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A04924 The copie of a letter, sent to the ladye Mary dowagire, Regent of Scotland, by Iohn Knox in the yeare. 1556. Here is also a notable sermon, made by the sayde Iohn Knox, wherin is euydentlye proued that the masse is and alwayes hath ben abhominable before God and idolatrye Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1556 (1556) STC 15066; ESTC S106838 35,093 130

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shedde for you and for many in remission of synnes Marke that remission of synne● is attributed too the sheddinge of Christes bloudde And Paule saieth Christ is dead for our synnes And in an other place by one oblation or sacrifice hath he made vs persyte foreuer Consider diligently that remission of synnes is attributed some tyme to the sheddyng of Christes bloudde some tyme to hys death and some tyme too the hole sacrifice whiche he made in suffering all payn And why this whether if there be diuers manners to obteyn remission of synnes ●o but because euer● one of these thre necessarily foloweth other remission of synnes is commonly ascribed to any of them For where so that euer Christe is offred there is hys bloude shedde his death subsequently foloweth And so papistes if ye offre Christe in sacrifice for synne ye shedde hys bloud and thus newly kylhym Aduerte too what fyne youre owne desyre shal bring you euen to be kyllers of Iesus Christ Ye will saye ye neuer pretended such abomination I dispute not what ye entended but onelye I shewe what absurdite doeth folowe vpon your owne doctrine For necessarelye if ye do offre Christe for synne as ye confesse and youre lawe doeth teache ye cruelly shedde hys bloudde fynally do kyll hym But nowe will I releaue you of this anguish dolorouse it were daily to cōmit mā slaughter often times to crucify the king of glory be not affrayed ye do it not For Iesus Christe may suffre no more shed his blod no more nor dye no more For y ● he hath dyed he so dyed for syn that once and now he lyueth and death maye not preuayle against hym And so do ye not kyl Christ for no power ye haue too doe thesame Onely ye haue deceyued the people causinge them beleue that ye offred Iesus Christe in sacrifice for syn in your masse whiche is fryuole and fals For Christe maye not bee offerred because he maye not dye I moste gentellye exhorte all desyringe too obiecte agaynste these precedentes ripely too consider the grounde thereof whiche standeth not vppon the opinion of man but vppon the infallible woorde of God And to resume euery parte of these argumentes and ley them too the hole bodye of goddes scriptures And then I doubte not but all men whose senses the princes of darc●enes and of this worlde hath not execated shall confesse with me that in the masse can bee no sacrifice for synne And yet too the great blasphemye of Christes death and open denyall of his passion hath it ben affirmed taughte and beleued that the masse was a sacrifice for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead Whiche opiniō is moste false vayn wicked And so I thinke the masse too be abomination and Idolatrye no man of indifferente iudgemente will denye Lette no man entend to excuse the masse with the pretext of the Lordes supper For nowe shortly wil I proue that therwith it hath no congruence but is expresse cōtrarye to it and hath taken the remembraunce of the some oute of mynde And further it is blasphemous to y ● death of Iesus Christ Fyrst they are contrary in institution for the Lordes supper was institute too be a perpetuall memory of those benefites whyche we haue receiued by Iesus Christ and by hys death And firste we should call to mynd in what estate we stoode in the loynes of Adā when that we all blasphemed the maiestie of God in hys face Secondly that hys owne incōprehensible goodnes moued hym to loue vs moste wretched myserable yea moste wicked blasphemous and loue moste perfyte compelled hym to shewe mercy And mercy pronunced the sentēce whiche was that his onely sonne shoulde paye the price of oure redemption Whiche thinge beinge righteously called to memorye in the present action of the soupper coulde not but moue vs to vnfeyned thankesgeuinge vnto God y e father and to hys onely sonne Iesus who had restored vs agayne to libertie and lyfe And this is it which Paule cōmandeth sayeng as ofte as ye shall eate of thys bread and dryncke af this cup ye shall declare the Lordes deathe tyll he come that is ye shal laude magnify and extolle the lyberall fyndnes of God the father and the infinite benefytes whiche ye haue receyued by Christes death But the masse is instituted as y e playn woordes thereof and their owne lawes do witnesse too be a sacrifice for the synnes of y e quicke and the dead For doinge of the whiche sacrifice God is bounde not onely to remitte oure synnes but also to geue vnto vs what euer we will aske that shal testifye diuers masses celebrated for diuers causes Some for peace some in time of warre some for rain some for fayre wether yea and alas my hart abhorreth suche abomination some for syckenesse of bestyall They will saye they seuerally take prayers for obteyning suche thinges And that is all whiche I desyre they say for the obtayning of suche vayne tryfles destinate they their hole purpose so prophane the sacrament of Chrystes bodye and bloudde if that were any sacramente whiche they abused so whiche shoulde neuer bee vsed but in memorye of Christes death Then shoulde it not be vsed to praye that the touthe ache bee taken awaye frome vs that oure Oxen shoulde not take the lowing yll oure Horse the spauen or farsye and of all manner diseases for our cattel Yea what was it wherfore ye wolde not saye masse peruersed priestes But let vs heare more The supper of the Lord is the ●yfte of Iesus Christe in whiche we should laude the infinite mercye of God The masse is a sacrifice which we offer vnto God for doinge whereof we alledge God shoulde loue and commend vs. In the supper of the Lord cōfesse we oure selfs redemed from synne by the death and bloude of Iesus Christe onely In the masse craue we remissiō of synnes yea and whatsoeuer thyng we lifte by working of that same worke whiche we presently do oure selfe And here in is the masse blasphemous vnto Christe and hys passiō For in so farre as it offreth or promitteth remissiō of synnes it imputeth imperfection vppon Christe and hys sacrifice affyrminge that all sinnes were not remitted by hys deathe but that a great parte are reserued to be purged by vertue and the value of y e masse And also it is iniurius vnto Christe and not onely speakinge moste falsly of hym but also vsur pynge too itselfe that whiche is proper to hym alone For he affirmeth that he alone hath by hys owne death purged the synnes of the hole world and that no parte resteth to be clensed by any other meanes But y e masse syngeth an other song whiche is that euery day by that oblatiō offred by the priestes is synne purged and remission obteyned Cōsider papistes what honor youre masse geueth vnto Christe Laste in the supper of y ● Lord we graunt our selfes eternal debtours to