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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07453 A sermon exhorting to pitie the poore Preached the. xv. of Nouember. Anno. 1571. at Christes Churche in London. By Henry Bedel uicar there, which treatise may well be called The mouth of the poore. Bedel, Henry, fl. 1571. 1573 (1573) STC 1784; ESTC S113208 17,386 41

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as ye beleus so practise to geue to the poore for ye shal haue neuer the lesse your basket neuer the emptier nor your store the poorer Looke vpon the widdow of Sarepta litle was her prouision God knoweth and smal was her store when the poore Prophet came to her to aske her bread To whom she said I haue nothing but a litle flower in a barel and a litle oyle in a cruise which notwithstandyng shee bestowed vpon him And what folowed then forsooth her barrel was filled with flower and her pot with oyle Surely the plentye that commeth by the poore is much as Augustine saith Fecundus est ager pauperum cito redit donantibus fructum that is The fielde of the poore is fruitful it surrendreth againe the fruit with spede to them that geue ought yea if it be but a cup of cold water sayth our Sauiour Jesus Christ The blessed Apostle s. Paule specifieth the promise annexed to the exercise of almes in his Epistle to the Hebrues saying thus God is not vnrighteous that he wyll forget your workes of loue which ye haue shewed to the Saintes for his names sake which haue ministred to the saintes yet do minister The confirmation wherof Christ in these wordes expresseth saying Blessed are the mercyfull for they shall obtayne mercy To conclude how many blessinges in sundry sort promised which he can and will performe that hath promised them are set down for them that are pitiful to the poore the scriptures do testifie which shoulde bee to long to recite Yea and nature in flesh and bloud is not able to reache to the knowledge of them for that they be celestiall in the kingdome according to the promise infallible which by expresse words are declared in s Mathews Gospel in these words I was hungry ye gaue me meate thirsty and ye gaue me drinke ▪ c. Therefore enter into the kyngdome prepared for ye from the beginning of the worlde So then that not onely many sorrestriall benefites to enritch vs here are promised in recompence but those that as I cannot repeate them so vnworthely we haue them promysed for any thing we do but because our gratious God hath promised we shal surely enioy them The multitude wherof the height depth whereof the price and beuty whereof the same and dignitie wherof no toung hath spoken no more can mine no pen hath written therfore must I stay mine no hart hath conceiued yet may we beleue such glory hath our gratious Maister prepared for his faithful Stuardes in that his kingdome that our Christ speaketh of Vnto which kingdome God the Father by the mediation of Jesus Christ bring vs al to whom with the holy Ghost be all glory and honour now and euer AMEN ¶ A praier which the same Henrye Bedell vseth euerye Sunday and Holy day after his Sermons in the said Christes Church O Deare GOD our heauenly Father heare our praiers for Christes sake say not our syns to our charge to punish them and to take vengannce on them but rather in the bloude of Jesus Christ vlot them forth We haue deserued thine anger we cōfes but yet in Christes bloud we know thou art wel pleased in whose name we cry vnto thée O saue vs from our enemies that seeke vs and our bloud for thy Gospels sake O let not the wicked say where is now their God but let vs rather say the Lordes right hand hath brought mightye thinges to passe our God shall laugh our enemies to scorne Therefore heare vs deare GOD and for thy mercies sake saue thy worthy seruaunt Elizabeth our most gratious Quéene Graūt her we praye thée peace and safetie from all her enemies geue her the blessings of peace and a royal courage whereby through thine assistance she may confound all her foes and not to feare what man can do vnto her Let her be comforted with thy swéete mercies lay not our synnes vnto her charge nor suffer not her life to be plaged for our synnes and wickednes but keepe her O Lord to be thine own and blesse her wyth long lyfe and happy dayes Make her an old mother of this cōmon wealth and graunt her a long and prosperous raigne ouer vs in thy godly peace Remember O Lord her gratious Councellers and behold them with thy fatherly eye Geue them thy feare to set forth thy will and graunt them the spirit of wysdome and the counsels of peace The Bishops and Pastors O Lord direct and make them faythfull in gathering thy haruest to breake the bread of lyfe in time conuenient that thy Church may be builded of lyuely stones And blesse thy people O Father of might open their hartes to receiue the dewe of grace that the seede of thy word may stnck into them Geue them O Lord the spirit of obedience and true humility towardes thy word and their Prince Cast downe thyne eye frō thy thorne aboue behold our Realme and country and preserue it by thy myght from ciuill foes and from forayne myght from Turke and Pope and al popish power that all the world may see and knowe that thou art our god Finally we pray thee at thy good wyll in thy appointed time open the eyes of the blinde and conuert the hard harted that they may come to thy truth and be saued Teach them to know thy woord that once we may be one flocke in one pure faith vnto one Christ Confound Sathan his members Antichrist and hys religion geue thy Gospell a ioyfull and frée passage geue all thy people the freedome of conscience and peace in Christ through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa lxiij Mat. vi Gala. v Rom. xij Mat. vij Mat. vij Mark. ix Jacob. ij Luk. vij John. xij De verbis domini ser 26. Pro. xiiij Prou. xij Luk. vi Eccle 34 Tobi. iiij Ambro. in 1. Cor i Cor iiij i Tim vi Eccle vij Esai lviij Jacob. v. i. John. iij Eccl. vij August homelia 15. Seneca de Iuditijs Easy v Eccle x● Eccle iiij Seneca lid 2. de beneficijs Eccle 29 Eccl xvij Prou. xj Lactans lib. 7. cap 27. Luk. xvi Prou xix Psa. xviij Mat. xxv Mat. xix Psa xxxiij Luke .vi. Mark. xij Math. xix i Cor xvi Ephe iiij Galat vi Hebr xiij Jacob .v. Apo xiiij ▪ ● Tim vi Esay xxvi Amos iij Luk xiiij Jacob ij i Cor ix Eulgentius Sermone de confesso ribus Math .x. Mark ix Fulgentius de confesso ribus Chryso homeli 87. in ca. Mat. 26. Horace Martial Amos ij Flores histor lib. 1 Ciceroex appellation● cōtra Eubulidē Apo xiiij Psal. x●j Psal. cxij. Snoigodan in Psal. 112. Tobi. xij Actes .x. 1. Reg. 17 August in Psal. Mark. x Hebr vi Math. v Mat. xxv ▪ ¶ Imprinted at London by John Awdely dwelling in lytle Britaine streete without Aldersgate 1573
poore shall cry him selfe and not be hearde Nor he suffreth vs not to be careles of their state being at ease our selues as that Glutton was mētioned in the Gospel but as Dauid his father willeth the poore to be considered so he concludeth saying the bread of the poore is in the waies of the ritch he that keepeth it from them is a man of bloud Toby being a good instrument of God and in this matter worthye to be beleued in hys counsell who as he wel considered the poore in feeding of the liuing and burying the dead with his own labour and cost so he teacheth others the same practise of duty whē he saith Be mercyfull after thy power if thou haue much geue plenteouslye if thou haue lyttle do thy diligence gladly to geue of that little For as God needeth not the gift but requireth the dutye so Toby not for the qualitie of the gift to be wayed but in the quality of the minde of him that geueth teacheth vs to geue somewhat be it little or much euen as S Ambrose also teacheth Non solum queritur quantum datur sed de quanto quanto animo That is It is not onelye required how much is geuē but out of how much and with what mynde not to be praysed for the greatnes in that we geue not so much as we receiued for what geuest thou that thou hast not receaued Nor for the aboundance because we haue more then néedeth but for duty requiring the same we must of necessitie geue And therfore as in substance God hath blessed vs with the most so we must study to geue the more not that God is pleased with summes as though therby we should thinke our selues iustified but to discharge our stuardships of that we haue receiued accordyng to the saying of s Paul writing to Timothe Charge them that ar ritch in this world that they be ready to gyue and glad to distribute laying vp in store a good foūdation for them selues against y time to come that they may attaine eternall life Vnto whose wordes we may fitly for our comfort and erudition ioyn Sirackes saying Reach forth thy hand vnto the poore that thy mercy and blessing may be made perfect Also the Prophet Esay speaking vnto vs in the word of the Lord amongst many wholesome and necessary lessons forgetteth not to put vs in mynde of our duty to the poore because it is a pleasant thing to the Lord and a fruit of our faith and a token of Christianty Therefore first he saith When thou seest a naked man couer him and see thou despise not thine own flesh And after in the same place he saith Breake thy bread vnto the hūgry and neuer turn thy face from any poore man and so the face of the Lord shall not be turned from thee And againe a litle after in the same chapter he saith Sée the nedy and the straūger brought into thy house Surely in deede howsoeuer wilful affection vaine pleasure leadeth vs we ought not to be vnmindful of our brethren the poore members of Christ seing that besides our duty euen our excesse would content their néede our wast serue their lack So that if at any time God hath geuen vnto vs aboūdantly which we waste in superfluitie that should be the portion of the poore And for this cause we do not so Basil chargeth vs with wast that we shal surely answer He saith Nonne spoliatores qui dispensanda suscepisti tanquā propria reputādo Est enim panis famelici quem tu tenes nudi tunica quem in cōclaui reseras discalsiati calcei que penes te ma rcescunt in digentis aurum quod tu possides in humatū That is to say Art not thou a spoyler in taking to dispence an other mans substaunce and then to recken it as thine own For it is the bread of the hūgry which thou retainest the coate of the naked that thou lockest in thy wardrope the shooes of the barefoote that lie m●wloyng and drying by thee the néedyes g●ld that lyeth cankred and buried by thee Which sentencs of Basill as it teacheth the liberalitie that is due for the poore so it blameth the careles that accompt al to be their own keping to them selues more then sufficient That at the last day the Mite in the croms the Mothes in the garments and the rust in the gold maye freate them lyke cankers as James doth protest Therfore the hard harted ritch that respect not the poore and yet wyl be accompted the louers of God ar reproued by the Apostle s John who saith He that hath this worldes ritches and seeth his brother to haue neede and yet shutteth vp the bowels of mercy frō him how doth the loue of God dwel in him And therfore they that bragge of the loue of God who they neuer saw with bodely eyes let them shew some compassion to the néedy members of Christ whom dayly they see Other wise such careles may boast of Christian●●ie but the fruites therof he hath not He may brag of ●aith but he wāteth that which worketh by loue For the amendemēt wher of let all that haue and may well spare not respecting their fansies but cōst dering their duty harken to the wordes of Syrache Let euery man dele according to compassion and mercy with his brother For be it knowen to all that as to steale from them that rightly posses their goodes is criminal and a matter gilty before God reputed to be sinne so it is no lesse but equal synne to keepe from them that lack being poore and nedy as Ambrose saith wel Non minoris est criminis habenti tollere quam cum possis indigentibus denegare It is no lesse synne saith he to take from him that rightly possesseth then not to geue to him that lacketh when thou art able For the right ritch man that dulye deserueth that name is not knowen by his possession his gorgeous fare and costly house his great palace his Jewels and gold but by confidering the poore and needy wherof S Au●●ine saith thus Diuites aliorum paupertate probantur That is to say the ritch are proued by the pouerty of others So that styll and alwaies the scriptures Fathers prescribe not an indifferancie but a necessitie not at pleasure but vpon dutye that the poore and needy should be considered Where is that large liberalitie that in our Fathers was sene much though to an euyll purpose then applied as therby seeking their saluation may now be bestowed to a better vse that is to foster and fede the poore members of christ The world is as great as euer it was the people as ritch but not so liberal our knowledge more but in thys poynt we be wylful ignorant For looke what wastfully our fathers as fooles did lay forth and bestow vpon shameles friers that neuer were full and fat bellyed Moonkes whose bellyes were