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mercy_n hear_v lord_n sin_n 15,720 5 5.7661 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00614 The maner to dye well An introduction most compendiouslie shewinge the fruytfull remembrance of the last fowre things: that is to say, death, hel, iudgement, and the ioyes of heauen. Gathered out of manye good authors, both comfortable and profitable to the dilligent reader. Learnedly instructing howe to prouide for death. Soto, Pedro de, d. 1563. aut; W. B. 1578 (1578) STC 1075; ESTC S120489 42,232 138

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needeth not to feare death so as hee be founde according to this instruction it shal suffice ¶ Wholsome admonitions to dye WHatsoener things at the howre of thy death thou wouldest haue to bee done doe thou the same presently and whatsoeuer thou arte by duety bound to doe commit not the charge thereof vnto others For if thou thy selfe wast negligent and carelesse of thine owne wealth and busines howe thinkest thou that others wyl take any heede or regarde to thy health Beleeue not vncerten thinges and vaine promises neither commit thyselfe to doubtful chaunces Liue so behaue thee selfe that thou mayst be so quieted in thy conscience as though this were thy dying daye Neuer go vnto thy bedde before thou hast accoumpted with thy selfe the maner state of thy life Examine thy selfe calling thy harte with al thy sences to iudgement and knowe whether thou be the better or the worse for this daye Neuer go thou to bedde with such a cōscience wherein thou fearest to dye If thou doest finde thee selfe in such state as thou doest feare to die search out the cause therof for peraduenture there be some sinnes of the which as yet thou hast not perfectlie repented thy self or else thou forsakest to acknowledge confesse them or peraduenture thou doest refuse to abstaine frō the occasions thereof or thou liuest vnder the daunger or obedience of some man or as a peruerse mā thou dost continue in malice or in the vniust withholding of other mennes goodes or thou art too much addicted bent to the couetous desyre of worldly wealth carnal sensualitie or rauished with the vnlawful lust of some creature or being so deepelie drowned in the greedy desire of earthlie visible thinges in such sort as thou canst by no meanes be withdrawen from them coueting for nothing of that which belongeth to the Soule foolishly looking and lyking in al external things lothing and vomiting out al heauenly thinges The cause that mooueth thee to feare death is that thy guyltie conscience foretelleth thy feareful minde the torments whiche are prouided for thy sinneful soule after thy death Which soeuer of these resteth and raygneth in thee cutte them off persecute them and with all thyne endeuour doo what lyeth in thee to deliuer thy selfe from them Imbrace my crosse and folow my footesteppes and they shal be a great furtheraunce to thee in this thine attempte and with rigour of minde holy hatred against thy self proclayme thou open warre against al vyces with a determinate wyll not to sinne renewing oftentymes this holy battayle without ceassing And least thou shouldst be ouerthrowen for weaknesse and want of courage contemplate and earnestly beholde the examples of me and of my Saints commending thy selfe to the prayers exhortations of good mē reposing thy selfe with inwarde and wholsome inspiration be occupied in prayer and godlie reading be neuer ydle loue solitarinesse and sylence These and such like driue away euyl thoughts frō the harte banish the feare of death When thou cōmest to the ende of euery day say vnto thy self Now my life is shortned by one day And when thou rysest in the morning saye O God I am by one night neerer to death then I was ¶ An Exercise to be vsed in the Morning or at other times when you thinke conuenient ALmightie and eternall God my Creator and louer I praise adore and blesse thee for that in mine offēces and vngratefulnesse thou hast so mercifullie and leysurelie forborne suffred me to liue euen to this houre wherunto by thy benefits thou hast brought me geuing to me thine vnworthy reprocheful seruaunt both life necessaries therunto belōging appointing Angelles to be my keepers O good God who knoweth whether tyll euening my life shal be prolonged or what death is appointed forme O merciful Lorde God heauenly father graunt that I may with harty repentaunce truly repēt ●●y sinnes inwardly bewaile that ●●et I offended thy godly maiestie Suffer not my soule to departe this body before it be through thy mercie perfectlie reconciled and adopted vnto thee by thy grace bedeckt with thy merites and vertues inflamed with perfect charitie and acceptable vnto thee according vnto thy wyl O mercifull Lorde Iesus Christe if those thinges whiche I desyre doo stand with thy pleasure graūt them I beseeche thee although I be not worthy to be heard yeelde and geue I beseech thee of thine infinite mercie that by the merites of thy passiō I may be purged from al my sinnes And that at the howre of my death I maye be striken with true and vehement contrition and being knitte with thee in perfect charity I maye immediatly flit vnto thee my sweete Redeemer safelie and freelie from al dampnation Neuerthelesse in al these my requestes O best beloued Iesu I do fully and wholy offer and resigne my selfe vnto thee to be altogether disposed ordered according to thy wyl and to suffer for thy glorious sake desyring this one thing at thy hands that thou wilt remember my fragilitie vnworthinesse vnstablenesse miseries together with thine owne goodnesse and most charitable mercy praying thee neuer to forsake or leaue me but that thou wylt alwaies possesse and gouerne me according to thy wyl Amen ¶ An oblation of Christ and of his merites vnto his Father OMnipotent and benigne Father al the paines dolours checkes punishmentes rebukes and labours of thy onelie begotten Sonne Iesus Christ lambe immaculate which he vpon his owne body hath suffred for my sake his trauels with the afflietion of al his members for me his bloudshed and feete nayled for me his most noble and godly soule seuered from his delicate body for mee his infinite vertues and merites the strength also of his body soule and al thinges the hare lyfe in him yeelded to death for my redemption inseperately notwithstāding vnited with the Deitie Christ also thy blessed sōne God man omnipotent both weakned looking downe glorious working myracles and hanging vpō the Crosse I do here offer vnto thee in exaction satisfaction of my synnes al the worldes and in mortifying extinguishing of al my passions euil affections sinful vices in steede and supply of al my negligēce and in the laude and prayse of al thy graces benefites O heauenly father haue cōpassion vpon me for his sake haue thou mercie vpon me for the loue of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ THere be● which doe prefixe a certaine kinde of exercise vnto them selues as death were present preparing themselues euerye fyue dayes continually in suche sorte as though they shoulde dye presently The fyrst daye they do remember death the presidentes and horror thereof to whom they do wyllingly yeelde The seconde daye they do thinke vpon theyr sinnes and them so busie and diligently they do confesse as though presently after theyr confessiō they should die passing ouer that daye in sobbes and teares The thyrde day with the greatest deuotion they can