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A09331 A weekes worke, and a worke for every weeke by R.B. Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1616 (1616) STC 1964.3; ESTC S1779 36,940 190

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Blessed be thy name most A Prayer for the morning gracious Father the Lord of life for that thou hast of thy goodnesse and mercy thus preserued mee this present night past and hast awakened mee raised mee vp giuen vnto mee comfortable meditations and a most sweet taste of thy heauenly graces Oh my Father my Father how is my spirit delighted with these celestiall ioyes afford me stil I humbly beseech thee the like measure of thy mercy daily that I may euer feele these comforts and neuer cease to praise thy goodnesse Indeed O Lord I freely confesse vnto thee that I haue lien in the bed of my corruptions and slept in the darke ignorance of my mind and therein tooke such delight as if thou haddest not sent out the sweet beames of the light of truth and called me vp by thy faithfull teachers I had yet remained in the night of misdeeds and perished in my sinnes Sythen therfore O Lord thou hast thus brought mee from darknesse to the light and opened mine eyes to see that which before I could not discerne cause mee now I beseech thee to shake off al fleshly drousines that in so broad a sun-shine of the Gospell I may not as carelesse of spirituall thrist sloathfully lie downe againe in the sinfull corruptions of mine owne heart but so partake of the first resurrection in the state of grace as I may enioy the blessing of the second in the kingdome of glory I doe acknowledge to thee how without thee I am O Lord very miserable poore and naked so as I am ashamed to come before thee but in mercy doe thou pitie mee and clothe me with that faire rayment of Christ his righteousnesse that I may be bold to draw neare to the throne of grace this best robe by the spirit put vpon me and giue me the hand of faith to apply the same vnto me that I may thereby be preserued from the heate of thy wrath for sinne and escape eternall destruction Giue mee grace good Lord to beautifie my holy profession with ornaments of grace good words and good workes let mee neuer want the linnen of inward sincerity nor the outward garment of Christian honestie that I may be welcome to the companie of thy Saints the onely comely creatures whom thou O Lord hast washed and made cleane Wash me O Lord with them for I confesse my selfe polluted with manifold sins and that they stick so hard cleaue so fast vnto mee that I cannot be deliuered nor clensed except thou my God by thy mercifull hand the worke of thy Spirit dost rinse mee in the precious blood of Christ Surely if it were not for the hope which I haue of thy gracious fauour I should verily despaire of my saluation For when by the glasse of thy word I see my selfe so vncleane my corruptions also to be so many and withall feele them so strong in mee I cannot but mourne with teares and lament with heauinesse of heart my present estate deseruing death and iustly causing me to feare rather damnation then to haue any hope at all of saluation But there is mercy with thee O thou blessed God of mercy to which I now appeale humbly crauing at thy hands the ful pardon of al my sinnes behold deare Father the merits of my Redeemer the price which hee hath paid to satisfie thy iustice that so of thy goodnesse thou mayest be well pleased with mee that my prayers may bee granted and my requests which I now put vp vnto thee may graciously be heard of thee It is thy will O Lord that euery one should haue a calling to walke in and that wee should performe such duties diligently as do belong thereunto now Lord for thy mercie sake as thou hast giuen mee a calling and desire to performe the charge laid vpon me therby so I do earnestly beseech thee to help guide aide and strengthen me therin put vpon mee that whole furniture of thine for my spirituall warfare that I may be armed at all assayes to resist also to preuaile against all my ghostly enemies O Lord thou knowest well how manifold the tentations bee which doe follow all those that desire to liue in and by their callings religiously and honestly Thou doest also know how I desire like a true Israelite to walke before thee in godly simplicity and towards the world without fraud or guile peaceably but Satan is so powerfull and often in his tentations the world so full of deceitfull allurements and my heart so weake and vnable to resist that vnlesse thou by thy spirit doe aide me by thy power defend mee by thy word instruct mee and by thy grace preuent mee I shall vndoubtedly goe astray from my intended purpose of wel doing O my God helpe me helpe me therefore O my God In al my iust proceedings protect me make my good purposes prosperous if it bee thy will I heartily pray thee Bend my mind euer to thy good pleasure and will that I encline not vnto wickednesse by ill companie ill counsell ill examples of others though for a time they flourish by il means Make mee O Lord to delight more in thy fauour and loue then in the gaine of all earthly goods Possesse so my heart with vprightnesse and true intendment of iust dealing and peaceable walking towards all in all my courses that I may boldly come to thee and make thee my God the Iudge of all my actions Goe out Lord before me and let my eyes be this day as at all times euer vpon thee that so before I speake I may consult with thee before I do any thing I may bee aduised by thee that so in going out and in continuing abroad thy care may be ouer mee thy prouident hand may helpe me thy mercy also may couer me that so I may by thee returne home in good peace and safety through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour in whose name I further call vpon thee for my self for the whole Church and euery member of the same in that holy forme of prayer which hee taught his blessed Apostle saying Our Father which art in heauen c. Gaius For this thou blessed seruant of God I most humbly thanke thee now if it please thee proceed on to the second point how I may carrie my selfe abroad on the day time Iohn Hold thy selfe Gaius to this mornings worke constantly then go forth in Gods name feare not neither be faint-hearted for the Lord is with thee Walk as a Saint among Directions for the day time men striuing daily to perfection let them as apparantly see thee to be come out of Satans house of bondage spiritually as they can behold thee out of thine owne house bodily Liue in the light of Gods word with respect vnto all and euery one of Gods Commandements as thou doest walke with thy body and sight of the eyes in the shine of the Sunne Behold and looke vp often to the heauens as thy
euer I had rather bee there a doorekeeper then dwell in the tents of the vaine and wicked though mighty in the world Surely there is no company comparably to the blessed communion of Saints who are Christs members the temple of the holy Ghost and hee in the middest among them Make me highly to esteeme of the publike assembly where thy word is preached and thy name called vpon and cause mee euer to bee vnfainedly thankfull for the same Oh it is thy exceeding great mercy towards me and towards vs all this day that wee may with such freedome and liberty enioy that truth in peace which the blessed Apostles taught and sealed with their blood which many thousands of Saints after thē did professe and maintaine with their very liues in the middest of bloody persecution because otherwise they could not enioy the benefit of the word What ingratitude were therefore this in vs if wee should not laud thy name daily sing praises vnto thy most diuine Maiesty which hast thus in so great mercy dealt with vs that may without feare of open enemies keep publike meetings frequent those places set vp in the honour and praise of thy blessed sonne Iesus How vnworthie should we make our selues of this vnspeakeable grace and fauour if wee should carelesly neglect as too many doe so great meanes of our saluatiō Those that died for the truth may well perswade vs to the loue of the truth and they that shead their blood for preaching it others also who rather then they would not heare it and enioy the benefit of it were contented to hazard their liues they may iustly condemne vs of negligence and shall rise vp in iudgement against vs if wee will not leaue our vaine pleasures and our worldly profits for it O Lord our God lay not this iniquitie to our charge the too much neglect if not contempt of the sauing means of saluation thou mayest in thy iust iudgment vtterly depriue vs of all meanes of our spirituall life of all grace and heauenly comforts for that indeed we doe not so esteeme of the ministerie of thy word and of the Gospell of thy Son as we should Turne vs of thy mercy O God from the accursed loathing to a blessed louing thereof And make vs to account of it as a thing most precious to shew the same in a more earnest seeking after knowledge therein in a greater desire thereof with feruencie of spirit for the truth against sinne in our selues and others against superstition and idolatrie against prophanenesse against contempt of good gouernment and base account of thy faithfull ministers then hitherto wee haue done and cause vs to bring forth also better fruits worthy the Gospell of Christ and our profession That so it may appeare that we be Christians indeed professors in good earnest sincere louers of the truth that so these thy mercies may be established vpon vs continued with vs and propagated to posterities whereby not onely we but euen our children childrens children may haue cause herein with vs to magnifie thy name for euer and for euer And here O Lord I call not vpon thy name for my selfe alone and these thy people knowne vnto me but for all thy whole Church euery where in all the world remember them Lord in thy mercy call those that are not yet called confirme such as are bring backe such as slip out of the way resolue such as stand doubting raise vp such as doe fall comfort the afflicted stand by such as be in combate with the diuell with the world or with the strong and violent streame of corruptions flowing out from their owne euill hearts Stand by them good Lord helpe them for the victorie and deliuer them from euill and by thy grace euer either preuent their falles or forgiue their offences Blesse these particular Churches of England Scotland and Ireland and herein especially the principall member of the same our dread Soueraigne the Kings Maiestie the Queene Prince Charles Fredericke Prince Elector and the Lady Elizabeth the Honourable Councell and worthy Nobles the Ministery and Ministers of thy Gospell and all Schooles of learning for the furtherāce of religiō Lord continue peace among vs vnite our hearts in one in the truth and for the truth cause iustice in true iudgmēt to bee maintained grieuous wrongs and oppressions to bee vtterly suppressed good works of zeale mercy piety to be euery way furthered and the instruments to be highly aduāced And if there be any enemies to thee O God and to thy people maintaining that man of sinne O Lord thou mighty God of heauen reueale them to the world discouer all craftie Achitophels set thy selfe against them and all wicked seducers misleading thy people by errour into Antichristian superstition and idolatrie and either conuert them or confound them for the safety of thy people and their great peace yea for the more full manifestation of thy hatred against that man of sinne against that tyrannicall regiment and that bloody persecuting power with all the trecherous and traiterous adherents to the same and this doe O Lord for thy owne name sake also euen for the merits of Christ Iesus our only Lord Sauiour in whose name we pray vnto thee as he hath taught vs saying Our Father c. Gaius I giue vnto thee thou mā of God most humble thankes for this so great labour vndertaken for my sake I wish I could recompence this thy so great goodnesse but albeit I cannot I doubt not but he that is able and hath promised to reward euery good worke hee assuredly will to whom I shall daily pray that hee may recompence and euerlastingly blesse thee for euery good deede euen so Amen Iohn I thank thee good Gaius I haue done but my dutie of God I deserue nothing of thee for a requitall I looke for no more but that which I know already thou wilt do euen constantly make to a good vse of al. Therin the Lord blesse thee and I am satisfied and so farewel till our next meeting Gaius The Lord be with thee my Father my Father and his holy Angels take safe custodie of thee for euer and euer Amen FINIS
A WEEKES WORKE AND A WORKE FOR EVERY weeke By R. B. The third Edition LONDON Printed by Felix Kyngston and are to be sold by Nathanael Newbery 1616. TO THE VERTVOVS AND RELIgious Ladies the Ladie Elizabeth Barkley of Bruton the Ladie Elizabeth Barkley of Yearlington and the Ladie Anne Horner that wisdome which is from aboue that true peace which is from within and the manifestation of both in the fruits of the spirit to their perfect ioy AS I consider with my selfe how Mary did make choice of the better part I cannot but blesse God for the worke of grace So Right Worshipfull on the contrary marking the mad choyce of others I follow the counsell of the Prophet Esaiah I stay wonder Eue had free-will the choyce of an apple and Paradise was before her God said eate not and liue but eate said the Serpent thou shalt not die The diuell was credited God not beleeued the apple was eaten Paradise lost a miserable choice But led she the way in this point of follie and hath shee had no followers What none of her posterity to walk in her steps Behold the sonnes of God chose the daughters of men and forsooke the generation of the righteous Lot left Abraham and made choyce to dwell in Sodome Esau loueth his bellie and for a present messe of pottage selleth away his birth-right The mixt people among the Israelites rather desire garlicke and onyons and to sit by the flesh-pots of Egypt then to eat that sweet Manna frō heauē Yea so mad are men in their choyce as the Iewes from the highest to the lowest cry out to haue a rebell a theefe a murtherer euen a Barrabas instead of that iust one and innocent Christ the righteous As I haue stayed in my thoughts vpon these so now should I wonder but that among our selues I finde many as foolish and as vnreasonable in their chusing They esteeme more of pleasure then of peace wiih God they will sell godlines for earthly gain they preferre profit before piety worldly goods they like of better then heauenly graces they chuse rather to rest vpon an idle conceit in themselues of saluation then vpon the witnesse of Gods word a truly informed conscience they wil plead rather custom then diuine precepts mens examples now for liberty in sinn e rather then the holy liues of the godly recorded in Scripture most in a word chuse rather to be reputed religious then so to be indeed But perhaps you Ladies will say what of all this to you Surely that you beholding nature corrupted and your selues through Gods mercy sanctified by grace may in your more happie choyce giue due praises heartily vnto God who affoordeth you from aboue so much power and strength that you may in some measure with holy Elizabeth walke in the Commandemēts of the Lord with religious Mary sit down at Christs feet heare his word with that blessed Virgin Christs mother ponder the words and lay them vp in your hearts with afflicted Hannah poure out in your necessities your soules by prayer vnto God and with that deuout Anna serue God in fasting and prayers day and night For this end and purpose to further euery well disposed Christian in the path that leadeth vnto life and glory I haue now this third time published this Weeks work worke for euery weeke I haue presumed to send it forth vnder your names not in any merit of the worke but in my true esteeme of your godlinesse and certaine perswasion of your good desires to please God which the Lord encrease in you more more with such inward comfort of spirit as you may perseuere in euery good worke of grace to goe boldly to the throne of grace in euery state and condition to the end of your daies euen so Amen Your Ladyships in all Christian duties RIC. BERNARD Batcombe Iuly 14. A DIALOGVE BETWEENE IOHN the beloued Apostle and his beloued Gaius Epist. 3. vers 1. Iohn GRace be with thee Noble Gaius mercy and peace from God the Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the Father with truth and loue Gaius Reuerend Father let this thy prayer this day preuaile with God for Grace Peace Mercy Truth in Loue I much long after Iohn Well may wee wish for these things friend Gaius as the foundation of all good fauours with God and all good men Gaius Oh my Lord I thanke God these things with me are of greater price then any thing which may seeme most pretious with the world For Grace maketh me acceptable to God Peace comforteth mee within my selfe Mercy from God affordeth me remission of sins and Mercy from me shewed towards others maketh them both to pray and praise God for me The Truth of God warranteth my course and way and truth obserued of me iustifieth my words and workes Loue in God to me procureth peace bringeth forth mercy and confirmeth truth loue in our selues maintaineth peace vrgeth to mercy and bindeth one to another and all vnto the truth Therefore Sir doe I in soule desire earnestly after the same but I cannot attain vnto that measure which I would I hunger after the perfection of all true holinesse but alas I cannot bee satisfied I thirst after righteousnesse but ah miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death which so much doth hinder mee in my heauenly progresse Iohn I reioyce greatly worthie Gaius that I find thee thus well prepared for further instructions blessed art thou for so hungring and thirsting after the best things for thou shalt be satisfied Gaius My Lord I am not ignorant blessed be God for this knowledge of my selfe that I am heere indeed in this present world but not of this world one as a pilgrime and stranger without any certaine mansion hither sent of the Lord for a time to bee employed in his seruice and so to stay till hee call mee hence which houre I waite for looking for death daily and the Lords comming to iudgement And therefore I desire to bee ready prepared and to learn whatsoeuer may be needfull both for continuance and encrease of grace in the way of life Especially seeing how the world groweth so on to worse and worse and this our present age declining so fast vnto wickednesse lest I bee intrapped and become guiltie of the common sinnes and so perish in the deserued plagues Iohn Indeed good Christian heart wel mayest thou so tearme these Euill daies our present times Is not pietie turned by many into policie sincerity by others into schisme true zeale is decayed conscience is now but a customarie fashion graced with conformitie faith is altogether a formal seruice without fasting without true feare of God and feruencie of spirit without gratious words tending to edification or good workes assuring vs of saluation godly gouerment is grosly abused by couetous persons and made a base course for filthie gaine true deuotion is not
of Gods Spirit 2. As the light of the candle being in our eye but a little light yet giueth a great light to the whole house euē so doth that heauenly enlightening of God though it seeme neuer so little to worldly wisedome yet doth it greatly enlighten vs. 3. As while the candle is light we can reade and it being out wee cannot see no more can wee see heauenly things if once the light of Gods spirit be taken from vs. So likewise meditate that the word is as fire which thou sittest by The fire thaweth off frostines and expels cold so the word melteth frozen hearts it comforteth vs going to rest so doth the word going out of the world it trieth mettals so the word doth men It diuideth things sending some vpward and leaueth some on the earth so the word diuideth people some sending vpward some leauing below c. Fourthly in going to thy 4. Dutie Meditations in going to rest rest thinke vpon the ende of this earthly toylesomenesse in the eternall rest in putting off thy clothes thinke how thou shalt at length be vnclothed and as thou art naked in a shirt so shalt thou bee naked in a sheet Thinke also as thou arisest naked in the morning and so returnest to thy bed naked in the euening euen so camest thou naked into the world and so naked shalt thou returne againe Fifthly in lying downe 5. Meditations in lying downe in thy bed consider thy bed as thy graue thy lying downe the laying of thy body in the place of the dead the couering the earthly molds vpon thee the closing of thine eyes the representation of death the sleepe possessing thee deaths ceasing vpon thee the impossibility to preuent sleepe euer the ineuitablenesse of death the ringing of the bell the sound of the last trumpet Thinke by thy companion in bed of the dead with thee in the graue that two may be together the one receiued the other refused Consider how as a flea in the bed may bite thee so the wormes in graue shall eate thee as sleepe taketh away all care of the world from thee so shall death in like manner set thee free from the same And as thou doest not feare to sleepe because thou art in hope to awake againe so be not afraid to die for that thou shalt arise afterwards to life eternall Lastly as thou knowest thou hast a soule awaking though thy body bee sleeping so know that albeit thy bodie lie a while asleepe in the graue yet thy soule euen then liueth and partaketh of ioy let this be for thy comfort Thus by these thy heauenly meditations thy last thoughts being so fixed vpon God and good things before thou doest fall asleepe they will cause thee to lift vp thine eies to the Lord to entreate him to take protection of thee for he neither slumbreth nor sleepeth which keepeth Israel These will preuent vaine dreames idle fantasies and prepare thy soule to better cogitations Yea thus graciously exercised albeit thou doest lie down to rise againe in the morning yet wilt thou so rest secure and lie downe without feare as one assured of life though for this light thou behold it no more with bodily eies vntil the day of iudgment It is euer therefore best to haue thy mind full of godly meditations in betaking thy selfe to rest and it shall not bee amisse so to lie downe as thinking no more to rise till the last day the preparation to death doth not any whit sooner hasten it but maketh it more comfortable when it doth come Gaius Blessed is that man that thus meditateth of his mortalitie happie is he surely that thus prepareth to his rest vndoubtedly hee shall finde the sweet fruites thereof in the end But I now desire to heare of some godly directions how to meditate in the night season if happily I doe awake but I thinke I heard thee speak of prayer before I should goe to my bed therefore as it hath pleased thee to set me downe a forme of prayer for the morning so I beseech thee affoord me the like helpe for the euening Iohn It is indeed Gaius as necessarie to praise God and to pray vnto him in the euening as in the morning and therefore hast thou well done to put me in mind hereof In the name therefore mediation of Christ Iesus thus or in some such like maner mayest thou make thy prayers vnto the Almighty Honour and praise bee giuen A Prayer for the euening to thee most holy Father my most gracious Lord and strong protector which hast of thy great goodnes this day both led me forth safely and now brought me home in peace This hath been thy mercy wholy of which I haue abundantly tasted blessed bee thy name therefore for euer and for euer I confesse to thy praise and glory O God that by thy light I haue walked by thy power I haue been preserued by thy grace preuented from sinnes which I might haue run into from perils which I might haue fallen into and by thy spirit haue I been directed in that which hath been comfortable vnto mee and wherin I haue cause to reioyce Albeit I doe acknowledge that in my best actions I haue shewed much humaine frailty and not a little offended thy diuine Maiesty in thought in words and in deeds which yet of thy great mercy thou hast passed by and not laid vnto my charge as thou mightest iustly haue done Now O Lord I beseech thee so be still gracious vnto me for Iesus Christ his sake and continue thy fauourable countenance and bee euer with me as heretofore and this day past so also the rest of my life this present night now come vpon me Vnclothe mee I pray thee of my old raymēt of vnrighteousnesse and make mee to throw away all my vncleane ragges of filthie corruptions that I may goe in the whitenesse of sincerity and holines vnto my eternall rest In the meane space giue mee the candle light of the truth to shine vnto me in this darke world and make thy word as a fire to heate and enflame my affections with the loue of thee O God and all goodnesse that I may see the way and go with a warm zeale of thy spirit vnto my graue And seeing I came naked into the world and so must lie downe naked bringing nothing neither carrying away any thing Oh blesse mee from couetousnesse and greedie cares of this fading world If I haue but to liue let mee bee therewith contented Put away from mee the feare of death seeing it is but as a sleepe and cannot depriue me of life Yea sythen I am mortall make mee willing to goe vnto my rest that I may cease to sinne and bee freed from the manifold tentations and troubles which accompanie vs heere that although my bodie lie in the graue asleepe my soule may ascend vnto my blessed Sauiour with whom I desire to bee Sanctifie vnto me my rest keepe
my minde in heauenly meditations from vncleane vnquiet and foolish dreames and so refresh me by the quiet benefit of sweet sleepe that I may arise more chearfully comfortably in the morning to the labours of my particular calling While I doe sleepe watch I beseech thee ouer me cause thy holy Angels to pitch their tents about me that so I may rest and also arise in safety and therby be moued to laud and praise thee still renewing my thankes as thou doest renew thy mercies daily And now Lord going to my bed I commend my selfe my soule and body into the hands of thy fatherey protection for thou art awake when I sleepe and thou onely art able to preserue mee If it so please thee now this night to take my life from me and to remoue me out of this vale of miserie this doe O Lord of thy great mercy pardon me all my sins wilfull transgressions negligences and ignorances euils committed and duties omitted in any measure manner or any way displeasing to thy Maiesty and that for the death and passion the righteousnesse the merits and intercession of Iesus Christ thy Sonne and our blessed Sauiour I humbly beseech thee and for his sake take vp my soule to thy heauenly habitation there to rest vntill I come wholly body and soule vnto thee in that great day of the resurrection But if it yet please thee stil further to prolong my life then I hartily pray thee good God of thy tender mercy herein to heare mee that as dayes be added to the time of life so graces may bee encreased that as I grow in yeeres so may I also bee fruitfull in good workes encreasing in grace to thy praise my better preparednesse to death and to my eternall comfort at the last day the time of my perfect redemption through Iesus Christ our Lord to whom with thee and that blessed Spirit bee giuen all honour glory and praise of me and all thy people as is most due for all thy louing mercies past and present for the future hope of eternall blisse this night and for euermore Amen Gaius Now if it please thee my Father proceed to the next point and shew vnto me what meditatiōs I should haue in the night season if it happen that then I should awake Iohn Let it 1. put thee Meditations vpon our awaking in the night in mind of awaking from sinne as thou hast awaked frō sleep that thou perish not by death 2. Thinke also how God can make men which are dead in the graue to liue againe as easily as hee hath made thee to awake out of thy sleepe 3. By thy sudden awaking to consider how suddenly thou mayest bee raised vp and summoned to iudgement Secondly by the darknes Of darknesse of the night first thinke of the spirituall darknesse in which natural men sinfully and desperately doe sleepe to pray that God would open their eyes to see the wonders of his law then of the vtter darknesse into which all such impenitent sleepers shall bee cast to moue thee to mourne for them aliue that they may not bee damned when they bee dead further by this darknesse so comfortlesse behold also their comfortles estate for as they cannot which are in darknes see either themselues or others or their way or house or friends or enemies no more can men in spirituall darknesse know thēselues nor the Church of God nor discerne the godly from the vngodly nor the way of life from the way of death nor foresee perils or the pit prepared for them no more then men which remaine in darknesse can see to auoide the dangers which they may fall into vntill the light doe againe shine vpon them Thirdly if thou canst Of dreames cal thy dreames to remembrance by their vanitie iudge of thy leuity by their vncleannesse thy filthinesse by their idlenes thy foolishnesse by the furie in them thy madnes by their much vncertainty thy wauering and inconstancie the delight in their deceits thy easinesse to bee led by delusions the fearfulnesse in them thy timorous heart the seldome thoughts of goodnes thy much delight in wickednesse and little care of godlinesse Fourthly in the silent night vpon thy bed it is good to fall into an examination of thine owne heart it is the time freest from disturbance in respect of outward impediments thou mayest haue with thy soule free and peaceable conference By a true and serious search thou mayest finde out thy selfe and so bee better knowne to thy selfe and the more thou art acquainted with thy owne corruption the more wilt thou bewaile thy wants and seeke after the grace of sanctification Fifthly in thine inclination to sleepe againe note thereby how a man may awake from sin through Gods mercy and yet bee readie to sleepe againe in sinne by his owne infirmitie Sixthly before thou sleepe againe commend thy selfe in some short prayer to God according to the former meditations and so asleepe for refreshment taking so much as may suffice nature for more strength of labour but not to satisfie the flesh to grow thereby lazie and lustfull Gaius Oh what conceited Laodiceans are we wee out of an ordinarie profession in any measure aboue our brethren hold our selues full of deuotion wee iudge our selues goodly Christians rich in graces flowing in goodnesse lacking little to perfection but alas now I see by the neglect of these things that we are wretched and miserable and poore and blind and naked I confesse that the Lord hath cause to rebuke and chasten vs except wee speedily grow more zealous and amend Iohn Indeed Gaius men are too wickedly carelesse of a holy conuersation and how to keepe a good cōscience towards God man Men seeme to hate so very much popish superstition as they neglect altogether Christian deuotiō it is iudged enough to bee no Papist though otherwise a man bee little better then a very Atheist in all his courses Gaius Right so my father such as see it may lament it but not remedie it I pray for better vnto him that can reforme it But leauing this proceed on I beseech thee with mee as thou hast begun and come to the last particular how I may make my selfe readie for the sanctifying of the Sabbath Iohn I perceiue that thy heart thirsteth after grace the Lord more and more perfect the same so happily begun in thee First besides these things Directions for a preparation to the Sabbath before mentioned carefully haue in remēbrance euery day the Lords day to keepe it holy when it commeth therefore foresee thy businesse neglect no ordinarie labour order thy worldly affaires so as that day bee set apart for the speciall and publike worship of God that so thy deuotion bee not hindered nor the day prophaned hee hath vtterly lost the power of religion that is carelesse of the Sabbaths sanctification Secondly in the end of the weeke iudge by this holy course of thy growth in religion of
how contrary heereunto are the most and how defectiue are the best I may mourne heauily for the multitude and much lament my own wants but as I heare now my dutie so will I endeauour to performe by Gods grace more carefully hereafter the present desire of my heart and therefore proceed thou best beloued Apostle of the Lord to teach me what to do when the publike seruice to God is ended Iohn 1. Preuent al present occasions of worldly vnnecessarie communication 2. Betake thy selfe a Our duty after publike seruice of God while to some priuate place for priuate meditation and prayer vpon that which thou hast heard remembrest 3. Receiue that day so much nourishment only as may satisfie for necessitie auoiding superfluitie arising of variety which may cause drousines dulnesse of spirit and hinder thy meditation 4. Vse conference with other and occasion them to holy speeches if thou doest doubt thou mayest perhaps bee resolued if thou hast forgot the memories of other may help thee as also giue thee vnderstanding in that thou thy selfe knowest not 5. Being disposed to be merrie sing Psalms abandon foolish and leaud sports and vaine companie 6. Forget not this day to shew forth workes of mercy to visit the sicke to relieue the poore and to comfort the afflicted Lastly in the end of the day praise God for the comforts thereof remember what thou hast heard and that which especially concerned thy selfe make some vse of all but forget not that pray for a blessing resolue to put what thou learnest into daily practise and then before thy rest fall to thy daily deuotion and in all good things bee euer constant vnto the end Gaius O Lord grant me so great mercy how happie were I if thus I could doe I earnestly desire it Oh that I could attaine vnto it This were indeed a blessednesse here a heauen vpon earth a celestiall felicity in a terrestriall place in this wretched state of miserie This pearle if I could purchase I offer willingly to giue away all my carnal pleasures al my worldly profits all vaine honour and my selfe wholly for the loue of it For what am I if I had all the world without the effectuall sauing power and grace of the word if I had all pleasure and had no portion in the heauenly Paradise If I had all honour without certaine hope of heauen Woe would bee to mee endlesse woes would seaze vpon mee I will therefore now resolue to walke with God seek fellowship with the faithfull and abandon the waies of wickednesse whatsoeuer befalleth mee in this present world Iohn A most blessed resolution sweet soule go on and prosper looke for ioyfull fruits of thy blessed labour by well doing thou shalt haue assured hope of Gods fauour boldnesse in Christ to go vnto God who will be to thee a Father the Spirit a Comforter as Christ thy Redeemer and Iustifier Feare not death dread not hell heauen is thine inheritance The godly pray for thee Angels accompanie thee the Law will not curse thee the Gospel is for thy comfort and thy conscience will speake peace vnto thee Satan dare not claime thee God doth acknowledge thee for his owne and hath thee in his safe keeping to bring thee to heauen Gaius Blessed man of God thou beloued of the Lord thou hast comforted me and spoken comfortably vnto thy seruant the Lord recompence thy worke and a full reward bee giuen thee of the Lord God of Israel and now behold thy seruant and the seruant of the Lord bee it vnto mee according to all these thy words Yet good Sir before I end I must needs craue a little more helpe I was aduised to pray vpon the Sabbath day in the morning before I goe vnto the publike congregation and in the euening when the day is ended vouchsafe I beseech thee to help my weaknesse heerein also and to set me downe how to pray morning euening on the Sabbath Iohn Friend Gaius I am ready to further thy gracious desires in al good things much reioycing in thy vnfained loue to the Lord and to the holy exercises of religion I heartily wish thee heerein all happie successe such feruencie such growth such constancie as thy example may moue many to imitate thy vertues and to ioyne with thee in the way to eternitie Thus therefore mayest thou or to the like effect pray in the morning O Lord our God whose A Prayer for the Sabbath day in the morning will and commandement it is that wee should keepe holy this day as set apart for the publike worship and seruice of thy most holy name Now I do heartily beseech thee in thy tender compassion and mercy so to looke vpon me in Christ Iesus that my sinnes may not be a wall of separation betweene thee and me but that of thy gracious goodnesse through my blessed Sauiour I may obtaine ful remission of all my sinnes and by him the gift of thy most holy spirit which may happily prepare and make ready my heart that I may goe to the holy assembly of thy Saints as well prepared ground fit to receiue the good seed of thy most holy word Oh Lord open mine eyes to see thy truth mine eares encline to harken attentiuely bend my will to follow what I shall heare that I may not be a bare hearer but a doer of thy word Giue me wisdome to iudge of the truth humility to receiue it faith to beleeue it conscience to practise it make it vnto me the Sauiour of life vnto life a word of reconciliation that I may for euer by it be wonne vnto thee Withdraw my mind and affections wholly from euery thing that may hinder mee from the performance of my duty this day in thy diuine seruice Take from me blindnesse of mind dulnesse of wit disorderlines of affections deadnesse of spirit hardnesse of heart vnbeleefe pride selfe-conceit presumption of mercy and wicked prophanenes that so I may not contemne nor yet make light account of thy holy ordinances the word read and preached the administration of the Sacramēts prayer and thankes giuing with the whole congregation Being set to heare good Father blesse me from wandring thoughts vaine imaginations Satans suggestions drowsinesse of the flesh and whatsoeuer is an enemie to the sauing hearing of thy blessed word Sanctifie my vnderstanding rightly to conceiue my memory to retaine and keepe and my heart truly to affect what thy seruant shall speake vnto mee and to the rest of thy people this day O Lord open his mouth that hee may speake onely thy truth enforme his vnderstanding settle his iudgement enflame his affections with that truth which he shal deliuer vnto vs and guide so his tongue that he may speak wisely seasonably aptly and also with great power of thy spirit to the heart and consciences of euery of vs his hearers so as we may liuely feele the power of thine owne ordinance and may also truly say of him that