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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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of shype O thou sea what is the bytyd that thou goest backe agayne And thou Iordayne what thynge is it that doeth thy course restrayne And ye mountaynes what causeth you lyke wanton rammes to shyp And you little hylles for to playe as do the lambes of shype And thou earth se thou quake also in the lordes feare alwaye Se that thou tremble in the feare of Iacobs God I saye For he maketh a standynge pole of the rocke that was drye And of the flynt a spryngynge well rennyng out plentuousely The .cxv. Psalme FOr thy mercie Lord and thy trueth vouchsafe to amplifie The glorie of thy blessed name not our vayne glorie For whye should the Heathen saye thus wyth a disdaynefull mynde I praye you where or in what place should we these mens God fynde Whye should they speake such wordes I saye wyth thoughtes excedyng isle Syth our God is in heauen and doeth all thynges that he wyll But these mens Images are made of gould and syluer vayne And are the vayne worckes of mans hande fruites of an idle brayne For they haue a mouth and speake not eies that do not se So haue they eares and do not heare such worthy thynges they be They haue a nose and do not smelle and handes that do not fele So haue they fete do not walke neyther once moue theyr hele And wyth theyr throte they do brynge forth no maner voyce at all And for helpe in theyr daynger they can neither crye nor calle Lyke vnto whome such shall be made as do make them certayne And so shall all that put theyr truste in thynges that are so vayne O Israell trust in the Lorde O faythfull men I saye Truste in the Lorde that is your helpe and your bucklar for aye O ye that be of Aharons house and the hygh priestes kynne Truste in the Lord that is your helpe and targate to truste in All ye that feare the Lorde I saye haue in him confidence For he it is that is your helpe and targate of defence The Lorde that maketh the houshold of Israell happy And eke the houshold of Aharon hath vs in memorie And he maketh all that feare him happie and fortunate Aswell such as are verie smalle as the myghtie and greate He shall also heape vnto you good turne vpon good turne Not only vnto you I saye but eke to your chyldren And you he hath alredie made happy fortunate Euen he I saye that dyd the heauen eke the earth create And the heauen is reserued for the Lord God alone But the earth he hath geuen to men for thē to dwell vpon As for the dead they prayse not God they do no mercie craue No more doeth any emonge them that go downe to the graue But we shall preach and set forth God frō henseforth euer more We shal declare his myghtie worckes prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxvj. Psalme I Loue the Lord because he heard myne humble voyce and crie And because he gaue eare I wyll calle on him tyll I dye The cordes of death had gyrded me eke the straytes of hell Had caught me and I was fallen into daynger cruell But I called on the Lordes name thus I sayde in dede Lorde for thy mercie delyuer thy seruantes soule at nede The Lorde is full of benifites and eke of iustice all And our God is right mercifull when we do on him call The Lorde that vseth to defende the sylley simple sorte Preserued me when I was weake and was all my conforte My soule returne into the place of thy quiete and reste For the Lorde hath done good to the. euen as thou desyreste Thou hast plucked my soule from death Lorde and his cruell stynge So haste thou done myne eyes from teares and my fete from slydynge Wherfore I wyll lyue holyly before the Lorde I saye In the contreys and regions of men that lyue for aye My fayth and promise vnto God I helde most constantly ▪ Euen when I was forced to saye I am decayed greatly Yea when I sayd in my swyfte chase and when I fled in haste All men are false ther is none true or that of trueth doeth taste What worthy thanckes therfore shall I geue to the Lorde saye ye For all the benifites that he hath shewed vnto me The cup wherwyth men vse to geue thanckes for health receyued The same wyll I take call on the Lordes name so blessed And nowe before all his people to the Lord wyll I paye All vowes that I haue made to him or else shall make for aye For wyth the Lorde the death of suche as serue hym loueyngely Is of such price that none of them shal suffer death vaynely Ah Lorde I am thy pore seruant thy pore seruant am I And the sonne of thyne handmayden whoe dydeste my bondes vntie To the therfore I wyll confesse and that wyth sacrifice And wyll call vpon the Lordes name in my most faythfull wise Nowe before all the Lordes people all my vowes wyll I paye In his courtes at Ierusalem prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cxvij. Psalme ALl nations prayse ye the Lorde prayse and extolle his name All people of the worlde preach him let your lyfe do the same For his mercie towardes vs I saye doeth excell euer more And his trueth abydeth for aye praise ye the Lorde therfore The .cxviij. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to hym for hys mercie continueth for aye Nowe let Israell saye that his mercie dureth for aye And let Aharōs house saye that his goodnes doeth not decay Yea let all them that feare the Lorde euē nowe stand forth and saye That his moste mercifull goodnes cōtinueth for aye When I was in affliction on God then called I And he graunted all my requeste and that aboundauntly Wherfore the Lorde takynge my parte I wyll not stand in feare Of any thyng that mans wytte can inuent to do me deare For when the Lorde is one of them that cometh to helpe me Then shall I se all my desyre vpon myne enimie For it is better to trust in the Lorde then in man vayne So is it to truste in the Lorde then in princes certayne If all nations dyd hedge me in compasse rownde about Yet do I trust by the Lordes name to cutte me a waye out If they should compasse me aboute I say and hedge me in I do not doubt by the Lordes name awaye out for to wynne And though they compasse me about lyke bees when they do swarme Yet shall they faynt lyke fyre in thornes and do me little harme And I truste that through the Lordes name wheron I do styll call I shall cutte a waye out and set myselfe fre from them all Oh thou that waste myne enimie thou madest me fall certayne But yet the Lorde hath holpen me and set me vp agayne For God it is that is my strength my salfgard and my wealthe So is
him selfe is iuste he loueth ryghteousnes And with hys countenaunce he wyl loke vpon the gitles The .xij. Psalme O Lorde do thou saue and kepe nowe for frendshyppe ther is none The true and faythfull of promyse are from emonge men gone Wyth his neyghbour eche man speaketh wordes disceytfull and vayne Wyth smoth lyppes but with double hertes they speake to them certayne The Lorde shall cut of al suche lyppes as speake fayre but falsly And the tonge that speaketh greate thinges herselfe to magnifye All suche I say as do saye thus let oure tonges be walkinge Our lyppes are on oure syde and who is our Lorde or our Kynge The Lorde shall saye now wyll I ryse for the destruccyon Of the oppressed and the nedies lamentacyon And them I will restore to healthe they shal not be oppreste I wyl geue them a breathynge tyme eke a quyete reste The Lordes sayinges are pure sayinges as syluer well tryed That in an earthē coffen hath ben seuen tymes wyll fyned O Lorde do thou saue and kepe them kepe backe the flatterar Oute of thys generacyon kepe hym backe for euer For when mē of most wicked lyfe do reigne and rule the route Then do the vngodly wander on eche syde rounde aboute The .xiij. Psalme LOrde howe longe wylt thou forget me what foreuer and aye Lorde how long wylt thou hyde thy face from thy seruaunt I saye How longe shall I consult in mynde and in myne hert trauayle Howe longe shall myne enmies agaynst thy poore seruaunt preuayle Loke backe and answere me O Lorde illumyne thou myne eyes And suffer me not in the death to sleape in any wyse Leste myne enmye shoulde say I haue agaynste him preuayled And suche as vexe me should reioyce yf I were weakened But I truste in thy greate goodnes and bountiful mercy And in thine health mine hert therfore reioyceth certaynely I will synge to the Lorde I saye with hert vnfaynedly Because he doeth requyte to me all thynges aboundantly The .xiiij. Psalme THe folyshe and Insipient whose thoughtes are euer vayne Do in their hert saye folishly there is no God certayne They folowe wayes that are corrupt and ahhomynable There is none that doeth the thinge that is good and laudable The Lorde loked doune from heauen vpon the sonnes of men To se yf there were anye wyse or to seke God geuen But al had fallen and were corrupt together in their waye There was no man that woulde do good no not one man I saye What knewe they nought al are wicked they eate my flocke as breade And on the Lorde they do not call in them there is no dreade There shall they be cast doune with feare the Lorde wyll them affraye For God is in the nacyon of the iuste men for aye Ye do deryde and laugh to scorne the coūsell of the poore Because the Lord is his whole trust his help and his succour Oh woulde to God Israell myghte haue health out of Syon Woulde God I saye the tyme were come of their saluacyon That God myght bryng his flocke againe oute of captyuytie That Iacob myght reioyce and eke Israell be mery The .xv. Psalme LOrde who shall haue hys dwelling place in thy tabernacle Who shall I saye fynde quyete rest in thy most holy hyll That shall the man that walketh ryght and doeth that vpryght is And he that in his hert to speake the trueth do neuer mysse He doeth not slaunder with hys tonge nor do hys neyghbour ylle Neyther doeth suffer him to be reuyled by his wyll The wicked and the reprobate are aye vyle in hys syght But suche as feare the Lorde he doeth honoure both daye and nyght And yf he sweare or make promyse concernynge any thinge Thoughe it shoulde be hys hynderaunce to passe he wyll it brynge He setteth not hys money out to vsury or gayne Nor taketh anye brybe to put the innocent to payne Who so he be that wyll these thinges diligently apply The same shal neuer threat to falle but stādvp styll stoutly The .xvi. Psalme Saue me O God do thou vouchsalfe my defender to be Saue me I say because I haue put my whole trust in the. Vnto the Lorde thus haste thou sayde O my soule within me Thou arte my Lorde and my goodnes nothinge can be lyke the. Wyth the sainctes that dwel in the earth and men of noble fame I am delyted and wyth al myne hert I loue the same Thoughe men do encrease their Idoles multiplye them styl And gredily seke for to haue other mens godes at wyl Yet will I not tast the cup of their bloudy sacryfyce Nor with my mouth reherse the name of thē in any wyse The Lorde is the porcyon of my part and cuppe certayne O Lorde my lot and heritage thou doest alwaye sustayne The coardes that measured my parte in pleasaunt places fell Yea and a noble heritage chaunced to me ryght well The Lorde that hath ben my succour and counsell will I prayse For my verye reynes do enstructe me in the night alwayes I do prepone and set the Lord alwaye before myne eyes He is styll at my right hande leaste I fall in anye wyse Wherfore myne herte shal be ryght glad so shall my tonge reioyce And my fleshe shal reste in safetye wythoute tumult or noyse For thou shalt not forsake my soule at the sepulchersyde Nor suffer that thine holy one do into the pit flyde The path of lyfe thou wylt shewe me and full ioy in thy syght And the pleasures at thy ryght hād for euer daye and nyght The .xvij. Psalme LOrde heare the thynge that rightuouse is geue eare vnto my crye Marcke wel the prayer that I make to the vnfaynedly Let my iudgment procede from the iudge me Lorde in thy syght And let thyne eies consyder well all suche thynges as are ryght Thou hast searched myne hert throughly and visyte me by nyght Thou haste tryed me yet canste thou not blame any thynge by ryght For the secret thoughtes of myne herte my wordes do agre The secrete thoughtes open wordes are all one thinge in me In the affayres of mortall men I haue taken good hede Of the wayes of the destroyer for that thou haste preached Grounde thou my steppes therfore I say Lorde in thy fote pathes all Leste that my fete should slyp and I shoulde be redy to falle On the I call O God for thou arte wout to graunt to me Geue eare to me and heare my worde Lorde God I beseche the. O thou that by thy powr kepeste suche as do trust in the From theyr enmyes make thy mercies wonderfull vpon me Kepe me as the eie apple and vnder thy wynges me hyde From the wicked that vse to waste and my foes on eche syde Wyth theyr fatnes and greate richesse my wayes they haue stopped And wyth theyr mouth presumptuouselye proude wordes they haue framed Euen nowe they do beset our wayes and eke compasse them rounde And ernestly they do seke to
blowynge of trumpet For the worde of the Lorde is ryght and all hys worckes sure set He loueth iustice iudgment these thynges please hym greatly And the earth is replenished and full of hys mercie At his worde were the heauens made by hys wonderfull myght And at the breathynge of hys mouth all theyr armies so bryght The waters of the sea he doeth congregate as an heape Right so in moste secrete closettes he doeth laye vp the deape Let all the earth and all that dwell in the worlde prayse the Lorde Because all that he sayeth is done all is made at hys worde He disapoynteth the counselles of the Heathen ech one And doeth differ the subtyle thoughtes of ech greate nation But the Lordes counsell standeth styll the thoughtes of hys herte Do not decay but are fully fulfylled in eche parte The people that hath the Lorde for theyr God hath ryght good chaunce So hath the flocke that he hath chose for his enheritaunce The Lorde loketh downe from heauen doeth all men behold He loketh downe from his dwellynge boeth vpon yonge and olde He hath made the hertes of all men togyther in hys powre And vnderstandeth all theyr worckes euerie daye and houre The kynge is not kept in saulftie thorowe hys greate armye Nor the strong man doeth scape daynger because he is myghtye The horse is a disceytfull thynge to be preserued by Though he be stronge for he shall not deliuer certaynely Beholde the Lordes eye loketh on such mē as do him feare So doeth it on suche as trust on hys mercye so tender That he might delyuer their soules out of the handes of death And nouryshe them at suche time as honger them oppresseth Let oure soules therfore loke for him with all obedience For he is oure helpe and also the shylde of our defence For in him shall our herte reioyce because we do cleaue faste Vnto hys holy name whiche is our comforte and repaste Lorde let thy mercyful goodnes vpon thy seruauntes be Euen as by truste and confydence we do depende of the. The .xxxiiij. Psalme AT all tymes and ceasons I wyll prayse the Lorde God certayne For in my mouthe hys holy prayse doeth euer more remayne My soule shal glorye in the Lorde and in none other thynge Whych when the afflicted shall heare they shall make reioyceynge Se that wyth me you magnifie the Lord that is aboue Let vs prayse hys name togither as reasone doeth vs moue I sought the Lorde diligently he heard my requeste And from al feare that I was in he hath set me at reste Men shall loke backe to hym shall renne to hys companie Theyr faces shal not blushe for he wyll none of them denie The Lord hearde this afflicted man when he dyd on him crye And then he dyd preserue and kepe hym frō hys miserye The angell of the Lorde doeth pytch hys tentes about them all That ieare the Lorde and doeth set cleare such men as erste were thrall Taste and see that the Lorde is good and full of all mercie The man is blessed that doeth truste in hym vnfaynedly O ye saynctes of the Lorde feare him and do hym reuerence For to such as feare hym ther is no nede nor indigence The yonge lions and fierse tyrannes suffer honger and nede But such as seke the Lorde shall haue good thynges plentie in dede Drawe nere my sonnes drawe nere I saye and geue to me good eare Come vnto me I saye for I wyll teach you the Lordes feare Whoe so thou be that doeste desyre to lyue and good dayes see Loke that in thy tonge and thy lyppes none ylle or disceyte be Flee from yll and do that good is whereof commeth no blame Seke thou for peace diligently then ensue the same Vpon the iuste man the lordes eies are ful fyred and bent And hys eares to the prayars of such as be innocent But his sterne lokes are bent on thē that do worcke wyckedly That out of the arth he maye cutte theyr fame and memorie The iuste men crye and the Lorde doeth heare and graunt theyr prayer And out of all theyr myseries he doeth them deliuer The Lord is styll redie at hande with them that do repent And kepeth them whose spirite is to repentaunce styll bent Many yuelles misfortunes do the ryghteouse man befall But the Lorde doeth delyuer him and ryd hym of them all And all the bones of his bodye the Lord kepeth certayne So that not one emonge them al can be broken in twayne But yll chaunce and mysfortune shall destroye the vngodly And suche as hate the iuste shal be destroyed vtterly And the Lorde shall redeme the lyfe of hys true seruauntes all And of them that do trust in hym none shall peryshe or fall The .xxxv. Psalme TAke thou my stryfe in hande O Lorde assaute them that saute me Take the to shylde and speare and ryse myne helper for to be Pull out thy speare come out to mete my persecutours fel Saye to my soule I am thyne health thy matters shall go well Let thē that seke my lyfe take shame and eke ignominie Let them be dryuen backe wyth shame that thyncke euyll vnto me Let them be made lyke to the dust that with the winde doeth flye And let the aungell of the Lorde dryue them vyolently Let their waye be darcke and slyprye that they may slyde and fall And let the aungell of the Lorde persequute them wyth all For wythoute cause the pytte of their net haue they for me hyd Ryght so a great trenghe for my soule causeles they haue digged Let the mysery that they did not fore se on them fall And let the net they hyd take them and let them be made thraule But my soule shall greatly reioyce in the Lorde God for aye She shall reioyce in hys salfegarde and all my bones shall saye O Lorde who is lyke the that doest rescue the conquyred And take the poore and nedye from him that hath hym forced There dyd aryse fierse wytnesses men violent in dede And asked me of thynges that I neuer Imagyned They requited me euel for good such was theyr cruell wyll And for the helpe they had of me they sought me for to kyll But when I hearde that they were sycke and wyth disease greued I ware sacke cloth and wyth fastynge my soule I afflicted The prayer that I made for them when they were in distresse I woulde should lyght vpon my selfe in tyme of heauines I went as though my faythfull frende or brother had dyed As one that mourneth hys mother in blacke I was clothed But in the tyme of myne haltynge when I was weakened They dyd reioyce excedyngly and were congregated The lame flocked agaynste me when I dyd thyncke nothynge lesse And frō theyr bytter raylynge wordes they dyd then neuer cease And the dissemblynge hypocrites that do serue theyr bealy Dyd grenne and gnaske theyr teeth at me as men full of enuie O Lorde howe longe
pryncely seate and in hys holy throne To the people of Habrams God great rulars are ioyned Because he doeth excell them that haue the earth defended The .xlviij. Psalme THe Lorde is greate and much praysed and magnified styll Wythin the citie of our God and in hys holy hyll The mount Sion on whose north syde the greate kynges towne standeth Is a goodly cōtrey is the ioye of the whole earth God is knowne and acknowledged in hys owne palaices To be a castell of defence to such men as are his For lo kynges came togither and so passed by alonge And were amased at the syght and dryuen forth headlonge This feare and sorowe taketh them euen as vehemently As the throwes of a woman that should trauay●e by and by And as the easterne wynde that doteh blowe wyth greate stormes of hayle Is wont to breake the shippes that do vpon the salte sea sayle As we haue hearde so haue we sene in the Lorde of hostes towne In oure goddes citie whyche he hath made sure for fallynge downe O God let vs conceyue in mynd thy goodnes and mercie In the myddle of thy temple and thy saynctuarie Lyke as thy name so doeth thy prayse O God go through the lande And aboundaunce of iustice is in thy powre and right hande Let the mount of Sion be glad let Iudes daughters reioyce For thy iudgmentes when they shal heare thyne holy worde and voyce Se that ye go aboute Sion compasse it about rounde Number all the lettle turrettes that in hir walles be founde Marcke hir forefence diligently and hir palaices hye That you maye make reporte of it to youre posteritie For this is God and our God is for euer for aye He shall direct and gouerne vs euen to oure dyeinge daye The .xlix. Psalme ALl people hearken and geue eare to that that I shall tell Boeth hygh and lowe boeth riche pore that in the worlde do dwell For whye my mouth shall make discourse of many thynges ryght wyse In vnderstandynge shall myne herte hys studie exercise I wyll enclyne myne eare to knowe thynges full dearckely spoken And eke vpon myne harpe I wyll make my dearcke speach open In the tyme of aduersitie whye should I stande in doubt If the wyckednes of my steppes should compasse me about Emonge them that haue greate richesse and do trust therin moste And in the multitude therof do aye glorie boaste There is not one that any waye can hys brother redeme Nor paye to God the raunsome that he doeth for hym esteme For to redeme theyr soules from death the price would be to hye To make them so perfect that they myght lyue eternally And to make them that in them selfe they should no such cause haue But that they myght lyue euer and neuer come to the graue For it is playne that as well the wise as the folysh dye And leaue theyr goodes to other men but foles die vtterly Theyr graue shal be theyr house for aye eke theyr dwellynge place Though lyueynge here they studied vayne glorie for a space But man doeth neuer longe abyde in estimation But shal be lyke a beaste fallynge into destruction Thys theyr purpose and waye they walke is theyr follye in dede And yet of theyr posteritie theyr worddes are alowed They are placed emonge the deade as they were flockes of shepe And death is he that feadeth thē and hath them for to kepe And at the iudgment daye the iuste shall rule them as a kynge Theyr beawtie shall decaye the pyt shal be theyr dwellynge But God shall deliuer my soule out of the powre of hell Because he hath receyued me in his house for to dwell When any man is enriched be not afeard therfore Or when the glorie of hys house encreaseth more and more For when he dyeth he shall not all these thynges wyth him take His glorie shall not go wyth him but shal him quite forsake Because they compt them selues happye in this vayne lyfe only When a man is good to him self then prayse they him greatly Vnto theyr fathers nation lett all these men go ryght Let them not haue fruition of confortable lyght But man doeth not expende and waygh his owne nobilitie Wherfore he shal be lyke the beast that dieth vtterly The .l. Psalme GOd that is Lorde of iudges spake and dyd togither cal As many as do dwelle frō the sunne rysynge to his falle The moste noble famouse God out of Sion shall shyne And geue a perfecte presidente of beautie in mens eiene Our God shall come vnfainedly wyth fyre before his face And on eche syde a fierse hurle wynde his enimies to chase The heauen aboue and earth byneth he shall vnto hym call That wyth iudgmēt he maye cōtend against his people all Gather to me myne holy ones that woulde seme so presyse And that made me a couenaūte concernynge sacrifice Brynge them hyther the heauens shall theyr iustice declare And God himselfe shall be theyr iudge whoe knoweth what they are Geue eare O ye that wyll be my people for nowe speake I O Israel geue eare for nowe I wyll thy matter trye Geue eare to me I saye for I am God of powre myghtie I am thy God O Israell I tell the certenlye I wyll not blame the for the lacke of doynge sacrifice For I se thye brent offeringes daylye before myne eies I haue no nede to take of the a calfe or a bullocke Neither the gote that feadeth in thy cote or in thy flocke For all the wylde beastes of the earth are myne owne good in dede So are al the beastes that do on a thousand mountaynes fede I knowe the foules of the mountaynes I saye I knowe them all And in my powre are all the beastes that in the fieldes do cralle If I should chaunce to be hungry I nede not to tell the Syth the rounde worlde is myne wyth al the thynges that therin be What do you thyncke that I wyll eate the fleshe of bulles myghtie Or dryncke the bloude of gotes that ye do shede so plentuousely Sacrifice thou prayse vnto God and paye in any wyse Vnto the moste hygh thy vowes and thynges that thou dost promise When thou arte in aduersitie then on me se thou crye And when I shall deliuer the then set forth my glorie But God sayeth to the vngodlye what cometh in thy brayne That to rehearse my sacramentes thou doest neuer refrayne Whye doest thou bragge of my comnante wyth wordes to none effect Seynge thou hateste all knoledge and doest my wordes reiect If it chaunce the to se a thefe in him thou haste delyght And wyth the shamelesse whore hunttars thy parte is also pyght Thy mouth thou haste addyct to euel and for to speake amysse And thy tonge doeth styll frame the thynge that moste disceytfull is Thou sytteste in iudgmēt and doest speake agaynst thy brother And doest reuile moste spitfully the sonne of thy mother Thus haste thou done
lo they laye wayte for my soule and conspyre agaynste me Not for any offence or fault Lord that in me they see Not prouoked by me they do hastly them selfes prepare Wherfore arise thou and helpe me and loke vpon my care O Lord of hostes O Iacobs God awake visite the heathen Shewe thou no mercie to them that to wickednes are geuen Let them returne emptie at nyght and let them hole lyke houndes And make them wander rounde about the cities and the townes Beholde they speake agaynste me wyth their mouthes and swerdes are hyd Vnder theyr lyppes for they are not for such thynges reproued But thou O Lorde shalt euer haue them in derision The heathen Lorde thou shalt deride and laugh them all to skorne I do ascribe to the O God all my strēgth and my power For thou art my falfegard good Lorde and only defender Thy goodnes to thy pore seruant thou shewest plentuousely And lettest me se my desyer vpon myne enimie Lorde destroy not them sodenlye leste my people forget But as thou art oure defender do them in sunder sette For theyr proude and statly wordes Lorde take thou them in theyr pride And for theyr periurie and lyes suffer them not to byde Consume them Lord in thy furie consume them cleane awaye That they may knowe that God ruleth in all the earth this daye Let them returne emptie at nyght let them howle lyke houndes And make them wander rounde about the cities and the townes Let them wander about I saye and seke whereon to feede And let them not fynd sustinaunce to satisfie theyr nede Wyth reioyceynge I shall declare thy myght and greate goodnes Because thou arte my tower of strength refuge in distres To the I saye O God my strength wyll I reioyce and synge Because thou arte my whole defence and most mercifull kynge The .lx. Psalme O God thou dydest vs forsake reiect waste moued But nowe thou arte pleased agayn and hast vs receyued Thou dashedest the earth together and brakest it in twayne But nowe repare the brackes therof for it shaketh certayne Hard chaunce and misse fortune thou hast layed on thy peoples lot And haste geuen vs such wyne to dryncke as is deadly I wot Yet haste thou geuen a sygne to them that do walke in thy feare That they should triumph in thy trueth in no wise dispeare Let thy power saue thy beloued that they do not dispeare Shewe forth thy powre I saye good Lord heare thy seruantes prayer Because God hath spoken the worde wyth in hys holy place I shal wyth ioye diuide Sichem and Sochothes vale by pase Galaad and eke Manasses are myne but Ephraim ▪ Is the key of my kyngdome and Iuda my lawes doeth deme In Moah wyll I laye my fylth and ouer Edom skyppe And thou palastine sue to me for fauour and frendshyppe Who shall leade me into that forte that myghtie stronge citie Who shal conducte me to Edom and my salfe conduct be Shalt not thou do it O my God who didest vs forsake And wouldest not walke wyth our men whē we dyd the wars take O God helpe thou in al distresse for mans helpe is but vayne But we shall fyght stoutly through God by whom our foes are slayne The .lxj. Psalme OH God heare thy pore seruantes crye and hearcken to my prayer And let not my voyce and my crye in vayne trouble the ayer From the vtmost partes of the earth I shall crye vnto the In the distres of mynde when myn herte amased shal be Then shall I saye Oh Lorde set me vpon thy rocke so hye For thou arte my refuge strength agaynste myne enimie In thy tente wyll I dwell for aye that I maye dwell salfly Vnder the shadowe of thy wynges is my desyre to lye For thou O God hast heard my vowes pondered my desyres And such men as do feare thy name Lorde thou hast made thyne heyers To the kynge do thou geue long lyfe that hys yeres maye enduer Through many generations to thy wyll pleasure Let the kyng syt before the Lord for euer and a daye And let thy mercie and thy trueth preserue the same alwaye Then shall I neuer sease to synge vnto thy holy name That I maye performe all my vowes dayly vnto the same The .lxij. Psalme ONly on God my soule loketh hath to hym respect For in hym and in none other myne health taketh effect For he onelye is my sure grownde my salfgard and defence So that my fall can not be greate through fleshly violence How longe wil you studie disceyte agaynst all maner men Ye shal al perishe as the walle or hedge that is broken Lord these men woulde blot out my lyfe they play the lyars parte Wyth the mouth they do praye for me but cursse me wyth theyr herte Neuerthelesse O thou my soule do thou to God enclyne For frō him only doeth thy truste and thyne onely hope shyne For he only is my sure grounde my saluation I shall not fall he is my strength and my tuition Myne health lyeth in God alone my glorie and my myght And in the Lord my confidence only trust is pyght O put your trust in him alwaye ye people of the land Pour out your hertes before the Lord in whome our hope doeth stande As for men they are all but vayne and delyted to lye And are as lyght in a balance as is vayne vanitie Put no truste in mysse gotten goodes ne serue you vanitie And when you do flowe in richesse set not to much therby God hath spoken this one thyng twyse wherfore it is certayne And I myselfe haue heard him saye that in him strength doeth raygne He sayde also that in the Lord is goodnes and mercie And that he doeth reward eche man after as his worckes be The .lxiij. Psalme O God thou arte my myghtie God my salfe gard defence Wherfore I wyl seke the ech daye wyth carfull diligence My soule thyrsteth for the O Lord my fleshe hath a luste To taste of the in this drye lande where for water is duste Thus do I that I maye behold the in thy holy place That I maye se thy mightie power glorie of thy face For lyfe it selfe is not so swete as thy loueyng kyndnes Wherfore to shewe thy worthy prayse my lyppes shall neuer sease And so shall I duryng my lyfe alwaye magnifie the And in thy name lyfte vp myne handes as it becommeth me Then shall my soule be satisfied as wyth most swete fatnes ▪ And therfore shall my lyppes reioyce and my mouth shewe thy prayse O Lord when I lye in my bed I shall remembre the And whē I wake out of my slepe on the my thought shall be For thou only art he from whom all myne helpe doeth procede And in the shadowe of whose wynges my soule is delited O Lorde my soule cleaueth to the thy righthand is my staye Let thē that would destroye my soule
syncke downe to hell for aye Make them of force to fall vpon the edge of the sharpe swerde And of the rauenyng woulfes Lorde let thē be deuoured But the kynge shall reioyce in God eche man be praysed That swereth by his holy name and lyars mouthes stopped The .lxiiij. Psalme IN my complaynt Lorde heare my voyce hearken to my crie And preserue my lyfe frō the feare of the fierce enimie Lorde hyde me from the counsell of men that are vngodly And frō the vprores of such men as do worcke wyckedly For these men do sharpen theyr tonges euen as they were sharpe swordes And as wyth a bowe that is bent they shote forth bytter wordes That they may hurte men priuily whose lyfe is innocent And stryke and wounde them sodenly not feareynge to be shent They make themselfe stronge in mischiefe and studie snares to hyde And then they saye thus wyth themselues howe can these thynges be spyed They do imagyne wyckenes kepe it in couerte Eche man hydeth hys mischiefe in the bottō of hys herte But God shall stryke them sodenly euen wyth a sharpe arrowe Wherby they shall be sore wounded pearsed quite thorowe Yea theyr owne tonges shall make them fall and be as men forlorne Then shall as many asse them laugh and dryue them to scorne All men shall se this thynge I saye shall boldly confesse That goddes owne hande hath done this dede to punishe wyckednes But the iuste shall reioyse trust in God the Lord only And all that be of vpright hert shall ioye excedyngly The .lxv. Psalme O God thou only art worthy to haue prayse in Sion And that all the people do paye theyr vowes to the alone For thou hearest the prayers of thy people in theyr nede Wherfore all men resorte to the wyth full trust for to spede The reckenynge of our wyckednes was more then we coulde paye But thou Lorde for thy great mercy haste put our synnes awaye The man that is chosen of the is happy right sure That in thy courte and temple he shal dwell in greate pleasure O God oure health O the refuge of all coastes of the land And of them that do dwel far of in the seas sea sand O thou I saye that by thy power haste set the hyll so sure And art euer gyrded about wyth strenght that wyll endure O thou that doest quiete the seas and the rude peoples rage In thy iustice thou hast sharplye threatned thyne heritage So that all they that dwell far of shall feare when they shall se Thy tokens for thou makeste boeth euen morne to prayse the. Thou haste caused the earth to chappe for lacke of hir due rayne And haste wyth plentie of water shotte vp hir chappes agayne O God thy riuer is brymme full wherby thou doest prepare All maner grayne for man whych thou causest the earth to beare Thou doeste water hir forowes causeste hir cloddes to fall Thou supplest hir wyth water dropes and geuest encrease wyth all Thou doest crowne and set forth the yere of thy passyng goodnes And to poure downe dropes of plentie thy cloudes do neuer sease The pastures of the desert are fayre and full of plentie And the litle hylles are beset wyth all fertylytie The fieldes and valleys of the earth haue for theyr couerynge Such flockes of shipe and plottes of grayne that they reioyce and synge The .lxvj. Psalme ALl earthly men reioyce to God and prayse hys holy name Set forth hys praise I saye geue glorie vnto the same Saye vnto God Oh in thy worckes howe wonderfull art thou For the plētie of thy power doeth cause thyne enmies to bowe All they that dwell vpon the earth shall honour the O Lorde And shall all synge to the and to thy name wyth one accord Oh come hither and se the worckes of God and tell me then Howe farre his coūselles do excede the wytte of mortall men The sea he turned to drye lande and gaue passage therby Wherfore our fathers dyd reioyce in him excedyngly By his power he hath aye ruled the world and doeth beholde All contreys wyth his eie so that no rebelles dare be bolde O ye people preach ye our God and make his name be knowne By you let the voyce of his prayse throughout the earth be blowne For this is he that doeth preserue our soules euer on lyue And suffereth not our fete to slyp when we wyth Satan stryue O God though thou do proue trye vs as syluer is tryed And doeste leade vs into prison and make vs ther be tyed Though thou I saye doest suffer men ouer our heades to ryde And that most fiers and sharppe tormentes we do suffer and byde Yet doest thou bryng vs out agayne into a place of reste And doest not suffer thy seruaūtes for aye to be oppreste I wyl therfore into thy house Lorde God wyth sacrifice And wyll not leaue my vowes vnpayed to the in any wise For when I was in trouble Lorde then wyth my mouth I spake And in the doloures of myne herte all these vowes dyd I make Brunt offeringes that are ryght fat I wyll offer to the Of the swete smoke of rammes bullockes gotes the same shall be Come hither and geue eare alye in whom goddes feare doeth dwell For of the thynges that he hath done to my soule I shall tell Wyth my mouth I dyd crye to him call on him alone Wherin my tonge declared that lyke him ther is founde none If in myne hert I would haue had respect to wyckednes No doubt the Lord would not haue heard me in my great distres But nowe God hath geuen eare to me heard hys seruantes praier And hath graunted my whole request euen as I dyd desyre God is to be praysed therfore which neyther dyd put backe My prayer neither suffer me hys mercie for for to lacke The .lxvij. Psalme BE mercifull to vs O God blesse vs at thy wyll And lyghtē thy bright countenāce amonge thy seruauntes styll That through the earth thyne holy waye maye be certenly knowe And thyne health through out all contreys for all they are thyne owne Let the people prayse the O God let all people prayse the And let thē al reioyce because they be iudged by the. Let them reioyce in the I saye be mery and glad Because all nations of the earth by thy iustice are ladde Let the people prayse the O God let all people prayse the And let the earth bryng forth hir fruite as thy pleasure shall be Blesse vs O God I saye our god blesse vs in verite That all that dwell vpon the earth maye stand in awe of the. The .lxviij. Psalme THe vpriseyng of God putteth his enimies to flyght And causeth al them that hate him to flye out of his syght For as smoke vanisheth awaye and wax is molt wyth fyre So doeth the wycked perish from goddes syght in his great Ire As for the iuste
power diuine The lyes dregges the rof also he doeth not leaue byhynd But all the wycked of the earth do them in theyr cuppes fynde As for me I wyll preach for aye synge to Iacobes God I wyll breake all the wycked hornes euen wyth an Iron rodde I wyll I saye destroy the power of them that be wycked And suche as delyte in iustice I wyll se exalted The .lxxvj. Psalme IN Iuda God is surely knowē and eke in Israell Hys holy name is had in price and men lyke it full well Hys tabernacle and his tent is in Salem pytched And in Sion his holy seate and dwellynge is builded Ther hath he broken the arrowes that came forth of the bowe The shyld the swerd all the raye he brake also I knowe O Lorde thou art much more noble and more magnificent Then are the robbars of the hylles that to spoylynge are bent The men that were of haute courage are nowe become a praye They are slayne and haue slept theyr slepe so slender was theyr staye All men that were stronge and myghtie able for to fyght Haue not by strenght optayned ought but are turned to flyght When thou rebukest men that fyght on horsse or in charet Then are they caste into slumber and do thē selues forget For thou O Iacobes God I saye arte terrible in dede And who can abyde in thy syght when thy wrath is moued Once thy iuste iudgment was shewed downe from heauen vpon man Then shoke the earth great silēce through out the same began This thynge was done when God arose to minister iudgment And to saue them that on the earth were weake and impotent For when thou doest punish one man and plageste his furie Then doest thou put the rest in feare to deale so cruelly Make and performe vowes to your God all you that nygh him be Loke that ye brynge gyftes vnto him for terrible is he He stoppeth the breath of rulars and causeth them to die And the myghtie kynges of the earth feare him excedyngly The .lxxvij. Psalme WHen I dyd lyfte my voyce to God and dyd vpon him crye Then dyd he geue eare vnto me hearde me wyllyngly In the daye of my trouble I dyd to the Lorde resort ▪ By nyght my power was scatered my soule toke no confort When I called God to my mynde then was my sprite troubled And I mourned excedyngly my courage faynted O God thou dydest knowe certenly the watches of myne eies I was amased and coulde not speake out in any wise Then dyd I call to memorie the tymes that erst haue bene And the years that in the old world our fore fathers haue sene My verses in the nyght dyd I call to my memorie And wyth myne herte I cōmuned and dyd myne owne sprite trie Then sayde I wyll the Lord forsake his poreseruant for aye Wyll he neuer be pleasaūt but thus terrible alwaye Is his loueynge kyndnes quitte lost hath he no more in store Shall the sprite of true prophecie neuer be heard of more Hath God forgotten vtterly howe to be mercifull Wyl he holde in his mercies lyke a man that is irefull Yet at the laste thus dyd I thyncke this is but my weakenes For the right hand of the high God maye chaunge all thynges certes The worckes of the Lorde wyll I call to memorie therfore And wyll not forget the wōders that he dyd heretofore I wyll also O God thyncke on all thy worckes secretly And to speake of thy counselles Lorde I wyll my selfe applye For all thy wayes and thy counselles are holy and vpright No God therfore can be so great as art thou God of myght For thou alone hast brought to passe thynges straynge and wonderfull And emonge the people thou hast made thy power notable For thy people are reuenged by thy great poure full well That is to saye the chyldren of Iosephe and Israell The waters dyd se the O God the waters dyd se the And loste theyr strength and the depe gan amased for to be The darcke cloudes sent downe showeres of rayne in wonderfull plentie And the cloudes sent forth thunder clappes and thy arrowes gan flye The noyse of thy thunder clappes and the flashes of lyghtnynge Appeared round about and the earth fell in a tremblynge Thy wayes are in the sea and thy pathes in waters full stronge And thy fote steppes are not espyed either of olde or yonge Thou dydeste leade thy people lyke a simple flocke of shepe And by the hand of Moses and Aaron thou dydest them kepe The .lxxviij. Psalme ATtend my people to my lawe and to my wordes enclyne My mouthe shall speake strange parables and sentences diuine Which we our selues haue heard seene emonge men that are olde And that for our enstructiō our fathers haue vs told We wyll not therfore hyde these thynges from theyr posteritie But to them that shall come after we wyll tell them playnly We wyll I saye tell the Lordes prayse his strength and hys glorie And eke all hys wonderfull workes to oure posteritie For wyth a certen charge he gaue a lawe in Israell Whiche was that all fathers shoulde these thynges to theyr chyldren tell That theyr posteritie that is theyr sonnes yonge and tender Myght when they come to age knowe them and teache them theyr chylder That they myght haue the better hope in God that is aboue And haue his holy worckes in mynde kepe his lawes for loue And not be lyke theyr fathers that were false and of such sprite That would not frame theyr wycked hertes to credite God a right The sonnes of Ephraim wēt out in armes and thought to spoyle Shothyng theyr dartes yet in the daye of warre they toke the foyle For whye they dyd not kepe wyth God the promise that was made Nor yet would walke or leade theyr lyfe accordynge to his trade But they forgate his worckes eke they smally estemed The wonderfull and noble actes that to thē he shewed Wythin the land of Egypt and in the field of Tanim In the syght of theyr fathers were great wonders wrought by him He dyd diuide and cut the sea and brought them through it drye And bade the waters stand as styll as thynges heaped on hye He led thē secret in a cloude by daye when it was bryght And all the nyght when it was darcke wyth fyer he gaue them lyght He brake the rockes in wyldernes gaue the people dryncke As plentifull as when the welles do flowe vp to the bryncke Out of the rocke of stone he brought fresh water streames at nede And made the waters for to rēne lyke great riuers in dede Yet for all this agaynst the Lord theyr synne dyd styll encrease And styrred him that is most hygh to wrath in wyldernes They tempted God wythin theyr hertes lyke people of mistruste When they cried to haue such meate as serued to theyr luste Then sayde they thus agaynst the Lorde in theyr vnfaythfullnes How
of Iacobs name no maner mention For wyth consent of herte these haue conspired together And made a couenaunt agaynste the that lyueste euer That is to saye the Edomites and eke the Ismalites The Moabites the Hagarenes and eke the Gebalites The Amonites Amalekites and eke the palestines ▪ And they that dwell in Tiria and in all the confines To them also are ioyned the assirians I wotte Who were the chiefe ayed and succoure vnto the sonnes of lot As thou dydst to Madianites at the riuer Kison And to Siser and to Labin so do to these echone For they were broken at Endor therby brought so lowe That from the donghill of the earth no man could them well knowe Let these men and theyr rulars haue the thynge that Oreb had And as Seeb Sebah and Salumna do thē rewarde These men haue sayed let vs calendge cleym to vs and ours Al the tabernacles of God his dwellynges his bowres O my God make thē lyke a wheele that no sure rest doeth fynd And as the stubble of the earth that rouleth wyth the wynde Let them be lyke the fyer that causeth great woodes to frye And lyke the flamme that burneth vp the mountaynes greate and hye So persecute them with thy stormes that they do no rest fynde And cast them flatte vpon the grounde with thy myghtie whyrlwynde ▪ Lord dashe al theyr faces ful of ignominie and shame That they maye be forced to seke after thyne holy name Let theyr shame and confusion be more more dayly Let them be shamed then let them perishe vtterly That they maye knowe that thou whose name is Lorde art he only That beaxeste rule through all the earth as Lorde and God most hye The .lxxxiiij. Psalme O Lorde of hostes how bewtifull and howe goodly in syght Are the tabernacles tentes that in thy champe are pight To dwel in the Lordes courtes my soule doeth longe excedynglye And to be wyth the lyueynge God myne herte and fleshe do crye For the verie sparowe hath founde a place wherin to dwell And the swallowe a neste where she maye kepe hir yonge ones well O Lord of myght that arte my kyng and eke my God for aye Thyne altares are the place wheron these byrdes do fynde theyr staye Happie and blessed are all they that in thyne house do dwell For they shall styll extoll thy name and thy great prayses tell Happie are the men that do put theyr confidence in the And in whose hertes thyne holy wayes are euident to se When they passe through the vale of teares wyth welles they shall it store ▪ And the rayne shall fyll the fyshe pondes tyll they wyll hold no more From heape to heape they shall procede in greate possession Eche of them shal playnly appeare before god in Sion Lord God of hostes heare my prayer O Iacobs God take hede O God our shild behold the face of Christ thyne anoynted For in thy courtes one daye passeth a thousand dayes elsewhere At thy dore then in wycked tentes I would dwelle much rather For the Lord God is a cleare sunne eke a tergat sure And geueth grace honour and all good thynges vnto the pure O Lorde of hostes that man is blesse and must nedes happye be That putteth hys only trust his cōfidence in the. The .lxxxv. Psalme O Lorde thou wylt be mercifull to thyne owne lande doubtlesse And wylt ryd all Iacobs kynred from thrauldome and distresse The wyckednes of thy people Lorde thou wylt take awaye And all theyr synnes trespases thou wylt hyde I dare saye Thou wylt take awaye all thyne hotte anger and furiouse feruour And wylt asswage thyne hotte anger and wrathfull displeasure Restore vs O God of our health and our saluation Restore vs and leaue of thy wrath and indignation What Wylt thou be styll wrath wyth vs shall thyne Ire haue none ende Wylt thou thy furie to the laste of all ages extende Arte thou not he that wyll returne and vs to lyfe restore That thy people maye be praysed in the for euermore O Lorde shewe vs thy greate goodnes and excedynge mercie And of thy saueynge health let thy pore seruantes haue plentie I wyll heare what the Lorde sayeth for al hys wordes doubtlesse Do byd his people and his saynctes declyne from wyckednes Certes his health is not far of from them that do hym feare So that our contrey nedeth not of honoure to despeare Mercie and trueth are met in one and are come togither ▪ So haue iustice and peace ioyned kyssynge one the other Fayeth shall sprynge vp out of the earth hir rote shall not decaye And iustice shall loke downe from far out of the heauens graye The Lorde also shall geue mercie and our land hir encrease And iustice shall walke before God treade in the playne wayes The .lxxxvj. Psalme O Lorde geue eare to thy seruant and graunt me my request For I a pore and simple wretch am vexed and oppreste Preserue my lyfe O Lord because my lyueynge is vpright Do thou saue thy seruant O God who trusteth in thy myght Be good to me O Lord because I call on the dayly There thou my mynde for vnto the O Lord I lyfte it hye For thou O Lorde arte good in dede and eke full of mercie Thy bountifull goodnes is large towardes all that on the crie Geue eare O Lord to my prayer ponder my request In my trouble I call on the for to heare thou arte prest Ther is not one amonge the goddes O Lord lyke vnto the Neither is there any that doeth such worckes as thy worckes be All nations that thou haste made shall come and honour the And shall set forth thy name O Lorde wyth prayse and wyth glorie And that because thou alone arte great and stronge in theyr syght And doest wonderfull actes and arte alone the God of myght Direct me in thy wayes and I shall in thy trueth procede O Lorde constrayne myne herte to feare thyne holy name in dede I wyll prayse the O Lord my God that wyth all myne herte And from the prayses of thy name my mynde shall neuer sterte For doubtlesse thy mercie towardes me doeth in greatnes excell For thou haste rydde my soule out of the lougher pyt of hell The proude arrogant O God are risen agaynst me And the cruell sorte seke my soule and haue no feare of the. But thou Lorde God arte redie to mercie and forgeuenes Slowe to anger longe sufferyng and full of faythfullnes Loke backe and take mercie on me Lorde after thyne olde wonne Geue thy strength to thy pore seruaunte saue thyne handmaydes sonne Shewe some signe of thy loue toward me that such as do me hate Maye shame to se that thou Lorde dost me helpe and consolate The .lxxxvij. Psalme THe bases and foundations of Sion are faste set In the mountaynes and hylles that are boeth holye and sacrete The Lorde beareth more fauour to the cities of
Sion Then he doeth to the residue of Iacobs nation Ryght noble thynges O goddes citie are reported of the Reported in the O Sion right noble thynges there be Rahab and such of Babilon as haue knowen my name I wyll haue kepte in memorie as right worthy of fame Loe palestine is worthy prayse because therin were borne Boeth zor and they of Ethiope of whom I thyncke no scorne But of Sion it shall be sayed that many of greate fame Haue bene borne there the high God shall eke confirme the same In his writtynges the Lord shall cyte the peoples euerie one And of them all the chyefest man was borne in this Sion In the Sion are all my welles whereout all they do sprynge That in my trase do leade the daunce do my praises synge The .lxxxviij. Psalme LOrde God myne health before thy face I crye boeth daye and nyght ▪ Let my request I the besech be present in thy syght Bowe downe thyne eare vnto my cry for my soule hath hir fyll And my lyfe is brought to the graue through the plentie of ill But now am I compted wyth them that go into the pyt And am compared to a man that of strength hath no whyt As one fre from all maner thynges that to thys lyfe belonge I am accompted emonge them whom fatall death hath stonge I am I saye lyke to the deade that in the graue do slepe Of whō there is no memorie ne doeth thyne hand them kepe In the lower pyt of troubles Lord thou hast placed me In places that are darcke depe so hath it pleased the. Thy feruent indignation hath quelled me well most Thou hast cast out thy pore seruaunt in troubles to be toste Thou haste caused myne acquayntaunce to flye far of from me ▪ And through thy meanes they do abhor thy pore seruant tose I am enclosed in suche wyse and hedged rounde about That I ne can by any meanes fynde ishue or waye out Throughsore payne and affliction myne eye syght fayleth me O Lorde I call and crie all daye and lyfte myne handes to the. And doest thou shewe wonders to them that in the graue dolye Or shall the deade arise agayne and prayse the worthyly And shall thy mercie and goodnes be preached in the graue Or thy fayth in destruction wher none hath mynde to craue Or shall thy wonders be well knowen in places darke and blynd Or thy iustice in such a place where nothing is in mynde But I thy pore seruant haue cried to the O Lorde I saye And my prayer shall the preuēt in the spryng of the daye O Lord whye doest thou put me backe and my pore soule repell Wylt thou Lord hyde thy face from me and shewe thy selfe cruell Wretched am I and from my youth haue ben styll at deathes dore And wyth perplex and doubtfull mynde I sustayne thy terrour Thy furies and rageynge angers haue gone ouer me quite And thy terrours and great threatnynges haue kylled me downryght They haue dayly enuironed and beset me about And to gyrd me in togither they haue not stand in doubt My friendes thou haste set far from me eke my neyghbours all And haste caused myne acquayntaunce into darcknes to fall The .lxxxix. Psalme THy mercies and thy goodnes Lorde I wyll synge wythout staye And wyth my mouth Lord wyll I cause thy truth be knowe for aye For wyth my selfe thus haue I thought Goddes mercie lasteth aye And in the hygh heauens his trueth he hath set wyth sure staye Thus hath he sayd wyth mynde elect I haue made a comnaunt And wyth an othe I promised to Dauid my seruant Thy seede I wyll confirme for aye make it to enduer And in all ages that shall come thy throne shall remayne sure The heauens O Lord celebrate prayse thy wonders all So do the sanctes thyne holy trueth when they theyr counselles call In heauen who is it that maye be the Lordes felowe right And which of the stronge men shal be lyke vnto him in myght For God muste be greatly feared in holy mens counsell And must be had in reuerence of them that nygh hym dwell Lorde God of hostes who is lyke the Oh thou that art myghtie All thynges that are about the Lorde are truth and veritie Lord thou doest rule the greate furies and rages of the seas And when they do lyft vp their waues thou doest them all appease Prouide Pharao thou dydest beate euen as a deade bodie And wyth the force of thy great strength thou dydst thy foes destroye The heauens are thyne so is the earth none can thys thynge denie ▪ The whole worlde and all thynges therin thou haste made certenly The north parte and the south also thou haste made and formed ▪ Thabor and Hermon shall reioyce whē they heare the named Thou haste an arme full of all powre all myght doeth therin stande Lorde thou doest fortifie thy strength lyfte vp thy ryght hande Thy prynce lyke throne is vndersette with equitie and right Mercie and trueth go before the and are styl in thy syght O happie people that confesse the sygnes of goddes presence For in thy lyght O Lorde suche shall walke wyth greate reuerence They shall dayly ioye and reioyce Lorde in thyne holy name And in thy ryghtuousenes they shall purchase them selfe greate fame For of theyr ioyce strength O God thou only arte the floure And of thy mere goodnes thou wylt extolle our myght and power For our shyld of defence is a thynge of the lordes geuynge And the holy one of Iacob hath geuen vs our kynge Then to thy prophetes by a dreame thus saydest thou in effect I wyll supporte ayde Dauid for he is myne elect I haue found Dauid my seruant haue hym anoynted Wyth holy oyle that by my power he myght be strengthened The enimie shall neuer be able hym to deceyue Neither shall the froward haue powre my seruant for to greue I wyl braye all his enimies euen before his face And suche as do hym hate I wyll destroye wyth outen grace My trueth eke my mercie shall be wyth hym at his nede And in my name his power shal be excedyng great in dede I wyll put his hand in the sea his power shall thyther reach And ouer the rennynge riuers he shall hys ryght hand stretche He shall call on me at his nede and shall saye in this sorte Thou arte my father and my God and of my health the forte Myne heyer wyll I ordeyne hym aboue the kynges all My mercie and promise to him for euer kepe I shall I wyll make hys sede eternall his stocke shall neuer die And his royall seate wyll I make lyke the tyme of the skye If hys sonnes wyll forsake my lawe and not walke in my steppes ▪ If they wyll breake myne ordinaūce and not kepe my preceptes Then wyth roddes wyll I visyte them for theyr goynge astraye And wyll wyth scourges punish the wyckednes of theyr waye
am thy pore seruaunt I saye wherfore enstructe thou me To vnderstande all such thynges as in thy wyttnesses be And nowe is it a mete tyme for the Lorde to worcke his feate For they haue broken thy lawe Lorde and do thy wyll forgete Wherefore I haue loued thy lawe thy preceptes eche one More then I haue loued fyne goulde or most preciouse stone And for this cause I do defende all thy lawes as most ryght But all disceytfull wayes I hate and owe them moste dispight Because thy lawes and wyttnesses are wonderfull to me Therfore I saye my soule hath kept them in simplicitie The verie entraunce of thy wordes and the firste openynge Bryngeth lyght and enstructeth the simples vnderstandynge And for this cause do I open my mouth my breath drawe Because I do greatly desyre the preceptes of thy lawe Loke backe to thy seruant and deale wyth me mercifully As thou arte wont wyth them that loue thy name vnfaynedly Forme thou my steppes Lorde wyth thy worde let them therwyth agree And let no maner of vayne thynge haue the rule ouer me O Lorde redeme thou me from al humane oppressions That I maye kepe shyne holy lawes and constitutions And shewe thy chereful countenaūce vnto thy pore seruant And teach me thy decrees and eke thy holy couenaunt Greate streames of water do descend downe from thy seruauntes eies For theyr sakes that kepe not thy lawes nor thy testimonies Lorde thou arte iuste thy iudgmēt is streight before our eies And thou hast geuen strayght charge to kepe all thy testimonies My wrath and indignation doeth me deadly greauaunce Because myne enimies haue not thy wordes in remembraunce Thy worde Lorde is a thynge moste pure and purged of all fylth And it is the onely thynge that thy pore seruant louethe I am in dede but verie base and also despised Yet do I not forget the thynges that thou haste ordeined Thy iustice is such a iustice that it doeth styll endure And thy lawe is the veritie most sincere and most pure Greate daynger and greate miserie haue me deprehended Yet wyth thyne holy preceptes Lorde I am styll delited The iustice of thy wyttnesses is eternall I saye Teache me therfore that I maye lyue for euer and for aye Because I crye with all myne herte Lord graunt thou my requeste That I maye well obserue and kepe all that thou decreeste Because I crye to the I saye do thou saue me at nede That I maye well obserue all thy testimonies in dede The dawnynge and the breake of daye I do preuent and crie And in thy worde and sure promise a faythfull truste haue I. Myne eies do preuent the vigilles and wakynge tyme of nyght That of thyne holye worde I maye dispute some what aright Heare thou my voyce O Lorde I saye euen for thy mercie sake And accordynge to thy iudgment do thou me lustie make Suche men as folowe wyckednes nygh vnto me do drawe Suche men I saye as nowe are gone a greate waye from thy lawe But thou also Lorde arte at hande wyth me prest and redie And all thyne holy preceptes are moste sincere veritie Whych thynge I knewe by thy wyttenes longe tyme before thys daye For thy testimonies haue bene for euer and for aye Loke backe vpon my miserie and set thy seruant free For I haue not yet forgotten the lawe thou gaueste me Pleade thou my cause and let me be by the deliuered And offer me thy worde that I maye be recreated Thyne health is far frō the wycked they shall not it enioye Because to seke out thy decrees none of thē doeth employe Thy mercie Lord is manifolde to it thou arte styll bent Wherfore refreshe thy pore seruant after thyne owne iudgment I haue erred as doeth a shepe that goeth head longe to dye But seke thou me because I haue thy lawes in memorie The .cxx. Psalme IN my greate perile and daynger to the Lorde dyd I crye And he gaue eare eke graunted my requeste by and by O Lorde deliuer thou my soule frō lyppes that vse to lye And eke from a disceytful tonge which cause the soule to dye O thou disceytfull tonge I saye what can be lyke to the Or what thynge maye God to the adde whereby thou mayste worse be Thou arte lyke vnto the arrowes that from a stronge man flee And also lyke the burnynge coles of the Iuniper tree Woes me that I am a straynger emonge men of Nesech And that I dwell in Cedars tentes lyke a miser and wreche My soule hath lyued longe emonge men that hate quietnes For when I that loue peace do speake to warres they do them dresse The .cxxj. Psalme MYne eies lyfte I vp to the hylles to God that is on hye For thens my confort and my hope and only helpe haue I. Myne only helpe cometh to me downe from the Lorde aboue From him I saye that made heauen earth that doeth not moue When the Lord taketh charge of the thou shall treade stydfastly And thy kepar shal not desyre to slepe or close his eie For lo he is nothynge slepy neither shall slepe at all That hath Israel in kepynge as rular ouer all It is the Lorde that kepeth the and shadoweth the from ille It is the Lorde that is present euen at thy right hande styll The sunne therfore shal not stryke the by daye wyth his beames bright No more shall the contagiouse mone in the tyme of the nyght The Lorde shal kepe the salfe and sownde none euell shall come the nye And he shall kepe thy lyfe also thy soule shall neuer die The Lorde shall kepe the salfe I saye and be thy defender In all thynges that thou goest aboute from hense forth for euer The .cxxij. Psalme WHen men saye in this wise to me go we to the Lordes house Then am I made right glad I say and excedynge ioyouse In thy gates O Ierusalem in thy gates so goodly Oure fete haue stand and there haue we bene a great companie Ierusalem was firste builded for to be a citie And a place where men myght be knyt in a societie Vp to the whych kynreddes do go that of goddes stocke are founde To confesse him out of the lawe wherwyth Iacob is bounde For there are seates of right iudgment iustice appoynted That is to saye the seate of the house stocke of Dauid Oh wyshe you to Ierusalem peace and prosperitie And that all maye go well wyth them that do loue that citie Peace be wythin thyne vtter walles and eke prosperitie In all thy goodly palaices wherin thy princeslye For my brethren and my frendes sake I wyll speake all suche thynge As vnto thy felicitie and wealth is belongynge And for the loue of the house of the Lorde our God I saye Thynges profitable vnto the I wyll seke for alway The .cxxiij. Psalme OH thou that dwellest in heauens and arte there styll present To the do I lyfte vp myne eies my mynde to the
is bent Lo as the seruantes eyes are fyxte vpon theyr maisters hande So do we loke on our Lord God do before him stande And as the handmaydes eyes behold the hande of hir mestres So are our eies turned to him tyll we fele his goodnes Deale mercifully wyth vs Lorde deale thou mercifully For wyth contempt we are fylled and that in great plentie Longe tyme nowe hath our soule benfull of the rych mens mockynge So hath it ben longe satisfied wyth proude mens despysynge The .cxxiiij. Psalme NOwe maye Israell salfly saye we had all dyed in dede Had not the lord that is redye with vs holpen at nede Excepte the lord had holpen vs when mē agaynst vs rose In theyr Ire they had eaten vs alyue as I suppose By this tyme they had drowned vs as waters that do flowe And as a swyfte streme they had gone quite ouer our heades nowe By thys tyme I saye the waters that swell excedyngly Had ouercome our syly soule and caused vs to dye We muste preach and set forth the Lorde we most prayse him I saye That hath not geuen vs to theyr teeth that we should be theyr praye For our soule hath scaped theyr snare and is nowe at large set Euen as the sparowe that breaketh out of the foulars net The net is broken nowe I saye we are escaped Our helpe therfore is in his name that hath all thynges formed The .cxxv. Psalme ALl such as do truste in the Lorde shall neuer be moued More then the holy hyll Sion that is surly founded And as aboute Ierusalē are hyghe hylles on eche syde So shall the Lorde compasse hys floke from hense forth at eche tyde For the parte of wyckednes shall not wyth the iuste remayne Leste from doynge iniquitie theyr handes shoulde not refrayne O Lord do thou good vnto them in whom thou doest good fynde And to all suche as thou knowest to be of a good mynde And let suche as do wyckedlye haue the wyckedes rewarde At the Lordes hande that Israel maye lyue nowe in salfegarde The .cxxvj. Psalme WHen the Lorde shall restore Sion out of bondage agayne Thē shal we be lyke men that dreame that they haue lyued in payne Our mouth and tonge shall be full wyth laughter and syngynge then And the Heathen shall saye the Lorde hath done much for these men The Lorde no doubt hath done wyth vs thynges that are greate in dede And we are made merie therby and greatly conforted Oh Lorde leade thou vs home agayne out of captiuitie Euen as thou causeste the riuers of the south parte to drye Let them that sowe theyr seede wyth teares and water of thyre eies Reioyce when they shall reape the same in moste plentifull wise The man that beareth the seedlepe shall go on styll wepynge But when he shall carie the sheaues he shal returne syngynge The .cxxvij. Psalme VNlesse the Lorde do builde the house the buildars lose theyr payne And except he kepe the citie the kepars watch in vayne It is in vayne that you do rise so sone and reste so late And that you get your vitayles wyth payn and sorowes so greate Syth in the meane ceasone God doeth graunte slepe and quiete reste To his dearlynges and all such men as his herte lyketh beste Beholde the byrthryght of the Lorde is chylder and younge frye And the wages that he geueth the fruite of the bealye The chyldren that be borne in youth whylse boeth parentes be yonge Are lyke the arrowes that are shotte by a man that is stronge And happie is he that fylleth his quiuer wyth the same For when they shal stryue wyth they re lyke they shall sustayne no shame The .cxxviij. Psalme HAppye and blessed is that man that feareth God aryght And walketh forward in his wayes with all his mayne myght Thynges gotten wyth his labour he shall eate of at his nede He shal be blessed shal lyue moste welthyly in dede In his house sydes his wyfe shall be as a vyne most fruitfull And his sonnes lyke Olyue branches rownd aboute his table For lo in this sorte is the man made blessed and happie That doeth stande in dreade and feare of the Lorde vnfaynedly Out of Sion the Lord shall geue to him this good blessynge To se Ierusalem in peace all dayes of his lyueynge And to se the sonnes of his sonnes descendynge of hys bloud And eke the state of Israell boeth fortunate and good The .cxxix. Psalme NOwe may Israell saye they haue fought ryght sore agaynst me Verie oftē from my youth vp that myne enimies be Ryght ofte they haue fought against me from my yougth may he saye Yet agaynst me could they neuer preuayle ne haue theyr waye The plowmen haue plowed my backe and made ther forowes longe But the iuste Lorde hath cut the bandes of men wicked and stronge Let all that hate Sion take shame and be dryuen backe and made Lyke grasse that groweth on houses and doeth sodenly fade So that the reapar can not fynde enough to fyll hys hande Neither the byndar hys arme full to laye wythin hys bande Neither do they that passe by saye the Lorde geue you blessynge In the Lordes name we wyshe you good and encrease of all thynge The .cxxx. Psalme FRom the deapth of all miserie O Lord on the call I Lorde heare my voyce let thyne eares geue hede vnto my crye For if thou Lord God wouldeste marcke synnes who coulde then be saued But thou arte full of clemencie and arte therfore feared For the haue I loked O Lorde so hath my soule also And in the do I put my truste boeth in well and in wo. My soule doeth loke tarie for the Lorde from the morne tyde From morne to morne I saye my soule doeth for the Lorde abyde Let Israell waite on the Lorde for wyth him is mercie And wyth the Lorde redemption is wonderfull plentie For he redemeth Israel from al his wyckednes ▪ And setteth all his people free from theyr iniquities The .cxxxi. Psalme O Lorde myne hert hath not bene proude neither myne eies loftie I haue not sought prayse in great thynges neither clymed to hye I lle myght I speed if I haue not though myselfe none other Then the yonge chylde that is weaned at home wyth his mother And the soule or the mynde that doeth wythin my bodie reste Is lyke the chyld that lately hath bene takē from the breste Oh Israell waite on the Lorde truste styl in him I saye Put all thy confidence in him for euer and for aye The .cxxxij. Psalme O Lorde be myndfull of all thynges that haue vexed Dauid That to his good all his trouble maye be alwaye turned For he hath sworne vnto the Lorde and vowed solemnely To the myghtie God of Iacob and sayed for certentie I lle myght I spede if I enter my tent or clyme my bedde Or if I shall graunte any slepe to the eies of myne heade Or if I suffer myne eie leddes to wyncke
loded wyth syluer and wyth golde And in theyr kynreddes none was weake were he neuer soolde And all Egypt reioyced much when they gan to departe For the feare of the Lordes people had stryke them to the herte He spred abroade a cloude in steade of a veyle them to hyde Ryght so dyd he a flameynge fyre to shyne in the nyght tyde And when the people cried to him he gaue them quayles plentie And with breade that fell from heauē he dyd them satisfie And laste of al the greate rocke brake and waters gan flowe out Through places that were passynge drye lyke a riuerfull stoute For he retayned styll in myde hys promise moste holy Made to his seruaunt Abraham whoe worshipt-him trulye And he led forth his owne people with ioye and reioyceynge So dyd he his beloued men with most ioyful syngynge And to them he gaue the contreis of men that were Heathen That they myght possesse thynges that were by theyr laboure gotten To the ende that they myght obserue hys lawes and holde hys laye Wherfore I saye prayse ye the Lorde prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cvi. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to hym for hys mercie continueth for aye Who can be able to declare the stronge worckes of the Lorde Or to speake of all hys prayses and the same to recorde Oh happie are they that do kepe iudgmēt and therin staye Right so are they happie that do worcke rightuousnes alwaye Lord for the loue thou bearest to thy flocke remembre me And visite me Lorde for the health that remayneth in the. That I may se thy chosen sorte lyue in felicitie And maye reioyce wyth thy people and with thy stocke glorie We haue synned as greatly as euer our fathers dyd We haue done vniustly and haue wrought thynges that are wycked Thy wonders in Egypt they dyd not weygh and scanne wysly Ne kept thy greateste benifites in perfect memorie And when they came vnto the sea there were they vnruly At the red sea I saye they were rebelles stoute and sturdie Yet dyd the Lorde preserue them all for his names sake only That hys strength and hys myghtie powre myght be more knowne therby And he rebuked the red sea and forthwyth it was drye And then he led them through the depe as through desert saflye And he saued them pullynge them out of theyr enmyes powre And eke from theyr enimies handes he dyd them deliuer But the waters ouerwhelmed theyr enmies in such sorte That none of them was lefte on lyue to make therof report Then gaue they credite to his wordes gan his prayse to synge But streyght waye they forgate his worckes myndynge his lawes nothynge They burned wyth concupiscence in the desert doubtlesse So they tempted and proued God in the rude wyldernes And he gaue the thynge that they dyd so ernestly desyre But wythall he gaue them a plage for theyr rewarde and hyre More ouer in theyr tentes they dyd Moses enuie and hate And so dyd they Aaron that was to the Lord consecrate Wherfore the earth dyd open hir dyd Dathan swalowe And all Abirase companye it dyd ouerwallowe The fyre also burned full hotte in these mens companie The flameynge fyre that burned vp men that were vngodly More ouer they made them a calfe at Oreb that montayne And gaue honour to an Image that fyre had molt certayne So chaunged they the maiestie of theyr God most myghtie For an Image of oxe or cowe that eateth grasse dayly And they forgate God vtterly that had them salfly kept And that had wrought so noble thynges in the land of Egypt They forgate him I saye that had at C ham greate wonders wrought And fearefull thynges at the red sea through which he had them brought He had decreed to destroye them tyll Moses his chosen Had made request in theyr behalfe and his anger broken They dyd also forsake the land that they had desyred Geueyng no credite to the worde of him that promised And in theyr tentes they murmured and dyd in herte repyne Neither were they obedient vnto goddes worde diuine Then sware he to them that he would destroye them in deserte And theyr seede emonge the heathen and scatter them aparte Then dyd they ioyne them selues vnto Ball Peor as theyr heade And then they eate of thynges offred vnto goddes that were deade And by theyr owne studies and wayes they dyd kendle Goddes Ire That most cruel destruction myght be theyr worthy hyre As when good Phine has stode vp and thought good to destroye The shamlesse worckar of his wil that plage myght cease therby Which thynge was imputed to him for iustice right and true And in lyke maner shall it be whylse tyme shall continue At the water of stryfe also theyr Lorde they prouoked And for theyr sakes good Moses was at Goddes hande punished For they had so vexed his mynde and eke his pacience That he spake some thynge wyth his mouth that lacked reuerence More ouer they spared such men as the Lorde bade them stroye They occupied wyth the Heathen and learned theyr worckes therby So that they worshypt theyr Idoles which were to them a snare For to deuelles they kylled theyr sonnes and daugthers wythout care The gyltlesse bloude of theyr childrē they shed in sacrifice To the Chananites Images in most vngodly wise And in theyr dedes they were vncleane wycked was theyr waye And in theyr owne inuentions they wandered astraye And the Lorde was excedynge wrath wyth his people therfore And hated his enheritaunce that had synned so sore In so much that he gaue them vp into the heathens handes And would theyr enimies shoulde rule boeth them and eke theyr landes Yea theyr enimies vexed them and dyd them sore agreue And caused them magre theyr heade vnder theyr powre to lyue Sometyme he set them free but they by theyr wayes that were vayne Prouoked him and theyr mysse lyfe made them styll pore agayne Yet when he sawe theyr miseries and hearde theyr dolefull crye Myndfull of his promes to them he shewed his greate mercie He pitied them I saye after his plentie of mercies And made them fynde fauour in the syght of theyr enimies Kepe vs O Lord that arte our God and gather thyne elect From emonge the heathen that do not loue the nor thy secte Kepe vs I saye that we maye styll thyne holy name confesse And celebrate the wyth prayses after thy worthines The Lord God of Israel is to be praysed foraye Let all the people saye Amen prayse ye the Lord I saye The .cvij. Psalme COnfesse cōfesse vnto the Lord for he is good I saye Confesse to him for his mercie continueth for aye Let such as the lord hath made fre saye nowe vnfaynedly That he hath set them fre from the powre of the enimie And that he hath gathered them out of all regions From east from west from the north and the south nations And whē they