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A08629 The sixt lampe of virginitie conteining a mirrour for maidens and matrons: or, the seuerall duties and office of all sorts of women in their vocation out of Gods word, with their due praise and dispraise by the same: togither with the names, liues, and stories of all women mentioned in holie Scriptures, either good or bad ... Newlie collected and compiled to the glorie of God, by T.B. Gentleman. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn. 1582 (1582) STC 1894; ESTC S101565 285,239 337

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God gaue him after his fall vnto whome also with her sisters Keziah and Kerenhappuch hee gaue an inheritaunce among hir brethren Iob. 42.14 Ierushah or Ierusa sig Banishment or inheritaunce She was the daughter of Zadock the hie Priest and wife to Uzziah or Azariah king of Iuda to whom she bare a sonne called Iotham that after the death of his father was a good king of Iuda 2. King 15. 33. 2. Chro. 27.1 Iezabel or Iesabel or Isabell sig an Iland or habitation a dweller with a vaine flud an issue of blood or issuing blood where is the dunghil the Iland of the dwelling Woe to the dwelling the I le of the dunghill woe to the dunghill She was the daughter of Eth. baal king of the Sidonians wife to Ahab the sonne of Omri king of Israel to whom she bare 2. sonnes called Ahaziah and Iehoram afterwards kings of Israel also This Iezabel being a wicked woman and vile idolatresse not onely entised and pricked forward her husbande Ahab to all kinde of wickednesse strange idolatry and cruell persecution but also her selfe slue the prophetes of the Lord destroyed them and most ragingly persecuted Eliia the Lordes Prophet for destroying Baals priests whom she made so much of and sent a messenger vnto him with threatning words saying The Gods doe so to me quoth she and more also if I make not thy life Elia like one of their liues whom thou hast slayne by to morowe this time Wherevpon the good Prophet was fayne to flie away frō her into the wildernes where he remayned by her cruelty in great perplexitie sorow til the Lord comforted him Moreouer when shee perceiued the sullen sadnesse and inward fretting of Ahab her husband and vnderstood the cause thereof to be for nothing els but for that hee could not haue his inordinate appetite satisfied and Naboths vineyard graunted vnto him to make him a garden at his request she came to her husband lying languishing and fretting for anger vpon his bed sayd vnto him Why is thy spirite so sad that thou eatest no bread Doest thou now gouerne the kingdome of Israel Thou knowest not I perceiue what it is to reigne be a king for if thou didst thou wouldest cōmand thy subiects not intreate them Up therfore eate bread be of good cheere for I will geue thee the vineyard of Naboth the Iezre●lite So in the yeere of the world 3224. shee wrote letters in Ahabs name and sealed them with his seale and sent the letters vnto the Elders and nobles of the citie the contents of which letters was this Proclaime a fast and set Naboth among the chiefe of the people and set two wicked men before him and let them witnesse against him saying Thou didst blaspheme God and the king then carrie him out and stone him that he may die Which letters when the Elders had receyued they like wicked worldlinges obeyed rather the wicked commaundementes of this wicked Princesse then the iust lawe of God who willeth not to consent to the shedding of innocent blood and did as Iezabell had written in the letters sent vnto them and hauing thus truelly without all equitie vnder colour of lawe put innocent Naboth and his sonnes to death they sent Iesabell worde therof who so soone as shee heard thereof went to her husband lying languishing on his bed and sayde vp now man and take possession of Naboths Uinyarde for nought which he before refused to giue thee for money for beholde he as a trangressor of the lawe is stoned to death and all his sonnes that should inherite it and resist thy purpose by clayming possessiōs which she did that her husband might enioy it the more quietly With which newes Achab being reuiued straight wayes arose and went to take possession of Naboths vineyarde as his wife counselled him but as he was in the Uineyarde taking possession God sent his Prophete Elia vnto him whiche reprooued Achab and his wife with terrible threatninges of Gods iudgementes saying first to Ahab Hast thou killed and also gotten possession Ahab or doest thou thinke to haue any aduauntage by murthering of the innocent Uerilye thus sayeth the Lorde I haue seene yesterday the blood of Naboth ●nd the blood of his sonnes and I wil render it thee in this fielde therefore in the place where dogges licked the blood of Naboth euen there shall dogges licke euen thy bloud also because thou hast shed innocent blood and solde thy selfe to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde c. And also as concerning thy wife Iezabel thus sayeth the Lorde of her that forasmuch as she whose nature or kynd shoulde haue abhorred all tyrannie and ben moued and inclined to all pitie mercie and compassion hath contrariwise geuen and horrible example of most monstrous crueltie in womenkinde and not onlie geuen wicked counsell to her husband to become a vile Idolater and cruel murtherer but also ben as one that geueth her selfe wholly to serue all maner of sinne therfore the dogs shal eate her also in the field or by the wall of her pallace in Iezreel there shall be none to burie her With terrible words of the Prophet when Ahab heard he rent his clothes and repented his sinnes in dust ashes and sackcloth which caused the Lorde by and by to haue mercie vpon him and to turne the euill from him vnto his sonne Iorams dayes But as for Iezabel the holie Ghost maketh no mention that euer she blushed at the matter or once repented of her villanny but went on stil in her Idolatry and abhominable life during her husband Ahabs raigne the raigne of Ahaziah and Iehoram her two sonnes Insomuch as when her sonne Iehoram was sicke of wounds an hurt that the Aramites had geuen him God raysed vp Iehue to bee king who being made an instrument of God to execute his foresaide iudgements against the house of Ahab y e king to auenge the blood of his seruauntes the Prophetes and seruaunts shed by the hand of Iezabel He conspired against Ioram who meeting Iehue in the fielde of Naboth the Israelite demaunded of Iehue saying comest thou peaceably Iehue But Iehue being furiously bent to execute Gods vengeaunce against Ioram and his mother Iezabel aunsweared Ioram what hast thou to doe with peace the whoredomes of thy mother Iezabell and her witchcraftes are yet in greate number and with that Iehu shotte Ioram quite thorowe his hearte as he fled from him so that he fell downe dead in his chariot And after Iehu had caused the dead corpes of Ioram to be put and cast in the field of Naboth to fulfil the word of the Lord against Achab whiche was nowe first accomplished in his sonne Ioram after this iudgement of God I say executed vpon y e sonne for imitating the sinnes of his father Achab mother Iezabel Iehu went towards Iezreel to do y e like iudgement in reuenging of Gods cause vpon the mother Iezabel that lay
to spie and view the land of Iericho came and lodged in her house so it was that their comming was bewrayed by some vnto the king of Iericho whereuppon he sent straight wayes vnto Rahab saying bring foorth the men y t are come to thee and entred into thy house for they be spyes and are come to search out al our lād But Rahab hauing brought these two men of Israel her gests vp into the top or roofe of her house there hid them couered them with stalkes of flaxe spread abroad ouer them aunsweared the kings messengers saying there came men vnto me indeed but I wist not whence they were and when they shut the gate in the dark y t men went out and slipt away but whither they went I wote not folowe yee after them quickly for yee shall ouertake them So while they beleeuing her wordes went in all hast pursued after the two mē towards Iordan and sought them in the foords and ditches Rahab assoone as they were gone out of her house shut the gates vppon them and before y e two men that were hyd aboue vnder y e flaxe were asleepe she ran vp vnto them where they lay and sayd vnto them I know that the Lord hath geuen you y e land y t the feare of you is fallen vpon vs and that all the inhabitauntes of the Lorde faynt before you For wee haue hearde howe the Lorde dryed vp the water of the redde sea before you when yee came out of Egypt and what ye did vnto y e two kings of the Ammonites that were on the other side Iordan vnto Seon and to Og whom ye vtterly destroyed and when we heard it our hearts did faint and there remayned no more courage in any of vs because of you for the Lord your God he is the God of heauen aboue and in earth beneath Nowe therefore I pray you sweare vnto me by y e Lord that as I haue shewed you mercie you will also shewe mercie vnto my fathers house and geue me a true token that yee will saue aliue my father and my mother and my brethren and my sisters and all that they haue and that yee will deliuer our soules from death And the men aunswered her and sayde we warrant thee in paine of our liues and sweare vnto you that if yee vtter not this our businesse we when the Lord hath geuen vs the Land will deale mercifully and truely with thee and thy fathers house and kinred as thou hast requested Then Rahab dwelling well for that purpose let these two men down by a corde through a backe window in her house ouer the towne wall and sayd vnto them Goe you into the mountaynes which are neere vnto the citie least the pursuers meete with you and there hyde your selues three dayes vntill the pursuers be returned and then afterward may yee goe your way safely And the men thanking her for her curtesie towards them sayde vnto her We shal be blamelesse and discharged of this our othe which thou hast made vs sweare if thou doest performe this condition following that we shall make for so shalte thou and thine be deliuered namely the condition is this beholde thou shalt bynde this corde of red threed wherewith wee are let downe in this windowe and shalt bring thy father and thy mother thy brethren and all thy fathers houshold home to thee that when we come into the land we may by this signe and token of the red threed hanging in the wyndow know thy house And whosoeuer then doth goe out of thine house into the streete he shal be guilty of his owne death and we guiltlesse of our othe but who soeuer shal keepe within thine house his blood shall be on our heades if any hand violently touch him this condition if yee keepe yee shal be all safe as we haue promised but contrariwise if yee vtter these our secretes or condition to others by side so y t they likewise should thinke to escape our handes together with you by this meanes then at your owne perils be it for we will then be quyte of the othe and promise which thou hast made vs to sweare vnto thee Wel quoth Rahab according to your words and condition so be it So she sent them away who hid themselues in the mountaines 3. dayes and when they were gone she bound the red threed or scarlet coloured corde whereby she let them downe about the mallines of the window and went and gathered her father her brethren friends and kinred vnto her house to be preserued therein in the day of the destruction of y t city Iericho as the men had promised and condicioned with her Now shortly after when Iosua w t his host came besieged y e city Iericho before he destroyed the city hee being mindefull of Rahabs good turne done vnto his 2. men gaue his souldiers and men a great charge concerning Rahab by name saying The citie is appointed of God as an execrable thing to be destroyed with all that are therein onelie Rahab the harlot shall liue shee and all that are with her in her house For shee hidde and preserued the two messengers that wee sente to spyie out the lande And after when by the handes of GOD onlie without mans force the walles of Iericho fell downe and Iosua entred into the citie to take the spoyle and kill man woman and childe still remembred Rahab and saide vnto his two men whom shee preserued Goe into the harlots house and bring out thence the woman Rahab and al that she hath as yee sware vnto her So the young men that were the two spyes went directly to Rahabs house by meanes of the red threed that houng at her window for a signe and brought out Rahab her father and her mother her brethren her familie and al that she had and put them without the host of Israel because it was not lawfull for Rahab and her companie being straungers to dwell among the Israelites till they were purified and when Rahab and hers were thus according to promise carried out of the citie and preserued aliue Iosua set the citie Iericho a fire and burnt vp all therein So Iosua saued Rahab the harlot her fathers housholde and all y t she had because she had hid the messengers which he had sent to spie out y t land or rather as Saint Paule saith By faith this harlot Rahab perished not with them which obeyed not when she had receyued the spies peaceablie Wherin appeareth the great mercie of God that in so great cōmō a destruction he would vouchsafe to draw such a miserable sinner as this Rahab the harlot was voyd of all good works onely by faith to repent and confesse his name as shee did to both hers and others saluation for her sake For after this shee being a Gentile or Heathen dwelt in Israel and there was married to Salmon Prince of y e tribe of Iuda and bare vnto him
done yet for because this was an extraordinarie and particular act in hir therefore it is no generall example for another to followe or for anie other woman to baptise hir children Read Exo. 4,24,25 1. Macc. 1 verse 63. The mother may giue the name to hir child that is to be christened as well as the father For so did Elizabeth the wife of Zacharie and mother to Iohn Baptist. Luk. 1,60 And manie other women in scripture as Hanna who named hir sonne Samuel 1. Sam. 1 20. Rahel and Leah Gen. 30,6,8 c. It is the mothers dutie especiallie to nurse hir owne children after the good example of old mother Sara Gen. 21●7 Of Hanna 1. Sam. 1 23. Of the virgin Marie Luke 2,7,16 11,27 And when th● daies of hir purification are accomplished by the old lawe she was to bring hir child to the Church there to present it to the Lorde by prayer and to offer hir oblation of thankesgiuing and prayse vnto God for it that it may be holy vnto him So did Hanna the virgin Marie c. Luke 2.22 The tender heart that the mother shoulde beare vnto hir litle childe or infant ought not to sée it to perish vnder hir hande for want of sustināce as Hagar did Gē 21.14.15 read Iochabds storie Exo. 2.3 Yet the mother ought so farre forth to tender and loue hir child that in benefiting it shée vse not any vnlawful meanes to tempt God as did Rebecca Gen. 27.9 It is the parents duetie to pray heartily and often for their children both in sickenesse and in health and also to praise and laude God for them as his giftes For so did Eua Gen. 4.1 Abraham for Ismael Gen. 17.18 Sara Gen. 21.6 Manoah Iudg. 13.8 Dauid Hanna 1. Sam. 2. all Zacharie Luk. 16 8● the virgin Mary Luk. 1.46 and diuers other both men and women in the old newe Testamēt Math. 15.22 Mark 7.14 It is the duetie of parents to blesse their children and wish them al good a paterne whereof they haue in Gene. cap. 48.15.20 Iacob Numb 6.24 It is the mothers office as well as the fathers to instruct hir children with preceptes good doctrine so did Bethshiba teach her sonne Salomon Prouer. 31.1 as you may reade in hir story The mother that hath a diseased or sicke childe ought first with the woman of Canaan and Dauid the Shunamatesse c. to carrie it to Christ to be cured Math. 15.22 1. Sam. 12.16.2 King 4.18 The mother ought not to aske preheminence at Gods hande for hir children as did the mother of Zebedyes sonnes Math. 20.20 No small sorowes gréeues crosses and aduersities doe peerce the heartes and accompany the bodies and mindes of a naturall louing mother for their children as may appeare in the blessed virgin Mary Hagar c. Iocabed Exod. 2.3 Luke 2.35.41 Gen. 21.16,17 c read after Eccle. 42. The mother ought to comfort hir sorowfull childe with swéete words and to wipe their teares off from the eyes of their daughters that are afflicted so did Edna to hir daughter Sara Tob. 7.17 The parents of Susanna c. Can a mother forget hir chylde that she bare and not haue compassion on the sonne of hir wombe Esai 49.15 No Rachel can not chuse but weepe and take on for hir children neither can shée be comforted if they be not aliue Iere. 31.15 Math. 2. 18. Wretched is the state of that mother that is forced to curse complaine and findeth fault with her owne children as appeareth in 2. Esdra 2.2 Thou shalt not discouer the shame of thy daughter in lawe nor of thy sonnes wife nor of thy sōnes daughter nor of thy daughters daughter For the man that doth so they both shall die the death because they haue wrought wickednesse and abhomination in Israel their blood shall bee vpon them Leuit. 18.10.20,12 Shée that lieth with her sonne in law shal be burnt to death with fire Leuit. 20.14 Thou shalt not make thy daughter common to cause her to bée a whore least the lande also fall to whoredome and be full of wickednesse abomination as did the Cyprians Locrenses Leu. 19.29 Thou shalt not giue thy children vnto Molech or any kinde of Idoll For whosoeuer hee bee that offereth his children to Molech and bringeth them vp in superstition and idolatrie he shall die the death and I will set my face against that father or mother and cut him off from among my people because he defileth my Sanctuarie and polluteth my name in so doyng Leuit. 20.2 If thy sonne or thy daughter entise thée secretely to commit Idolatrie thou shalt not consent vnto him or hir nor heare them neyther shall thine eye pitie them nor shewe mercy nor keepe their secretes but thou shalt euen kill that Idolatrous child thyne hande I say shall bée first vpon him to cast the first stone at him to put him to death because he hath gone about to thrust thee a way from the lord thy God c. Thus we sée that all naturall affection must giue place to Gods honour For God is honoured in destroying them that rob him of his honour Deut. 13.6 And he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me saith Christ is not worthy of mee Math. 10.37 And whosoeuer shall forsake house and lande wi●e and childe for my names sake he shall receiue an hundred folde more and shall inherite euerlasting life Math. 19,29 Yea the father ought not to spare the child nor the child the father in Gods matters as we haue example in Leuy who preferring Gods glory to all naturall affection spared not his owne children and kindred that committed Idolatrie but shewe them at Moses commaundement Exod. 32.30 And in Asa who put downe Macha his owne mother the Queene from hir Royall estate and dignitie because shee had made an Idole in a groue and worshipped it contrarie to Gods lawes 1. King 15. 12. It is abhomination before God for parentes to make their sonnes priests of purpose to worship idols and commit idolatrie in their own houses as that idolatrous woman Michas mother did Iudg. 17. Thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy maide seruant nor thy beast nor thy strāger that is within thy gates shal do any worke vpon the Saboth day but shalt remember to kéep it holy to the Lord● Exo. 20.10 Read Deut. 4. all 6. all 12. all 16. all Exod 10. all Howe the parents shall first instruct then chasten and lastly complaine to haue an euill child taken away by death according to iustice Read in Children Deut. 21.18 Fathers mothers ought both to know Gods iudgemēts laws to declare thē to their childrē after the example of Abraham of whom God thus sayde I knowe him that he wil commande his sonnes and his housholde after him that they keepe the way of the Lorde to doe righteousnes iudgemēt y t the Lord may bring vpō him that blessing that he hath promised
anger my wrath shall be poured vpon this place vpon man vpon beast vpon the trée of the fielde vpon the fruit of the ground and it shall burne and not be quenched And thou shalt not pray for this people neither lift vp crie or prayer for them neither intreate me for I wil not heare thée but wil surely punish their wickednes which remaine in their obstinacie against me and wil not obey my worde and worship mee according to the same Ierem. 7.17 c. Moreouer Ieremiah saide vnto al the people to al the women Heare the word of the Lord all Iudah that are in the land of Egipt thus speaketh the Lord of hosts the God of Israel saying Ye your wiues haue both spoken with your mothers and fulfilled with your hand saying we will performe our vowes y ● we haue vowed to burn incense to y e quéene of heauen to poure out drink offering to her c. as verses ye may reade more at large in y e liues stories Ye wil performe your vowes do the things y t ye haue vowed wherinye haue cōmitted double euil in making wicked vowes in performing the same after your owne vaine fancies Therefore c. Behold I haue sworn by my great name saith the Lord y t my name shal no more be called vpon by the mouth of any man of Iuda in all the land of Egipt saying the Lord liueth And beholde I will watch ouer thē for euill not for good all men of Iuda shal be consumed by the sworde and famine vntill they be vtterly destroied which declareth an horrible plague towards Idolaters séeing that God will not vouchsafe to haue his name once mencioned by such as haue poluted it and that their wiues shal be made widowes children fatherlesse c. Reade the whole chapter at large Iere. 44.25 c. The womē that lay vp the things offered vnto Idols that bring gifts to the gods of siluer gold wood and cloath thēselues with the garments of those images and y e mēstruous womē or they in child-bed y t touch their sacrifice offered to these idols of gold siluer or stone Al such womē that worship images I say for their idolatrie cōmitted are full of reproofe and shal be vtterly confounded as yee may reade in Baruc. If thy brother or thy sonne or thy daughter or thy wife that lieth in thy bosome or thy friend which is as thine owne soule entice thée secretly saying Let vs goe and serue other gods which neither thou nor thy fathers haue knowen c. Thou shalt not consent vnto him or her nor heare her neither shal thine eie pitie her nor shew her mercy nor kéepe her secrete but thou shalt kil her thine hand shal be first vpon her to put her to death then the hands of all the people and thou shalt stone her with stones that she die that al Israel may feare do no more such wickednes to go about to thrust thée away from the Lord thy God to worship him only Deut. 13.6 If there be found among you in any of your cities mā or woman y t hath wrought wickednes in the sight of y e Lord thy god in trāsgressing his couenant hath gone serued other gods worshipped thē as the Sun or the Moone or any of the hoast of heauen which I haue not commanded and it bee told vnto thée that art the magistrate then shalt thou enquire diligently and if it be true and certaine that such abhominatiō is wrought in Israel Then shalt thou bring forth y ● man or that woman which haue cōmitted that wicked thing vnto thy gates whether it be man or woman shalt stone them with stones till they die c. Deut. 17.2 The great whore of Babylō y e mother of spiritual whoredoms idolatrie abhominatiōs of the earth which womā is drunkē with the blood of the Saints Martyrs of Iesus Christ eueu she which is become the habitation of Diuels and the holde of al foule spirits a cage of euery vncleane hateful bird with whō the kings of the earth haue cōmitted spirituall fornication by idolatrie of whose golden cup ful of the wine of superstition wrath filthy pleasures al nations of y e earth haue drunkē very déepe Finally she y t so proudly glorifieth herselfe liueth in pleasures She I say y t boasteth so gloriously arrogantly like a strumpet saith in her heart I ●itt being a quéene am no widow neither shal I sée any mourning Euē that proud whore of Babilō I say shal sodenly fall downe to the ground be rewarded dou●● according to her idolatrous works be tormēted with sorowe griefe yea therfore shall all her plagues come at once in one day euen death torment sorowe vexation and fa●mine And all nations shall hate this idolatrous whore and make her desolate and strippe her naked and shall ●ate her fleshe to the bone and burne her vp altogether with fire For strong is the Lorde God which will condemne her And all her merchantes and louers the whole route of idolatrous men and women shall cast dust on their heades and make great lamentation for her fall howling roaring crying wéeping and wailing saying Alas alas the great citie Babylon the mightie Citie y t faire bewtifull woman alas how in one minute of an houre is thy iudgement come from the Lorde and she made desolate and confounded But O heauen reioyce at her destruction and O yée holy Apostles Prophetes and blessed Martyres of God whose blood hath béen cruelly shed by her in her triumph yée in her ouer throw and confusion for God hath giuen your iudgement on her and reuenged your cause in thus plaging and punishing her for her abhominations idolatrie and persecution Reuela 17.18 The women y e waxe wanton against Christ forgetting their vocation and breaking their first faith that is which leaue their charge and forsake their religion whiche they professe breake their faith and promise made to God and their husbandes to the great slaunder of the Church and dishonour of God and others euill example and that gad abrode idlie from house to house euermore learning and neuer learned like pratlers and busie bodies speaking thinges that are not comelie nor womālie euē such womē I say which thus are turned backe after Satan irreligion and are waxen wanton against Christ haue the grea●er damnation and shall therefore bée iustly punished with euerlasting death 1. Tim. 5.11 c. Hast thou not seene this O sonne of man saith the Lord to Ezechiel how the women sitte in the temple mourning for Tāmuze the Prophete of the idols all the night long and worship the Sun with their faces towardes the East Hast thou séene this abhomination O thou sonne of man and is it a small thing to the house of Iuda to commit these
be found nor they beyng therein knowen So when Absoloms seruaunces that pursued them came to make search in her house for them to aske her where they were the wife made aunsweare and sayde they be gone ouer the brooke or water of Iordan but they geuing no credite to her wordes made further search for the men and when they saw they coulde not finde them they went their way Who were no sooner gone but the wife went by and by and told Ionathan and his brother thereof Wherevpon they immediatly came foorth of the well and went vnto Dauid And thus God sent these 2. good men succour and reliefe by the meanes of this good wife to Dauids preseruation in his kingdome and his sonne Absoloms vtter destruction as yee may reade at large in the Byble 2. Sam. 17. 18. 19. c. Woman with blooddy issue There was a certaine woman amonge the Iewes whiche was long diseased with a blooddy issue or fluxe of blood euen the space of twelue yeeres and had suffered many medicines and things of many Phisitions insomuch that she spent all her substance that she had vpon Phisitions and it auayled her nothing for she could not be healed of any but became still much woorse and woorse This woman therefore as one vtterly despayring of any humayne helpe when shee hearde that Iesus was come into those partes where she dwelt which was as I take it in Decapolis by y e citie of Gadaris she sayd within her selfe I will surely goe vnto Christ for if I may but touch his cloathes onely I shal be whole So her faith that she had in Christ and not any superstitious opinion that she had to attribute any vertue to his garment mouing and emboldening her she came and crowded in among the great presse and throng of people that were about Iesus and approching as neere Iesus as shee coulde shee assured of the vertue and power of Christ to heale her came behinde him and touched but the hemme of his garment and straight wayes the issue or course of her blood stanched and was dried vp and she felt presently in her bodie that she was healed of the plague with that Iesus immediately knowing in him self that vertue went out of him turned him about and sayd who is it that hath touched my cloathes not I quoth on● not I quoth another and when euery man denied that they touched him Peter and his disciples saide vnto him Maister thou seest the multitude thrust and throng thee and tread on thee and doest thou aske vs who hath touched thee yea quoth Iesus some one hath touched me for I perceiue y e vertue is gone out of me and then looked round about to see her that had done it Nowe when the woman sawe that shee was not hid knowing what was done in her she feared came trembling and fel downe before Iesus and told him the whole truth before al the people and for what cause she had touched him and howe she was healed immediatly Then Iesus perceyuing the greate faith of the woman that brought her vnto him sayd mercifully vnto her Daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole goe in peace and bee whole of thy plague And the woman was made whole at that same very houre to the glory of God and her comfort c. Math. 9.20 Mark 5.25 c. Luke 8.41 Diseased woman There was another woman which had a spirite of infirmitie whō Sathan had striken with a disease 18. yeeres was bowed together as she whose s●owes were shronke together when she heard that Iesus was teaching in the Synagogue on y e Sabboth day she went vnto the temple and stoode before him whom when Iesus saw he hauing pitie vpon her called y e crooked creature vnto him and said woman thou art loosed from thy disease so layd his hands vpon her immediatly she was made straight againe glorified God as all ought y t receiue anye benefite of his mercy Howbeit the ruler of y e Synagogue taking occasion hereby to reproue Christ for healing her on the Sabboth day whiche might haue beene done on y e weeke dayes Iesus perceiuing his hipocrisie answered said vnto him thou hypocrite doth not ech of you on y e Sabboth day lose his oxe or his Asse frō y e stal leade him to water ought not this daughter of Abraham whom Sathan hath bound so these 18. yeeres be losed from this bōd on y e Saboth day with which his words al his aduersaries being cōfounded for shame wēt away but al the people reioyced at y e excellent things good deeds y t were done by him to whō therfore be al glory praise for euer Luk. 13.11.12 c. C Cananitesse There was a certaine woman of Canaan a Greeke and a Syrophenisian by nation who had a little daughter that was very sicke and possessed with an vncleane spirit when she heard that Iesus was come into the coasts of Tyrus and Sydon where she dwelt she came to Iesus and fell at his feet crying and saying Haue mercy on me O Lord thou sonne of Dauid my daughter is miserably vexed with a Diuell but he answered her not a worde wherfore she cryed the more earnestly vpō him w t which her importunity his disciples being offended they besought Iesus to sēd her away because quoth they she neuer stinteth crying stil after vs. I am not sent quoth Iesus but vnto y e lost sheepe of the house of Israel so the woman continued her crying came worshorshipped him saying Lord helpe me and I beseech thee cast out the diuel out of my daughter And then Christ spake vnto her and sayde let the children among the Iewes to whom the promises were first made first be fed for it is not good to take the childrens bread and to cast it vnto whelpes that is to straungers from the house of God for so he spake after the common opinion of the Iewes who tooke straungers for no better then dogges Truth Lord quoth she yet indeed the whelpes eate of the croomes that fall from the children their ma●sters table Then Iesus perceiuing her faith and humilitie in asking but the poore croomes and not the childrens bread graunted her petition for her faiths sake and not the request of his disciples and sayd vnto her O woman great is thy faith for this saying goe thy way be it to thee as thou desirest the Diuel is gone out of thy ●aughter And her daughter was made whole at that same houre So that when shee was come home to her house she found the Diuel departed and her daughter lying on the bed safe whole to the glory of God her great comfort Mat. 15.22 c. Mar. 7.25 c. Cayphas mayde Cayphas the high priest of y e Iewes had 2. maydens who when y e one saw Peter the Apostle y t followed Christ to see his araignment before her maister
horsemen and footemen with a mightie plague Iudg. 14.15 Sareptesse In Sarepta a towne in Syria or citie in Sydon There was a certain widow dwelling who in the time of the great famine that thē was in the citie countrey in y e yere of the world 3220. by Gods prouidēce on a time went out of the gats to gather stickes to make a fire to dresse her meat whō when Eliah y e prophet y t God had sent thither saw he called her vnto him said bring me I pray thee a litle water in a vessell y t I may drinke And as she was going to fet it he called to her and said bring me also I pray thee a morsell of bread in thine hand As the Lord thy God liueth quoth she I haue not a cake but euen an handefull of meale in a barrell and a litle oyle in a cruise and behold I am gathering a few sticks for to go in dresse it for me my sonne that wee may eate it die for there is no hope of any more sustenance the famine is so great Thē Elisha said vnto her feare not woman come do as thou hast said but make me thereof a litle cake first of all and bring it vnto me afterward make for thee thy sonne For thus saith the Lord God of Israel The meale in the barrell shall not be wasted neither shall the oyle in the cruise be diminished vnto the time that the Lorde send rayne vpon the earth and so take away the drought which was the cause of the famine So shee went and did as Eliah bad her she did eate so did he and her house for a certayne time euen till hee had rayne and foode on the earth The barrell of meale wasted not nor the oyle was spent out of the cruise according to the worde of the Lorde which he spake by the hande of Eliah where we see that God receiueth no benefite for the vse of his saintes and seruaontes but he promiseth and performeth a most ample recompence to the giuer for the same After all this God to trie whither this widowe had learned by his mercifull prouidence to make him her onely stay and comforte stroke her sonne that hee fell sicke and his sicknesse was so sore that there was no breath left in him Then shee being very sorowfull sayde to Eliah what haue I to doe with thee O thou man of God art thou come vnto mee to call my sinnes to remembraunce and to slay my sonne when Eliah heard his hostes thus burden him he being afrayde least Gods name shoulde haue been blasphemed and his ministerie contemned except God shoulde haue continued his mercies as hee had begunne them towardes her especially while hee there remayned sayd vnto her Giue me thy sonne and with that tooke him out of her armes and bosome carried him vp into his chamber where he lay and layde him vpon his owne bedde And then called vnto the Lorde by feruent prayer and sayde O Lorde my God hast thou punished also this widowe with when I soiourne by killing her sonne So hee stretched him selfe vpon the childe three times and called vnto the Lorde saying O Lorde my God I pray thee let this childes soule come into him agayne And the Lorde hearde the prayer of Eliah and the soule of the childe came into him agayne and he reuiued Then Eliah brought the child down out of his chamber into the house and deliuered him to his mother saying beholde thy sonne liueth Nowe I knowe quoth shee that thou art the man of GOD and that the worde of the Lorde in thy mouth is true so harde a thing it was for her to depende on God except shee sawe and was confirmed by a myracle 1. Kinges 17. 9. c. Of this widowe our Sauiour Christe specially maketh mention in Saint Luke where hee sayeth I tell you of a trueth manye widowes were in Israel in the dayes of Elias when heauen was shutte three yeeres and sixe monethes and when men dyed through the great famine that was dispersed ouer all the lande but vnto none of thē was Elias sent saue vnto a certaine widowe in Sarepta a Citie of Sydon For vnto him God saide vp Eliah and get thee to Sarepta which is in Sydon and remaine there for beholde I haue commaunded a widow there to sustayne thee 1. King 17.9 which example Christ among other brought forth vnto the despising Iewes to shewe them that God oftentimes preferreth the straunger to them of the houshold and that for their pride and disdaine the grace of God shoulde be taken from them and giuen to other Luke 4.25.26 Sylomitesse In Silo a citie in Canaan in the tribe of Ephraim it was a custome and maner among the maidens and virgins once euery yeere to go and meete altogether in a certayne place on the North side of Bethell there to daunce and sing Psalmes and songes of Gods workes among them selues without the companie of men And when on a time the Israelites in the quarrell of the Leuites wife that was most vilanously abused in her bodie to death by certaine wicked men of the Beniamites as ye may read in her story had almost destroyed all the whole tribe of Beniamin their brethren man woman and childe in battell and against these fewe that were left had made a rashe vowe and othe among them selues that none should euer after giue his daughter to any of the Beniamites to wife in detestation of the fact committed against that harlot the Leuites wife They being very sory therfore partly for the preseruation of that tribe and partly for the keeping of that othe deuised neuerthelesse secretly this meanes how to marie those vi hundred Beniamites that were left vnto certaine of their daughters And first they deuised that because none of the inhabitatants of Iabish Gilead were at the making of that rashe othe therfore they thought their daughters might safely be giuen vnto the Beniamits to wiues therevpon sent an host of twelue thousande valiant men of Israel to destroy the Citie Iabish man woman and children with the sword for their disobedience in not comming to the Parliament or making of that othe with this charge onely to reserue the virgins vnslayne that had neuer lien with men Who sacking the citie accordingly and killing all the males and women that had lien by men there founde foure hundred maydens virgins that had knowne no man by lying with any male and those they brought vnto the host congregation to Siloh who presently sent for the Beniamits gaue them wiues of those virgins so farre as the nūber would reach vnto But when they saw that they had not ynough for them and that there lacked yet 2. hundred moe then they tooke thought saying how shall we do for wiues to the remnant for y e women of Ben●iamin are destroyed the inheritance of the tribe of Beniamine be reserued preserued not destroyed