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A17152 Christian praiers and holie medtations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Wherevnto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers. Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John. 1578 (1578) STC 4030; ESTC S107021 132,305 444

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astonied and flee from God if wee doubt whether God hath respect to our prayers gronings and teares wee must set before our eyes howe that we are commanded though we be neuer so vnworthie and our sinnes neuer so many and great to pray for reconciliation Gods fauour and forgiuenesse of our sinnes For else whereas God commandeth vs to abstaine from theft murder whoredome c. we may in like sorte excuse our selues and say that we are vnworthy to obey Gods commaundementes Great is our iniquitie and manifest is our contempt and despising of God when we neglect delay to call for his help Such as flee vnto God therfore call vpō him in their necessities obey his will find therein no small consolation knowing that thereby they do vnto him most acceptable seruice for as much as hee pronoūceth y nothing is to him more acceptable thē obedience to his wil cōmandemēt As wee are commanded of God boldly and without all respect of our owne vnworthines to come vnto him as a mercifull father and one that knoweth our necessitie pittieth out miserie so hath he promised verie gratiously to heare vs and graunt our requestes And hereof riseth yet a farre more comfortable and greater consolation wherin consisteth our whole confidence and trust of obteining succour and mercie at Goods hand Wherefore he allureth vs w●●h manie sweete promises to call vpon him Aske saith he and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shall be opened vnto you Ye shall crie vnto me and I vvill heare you ye shall seeke me ye shall finde me Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I vvill deliuer thee The Lord is nigh to all them that call vpon him that call vpon him in trueth he doeth the vvill of them that feare him and he vvill heare their prayers He shall call vppon me and I vvill heare him I vvill be vvith him in his trouble I vvill deliuer him and glorifie him At the voyce of thy crie hee vvill ●rtainelie haue mercie on thee vvhen he heareth thee he vvill ansvvere thee He that is Lorde ouer all is rich and bountifull tovvardes them that call vppon him He vvill fulfill the desire of them that feare him he vvill heare their crie vvill saue them And God to declare his readinesse in hearing of sinners saith Before they crie I vvill ansvvere and vvhiles they are yet thinking vvhat to speake I vvill heare Among many sweete promises of GOD though these might be sufficient to prouoke vs to feruent and heartie prayer yet there be certaine other notable and most comfortable promises which we shoulde specially haue in remembrance as these If ye vvhich are euill can giue good giftes to your children hovv much more shall your heauenly father giue the holy ghost to them that desire him Consider the olde generation ▪ and marke them vvell vvas there euer any confounded that put his truste in the Lord or vvho hath continued in his feare and vvas forsaken or vvhom did he euer dispise that called vpon him And of all other that is the most notable which by the Prophet Ioel is added immediatly after the prophesie of that horrible destruction that was at hande saying vvhosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lorde shal be saued HERE let vs consider the order of the promises which perteine either outwardly to the bodie or inwardlie to the soul. Which part the soule I meane because it is much more precious then the other we must first craue such thinges as properly belong to the saluation thereof But first of all confessing our sinnes vnto God with most humble and penitent heartes let vs set before vs the promises of remission of the same For this sentence is true God heareth no sinners that is such as delight and continue in sin Wherfore in all our prayers yea when we be about to aske any other thinges whatsoeuer they be let vs firste thinke of the remission of sinnes hauing alway in our sight some comfortable promises thereof as this If vve confesse and acknovvledge our sinnes he is faithfull and righteous to forgiue our offences and to cleanse vs from all iniquitie And herevnto let vs craue the light of the holy ghost to kindle confirme in vs the true knowledge of god Let vs pray for the continuance of Gods holie worde and Gospell amongest vs for the enlarging of his kingdome and the aduauncing of his glorie Let vs begge the gift of faith repentance feare patience prayer hope loue ioye peace of conscience with such other fruites of the spirite and for euerlasting life And here also we must remember that we doe not onely call our selues continually to account for our newe sinnes crauing at Gods hand mercie and forgiuenes of the same but also for those sinnes which might seeme to haue beene long ago forgotten as Dauid hauing confessed an heinous offence by that occasion returneth euen to his mothers wombe wherein he had gathered the infection heaping together the sins of his whole life Euen so in an other place when hee asketh an other thing he saith Remember not he sinnes of my youth remember mee according to thy mercie for thy goodnesse sake O Lord. Againe looke vpon mine affliction and trauell and forgiue all my sinnes When wee haue thus prayed for thinges pertaining to the soule and to the kingdome of God wee must pray also for corporall benefits as well common as priuate as peace tranquilitie of those countries which giue harborough to the true professours of the gospel godly congregations being in this life as Daniel in the midds of the lions Pray for the peace of Ierusalem saith Dauid Also for defence from misery deliuerance from trouble for happie successe in the workes of our vocation for health liuing protection of life goods name c. And although the Lord knoweth before we aske what we haue need of is ready to giue liberally yea and doth giue often times vndesired and furthermore hath promised that seeking first the kingdome of God the righteousnes thereof all other things should be giuen vs yet he commaundeth vs to aske corporall benefits that for three causes FIRST that wee should know that he is the authour and giuer thereof and therefore should not onely be thankefull for the same but also stirred up thereby to seeke loue and worship him SECONDLY that we should be well persuaded of his good prouidence towardes vs when wee vnderstand that he doth not onely promise that he will neuer faile vs but also hath his hand alwaies stretched out to helpe them that cal vpon him THIRDLY that our faith of reconciliatiō forgiuenes of sinnes should bee exercised through the asking of those corporal things And herein we must specially aboue all things seeke the glory of God therefore we must pray for these corporall thinges in such sort that we
is merry let him sing that is let him praise God. Moreouer the benefites and blessings of God are large and plentifull towards vs which way so euer we turne vs that we can neuer want matter and occasion of prayse and thankesgiuing And seeing wee ought to acknowledge God to be the authour and giuer of all good thinges ▪ we should alway receiue the same at his hand with thankesgiuing ▪ for to that end God continually bestoweth his good blessings and benefites vpon vs that we should continually shewe foorth his prayse and be thankfull vnto him for the same and so we render v●●o him his due honour And S. Paul when he saith that they are sanctified by the worde and prayer signifieth that to vs they are not holy and cleane without the word and prayer and therefore Dauid saith when he had felt the liberalitie of the Lorde that there was put into his mouth a newe song ▪ that is a newe occasion of prayse and thankesgiuing Wherby he signifieth that it is a wicked silence if we passe ouer any of Gods benefites without praise ▪ seing that as of●ē as he doth good vnto vs so often he giueth vs occasion to speake good of h●m We shoulde therefore continually that is as much as is possible at all times in all places and in all thinges as occasions are continually offered vnto vs lift vp our prayer vnto God in crauing helpe at his hand and confessing his praise whereby we may both obteine of him all good thing● also praise magnifie his name for all How this perseuerance in prayer is required of vs Christ himselfe teacheth vs by the parable of the three loaues and of the widowe and wicked Iudge wherebie wee are taught to continue in prayer with all earnestnesse and feruent supplication and neuer to faint or giue ouer vntill we be assured in our spirit that our prayer is heard The prayer of the humble saith the sonne of Sirach goeth through the cloudes it ceaseth not vntill it come neere and it vvill not departe vntill the most high God haue respect therevnto Beholde saith Dauid as the eyes of the seruants looke vnto the hande of their maisters and as the eyes of a maiden vnto the hande of her mistresse so our eyes vvaite vppon the Lord our God vntill he haue mercie vppon vs. And thus must we not cease to doe vntill we may boldly say also with Dauid The Lord hath hearde the vo●ce of my vveeping the Lorde hath hearde my humble petition the Lord hath receiued my prayer Nowe concerning the forme and manner of praying leaste wee shoulde followe our owne fantasie being of our selues so blinde that we knowe not how to pray or what is meete and expedient for vs the Lord himselfe hath sufficiently instructed vs Who as he hath taught vs throughout the whole scripture how and for what thinges wee ought to pray so hath hee set foorth one manner of prayer in the which hee hath briefly comprehended all such thinges as wee ought yea or in any wise may aske of god Wherein hee hath expressed what is due pleasing and acceptable to him what is necessarie for vs and what hee will graunt so that there is nothing herein omitted that might be thought vppon to the prayse and glory of GOD or come into the minde of man for his profit and commoditie And this is that prayer that our Lorde Iesus Christ taught his Disciples when they asked of him how they should pray Whosoeuer therefore shal aske any thing that is not contained in this prayer they presume to adde some thing of their owne to the wisedome of God they are not obedient to his will and they pray without faith hauing no worde of God to warrante them and therefore they shall obtaine nothing This praier saith Tertullian is the doctrine of the wisedome of God wherein hee hath taught whatsoeuer hee willed willed whatsoeuer was needefull Albeit we are not so bound to this forme of prayer that we should not vse any other kinde of words then the Lorde himselfe herein hath vsed For there are elsewhere set forth in the scriptures many prayers farre differing from this in wordes and yet written by the same spirite and verie profitable to be vsed of vs And many prayers also are continually vttered of the faythfull by the same spirite which varie from the same in wordes But this is required of vs that none should looke for seeke or aske any other thing at all then that which is brieflie comprehended in this praye● and which though it differ in wordes yet differeth not in sense and substance like as it is certaine that all the prayers which are founde in the scriptures and which do continually proceede frō the harts of the faithfull are referred by the direction of Gods spirite vnto this prayer howsoeuer they differ in the varietie of words Many good and godly men euen in our dayes well exercised in prayer haue left vnto vs most worthie examples and testimonies hereof furnished with ample and large matter to forme holy and true prayer and full of power to inflame the hearte to a feruent inuocation of Gods holy name whereof we haue giuen here some taste vnto the godly and especially to the simple not yet well exercised ¶ Reade them meditate and pray and ye shall finde comfort in your soules A Meditation concerning Prayer THE MINDE OF man hath so large roomthe to receiue good thinges that nothing in deed can fully fill it but only God whome then the minde fully possesseth when it fully knoweth him fully loueth him and in all thinges is framed after his will. They therefore deare Lorde God that are thy children and haue tasted somewhat of thy goodnesse doe perpetually sigh that is doe pray vntill they come thereto and in that they loue thee also aboue all thinges it wonderfully woundeth them that other men doe not so that is loue thee and seeke for thee with them Whereof it commeth to passe that they are inflamed with continuall prayers and desires that thy kingdome might come euery where and thy goodnesse might be both knowen and in life expressed of euery man. And bicause there are innumerable many things which as well in them selues as in others be against thy glorie they are kindled with continuall prayer and desire sighing vnspeakably in thy sight for the increase of thy spirit And sometimes when they see thy glorie more put backe then it was wont to be either in them selues or in any other then are they much more disquieted and vexed But bicause they knowe that thou doest rule all thinges after thy good will and that none other can helpe them in their need they oftentimes do goe aside all businesse laide apart and giue them selues to godly cogitations talke with thee complayning to thee as to their father of those thinges that grieue them begging thereto and that most earnestly thy helpe not onely for them selues but
Iuda thou cōquerour of hel and death euer liuing and immortall thou art nowe risen from death for vs thou art now ascended to thy father and our father and sittest at his right hand in glorie suffer vs to come neare vnto thee that wee may kisse thee yea Lorde thou louer of our soules come thou rather vnto vs and kisse vs with the kisse of thy mouth that we may bee glad and reioyce in thee drawe vs that we may runne after the sauour of thy sweete oyntmentes that wee may beholde thee in righteousnesse and when thy glorie shall appeare we may be satisfied for in thy presence there is fulnesse of ioy and in thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore A prayer for true repentance MOst gratious God mercifull Father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ because I haue sinned don wickedly and through thy goodnesse haue receiued a desire of repentaunce wherevnto this thy long suffering doth drawe my harde hart I beseech thee for thy great mercies sake in Christ to worke the same repentance in me and by thy spirite power and grace so to humble mortifie and feare my conscience for my sinnes to saluation that in thy good time thou maist comfort and quicken me again through Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued sonne So be it I. B. A prayer for the strength and increase of faith O Merciful God and deare father of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ in whome as thou art well pleased so hast thou commanded vs to heare him for as much as he often biddeth vs to aske of thee and also promiseth that thou wilt heare vs and grant vs that which in his name we shal aske of thee loe gratious father we are bold to begge of thy mercie through thy sonne Iesus Christ one sparkle of true faith and certaine persuasion of thy goodnesse and loue towards vs in Christ where through I being assured of the pardon of all my sinnes by the mercies of Christe thy sonne may bee thankefull to thee loue thee serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of my life I. B. A prayer for the true sense and feeling of Gods ●auour and mercie in Christe OH Lord God and deare Father what shall I say that feele all things to be in maner with me as in the wicked Blind is my mind crooked is my will and peruerse concupiscence is in mee as a spring or stinking puddle O howe faint is faith in me How little is my loue to thee or to thy people How great is selfe loue Howe harde is my heart ▪ By the reason whereof I am moued to doubt of thy goodnes towardes me whether thou art my mercifull father and whether I be thy childe or no. In deede worthily might I doubt if that the hauing of these were the cause not the fruite rather of thy children The cause why thou art my father is thy mercie goodnes grace truth in Christe Iesus which can not but remain for euer In respect whereof thou hast borne me this goodwill to bring me into thy Church by baptisme and to accept me into the number of thy children that I might be holie faithfull obedient and innocent and to call me diuerse times by the ministerie of thy worde into thy kingdome besides thy innumerable other benefites alwayes hitherto powred vppon me All which thou hast done of this thy good will which thou of thine owne mercie barest to mee in Christ and for Christe before the worlde was made The which thing as thou requirest straitly that I should beleeue without doubting so wouldest thou that in all my needes I should come vnto thee as vnto a Father and make my mone without mistrust of beeing heard in thy good time as most shall make to my comfort Loe therefore to thee deere Father I come through thy sonne our Lord mediator and aduocate Iesus Christ who sitteth on thy right hand making intercession for me and pray thee of thy great goodnes and mercie in Christ to bee mercifull vnto me that I may feele in deede thy sweete mercie as thy childe The time Oh deare Father I appoint not but I pray thee that I may with hope still expect and looke for thy helpe I hope that as thou for a little while hast left mee so thou wilt come and visite me and that in thy great mercie whereof I haue need by reason of my great miserie Thou art wont for a little season in thine anger to hide thy face from them whome thou louest but surely O Redeemer in eternal mercies thou wilt shew thy cōpassions For when thou leauest vs O Lord thou doest not leaue vs verie long neyther doest thou leaue vs to our owne losse but to our iucre and aduauntage euen that thy holie spirite with bigger portion of thy power and vertue may lighten and cheare vs that the want of feeling of our sorrowe may be recompenced plentifully with the liuely sense of hauing thee to our eternall ioy and therefore thou swarest that in thine euerlasting mercie thou wilt haue compassion on vs Of which thing to the end we might be most assured thine oth is to bee marked for thou saiest As I haue sworne that I will neuer bring any more the waters to drown the world So haue I sworn that I wil neuer more be angry with thee nor reprooue thee The mountaines shal remoue and the hilles shal fall downe but my louing kindenesse shall not moue and the bonde of my peace shall not faile thee Thus saist thou the Lord our mercifull redeemer Deare father therefore I praye thee remember euen for thine owne truth and mercie sake this promise and euerlasting couenant which in thy good time I pray thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to be the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent that I may loue thee with all my heart for euer that I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may be holie in thy sight through Christ that I may alwayes not only striue against sinne but also ouercome the same daily more and more as thy children doe aboue all thinges desiring the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will here on earth as it is in heauen c. through Iesus Christ our redeemer mediatour and aduocate Amen I. B. A prayer against our spirituall enemies the diuel the worlde and the flesh O Lord God the diuell goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may deuour the flesh lusteth against the spirite the world persuadeth vnto vanities that we may forget thee our Lord God so for euer be damned Thus are we miserably on euery side beset and besieged of cruell vnrestfull enemies and like at euery moment to perish if we be not defended with thy godly power against their tyrannie We therefore poore and wretched sinners despairing of our owne strength which in deede is none most hartily
shed on the crosse for my sake Now most merciful Sauiour let all these thinges profite me that thou freely hast done for me which hast giuen thy selfe also for mee Let thy blood cleanse and wash away the spottes and fowlenesse of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hide and couer my vnrighteousnes Let the merites of thy passion and bloudsheding be the satisfaction for my sinnes Giue me Lord thy grace that the faith of my saluation in thy bloude wauer not in mee but maie euer bee firme and constant that the hope of thy mercy and life euerlasting neuer decay in me that loue waxe not colde in me finally that the weakenesse of my fleshe be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me mercifull Sauiour that when death hath shut vp the eyes of my bodie yet the eyes of my soule may still beholde and looke vppon thee and when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue yet my heart may crie and say Lord into thy handes I commend my soule Lord Iesu receiue my spirite A prayer for a woman with childe THou art wonderfull O Lord in al thy workes and what so euer thy good pleasure is that doest thou easily bring to passe neither is there any thing vnpossible with thee that thou wilt haue done And albeit this thy almightie power sheweth it selfe aboundantly in al thy works yet in conceiuing forming and bringing foorth of man it shineth most euidently At the beginning O Father when thou madest man and woman thou commandedst them to increase multiplie and replenish the earth If through the subtill inticementes of Sathan they had not transgressed thy commaundement by eating the forbidden fruite the woman whome thou hast appoynted to be the instrument and vessell to conceiue nourish and bring foorth man through thy wonderful workmanship had without any labour paine or trauel brought foorth her frutie But that which thy goodnes made easie sin and disobedience hath made harde painefull daungerous and without thy speciall helpe and succour impossible to bee brought to passe so that nowe all women bring foorth their childrē in great sorowes paines and troubles Notwithstanding that which through their owne imperfection and feeblenes they are not able of thēselues to passe thou through thine vnspeakable power makest easie in them and bringest vnto a ioyfull end We therefore being fully persuaded of thy fauour and goodnesse of thy present helpe and of thy sweete comforte in all miseries and necessities knowing also by the testimonies of thy holy word how great and intollerable the paines of women are that trauell of childe if through thy tender mercie they bee not mitigated and eased most humbly pray thee for Iesus Christes sake thy son our Lorde to helpe and assist this thy seruaunt nowe in trauell and labour that by thy almightie power shee may safely bringe foorth that which by thy goodnes she hath conceiued and that thy louing kindnes may make that easie and tollerable vnto her which sinne hath made hard and painefull Ease O Lord the paines which thou most righteously hast put vpon her and all women for the sinne and disobedience of our graundmother Eue in whom al we haue sinned Be present with her in her trouble accordinge to thy mercifull promise Giue her strength and make perfect that which thou hast so gratiously begun Let thy power be shewed no lesse in the safe bringing foorth then in the wonderfull forming and fashioning of that she beareth Make her a glad and a ioyfull mother that she through thy goodnesse being safely deliuered and restored to health againe may liue and praise thy blessed name for euer A psalme to be saide in the time of any common plague sicknes or other crosse and visitation of God. O Come let vs humble our selues and fall downe before the Lorde with reuerence and feare For he is the Lord our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his handes Come therefore let vs turne againe vnto our Lorde for he hath smiten vs and he shall heale vs. Let vs repent and turne from our wickednesse and our sinnes shal be forgiuen vs. Let vs turne and the Lorde will turne from his heauie wrath and will pardon vs and we shall not perish For we acknowledg our faultes and our sinnes are euer before vs. We haue sore prouoked thine anger O Lord thy wrath is waxed hote and thy heauie displeasure is sore kindled against vs. Thou hast in thine indignatiom striken vs with greeuous sickenesse and by and by we haue fallen as leaues beaten downe with a vehement winde In deede we acknowledge that our punishmentes are lesse then our deseruinges but yet of thy mercie Lorde correct vs to amendment and plague vs not to our destruction For thy hand is not shortned that thou canst not helpe neither is thy goodnesse abated that thou wilt not heare Thou hast promised O Lord that afore we crie thou wilt heare vs whilest we yet speake thou wilte haue mercie vpon vs. For none that trust in thee shall be confounded neither any that call vpon thee shal be despised For thou art the onely Lord who woundest and doest heale againe who killest reuiuest bringest euen to hell and bringest backe againe Our father 's hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou diddest deliuer them They called vppon thee and were helped they put their trust in thee and were not confounded O Lorde rebuke vs not in thine indignation neither chasten vs in thy heauie displeasure O remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but according to thy mercy thinke thou vpon vs O Lord for thy goodnes Haue mercie vpon vs O Lord for we are weake O Lord heale vs for our bones are vexed And nowe in the vexation of our spirits and the anguish of our soules we remember thee and we crie vnto thee heare Lord and haue mercie For thine owne sake and for thy holy names sake incline thine eare and heare O mercifull Lord. For we doe not powre out our prayers before thee trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy great and manyfold mercies Wash vs throughly from our wickednes and cleanse vs from our sins Turne thy face from our sins and put out all our misdeedes Make vs cleane heartes O God and renne a right spirite within vs. Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull vnto our sinnes for thy names sake So we that be thy people sheepe of thy pasture shall giue thee thanks for euer and will alwaies be shewing foorth thy praise from generation to generation Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. A psalme of thankesgiuing for deliuerance from the plague or any other kind of sicknes trouble or affliction LOrd thou art become gratious to thy lande thou hast turned away the afflictions of thy
of c. O God the holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the sonne haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the holy Ghost c. O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie three persons and one God haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O holy blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neither take thou vengeance of our sinnes spare vs good Lord spare thy people whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloode and be not angrie with vs for euer Spare vs good Lord. From all euil and mischeefe from sinne from the craftes and assaultes of the Diuel● from thy wrath and from euerlasting damnation Good Lord deliuer vs. From blindenesse of heart from pride vaine glorie hypocrisie from enuie hatred and malice and all vncharitablenes Good Lord deliuer vs. From all fornication and al other deadly sin and from al the deceits of the world the flesh and the Diuel Good Lord deliuer vs. From lightning and tempest from plague pestilence famine frō battel and murther and from souden death Good Lord deliuer vs. From all sedition and priuie conspiracie from all false doctrine and heresie from hardnes of hart contēpt of thy word cōmaundement Good Lord deliuer vs. By the mysterie of thy holy incarnation by thy holy natiuitie and circumcision by thy baptisme fasting and temptation Good Lord deliuer vs. By thine agonie and bloody sweat by thy crosse and passion ▪ by thy glorious resurrection and ascension and by the comming of the holy ghost Good Lord deliuer vs. In all time of of our tribulation in all time of our welth in the houre of death and in the day of iudgement Good Lord deliuer vs. We sinners do beseech thee to heare vs O Lorde God and that it may please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy Church vniuersally in the right way We besech thee to hear vs good Lord. That it may please thee to keepe strengthen in the true worshipping of thee in righteousnes and holynes of life thy seruant Elizabeth our most gratious queene and gouernour We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please the to rule her heart in thy faith feare and loue and that she may euermore haue affiance in thee and euer seeke thy honour and glorie We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to be her defender and keeper giuing her the victorie ouer all her enimies We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops Pastours and ministers of the Church with true knowledg and vnderstanding of thy word and that both by their preaching and liuing they may set it forth and shew it accordingly We beseech thee to heare c. That it may please thee to indue the Lordes of the counsel and all the nobilitie with grace wisedome and vnderstanding We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to blesse and keepe the Magistrates giuing them grace to execute iustice and to mainteine trueth We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to blesse and keepe all thy people We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue to all nations vnitie peace and concord Wee beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue vs an heart to loue and dread thee and diligently to liue after thy cōmaundementes We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue all thy people increase of grace to heare meekely thy worde and to receiue it with pure affection to bring foorth the fruites of the spirite We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to bring into the way of trueth all such as haue erred and are deceiued We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand and to comfort and helpe the weake harted and to raise them vp that fall and finally to beate downe sathan vnder our feete We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to succour helpe and comfort all that be in danger necessitie and tribulation We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to preserue all that trauell by lande or by water all women labouring of child all sicke persons and young children and to shewe thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to defend and prouide for the fatherlesse children and widowes and all that be desolate and oppressed We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to haue mercie vpon all men We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to forgiue our enimies persecuters and slanderers and to turne their heartes We beseech thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to giue and preserue to our vse the kindely fruites of the earth so as in due time we may inioy them Wee beseech thee to heare vs c ▪ That it may please thee to giue vs true repentan●e to forgiue vs all our sinnes negligences and ignorances and to indue vs with thy holy spirit to amend our liues according to thy holy worde We beseech thee to heare vs c. Sonne of God we beseech thee to heare vs. Sonne of God wee beseech thee c. O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Graunt vs thy peace O Lamb of God that takest away the sinnes of the world Haue mercie vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Our father which art in heauen c. And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Amen The versicle O Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes The answere Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father that despisest not the sighing of a contrite hart nor the desires of such as be sorrowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles aduersities when soeuer they oppresse vs and gratiously heare vs that those euils which the craft and subtiltie of the diuell or man worketh againste vs bee brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy 〈◊〉 being hurt by no persecution 〈◊〉 euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holie Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. O Lord arise helpe vs ▪ and deliuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou didest in their dayes and in the olde time before them O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thine honour Glorie be to the
father and to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shal be world without ende Amen From our enimies defende vs O Christ. Gratiously looke vpon our afflictions Pitifully behold the sorrows of our heartes Mercifully forgiue the sinnes of thy people Fauorably with mercie heare our prayers O Sonne of Dauid ▪ haue mercie vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ. Gratiously heare vs O Christ gratiously heare vs O Lord Christ. O Lord let thy mercie be shewed vpon vs As we doe put our trust in thee ▪ Let vs pray WE humbly beseech thee O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glorie of thy names sake turne from vs all those euils that we most righteously haue deserued graunt that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercie and euermore serue thee in holines and purenes of liuing to thy honour and glorie through our onely Mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our lord Amen A prayer for the Queenes Maiestie O Lord our heauenly father high and mightie King of Kinges Lord of Lords the onely ruler of princes which doest frō thy throne beholde all the dwellers vppon the earth moste hartily we beseech thee with thy fauour to behold our most gratious soueraigne Ladie Que●ne Elizabeth and so replenish her with the grace of thy spirite that shee may alwayes incline to thy will and walke in thy feare indue her plentifully with heauenly gi●es graunt her in health and welth long to liue ●●rength● her that she may vanquish and ouercome all her enimies and finally after this life she may atteine euerlasting ioy and felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lord ▪ Amen A prayer for Bishops and Ministers of the Church ALmightie and euerliuing God which onely workest great maruels send downe vpon our Bishops Curates al congregations commited to their charge the healthfull spirite of thy grace and that they may truly please thee powre vpon them the continual dewe of thy blessing Graunt this O Lord for the honour of our aduocate and mediatour Iesus Christ. For rayne O God heauenly father which by thy sonne Iesus Christ hast promised to all them that seeke thy kingdome and the righteousnes thereof all things necessarie to their bodilie sustenance sende vs we beseech thee in this our necessitie such moderate raine and showers that we may receiue the fruites of the earth to our comforte and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our lord Amen For faire weather O Lord God which for the sinne of man diddest once drowne all the world except eight persons and afterwarde of thy greate mercie diddest promise neuer to destroy it so againe we humbly beseech thee that although we for our iniquities haue worthily deserued this plague of raine and waters yet thou wilte sende vs such weather whereby we may receiue the fruites of the earth in due season and learne both by thy punishment to amend our liues and for thy clemencie to giue thee prayse and glorie through Iesus Christ our lord Amen In the time of dearth and famine O Merciful God and heauenly father whose gift it is that the raine doth fall the earth is fruitfull man and beastes increase fishes do multiplie beholde wee beseech thee the afflictions of thy people graunt that the scarcitie and dearth which we do now most iustly suffer for our iniquitie may through thy goodnes be mercifullie turned into cheapnes and plentie for the loue of Iesus Christ our Lorde to whome with thee and the holy Ghost be prayse for euer Amen In the time of Warre ALmightie God king of al kings and gouernour of all thinges ▪ whose power no creature is able to resist to whome it belongeth iustly to punishe sinners and to be mercifull to them that truly repent saue and deliuer vs we humby beseech thee from the handes of our enimies abate their pride asswage their malice and confounde their deuises that wee being armed with thy defence may be preserued from all perils to glorifie thee which art the onely giuer of all victorie through the merites of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our lord So be it In the time of any common plague or sickenesse O Almightie God which in thy wrath in the time of king Dauid didst slay with the plague of pestilence threescore and ten thowsand and yet remembring thy mercie didest saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that nowe are visited with great sicknesse and mortalitie that like as thou didest then commaunde thin● Angell to cease from punishing so it may now please thee to withdraw from vs this plague greeuous sicknes through Iesus Christ our Lord. A prayer for the strength and comfort of the holy ghost ALmightie and moste mercifull God which giueth to thine elect people thy holy spirit as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kingdome we most humblie beseech thee so to replenish our heartes with the grace of thy holy spirit that he may beare witnesse to our spirites that wee be thy children and heires of thy kingdome and that by the gratious working of this thy good spirit we may kill all ●a●nall-lustes vnlaw●full pleasurs concupiscences and euil affections contrarie to thy most blessed wil through our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. So be it For sure hope and true taste of euerlasting life O Almighty God which hast prepared euerlasting life for al those that be thy faithfull seruauntes graunt vnto vs sure hope of this life euerlasting that whiles we be here in this miserable world we may haue some taste feeling of it in our harts through the merites of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. So be it For the true knowledge of God and his worde and a life agreeable to the same GRaunt vnto vs O mercifull God wee most heartely beseech thee knowledge and true vnderstanding of thy blessed will and worde that all ignorance beeing expelled we may know what thy will and pleasure is in all thinges and how to doe our dutie and trulie to walke in our vocation and that also we may expresse in our liuing those things that we do know that we be not onely knowers of thy will and worde good Lorde but also may be hartie and faithfull workers of the same through our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ. So be it A prayer for the strength and increase of faith O Almightie euerlasting God which not onely giuest euerie good and perfect gift but also increasest those giftes that thou hast giuen we most humbly bes●ech th●e to increase in vs the gift of faith that we may t●●●ly beleeue in thee and in thy promises made vnto vs in Christ Iesu our Lord and that neither by our negligence nor infirmitie of the fleshe nor by greeuousnes of tentations neither by the subtile crafts and assaultes of the diuel we be driuen from this faith in the bloude of our Lord Sauiour Iesus
God rule in your heartes VVhen ye shall stande and pray saith S. Marke forgiue if ye haue any thing against any mā that your father also vvhich is in heauen may forgiue you your trespasses for if ye vvill not forgiue your father vvhich is heauen vvill not pardon you your trespasses Moreouer we must haue such a fe●ling of our owne miserie and wretchednesse as may worke in vs an earnest sorrowe and vexation of mind for the same Example whereof we may see in the deare seruauntes of God when they say that out of the deepe deepenesse and out of the middes of the iawes of death they vtter vnto the Lorde a sorrowfull voyce He that desireth mercie must haue a feeling of his owne miserie And therefore saith Dauid Heale my soule O lord for I haue sinned against thee There is no health in my flesh saith he because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sinne Thi● anguish and sorrowe stirreth vp in Gods children a feruent desire to obtaine comfort helpe and succour at Gods hand and therefore such as feele themselues oppressed with great calamities hauing by the helpe of man no hope of deliueraunce doe crye vnto God with afflicted heartes as Dauid did in his distresse ▪ My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God. And as the Hart being vvounded brayeth for the riuers of vvater so panteth m● soule after thee O God. This is that godly sorrowe which S. Paul saith worketh in Gods children repentance to saluation The Lord is nigh to them saith Dauid that are of a con●rue heart vvill saue all such as are afflicted in spirite To him vvill I looke euen vnto him saith the Lord that is afflicted and broken hearted and trembleth at my vvordes Therefore Dauid calleth the time of trouble the fit and conuenient time for the faithfull to fly vnto God by prayer And albeit they bee not at all times in like distresse or continually groaning vnder the burdē of present euils yet must thei needs be euer in dread of new daungers and carefully afraide of further troubles to followe As trouble and feare therefore are the verie spurs to stir them vp to heartie and feruent prayer so by occasion thereof they haue more free accesse vnto God as though he did thereby call them vnto him This godly sorrowe for sinne and feruent desire and longing for Gods louing mercie and fauour commeth not of our selues ▪ but of the speciall goodnesse of God for we are of our selues dull without all lust to pray yea so great is our imperfection that wee know not how to pray as we ought and therefore the spirite helpeth our infirmitie instructeth vs what is right and guideth our affections He maketh intercession for the Saints saith S. Paul according to the vvill of God and that vvith sighes and groninges vvhich cannot be expressed that is he stir●eth vp our heartes giueth vs a desire and bouldnesse to pray and causeth vs to mourne when wee are by any meanes hindered from it and feele not our selues moued therevnto with such feruent zeale affection as we shoulde be Now although we knowe that it is the onely worke of the holy Ghost thus to moue and incline our hearts to prayer notwithstanding we may not be negligent slothfull to dispose and stirre vp our selues therevnto but rather contrariewise so often as we feele our selues colde and not disposed to prayer as we ought to be we must make our supplication vnto the Lorde that it woulde please him to inflame vs with his holy spirit whereby wee maye be framed to pray with such feruencie of minde as we ought to doe When we are cast downe by the sense and feeling of our owne infirmitie sinne and miserie Yet must we pray notwithstanding in sure and stedfast hope to obteine our requestes ▪ These be thinges indeed contrarie in shew to ioyne with the feeling of the iuste vengeance of God sure affiance of fauour which things do yet very well agree in that it is the goodnesse of God onely that raiseth vs vp being oppressed with our owne euils from the which of our selues wee cannot rise For as repentance and faith are knit as cōpanion● together albeit the one driueth vs downe with feare and the other lifteth vs vp againe with comforte so in praying they must needes goe together And this agreement Dauid expresseth in few wordes I vvill saith he in the multitude of thy mercies enter into thy house and in the temple of thy holi●es I vvill vvor●hippe thee vvith feare Therefore when we are once touched with true repentance and feeling of our own miserie wee must withall haue such a persuasion of Gods fauour and mercie towardes vs in all our prayers that they shall be accepted of God so farre foorth as it shall be necessarie for vs This is the assurance saith S. Iohn that vve haue in God that if vve aske any thing according to his vvill hee heareth vs. Jf we haue not a sure trust and confidence in the mercie and promises of God it is vnpossible to make our prayer to him aright and whosoeuer doubteth whether God heareth his prayer that man obteineth nothing for to such prayers God hath made no promise But contrariewise he saith VVhat s●eye shall aske in prayeer if ye beleeue ye shall receiue it And againe vvhatsoeuer ye desire beleeue that ye shall obteine it and it shall be done vnto you Aske saith Saint Iames in faith and vvauer not for hee that vvauereth is like to the vvaues of the sea vvhich are tossed of the vvinde and caried avvay And why shoulde wee wauer or doubt seeing the holy scriptures testifie of God that hee is faithfull iust and true in all his wordes and promises saying The Lord is faithfull in all his vvords he vvill euer be mindefull of his couenaunt the tr●the of the Lorde indureth for euer And although our faith be not so strong and therefore our prayer so hearty and zelous as it ought to be yea though our faith be faint and colde yet let vs hold fast this principle that our prayers are not frustrate or in vaine For our comfort herein we haue an example in the father which brought his son first to the Apostles afterwarde to Christ and saide If thou canst Lorde helpe and yet afterwardes he acknowledged the weakenes of his faith ▪ desired to be made strong I beleeue Lorde saith he helpe mine vnbeleefe Howe often doe the children of God complaine of this imperfection and imbecillitie of faith Such as are exercised in true prayer doe feele that in crauing of God the forgiuenesse of their sinnes they bring scarcely the tenth part of that sacrifice which Dauid speaketh of where he saith An acceptable sacrifice to God is a troubled spirite a broken and an humble heart O God thou vvilt not despise Many times they are driuen to wrastle with their
spared my sinnes but hast punished mee with scourges of loue and hast sent afflictions and anguish within and without Of grace fauour it is O Lord that thou sufferest thy seruants to be troubled and afflicted in this world because they should not be condemned with the world Thou wouldest that they shoulde here be broken with affliction that they may after rise in a newe light be clarified and made glorious in thy kingdome Oh holy father thou hast ordeyned it so to be and it is done as thou hast appoynted Wherefore O Lord giue mee the grace to rest in thee aboue all thinges and to quiet my heart in thee aboue all creatures aboue all glorie and honour aboue all dignitie and power aboue all health and beutie aboue all riches and treasure aboue all ioy and pleasure aboue all fame and praise aboue all mirth and consolatiō that mans heart may take or feele besides thee For thou Lord art most good most wise most righteous most holy most iust most blessed most high most mightie most comfortable most beautifull most louing most glorious in whom all treasures of goodnesse most perfectly rest And therefore whatsoeuer I haue besides thee it is nothing vnto mee for my heart may not rest nor fullie be pacified but onely in theee Oh Lord Iesu ▪ who shal giue me winges of pefecte loue that I may flee vp from these worldly miseries and rest with thee Oh Christ the king of euerlasting glorie my soul crieth vnto thee with continual gronings saith how long ●arieth my Lord God to come to me Oh when shall the end come of all these miseries When shall I cleane be deliuered from the bondage of sinne When shal I Lord haue my mind onely fixed on thee and be merie in thee with perfect ioye and gladnesse When shal that blessed houre come that thou shalt visite me and make me glad with thy blessed presence when thou shalt be to me all in all When shall I come vnto thee and feele and enioy those sweete consolations which with thy blessed saintes are alwayes present When shall I haue peace without trouble peace without peace within on euery side stedfast and sure O Lord Iesu when shall I stand and beholde thee and haue full sight and contemplation of thy glorye When shall I be with thee in thy kingdome that thou hast ordeined for thine elect before the beginning Oh blessed mansion of that heauenly cittie Oh most cleare day of eternitie whome the night may neuer darken This is the day always cleere and merie alwaies sure and neuer changing This day shineth cleerely to thy saints in heauē Oh gratious God with euerlasting brightnesse but to vs here on earth so great is the darknes of sin in vs it shineth obscurely and as it were a farre off we see but a glimmering thereof Woulde to God this day might shortly appeare and shine vnto vs and that these worldly vanities were at an end Thy heauenly Citizens know and feele how ioyfull this day is but we the Children of Eue strangers and exiles here on earth doe lament and bewaile the bitter tediousnes of this present life short and euil full of sorrowe and anguish Where man is oftentimes defiled with sinne disquieted with troubles oppressed with cares busied with vanities blinded with errors ouercharged with laboures vexed with tentations ouercome with vaine delightes and pleasures of the worlde miserably wrapped in many kindes of calamities Wherefore O Lord arise and help me comfort mine exile assuage my sorrowe destroy the power of mine enemies the kingdome of sinne Sathan the world and my wicked flesh which alway make battell against me and bring these conflicting dayes to an end So shal I sing praises vnto thee O God of my saluation and magnifie thy holy name world with out end Amen A confession of sinnes and a prayer for the remission thereof O Lord God rich in mercie and of great goodnesse who of thy tender loue towardes vs euen when we were thine enimies diddest send into the world thine own deare sonne Iesus Christ to be a slaine sacrifice for our sinnes so that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting haue mercy vpō me according to thy great mercies and according to the multitude of thy compassions put away mine iniquities ▪ For mine iniquities are gone ouer my head and as a weightie burthen they presse me downe Against heauen and against thee haue I sinned O Lord I am not worthy to be called thy childe I am ashamed to lift vp mine eyes vnto thee for my sinnes are ascended vp into thy sight There is nothing sound in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sinne Behold I am sold vnder sin and in my flesh ther dwelleth no good thing For the good which I would doe I doe not but the euill which I would not doe that I doe Wash me therfore O Lord frō mine iniquities clense me from my sin Purifie my heart by the sanctifying of thy holy spirite ▪ and by the sprinckling of the blood of thy deare sonne from the filth of sinne and an euill conscience Make me to heare ioy and gladnes that the bones which thou hast broken may reioyce Create in me a new heart O God and renue a right spirit within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation and stablish me with thy free spirite For thou art good to them that trust in thee and to the soule that seeketh thee Al thy wayes are mercie and truth to them that seeke out thy couenant and thy testimonies The fountaine of thy goodnes is euer full and ouerflowing thy mercy neuer decayeth Thou woundest and healest againe thou killest and reuiuest bringest euen downe to hel and bringest backe againe Thou raisest vp those that are faln thou comfortest the broken harted Thou strengthenest the wearie handes and crooked knees and out of the gulph of hell thou deliuerest the afflicted Out of darknes thou bringest light out of death life and out of damnation thou bringest saluation Heare me therefore O Lord according to thy louing kindnes turne vnto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauell and forgiue all my sinnes Remember not the offences of my youth nor my rebelliōs against thee For if thou Lord shouldest marke our iniquities Lord who should be able to stande in thy sight Seeing thou hast founde iniquitie euen in thine Angels and the heauēs are not cleane in thy sight muche more is man abhominable filthy which drinketh iniquitie like water Notwithstanding thou hast said O Lord that as the righteousnes of the righteous man shall not saue him whensoeuer he offendeth so shal not the wickednesse of the wicked man hurt him whensoeuer
lord Amen A prayer taken out of the second Psalme WE perceiue most mercifull mightie God that not onely Antichrist but also the power and strength of the whole world cōspireth against thee and against thy Christ which thinke the Gospel and ● building vp againe of thy Church to be an intollerable bondage harde yoke Wherefore they labour by all possible meanes to breake a sunder the societies and congregations of the faithfull and cast away all discipline But forasmuch as thou sittest in heauen and 〈◊〉 not ignorant what the diuell or wicked flesh goeth about laugh thou to scorne their ●aine counsels and bring their purposes to nought Let them feele thine anger to bekindled against them and make them astonished at the fiercnes of thine indignatiō so that they may not be able to destroy thy Church ouer whom thou hast apointed Iesus Christ our onely sauiour to be a gouernour that in it he might raigne by his word and spirite with inuincibl● might and power Wherefore grant vnto vs although vnworthie and shrinking children such faith and constancy that we may finde him and also cōfesse him to be our onely king and that we may nothing doubt but that we be his nation people and heritage being most assured of this that he is of such strength and power that with his word more strong then yron he is able to destroy whom he will and breake them in peeces like earthen pots Therefore O God turne the Kings and Princes of the world vnto thee that they may be wise and vnderstand whereby they may vnfaignedly acknowledge imbrace and kisse thy sonne least when his anger shall once be kindled they perishe and be destroyed for euer And when it shall be thy good pleasure make them blessed for euermore which cōmit themselues to thy gouernance and protection by Christ Iesus our Lord ▪ Amen Out of the same Psalme MOste Mightie and mercifull Lord God though the diuell rage the powers of the world daily rise vp and the flesh with al her bondslaues cōspire against the kingdome of thine onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our Lord yet make vs to vnderstand with constant faith to be persuaded that thou deridest contemnest al such whō thou caust in thine anger fierce displeasure when thou wilt sodenly destroy and bring to nought In this faith seeing we are somtimes so weak that being ouercome with sundrie kindes of terrour and dread we are not so obedient to thy cōmaundements as we ought to be ▪ we therefore beseech thee for thy great ▪ goodnes sake to bee mercifull vnto vs and grant that we may constantly beleeue thy son our king and our redeemer to haue the highest power and dominion with thee in all thinges For seeing thou hast begottē him thou hast also deliuered to him all nations to be ruled by his power as his own inheritāce Graunt therfore vnto vs that yet at the length we may be wise vnderstand in such sort as we may serue thee with all due feare and worship that in the last day we be not dashed in peces as earthen vessels with the rodde of thine indignation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A prayer which M. Iohn Bradford said a little before his death in smithfeelde MErciful God father to whom our sauiour Christ approched in his feare and neede by reasō of death and found comfort gratious God and most bounteous Christ on whō Stephen called in his extreme neede and receiued strength most benigne holy spirit which in the midst of all crosses and death didst comfort the Apostle S. Paul with more consolations in Christ then he felt sorrowes and terrors in the world haue mercie vpon me a most miserable vile and wretched sinner which now drawe neere the gates of death deserued both in soule and bodie eternally by reason of my manifolde horrible olde and newe transgressions ▪ which to thine eyes O Lord God are open and knowne Oh be mercifull vnto mee and forgiue mee for the bitter death and bloodsheading of thine onely sonne Iesus Christ. And though thy iustice do require in respect of my sinnes that nowe thou shouldest not heare mee contemning thy dayly callings yet let thy mercie which is aboue al thy works and wherewith the earth is filled let thy mercie I say preuaile towardes me through the merites and meditation of Christ our sauiour for whose sake it pleaseth thee to bring mee foorth nowe as one of his witnesses and a record bearer of thy veritie and trueth taught by him to giue my life therfore Of which dignitie I doe acknowledg deare God that there was neuer any so vnworthie and vnmeete no not the theefe that hanged with him on the crosse I humbly therefore praye thee that thou wouldest accordinglie ayde helpe and assist me with thy strength and heauenly grace that with Christ thy sonne I may finde comfort with Stephen I may see thy presence and gratious power with Paul and al others which for thy names sake haue suffered afflictions and death I may finde so presente with mee thy gratious consolation that I may by my death glorifie thy holye name set foorth and ratifie thy veritie comfort the hearts of the heauie confirme thy Church in thy truth conuert some that are to be conuerted and so depart out of this miserable world where I do nothing but daylie heape sinne vpon sinne and enter into the fruttion of thy blessed mercie whereof nowe giue and increase in me a liuely tast sense and feeling where through the terror of death the tormentes of fire the paines of sinne the dartes of sathan and the dolours of hell may neuer ouercome me but may be driuen away through the working of that most gratious spirit which now plentiously indue withall that through the same spirite I may offer as now I desire am readie to do in Christ and by him my selfe wholy soule and body to be a liuely sacrifice holy and acceptable in thy sight deare father whose I am and always haue beene euen from my mothers wombe yea euen before the worlde was made to whom I commend my selfe faith and name familie friends country and all the whole Church yea euen my verie enimies according to thy good pleasure beseeching thee intirely to giue once more to this Realme of England the blessing of thy word againe with godly peace to the teaching and setting forth of the same Oh deare father now giue me to com vnto thee so purge and purifie me by this fire in Christes death and passion through thy spirite that I may be a burnt offering of sweete smell in thy sight which liuest and reignest with the sonne and the holy Ghost nowe and euermore worlde without end Amen The Letanie O God the father of heauen haue mercie vppon vs miserable sinners O God the father of heauen c. O God the sonne redeemer of the world haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners O God the sonne redeemer
also for others specially for those whome singularly they imbrace in thee and often doe repeate and remember thy gratious benefits both to others and to them selues also wherethrough they are prouoked to render to thee heartie thankes thereby being inflamed as well-assuredly to hope well of thy good will towardes them and patiently to beare al euils as also to studie and labour to mortifie the affections of the flesh and to order all their whole life to the seruice of their brethren and to the setting foorth of thy glorie This they knowe is that prayer which thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lord commanded to be made to thee in the chamber the doore being shut In this kinde of prayer he him selfe did watch often euen all the whole night Herein was Paul frequent as all thy Saints be This kinde of prayer is the true lifting vp of the minde to thee This standeth in the affections of the heart not in words and in the mouth As thy children be endued with thy spirite so frequent they this talke with thee The more thy spirite is in them the more are they in talke with thee Oh giue me plentifully thy spirite which thou hast promised to poure out vpon all flesh that thus I may with thy Saintes talke with thee night and day for thy onely beloued sonnes sake Iesus Christ our lord Amen Moreouer thy Saintes to prouoke them to this kind of prayer do vse first their necessitie which they consider in three sortes inwardly concerning their soules outwardly concerning their bodies and finally concerning their name fame wherto they adde the necessitie of those that be committed to them the necessitie of thy Church and of the Common weale Secondly they vse thy commandements which require them vnder paine of sinne to pray to thee in all their neede Thirdly they vse the consideration of thy goodnesse which art naturally mercifull to young Rauens calling vpon thee much more then to them for whome Rauens and all things else were made for whome thou hast not spared thy deare sonne but giuen him c. Fourthly they vse thy most sweet and free premises made to heare and helpe all them that call vpon thee in Christes name Fiftly they vse examples howe that thou which art the God of all and rich vnto all them that call vpon thee in Christes name hast heard and holpen others calling vpon thee Sixtly they vse the benefits giuen them before they asked thereby not onely prouoking them to aske more but also certifying their faith that if thou wast so good to graunt them many things vnasked nowe thou wilt not denye them any thing they aske to thy glorie and their weale Last of all they vse the reading and waying of Psalmes and other good prayers bicause they knowe that thereby peculiarly besides the other Scriptures there is no small helpe as may appeare by Paule Ephes 5. Col. 3. where he willeth the congregation to vse Psalmes hymnes and spirituall songes but so that in the heart we would sing and say them Not that thy children doe not vse their tongues and wordes in praying to thee for they doe vse their tongues speach and wordes to stirre vp their inward desire and feruencie of the minde ful wel knowing that else it were a plaine mocking of thee to pray with lippes and tongues onely Oh that I might feele nowe thy spirite so to affect me that both with heart and mouth I might heartily and in faith pray vnto thee Now concerning the things that are to be prayed for thy children know that the prayer taught by thy sonne most liuely and plainely doth containe the same and therfore they often vse it first asking of thee their heauenly father through Christ that thy name might euery where be had in holinesse and praise then that thy kingdome by regeneration and the ministerie of the gospel might come so thirdly that willingly perfectly and perpetually they might studie to doe yea doe in deede thy will with thy holie and heauenly Angels and spirits These things they seeke and pray for namely thy kingdome and thy righteousnesse before and worldly benefite After which petitions bicause all things yea euen the benefits of this present life doe come from thee they doe godly desire the same vnder the name of daily breade being instructed of thy wisedome that after spirituall benefites to aske corporall is not vnséemely vnto thy children which know both spiritual and corporall to come from thy mercie In the other petitions they pray for thinges to be taken from them beginning with forgiuenesse of sinnes which were impudently prayed for if that their heartes were not so broken that they could forgiue all things to al men for their part They adde their profession that is charitie whereby they professe that they haue forgiuen all offences done to them Howbeit bicause it is not inough to haue pardon of that which is past except they be preserued from newe offences they pray thee not to leade them into temptation by permitting them to the peruerse suggestions of Sathan but rather to deliuer them from his importunitie and power vnderstanding Sathan the authour of all euill Oh deare God that thou wouldest endue me with thy spirite of grace and prayer with thy children accordingly to make this prayer alwaies when so euer I doe pray As for outward euills so long as they do not as it were inforce thy people to sinne in that christian perfection doth account them amongest thy benefites thy Sonne hath not taught thy Church to pray for the taking away of them in this praier for here he hath contained but those things for the which all Christians generally and particularly may of faith pray at all times It often commeth to passe that exteriour euils bicause they be not euils in deede that is they be not against Gods grace in vs therefore they cannot of faith be prayed for to be taken away for thy children that haue faith doe alwayes preferre thy iudgement before their owne The which iudgement when they know by that which hapneth to them they submit them selues thereto wholy although the spirit make his vnspeakable gronings to helpe their infirmities by prayer not to haue them taken away but that they might haue strength and patience to beare the burden accordingly Which burden if it be too heauie in the better sense and feeling therof they in their praiers doe complaine something rather then pray to haue it taken away as our Sauiour did in the garden when he added to his complaint Not my will but thy will be done So do thy people in al their complaintes adde Not as we will but as thou wilt for they are taught by thy spirite no otherwise to pray for the taking away of corporall euils either from them selues or from others vnlesse they by the same spirite doe certainely see the same to make to thy glorie as did thine Apostles and seruants when absolutely and without condition they did aske health
or miracle for any when they healed or raised the deade by prayer for they knewe nothing can be better then when it is according to thy will. Oh that I might alwaies know thy wil in al things and for euer apply my selfe thereto Hereof it commeth that thy saints and deare children which loue their neighbours as them selues doe yet notwithstanding in their prayers aske vengeance of some as we may reade in the Psalmes of Dauid bicause in praying and talking with thee they see by thy holy spirite for without it is no true prayer sometimes thy iudgements vpon some which they perceiue to sin to death and therefore ought not to be prayed for bicause thy glorie can not be set foorth as it should be without their destruction Thy wil is alwayes best and the thing whereto they frame all their desires Therefore when they perceiue that it is decreed with thee such and such by their destruction to set foorth more mightily thy glorie how should they but desire and pray for the same and write it as Dauid hath done that the godly in reading and waying such prayers might receiue comfort and the vngodly be afraide else when that they perceiue not so manifestly the determined iudgement of God they in their prayers doe most heartily pray for them as Samuel did for Saule Moses for the Israelites and Abraham for the Sodomites Oh good father for thy mercies sake giue me the true loue of mankinde but yet so that I may loue man for thee and in thee and alwayes preferre thy glorie aboue all thinges through Christe our Lorde Nowe though thy children doe knowe that thy will can not but be done and nothing can be done but that thou of thine owne wil hast determined to doe although no man should desire the same yet are they earnest and frequent in prayer first to render obedience to thee which requirest prayer as a spirituall seruice to thee secondly bicause thou hast ordained prayer to be as an instrument and meane by the which thou workest thinges with thee alreadie decreed and determined Thy children do vse prayer to offer thee their seruice if it shall please thee to vse the same and as they doe eate and drinke which is a meane ordained of thee for the conseruation of their life not looking hereby to lengthen their dayes aboue their boundes which alreadie thou hast appointed but as becommeth them to vse thy meanes which thou hast ordained to serue thy prouidence so doe they as men herein not curious to knowe thy prouidence further then thou reuealest it vse prayer as a meane by the which thou art accustomed to worke many of thy childrens desire that according to thy good will thou mayest vse the same They do not thinke a mutabilitie in thee for thou art GOD and art not chaunged with thee there is no variablenesse and therefore they pray not as men which would haue thy determinations and ordinances which are in most wisedome and mercie to be altered but rather that they might submit their willes to thine and make them more able to heare thy will and pleasure They knowe thou hast promised to helpe them calling vpon thee wherefore they dout not but so thou wilt doe and therefore pray accordingly They loue thee hartily and therefore they can not but desire much to talke with thee that is to pray euen as a well manered and louing wife will not take vpon her to aske any thing of her husband at all but that she hopeth he will take in good part doe of his owne freewill although she had spoken nothing thereof When she knoweth what her husbands will is in things she gladly talketh with him thereof and according as she seeth he is disposed to do she will often desire him to do it Euen so thy children I say which hartily loue thee in that they knowe thy wisedome and will is best howe can they but often talke with thee and desire thee to doe that which they know is best which they know also thou wouldest do if none shuld aske or pray for the same Thy children vse prayer as a meane by the which they see plainly thy power thy presence thy prouidence mercie and goodnes towards them in graunting their petitions and by prayer they are confirmed of them all Yea thy children vse prayer to admonish them howe that all things are in thy handes In prayer they are as it were of thee put in minde of those thinges which they haue done against thee their good Lorde By reason whereof repentaunce en●ueth and they conceiue a purpose to liue more purely euer afterwardes and more heartily to applie them selues to al innocencie and goodnesse Who nowe considering so many great commodities to come by reason of prayer would maruell why thy children are much in prayer and in laboring to prouoke others therevnto For as none that is a suter to any other will vse any thing which might offend or hinder his sute so no man that vseth prayer wil flatter him selfe in any thing that should displease thee to whom by prayer he moueth sute whensoeuer he praieth so that nothing is a more prouocation to all kinde of godlinesse then prayer is As concerning outward thinges which thy childrē pray for although they know thy wil and decree is not variable thy purpose must needes come to passe yet do they receiue by their prayer no small commoditie For either they obtaine their requestes or not If they doe obtaine them then proue they by experience that thou doest the will of them that feare thee and so they are more kindled to loue and serue thee And in deed for this purpose thou art wont when thou wilt doe good to any to stirre vp their mindes to desire the same good of thee to the ende that both thou and thy giftes may be so much the more magnified and set by of them by howe much they haue bene earnest suters and petitioners for the same For howe can it but inflame them with loue towardes thee to perceiue and feele thee so to care for them heare them and loue them If they doe not obtaine that they pray for t yet vndoubtedly they receiue great comfort to see that the euils which presse them and wherof they complaine still doe not oppresse and ouercome them and therefore they receiue strength to beare the same the better O good father helpe me that I might heartily loue thee complaine to thee in all my needes and alwayes by prayer to poure out my heart before thee Amen Iohn Bradford A meditation vpon the Lordes prayer Our Father THou good Lorde which madest heauen and earth the sea and all that is therin together with thy dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christ and with thy holie spirite thou the same God which openest thy selfe to Adam by thy promise thou the God of Abraham Isaac Iacob ▪ that which broughtest thy people of Israel foorth of Egypt with a mightie hand
you shall haue time thereto and by Gods good spirit shal be prouoked Forgiue vs our debts as we forgiue them that are debters vnto vs. BY Our debtes we vnderstand not onely the thinges we haue done but the omission and leauing vndone of the good things we ought to doe By Our we vnderstand not only the particular sinnes of one but also generally the sinnes of all and euery one of the Church By Forgiuenesse we vnderstand free pardon and remission of sinnes by the merites and desertes of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ who gaue him selfe a raunsome for vs. By Our forgiuing of other mens offences to vs ward we vnderstand thy good will not onely that it pleaseth thee that we should liue in loue and amitie but also that thou wouldest haue vs to be certain of thy pardoning vs of our sinnes For as certain as we are that we pardon them that offend vs so certaine should we be that thou doest pardon vs wherof the forgiuing our trespasses is as it were a sacrament vnto vs. So that by this petitiō I am taught to see that thy children although by imputation they be pure from sinne yet they acknowledge sinne to be remaine in them and therefore doe they pray for the remission and forgiuenesse of the same Againe I am taught hereby to see howe thy children doe consider and take to heart not only the euils they doe but also the good they leaue vndone and therefore they pray thee heartily for pardon Moreouer I am here taught to see that thy children are carefull for other men and for their trespasses and therefore pray that they might be pardoned in saying Our sinnes and not My sinnes Besides this I am taught here to see howe thy children not onely forgiue all those that offend them but also pray for the pardoning of the offences of their enimies and such as offend them So farre are they from maliciousnesse pride reuengement c. Last of all I am taught to see howe mercifull thou art which wilt haue vs to aske pardon whereof thou wouldest that we should in no ●oint dout but be most assured that for Christes sake thou hearest vs that not onely for our selues but also for many others for thou doest not commaund vs to aske for any thing which thou wilt not giue vs. By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and reioyce To lament bicause of my miserable estate which am so farre from these affections that are in thy children which am so ignorant and carelesse of sinne not only in leauing good vndone but also in doing euill and that daily in thought word deede c. I speake not of my carelesnes for other folks sinnes as of my parentes children familie magistrats c. neither of the sinnes of them to whom I haue giuen occasion to sinne To reioyce I haue great cause bicause of thy mercy in opening to me these things in commanding me to pray for pardon in promising me pardon and commanding others to pray for me And surely I ought to be persuaded of thy mercy though my sinnes be innumerable for I see not onely in this but in euerie petition howe that euery one of the Church prayeth for me yea Christe thy sonne who sitteth on thy right hand prayeth for me c. Oh deare father be mercifull vnto me and forgiue me al my sinnes and of thy goodnesse giue me thy holie spirite to open mine eyes that I may see sinne the better to knowe it the more truely to hate it and most earnestly to striue against it and that effectually both in my selfe and others Againe graunt me the same thy holy spirite to reueale vnto me the remedie of sinne by Christ only and to worke in me faith to embrace the same by Christe and thy mercies in him that I may hencefoorth be indued with thy holie spirite to begin to obey thy good will more more and to increase in the same for euer Here call to minde the special sinnes you haue committed heretofore Remember if you haue occasioned any to sinne to pray for them by name Remember that Gods lawe should be so deare vnto vs that the breaking thereof in others should be an occasion to make vs to lament with teares c. Lead vs not into temptation BIcause of our continuall great infirmities bicause of the great diligence and subtilties of our enimies and bicause thou art wont to punish sinne with sinne which of all punishments is the greatest most to be feared in this petition thou wouldest haue thy children to haue the same in remembrance and for a remedie hereof thou hast appointed prayer so that the only cause why any are ouercome and led into temptation is for that they forget what they desire in the petition going before this which should neuer be out of their memorie to prouoke them to be more thankefull to thee and more vigilant and heedie hereafter for falling into the like perils For which to be auoyded thou doest most gratiously set foorth a remedie in commaunding vs to pray after pardon for our sinnes past for thy grace to guide vs so that we be not led into temptation but might be deliuered from euill And bicause y wouldest haue all thy children to hang wholy vpon thee to feare thee only only to loue thee thou doest not teach them to pray suffer vs not to be led but lead vs not into temptation that I say they might only feare thee and certainly knowe that sathan hath no power ouer so much as a pig but what so euer thou giuest vnto him and of thy secrete but most iust iudgement doest appoint him to vse not as he will for then we were all lost but as thou wilt which canst will nothing but that which is most iust as to giue them to the guiding of sathan which will not be guided by thy grace as thou diddest Saul c. Occasions to euil are in two sortes One by prosperitie and successe an other by aduersitie and the crosse c. The euils comming of successe commonly are vnthankfulnes pride securitie and forgetting of our selues forgetting of others forgetfulnesse of God of our mortalitie c The euils comming of aduersitie commonly are impatiencie murmuring grudging dispairing contemning of God flattering of men stealing lying with many other euils whereto tentations will entice a man that is left to him selfe where as to one that is guided with Gods spirite temptations are but trials to the glorie of GOD comfort of the tempted and edifying of thy Church But as I saide if a man be left alone tentations entice euē to the diuell him selfe and therefore thy children pray to be deliuered from euill vnderstanding thereby Sathan him selfe the sower and supporter of all euill And this thy children do as wel for others as for them selues So that I may learne hereby many good thinges First to remember often our infirmitie and
weaknesse and the dangerous estate we stande in in respect of our flesh of the world which is full of euill of Sathan which seeketh to sift vs as a roaring Lion to destroy vs and of our sinnes which deserue al kinde of punishments and correction that I might with thy children feare thee watch pray and desire the day of redemption and deliuerance from all euils Againe I may learne here that to auoyde all daungers and euils is not in the power of man but onely thy worke By reason whereof I should consider thy great goodnesse which hitherto hast kept me from so many euils both of soule and bodie yea of name goods c as thou hast done in my infansie childhood youth middle age c. Thirdly I may learne here that I should be carefull for others both that they might be deliuered from their euils and that they might be preserued from temptation from being ouercome in the same therefore thou teachest me not to pray Deliuer me from euill simply but deliuer vs from euill Last of al I am taught hereby to see thy goodnesse towardes me whiche wilt deliuer me from euill and from being ouercome in tentations for thou wouldest not haue me aske for that which I should not certainly looke for at thy handes By reason whereof thou wouldest haue me to be in a certaintie of my saluation for euer For else I can not beleeue my prayer to be heard if that finally I should not be deliuered from euill and therefore thou ioynest hereto a giuing of thankes which with thy Church I should say For thine is the kingdome thine is the power thine is the glorie for euer By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament bicause of my corruption infirmitie weakenesse obliuion and carelesnesse for thy people ingratitude c. bicause of sathans power vigilancie prudencie which hath ouercome most graue wise and holy men whereof some neuer recouered as Cain Cham Achitophel Saul Iudas c. To reioyce bicause of thy goodnesse which teachest me this and shewest me the remedie commaundest all thy Church to pray for me and wilt at length deliuer me from all euill and giue me glorie But alas I am altogether carelesse and miserable Oh be mercifull vnto me deare father and for Christes sake forgiue me all my sinnes graunt me thy holy spirit to reueale to me mine infirmities weaknesse perils daungers c. in such sort that as I may heartily lament my miseries so I may aske and obtaine thy grace to guide me from all euil for euermore Againe graunt me the same thy holy spirite to reueale to me thy loue and kindnesse towards me and that in eternitie in such sort that I may be throughly persuaded of the same become thankfull vnto thee daily expect and looke for the reuelation of thy kingdome power and glorie as one that for euer shall haue the fruition of the same through thine owne goodnesse and mercy in Christe prepared for me before the beginning foundation of the world was laide Here call to mind our securitie sathans vigilancie our negligence his diligence our infirmitie his abilitie our ignorance his craft and subtiltie c. Againe call to minde how that he hath ouerthrowne for a time many of the deare Saintes of God to whome we are to be compared in nothing as Adam Eue Lot Iudas Thamar Moses Aaron Myrian Sampson Gedeon Ely Dauid Solomon Ezechias Iosias Peter Thomas innumerable moe Also cal to minde the goodnesse of God and of our sheepeheard Christe which hath kept vs hitherto keepeth vs still and teacheth vs here to knowe that he will keepe vs for euer for he would not haue vs aske for deliuerance from euill if that he would not we should certainely looke for the same If thou doubt of finall perseuerance thou dishonourest god Be certaine therefore rest in hope be still in his word See also howe he hath commaunded his whole Church and euerie member thereof to pray for thee as wel as for them selues in these and all other things Nowe and then goe about to reckē how many diuers kinds of euils there be thereby as you may know you are deliuered from none but by Gods great goodnesse so may you see that the number of euils that you haue are nothing to be compared to the multitude of euils wherewith if your Christ were not the diuel would al to beray you infect corrupt you But what are all the miseries and euils that can be to be compared to the least ioy prepared for vs in heauen Oh thinke of those ioyes and pray that when the tide of death commeth we may hale foorth of the hauen of this flesh and this world ioyfully In praying this petition call to minde the euils you haue bene in the euils you are in the euils you may fall into if God should not preserue you that you might be stirred vp the more to thankefulnesse to prayer to trust in God. For thine is the kingdome thine is the power thine is the glorie for euer AS in the beginning of this praier by these words Our father which art in heauen thy children are excited stirred vp to a ful cōfidence of obtaining the petitions folowing all things necessarie so in the later end thou hast added for the same purpose these wordes For thine is the kingdom thine is c. wherin I am taught these many things First that in prayer I should haue such consideration of thy kingdome power glory and eternitie that my minde should be striken with an admiration of the same Secondly that I should so consider them especially in prayer that I should not doubt but that thou workest rulest and gouernest all things euerie where in all persons and creatures most wisely iustly and mercifully Thirdly that in prayer al my petitio●s shuld tend to the ●etting foorth of thy power of thy kingdome and of thy glorie Last of al that in praier I should in no wise doubt of being heard but be assured that thou which hast commaunded me to pray and hast promised to heare me do●st most gratiously for thy mercies sake truthes sake heare my petitions according to thy good wil through Iesu Christ thy deare sonne our Lorde and onely Sauiour By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and reioyce To lament bicause I consider not these thinges in prayer in such sort as should moue me to admiration and gratitude bicause I consider not thy power and wisedome generally in al things bicause I am so carelesse for thy kingdome and bicause I am so full of dubitation and doubting of thy goodnesse To reioyce I haue great cause bicause thou reuealest these things vnto me on this sorte bicause of thy power kingdome and glory which maketh to the hearing of my prayers and helping of me bicause thou wilt vse me as thine instrument to set foorth thy kingdome power and glorie and bicause
howe foolish we are to fantasie things which we can not carrie with vs and to contemne conscience which will alwayes be a companion to vs to our ioy if it be good but to our shame and sorrow if it be euil and corrupt Finally howe vnnaturall we are which so little desire to be at our home to be with our onely father Master fellowes and friends When you are about to receiue your meat pray thus THis is a wonderfull mysterie of thy worke O maker and gouernor of the world that thou doest sustaine the liues of men and beastes with these meates Surely this power is neither in the bread nor foode but in thy will and word by which word al things do liue and haue their being Againe howe great a thing is it that thou art able continually to giue sustenaunce to so many creatures This is spoken of by thy prophete in setting foorth thy prayses All things looke vp to thee and thou giuest them meate in due season thou openest thy hand and fillest with thy blessing euerie liuing thing These doubtlesse are wonderfull workes of thine Almightinesse I therefore heartily pray thee O most liberal Lord and faithfull father that as thou by meate through thy word doest minister life to these our bodies euen so by the same word with thy grace thou wouldest quicken our soules that both in soule and bodie we may please thee til this our mortall carkasse shall put on immortalitie and we shall neede no more any further foode but thee onely which then wilt be all in all Taste and see howe good the Lord is Psal. 34. Blesse the Lord O my soule which feedeth and filleth my mouth with good things Psal. 103. Occasions to Meditate Thinke a little how great Gods power is that made vs Also thinke howe great his wisedome is to preserue vs But most of all thinke howe many things are giuen to our vse howe wonderfull it is to giue vs life but most of all to propagate and aduaunce to immortalitie the life of the soule by his onely becke Last of all thinke that God by his prouidence for thy body would haue thee to confirme thy faith of his prouidence likewise for thy soule In the meale time pray O Most liberall distributer of thy giftes which giuest vs al kinde of good thinges to vse and being pure giuest pure things being holie giuest holie things graunt to vs thy grace that we misuse not these thy gratious giftes giuen to our vse and profite Let vs not delight in these things but let vs delight in thee from whome they come as necessarie for vs for a season till we come vnto thee Graunt vs to be conuersant amongest thy giftes soberly purely temperately and holily bicause thou art so Then shall we not turne that to the poyson of our soules which thou hast giuen for the medicine of our bodies but vsing thy benefites thankfully we shall finde them profitable both in soule and body Occasions to Meditate Thinke that the meats and drinkes set before you are giuen to you to vse and not to abuse Thinke they are giuen to profite and not to hurt you Thinke that thei are not giuen to you alone but vnto others also by you In eating and drinking thinke that you doe but feede the wormes Remember the poore prisoners the sicke the afflicted c. as though you were in their case Thinke vpon the food of your soul Christes bodie broken and bloudshed Desire the meate that lasteth for euer labour for it Christes meate was to do his fathers will. After your meate pray BY corporall meates thou doest sustaine our corporall daily life ready otherwise to perish The which surely is a great worke but yet this is much greater more profitable and more holie that thy grace O Iesu Christ doth preserue vs from the death of the soule For this life we ought much to thanke thee and bicause thou doest prolong it with thy good giftes we most heartily praise thee Howe be it this life is but the way to eternall life which we beseech thee for thy deathes sake that thou wilt giue vs and so shall we not onely giue thee as we may thankes for a time for temporall things but also eternall thankes for eternal things O graunt to vs these our desires for thy mercies sake Amen Occasions to Meditate Thinke nowe that God hath giuen thee this his blessing of foode and sustenaunce and thereto time that thou mightest as repent so seeke his glorie and the commoditie of thy brethren therefore goe thereabouts but first pray for grace well to begin Againe consider how thou hast bene partaker of other mens labours as of the Husbandmans the Milners the Bakers the Bruers the Butchers the Cookes c. See therefore that thou be not a drone Bee but rather such a one as may helpe the hiue If God haue thus fed thy body which he loueth not but for thy soules sake howe can it be then but that he will be much more readie to feede thy soule Therefore take a courage to thee and goe to him for grace accordingly Cogitations for about the midday As thy bodie is nowe compassed on euerie side with light so see that thy mind may be also As god giueth thee thus plentifully this corporall light so pray him that he will giue thee the spirituall light Thinke that as the Sunne is nowe most cleare so shal our bodies be in the day of iudgement As nowe the Sunne is come to the highest and therfore will beginne to drawe downeward so is there nothing in the world so perfect glorious whiche when it is at the full will not decrease and so weare away When you come home againe pray THere is nothing O Lord more like to thy holie nature then a quiet mind Thou hast called vs out of the troublesome disquietnesse of the world into that thy quiet rest and peace which the world can not giue being such a peace as passeth all mens vnderstanding Houses are ordained for vs that thereby we might be defended from the iniurie of the wether from crueltie of beastes from disquietnesse of people and rest from the toyles of the world O gratious father graunt that through thy great mercy my body may enter into this house from outward actions but so that it may become boxom and obedient to the soule and make no resistaunce againste the same that in soule and body I may haue a godly quietnesse and peace to praise thy holie name Amen Peace be to this house and to all that dwell in the same Matt. 10. Occasions to Meditate Thinke what a returne and howe merrie a returne it will be to come to our eternall most quiet and most happie home then will all griefe and sorrowe cease What so euer here is pleasant and ioyfull the same is nothing but a verie shaddowe in comparison of that which is to come At the Sunne going downe pray HOwe vnhappie are they O Lord
pleasure heauenly sweetenesse in thy loue that whatsoeuer we shall from henchfoorth either thinke speake or doe it may be all to the honour of thy holie name through Iesus Christ thy deare sonne our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen Thy mightie hand and outstretched arme O Lord be stil our defence thy mercie and louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy deare sonne be our saluation thy trueth and holie word our instruction thy grace and holie spirite our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end A praier for the remission of sinnes O Almightie and euerliuing Lord God the deare Father of our Sauiour Iesus Christe which hast made heauen and earth the sea all that therein is which art the only ruler and gouernour conseruer and keeper of all thinges together with thy dearely beloued Sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde and with the holie ghost the comforter O holy righteous wise O strong terrible mightie and feareful Lord God gouernor of the whole world iudge of al men O exorable patient and most gratious father whose eyes are vpon the wayes of all men and are so cleane that they cannot abide impietie thou searchest the heartes and triest the verie thoughtes and reynes of all men thou hatest sinne and abhorrest iniquitie For sinnes sake thou hast grieuously punished mankind thy most deare creature as thou hast declared by the penaltie of death layde vppon all the children of Adam by the casting of Adam his ofspring out of Paradise by the cursing of the earth by the drowning of the world by the burning of Sodom Gomor by hardning the heart of Pharao so that no miracle coulde conuert him by the drowning of him and his people in the redde sea by the ouerthrowing of the Israelites in the wildernesse so that of sixe hundreth thousand there were but two that entred into the lande of promise by reiecting King Saul by the punishmentes vppon thy seruaunt Dauid notwithstāding his heartie repentaunce by greeuously afflicting Solomon in himselfe and his posteritie by the captiuitie of the tenne tribes and by the thraldome of the Iewes wherein vntil this present day they continue a notable spectacle of thy wrath to the world against and for sinne But of all spectacles of thy anger against sinne the greatest and moste notable is the death and bloudy passion of thy dearely beloued sonne Iesu Christ. Great was thine anger against sinn when in heauen earth nothing could be found which might appease thy wrath saue the bloudshedding of thine only most dearly beloued sonne in whom was and is all thy delight Great was the sore of sinne that needed such a salue mightie was the maladie that needed such a medicine If in Christ in whom was no sinne thy wrath was so fiarce of our sins that he was constrained to cry My God my god why hast thou forsakē mee Howe great importable then is thine anger against vs which are nothing but sinfull They that are thy children through the contemplation of thine anger against sinne set foorth most euidently in the death of Christe doe tremble and are afraide lamenting them selues vpon him and heartily crying for mercie whereas the wicked are altogether carelesse and contemptuous nothing lamenting their iniquities or crying to thee heartily for mercie and pardon Amongest whom we are rather to be placed thē amongst thy children for that we are so shamelesse for our sinnes and carelesse for thy wrath heaping daily sinne vpon sinne so that the measure hath ouerflowed and ascended vp to heauen and brought thy heauie plagues vpon vs which are but earnest for greater to ensue therefore to vs pertaineth shame and nothing else is due but confusion What shall we doe what shall we say who can giue vs penitent heartes who can open our lips that our mouthes might make acceptable confession vnto thee Alas of our selues we cannot thinke any good much lesse wish it and least of all do it As for Angels or any other creatures they haue nothing but that which they haue receiued and thei are made to minister vnto vs So that where it passeth the power of the master the minister must needes want Alas then what shall we doe Thou art holie and we vnholie thou art good and we nothing but euill thou art pure and we altogether impure thou art light and we most darke darkenesse howe then can there be any agreement betwixt vs O what now may we do Dispaire No for thou art God and therefore good thou art mercifull and therefore thou forgiuest sinnes with thee is mercie and propiciation and therefore thou art worshipped when Adam had sinned thou gauest him mercie before he desired it and wilt thou denie vs mercie which nowe desire the same Adam excused his fault and accused thee but wee accuse our selues and excuse thee and shall wee be sent emptie away Noe found fauour when thy wrath abounned and shall we seeking grace be frustrate Abrahā was pulled out of Idolatrie when the world was drowned therein and art thou his God onely Israell in captiuitie in Egypt was gratiously visited deliuered deare God the same good Lord shal we alwaies be forgotten How often in the wildernes didst thou defer and spare thy plagues at the requests of Moses when the people them selues made no petition to thee and seeing wee not onely nowe make our petitions vnto thee thrugh thy goodnesse but also haue a mediatour for vs farre aboue Moses euen Iesus Christ shall we I say deare Lorde departe ashamed So soone as Dauid saide I haue sinned thou diddest foorthwith answere him that he should not dye thou haddest taken away his sinnes and gratious God euen the selfe same God shall not we which nowe with Dauid gladly confesse that we haue sinned shall we I say not heare by thy good spirit that our sinnes be pardoned O graunt that with Manasses we may finde fauour and mercy Remember that thou hast not spared thine owne onely deare Sonne Iesus Christ but giuen him to dye for our sinnes to rise for our righteousnesse to ascend for our possession taking in heauen and to appeare before thee for vs for euer a high priest after the order of Melchizedech that through him we might haue free accesse to come to thy throne nowe rather of grace then of iustice Remēber that thou by him hast biddē vs aske and promised that we should receiue saying Aske and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you ▪ O deare GOD and most meeke and mercifull father we heartily beseech thee to be mercifull vnto vs for this thy Christes sake for his deaths sake for thy promise trueth and mercies sake Haue mercie vpon vs pardon and forgiue vs al our sinnes iniquities and trespasses what so euer we haue committed against thee in thought word or deede euer or at any time hitherto by any meanes Deare father haue mercie vpon vs Though we be poore yet our Christ
and being our head on whome we hang and hope that our poore petitions shall not be in vaine through him and for his names sake Wee beseech thee therefore of thy rich mercie wherein thou art plentifull to all thē that call vpon thee to forgiue vs our sinnes namely our vnthankfulnesse vnbeleefe selfeloue neglect of thy worde securitie hypocrisie contēpt of thy long suffering omission of prayer doubting of thy power presence mercy and good will towardes vs vnsensiblenesse of thy grace impaciencie c. and to this thy benefite of correcting vs adde thy gratious gift of repentaunce faith the spirite of prayer the contempte of this worlde and heartie desiring for euerlasting life Indue vs with thy holy spirit according to thy couenant mercie as well to assure vs of pardon and that thou doest accept vs into thy fauour as thy deare children in Christ and for his sake as to write thy lawe in our heartes and so to worke in vs that we may nowe begin and goe forwards in beleuing lyuing fearing obeying praying hoping and seruing thee as thou dost require most fatherly and most iustly of vs accepting vs as perfect in thy sight through Iesus Christ our lord Amen A prayer of the afflicted for the profession of Gods worde O Gratious God which seekest all meanes possible howe to bring thy children into the feeling and sure sense of thy mercie and therefore when prosperitie will not serue then sendest thou aduersitie gratiously correcting them here whō thou wilt haue elswhere to liue with thee for euer wee poore wretches giue humble prayses and thankes to thee that thou hast vouched vs worthy of thy correction at this present hereby to worke that which wee in prosperitie and libertie did neglecte For the which neglecting and many other our greeuous sinns wherof we nowe accuse our selues before thee most mercifull Lord thou mightest most iustly haue giuen vs ouer and destroied vs both in soule and body But such is thy goodnes towards vs in Christ that thou seemest to forget all our offences and as though we were farre otherwise then we be in deede thou wilt that wee should suffer this crosse nowe laide vpon vs for thy truth and gospels sake and so be thy witnesses with thy Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessours yea with thy dearly beloued sonne Iesus Christ to whom thou doest now here beginne to fashion vs like that in his glory we may be like to him also O good God what are we on whō thou shouldest shew this great mercie Oh louing Lord forgiue vs our vnthankefulnesse and sinnes Oh faithfull father giue vs thine holy spirite nowe to crie in our heartes Abba deere father to assure vs of our eternall election in Christ to reueale more and more thy truth vnto vs to confirme strengthen and stablishe vs so in the same that we may liue and die in it as vessels of thy mercie to thy glorie and to the commoditie of thy Church Indue vs with the spirit of thy wisedome that with good conscience we may alwayes so aunswere the enemies in thy cause as may turne to their conuersion or confusion and our vnspeakeable cōsolatiō in Christ Iesus for whose sake wee beseech thee hencefoorth to keepe vs to giue vs patience and to will no otherwise for deliuerance or mitigation of our miserie then may stand alwayes with thy good plesure merciful will towards vs. Graunt this deare father not only to vs in this place but also to all others else where afflicted for thy names sake through the death and merites of Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen I. B. A prayer to God the father the Sonne and the holy Ghost O Almightie and euerliuing God the eternall father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which of thy vnmesurable goodnes hast opened thy self vnto vs and with a loude voyce hast saide of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Heare him O maker preseruer of all thinges with thy coeternall sonne our Lord Iesus Christ which reigneth with thee and was manifested in Ierusalem with thy holy spirite which was powred vppon the Apostles O wise God mercifull Iudge and mightie Lord which hast saide As truely as I liue I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he should conuert amend whiche also hast saide Call vppon me in the day of thy trouble I will deliuer thee haue mercie vpon vs for Iesus Christes sake whome thou wouldest of thy merueylous and incomprehensible counsell shoulde be made for vs a slaine sacrifice mediator reconciler and peacemaker to the end that thou mightest shewe thine exceeding great wrath against sinne and thine inestimable mercie towardes mankinde Sanctifie illuminate our heartes and soules with thy holy spirite that wee may truly beleeue in thee call vppon thee bee thankefull vnto thee and obedient to thy holy will. Defend gouerne and cherish thy Church as thou hast promised saying This is my couenāt that I haue made with them my spirit which is in thee and my worde which I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe out of thy mouthe nor out of the mouth of thy seede for euer Preserue those kingdomes and cōmon weales which giue harborough to the people and maintaine the ministerie of thy holy word and Gospell that the kingdom of thy sonne Iesus Christ may encrease and shine throughout all the worlde O Iesus Christ Sonne of the euerliuing God crucified for vs and raysed also from the deade and nowe reigning at the right hand of thy father that thou maiest giue gifts vnto mee which hast saide Come vnto mee all ye that labour and are heauie loden and I will refresh you haue mercie vpon vs praye for vs vnto thy eternall father sanctifie and gouerne vs with thy holy spirite helpe and succour vs in all our necessities as thou hast promised saying I will not leaue you comfortlesse O holie and blessed spirite together with the father and the son one true and euerliuing God full of maiestie and power which with thy heauenly inspiration quickenest the mindes of those that afore were dead in sinne makest ioyfull the heartes of the faithfull penitent bringest in to the way of trueth all such as haue erred and gone astraye comfortest the soules of such as hunger thirst after righteousnesse and plenteously inrichest those with diuerse giftes which aske them in Iesus Christes name purifie our heartes wee beseech thee and inflame them with the fire of thy loue replenishe them with thy heauenly benefites and spirituall blessinges that they may be made meete temples for thee leade vs into all trueth which art the onely fountaine of trueth and mortifie in vs whatsoeuer proceedeth not of thee Or else pray thus O Holy spirite powred vppon the Apostles which hast promised vnto vs by the sonne of God our Redeemer to kindle in vs a true knowledge and inuocation of God as it is written I will powre vppon you the spirite of grace of