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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09618 The examinacion of the constaunt martir of Christ, Ioh[a]n Philpot arch diacon of Winchestre at sondry seasons in the tyme of his sore emprisonment, conuented and banted, as in these particular tragedies folowyng, it maye (not only to the christen instruction, but also to the mery recreacion of the indifferent reader) most manifestly appeare. Reade fyrst and than iudge. Philpot, John, 1516-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 19892; ESTC S100457 120,727 301

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the place that is ꝓuided for him Go your waye before And he folowed me calling that keper asyde cōmaūding to kepe al men frō me narowly to serche me as the sequel dyd declare brought me to his priuy dore that goeth into the churche and commaunded two of his men to accompany the keper and to see me placed And afterwardes I passed through Paules vp to the lollards tower afterward turned along al the west syde of Paules through the wall and passing through sixe or seuē dores came to my lodging through many straites where I call to remembraūce that straite is the waye to heauen And it is in a tower ryght on the other syde of lollardes tower as highe almost as the battlements of Paules eight foot bredth and thyrten of length And all most ouer the prison where I was before hauing a wyndo opening towards the East by the which I may loke ouer the toppes of a great many of houses but se no mā passing into thē And who so walketh in the bishops vtter galery going to his chapel may see my windo me stāding in the same as I was come to my place the keper pluckt of my gowne searched me very narowly toke away pēnar inkhorne gyrdel knyffe but as God would I had an ynkeling a litle before I was called of my remouing and therupon made an errant to the stole where ful sore agaynst my wil I cast away many a swete letter frendly but that I had writtē of my last examinacion before I thrust into my hose thinking the next daye to haue made and ende therof with going it was fallē downe to my legge the which he by feling dyd sone espye asked what that was I sayd they were certaine letters And with that he was very busie to haue thē out Let me alone sayd I I will plucke them out And with that I put in my hand hauing twoo other letters therin and brought vp the same writing to my codpece and ther left it geuing him the other two letters that were not of any great importaūce The which for to make a shewe that they had ben wayghtie I beganne to teare as wel as I could tyl they snatched thē from me and so deluded him I thanke God of his purpose After this he went his waie as he was goyng one of thē that came with him sayd that I did not deliuer that writinges I had in my hose but two other letters I had in my hād before No dyd ꝙ he I wil go searche him better that which I hearing cōuaied mine examinaciō I had writtē into an other place besydes my bed and toke al the letters I had in my purse and was tearing of them when he came againe and as he came I threwe the same out of the windo sayeng that I heard what he sayd Wherfore I did preuent his searching agayne wherof I was right glad God be praysed that gaue me that present shyft to blind their eies from the knowledge of my writinges the which yf they had knowen it would haue ben a great occasion of more straiter keping and loking vnto although they loke as narrowly as they may The next day after my keper came before day in the morning to cal me downe so was brought downe into his wardrobe wher with a keper I was lefte and there contynued al the day But after dyner I was called downe into the chapell before the bishop of London The bishop of S. Dauid M. Mordaūt one of the Quenes councell master archdeacon of London and before a great meany mo Balamits the bishop spake vnto me in this wise SYr here I obiect and lay vnto you in the presence of my lord of S. Dauids and of maister Mordaūt and of these worship full men· these artycles here in this Libel contayned and openly red them to whom when I would partycularly haue answered to some of his blasphemies he would not permit me but sayd I should haue leasure ynough to saye what I would whē he had sayd and to these here I adde an other shedel Also I require the to answere to the cathechisme sett furth in the scysmaticall tyme of king Edward Also I wil the to answer to certayn cōclusions agreed vpon both in Oxforde and Cambryge And I here do bring furthe these wytnesses agaynst thee in thy owne presence namely my lorde of S. Dauids master Mordaūt master Harpesfeld with as many of you as were present in the disputacion he made in the conuocacion house willing you to testifie of your othes taken vpon a boke his stubburne and vnreuerēt behaueour he did there vse agaynst the blessed sacrament of the altare gyue me a boke and receyuing one he opened the same sayeng I will teache him here one tricke in our lawe which he knoweth not that is My lord of S. Dauids because you are a B you haue this priuilege that you maye sweare Inspectis euangelijs non tactis by loking on the gospel boke without touching the same And so he opened the boke in his sight and shut it agayne and caused the other to put theyr handes on the boke and toke their othe And wylled them to resort to his regester to make theyr deposicions whē they might be best at leasure And afterwards he turned to me sayd Nowe syr shal you answer but in two wordes whether you wil answer to these articles which I haue layd vnto you directly yea or nay phil My lord you haue told a long tale against me contayning many lieng blasphemies which can not be answered in two wordes besides this you promysed me at the beginning that I should say what I could for my defence And nowe wil you not gyue me leaue to speake What lawe is this London Speake yea or nay For you shall say no more at this tyme the cause was as I gesse that he sawe so many there gathered to hear Phil. Then my two words you wold haue me speake shal be that I haue appealed from you and take you not for my sufficient iudge London In dede master Mordaūt he hath appealed to the king and to the Quene but I will be so bold with hir maiestie to stay that appeale in myn owne handes phil You wil doo what you list my lord you haue the lawe in your handes London Wilt thou aswere or no Phil. I wil not answere otherwise thē I haue sayd London Regester note his answere that he maketh Lond Knocke him in the heade with an hatchet or set vp a stake and burne me out of hād without farther lawe aswel you may do so as do that you doo for al is without order of lawe Suche tyranny was neuer seen as you vse nowe a dayes God of his mercy destroy your cruell kingdome And whiles I spake this the bishop went away in haste S. Dauid Master Philpot I pray you be quiet and haue pacyence with you Phil. My lord I
phil And I was had into the wardrobe agayne by my keper and within an howre after was sent for to come before him and the bishops of Worcester and Bangor Lond. Syr I haue talked with you many tymes and haue caused you to be talked with all of many learned men yea and honourable bothe temporall and spirituall and yet it auayleth nothing with you I am blamed that I haue brought thee afore so many for they say thou gloryest to haue many to talke withal Well nowe it lieth the vpon to loke to thy selfe for thy tyme drawith nere to an ende yf thou be not become conformable And at this present we are sent from the synod to offer you this grace that yf you wil come to the vnitie of the churche of Rome with vs and acknowledged the reall presence of Christ in the sacrament of the altare with vs all that is past shal be forgeuen and you receyued to fauour worcest M. Philpot we are sent as you here haue heard by my lord of Londō frō the synod to offer you mercye yf you wil receiue it And of good will I beare you I wishe you to take it whiles it is offred and be not a singular man agaynst a hole multytude of learned men which nowe in fasting and prayer are gathered together to ymagyne thinges to do you good There haue many learned men talked with you why should you thinke your selfe better learned thā them all be not of suche arrogauncy but haue humilitie and remembre ther is no saluacion but in the churche Bangor Me thinketh my lord hath sayde wonderfully well vnto you that you should not thinke your selfe so well learned but other men are as wel learned as you neither of so good wyt but other be as wise as you neyther of so good memory but other haue as good memory as you Therfore mystrust your owne iudgement and come home to vs agayne Iwis I neuer lyked your religion bicause it was set further by violence and tyranny The same token proueth your religion false and that is no token of true religion And I was that same maner of man then that I am nowe and a great meany mo Mary for fear we held our peace and bare with the tyme wherfore M. Philpot I would you did wel for I loue you and therfore be cōtent to come home with vs agayne into the catholyke churche of Rome Phil. Where my lorde as I maye begynne first to answere you that you say that religion is to be misliked which is set forth by tyrāny I pray God you giue not men occasion to thinke the same by yours at this daye which hath none other argument to stande by but violēce Yf you can shewe me by any good sufficient grounde wherby to grounde my conscience that the churche of Rome is the true catholike churche whervnto you cal me I wil gladly be of the same otherwise I can not sone chaūge the religiō I haue learned these many yeres Bangor Where was your religion I pray you a hundred yeres ago that any man knewe of it Phil. It was in Germany in diuers other places apparent worcest Iesus wil you be stil so singular a man what is Germany to the hole worlde London My lordes I praye you geue me leaue to tell you that I sent for him to hear masse this morning and wote you what excuse be made vnto me for soth that he was accursed cursed allegyng his owne shame He playeth as that varlet Latimer dyd at Cambrige Harke how fyne my lorde is in dogges eloquence If he had come to mass he had ben cursed in dede when the vice Chaunceler sent for him who entended to haue excommunicated him for some of his he resies and the chaunceler was commyng to his chamber which as sone as he herde that the chaunceler was come made answer that he was sicke of the plague and so deluded the chaūceler euen so this man sayeth he is accursed because he will not come to masse worcest My Lorde I am sure here dothe behaue him selfe lyke a father vnto you therfore be admonished by hym and by vs that come now frendly vnto you and folowe your fathers before you phil It is forbidden vs of God by the prophet Ezechiel to folow our fathers ▪ neither to walke in their cōmaūdemēts worcest It is written also in an other place interroga patres aske of your fathers phil We ought to aske in dede our fathers that haue more experiēce knowlage then we of Goddes will but nomore to allowe them then we perceaue they agree with the scriptures worcest You wil be a contentious mā I see well and S. Paule sayeth that we neither the church of God haue no suche custome Phil. I am not contentious but for the veritie of my fayth in the which I ought to contende with al suche as do impugne the same without any iust obiection worces Let vs ryse my lorde for I see we shal do no good London Nay I praye you tary hear the articles I laye to his charge and after he had recited them they arose and afterwarde standing they reasoned with me a whyle worces M. Philpot I am very sorye that you wil be so singular I neuer talked with non yet of my diocese but after once cōmunicatiō had with me they haue ben cōtēted to reuoke their errours to teache the people howe they were deceaued and so do muche good as you may yf you list For as I vnderstande you were archdiacon of winchester which is the eye of the B. you may do much good in the coūtrey yf you would forsake your errours come to the catholyke churche phil Wher withal you so sone persuaded them to your will I see not Erroure that I knowe I holde none and of the catholike churche I am sure I am worces The Catholike churche doth acknowlege a real presence of Christ in the sacrament and so wil not you phil That is not so For I acknowlage a very essensial presence in the sacramēt duely vsed worces What a real presence Phil. Yea a reall presens by the spirite of God in the ryght administracion worces That is wel sayd and do you agree with the catholike churche also Phil. I do agre with the true catholike churche worcest My lorde of London this mā speaketh reasonably nowe London You do agree in generalties But when it shal come to the particularities you wil farre disagree worces Wel kepe your selfe here and you shal haue other learned bishops to common farther with you as my lord of Duresme my lorde of Chichester whome I heare say you do lyke wel Phil. I do lyke them as I do all other that speaketh the truthe I haue once already spoken with them they foūde no fault with me worcest Praye in the meane season for grace to God Phil. Prayer is the comfortablest exercise I feale in my trouble and my conscience is quiet and I