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B07679 The foƫtayne or well of lyfe, out of whiche doth sprynge mooste swete consolations, ryght necessarye for troubled conscyences to thyntente they shal not despayre in aduersitie and trouble.. 1548-1549? (1549) STC 11211.2; ESTC S92562 41,703 145

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the father may Iohn 18 Iohn 14 Iohn 16 be glorified in the sonne If ye do aske any thynge of me in myne owne name I wyll do it Truely truely I saye vnto you yf ye aske the father any thinge in my name he wyll geue it vnto you hytherto ye haue asked nothing in my name Aske and ye shal haue that Ioh. 4. your ioye maye be full The true worshippers shal worship the father in spirite verite for the father sekethe out such that may worshipe hym Aske and it shall be geuen Math 7 vnto you seke you shal finde knocke it shal be openned vnto you who that asketh receyueth and he that sekethe fyndeth and it shal be opened to him that knocketh Is the●● anye man amonge you that wolde profer his sonne a ston● yf he asked hym breade Or yt he asked hym a fysshe wolde he profer hym a serpent If y● then whiche are euyl can gyue to your chyldren good gyftes howe much more shal your father that is in heuē gyue good thinges to such as aske of him Whersoeuer are two or thre Mat. 18 Mat. 21 Luc. 18 gathered togither in my name I am in the myddes of them Al that euer ye wyll aske in prayer beleuynge ye shall receyue it Shall not god reuenge his electe that crye vnto him both nyght and day yea though he defarre them I tel you he wyll Mat. 29 / reuenge them that quyckely Wake and pray that ye entre not into temptacions the spirite is alwayes readye but the fleashe is weake Let your loynes be gyrded aboue and your lyghtes brennynge in your handes And ye your selues lyke vnto mē that loke after theyr mayster when Luc. 12. he wyll returne frō a wedding Take no thought for your lyuyng what ye shall eate nor for youre bodye what ye shall put on The lyfe is of more value then meate and the bodye is more of value then raymente Marke well the rauens for they neither sow nor repe whiche neither haue storehouse ne barne and yet god fedeth them howe much more are ye better then the foules Do not seke what ye maye Mat. 6 eate or what ye maye drynke and be ye not lyfte an hygh If god then dothe so clothe the haye of the felde growyng this daye and that to mor● shall be caste into a furnace how moch more wyll he clothe you oh ye endewed with lytell faythe Therfore seke fyrst the ky●dome of god and the iustice of it and all these thinges shal be mynistred vnto you Whā thou wylt pray ent● into thy chambre and shyt shy dore and pray vnto thy father Mat. 6. which is in secrete and thy father that seeth in secrete shall rewarde the openly For youre father knoweth whatts nedefull for you before that ye make peticion vnto hym therfore ye shall praye in this wyse The Pater noster wyth other lytell prayers of the Byble beynge gathered togyther into a compendyous ordre in the commendacyon or prayse of the excedynge and incomparable mercy of God for the behoue of the deuoute reader that prayeth not in waggyng of his lippes but wyth the feruent M●t. 6. desyre of harte OVr father whych arte in heauen halowed be thy name Thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be done in carth as it is in heauen Gyue vs this daye our daily breed And for geue vs oure trespaces as we forgeue them that trespace against vs. And lette vs not be led into temptacyon But delyuee vs from euyll Amen For it is thy kyngdome power 2. para ● and glory for euermore Blessed art thou lord god of Israel oure father euerlastyngely for it is thy magnificens O Lorde thy power 〈◊〉 ●y and victory prayse to 〈◊〉 O gouernour / lorde god 〈◊〉 teful and benigne pacient 〈◊〉 of great mercy whiche dost ●●tende thy mercy vnto thous●des Exo. 34 whiche takest awaye w●kednes myschefe and syn●● and none of him selfe is in●●cente before the. I beseche 〈◊〉 that thou wylte take a w●● our wyckednes and synne I beseche the Lorde god● Nu. 14. heuen strong / mighty and ●●rible which kepest couena● and mercy wyth suche as lo● the and obserue thy cōmau●mentes Let thy eares be h● kenyng and thyne eares op● that thou mayst here the pra●er of thy serua●nt Nec 1 O lorde which art pacie●● and of great mercy and take● away our iniquitie mischefe c. forgyue I beseche the th● ●he synne of this thy people after the greatnes of thy mercy Lorde God do not destroy thy people and thyne enherytaūce which thou hast bought Deu. 9. thorowe thy power Thou haste bene guyde in the mercy to the people which hast redemed Forgiue the people though Exo 15 ● para 9 they be synners for thou arte my god Let thyne eyes I beseche the be open and thyne eares intentyfe vnto the prayer that is made in this place O lorde thou art our father and we are but claye thou art Esa 49. oure creatoure all we be but the workes of thine handes O lorde be no● ouer much angry and be no more myndefull of our inquitie Beholde haue Psal / 129 respecte / al we are thy people Lorde thy mercy is euerlasting do not dispise the worke of thyne handes O thou lord whych art o●● father our redemer thy name hathe ▪ ben euermore For we do not prostrate ou● prayers before thy face in iu●●fienge Iud 7. Ess 6. our selues but in truste of thy great mercy herkē lord be pleased o lord attende and do be not slacke my god for thyne owne sake for thy name hath ben called vpō this cytie and vpon the people Lorde god here the clamor of Dan. 6. Num 20 this people and open vnto thē thy treasure the well of the water of lyfe Let all that knowe thy name lorde truste in the for thou haste not forsaken them that seke the. psal 9 / Thou verely whych a●t a god mercyfull meke and py●full pacient and of hygh compassion hast not forsaken thē Aryse Lorde helpe vs rededeme vs for thy name sake Do not remembre our olde in●●uities but lette thy mecy preuēt vs quickely for we are psol 4● psal 78 made very pore Helpe vs our God and for the glorye of thy name lorde delyuer vs and be mercyful vnto our synnes for thy names sake I shall do sacrifice vnto the wyth good wyll and shal confesse psal 53. psal 85. thy name for it is good For lorde thou art swete and gentyl and of plentuous mercy vnto suche as call vpon the Lorde heare our prayers our peticions and delyuer vs out for thi sake Heare O lord haue mercy Bar. 2. Bae 3. for thou art a merciful god and haue mercy on vs for we synned agaynst the. We haue synned with our fathers we haue done vniustly ▪ we haue commytted 〈◊〉 nes Thou that art holy 〈◊〉
shadowe of deathe and to guyde Esa ●● our fote in to the way of peas Confesse the lorde and cal vpon his name publysshe amonge the naciōs his meruaylous workes and remembre that is name is aboue all other Ye shall drawe waters io●fully out of the welles of th● sauy our prayse ye the lord for he hath done excellently prech it through al the earth reioyce and prayse o ye inhabytaūtes of Syon for in the myddes of you is the great saīt of Isr●● Let youre soules reioyce●●● his mercy and be ye ▪ abass●●●● in the laude of hym Thy lord god is mighty i● Eccl. 15. Soph. 3 Eccle. 38 the middel of the he shal sau● Sōne do not forget thisel● in thyne infyrmitie but pra●● vnto the lord he shal cure th● Hoz 6 Come and let vs retour●● vnto the lorde for he hath ta●ken and wyl heale vs he wyll strike and yet wyll cure vs Whych healeth the contrit● i● herte and aswagethe they● psal i 46 Mat. i. sorowe Thou shalte call hys nam● Iesu he shall saue hys people from theyr synnes And Iesus went al Galyle teachynge in theyr synagoges Mat. 4 and praechynge the gospell of the kingdome ▪ and healyng al maner of sicknesses diseases amonge the people And all the multitude preased for to touche hym for vertue went out of hym and healed Luce. 6. them all He comforted the woman Mat. ● that was dyseased wyth the blody flyxe sayenge doughter thy faythe hath saued the go thy waye ●n ●eas and be thou hole of thy plage He said vnto Centuriō go Mat 8 thy waye and as thou hast beleued euyn so be it vnto the. Mat. 9. But Iesu perce●uinge their fayth sayd vnto hym that had the palsie Be of good there sōne Luc. 7 thy sīnes are forgyuen the Also he spake vnto Symon the pharesey by the woman that was a sinner moch synne is forgyuen her bicause she loueth Mat. 1● ▪ moche Iesus answered unto the womā of Cananie O woman ●reat is thy faith euē as tho● wylte so beit done vnto th● And after that houre her 〈◊〉 ter Mar 5 was hole He sayde vnto the ruler● syn agoge Be not afrayd onely beleue He sayde vnto Martha ▪ 〈◊〉 not I tel the that yf thou 〈◊〉 dest Iohn 11. beleue thou shuldest se●● glory of god Mat 9 He cōforted the father of the lunatyke sayeng If thou 〈◊〉 beleue al thynges are poss●●● to one that beleueth He sayd vnto the blīd mē●● Mae 9 ye beleue that I cā do this ●● to you Accordynge vnto yo● fayth he it done vnto you Mat. ●6 He rebuked his discyples ●● theyr vnbeleue sayenge O● of lytle faythe why are y●● myndes troubled becaus●● Iohn 8 haue no breade He sayde vnto the wo●● that was taken in adultry woman where be they that accused the I wyll not condempne the Go thy waye and synne no more He said vnto the demoniake go home vnto thy frendes and Mat. 5. tell them howe moche the lorde hathe done for the and howe he had mercy on the He did cōfort the thefe with these wordes truly ▪ I saye vnto the thys daye thou shalte be wyth me in peradise Luc. 13. Luc. 19. He cōmuanded zachee sittīg in the sycomer tree y● he shulde come downe hastely He cōmaūded Mathew syttyng ▪ at the receyte of custome that he shulde folowe hym Mat. 19 By the example of the ryotous sonne Christe sygnyfieth Luc 15 vnto vs the synguler fauoure and excedynge mercy of his father● sayenge whan he was a great waye ▪ of he espyed hym and hastynge towarde him ▪ 〈◊〉 brased his necke kyssed h●● As Iesus went forth he 〈◊〉 a greate multitude and h●●pitie on them for they were ●● shepe hauynge no shepehe●● Mar. 6 He conforted hys discipl●● when they toke hym for a sp●rite sayenge be of good 〈◊〉 it is I be not a frayde ¶ Of the great fauour of god towarde vs the re●● braunce wherof shall ve●●mently styre vs agayne ●● to the loue of so benig●●● god and father ANd he hathe sette m●●● psal ●7 large he hath saued 〈◊〉 bicause it is his pleasure Psal 36 Esa 5● By the lord shal the step●● of man be dyrected and he 〈◊〉 rule his wayes He was offered for so 〈◊〉 his pleasure and hath not o●●●ed hys mouth Which coueteth to haue al i. Tim. 2. men saued and for to come vnto knowlege of the ●routh He wyl not sende in his fu●our Mic. 7. without cause for he entendeth mercy onely Nor god wyl not that any soule shulde be lost but he deuyseth in him selfe thinking how 1. Reg. 1● he maye preserue hym from peryshynge that is a cast awaye So it is not the pleasure of your father in heuen that any of these ●ytelons shulde perissh Mat. 18 Mat. 2● O Hierusalem Hierusalem whiche kellest prophetes and wōdest them to deathe that are sent vnto the how often wolde I haue gathered thy chyldren togither as a henne gathereth her chyckens vnder her wynges ●ntye wolde not Rom 12. Fashyon not your selues accordynge vnto this world but they reformed In a new●●●derstandynge that ye may● 〈◊〉 what thynge that good 〈◊〉 acceptable and perfite 〈◊〉 god is I wyll not the death of 〈◊〉 Ezech. ●8 Ezech 24 that is lyke to dye The 〈◊〉 god sayeth retourne and ly●● Thy vncleane is abho●●●able for I wolde haue 〈◊〉 sed the and thou wolde st●● be clensed o● thy fylthines● 〈◊〉 For thys is the pleas●● 〈◊〉 the father that sent me that 〈◊〉 Iohn 6. all whiche he hathe gyuen 〈◊〉 I shulde leese nothy●●ge 〈◊〉 shuld rayse et vp againe at 〈◊〉 laste daye And thys is the wyll of 〈◊〉 father that sent me that 〈◊〉 man whiche seeth the son 〈◊〉 beleueth of hym hathe eue●●stynge lyfe and I wyll 〈◊〉 hym vp at the laste day Father I wyl that they 〈◊〉 the thou haste gyuen me ●e where as I am that they may see my glorie whiche thou hast gyuen me Lorde if thou wylte thou ●āste make me clene Iesus put Math ●● forthe his hande and touched hī sayeng I wyl be thou clene What woldest thou that I shulde do vnto the and he answered lord let me haue syght Luce ●● and Iesus sayd vnto him Receyue thy sight thy fayth hath saued the. psal 50 Lord. in thi good minde do well vnto Syon that the walles psal 5 psal 7● of Ierusalē may be builded Lorde thou hast couered vs with the shild of thy good wyl Tou hast holden my right hande ▪ and haste conducted me at thy pleasure ▪ and hast recey●yd me wyth glory Sap. 1● Howe coulde any thynge ●bide oules it were thy pleasure Or howe coulde any●●● be preserued but that it 〈◊〉 called of the O lorde th●●●uest soules thou spare●● 〈◊〉 they are thyne ¶ Certeine exāples o● the testamentes wh●●● apereth euidētly
The foūtayne Or Well Of lyfe out ot the whyche doth sprynge mooste swete consolations ryghte necessarye for troubled conscyences to thyntente that they shal not despayre in aduersitie and trouble Newly corrected and amended He that is a thyrste lette hym come to me drinke Iohn vii Tast se how swete the lorde is Blessed is that man that trusteth in him Psal xxxiii ¶ To the christen reader BEholde here christen reder the very lyuynge ●●ūtayne the celestial treasure of gods promyses out of whych do sprynge moost frutful consolacons for the when so 〈…〉 thou wylte resorte vnto it in thyne aduersitie wyth a thursty stomake For here be cōpe●diously gathered togyther the thinges that peraduēture thou myghtest seke after in the Byble a greate whyle And here thou mayste sone fynde wherwythe thou shalte be able not onely to cure thyne owne woūdes but also to reconforte thy neyghbour beynge fallen in to any aduersitie And morouer to make strōge and encoura● the feblenes of mannes con●ence wyth these most dele●●le scriptures of the great mercy of God For al consolacyon or cōforte of man shall sauour but lyke in the after that thou hast ones tasted of this Thy phisicion thy wyfe thy parentes and frendes do promise y● nothyng but bodely helth and put the in hope of lenger lyfe but the worde of god doth put the in hope of the lyfe euerlastynge and causehth the to sustayne the hand of god wyth all pacyence and to witstande the feare of death with a bolde courage euen as it were with a stronge bulwarke wherfore moost gentle reoder I beseche the to take in wrath this worke such as it is beinge bestowed only to thy vse and leuynge al contagyous waters stynkynge fylthy pudels that may infecte thy mynde wyth errour heresye and sedycyon Drynke largely out of thys vncorrupt and pure wel of our sauiours the knowlege of his hygh me●cy And in the meane tyme consyder how thou art bounde to eschew those ii euyls wherof the prophet Ieremy doth speake in thys wyse ▪ My people Hiere 2 haue commytted ii euyls they haue forsaken me that am the well of the water of lyfe and haue dygged out broken c●sternes that can holde no water but rather preace thou boldely to the throne Hiere 5. of hys grace that thou mayst obtaine mercy and fynde grace in tyme of nede Vale. The foūtayne or well of lyfe ALl you that be thurstye come vnto the waters Esa 55. Eccle 51. Apo. 22. and you that haue no mony make hast bye that ye maye haue to eate Come bye wyne and mylke without any mony or money worth But harken rather vnto me and ye shall eate of the best and your soule shal haue here pleasrue in plenteousnes Apo. ●● I shall gyue to the thursty of the well of the water of lyfe ●●●ly He that ouercometh shal inheryte al thinges and I wyl be his God and he shall be my sonne Exo. 20. I the lorde thy god am a gelouse god and vyset thy sin of the fathers vpō the chyld● vnto the thyrde fourth generacyon of them that hate me doing mercy vnto thousādes to them that loue me and obserue my commaundementes Pro. 8 Hiere 26 I loue them that loue me and they that seke me earlye 〈◊〉 shall fynde me I knowe the cogitacions which I haue deuysed for you to be cogitacions of peace and not of affliction for to gyue you an ende and pacience and you shall call on me and shal lyue and you shall praie to 〈◊〉 and I wyll here you you shall seke and fynde when you seke me wyth all your herte I wil Amos. 5. zach 1 Esa 55. be ●onnde of you Seke after me but seke 〈◊〉 after bethel and you shall ly● Be you conuerted vnto ●e and I wyll conuert vnto you Inclyne your eares come vnto me heare me your soules shal liu● for I shal strike with you an euerlastyng couenaunt the faithful mercies of Dauid Be cōuerted vnto me al the endes of the erth and you shal Esa 45 Leuet 2. be saued for I am God and here is elles none My soule shal not cast you awaye but I shall walke amonge you and I wyl be your God you shal be my people Let not the wyse glorifie in his wisdome nor the riche glorifie Hie. 9 in his riches nor y● strōge glorifie in his strength but let hym glorifie in thys that wyl glorifie that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me for I am the lorde whiche do mercy iudgement and iustice in the earth Hie. 3. No mā shal teach his neyghbour nor his brother / sayenge knowe the Lorde for al shal know me from the least to the moost that I wylbe mercy● to theyr wickednes and be 〈◊〉 more myndful of theyr syn● And you shal knowe that 〈◊〉 am the lorde whē I haue do● Ezech 20 good vnto you for my nam● sake and not accordynge to your naughtye wayes nor a●cordynge Ezech 34 to your myscheuo● offences I wyl fede my shepe my 〈◊〉 and wyll brynge them to 〈◊〉 suche as be loste I wyll se● suche as go a straye I 〈◊〉 Lu. 40. ● Ioh. 10 a bringe agayn suche as be w●ded I shall bynde vp suche 〈◊〉 be weake I shal make stro● such as be fat and lusty I 〈◊〉 kepe and fede them wyth 〈◊〉 thynge that is lawfull ye 〈◊〉 are my flocke I shall not do thys for yo● Ezech 26 sake oh house of Israell 〈◊〉 for my holye names sake a● I shall gyue vnto you a 〈◊〉 herte and I shall sette in the myddes of you a newe spirite I wyll not do thus for your sake knowe you well be confounded and ashamed therfore of your wayes Esa 4. 〈◊〉 Esa 48● I am the lorde thys is my name I wyll not gyue my glory to another And who soeuer he is that calleth on my name in myne honoure I haue created hym Esa 43. I haue formed him made hī He shall call on my name and I wyll here him I wyll zach 13 saye you are my people and they shall saye the lorde is my God Bycause he ha●h trusted in me I shal delyuer hym I wyll defende him bicause he knoweth my name Psal 60. He hath cryed vnto me and I wyl here hym I am wythe hym in his nede I shall 〈◊〉 wyll not gyue my glory to other Esa 46. I haue made and I 〈◊〉 maynt●yne I wyll kepe Esa 43. ● Hiere 32. saue I am the lorde thy god th●ly one of Israell thy sau● Lo I am the lorde of 〈◊〉 creature shall any worde ●fore Esa 45. be impossible or harde 〈◊〉 to me Am not I the lorde 〈◊〉 is none other God mo bu● there is no ryghteous G● Esai 50. sauiour but I. Is my hande abredg● made lesse that I maye no● able to redeme or is there power in me to saue For I am
mercy on vs. When thou art angry ▪ 〈◊〉 wylte remembre mercy Hab. 5. Bar 5 Be not myndful of the● 〈◊〉 kednes of our fathers 〈◊〉 in mynd of thy power and 〈◊〉 name at thys tyme for th●●● arte the lorde our god Let all be glad that tru●● Psal 5. the they shal reioyce euer●●● and thou shalte dwell in t●● and al that loue thy name 〈◊〉 glory in the. Thou arte ryghteous 〈◊〉 To. 3. lorde and all thy iudgeme●● are true and all thy way●● mercy truth and iugement Blessed is thy name O 〈◊〉 of oure fathers whiche in 〈◊〉 wrathe doest shew mercy a●● in the time of trouble dost 〈◊〉 gyue synnes to them that 〈◊〉 on the. All that serue and honoure the be certayne and sure that his lyfe yf it haue bene tryed proued shall receyue the croune of vyctory and yf it be in trou●le it shal be delyuered and yf it be in corruptyon and synne he may come vnto thy mercy● For thou art not delyted in destroynge vs for after tempest thou makest al thyng quiete and after wepynge mournynge thou causest gladnesse psal 14. Psal 4 blessed be thy name therfore o god of israell euermore The lorde is at hande vnto all that call on hym ▪ to such as call on hym in truth When I dyd call god my ryghtuousnes dyd here me in psal 3. ●● my tribulacion thou hast sette me at large O lorde lette me not be confounded for I haue called o● the I haue called on the lord 〈◊〉 of tribulacyon and the Lord● Psal 117 ● Reg. 22. hathe herde me abrode In my tribulacyon I wyl call on the Lorde and I wyl crye vnto my god and he wyl here my voyce out of his holy temple and my crye shal come vnto his eares Thy good spirite shal bring Psal 142 me into a ryghte grounde for thy names sake Lorde thou shalte make me a lyue in thyne equite thou shalte brynge my soul out of trouble and in thy ●ara 20. mercy thou shall destroye all myne enemyes We wyl crye vnto the in our tribulacyons and thou shalte here vs and make vs safe when we be ignoraūt what we ought to do we haue only psal 107 this remedie for to direct our eyes vnto the. Gyue vs helpe in oure troble for the helpe of ▪ manne is vayne Lorde thou arte my refuge my strength my fortresse in the tyme of trouble I truely shhall synge of thy Hiere 19 psal 58 strengthe and shall exalte thy mercy betymes For thou arte made my suertye and my socoure in the tym of my trybulacyon O god that art myne helper I wyll syng vnto the thou art my socouere my god my mercy So lette thy mercy be done psal 118 that it may conforte me accordynge vnto thy promyse made to thy seruaunt Let thy merytes come vnto me and I shall lyue for thy loue is my meditacyon psal 56 Gyue vs helpe out of oure trouble for the helpe of man is vayne let vs worke vertue in god and he shall bryng vnto nought all that troble vs. In the tyme of my trouble vs psal 77 Math 7 Esa 33 sought out god with my handes and I was not deceyued I wyl loke vnto the Lorde I wyll tarye vpon god my sauiour my god wyll here me Lorde haue mercye on vs for we haue loked after the be our Esa 64 defence betymes and our helth in tyme of tribulatyon No eye hathe sene O God without The thynges That thou hast prepared to suche as loke after the. I haue remembred thy mercy Esh 56 lorde and Thy workes that be euerlastynge for thou delyuereste suche as suffre the and dost take them out of the handes of people For thou art as a defēce vnto Esa 25 the poore and a defence to the nedy in his trouble a saue garde from wynde a shadowe fro the heare Nor there is none other god eyther in heauen or in earthe that is able to do the workes and to be compared vnto thy strêngth Deu 5 Exo 5 The lorde is made my strēgth and my prayse and he is a saluacyon vnto me I do blesse the lorde god of Israell for thou haste chastysed me thou hast saued me Lorde I wyll confesse vnto the Tob 11 Esai 12 because thou hast bene angry thy furoure is tourned thou hast conforted me behold god my sauiour I wyll do boldlye and wyll not be aferde for the lord is my fortres my prayse and he is a sauyour vnto me Lorde all that forsake the Hier 71 shall be confounded they that depart from the shall be grauen in the earth because they haue ▪ lefte the lorde the vayne of waters of lyfe Heale me lord and I shal 〈◊〉 healed saue me and than I shal be saued And let thy mercy come vpon me lorde the saluacyon accordynge to thy promise psal 118. psal 84 psal 83 psal 24. Shew vnto vs lord thy mercy gyue vs thy sauyng helth O lorde of hostes blessed is the man that trusteth in the. Be myndful of thy pytie O lorde and of thy mercy whiche be euerlastynge Do not remembre the fautes of my youthe mine ignorānce Accordynge to thy mercy remembre me thou good lorde of thy goodnes For thy names sake lorde for psal 50. gyue my synne for it is mock Haue mercy on me o lorde accordyng to thy great mercy and accordyng to the gretenes of thy pytie Take away myne ●niquitie turne away thy fac● from myne offences and put a waye all my wyckednes Create in me pure harte o god and renewe a ryght spyrite within me Do not cast me away from thy face and do not take from me thyne holy spirte O lorde do not withdrawe thy compassiō fro me thy marcy and thy truth hath euer defended me psal 59 psal 68 In the abundaunce of thy mercy here me in the truthe of thy saluacyon Here me Lorde for thy mercy is moche after the plentuonsnes of thy compassyons regarde me and doo not turne awaye thy face from psal 85 thy seruaunte / for I am troubled here me hastely And thou lorde god arte pytuouse and mercyfull pacyent of excedynge mercy and true For I do konw that tho● art a god gentle and mercyfull Iaue 4. pacient and of muche compassion and not vengeable vpon malice Haue mercy on me lorde for I am weake heale me Lorde psal 6. for all my bones be troubled and my soule is greatly troubled but yet o lorde how longe shall it be so be conuerted / O Lorde and delyuer my soule saue me for thy great mercy And thou lorde do wyth me psal 198 for thy names sake for thy mercy is swete Delyuer me for I am poore and nedy my harte is troubled with in me Helpe me lorde-god saue me forthy greatemercy psal 118. Apo. 15. Deale wyth thy seruaunte accordynge to thy mercye and teache
me thy iustificacions Who wyl not feare the lorde and magnyfye thy name for thou alone art holy Vnto the lorde be iustice and vnto vs shame fastnes of face Dyn ● psal 113. vnto the truely our Lorde god eb mercy and forgyuenes Not vnto vs lorde god not vnto vs but vnto thy name gyue glorye Our helpe is in the name of the lorde whiche hathe created psal 124. Apo 4 heauen and earth Thou art worthy O lord our god to take glory and honour and vertue for thou hast created al thinges and for thy pleasur they were be created O lorde god the creatour of 2 math ● all thynges / terrible stronge ryghtuous mercyfull which onely art good onely the excellent kynge / onely iuste almighty and eternall whyche delyueredst Israel from all euyll Sap 6. For he that was conuerted was Not made holye by any thynge vysible but by the ●●uyour of all Therby truele thou haste declared vnto thyne enemyes that thou arte he whyche delyuereste from al euyll H●ere 32 For neyther herbe ne yet playster hath made them hole but thy worded lorde that healeth all thynges Lo thou hast created heauē and carth in thy great strēght and in thy stretched out arme Gen / 18 / Nu. 11 Iob. 42 No worde shall be harde v●to the for thou doest mercy v●to thou sandes Is there any thnge harde vnto god Is the hand of the loro feble I knowe that thou art able So / 1 p 2 Sap. 16 to do all thynges and that no thought is hyd from the. It is in thy power to do al thynges at thy pleasure Thou art he lord that hast power of lyfe and deth doest lede into the gates of deathe and lede out For and I shulde walke in the myddes of the shaddowe of deathe I wolde feare noharme bycause thou arte wyth Sap 11 me And thy mercy shal folowe me all the dayes of my lyfe Thou hast mercy on al bycause thou mayste do all and pretendest to be ignoraunte of psal 30 the synnes of men bycause of repentaunce for thou loueste the thynges that be and thou haste not hated that that thou hoste made nor thou haste not ordeyned or made any thynge wyth hate Thou doeste spare Sap ▪ 12 all thynges bycause they are thine'owne o lord thou louest soules Howe swete and good O lorde thy sprite is in al thiges Howe great is ●he habou●● daunce of thy swetnes O lor● whiche thou hast hyd frō the● that feare the. Thou truely which art our psal 30 god art swete trew● and pacient and disposynge al thynges in mercy For to knowe the is perfite iustice / and to know thy iustice Spa 15 and vertue is the roote of immortalitie Nor there is none other god but thou which hast cure of al thynges Sap 12 Lorde god of Israell there is no god like vnto the neither in heauen nor earth which kepeth couenaunt meccy wyth thy seruauntes goynge before 2 paar 6 Mich 7 the wyth all theyr harte What god is lyke vnto the that takest away wyckednes and caryest awaye the synne of suche as are lefte of thyne inherytaunce For thy mercy is magnified psal 56 Iohell 2 psal 56 vnto the heauens and thy truth vnto cloudes Spare ●orde spare thy people and do not gyue the inherytaunce in reprofe Haue mercye on me o god haue mercye on me for my soule Hier 17 psal 16 trusteth in the and I shal trust in the shadowe of my wynges vntyll wyckednes be passed Be not thou dreadfull on●e my comforte in the daye of afflyctyon Make merueylous the mercies psal 24 pfal 35 ● lorde which doest saue all that trust in the. The lord is myne helper and my defender and my hart hath trusted in hym I was holpē Verely the children of men psal 61 shall trust in the couerynge of thy wynges In god is my comforte and my glorye / the god of my hel●● and my truste is in god yea and thoughe he kyll m● I wyll trust in hym neuerthelesse I wyil reproue my wrath in the syght of hym Lorde I haue trusted in the Iob 13 let me neuer be confounded For suche as withdra●e them selues from the shall perysshe thou hast destroyed all that for psal 70 psal / 72. psal 15 nycate from the Truely for to cleue vnto god is very good vnto me and to put my trust in the lord god Preserue me lord for I haue trusted in the I haue sayd vnto the lorde thou art my god / and thou haste no nede of my goodnes psal 17. I wyll loue the lorde my defence lorde my fortres and my refuge and my Redemer my god I wyll truste in hym my protectoure and horne of my helthe and my suertye The lorde ruleth me and I psal 22 psal 24 ▪ shal wante nothynge Lorde I haue lyfte vpmi mynde vnto the I do trust in the let me not be shamed For there is no confusyon to them that trust in the. The lorde god is my helper Dan 3. Esa / 50 psal / 117. therfore I was not shamed The lorde is myne helper I wyll not feare what that mācon do vnto me The lorde is my helper and psal 96 I shal dyspyse myne enemyes The lorde is made a refuge vnto me and my god is a conforte vnto myne hope Verely I am pore and nedy psal 36 / psal 30. helpe me O god Truely I am a begger and pore the lorde hath care of m● thou art my helper and my defender o my god be not slowe Be vnto me as a defending god and as a house of so● that thou mayst make me ● for thou arte my fortres a● my refuge and for thy nam● sake thou shalt bring me for●● and mayntayne me Psal 3. Hab. 3. psal 143. Thou lorde arte my suer●y● my glory and doeste exalte ●y heed Verely I shal reioyce in the lorde and shall be glad in god my sauiour mi god mi forte●● My mercye and my refuge my fuertye and my redemer Dan 14. psal 85. Thou hast remembred m●● god and thou haste not forsaken them that loue the. Lede me lorde in thywaye and I wyll goo in thy truth● my harte maye be glade for to drede thy name Ind 115. psal 62. They that loue the shall shyne lyke as doth the sonne in his rysynge For thy mercye is aboue all lyfe my lyppes shal prayse the Deliuer me from claye lest I psal 68. psal 4. stycke init deliuer mefro them that hate me and from the depenes of waters psal 3 ▪ I haue sayd lorde haue mercy on me heale my soule for I haue offended the. I haue sayde I wpl knowlege my wyckednes vnto the lorde agaynste my selfe thou Esa 38. haste forgiuen the impierite of my sinne Thou haste delyuered my soule bycause it shulde not perisshe thou haste cast behynde psal
55. thy backe all my sinnes I haue trusted in god I wil not feare what flesshe may do vnto me I haue trusted in the lorde psal 30 psal 17 I wyl be glade and ioyfull in thy mercy Through the I shal be delyuered from temptacyon and throughe my god I wyll pa●● ouer the stone wall I am inferiour to thi ma●● folde miser acyons and to th● trueth that thou haste accomplisshed Gene. 5 Eccl. 39. vnto thy seruaunt Haue mercion vs o god of all creatures and beholde v●● and showe vnto vs the lyghte of thy pytie O God conuerte vs shewe thy face and we shall be saued Shewe vnto vs howe thou psal 76. Iudi. 6. doest not forsake them that presume of thee and suche as presume of themselues gloriynge in theyr owne vertu thou doest brynge lowe Remembre lorde and shewe thy self vnto vs in tyme of ou● Hest 14. 3. Esd 6 tribulacyon and gyue me conforte o lorde kyng of gods and of vniuerfall power In thy manyfolde mercyes thou hast not created them vnto consumpcion neyther haste thou forsaken them for thou art a god pytefull mercyfull Lorde thy mercyes are manyfolde accordynge to thy iuge mēt receyue me psal 118. Hiere 14 Verely thou arte amongest vs lorde thy holy name hathe ben called vpon by vs do not forsake vs. Haue mercy on vs lord haue mercy on vs for we are greately fulfylled wyth dyspite Whan my soule was vexed psal 122. ● Ione 2 ● within me Lord I rtmembred that my prayer myghte Come vnto the Euen vnto thy holye temple Troueles do oppresse me on euery parte but it is better for me to fall Into the handes of 1 Prr. 21 1. Par 16 the lord for his pytie is greate than into the handes of men The lorde wyll do that that semeth good in hys syght The sorowes of death ha●● compassed me and the per●● psal 4 of hell haue founde me out I haue founde out tribulation and sorowe and I wyll call vpon the name of the lorde O lorde delyuer my soule our mercyfull lorde and riyghtous god is pytifull psal 36. 2. par 36 Lorde al my desyre is before the and my mournynge is not hydden from the. The mercy of thy promyse is greate and vnsercheable for thou arte the hyghest lord god ouer all the erth longe suffring Apo / 5 / and passinge mercyfull and sory for the malice of men Thou art worthy lorde for to opē the boke and to lose the seales of it for thou wast slaine and hast redemed vs o god Bar 2 in thy blode And thou lord god hast delt withe vs accordynge to all thy goodnesse and accordynge to all thy great pytie Thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuynge god I haue beleued tha● thou Mat. 16. Iohn 11. Esd 6. arte Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God whiche came into the worlde For thou arte our god thou hast delyuered vs frō our wyekednes and hast●gynen helthe vnto vs Luc. 18. Luc. 15 God be merciful to me that am asynner Father I haue offended agaynst heauen and before the nowe I am not worthy to be called thy sonne Let me be as one of thy hired saruauntes We are vnprofitable seruaūtes we haue done but our dutye Luc. 17 Luc 17. Math. 9 Encrease fath in vs a lorde Haue mercy on vs sonne of Dauid For in thee is the wel of 〈◊〉 by thy lyght we shall se ly● Lyke as a harte longeth ●●ter welles of water so my so●● longeth after the o god My soule hathe thyrsted a●ter god the lyuynge well w●● psal 41. psal 25. shall I come and appere 〈◊〉 the face of the lorde My soule hathe desyred t●e in the nyghte but in my spir●e and In my harte I shall wake for the betymes I bowe the knees of my●e harte prayinge vnto thy go●nesse lorde I haue synned lo●● I haue synned and I kno●lege in wyckednes I askep●y enge the Lorde to forgyue 〈◊〉 Forgyue me do not distr●y● 2. Par ● me altogyther wyth my si●● nor do not proseue myne off●●ces for euer for thou shalt saue me vnworthy accordynge v●to thy greate mercye I shall prayse thee euer al the dayes of my lyfe for al the vertue of heuen prayseth the and to thee is all glory for euermore ¶ Thou hast here good reder a certa yne gatheryng of scriptures out of both the Testamentes which declare the most abundaunte mercy of God wyth a clere exposicion of the same Ioh ● IN the begynninge the worde was and The worde was wyth god god was the worde The same was in the begynnyng wyth god ●l thinges were made by it and with out it was nothige made that made is in it was life and life was the lyght of men He came into hys owne and his receyued him not Vnto as many as recyued him he gaue power to be the sōnes of god to suce as beleued in his n● whiche loued vs wass● vs frō our sinnes in his blo● and made vs hys kyngdō a● preestes vnto god and hys ●● ther to him be glory and do●●nion Apo. 1 for euermore God sheweth his laue whi● he bearethe vs for whan● were but synners Chryst dyd for vs moche more than no● seynge we are iustified in h●● blode we shal be preserued fr● Rom. 5. vengeaunce throughe him ●● if we were reconsyled to G●● whā we were enemyes by t● deth of hys sonne moch more nowe beyng recōsyled we shal be preserued by hys lyfe Act 10 Act. 13 Vnto him al the prophetis bere recorde that all that beleue in him do receyue remission of theyr sīnes by his name Be it knowen therfore vnto you ye men and brethren that by hym remission of synnes is preached vnto you by hym are all that beleue iustified frō thynges wherby ye coude not be iustified in Moyses lawe For what the lawe coulde not Rom. 8. do in asmoch as it was weke because of the flesshe that dyd god perfourme sent downe hys sonne in the similitude of synfull flesshe and by synne dampned synne in the flesshe that the ryghtuosnes of the lawe myghte be fulfylled in vs which walke not after the flesshe but after the spyrite Throughe the grace of our lorde Iesu Christ we beleue to be saued as well as they Act. 15. Act 17 Act. 4. For in hym we do liue and are moued to be This is the same stone that was forsaken of you in youre buildynge which is set for the foundacion of a corner and there is no saluacyon in other Nor there is none other● me vnder heauen gyuen v● mē wherby we may be saue● The name of the Lorde i● pro 18. Iohel 2 most defēsible to wre y● ry●●ousnes ronneth vnto it and ●● shal be exalted And it shall come to pa●● that whosoeuer calleth vp●● the name of the Lorde shall ●● saued For the lorde is our iud● Esa 33 the
the Lorde shall be compassed with mercy Blessed be all that trust in him That man is cursed that trusteth in man / and maketh flesh his defence whose hart swarueth from the lorde Eccl. 31 psal 11 7. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the lorde for the Lorde shal be his confydence He that trusteth in hym shall not be made worse It is better to truste in the lorde then to trust in man pro. 29 It is better to truste in the lorde then to truste in princes He that feare the man shall sone fal he that trusteth in the lorde shall be holpen They that trust in him ●● Sap 3 perceyue the true the and t●● faithful shal obey hym in l●● for rewarde peace is v●● his electe The people se and donot ●●derstand Sap. 4. 1. Reg. 12. nor do remēbre suche thynges in theyr hertes house the grace and mercy of god is vnto his saintes and regar●● vnto his electe The lorde doth not forsake his people for his greate ●●●mes sake psal 93. Eccl. 47 God wyl not put backe h●● people and wyll no● forsa●● his enheryttaunce Truely god wyll not gy●● up his mercy They that truste in the lo●● Psal 124 1 para 29 are as the hyll of Syon which shall neuer be moued Beleue in your lorde god and ye shall besure / beleue his prophetes and all thynges shall come to passe happely The ryghtouse shal liue by his fayth Abraham beleued god and it was counted vnto hym for ryghtuonsnes Hab. 2. Rom 4. It is not wrytten for hym onely that it was rekened to hī for ryzhteousnes but also for vs to whom it shal be coūted for ryghtuousnes so that we beleue on hym that raysed vp Iesu Chryst our lord feom deathe which was delyuered for our synnes and dyd ryse agayne for to iustifye vs. Nowe throwe Chryste Iesu ye that somtyme were far of are brought nere by that blod Ephe. 2. Rom. 5. of chryst Seynge therfore that we be iustifyed by faythe we haue peace with god thorowe oure lorde Iesu Chryste by whiche we haue a waye in through fayth vnto this fauour wh●● in we stāde and reioice in do●● of the prayse that shall be ●●uen to the sonnes of god Chryst is the ende of the lawe Rom. io to iustifyf all that beleue If thou do cōfesse the lorde Iesu with thy mouth and ●●leuest in thy hart that god raysed hym from the deade thou Esa 28. shaltebe saued for the beleue of the hart iustifieth and to c●fesse with the mouthe saueth Who that trustethe in hi● shall not be ashamed Do not therfore lese you● cōfydēce that is worthy great Hebre. io Iebre ii Dan. 6 rewardes For it behoueth himthat to meth vnto god to beleue that he is and that he rewardethe them that seke after hym He is a redemer and a sa●●oure workynge sygnes ● me● nayles both in ●eauen● in ert● The lorde loseth the fettred the lorde gyueth syghte to the blinde the lord lyfteth vp such as are fallen the Lorde loueth psal 14 psal 11 12 the rygtuous / the lorde preserueth straungers he wyl defēde the fatherles and the wedow and wyll destroy the wayes of synners The lorde kepeth the frō al tuyl the lorde kepeth thy soul The lorde kepeth thy in goyng psal 67 psal / 77 and out goyng from hens forth and euermore Our god is the god of saluacion Verely he is mercifull wyll forgyue theyr synnes and will not destroy them psal / 24. Eccl. 36 All the wayes of the lorde be ●● mercy and truethe to them that seke hys testamente and the recordes of him Al the workes of the lorde are very good He loueth mercy and iu●●ment wyth his mercy the e●● is replenished For god loueth mercy 〈◊〉 psal 32 psal / 182 truth the lord shal gyue gr●● and glory Confesse to the lord for● is good / and that his merc● euerlastynge Israell maye saie now th● he is good and that his mer●● psal ii 7 Tob. 12. is euerlastinge Blesse ye the god of heu● and confesse vnto him bef●● al creatures that he hath sh●ed mercye vnto you for it● good to kepe secrete the sa●●●ment of a kyng but to disclo●● and cōfesse the workes of go● Eccle. 17 psal 126 it is honourable Thou shalt knowledge ar● prayse god and thou shalte 〈◊〉 soyce in his pitifulnes In the lorde is mercy an● pleniuous redempcion and he shall redeme Israell from all his iniquities The Lorde is pitiful and mercyful pacient and passing mercyfull psal 149 Thes 3 The lorde is louyng vnto all creatures and his mercies do excede all his workes The mercyes of the lorde arr many folde for we be not consumed for his pytie hath not fayled For like vnto his greatnes Eccl. 2 Eccl. 18 so is his mercy in him The pitie of a man is but employed vnto his neyghboure but the pitie of god is vnto euery creature The mercy of god is beauteful Eccl. 35. 2 Cor. 1 in tyme of trybulacion lyke as a showre of rayne in tyme of drought Blessed be god and the father of our lorde Iesus Christe the father of mercye and of all consolacion which conforte vs in all oure tri●cyon But god whiche is ri● mercy thorowe the excea●● Ephe 2 charitie that he bare vnto when we were dead in sy●● hath receyued vs with C● by whose grace ye are sau● But after that the ben●nitie and kyndnes af god● sauiour appered to mā w● not for any dedes of rygh●nes that we had done bu● Titū ● cordynge vnto his mercy hath saued vs by the wel● generaeyon by there new● of the holy gooste the wh● he shed on vs abundantly ●●ro Iam 5 we Iesu Christ our saui●● so that we beyng ones ius●ed by his grace shuld beho●● ofeternal lyfe thorow hop● For the Lorde is marcy and pytefull Blessed be god the father of our lorde Iesu Christe which through his habundant merci hath begotten vs agayne into lyuyng hope by the resurrecty on of Iesu Christ from death Hebre ▪ 2 for to enioyce an inherytaunce that neuer corrupteth Wherfore in all thynges it be came hym to be made lyke vnto his brethren that he myght be a mercyfull and a faythfull Eccle. 17. bysshop in thynges cōcerning god for to forgyue the synnes of the people Howe great is the mercy of the lord and his pardon to al that tourne to hym Tourne ye vnto your lorde Iole 2 Rr. 10 god for he is kynde mercyful paciēt and of great pytye and forgetfull of malyci Whiche onely hath preserued you from al your harmes and troubles Approche ye vnto hym be illumined and youre f● shall not be ashamed Turne therfore you synn● and do iustifye in the sygh● psal 34. Iob. 13. god and beleue that he ha● shewed his meccy vnto you Youre lorde god is holye a● mercyfull which wyl not t●