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A15995 Ieremy the prophete, translated into Englisshe: by George Ioye: some tyme felowe of Peter College in Camebridge. The songe of Moses is added in the ende, to magnifye our Lorde for the fall of the Pharao, the bisshop of Rome; Bible. O.T. Prophets. English. Joye. Selections. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1534 (1534) STC 2778; ESTC S119622 105,413 240

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ī obprobrye ¶ The .xxi. Chapiter THe sermone of the Lorde shewed vnto Jeremye whan Zedechias sente vnto him pashur the sone of Melchie and Zephony the Priest sone of Maasy with this maner of commandemēt sayng Aske counsel of the Lorde we praye the as touching vs for Nabuchadrezar kinge of Babylon laith sege vnto vs whither god paraduenture wyll do with vs aftir his meruelouse powr and so turne this kinge from vs. Then Jeremy sayd vnto them Thus shal ye answer Zedechye Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel Beholde I shal wringe the weapens oute of your hādis whiche ye holde to fyght agenste the kinge of Babylon the Chaldeis fighting agenst you withoute at the wallis I shal bringe your weapēs altogither into the middis of this cyte and I my selfe shal fight agenste you with a stretched-forth hande and stronge arme with indignacion furye and grete wrathe and shal smyte the inhabitours of this cyte so that bothe man beast shal dye of a grete pestilence And aftir this saith the Lorde I shal geue vp Zedechye kinge of Juda both his seruauntis and the peple with the resydew of this cyte whō pestilence swerde and honger haue lefte into the power of Nabuchadrezar kinge of Babylon into y e handis of their enmyes euē into y e hādis of thē y t thirst for their lyfe which shal smyte thē with the edge of swerde withoute alcōpassion nether sparing nor hauinge any mercy on them And vnto this peple thou shalt saye Thus saith the Lorde Beholde I shal setforth before you the waye of lyfe and dethe Whoso euer abideth in this cyte shal dye with swerde or honger or pestelence but he that wil goforthe to go to the Chaldes that besege you shal saue himselfe and his lyfe shal be vnto him lyke a lukkely goten proye For I haue bente my face agēste this cyte to scourge it and not to do it good saith the Lorde that it might be geuen vp into the power of the kinge of Babylon to be brent Also thou shalt saye to the kinges house of Juda. Hear the worde of y e Lorde ye house of Dauid for thus saith the Lorde Ministre rightwisnes withoute any delaye and delyuer the oppressed spoyled from the power of the violent vexer before my furye comeforthe lyke fyer to burne so that nomā maye quēche it for your mischeuous studyes Beholde me here at hande euē amōge you which dwel here there in wales in rockes playns saith y e Lorde which saye who shal make vs afrayd Or who can come to our holdis But I shal viset you acording to y e merits of your studye saith the Lorde and kindel a fyer thorowt your wodis to deuour al thingis rownde aboute you ¶ The .xxii. Chapiter FOrthermore thus spake the Lorde Go thy wayes downe into y e kingis house of Juda there speke this sermone saynge Heare the worde of the Lorde o kinge of Juda which sittest in y e seat of Dauid Hear I saye both thou thy seruāts peple whiche iette so prowdely thorow these gatis Thus cōmandeth the Lorde Obserue equite and rightuousnes auenge the spoiled from the power of the wronge doer The straunger the fatherlesse and wedewe see thou moleste not hurt nor robbe nother shede ye innocent blode in this place And if ye obserue these thingis constantly the kingis which shal sitte in the seat of Dauid shal go thorow the gates of this house and be caryed in charyets and vpon horse both they their seruants and their peple But if thou obseruest not these precepts I swere by my nownselfe saith the Lorde that this house shal be desolate For euen thus hath the Lorde spokē vpō the house of Juda. Thou arte the head euen as is Galaad in Libano but if I bringe not the thy cytes into a deserte y t they be not inhabited For I shal apoynte forth sende into y e a destroyer with is weapens to cutdowne thy chosen Cedres caste thē into y e fyer And whā any other naciō shal passe forby this cyte one shal saye to another wherfor hathe y e Lorde done thus vnto this grete cite● Thā it shal be answerde euē because they forsoke despysed the couenaunt of their lorde God and fildowne worshipt strāge goddis Wepe not for the dead nor moorne yet not for him but wepe sore for him now going a waye For this mā shal neuer come ageyn nor yet se his owne natiue lande For thus saith the Lorde vpon Sellum the sone of Josias kinge of Juda raigning aftir Josias his father He that is goneforth of this regiō shal neuermore returne For he shal dye in the same place into whiche he is ledde captiue neuermore se this lande Wo be to him y t buyldeth his house by iniurye and wronge setteth vp his parlers and chaumbers by fraude and violence which maketh his owne neighbour to serue him for naught not geuinge him his rewarde for his labour Thus thinketh he with himselfe I wil buyld me a large house costely chaūbres He cutteth him forth windowes beames and grounsels of Cedre paynteth them with reade Thinkest thou nowe to raigne whan with thy cedre buyldingis thou prouokest me to enuye and to be auēged Did not thy father in his trwe and iuste labour eat drinke prospered wel Whiles he auenged the cause of the poore oppressed he prospered wel which thinge whereof els sh●ld it hapē but for y e knowlege of me saith the Lorde But thy eyes and thy herte ar al togither sette vpon couetousnes to spillinnocēt blode to do iniury and extorsion Wherfore thus saith the Lorde vpō Joakim sone of Josias kinge of Juda. They shal not lament mourne him with theis wonte lementable wordes Ah my brother oh my syster nother with theis Ah Lorde oh noble kinge But he shal be buryed lyke anasse euē stinking caste withe oute the gatis of Jerusalem Clyme vp into Libanus oh virgen and daughter Zion and crye In Basan also let thy voyce be herde and crye oute from al the highe wayes for al thy louers ar perished These thinges I gaue the warninge of whan thou waste yet in welthy prosperite But thou answerdst me sayng I will not heare this verely was thy maner euē frō thy yougth that thou woldest not obaye my voyce All thy pastors shal be ruled and blown awaye of the winde and thy louers shal be caryed awaye into captiuite and than verely thou shalt be shamed and confounded for thy grete wykednes and malice which yet dwellest in Libano nestelest in the Cedres How grete shal thy sorowful sighes be whan this ruyne shal fall vpon the lyke panges vpon the traueler of chylde As verely as I lyue saith the Lorde though Jechonias the sone of Joakim kinge of Juda be the signet whiche I weare on mi right hande yet shal I pluk him of from hence
praye y e bye my felde which is in Anathot in the Lande of Beniamin for it is thy right by the reason of nexte of our kin Redeme it therfore I praye the. I know al this to be done by the Lordis commandement wherfore I bought this felde of Hananeel my eames sone which dwelled at Anathot And I wayed him forth his money euen .vii. sicles and .x. peses of syluer And the writing made and sealed and witnes called to I wayd forthe the money in the skoles and receiued the copye wherby I chalenged and posseded it Aftir this was it sealed acording to the forme of the lawe and dewe order and rehersed with the copye therof And I delyuerd this copye wherby I held it vnto Baruch y e sonne of Nerie sonne of Mahasie Hananeel my eames sonne being present before y e witnesses whose names were writē in y e instrumēt wherby I helde it al y e Iwes at laste being by whiche sate aboute vs in the sayd warde cōmanding this Baruch before them on this maner This is y e Lorde of powers plesure y e God of Israel y t thou receyuest this instrument sealed w t this copye put it into an erthē potte y t it maye continew longe For thus hath y e Lorde of powers y e God of Israel decreed That y e houses feldes vynyardis in this lande shal be possessed agein Wherfor I made my prayer to y e Lorde aftyr y e delyueraūce of this instrument vnto Baruch the sone of Neerie on this maner sayng Ah lorde God lo thou art he y t made heuē erthe by thy mighty power highe strēgth nothing is harde or of difficulty vnto y e. Thou doist mercy vpō thousandis thou rewardest y e wikednes of the fathers into the bosoms of their childern which ar borne aftir thē Thou art y t great mighty God whose name is y e Lorde of powers great in counsel and infinite in thought Thy eyen beholde al the wayes of man to rewarde euery man for his owne wayes for y e frutes of his inuenciōs Which hast done signes wondres in the lande of Egypte as we wel knowe euen vnto this daye as wel vpō this same Israel as vpō these mē to magnifye thy name as it is right great vnto this daye And thou leddest forth Israel thy peple oute of y e lande of Egypt w t signes woūders w t a mighty hande a forthstretched arme great power And gauest thē thissame lande as thou haddest sworne to their fathers to geue them a lande flowing w t mylke honey But whā they were come had posseded it they obayed not thy voyce nor walked not in thy lawe but what so euer thou cōmandest them to do y t they did not wherfore al these affliccions plages ar come vpō thē Lo they come w t bulwarkis euē vnto this cite to take it whiche ouercome withe swerde hōger and pestelence shal be delyuerd vp into y e handes of the Chaldeis whiche euen nowe fight so sore agēst it And what so euer thou hast sayd it shal come to passe for lo al thinges ar present vnto y e. And yet thou Lorde God notwithstāding cōmādest me sayng chalenge y e thy felde y e money payd before witnes whā y e cyte in y e meā ceason must come into y e hādis of y e Cal●es Thā came y e worde of y e lorde to me Lo I am y e lorde God of al thinges lyuīge is ther any thing harde vnto me Wherfor thus cōmanderh y e lorde Lo I shal betake this cite into y e power of y e Caldes into y e nower of Nebuchadrezar kinge of Babylō which shal take it For the Chaldes shal come fight agenst this cyte and set fyer on it and it shal be burned with the houses in whose parlers they burned sacrifices to Baal and offred to strange Gods that they might the more prouoke me to anger For whan y e childerne of Israel and Juda had done al maner of synne in my sight euen fro their yeugth What els was it that they dyd than prouoked me onely by the workis of their owne handis saith y e lorde Or what els was this cyte than a prouoking stocke of my wrathe fro the daye that it was bylded vnto this present hower In whiche hower I shal wel worthely take it a waye frome oute of my sight for the synnes of the chylderne of Israel and Juda whiche they committed to anger me both they their selues their kinges their rulers their priestes their Prophetes al Juda the cytesens of Jerusalem They turned their backes and not their face to me whan I taught them warned them in tyme nether gaue they eare to receyue my disciplyne They did set their idolls in y e house consecrated vnto my name to pollute it They bylded highe places for Baal in y e vale of Benhinnon their to consecrate and to geue their sonnes and daughters euen to Moloch which thinge I neuer cōmanded them nether did it euer touche my mynde that I wolde thus drawe Juda into syn to committe these abominacions Ouer this yet agein spake the Lorde God of Israel as concerning this cyte whiche euen yourselues being present shal be geuen vp into the hande of the kinge of Babylon the cyte I say first ouercomen with swerde honger and pestelence Lo I shal gather them from al the regiōs into whiche I had dispersed them in my wrathe furye and great indignacion and shal bring them into this same place where they shal dwel suer They shal be my peple and I their God And I shal geue them one herte and one waye that they mought feare me at al tymes Which thinge shal profit them their childerne aftir them Also I shal smyte an euerlasting couenāt with them that I wil neuer cease to do them good that I wil geue my feare into their hertis that they fall not fro me that I shal delyght in doing them good ye and that I shal plante them in this lande in very truthe with al my herte and with al my soule For thus sayd y e Lorde lyke as I haue brought vpon this peple al this great affliccion euen so shal I bringe vpō them ageine al maner of goodnes which I haue layd vp for them And their feldis shal be possessed in this lande which ye graūte now worthely to bedesolated for saken of man beast to be brought into the handis of y e Caldes The feldis I tell you shal be bought with money instrumentis wryten ther vpon and sealed before witnes in the lande of Beniamin rowndaboute Jerusalem thorowout the cytes in the deserte For I shal bringe ageyn their captiuite saith the Lorde ¶ The .xxxiii. Chapiter AGeyne the worde of God came vnto Jeremye whyle he was yet in holde in the vtter warde on this maner Thus saith y e Lorde
go into some stronge cytes and let vs abyde there with sylence For our Lorde God hath put vs to sylence and geuen vs to drynke water mengled with gall because we synned agenst him We loked for peace but there came no good we taryed and waited for the tyme of helthe but lo al is syknes and trowble Than shal the neaing and noyse of their horse be herde from Dan. At the noyse of their harnes and armed horse men al the region shal falldowne For they shal inuade deuoure this lande what so euer is in it bothe cytes dwellers in thē And ouer this yet shal I sende into among thē kokatrices and serpents whom they may not charme and they shal stinge you saith the lorde I am oppressed with sorowe and heuynes holdeth my herte For lo the lowde voice of the daughter which is my peple shal be herde from a farre contrye saing Is not the Lorde in Zion Is not hir kinge in hir Wherevnto the Lorde shal answere Wherfore haue they angred me with their karuē images and strange vanites Haruest is paste Somer is done we ar yet miserable and vnhappye I am sory for thaffliccion of the daughter my peple I am fallen into a swone Is there no rosyne medicinable or triakle lefte in Galaad There is no phisicion there that maye restore the daughter my peple to hir helthe ¶ The .ix. Chapiter UVho may minister water to my head and plentuouse teares to my eyes to wepe day and night for the murder of the daughter my peple Who will geue me some strange solytary cotage in the deserte that I might my peple forsaken go from them For they be al aduouterers and the chirche of bakslyders They bende their tongues lyke a bowe to shoteforth lyes but for the truthe they may do nothinge in the worlde For they procede frō one mischefe to a nother they holde not vpon me saith the Lorde Euery man muste be ware of oother no brother may truste a nother for brother supplanteth brother neghbour deceaueth neghbour Euery mā mocketh his neghbour and the trowthe they speke not They haue accustomed their tonges to lye and take grete paynes to do mischefe Thou haste set thy stole in the middes of desaight and for to deceiue men they forsoke my knowlege saith the lorde Wherfore thus saith the lorde of powers Beholde I shal seeth them oute I shal melte and trye thē For what els shulde I do to my peple Their tongues lyke sharpe arowes pearse with desaight Withe their lippes they speke peace with their neghbour but pr●●ely they set snares for him Must I not then viset them for th●se thingis saith the Lorde Or shulde my mynd● iuge that nacion innocent who so euer they be that is lyke vnto this Vppon the mountains therfore shall I take me to weping and moorning And vpon the fayer playnes of the desert shal I begyn to lament● that they be thus brent vp that noman passe thorow them that their is not herde one worde of any possessour and that the byrdes of the ayer with the beasts ar caryed and gone fro thence And euen very Jerusalem shal I bringe into an heape of stones and dragons dēnes And the cytes of Juda shal I make desolate withoute any inhabitour What mortal man is sowyse as to vnderstāde these thingis or to whom hath the lorde tolde forth these by mouthe sayng Wherfor perisshest o lande wherfore art thou so brentvp and made lyke a deserte that nomā maye passe thorow the Euē the lorde therfore him selfe tolde it them that forsoke his lawe which he gaue them and yet they receyued it not nor lyued aftir it but folowed the craftynes of their owne shrewed hartis went aftir goddes as their fathers taught them Wherfore euen thus I tell you saith the Lorde of powers the God of Israel Beholde I shal fede this peple with anxt and geue them gall to drinke I shal scater them into amōg the naciōs whom nether they nor their fathers knowe I shal sende the swerde among them persecuting vntil I haue consumed them Also thus sayd the Lorde of powers Se that ye call mourners and sende for the wyse women to come spedely that they might singe our moorninge songes that the teares might fall from our eyes and water our chekis For the lamentable voyce of Zion apereth yet stil euen thus to be harde How ar we destroyd How miserably ar we cōfounded we muste forsake our owne contrye for our owne tabernacles cast vs forthe But yet heare the worde of the lorde o ye women let your eares hear the worde of his mouthe that ye might teache your daughters eche of them their neghbours this lamentable moorning Deth is clymen yn at our windows and hathe pearsed thorow our houses destroying our childerne before our dores and our younge ons in the streates But tel thou them that thus saith the lorde Mennis carkases shal fall lyke donge vpon the face of the felde and lyke grasse aftyr the sythe nomā to gather them vp And tel thē that he saith thus to Let not the wyse glorye in his owne wysedome nor the grete mā in his power nether the ryche in his riches But he that will glorye let him glory in this that he hathe vnderstanding knowleg of me me For it is I that am the Lorde which do mercy equyte and rightuousnes vpon therthe Wherfore in these thīgis I delight chefely saith the Lorde Beholde the tyme shal come saith the Lorde that I wil viset euery circuncised nacion as the Egypcion the Iwe the Idumey Ammonites Moabites and the shauen Madianitis whiche dwell in the deserte For all the gentyles haue their foreskynne vncircuncised but al the ho●se of Israel haue their hartis vncircuncised ¶ The .x. Chapiter HEre the sermone of the Lorde whiche he sendeth vnto you oh house of Israel sayng thus Be not lerned aftir the wayes of the gentyles nether fear ye at the sygnes of the skye or heuen whiche the gentyles feare For the rytes and lawes of the gentyles ar very vanite They wil go cut downe a tre frome the wode and fasshion it withe the handis axe of the artificer than is it made gaye with golde or syluer and fastened with hamers and naylis that it moue not nor go not a waye It standeth as stiffe as the palme tre it speketh not it gothe not but is borne onely Be not a frayd of siche thingis for they may do nether good nor harme But vnto the oh Lorde none is lyke thou ar grete and grete is the name of thy power Who ought not to feare the Or what kinge among al nacions ought not to obaye the For amonge al the wyse of the gentyles and in al their kingdomes none is lyke the. They ar al a lyke vnlerned and vnwyse All their crafte and coning is but vanite Syluer is brought hither from Tharsis and beten forth into