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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04962 The soules lamentations, and loue to God Preces & lachrymae. Dumps and teares of repentance. B. L., fl. 1614. 1614 (1614) STC 15104; ESTC S100180 29,046 153

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into thy mercifull hands again For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ A comfortable conceit vpon review of the soule vnder Gods protection And an earnest entreatie for godly perseuerance I Committed my soule into thy hands oh Lord thou GOD of mercie render it restore it now nay thine it is and kéepe it I beséech thee and let mée haue a sight of it Oh thanks bée vnto thy diuine Maiestie and vnspeakable mercy that yet once againe thou hast washed and cleansed it that thou hast sprinckled the bloud of Iesus Christ ouer it that thou hast adorned and beautified it with glorious grace and hast not taken thine holie Spirit from me Lord pardon my vnthankfulnes Goe my soule vnto thy God at all times for he loueth thée he hath once loued thée and he loueth thée for euer Goe vnto him and tye thy selfe be not separated oh my soule He is thy God he is thy Creator he is thy redéemer he is thy Sauiour O worship thou him in the beautie of holinesse Oh mercifull Lord God haue pittie yet againe on my distressed forlorne and forsaken soule It is wonderfully wounded vnto the death Oh saue me saue me oh Lord why am I thus why art thou angry with me for euer I will hope in thy holy name oh let me not go away ashamed because I haue put my trust in thée Who euer trusted in thée and was confounded And shall I Surely thou wilt heare mee thou wilt helpe me thou wilt comfort me My heart telleth mée thy spirit beareth witnesse vnto me that I shall bee relieued and comforted and made glad and excéeding ioyfull with the light of thy countenance Behold euen as the eyes of a seruant doe looke vnto the hand of his maister and the eyes of a maiden vnto the hand of her Mistres euen so mine eyes wayt vpon thée my God vntill thou haue mercy vpon me Make spéed O Lord and be not slack it is time it is high time I beséech thee Lord let me beg my soule out of the hands of Satan for Iesus sake and draw my soule oh louing Father vnto Iesus Christ let him command Satan to yéeld it vp againe Seeing he hath no title no interest why should hee haue any possession oh that it were wholy imployed in thy seruice Heare then Lord and forgiue all my sinnes past my Rose-coloured and bloud-red sinnes remember thy mercies in Iesus Christ my only Sauiour most louing Redéemer to whome with thée and the holie Ghost one God Almighty eternall and most mercifull bee praise and glorie for euer and euer Amen ¶ An excellent wrestling with Iesus Christ OH swéet Iesu Christ sonne of God sonne of the Father lord of life sonne of Dauid redéemer of the world haue mercy vpon me miserable sinner I haue defaced the glorious Image after which I was created I haue peruerted my wayes and deliuered my soule into the power of Satan I was held captiue and bound in the chaines of euerlasting darkenes yet thou Oh Lord didst redéeme mée with thy most precious bloud thou didst deliuer me and set me at libertie thou diddest offer vp thine owne body vpon the crosse and submit thy selfe vnto the death for my sake and this my redemption thou didst seale in my heart by the most comfortable gift of Faith and other Christian vertues attending therevpon so that I gaue my selfe to loue thée and chéerefully to serue thée and call vpon thée then didst thou answere me againe and filledst my heart with gladnes yea swéet Iesu thou knowest that my heart within mée hath leaped and daunced for ioy of thy louing coūtenance and vnspeakable mercies May it please thee I know it doth please thée Oh mercifull Redéemer to continue thy louing kindnes towards mée I know and I confesse for if I deny I am a lyer that I haue notwithstanding thy tender loue towards me in redéeming my sinfull and wretched soule greatly and notoriously abused and contemned thy goodnes wantonly and wickedly kicked and spurned against thy holie grace the seale of mine eternall election and redemption wonderfully and strangely oh good Christ thou knowest most villanously presumptuously and almost despightfully defacing and rasing out the print thereof by most heinous transgressions heaped vp together encreasing in great measure in most vile and abhominable sort so that I had almost lost faith and fallen from grace But continuall and euerlasting praise bée giuen to thée thou hast lifted me vp frō the gates of death from the pit of hell and power of the Diuell The slye and subtill snares of damnation were spread vnder me and I stumbled and fell and now was hell and death and damnation preparing a triumph ouer my soule now was the Diuell stepping with his gréedy téeth to teare and loe thou sonne of God thou sauiour of men thou strong and mighty by thy mighty power whereby thou art able to subdue all things vnto thy selfe didst pluck me out of his téeth and deliuer me What shall I render vnto thy Maiestie thy power thy goodnesse thy mercie thy most vndeserued true Lord and most true compassion and pittie What shall I render vnto thée for all the good that thou hast done vnto me Surely I will confesse vnto thée my wickednes and be sorrie for my sinne I will magnifie and praise thy name for euer I will speake of thy louing kindnesse and make mention of thy saluation Oh Lord who is like vnto thée that deliuerest me from him that is to strong for mée and spoileth mee My soule shall make her boast of thée and shal not be ashamed because thou Lord hast holpen me and comforted me Moreouer oh my Iesus I will not cease to pray vnto thee dispose me therevnto I most humbly beséech thée for without thée I can doe nothing Oh let my prayer come before thée and enter into thy presence Let me neuer be so mightily ouercome and so shamefully ouerthrowne as I haue béene Giue me thy constant spirit bréed in my heart and Conscience a deadly hatred and desperate enmity of sinne and wickednesse let me neuer be reconciled vnto them againe Oh let my soule loue thy most precious blood by which it is washed and cleansed from most vile corruptions Let me die oh Lord and depart this life before I so contemptuously as indeede I haue done tread and trample it as it were vnder my profane féet Oh let me die first I vnfainedly desire thée my swéet Sauiour For why should I liue to dishonour thée in such sort Why should I liue still to prouoke thy wrath and mine owne vnquietnesse I haue profaned thy sanctified and sanctifying blood I haue buffeted thée on the face I haue whipped and scourged thée most cruelly I haue by most odious impiety crucified thée afresh vnto my selfe Ah sinnefull wretch laden with iniquity heauie laden Oh laden oh when wilt thou refresh me quicken me in thy righteousnesse and clense me from all my
my conscience vexed mine affection enflamed my presumption encreased I yéeld I fall I sinne I dye Oh God oh good God oh gracious God heare me oh spirit oh holy spirit oh comfortable spirit thy name is the comforter oh come and assist me O Iesu sweet Iesu Iesu that deliuerest vs from the wrath to come Come heare me come helpe me come saue me come stand by me Rebuke Satan rebuke sinne I beséech thee my Sauiour my gentle Sauiour rebuke my sinfull soule that resteth vpō thée reforme my soule that longeth for thée Suffer mee not to bée tempted aboue my strength of my self I haue no strength Bee thou my strength my castle and deliuerer at this time and at all times in my perplexities assaults and temptations So be it euen so bee it so I trust and so I rest Iesu that deliuerest vs from the wrath to come Amen ¶ A prayer for grace and diligence to pray OH most mercifull God and louing Father I confesse acknowledge my negligent and carelesse behauiour towards thée as in all the course of godlinesse so chiefly in deuotion and godly praier Haue mercy vpon me and forgiue my securitie I haue hindred many good things from my selfe that I haue not prayed for I haue thereby vilified thy heauenly blessings and riches of thy mercie I haue brought leauenesse vnto my soule Oh gracious God stirre vp my dull and dead spirit and quicken me in thy holinesse that my breast being set on fire and enflamed with thy manifold mercies and graces I may diligently direct my petitions vnto thée and so obtaine according to my necessitty Open mine eies O Lord that I may sée my wants clearly touch my heart that I may pray vnto thee faithfully feruently continually Heare me oh good God and quicken me according to thy mercie Oh disperse mine iniquities as a cloud after a great raine Now after the time that thou hast visited my sinne vpon me returne returne I beséech thée in great compassion My soule is afraid of thy iudgements I am beaten backe with feare of thy wrath when I thinke to pray my heart is cold within me I am astonied and sodainly cast downe LORD lift me vp to thy throne in prayer thou that hast lift me vp from the gates of death Where is thy liuely spirit Swéet God Iesus my Sauiour promised me the comfortable spirit In his name I beséech thée send it into my heart It will teach me and warne me to pray so shal I be sure to obtaine my prayers Heare me O Lord for my Sauiour Iesus sake to whome with thée and the holie Ghost be all honor glorie and praise Amen ¶ A thankfull acknowledgement of diuine mercies in Iudgements OH most mightie Lord God Creator Gouernour and possessour of Heauen and earth Wisedome is about thy throne and thy kingdome is established in iudgement Whatsoeuer pleaseth thee that dost thou in heauen and in earth and in all déepe places Thou beholdest and considerest the waies of men and thou rewardest euery man according to his workes Thou callest for punishment and it runneth like the swift lightning vpon the transgressors Thou commandest vengeance and vengeance entreth into all places the stately pallaces of Princes and the beggarly cottages of the poore There is nothing hid frō the brightnesse of thy presence Thine eyes in euery place a thousand times brighter then the Sunne behold the euill and the good There is nothing can be deliuered from the fircenes of thy wrath It burneth like fire euen to the bottome of hell Thou dost correct the wicked with the vengeance of eternall fire Thou dost chasten thine own children whē they goe astray and wander in the pathes of the vngodly with the corrections of men Infamy pouerty sicknesse of bodie weaknes of mind imprisonment banishment persecution and temporall death Oh Lord our gouernour how excellent is thy name how woonderfull are thy iudgements in all the world And yet for all this how few there are euen a very few that consider thy worke that is done vnder the Sunne that ponder thy iudgements though they be vpon themselues Oh palpable blindnesse oh dull forgetfulnes oh great security oh grosse impietie thou smitest and no man regardeth thou punishest and no man considereth thou layest thy iudgements to the view of all men and no man layeth them vnto his heart Blessed is hee whome thou instructest by punishment and guidest in the way of iudgement Surely this is a great mercy and it passeth all thy workes O teach me thy iudgements thy louing corrections haue made me glad To me thou hast reuealed mercy in iudgement thou hast assured consolation by correction Why so For I prayed vnto thée in the sorrowes of my soule Correct mee O Lord yet in thy judgement not in thy fury c. So I prayed for I was content to beare thy punishment because I had sinned against thée This my prayer thou hast graciously granted vnto me thou hadst respect vnto the humble suite of a sinner Therefore in thy fury thou didst not correct me with violent fire which doth deuoure the Aduersary with euerlasting paines thou didst not reward mee as I deserued but in iudgement thou hast punished me with the corrections of men Infamy pouerty sicknesse weaknes and such like and so thou hast graunted my petition thou Lord hast receiued my prayer thou hast chastned me with thy Children least I should be condemned with the reprobate And thus to me thou hast reuealed mercy in iudgement Thus thou hast assured consolation by correction Héere is thy mercy oh mercifull God to graunt mee my request this was thy mercie to giue eare in this thing vnto a sinner this was thy great mercie I grant it I confesse it I professe it I praise thy name for it Oh Iehoua This is the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse oh God my heart is ready my heart is ready I will sing giue prayse Awake my glorie awake my grace awake my soule all the secrets of my Soule awake I my selfe will awake right early Reioyce my deere Soule in the Lord thy God and againe I say reioyce Oh righteous Father thou hast executed thy iustice and extended thy mercy vpon me both together Who can declare thy noble Acts and shew forth all thy prayse who can doe as thou dost can a Man can a Saint can an Angell can any powre and Principality any throne or dominion bring good out of euill swéet out of sowre honor out of shame life out of death out of vengeance mercy as thou dost To thée therefore oh Iehoua and to thée alone shall all flesh come shall all creatures in heauen and in earth and vnder the earth be subiect to thée shall my soule and all the secrets of the same be dutifull and obedient from henceforth and for euermore I will sing vnto thée among much people and will not be ashamed I will speake of thy praises in the congregations my Soule
filthinesse oh clense me I shall be cleane whiter thē snow clearer then glasse acceptable to the righteous Iudge God our Father louing and mercifull who neuer refuseth thée oh Christ his welbeloued Son I beseech thée I beseech thée restore mee make glad my heart againe render now thy grace which I haue lost by my trespasse and from presumptuous sinnes oh Lord keepe me set Angells about me to draw me by violence from such vngodlinesse If thou wilt thou canst make me cleane and thou art mercy it selfe and yet hitherto none hath trusted in thée and béen sent away empty and thou art able For all power is giuen to thée in heauen and in earth and at the name of Iesus euery knée must bow both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth now I commit my cause vnto thy diuine wisedome and vnspeakable mercy now I craue pardon now I craue grace and continuance therein and in thy good time thou wilt not fayle to giue oh Lord strengthen my patience and increase my faith for thine is the Kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen ¶ A comfortable confession and Supplication O Lord God great and fearfull most mighty and full of strength Behold how I mourne in my prayer and am vexed my sorrowes are gone ouer my head my sinnes are bound vp in a bundle to be layd vppon mée nay to be repeated my soule is payned and pined away through my dayly complainyng and yet thou oh righteous Iudge continuest holy and iust in thy iudgements Thy punishments are inflicted vpon me thine arrowes sticke fast in mée thou hast wounded me sore but in mercy thou hast chastened me my rebellious haue deserued much more nay infinite and yet it pleaseth thy Maiestie to be mercifull vnto me euen so Father because it is thy good pleasure to saue sinners of whom I am the chiefe O God of mercies and compassions of Father and Spirit of all comfort and consolation heare thy seruant that putteth his trust in thee heare and giue eare thy mercies haue drawne me vnto thée and thine innumerable compassions haue constrained me to acknowledge vnto thée Holy holy holy true in promise faithfull in mercy full of kindnes long suffering and of great goodnes wonderfull in pity and most wonderfull thou sparest when we deserue punishment and in thy punishment thou art not cruell but seuere nay rather gentle and mercifull euen gentlenes and mercy and méekenes and patience and tender loue and kindnes it selfe I see it I find it I confesse it I giue thanks for it What shall I render to thée I will thanke thée for thou hast wounded and thou hast cured and thou hast healed me thou hast suffered me to slip into the gates of hell and thou hast deliuered me Oh ye that feare the Lord magnifie ye the lord with me oh let vs come before him in the beautie of holinesse for hee hath regarded the contemned estate of a sinner and he onely forgaue my sinne my soule doth testifie make her boast of the Lord I sought him early and late in the day time and in the night season this was my dutie this was my necessity for a while he hid his face from me and I was troubled for a while he was angrie and I consumed for a while he held my sins before me and I was amazed ashamed and confounded but he turned his mercie toward me and I receiued comfort I conceiued hope I perceiued that of very faithfulnesse hee caused me to suffer griefe O magnifie the Lord with mee He woundeth and maketh whole againe he afflicteth and he deliuereth out of affliction he hath shewed me sorrowes and yet in the multitude of the sorrowes that I had in my heart his comforts haue refreshed my soule What comforts Christ my Redeemer my Sauiour my King and my God Verily a King Hee hath taken my sins my presumptuous sins and defaced them Hee hath entred into my soule and dispossessed Satan Legions of Deuils hee hath chased and gotten himselfe the victorie Reioyce in the Lord thy King oh my soule he ruleth in the midst among thine enemies They are brought to nothing that sought to destroy thée Iesus is in the midst of thée euen in thy heart and in thy soule to saue he sitteth there euen there also in thy conscience Oh my redéemed soule betwéene the Cherubins Behold thy king behold and be glad his traine is with him his Angels minister vnto him about thee they stand to driue away the fiends of hell and to defend thée Why then art thou so sad oh my soule what aileth thée Canst thou not rest vpon thy sauiour thy horne and thy buckler and the strong God of thy saluation O put thy trust in God be strong and of a good courage and he shall establish thy heart euen Iesus that deliuereth thée from the wrath to come hee shall so establish thine heart and saue thée O blesse his holie name Oh praise him and magnifie him for euer he onely is the Lord he onlie is the King and there is none but he Oh Iesu I adore and worship thée Oh Christ I praise giue thanks vnto thée Oh Redéemer I confesse vnto thée mine is the shame thine is the glorie mine is the weaknes thine is the power the kingdome the dominion and rule ouer sinne and Satan death and hell Sit still while thou art there behold I scorne at sin and Satan they cannot enter Auant Satan Iesus is the Lord thou hadst miserablie spoiled me but loe my Redeemer is come Auant Satan Swéet Iesu mightie Lord my king thy mercie is swéet thy might is inuincible the scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of holinesse holinesse the life of the soule the seale of life the earnest of inheritance in the kingdome of Heauen O King in my heart sit still rule still liue still And of a truth will God dwell with man I thanke thée I honour thée I adore thée Oh King liue for euer Amen Amen ¶ A verie devout and zealous complaint against Inconstancy Hyppocrisie I Said I would forsake my wickednesse and eschew mine iniquitie in thy sight I resolued from a perfect and vpright heart oh my GOD thou knowest to giue an euerlasting farewell to my sinne I promised thy most sacred and excellent Maiestie from the ground of my grieued Conscience that I would neuer returne as a Dog to my vomit or a Sow that is washed to the wallowing in the myre But alas how weake how faithlesse how inconstant how forgetfull am I how soone am I caried aside and turned out of the way how is my soule become a snare to take my selfe how is my body a verie bondslaue to the silthy desires of my soule how am I altogether corrupt and abhominable as before I hate my sinne and I commit my sinne I abhorre my rebellion and yet yéeld to my rebellion How is my soule pained and my
bodie pined by reason of my sinne I haue fasted and watched and praied and wept and confessed and craued pardon many times carefullie zealouslie vehementlie and haue receiued comfort conceiued hope of thy constant spirit and yet my sinne remaineth O vile wretch O slaue of sinne O drudge of transgression O vassall of Satan that I am what shall I doe whither shall I flie to whome shall I resort for deliuerance If I say vnto my bodie doe not yéeld it resisteth If I say to my soule be not ouercome it denieth I am wholie euill and there is no good thing in me And yet my soule is more abhominable then this for it flattereth me as though it would be obedient to thy spirit oh God but it dissēbleth with me It is a very hypocrite in nothing constant in nothing stedfast but in hypocrisie and in deceipt it promiseth and it performeth not Why art thou so wicked oh my soule why art thou so false vnto me why dost thou suffer Satan thine enemie murderer to poyson thée and so to kill thée Oh miserable soule why wilt thou dye oh Iesus my life why am I departed from thée Oh Iesus come vnto me whom my soule loueth One depth calleth another the depth of misery the depth of mercy My misery is déepe but thy mercie is bottomlesse I know no end therof What then be of good cheere my soule go seeke thy sauiour follow after him Thy sinnes are many and thou canst not number them they are heynous and odious and thou canst not esteeme the abhomination of them but he hath numbred them and he knoweth their quality and his mercies are without number measure Infinite and not definite to any persons thou art not excepted to any times this day thou shalt be accepted as it is written At what time soeuer c. oh put thy trust in God and in the mercie of the most high thou shalt not miscarry he is the helpe of thy countenance and thy God Trust to him rest in him depend vpon him follow after him wrestle with him pray vnto him and leaue him not till hee bestow a blessing till he change thy heart and make it new be not faint neither forgetfull without him thou shalt haue no rest and in him thou shalt find rest and ease and comfort and ioy and eternall life and euerlasting felicitie thou knowest my Soule when thou art with him thou art quiet and glad because of the light of his countenance whē thou art from him thou art sad because thou art from thy ioy Oh séeke thy Redéemer forget not thy Sauiour his mercie is thy life oh life grant mercie Oh Christ saue I am a Leaper if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane I am the Publican oh Lord bee mercifull vnto me a sinner a great sinner a grieuous sinner the chiefe of sinners Truth oh truth oh faithfull and true oh swéet Iesu who hath néed of thy mercie as I haue Thou canst not bestow it on a more néedy begger One drop of thy mercie swéet Iesu sweet Iesu Amen Amen ¶ The dumpe or dampe of despaire whereout the sinner labouring pittifully complaineth and cryeth vnto Christ Iesus to be refreshed and comforted DAy by day haue I cryed vnto the Lord and in the night when I was waking I thought vpon his mercies and called for them For I saw the vglie shape and innumerable multitude of my sinnes crying vengeance day and night I perceiued I was afflicted my soule was heauie and my bodie pined away I cherished my flesh and it would not remaine it rotted and decayed For the anger of the Lord the indignation of the most high I brought my life down vnto the ground and my sorrows were encreased in my heart For I was pained within me and straightned in my owne bowels then spake I to the Almighty and sayd as the Prophet taught me When thou with rebukes doest chasten man for sinne thou makest his beautie to consume away as it were a moath fretting a garment I said My wounds stincke and are corrupt through my foolishnes and I said Thine arrowes sticke fast in me and thy hand presseth mee sore For I prayed daily and yet my sinne remained and the punishment of my sinne was hard vpon me The Almightie had couered his face with glorie and I was troubled I found no rest in my selfe no refuge in any creature Then I stood amazed in the presence of my God For I could not speake my sinnes were vnfolded and layed open in his sight he remembred them So I drew néerer and néerer vnto the pit and accompted my selfe among the wicked I was silent before the high Maiestie and most excellent glorie for I could not speake yea my heart wandred too and fro and I sought to hide me from his presence But it would not be The eye of iealouzie séeth all things and the eare of iealouzie heareth all things and my sinnes were bound vp in a bundle before him and the punishment for them lay sore vpon me Then I said againe Lord doest thou so correct thine own children Where shall the wicked appeare Surely they shall vanish away like smoake when thou appearest to them in glorie But I said of my selfe I am cast out of thy presence and I am numbred with the reprobate generation Neuerthelesse when I saw I could not lie hid neither could auoid the righteousnesse of the righteous Iudge neither yet was able to pacifie my vexed conscience because I found no meanes in my selfe to forsake mine owne iniquitie wherewith I am cloathed as with a cloake When I perceiued indéed and knew throughly the most poore wretched and miserable estate of my soule inclinable to no goodnes but most vehemently with might and maine striuing against it I came trembling vnto the Lord Iesus I made my complaint and powred out my supplication before him in this manner Oh Iesu Christ the onlie Sauiour annointed of the high God Lord of life of consolation and eternitie Redéemer of the world reconciler of man vnto God priest and mediatour for euer cloathed with the flesh of man to deliuer man from hell beneath Oh mercie and goodnesse and compassion it selfe thou makest friendship betwéene life and death mortalitie and immortality corruption and incorruption Heare me O Lord and cast me not away wherefore didst thou die but for sinners why didst thou come into the world but to saue sinners To what purpose didst thou deliuer thy selfe into the hands of sinners Was not this the cause of thy obedient life and cruell death the wretchednes of sinners Why then oh Iesu I am a sinner Why art thou absent from me Thou camst not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance call me then vnto thée and draw me For I cannot come of my selfe I cannot come when I am called except I bee drawen without thée I can doe nothing I cannot come vnto thée Call me draw me come for me I lie in the
pit I am spoyled of robbers I am robbed of thy robes mortification and sanctification The spoilers are my sinnes my concupiscences my corruptions within me They oh Iesu euen they haue spoiled mee dis-robed me of thy graces disfurnished mee of thy riches and vertues Oh good Samaritan while I am weltring in my bloud Oh while I am in my bloud despise me not passe not by me haue pittie and compassion vpon me Bring thy bloud thy most precious bloud precious because not to be valued at any price better then the balme of Gilead powre it into my wounds it is wine it is oyle it hath a sauing vertue O saue me my Sauiour Iesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon mee I thirst for thée I long for thée I faint for thée Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me I haue hoped in thy holie name For why art thou the sonne of Dauid Is it not because of thy sure mercies to Dauid and to his seed for euer And who is the séed of Dauid are not they that call vpon thée that rest in thée that haue no other saluation but thée the séed of Dauid O then I haue no helper no sauiour no redéemer but thée oh Lord of life O Prince of peace oh GOD my righteousnes I haue none but thée I am then the seed of Dauid performe to me the holy things of Dauid the promises of eternall life O sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me If thou wilt thou canst make me cleane purge me oh Physition of the soule purge mee and make mee cleane let thy blood wash mee throughly and I shall be cleane I haue deserued thy iust conceiued fury no reason thou shouldst heare saue but thine owne mercy thine own loue I appeale vnto them wherefore hast thou called me and taught me thy truth In vain O let it not be in vaine Wherefore do I beléeue thée to be sauiour of sinners in vaine O let it not be in vain But if I be not saued I belieue in vaine Lord heare my praier and let my sorrowfull sighing come before thée So I trust I will not distrust Helpe my vnbeliefe I will lay my saluation on thy shoulders oh Christ Iesu For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ An humble suite for a liuely fayth OH Almighty God and most mercifull Father thou knowest my sorrowes and my rowling repentances within me how I am grieued and vexed that I haue transgressed against thée oh Lord thou knowest The terrors and troubles of my heart are all open before thy Maiestie whom that I haue prouoked to take swift vengeance vppon me I confesse yea oh mighty Monarche of heauen and earth I confesse freely and willingly that damnation of body and soule is my due and the rather for that by mine iniquities best knowen vnto thy sacred Maiestie I haue refused Faith in the blood of thy Sonne Iesus Christ I haue hardned my heart and encreased my contempt against him Now Lord séeing it hath pleased thée to call to my remembrance and consideration my transgressions to giue me grace to confesse and acknowledge them in a detestation of them to seeke and sue for thy Sonne Iesus Christ in whom thou art well pleased I beseech thée oh Father good Father as thou hast loued mankind fréely so giue me the most excellent and comfortable gift of Faith in the death and passion of Iesus Christ that I may beleeue stedfastly to my comfort in him that he is the Sauiour Redeemer not onely of others but of me also euen of me oh Father thy Creature though miserably deformed by sinne Oh send thy holy spirit of grace into my heart that I beeing dead stinking in the graue of my wickednesse yet may arise and liue to thée and thy glory for euer through the powerfull might of Iesus Christ by an vnfained and setled faith in my heart Oh heauenly Father I am almost swallowed vp of despaire thy punishment doth so amaze me Oh deliuer my soule from that fearfull monster I am ashamed and confounded before thee my sins are so many since my youth vp now thou callest thē to thy remembrance and I cannot answere one for a Thousand I will therefore lay mine hand vpon my mouth and kéepe silence before thée wayting for thy deliuerance and for faith in Iesus Christ oh send me faith liuely and working and comforting that I may goe forward couragiously in the path of sanctification all my life long Grant this oh Father that I may glorifie thy name and reioyce in thée and in thy sauing health Iesus Christ my onely Lord Redéemer and Sauiour To whom with thée and that desired and longed for holy Ghost thrée persons and one Coequall and Coeternall God be all glorie and praise and Dominion and Maiestie and thanksgiuing from henceforth and for euermore Amen ¶ A gladsome thanksgiving for the tast of Gods mercie ETernall GOD whose habitation is in heauen and whose wōderfull and gratious prouidence in all the world thanks be giuen to thy most sacred Maiestie that being so high thou hast respect vnto the lowly that being so powerfull and mighty thou hast regard to my misery Oh gratious and most louing Father in Iesus Christ my Sauiour hath it pleased thee indéed to take the prey from the mighty my soule from Satan and to let the iust captiuitie goe frée my sinnefull soule and body indéed and truth snared and captiued of the Prince of darknes to be loosed from the chaines of hell infirmitie enormity presūptiō custome of iniquitie it is true it hath pleased thée euen so Father because it was thy good pleasure I acknowledge and confesse that this hath procéeded of thine euerlasting and neuer dying mercies I will therefore take vp the cup of saluation that thou hast reached vnto me and drinke it vp health vnto my bones to my bowels to my nauill to my soule I haue sucked the dregs of the cup of trembling but the cup of trembling is taken from me now thou hast refreshed me with chéerefull wine the bloud of Iesus Christ I will make mention of thy righteousnesse alwayes I will sing praise honour vnto thée with my whole heart I was dead but I am aliue I was withered like haye but now I shall flourish as a gréen hearb beyond all hope Loe this this is the portion of thē that turne from iniquity in Iacob and feare the Lord seruing him in vprightnes and truth Thus is the Lord mercifull vnto his seruants whome he hath chosen He kéepeth them that they do not fall for euer Thus is hee mercifull vnto them for his owne sake O King of Kings thou dweller in eternitie séeing so farre it hath pleased thée to visite the distressed estate of a sinner and to lead me in the path of righteousnesse thou art vnchangeable one and the same and hast neuer vsed to repent thée of thy compassions heare me and giue eare
shall make her boast of thée and I will euer remember this that in wrath thou thinkest vppon mercy I will remember and not forget euen so be it oh Father of heauen through Iesus Christ thy onely Son in whom thou art well pleased my onely Sauiour in whome I am fully comforted So be it ¶ A Meditation sealing Eternall Election by the consideration of good Education O Most gracious God and louing Father who in thy sonne Iesus Christ before the world was made diddest predestinate foreappoint some men to life and some to death some to glory and some to contempt some to saluation and some to condemnation euen of thy good pleasure I giue thée most humble and hearty thankes that thou hast chosen me to life glory and saluatiō fréely and of thine owne accord when it might haue pleased thée to reprobate mee for euer Euē so Father because it was thy good pleasure a tast of this loue and fauour thou hast giuen me by the reuelation of Iesus Christ Hereby I am assured that I am predestinate vnto eternall life that I haue faith in the death bloodshed of Iesus Christ O Lord encrease my Faith Moreouer this thine ancient loue eternall and without beginning is manifested to me more perfectly for that it pleased thée that I should not only be borne of godly parents embracing thy truth but also by them bee brought vp and trained from my child-hoode in a course of godlinesse and vertue that so comming vnto riper yeares I might bee grounded established in thy holy waies Oh mercifull father my consciēce and sinnes doe testifie against me that I haue not deserued the least of thy mercies that thou hast enriched me withall from my youth vp much lesse this so great and inestimable a grace to bee followed with thy louing kindnesse and attended vppon by thy grace through good education all my life long to this present houre For to confesse a truth I haue not ceased to prouoke thée continually I haue not ceased to transgresse against thy holy Maiesty in thought word and déed euery day yea Lord in great and grieuous sort early and late in child-hood in youth in middle age ignorantly and wittingly weakly and presumptuously in such sort O Father that it is maruaile I am not already consumed already condemned Yet for all this thy louing fauour hath accompanied me euermore and now I perceiue the good fruit of godly education Oh my God what shal I render vnto thée how shall I bee thankefull what recompence dost thou looke for behold I will thanke thée in Christ Iesus thy beloued Sonne and my blessed Sauiour I will trust in thy mercie for euer through him I will liue in thy feare by his power I will serue thée with an vnfeigned heart and glorifie thée in my body and in my soule by the working of his grace and spirit all the daies of my life Oh continue forth thy louing kindnes towards me from henceforth and for euer that being conducted and guided through this vale of misery after I haue a little recouered my strength in bodie and spirit performed my duty patiently suffred and endured the appointed crosse for me I may in the end receiue the end of my faith and hope euen the saluation of my soule and at that great day the glorification of both body and soule through the same my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome with thée and the holy Ghost be eternall and equall praise for euer Amen ¶ In weeping mourning and bitter anguish a confession and prayer OH Lord God what shal I say vnto thée O father of Heauen how shall I entreat thée I am horriblie affraid of thy iudgments I am wonderfully abashed at thy glorious presence I am vtterly ashamed of mine own basenes vilenesse wretchednesse dust ashes flesh and blood filth and froth swill and sinne that I am who shall giue me accesse and entrance before thy Maiestie who shall helpe me to entreat for thy mercy The blood of thy Son I haue polluted and profaned the holy spirit of grace I haue refused and despighted I confesse my wickednesse and I am sorie for my sinne The remembrāce therof is grieuous vnto me the burthen thereof is intollerable Albeit my due desert is hell death and damnation Yea and perpetuall vexation and terrour of heart vntill the sentence of destruction and eternall confusion be executed vpon me a spirit of vnquietnesse to trouble mee like the spirit of Saul from henceforth euen for euer Yet I will hope in the multitude of thine vnspeakable mercies vouchsafed to all sinners in their déepest distresse and miserie In most humble wise as it becommeth an inferiour vassall to his puissant and Almighty prince and leige Lord as it becommeth a Malefactor to an vpright and most wise Iudge as it becommeth a very disobediēt stubborne seruant to his carefull Maister and finally a prodigall and wilfull Child to his most kind and louing Father I submit my selfe wholly distasted of mine owne deserts and vtterly detesting mine owne abhominable conceits words and workes against thy holy will and commandement in the wound of conscience and frō the depth of a mind throughly grieued with my rebellions I most submissely and earnestly call and cry vnto thy most gracious Maiesty and mercy for pardon and forgiuenes of my hainous crimes and innumerable transgressions in all humility and tribulation of spirit beseeching thy fatherly goodnes to lay them vpon the backe of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ that All-sufficient Redéemer Reconciler and Sauiour of all those that put their trust in his most absolute merits and perfect obedience O my God my sure trust is in him that he will be pleased to accept me for one of those whome he calleth in the Gospell labouring and heauie laden with their sinnes to be relieued and eased Not for any other reason but because hee is the right hand of thy mercy reached out vnto fainting and languishing sinners whereof I am one Wherfore oh deare Father of Heauen despize me not approaching to the throne of grace in his only name but let me be possessed with the spirit of assurāce of faith sprinckled in my heart from an euil conscience that I may find grace to helpe me now in this time of néed I doe féele certainly I do find the gnawing Worme eating vp my heart the venome of thine arrowes drinking vp my spirit the rigour of thy iudgements perplexing my thoughts the seuerity of thy punishment astonishing and amazing my weake and féeble wits so that I know not either what course to take to ease my selfe either what words to vse to entreat thy mercie O Lord God great and fearfull bee not as a Lyon vnto mee doe not set me as a marke to shoot at for thou neuer failest to hit where thou aymest thou hittest full and home thy shot is of an Archer of perfect strēgth thy strokes are deadly strokes thine arrowes are venomed with the fire of
wrath that burneth for euer Who is able to abide wilt thou still hold my sinnes before my face wilt thou still encrease the sorrowes of my heart Alas what is my strength What is my faith that thou tryest me Surely thou canst find nothing in me but exceeding weaknesse a daunted Spirit a dispairing soule The thought of all my sinnes since my youth vp being now set in order before me doth quench the light of the assured faith which I hoped was within mee O good Father prooue mee but this once and withdraw thy punishment from me Let not this fit of thy lasting indignation make an end of mee I know assuredly thou hast and daily dost forgiue sinne greater and more hainous sinne then mine For in the very depth of my disobedience I haue alwaies restrained the vnbridled affection and surely thou hast neuer suffered me to this houre to giue my full and whole consent to any sinne whereinto I haue fallen since I was borne In consideration whereof sithence I haue the sure testimony of a good conscience that I am one of thy chosen I humbly entreat thy Maiesty to encline thine eare to my supplication and to deale with mée as with a sonne remembring himselfe and returning vnto thée in wéeping great mourning Let the griefe of my heart and the teares of mine eies be accepted for all that I can do and lay all the burden of my transgressions late and long since past vpon the backe of my blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ who for such as I am dyed and suffered the bitter cup of thy wrath O be thou pacified and well pleased in him who suffered the Iust for the vniust and endured causeles and vndeseruedly all extremities to the end thou O righteous father shouldst be pacified and well pleased with all penitent belieuing sinners notwithstanding the multitude magnitude and turpitude of their transgressions Were mine abhominations now to be committed though I might conceale thē from the world I would not performe them in the presence of thy Maiesty because thou art a God of pure eyes and canst not behold iniquity I feare thee I loue thée I doe reuerence before thée I adore thy purity integrity thy perfection I am desirous to bée like vnto thée O thou that dwellest in the heauens My soule hath desire and a longing to please thee perseuere in thy waies and to be renued in righteousnes and true holines after thy blessed Image When my sinnes are forgiuen and my transgressions wiped out of the score of thy iudgements then shall mercy embrace mee and louing kindnesse compasse mée euery morning then shall my faith worke by thy loue shed abroad in my heart through the holy Ghost then shall my wonted strength and much more also possesse enarme my soule against all my deadly foes then shall I be clensed and made fit for euery good worke So shall the Comfort of my heart bée restored vnto mée againe and I will serue thée in Spirit and truth all the daies of my life And doe render vnto thée in the meane time nothing doubting of thy frée pardon all honour glory praise power dominiō thanks now and for euermore Amen ¶ A De-profundis full of hope and godly resolution OH Lord my God the comforter of all the chosen from whose only throne procéedeth ioy gladnesse peace and comfort and euerlasting felicitie in whose presence is the fulnesse of ioy at whose right hand there are pleasures for euermore without whose chéerefull countenance and pleasant aspect nothing is amiable no Soule is ioyfull vouchsafe to shine into my woefull heart euen pined confumed with griefe through my dayly complayning miserably rent and torne in péeces through continuall mourning day night perplexed and distracted vnto the very death through perpetuall tribulation and anguish without ceasing I know that one fauourable aspect of thy grace vpon me can restore me to vnspeakable gladnesse Oh that it were thy pleasure to afford it me to bring mée backe from the graue which I behold as it were already opened for my transgressions In truth my griefe is not cōceiued of me yet it doth astonish me I find my selfe in farre worse case then euer in my life neuer was I pierced so much at the heart roote I haue not heretofore receiued so déepe and desperate and deadly wound in my conscience If thou Lord vouchsafe to rid me out of this thraldome and euen hellish captiuity being fast bound in the chaines of dānable thoughts O my Lord my good God my heart tongue shall sing for euer vnto thy prayse I will publish thy mercies I will teach thy iudgements vnto thy people I will praise thée in the great congregation I will wholy consecrate and deuote my selfe vnto thée all the daies of my life Oh Father of heauen giue bestow fréely vppon mée the most excellent gift of an vnfained Faith that my sinnes are forgiuen me for thy déere sonne Iesus Christs sake let me fully be assured thereof by the Spirit the comforter Indéed it doth not belong vnto mée I confesse I confesse I will not deny For I haue behaued my selfe more like a reprobate and damned creature then one of thy children Surely such Carrion curs as I am that trample the blood of Iesus Christ and despise the spirit of grace so sinfully so shamefully so often so odiously so presumptuously so intollerably as I haue done are not worthy the least crum of thy mercifull comfort yet Lord sith I am but dust and ashes and through the frailty of the old Adam I haue thus abused thy goodnes refusing and vexing thy holy spirit for which damnable insolency I am now most wofully distracted and almost bereft of my small wits the déepe thoughts whereof doe so dangerously assault mee O my Father and my God contend not with me any longer I shal surely despaire and bée damned if thou send me not ayd and peace of Conscience spéedily How can I lye in these scorching flames Oh consider mine exceding weaknesse Oh good Samaritane powre wine and oyle into my bléeding wounds Oh swéet Iesu let me not be cast away because I haue put my trust in thée I will not let thée go vntill thou blesse me Now blessed Sauiour many of my prayers haue béene refused let this be accepted sith thou hast giuen me a time to repent with most humble thāks giue me leaue to accept it Cast me not out of thy presence I desire to be at rest in my spirit that I may go chéerfully forward in the holy seruice What shall I say how shall I entreat good Lord haue mercy vpon me Oh let thy tender mercies comfort my distressed and heale my wounded heart one drop of thy mercy swéet Iesu swéet Iesu mercy or no mercie all honour and glory and praise and powre might and Maiestie be ascribed vnto thée for euer and euer Amen ¶ A true penitents confession and petition for grace O MOST mighty Prince Potentate
of Heauen and Earth Lord God of hostes inuincible incomprehensible Spirit whose wisedome is infinite whose power vnresistable whose mercie vnspeakeable haue mercy vppon me most wofull Captiue Caitife enthralled to sinne to Satan to the powers of darknesse to the sorrowes of soule to the tribulations and anguish of a guilty Conscience by my most heinous offences and criminous enormities most ridiculous and absurd vanities wherein once I found some fond delight but now I find no soūd comfort only discontentmēt indignation woe and shame I am abashed and confounded and in a wonderfull perplexed agony that I should so déepely so deadly so often offend thy most excellent Maiestie who art a God of pure eyes and canst not behold iniquity For albeit such is the drouzie dulnes of our cursed corruption that wée cannot and the saucy presumption of our wilful inclination that we will not set thée before our eyes when we are tempted to sinne and moued to transgression yet certaine is it that thine eare of ielousie heareth all things and thine eye of ielouzie séeth all things and nothing is hid from the brightnes of them ten Thousand times brighter then the Sun but whatsoeuer worke is in our hands whatsoeuer word in our mouthes whatsoeuer thought or imagination in our hearts thou O Lord knowest it altogether And as all our ways works are all naked and open before thy sight thou louest righteousnes and hatest iniquity therefore when we are sinfull yet thou continuest holy excellent in glory vpright in iustice Almighty in power as thou many times sparest when we deserue punishment so thou many times woundest with thy iust reuenge when wee feele it not till afterwards we flatter our selues in our own sight till our abhominable sinnes be found out till thou reprooue vs sharply and seuerely set before vs the things that we haue done till thou makest a Catalogue and roll of our offences settest our secret sinnes in order before vs and presentest thy selfe withall a iust reuenger our manifold breaches of thy holy Commandements and manifest contēpt of thy bl●…ed word of thy iust iudgements and of thy louing mercies consider not in our hearts our most accursed and damnable estate wherein wee dayly plunge our selues most odiously and abhominable yea though our sinnes be not of the smallest but great and grieuous and heynous and enormous abhominatiōs yet either such is the grosse darknesse and palpable blindnes of our minds and vnderstandings or such is the deadnes of our infected consciences that wee runne on still from one iniquity to another till we sodainly fall into thy heauie displeasure till thine indignation and fiery wrath breake forth like fire vpon vs and we be not able to quench it Hence is it that wee are plunged into many fearefull gulfes of desperation Wée are affrighted with many vgly sights of our sinnes hence we are wounded at the very heart with many distrustfull thoughts of thy mercies and as many desperate imaginations of thy vengeance The paines of hell get hold vpon vs and the feare of thée doth vndoe vs before either wée stand in awe of thy Maiesty or séeke after thy mercy Oh my God and Sauiour I confesse vnfainedly this my case so I haue transgressed so little I haue regarded so I am oppressed Wherefore O Father of mercies and God of all consolation who hast appoynted repentance for sinners who dwellest in eternity and yet in the humble and contrite spirit In the name of thy holy and blessed and onely beloued sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who hath promised ease to all that labouring and heauy laden come vnto him who cannot breake the bruized Reed and will not quench the smoaking flaxe I most humbly and earnestly beséech and entreat thy fatherly goodnes to forgiue me all my sins to lay them vpon his backe the true scape-goat and send them into the wildernes the land of obliuion that my Conscience through faith in his most precious bloud and meritorious sacrifice may bée fully discharged of them all O Prince of peace send peace into my heart the peace that passeth vnderstanding that peace which thou gauest for a Legacy to thy Disciples whē before thy death thou diddest make promise of that spirit the Comforter O holie spirit of Comfort the onely ioye of thine elect let thy blessed presence so chéere and glad my soule that being assured of thy sauing health I may delight to serue thée and to sanctifie my selfe more and more with all allacrity and pleasure of my spirit attending on thy will walking in thy wayes all the residue of this my pilgrimage mortalitie Grant this O Father Sonne and holy Ghost holie blessed and eternall Trinity the Author of Life the giuer of grace the God of power whose wisedome is péerelesse whose dominion is endles whose mercie is bottomlesse To whom be all praise honour and glorie for euer and euer world without end Amen ¶ A speciall forme of submission and supplication to the Almighty IT cannot bee denied oh Lord GOD almighty it is too well knowne to thée and too too lamentably experienced in our selues that we are nothing else but a sinke and swill and puddle of sinne a masse and lumpe of rebellion That there is no light in our vnderstanding no good inclination in our good will no grace in our life we haue erred and straied from thy waies euer since we were borne through the originall Concupiscence and Corruption wherein wee are conceiued we haue neuer ceased to breake thy holie Commandements and to runne headlong into all manner of disobediēce When the tempter is ready wee are fit to bee tempted as he is neuer vnready so wee alwaies are tempted and taken in most dangerous and deadly gins Woe and alas to our most weake féeble soules wherin there is neither power nor will nor wisedome to withstand the fierce and violent assaults of the spiritual wickednesses that fight against vs that entrench and encampe themselues round about vs when wee thinke that all is safe then rush they vpon vs as the Philistims did vppon Sampson we through dalliance with this wanton Delilah of our owne flesh and filthy vanitie of this wicked world are lulled a sléep in carnall security and haue lost our spirituall strength of Faith hope and godlinesse and so are taken and bound and blinded and lead away Captiues held in thraldome and scorned of those wicked and hellish fiends who greatly delight in the destruction and confusion of thy children which thirst and long after our eternall damnation In tender and bitter consideration whereof most lamentably complaining vnto thy most excellent and incomprehensible Maiesty oh Lord God of hoasts thy most distressed and forlorne seruant and adopted sonne sheweth and openeth his grieuances and being tyred wearied and ouerburdened with most cunning crafts subtile sleights as also most outragious tyrannies and impetuous violences of his implacable infernall foes in all humility and lowlinesse