe contaynes properly the setting forth of sinne threatninges curses Gods anger toward sin●● remorse of conscience for thesame dānation hel despaire the Gospel contains cōfort hope forgeuenesse mercies in Christ heauen saluation agrement with God Thus teaches s. Paule sayinge the lawe workes anger within a man in consciēce towards him self for displeasing his 〈◊〉 God and also declares what is sinne the angre and iust iudgement of God for sin By the law comes the knowledge of syn Agayn he saieth I had not knowen coueting lusting and desiring for any vnlawfull thing to haue ben sinne except the law had said thou shalt not lust nor couet The gospel is the power of God to saue al that beleue in Christ whiche saieth come to me all ye that laboure and are laden I will refreshe you thus God loued the worlde that he gaue his onelye begotten sonne c. with many suche like promises as if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father c. this profit came here to this people by preaching the law of God and threatninges vnto theym that they whiche were afore so forgetful of their duties now hearing the great anger vengeaunce of God that hanged ouer their heads ready to fal on them it styrred them vp to do their duties and fear God Thus maye we here se the fonde tender eares of them which would not heare nor haue the law preached but all together the swete comfortable promises mercies in Christ nor can not abide the anger of God iuste iudgement for sinne to be taught saying it bringes a man into dispaire and that it is not nowe in the time of grace mete too be preached A man as he is made of bodye soule so hath he the lawe geuen hym too beate doune the lustes of the fleshe and keepe hym in due feare to his Lorde and God least the soule should despaire when it cōsiders the greatnes of the sinne whiche the fleshe and mynde drawes hym to he hath the cōfort of Christ offered vnto him in the gospell So least we be proud forget God we haue the lawe geuen too set before vs the righteousnesse of those thinges which God requires of vs oure weake vnable●nes to fulfill thesame and the righteous sentence of deathe and Gods anger pro●nounced vpon all that fulfill not thesame lawe But least we shoulde despayre 〈◊〉 haue the vnspeakeable mercies of God ●●●fered vnto vs in his sonne whiche by hys death hath conquered death and paied the full price for the sins of the whole world He biddeth vs when we feele oure owne weakenes vnablenes to fulfill his law to come vnto hym aske help and mercy at his handes and doubte not thereof but it shal be graunted For as we see in iudgementes here amongest vs there is a royal seate set where the iudge sittes he that is accused standes at the barre holdes vp his hande heares his enditement redde witnes is broughte in againste him and ●● iustly condempned to death so we shal see Iesus Christe the righteous iudge of the worlde that will not be brybed sit in hys seate of maiesty at the laste daye all the companye of Aungels about him and we shall stande at the barre as accused en●yted for breakinge that righteous lawe of his woorde the deuill whiche entised vs so to do shal beare witnes that to be true yea and our own conscience also the fea● of
a stone kylles Golias so strōgly harnised A bishop of Mētz beīg persecuted with rats frō house to house fled into a towre he hais stādīg in the mids of the riuer lying a mile frō any lād but the rats folowed him swāme ouer neither dores nor stoone walles coulde kepe thē out but thei woried hī for his vnmercifulnes to the people in a year of dearth Thus our God may wel be called 〈◊〉 Lord of hostes which hath so many weapōs diuers to punishe vs withal as fyre water earth darkenes frogges lyse greshoppers catterpillers pestilēce hayle drought c. so that ther is no help to be disobediēt striue against hī ▪ for he wil haue the victory There is waies aboue beneth vs within vs wtout vs to throw vs down at his pleasur there is no remedy but to obey him either willingly be rewarded or els against our wils bee punished His power is not yet minished but he fights stil with his enemies that al glori may be his He hath foughtē sore of late with his vtter enemy the Pope with what weapōs ▪ with a goose feather old clout● wherof be made pēne paper such 〈…〉 hath he vsed to do this feate as the world hates despises But he hath so shaken hys ●eat that his fal is begunne euery man whiche is not wilfully blinde sees it His abhominations his wickednes is 〈◊〉 to the worlde as the Prophete saieth ● will shewe thy filthy partes in thy fac● ▪ wil set foorthe thy nakednes to people These be the ordinaunces great Gūnes and Bulwerkes that he will sette by his Churche with and pull downe Anti●christ that all victorie maye be his which by suche small and weake thinges 〈…〉 downe ●he glor● 〈◊〉 the world 〈◊〉 although their faltes were greuous yet oure good God is contente with a litle rebukinge of them and doeth no more but caste in their ●eeth their vnthankefulnes and saieth this people saies it is not yet tyme to buyld the house of God as though he should saye this people whome I chose amongest all the world and in respecte of whome I seme to regarde no other people bu● them bestowinge winge on theym onelye ●● chiefly any blessinges whose fathers I broughte out of slauery in Egipt made them lordes of this plenteous lande destroyinge the dwellers of it subduing● their enemies round about thē to whom● I sende my Prophetes in all 〈…〉 will and pleasur● and whom● now of late when they were led prysoners to Babylon I brought home agayne and restored to them their land●●● ▪ and willed nothinge of them but to buylde my house and kepe my lawes this vnkinde people I say saies it is not yet time to build gods house This stifnecked people that will neither be ouercomē moued with gētelnes to do their duties nor yet feare my plagues and threatninges will not diligently go about to do that whiche I willed them so straitly to do The rod is sharp to the flesh when we be beaten but too a gentle hearte there can be no sharper rebuke then to haue his vnkindnes caste in his teeth My people saies god by his prophet in what thing haue I offended thee that thou doest so disobeye me or what haue I done to thee tell me And that we shuld better consider our vnthankfulnes he cōpares vs to beastes saies the Oxe knowes his maister the Asse knowes hys master stable and manger but my people will not know me So saieth Ieremy the Turtel swalow and the Storke knowes their times of the yeare to come but my people know not the iudgement of the lord If a kinge shoulde mary a poore woman ▪ and make her Queene and when she displeased him shoulde saye vnto her where thou wast but a poore woman and neuer loked to haue ben maried to me I forsake all other women for thy sake and made thee my wife felow hath it becomen that to do this fault agaīst me If she haue any honest heart in her it will make her burst out into tears aske forgeuenes so wil it moue any christiā heart that feares god whē he heares his vnthākful disobediēce lai●d to his charge specialli if he cōsider what goodnes and how often he hath reciue● a● gods hāds how forgetful he hath ben again to so louing a Lord god The lord for his mercies sake graūt vs such tēder hart● that we may burst out into tears whē we cōsider his goodnes our wickednes his vndeserued mercye our great vnthākefulnes What a bitter griefe shal this be to● hear him lay our vnkīdnes to our charge I gaue you a good king many true preachers my word plēteously my sacramēts purely rooted out Idolatri deliuered you frō straūgers with all wealthe yet you would not feare me what can we say for shame but condēpne our selfs God graūt we mai for thā he wil not condēne vs. I do not doubt but many of thē had great excuses to lay for thē selfs if thei had ben asked why they did not buyld gods house aswel as we haue for our negligēce in the same doinge Some would say we are forbidden by the king his officers so they were in dede as apperes in Esdras Some we muste first prouide a house for our selues to dwell in for our wyues and childrē Other we are vnlerned we know not how to do it Other we be poore not able to take in hāde such a costly woorke Other let the rulers begī we wil help Other we shal not lose our life goods if we disobey the Kings cōmaūdemēt But god would alow no such excuse but castes in all their teethes their disobediēt vnkindnes sayes This people say it is not yet tyme too buylde gods house The priestes would say it is not our duty to buyld but to offer sacrifices sing Psalmes as wee be appointed The rulers might say their office was to see the commō wealth well ruled and not too meddle in suche matters The people mighte saye it belonged not to them beinge suche a costly thinge that required wisdome learning ryches ▪ and power but they muste applye their husbandrye marchaundise c. Euen as they sayde in the Gospel I haue boughte a Farme or v. yoke of Oxen that I wil not come hold me excused Or I haue maried a wyfe that I can not come so none could or woulde take goddes woorke in hande thereto ●et that one sorte shoulde not 〈◊〉 them selues blameless and the wher●●●● fault or that one should not 〈…〉 other because the● the●● were 〈…〉 men the reste and woulde haue 〈◊〉 Gods house more gladlye than other 〈◊〉 prophets sent to rebuke them all 〈◊〉 were gylty in not buylding And 〈◊〉 not the rulers saye it is not 〈…〉 buylde gods house or the 〈…〉 or the 〈…〉 or 〈◊〉 men generally all this
and persecutes them that loue Christ and his woord or wil not beleue him his doinges to be aboue the scripture all these thinges he would not do except he thought his wais the better Howe many orders of monkes Freeres Nunnes Chanons Heremites Pylgrymages Pardonnes Reliques Sainctes Masses Holy water hathe he sette in hys Churche whiche all the scripture castes awaye as noughte because they bee not taughte vs by God but inuented by the Pope for hys vantage and vayne glorie What diuersitie is amōg them although they charge the gospelers with the falselye when thei put their holines in their coats some saye a whyte Coule is more holye some saye a blacke an other sorte a graye Some saye masse of Requiem is beste other saye of Scala coeli Some of the fiue woundes some of 〈◊〉 Lady Some praye to one sainct as 〈◊〉 in gods fauour and some to other Some vse trinite knots and other sainct Kat●●●rins Some haue saincte Tronions 〈◊〉 other oure Ladies and many the gol●●● Fridayes In the schooles some holde 〈◊〉 sainct Thomas some of Duns and 〈◊〉 of Gabriel or Bacon Some holde of Fra●●●ces in religion some of Dominike 〈◊〉 of Augustin but the holiest was s. 〈◊〉 For as Fasciculus temporum saies he was 〈◊〉 holy that he broughte too heauen 〈◊〉 5555. Popes .24 Cardinals .2000 Archebishops .7000 Bishops .15000 Deanes 5000. Abbots .74 beside many Nunnes and holy Sisters and Priestes O holy ● Benet that was more holy than so many Popes Freeres Cardinals c. And wr●●ched Popes that can bringe other to heauen and not them selues Some priestes saie matins masse and after Yorkes vse some of Sarum some Bangor and other of common sanctorum But neuer one seekes Christ as he shoulde accordinge too the scripture They haue made them schoolemaysters whom they will folow of their own deuisinge where as God the father hathe appointed his sonne Christ and sayd this is my welbeloued Sonne in whom I am well delited heare hym And he is that Prophete of whom Moyses wrote saying the Lorde youre God will rayse a Prophete from among youre brethren like vnto me hym shall ye heare and that soule whiche will not heare him shall perishe He is the wisedome of God the father by whome he hath shewed his mercie and power to the whole worlde and by whome he hath confounded the mightie and wise of the world and he is God withoute beginninge These other whiche they call sainctes or rather make them their Gods are founde of late and it is not manye yeares synce they liued It is not since Fraunces Augustine and Dominic lyued muche aboue ●00 years and if those be the pillers of Gods churche now howe did it stande afore their daies If these be the meanes to bringe vs to heauen now howe do they that died before that these men were born and knowen God witnesses of his sonne Christ that he is the Lambe whiche was slayne from the beginninge of the worlde and that by his deathe the sinnes of the whole worlde are forgeuen that whatsoeuer we aske hym in his name he will geue vs. We haue no suche promise made vs in any other creature and therefore if we aske any thing in their names God nedes not to geue it vs for he hath not boūd him selfe by any promise as he hath to his son Christ. God hath not found a new way of late for vs to be saued by but hath apointed one means for all ages by which only we shal please him that is the merites death of his deare sonne Christ Iesus 〈◊〉 Lord. He is the strong rocke vpon whom what house soeuer is buylded shall stande all other be builded on the sande therefore shall fall Therfore Englande howe canst thou escape the greate plages written in thys booke that had banished the worde of God that the people might not haue it nor read it the shepe heard not the voice of the true shepeheard but the straunge language of Wolues Hierelinges thefes yea thou wast come to suche a shamelesnes and hatred of Gods woorde that thou could not suffer the clere light of the gospel to shyne nor the shryl trumpet of Gods moste holye woorde to sounde in thine eares whiche would confound all such enemies of God to haue any place at al in thee Marke wel Englād in how miserable an estate thou wast that thou mightest not hear God speake to thee by his woorde nor beleue what he teaches thee but whatsoeuer pleases the Pope to commaund thee or the parliamēt to decree What are those bishops woorthye to haue which in one yeare space cōfirmed the preaching of the gospel of christ and pure minestringe of Gods sacramēts and thesame men within thesame yeare with thesame impudent mouthes blasphemous tunges brought in the Pope set by Idols banished Christe and his holye supper appointed for all men that wil to receiue it together toke awaye his holye gospell and sacramēts and placed by their authoritie the masse for one shaueling to eate vp all and blesse the people with the empty Chalice and burned his preachers to fyll their bellies Moyses commaunded suche blasphemers of gods name to be stoned and yet they beare the name and title of ministers in Christes churche If the Iewes deserued all these vengeaunces because they didde not buylde gods house what had thou O Englande deserued in this defacinge and pulling●-doune and haste thus chaūged gods house into a denne of theeues and made it the Popes market place to bye and sell Heauen Hell and Purgatorie to deceiue christen soules and deface the deathe and passion of oure sauioure Christe Thou didst set vp Idols to be 〈◊〉 and sought helpe at stockes stones therfore howe muche nede haste thou 〈…〉 vnto God that he woulde geue thee 〈◊〉 rulers for thou must beleue as they 〈◊〉 and if they loue not God thou shalte heare him speake vnto thee by his worde if 〈◊〉 will not worship God arighte thou 〈◊〉 not be suffered to do it if thou would Can any people escape vnpunished 〈◊〉 thus mockes God Or if Gods mercy 〈◊〉 not vnspeakeable coulde he haue 〈◊〉 his handes thus longe but haue 〈◊〉 oute his vengeaūce and throwen his th●●●derbolts in euery corner of thee to 〈◊〉 thee before these dayes If thou wilt not glorify God in repentinge he will glorifie him selfe in dest●●nge thee Marke howe manye daies 〈◊〉 hath forborne to punishe thee so manye dayes haste thou had of his endlesse merci ▪ graunted thee to repent in and if thou 〈◊〉 it not by times loke not for the contrary but thou shalt be made an example to the whole worlde a laughinge stocke too thy enemies a pray and slaue to all countries rounde aboute thee What can be thoughte of those which will euer folowe that whiche the prynce desires but that they seeke their owne pleasure and profite with all diligence whiche the prophete cals
to know whether they should be suffered to go forward in their buylding or not But God so moued the kyngs heart that he gaue thē not onely libertye to buylde but money alsoo to do it with all by the strength of God they had not onely geuen the enterpryse but also went forwarde in their building askinge no licence at all of anye man before they were complayned on This strength hath Gods woord whē it is worthelye receiued that it maketh a man to forget his owne profite yea lādes wyfe chyldren goodes and life māfully to beare death pryione fyre and displeasure of princes so that he maye do his dutye to his Lorde God and escape his displeasure Peter who denied his maister at the voice af a handmayde after he had receiued the holy Ghoste was bolde to confesse hym before lordes and princes euen to the deathe Paule in furious rage of his persecution was striken doune and of a wolfe rose vp a lambe Nicodemus that afore durst not be knowen to be Christes disciple or beare hym any good wil after durst aske the body of Pylate and bou●dly buried it Thus where true fayth is geuē to God commaundinge any thing to be don or to the preachinge of hys woorde it makes of haters louers of fearfull bolde of persecuters preachers and doeth wholye chaunge the nature of manne as Dauid sayeth The lawe of the Lorde is without spot turninge the mindes of men Thys was neither treason nor rebellion against the kynge to do that which God by his prophete so straitly commaunded as was declared and noted before but they were rather traytours to God that had not of soo many yeares gone more earnestly aboute that buildinge of Gods house as God willed them to do And where he calles God their God yet after so great and longe disobedience it commendes vnto vs the long suffering and merciful goodnes of our God that wil not forsake vs for a fault or twoo nor in a yeare or twoo but continually beareth with vs callinge vs to hym by all meanes possible and woulde not one of the leaste too perishe All the daye longe sayeth God by his prophet Esay I haue stretched out my handes to a people that speakes against me and faytheles But of this is inough spoken before And where he addeth this and sayeth they went wrought in the Lords house the .xxiiii. daye of the .vi. moneth and the ▪ same seconde yeare of Darius it teaches vs the earnestnes of them towardes theyr woorke nowe after they were thus awaked and sturred vp out of their sleepe They had but three wekes and .iii. daies bothe to heare this preaching of Aggeus and to make ready their tooles to woorke withall whiche time had ben litle inough to haue prepared their tooles in although they had not hadde any other busines too haue ben occupied withall The prophete was sent from God the first daye of the .vi. moneth as appeares in the firste verse nowe the .xxiiii. daye of the same moneth they began to renue their woorke with a lusty courage so the whole tyme both too heare the preaching and prepare all thinges necessarie For their greate woorke was but three weekes and three dayes Soo earnestly doeth true ●aithe woorke where God is truely feared and his commaundement reuerently obeied that thei can not be quiet vntil they haue done that whiche God commaundes There is nothinge now that can hinder them frō this woorke neither the feare of the kynges displeasure nor the costlines of the greate worke nor the gredines of their owne profite whiche they sought so muche before neither the greatnes of their disobedience in so longe forgetting their lorde God but with one minde and courage thei sette vp this great costly woorke manfully continuinge in it happely finish it in 4. yeares space notwithstanding the great lets hinderaunce and accusations that were made againste them to the kynge other diuers wayes many This promise that God had made thē that he woulde be with them had so encouraged them the nothing coulde stop them frome their woorke but as Dauid goinge to fighte with Golias was not afrayd of al his strength harnes nor yet his power and mighte but sayde thou commest agaynste me trustinge in thyne owne strength and I come to fight with thee with this litle slinge and fewe stoones in the name of the lyuynge God of Israel so they were bolde in him onely to sette on thys great woorke If they were thus sturred vp by thys litle preachynge what dulnes shall wee thynke too bee in oure selues that after suche continuall cryinge and callinge can not be awaked to do our duties Is it any maruayle that God doeth so often and soo greuouslye plague vs seinge we shoulde without all excuses doe it whiche he commaundeth vs and yet in so long tyme we can not be broughte too feare hym as wee shoulde doe We maye also learne what a treasure it is to haue Gods worde amōgst vs seinge it is the ordinarie way that he hath ordeined to bring vs vnto hym by what a grefe it is too want the continuall preachinge of thesame and also the wickednes of the Papistes that thus do robbe the people of it and woulde make them to beleue that it were not necessary for thē but bringes them in to heresies and that it is the mother of all heresie and mischief that there was neuer good worlde since the scripture was in Englishe with such like blasphemies But if we marke the scriptur throughly in all ages we shall finde y● in good kings dayes whiche maintained Gods woorde his true religion as Dauid Salomon Iosaphat Ioas Ezechias Iosias in Iuda onely there was more plēty of all worldly blessinges then there was in all Israell beside where as the scripture was not regarded Again if ye marke wel all the aūcient heretikes euē from the beginning as Arrius Pelagius Ualētinus Marciō Sabellius Donatus Eutyches c. You shall finde none at all or verye fewe that were vnlearned but all for the moste part were great clarkes and by this reason thē the learned rather then the vnlearned shuld be kept from the scriptures if reading the scripture make heretikes For men fail chiefely into heresies when they trust too their owne wittes learning forsakinge or not submitting their wittes vnto gods wisedom cōteined in hys infallible worde and truth If they will let the people heare the scripture in sermons I canne not tell why they shoulde not be suffered to reade it Why shoulde rather heresy come by readinge then by hearinge Naye thys is their meaninge they woulde haue no preachinge nor yet readinge sauinge of their dirty dragges of popery which maintaines their ydle lordelines where as the scripture setteth out their wickednes whiche they will not haue knowen nor yet once touched The Lorde for hys mercie sake defende vs from their tirāny Amen ¶ A prayer MOst
¶ Aggeus and Abdias Prophetes the one corrected the other newly added and both at large declared The earnest loue that I beare to thy house hath eaten me Psal. lxix Ioan. ii Phinees hath tourned awaye my anger because he was moued with loue of me Num. xxv Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres 1562. ¶ A Preface to al that loue the earnest promotinge of Gods glorye in his Churche by true religion ALthoughe the commen vsage of dedicating bookes is to require the defense of some woorthye personage of learnynge or authoritye for the thing that it is written yet the maiestie of the matter in thys boke is such that it rather defendes than sekes defence and thexample of the Prophet whych wrytes it not to one but manye suffers me not to sende it to any one sorte of menne particularly but generallye to all that should vnfeinedly promote the encrease of Gods glory bicause all degrees of men do owe a dutye to the buildinge of this gods house And if anye offence be taken as God knowes none is purposelye giuen the defence of manye is greater than of a fewe and that authoritye or credite which one manne alone can not bring to passe al iointly together shal more easely obtaine The Prophet is sent from God to the Prince the highe Priest and the people so I speake to the rulers the ministers and comminalty The cheef intent of his Prophecie is to stirre all to the spedye buildinge of Gods house whiche they had so long neglected my labour is to bring some of euery sort for al is not possible to an earnest fortheringe of gods true religion of late most mercifullye restored vnto vs which not long agoe most cruellye was persecuted of manye yet hated and of euery man almost now to coldlye folowed and practised But if this Prophecy were read and depelye considered with such a hungry desire of gods glorye as the Prophete spake and wrote it and I for my parte and pore abilitie haue declared it I doute not but the good should be stirred by gods spirit more earnestly to seke gods glory the froward shuld be afrayed of gods plague ashamed stubbernely to striue against the trueth cōtinually The state of religion in these our miserable dayes is much like to the troublesom time that this Prophet liued in God graunt that after many greuous stormes it may take like roote in vs as it did than in them After the long captiuity of gods people in Babilon god gaue them gracyous king Cyrus which set them at liberty and sent them home to builde Goddes house So after our longe Romish slauerye God raysed vs vp good kynges which restored vs gods booke that long had bin buried and loused vs from the bondage of straunge gods forreyn powers cruell hipocrites and wicked Idols And as after that short fredome vnder good Cirus ensued the crueltye of Hamman for negligently handling gods buildinge And not long after milde Ester came blouddy Antiochus for their falling from god So for our talking gospel and not worthely walking nor folowing it vnder our gracyous late Iosias crept out a swarm of Romish waspes stinging to death all that would not worship their Gods nor beleue their doctrine God for his mercies sake graūt that now for our vnthankful coldnes in gods cause vnder our myld Ester burst not out again bloudy Antiochus with his whelpes iustly to auenge our cold slacknes in gods religion and insensible dulnes Gods word is neuer offered and geuen in vaine or to vse at our pleasure but it workes eyther saluacion in them that here beleue and folowe it or els condemnacion in them that proudely despise it sturdely rebell or forgetfully do heare and vnthankfullye receyue his mercies Therefore as after a storme folowes a calme and after winter comes sommer so nowe where God hath geuen a breathing time lest our weakenes had not bene able to haue borne hys heauy displeasure anye longer let vs earnestlye applye our worke whan we haue time for the nyghte wyll come whan no man shall be able to worke If this be true as it is most true in deede that euerye dede of our sauiour Christ is our instruction also that what thynges soeuer are wrytten they be writtē for our learning as S. Paul teacheth let vs cal to remēbraunce what zele earnest loue our sauiour Christ especially shewed in building his fathers house and restoringe the true vnderstanding of the scriptures frō the supersticious gloses of the Scribes Pharises and also what a feruent desire of promoting gods glory our fathers haue shewed afore vs that we may be good scolers of our schoolemaister Christe Iesus and obedient childrē walking in the steppes of our fathers Oure Lorde and sauyour christ comming into the temple and finding it full of biers sellers and chaungers was greeued to see Gods house so misused gate a whippe and droue them al out saiyng My house is a house of praier but ye haue made it a denne of theues so surely al Christians whiche vnfeynedly● beare the name of christ and zelously loue the building of his house woulde gladlye see sinne punyshed and lamente that the whip of Gods disciplyne is not shaken in gods house to the driuing out and confusion of all gredy theues which if they can not get in at the dore by lawfull meanes wil climbe in at the wyndowe and for a litle money wil sel the bodyes and soules of Christes sheepe and make gods house the Popes market place But as she that had so much worke to doe that she could● not tell where to begin sate her downe left al vndone so I say worldly wise men see so many thinges out of order in Gods house and so little hope of redresse that they can not tell which to correct or amēd first and therefore let the whippe lye stil and euery man to do what him lust sin to be vnpunished And not onely this euil reignes but the worlde is come to such a dissolute liberty and negligēt forgetting of god that men sleping in sinne nede not so much a whip to driue anye out of the Churche so fewe come there but they nede a great sorte of whips to driue some fewe thitherwarde For come into a Church on the Sabboth day and ye shall see but few though there be a sermon but the alehouse is euer full Wel worth the Papistes therfore in their kind for they be earnest zelous and painful in their doinges they will build their kingdom more in one yeare with fire and fagot than the colde gospellers will do in seuen A popishe summoner spy or promoter will driue mo to the church with a worde to heare a latin masse than seuen Preachers will brynge in a wekes preaching to heare a godly Sermon If this be not true remember the late dayes of popery and see who durst offend him that weere a shauen crowne Who loked so high
than but he woulde geue place to a priestes cappe and now who regardes the best preacher ye haue O what a condemnacion shall this be to al such as haue the whip of gods correctiō in their hande to se the wicked so diligēt and earnest in their doinges to set vp Antichrist and Christian rulers and officers of al sortes hauing the whip of correction in their hande both by gods lawe and the Princes so coldely behaue them selues in settinge vp the kingdom of Christ that neither they giue good example theym selues in diligente prayinge and resorting to the church nor by the whippe of dyscipline driue others thitherward Where apperes in any christians in these our dayes this earnest zele of Christ to promote gods glory by suche correction that we maye say we be his folowers I feare rather that Christ of whō we more talke than diligently folowe or earnestly loue for this cold slacknes that he sees in vs will say vnto vs. Bicause ye be neither hote nor colde I will spue you out of my mouthe Wo be to that Realm where god is compelled to take the whip in hand to punish sinne bicause the rulers will not great shal be the plage thereof Phinees turned awaye gods anger from his people bicause so zelously he auenged gods quarell and punished that wickednesse which other wincked at Dauid seing gods glory defaced and his enemies so contemptuouslye to forget the lawe of the lorde was so greued that he said The earnest loue that hee bare towarde God made him to pine awaye bicause his ennemies had forgotten the worde of God Elias fleing from cruell Iesabell thretninge to kill him bicause he had destroied Baals priestes liued in wyldernesse desired he might die for he was wery of his life to see how manye were fallen to Idolatrye how few or none as he thought worshipped truly the liuing god Though Iehu was a euil man otherwaies yet god gaue him a worldly blessing and commēded him for his earnest zele in rooting out the posterity of Achab pulling down Baall and his sacrificinge priestes makinge a common Iakes of the house where they worshipped him S. Paule seing the Corinthians rather reioysinge then lamentinge or punishinge that filthinesse committed amonge them that one of theym had defiled his stepmother wrytes vnto them rebukes al thē sharply bicause they did not correct him and willes them al to assemble them selues in the name of god to excomminicate and geue him to Sathan that had done this wickednes not to eat and drinke with him that he might be ashamed repent and amend So whereas this great zele and loue towarde god and his house buildinge standes either in correcting euill and lamenting the defacing of gods glorye or els in wisshinge and doing good therto and fortheringe it to our powers for the first part to be earnestlye folowed these fewe examples shall serue for the other there be so manye that it is harder to tell where to ende then where to beginne Moyses in the wildernesse wyllinge to make a Tabernacle and place where the people should resort to worship their god had the Princes and people so liberall to offer and bringe to the makinge thereof golde siluer precious stones silke purple heare iron brasse and timber of all sortes such plentye that they would haue geuen more then neded Dauid earnestly desiringe to builde a house for the Lord if god would haue suffered him lefte his son Salomon so great plenty of al things necessary to that buildinge in a readines that he finished that costly building in seuen yeares Good king Cirus restored again to Gods people al that couetous Nabucho had robbed from them Cirus Darius Artaxerxes and hys Princes gaue out of their treasures to the buildinge of the temple and maintenaunce of their sacrifices according to the lawe of Moyses sufficientlye that they myght pray for the king his children the common wealth Constantinus the firste worthelye called magnus a Chrystyan Emperour gaue great liberty ●● the Bishoppes and other ministers Iustinianus Theodosius Carolus magnus Ludouicus Pius c. augmented and encreased the same with landes and lawes This zeale and earnest loue to build gods house and punishe sin was in our fathers this liberality was in Princes and rulers that vnderstoode not gods benefites and mercies so plentifully as we do They pacified gods wrath in correcting sinne we prouoke his plages with heapinge vp of sinne They were greued and wery of their liues when they see Gods enemies despise his worde we winke and cloke it we laugh and smile at it and thinke it not to be a fault They were offended if wickednesse were vnpunished and the partye not ashamed that sinned and we be offended if any man go about to see it punished or the offendour ashamed They were liberall in geuinge relieuinge maintaining the ministery we are greedy in snatching and plucking away from them They were ready to defende with priuileges the ministers that they shoulde not be withdrawen from doing their dutie and we bind them to such clogges that they can not do their dutye They restored all that was taken from them and we study daily how to get more from them When I compare these doinges together and see howe good successe the one had and gods Church was gloriouslye builded that waye bothe vnder the law the gospell it makes me to quake when I loke what shall fall vpon vs going so farre cleane contraryway Surelye both they and we go not in the right way The lord for his crucified Christes sake which came downe from the bosom of his father to teache vs to builde him a house here that afterward we might raigne in glory with him there graunt vs all in all degrees from the higheste to the lowest suche an earneste simple loue to the true buildinge of hys house as the Prophete here teaches vs that vprightly we might walke the right way that he hath gone afore vs. If the Prince and nobylitye will maintaine that honorable estate that god hath called them to and auoyde the bondage of forreine powers If the Bishoppes and clergie will feede Gods people with the liuely foode of oure soules gods doctrine and discipline and not with mannes inuentions If the people will trulye serue God and obey their prince flee from Idolatrye escape gods plagues let vs iointly together earnestly abhorre poperie correct sinne turne vnto the Lord delight in his worde reuerence his ministers be diligent in prayer that we maye be liuelye stones mete for his building and become the temples of the holy ghoste where he with the father and the sonne .iii. persons and one god may dwell and be praysed I. P. L. C. D. My earnest loue to God hath pined me away because my enemies haue forgotten thy wordes Psalm 119. I haue bene earnestlye zelous for the Lord god of hostes because they haue forsaken thy couenaunt
and therefore all these plages haue fallen vpon vs that these people felt yea and more to for all that would holde fast their profession either were caste into the fyre or banished No countrye hays more bely chere thā we we eate as though we were hūgry stylle None hais more store of apparell and yet we be a colde Howe oure money hais waisted if I seke but onely of the sundrye falles of money many can remēber and yet feele the smart of it though I truste muche good shall folow on it The Lord● for his mercy open oure eyes that we may see and consider the cause of these plages whiche he hath layde on vs soo longe and spedely turne vs to amende those faultes for whiche we be punished For euen frō the highest vnto the poore laboringe man we haue all sinned and one plaged an other yea seruaūts haue thought to waxe wealthy by greate wages takinge litle workinge but as this Prophete saieth their wages was putte into a bottomles purse ▪ they haue not thryuē by it What hath ben the ende of ambicious and couetous men from the hyghest to the lowest whiche neuer beinge contentente with inoughe desired more He whiche is not blinde may se it more amonge vs then all Christendome verse 7 Thus saith the God of hostes consider in your hearts youre owne wayes verse 8 Go vp to the hyll and bringe home tīber builde this house and I will haue delighte in it and I will be glorified sayeth the Lorde ¶ The Prophete hath neuer done inough in bearinge in the authorite and maiestye of his God that sent him with his commission to his people neuer speakes thinge in his owne name but in the beginninge and ending of these short verses addeth the glorious name of God Iehoua calling hym the Lorde of hostes at whose commaundement all creatures be and who will arme all his creaturs to fight against all suche as either do not buylde his house hinder his glori or els stoppe them which woulde further it With suche woordes of feare power must all stubborn stomakes be pulled downe thei whiche wil not be ouercome by gētlenes to do their duty must be feared with authorite Thus must preachers learn to tēper their tūgs neuer to speake but that which they find in Gods booke where the people be hard harted to beleue stifnecked to heare they muste vse suche woordes of gods maiestie power which will make stony hartes to trēble where feare raignes ther to cōfort raise thē vp bi the gētle louīg mercies of god offered to the world in his sonne Iesus christ our Lord. And yet once again he referres thē to their own iudgmēt bids them cōsider in their own hartes their own waies be iudges them selues As if he should saye hitherto haue ye folowed your own desires haue had no profit in so doing but being sūdry wise plaged ye haue not cōsidered it Nothing that ye haue gone aboute hath prospered with you your fruite of the earth hath not encreased your meat drink hath not fed you youre clothes hath not kepte you warm your money wasted in your purse ye could not tell how But now buyld my house and marke your owne doings wel whether euery thing shall not be blessed encrease that ye go about I wil be delited in your buylding I will shew my glorie to the whole world amonge you in defending you that my house worship ther. I wil be your God ye shal be my people no enemies shal ouercome you the earthe shal be fruitful vnto you your meat drink clothes money shal fede and norish you chuse you whether ye wil let my house lye vnbuylded stil still be plaged or ye will repare it diligently and be blessed Go vp to the hyl bringe home tymbr● and buylde this house these three thinges God requires of theym and he promises them twoo blessinges for them firste that he will be delited in that house buylding than that he wil shewe his glory amōgest them For these causes rather than for worldly profit they shoulde be more earnestly stirred to do their duety whan they were certaine that they pleased God in so doinge The hil that he wils them to goe too is Libanus as appeares in Esdras whiche is not within the bonds of Iewry but of Tyrus and Sidon for there grewe the fairest trees of any countrye Frome thence had Salomō trees in his time also for thesame buyldinge This figure doeth teache vs that as Gods temple was than buylded of trees that grew amonges the Heathen people so whā the full time was comen Christes churche shoulde be buylded of the Gentiles and Heathen people whan the gospel shoulde be preached thorough all the worlde And this is confortable for vs the although we be not born of Iewes yet we be trees meete too buylde gods house on god wils vs to be brought home to him by the preaching of his word that we maye be partakers of that house wherein he wil dwel and he delited in vs ▪ and amonge whome he wil shew his glorie He bids them climbe vp the hill draw home trees and buyld the house which al be woords of great labour and pains and speakes nothing of the easier sorte of work as deuisinge casting the worke framing the postes c. But willes them not to refuse the greatest laboure that belonges theretoo and that nothinge shoulde bee thought painfull that God commaundes And he bids them not loke for any greate worldly wealth whan they had done although God of his goodnes woulde geue them that beside but thinke this a sufficient rewarde that God was pleased in their doinges and woulde shew his glory amonge them This is the greatest reward that wee can loke for whan God is delited with vs and happy is that people to whome it falles What haue the Aungelles in heauen more than that God is delited to be amōge them and shew his glorious maiestye too them Thus in buyldinge gods house we maye make of earth heauen and of men Aungels For where God shewes him self glorious there is heauen and we shall be like Aungels delightinge oure selues in praysing our God and god will be delited and dwel with vs shewinge his glorious maiestye to vs be oure god and blesse vs. When they had fallen these trees and caryed them home least they shoulde turn them to their owne vse and buylde their owne houses with them he saieth buylde this house meaning the house of God and temple which god had chosen amonge all other places and where onelye he wille● them to offer their sacrifices In which we are taughte that we shoulde not turne to oure owne pleasure those thinges which God wil haue dedicate to him selfe and to the buyldinge of his house If England● hadde not ben so gredye to turne to their owne vse churche
light of his word doth cōfoūd all such wicked fōd fātasies as thei can deuise to fil their bellies maintayne their authoritie Churches be Gods schoole house the preacher is a schoole maister sent from God is teache vs his woorde we be his scholers and thyther must resort to learn oure lessons and his holy wil to amend our liues ▪ to make our praiers to him desiring mercye for our wickednes past and beg gra●e and strength for that whiche is to come to thanke him for all his goodnes so mercifully poured vpon vs to receiue his Sacra●mentes and professe our fayth which w● haue in him For these causes must we haue churches as common places to res●● vnto vse thē with such comelines as be●comes men professing Christ and not 〈◊〉 binde any holines to this churche or th● churche as though it laye in vs too ma●● holy or vnholy when and what we lust As sainct Maries in Cambridge was had inough to saye masse in for three yea●● space all that woulde not heare it mus●● be prisoned althoughe Bucer was the● burried but whan it pleased the Carnal● commissioners to saie it was not holy be●cause he laye buried there than the Heretike muste bee digged vp and burned 〈◊〉 their masses were woorth nothinge A● other mighte lye still and not hurte the●● masses though they were of his opinion The house of God nowe for vs left 〈◊〉 buylde is sometime called in scripture generally the whole company of Christians and sometime euery particular man as sainct Paul teaches Timothe how to liue in the house of God whiche is the churche and congregation of God the piller seat of truth And to the Hebrues it is writen you be the house of God perticularly also it is sayde to euery man doe ye not know that your bodyes be the temple of the holy ghosts and he that defiles the temple of God him wil God destroy Again ye be the husbandry of God and the building of god And sainct Peter saieth ye are buylt like liuely stones for a spirituall house of God This spiritual house muste be diligently buylded of vs and the buyldinge of thys house of wood and stone amonge the Iewes was a figure of this spiritual house buyldinge for oure dayes This is that whiche sainct Paule calles so often edifiynge or buyldinge one an other and that edification whiche he speakes so muche of in all his Epistles that is as much to saye as one to sturre vp an other to vertue and godlines For as the buyldinge goes forward and encreases by laying to one stone after an other and one poste or tree after an other vntill the house be finished So we by goinge forwarde dayly in the feare of God and godlines shal at lengthe bee ● meete house for God too dwell in This house is the bodye soule of man whiche must be buylt with dayly hearinge God● woorde praier mercie faith with godly exercises as s. Paule saieth ye be cytezens with saincts of Gods house builded in the foūdacion of the Apostles the prophetes God because he would haue vs alwaies praying calling on hī for his help hath so ordred the matter that this eart●● house of ours wherin he dwels should alwaies be in building or repairinge that we should not be ydle and thinke we ha● done our duty but euer desiringe him 〈◊〉 help forward the building of this his 〈◊〉 If we ouercome one euil affectiō straight waies rises an other after one tēpta●● cometh an other the deuill neuer ceases to throw doune oure house Dauid sa●●th except the Lord build the house they labor but in vayn which build it Let vs doe all we can therfore pray the lord to further our worke the rulers with the sword defēd the good punish the euil the preachers with y● word the scholemasters by their teaching the fathers by bringing vp their childrē the maisters by correctiō of their seruāts the peple in obeyīg their heads neighborly loue euery one defend true religiō to the vttermost of his power driue away the Pope his baggage and as occasiō requires guide the ignorāt rebuke croked stomaks amēd fautes in the feare of the Lord bring into the right way all such as run astrai that thei may be mete houses for God to dwell in Thus hath euery mā a part in bylding gods house but the greatest porciō is lefte to euery man which is his own consciēce to amend that he finds amisse in him self because euery man knowes him self best Great faultes onely do appeare vnto the worlde by rulers muste be punished but the priuy hid faults which euery mā knowes in him self for the moste parte for no man knowes all that be within him self muste bee corrected within him selfe by prayer sighinge repentaunce and asking forgiuenes Dauid saieth who knoweth his owne faults Lord clense me from my priuy hid secret sins spare thy seruaūt frome other mens sins Thus must euery one him self seuerally and iontly altogether clime vp to the hils that is our lofty mindes cut doune the penishe desires of oure heartes though it be painfull also correct the hye minded whiche are called often in the scripture hylles and cutte doune the highe trees growinge on the toppes of them That is to saye to bringe into good 〈◊〉 the high men of the world whiche should geue good exāple for the people to folowe and to punishe their fautes and rebuke them as well as the lower sorte They muste neither for feare nor flattery leaue theym vnpunished nor saye that is good which is euil afore God For as God ha●● geuen one lawe for all men highe lowe to liue after and like a righteous iudge wil punishe all that breake it So must al indifferently be punished here if rulers ● ministers do their duety that breake hy● lawes God hath geuen no more liberty● to sinne to the ryche than to the poore 〈◊〉 hath not willed th one to be punished and the other to escape but generally indifferently hath sayd to all that soule whi●● sinnes it shal dye and in iudgemente ye shal regarde no person but iustly iudge y● whiche is iust neyther condēyne the poor● because he is poore nor deliuer the ryche because he is ryche So must the preacher tell euery man his duetye spare neither high nor low neither flatter the ryche for rewardes nor feare the mightye for highe lokes or bitter woordes for whan he does his worst he can not hurte thy soule but a litle punish thy body These are hard hyls to clim and croked trees to fraine meete for any worke yet it muste be done God requires this of euery mannes hande too bringe some thinge to the buylding of his house and according to his power And if we marke these woordes well we shal see our
before it come that they may repent and escape as 〈◊〉 saieth the Lorde will do nothinge but ●● sheweth it first by his seruaunts the Prophetes Before he drouned the worlde ●● styrred vp Noe whome Peter calles 〈◊〉 eyghte preacher of righteousnes wh●● he was making his Arke a hundreth and twenty yeares and tolde them the 〈◊〉 of god towardes thē for their sinnes 〈◊〉 they might amende and auoide the da●●●ger comminge by repentaunce so 〈◊〉 laughed at him and fewe cared for hym● therfore were al drowned saue eyght p●●sons Lot preached in Sodom and 〈◊〉 they would not amend fire from heauen destroyed them Before the destruction of Ierusalem by Nabuchodonozer God 〈◊〉 manye prophetes manye yeares to war●● them before hande whose writinges also we haue as Esay Ieremy Osee c. and before the laste destruction by the Rom●●nes Christ himselfe came and also 〈◊〉 his Apostles too teache repentaunce but when all was in vayne then they vtterly perished Haue not we in Englande ben as diligently warned by our preachers almost all in vayne What shall we loke forthen but destructiō if we amend not Thus God of his endles mercy neuer cōmeth sodenly vpon vs to destroye vs but mercifully warnes vs that we be not takē in oure sinnes and so perish and euer he stirres vp the sluggish eyther by his spirite worde minister or els his gentle correction to call for his mercy And where he saieth I will call a ●rought or the swoorde vpon the earth c. this kynde of speaking is oftē vsed in the scripture and betokeneth nothinge but the power of God that he is able too doe it so easely as to speake a woorde or call for it and that as soone as he spake it so soone it shoulde be done as whan one of vs cōmeth at anothers callinge God doth all by his woorde and to saye a thinge is too do it with him and as soone as he saieth the woorde so soone it is done with him Sayinge doinge are two diuers things with vs and muche payne we take to doe a thinge after it be spoken but with God it is not so but as the Psalme saieth he spake and al thinges were made he commaunded and they were created Moyses speaketh more playnely in the making of the worlde and saieth God said let ther be light made let there be made the Sunne and starres beastes and fysshes and they were made straight wayes So when God brought Nabuchodonozor to destroy Ier●salem and the countrye he said he woulde call hysse or whistle him from the North and he should come God called he came So all other things drought hūger plage sworde do tarye and wayte for Gods c●●linge and as soone as he whystles they come straighte and nothing dare or canne withstande his callinge as Dauid saieth fyre hayle snowe yse tempestes which doe his commaundement Seing therfore his threatninge is not to destroye but too saue and bringe vs to repentaunce let vs turne by time that he be not weary of callinge and desyre hym not to order vs accordinge to his iustice but after his endelesse mercies for els shall that bee true of Salomon I called and ye refused therfore I will laugh at your destruction saith the Lorde And where God threatens to destroye wheat wyne oyle all fruits of the earth ▪ and labour of man yea man him self and beast for not building his house Let ●s consider the horrible filthines of this sin especially in not buildinge his house that it will not let anye creature of God serue man so longe as he thus displeases God This sinne doth not onely stoppe the fruites of the earth but it flieth vp to heauen and locks it vp and so hardēs the cloudes that no raine nor dewe can be wrong oute to moysten the ground withall Suche is the iust iudgement of God that wher God of his mercy made all thinges in heauen earthe Sunne Moone Starres Cattell Fishe foule corne herbes and trees too serue man so that man would serue him reuerence feare and worship him as hys onely Lord and God maker and sauiour so when he did disobeye him serued God of his owne deuising or brake his cōmaūdementes he shoulde haue those creaturs whiche God appointed to serue him at the first to disobey him to rebel against hym and as it were to auenge Gods quarel vpō that man which disobeyed the liuing God their Lord maister and they would not willingly serue hym whiche woulde not willingly serue obey their God kinge When Adā was in Paradise as lōge as he obeyed God so lōg all creatures obeied him as apoīted of God to be their lord ruler as the Psalme saieth thou haste made all thinges subiect vnder his feete shepe and oxen and all beastes of the fielde birds of the ayre and fishes of the sea but so soone as he brake Gods commaundemente and eate of the fruite whiche God forbad hym all thinges began to disobey him and as it were would auenge that disobedience done againste God their maker The earth woulde not bring forth her good fruit willingly but weedēs brāble● and bryers no kinde of beastes woulde obeye him but waxed wilde and rebelled againste him The tokens of this iust punishment remaines on vs to this daye shall to the worldes ende The earth will bringe forth no good fruit willingly but with muche labour toylinge tillinge dūginge barowinge sowinge c. as though it shoulde saye too man I will not serue thee nor yet willingli geue thee any fruit at all So neither horse dog oxe nor shepe nor any other liuinge thing is tame at the first to obey man but it must haue many stripes or it will be broughte to any good order to serue him And many beastes as Lions Beares Wolues be so wilde that they will not serue man at all but still remaine his continuall enemies alwayes ready to deuour him As often as we see any of these ferce beastes whiche are fo● cruell we shoulde remēber the firste cause why they were so turned and bee so ferce againste vs and we shoulde then lamente oure sinne whiche was the onely cause of this so greate a plage and chaunge God hath left them amongst vs to be our scholemaisters that when we se and consider them to be so ready too take vengeaunce vpon vs for oure disobedience to God wee shoulde muche more feare God him selfe whiche is a more righteous iudge bothe is able and wil punish vs more greuously then they do or can if we repente not and aske mercy by time These cruell beastes are set before vs for examples of greater thinges that as we feare to fall intoo the daunger of these raueninge beastes ▪ so we shoulde muche more feare too fall into the handes of the almightie and liuinge God whose anger is a thousande tymes more greuous than the cruelnes of
Apostles and Peter Shoulde we not beleue this resurrection because that wemē taught it first Apollo a mightye learned man in the scriptures submitted hym selfe to be further taught in true religion of Priscilla and Aquila● simple man his wyfe Timothy Ihon the Euangeliste were bothe verye yonge when they were called to be preachers Peter the elder Apostle is content to be rebuked of Paull his yonger Iudith that good woman corrected the Elders Priestes and Rulers in Bethulia mistrusting Gods helpe and prouidence for them whē they woulde yelde vp the Citye Dauid a man accordinge to Gods owne heart heares most willingly the Prophet Nathan rebuke hym who was of muche lesse estimation then he And kynge Ezechias heareth Esai rebuke him of his faultes These and suche other examples be written to teach vs that the elder in what authoritie so euer he be or by what name so euer he be called shoulde willingly suffer the iuste rebuke of the yonger bringinge the woorde of God for hym Further where he addes this twyse sayinge the Lorde their God the Lorde their God it is verye comfortable for all sinners that haue longe lyen in sinne that they shoulde not dispaire of Goddes mercie but spedely turne by repentaunce The longe sufferinge of God is farre aboue our desertes had suffered this people thus longe to lye in sin yet had not caste them of but doth vouchesafe to send his Prophet to thē to rebuke them stirre them vp to their duties calling him selfe their God whiche had forgottē forgeuen all their former disobedience who nowe was woulde continue their good gracious and mercifull Lorde and God styll Who can dispaire too obtayne grace and pardon for all his greate offences seinge set before him the louinge gētlenes of oure good God and maister which offereth vndesired his mercies so plētifully to so hard a hearted and disobedient people his free pardon A poena et culpa from all payne due to sinne or the gylte thereof whiche alsoo calles him selfe their God and by continual earnest cryinge of this his Prophete awakes them out of this deadde sleepe of sinne wherein they had lyen so long and left his house vnbuylded It is commonly saide saieth Ieremye if a man put away● his wyfe for adulterye will he take her agayne yet thou sayeth God to his people although thou hast played the harlot with many hoores yet turn vnto me and I wil receiue thee againe sayeth the Lorde thy God O mercifull Lorde praysed be thy holy name for thy gentle offers and liberall promises offered vnto vs in thy sonne Christ Iesu oure Lorde Thou standest at the doore of our conscience knockinge too be let in offeringe thy selfe to dwell with vs if we would receiue thee There is no time so longe that a man hath run from God in nor any time so short to aske forgeuenes but if he will turne God is ready to forgeue him The Gentiles hadde lien in synne aboue foure thousande yeares from the beginninge of the worlde to the deathe of Christe withoute any true teachinge or knowledge of God and yet whan they receiued the Gospell by the preaching of the Apostles they were most gently receiued of Christe into the number of his people The thefe hanginge on Christes right hand on the crosse askinge mercy in the houre of deathe obtained it So that neither the greatnes of sinne nor the longe tyme that man hathe continued in it nor the shortnes of tyme to aske forgeuenes in can stoppe the great vnspeakeable mercies of God to pardō the sinnes of the whole worlde Why should we than mistrust the goodnes of our God seinge he is the maker of thesame lawe whereby we shal be iudged also able to dispence withal pardon the breakers of thesame lawe if he will who also shal be Iudge and Executer of thesame lawe as pleases him But that the people should rather beleue his woorde he saieth the Lorde their God sente him no straunge God but the mightie God of hostes and the liuing God of Israel nor he ranne not before he was sent but soberly looked for the callinge of God and then did his message faithfullye This is an example for all ministers too folowe that they doo not with bribery or flattery thrust them selues into any office but paciently tary the calling of the Lord their God which can and wil call them at suche tyme as he iudges them necessarye to serue him Who woulde be so bolde to bye a Benefice or flatter for a Bishoprike if he did thinke them to be offices in Gods house and that they must make a count to God for his people He that comes before he be sent for oftentimes comes before he be welcome and he that climbes in at the wyndowe is a thefe for the doore is made to come in by But because these Popishe prollers seke not the profit of the flocke but to fyll their bellies thei care not how thei come by it so they maye haue it and thinke they haue done God good seruice the people well content when they teache them neuer a woord of scripture but haue saide Masse made cōiured water or song an Antiphone of our Lady If they hadde this true stedfaste opinion of God as they ought to haue that he were a louinge father to his household and a wise maister that could and woulde set wise Stuardes ouer his house and that whosoeuer presumed to take any office in his house vncalled were a theefe and should be sharpelye punished A man coulde not hire them for money to take any cure of teaching Gods people vntill they were inward moued of God to do it for loue to the people not for their owne gayne Thei woulde also prouide to be ordinarely called by man leaste he which should teache and se others kepe good order should be proued the first breaker of all good lawes orders If a straunger shoulde violently thrust in him self to be the Shepeheard of thy shepe thou wouldest aske him whoo sent for him what he had to do there and thou wouldest rather thinke him to be a thefe and a murtherer of thy Sheepe then a trusty seruaunt So surely if thou come to take charge of gods people before he inwardly moue thy conscience to pitie hys people and outwardly by order cal and place thee where he thinkes good he will iudge thee a theefe a Wolfe a deuourer and not a feeder After they hearde that the woorde of God was sent vnto them by Aggeus and had wayed and considered diligently how true his sayinges were that so many yeares they had suffered soo greate plagues they beganne so feare and beleue that the threateninges folowinge woulde alsoo proue true and than they humbled theym selues in the sight of God and were afraid in dede This profit had thei by hearing the word of God that thei knowledged their owne sinnes that thei
had offēded the gracious goodnes and maiesty of God in not regardinge his house so manye yeares and for feare than they began to take in hande agayne that woorke wherewith they were so straitly charged Thus faithe comes by hearinge the woorde of God and by hearinge geuing eare to his threatnings our slowe sluggishe dulnes is raysed vp to take in hande Gods woorke and builde his house How necessarie feare is Dauid teaches saying feare of the Lorde is the beginning of wisdome So nowe when they feared these threatninges they waxed wise turned to the Lorde Truth it is that the anger of God is not alwayes to be taught that it bringes not a man to perfection for Dauid calleth the feare of the God but the beginninge of wisedome and not the perfection thereof and sainct Ihon sayeth perfecte charitie castes oute feare But yet it is the ordinarie waye to pull doune proud stomackes and to bringe them to knowe their owne vilenes and it also stirres vp slouthfull myndes to be more diligent to do their duties Sainct Paull sayeth the law is a scholemaster to bring vs to Christ that where we see oure selues iustly condempned by gods righteous lawe that we be not able to stande in iudgement with him nor aunswere one thinge for a thousande that shal be layde agaynste vs wee shoulde runne to Christ for pardon cōfessinge oure faultes and aske mercie Thus they had the righte vse of the lawe not bringinge them too dispayre with all these threateninges but comfortinge thē to go to God and cōfesse their sinnes and hope for merci in Christ. Sainct Augustin compares feare to the bristel whiche is on the shomakers thrid the bristle goeth thorowe the hole firste but it drawes alonge and a stronge thred after it so the feare of gods vengeaunce firste goeth before and throwes doune a man in his owne sighte and then foloweth the long thred of gods mercies in Christe offered too the hole worlde The scripture teaches twoo sortes of feare The one whiche is godly when we feare oure God with loue and reuerence woulde not displease him for the loue we beare him and this remaines for euer as Dauid sayes The holy feare of the Lorde continues for euer On other kinde of fear is not to doe well for the loue of God and goodnes it selfe but that we maye escape punishment as the thefe will not steale not for loue of anye righteousnes or reuerence to God but to escape the galowes This is that feare whiche can not stande with perfect charitie but 〈◊〉 cast out Feare in a mans mynde is like to the thunder in the ayre For as when the ayre is couered with cloudes the Sunne darkened tempestes begin too arise lighteninges fyr● flye from heauen rumblinge and noise is in the ayre the cloudes burstes the thūder cracke comes the raine falles straight folowes Sunne shine and fayre weather So when a man for feare of his sinnes in conscience lyes flatte doune in the sighte of God confessinge his sinne as one oppressed with the burden vylenes therof complaines to God accuses him selfe gr●nes sobbes and sighes like the thunder cracke dare not loke vp towardes hea●●● for his wickednes but condemnes hym selfe at the laste burstes out on wepinge the teares like rayn droppes come tricklinge doune his cheekes straighte wayes folowes quietnes of mind God offers him pardon and clerenes of conscience with wondering and praysinge the vnspeakeable goodnes of God for his mercies comfort in Christ his sonne offered to suche troubled conscience In the latter verse is first declared the worthines authoritie hye title rule geuen to the preachers for the cōmendation of their office Aggeus here is called the Aūgell of the Lord as some in Englishe doo translate it or the messenger or Embassadour whiche signifie all one thing vnto vs. So these names with suche like are geuen to preachers in the scriptur to set forth the highnes of their vocation and authoritie that God calleth them to The worldly wise men considering the decay of the lyuing of Bishops and Priestes that they be not so muche estemed and as wealthye as when thei were loytering lordely vnpreaching Prelates and ruled all woulde saye Shall I make my sonne a minister and when I haue spente all that I haue on hym he shall neither bee able too helpe my other chyldren nor yet scarce able too liue him selfe but shall be disdayned of all sortes of menne and if he preache the truthe he shall be in ieopardye of his life Or shall I marry my doughter to a priest with suche like vncomely sayinges naye I trowe not there is more profite by the lawe or Phisicke yea if he be but a penclarke an Auditoure or Deceiuer I will prouide for him better any of these waies The goodes of the Churche are the 〈◊〉 of the poore woo therfore be to them 〈◊〉 robbe the church so by impropriaciōs th●● neither the minister nor the poore can hee releued For by that meanes the necess●●● foode of the preacher is geuen to ydle b●●lyes and these worldlinges declare them selues too desire nothinge but worldely● wealth in thus doing or so saying But i● they marke this other places of the scriptures woulde haue their chyldren made worshipfull they shall finde mo worshipfull names geuen too the preachinge minister then to any one forte of men The noblest creatures that God hathe made be the heauenly spirites and Aungels whiche be alwaies in heauen moste happy for the continuall beholdinge of his glory and for their office sake are chose● and called Aungels because they be sent on his message and do moste willingly 〈◊〉 at his commaundement This woorde Aungell betokens not the substaunce of the creature but the office and is a Greke woorde signifyinge a messenger or E●bassadour this name Aūgell was cōmōly vsed to be geuen to these heauenly messengers whom God sēdes his message frō his holy place of maiestie as Gabriel the Aungell was sent to the virgin Marye other to Ioseph Daniel Moises c. This name is also geuen to the preachers for the heauenly comfort that they bring to man frō God whose messengers they be In the Reuelation of sainct Ihon writes to the seuen aungls that is to saye to the seuen ministers of the seuen congregagations or ●hurches in Asia Ihon Beptist was called the aungel of the Lorde or Embassadour sent to prepare his wayes And whome do kynges vse to sende Embassadours but suche as be faithfull and trusty whome they loue and to whome thei dare commit secrete waightye matters vnto What can be more worshipful then to be Gods Embassadour in suche trust with hym that God will vouchesafe too sende hym on his message Saincte Paule desyres the Ephesians to praye for hym that he might haue vtteraunce geuen hym to speake and preache the Gospell
freelye for the whiche he was sent Embassadoure .ii. Corinthians v. he sayeth his Embassage stoode chiefelye in this pointe to reconsile vs to God Is not the Stuardes office an highe office of greatest credite in greate mens houses and at their commaundement and appointinge all thinges be done They prouide geue all in their maisters house meate in due season c. Sainct Paul therfore saieth let a man think thus of vs that we be the seruauntes of God and Stuardes of his secrete misteries whiche be meate for 〈◊〉 soules Sainct Mathew in a parable calles the preachers Stuardes appointed 〈◊〉 Gods house to geue their felow seruants meate in due season Saint Marke called them porters in Gods house hauinge in ●●●maundement too watche that no theeues nor vnrulye persones come in too trouble the house They be called the light of the worlde to leade other the righte waye they be the salt of the earthe to season vs that by corruption we doe not smel euil before God They be Gods souldiours to fight for hys people as s. Paul sais No man goes to warre on his owne wages They be watchemen to geue warning when ennemies come They be Dogges to barke awake vs out of oure deadly sleepe when we forget God They be the mouthe of God that where we were not able too stande in the sighte of God if he shoulde speake vntoo vs in his glorious maiestie he doeth vouchesafe to speake vnto vs by the mouthe of hys minister beynge a man as we bee and whome we shoulde beleue to be sente from God as longe as he teaches Christ hys worde These names of trust and credite are geuen to preachers for the commēdation and settinge foorth of their office whiche they beare in Gods house and that they shoulde not thinke it a vyle but a moste worshipfull roume And to make theym more regarded the Lorde countes those iniuries done to him selfe which be done to his preachers sayinge he that despises you despises me in what rowme soeuer ye come if they will not receyue you shake the dust of youre feete it shall heare witnes againste them in the daye of iudgement And because he ioynes too the nexte saying In the messages of the Lord it doth vs to weete the faithfulnes of this Prophete in his dutie that he spekes nothing ▪ but the words of the Lord truly which sēt him which rule al true preachers should folow But of this is inough spokē in the verses before Now folowes the glad tidings of the Gospell to comfort this people with all after the great threatenīgs of God which the Prophet here pronoūced in the former verses For as God workes in his creaturs that after wynter comes sommer after a storm fair weather So in the spiritual doctrine of our souls first he teaches repētāce preaches the law threatēs vēgeaūce for sin castes doune man in his owne sight and lettes hym looke euen into hell with fear of conscience for his disobedience but afterwardes he comforts hym rayses hym vp and heales him that this may be foūd true that is sayde of oure sauiour Christ I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce they that be whole nede not the Phisicion but the sicke All the Prophetes vse thesame trade in teachinge as Esays in hys firste Chapter calleth the Iewes worse then beastes for the Oxe woulde knowe hys maister and the Asse his maister māger but they wold not knowe their God And the rulers he calles the princes of Sodome felowes with theefes Ionas also in the beginninge of hys prophecy saieth within .xl. dayes Niniue shal be destroyed Sophones first woordes be that God will destroy man beast foole corne and fruite of the earthe but afterwardes euery one of theym prophecies of Christe promises blessinge frome God with encrease of all wealth and goodnes Likewise Ihon Baptiste began his preaching repent for the kingedome of heauen is at hande And oure sauioure Christ beganne his preachinge with the selfe same woordes Peter in his firste sermon after they receiued the holy Ghoste rebuked the Iewes sharpely for crucifyinge Christe the geuer of lyfe and for askinge Barrabas a murtherer to be deliuered vnto them but when their conscience pricked them they asked what they shoulde doe and he comfortes them biddes them repent and bee baptised euery one of them in the name of Christ. So here after the sharpe preaching of the lawe and threateninge of Gods plages foloweth the swete cōfort of the Gospell for he sayeth I am with you saieth the Lorde as though he shoulde saye lette nothinge greue you neither the greatnes of the sinne that ye haue ben so negligēte in forgettinge the buildinge of this house so longe nor the greate coste as thoughe ye were not able to beare and perfourme it nor be not afrayd of the kinges officers whiche stopped you for I am with you saieth the Lorde whose power they can not withstāde whose mercie passeth your miserie and who can pardon and forgeue more than you can sinne and who shal be iudge of youre doinges and am able too forgeue all thinges trespassed against me All the ryches of the earthe is myne and I bestowe it as pleases me the heartes of kynges and rulers be in my hande and I rule them as I thinke good whan I wyll they shall shew you fauour and frendship and when they lust they shall not stoppe hurt nor hinder my worke accordinge to their desire or pleasure as muche as they woulde but those that feare and loue me I will blesse and they shall not haue anye harme and my woorkes shall prosper and go forwardes in their handes as I thynke good ▪ in despite of all their foes therefore let nothinge feare nor trouble you for I whome all thinges do obey am with you saieth the Lorde These are but few wordes in number but they are mighty in operation and working where they be receiued with an earnest faith and so mightye that whosoeuer heares and beleues them to be spoken of God is not afrayde too attempt anye thinge be it neuer so greate hard When Iacob was doubting afraid whether he should go into Egipt too hys sonne Ioseph or no God spake too hym sayde Iacob be not afrayde for I will goe doune into Egipt with thee I wil bring thee out again also Then Iacob fearinge neither the death of his sonne Ioseph nor the displeasure that mighte come to hym his if either he or yet Ioseph offended the kyng nor yet least Ioseph shoulde lose his authoritie by a new kyng as it is cōmōly sene nor the ieopardy of the iourneye no nor yet any other worldly thing that coulde or might chaunce but wente into Egipte boldely with all his chyldren substaūce and was defended by God When Moises keping sheepe sawe the fyre in the bushe and
God sayde vntoo him that he woulde sende him to kinge Pharao to deliuer hys people he was afraide merueyled y● he being but a shepeheard should be sent on such a message to so mighty a prince But after that God had promised him that he woulde be with him he was encouraged and toke in hande to go to Pharao on his embassage to lead Gods people oute of Egipt When God sent his Aungell too Gedeon threashing his corne and sayd he shoulde deliuer the people from their enemies which inuaded their countrye and laye as thicke in nūber as Greshoppers do in the fielde Gedeon doubted at the matter vntyll such time as God said vnto him that he wold be with him And after triall of his fayth in the promise made vnto him he durst with .100 naked men hauing no weapons but earthen pottes a fire brād horns in their hāds set on their enemies which fledde all awaye as soone as they hearde the p●t sheardes knocked together Oure sauioure Christe after hys Ascencion sending his Apostles into the whole worlde to preache and baptise addeth no greater thinge to comforte them with all in this great and daungerous enterprise that so fewe vnlearned men shoulde conquere the whole world but saythe behold I am with you euen too the ende of the worlde What good successe their preachinge had we at this present daye yet feele and see and also howe he is presente alwayes with his euen too the ende and howe true his prayer is that he didde not praye onely for his Apostles but for all that should beleue on hym by their preachinge Whā sainct Paule sayeth that he was perswaded that neither nakednes pryson hūger persecution nor lyfe neither deathe aungels nor powers could pull hym from the loue in Christ Iesu He had nothinge is strengthen hym self withall but that God promised that he was with him and then he boldely sayde if God bee with vs whoo can be against vs All be but dust worms and vylenes in his sight nothing can preuayle againste those whome he doeth assist with his grace Therfore whan we doubte to take in hande anye good woorke whiche agrees with the woorde of God for any worldlye reasons or carnal fear let vs styrre vp our fayth and heare God speaking and saying vnto vs I am with you be ye not afrayd If thy conscience beare thee sure witnes that thou sekest nothinge but the glory of God the profite of his people no doubt God will asist thee in suche enterprises offers this hys promise to thee also sayinge I am with thee be not afrayde but go on forwardes and I will blesse thy doinges seme it neuer so hard or vnpossible to thee verse 14 The Lord waked vp the spite of Zerubabel sonne of Salathiel prince of Iuda and the spirite of Iosua sonne of Iosedec the high Prieste the spirite of all the remnaūte of the people and they went and wroughte in the house of the Lorde of Hostes theyr God In the .xxiiij. daye of the sixt moneth in the second year of kynge Darius ¶ This is a notable Metaphore worthely sets foorth the nature of sin in that he saieth the Lord waked vp the spirite of all this people for sinne is a sleepe of the soule hauing no feare nor feling of God so long as a man lyes in it It is nowe tyme saieth sainct Paule to awake out of slepe meaning sinne God in his woord by such outward bodely thinges declares vnto vs the nature of spiritual thinges both good and euill As the dead body lyes rottinge stinking in the graue fearfull to looke on and greuous too remember so when wee lye buried in sinne we stinke in the sight of God he can not abyde to loke at vs nor will remember vs. And as we when the body lieth on slepe in the bedde whiche is an image of our graue can neither se fele heare taste smell vnderstande nor yet moue out of the place vntil we be awaked nor can take any pleasure at al in any one creature of God So when we lye walowinge in sinne we neyther see the maiestie of God with the eyes of oure faythe nor feele hys mercies offered vntoo vs in hys deare sonne and oure onely Sauioure Christe Iesus nor yet can wee taste at al howe sweete the Lorde is Oure eares are stopped from hearing good counsayll we perceiue nothinge at all of Gods goodnes towards vs his word is not sauery vnto vs neither yet bee wee moued or stirred vp too doo anye one good woorke of charitie But nowe it pleased the Lorde pitying their miserie too wake them vp out of thys dead sleepe and sette them in hande with buylding of his house agayne But where he had preached too them both the law the gospell threatnings cōfortes with the plages they were moued to nothing but feare as is saide in the verses before but after they hearde the glad tidinges of the gospell that God promised to be with them then they were awaked out of their sleepe and wroughte lustely So it is the gospell that quickenes and geues lyfe but the law kylles feares and threatens For as after sleepe the bodye being awaked it is freshe lustye stronge and couragious to do his worke so after the fearful threatninges of the law when we heare the gladde tidinges of the gospell that God will be oure Lorde and dwell with vs the minde is comforted strengthened moued vp to do his dutye And as a man is iudged too be wakinge when he canne doe the office of a manne as talke woorke write or suche like so is manne awaked out of the slepe of sinnes when he lyues in charitie feares God walkes accordinge to his lawe in hys vocation Further as whē a man lyes in hys dead slepe he can not awake except some noise awaken him or some other call hym 〈◊〉 can we not arise oute of sinne excepte the spirite of God or his preacher which is his watcheman with often cryinge vnto vs awake vs. Crye therefore and feare not saieth Esaye the prophete lifte vp thy voice lyke a trumpette and tell my people their wickednes So that it is the trūpet of Gods woorde continually sounding in oure eares whiche is the onely waye too awake vs out of this sinfull slepe But the Papistes turne thorder and saye cease and crie not holde thee peace sai nought lyue in rest and bee still and so let all goe to hauoc and the people perishe Thus we maye learne here the necessitie of preaching and what inconueniēce folowes where it is not vsed Where preachinge fayles saieth Salomon the people perishe therefore let euery man kepe hym selfe in Gods schoolehouse and learne his lesson diligently for as the bodye is norisshed with meate so is the soule with the woorde of God as sainct Mathew saieth A man doeth not liue by bread onely but
in euery woord that comes from the mouth of God This is then the ordinary waye to kepe vs in the feare of God and continual remembraunce of the laste daye oftē and diligently to reade and heare Gods woord preached vnto vs for that is it which doth and will kyll sinne in vs as it is written remember the laste ende and thou wilte not sinne Faith is kept and increased by thesame meanes that it is gotten it is gotten by hearing and hearing comes of the worde let vs therfore heare and reade it diligētli What is the cause that the Papistes lye so sounde on sleepe in their abhominatiōs but that they care not for preachinge nor thinke it so necessarye and because they woulde not be tolde of their faultes that they mighte amende them Where sinne is not rebuked it is not knowē to be sin nor it will not be amēded without muche cryinge on Dauid the good kynge true Prophete of God after he had gotten with chylde Urias wyfe coulde not awake out of that slepe of sinne vntyll he was warned by the Prophet Nathan notwithstandinge all and singuler suche great giftes whiche God hath indued him with all but inuented one policy after another to cloke his whoredome and noughtines withall First he sendeth for Urias home beinge his faithfull souldiour in his warres willinge hym to go home too his wyfe thynkinge that if he had lyen by her the childe might haue ben called his But when he sawe that Urias woulde not go home too his wyfe he deuised to send him with letters vnto Ioab the captain that he should be set in the fore frount when the towne should be essaulted and that his felowes shoulde flee from him that he mighte bee slaine This policie Dauid wroughte soo priuelye that he thoughte no man shoulde espie it for who durst open the kinges letters But at lengthe commeth Nathan the Prophete and telleth him a parable howe there was a ryche man that hadde many sheepe and a poore man his neyghbour had but one whiche he loued mooste dearely the ryche man toke this one shepe from the poore man and Nathan asked what this man had deserued Then aunswered Dauid in anger and sayde he deserued death then sayd Nathan thou hast geuen a very good sentence it is euē thou thy selfe that haste done this deede thou shalt dye For thou haste manye wyues couldest not be contēt with them but hast taken thy poore neyghbours Urias wife Then cried Dauid I haue sinned made that worthy Psalme fifty and one O God haue mercie on me according to thy great mercie and accordinge to thy manye mercies washe awaye my wickednesse And yet more washe me frō my wickednes c. But before Nathan came he laye without feelinge of his sinne or yet anye remorse of conscience at all knowinge that he had done euill So when the good kynge Ezechias beinge restoreo to his former healthe hadde letten the Embassadours of the kinge of Babel whiche came to reioyce for his recouerye see all his treasure and iewels beinge very proude of them Esaye the Prophete comes vnto him asketh what they had seene he tolde hym well saieth Esaye euen from thence a king shal come to robbe and spoyle all these treasurs that thou hast ben proude of Than the kynge knowledged his faulte but not before he was rebuked by the Prophete Peter vntyll he was rebuked of Paule for hys dissimulation with the Gentiles did not leaue it Ioas was a good kynge as longe as Ioiada the highe prieste liued for he folowed hys good counsayle but after he fell frome God when he woulde heare noo good counsayle at all Thus we see howe necessari it is for vs to be kept in Gods schoole and heare the trūpet of his woorde soundinge continually in oure eares to awake vs vp out of thys deadly sleepe of sinne and styrre vs forwarde to a diligent doinge of our dueties What a pryde is this for vs to thinke so highly of our selues that we be so farre more holy stronge wise learned more able to stande then these good men were and that we nede not suche continual teachinge and counsayle but that wee maye wel inough want it These men fel when they heard not the voice of the Prophetes and yet we that are not so muche worthy as once to be compared vnto them in the giftes of God thinke we shall stande of oure selues Many will saye what should I do at the sermon I knowe as muche before I go as I shall learne there I can reade the scripture at home and comfort my selfe sufficiently These are better then they that will neither heare nor reade but say I knowe there is no more but do wel and haue well I knowe this is all that can be saide loue God aboue all thinges and thy neighbour as thy selfe I can saye my Pater noster and my Crede as well as he further I knowe that in the one is conteined all thinges necessary to bee asked at Gods hande and in the other all that is to be beleued and what can or should a man haue more than this These sayings although they be true yet are they moste brutishe nothinge els in very dede but noughtye excuses to cloke oure slouthful wickednes withall signifie plaine that we would not in any wise haue preachinge because we woulde not heare oure faultes rebuked nor yet oure myndes exercised in meditation of God and his goodnes of oure owne sinne and miserie Sainct Paule to the Philippians saieth that he was not ashamed to write one thinge often to thē and it was for their safetye The parable of the .v. foolishe virgins and the .v. wyse teacheth playnely that bothe the wise and the foolish did bothe nap slumber yea fall harde on sleepe where in is set before vs all our natures whether we be foolish or wyse we fall on sleepe forgetting God when we shoulde watche for his cōming though we thinke neuer so hyghly of oure selues if we haue not the light burning lampe of Gods eternall woorde burning in oure heartes What a foolishnes is it to thinke that we can or shall stande where as euerye one hath fallen that is gone before vs or that we shall escape where euery one els hath ben taken There is not the best learned mā but he nedes often too heare the preachinges and counsayle of others althoughe he can comfort hym selfe in hys priuate studies and in readinge the scriptures neuer soo well For as the Phisicion when he is sicke canne not heale hym selfe nor hath not hys iudgemente soo perfectelye as he hadde before hee was sicke but seeketh helpe at an other Phisicions hande So● the learnedst man liuinge as longe as he lyueth and beareth synfull fleshe aboute with hym shall haue sinnefull and fro●warde lustes and affections rayninge 〈◊〉 hym whiche blyndeth hys sighte that he ●eeth not his own sinnes vntil he be
mighty Lord and merciful father which didst stir vp the Iewes too the buyldinge of thy house by the preachinge of thy Prophete Aggeus we thy miserable creatures oppressed with sinne and liuing in blindenes beseche thee for thy mercy sake haue mercy vpon vs and thrust out diligēt woorke men intoo thy haruest sende out faithfull preachers whiche maye by the harde threateninges of thy lawe and comfortable promises of thy gospel awake all thy people out of their dead slepe wherin thei lie walowing forgetting thee their dutye We haue all sinned from the hyghest to the lowest in not earnestly professinge thy holy woorde and religion Both the princes rulers and magistrates bisshops ministers of all sortes and all the people no state nor condiciō of men hath done their duetie herein vntoo thee oure onely Lorde and God Therfore we all with heauy heartes fall doune flat afore thy throne of grace and maiestie we begge craue aske thee forgeuenes of oure greate sinnes opē oure eyes O good God that we maye consider the plagues whiche thou haste layde on vs so longe for oure great disobedience towardes thee and thy woorde Geue vs newe heartes and renue thy holy spirite wtin vs O Lord that both the rulers may faithfully minister iustice punishe sinne defende and maintaine the preachinge of thy woorde and that all ministers may diligently teache thy dearely beloued flocke purchased by the bloud and death of thine owne and onely deare sonne oure Lorde and that all people maye obediently learn and folowe thy lawe too the glorie of thy holy name for Christes sake oure onelye Lorde and Sauioure ¶ The .ii. Chapter IN the .vii. moneth and the .xxi daye of the moneth was the woorde of the Lorde sente by the hande of Aggeus the Prophete sayinge verse 2 Speake to Zerubabell y● sōne of Salathiel ruler of Iehuda and to Iosua the sonne of Iosede● the chiefe Priest and to the remnaunte of the people sayinge verse 3 Who is left amongst you that hathe sene this house in his former glory and what a one you se it now is it not like as it were nothinge in your eies ¶ As concerning the rekening of yeares monethes and daies ynough was spoken in the first chapiter and what it is too bee sent by the hande of a Prophete who soo lust there he maye reade This message sent now in the .7 moneth and the nexte that comes in the .9 declare the good will of God towardes thē that buylde his house and howe ready God is to further all their doinges They began to worke the .xxiiii. daye of the sixt moneth and had cōtinued to the .21 daye of the .7 moneth and then leaste the feare of the kynge or the rulers shoulde discourage them they had nede to be comforted therefore Aggeus is sente vnto them agayne too encourage theym leaste they shoulde haue fainted or lefte of workinge Agayne in the .8 moneth is the Prophete Zachary sente vnto them and in the .9 moneth Aggeus is sent twise all because thei should not let their worke slip but with a courage finish it and that also they might see how true it is that to euery one that hath it shal be geuen and for them whiche woorke couragiously in the Lordes vyneyarde how wel the Lord is delited with them and blesses them Thus God knowinge the weakenes of this people euerye mooneth sendes newe messages vnto them that they maye vnderstande what a care he hath ouer them and that they shoulde trust in hym which had al thinges in his handes to rule at his pleasure and not to trust in them selues whiche of them selues coulde do nothing Let vs therfore worke in the Lords house and no doubt he will sende vs comfoorte ynough Nowe where he is bidden speake to Zerubabel the prince to Iosua the chiefe Priest and to the remnaunt of the people ▪ and so often reherses theym in this same order in this prophecie it doeth vs too vnderstande that there is one doctrine of saluation to be taughte vnto all sortes of mē and that all sortes are bounde to hear and learn thesame and besides that it teaches the prefermente of the ciuil magistrate or ruler to the priest as was noted before And herein we shall chiefly learn the wickednes of them that withholde the scriptures from the lay people saying it is not mete for them too be so muche occupied in hearinge thesame For the Prophet saith here sundry times that he was sente to all the people as well as to the rulers therfore it was their dutie to learne and heare his message as diligētly as it was the rulers And this is a greate occasion why that all rulers shoulde behaue thē selues lowly towards the people seing God hath made all thynges as concerninge saluation comon and of one sorte bothe too poore and riche that by this meanes he mighte encrease brotherly loue betwixt both partes There is one Lorde god saieth s. Paule of all bothe poore and ryche one holy Ghoste that makes vs all holy one baptisme one faithe that we beleue one sauioure Iesu Christ one father in heauen vnto whom we praye one euerlastinge kyngedome whiche we all loke for one scripture and woorte to teache vs one sacrament for vs all wee bee borne gotten dye and buried all in like and a greate knottell is of loue amongest vs seinge wee speake one language beinge of one countrye or towne and one ayre whiche we receiue one fyre Sunne Moone Starres earth herbes trees corne cattel fishe foole that we be fede on We goe stande slepe worke all alike c. All the difference that is betwixt vs is this that one is hygher in authoritie better clad or fed hathe a prouder coate or a softer bed or more store of money landes or seruauntes then an other hath whyche thinge helpe not to saluation But what vayne thinges these be to reioyce in or to despise one another for that wātes them the thinges them selues do declare For he that wantes all these not necessarie thinges to saluation is commonly better man more lustye stronge and healthfull then the other as is sayde in the verses before And to reioyce is auncient bloude what can be more vayne Do we not all come of Adam our earthly father and say we not all Our father whiche art in heauen halowed c. How can we crake then of oure auncient stocke seinge we came all bothe o● on earthelye and heauenly father If ye marke the commō saying how gentle bloude came vp ye shall see howe true it is When Adam dalue and Eue span Who was than a gentle man And although no nation hais any thing to reioice in of them selues yet Englande hais lesse than other we glory much to be called Britans but if we consider what a vacabunde Brutus was and what a company he brought with him there is small cause of glori For the Saxōs of whome we come also there is lesse
woulde not turne vnto me saieth the Lorde For this cause then that thei shuld turne to him did he sende these plages not for hate or harme to his people But what a wickednes harde heartes were these men of that amonge so many threateninges so great plages and in so many yeares they woulde not turne vntoo the Lorde Here appeares howe true it was that he sayde before that all were fallen on sleepe bothe prince prieste and people vntyll the Lorde awaked vp all their spirites to see their greate disobedience and to goo aboute their buyldinge And also this declares how vnable and vnwillinge we bee to do good vntyll God styrre vs vp by hys grace God deales with vs as the shepehearde doeth with his sheepe If a sheepe runne from his felowes the shepeherde settes his dogge after it not to deuoure it but too bringe it in agayne So our heauenly shepehearde if any of vs his sheepe disobey him he settes his dogge after vs not too hurte vs but too bringe vs home to a consideration of oure dutye towardes this oure heauenly father and louinge sheepehearde Gods dogges be pouertye banishmēt sickenes euyll rulers dearth death war ignoraunce superstition losse of goods or frendes c. Who coulde haue holden hys handes beside such a sturdye people not vtterly haue destroyed thē where no sorte of men amonge suche a number for soo many plages in so many yeares woulde turne to their lord God Here therefore maye appeare the longe suffering of God who doeth not sodenly in a rage take vengeaunce on vs as soone as the faulte is done as one of vs doeth towardes an other but taries so longe too looke for oure amendement and repentaunce Also it is euidente howe true that is whiche God sayeth all the daye longe I stretched oute my handes too an vnfaythfull and rebellious people Oure sauioure Christ saieth he standes and knockes at the doore and woulde come in we wil not let hym in The Lorde for his mercies sake softē oure heartes that we despise not such gentill callinges and be founde in the nūber of suche hard heartes least we bee geuen vp to our owne lustes and so perish in our owne wickednes When we reade and heare this sturdye disobedience towardes God we thinke this people to be the worste vnder heauen and if we had ben in theyr case we wolde not haue ben so disobediet But if we loke at oure selues withoute flattery examine oure owne consciences behauiour towardes God wee shall fynde that we haue ben plaged no lesse then thei haue had Gods lōg sufferāce benefites shewed towardes vs no lesse then thei yet we haue not learned so much yea lesse than they God of hys goodnes amende it in vs for Christes sake And because they hadde ben so negligent in not considering Gods plages and woorkes amonge them soo many yeares yet twyse agayne in this verse he willes them not lightly too consider it nor forget it any longer as they had done before tymes but depely to way why those plages had fall vpon them God workes nothing in vayne but for oure learninge greate profite that we maye remember our duty the better and more reuerentlye worshyp him hereafter It is no smale faute so lightly to consider Gods workes towards vs for that we might the better doe it he hath geuen man onelye reason as a chiefe treasure that we maye do thesame also taught vs by hys woorde to do so Therefore if we do it not we are worse thē beastes whiche haue not reason too consider suche hys woorkinges No kynde of fruyte corne vynes figges pomegranates oliues hadde prosperously encreased of all these yeares ▪ which coulde not be but for some greate cause yet they passed but lightely on it neyther fearinge God the more least he should encrease the plagues nor amended their lyues that he mighte holde his hande from plaginge them any longer Often earnest remembringe of our disobedience towardes God and consideringe hys scourges for thesame workes in all good herts an earnest amendement of lyfe The vnthrifty sonne in the Gospel that had spent all his porcion of goods vnthriftely when he was dryuen by hunger to remembrāce of him self and his misbehauiour Comes home to his father submittes hym selfe confesses his faute saying Father I haue sinned agaynste heauen and thee and am not woorthy to be called thy sonne and so is receyued to mercy The Publican acknowledginge hys sinnes went home righteous Saincte Paule remembringe howe he was a persecuter cruell a blasphemer is kept in an humble and lowli knowledge of him self Esdras and Daniel confessinge their disobedience and sinnes of the hole people knowledge their miserie Gods iustice in punishinge and so obtayne mercie Moyses to teache the Iewes too be pitifull too straungers biddes them remember howe they were straungers in Egipte slaues to Pharao For in so consideringe their olde estate and heauye case that they were in before they should learne the better to pitie straungers and consider their heauines This by remembringe diligentlye oure case and state passe with Gods punishment for oure sinnes we shall learne oure misery call for helpe of God and bee more ware hereafter that we fall not into the lyke sinnes so procure Gods anger and heauier hand heaping our owne damnation God sendes such thinges to teach vs our duty and if we do not learn he wil cast vs out of his schole No good scholemayster will suffer suche lewde scholers in his schole as will not learne whā thei be sufficiently taughte bothe by gentilnes and sharpnes by thinges past and presente by example of others and experiēce of them selues And where these plages began to fall vpon them euen after the grounde worke of the temple was laide when thei lefte of buylding a man wold thinke God dealt extremely with them whiche woulde not spare them any thinge at all but for the firste faulte punishes so sharply and continues so longe But as the Machabees teache when he hath rekened the cruelty and persecution of Antiochus least a man shoulde thinke God hated hys people for dealinge so sharpely with them he saieth God didde it for loue and that he loued thē more then al other people because by correction he woulde so soone call them backe and not let them lyue in sinne styll as he didde other nations The Gentiles whom he punished nothinge so sharpely but let lyue at their pleasure they knewe hym not worshipped hym not he gaue theym not his worde nor his Prophetes but let them take their pleasure as though he cared not for them Dauid considering the diuers plagues and sickenes whiche God layde on hym saide it is good for me that thou haste corrected and humbled me for before I was corrected I sinned For as the●● mā will suffer those beastes which he apointes to be killed to go where
Alexander finding kynge Darius thus deadly wounded of hys seruaunt for iustice sake to punishe suche traytours bended doune the toppes of twoo yonge trees and tied the legges of Bessus to them and let thē swynge vp sodenly agayn and so rent him in peces Likewise Dauid when one came vnto hym telling him how he had slayne Saule his enemy thinkinge thereby too picke a thanke and get a rewarde of Dauid he was by the commaundemente of Dauid slayne and so shoulde all traitours which be false to their maisters be serued Thus the kynge beinge slaine the kingdome was broughte frome the Persians too the Gretians as the Prophete telleth here Where God saieth by his Prophete that he will destroy the kyngdome throw doune the horses and horsemen c. we be taught that God maketh kynges pulleth doune and chaunges kyngdomes frome one people too another for the sinnes of the people as Sirach sayeth and maketh to rule whome pleaseth hym The lande spued out the rulers and people in it for their sinnes and God gaue it to the Iewes Therefore let not princes trust in their greate strength and power for it is the Lorde God that geueth victory as he thinketh good whether thei be good rulers or euyl they be sette vp of God as Salomon saieth in the name of God by me kynges doe raygne and oure sauioure Christ sayd to Pilate thou shouldest haue no power ouer me excepte it were geuen thee from aboue If thei be good rulers it is Gods good blessinge and free mercye if they be euyl it is of iustice to punish oure sinnes as Iob saieth God makes hypocrites to rule for the sinnes of the people What cause haue we then in Englande to complayne that God deales so sharpely with vs that where we haue ben lōge hypocrites afore hym he punished vs of late a whyle with hypocrites too bee in auctoritie ouer vs whan the Saxons inuaded this realme droue out the Englishemen and ruled as kyngs the state of the cōmonwealth was much lyke to these our days and the lyke sinnes reygned in all sortes of men bothe hygh and lowe nobilitie people rulers and subiectes prelates and clergie the moste parte were greate hypocrites and superstitious cruel couetous proude gluttons whorehunters ambitious Therefore let vs amende or we shal be geuē vp to the Spanyardes Scottes Flemmynges or Frenchmen as we were then to the Saxons God gaue hys people into the handes of the Babiloniās and other people rounde aboute theym whiche were then the commen scourges of the worlde and so wil he do with vs as he hath done to our fathers afore vs if we doe not amende for he hateth sinne in all ages and will punishe it But as God comfortes his people here nowe buyldinge his house and sayeth he will throwe doune that kyngdome which than troubled them so he will be as good vnto vs if we worshippe hym truely and he will destroye them that trouble vs. Hys loue too his people is greatest as he saith he that touches you touches the apple of my eye So tender is our God ouer vs as we be ouer our eyes whiche be the tenderest partes of vs and he wil mooste assuredlye reuenge all displeasure done vnto vs for he can no more see his people take wronge and be oppressed now then afore times He is no chaungelinge nor his loue waxes not colde nor olde wee be hys chyldren and the members of his misticall bodye as they were now to whome he promiseth this helpe he is oure Lorde God and father louinge his chyldren and members in al ages and pouring his blessinges on them for Christes sake in whom he hath chosen them therfore he wil shew the like mercies vnto vs and of iustice reuenge all displeasures done too vs for hys sake The last verse maketh aunswere too an other obiectiō which the Iewes might haue made againste the Prophete saying If this kyngedome shal be throwen doun and so great warre shal be as though heauen earth should go together then shall we be destroyed we are but few in nūber there is but few of vs come home again what shal we do then how shal we escape being compassed about with so strong and many enemies we shal be deuoured To this God maketh aunswer biddeth them not be afrayde for in the day whē this great trouble shal come I wil take the Zerubabel my seruaunt whom I loue saieth the Lord I wil kepe thee as my priuie signet thou shal not perish saieth the mightie Lord of hostes because I haue chosē thee So good a God comfortable lorde is our God to all his people in all ages that he will leaue no doubte vntaken awaye that can discomfort his chyldren But he will satisfie all whiche can be sayde and pul al feare from vs. Therfore Zurubabel is here promised too bee deliuered out of all daūgers of that great warre trāslating of the kingdō from the Persians to the Gretians so that he shoulde catche no harme But here ryseth a harde question how this should be true that God woulde deliuer Zurubabell in that daye of soo greate trouble seinge that he liued not so longe but dyed within .14 yeares after his Prophecie Zurubabel was the firste prince of Iuda whiche ruled the people after theyr returning home frome Babylon he came home with the people was their capitayn and had now ruled a .40 yeares he ruled in all but .52 yeares as the history sayeth and this destruction of the kingdom of the Persians was not fulfilled of 145. years afterwardes or nere hande so much How could he then be deliuered in that dai and died so long afore vnto this mai be aūswered that which was said afore that promises made to kinges that fathers are dot too be applied to thē selues onely but they be made also too their chyldren subiectes shal be fulfilled in long years afterwards ▪ rather thē at the prosent so wil God exercise our faith in patiētly lokīg for his cōming whē his holy wisedom shall thinke good and not when oure foolishe rashnes shall wishe and desire hym to come Promises made vnto Abrahā Isaac Dauid and Iacob c. were not fulfilled in their dayes but to their chyldren long afterwardes so God makes promise here too these princes and rulers that all the subiectes maye knowe that they be conteined also in thesame truce and leage of God that the promise concernes them also and they shal be deliuered in that daye frome all the daūger of warre and enemies that shall come vpon them And it is as muche as though the Prophete shoulde say thou Zerubabell and thy kyngedome all thy people and subiectes be not afrayde for in those troublesome daies I wil saue you and kepe you as diligently as my rynge priuate seale And that they might the more earnestly beleue it he called hym seruaunt whereby he mighte well
all theyr ennemies and mighte haue slayne theym lyke sheepe whan Haman had gotten lycens of the kynge to destroye the Iewes and made a galowes for Mardocheus God sent queene Ester to saue his people and Hamā was hanged on his own galowes Whan Darius was slain by Alexander the kyngdō brought to the Gretiās Alexander cōming to destroy Ierusalē because they denied hym tribute God soo turned his heart the he entreated thē wel submitted him self to the high priest meting him with the other priests in their priestly apparell cōfessed their God to be the true God When the Romaines conquered the ●●tians and the Iewes were vnder the rule of the Romaines they didde not greatly harme them vntil they crucified Christe denied hym too bee their God sayinge hys bloude be vpon vs and vpon our chyldren In the cruell persecutions afterwardes the more sorowe that was layde on Gods people the more they encreased Thus in all ages God deliuered his out of trouble or els taketh them to him selfe by some glorious death In these our dais when the mightiest princes of the worlde stryue and fighte cruellye who shal be the greatest rather then godliest God prouydeth alwayes some corner for his too flee into where they maye serue him And if they be persecuted from one place he prepares an other to receyue them And although persecution was greate amonges vs yet God shewed him self more glorious mightye and mercifull in strengthninge so many weake once to dye for hym than in so mercifully prouiding for them which were abroade although bothe be wonderfull What glorious crakes made proude persecutours that thei woulde make goddes poore banished people too eate theyr syngers for hunger but they had plentye for all the others crueltie Gods holy name be praysed therefore What a mercie of God is this that where we deserued to be cast from him for euer because of our wickednes he nowe corrected vs gentellye called vs to this honour that he punished vs not so muche for oure owne sinnes as that he called vs to the promotion of bearinge his crosse witnessinge to the world his truth and vouchedsafe to proue teach and confirme others in this his truthe by oure witnesse bearinge He called vs too thesame honour that he called his owne sonne Christe Iesus in suffering for hys names sake that wher as we suffer with hym we shal be glorified and raigne with hym Let the cruell Papistes consider therefore howe God hathe deliuered hys people out of their handes fulfilled thys his promise and kepte vs safely like hys priuie signet in these miserable dayes of their persecution Let the bloudy Bishops voyde of all religion and chaunging with the worlde to fyll their filthy bellies although they woulde nowe make men beleue they woulde be constant and stoutly confute that whiche afore they proued true by othes and doctrine Let them I saye consider whether they or the simple soules whiche they tormented haue gotten the victory The simple soule offered hym self to dye rather then to offend God by superstition or Idolatry The proude Cayphas threatened fyre faggotte if he forsoke not his true faith Thus whylest they striue for religion not for lyfe the poore mēbers of christ hold fast their faith the proud prelate with his tormēts can not ouercome Gods simple shepe They striue not for life but the simple man offeres it willingly rather than forsake the truthe so God euer confoūdes the wisedom of the world is glorified in the fooles abiectes God for his mercie sake graūt all his lyke boldnes to witstād their crueltie whansoeuer God shall trye vs. A prayer MOst righteous iudge and merciful father which of loue did punish sharpely thy people being negligēt in buyldinge thy house that by suche sharpe correction they mighte be stirred vp to do their duty so haue pleased thee we acknowledge cōfesse before the world thy diuine maiesty that we haue no lesse offended thee in this behalfe than they haue done that for all the sharp plagues which thou laide vpon vs we coulde not awake out of our deadly sleepe forgetting the earnest promotiō of thy glorie true religion but rather consented to the persecutiō of our brother thy true faithful people vntil now that of thi infinite goodnesse by geuing vs a gratious Queene restoring the light of thy worde that hast letten vs taste the treasurs of thy mercies in our extreme desperate miseries whā for our wickednes we durst not for the gret power of thy enemies we coulde not hope nor loke for any such help or redresse at al. We fal doun flat therfor before the throne of grace desiring pardō of this gret negligence of al our former offēces prai thee that the wil not deal with vs as we haue deserued but as of thy own free wil thou promised thy people falling earnestly to thy work restoring of thy tēple that frō thēce forward thou would blesse al their worke fruits ouerthrow their enemies saue thy people that woldest make the house also more glorious thā the first by the preaching of thy Gospel so we desire thee for Christes sake thy sonne our sauiour to be no lesse good gracious Lord vnto vs yet once againe going about to restore thy true religiō tr●den doun defaced by the cruell papistes Send foorth O Lord many such faithfull preachers as wil set out thy glorie vnfeynedly open the hearts of thy people that they may se how far more acceptable vnto the● is the liuely preaching of thy holy woord than all the glittering ceremonies of Poperie deliuer vs we besech thee frō all our enemies saue and preserue our gracious Queene as thine own signet indue her her coūsel with such reuerēt fear of thee thy woord that all policie which is cōtrarie to thy woord set apart they mai vprightly seke ernestly maintain thy true glory minister iustice punish sin defend the right Cōfoūd most mightie God bring to naught all the deuises of suche as go about to ouerthrow thy woord true worship open our eyes that we may se how derely thou hast loued vs in Iesus Christ thy sonne our lord hold vs fast O Lord of hostes that we fal no more frō thee graūt vs thākful obediēt hearts that we may encrease dayly in the loue knowledge fear of the encrease our faith help our vnbelefe that we being prouided for and releued in all our nedes by thy fatherli care prouidēce as thou shalt thīk good mai liue a godli life to the praise good exāple of thi people after this life mai raign with thee for euer through Christ our sauiour to whom with thee the holy Ghoste three persons one God be prayse thankes geuing in all congregations for euer and euer Amen ¶ Here endeth the prophete Aggeus ¶ A preface to
iiii Rom. iii Rom. vii Roma i. Math. xi Iohn v i. Ioh. ii Law Gospel Cala. iii. Math. ii Alexander Sin must be rebuked in al estates Esay i. iii. king xvii Ezech. iii. Disdaine not to heare and learne of the simplest Iohn xviii paul ii Papistes chaūge wit● the world The elder must not disdain to learne and heare his fault of the yonger Rom. iiii Luk. xxiiii Acte xviii i. Timo. 4. Galath ii Iudith 8. ii Reg. xii 4. Reg. xx Mercy is ready to al repentant Ierem. iii. Reuel iii. Ministers muste not thrust themselues in office Psal. cxi i. Ihon iiii The Lawe is to be preached Gala iii. Iob ix Feare goes before and loue folowe● Psal. xix Feare for loue feare to escape payne Feare is lyke the thunder Worldlines decayes the mynistery The preachers office is worshipfull Aungel Preachers be aungels Reue. i. ii Marke i. Fphe vi Stuardes i. Corin iiii Math. xxiiii Mark xiii Porters Lyght Salt Math. v. watchmen Dogges Esay lvi Mathew Math ix The law is firste to be taught and then the gospell Math. i i. Actes iii. Gene. xlvi Goddes helpe promised stireth vs vp to enterprise greate things Exod. iiii Iudg. vi Math. xxviii· Iohn xvii Rom. viii Actes xvii The text Roma xiii Sin is a slepe and death of the Soule The law kils the Gospell quickens Esay lviii Pro. xxix Preching is most necessarye Math. iiii Eccle. vii Roma x. ii king xii iiii Kin. xxii Galath ii ii Chro. xiiii To heare preaching all men ought Philip. iii. Math xxv i Tim. iiii Titus iii. ● King xii Actes ▪ xv The Pope erres The ciuil ruler is aboue the Priestes They that buyld not the Lords house slepe in sinne Math. vii and xx● iiii Kin. xviii ●i Cor. ii Preaching● maketh vs new mē of coward● 〈◊〉 Esdre v Actes ix Iohn iii and xix Psal. xix God is longe suffring Esay lxv Faithfull loue seekes no delayes i. Kinge xvii Scripture is necessarye for all men no cause of euill The Text God sende● preachers to theym that serue him ▪ Al thinges to saluation are geuen to al sortes of men ●n lyke Ephe. iiii How authoritie began Esdra iii. Diuers good affections in religion ●he crosse must be born strongly though it seme long Psal c.xxxvii Math. xxiiii iii. King vi iii. King x. The diuersity of the Popes Church and Christes ceremonies Actes xv Luke xvi The text They that haue fallen most ar most to be comforted Mark xv● ▪ Absolution It is one faith by which w● are receiued 〈◊〉 gods peo●●● which 〈◊〉 grow 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 we be 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 in al ●or●●● men Let vs work● and the profit commit to God i. Cori. iii. xv● Math ▪ xiii ● Cor. i. Luke xvi i. Ro. xi●●i iiii Reg ▪ vi Deut. xviii Math. iii. Christ promised was present With oure fathers before he was borne Esay ix i. Cor. x. Esdras vi That which the father had is 〈◊〉 saide to 〈◊〉 the childrē Heb●● vii Roma v. Mercy receiued afore time is an argument of like to be showed in trouble to come or present The holye ghost is promised to the builders Iohn vi Iohn xiiii Iude. vi Esay xi i. Tim. i. Math. x. i. Cor. i. Psal ▪ c.iiii. Rom. x The text Great trouble for christ is ioy to the good and though it be long it semes shorte but the euyll be vexed sore at it Deu. xxxii Esay i. Roma ▪ viii ▪ Luc. ●●● ▪ Mat. xxiiii ▪ Luke ii ●say xlviii Math i● hon vii Actes iiii Math xiiii Luke ●xii ●●h xxviii Actes iiii Act. xxvi xv●● ▪ Papistes feare the Gospel ▪ in dedes deny Christ ▪ Math. x. Psal. x●●● ▪ Persecution increases the Gospel boldeneth men Ciuitate liber xxii cap. vi Actes v. ii●● Actes ii iiii Actes xvi Psal. x. No doctrine hath ben generally receyued but the Gospell Psalm ii None can bee excused by ignorans Roma i. Anthony The creatures of God are rather lay m●● bookes the ymages Christ is desired of al good men Luke ii Luke i. Luke ● i. Corin. i The glory of Christ in hys Churche Actes ii iiii Actes viii The Text. God will not see his buylders want If we beleued all ryches too be the Lordes we wold neyther get them wrongefullye nor spend thē wastfully No degree by alowed vainti too waste hys goods Luke xix and .xvi. L●ke x. ● Psal. lxxii● Iob. xxi Iere. xi● Abac. i. To refer al to Goddes wysedom staies the minde in all trouble i. King ▪ iii. Iob. i. Esay lix Math. vi iii Reg. xvii Exod. xvii ▪ Ihon. ii iii. Reg. xvii The faithfull can not lacke necessares iiii King vii Roma viii what thinges make a tēple to please God best Esdras ii Luke ii Ephes. ii Ihon. xvi Ihon. xiiii Esay xxxviii worldly peace is moste greuous ▪ in persecution the conscience quiet Exo. xxxi●ii The Text. Mala. ii Priestes shuld be learned in the scripture Timo. i. Similitudes be a good kīd of teaching ii Reg. xii ii Reg. xiiii i. Esdras x Nehem. v Synne defiles those thinges that God him self commaundes Esay lxvi Psalm xl Holy flesh Popes haue no scripture for their halowing of thinges Nothing halowed by the Popes tradidicion can halow an other thinge Christe onely maketh vs holy onely hath the fulnes of holines i. Cor xii Ihon ▪ iii ▪ i. Corin. i. Math. xxiii i. Corin. ●ii Holy Synne defiles not onely the man him self but euery thing that he doth and all that vse hy● company Num. xiii Leuit. xiii Eccle xiii i. Cor. xv Psal. cix i. Cor. x. The lyfe of the wicked is all holly d●fyled i. Cor. xiii Ihon. xiii We bee not mad● righteous by woor●●● properly Luke vi Gene. iiii The woorke is good for the mans sake 〈◊〉 i. ii Titus i. Rom● xiiii Synne condēnes but good woorkes saues not Roma vi i. Cor. xv ii Timo. ii Euil compani is to he auoyded iii. Reg. ●●i Deutero ▪ vii Iudge xvi Math. xii An euil minister makes not the Sacrament or word euill i. Cor. xi Math. xxiii i. Corin. i We maye not communicate at Popish masses Baptisme of Papists is not so euyl as the masse yet faythfull ministers are to be preferred to baptisme Ezech xviii ▪ i. Reg xv Disobedience to God defiles all our doynges Gods commaundement must be kept withoute excuse The Text. Gods doynges shoulde teach vs whether they be good or plages We can not worthely cōsider Gods plages withoute a speciall grace Gods doyngs are diligently to be considered i. Cori● ● 〈◊〉 ●i i● Luc. xv●● Iames. v. Roma xv The plage of one is a warninge too the rest Iosua vii 〈…〉 iiii offēders must be tri●d punished that the plage ma● cease Psal. cxlviii All thoughe God vse hys creatures in punishinge yet hee cals it his own dede Iob. ● Gods loue iustice the deuils malice mans crueltye apeare in one