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mercy_n hear_v lord_n pray_v 6,088 5 6.6801 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13670 A full deuoute and gostely treatyse of the imytacyon and folowynge the blessed lyfe of our moste mercyfull Sauyour cryste compyled in Laten by the right worshypful Doctor Mayster Iohn Gerson: and translate into Englisshe the yere of owre lorde M.d.ii. by maister william Atkynson Doctor of diuinite: at ye speciall request [and] co[m]maundeme[n]t of the full excellent Pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde Kynge Henry the. vii. and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby.; Imitatio Christi. English. Atkinson, William, d. 1509.; Gersen, Giovanni, Abbot of Vercelli, 14th cent., attributed name.; Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name. 1517 (1517) STC 23957; ESTC S107339 132,115 238

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redy to helpe the. That soule rydeth full pleasauntly whome the grace of oure lorde supportethe and bereth vp What meruayle is yf that soule be nat ouer charged with trybulacyon that is supported of hym that is omnypotente and ys conueyed by hys infynyte wysdome we be gladde to haue consolacion and supportacion in all our lyfe and labours and sory to be without them or to forsake our owne ꝓpre appetyte and pleasure The holy martyr seynt Laurens was so feruent in the loue of our lorde that he gladly forsoke nat alonly the worlde his speciall beloued frende and preste Sixtus but also his mortall lyfe by passion moste terryble and ferefull he ouer came the loue of man by the loue of his maker he made cōmutacion of transetory consolacion lyfe for euerlastīge solacyous life Here we may lerne to cōfourme our will to the wyl pleasure of god whan he of his grace taketh to his mercy any of our frendes be they neuer so dere specyal to vs. For lyke as we come to the worlde by hys will cōmandement so we must deꝑte fro this mortall lyfe tēporall cohabitaciō It is no lytell ne shorte batayle a man to ouercome him selfe and to ordre all his affeccions to the pleasure of god The veray true louer of god studyꝰ desire of vertue is nat besy to acquyre wordly consolacion or sensuall pleasurs ne bodely delectacions but rather glad for the loue of god to exercise theyr selfe in harde and payntfull labours whan the spirituall deuyne consolaciō is graūted to y● for a tyme repute that of his goodnes nat of thy deseruynge be nat therof ioyfull to moche ne p̄sume therof vaynly but be therof meke and circūspecte timerous ī all thy actis for that houre shall passe tēptacion tribulacion shal come And whan they come take nat īmoderate thought or sorow ne in no wise dispeyre nat but mekely paciētly abide the deuine cōsolacion for he ys of power to graunt to the more habūdaūce cōtynuaūce of spirituall consolacion swetnes than thou hadest before And merueyle nat of suche altercacion in thy mide for thou art nat the first that hath had experiens of these for the holy seyntes ꝓphetes pr̄iarkes and appostels haue had like altercacions of minde somtyme mery by deuyne consolacions somtymes ꝓued by withdrawīge of cōsolacion belapped with tribulacion vexacion The ꝓphete Dauid hauig y● cōsolacious ●sence of the deuyne grace sayde he shulde neuer be remoued therfro without ende anone whan he had experiēce of y● absēce of this grace he saide to our lorde thou hast withdrawen thy delectable chere of thy presence I am made disolate troabled betwene those .ii. extremites of ioy trybulacion take we no defēce but rather prai we with Dauid sayīge I shalnat cesse to crye to y● form̄ey I shall mekeli pray to y● my lord god so finally he ꝓcurid ● frute effecte of his prayer as he testifieth sayinge Our lorde hath harde me hath mercy of me ys made my helper after saith Good lorde thou hast tourned my sorowe īto ioy thou hast belapped me with ioye If almyghty god hath in this wise delt with the great excellent seyntes we that be of smale reputacion may take therof confidence in god thoughe we haue somtime feruour of spirite somtyme lacke of deuocion spirituall cōsolacion for his spirite of holy cōsolacion cometh deꝑteth at his pleasure as y● holy man Iob sayth Thou graciously visetest him in the morowtyde and shortlye afterwarde thou ꝓuydest hym by mater of paciēce And therfore wher in shall I truste or in whome shall I haue cōfidence but in the great mercy of god hope of the heuenly helpe If I myghte haue the assistence of good deuoute men the helpe of holy bokes and the roiall noble processe of scrypture also incited to deuocion by the meane of swete melodyous sōge all those thīges may lytell auayle whan I am lafte to my frailte and pouerte without grace than there is no bet● remedye but by pacience to remoue owre owne wil conforme vs to the wyll of god Iohn̄ Gerson the auctour of this treatese sayth he neuer had knowe●ege of religious persone but he had at somtime subtraccion demynucion of gostly swetnes feruoure deuocion There was neuer religious soule so ilumined orso rauisshed in y● visiō of our lorde but it was ꝓued by tēptaciō other afore or afterward For ther be none worthy to haue y● hye deuine ꝯtēplaciō but if be they be exercised firste with some tribulacion for the loue god it is ꝓuyded by the greate wysdome of god to the electe soules to haue temptaciōs as a signe or token of cōsolacion to come For to those that be prouyded pacyently by tribulacions be ꝓmysed of our lorde heuenly rewarde cōsolacōn as it appereth by the sētence of the holy gost shewed bi the mouthe of the holy euangeliste Iohn̄ seyīge who souer ouercometh tribulaciō by paciēce vice sinne by resistēce shal be fed with the frute of y● tree of lyfe y● is with the clere deuine vision vnspekable fruicion of y● blessed godhed also the deuine ꝯsolacion is graūted vnto man for to make hym more strōge to suffre aduersite And anone folo with tēptaciō list that mā take any elacion of y● gostly ꝯsolaciō The deuil slepith nat ne y● flesshely appetitis be nat yet morfied therfore p̄pare thyselfe to batell for thou hast ennemies on euery side he that neuer sesith to assaile y● ¶ The .x. chaptre of yeldīge thākes to god for hys graces wHy secheste thou reste whan thou arte ordeined in thys lyfe to labour Applye thyselfe more to pacience than to consolacyon or pleasure to the crosse of penaunce rather than to temporall ioye pleasure There ys none so seculer or wordly but if they might haue cōtinuaunce of spirituall cōsolacōn they wolde gladly accepte yt For the spyrytuall ioyes excede all other wordly cōsolacioos bodely pleasures All wordly bobely plesurs be transetori mixte with somdele of vnclenes But the spitritual plesurs desyres be pure honest ioyfull ꝓcedynge of vertues graūted of our lorde alonlye to pure and clene myndes But this tranquylyte of gostely cōsolacions is many tymes ouerflowen by the outragious tēpestis of tēptacion The false lyberte of lyuynge greate cōfidence in our owneselfe be two thinges moche cōtrary to heuenly visitacion consolacion Our lord shewith his goodnes to man grauntinge to hym y● grace of gostely consolacion But man sheweth his vnwise neclygence whan he withdraweth cōdigne thanke ne īputeth nat this grace only to oure lorde and therfore we be nat worthye to haue his mercyfull grace to abyde with vs. Grace is euer graūted to the meke soules that euer be rede to yelde thākes to god for his mercyfull benefaites and cōtrariwise grace is withdrawen fro the