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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17219 Questions of religion cast abroad in Helvetia by the aduersaries of the same: and aunswered by M. H. Bullinger of Zurick: reduced into .17. common places. Translated into Englishe by Iohn Coxe. 1572 Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Coxe, John. 1572 (1572) STC 4074; ESTC S113230 103,005 301

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on the thighe Wherfore true repentaunce and the right sorowing for our sinnes muste procéede from God stirring vp the same in vs by fayth so as it must not be a repentaunce or sorrow according to the world but after the wil of god ● Cor. 7. Touching confession and satisfaction shall bée spoken hereafter The. L. Question Whether they beleue that sins with all their circumstaunces oughte to bee confessed to the Prieste in the Sacramente of confession The Answere COnfession or the numbring of our sinnes which must be done before the priest with al the circūstances therof as how when who with whom how often and wherfore he hath offended is but in vayne and without all sufficient proofe called the Sacrament of confession For God alone as wée haue before shewed dyd institute the Sacraments but he ordeyned not this confession to be any of them neither did he commaunde it as necessarie to our saluation For the holye Scripture teacheth an other maner of profitable and necessarie kinde of confession and byddeth vs to confesse our sinnes with a true fayth from our hearts méekely vnto god For God it is alone whome wée haue offended who knoweth our hearts déedes and determinations remitteth or punisheth sinnes and hathe giuen his sonne vnto vs an high Priest and one eternall sacrifice Therefore muste wée come to GOD the father through Chryst and that with the same wordes which he hathe giuen vs teaching vs to confesse our sinnes saying Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgyue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And after this sorte may all the faythfull in all theyr troubles and at all tymes and in euery place confesse themselues to GOD bothe secretly and openly Secretly when eche man prayeth alone and confesseth his sinnes to god Openly when any man in the Church togither with the whole congregation prayeth and confesseth the same And there are many examples in bothe the Testamentes of those who confessed themselues to God and not onely craued but also obteined of him forgiuenesse of their sinnes But on the contrarie there are no examples of any which confessed themselues to Laye men or Priestes for this honor belongeth to God alone which hathe giuen vs hys sonne to be our high Prieste who heareth sufficiently the confession of al the faythfull so that there is no néede to substitute any in hys roume to heare them For who so euer with a true fayth from the bottome of his heart in maner as is sayd confesseth his sinnes to God the father and to his sonne our onely chiefe Byshoppe Chryste Jesus ●auing hys grace and mercy they vndoubtedly receiue full remission of all their sinnes And therfore I demaunde of our Aduersaries whether this bée true or no If they denie it then doo we obiecte agaynst them the Lords prayer in the which wée confesse and pray saying Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And our Lorde hathe saide whatsoeuer you aske in my name you shall receiue it Agayne wée obiecte agaynst them the Articles of our Fayth wherin wée confesse wée beléeue the remission of sinnes Yea wée doo certaynly know that if wée beléeue according to Gods worde wée doo also obteyne the same that wée beléeue but wée beléeue the remission of sinnes therefore wée obteyne the same To conclude wée obiecte the euydente promisses conteyned in the worde of God and chiefly that saying of Saincte John. 1. Epistle 1. If wee confesse our sinnes hee is mercyfull to forgiue vs our sinnes Wherefore sithe it is thus as by the truthe it is confirmed then they which confesse their sinnes to God and to his sonne our Lorde haue obteyned full remission of the same and so is there no néede to vse the Auricular confession of the Romishe Churche Furthermore there is an other kynde of confession commaunded by our Lorde to all the faythfull to wyt that euery man should confesse eche one to other his faults and offences wherein he hath offended iniured his neighbour and that ech man doo hartily forgiue euery offence iniury which he hath suffred and forgiue hym also which hath don the same and pray for him And the Lordes prayer dothe prescribe vnto vs this kinde of confession for we say As we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And of this confession is it that Saincte James speaketh in his fifthe Chapter and not of that which is done vnto the Priestes Furthermore there is not one worde in the whole Scripture of God spoken of any other confession than thys and therefore their Auricular confession vnto the Priest is without all authoritie of Scripture Furthermore the blessed Apostles dydde neuer gyue them selues to the hearing of confession neither gaue them absolution whispering in the eares of them that were confessed For the preaching of the Gospell is that ioyfull tydings wherin the captiues and suche as are adiudged to death are declared to bee made free and delyuered from the falte the punishment due for the same and are receiued into fauour and into the number of Gods children and that by the death of Chryste Jesus as Chryste him selfe teacheth out of Esai the Prophet ca. 61 at Nazareth as appeareth in Luke 4. And Paul confirmeth the same 2. Cor. 5. Wherefore that which the aduersaries obiect saying that the priest knoweth not the state or condition of the sinne excepte the same be opened to him and therfore knoweth not what to forgiue or what to leaue vnforgiuen hathe no maner of ground of truthe Wherfore if the Priest doo remitte or retayne any sinnes it behoueth that those be disclosed and opened to him But the wordes of Chryst touching the remitting or retayning of sinnes appertayneth to the preaching of the Gospell and to excommunication not to the priuate power of the Priest whereof I will speake hereafter Likewise when Chryst biddeth the Leper shewe him selfe to the Prieste he commaundeth him not to confesse him selfe vnto him but that he should offer him selfe to be tryed by the Priest and so offer his sacrifice For the iudging or trying of Leprosie appertained to the priest Leuit. 13. and. 14. But in that they say Leprosie did signifye sinne we answere that touching spiritual things and sinne the Priests and sacrifices were figures of Chryste and therefore are they to bée sente vnto Chryste to whome also that Samari●ane came when he was healed and not to any priest So also we trust that Chryst will delyuer and saue vs if wée beléeue in him and to him we confesse our selues although we come not to the priest The auncient Churches before the birthe of Chryste and a long tyme after his comming were altogither ignorant of the confession and absolution of the Priest and after it began to bée receiued yet was there no commaundement for the same as appeareth De pemtent Distinct. 1. But in the counsell of Lataran vnder Innocentius the third Pope it was commaunded in the yere of our Lorde