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A06698 A Christmas bankette garnyshed with many pleasaunt and deynty disshes, newely prepared by Theodore Basille Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1715; ESTC S101287 37,712 114

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dyd delyght the before in thy body doth trouble the in thy herte than doste thou repent well saye to God to the alone haue I synned euell haue I done before the. So that the whole summe of repentaunce is this to dye vnto synne to lyue vnto righteousnes which is signified by our plonginge in y ● font when we are baptised by ●ure ●a●yng out agayne as S. Paule sayeth we are buryed togyther w t hym by baptisme īto death y t as Christ is raised vp from the dead by the glory of his Father so we in lyke maner shoulde walke in a newe lyfe THEO If we repent be sory for our sinnes cōfesse our wickedness amende oure lyfe is this ynough PHIL. This is much certes but not all For repent is not only contayned in your dysh but also Beleue the Gospell Thys pour repentance must be ioyned w t sayth lyncked with a sure perswasion that God the father according to his promyse wyll vndoutedly for gyue you your synnes for his sonne Iesus Christes sake For Caym Esau Pharao Saul Antiochus Iudas many other repented graūted theyr offēces yet were they not forgyuen Many also among the very Neithen gentiles glystered out wardely with a meruaylous godly conuersacion sorowed very greatly yf at any tyme t●ey dydde defyle theyr innocencye with ony spotte ●● vncleanes yet were they not made hey●es of eternall glorye And why Uerely they tasted after a certayne maner of y e fyrst parte of your dysh b●● not of the laste They repented but they beleued not y e gospell that is they sought for no helpe of theyr wickednes at gods exceadyng mercy thorowe Iesus Christ. They had not the christen fayth in thē wh●che commynge from a repentaunt sorowfull herte maketh haste to God and approcheth boldly to the throne of his grace that it maye obtayne ●●uour and remission of synnes Repētaunce without fayth bryngeth desperacion but repentaunce accompanieth fayth bryngeth remissiō of sinnes tranquilite of conscience euer lastinge lyfe as we maye easely perceyue by two of Christes Disciples Iudas sold Christ Peter denied forswore Christ. Here bothe synned both repented both confessed theyr offence One by manifest it wordes the other by teares Yet was Peter saued and Iudas damned Now so Because that the repentance of Peter was ioyned with faith hope of forgyuenes the repentance of Iudas was not so Mary Magdalene dyd not only repent of her synfullyuynge but also beleued to haue remission of her synnes And therfore dyd not Christ only saye of her vnto Simon the Pharise many synnes are forgyuen her because she loued muche but he also sayd vnto her w t a lyuely voyce thy fayth hath saue● the go● thy waye in peace Heare what Chrisostowe sayth If thou be wythered worne away of synne renewe thy selfe by repētaunce Why may he that repenteth be saued yea vndoutedly Wherof of commeth it to passe of y ● LORDES fauourable mercye Truste not to thy repentaunce For thy repentaunce can neuer put away so great sinnes If it were thy repentaunce alone thou myghteste well feare but seyng that the mercy of God is accompanied with repentaunce be on a good conforte for it ouercommeth thy wickednes god is exceadynge mercyfull so full of gentlenes that he dyd not spare his owne sōne for to redeme the vnkind seruauntes Saye not vnto me I haue synned to much howe can I be saued Thou canste not in dede saue thy selfe but thy LORDE can And he so putteth awaye thy synnes y t therneth no prynte syghe or to●ē of thē Here ye se also by Chrisostome that repentaunce w tout an earnest fayth had reposed in the mercye of God can by no meanes put away synne This your dyshe therfore teacheth you both to repent also to beleue For what so euer is not of faythe is synne sayeth S. Paule The worde of the LORDE is right sayth Dauid and all his workes are in fayth A worke without fayth sayeth Chrisostome is nothyng Agayne he sayeth we must haue fayth euery wher I meane that fayth which is the mother of all good thynges y e medicine of helth without the which a man cānot perceyue the doctrine of great excellent thynges but is lyke vnto them which takynge in hande for to swymme ouer y e see wythout a shyp whan they are a lytle forward they● hādes theyr fete beying once ●ery are vtterlye ouerwhelmed wyth the waues of y e see Also in another place All oure elders are reported y t they pleased God by fayth therfore with out that all thīges come to nought Hereto agreeth S. Austen sayenge The medicyne of the soule and of all woundes the alone sacrifyce to appea●e Gods wrath for the synnes of all men is to beleue in Christe Neyther canne anye man at all be made cleane eyther from originall synne whiche he hath drawne of Adam in whom all haue synned be made naturally the chyldren of wrath or frō the synnes which they by not resistynge the carnall concupi●cēce but by followynge it seruyng it by vngraciousnes wycked lyuyng haue added put therto excepte by fayth they be enunied ioyned togyther ī the body of him which without ony carnall entysemente mortiferous delectacion was conceyued Thus se you that repentaunce wythoute fayth anayleth nothyng but enun●ed ioyned with fayth is a singuler and hyghe treasure For by fayth doth God heare vs. By fayth are we blessed By faythe dothe God appere vnto vs. By fayth do we vnderstond the trueth By fayth do we kepe the commaundemētes of God By fayth are we maryed to God By fayth haue we eternall lyfe By fayth are we purifyed By fayth are our hertes made cleane By faythe are we made the sonnes of God By fayth are we iustifyed By fayth we please God By fayth we be borne of God By fayth we subdue Satan By fayth do we ouercome the world To conclude by fayth all goodnesse chaūse vnto vs and without fayth all euell thynges fall vpon vs. No meruiale for as Chrisostome sayth Fayth is the foundaciō of the moost holy religiō the bonde of charite the subsidie of loue This fayth confyrmeth holynes corrob●ratethe maketh strōg pure lyuyng garnissheth dig●ities In chyldrē it shyneth in yonge men it storyssheth in olde mē it is a godly spectacle it confirmeth al kyndnes it exalteth degrees it kepeth all offices in the poore man it is pleasaunt in the meane man mery in the rytch honest Fayth preserueth frendeshyypes gathereth togyther assemblies reporteth euer wel it despyseth no man it contenmeth no man it fayle the no man excepte perchaūse he fyrst fayleth her Faith vnderstandeth the commaundementes kepeth the preceptes fulfylleth promises Faith maketh vs acquainted with God constituteth vs frēdes with Christ. Thus haue I declared vnto you in
the vnto you Beholde here it is I wyll sette ennemyt● betwene the an womā betwene thy seed her seed that selfe seed shall tread downe thy heade Nowe dothe this fauour in your mouth THEO Very pleasaūtly forsoth but we do not perceyue what it meneth PHIL. Heare therfore These were the wordes of God the father to the serpent whan by his craft sut●elty he had made Adā to offende in thē is comprehended an whole See of treasures For they declare both oure free delyueraunce from captiuite also the victory ouer Satan and all his army When Satan had thought y t he had gottē the ouerhand of man and brought him into the same case wherinto he was throwen for his to much arrogancy pryde thynking by this menes to deceiue God of his purpose which had made man for to supply y e nōber of Aungelles which perysshed when Lucifer fel from heuen God wyllyng to shewe himselfe of no lesse puissaunce to saue mā thorowe his mercy than Satā was to condēne hym thorowe his crafte pytied streyght way the miserable fall of mā afterwarde spake these confortable wordes to the great cōfusion of Satan the excedyng consolacion of man I wyl set enimite betwene the an womā betwene thy seed and her seed that selfe seed shall treade downe thy head Thys woman is the mooste blessed and pure virgyn Mary which was here promysed to brynge forth y t seed whiche should tread downe Satans heade This seed is Iesus christ which toke s●e●sh vnfaynedly of that moost pure virgyn became man for our sake And he it is which was promised of God the father to treade downe the heade of the Serpent THEO I per●eyue that by the serpente ye meane Satan But what is mente by the treadyng downe of his head PHIL. The destruccion of his power For y e these strēgth power of a serpent cōsysteth ī his head Though his tayle or body be stryken or woūded he forceth not much For he wyl put them both in perrel for the safegard of his head but yf his head be once striken or wosided thā loseth he his power than dyeth he shortelye Therfore is Christe promysed here not to tread downe the tayle or bodye of the serpent but his head wherby is sygnified the destruccion of his whole power So that nowe Satan shall neuer more triūph agaynst Gods electe Do ye nowe perceyue this matter EVSE Yea forsoth CHRI I neuer hearde so muche before PHIL. Well nowe beholde the great excedynge mercye of God toward you that ye maye learne that to be true whiche God speaketh by his Prophet Ose Thy destruccion oh Israell cōmeth of it selfe but thy saluacion cōmeth only of me Ye haue heard that Adā synned that thorowe his synne all we were dā●ed THEO I remēber it well PHIL. The scripture testifieth y ● so sone as Adam had offēded he hyd hymselfe fled from the face of god he was so gretly ashamed of y ● synne that he had cōmytted For after his offence he came not to GOD as he ought to haue done neyther sought he grace remission of his synne at the goodnes of God by cōfessing his synne with a faythfull repentaunto herte but streyghtway after y ● trā●gressiō of y e precept he fled from God hyd himselfe frō y ● face of god as they vse to saye putte his head in a busshe lyke a cowarde for feare Oh where are the powers of free wyl y● man be once withoute the spirite of God Man hath nowe no power to seke for saluacion but rather continueth styll in his olde wickednes seketh to be far from the face of god couetynge rather to be damned thā he would once approch vnto y ● sighte of God synne hath so slayne his courage Satā in him hath so great dominion yea whan he cōsidereth his wickednesse he is angrye w t GOD hateth God and wyssheth that ther were no God that he myghte escape vnpunysshed euen as an enemy of y ● publigue weale wyssheth that there were no kynge no Emperour no ruler no gouernor no magistrate but all lyke himselfe that freely w tout punysshement he myght deforme ren●e teare despoyle y ● publigue we●e at his owne pleasure Nowe beholde the vnspeakable benygnite of God When Adam had fled from him and hyd himselfe so that he had no hoope of helth but vtterly despayred of all consolaciō lokyng for extreme tyrāny to be exercysed vpon him at euery houre accordyng to his desertes God lyke a mercyfull father sought hī vp spake before hī y e swete wordes heretofore rehersed to Satan y t by this meanes he might receyue cōsolaciō so be saued by geuyng earnest fayth to that moost confortable promyse O the vnmesurable goodnes of this celestial father he is that shepe herde whiche neuer leaueth sekyng vntyll he hath found the shepe that was loste He is y t father which ioyefully receiueth agayne into his house that sonne whiche prodigally had spente all his substance He is y ● Samaritane which healeth y ● woūded man He is that LORDE whiche maketh of a blasphemer an Apostle of a ꝓsecutor a preacher And whēce commeth this his goodnes of vs of our good dedes of our merites Naverely but of his bounteous mercy and great goodness Frely and with out deserte worketh he this thynge We are saued by grace thorow faith that not of our selues for it is the gyfte of God commeth not of workes bycause no mā should bost himselfe We beīg iustified by his grace are made heyres accordyng to hope of euerlastyng lyfe Not for the workes of ryghteousnes which we haue done but accordynge to his mercye hathe he saued vs. We are iustyfyed frely by his grace By grace are we saued not by workes Yf by grace thē not of workes or els grace were not grace He dyd chose vs by hys grace not we hym by our workes as christ wytnesseth ye haue not chosē me but I haue chosē you Paule also sayth God did chose vs in Christ before the foundacions of the world were layd Hereto pertayneth y t sayeng of the Psalmograph Blessed is he o Lord whome thou haste chosen and taken vnto the for he shal dwel in thy inner courtes That God of his free mercy did chose vs without our desertes whan we were synfull poore w toute onye goodnes or godlynes he hymselfe testifyeth by hys Prophet sayeng I haue chosen the in the fyre of pouertie EVSE So far as I can perceyue nowe God alone is y ● author of our saluacion he of his free mercy and aboūdant grace dyd chose vs to be his heyres before the foundacions of the worlde were layde CHRI Yea and that before we wrought ony goodnes or shewed ony poynte of kyndnes toward hym PHIL. Ye saye trueth And
And in dede synne may well be compared to a thorne or bramble For as the thorne brēble prycketh the body woūdeth it greuouslye yea and bryngeth many tymes destruccion vpō it except other wyse it be holpen so lykewyse synne moost greuously prycketh woūdeth and vtterly destroyeth the soule excepte it be redemed by Gods mercye thorow Iesus Christ. THEO I thīke this to be true PHIL. It therfore foloweth y t ī asmuch as all we are dead in Adam we are not able of oure selues to ryse agayne from death vnto lyfe And seyng that we are synners all that euer we do muste nedes be synne yea it is synne in dede deserueth euerlastynge death For as the scripture sayth The disposiciō and thought of mānes herte is prone to euel from his yonge age We are wicked chyldren a wicked seed We are that seed whiche was cursed frō the begynnyng We are lyke bruyte beastes We are carnall flesshely sould vnder synne We are vnprofitable seruaūtes We all haue gone astray lyke shepe We all are Hypocrites wycked We are all lyers We all are vncleane all our ryghteousnesses as a cloth polluted with mensture All haue synned There is not one y ● dothe good no not one There is no man cleane from fylthynes no not the yonge chylde Ther is no man able to say my hert is cleane I am pure from sinne For our hartes are wicked and in●crutable We are not able to thynke a good thoughte All that euer we bryng forth is thornes brābles that is to saye synne vngodlines all abhominacion What are we nowe of oure selues I praye you tell me CHRI Very synners EVSE Yea and al that euer we do in Adā of our own strēgth is plaine synne and wickedness PHIL. I am glad that we haue learned what ye are of your selues by Adam I pray you what are ye able nowe to do for to saue your selues from this perel wherunto ye are fallen by Adam THEO Verely I can not tell EVSE Forsoth I thynke very lytle PHIL. Ye might right well haue sayde nothinge at all For I ensure you that ye beyng lefte vnto your selues can do none otherwise but synne faull headlyng into all kynde of mischefe Your wytte strength polecy imaginacion reason free wyll auayleth here nothynge to delyuer you from the captiuite of Satan He leadeth you as the mayster dothe his bonde slaue whyther soeuer it pleseth him as Christ witnesseth euery one that doth synne is the seruaūt of synne Ye remember I am sure the storye of the wounded man in the Gospell of Luke which beyng dispoyled and robbed of all his clothes greuously woūded laye styll halfe dead THEO I remēber it very well PHIL. This woūded mā signi●ieth euerye chylde of Adam The clothes signify fayth charïte iustice mercy such other vertues The theues are Satā and his aungels The woundes are synnes Haulfe deade is to be alyue in the flesshe slayne in the soule thorowe synne All this are we by Adā And as this woūded man could not be holpen of the Preste nor Leuyte vntyll the Samarytane came no more can we be holpen by ony creature or worke tyll christ cōmeth the true Samaritane We can not certes we can not helpe our seues but euen lye styll the stynkynge puddle of synne Loke in what case Satan leaueth vs in the verye same do we remayne excepte God of his mercy thorowe Christe helpeth vs. Neyther canfre e wyll nor all the wytte polecye that we haue profyte here any thynge tyll God indueth vs w t strēgth from aboue For as S. Austen sayeth The nature of man all though it dyd remayne cōtinue in that integryte purenes wherin it was made yet could it kepe it selfe by no meanes if the creator maker of it dyd not helpe Therfore seynge that w tout the grace of god it could not kepe the health that it receiued howe is it able to repare and get agayne that which it hath lost without y e grace of God Againe he saith free wyll sufficethe vnto euell but vnto good it auayleth lytle excepte it be holpen of that almyghty God Therfore is it well sayde of the Apostle God worketh in vs ●oth the wil the dede Hereto agreeth the sayēg of ●hrist As the vyne braunche can not beare fruyte excepte it abyde in the vine no more can ye except ye abyde in me I am the vyne ye are y ● braunches He that abideth in me I in him the same bryngethe for the much fruyte For without me ye cā do no●hyng If any mā abydeth not in me he is cast out as a braunche is wythered men gather thē cast thē into y ● fyre there burne Thus se ye what ●e are of youre selues by Adam that no strengthe ye haue ones to aspyre or breath towarde ony goodnes much lesse to do or work any good thynge excepte ye be holpen of God Ye se also howe full of sinnes diseases woundes sores botches canckers al y ● euer nought is ye are Ye se agayne how ye are not able of your selues to recouer youre innocēcy that ye lost by Adā CHRI Alas what is now to be done THEO The rehersyng of these thynges maketh me very sadde PHIL. It shoulde rather make you very glad For as S. Hierome sayeth This is y ● true wysdome of a man to knowe hym selfe to be inperfecte as I maye so speake the perfecciō of all righteous men in the flesshe is imperfecte Agayne he sayeth Than are ye righteous when we confesse oure selues synners our righteousnesse consisteth not of our owne merite but of the mercye of God as the holy scripture sayth the righteous mā is the accuser of himselfe in y ● begynnynge of his spech Therfore must ye cōfesse your selues to be that in dede which ye are y ● is very synners yf ye wyll be set free from this miserable captiuite wher w t ye are nowe to muche wrapped and ouerwhemled EVSE We confesse y e same THEO We nowe knowledge y t of oureselues by Adā we are nothynge but synners all that euer we do without the spiryt● of god is playne sinne as S. Paule sayeth What soeuer is not of fayth is synne PHIL. Well seynge that ye haue so fruytfully digested the fyrst dysshe of your Banket nowe haue I a fyt place a conuenient tyme a good occasion to brynge vnto you the seconde dysshe as it followeth in order CHRI I praye you let vs tast of it THEO That thynge also do I desyre ¶ The seconde dysshe YOur second dysshe is cōtayned in that same chap. wher in the fyrst is recited Therfore deuoure this w t no lesse gredy appetyte than ye haue done y ● other For this dysshe is much delicious very wholsome forthe vertuous preseruaciō of the soule I now brynge it for
of Iesus Christe for the remission of synnes ye shall receyue the gyfte of the holy Ghost Here se you that Christ and his Apostles declared Repentaunce to be a meane wherby we maye obtaine remission of our synnes euerlastying lyfe And that you maye perceyue y e matter y t more playnly I wyll lyuely paynt in moost euydent coloures and set it out before your eies w t certayne other histories of both Testamentes y t ye maye learne to be true whiche Chrisostome sayeth THEO I pray you what sayth he PHIL. Ther is not sayeth he there is not beleue me ony synne in y ● worlde that doth not gyue place to the vertue of repētance yea rather to y e grace of God which when we turne to better thiges dothe streyght wayes worke w t vs. EVSE This is a confortable sayeng for synners PHIL. Yea and in al pointes agreable to the holy scriptures For Christ came not to call the ryghteous but synners vnto repentaunce Nowe marke for your helth and consolacion Dauid committed both māslaughter adultrye therfore was he threatened many euels of God by his Prophet Nathā Not withstandynge he had not so sone repented hym of his acte cōfessed his faute sayenge I haue offended the LORDE but the Prophet sayde The LORDE hath turned awaye thy syn thou shalt not dye Kynge Achab also dyd slaye his subiecte Nabotch y t he myght enioy his vyneyeard And God therfore sent his Prophet Heli as vnto hym for to tell him that the dogges shoulde lycke his bloude olso euen there where they lycked the blonde of Na●othe and that euery one of the house of Achabbe that maketh water agaynst y ● w●ull should be slayne c. Achab streyghte waye was ashamed of his faulte repēted cutte his clothes couered his flesshe with garmētes of heere fasted slept in sacke cloth walked with a heuy countenaunce therfore god seyng his repentaunte herte sayd that he would not bryng in that euel in his dayes but ī his sōnes tyme. Agayne kinge Manasses in asmuch as he repented for all the abhominaciō that he committed agaynst god his glory was forgiuē afterward nōbred among y e fredes of god The Niniuites were threatened withī forty daies to be subuerted for theyr dissolute wicked lyuynge But they beynge striken with repentaūce in y e meane season mendynge theyr lyfe receyued fauour were saued As I may come nerer home as they saye who was more famous in sinne thā Mary Magdalene yet in asmuch as she faythfully repented bewailed her synfull lyuyng her synnes were forgynen her Peter denyed Christ yet seynge he repented wepte bytterly for his offēce he was fauourably receyued to grace The prodigal sonne althoughe he had consumed all hys goodes was ioyfully receyued in as muche as he repented knowledged his offēce The thefe called neuer for grace tyl y e hour of deth yet seyng y t he bewayled than his misery axed merci he was herd wēt w t Christ ī to Paradyse Do not these histories besydes other shewe of what greate strength repentaunce is CHRI Certes they be very cōfortable for poore afflicte synners PHIL. Thus se you that repentaunce is a great cause of the mitigacion of gods wrath yea an acceptable Sacrifice to God as Dauid saith a sacrifice to God is a troubled spirite a contryte hūble herte god wyl not despyse Thus repentaunce maketh a man to dye vnto lynne to syne to righteousnes It maketh vs so lōg as we ī this worlde valeantly to enarme our selues and to enter battayle with Satā his army cōtinually to fyght against our enemies It maketh vs to hate all wyckednes enbrace all vertue so y ● dayely we procede more more from faith to faith frō vertu to vertue It maketh vs to hunger thyrst after ryghteousnes It makethe vs to desyre to be dissolued from this mortal body to be with Christ. No mā is able to expresse sufficiently y e excellency vertu of this true and faythfull repentaūce And this is it which maketh Chrisostom to crye out on this maner O repentaunce which thorowe gods mercy forgyuest sinne openest Paradise which healest a man contryte brokē makest merye hym that is sad callest agayne lyfe frō deathe restorest the state renuest the honour gyuest boldenes reformest strēgthes powrest ī agayne grace more aboundāt O repetaūce what new thyng shall I tell of the Thou doste losē althynges that are bounde All thynges losened doste thou set at liberty All troublous thynges doste y u mit●gate All thynges broken doste thou make whole All confused thynges doste thou make cleare Al desperate thynges doste y u encourage O repentaunce more rutulante than golde more bryght than the sonne whome synne doth not ouercome nor defeccion suppresse nor desperaciō put awaye Repentaunce refuseth couetousnes abhorrethe lecherye excheweth furour madnes maketh loue stronge treadethe downe pryde refrayneth the tonge fasshyoneth maners hateth malyce excludeth enuy Perfecte repentaunce compelleth a synner to suffer all thynges gladly If a violente persō seke that that he hathe he forbyddeth hym not Yf he taketh awaye his garment he stryueth not agaynst hym To him that striketh the one cheke he profereth y e other If ony man wyl compell him to go a myle with him he wyll of his owne free wyll go two If he be chastised he geueth him than●kes If he be prouoked he holdeth his peace If he be sharpe●ye spoken vnto he speaketh gentely agayne To his superiour he geueth reuerence To his inferiour he is lowlye In his herte is contricion in his mouth confession in his worke all humilite This is y ● perfecte and fruytful repentaunce To him that repenteth so God is at hand a noryssher to hym that is hūgry a gyuer of drinke to him that is thyrstye O repentaunce the mother of mercye the maystres of vertues thy workes are great wher w t thou dost loosen the gylty refressheth thē that offend reuelest them that slyde ●ecreatest y e desperate By y e Christe appoynteth vs that y ● kīgdom of heuen is at hande sayenge repent for the kyngdome of heauen is at han● Nither to haue I rehersed vnto you the mynd of Chrisostome cōcerning repentaunce whereby ye maye perceyue as I sayde before that repentaunce is one of the principal meanes wherby we obtayne remissiō of synnes the kyngedome of heauen EVSE God gyueth vs all grace truly to repent THEO But howe shall we know whā we truly repent on such maner that it prouoketh God to be mercyfull to vs. CHRI In dede this is a thynge necessary to be knowen PHIL. To this youre question shall S. Austen aunswere which sayeth Whan thou dost so repent y t y t thing sauoereth to the bytter ī thy mynd which before was swete in thy life that whiche