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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09935 Certeine prayers and godly meditacyons very nedefull for euery Christen Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. aut; Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498. aut 1538 (1538) STC 20193; ESTC S101031 109,462 278

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/ it draweth vnto hym all vertue and expelleth all vyce / therfore create ī me Oh god a pure harte thorow thy grace / make a newe an vpryght sprete in mi bowels For thy sprete shall leade me in to a right waye / which shal purge me from all erthy affectes and shall lyfte me vpp vnto heuēlie thynges The louer the thynge that is loued are both of one nature He that loueth bodelie thinges is wordlye but he that loueth spretuall thīges is spretuall Geue me a sprete that maye loue the worshyppe the / the most hye sprete / for god is a sprete they whych worshyppe hym / must worshyppe hym in the sprete verite Geue me an vpright sprete not schinge his awne profyte and glorye / but the will and glorie of god renewe an vpryght sprete wyth in me renewe it For my synnes haue qwenched the fyrst that thou gauest me Geue me now a new sprete that it maye redresse that thinge whych is inueterate my soule is also a sprete so made of the that of her selfe she is ryght for of her awne nature she loueth the aboue her selfe and desyreth all thynges for thy glorye / so that her awne naturall loue is ryght / for it cometh of the / but of her awne frowarde will is it īueterate polluted causinge her natural loue to decaye Make new therfore this s●te this loue thorow thy grace that it maye walke ī the right waye accordīge to his nature renue it I saye that it maye euer enflame me with heuēlye loue that it maye euer cause me to sighe vnto the / to enbrace the continuallye and neuer to forsake the. Cast me not awaye from thy face / and thy holye goste take not from me Behold Lorde I stande before thy face that I maye fynde mercye I stonde before thy benigne goodnes lokinge for thy fauourable āswere cast me not cōfused frō thy face who came euer Lorde vnto the and went awaye confused Who euer desyred thy fauoure / and went wyth out it Surelye thou passest in thy aboundant pytye both the deseruinges and also the desires of thē that praye vnto the / for thou geuest more then men can desyre yee or vnderstonde whē they haue it It was neuer harde that thou dydst cast awaye from they face any man that euer came vnto the Shall I Oh Lorde be the first that shall be cast awaye from thy face and vtterlye confoūded wilt thou beginne at me to confounde them that come vnto the wilt thou neuer more haue mercye and cōpassion God forbidde The woman of Canane folowed the / she cryed and made a pytuous noyse / she moued thy dysciples / vnto compassion / and thou hyldest thy peace / she contynued knockynge / she worshipped the and sayd Lorde helpe me / nether yet woldest thou answere Thy dyscyples entreated for her sayenge let her goo for she cryeth after vs. But what was thyne answere Lorde I praye the / what dydst thou answere for south that she wepte in vayne / and laboured for nought / for thou saydst that thou wast not sent but vnto the shepe that were perysshed of the house of Israel What shuld this woman do when she hade these wordes verelye euen despayre as concerninge the grace that she requyred yet despayred she not / but trustynge in thy mercye prayed agayne sayenge Lorde helpe me / vnto wose importunite Lorde thou answeredst / it is not good to take the chyldrens brede and cast it to hondes as though thou shuldest haue sayed departe from me you Canaanites are dogges / ye are Idolatres / the precyous gyftes of he ven●ye fauoure partayne not vnto you I ought not to take them a waye from the Iues whych worshyppe the true and liuynge god / and to geue thē to soch dogges as ye are which worshuppe ydolles and deuels what shalt thou now doo thou woman of Canaan thou mayst now be a shamed and gette the awaye / for the Lorde is angrye not wyth the alone / but also thy hole nacyon Oh Lorde god / who wold not haue bene confounded and haue pyked hym awaye at these thy wordes who wold not haue mumbled and grugged agenst the who wolde not haue iudged the to be cruell And yet did thys woman contynue stille in prayer She cast not away her confidence / she toke not these harde wordes heuelye / she was n●● angrye / but she humbled her selfe the more and abode stylle in her petycion and sayde with good fyaunce It is truth Lorde that thou sayest / but I axe nobrred / I axe not the fauoure that thchyldren shuld haue I am a litle whe elpe and desyre the tromes whyth falle from thy chyldrens table Let them storys● and abounde with miracles / and other gracyous fauours / but let not me be destytute of thys trumme of grace / that my douhter maye be delyuered from the fendes possession for the whelpes do rate of the trummes whych faile from theyr masters tables Behold wat fayth / whate trust / and what humylyte was in thys women therfore thou / not dyspleased with her ymportunate instaunce but reioysinge in her excellēt constauncie dydst saye O woman greate is thy fayth / be it vnto the as thou wilt Why are these thynges wryten Lord god that we maye lerne to trust in the / that me maye humblye and deuoutlye continue in prayer / for thou wil● geue it yf men be greadye But the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence / and they that make violence vnto is catche it / for what thinges so euer are writen are writen for oure lerninge that thorow pacience and comforte of the scriptures we maye haue hope Cast me not therfore lorde frō thy face which stond wepinge and way linge daye night before thy face / not that thou shuldest deliuer me frō the bodelye oppression of deuyls / but that thou wilt delyuer my soule frō his spirituall power dominion Let me not be shamed O swete Iesu for in the onlye haue I trusted I haue no helth or comforte but in the o Lorde / for al haue forsakē me / euē my brothrē children haue cast me of and myne awne bowels abhorre me I haue no nother helper / but onlye the. Cast me not therfore awaye from thy face / take no● thy holye sprete for me There is nomā which can saye that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holye gost therfore yf I call vppon the lord Iesu / that do I in the holye gost / yf I be sorye for my synnes which are passed / yf I are forgeuenesse / this do I verelye by the holye gost Therfore I besech the take not fro me thy holye gost / but that it maye be with me / and laboure wyth me / for we wote not what to desyre as we ough to do But the sprete helpeth oure infirmityes and maketh intercession for vs / that is / maketh vs to praie with such sorowfull
awaie myne iniquyte Clense purefye myne harte after all myne iniquyte is put out / and all my vnclennesse clensed it maye be as a clene table in the whych the fynger of god may wryte the lawe of his loue ād cheryte wyth the whych can none inyquyte contynue Yet wash me more from myne iniquite clense me frō my synne I graunte and knowlege oh Lorde thou hast once put out myne iniquyte thou hast put it out agayne / And hast wasshed me a thousande tymes / how be it yet wash me from myne inyquyte / for I am fallen agayne Dost thou vse to spare a synfull man vntyll a certayne numbre of his synne / whych when Peter enquyred / how of then shall my brother offende agenst me and I shall forgeue hym / whether seuen tymes thou answeredst I saye not seuen tymes but seuentye tymes seuen tymes takynge that certeyne numbre / for an infynyte numbre / syth then that a man must forgeue so often / shalt thou in pardoninge and forgeuenesse be passed of a man is not god more then man is he not better then man yee rather god is the greate Lorde / and euerye man lyuynghe is nothynge but all vanyte And onlie god is good and euerye man a lyar / hast thou not sayed In what houre so euer the synner doth repent I will not remēbre any of his iniquities Behold I a synner do repent and morne / for myne old preuye sores festred within and now are they brokē forth for myne awne folyshnesse I am depressed and fore broken / I walke in contynuall mornynge I am feble / and verye weake / I roored for the sorow of myne harte Lord all my desyres are before the my sorowfull syghes are not vnknowne vnto the. Myne harie trembleth and panteth for sorow / my strength fayleth me and euen the verye sight of myne yies cease from theyr office / wherfore them oh Lord dost thou not put awaye mine iniquitie And yf thou put it out accordinge to the multitude of the multitude of thy mercyes / yet wash me more from myne iniquyte for yet am I not perfeytlye purefyed / finysh thy worke / take awaye the hole offence and also the payne that is due vnto the cryme encrease thy lyght with in me / kendle myne harte with thy loue and cheryte put out all feare Let the loue of the worlde / the loue of the flesh the loue of vayne glorye / and the loue of myselfe vtterlye departe fro me / yet styll more and more wash me from mine iniquite by the whych I haue offended agenst my neyghbour / and clense me from my synne that I haue commytted agenst god I wold haue the put awaye not onelye the faute and payne that foloweth it / but also the occasion and nourishmēt of synne wash me I saye with the water of thy gracyous fauoure / with water of which he that drinketh shall not thirst for euer / but it shall be made in hym a fontayne of lyuinge water runninge in to euerlastynge lyfe Wash me with the water of my teares Wash me with the comfortable waters of thy holye scriptures that I may be enumbred amonge thē vnto whom thou saydest Now are ye clene for my wordes which I haue spoken vnto you / Ioan. xiij For I knowlege mine iniquite my synne is euer before mine yies Although thorow the beholdinge of thy mercye and cōpassyons I maye be bolde to flye vnto the oh Lord yet will I not come as the pharise which prayed not but rather praysed hym selfe and despysed his neyghboure but I come vnto the as the publicane Luc. xviij which durst not lyfte vppe his yies vnto heauen For I also do knowlege myne iniquite / and whyles I pōdre my synnes I dare not lyfte vppe myne yies / but humblinge my selfe with the publicane I saye God be mercyfull to me a synner My soule wauereth betwene hope and feare / and somtyme for the feare of my synnes which I feale and knowelege to be in me I am ready to despayre / somtyme thorow the hope of thy mercye / I am lifted vp and comforted Neuerthelesse because that thy mercye is greater then my myserie I wyll euer Lorde trust in the and wil singe out thy plentuous cōpassyons for euer / for I know that thou desyrest not the deth of a synner / but rather that he were cōuerted and that he wold knowlege his iniquite and forsake his synne / and so come to the that he maye lyue My god graunte me that I maye lyue in the / for I knowlege my wykednesse / I know what a greuous burthen it is / how copyous / and how ieoperdyous I am ignoraunce of it / I hyde it not but sette it euē before myne yies / that I maye wash it with my teares and knowlege vnto the Lorde myne vnrightwysnes agenst my self also my synne which I haue proudlye done agenst the / is euer agenst me / therfore is it agenst me / because I haue synned agēst the And it is trulye agenst me / for it is euen agenst my soule accuseth me euer before the ●●y iudge condemneth me euer in euery place and it is so agenst me that it is euer before my face and stondeth butte agenst me that my prayer maye not perce thorow vnto the / that it myght take thy mercye frome and hynder thy mercye that it can not come at me therfore do I tremble and therfore do I morne besechinge thy mercye Therfore oh Lord as thou hast geuē this grace vnto me to knowe my wykednesse and to bewayle my synne euen so accomplysh this thy beneuolence geuynge me a parfayte fayth / and drawynge me vnto thy sonne which hath made a full satisfaccyon for all my synnes Geue me Lord this precyous gyfte / for euerye good gyfte and euerye parfeyte gyfte is from aboue comynge from the father of lyght Agenst the only haue I synned haue done that which is euell in thy sight that thou mayst be iustefyed in thy wordes mayst haue the victorie whē thou arte iudged I haue ouermoch synned vnto the alone for thou cōmaundedst me that I shuld loue the for thy selfe / and shuld loue all creatures for thy sake But I haue loued a creature more then the / louinge it euen for it selfe Whate is synne / but to loue a creature for it selfe what is that / but to do ageynst the Surelye he that loueth a creature for it selfe maketh that creature his god And therfore haue I synned agenst the onlye / for I haue made a creature my god So haue I cast the awaye / and haue bene iniurious onlye to the / for I haue not offended agenst any creature in that I haue set my trust or cōfidence in it For it was not cōmaunded me that I shuld loue anye creature for it self Yf thou haddest cōmaunded me that I shuld haue loued an angell onlye for hym self / I had loued monye for
Kepe vs from all euyll / misshe vous / obstinate / hard / styffe / vngentill / and resisting will Gyue de we obediēce / parsait freminde in all spiritual thinges / worldly / euerlasting transitory Kepe vs frō the most horribill synne of grugyng slaunder / accusing folisshe hardy iudgemēt / that we condēpne no man or turne any thing to rebuke Put from vs that abhominabill euyl / and most greuous stroke al suche tongues / teache vs that if we se or heare of other any thyng worthye of rebuke / whiche dyspleaseth vs / that we holde oure peace hyde it cōplenyng to the onely / putting committyng it vnto thy will / so that with all oure minde we forgeue theim that offēd vs for whome also we be sory Teache vs to vnderstoud that no man may hurte vs except be do hym selfe moche more hurie in thi sighe so that we may be moued with mercy towardes hym / rather then we shuld be prouoked to wrath rather wepyng for his blīdenesse / then to thinke of aduengemēt Gyue vs grace that we reioyce not in theyr trouble / whiche haue resisted oure will or hurte vs / or in what poynt so euer they re life displeasith vs / and also that we be not sory when they prosper haue welfare Of this peticion are all psalmes verses and prayers teaching vs to pray for oure enemyes / and against oure synnes ¶ The fourthe peticion Gyue vs this day oure dayly breade THe breade is oure lorde Iesus Crist whyche nourysseth / and conforteth the soule Therfore O heuenly father / gyue vs thys grace / that the lyfe of Chryst wordes / workes / and passions / may be preached / knowen / and holden / bothe of vs / of all the worlde Gyue vs grace that we may haue his wordes / worltes and all his lyfe for an affectuose example / and spectacle of all vertues Gyue vs grace that i● oure passyons and aduersytes / we may comfort oure selfe by hys passyon and crosse Gyue vs grace that we may with a scable faith ouercome oure deth by his deth / and folowe without feare this nobil capteyn into āother life Gyue this grace that all they that preache / may proufitably and blissedly preache thy word / and Iesu crist through all the worlde and that al whicke haue thy worde preached / may lerne Crist and so may be purified / and go forth in a better life Graunt this also mercyfull father / that all straūge doctrynes in the whiche Christ is not lerned may be thrust out of thy churche Haue mercy on all bisschoppes / prestes and on al theym whome they call consecrated / of all officers that they maye be lyghteneth with thy grace / to teache rule well / bothe in worde also crāple of life Kepe al that are weke in the faith lest they be offended bi the myschevous exemple of heddes and rulers Kepe vs from hereyses and doctrynes of dyuision / that we may be agreyng in one mynde / syth we vse one dayly brede that is / one dayly doctryne / and worde of Chryst Teache vs by thy grace / to thynke / and haue in mynde / truely and as we ought to do the passyon of Christ / and to ioyne it happyly with oure lyfe / so that we may cōme and atteyn some thing / though it be but the shadowe of it Finally gyue vs oure dayly breade / that Christ in vs we in Chryst may dwelle perpetuelly / and may worthyly bere this name / syth of Christ we are called Christen Of this peticyon are all kinde of prayers and Psalmes / with whiche we pray for oure officers / ageynst false teachers / for the Iewes / for heretikes / and all other that are out of the ryght wey And also with whiche we pray for theym that lacke ●onforte ¶ The fyft peticyon ¶ Forgyue vs oure treaspaces euen as we forgyue theym that trespas vs. THis prayer hath a certeyn cōdicyon and sygne annexed with hym / whiche ●s that first we forgeue oure trespassers This done / then may we say forgeue be oure trespasses Before also in the thyrde peticyon we prayed that the will of God myght be fulfilled / whiche willeth that we suffer all thinges paciently / not quytyng euell for euell / nether sekyng auengement / but that we do good for euyll / by thexample of oure father in heuyn / whiche maketh his sonne shyne vppon good and euyll / and sendeth his rayne vppon kynd and vnkinde ¶ This is nowe oure prayer O father cōforte oure cōscience / bothe nowe / and in the day of deth / whiche conscience nowe is abasshed seynge his synne and iniquyre / then also shal be abasshed / remembryng thy cruell iugemēt Gyue thy peace into oure hartes that we reioysing may loke for thy iugement Entre not into iudgement with thy strayte lawe / for in it shall no man be funde innocent ryghtuous Teache vs dere father not to sticke or be comforted in oure good workes or diseruynges / but to gyue and submytte oure selfe playnely and faithfully to thyne iufinite and incōparable mercy Agayne Make that we despeyre not for this oure gylty and synfull lyfe / but that we maye iudgge thy mercy more myghty and stronger then oure lyfe / howe soeuer we haue ordered it Helpe and cōfort all mennes cōscience whiche in the poynt of deth / or in any other suche temptacyon are vexed with desperacyon Forgyue theym and vs oure de●ces / comfort theym / refresshe theym / and he recōciled vnto theim Gyue vs thy goodnesse for oure malice / as thou cōmaundest that we shulde do Cast doune the horrible fende flaunderer / accusar / and encreasar / of our synnes nowe and in the poynt of deth and to be short / in all straytnesse of cōscience Gyue vs grace to auoyd that by oure diffamacyon mennes synnes appere not the more greuous Iudge vs not after the accusacyon of the deuyll and oure wretched conscience / nether heare the voyce of oure enemyes whiche accuse vs day and nyght byfore the / euē as we wyl not heare theim whiche diffame and accuse other Take from vs the greuous hepe of the synnes in oure conscience / so that we refresshed by ●he suer trust and confidence of thy mercy in the botom of oure hart / may lyue / dye / suffer / and take all thinges pacyently In this peticyon take place all Psalmes and prayers whiche ageynst synnes crye on the mercy of God ¶ The sext peticyon ¶ And leade vs not in to temptacyon WE are assauted with thre maners of temptacyon and vexacyon / the flesshe / the worlde / the deuell Therfore we desire the most dere father to endowe vs so with thy grace that we may withstond the desires of the flesshe Make that we resyst and fyght ageynst this super fluyte of meate / drynke / slepe / slouth / and ydelnesse Make that we
god / verey seldome it is that we are left in oure owne prouysion / whyche yet sometyme god doth suffer / that he may lerne vs to knowe his goodnesse that at the length we may perceyue what grete difference there is bytwene his prouision and ours So it chaunceth / that he wyll suffer vs sumtyme te be stryken with some lyght dysease / or other euell faynyng as though he holpe vs not howe be it in dede he dothe euer helpe vs but yet he forbyddeth that those whyche are about vs / assaut vs not so fyersly that they suppresse vs / so to tempt vs as hys dere chyldren / whether we wyll commytte to hys prouysyon all the resydue of oure lyfe and to se howe weke vnproufitable oure care and prouision is / what do we y● / or what can we proufit oure selfe in al oure life whiche are not a bill to heale shortly a lytell ache in the thyghe whye then are we so hasty to berydde in a moment frō oure parylles and euilles and leaue not rather to hym the charge cure of it / fyth that by hym we are delyuered oure owne self beryng witnesse from so many euylles and kept without oure oune ꝓuision To knowe these thinges is to knowe the workes of god / to considre and remembre hys workes / and by that remembraunce to be cōforted in all aduersitees They that knowe not this shall runne into the daunger that there is spokē of in the Psalme .xxviij. Bycause they haue not vnderstond the workes of god and the workes of his hondes thou shalt destroye theym / and not edyfye theym For they are vnkind to the hole prouision of god gyuen theym in all they re lyfe / whiche in al lytel minycte committe not to hym the hole charge and prouision ¶ The fourth chapitre of the fourth ymage whiche is the euyll beneth vs. YEt we se none other thing ī al the euilles that we suffer thē that the goodnesse of god is so greate so redy with vs that emong the īnumerabyl euylles wyth which we are compassed on eueri syde / ye in whiche we are fulli prisoned scāta fewe nor thei at al times are suffred to assayle vs / in so moche that the euil wherwith we are supp̄ssed is but a warninge of a grete auauntage with whiche god endueth vs / whyle that he suffreth vs not to be oppressed with the multitude of euilles with the whiche we are beseged What a myracle is it for a man to bestrykē at on euery syde with infinite strokes / and chaunce at the length to be touched but with one yee it is a greate grace that he is not stryken with theym all / and a myracle that he is not touchet with many Therfore the first of those euylles whiche are by neth is death The secunde is hell / yf we shulde consyder the dyuers and vyle deth of other men / wherwith synnars are stryken / we shall sene perceyue wyth howe grete lucre we suffre lesse then oure deseruinges Howe many are strangled wyth halters / galowes / and water / or dye with swerde / whyche paraduenture haue done moche lesse synnes then we haue done In so moche that they re ●●th and mysery may be leyd bifore vs of Christ for an ymage glasse wheryn we may perceyue / whate we haue deserued For so he answered in the .xiij. of lyke / when there were present that shewed hym of the galyleans whose bloude pylate myngled with they re owne sacrifice Suppose ye that these galyleans were gretter synnars then all other galyleans bycause they suffred suche punysshement I tell you nay / but except ye repent / ye shall all in lyke wise perisshe Or thynke ye that those .xviij. Vppon whome the coure in Siloe fill and slewe theym / were synners aboue all men that dwell in Ierusalem I tell you naye / but except ye repēt ye al shall lyke wise perysshe Nether can we thinke that we ought lesse to be punysshed / whyche haue commytted as great or gretter crymes Nether the iustice truthe of god will be for oure cause other vnequall or false / whiche hath or dyned to geue to euery man acordyng to hys dedes / yf we do not preuent and at the lest suffre some lytel euyll pacyently that is gyuen vs of god most mercyfully for a warnyng / to exchewe the gretest euell Howe many thousandes are there in hell / and euerlasting dampnation whiche haue not the thousand part of oure synnes howe many virgyns chyldren and whiche we call innocentes howe many religious prestes and maryed men whiche semed thorow all they re lyfe to serue god / peraduenture / falling into one synne are dampned perpetually We will not dissemble There is one ryghtuousnesse of god ī euery synne He hateth equally condēpneth synne in who so euer it be founde May we not here se the inestymable and bounteous mercy of god / whiche hath not dampned vs that so oft haue offended howe moche I pray the is it that we can suffer in all oure lyfe to be compared to euerlasting payne / whiche they suffer / deseruyng it b●one transgression And yet we whiche haue so oft transgressed are saued Truely it is a great vnkindnesse and extreme hardnesse of vnbeleue / that we so lytell regard and so coldly magnifye these hyghe benefytes of god Bysydes thys hyther thou mayst applye / so many infydelles / natyons / Iewes / infauntes / tho whome if the grace had byn gyuen whiche is gyuē to vs / they shuld not be in hell but in heuyn and shulde moche lesse haue synned thē we haue For Crist in the .xi. of Mathewe s●t●●●h this ymage before oure yes saying / wo be to the Chorosaym / wo be thou Both sayd● for yf the miracles whyche were shewed in you had byn shewed in tyre Sydon they had repented long a gone in sackeclo the asshes Neuerthelesse I say to you it shall be easyer for Tyre and Sidon at the day of iugement then for you And thou Caphernaum wyiche art lyft vp vnto heuyn / shalt bethruft downe vnto hell for yf the myracles whiche haue byn done in the had byn shewed in zodom they had remained to this day Neuerthelesse I say vnto you / it shal be easier for zodom in the day of iudgement / then for the. We se therfore howe moche prayse loue we owe vnto oure mercyful god in al the euylles of this lyfe / bycause it is scant one droppe of that we haue deserued Whiche Iob compareth to the see and the grauell of the see ¶ The fyfte Chapter of the fyfte ymage whiche is the euyll on the lyft hond HEre set byfore thyne yies the hole kepe and multitude of aduersaries and euyll men And first consydre in theym howe many euylles they haue not done / to oure body / goodes / name and soule / whiche they wolde haue done / except by the prouisyō of