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A92885 The whole duty of a Christian containing all things necessary, both as to what he is to know, and do, for the obtaining a happy eternity ; to which is added, More particular directions, how to prepare for a comfortable death ... Seller, Abednego, 1646?-1705.; Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698. 1699 (1699) Wing S2461A; ESTC R42613 99,994 253

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possible Praise that though I have deserved nothing but Trouble and Affliction thou hast been so careful of me so good unto me all my dayes In particular as to the Choice thou hast made for me O Pardon the Vanity the Follies the Errors the Miscarriages of my younger and riper years and punish them not upon me with those extream Troubles Disquiets Dissatisfactions those find in this state who have provoked thee Give me Prudence and Discretion to know and do my Duty with a chearful Heart and willing Mind Let it be my study and delight to please Thee and Him thou hast set over me To bear with his Infirmities To Help and do Him good all his days Free us from all peevishness sinful passions mistakes causless Jealousies and endue us with such meek quiet chast Dispositions as may encrease each others Joy and lighten each others Sorrows That in all the Changes and Alterations of our Condition we may preserve a sincere love unto Thee and one another Make us always mindful of the sacred Vow and Covenant wherein we stand engaged to Thee and each other and to stir up one another to the love of Thee and our Neighbour That in the sence of a good Conversation we may leave the world under well grounded hopes of dwelling together with Thee in Heaven Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour the Head and Husband of his Church to whom with thy Blessed Majesty and Holy Spirit be all Honour Glory and Praise now and for ever Amen For Safe Child-bearing MOst great and only wise God who sanctifiedst Marriage in Innocency for the Propagation of Mankind If it be thy good Pleasure make me Partaker of that Blessing Prevent a Barren a miscarrying Womb and dry Breasts Make me a Joyful Mother of Children That I may serve Thee in increasing and bringing up thy Faithful ones Deny not due Parts Senses Reason and Comfortable use of the same in thy own due Time Mitigate and Asswage the sharpness of that Curse and inevitable pain upon my Sex for the Offence of our first Parents Be not far from me when Trouble is nigh O Lord make hast to help me Give me Patience Submission Resignation to thy Will a seasonable easie safe Delivery Keep me from all sad Accidents and Passions from all Undecency of Deportment and unquietness of Spirit Impatience or Distrust from doing any thing sinful or feeling any thing intolerable Give me the expected fruit of my Womb and a thankful Heart to Consecrate it and my self to thy Service Punish us not in or by it nor it for our Sins assure us of the Pardon of them Increase my Faith support and strengthen me by thy Holy Spirit vanquish my Fears and Sorrows But I wholly submit all unto thy Holy Will and Pleasure whose Wisdom is Infinite whose Counsel is secret and knows what 's best for me and hast promised all Things shall work together for my good However thou dealest with me Give me not up to a Barren unfruitful heart Beget Preserve Encrease Confirm in me good Purposes and Resolutions Let them not prove Abortive but bring forth continually the fruit of good Living Give me Contentment in every Condition and Grace to Discharge the Duties I am or shall be called unto to my own and others Comfort the Credit of Religion the Praise of thy great Name thorough Jesus Christ Amen Thanksgiving after Deliverance ALL possible Thanks and Praise be given unto thee most gracious God and Heavenly Father for all the Instances of thy Goodness unto me all my Days Particularly for not turning away my Prayer nor thy Mercy from me for supporting me in the time of my Distress and Extremity when I might have perished in it O Sanctifie this great Deliverance that it may be in Love and Mercy unto me Keep me from all evil and further Danger of Childbed Give me a quiet Spirit increase of Strength a healthful Body ability for my Duty stedfast Confidence in thee a lively and lasting sence of thy Mercy a thankful Heart inlarged Affections to Praise thee to be joyful in thee to speak good of thee chearfully to serve thee all my Days Let this Experience of thy Power Mercy and Goodness learn me for ever to Trust in thee to rely cast all my Burden upon thee in a sincere observance of thy Holy Commandments Let me be as solicitous to glorifie thee for delivering of me as I was in calling upon thee for it That this great Mercy may not be in vain unto me but a fore-runner of my Deliverance from the pit of Eternal Destruction through my Lord and Saviour who was Born and Suffered the pains of Death for me to whom be Glory Honour and Praise now and ever Amen Parents Duties BE deeply sensible of the miserable state your Children have derived from you and of the gracious Terms offered by God for your and their Salvation Resign and Dedicate them to Him and Solemnize the same by Baptizing of them Nothing but the want of Milk or Ability excuses the Mother from Nursing them upon her own Breast (w) Ce. 21.7 1 Sa. 1.24 Ps 22.9 Lu. 11.27 The neglect of which is a great wrong to the Child who too often inherits the Diseases Humours and Dispositions of the Nurse and occasions less love to her who ought to have done it Lay not too much stress on the forward beginnings of wit and memory which often fail in their Age of all their Childhood promis'd But we can never hope too much of the timely Blossoms of Grace whose spring is perpetual and whose Harvest begins with our End Check the first appearings and buddings forth of Sin in them and encourage all good beginnings of Virtue when they are able to learn any thing it 's high time to reach them that which is good Stop their little Undecencies keep them from the Confines of Evil. Train them up to those things which are Immediate Dispositions of Virtue and Religion As Meekness Gentleness Patience Modesty Diligence Pity Compassion Mercifulness Government of their Tongue and Passions Silence Sobriety Comly speech to speak the Truth at all times which are great Preservatives against Impudence Unchastity Idleness Malice Hatred Revenge Oppression Injustice and all kind of Vices when we see a Child strike a Servant rudely jear the poor or silly Person Cheat his Play-fellow talk light Things little Boldnesses wrangling and lying for Trifles c. we encourage laugh at and are delighted with his wanton Wit and Confidence please our selves to see him displease God not considering these beginnings are growing up to Impudence and Revenge Injurious Actions false Witness Perjuries Tyranny Treason Education even alters Nature and moulds a Man a-new Instill Goodness betimes into them as they are capable Learn them and see they understand the Creed the Lord's Prayer the Ten Commandments and all the Principles of the Christian Religion in a familiar way according to their Capacities Teach them to Pray constantly and
and evidence the same unto his Soul give him seasonable Ease Rest and Sleep and patience under his Sufferings and let these light Afflictions that are but for a Moment work out for him a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory let the Lord Jesus be unto him both in Life and Death great Advantage Take him not out of this Life untill thou hast fitted him for a better Let not the Enemy have any Advantage over him or be able to shake his Faith and Confidence in thy Mercy through Jesus Christ to whom with thy Blessed Majesty and Holy Spirit be all Honour Glory and Praise now and evermore Amen Another WE prostrate our selves before thee O great Physitian of Soul and Body in a deep sense of our own vileness and unworthiness acknowledging it of thy free grace and mercy that thou hast not cut us off in the midst of our Sins without giving us space to beg thy Pardon and Mercy Beseeching thee for the sake of our All-sufficient Mediator to be reconciled unto us and at Peace with us Wash us throughly from our Iniquities and cleanse us from our Sins In particular be very gracious and mercifull to this thy Servant Thou hast all Distempers at thy Command if thou sayest go they go come they come unto God the Lord belong the Issues from Death O raise him up from his Bed of languishing Return O Lord deliver his Soul O save him for thy mercies sake for in Death there is no remembrance of thee in the Grave who shall give thee Thanks O let him live that he may bless thee and be instrumental for thy Glory But if his days are determined to end now prepare him for leaving the World Make him truly sensible of all his Offences and accept of the Death and Passion of thy beloved Son as an Expiation for them Let him sleep in Jesus die in the Lord and rest from his Labours Take away all sad disquieting discouraging perplexing thoughts Quiet compose support his Spirit Inable him to wait in an humble Submission for that peaceable joyfull Repose and Rest which thou hast prepared for thy Servants for his sake who subjected himself to Mortality who died for our Sins and rose again for our Justification and intercedes for us at thy Right-hand the Anchor of our Hope and Foundation of our Happiness in whose Holy Name and Words we further pray unto thee saying Our Father c. How to spend every Day well WAste not your precious Morning hours sluggishly in your Bed Allow your selves so much sleep only as is necessary for your Health Begin the day with God Offer up unto Him who giveth his Beloved sleep and careth for you when you cannot for your self the first of your Thoughts and Affections As soon as you awake lift up a Thankful Heart for your Comfortable Rest and Sleep and Preservation Let not the Continuance and Commonness of the Mercy make it seem less but Encrease your Thankfulness Beg of Him to preserve you from all Evil especially Sin To Protect direct assist and Bless you in all your lawful undertakings and ingage in none wherein you cannot expect it Resolve not to lose or mispend the Day before you which when gone you shall see again no more for ever Think what a Blessed Rest you shall have in the presence of his Angels and of the Happiness and Privilege of being in his Love and under his Protection Let the naked ness of your Body mind you to avoid Sin the Cause of Shame your Rising out of Bed of the general Resurrection at the last Day before the Judge of all the World The light of the Day of the Sun of Righteousness the several parts of your Cloaths of taking unto you the whole Armour of God c. This is the way to keep out vain Thoughts and your selves in a Better frame all the Day which is usually spent well or ill according as we set out in the beginning of it Let your Apparel be Modest Decent according to your Place Condition and Station and not Expensive of Time in putting on not to nourish Pride or occasion Lust It 's not enough to look to our own Thoughts except we beware also of provoking others Affectedness in any thing is Commendable in nothing Night and Morning Devotion keeps the fire of the Altar always alive Enter upon no Business until you have offered up your Morning Sacrifice of Prayer and Thanksgiving Recommend your self and your Affairs unto God by Solemn Prayer and Return him Thanks for his Care of you and goodness unto you the last Night and all your Days And thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly (b) Mat. 6.6 Call to mind and arm your selves against the Temptations and failings you are liable to by-Reason of your Company Imployment Inclinations and watch over them continually Look for Evils every day and cast all your Cares and Fears upon God Let your Carriage be such all the Day as those that must appear before him at Night In all Difficulties ascend to him for Counsel and Direction in all Troubles for Support in all your Undertakings for a Blessing Be still asking whose am I what do I here am I in my way Is this my last Day or do I look for another Entertain not vain Desires or worldly Lusts but resist reject them Turn and fix your Thoughts upon something that is good frequently lift up your Souls to God in mental Praises and Supplications Make a Covenant with your Eye and Ear the Inlets of Lust and Vanity Set the Lord always before you Do nothing that may Create sorrow at Night or Confusion at the great Day Resolve to spend the day as usefully as possible to God others your self to speak for God and his Glory what ever it cost you not to be terrified from or ashamed of him or his Service so as the Testimony of a good Conscience may be ground of your Rejoycing Your Heavenly work is to run a Race to fight a good fight to strive and wrestle which cannot be done without giving all Diligence Care and Watchfulness Follow your Earthly Imployment though Difficult with Chearfulness and a Heavenly Mind Be Industrious in your Business and Honest in your Dealings Take no Advantage of any oversight work not upon the Ignorance Unskilfulness Weakness or Necessity of others Do as you would have done to your selves or yours It 's better to suffer wrong than do it Use not many words and those understood by the Contractor All the Business of a Bargain is summed up in a few He that speaks least usually means fairest and He that deceives by speaking what is true in a sence not intended or understood by the other is a Liar and a Thief Avoid not only what is false but that also which deceives all Equivocating Intricate Crafty speeches speak the sence of your Mind a Bargain may be as unmerciful as a Robbery God still takes the weakest part and
and unto all thy Creatures for thy Infinite Wisdom Power and Goodness so apparent in Creating Preserving of Providing for them That the Heavens Declare thy Glory and the Firmaments shew thy Handywork that the Eyes of all wait upon Thee and that thou openest thy hand and fillest them with Good that thou hast not left thy self without witness where thy Gospel is not Preached in that thou doest them good and sendest them Rain from Heaven and fruitful Seasons and fills their Hearts with Food and Gladness But what shall I render unto thee for thy unspeakable goodness to Mankind not only in making us capable of serving and enjoying thee but in providing for us a Saviour to Reconcile and Renew us when we had forfeited thy favour which was our Happiness and lost thine Image which was our Excellency and Glory That so many have enjoy'd thy Gospel and been translated out of the Kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of thy Dear Son That I live in a place where thy Gospel is Preached the way to Heaven so clearly Revealed where I have so many opportunities of hearing from thee of waiting upon thee that this Day I have enjoyed the means of being Happy with Thee for ever O accompany the same with thy Blessing to that End Let me live the Sermons that I hear the Ordinances I enjoy the Duties I am Imployed in Let my Thoughts be much upon that Happy state where I shall offend thee and my self no more but Reap my Redeemer's Purchase for those that sincerely serve Thee Look in much Mercy upon all Mankind Say Behold me Behold me to the People that have not known thee that have not call'd upon thy Name Let all the Ends of the Earth see the Salvation of our God Encrease the number of true Believers daily add to thy Church such as shall be saved Forgive the crying Sins of these Three Nations turn us unto thee by a speedy and unfeigned Repentance and Reformation that Iniquity may not be our Ruine Compose our Differences make up our Breaches heal our Divisions Endue our Severaign with all necessary qualifications for his present and future Happiness Let none of our Magistrates bear the Sword in vain but be faithful to that Trust committed to them Remove not thy Candlestick let not our Teachers be driven into Corners let their Doctrine be pure and their Lives exemplary for the good of Souls accompany their Endeavours with thy Blessing Bring unto my Remembrance that part of thy Word I have Read or Heard this Day let me hide it in my heart that I may not dare to Sin against thee As I am one day nearer my End let me be so much nearer keeping an Eternal Sabbath with thee in Heaven Smell a sweet savour from the sincere services of thy Servants Return gracious Answers to their Prayers Pardon what thou hast seen amiss in me and them this Day through Jesus Christ who hath taught us to Pray Our Father c. Directions as to Prayer STir up in your Souls the most lively Apprehensions Reverence Faith and Love as to him before whom you are going to Appear and upon what terms he is engaged and hath resolved to Answer or deny you Be throughly sensible of your Sins and wants and of the worth of those Mercies you are going to ask Come always in the Humility that becomes a worthless Condemned Sinner and in the belief and boldness that becomes a Son a Member of Christ Disclaim all worthiness of your own but be as Confident in every lawful Request as if you saw your Crucified Mediator interceding for you with his and your Father Pray with Understanding Attention Abhorrence of your Sins a deep sence of your Necessities a holy Confidence of Assistance and Audience through your Redeemer God's merciful Nature and gracious Promises with holy and lively Affections with Charity a Heart filled with good will to all your very Enemies with uprightness and sincerity Beware you love not Sin but resolve to leave it when you Pray against it that you truely Desire and Endeavour for the Grace and Mercy you ask and ask not for that you would not have Keep your Heart all the while in a reverent serious fervent frame as if God's Glory was visible to your Bodily Eye Suffer it not to wander grow Remiss Cold Formal It 's said of Luther that he used such Reverence and Humility as in the presence of Almighty God but such fervency and Faith as if he had been talking with his Friend he that asks with a doubting listless mind begs for nothing but to be denied Make your Prayers your Rule all your Duties are there set down what you are bound to do for the doing whereof you beg the Divine assistance God loves to Bless and Reward Industry but not to support Idleness As we must ask of God what we need so we must labour for all we ask by the Use and Improvement of what we have He that would Pray with Effect must live with Care and Piety Directions as to Reading and Hearing the Word AWefully Remember that the Scriptures are the Word of God full of many gratious Promises Encouragements and Supports the Doctrine of unseen things and of the greatest Mercies the Rule by which you must live and be Judged Therefore Read and Meditate upon it with Humility Reverence Love and great Delight Submission and a full Resolution to obey it If ●ny thing seem Difficult or Improbable ●uestion not suspect not it but your own ●gnorance and Understanding and Pray ●hat the Spirit which Indited it may expound 〈◊〉 to you Before you go to Hear Pray for the Minister the Congregation and your selves for the Divine Assistance and Blessing Lay side all worldly Cares and Thoughts all ●thiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with Meekness the Ingrafted Word which is able to save your Souls Come not with an Irreverent Careless unbelieving Heart as if it were a light matter that ●ittle concern'd you but with Faith Love and Reverence with a deep an ●wakened sence of its unspeakable weight ●ecessity Consequence and Concernment to you Come on purpose to get Direction and Strength against your particular failing Hear with Attentive willing humble Honest Teachable Hearts and Applicatio● of it to your selves with a design to Profi● with Resolution to obey all that shall b● Commanded you of God As new bo●● Babes desire the sincere Milk of the Word that you may grow thereby Despise it no in the plainness of it Hear not to Censure or Cavil but to be taught and Ruled Su●fer not vain Thoughts or drowzy careles Negligence to hinder your Attention Chie●ly mark the drift and design of the Discours● and those things that are of the greate weight and concernment to your selves When you come Home Meditate o● what you have heard Lament a stupi● careless unbelieving Heart Pray over an endeavour to practise what you have learn Reason and Plead with your own Heart and let
Conscience Repeat and Do the wor● of the Minister again Make Conscience o● Teaching and Provoking others Pi●● Careless Ignorant Souls God usually Bless● the Grace that 's Improved in doing hi● Service The Lord's Supper THis Sacrament is so Called with Reference to the Time of its first Institution and Administration at our blessed Lord and ●aviour's last Supper Immediately before his Passion shewing whereunto it Related for 〈◊〉 Remembrance of him the Chief Subject and Inward part of it It is 1 A standing Memorial of his great Love in offering up his Life a Sacrifice for our Sins and a Seal of the Covenant of Grace 2 A Commemoration of his Passion and Sacrifice the Benefits of which are were assured to every worthy Receiver 3 A Renewing and Confirmation of the Vow ●●ve made in Baptism to be his faithful Servants unto our Lives end 4 To testifie our Inion with him and Communion with one ●nother 5 A Seal and means of our Spiritual nourishment and growth in the mystical Body of Christ the Church and of our being strengthned with Divine Grace and Refreshed highly satisfied and pleased with the sence of God's Love and Mercy through the Sufferings of our Blessed Redeemer as the Pallat is with wholsom agreeable food The Body and Blood of Christ is signified by the Bread and Wine All the Spiritual Change is wrought by the Faith of the Receiver not the intention or words of the Giver to him that believes they are the very Body and Blood of Christ who as in his Sufferings as undertaking and accomplishing our Reconciliation with God accepted in full Discharge for all our Sins i● Received by the Believing Soul for its life and support Comfort and well-being to all Eternity The Ministers Consecrating them so setting them a part from a Common to a Spiritual Use signifies God's setting hi● Son apart to the work of our Redemption Breaking of the Bread and pouring out the Wine signifies the Sufferings Christ endured for us His giving them to the Communicants signifies God's giving his Crucified Son to and for every Believing Receiver a their Redeemer and Saviour His saying Take Eat c. fignifies God's Will for applying Christ unto our selves Before we Receive we must Prepare our selves by examining and awakening our Knowledge of the Principles of Religion particularly of the Sacrament Our Faith Repentance of all our Sins Our sincere Obedience which we must fully Resolve upon else we are false and play the Hypocrites with God in the Covenant we are going to renew and Seal Our love to God and the Brethren Our Forgiveness of all Men and Charity to them Our Sins and wants sueing for Pardon and Supply Our earnest desire after the Graces of the Spirit Renewing the Exercise of them by serious Meditation and Earnest Prayer Taking a strict account of the Miscarriages of our Hearts and lives as to God and Man and our selves in publick and secret and being deeply humbled for them especially since the last renewal of our Covenant with God cleansing our selves from every new Pollution seriously considering all the Work we are going to do and all the Mercies we are going to Receive and what Graces and Exercises of them are necessary to all this In Receiving our Behaviour must be humble and reverent as to the outward Gesture of our Bodies and inward frame of our Souls We must seriously mind the Elements and Actions and the things signified represented exhibited thereby We must Meditate on Christ's Death so Disgraceful so painful for us grieving for hating loathing our Sins the Cause of it Hungering and Thirsting after him and the Benefits purchased by him Applying the Promises of the New Testament which is of full force through the Death of the Testator wholly Trusting our miserable Souls upon him as our All-sufficient Help and Saviour Drawing nourishment and all needful supplies from Him in whom all fulness Dwells Rejoycing in and giving thanks for his Love Renewing our Covenant mingling all with Faith and most indeared love to him and his Servants with a firm Resolution of future Obedience and unfeigned Consent to our Covenant with him After Receiving we must Examine our selves as to our Carriage and Behaviour Mourn for our Defects in Preparation and Performance be Earnest for Pardon by after Pains endeavour to obtain the Benefits of the Ordinance Be very Thankful for any Assistance and Enlargement labouring to retain the sweet relish still upon our Spirits Encourage our selves in Attendance upon God in this and all other Duties Endeavour to draw more and more Virtue from Christ for Crucifying our Inordinate Desires Irregular Passions and Affections and every thing displeasing to him Be very watchful against Sin and Carnal Security that we let not In his and our Enemy but preserve our Souls his Temple clean and undefiled Carefully perform our Vows and keep the Covenant we have Renewed and Sworn to A Prayer before or at the Sacrament LOok down from Heaven the Habitation of thy Holiness and Glory most gracious Father upon a vile sinfull worthless Creature that desires in all Abasement and Humility to prostrate himself before thee To serve thee is my highest Honour and to enjoy thee my greatest Happiness yet how apt am I to look upon thy Service as my Burden And how oft do I draw near unto thee with my Lips and seem to honour thee with my Mouth when my Heart is far from thee Which of thy Mercies have I not abused Which of thy Corrections have I not despised or been impatient under Which of thy Sabbaths have I not prophaned Which of thine Ordinances have I not polluted Which of thy Promises or Threatnings have I not slighted undervalued disbelieved Which of thy Commandments have I not broken in Thought Word or Deed Wherefore I abhor my self and repent in Dust and Ashes God be mercifull to me a Sinner Thou mayest justly inflict upon me all the Curses that are writ in thy Law and give me my Portion with Hypocrites and Unbelievers But there is Mercy with thee that thou mayest be feared that my Sins may be pardoned and my Soul saved Thou hast exalted thy Son to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance unto Israel and Remission of Sins He came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance O for his sake pardon all mine Iniquities accept of me graciously and love me freely look favourably upon me be mercifull unto me as thou usest to do unto those that love and fear thy Name Receive me into thy favour Give me an unfeigned Consent and the necessary Conditions of my Right to that Covenant which I am going to have sealed unto me by thee Let Christ be formed in me and altogether desirable unto me Indue me and all that celebrate thy love at this Institution with sutable dispositions and qualifications for so solemn an Ordinance a through Sence of our own vileness and deserts and of thy Infinite love and goodness A stedfast belief
more Comfort than all the Mirth and Jollity of the Earth A Holy Life give more satisfaction than all the licentious Humours of this Jovial Age. When God shall give Relaxation and Rest to his troubled Saints When all their Burthens of Persecution Temptation and Sin shall be removed All their bodily Diseases and Infirmities end in perfect Vigour Agility Spirituality Incorruption and Glory All their Ignorances in a perfect Intuition and Vision of God All their Troubles of Conscience in perfect Peace All their Distempers of Sin in perfect Subjection to the Will of God All their exorbitant Affections in a regular and harmonious Motion towards the Supream good All their Distractions and deadness in Duty in a vigorous Activity and uninterrupted Exercise of Grace All Church-Divisions in perfect Union and Communion of Saints When they shall have no misgiving Thoughts no remaining Depravity in their Nature or new contracted Guilt to eclipse the Face of God or deject theirs and make their Countenance fall before him Nothing taken from them but their Prison their Chain their Clog their Shame their Sting their Poyson their Burden their Misery The Consideration of Judgment to come is enough sure to perswade us to a strict and diligent Care of our Lives and Actions to cast a damp upon all youthfull Dalliances and Solaces to check them in their eager pursuit of their most delicious Pleasures (y) Ec. 11.9 To make the Judge upon the Bench tremble at a few words of a Prisoner at the Bar (z) Act. 24.25 The Drunkard to let fall his Cups and the Busie Worldling to stand at gaze the Prophane Atheist to hide his Head and the sleepy Sot to start up into Anxious Wonder to hush the loud Companions into Silence and the merry Droll into a carefull Look No Sinner knows how soon he may be reduc'd to the very last opportunity of making his peace with God and brought into those straits that no wise considerate man would be in for all the World Into such a Condition as to have nothing to save him from perishing but a sudden Repentance to have but this Plank left which is a Thousand to one whether ever it will bring him safe to shore Now he apprehends himself in danger he is infinitely troubled for his neglecting Preparation for that which he could not for his life but believe would come He thinks and it 's to be fear'd very right it 's somewhat too late to set about it to little purpose to gird up his Loins when he can do no Service to light his Lamp when all his Oil is spent He 's afraid he shall have no time to do any thing considerable in this work that God will not accept of any thing he doth at such a time he vainly wishes for some of those Hours he was sick of hung upon his Hand he foolishly wasted and mis spent and nothing hinders him now from setting about the Work with all his Might but that ●●e hath neglected it so long and that it 's ●ow too late But is it not better to pre●ent the occasion of it To take away the ground of such vain Wishes such sad Complaints Why should we not resolvedly do that now which so many when they come to die heartily wish they had done The Foundation of our Peace and Comfort at Death must be laid in our youth and health living in a continual Expectation and Preparation for it doing all things in order to it getting a stock of habitual Grace and keeping our Souls in a vigorous vigilant Posture Let your loins be girded about and your lights Burning and ye your selves like unto men that wait for their Lord when he will return from the Wedding that when he cometh and knocketh they may open to him immediately Blessed are those Servants Luke 12.35 36 37. whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching A Prayer for a Comfortable Death To be added to our daily Devotions ALmighty Creator and most mercifull Redeemer who hast made me as the Clay and wilt bring me to Dust again Have Mercy upon me now and at the Hour of my Death By a Holy Conversation and habitual Performance of my Duty let me be always ready for it Let it not be unprovided or untimely having in it nothing extraordinary but an extraordinary Piety and the Manifestation of a great and miraculous Mercy Hide thy Face from my Sins and blot out all mine Iniquities Let me pass through the Valley of the shadow of Death with safety and a well-grounded Peace a meek and quiet Spirit and a Sence of thy Love and Mercy let me then fear no Evil because thou art with me thy Rod and thy Staff comforts me when my Flesh and my Heart faileth me be thou the strength of my Heart and my Portion for ever Give me a right use of ●●y Sences and Understanding an un●●gned Repentance a strong Faith and ●●tience a firm Hope a sincere Love 〈◊〉 thee and all the World Be thou ●●e Portion of all my Relations and ●●iends and our exceeding great Re●●rd When our Earthly House of this ●●bernacle is dissolved let 's have a Buil●●g of God an House not made with ●●nds Eternal in the Heavens while ●●ive let me live unto thee when I 〈◊〉 let me die unto thee living or dy●●● let me be thine through Jesus Christ 〈◊〉 Lord. Amen Another O Judge of all the World and Father of Mercies In all Humility I ●strate my self before thee O Re●●mber not against me the Sins of my ●●th nor of my riper Years but ac●●●ding to the Multitude of thy tender ●●●cies blot out all my Transgressions 〈◊〉 me not in a short life create to my 〈◊〉 Horror Amazement and Eternal Torment but be every day doing that which will be matter of Triumph and Rejoycing when I come to die All the days of my appointed Time let m● wait till my Change come Preserv● me in thy Faith Fear and Love to my Life's End Cast me not away from thy Presence take not thy Holy Spir●● from me Deliver me whom thou ha● redeemed with thy most precious Blood from the Power and guilt of Sin from offending thee or others by an impat●●ent uneasie Spirit from the Assaults 〈◊〉 Satan from an immoderate Fear 〈◊〉 Death from Eternal Damnation Th●● when I have served thee in my Gener●tion I may have an abundant Entran●● into the Kingdom of our Lord and Sav● our Jesus Christ to whom with th● Blessed Majesty and Holy Spirit be a Glory Honour and Praise now and eve● more Amen Another O Thou that art the Father of Mercies and God of all Consolation receive and keep me in thy Favour in the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Faith and Peace and in Righteousness of Life Make me always sensible of the shortness and uncertainty of my Life and of the suddainness and certainty of that Day when thou wilt bring every work into Judgment with every secret thing whether
I have forfeited and yet enjoy and for the Time to Come suppress in me all inordinate Desires and Cares as to the things of this World all Repinings at or distrust of thy good Providence not doubting of thy Fatherly Affection to those that study in all sincerity to approve themselves unto thee Let me count all things as Loss and Dung in Comparison of the Excellency of the Knowledge and Service of thy blessed self Work my Evil unbelieving Heart to a stedfast Faith in thy faithful Promises that I shall want nothing that is good and that thou wilt never leave me nor forsake me Let me consider more how little I deserve than how little I have that nothing is due unto me but perpetual shame and misery that thou knowest and art able to supply my wants that thy love will not suffer thee to leave me destitute of what thy wisdom knows convenient for me Increase my dependanc● on thee frame my Mind and Desires 〈◊〉 my Portion Keep me from envying ●thers abundance Inrich me with Co●tent with Spiritual Blessings and th● Enjoyment of thy self Let me so liv● that I may have the continual Comfor● and Satisfaction of a good Conscienc● and of having thee always for my Frie●● and Gracious Father in Jesus Christ wh● hath taught me when I Pray to say O● Father which art in Heaven c. Another WHat shall I Render unto thee most merciful Father for th● unspeakable Goodness unto me all m● days that though I have deserved I●finitely worse than a life of Affliction and Misery to have lived in perpetua● want pain and Torment spending all my days in Sighs and Lamentations thou do'st thus sweeten my passage thorough the world giving me Food and Rayment and Contentment with the same with the means and Comfortable ●opes of being for ever free from Labour Sorrow Care and every thing that is a Burden or uneasie O Pardon all my Sins and Sanctifie all thy Dispensations to me in order to a better life Amidst all ●he Hardships and Inconveniences I meet with here let me not be dejected or discouraged but have Respect to the Recompence of Reward laid up for those that Endure Make me Patient in all Afflictions unfeignedly thankful for all thy Mercies fully satisfied with my State and Condition Let thy word and ways be my Delight thy Power and Wisdom Care and Faithfulness Providence and Promises my stay Support and Comfort to submit unto thee and serve thee the Rejoycing of my Soul and Heaven my Resting place While others are joyning House to House and Cumbering themselves about many things let me be adding one Degree of Grace to another and making sure of that good part that shall never be taken away Conduct me safely through all the Troubles Changes and Temptations of this Life in a Holy Composure Tranquility and Contentedness of Mind in a chearful doing and suffering thy Will and after Receive me unto Glory through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour in whose Holy Name and Words I further Pray unto thee saying Our Father c. Duties of the Sick THat worldly Matters may not Distract or Discompose you or break love amongst those you leave behind prudently settle your Estate betimes as may be most serviceable to him that lent it If you have fallen out with or wronged any in word o● deed be thoroughly reconciled to them and do all you can to make them satisfaction Labour to get the Benefit of Sickness● speedily seriously and Impartially Examin● your state heart and life Recollect you● Particular Errors be deeply humbled fo● them and firmly resolved in the strength o● God to live a Holy Life if you Recover● Renew your Repentance for Sin and your believing thoughts of the love of God and of your Eternal Happiness Apply your Saviour's All-sufficient satisfaction and purchace for Returning Sinners to your own Souls Confidently cast it upon your merciful Father your Redeemer his Merits and Mediation without further Fear or Distrust He will not Condemn his Friends his Followers his own Flesh (p) Joh. 15.14.15 Nothing can reasonably make us doubt of Pardon but the Insincerity of our Repentance and Faith in Christ Tell Standers-by of the worthlessness vanity and deceitfulness of all worldly things and how miserable all men are that are not good Bear pains with a becoming Christian Patience Remember Passive obedience is that God now in special Calls you to in which you must Serve and Honour him in the Conclusion of your Labours 'T is a great Error of the Sick and Impotent to wish for Death as if they were utterly unserviceable to God it 's no small Service they may do him not only by their Prayers and Praises and secret love unto him but by being Examples of Faith and Patience Heavenly-mindedness and Joy in God to all about them To that End Consider what a vile Body is going to be dissolved that hath been so great an Enemy pressure and hinderance to your Soul which shall be so no more for ever and what a world a life you are leaving and entering upon How near you are off a perilsome dangerous troublesome Pilgrimage and at endless Ease and Rest Look upon it as a singular mercy that Death hath so suitable a Harbinger and Fore runner whose Messenger it is that comes for you even the wise Disposer of all things that loves you that never meant you harm in any thing he hath done unto you that hath provided for you a Saviour and Eternal Happiness and done so much to bring you thither Pray more earnestly and fervently than ever Stir up in your hearts the love of God and all Goodness with raised Expectations and longing Desires after the Felicity to which you are going even to your Dying Buried Raised Ascended Glorified Lord who is concerned interceding for you ready to receive you and what ground of Joy it must needs be to your departing Soul to think that your Head and Saviour is in Possession of the Kingdom you are passing unto Get right Apprehensions take away the disguise of Death Look not upon its formidable Appearance and pompous Solemnity attended with Groans Convulsions gastly Visage doleful Elogies black Obsequies only as a Debt due to Nature or a Punishment due to Sinners but as a Privilege granted to Believers as part of our Christian Charter an Enemy Conquered and made our Friend in what mild Phrases the Scripture mentions it an un-Cloathing a Departure a going to Rest an entering into our Master's Joy a sleeping in Jesus c. Did we really believe this methinks it should be as hard to perswade a Saint to live as a Sinner to die a Believer to keep on his Earthly Tabernacle as a wicked Man to put it off Ruminate upon those precious Promises and melting Expressions to the sincere He shall feed his Flock like a Shepheard he shall gather the Lambs with his Arm and carry them in his bosome and shall gently lead those that are with
with undaunted undismayed Courage and Constancy under all the Uneasinesses of a rugged way Lift up the Hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble Knees Let the weak say I am strong and the lame Man leap as an Hart (e) Heb. 12.10 Isa 35.3 c. These are the Days of Conflict and Conquest that admit not of Repose untill the Evening when he that hath been eminently good chearfully patient constant and couragious under great Disadvantages and Discouragements shall be proportionably rewarded When all Distempers and the Causes of them shall be wholly removed No more Hospitals nor Diseases No more seeking for or need of Cure or Remedy when the Mountebank's Stage shall be pulled down and all Physicians of no value The Doctor and Apothecary consulted no more They shall give over acting Experiments upon afflicted Mortals And the great Physician of Soul and Body who himself took our Infirmities and bare our Sicknesses (f) Mat. 8.17 perfected his undertaken Cure And God shall wipe away all Tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things that disturbed them are passed away (g) Rev. 21.4 The thoughts the belief of this is the chief Refuge and Delight of all true Christian Sufferers Whilst this Cordial is next their Hearts they are healthfull secure and satisfied The Comfort of that day heals and redresses all their Wounds their Wrongs their Injuries Asswages and allays all their Pains and Perplexities expells all melancholy Thoughts banishes all Sadness from their Hearts stills all their Murmurings and Complaints stifles innumerable Sighs stops Rivers of unprofitable Tears from flowing from the Afflicted raises the Minds of the Miserable and Unfortunate supports and refreshes the Spirit of Heaviness makes the Cross of Christ a light Burden As being both consistent with his love and the Effects of it influential upon their Happiness Prayers for the Sick O Thou great Creator and Wise Disposer of all things in whose Hands are our lives and breath and all our ways in all Humility we prostrate our Souls before thee acknowledging it of thy Infinite Mercy and Goodness that we have access unto thee and may find acceptance with thee in and through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for his sake pardon all our Sins and receive us into thy Favour In much Mercy and tender Compassion O thou that delightest not in the Miseries of thy Creatures regard this thine afflicted Servant Thou woundest and thy Hands make whole thou bringest down to the Grave and raisest up again Direct to proper means we humbly beseech thee and accompany those used for his health with thy Blessing Speak the Word and thy Servant shall be healed If it may stand with thy good Pleasure let him not die but live and declare the Works of the Lord However fit him for whatsoever thou hast designed for him Give him a true Sence of and Repentance for all his Sins and a well-grounded Faith in our great Redeemer of Souls Sanctifie this thy fatherly Visitation to him let the sickness of his Body tend to the health and good of his Soul Mitigate his Pains increase his Patience Give him a quiet contented resigned Spirit unto thy blessed Will Lay no more upon him than thou wilt inable him to bear let thy Grace be sufficient for him In the multitude of his thoughts within him let thy Comforts delight his Soul When his Body returns to the Earth as it was let his Spirit return unto God that gave it and be glorified together with thy self thorough Jesus Christ our Lord in whose Blessed Name and Words we further pray Our Father c. Another ALmighty and most Mercifull Father the God of the Spirits of all Flesh thou sendest forth thy Breath and we live thou recallest it and we die and return to our dust O pardon unto us we humbly intreat thee our unthankfulness for our former health and all thy Mercies that we have made so little use of the same for thy Glory Give us grace for the future to be more sensible of more fruitfull under them In particular look with an eye of favour on this thy suffering Servant Let thy Power appear in his weakness strengthen him on his Bed of languishing make all his Bed in his sickness Rebuke remove his Distempers in love to his Soul deliver him from the Pit of Corruption and cast all his sins behind thy Back Let not his sickness be unto Death but thy Glory if it may stand with thy good pleasure but if thou hast otherwise determin'd fit and prepare him for thy self As his outward Man decays let his in ward Man be renewed day by day Take him not hence untill thou hast made him meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in life Give him an easie and comfortable Passage out of this Vale of Misery and receive him to the Eternal enjoyment of thy self in Heaven And give all of us grace in Health to provide and prepare for sickness in our most prosperous and best Estate to consider how frail we are in a full perswasion of thy unerring Providence over us and Infinite love towards us let us resign our selves intirely unto thee resolving by thy gracious Assistance to rest satisfied with thy Appointment That we may rejoyce in hope of that Immortal Life and Happiness when thou shalt wipe away all Tears from our Eyes and there shall be no more Death neither Sorrow nor Crying nor any more Pain but that after Death hath parted us we may meet together and acknowledge with Eternal Praises thy wise and mercifull Providence which by ways contrary to our desires hath brought us to endless and undisturbed Rest through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with thy blessed Majesty and Holy Spirit be all Honour Glory and Praise now and for ever Amen Another EVer blessed Lord the Father of Mercies and God of all Consolation who art not willing any should perish but that all should come to Repentance We praise and adore thee for thy Patience forbearance and goodness to us all our days that we have enjoyed so much Health and Ease Peace and Plenty so many Mercies to sweeten our Passage through this Vale of Tears O forgive our Ingratitude for our Abuse of thy Bounty and Kindness to us and be at Peace with us in and through our Lord and Saviour and for the time to come give us grace to carry our selves well-pleasing in thy sight In particular we now recommend unto thee this thy Servant beseeching it may please thee to restore him unto Health unto thee no Cure is difficult no Case desperate but all things possible O command create Deliverance direct to sutable means and super-add thy Blessing to them O spare him that he may recover strength before he goes hence and be no more But however thou dealest with him let it be in love and mercy unto him pardon all his Sins
Thee Reform my life that I may serve Thee and be saved by thee Cleanse me from my secret Sins and let no Presumptuous Sins have Dominion over me Wean me from the world let my Heart my Treasure my Conversation be in Heaven Turn away mine Eyes from beholding Vanity Set a watch O Lord before my Mouth and keep the Door of my Lips that I offend not with my Tongue Let me delight in that which is Good eschew and abhor that which is Evil set thee always before me that I may not dare to Sin against Thee Make me peaceable and contented in my self useful and beneficial to others well-pleasing and acceptable unto Thee Mind me frequently of my latter end while I live let me live unto thee when I die let me die unto thee living and dying let me be thine Be very merciful to all Mankind especially those that are called Christians Inlarge and Bless thy Holy Catholick Church with more abundant Peace Purity and Concord Pardon the Crying Sins of these three Nations let us search and try our ways and turn unto thee our God make us a People peculiar to thy self zealous of good works Bless our Soveraign with all our Magistrates and Ministers let them discharge their Duty as those that must give an account Be with me this Day and all my Days where-ever I am and whatsoever I am doing let me awefully Remember God made me God preserves me God redeemed me God sees me and God will Judge me Never leave me nor forsake me Guide and direct me by thy Counsel Assist me by thy Holy Spirit Prosper me in all my ways and at last Receive me unto Glory through Jesus Christ in whose Holy Name and Words I further Pray Our Father c. Evening Prayer MOst Holy and ever Blessed Lord God Thou hast Commanded me to Pray and so it is my great Duty and hast stiled thy self a God hearing Prayers and so it is my great Privilege In Obedience to thy Command and in Confidence of thy Promises I desire in all Humility and holy Confidence to wait upon thee at this Time in and through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for his sake beseeching thee for Mercy and Grace Mercy for the Pardon of my Sins without which I am of all Creatures most miserable and Grace for the sanctifying of my Nature and amendment of my life Search me O Lord and Try me and whatsoever is displeasing in me unto thee remove it thence and lead me in the way everlasting Let me value and mind the things that are not seen more than the things that are seen because the things that are seen are Temporal and those that are not seen are Eternal Incline my Heart unto thy Testimonies and not to any Evil way Let not the Pleasures nor Troubles of this world allure or hinder me from serving thee with Chearfulness and Delight Prepare me for every Condition for every Change especially for my great and last Change give me Grace so to live that I may be neither asham'd to live nor afraid nor unfit to die that when thou shalt Call me hence thou may'st Receive me unto the Eternal Enjoyment of thy self in Heaven Be very Gracious and Merciful to all Mankind to all Jews Turks Pagans and Infidels bring them to the Knowledge and Obedience of the Truth Bless Prosper and Protect thy Church and every Member of it be with it unto the End of the World and let not the Gates of Hell prevail against it Reform whatsoever thou seest amiss in the Belief and Lives of Christians especially in these Three Nations Continue unto us Peace with the Gospel of Peace for thy Name sake Bless our Soveraign and all in Authority with Holiness here and Happiness hereafter Let all his Subjects live under him quiet and peaceable Lives in all Godliness and Honesty I et the Ministers of thy Gospel Preach both by their Lives and Doctrine and daily turn many unto Righteousness Let none of my Relations be Strangers unto thy self nor any of thine Afflicted Servants be forgotten by Thee Relieve them according to their several Necessities and the Riches of thy Grace in thy Son I Praise Thee for what thou hast afforded me Thy good Creatures thy Blessing with them thy Provision for me and preservation of me this Day and all my Days Let me lie me down and take my Rest and Sleep because thou Lord makest me to dwell in safety Whether I sleep or wake live or die let me be found thine own to thine Eternal Glory and my Everlasting Salvation through Jesus Christ who hath taught me when I pray to say Our Father which art in Heaven c. Grace before Meat BLess and Sanctifie most Merciful Father These thy good Creatures to my use and me unto thy Service give them strength to nourish me and me grace to serve Thee through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Grace after Meat BLessed be thy Holy Name O Lord for all thy Mercies for these thy good Creatures make them healthful for my nourishment and me thankful for all thy Mercies Inable me by them to live to thy praise through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen How to spend the Lord's Day REmember the Lord's Day before it come so as to prepare for it by suitable Meditations Go seasonably to your Rest to prevent heaviness or drowziness Prudently dispose and dispatch your Earthly Affairs that they may be off your hands and out of your mind as much as possible on that Day that so your Heart may be more free and fit for the Duties of it Seek Remission for the Miscarriages of the Week past that you may not come with guilt or trouble upon your Consciences before the Lord. Think not your worldly Business more worthy of your Early Rising than your spiritual Imployment Let your first Thoughts be not only Holy but suitable to the Day With gladness consider how Early your Redeemer arose what a Day of Mercy you are awoke to to wait upon God for Receiving and Exercising of Grace in order to Glory to Cast off the Distracting Thoughts and Businesses of the World and what a Happy opportunity of Good is put into your Hands to get more in one Day than this World can afford you in all your lives Spend it as a Day of Thanksgiving for the greatest Mercies Therefore let the manner of it and the frame of your Hearts be holy Joy Gratitude and Love stirred up by the exercise of Faith and Hope Inlarge your Personal Devotions on this Day and let not Secret Prayer be slubbered over slightly but performed with Seriousness Reverence Alacrity and sutable to the nature and end of the Day Go to the solemn Assembly with Joy and Gladness as to the receiving of a great Blessing with desires after and hope to speed not with unwillingness as to an unpleasant Task and Burden as Carnal Hearts that love not God his Grace or Service are weary of all they do and glad when it
am and have unto thee to be sanctified guided saved disposed of by thee Beseeching thee to make me willing and obedient patient and contented humble and submissive chearfull and believing stedfast and unmoveable in thy Service unto the End Let me approve my self actually reconciled unto thee by my Hatred of my Enmity with Sin which made the first Separation between thee and us and for which thy Son was made a Sacrifice and be afraid of offending thee not only because thou hast Power to punish but because of thy Love wherewith thou hast loved me And the Conditions of our Peace which are so reasonable so comfortable that we repent of and forsake our Crimes Receive thy Son as our Mediatour serve thee which are such desirable Priviledges our Happiness as well as our Duty O make good the gracious Promises of the Covenant unto me that thou wilt be my God forgive my Sins give me a new Heart sanctifie my Nature put thy fear within me that I shall never depart from thee that thou wilt never leave me nor forsake me O free me from the listlesness and backwardness of my Will to give up my self wholly unto thee who so willingly gavest thy Son an offering for my Sins Let this Love make us more and more affectionate in our Attendance upon thee to approach thee with Alacrity and Delight that wa' st so solicitous and at so much Cost to be at Peace with us to combine all our Thoughts and Affections together to serve thee who hast done so much to reduce us honourably and successfully unto thy ever blessed self With great Thankfulness let me accept of the smartest Dispensation and be contented in every Condition now I am reconciled Meekly enduring the Chastisements of a Father since they are all for my Profit since I am not like to feel his Stroaks as a Judge Blessed is he whose Iniquities are pardoned unto whom the Lord imputeth not Sin Let me never more harbour any hard thoughts of thee after so signal a Discovery of thy self in thy Son If so willing and desirous to make Reconciliation by his Blood for our Sins when they lay before thee in their crimson Aggravations much more on a particular fall that we are truly humbled for How can we refuse Peace so tenderly and importunately offered by Thee who shuts out none that shut not out themselves Art more willing to receive us into favour to embrace us than we to go to thee to receive thee Extend thy Mercy O Father of Mercies to all Mankind Give Repentance unto Sinners increase of Grace and Strength to all thy Servants reduce those that are out of the way raise up those that are fallen confirm and strengthen those that stand relieve and comfort all that are in distress pity the Follies the Degeneracies of Mankind deliver them from their Sins and from their Miseries Hear the daily Prayers and Groans of thy Holy Catholick Church and every Member of the same enlighten those that are out of it with the Knowledge of thy Truth make us in these three Nations a Holy People a Habitation of Righteousness a Place where thy Honour dwells Reward and Recompence all our Friends grant Forgiveness and Charity to all our Enemies continue good Will among our Neighbours support the Sick in Faith and Patience be with those who are leaving the World fit them and us for a better receive the Souls which thou hast redeemed with thy Son 's most precious Blood to whom with thy blessed Majesty and Holy Spirit be all Glory Honour and Praise now and for ever Amen A Prayer after the Sacrament ALL possible Praise and Thanks be given unto thee most gracious God and mercifull Father for all the Instances of thy Goodness unto me for my Health Peace Safety Food and Rayment the Society Kindness and love of Friends Success of my Labours and good Endeavours after the things of this life and a better for all the Blessings I have enjoy'd for preserving me from those Evils I have deserved and escaped for the means of Grace the Assistances of thy Holy Spirit any Inclinations towards thee any care to please thee any fear of offending thee for the Fountain and Foundation of them all the Lord Jesus Christ for thy wonderfull Love in sending him to save us from Sin and Misery to reveal and lead us to Eternal Happiness and for giving me this Day the Pledges and Assurances of the same My highest Praises fall infinitely short of thy most Excellent Majesty and I am ashamed of the most affectionate Thanks I can render unto thee for those inestimable Benefits thou hast conferr'd upon me and so long continued unto me How much Cause then have I to be abased for my shamefull Disobedience forgetfulness of thee and Ingratitude to thee to whom I owe all I have in this World or hope for in the next I humbly implore thy tender Mercies in the forgiveness of all my sins for his sake who hath born the Burden of them and satisfied thy Justice for them Let me have such a lively sence of thy marvellous love and of my Redeemer's sufferings always possessing my Soul as may oblige me for ever unto thee Constrain me to love thee to obey thee to trust in thee to be always content with the Portion thy Wisdom and Love allots unto me and to rejoyce in the midst of all the Troubles of this Life now thou hast given me the Earnest the Pledges of my Eternal Salvation Preserve in me a constant sence of the great value of my Soul for which he hath paid so dear and a great Esteem of that Purity and Holiness for the restoring of which he was obedient to the Death of the Cross Let the same mind be in me that was in Christ Let that Lowliness and Humility Tenderness and Compassion Love and Meekness Heavenly-mindedness and Submission Holiness and Delight to do thy Will Patience and Forgiveness that shone in his Life and Sufferings appear also in mine That living in the Imitation of his Holy Example I may be made partaker of the Benefits of his Death and Passion his gracious undertakings for me Let me live in the daily Thoughts and Praise of his exceeding love Let it be the Care and Business of my life to serve please and enjoy thee for ever Let many be daily brought in to understand and partake of this great Salvation purchased by our Redeemer let him be made known and faithfully obey'd all the World over Enlarge reform unite thy Church more especially in these three Nations let every Member of it be sanctified supported and saved by thee Let all of us that have waited upon thee this Day at this solemn Ordinance be pardoned and accepted in the beloved be mindfull of the Vows and Engagements that are upon us Let us love one another as Christ hath loved us and given himself for us and live as thy Redeemed ones that have tasted how good the Lord is and
all their lives He assures us while we are feeding the meanest of his Brethren as such we have Himself our Guest are Treating Him whilst we Relieve the real Sufferer that asks it in his Name And who would not gladly pare off all the Superfluities of life that he might always have ready an Entertainment for so great a Personage as Him when he Craves an Alms If we have been kind compassionate and merciful to others we have the greater ground to hope we shall find him so to us who that he may Encourage us to Imitate his Love and Goodness Proportions his Dealings to us to ours with others forgive and ye shall be forgiven give and it shall be given unto you (m) Mar. 11.25.26 Luke 6.37 None have more reason to dread his Justice and Severity than those that shut up their Bowels of Compassion towards their Brethren for He shall have Judgment without Mercy that hath shewed no mercy (n) Jam. 2.13 I do not Remember saith St. Jerom to have read that ever any Charit●ble Person dy'd an Evil Death God will notreject him in his greatest Needs in his passionate Requests for God is Love and every degree of Charity that dwells in us is a participation of his Nature And therefore when on our Death-Bed we have many things to trouble us and our Friends have forsaken us or prove miserable Comforters to us we may call to mind the Alms we have given the Injuries we have forgiven how we have sought objects for our Charity imbraced and followed Peace with all Men and with the Eye of Faith look up to God coming to pronounce the last Sentence according to his mercy and ours I have been saith Cyrus the Persian on his Death-Bed a lover of Mankind and a friend and merciful and now I expect to Communicate in that great kindness which he shews that is the great God and Father of Men and Mercies IV. Die daily towards all Carnal Comforts and Delights disuse disingage your self from them deny your self in them wean your self from the World let your Heart grow strange unto it get right Apprehensions of it by diminishing its seeming Excellencies and considering its real Inconveniences Judge not of it by that Repute and Entertainment it finds amongst Men but ill it doth them how defiling dangerous unsutable unsatisfying commonly given to the worst transitory unusefull in our greatest Need. Present the Soul with that Bill of Divorce which Death will shortly give to all your indearing Enjoyments The serious thoughts of which will presently sweep down all Cob-web Designs and false Felicities precent Deceit and every thing which breeds the worm of Conscience Fix your Residence above you will then behold this Mole-hill of Ants this World's bustle and grandieur vanish and disappear Its Castles and Mountains become Warts and all the Provinces of it for which men swell and fight as the Cabins of an Honey-comb And it s Idoliz'd Silver and Gold Earth and useless Mettle uncurrent Coin in the other World where nothing passes but true Goodness When the Scepter and the Spade shall have one common Grave and Royal Dust be blended with the Beggar 's Ashes and the Righteous and the Wicked shall be separated by a vast Gulph and an amazing Difference Take it but for your Pilgrimage your passage to Life be as indifferent in these things as Travellers in the Affairs of a Foreign Countrey Receive with thankfulness what comes with a fair Providence upon Honest Endeavours but let your mind be upon your Home Contentedly suffer Losses and Inconveniences in your way to it He that hath unfeignedly made Heaven his End will readily pass to it on the hardest Terms and Comfortably think of laying down his Head in the Earth for every man is willing to obtain his End to receive his Reward to enter upon his Estate 'T is much for the sake of the Flesh that most Perish that Death is so unwelcom to us O could we subdue that and live above its Pleasures and Desires we should easily bear its Dissolution a Picture that hangs loose on the wall is easily taken down and removed but with much ●ending if fastned to it V. Live so as you may be always Ready to give an Account Be sure you be sincere was the dying Advice of my dear departed Friend E.G. Perform every Duty with all your might and as if it were your last Do every thing with Respect to an after Reckoning will this bear the Tryal turn to a good account at the great Day Would I do thus were I now going to stand before Christ's Tribunal The Consequences of all our Actions extends as far as another World The Apostle seems to be startled at such like Thoughts seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness (o) 2 Pet. 3.11.14 As if all were little enough to qualifie us for a Happy Eternity Have a special Regard to the Duties of your particular Calling be Diligent and Honest in it God judges of men by the general course and tenor of their lives rather than by any single or extraordinary Action which is best seen by their demeanour in that place and station his Providence hath set them in Take Heed of offering violence to your Conscience of doing any thing you know to be a Sin or neglecting any thing you know to be a necessary Duty for that 's to Sin deliberately to provoke God to give you up to hardness of Heart to withdraw his Grace and Spirit from you Have always a clear unspotted Conscience void of offence Behold I come as a Thief Blessed is He that watcheth and keepeth his Garments (p) Rev. 16.15 Beware of those things that will fright you in the Night of doing any thing now which will make Conscience flash in your face another day and reproach you with the Remembrance of what you was told would be bitterness in the latter End when no Sanctuary to shelter no Cordial to revive no bosom Friend to stand by and hearten you Then Spots will appear in their Breadth and Blackness Sin and Wrath another thing than in your Health and Ease Be not wicked in thy own sight was the good Counsel of an old Rabby Reverence thy self Do nothing but what you can review with Quiet and Content Conscience is a tender thing that always writes tho' it doth not speak and what we account small in our Health may make a dying Bed very uneasie to us Innumerable Actions which we thought innocent may appear to be Sin and what we made light of infinitely Evil. So black and deformed is that Shape wherein Sinners appear unto themselves upon a Review of their past Crimes that then they abhor their own Image much more those Sins that have deformed them Conscience speaks loudest when men grow speechless Whilst all seems calm and quiet without and their Flatterers fawn upon them their minds