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A08620 The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: now newlie compiled to the glorie of God, & comfort of al godlie women, by the said T.B. Gentleman.; Monument of matrones. Part 5. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576. 1582 (1582) STC 1893; ESTC S101563 134,473 221

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his mercifull Father through thine holie spirit working in his hart by whose diuine power he may so preuaile against Satan that in the end obteining the victorie he may be exalted vnto the libertie of thy kingdome Amen Heere you may saie or sing to the glorie of God and your owne edifieng the 103. the 30. and the 116. Psalmes of Dauid A praier to be vsed of a woman at hir purification or Churching O Eternall father of thine onlie sonne our Lord and sauiour Christ which in the common-weale of Israel ordeinedst according to thy wisedome adornedst with excellent statutes necessarie for the state of man-kind and signifieng secret and heauenlie things didst make diuers lawes concerning vncleannes and the keeping of women with child and an other for the first borne and that not onelie to put vs in mind of order in this life and thankfulnes towards thy Maiestie but also to teach that this our giltie and polluted nature like the fowle menstruous cloth of a woman is washed by the blood of thy sonne which is the first borne thy substantiall image and the word sounding thy will whom from the heauens thou commandest to be harkened vnto Gouerne me by thy first and onlie begotten sonne and giue vnto me thy most defiled amd polluted hand-maid thy holie spirit that earnestlie I may bewaile mine vnworthines vilenes and vncleannes aske helpe at thy mercifull hands be this day purified both bodie and soule by the blood of thy Sonne and be redeemed by him vnto true pietie holines and in●egritie which pleaseth thee that through him I may be presented vnto thee with a pure and cleare mind and for his sake I may be adopted into thy children find fauour in thine eies Amen Or you may giue thanks and praie as in the booke of common praier and saie to your selfe or with the Minister as followeth FOr-as-much as it hath pleased thee O almightie God of thy goodnes to giue me safe deliuerance and hast preserued mee in the great danger of child-birth I therefore heere in the Church and congregation giue hartie thanks vnto thee O God and saie Psalme 121. I Haue lifted vp mine eies vnto the hils from whence commeth my helpe My helpe commeth euen from the Lord which hath made heauen and earth He will not suffer my foote to be mooued and he that keepeth me will not sleepe Behold he that keepeth Israell shall neither slumber nor sleepe The Lord himselfe is my keeper the Lord is my defence vpon my right hand So that the sun shall not burne me by day nor the moone by night The Lord shall preserue me from all euill yea it is euen he that shall keepe my soule The Lord shall preserue my going out and my comming in from this time foorth for euermore Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. Let vs praie Lord haue mercie vpon me Christ haue mercie vpon me Lord haue mercie vpon me Our father which art in heauen c. O Lord saue me thy sinfull seruant which put my trust in thee Be thou vnto me a strong tower from the face of mine enimie Lord heare my praier and let my crie come vnto thee Let vs praie O Almightie God which hast deliuered me thy most vnwoorthie handmaid and sinfull seruant from the great paine perill of child-birth I hartilie thanke thee and humblie praise thy holie name for euer and euer Grant me now also I beseech thee most mercifull father that I through thy helpe may both faithfullie liue and walke in my vocation according to thy will in this life present and also may be partaker of euerlasting glorie in the life to come through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Praiers to be said for women with child before or in trauell by the Mid-wife husband or anie other man or woman THou O Lord art woonderfull in all thy works and whatsoeuer thy good pleasure is that dooest thou easilie bring to passe neither is there anie thing impossible with thee that thou wilt haue done And albeit this thine almightie power sheweth it selfe abundantly in all thy works yet in the conceiuing forming and bringing foorth of man it shineth most euidentlie At the beginning O heauenlie Father when thou hadst made man and woman thou commandedst them to increase multiplie and replenish the earth if through the subtill entisements of Satan they had not transgressed thy commandements by eating of the forbidden fruit the woman whom thou hadst appointed the organe instrument and vessell to conceiue nourish and bring foorth man through thy woonderfull workmanship had without anie labour paine or trauell brought foorth hir fruit But that which thy goodnes made easie sinne and disobedience hath made hard painfull dangerous and if thy helpe were not impossible to be brought to passe so that now all women bring foorth their children in great sorrowes paines and troubles Notwithstanding thou shewest thy selfe vnto thy creatures a father of mercie and God of all consolation For that which through their owne imperfection and feeblenes they are not able of themselues to bring to passe thou thorough thine vnspeakable power makest easie in them and bringest vnto a fortunate end Wee therefore being fullie persuaded of thy bent and readie goodnes of thy present helpe of thy sweete comfort in all miseries and necessities knowing also by the testimonies of thy holy word how great and intollerable the pains of women are that trauell of child if through thy tender mercies they be not mitigated and eased most humblie praie thee for Iesu Christs sake thy sonne and our Lord to assist and helpe as all other women else-where in like case so especiallie this thy seruant S. B. here now in trauell labour that by thine almighty power both they she may safely bring foorth that by thy goodnes they or she hath conceiued and that thy louing kindnes may make that easie and tollerable which sinne hath made hard and painfull Ease O Lord the paines which thou most righteouslie hast put vpon hir and all women for the sinne and disobedience of our grand-moother Eue in whome all we haue sinned and giue both vnto thy seruant here present and vnto all such as haue conceiued and be with child strength to bring foorth that which thou woonderfullie hast wrought in hir and them Be present now with hir them in their trouble according to thy mercifull promise helpe hir and them and deliuer them Let thy power be shewed no lesse in the safe bringing foorth than in the woonderfull framing or fashioning of the child Make perfect that which thou hast so gratiouslie begun in hir them so that it may come vnto good succes Make hir and them glad and ioifull mothers that she and they through thy goodnes being safelie deliuered and restored to their old health and strengths may liue and praise thy blessed name for euer Amen Another praier for a woman with child IN the beginning of the world
crauing that the oblation of thine annointed which is the iustifier and sanctifier of all that are to be iustified and sanctified may make vs cleane and so receiue vs into thy tuition And seeing obedience pleaseth thee better than the fat of sheep and the sacrifice of our lips better than the flesh and blood of beasts grant that we may finish our mortall race in shewing foorth thy praise and keeping thy holie will And forasmuch as thou hast thought good to set vp thy seruant our Queene a woman and a fraile vessell ouer vs to gouerne this kingdome and that she must render an account thereof a hard thing so to doo before the iudgement seat of thy Sonne Christ send downe we beseech thee O Father send downe such grace from thy high throne vpon thy daughter our Queene Elizabeth as thou knowest most necessarie for the performance and execution of so great a charge Thou hast giuen hir Councellers grant that she may vse their counsell happilie indue them with godlie righteous and carefull harrs that they may be both willing and able simplie faithfullie to consult and also prouidentlie to prouide aswell for thy church as for hir and vs hir people It is thy grace O Lord that we hir people renewed with thy word doo suffer our selues to be nourished with the same send foorth therfore faithfull shepherds godlie and true teachers to feed vs and driue awaie all hirelings and rauening woolues from this flocke of thine and of thy sonne Iesus Christ. Besides this so blesse vs the sheepe of thy pasture that we may neuer denie thee the chiefe honour our Queene thy deputie hir obedience and our neighbours mutuall loue Furthermore of thy goodnes mainteine peace and tranquillitie defend our Queene hir kingdome and countrie from bloudie warres and especiallie protect hir and vs from hollowe harts from ciuill tumults and conspiracies which haue shaken the greatest part of Christendome And bicause the affliction of euerie poore creature apperteineth to hir in so much as she is thine inspire the magistrates vnder hir with thy holie spirit that they may willinglie and carefullie mainteine iustice and prouide for the releefe of Christs poore members whose treasures both she and we and all others are whom thou hast blessed with thy earthlie benefites Heare our praiers we beseech thee for the sake of thy sonne Iesus Christ our redeemer to whom with thee and thy holie spirit bee all honour and glorie for euer Amen Morning and Euening praiers A praier to be said in the morning ALmightie and eternall God my Creator and louer I praise adore and blesse thee for that in mine offences and vngratefulnes thou hast so mercifullie and leisurelie forborne and suffered me to liue euen vnto this houre wherevnto by thy benefites thou hast brought me giuing to me thine vnworthie and reprochfull hand-maid both life and necessaries therevnto belonging appointing angels to be my keepers O good God who knoweth whether til euening my life shall be prolonged or what death is appointed for me Oh mercifull Lord God and heauenlie Father that I may with hartie repentance truelie repent my sinnes and inwardlie bewaile that euer I offended thy godlie maiestie suffer not my soule to depart this bodie before it be through thy mercie perfectlie reconciled adopted vnto thee by thy grace bedeckt with thy merits and vertues inflamed with perfect charitie and acceptable vnto thee according to thy will O mercifull Lord Iesu Christ if these things which I desire doo stand with thy pleasure grant them I beseech thee although I be not worthie to be heard Yeeld and giue I beseech thee of thine infinite mercie that by the merits of thy passion I may be purged from all my sinnes and that at the houre of my death I may be striken with true and vehement contrition and beeing knit with thee in perfect charitie I may immediatlie die vnto thee my sooeet Redeemer safelie and freelie from all damnation Neuertheles in all these my requests O best beloued Iesu I doo fullie and wholie offer and resigne my selfe vnto thee to be altogither disposed and ordered according to thy will and to suffer for thy glorious name sake desiring this one thing at thy hands that thou wilt remember my fragilitie vnworthines vnstablenes and miseries togither with thine owne goodnes and most charitable mercie praieng thee neuer to forsake or leaue me but that thou wilt alwaies possesse and gouerne me according to thy will Amen Another Morning praier OH Lord my God and most benigne Sauiour Iesus Christ who when I was not didst creat and make me capable of the souereigne and onelie good and being made a thrall and bondslaue through my forefathers trespasse didst redeeme me with thy most pretious blood and losse of thy sacred life abiding the torments due to my trespasses to acquite and rid me from the same For these O Lord and all other thine inestimable benefites namelie for hauing preserued me this night past and all the time and daies of my life hitherto I yeeld thee most humble zealous and obedient thanks offering my selfe wholie to thee as I am wholie thine beseeching thee also of thine infinite clemencie to preserue me this daie and euer from anie waies offending thee and to direct all my thoughts words and works to thine euerlasting glorie Mine estate and calling is as thou knowest O Lord inuironed with manie difficulties and dangers and through mine euill customes and wicked inclinations hardlie can I without thy speciall assistance passe this daie no not one minute thereof without offending thee in manifold sinnes Keepe vnder therefore O Lord my concupiscence and refresh my conscience with the dewes of thy diuine grace O giue me strength I praie thee to fight the good fight of faith more coragiouslie and perseuerantlie than hitherto I haue done and make thou me able to subdue all wicked suggestions of the enimie Trulie Lord heere in humilitie and sinceritie of hart I protest neuer willinglie by thy gratious fauour to offend thy lawes and commandements anie more I detest all sin and whatsoeuer may anie waies displease thy sacred maiestie I desire to loue thee feare thee and serue thee this daie and euermore and to direct all mine actions to thine honor and glorie Assist me Lord with thy grace and enrich my pouertie with the plentie of thy merits for in the vnion of that charitie wherwith thou discendedst from heauen in the blessed virgins wombe and afterward offredst vp thy selfe on the crosse in sacrifice for our sinnes in the vnion of this thy incomprehensible charitie I saie I offer vnto thee whatsoeuer I shall doo thinke or speake this day beseeching thee through thy mercifull goodnes to accept gouerne blesse and enrich me and all that I go about in such sort as thy glorie may be thereby procured my neighbours welfare occasioned and mine owne soule better fortified and prouided To thee my sweet and onlie sauiour Christ with the Father and the
greeuouslie tormented for my sins Consider O Lord how I am troubled how my wombe is disquieted and my hart wambleth within me for anguish Wilt thou haue no compassion on a wretch Wilt thou cause me thus to trauell still in paines intollerable and greefe vnspeakeable Wilt thou not bring foorth that which thou hast formed that I may be deliuered of that which I haue conceiued Alas O Lord alas my God yea my deare and onelie God wilt thou not heare the lamentable cries and regard the inward teares of a wretch that trauelleth laboureth so sore with child euen the wofull voice ● mournfull lamentation of thy hand-maid and daughter I saie though vnworthie that thus all the daie long sigheth crieth and stretcheth out hir feeble han●● vnto thee in heauen calling for thy heauenlie helpe and succour Oh Lord spare me oh deare God haue mercie vpon me and my babe Shall I be the graue of my child Shall I giue death the fruit of my bodie for the sins of my soule and my first second or third 〈◊〉 for the transgressions of my youth Alas shall that perish in the wombe which is conceiued by thee or shall it die in the birth and not be borne which thou hast so mightilie fashioned Hast thou shut vp the doores of my wombe in thy displeasure and couered me with the shadowe of death that the birth may not come out Wilt thou cause that to die in the birth I saie which is the woonderfull worke of thy almightie hand God forbid oh God forbid Oh saue me and my babe I beseech thee and let it not be as a thing borne out of time either as an infant which neuer sawe the light neither let it perish or be slaine so soone as it commeth out of the wombe but open thou the wombe and bring it foorth safelie that I may set it on my knees and giue it sucke with my brests Oh finish the thing mercifullie which thou hast begun so gratiouslie in me and let me reioice rather that a man-child is borne into the world els why am I in this plight Wo is me now that euer I sinned for how shall I be able to endure all the sorowes and pangs of a trauelling woman which are now or hereafter shall be iustlie laid vpon me O Lord thou seest my hart fainteth my face looketh pale yea sounding with a sighing and gasping soule I crie out and saie Alas that euer I sinned Wo is me that euer I offended so louing a God so mercifull a Sauiour so deare a redeemer so holie and blessed a sanctifier Alas for this daie which is so dreadfull that none may be likened vnto it And out alas for the time of this perplexiti● of this sorowe and griefe which I now sensiblie feele and endure both in bodie and mind for it is like the daie and time of Rachel My sorowe and trouble may be compared to Phinees wiues trouble my state and condition seemeth to me and others to be not much vnlike vnto theirs I saie from the which neuerthelesse for thy great mercie sake good Lord I beseech thee deliuer me and saue me and my ●abe from the graue as my trust is in thee Amen Another O GOD make speede to saue me O Lord make hast to helpe me Make no long tarieng O my God least I be like to those that go downe into the pit How long Lord wilt thou forget me How long shall I bee plucked a sunder with these griping greefes and pinching pangs of deadlie throwes How long shall I a wretch expect thy gratious comfort and readie helpe How long wilt thou forget thy creatures O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from thy hand-maid thus being in miserie Shall my greefe euer continue my paines neuer cease What is my power O Lord that I should endure such pangs Or what is my strength that I may abide such throwes Surelie O God thou knowest my strength is not the strength of stones neither is my flesh or bones made of brasse or iron For in troth there is in me no helpe nor in anie mortall creature anie reliefe or succour yea all strength is vtterlie taken from me and there is none that I can find to helpe me therefore without thy helpe strength and patience it is impossible for me to continue in this perplexitie Oh spare me therefore a litle that I may recouer my strength before I go hence and be no more seene O Lord cast not awaie thy seruant in thy displeasure but let it be thy good pleasure to deliuer me Make hast O Lord to helpe me Wilt thou absent thy selfe for euer or hast thou shut vp thy louing kindnes in displeasure Is thy mercie cleane gone and thy promises come vtterlie to an end for euermore Chasten me O Lord and correct me but giue me not ouer vnto death neither shut vp my soule with the wicked in the graue Let not mine enimie saie So so I haue deuoured hir For I come vnto thee with those good women in the Gospell and falling downe at thy feet in trembling and feare I humblie beseech thee saieng O sweet Iesu O sonne of Dauid O Lambe of God that ta●e ●t awaie the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me that am grieuouslie vexed with nipping throwes Lord helpe me Lord heare me and vouchsafe to grant me the thing that I long for and destre that is that thou my maker and preseruer wilt speedilie come and comfort me mitigate these griefs now after the time that thou hast plagued and tormented me with all thy stormes and in great compassion haue mercie vpon me and my seelie infant that it be not like the vntimelie fruit or like the birth that dieth and is borne togither After this night and houre of calamitie ouerpassed let the pleasant morning of comfort luckilie shine vpon me that by time I may heare and feele thy goodnes and mercie in obteining at thy hand a comfortable issue and deliuerance for in thee onelie is all my trust Quicken me O Lord for thy name sake and for thy mercie and righteousnes bring my soule and bodie out of this distres and ease me of these paines for I am thy seruant O come and comfort me thy weake creature in these mine afflictions with the presence of thy holie spirit that euen in death I may find life For vn●er thy protection and defence mercie and fauour doo I wholie repose my selfe Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit preserue and keep me relieue ease and speed me O Lord thou God of truth for thou hast redeemed me Thou hast beene my succour leaue me not now nor forsake me O God of my saluation What profit is there in my bloud when I go downe to the pit Shall the dust giue thanks vnto thee or shall the graue declare thy truth O therefore haue mercie on me good Father for thy holie name sake euen for thy
hir instant desire must now being preuented with vntimelie labour and birth through perillous trauell needs drinke of the cup of Rahels and Phinees wi●es potion and go the waie of all flesh then O Lord thou in whose hands are the harts of all flesh arme hir we humblie beseech thee with thy perpetuall grace peace patience and perfect confidence in thee increase hir faith helpe hir vnbeleefe annoint hir with the oile of gladnes in thee ease hir of hir extreme paines be thou nigh vnto hir and driue the diuell far from hir aid hir with thy holie angels giuing hir grace so quietlie to take this thy fatherlie chastisement and visitation in good woorth that in this hir painfull life yea and in the verie end thereof she with perfect memorie sure trust commending hir selfe wholie to thee may in hart ioifullie still saie and we hir deere sisters and faithfull freends and neighbours for hir as followeth When she is departing and yeeldeth vp the ghost then adde and saie this that followeth FEtch now againe Lord God Father into thy holie hands that which thy puissant might hath shapen command thy holie angels now to aid hir and safelie to bring hir to thee and now place thou hir amongst thy chosen children and blessed heirs in thine eternall kingdome prepared for them that are written in the booke of life Fetch now againe Lord God sonne that which thou of thy meere mercie hast so wiselie gouerned and bought with thy pretious bloud now ioifullie receiue hir and saie vnto hir as thou saiedst vnto the penitent theefe This day shalt thou be with me in paradise Take againe now Lord God holie Ghost that which thou of thy onelie fauour hast louinglie kept and guided in this region of sinne and vale of miserie and now louinglie leade thou hir with Rebecca and Lazarus to eternall ioie and rest This grant hir O holie and most blessed Trinitie good Lord almightie three persons and one verie God vnto whome be all honour praise and glorie for euer and euer Amen Amen Another praier while she yeeldeth vp the ghost THE mightie God of angels and former of all things visible and inuisible in whose hands is onelie life and death light and darknes and all the motions of the soule and bodie without thee most mightie God all things had beene nothing and of nothing all things are made by thee without thy Christ and thy blessed spirit which is one coeternall Trinitie all flesh were accursed all consciences molested and all soules vtterlie damned from light into darknes from freedome into euerlasting reprobation but by Iesus Christ thine onelie sonne we thanke thee deere father of all mercie that now it hath pleased thee to take to thy mercie at this present time our deere sister S. B. whom thou hast elected consecrated and now she shall by thy mercie and pitie be sanctified vnto thee in the death of Christ to be a citizen of eternall glorie Now we perceiue that flesh and bloud doth forsake hir and all hir worldlie strength faileth hir now are the organes yeelding vp the heauenlie sound hir soule commeth now vnto thee good Lord receiue it to thy mercie into thine euerlasting glorie where as Abraham Isaac and Iacob Sara Rebecca Rahel and the blessed virgin Marie are continuallie To thee oh heauenlie Father be incessant honour glorie for euer and euer Amen After hir departure let the women kneele downe also and giue thanks as followeth ALmightie God with whom doo liue the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord and in whom the soules of them that be elect after they be deliuered from the burden of the flesh be in ioie felicitie thou I saie O mercifull God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ who is the resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shall liue though he die and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in him shall not die eternallie who also taught vs by his holie apostle S. Paule not to be sorie as women without hope for them that sleepe in him we giue thee hartie thanks for that it hath pleased thee to deliuer this woman our sister out of the wofull miseries of this sinfull world meekelie beseeching thee O Father to raise vs from the death of sinne vnto the life of righteousnes that when we also shal depart this life we may rest in Christ as our hope is this our sister doth and that it may please thee of thy gratious goodnes shortlie to accomplish the number of thine efect and to hasten thy kingdome that at the generall resurrection in the last daie we with this our sister and all other departed in the true faith of thy holie name being found acceptable in thy sight may haue our perfect consummation and blisse both in bodie and soule in thy eternall and euerlasting glorie and receiue that blessing which thou O Christ shalt then pronounce to all that loue feare thee saieng Come ye blessed children of my Father receiue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Grant this we beseech thee O mercifull father through Iesus Christ our onlie mediatour redeemer and sauiour Amen A praier and thanks-giuing to be vsed of the mother or women about hir after the child is baptised ALmightie and euerlasting GOD who hast vouchsafed to regenerate this infant by water and the holie ghost and hast giuen vnto it forgiuenes of all his sinnes and receiued it into the number of thy children and heires of eternall life I thanke thee for thy gratious goodnes fauour mercie towards it And I humblie beseech thee also O Lord to strengthen it so with thy holie ghost the comforter that it may lead the rest of his life according to this good beginning Let thy fatherlie hands I praie thee be euer ouer it and blesse ti dailie increase it with thy manifold gifts of grace giue it the spirit of wisedome vnderstanding the spirit of counsell strength the spirit of knowledge and true godlines fulfill it with the spirit of thy holie feare faith and praier and so lead this child in the knowledge and obedience of thy holie word that being euer defended with thy heauenlie grace it may continue therein for euer and dailie increase in thy holie spirit more and more vntill in the end he obteine the gift of euerlasting life in thy celestiall kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen If the child or yong infant be verie sicke and lie sore pained with anie greefe or whensoeuer else it be visited with anie dreadfull disea●e praie ouer it and saie as followeth Lord heare our praiers And let our crie come vnto thee Let vs praie O Mercifull Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the onelie begotten Sonne of the liuing Father redeemer of all men through all ages whose nature is pitifull not onelie to the strong and stout but also to the weake and simple as babes infants and children we here assembled most hartilie desire and praie
God wilt answere me That mercie is the aboundance great of thy heauenlie pitie With which thou viewst the afflicted sort that on the earth doo lie And what is this compassion then but proofes of thy mercie Our fathers old the same haue felt and now in rest do raigne And thou art still the selfe-same God for euer to remaine Our fathers were conceiued in sin and so are we likewise Wilt thou compassion shew on them and children theirs despise One faith in Christ we all professe one God in persons thrée As thou compassion hadst on them compassion haue on me Ponder O God my harts desire most humblie doo I craue And doo awaie all my misdéeds and so compassion haue And as of sinners manie a one whose number is vnknowne Thou didst vouchsafe to drawe to thée make them all thine owne So now vouchsafe most gentle God likewise to drawe me in And make me righteous by thy grace forgiuing me my sin So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The sixt meditation MOst mightie God I doo confesse ten thousand times more Thou hast me washed from my sin and salued still my sore But I through sin am falne againe and fowler now am made Than euer was the filthie swine with mire ouer laid How oftentimes shall we forgiue each other that offend Seuentie times seuen the scripture saith which signifieth no end If man to man such fauour shew that wretched caitiues be How much more thou O gratious God to them that call on thée It is thy nature to forgiue my nature can but fall Though thou be iust in all thy works thy mercie passeth all What time a sinner doth repent and turne to thée at last All sins foredone thou wilt forget thy promise so hath past Behold O God I turne to thée with sorrowe for my sin And do repent euen from my hart that I so lewd haue bin Now wash me Lord yet once againe with fountaine of thy grace That I among the sacred saincts with thee might haue a place So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The seuenth and last meditation LIke as the guiltie prisoner stands before the iudge so tride With quaking breath shiuering lims his iudgement to abide Euen so O God before thy face in fearefull state I stand And guiltie crie to thée my iudge and now hold vp my hand Nothing have I to pleade for life no goodnes is in me Of sin deceipt and wickednes guiltie good Lord guiltie Thus by thy righteous doome O God and sacred lawe diuine Condemnd am I to endles paine through iust deserts of mine Alas what then is to be said or what is to be done For mercie yet will I appeale to Iesu Christ thy sonne For neuer yet hath it béene heard since first the world began That Iesu Christ did turne his face from anie sinfull man Which unto him for mercie came with sad repentant minde O Lord shall I then be the first that shall no mercie finde Shall I be she thou wilt despise that humblie commes to thée No no swéet Christ thy promise is for to deliuer mée Wherefore my soule be glad and crie incessantlie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei FINIS W. H. A praier to be said of a widowe immediatlie after the death of hir husband ETernall and mercifull God father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to thine heauenlie pleasure hast taken now my deere and louing husband R. B. out of this world whereby I am a poore afflicted widowe and my seelie children fatherlesse vnto thee doo I crie in this my miserie O mine assured aduocate haue mercie on mee a forsaken orphane and after thy great goodnes pardon all my sinnes which I haue committed against thee Turne vnto me O Lord and take mercie on me for my soule is become a widowe and I am alone and comfortlesse looke vpon the teares of my widowhood and behold mine affliction and miserie Oh my Lord now releeue my necessitie as thou didst releeue that widowe of Sarepta whom thou didst most miraculouslie preserue by thy prophet Elias Take the like pitie on me now I saie untill thou returne ah shew thy selfe vnto me that I may be comforted assist me behold my necessitie and deliuer me out of all my troubles Grant likewise that sith thou hast taken awaie from me the vaile of mine eies mine head and deer husband with whom I was preserued from all dangers and of whom peraduenture I was vnworthie I may yet find fauour now in the sight of all gouernours and magistrates whom in thy holie word thou hast commanded to be as an husband and guid vnto me that I be not iniuried by the vngodlie contrarie to all reason and equitie In like sort let me find patrons and honest men which will haue a tender consideration of this my present estate and succour me at times with godlie counsell Protect me oh my God from all false tongues which are like rasures cutting deceitfullie and as the sharpe arowes of a mightie man Deliuer me O Lord from slander and from the obloquie of wicked men which with poisoned words haue bent their bowe to cast downe the poore and needie and to slay such as be of a right conuersation Furthermore I beseech thee giue me grace to liue in this my desolate state of widowhood chastlie and godlie shewing my selfe an example of godlines to others and trusting wholie in thy mercie at all times Let me patientlie and christianlie endure all crosses laid vpon me and continue faithfullie in making of supplications night and day Behold as the eies of a maiden are vpon hir mistresse so are mine eies bent vpon thee my Lord God vntill thou haue mercie Haue mercie on me O Lord haue mercie on me for I am full of reproch and my soule is euen as a weaned child from the mothers brests Heare me O Lord as my trust is in thee for Iesus Christs sake thy sonne our Lord and sauiour Amen Another praier of a widowe O Lord I thanke thee that thou hast scourged me thus with the death of mine husband He was deer vnto me O Lord euen bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh for whom I forlooke both father and mother to cleaue vnto him He by the couenant of matrimonie was made one bodie with me thou gauest him vnto me and thou hast taken him from me blessed be thy name for euer The bands of death haue sundred me from him for a while but I hope O Lord by the power of thy holie spirit that nothing shall be able to separate me from thee mine onelie Iesus the onelie ioie of my soule Put the axe of thy mercie to the roote of my wanton nature and cut it off that I doo not marrie the vanitie of this wicked world but put vpon me the garment of innocencie and tie about my hart the iewell of faith that
of our spot corruption of our frailtie deadlie fall and most readie inclination to all wickednes and to crie continuallie vnto thee to attaine such strength of thine heauenlie grace through the working power of thine holie spirit that the sleights of satan may be preuented we inwardlie purged of all bitternes fiercenes lightnes inconstancie idlenes pride stoutnes and of all impuritie and wickednes and to liue in our calling with meeknes mildnes peace humblenes quietnes exercising all maner of puritie clennes sobernes godlines and holines as becommeth vnfeigned professors and the true daughters of holie Sara following hir example in all obedience and well dooing to thine honour and glorie and our eternall saluation through Iesus Christ thy sonne our euerlasting Sauiour who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie ghost in all honour and glorie worlds without end Amen A praier to be said of all deuout women for the light of ladie Vertues lampe and recouerie of hir frends and hand-maids grace repentance faith hope and saluation lost and for the ransoming of their soules from the captiuitie of sinne O Most mightie God and heauenlie king vouchsafe to haue respect vnto vs miserable women which are so wrapped in wretchednes in this world that we are altogither vnworthie to be comprehended within the compasse of thy compassion O Lord of all flesh if it be lawfull for vs disobedient seruants to charge thee our beneficiall Lord and master with thy freendlie vndeserued promises behold then we thy hatefull hand-maids craue that thou haue no pleasure nor delight in the death of vs filthie sinners Thou art the same God thou wert when thou didst redeeme vs with the pretious sanguin oile of thy deere sonne thy grace is yet as great thy goodnes no lesse glorious thy power is inuincible thy diuine Deitie not diminished thy bountie nothing abated and that which must be our onelie helpe thy mercies as much manifold It pleased thy maiestic to send messengers into the world that they might encounter with the seruants of satan namelie thy grace ladie vertues pilote to encounter with vaine desires repetance to banish sinne ladie vertue with hir freends faith and hope to driue awaie the dread of death and desperation and finallie saluation to preuent the force of the hellish furies But alas thou seest O Lord how fraillie we haue dealt with thee with thy messengers thou knowest likewise that we haue not beene in readines willinglie to receiue or accept the light of ladie vertues lampe when it shined vpon vs to guid vs in the waie to euerlasting life but haue too retchleslie extinguished it with worldlie vanities and wilfullie shadowed it with our sinnes whereby we haue fallen from vertue not she by vs but we by wanting hir doo vade faith not by vs but we with want of faith doo faint hope not by vs but we with want of heauenlie hope doo halt they of themselues are strong but we without them are weaker than weaknes it selfe Recouer vs in them O God that we who now shame to shew our selues in thy presence may find through Christ some occasion of countenance when we come with our lamps of pure faith cleerlie burning in our hands to meete the bridegrome and implore thy fauourable sentence in the great iudgement daie of thy comming O vouchsafe yet once againe to extend thy manifold mercies for ransoming our soules from the captiuitie of sinne We without thine aid are miserable we without thy fauourable regard are more than miserable and woorse than woorst wretched Suffer not the works of thine hands which thou hast ordeined for the increase multiplieng of thy kingdome to be flames of infernall fire and to burne in the gulfe of horrible hell as we iustlie haue deserned for so be astlie abusing our selues and the gifts of nature and grace which thou hast giuen vnto vs. It is thy power not our priuiledge it is thy grace not our goodnes it is thy mercie not our merits that must stand vs in steed To vse circumstances in our sute O God what auaileth it Thou knowest our desire before we demand thou knowest our want before we wish thou knowest what we need before we aske thou knowest our sute before we seeke O vouchsafe therefore to supplie what we sue for heare vs and helpe vs make vs worthie to attaine vnto that freedome which we haue forsaken let thy mercie preserue that which thy power hath made and wisedome beautified Thy glorie O God shall be thine if anie benefite be ours thou knowest our necessitie and we hope thou dooest pitie our miserie Yet bicause it pleaseth thee to be praied vnto we therefore come vnto thee humblie in spirit though fraile in flesh It is thou not our s●lues that must make the flesh agreeable to the spirit It is thou not our selues that must ouer-rule our nature with thy grace our lusts with thy loue our soules with reason And although thou knowest how to bring it to passe better than can be surmised in our thoughts we craue yet Lord that thou wilt graffe in vs thy grace make vs readie to repentance let the light of ladie vertues lampe shine still on vs to guid vs in the waie to euerlasting happines Uouchsafe also to haue fauourable regard vnto those on whom the light of hir lampe hath shined and that such on whom it hath not shined may be at thy will and pleasure vnshadowed Grant I saie that wheresoeuer shee curteouslie offereth the vse of hir lightned lampe it may be freendlie accepted both in court and countrie Let manie buie it but mo vse it let manie craue it but mo hold it and when they haue it let them not shadowe or extinguish it with worldlie vanities nor quench it with the water of sinne and when they receiue it let them be in readines both to vse and preserue it with all diligence willingnes Finallie grant that all may mainteine the light thereof not onelie during their naturall liues but after to all posteritie at the disposition of thy diuine power and prouidence Moreouer frame in vs a fixed faith to the fort of thy felicitie Let hope haue onelie respect to saluation that we may supplie the place thou hast prepared for the wise virgins Let thy diuine power direct the discontinuing of our soules captiuitie Let thy pitie be prest to make thy mercie mitigate our miserie Let thy grace guide vs and thy mercie O God obteine freedome for vs that our lamps beeing replenished with the oile of thy merits we may walke in the light thereof with hartie hope to the gates of heauen now wide open to meete the great King and all the mightie multitude of angels who with vnspeakeable glorie shall come readie to receiue vs most royallie and intirelie to entertaine and accompanie vs to the celestiall palace and paradise of all pleasure there with all the holie companie of Angels Archangels Powers Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessors Uirgins yea
me wretched woman for thy beloued sonne Iesus Christes sake who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie Ghost one God euer world without end Amen God the Father of all comfort and consolation blesse keepe and defend me from all the illusions and suggestions of sathan now and euermore also giue me grace to walke in thy feare Amen Reade more of this in the Quéenes meditation page 10. and 16. 17. c. in the second Lampe A praier of Marie Magdalens repentance O Good Iesu the onlie hope of the penitent person which opening the bowels of thy compassion and to declare and shew a token of thy great loue didst gratiouslie giue absolution and pardon of all hir sinnes to Marie Magdalen that greeuous sinner and sinfull woman at what time she touched with great remorse and sorrowe stood weeping before thee and powring foorth abundance of teares washed thy feete and kissing them wiped them with the heare of hir head in token of hir hartie repentance and sorrowe for hir forepassed sinfull life spent in adulterie and vncleannesse O despise not me also I beseech thee most mercifull Iesu which am a more sinfull woman and now likewise most humblie with great remorse of conscience and sorrowe for my sinfull life past doo prostrate my selfe before the feete of thy mercie washing them with the inward teares of contrition and kissing them with the lips of deuout earnest praier And vouchsafe O sweet Christ to make me meete to heare thy voice so full of loue and compassion so full of elemencie sweetnesse and mercie which the same Marie Magdalen was made woorthie to heare that as hirs so also my manifold sinnes and offences committed against thee and thy whole Church and mine owne bodie and soule may quite be forgiuen and washed awaie by thine onlie grace and merits O blessed Sauiour Iesu Amen Another praier of the woman taken in adulterie O Most tender harted Iesu which so gentlie deliueredst the woman taken in adulterie and so mercifullie sentedst hir awaie in peace and vncondemned of thee from hir accusers Behold my adulterous soule standeth heere before thee which so often hath forsaken thee hir true and faithfull spouse as she hath consented to the vile suggestions of the adoulterous and corrupt enimie Alas my conscience accuseth me yea and all my lewd works and wicked actions doo all bewraie and condemne mee But O Lord enter not thou into iudgement with them I praie thee neither doo thou remember mine old or new offences to plague them as they deserue but deliuer me also a most sinfull wretch and a woman corrupted and abused in adulterie Deliuer me I saie a woman altogither giltie of horrible iniquities from mine accusers and being fullie persuaded in my conscience that I am freelie forgiuen of thee and from this and all other my crimes and offences absolued pardoned and quitted before the tribunall seate of thy iudgement let me now depart in peace and vncondemned For it is thy propertie alwaies to haue mercie and to spare sinners that repent and turne vnto thee as I doo heare at this present vnfeignedlie yea there is no end of thy mercies and compassions to such as forsaking their old sinnes doo vnfeignedlie seeke and cleaue vnto thee to whome therefore with the Father and the holie Ghost be blessing praise power and dominion now and for euer Amen Of this matter reade more in the latter end of the sixt Lampe and in diuers places of the seuenth Lampe A praier to be said of anie damsell daughter or maiden child O Most mercifull God and heauenlie Father which hast commanded mee to honor my parents by whome I was borne and doo liue for such obedience doth please thee for thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christes sake and thou hast promised to reward the same with long life manifold benefits and heauenlie blessings I humblie beseech thee O Lord giue to my parents and all other that I am bound vnto in this world a long life and protect them from all miseries hurt and danger Also grant mee grace to obey them and all others which haue authoritie ouer me in deed and in word and in all patience that I may haue thy benediction and blessing Let mee helpe my parents in their age and neuer greeue them as long as they liue and if their vnderstanding faile let me beare with them and neuer in my lustie youth despise them Imprint in my mind the paines which my mother hath endured for my sake not onlie before I came out of hir wombe but also till I was of anie discretion for which cause be it far from me that I at anie time make hir sad or out of quiet through anie my lewd behauiour and disobedience Furthermore O mercifull God and heauenlie Father I beseech thee forgiue me the sinnes of my tender age and youth whereby I haue and do still offend both thee and my louing parents Pardon them I saie O Lord for thy mercie sake Remember not my rebellions make me both to knowe my follie and to be hartilie sorie for mine offences Place before mine eies continuallie the example of our sauiour Christ which in his childhood was obedient vnto his parents thereby both teaching and shewing to all children what their dutie is Keepe me O Lord from the wicked companie of vngodlie men and when they shall entise me let me not walke in the way with them Refraine my feete from their paths least I come into the dangerous and suspicious iudgements of other folke and hazard therby mine honestie chastitie and good name and vertue to the perill and hurt both of my selfe and my parents Increase O Lord not my yeares onelie but also my wisedome chastitie shamefastnesse sobernesse temperance and all kind of vertue and obedience requisite in a godlie child that I may growe in fauour both with thee and all good men and women through thy beloued Sonne our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Another verie necessarie praier to be said of anie daughter or maiden child FOrasmuch as in thy holie word O almightie God and heauenlie Father it is said that a wise daughter is an heritage vnto hir husband but she that liueth dishonestlie bringeth hir father to heauinesse againe A daughter that is bold or past shame dishonoureth both hir father and hir husband and the vngodlie shall regard hir because she is not inferiour vnto them but both hir father and hir husband shall despise hir because of hir foolishnesse I beseech thee therefore take from mee a stout stomach an incorrigible hart an impudent mind an vnshamefast eie and a bold countenance with all other vices and marks of a reprobate and disobedient child and in stead thereof giue vnto mee a gentle spirit a meeke hart an humble mind a demure looke a sober countenance an affable and seruiceable bodie with all other good graces and comelie conditions of a chast virgin and godlie child towards hir parents Oh suffer me not to be of the number
she still calleth vpon thy holie name and putteth hir full trust to be saued onlie in thy mercie impute not vnto hir the manifold sinnes of hir former life passed but pardon them and take hir vnto thy high fauour through the bloudie merits and deere death of thine onelie begotten sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour Amen Or praie thus O Pitifull physician and healer both of soule bodie Christ Iesu vouchsafe to cast thine eies vpon this thy poore sinnefull creature our deere sister M. B. who is here thy captiue bound with the burden of child-birth greefe vnspeakable paines in the chaine of sinne and death for our transgression in our grandmother Eue turning this hir weaknes and greefe to thy glorie hir health and safe deliuerance And vouchsafe good Lord to send hir patient sufferance that she may stedfastlie continue to the end in these extremities that she may with a true and perfect faith in thee fight now a good fight and stand manfullie against all the temptations of the diuell hir mortall enimie when she may no longer continue O Sauiour of the world saue hir which by thy crosse and precious bloud hast redeemed hir Amen Adde this blessing THE almightie Lord which is a most strong tower to all them that put their trust in him to whom all things both in heauen earth and vnder the earth doo bow and obey blesse preserue and keepe this our sister and be now and euermore hir buckler and defence against all hir enimies and make hir to knowe and feele in hir soule and conscience that there is none other name giuen vnto man in whom and through whom she may receiue ease comfort health deliuerance and saluation but onelie in the most holie blessed and venerable name of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A praier of instruction to be vsed of the women in health attendant about the sicke and languishing woman in sore trauell for themselues O Most mercifull God and most louing Father we beseech thee haue mercie vpon vs and aid vs with thy grace holie spirit that we which be yet in good health and safetie and looke according to the condition of our nature for the like hour of ad●ersitie but with more mercie and mitigation of our paines than as it seemeth our sister here endureth if it be thy will may learne to feare and dread thee may loue and embrace thy holie word and that we may set thee before vs as a scope and marke wherevnto we may direct all our dooings and that we boing alwaies mindfull of this thy crosse and heauie iudgement laid vpon all women in the loines of our grandmother Eue for hir and our transgression and euermore remembring the vnspeakable pangs intollerable paines and most bitter agonie of death may so prepare our harts and arme our selues that we may order all our deeds from hence-foorth in all holie and chast obedience both towards thee and our husbands or heads as well becommeth right christian women and modest matrones to thy glorie and as doo and and haue done all godlie women which feare thee in all ages that in the end we obteine to be fellow-heires with them of euerlasting life in the kingdome of heauen through the merits of our deere Lord and sweetest Sauiour Iesus Christ the righteous Amen Another godlie and effectuall praier to be hartilie said of the women assistant if the woman in sore trauell or child-bed lie in the pangs of death and be a passing this life O Lord God almightie the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost three persons and one onlie God the Lord of life and the destroier of death with whom to be is life and from whom to be is death who as a louing father mercifull redeemer and freendlie caller to repentance hast now visited with the scourge of hard painefull and greeuous trauell or with vntimelie birth vnfortunate deliuerance and sore sicknes thy most sinfull daughter yea thy spotted creature defiled seruant and greeuous sinner S. B. to cause hir to knowe hir selfe and to confesse hir wickednes and so to come to thee at this thy calling to knowe thee and onelie to crie and call vpon thee for comfort Now thou O Lord whose propertie is euer to haue mercie and freelie to forgiue those that faithfullie come vnto thee we thine humble hand-maids with heauie harts most humblie beseech thee looke downe from heauen with thine accustomed eies of compassion vpon hir cast behind thy backe hir innumerable and greeuous sins throwe them all both old and new from hir as far as is the East from the West yea scrape the memorie of them out of thy sight quite forget them and freelie forgiue them hir as hir onlie trust is in thee O Lord be thou now vnto hir at hir most time of need a tower of strength a place of refuge and a defensible God to keepe strengthen and defend hir from the danger of the diuell now readiest to disquiet hir and destroie hir against desperation now busiest to greeue hir against death now likest to strike hir and against hell now gaping to deuoure hir Oh heauenlie father aid thou now hir Helpe hir and establish hir in the firme faith of thy truth Comfort hir now O sweet Christ and continue hir in the knowledge of thee hir onlie sauiour which art now in hir extreamenes and pangs of death readie to shew thy selfe vnto hir as hir sauiour crucified on the crosse to comfort hir Therefore now saue thou hir from sin deliuer thou hir now from eternall death hale hir from hell embrace hir hide hir in the holes of thy bloudie wounds as thy deere doue and beare hir manifold sins on thy backe And thou O holie spirit strengthen thou now hir weake fainting and sounding spirit against sathan that standeth now nigh hir to seduce hir Saie thou now to sathan Auoid sathan and command thy holie angels and blessed spirits now to aid and assist hir Let thy comfort cleaue fast vnto hir thy mercie keepe hir thy grace guide hir thy paines ease hir thy crosse releeue hir and thy death reuiue hir Oh almightie God the giuer of all health and if it be thy good will to lengthen hir daies in this life to spare hir for a season to mitigate hir pangs to ease hir of hir paines to releeue hir of all these wofull sorowes and most greeuous throwes to deliuer hir of this most dangerous trauell and send into this world out of hir wofull wombe hir child a sound and perfect creature after thine owne image and so restore hir to hir former health as thou hast done hir and manie others heeretofore in like case that she thereby may once againe visit thy temple and be purified sanctified and dedicated vnto thy honor and glorie the commoditie of hirs and comfort of vs all hir friends kindred and neighbours Weio●fullie saie Thy will O Lord be done and not ours But if it be not thy will so but that she according to
thy glorious maiestie for this seelie infant and child which hath not the capacitie to praie for it selfe lieng here in paines and pangs of sorrowfull sicknes beseeching thy grace that with y ● same pitie wherewith thou sufferedst the babes and children to come to thee in the Gospell and laiedst thy blessed hands vpon them thou wilt also respect with the same eies of compassion and consider this poore babe seelie child and weake infant sore greeued with sicknesse Grant we beseech thee that as it beareth and here sheweth the image of sinfull Adam by suffering for sinne so it bearing the liuelie image of thy heauenlie gift may by thy grace be deliuered and helped from that which now by nature it suffreth So that like as it is with vs partaker of thy holie baptisme so it may also with vs be partaker of thy helpe and consolation And forasmuch as the paines of the same poore child seeme greeuous and vehement we beseech thee so mitigate the vehemencie thereof that by the releeuing and easing of it we also especiallie his sorowfull parents may be comforted dealing with it according as it shall seeme good to thy diuine wisedome whether by death to call it or by life to restore it so that whether it go or tarie it may be thine and at the last with thine elect be made partaker of that blessed resurrection when thou shalt appeare In whose name we praie furthermore for it and our selues as thou in thy holie Gospell hast taugth vs saieng O our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen giue vs this daie our dailie bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespas against vs and leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Thanks-giuings for women after deliuerance of childe A thanks-giuing and praier to be said of the father so soone as he heareth that a child is borne vnto him and his wife safelie deliuered O Eternall God and heauenlie father the creator and preseruer of mankinde thou knowest the fraile and weake nature of man and hast in thy mercifull louing kindnes for his comfort and remedie ordeined him the most honourable state of marriage to liue and walke in commanding them to increase and multiplie and hast promised the fruit of the bodie to be a blessing and a witnes of thine eternall councell of this most honourable state to all them that loue and feare thee Wherefore oh heauenlie father I most hartilie thanke thee that it hath pleased thee to call me into this most holie and honourable state of marriage and hast vouchsafed to giue me this infant thy creature as a witnes and testimonie of thy good will towards the same and a token of thy promised blessing to thy children And that it hath pleased thee also to deliuer this thy poore hand-maid my yoke-fellowe and mother of this thy creature from the sin-plague of sorrowe and perill in bringing foorth as thou appointedst the same to our grandmother Eue. And now oh deere and most mercifull father I most humblie beseech thee to giue vnto me and to this my yoke-fellowe or wife thy seruant thy grace holie spirit and so renew the same in vs day by day that both we may liue and walke chastlie honestlie and holilie as becommeth thy children to liue and walke in so honourable a state before thee and that we may doo our duties in education and bringing vp of this thy blessing and creature in godlie nourture and discipline and in true information in thee oh Lord thy Sonne Iesus Christ and also that this thy creature may doo his dutie in harkening and obeieng so that of no part anie fault be found in vs that may giue occasion to the vngodlie to speake euill of thy truth and holie name nor of this holie and honourable state but rather that they which knowe not the truth may through the example of our good conuersation be brought to the knowledge of thy truth whereby they may be made members of thy Church and praise thee for all thy benefits through thy mercie and louing kindnes powred vpon vs. Grant this oh most mercifull father for thy deere Sonne sake Iesus Christ our onlie mercie-seate and mediatour in whose name I praie thee as he hath taught me saieng O our father c. Here may be said or soong to the glorie of God and your edifieng the 8. the 127. the 128. Psalmes of Dauid and Benedictus or the song of Zacharie which he made at the birth of his sonne Iohn the Baptist as Luke cap. 1. and in the beginning before the Psalmes in meeter Another thanks-giuing to be vsed of the mid-wife or women assistant after the safe deliuerie of a woman in child-bed O Eternall and almightie God thy power and might is to be praised and magnified for euer for in the greatest weakenes of man thy power is seene in his greatest dangers thy saluation is knowne Therefore we praise thy name and giue thee thanks for all thy great mercies and wonderfull works namelie Lord we giue thee thanks for thy mercie shewed to this our sister at this time in bringing hir through manie and great dangers of child-birth and in giuing hir the fruit of hir bodie It was thy hand O Lord that hath done it for it is a worke greater than all the wisedome power of man Deere father we beseech thee euer hereafter to deliuer the mother and the child out of all their dangers as may best make to thy glorie and their saluation in Iesus Christ our Lord. Touching vs we thanke thee for blessing our labours and furthering the works of our hands beseeching thee that we beholding thy outstretched arme and rich mercies may be drawne by them to serue thee in feare and reuerence all the daies of our liues Amen An other thanks-giuing to be said for the safe deliuerance of anie woman in child-bed or at hir churching as it is called AMong other thy benefites those innumerable which thou dailie bestowest vpon vs thy needie poore creatures this is not the least O most mercifull father that thou of thy tender goodnes doest vouchsafe for the conseruation of man-kind to preserue the women that are with child and to giue them safe deliuerance of their burden by this meanes making them glad and ioifull mothers For this thy benefite and good will towards vs we so hartilie thanke thee as hart can thinke beseeching thee to worke such thankfulnes in the hart of this thy seruant S. B. and all other women in like case by thy spirit that they being not vnmindfull of this high benefite of their safe deliuerance wrought onelie by the sauiour of all man-kind may shew themselues thankfull vnto thee for this thy goodnes and neuer forget that thy present helpe and most sweete comfort which thou