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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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because of that which goeth before in this verse and followeth in the next Ver. 3. Let them prayse his name i. his maiestie power and goodnesse with the fluit Let them singe prayses vnto him with the tymbrell and harpe i. let them boldlie fréelie prayse him by all the meanes that lawfully they may sée Psalme 81.2.3 and other Psalmes also as 33.2 and 144.9 Ver. 4. for the Lord hath pleasure in his people that is as he did of singular mercy chose them so he doth singularly delite in them sée Psalme 147 11. he will make the méeke glorious by deliueraunce i. by deliuering them out of the handes of their enemies and all their daungers he meaneth that God will giue thē that be afflicted this honour vz. he will vouchsafe them aid deliuerance from him or as wée woulde say will bestowe vpon them the great honour of deliueraunce Ver 5. Let the Saints sée before ver 1 of this Psal be ioyful with glory i. gloriously reioyce or else reioyce for the great glory that God hath vouchsaued to bestow vppon them let them sing aloude vz. vnto the Lord and his prayse vppon their beds i. in the nighte season q.d. let them spend dayes and nightes in the praysing of him for his great mercies Ver. 6. Let the high actes of GOD i. the notable and singular thinges which he hath done for them and against theyr enemies 〈◊〉 in their mouth i. let them continually speake of them and prayse him for them and a two edged sworde in their handes vz. both to defend themselues and to repulse and to driue farre away their enemies Verse 7. To exercise vengeaunce vppon the heathen i. to repaye them the iniurye and wrong whiche the heathen and wicked enemies haue done them and corrections among the people i. to chastise correcte and subdue them as others had done the like to them Verse 8. To binde their Kinges in chaynes i. to make euen their Princes and Rulers Prisoners and their Nobles with fetters of yron i. to make them captiue also it is as muche q. d. That there might bee neyther Prince nor people but they might be subdued vnder them Verse 9. That they i. the faythfull people may execute vz. with iustice and vprightnesse vpon them i. vpon the heathen kinges and their people the iudgement that is written vz. in the holy Sscripture So that I take these 4. last verses to bée a prayer that the Prophet made for the flourishing estate of the people of the Iewes that they might faythfully execute Gods iudgements vpon the Gentiles according to his word without adding any thing thereto or taking anye thing therefrom Sée Deut. 12.32 also Deut. 29 29. If we apply this to the churche and kingdome of Christ then by the two edged sword we must vnderstand the word of God which is the sword of his mouth of which fée 2. Thess 2.8 Heb. 4 12. Reuel 1.16 and al other instruments which God vseth to cast down strong holds and to ouerthrow mighty imaginations wherof sée 2 Cor. 10.4 c. this honour vz. of their conquest and ouercomming of their enemies shal be to all his saints i. they shall haue their part in it and féele the worke and power of God inabling them to do the like which is a matter of great comfort Prayse ye the Lord sée of this in the end of Psal 148. Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs two things first that as God multiplieth new benefites vpon vs so we should anew and afresh as it were stir vp our selues to be thākfull vnto him continually secōdly that aboue all his praises should specially be founded forth in his Church Verse 2 teacheth vs that seing God hath begottē vs agayne vnto himselfe and is become our kingdome that therfore we should striue in all soundnesse to the obedience of his will Ver. 3 teacheth vs to vse all lawfull meanes to prouoke and stir vp our selues to that great duty of prayse and thankesgiuing Verse 4 setteth out vnto vs the singular loue and affection of God towards his people Verse 5 teacheth vs not only cherefully to prayse God for his mercies but to doe it also continually both day and night Ver. 6 7 8 9 teach vs to wish and pray for the prosperitye and flourishing of Gods Churche and the confusion and ouerthrow of the obstinate enemies thereof Ver. 9 teacheth vs that by reason of the fellowlike affection and féeling whiche is and ought to be amongst the members of the Church the ioy glory and victory of some members and parts therof shal be the ioy glory and victory of the other Psalme 150 THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts Di. First he sheweth for what causes men should praise the Lord. Ver. 1.2 Secondly he sheweth wherewith they should praise him Ver. 3 4 5. Thirdly he sheweth who they be that should praise him The title hath bin sundry times touched heretofore Se. Ver. 1. Praise ye God vz. which are his faithful seruauntes in his sanctuary this may be expounded thus either that God dwelleth in heauen which is sometimes called his sanctuarie or thus in his sanctuarie that is in his tēple Or else thus in his sanctuary that is in his sanctity or holinesse so I suppose the hebrew word would rather be turned q.d. praise God for the great holinesse hée hath in himselfe some part whereof also it pleaseth him to communicate vnto vs praise ye him in the firmament of his power i. prayse ye him for the firmament which declareth his power as Psalme 19 1 or else thus prayse ye him for his power stretched out vz. ouer all creatures because in him and by him they liue moue and haue their being and this sence I take to be the better and to agrée best with the hebrew text Ver. 2. Prayse ye him in his mighty acts i. for his noble and valiaunt acts which he hath done for you and against your enemies so that you sée in these two verses this particle in must bee resolued by for prayse ye him according to his excellent greatnesse i. though yée can not prayse him as he most iustly deserueth yet striue you to render vnto him that which he hath inabled you to performe For he meaneth not that wée are able to praise him according to his excellency Ver. 3. Prayse him in the sound of the trumpet i. with trumpets clearely sounded sée Psal 81.3 prayse ye him vpon the viol and the harpe sée Psal 33.2 Ver. 4 Praise ye him with Timbrell and flute sée Psalme 149 3. praise ye him with Virginals and Organs Ver. 5. Prayse ye him with sounding Cimbales i with Cimbals that may be heard for otherwise there are no Cimbals or any other musical instrumentes but they haue a sound if they be played vpon prayse ye him with high sounding Cimbales i. with Cimbales which being set high and so tuned may very easily be heard By this particular enumeration he meaneth nothing else but that
part of the law put for the whole it may also be called iudgments because that thereby hée sheweth what he iudgeth méete to be done are truth and therefore can not be accused of subtilty or falshood and it is more forcible in that hee sayth they are truth then if hee should say they are true because that speach noteth that nothing besides or without them is truth but méere lying ver 20. Sheweth the preciousnes of the lawe If we would desire store or profit we must preferre it before the finest golde that hath beene oftenest tried if present vse and pleasure before hony the hony combe ver 11. made circumspect vz. in his walking being taught what to do and what to flée from and here Dauid speaketh of himselfe in the third person yet so that it doth apperteine to all Gods children There is great reward vz. through Gods mercy for so doth the word rewarde import and not of our merit as the papists imagine ver 12. Who can vnderstand his faults i. knowe them as it were particularly either for the multitude of thē or because ignorantly we cōmit many things which we take to be no sinnes secret faults i. sinnes not only hidden from other men but from my selfe by reason of my ignorance and yet al knowne to thée ver 14. Wordes of my mouth i. the words I shal vtter with my mouth meditatiō of mine heart i. the things I shal meditate in my hart he wisheth that his thoughts words might be such as might be regarded before God and answerable to his profession and he speaketh nothing of déeds and works because this necessarily followeth that when the meditations thoughts of the heart together with the words be good then déeds also wil be good redéemer vz. through Christ none other speaking here not only of deliuerāce frō dangers but from sin that which sinne bringeth with it also vz. eternal death and destruction Do. Out of the sixe first verses we may learne to behold knowe the maiestie power goodnes of God in his creatures secondly that as they in their kind expresse preach these excellent things so yea much more should men that God hath created after so feareful wonderful a sort that not euery man in himself but also to be gods instrument to worke the same in others Out of the We learne generally by the excellent cōmendation of gods law reuerently to estéeme it vnfeignedly imbrace it out of ver 7. Where it is called perfect wee haue an answere to the papists that accuse it of some want by bringing in vpon it their vnwritten verities and traditions and in these words conuerting the soule that ordinarily it is possible that any should repent and haue fayth without the hearing of gods word as Rom. 40.17 and in these words is sure there is a doctrine of comfort to the faithful because gods wil neuer faile them of terror to the wicked because gods iudgmēts shal assuredly ouertake them and in these words giueth wisedome vnto the simple we haue not only a notable effect of the law set forth but an argumēt to conuince the papists in this that they accuse the word of darknes as though none could profit by it but the learned sort ver 8. True ioy is to be fet from gods word as also true light of knowledge vnderstanding ver 9. Noteth the propertie of gods word the exact perfection that is in the whole in euery part therof ver 10. Teacheth in what great estimation we ought to haue the word and with what a holy hunger and thirst we should desire the worde ver 11. Teacheth two things first that wee can neuer bee truely wise but by learning gods word secondly that for our better incouragement to the doing thereof the Lord setteth great rewards before vs and indéed graciously in good time giueth vs the same ver 12. Teacheth that our sinnes are innumerable secondly that we must pray pardon of them generally particularly of these which we haue committed either of ignorance or of knowledge and yet remember them not ver 13. Teacheth vs to pray against the power and rule of sinne in vs. ver 14. That we should haue care and conscience ouer our wordes and thoughts that they might be approued before God Psalme 20. THis Psalme hath specially 2. partes In the first Di. there is a prayer for the king for whose welfare the people promise ioyfulnes and thankfulnes from ver 1. to the end of the fifth In the second they do assure themselues of Gods fauour and of their enemies ouerthrow and protesting for themselues that God shal be their aide and praying again for their king from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Psas 4. ver 1. heare thée i. Se. the praier that thou makest granting thy requests of Iaakob may be here taken either for the person of the Patriarth who worshipped god with great religion which God also was present with him in al his afflictions or else it may be put for the whole people of Israel who came of Iaakob both the wayes are vsuall in the old new testament ver 2. Frō the sanctuary i. from a place in the arke so called in which God gaue visible tokens of his fauor defence out of Sion this was the place wherin the arke which was a visible token of gods aide defence was receiued he putteth the place the arke therin contained for the assured fauor aid of God Some vnderstand by sanctuary heauen by Sion the visible place of god in his church what soeuer it is the prophet meaneth nothing but aide assistance to be giuen from god ver 3. Let him remēber or as Immanuel readeth let him smel meaning by that metaphor a gracious acceptation of his sacrifices as Gene. 8.21 vz. With fauor graciously accepting al thine offrings he meaneth by offrings the exercises of religion ioyned with them as confession of sins praier c. and turne vz. by fire as it were sent frō heauen Thy burnt offrings into ashes declaring therby that he alloweth thy seruices as he did to Aaron Leuit. 9.24 to Eliah 1. king 18.38 Ver. 4. According to thy hart i. as thy hart wisheth desireth all thy purpose i. whatsoeuer thou purposest he meaneth describeth here a king that asketh nothing but by the direction of gods spirit what God himself hath prescribed ver 5. Immanuel readeth this verse as it were a continuance of the peoples praier this is a reason to moue god graciously to yéeld to their praiers In thy saluatiō i. in that thou sauest deliuerest from dangers vz. our king so haue we had saluation sundry times vsed before And set vp the banner like vnto those that triumph after a victory is gotten hee putteth the signe of ioy for ioyfulnes it selfe in the name this word is taken here as ver 1.
their bettering but to their confusion yea to the confusion of their posterity as hee noteth in the next verse the fire vz. sent from heauen as vpon Sodom and Gomorrah or else by fire vnderstande most vehement afflictions which is vsuall also in the Scriptures ver 10. Their fruite i. their children and posterity from the children of men i. from amongst men and their posterity so that when other men and their féed shal florish these wicked ones and their posterity shal decay ver 11. Against thee hee meaneth chiefly God but with al Gods anointed in setting themselues against whom they set themselues against God But they shall not preuaile vz. in their mischieuous intents imaginations for they deale against him that wil ouertake them in their owne euil ver 12. And the strings of the bow vz. with arrows in thē the bow being already bēt sée Psal 7.12 c. ver 13. Be thou exalted O Lorde in thy strength i. shewe thy dignitie and power in helping the king performe some thing that may set out thy might and strength that we may haue occasion to prayse thy power and iustly to say that thou onely art mighty and powerfull Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth wherein kinges shoulde specially glory vz. in Gods strength and not in their owne ver 2.3 c. Declare not only gods goodnes to magistrates but teach them that the more they haue receiued the more carefully they should walke in the obedience of his will ver 3. Teacheth that God doth vs much good before we aske any good thing of him which expresseth his wonderfull mercy ver 4. Teacheth that God sundry times giueth more to his children then they demaund ver 5. Teacheth both wherein the true glory of kings and kingdomes consisteth and also from whom it commeth ver 6. Declareth wherein kinges should take their greatest delight and pleasure vz. in Gods fauour sée Psalm 4.6.7 Ver. 7. Sheweth that the way to haue kinges surely setled in their seate is to trust in God onely and his mercy ver 8. Declareth that none of Gods enemies though they neuer so closely hide themselues shal escape Gods power and iudgements ver 9.10 Declare Gods horrible punishments vpon the wicked and their posterity the Lord punishing the sinnes of vngodly fathers vnto the third and fourth generation ver 11. Teacheth the pride of wicked mens heartes who dare oppose themselues against God it sheweth also that all the counsels and purposes of the wicked shalbée frustrate ver 12. Sheweth that the vngodly shal not escape vnpunished ver 13. Teacheth vs by praier to commend Gods cause and his owne glory into his owne hands which when he hath once made manifest it teacheth vs further to praise him therefore Psalme 22. IT should appeare that when Dauid made this Psalme Di. hee was in wonderfull perplexitie and distresse which maketh him so confused in his wordes sometimes complaining that hee was forsaken sometimes setting out his owne misery sometimes praying for deliuerance sometimes describing the naughtines of wicked men sometimes incouraging himselfe and others to thankfulnes c. So that hardly it can be wel deuided notwithstanding me thinketh it comprehendeth those parts first he setteth out his owne miserie and describeth at large the wicked mens dealing against him from ver 1. vnto the .8 In the second hee praieth deliuerance promising himselfe and prouoking others to prayse the Lord for that his mercy from ver 19. to the end of the Psalme Some thing is in this title which is not in others going before Se. as vppon Aijeleth Hashahar which though some thinke to be the beginning of some cōmon tune according to which this Psalme was song and may well stand so wherof somewhat hath béen said in the title of Psal 7. Yet I take it otherwise interpreting the Hebrew words in or at the dauning of the day notwithstanding I know some interpret thē the hind of the morning at which time it may appeare that the priests and Leuits did sing Psalmes sée 1. Chron. 9.33 also 1. Chron. 23.29.30 And compare these two places together ver 1. My God my God diuers parts of this Psalme are applyed to Christ in the newe Testament and namely amongst the rest the first part of this verse in that hee sayth my God c. he declareth his faith why hast thou forsaken mee not that God doth euer forsake his but that it seemeth vnto thē when aide is delaied Christ vseth the same words but he vttereth it in respect of the weaknes of his humanity yet without sinne from mine health he meaneth it not so much of any bodily sicknes he was in as that God seemed to be far off from deliuering him frō his particular griefs wherof he speaketh in this Psalm the words of my roaring i. from words that I vtter with wonderful outcries by reason of the great griefe I am in ver 2. I cry i. I pray earnestly both day night yea I cease not but thou hearest not i. grantest not my petitions so forth in the rest of the verse ver 3. But thou art holy vz. in al thy waies and works remaining alwaies like vnto thy self q. d though my praiers be not heard yet thou art good the fault is in me not in thée The praises of Israel i. the place where the people of Israel sing prayses vnto thée meaning either Sion or some other place where the arke and Tabernacle was ver 5. Called vpon thée i. in faith prayed vnto thée meaning that séeing so often as they called vpon him trusted in him they were heard deliuered he marueiled much why he calling vpō him trusting in him should not be graciously heard likewise ver 6. But I am a worme i. I am accounted as a thing of no value or price not a man vz. in the iudgment of the wicked he meaneth by these two spéeches that he was cast down below al men as it were cut off from the number of beasts so much wēt they about to debase him a shame of men i. one whome men are ashamed of to behold and the contempt of the people i. such a one as al the people and the basest amongst them contemne and despise sée Iob. 30.9.10 c. Ver. 7. By making a mowe and nodding the head the Prophet vnderstandeth all the gestures that the vngodly vse in scoffing and deriding gods people sée Mat. 27.39 Ver. 8. Are the wordes of the wicked q.d. where is the God vpon which he stayed himselfe let him saue him i. deliuer him out of our handes seeing hée loueth him i. séeing God beareth a good wil towards him as hee sayth q.d. hée thinketh God loueth him but because he doeth not deliuer him he loueth him not at all Satan hath no dart more deadly then this when hee goeth about by himselfe and his instruments to spoile vs of the hope wee haue in god turning al gods promises into mockerie ver 9. But thou c.
God had ouer him and he ioyned the rod and staffe together because some shepheards vsed a rod and some a staffe but God vsed both q.d. the care that thou hast ouer mee which farre exceedeth the care of a most watchful and diligent shepheard causeth me that in the greatest dangers I neither doubt nor dispaire but am wōderfully comforted I make this difference betwéene rod and staffe that rod is put for some smal wandes wherwith shepheards vse to driue their shéepe and now then strike them and yet hurt them not and staffe is put for shepheards staffe that hath his hooke vpon it by which he catcheth and ruleth thē that sometimes would go astray ver 5. By table vnderstand al necessary things for norishment to be set vpon the table which is a vsual Metonymia by annointing his head with oile and the running ouer of his cup vnderstand abundance of al things not only seruing for necessity but pleasure he alludeth to the custome of those countries and times wherein he liued which was not only to vse oile for finenes cōlines sake as Mat. 6.17 2. Sam. 12.20 but also at feasts banquets as Luk. For which cause also they that mourned absteined from annointing with oile as 2. Sam. 14.2 Ver. 6. Doubtles this noteth the prophets great assurance of Gods goodnes kindenes and mercy vz. from God shall follow me i. be present with me and vpon mee a long season i. all the daies of my life as in this very verse before in the house of the Lorde i. in the place where the tabernacle is and God himselfe worshipped from which to be banished what a great griefe it was sée Psal 84.1.2 c. and yet this hindereth not but that it may be vnderstood also of eternal life Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth this that if we be rightly perswaded of gods goodnes prouidence we shal want nothing that is good méete for vs. ver 2. Sheweth that God is he alone that giueth vs rest plenty deliueraunce from daungers ver 3. Declareth first that God hath the issues of life and death in his owne hands secōdly that he is the author of al wel doing in vs and thirdly that he bestoweth these graces vpon vs for his owne mercies sake only ver 4. Assured faith and confidence in gods goodnes almightie prouidence surmounteth al the difficulties of this life whatsoeuer ver 5. God giueth vnto his cildren many times plenty of all thinges not only for necessity but also for pleasure Ver. 6. declareth that it is no presumption to be fully assured of the continuaunce of Gods grace and fauour towards vs it teacheth vs also what delight we should haue in the seruice of God Psalme 24. THis Psalme hath two principall partes Di. In the first the Prophet declareth that though all the people of the worlde bee vnder Gods gouernment yet those only whome hee frameth to goodnesse are his speciall and peculiar ones from verse 1. to the end of the 6. In the second parte he prepareth this people to submit themselues willingly to God and his holy ordinances from ver 7. to the end of the Psalme The Title is expounded before Ver. 1. Se. he declareth that God is Lord of al thinges whatsoeuer and yet notwithstanding God only hath chosen some certayn people to be particular vnto himself which noteth not only his vnspeakeable good will towards them but setteth out their obedience towardes him Ver. 2. Founded it vz. the earth or the world vpon the seas i. he hath placed it aboue them as may appeare Gen. 1.9 Exod. 20.4 and so must the latter part of this verse also be vnderstood by which meanes also the earth or world is become habitable Ver. 3. mountayne of the Lord i. Sion where the ark was and is called the the Lords mountayne because it pleased him there to dwel some vnderstand it of the mountayne Moriah in which the Temple was builded by Solomon and this is not amisse also in his holye place i. eyther the Court of the Tabernacle or the Temple when it was built but I rather encline to the first sence Ver. 4. innocent hands i. hands that haue not ben giuen to bloodshead or any hurt sée Isaiah 1.15 and a pure hart i. a hart purged from manifold corruptions by these markes he discerneth the true Israelites from false and counterfait sée Psal 12.2 hath not lift vp his minde i. hath not gaped after or attentiuely set his affection vpon it séemeth to bee a borrowed spéeche taken from such as lift vp their eyes that they may diligently beholde a thing sée Psal 123.1.2 vanitie i. vayne and vnprofitable thinges or else as it is also many times vsed in Scripture for wickednes and wicked thinges nor sworne deceitfully he meaneth eyther in respect of himself vz. not taking an oth without an vpright reuerent and sincere mind or else which I rather allow of in respect of others vz. to deceaue them as it were vnder pretēce and religion of an oth Ver. 5. Blessings put for a great and wonderful blessing for such a force the word séemeth to carry with it and righteousnesse some take it for mercy and so doth the Gréeke text reade it in this place I suppose that by righteousnes the holy Ghost meaneth in this place the fruit or reward of righteousnesse or else gods benefits and goodnesses by which the Lord proueth himselfe faythfull and righteous saluation this worde is taken here not only for deliueraunce from daungers as often times before but for eternal life also which God graciously bestoweth vpon those that are his ver 6. this is the generation i. those are the men and persons for generation is here taken for men that seeke him vz. with their harts and vnfaignedly that they may worship him séeke thy face i. haue an earnest desire to behold thy louing countenance this is Iaakob such kind of pepole are true Iaakob and true Israelits for Iaakob is not here put for the name of the Patriarch or for those only that discended of him according to the flesh but for those that followed his faith obedience ver 7. Lift vp your heads ye gates in this sence the Prophet speaketh to the gates of the place into which the ark should enter whether it were the temple or some other place it is not certayne but he biddeth the gates lift vp their heads meaning by heads the vppermost posts of the gates that went ouer from one side to the other he calleth these gates euerlasting dores not that they should or could continue for euer but for a long season meaning by the spéech the stabilitie of the place or temple wherinto the arke should be brought In doctrine the faythful are hereby admonished to prepare thēselues to receaue Christ that he may dwel in their harts by faith their bodies being the tēple of the holy spirit king of glory i. a most glorious and renowned king speaking it of
the Lord who shewed his glory and presence from betwéen the Cherubins in the arke ver 8. who is this c. the demaund or question of the faithful people the Lord strong and mightye this is an aunswere to the former question whereby for the strengthening of their faith they are admonished that God armed with inuincible power commeth to defend his people and to beat downe his enemies ver 10. The Lord of hostes i. he whom al hosts both heauenly and earthly do obay and therfore most strong mighty euen in battaile i. not only in warlike strength but in the very pinch and brunt of battaile Do. Ver. 1. describeth the largenesse of Gods gouernment so that nothing is exempted therfrom for though he speake only of the earth and thinges contayned therein yet he mindeth not to exclude the heauenly creatures Ver. 2. Setteth out Gods power and prouidence Ver. 3. Teacheth men to haue regarde to ioine themselues to his church in this life and to haue a speciall care of etexnal life Ver. 4 Teacheth the brideling of our hands the reformation of our harts the subduing of the vaine and wicked affections of our minds and to take héed that we abuse not an othe so that to sweare is not forbidden as the Anabaptists imagine but to sweare deceitfully and wrongfully ver 5. setteth out gods goodnes plentifully rewarding the holy indeuours of his children ver 6. Teacheth that care and zeale to worship God must be in his children ver 7.9 Teacheth men to be prepared to receaue the Lord when he commeth to them ver 8. and 10. is a particular description of Gods power and glory which serueth for comfort to his children because he will deliuer them and for terror to his enemies because he will punish them Psalme 25. IN this Psalme Di. the Prophets prayers are wonderfullye intermedled and therefore it canne be hardlye well diuided Sometimes he prayeth deliuerance frō his enimies shewing what fruit shall come thereby to him and others ver sometimes he prayeth the Lorde to instruct and teach him and others also in the right way shewing how God dealeth with his children ver and sometimes he confesseth his sinnes praying pardon for them and shutteth vp this Psalme with a prayer for the Church ver 7.11 18.22 The title is expounded before Ver. 1. My soule i. Se. hart and all that is within me his words shewing that in the outward he gaue himselfe to the Lordes seruice and this spéech proueth that his inward man was ioined therewith ver 2. Let me not be confounded vz. by receiuing a repulse at thy hands ver 3. mend thus yea let none that trust in thée be confounded and ioyne it to the former thus q.d. I pray not only for my self but for the rest of the faithfull that transgresse vz. against me in resisting my kingdom that without any cause on my behalf giuen them and so doth the Chaldee paraphrase expoūd it ver 4 shew me thy ways vz. by or in which thou wouldst haue me to walk meaning by waies the order of life which God himself prescribeth the same he meaneth by his paths as we haue had it before ver 5. Lead me forth vz. without daunger of mine enimies in thy truth i. as thou hast promised to shielde mee from them and teach me vz. the same thy truth teaching me to finde it and féele it by experience the God of my saluation i. such a one as I fynd a present helpe to saue me frō and in al dangers all the day i. continually with an vnwearied constancy Ver. 6. Remember thy tender mercies that I maye féele them now as thou hast shewed them always hertofore ver 7. The sins of my youth i. those that I did commit in my youth nor my rebellions vz agaynste thy maiestie euen for thy goodnesse sake q.d. though my sinnes deserue the withdrawing of thy fauor yet think vpon thy mercy and not vppon my iniquities ver 8. Gracious righteous i. merciful to penitent persons and vprighte in the execution of his iudgements Dauid vseth these termes to strike vp himself therby to praier sinners i. all one and other for none are without sin in the way or rather the way for so it is in the Hebrue text meaning a conuersation the God himselfe alloweth of for so it is ver 9. though al do not imbrace it ver 9. in iudgement i. with a thorow iudgement meaning therby aduisedly rightly it séemeth to be a metaphor taken from them that guide others shew thē the way ver 10. paths of the Lord sée ver 4. of this Psalm are mercy and truth i. are most mercifull faithful because that in thē God giueth testimony vnto thē of his mercy truth meaning by truth gods faithfulnesse in performing that which he promiseth his couenant his testimonies i. his Law which is called his couenaunt because that thereby God maketh a couenaunt or bargayne as it were with vs that we should kéepe his law for testimonies sée Psalme 19.7 Verse 11. For thy names sake i. for thy glory and mercies sake least otherwise by my iniquity thy glory might be called into question Verse 12. The way sée verse 4. of this Psalme Verse 13. His soule i. his whole man a part put for the whole Ver. 14. Secrete of the Lorde i. the law of the Lord which is called secret because we cannot vnderstande it of oure selues without light from him Ver. 15. Mine eyes vz. not of my body only but of my fayth and soule are euer toward the Lord i. are earnestly lifted vp and stedfastly fixed vpon him as Psalme 123. ver 1.2 my féete i. me my selfe a part for the whole out of the net i. out of the snares and daungers that myne enemies haue layde to catche me in Ver. 16. Turne thy face i. thy fauourable and louing countenaunce for I am desolate i. vtterlye destitute of helpe vnlesse thou helpe as Psal 22.11.20 and poore i. maruailously afflicted and so haue you this worde sundry times vsed in the Booke of Psalmes Ver. 17. The sorrowes of my harte i. The gréefes and sorrowes that touche and possesse of my harte are inlarged i. multiplied to a wonderfull numbers so that I am hardly able to thinke vpon them with my hart ver 19. with cruell hatred i. with hatred that will neuer be appeased but by committing some crueltye agaynst me ver 20. Soule put for whole man as ver 13. before in this Psalm ver 22. Israell put for the faithfull Israelites and Gods church as Psalme 14 7. Psal 125.5 Psal 131.3 Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that prayer must ve made to GOD onlye Verse 2. that seruice cannot bee performed but by trust in God ver 4. We are ignoraunt euen the best of vs in Gods worde till the Lorde lighten and teache vs. ver 5. We must continuallye hang vppon GOD by an assured fayth ver 6. Gods mercye is the onely
thing that the faythfull must cleaue vnto verse 7. Our sinnes must bée confessed and pardon thereof earnestly prayde for verse 8. God calleth all to repentaunce and amendment ver 9. In those in whome God beginneth good things he will go forward with them vnto the end ver 10. God is gracious and faythfull vnto those that walke in the obedience of his law ver 11. The greater our sinnes be the more néede we haue of mercye and to come to the Lord by prayer for the healing thereof ver 12. God will adde blessing vpon blessing and knowledge vpon knowledge to those that loue and feare him ver 13. Yea the Lord will heape all manner of temporall blessings vpon him ver 14. is the same which verse 12. ver 15. We must continuallye wayte vpon the Lord and be certainly assured that he will deliuer vs from danger ver 16. The more we are destitute of all worldly helpes the more néede haue we to come to the Lord and to learne to hang vpon him alone verse 18. Prayer for remission of all sinnes is commended vnto vs Sée Hosea 14.2 ver 22. We should faythfully remember in our Prayers the state of Gods Church Psalme 26. THis Psalme hath two principal partes In the first Di. he setteth out his innocency towards Saule declaring that he was so farre off from working wickednesse that he coulde not abyde wicked mens company from ver 1. to the end of the 5. In the second part he setteth out his loue to Gods workes word promising thanks for Gods goodnes towards him from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Ver. 1. Se. Iudge me i. take knowledge of my cause and declare thy selfe to be my defender agaynst the slaunders of mine enimies in mine innocency i. innocently and without doing hurt vz. to Saule or these my enimies that pursue me without cause as Psal 7.5 Psal 15.3 not slide vz. from that stedfast hope that I haue that God will defend me and my iust cause Ver. 2. Proue me vz. to know my innocency and that I am vniustly accused q.d. I desired thée before to be my iudge and now I willinglye offer the same and trie me vz. whether there be any malice in me towards Saule sée Psal 7.8 Psal 17.3 examine vz. euen as goldsmiths doe their moste fine Golde for it is a metaphor taken from them my reines and my hart i. my inward affections and thoughts as Psal 7.9 Ver. 3. Mine eyes vz. of my minde and soule haue I walked in thy truth i. lead such a conuersation as thy truth requireth meaning by truth Gods word because it alone comprehēdeth all truth Ver. 4. with vayne persons i. wicked and vngodly men whiche is a good place also to proue vanity to be taken sometimes for wickednesse as before Psal 24.4 Ver. 5. of the euill vz. men meaning such as accustome themselues to worke euill and to hurt others ver 6. I will wash my handes in innocency i. I will indeuour to liue most vprightly and purelye towardes thée and before men sée Iob. 9.30 and compasse thine altar i. offer aboundāce of sacrifices vnto thée giuing here two excellent testimonies of his vprighte dealing one good behauiour towards men and the other sincere seruice of God ver 7. that I may declare vz. thy goodnesse towards me and my obedience towards thée ver 8. The habitation of thy house i. euen the very place where thy arke resteth which séemeth to be as it were thy house because of thy continuall abode and presence there meaning that if he loued the place so wel he loued the people and the exercises better and the Lord best of all and the place where thy honor dwelleth this is nothing but a repetition of that which goeth before meaning by Gods honour his arke before which he was honoured vnlesse we would expound it thus that we should by place vnderstand the Arke and by honor Gods maiestie and honour manifested there ver 9. gather not my soule with the sinners i. when thou punishest the vngodly destroy not me with them vnderstanding by sinners notorious sinners as before psa 1.5 with the bloody men i. them that giue themselues to crueltie murther bloodshed sée Psal 5.6 Ver. 10. In whose handes is wickednesse q.d. whatsoeuer they doe is wickednesse and their right hand is full of bribes i. they are most ready for the right hande is commonlye more nimble then the other for their owne gayne sake by bribery or otherwise to commit all naughtinesse ver 11. I will walke i. behaue my selfe in my innocency i. innocentlye without hurt sée ver 1. of this Psalme redéeme me vz. from those slaunderous spéeches and dangers that I séeme subiect vnto ver 12. amend thus my foote standing vpon playne ground i. when I shall be brought to a more sure safe condition for in plaine ground there is sure footing in the congregations vz. of thy people and saints assembled to praise thée Do. Ver. 1. Whosoeuer trusteth in the Lord shal not be confounded ver 3. Gods goodnesse toward vs should restrain vs from doing euil to others ver 4.5 Euil company is perilous and therefore would be auoyded as Psal 1.1 Ver. 6. Good dealing towards men and zealous seruice of God must continuallye bée professed practised by his children ver 8. The place where God is serued and the exexcises of his religion must be carefully frequēted ver 9. It is a good way to shun the punishments which light vpon the vngodly to auoyde their company and naughtinesse ver 10. is a liuely description of the peruersenesse and naughtines of vngodly people ver 12. instructeth vs to bee thankfull to God and that openly before men for his benefits bestowed vpon vs. Psalme 27. Di. THis Psalme hath two special parts In the first part the Prophet setteth out the strong fayth and confidence that hée had in God assuring himselfe that God would deliuer him out of all his dangers from ver 1. to the end of the sixt In the second part he prayeth the Lord still to shewe himselfe fauourable and gracious vnto him in deliuering him frō the force and power of all his enemies from verse 7. to the end of the Psalme Se. The Title is expounded already Ver. 1. my light i. he from whome alone I haue in al things good successe and felicity and my saluation i. hee that deliuereth me from al daungers vsing light and saluation the things themselues for deliuerance from afflictions which in the scriptures are many times ment by darknes and al sorts of dangers whom shal I feare q.d. none for by such interrogations the Hebrues doe wonderfully deny the strength of my life i. the vpholder maintainer therof bringing good things to it and putting euil things back frō it for that is the vse of strength in the body ver 2. Came vpon me vz. with violent cruel minds to eat vp my flesh i. most
latter for mine own part doe I incline in his temple i. in the place wher he is publikely serued doth euery man vz. of his faithful seruants speake of his glory vz. by beholding his excellency in these his workes though the vngodly wil not acknowledge the same ver 10. The Lord sitteth i. heareth sway and exerciseth a gouernment vpon the flood the singular number for the plurall meaning by floods all waters eyther in the firmament or vnder the earth King i. Ruler and gouernour ouer all things whatsoeuer ver 11. Giue strength i. indue them with might and strength to defend thēselues and to annoy their enemies blesse his people with peace i. giue them plentifull and prosperous succes in al things Out of ver 1. we learne that great men ought to worship the Lord Do. that in the glorious sanctuarie i. in the publique places of Gods assemblies yea the more great they are the more forward they should be in this because their examples may very much preuayle Out of ver 3. so forth to the 9 we learne to feare God in his workes iudgements for if his creatures as the thunder c. are so ful of power what is his own maiesty and being ver 9. It appertayneth to his children publikely to set forth his prayses ver 10. Setteth out gods eternall prouidence and continual gouernment ver 11. Containeth two things vz. a promise of plentifull blessings vnto Gods people it sheweth also further the fountayne from whence these good things flow vz. God and his goodnesse Psalme 30. IN the first part of this Psalm the Prophet not only promiseth that he himselfe wil be thankful to the Lord Di. for benefites receaued but also exhorteth other men to do the like from ver 1. the end of the 5. In the second he sheweth how sodayne the fal is from prosperitie to aduersitie beseeching the Lord graciously to prolong his daies promising for that and other graces harty thankes from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme The title is Se. a Psalme or song of Dauid i. which Dauid did sing at the dedication of his house vz. vnto the Lord i. to holines acceptable agréeable vnto the Lord for before it had ben defiled with Absalon his wickednes as appeareth 2. Sam. 16.22 thus doe some expound it but I rather take it to be made at the dedication of the house of Ceder which he made for it was a custome prescribed by law as appeareth Deut. 20.5 that at the setting vp of new houses this order of dedication should be obserued in whiche thankfulnesse as it should séeme was yéelded to the Lord for the worke finished praier made for the cōtinuance of his goodnes ver 1. magnifie thée i. greatly praise thée exalted me i. lifted me vp set me frée frō wonderful daungers and deaths dore as it were It is a metaphor taken from them that fell into some pit or ditche and were drawne out againe Ver. 2. I cried vnto thée and thou c. q.d. So soone as I prayed thou graciously didst graunt my request restored mee vz. to my kingdome and state after some but I rather take it to health soundnesse after some great sicknesse that he had ver 3. My soule i. Me and my life who were at the graues brinke thou hast reuiued me from thē that goe down into the pit q.d. I was euen almost with them that are buried but yet thou graciously broughtst me frō their company restoredst me to life Pit is put here for the graue as psal 28.1 ver 4. Before or as Immanuel readeth at the remembrance i. when you doe remember his holines goodnes towards you for the Lord maketh himself to be had in remembrance by his works and sheweth himself praise worthy in the same therfore the Prophet woulde haue the remembrance of his holines i. of al his goodnesse bestowed vpon his childrē putting one excellent thing in god for all the rest to bee continual amongest his faythfull people ver 5. For he i. God but a while in his anger i. his anger and wrath towards his is very short but in his fauor is life i. not only lēgth of dayes here in this life but all other good things whatsoeuer maye abyde vz. with his seruaunts and children and this is an exposition of that whiche went before vz. that his wrath was and is very shorte to those that are his ver 6. In my prosperity i. when I had al things according to my minde in mine own iudgemēt séemed out of dāger I sayd i. I thought in my harte as Psal 14.1 for it is not likely that Dauid would speake these wordes with his tongue neuer be moued vz. from this prosperous state ver 7. my mountain to stād strong i. thou establishest my kingly authority by thy power madest it to stand in my iudgement as stedfast as a mountaine hidest thy face i. withdrawest thy fauor and presence I was troubled i. so soone as I perceaued it I was in maruailous anguish affection of spirit ver 8. Then i. when I was thus troubled and afflicted ver 9. In my blood i. in my life eyther alredy past or to come go down to the pit i. die and be burried sée ver 3. of this Psalme shall the dust i. man dissolued into dust sée Psal 6.5 thy truth i. thy faithfulnes and stedfastnes which thou vsest in performing thy promises ver 11. thou hast turned vz. after praier made vnto thy maiesty my sack i. sackcloth which was a signe of mourning and heauinesse putting it for heauinesse and sorrow girded me with gladnes i. compassed me in on euery side with it sée the lyke phrase Psal 18.32 meaning that he had abundance of ioy Do. Ver. 1. God is to be praised for the defence of his seruaunts the cōfusion of his foes ver 2 the Lord is nigh to the harty praiers of his seruāts ver 3. whē we are in greatest distres thē doth god most mercifully deliuer that all the glory may be giuen to him ver 4. we must prouoke others to praise god for his goodnes ver 5. containeth a difference betwéen gods wrath mercy that euen in respect of him ver 6 Men in prosperity may easily he deceaued and puffed vp in hope of assurance aboue measure ver 7. withdrawing of Gods fauour for a while maketh vs sée our wretchednes misery ver 9. Desire of life vpon earth must be referred to the aduancement of Gods glory vpon the same or else it is not right Ver. 10. in distresse we must flée to the Lord for succour only ver 11. God graciously heareth the prayers of his seruaunts and deliuereth them from all their gréefes ver 12. teacheth that we ought to be continually thankefull to God for his mercies Psalme 31. THis Psalme hath thrée principall partes Di. First he sheweth his stedfast trust in the Lord desiring the Lord in mercy to deliuer him from
thrée partes Di. In the first the Prophet describeth the maliciousnes dissēbling cursed speach and other great wickednes of the vngodly from Ver. 1. to the ende of the 4. In the second he setteth out Gods great mercy and goodnes towards all but chiefely towards his children that from ver 5. to the end of the 9. In the third hee prayeth for the continuance of Gods goodnes towards his children and the ouerthrow of the wicked foretelling their destruction from Ver. 10. to the end of the Psalm The title is expounded before Psal 4. and Psal 18. Ver. 1. Se. Wickednes i. that heape of wickednes which the vngodly man committeth saith to the wicked man i. telleth him and others as wel as him euen in my heart i. my hart and confidence also bearing me record of this and this would be read by a parenthisis that there is no feare of God before his eies i. that hee feareth not the Lord in any thing he doth q.d. by the wickednesses which the vngodly cōmit I iudge verely that hee hath not any feare of God at all and that though sometimes he labour to come and disguise his vngodlines yet I sée it so plainly that me thinketh I heare it speake Ver. 2. For he flattereth himselfe i. alloweth and liketh yea praiseth himselfe in his own eies i. in his owne iudgement or else in the things that he doth vsing the eies which serue as directors in the performance of thinges for thinges performed in both these senses you haue the word eies vsed sundry times in scripture While i. whereas in the meane season worthy to be hated vz. for the greatnes and notoriousnes therof Ver. 3. Are iniquity and deceit i. instruments and meanes to performe iniquity and deceite hee hath left off to vnderstand i. hee burieth that light of knowledge and iudgment that he hath and to do good i. he ceaseth from doing of such good things as before in hypocrisie he performed Ver. 4. He imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed i. he is so sharp set vppon wickednes that hee spareth not to breake his sléepe to deuise of it He setteth himselfe vz. both in his counsel and practise q.d. he indeuoureth by all the meanes he can to do euil yea though it be neuer so notorious Vpon a way i. vpon a course of life and practises in the same Ver. 5. He hursteth forth into the commendation of gods goodnes faithfulnes righteousnes and iudgments which he commendeth for the excellency depth infinitnes and vprightnes thereof that notwithstanding all thinges were so disordered amongst the wicked as hee had before reiected yet still God remained alwaies like to himselfe Thy mercy i. the goodnes kindnes that thou shewest to all reacheth vnto the heauens i. is as high as the heauens so that if the vngodly would think they could stop it from others it is no more possible for them then to reach to the heauens and thy faithfulnes vz. which thou vsest in performing thy promises vnto the cloudes expound this vnto the heauens as in the first part of this verse Ver. 6. Thy righteousnes vz. which thou exercisest towards al both good and bad giuing vnto euery man that which is due vnto them is like the mighty mountaines i. stable firme cannot be altered or else thus is excellent and praise worthy as all things that come from thée are Thy iudgements vz. which thou executest vpon all the earth and namely vppon the vngodly route is like a great déepe i. are vnsearchable and beyond the reach and compas of mans wit as a depth without bottome can not be found sée Rom. 11.33 Doest saue i. thou stretchest out thy prouidence not onely ouer men but ouer beasts and doest deliuer them al in dangers distresses sée 1. Tim. 4.10 Ver. 7. Children of men i. men and their race or posterity Trust vnder the shadow of thy wings vz. to find comfort ease and reliefe by shadow of Gods wings he vnderstandeth Gods protection and defence alluding as it shoulde séeme to yong chickens that when the kyte houereth ouer them commit themselues to the defence of the hens wings by shrowding themselues vnder them sée Psal 17.8 Ver. 8. They i. the godly with the fatnesse i. the plentye and abundaunce of thine house i. of thy tabernacle he putteth one benefite which was a most euident signe of Gods fauor for all his blessings meaning that they should be filled with the abundance of al good things that were reserued did appertaine to gods children that did hang wholy vpon him out of the riuer of thy pleasures i. out of those pleasures which come most plentifully from thée as from a riuer that neuer will be dry all this verse is allegorical vnderstanding by satisfiyng fatnes drinking pleasures and such like abundance of al graces both bodily and spiritual Ver. 9. With thée i. in thy power so that also thou doest cōmunicate it vnto others and yet hast not the lesse thy sefe The well of life i. ful and perfection of life so that wee sée that without him there is nothing but death and he speaketh not here only of naturall life but also of a spiritual life and eternal life else where in thy light vz. which thou bestowest vppon vs of knowledge and vnderstanding shal we sée light men then are altogether blind if they be not lightned by this light Ver. 10. Know thée vz. by the light of thy word and the assured testimony of thy spirit vpright in heart sée Psal 32.11 Ver. 11. Féete of pride i. the power and force of proude men who are wont to tread al vnder their féete in contempt putting a part of a man for the whole and pride it selfe being a quality for a proud person come against me i. preuaile ouer me the hand i. the power force moue me vz. from that stayednes and stedfastnes that I haue in thée Ver. 12. Shal not be able to rise vz. for al their force and power by which speach also he noteth that their fall shall be without al hope of recouery Ver. 1. Do. Wickednes performed thrusteth men forwarde from one wickednes to another euen to shake off al feare of God it is therefore good to withstand the beginnings of euil Ver. 2. Vngodly mē flatter themselues in their sin and the things that they do calling good euil euil good also it teacheth that we should hate sinne in our selues and others Ver. 9. The vngodly are full of hipocrisie they darken the light of knowledge that they haue and are straungers from weldoings Ver. 4. The vngodly spare no paine to performe wickednes Ver. 5.6.7 Teach that it shal be good for vs often to meditate vppon his mercy to keepe vs from dispaire vpon his faithfulnes to strengthen our hope and faith in him vpō his righteousnes to prouoke vs to weldoing vpō his iudgemēts to discourage vs from euil Ver. 6. Teacheth vs to bridle our curiosity séeing Gods iudgments are
euill wordes vttered against vs and not to be redy to reproue euery thing spoken against vs. ver 15 In GOD alone must we trust in al distresses ver 16. Our praiers to GOD must be effects of our hope also the sliding of the Godly openeth the mouth of the wicked and therefore we haue néede to pray that we may stand ver 17. It is good to féele our own infirmities but withall to haue recourse to GOD for strength to stande verse 18.19 Declare that the more paine Gods children are in the more doe the wicked insult and grow vp in might and number Verse 20. It is no new thing that Gods children receiue euill for good also that the enemies hate them not for euill but for goodnesse sake Verse 21.22 Praier to God and to him alone in the time of all our distresses is highly commended vnto vs. Psalme 39. Di. THis Psalme may be deuided into two partes In the firste the Prophet sheweth how that after a long debating in himselfe whether he shoulde bée silent or no he burst out into prayer describing the vanity and shortnesse of mans life whiche being well considered maketh him to confesse that hee trusteth only in the Lorde from verse 1. to the ende of the seuenth In the second he prayeth deliueraunce from sinne and from those punishmentes which were layde vpon him for sinne desiring the Lorde to cease from wrath and graciously to heare his prayer from verse 8. to the ende of the Psalme Se. The title to the excellent Musitian Ieduthun This is the name of one who for his skill was preferred before the rest of his stocke and familie Sée 1. Chron. 16.41 also chap. 25.3 but yet he so nameth the chéefe man that vnder the same he meaneth also those excellent Musitions that were of his stocke and race Verse 1. I thoughte vz. in my selfe thus to my wayes i. to the whole order and course of my life and namelye that I sinne not with my tongue vz. in vttering ill spéeches vsing the tongue which is an instrumente of spéeche for wordes or spéeche vttered thereby my mouth brideled or mufled it is a metaphor taken from wilde beasts into whose mouthes or ouer whose mouthes something is put least they should hurt sée Psalme 32.9 while i. so long as the wicked is in my sight i. it pleaseth God by wicked men to exercise me least if I should speake any thing awry they being presente they should take occasion therby to speake euill ver 2. I was dum vz. for the time as Psalme 38.13 or as a dumme man q.d. I did not otherwise hold my tongue then if I had bene dumme euen from God vz. words or matter the Prophet meaneth that though he had a iust defence and an honest cause to complayne yet he put it all vp in silence and bare it patiently as you may sée one particular 2. Samuel 16.5 c. and my sorrow was more stirred vz. by my silence discoursing and dilating with my selfe whether I were best to speake meaning that by that meanes his gréefe was increased others reade it thus when my sorrowe waxed rawe i. was not onely not healed but by reason of newe calamities waxed more vehemente the sence commeth all to one though the wordes somewhat differ Verse 3. By heate of harte and fyre kindled the Prophet meaneth not onlye the greatnesse of his gréefe as they that are gréeuouslye sicke féele greate force and power of heate but he meaneth also some motions that hée had to impatiencye and fretting to whiche fault they are very muche subiecte that are hote and giuen to heate Verse 4. Myne ende i. the tyme of his ende meaning the time wherein hée shoulde dye of my dayes vz. whiche I haue to liue What it is i. Howe long for by seuerall wordes in this verse the Prophet meaneth all one thing vz to knowe howe long he should liue in this World q.d. Séeing thou handlest mée so sharpely let mée at the least knowe howe long I haue yet to liue and indure this payne But this prayer was not good because he required to know that whiche the Lorde had kepte close in his owne counsell Verse 5. My dayes i. the dayes of my lyfe as an hande breadth i. very short as a measure of foure fingers broade yea myne age i. the tyme of my life as nothing vnderstande is or else thou hast made it as nothing in respecte of thée i. if it be compared with thée that arte altogether eternall in whose sight a thousand yeares are but as one daye sée Psalme 90.4 2. Peter 3.8 in his best state i. that hée eyther canne bée in or imagine himselfe to bée in touching this life altogether vanitie i. nothing else but vayne brittle and transitorye Verse 6. Man i. hée and his whole life walketh in a shadowe i. hath his conuersation in this life quicklye to passe awaye as a shadowe doeth meaning that there is nothing founde in mans life certayne and that hée hath nothing but a vayne shewe disquieteth himselfe vz. by heaping and getting vp goods in vayne i. without cause the reason followeth in this verse because he knoweth not who shall be his heire shall gather or rather receaue them vz. from him when hée shall departe from them Verse 7. And nowe q.d. Séeing that all men are so vayne whome shoulde I trust in or whome doe I hope in but in thée alone Verse 8. A rebuke vz. by suffering myne afflictions to preuayle vppon mée vnto the Foolishe i. Wicked men as Psalme 14.1 Verse 9. I shoulde haue bene or make c. q.d. In stéede of reasoning disputing the matter with thée as ver 4. I should haue bin silent towards thée as I was towards others ver 2. of this Psal because thou diddest it This is a reason why hee shoulde haue borne his afflictions patientle ver 10. Thy plague i. the punishmente and scourge that thou hast layde vpon me consumed i. as it were brought to nothing by the stroke of thine hand i. by the punishment and affliction which by thy power thou hast striken me withall Ver. 11. With rebukes i. plagues and punishments procéeding from thy wrath which are called rebukes because that the Lord by them doth as it were rebuke them for their euill for iniquitie vz. committed eyther directly or indirectly against thy maiesty and by these termes he meaneth not only sinne but a iust and full punishment such as sinne deserueth as a Moth these wordes may haue a double sence eyther that God shoulde consume the wicked as mothes doe precious garments which best agréeth with this translation or else that the beautie of all other excellent thinges in the vngodlye should be destroyed thorow Gods iudgements as Mothes in killing of whom there néedeth no great strength as Iob 4.19 and this agréeth with Immanuel who turneth this verse far otherwise Ver. 12. At my teares q.d. Let my teares mingled with my prayers moue thée to pitie me for I am
a straunger another reason brought to moue God to mercy taken from his miserable estate sée 1. Chron. 29.5 Psal 119.19 where you shall haue almost the same wordes as all my Fathers he meaneth of the faythfull and godly The sence of this verse is q.d. Hearken O Lord vnto my prayers by which I pray thée that I may be deliuered from this great gréefe wherein I am I aske this at thy hands not that I am very desirous of this life but because I féele my selfe vnable of my selfe to abide such torments for I am with thée or before thée or thou being witnesse of the matter a straunger on the earth neither doe I acknowledge my countrie to be here wherein I follow my Fathers Abraham Isaac Iaakob c. who because they tended towards thée were not taken with this Worlde wherein they were conuersant but vsed themselues as straungers in another countrie hauing alwayes a minde to their home Ver. 13. From me i. from plaguing me so gréeuously my strength vz. decayed and as it were consumed thorow gréefe and vexation before I go hence vz. out of this world meaning before I dye and be not vz. aliue here on the earth amongst men Do. Ver. 1. It is good to striue to the brideling of our spéech speciallye in the presence of the wicked who will insult ouer vs if we slippe in our wordes Ver. 2. It is a hard matter to abstaine from extremities for if we are not too muche giuen to babling we be ouerflow tongued to good thinges Ver. 3. Impaciencye must be fought vgainst ver 4. Curiositie striuing to know that which doth not appertain to vs must be brideled ver 5.6 Describe the vanity shortnes of mans life and the vncertainty of his actions ver 7. God only is to be trusted vnto Ver. 8. Prayer for deliueraunce from sinne punishments due thereto would be often made Ver. 9. We should be well content with whatsoeuer God doeth Ver. 10. We are not able to indure the least of Gods punishments ver 11. Setteth out two things Gods iustice in correcting and mans sinne that pulleth correction and punishment from God Ver. 12. God in tyme of greatest affliction must be most earnestly and hartily called vpon Ver 13. If God with-holde not his wrath we shall all be consumed for our sinnes Psalme 40. THis Psalme may be deuided into thrée parts Di. In the first the Prophet declareth what great mercies the Lord had shewed to him and what he will doe for them that trust in him from verse 1. to the end of the fourth In the second he sheweth the infinitenesse of Gods workes and his owne readinesse to serue the Lorde shewing howe he had published Gods goodnes and mercy from ver 5. to the end of the tenth In the third part he prayeth for his owne deliueraunce wishing also as the ouerthrow of the vngodly so the prosperity of the good and faithful ones from ver 11. to the end of the Chapter The title is expounded before ver 1. For the Lord i. for him Se. and for help frō him inclined to me i. shewed himself fauourable as they do that bow towards one Ver. 2. Horrible pit i. pit full of feare and horror meaning by that spéech most fearefull and great daungers mirie clay by these wordes he noteth both the greatnesse of his daunger and the continuance therein by the name claye which is both weighty and also wil cleaue fast to sée Psalme 69.2 Set my féete vpon the Rock i. hath placed me where I may be safe from al iniurie meaning a most safe place ordered my goings vz. in such sorte that I am sure from stumbling or falling Verse 3. Hath put into my mouth i. hath giuen mee an occasion a new song of praise i. newly to sing a song of praise vnto him or take new song for a singular and exquisite song sée Psalme 33.3 Many shall sée it i. many shall know the benefites that God hath bestowed on me and feare vz. God the giuer thereof Ver. 4. Maketh the Lord his trust i. that trusteth in him regardeth not i. maketh little or no account of sée Psalme 15.4 as thorow their force to be brought to feare them more then God the proude vz. those that boast themselues of the things they haue turne aside vz. from the truth to lies i. lying imaginations as before Psalme 4.2 Verse 5. He ascrybeth to Gods workes not only wonderfulnes but innumerablenesse in respecte of man count in order no nor yet out of order because they are incomprehensible and infinit to thée vz. or before thée that art the only dealer therein thy thoughts this the Prophet attributeth to God that thereby he might the more easily set out Gods wonderfull affection and loue towardes vs and ouer vs. Ver. 6. Sacrifice and offring betwéene these two words I make this difference that Sacrifice respecteth sinne offrings and the other voluntarye and fréewill offrings meaning by these two all other kinds whatsoeuer thou diddest not desire vz. in respect of obedience as 1. Samuel 15.22 for otherwise God regardeth them as parts and péeces of his seruice which he himselfe prescribed but when hipocrites by cold ceremonies would thinke to appease god without true godlinesse then doth the Lord reiect them as Psalme 50.8.9 c. for mine eares hast thou prepared or as Immanuel readeth hast thou boare● through If you take the Geneua Text there the note is good if you followe Immanuel then he meaneth acceptation and taking of him to be his faithfull seruaunt this is applyed to Christ Heb. 10.5 Verse 7. Then sayde I lo I come vz. readilye and willingly when I vnderstoode thy will in the roales of thy booke i. in the law and this he speaketh according to the Iewes both in time heretofore and at this day who writ in parchment or paper and afterwardes role them vp because they will longer last roaled then folded written of mee i. concerning mée Verse 8. Thy Lawe is within my harte i. I doe earnestlye and from the bottome of my hart reuerence imbrace and loue thy lawe sée Philip. 1.8 Verse 9. Thy righteousnesse i. howe iust and good thou art in the performaunce of thy promises Refrayne my lippes vz. from declaring that O Lord thou knowest vz. that this is true that I speake and that I vtter it from my hart Verse 10. Is verye well expounded in the Geneua note Verse 11. He beséecheth the Lord to shewe his mercye and truth towards him and to make him by effects to féele the same Verse 12. Conteyneth a reason why the Lord should shew him mercy because hee is in suche great affliction haue compassed mée vz. on euery side within and without my sinnes i. both my sinnes and the punishmentes that lye vppon mée for the same sée Psalme 32.4 Psalme and hée meaneth by that whiche followeth that they pressed him so downe that hée was not able to lift vp his heade or as a man
vz appoynted or made readie for the slaughter Verse 23. Vp why sléepest thou in these verses following they praye God to haue pitie vpon them and to giue them succoure when God for a time giueth vs ouer to the lust of the wicked hee séemeth to sléepe as it were not that hée doth so as appeareth Psalme 121.4 but it is spoken of God after the maner of men Ver. 24. Thy face as those are wont to do that loath to behold any in great calamitie and affliction and by face he meaneth fauour and goodnesse forgettest i. makest as though thou hadst no care or regarde of our miserie and affliction and of vs that are oppressed therewith Ver. 25. For our soule i. the whole man but chéefely the life is beaten downe vnto the dust i. is in wonderfull daunger and almost past hope of recouery as they are that are returning into dust out of which they were taken our bellye cleaueth vnto the ground vz. like those that are ouerthrowne by their enimies in fight and are so cast down flat euen vppon their faces that there is no hope as it were of their rising againe because they séeme to be as a man would say glued to the earth Ver. 26. For our succour i. to helpe and succour vs and redéeme vs vz. from the bondage and captiuity wherein we are Ver. 1. It is good for Ancestors to declare to their posterity and for the posterity to marke Gods works diligently declared vnto them shewing out either his power or his mercy Ver. 2. Declareth that God is al in all either in the ouerthrow of his enemies or in the vpholding of his children Ver. 3. It is not any worldly force or meanes though they may be vsed but yet without trust in them but God alone that performeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 4. Wée must pray for the Church Ver. 5. Gods power is the Buckler that the faythful haue to trust to for their owne defence for the discomfiture of their enimies Ver. 6. Trust must not be reposed in any outward thing Verse 7. God alone is the worker of our deliueraunces Ver. 8. And he onely must bee praysed therefore and that continually Ver. 9. God many times leaueth his children for a while to the end that he may come to them agayne in greater mercye also if God guide not the armie all is nothing Ver. 10. Fainthartednesse on the one side and courage and stomacke on the other side is from God Ver. tende all to one end vz. to set out the poore and miserable estate wherein Gods people are many times Ver. 15.16 Teacheth vs that it is no small gréefe to Gods children to heare the wordes and to sée and féele the déedes of the vngodly Ver. 17. teacheth that though there be sinne in Gods children why they should be punished yet God doeth not alwayes punishe them for their sinne Ver. 18. and 19. Teache vs that no affliction should make vs shrinke or fall away from God but rather that our afflictions should draw vs more nigh vnto him Ver. 20.21 Teach that we should not haue recourse for succour to any but to God alone If we doe that God beholdeth that and all other our wickednes in good time to punish it Ver. 22. It is good to suffer for wel doing Ver 23.24 Teach vs not only to pray to God in our miseries but to be earnest with him not to leaue off til we haue obtained Ver. 25. Sheweth that the more our miseries are the more néede we haue to repaire to God yea euen then when they séeme to be past hope of recouery Ver. 26. In our prayers we must only looke vpon Gods mercy and nothing at all in our selues Psalme 45. Di. THis Psalme maye be deuided into two especiall partes In the first is set out the beautye strength glorye power Iustice magnificence and mariage of Salomon from Verse 1. to the ende of the ninth In the seconde is contained an admonition to Salomons wife with great promises to bée performed if she kéepe the matters propounded to her from verse 10. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title is to him that excelleth this is expounded before on Shoshannim whiche was an Instrument amongest the Iewes and had sixe stringes vpon it for the worde is deriued from another Hebrue worde which signifyeth sixe as Kimcho sheweth a Song of loue this is well expounded in the Geneua Bible all that followeth in the Title is expounded before Psal 32. and Psal 42 This one thing I woulde haue noted though Dauids name bee not here expressed yet it is very likely that hee was the Author thereof In déede it is not put downe before many Psalmes and namely Psal 2. and Psal 66. and yet the holy ghost Acts. 4.25 ascribeth it to Dauid Ver. 1. Wil vtter forth vz. by the instrument of my tongue and penne A good matter i. an excellent and profitable thing excellent in respect of the party whom it treateth of and profitable in regard of the people whom he shall rule ouer in my works i. in these verses following which he calleth woorkes in the plurall number not for the greatnes but for the exquisitnes of them My tongue is as the pen of a swift writer he meaneth that his tongue shal be most swift q.d. I wil most readily vtter these things that I haue in my mind and my tongue shall no lesse readily expresse the prayses of the king then hee that is most skilfull in writing writeth with a pen. Ver. 2. Thou art fairer here he beginneth to praise Salomon and in these wordes hee praiseth him for his beautie and comlinesse which he sayth was more excellent in him then in any other person whatsoeuer for so much he meaneth by children of men grace i. words that obteine grace and fauour from men is powred in thy lippes i. is plentifull and as it were ouerflowing in thy mouth and in these wordes he commendeth his eloquence blessed thée vz. with abundance of excellent giftes for euer this must be vnderstood of Salomon but it must haue his true verification in Christ and that that I put down here must be vnderstood throughout the whole Psalm Ver. 3 gird thy sword i. take vnto thée thy authority hee putteth the signe of authority as the Apostle also doth Rom. 13. for authority it selfe for kings obteine great praise if they rightly vse the sword and when hee sayth vpon thy thigh hée alludeth to the fashion that was common among the Iewes then and is at this day vsed among the Turkes who hang their swoordes so that it lyeth vpon the thigh and hangeth not on the side as ours doe which thing also we our selues performe though not in swordes yet in skeanes hangers wood-kniues c. To wit thy worship and thy glory here hee more plainely sheweth what hee ment by swoord vz. his great and excellent authority which hee should make more famous by vsing it well Ver. 4. Amende
that contrary to the knowledge and truth that God had manifested vnto him he had cōmitted gros iniquities Ver. 7. Purge me with Hysop no doubt hee alludeth to the ceremonies purifications of the law among which Hisope was greatly vsed as Leuit. 14.6.7 Leuit. 19.18 yet so that he would haue the truth also signifyed by these outward things and he putteth purging and Hisope and washing which were outward parts of the legal puristings for a thorow whole cleansing as ver 2. and I shall be cleane q.d. otherwise I cannot bee cleane vnlesse thou O Lord performe it indéede whiter then snow Sée Isaiah 1.16.18 for the vnderstanding of this Verse Verse 8. Make me to heare i. eyther to féele one sence being put for another a thing vsuall in Scripture or else by some one of thy Prophets or other make me to know my sinnes to bée forgiuen as Nathan pronounced the same vnto him 2. Samuel 12.13 ioye and gladnesse i. that comfortable and ioyfull message touching the frée and full pardon of my sinnes that maye make me ioyfull and glad indéede that the bones i. I my selfe both body and soule he putteth a part for the whole which thou hast broken vz. by the horror of thy gréeuous iudgementes agaynste mee for my sinne sée Psalme 38.3 may reioyce i. haue matter of reioycing ministred vnto them and performe that ioy indéede whilst that they inioye their former féelings Verse 9. Hide thy face from my sinnes i. bury them as it were in perpetuall forgetfulnesse for we doe not easily forget those things that be continually in our sight put away sée before verse 1. of this Psalme all mine iniquities one and other for so long as any sinne presseth vs the conscience can hardly be quiet Verse 10. Create in me a cleane hart he prayeth because the heart is the seat of the affections and naturallye it is inclyned to all filthinesse euery day sée Matth. 15.19 Gen. 6.5 Gen. 8.21 That God woulde reforme it taking away that filthinesse and planting goodnesse in it which he calleth creation a right spirite i. a minde frée from all hipocrisie and abhorring crooked wayes some read a stedfast spirite meaning a spirite and mynde so well stayed as might not in tyme afterward be remoued from his obedience Ver. 11. Cast me not awaye from thy presence hee vseth here a metaphor taken from Kings who will not vouchsafe such to beholde them as they hate or lyke not of thy holy spirite i. the effectes and workes of thy holy spirite for neyther doth the spirite substantiallye dwell in men as some haue dreamed neyther is the pledge of the spirite so taken awaye as some haue imagined though it be hidden sometimes vnder the ashes of corruption Verse 12. Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation i. make me to féele agayne that vnspeakeable comfort of saluation that I was wont to feere so that it séemeth that Dauid was almost at the dore of dispayre with the féeling of his sinnes the iudgements of God agaynst him for the same establish me i. make me strong and stedfast with thy frée spirite the spirite of God is called frée in diuers respects as because it is Gods effectuall instrument to set vs frée from the bondage of sinne for where the spirite of the Lord is there is fréedome 2. Corinthians 3.17 because also thereby god worketh in vs fréenesse and readinesse to the doing of those thinges which he commaundeth and lastly because it maketh vs fréelye and boldly to professe that we are Gods children as Rom. 8.15.16 some reade principall or princelike spirite meaning thereby a moste excellent spirit suche as Kings and Princes haue néede of that they may know how to guide them selues in their offices Verse 13. Thy wayes i. thy mercies louing kindnes which are called Gods wayes because he alwayes sheweth them to true penitent sinners q.d. If thou wilt pardon me my sinnes I will be thy instrumente to teach thē that shall come to the like féeling of their transgressiōs thy wonderfull mercy and goodnesse and sinners shall be vz. by that meanes conuerted vnto thée vz. from whom they haue gone astray he meaneth that hee will take paynes to winne men to god but that the profit thereof shall redounde to gods owne glory Verse 14. From blood he meaneth not only from the sinne committed in shedding Vriahs blood and others with him as 2. Sam. 11.17 but also the punishments that by that sinne he had drawne vpon himselfe whereof sée Genesis 9.5.6 God of my saluation sée Psalme 18.46 my tongue shall sing ioyfully i. chearefully and aloude prayse thy righteousnesse i. thy goodnesse faythfulnesse and truth which thou promisest and performest to thē that craue pardon and forgiuenesse Verse 15. He prayeth the Lord not onely to giue him an occasion but also to inable him to thankfulnesse and then he will performe it Verse 16. Must be vnderstoode by the way of comparison and not supplye for yet in his time sacrifices were to be vsed and that by the prescript of gods law sée Psalme 50.8.9 c. Isaiah 1.11.12 c. Verse 17. The sacrifices of God i. such as he principally alloweth and accepteth a contrite spirit i. a spirite brused and broken as it were with the feeling of the sinne committed and the acknowledgement of his owne weakenesse and vnworthinesse which as I take it the Apostle calleth godly sorrow 2. Cor. 7.10.11 Thou wilt not despise i. thou wilt graciously and mercifully accept for not refusing or despising with god is gracious accepting Verse 18. Be fauourable i. notwithstanding my sinne continue gracious and heape vp benefits vpon benefits vnto Sion i. vnto thy church and people he putteth the place where Gods people dwelt and the exercises of his religion were vsed for gods people and Churche sée Psalme 48.11 for thy good pleasure i. for thyne own goodnesse sake and not for any thing in them or me for there is nothing in vs that can procure that build the wals of Ierusalem i. not onely defend thy church by thy mighty power and prouidēce but giue it all the meanes whereby it may resist the assaults of thine enemies as walles to a citie are a good defence to saue them from the violences and outrages of their enemies Verse 19. Sacrifices of righteousnesse sée Psal 4.5 q.d. When sacrifices and burnt offrings shall be referred to a right ende God will allow and like of them then shall they i. thy people offer Calues vppon thine altar i. sacrifices of prayses and thanksgiuing vnderstanding no doubte by Calues euen the instruments of their lippes to prayse God withall sée Hosea 14.2 also Heb. 13.15 Verse 1. When we are touched with the féeling of our sinnes Do. Gods mercy is the only medicine that we must looke to for the curing of our sore Ver. 2. We must pray for pardon and full forgiuenesse of our sinnes or else it is nothing as also verse 9. of this Psalme Verse
crafty crueltie of the wicked which may teach the godly two things specially first in all holy wisedome to labour the preuenting of these mischiefes that are meant against them secondly to striue to liue a holy and an vpright life because the eies of the wicked are continually vpon them Ver. 7. Sheweth vs howe the wicked flatter themselues in their sinne Ver. 8. Expresseth the great care that God hath ouer his children and how dearely he accompteth euery thing that is done to them or commeth from them Ver. 9. Setteth out the force and effect of feruent prayer Ver. 10.11 Are the same with ver 4. of this Psalme Ver. 12. Teacheth vs in care and conscience to performe the holy promises we haue made vnto God specially those that concerne praise and thanksgiuing Ver. 13. Teacheth two things first that it is God alone that vpholdeth his children and deliuereth them from all dangers and distresses secondly that he doeth this to this end that by holy life and godly conuersation we should glorifie him before men Psalme 57 Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first the Prophet calleth vppon the Lord assuring himselfe that God will graciously heare his prayers and deliuer him from ver 1. to the end of the third In the second hee declareth the dangerous and pitifull estate wherein he was and the craft and cruelty of his enemies praying deliuerance therfrom from ver 4. to the end of the 6. In the third part he sheweth his readines and inforceth himselfe to yéeld thankes to the Lord for his mercy goodnes towards him from ver 7. to the end of the Psalme The title to him that excelleth sée Psal 4. Destroy not In these words is declared the summe of those petitions which are conteined in Psalmes that haue such titles as this is as Psal 58. also Psal 59. It should appeare that Dauid was in some wonderfull feare of death and destruction and therfore praieth the Lord not to destroy him i. not onely not to suffer the wicked to destroy him but also because he alone had al power in his hands not to lay hands vpon him himself A Psal of Dauid on Michtam sée Psal 56 in the title whē he fled from Saul the history hereof is put down at large 1. Sam. 22.1 1. Sam. c. In the caue or rather into the caue He meaneth either Adullam or else an other caue in En-gedi for which sée the places before noted so that in this title wee may sée the occasion of the writing and making of this Psalme vz. Dauids great daunger and affliction Ver. 1. Haue mercy vppon mee O God haue mercy vpon mee this is a most vehement request which also may appeare by the doubling of the words by the which also he sheweth that he was in very great danger for my soule trusteth in thée this word soule importeth that he trusted in God with all his heart which is the part that God especially regardeth and in the shadowe of thy winges i. thy sauegarde prouidence and protection it is a metaphor borrowed from chickens who lye close vnder the hennes wings till the kyte be passed ouer sée Psal 17.8 Wil I trust vz. because I haue heretofore found it good the Prophet meaneth that he had trusted did and would continually trust in Gods almighty protection onely till these afflictions ouerpasse It appeareth that Dauid had more troubles then one yea that hee had as it were flouds of them which maketh him here to resēble his afflictions to a storme or tēpest not meaning by the word til that when the tempest was appeased hee woulde then cease to trust in God but that hee would both then and for euer hang vppon him so haue you the word till vsed Psal 110. ver 1. Ver. 2. I will call i. I will pray vnto the most high God the Prophet addeth this to strengthen his fayth because he whom he would inuocate had all power in his hand and hée strengtheneth himselfe also by that which followeth vz. that god doth faithfully performe his promises made him for God neuer vseth to leaue a worke vnperfite that hee hath begunne but alwaies continueth his benefits and goodnes towards those that are his Ver. 3. Hee will sende from heauen vz. either one or many Angels rather thē I shoulde want helpe and succour and saue mée i. deliuer mee from the reproofe hee meaneth by this worde all that either closely or openly coulde be done or sayd against him of him i. not onely of Saul though he be the chiefe but of those that take part with him against mee that woulde swallow mee sée Psalm 56.1 God will sende his mercy and his trueth this may serue to expound by the way of addition these wordes hee wil send from heauen in the beginning of this verse or else wee may expound them thus hee wil sende vz. vnto mee making mee féele by experience that which I haue had heretofore but in perswasion his mercy and his trueth by mercy hee meaneth the manifestation of his goodwill and grace towardes him and by trueth hee meaneth the faithfulnes and true performance that God obserueth in keeping his promises Verse 4. My soule i. my whole life and body is amonge Lions i. greedy and cruell persons sée Psalm 35.17 Hée meaneth his enemies whome hee resembleth to Lions because they were full of rage and cruelty meaning also by this manner of speach and those that followe in this verse that hee was in wonderfull daunger I lye among the children of men i. such as haue nothing more then that corruption which they haue brought from their fathers which is nothing else but al maner of naughtines and cruelty that are set on fire vz. against mee and that through the malice and mischiefe of their owne heartes without any cause on my part giuen whose téeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sword by téeth and tongue which are the instruments wherby men speake he vnderstandeth the false and hateful accusations that Sauls flatterers made against him and in that he resembleth them to speares arrowes and swordes hee meaneth that they were sharpe kéene and persing euen to the wounding of him sée Psal 120.4 also Psalm 55.21 also Psal 59.7 Ver. 5. Exalt thy selfe O God aboue the heauen hee prouoketh the Lorde as it were by prayer to declare his power q.d. shewe thy might and power which is farre aboue the heauens here vppon the earth in ouerthrowing and confounding mine enemies and let thy glory bee vz. made manifest and appeare vpon all the earth i. all the earth ouer to the ende that thy glory may bee extolled and magnified amongst men which can hardly be if I be oppressed for that should be with the dishonour of thy name Ver. 6. They vz. the wicked and vngodly my deadly enemies haue layd a net for my steppes i. haue either narowly watched me in my conuersation as before Psal 56.6 or else
procéedeth from imagination in the mynd to execution in act and déede Ver. 3. Plainely prooueth original sinne and noteth the procéedings that the wicked make in vngodlines so that from their birth vnto their death there is nothing but sinne corruption Ver. 4.5 Teacheth vs first that the wicked are giuen to all manner of lying slaundering and backbiting secondly that they are so setled in their sinne that they are almost past hope of recouery Verse Teacheth that wee may pray against the obstinate enemies of Gods Church and trueth that the Lord God woulde if hée sée it so good shortly confounde and spéedely ouerthrowe them which condition would bee vnderstood in al such prayers of Dauid though hee were excellently indued with the spirit of prophecy Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that the execution of Gods iudgements vppon the wicked is a matter of great comfort to the godly Ver. 11. Teacheth vs that the execution of Gods iudgementes vppon the wicked is likewise a matter of great instruction to other people wringing from them a sincere confession acknowledgement of Gods mercy towardes the good and of his iustice towardes the other it teacheth also that the godly shall loose nothing by this that they haue lead a religious and holy life before men in this life sée Isaiah 3.10 Psalme 59 THis Psalme as I take it may bee diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet prayeth deliueraunce from his enemies shewing that their craft cruelty and proud bragges made him thus earnest with God from ver 1. to the end of the 8. In the second he declareth that God notwithstanding all their trecheries will deliuer him vpon which ground hee prayeth and prophecieth against him promising to yéeld thankefulnes to the Lord for that goodnes from ver 9. to the end of the Psalme The title for the most part is expounded before Psalm 57. Se. When Saul sent and they did watch the house to kill him sée for this 1. Samuel 19. from verse 11. to the ende of the 17. where it appeareth howe Michal his wife saued him from those that Saul sent to slay him Ver. 1.2 Hee prayeth to bee deliuered from his enemies which were ready as it were to ouerwhelme him by their wicked attempts cruell practises and mischieuous subtilties who did nothing else as a man would say but seeke his destruction Verse 3. They haue layd wayte vz. both secretly and openly for my soule i. for my life as sundry times before that they might take it away the mighty men q.d. no smal ones and therefore the greater danger am I in but such as haue wille and power to performe what they lift vnlesse thou preuent nor for mine offence nor for my sinne vz. to themward for I haue not done them any maner of euil which also may appeare by the next verse following O Lord q.d. euen as thou that searchest al heartes knowest Ver. 4. They runne and prepare themselues by these wordes the Prophet meaneth that they vsed al their diligence and spared no cost labour or paines to destroy him yea they were so diligent that they thought vppon nothing else almost but to execute their wicked enterprise without a fault on my part vz. towards them as before ver 3. Arise therefore here hee calleth vpon God whom he imagineth to be a sléepe as it were and all this is spoken according to man q.d. shewe thy power and might as hee doeth that is waked out of his sléepe to assist mee i. to stand by me and to strengthen me against such a number of cruel enemies as I haue and behold vz. not only my wretchednes and weakenes but also the outrages and mischieuous matters that they imagine and doe against me Ver. 5. Euē thou O Lorde of hostes hee more plainely describeth the God whom he called vpon for succour and in these termes Lorde of hostes hee comprehendeth his power as who hath infinite armies of all sorts of creatures in his handes to punish the wicked by and to defend the good and by these wordes O God of Israel he setteth out his mercy ioyning both together for the further strēgthening of his fayth awake i. declare thy power as before verse 4. and shewe thy selfe no lesse diligent to succour mee then they are to hurt mee to visite i. to punish and correct as Exod. 20.5 All the heathen by heathen he meaneth the hypocriticall and counterfeit Israelites who did as grieuously persecute Dauid for Sauls pleasure as people estraunged from God woulde haue done and when hee sayth all hee meaneth the greatest number expressing also vnder that terme the great multitude of his enemies which were so many in number as though they had béen whole swarmes of the Gentiles cōming together and bee not mercifull i. shewe no manner of fauour at all that transgresse maliciously i. of set purpose and as it were for the satisfiyng of their owne mischieuous myndes hée mindeth not here to speake of any but of the reprobate whose iniquitie was altogether desperate which as it should seeme hee did knowe through the spirit of prophecy Here wee must take héede that wee bee not ouer hasty to iudge in this behalfe Verse 6. They runne to and fro i. they cease not to goe and come so that they may execute their enterprises and this manner of speach noteth their rage in the euening q.d. if they can doe no euill in the day they will not cease to imploy the night thereto as being in déede a most conuenient tyme to woorke mischiefe in and this setteth out their diligence in committing euil they barke like dogges i. they pursue mee egarly and that with open mouth it is a metaphor taken from dogges vsed in hunting who sundry times followe their game barking and opening their mouthes wide as though they were ready to deuour their pray in which respect hee also compareth them here to raging hungry dogs and goe about the city vz. lest I might escape any maner of way and this noteth their diligence sée Psalm 55.10 Ver. 7. Behold they bragge in their talke i. they boast openly of that which they haue wickedly deuised and consulted on yea they vomit out and discouer all their wicked attempts without hyding or dissembling any thing so great is their impudency and shamelesnes and swordes are in their lippes i. the woordes that they speake are cruell for they speake of nothing but murthering throatcutting and spoyling sée Psalm 55.21 for who say they doth heare vz. our woordes or else perceiue our déeds and attempts and this they say amongst themselues meaning that neither God nor men do perceiue them And here he teacheth the outragious blockishnes that raigneth in the wicked when they perswade themselues that God regardeth not their wickednesses for being in possession fréedome to execute their wicked counsels they haue no shame of men nor feare of God Ver. 8. Sée expounded before Psal 2.4 for the word heathen sée ver 5. of this
and the raine also conteined in the cloudes which hee expresseth afterwards by the worde dropping meaning the falling of the raine out of the cloudes which also make the grounde fruitefull which he expresseth vnder the worde fatnes for raine fatteneth the earth as it were In a worde this is the sense that in what place and on what side soeuer it pleaseth the Lorde to walke there hee manifesteth his blessinges and bestoweth great fertilitie and plentifulnes of all thinges sée Prouerb 3.20 Ver. 12. They i. thy steps meaning as before clouds and raine in them droppe i. fal downe vppon the pastures of the wildernes i. vpon the places that are not tilled and manured where nothing growes but wildnes as it were q.d. not onely fruitfull places as furrowes valleis and such like but also barren places as wildernesses mountaines c. shal be made plentifull and the hilles vz. which by reason of their height are in summer parched away with heate and in winter killed with cold shal be compassed with gladnes i. shal be replenished with abundaunce of fruite that shall make mens hearts and bodies glad as Psal 4.7 Psalm 104.14.15 Ver. 13. The pastures are clad with sheepe the metaphor of clothing expresseth the great plenty and store vz. that as a garment couereth the whole body so shall shéepe and other cattel for by one sort he vnderstandeth the rest couer the pastures the valleies shal be also couered with corne vz. in such sort that a man shal behold no void place and this metaphor setteth out the abundance of corne that shal be in the land therefore they i. other men speaking of them indefinitely or else the valleis and corne thereon the plenty wherof maketh men glad as we say the fields laugh whē through their goodly shew they make mens eyes ioyful showte for ioy and sing i. conceiue and expresse abundance of ioy but I rather referre this in mine owne iudgement to men then to other creatures Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that praises and thankesgiuing are due to God in the publike assemblies of his Saints Ver. 2. Teacheth that Gods readines to graunt his childrens requests shoulde prouoke vs to earnest and often prayer Ver. 3. Teacheth that Gods mercy surmounteth all our iniquities that in the multitude thereof he will do away al our sinnes Ver. 4. Teacheth that the féeling of Gods fauour is the best blessing that can come vnto vs in this life Ver. 5. Declareth that God hath iudgement and power in his owne handes for his childrens defence and the wickeds punishment Ver. 6.7 Sheweth that God by his power gouerneth all thinges in heauen and earth Ver. 8. Gods iudgements executed vpon some do many times strike terror and feare into others Ver. Teach two things first that abundance of all earthly benefites procéed from the Lords blessing which instructeth his to hang vpon him secōdly that he performeth these blessings by ordinary meanes which also teacheth vs to vse holy and lawful meanes Psalme 66 Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into three partes In the first the Prophet exhorteth al men to praise the Lord to consider al his works specially his power against the wicked from ver 1. to the ende of the 7. In the second hee declareth that howsoeuer God afflicteth his for a time yet in the ende hee will be gratious vnto them for which hee promiseth thanksgiuing and praise from ver 8. to the ende of the 15. In the third hee frameth his speach to all the faithful declaring what great things God had done for them to the end that in his example they might be comforted from ver 16. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Psal 4. and Psal 48. in the title Se. Some and that of the Hebrewe writers suppose that this Psalme was made by some others rather then Dauid because his name is not here expressed but for this matter sée Psal 45. in the title Likely it is that this Psalme was written and that by Dauid himselfe when God had deliuered the Israelites from the cruell tyrannie of the Philistines and him from his manifold persecutions Ver. 3. Reioyce in God i. be thankefull vnto him and that with great gladnes for his benefits all ye inhabitants of the earth q.d. there is none of you all but you haue great occasion giuen you from him so to do Ver. 2. Sing foorth i. publish aloude that others may heare the glory of his name i. either the glory which is due vnto his maiesty or else his glorious name but I like the first best make his praise glorious i. let all your thankesgiuings tend to this end that his name and praises due thereto may bee glorious continually q.d. adde praise to praise and neuer cease praysing Ver. 3. Say vnto God i. confesse in his presence not that our speaking vnto him doeth make him any whit the more glorious but because that others hearing vs speake of his power goodnes in his sight may haue a reuerent feare of his maiesty striken vnto the how terrible i. reuerend and feareful vz. to the good who beare a louing feare towards thée and to the wicked who feare him for punishment and not for loue in thy workes i. in euery thing that thou doest through the greatnes of thy power vz. exercised heretofore against the godly whereof also thou hast reserued store with thy selfe for them that shall walke in such steppes shall thine enemies i. those that any maner of way set themselues against thée shalbée in subiection vnto thée i. shal forge and faine a subiection to thy maiesty but chuse them whether they will doe it vnfeignedly or no into subiection they shall bée brought for none is able to resist thy power Ver. 4. All the worlde i. all the inhabitants of the world as ver 1. of this Psalme putting all for a very great number shall worshippe thée vz. as thou hast prescribed meaning that they shoulde imbrace his religion and seruice and sing vnto thée i. prayse thee for thy mercy and trueth euen sing of thy name hee noteth what shal be the argument or matter of their song that is Gods maiesty power goodnes c. as Psal 20.2 Ver. 5. Come vz. with mee hee speaketh euen vnto the best sort of people who haue neede to be prouoked to this good thing and behold i. déepely consider with all your vnderstanding and eies both of your bodies minds he is terrible i. reuerend feareful and wonderful in his doings towards the sonnes of men vz. either for their defence or for their punishment The proofe of this plainely appeareth in the gouernement of all creatures whatsoeuer particularly in that hee vpholdeth and maintaineth the estate of men Ver. 6. Hee hath turned the sea i. the red sea into dry land so that this people passed through the same when they came out of Egipt sée Exod. 14.21 They i. his own people of Israel passe i. passed one time
Ver. 3. Teacheth that there is no wisedom power nor policy against the Lord. Ver. 4. Setteth out the inlargment increase of Gods kingdome vpon earth Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that gods works would be diligently déeply considered otherwise they shall litle profite vs. Ver. 6. Teacheth that for the benefite of his children the Lord can and will inuert the nature of thinges Ver. 7. Teacheth first that Gods power ruleth ouer all secondly that nothing can be hid from his presēce thirdly that the wicked howe mighty so euer they be shal neuer preuaile against him Ver. 8. Deliuereth the same doctrines that ver 1.2 doe Ver. 9. Teacheth that in God we liue and moue and haue our being also that it is he alone that vpholdeth vs that we sinke not downe vnder the burthen of sinne and calamities Ver. 10.11.12 Teach that God sundry ways exerciseth the faith and proueth the patience of his children whereby also we learn that it is no new thing that the godly are afflicted Ver. 12. And these wordes but thou broughtest vs out into a wealthy place doeth teach that howe great and gréeuous soeuer the afflictions of Gods saints be yet in the end hee remembreth and deliuereth them with an euerlasting mercy Ver. 13. Teacheth vs to frequent the publike assemblies of the Church and to shewe our selues thankeful to God for his graces Ver. 14. Teacheth that affliction is the time that maketh vs to drawe nigh to God both in word and déede Ver. 15. Teacheth vs to yéeld vnto God such a seruice as he hath prescribed and not as we deuise Ver. 16. Teacheth vs reuerently and diligently to hearken vnto good thinges that others speake to vs also that we should declare to other the graces of God shewed to vs that therby their fayth might be increased Ver. 17. Teacheth that mother tongues and all the members that we haue shoulde bee earnestly occupied in hearty calling vppon God Ver. 18. Teacheth that when we come to pray to God wee must labour to cast away from vs our wickednes and corruption Ver. 19. Teacheth that god is nigh to the earnest supplications of his children Ver. 20. Teacheth vs to yéeld humble and hearty thanksgiuing to our God for al his mercies towards vs. Psalme 67. Di. THis short Psalme may be diuided into thrée partes In the two first verses is comprehended a prayer for that people whome God had prepared vnto himselfe and for the blessing of them with al maner of knowledge In the second part is comprehended an other prayer for the increase and inlarging of Gods kingdome throughout the earth and this reacheth from ver 3. to the end of the 5. In the third is declared what great benefites and blessings shall insue after that God shal haue thus multiplied his Church and this is in the two last verses Se. The first part of the title of this Psalme is expounded before Psalm 4. A Psalme or song sée Psalm 48. in the title Ver. 1. God be merciful to vs vz. who by the meanes of sundry our infirmities stand in néede of it and blesse vs vz. with all good things both bodily spiritual and cause his face i. his fauour to shine i. to appeare and bee felt among vs vz. though there bee no cause on our partes why he should so do The Church prayeth that God would shewe not onely lay aside that wrath which hee had exercised vppon it but also that hee would shewe himselfe gracious and fauourable putting into their hearts by the working of his holy spirite a true tast and féeling of his fatherly loue Verse 2. That they they change the person from the first to the thirde they meane that by Gods fauour practised towardes his Church the Church is more and more confirmed in the obedience of Gods trueth and not onely the Church it selfe but euen diuers that are without may knowe vz. by thy word and spirite thy way i. which thou thy selfe hast prescribed vnto them in thy lawe to walke in vppon earth i. so long as they liue here and thy sauing health i. that saluation and deliueraunce which thou bestowest and giuest to men among all nations vz. of the worlde in what quarter soeuer they dwel Verse 3. Let the people vz. of the earth meaning chiefely the Gentiles let all the people vz. if thou sée it so good or else hee putteth all for an infinit number which I take to bee the more simple sense Verse 4. Bee glad and reioyce q.d. they haue no cause of sorrowe that thou gouernest but rather of vnspeakable ioy for thou shalt iudge the people righteously i. with great equitie and vprightnes shalt thou rule and beare sway after the manner of Iudges Kinges for wee knowe that the people of the Iewes were a long time ruled by Iudges and Kinges to which here hee alludeth and gouerne the nations or else as some read which also I like better lead them out vz. as sheepeheards doeth their flockes noting thereby Gods tender care towardes his Church and all that is here spoken of Gods gouernement must be vnderstood of the spirituall iurisdiction which hee exerciseth in his Church by the scepter of his word and discipline to bring all peoples in obedience to him Ver. 5. Is the same in wordes and sense with ver 3. Ver. 6. Then shall the earth vz. which was cursed for mans sinne and striken with barrennes bring forth her increase i. all manner of fruite and that in abundance through Gods especiall blessing and God euen our God i. the onely true God shall blesse vz. with all good thinges both bodily and spirituall as ver 1. of this Psalm Ver. 7. All the endes of the earth i. people out of al parts and quarters of the world hee putteth the places inhabited for the people inhabiting them this worde all for the great multitude that God will drawe to himselfe shal feare him i. imbrace his religion and seruice and that either soundly in déede or else in hypocrisie and flauish feare Verse 1. Gods mercy must bee fled to Do. as the onely fountaine of all goodnes to vs warde Verse 2. Teacheth vs to pray for increase of knowledge in Gods worde also that wee shoulde wish the same not to our selues only but to others also Verse 3. Teacheth vs to wish and pray for the inlarging of Gods kingdome and his prayses in the same Ver. 4. Teacheth vs that it ought to bee the greatest ioy that can come to vs in this life to bee vnder the gouernement of our God by his worde and discipline Ver. 5. Repeating the same both words and matter with ver 3. Teacheth the earnestnes of the Church in prayer and continuall care for the conuersion of others Ver. 6. Teacheth that when God is fauourably reconciled to his people there can be no want of good things Ver. 7. Teacheth all to haue a care to imbrace Gods religion and to followe his worship Psalme 68 Di. THe Prophet in
those that can hardly be tamed and bee full of wantonnes and sport as it were such as calues be when they are very fat that tread vnder féete i. that do contemne despise and set little by as Matth. 7.6 pieces of siluer thinges that ought to be regarded and estéemed putting one for al of the like sort scatter sée ver 1. of this Psalme the people that delight in warre i. take pleasure thinke it to be the greatest ioy when they may contend or fight most Ver. 31. Then i. when thou shalt bestow these great graces vpon thy children and ouerthrow thine enemies shall the Princes vz. moued partly through iudgments and partly by thy mercy come out of Egipt vz. to yéelde obedience vnto thée and to submit themselues to thy Lordship and gouernment Ethiopia i. the people inhabiting that land shall hast i. make hast and speede to stretch her hands i. to pray vnto or readily to offer giftes in signe of obedience and subiection putting the signe of prayer or obedience for the things themselues vnto God i. vnto thée speaking of God to God in the third person Ver. 32. Sing vnto God vz. prayse and thankesgiuing for your conuersion calling for these verses comprehend the calling of the Gentiles to the kingdom of Christ O ye kingdomes of the earth i. O ye people which inhabite the kingdomes of the world putting the places inhabited for the persōs inhabiting as sundry times before sing prayse vnto the Lorde the saying is doubled the more earnestly to prouoke men thereto Verse 33. To him that rideth vppon the heauens i. to him that gouerneth them and their course as hee that rideth vppon the Horse doeth the Horse this is spoken of GOD according to man and is nothing else as a man woulde say but a description of Gods excellent maiesty and when hee sayth most high heauens hee speaketh it also according to men who are wont to make sundry heauens as the Philosophers yet doe not that there are so for all that they babble of that matter is vayne but that men so esteeme it and yet notwithstanding in Scripture wee see that the worde heauen is sometimes vsed in Scripture for the ayre as when wee say foules of heauen sometimes for the firmament which is also aboue the ayre and so this place may bee expounded thus let men imagine neuer so many heauens yet God ruleth them all whiche were from the beginning as appeareth Gen. 1.1 and so haue since that time continued and still shall continue al which tendeth to expresse the great power of almighty God behold he will send out by his voice a mightie sound by Gods voyce he vnderstandeth the thunder the diuers effects whereof sée at large Psalme 29. And by mighty sound he meaneth not only large sound but also great which euen shaketh the earth as it were Verse 34. Ascribe the power to God i. giue vnto him all the prayse of power both in himself and in you for his maiestie is vpon Israel i. is declared mightily toward his people and Church as Psalm 14.7 and his strength is in the cloudes i. is not onely made manifest in the same but also he vseth the cloudes and all other creatures whatsoeuer to set out his power Verse 35. O God thou art terrible vz. to thine enimies and aduersaries out of thine holy places q.d. Thou shewest euident testimonies and tokens thereof out of thy tabernacle and he vseth the plurall number holy places eyther in respect that the arke was set vp in sundry places before the temple was builded or else in respect of the distincte places of the arke as Heb. 9.2.3 all which were called holy or else in respect of the heauenly holye place and the earthly holy place which was a shadowe of that heauenly one as Heb. 10.19 the God of Israel i. the God of his Church and faythfull people is he vz. alone that giueth vz. of his own goodnesse and mercye onely without any merite or desert of theirs strength and power vz. to defend themselues and to beat back their enimies meaning by strength and power all the meanes whereby these great workes may be performed vnto the people vz. whome he hath chosen vnderstanding the people of Israell for that time and the Church for euer praysed be God vz. for that his mercy and greate goodnesse towards them Verse 1. Teacheth two things Do first that God hath all power in his hande to destroy his enemies seconde that the enemies of the Church cannot prosper Verse 2. Setteth out the sodayne destruction of the wicked Verse 3. sheweth that when the wicked shall be beaten downe Gods children shall be lifted vp in spirituall ioye and mirth Verse 4. teacheth vs continually to prayse God for his incomprehensible maiestie and power Verse 5. Teacheth vs what greate care God in mercy carrieth toward the distressed persons Verse 6. Teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of body deliueraunce of extreme daungers and plagues and punishments of what sort soeuer vpon the vngodly come all from God Verse 7. Teacheth vs to thinke vpon Gods graces performed of old that therby our fayth may be strengthened to escape daungers Verse 8. Teacheth that all creatures are not able to stande before the presence and maiestie of God Verse 9. Teacheth that plentifulnesse and the means thereof are all in Gods handes Verse 10. Teacheth that though the wicked haue a great portion of the earth in possession yet that the Lord hath properlye prepared it for them that feare him Verse 11. Teacheth vs that we can not haue our mouthes open to speake much lesse to speake well til God giue both the matter and vtterance also that the weakest meanes as women when God inableth them shal be sufficient to expresse his prayse Verse 12. teacheth that neither multitude strēgth nor authority can preuaile agaynst the Lord and his people otherwise then he himselfe séeth good Verse 13. Teacheth that the afflictions of the godly doe no whit at al hinder the beautie of the godly but rather are the instruments which God doth use to make them more glorious Verse 15. Setteth out the excellency beauty and continuance of Gods church Ver. 16. Teacheth that al congregations though outwardly neuer so glorious and glittering in respecte of it are nothing Ver. 17. Sheweth that Gods power is inuincible and his armies to performe his purpose are innumerable Verse 18. Sheweth that God will triumphe ouer al the faythfull willingly and vnfainedlie subiecting themselues and the other whether they will or no. Verse 19 teacheth vs two things first to yéeld thanks to God for his mercies secondly that his goodnes toward vs neuer ceaseth Verse 20 teacheth vs that euen in the greatest daungers God deliuereth his children to the end all glory might be giuen to him therefore Verse 21. Sheweth that the wicked enemies of his Church shal not long escape vnpunished Verse 22. teacheth vs that Gods promises of deliuerance saluation c. are the
name of the Father for his séede and posterity or else Ioseph the whole man for a parte of him vz. his bones which they brought with them at their comming out of Egipt but I like the former better Immanuel and others expounde it otherwise but in my opinion not so rightly Verse 16. The waters vz. of the redde sea and Iordan as appeareth in Exodus and Iosua saw thée O God i. did féele thy maiestie and power in turning the courses of them for otherwise man can not see or féele God much lesse the waters and he repeateth the same agayne for the more certayntie of the matter and were afrayde vz. at thy presence which he gathereth because they were diuided and fled as a man woulde saye backward yea the depths vz of the waters and he allegeth these wordes to expresse the greatnesse of Gods power for though it fall out that the vpper partes of the water is many times troubled yet the depths sieldome or neuer but this was done to the end the people might passe vppon the drie grounde Verse 17. The cloudes vz. in the firmament poured out water vz. in greate abundaunce for that doth the worde of pouring out note sée Eccle. 11.3 he meaneth that God had al creatures ready at his commaundemente to execute his will for the sauegard of his and the punishment of the vngodly the heauens i. the Firmament and the regions of the ayre aboue vs gaue a sounde vz. of thunder and lightning and winde and stormie tempest thine arrowes i. thy thunderboltes and other meanes to manifest thy wrath vppon thy enemies went abroad i. did flie abroad in euery place striking feare into them Sée Exod. 14.24.25 Verse 18. The voice i. the sound or noise of thy thunder i. of the thunder that thou sendest forth was round about vz. all thine enemies or else he meaneth euery quarter and region of the ayre the lightnings vz. which came from thee lightened the world i. they were so greate and many that they might haue bene séene all the world ouer the earth i. this frame of the world trembled and shooke for feare of thy presence Al this is nothing else but an excellent description of Gods eternall maiestie and power Ver. 19. Thy way is in the sea some expound it thus Thy way i. the way that thou preparedst for thy people of Israel is in the sea i. in the red sea ascribing that vnto God because he was the author of it which did belong to the Israelites Some thus thy way i. thy counsels is in the sea i. in darke vnsearchable places known vnto none but to thée alone making it the same with ver 13. of this Psalm but I like the former better by reason of that whiche followeth in the last verse of this Psal thy paths vz. by which thou cariedst thy people all the rest is wel expounded in the note of Geneua Bible Ver. 20. Thou didst lead vz. out of Egipt and thorow the wildernes towards the land of promise thy people as shéepe i. tenderly softly and louingly for shéepe may not be hurried by the hand i. by the labour diligence ministery of these two excellent personages Moses and Aaron And al this the Prophet alleageth that he might raise vp his hope and comfort himself in the middest of those great assaults Verse 1 teacheth that God is nigh to them that earnestly cal vpon him Do. Ver. 2 teacheth that the more afflictions and miseries increase vpon vs the more earnest we should be with the Lord by prayer Ver. 3 sheweth that we thorow our own corruption and sathans malice vse that in the time of prayer as a mean to draw vs back from earnestnesse of prayer which shoulde make vs more carefully to think vpon God I meane our gréefs and afflictions Ver. 4 teacheth that nothing commeth to Gods children but by the speciall not only sufferance but appointment and prouidence of God Ver. 5 sheweth that Gods goodnes declared before should comfort those that are in affliction now Ver. 6 teacheth good men in the time of their heauinesses to cōfort themselues in the consideratiō of these good thinges that thorowe Gods goodnesse they haue felt in themselues Ver. 7.8.9 shew the great conflict that the godly many times haue wreastling mightily betwixt fayth and dispayre Verse 10 teacheth vs that Gods power and the true tast thereof is a good proppe to our faith Verse 11.12 teache vs to record Gods workes for the strengthening of our hope and to speake of them with delight and pleasure Verse 13. teacheth that God alone is the only God Verse 14. that whatsoeuer God doth he doth it for the good of his children or the punishing of his aduersaries Verse 15 sheweth that God careth for his people euen when they be in their greatest distresse Verse 16 17 18 19 teache that God hath all his creatures at his commaundement for the manifesting of his glory and grace towards his and for the declaring of his iustice towards the vngodly which is comfortable to know that the whole course of nature shall stand on our side Ver. 20. teacheth Gods loue and care towards his people which then also most manifestly appeareth when he prouideth for them good Magistrates and Ministers Psalme 78. Di. THe Psalme it selfe is very large and as it were a summary recitall of all the fiue Bookes of Moses and therefore cannot easily be diuided Notwithstanding methinketh it speciallye propoundeth these pointes following first an Exordium or entraunce into the matter the Prophet labouring thereby to make the people attentiue taken partly from the excellencie of the matter and partly from his and their own experience and this is conteyned in the eyght first verses Secondly he rehearseth the great rebellion of this people and of their forefathers vpō whom God had bestowed such great and wonderfull graces as vpon none the like and this is comprehended in verse 8 9 10 11 17 18 19 20 22 32 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 56 57 58. Thirdelye hee setteth out Gods great mercy notwithstanding their manifolde wickednesses and rebellion against him and this is comprised in verse 12 13 14 15 16 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 38 39 52 53 54 55 68 69 70 71 72. Lastly he largely declareth the excéeding great iustice of GOD againste sinne and vngodlinesse which he sheweth by executing the same partly vpon his owne people as appeareth verse 21 30 31 33 59 60 61 62 63 64 67 and partlye vppon his and their enimies as appeareth also verse 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 6● 66. which may teach all men to driue away the vayne imagination that they haue of Gods mercy only neuer looking into the execution of his iustice and iudgements against the world for sinne Se. The title hath bin sundry times expounded before sée the same Title Psalme 73 also Psalme 50. Verse 1. Heare vz. both with your outward eares and inward vnderstanding my doctrine i.
seruauntes doeth not onely manifest his owne glory but also prouoketh them thereby to bée thankefull vnto him Verse 7. Teacheth that Gods mercy is the cause of all goodnes to vs warde and namely of our deliueraunces from daunger Verse 8. Teacheth first in diligence and patience to wayte the Lordes good will secondly to stay our selues vppon Gods mercy and goodnes towardes vs Thirdly that the name Saint may bee giuen to them that bée liuing which the Papists deny appropriating it onely to the dead fourthly that Gods mercy and goodnesse shewed vnto his people ought to bée an effectuall meane to restrayne them from former folly and sinne Verse 9. Teacheth vs that the ready way to bée assured to haue GOD on our side is to haue a reuerent feare of his maiesty in our heartes and sincere fruites of the same feare in our conuersation Verse 10. Teacheth that the chiefe cause of the reconciliation betwéene God and man and of peace in mens consciences and of faythfull dealing towardes men is Gods great goodnes and mercy and the faithfull perfourmaunce of his promises to vs. Verse 11. Teacheth that it becommeth Gods children euen by the example of their heauenly father who sheweth himselfe most righteous in his promises towardes them to deale faithfully and vprightlye one with an other Verse 12. Teacheth that not onely all good thinges come from GOD as Iames 1.17 but that they are bestowed vppon all and namely vpon his children of his meere liberality onely Verse 13. Teacheth that where God beareth sway there all iustice shall manifestly appeare and bee openly practised Psalme 86. I Suppose that this Psalme of Dauid full of very earnest affections and prayers may bée diuided into two partes Di. In the first hee desireth the Lorde to haue mercy vppon and to deliuer him from all his afflictions sometymes alleadging his owne misery and sometymes Gods mercy and might to induce him thereto and this reacheth from verse 1. to the ende of the 10. In the seconde hee prayeth for light and knowledge desiring also deliueraunce from his distresses alleadging as reasons to moue the Lorde thereto the fearcenes of his enemies Gods owne mercy and his thankefulnes to bee perfourmed to the Lorde from ver 11. to the end of the Psalme The title Se. a prayer of Dauid i. a prayer that Dauid made in the time of some grieuous affliction that hée was in the holy Ghost leauing the same in recorde for vs to see it or the like Verse 1 Incline thine eare O Lorde vz. vnto my prayers and supplications which I make before thée and this is spoken of god according to men who if they bee disposed to graunt suites and requestes wil as a token thereof be ready to hearken to the suppliaunts voyce heare me i. graunt me such thinges as I praying vnto thee doe according to thy wil aske at thy hands for otherwise it is not to be denyed but that god continually heareth and séeth al thinges for I am poore i. miserable and in great distresse and néedy i. stand in néede of thy fauour and ayde hee alleadgeth his afflictions weaknes and misery to the end therby to moue god the more to fauour him for this is proper to his nature to succor the miserable Hosea 14.3 Ver. 2. Preserue thou my soule i. kéepe thou ●ay life whole man either from the rage of mine enemies or from the sharpnes of these afflictions for I am merciful vz. not only towards them that be in miserie but euen to my very enemies and he speaketh thus not as though hee would clayme somewhat for his dignity or worthines but to make his enemies more hatefull as it were to God because they persecuted him that alwaies behaued himself curteously towards them and therefore they had the lesse cause to persecute him Immanuel readeth it thus for I am hée whome thou pursuest with goodnes i. I am he whom thou tenderly louest and therefore hope that thou wilt defende and kéepe me euen as the apple of thine eye both the senses are good my God Dauid speaketh not this as though god were his god onely but to testifie the particular apprehension that hee had in his perswasion of GOD and his goodnes saue thou thy seruaunt i. deliuer him from his present dangers distresses and afflictions that trusteth in thée vz. alone and in none other but thée Ver. 3. Bée mercifull vnto me vz. that am thus distressed and compassed in on euery side out of which I can not get vnlesse thou shew great mercy for I cry vpon thée i. I do earnestly call and pray vnto thee continually i. dayly and without ceasing setting out here two thinges in his praiers the one is earnestnes and vehemency vnderstood by crying the other is perseueraunce ment by the worde continually Verse 4. Reioyce i. giue an occasion of ioy vnto mee by kéeping mée from mine enemies by deliuering mée from the heauines wherein I am and by graunting my requestes the soule i. the whole man but specially the inward and mortal part sore afflicted with continuall assaults striken into heauines and sorrow of thy seruant i. of me whom thou hast vouchsaued to call to this honour to make thy seruaunt and marke here how hee speaketh of him selfe in the third person presently chaunging in the other part of this verse to the first for vnto thée O Lord vz. alone and to no other but thée do I lift vp my soule i. I pray thy helpe and that not with mouth only but also with my heart Ver. 5. For thou Lord art good vz. to all and therefore much more to thine owne seruants and sonnes and merciful vz. to those that turne vnto thée after they haue strayed from thee meaning that God pardoneth them their sinnes and transgressions and of great kindnes i. of wonderful and vnspeakable mercy vnto al them vz. of what condition or state soeuer they be that cal vpon thée i. that pray vnto thee vz. alone and that in spirite and trueth Ver. 6. Giue eare O Lorde vz. I beséech thee and not as though Dauid commanded God vnto my prayer i. vnto my prayer which now I make vnto thée and hearken to the voice i. yéeld to the words of my supplications i. which I vse in my supplication meaning by all this the graunting of his requests it séemeth to be the same almost with ver 1. of this Psalm Ver. 7. In the day of my trouble i. at what soeuer time I shalbée in my trouble affliction or miserie I will call vppon thée i. I will pray vnto thee onely Immanuel readeth it in the present tense I cal vpon thée q.d. nowe that I am in trouble I pray vnto thée and in déed it better agreeth with the circumstance of the place and person for thou hearest me i. I knowe that thou either doest graunt or wilt graunt me my request wherby the Prophet sheweth what a stedfast perswasion he had in God and the word of his
trueth Verse 8. Among the Gods vz. of the Gentiles and which they worship as Gods but yet are not so there is none like thée O Lorde vz. in any respect hee sheweth that the Gentiles gods are false and counterfeit because they haue no testimony of their might and power Sée Psalm c. Sée also against the vanity of them Isaiah 44. almost throughout and there is none vz. amongest either them or amongst all the creatures in the worlde no all the creatures set together that can doe like thy workes i. can do such workes as thou hast done and dayly doest for all that they doe they do by thee as in whom they liue moue and haue their being whereas thou doest that of thy selfe only whatsoeuer pleaseth thée both in heauen in earth Ver. 9. All nations vz. of the earth whom thou hast made vz. by thy mighty power for without thée they were not neither can be shal come vz. either willingly or by constraint and worship i. either truely or hipocritically serue thée before thée i. in thy presence at thy presence and in the assembly of thy Saints and shal glorifie thy name i. shall either soundly or else for fashion sake acknowledge thy might maiesty and power for so is name taken here as Psal 20.1 Some vnderstande this of the calling of the Gentiles I wil not greatly contend but methinketh it were better to bée vnderstood of a constremed and counterfeit confession such as you shal sée in Abimilech Gene. 20. throughout and in Pharaohs Exod. 9.27 and in some other chapiters of that booke Ver. 10. For thou art great vz. aboue all and declarest that greatnes and excellency of thine by many thinges but specially by thy works and doest vz. dayly and continually wonderous things i. matter farre beyond the reach and compasse of mans wit and reason and therefore very wonderful thou art God alone q.d. though many haue the name of God yet in déede both the thing and the name doth only belong to thée Verse 11. Teach me q.d. I am blind and ignoraunt and therefore humbly craue thy instruction thy way O Lord i. the way that thou thy selfe hast prescribed and is the onely way and manner to liue well and vprightly and I will vz. through thy goodnes assistaunce and strength for otherwise I can doe nothing of my selfe walke i. frame and fashion my conuersation in thy trueth i. according to that rule of trueth and righteousnes which thou thy selfe hast prescribed in thy worde knit vz. fast and sure mine heart i. the affection and perswasion of my heart vnto thée vz. and the trueth of thy promises q.d. bring to passe that my heart being fréed from all feare and care of my enemies it may rest wholly in thy feare This manner of speach declareth that mans heart is distracted and as it were diuided into sundry partes till God haue driuen it to himselfe and helde it fast in his obedience wherefore by this worde hee meaneth that euen they that are wel affected are yet notwithstanding subiect to so many stūblings that they should quickly vanish and bee spilt as water were it not that god strēgtened them with constancy that I may fear thy name i. beare a louing reuerence to thy maiesty and trueth Ver. 12. I wil praise thée O Lord my god vz. when thou shalt haue taught me thy trueth and deliuered mee from mine enemies with al my heart i. vnfeignedly and not outwardly in wordes onely but also inwardly in deed and trueth yea I wil glorifie thy name i. set foorth the praise of thy maiesty might and power for euer i. both in this life and in the world to come or else it may be taken for continually Verse 13. For great is thy mercy towardes me i. thou hast and doest by effect declare the riches of thy goodnes towardes mee and thou hast deliuered my soule i. thou hast set my life or whole man frée for otherwise nothing can touch the soule from the lowest graue i. from most great deepe and extreme dangers it is a metaphor as they that are buried séeme in mans iudgement past hope of life and yet God notwithstanding will rayse them vp againe so when Dauid seemed to be past all recouery by reason of his distresses then did the Lorde most mightily deliuer him Ver. 14. O God the proude vz. persons of the worlde who are not prouoked by any wrong I haue done them but only by their owne pride for so much I suppose the Hebrewe word importeth are risen against mee vz. with great force multitude and counsel thinking to destroy me and the assemblies i. great troupes and multitudes of violent men the Hebrewe worde in déede importeth them that trust in their owne strength who are sayd to bée mighty or violent because with a certaine violent outrage they trouble all and labour to destroy euery thing experience teacheth the trueth of this for we sée that there is no measure kept where pride and violence or outrage preuaileth haue sought vz. very diligently my soule i. my life to wit that they might take it from me sée Matth. 2.20 and haue not set thée vz. who séest and knowest all wickednes and wilt in good time punish the same before them hee meaneth that they had no feare or regarde of God at all but supposed that God did not behold them which is a manifest token of extreme licenciousnes and impiety Ver. 15. But thou O Lorde art a pitiful God and merciful vz. to them that turne to thée and cal vpon thee in truth slowe to anger vz. against any though neuer so wicked looking by long suffering for their amendment and great in kindnes i. of wonderfull great kindnes and loue specially to thy seruants and trueth he meaneth by trueth the faithful accomplishment of all Gods promises and this verse is a certaine description of the nature of God and séemeth to be taken out of Exod. 34.6 Ver. 16. Turne vz. thy fauourable and louing countenance vnto me vz. which am distressed on euery side hee prayeth that hee may in this his misery féele Gods goodnes and mercy and haue mercy vpon me i. make thy mercy appeare towardes me in deliuering mee from the power of these violent men giue thy strength by this spéech he meaneth not to craue all the strength and power of God but to intreate the Lord to giue him strength and ability to passe through al the brunts hee should indure vnto thy seruaunt i. vnto him whome thou hast chosen to be thy seruant true it is the worde importeth slaue or bond seruant which word the Prophet also vseth to moue the Lorde to mercy and saue i. deliuer from daunger and distresse the sonne of thy handmayd i. such a one as hath béene begotten of faithful parents and brought vp in the couenaunt and is as it were a houshold seruant of the Church Sée Psalm 116.16 Verse 17. Shew a token of thy goodnes towards mee
i. declare by some one signe or other whatsoeuer pleaseth thée that thou wilt bee good and mercifull vnto mee that they which hate mee vz. without a cause may sée it i. plainely perceiue acknowledge and confesse the same and bee ashamed vz. in themselues and of that which they haue purposed against mee séeing that I haue not without cause trusted in thee because thou O Lorde vz. onely and no other hast holpen mee vz. out of all my daungers and distresses and comforted mée vz. in the time of miserie and trouble Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that the more our néed misery wretchednes is the greater occasion we haue with earnestnes spéed to repayre vnto God by prayer Ver. 2. Teacheth that vnlesse God kéepe vs we shal vtterly perish also that we ought to haue a stedfast trust in Gods mercy and goodnes Verse 3. Teacheth vs importunity in prayer and not to leaue of though God graunt not our requests at the first also that in our prayers wee must flée to Gods mercy onely and not to any thing in our selues Ver. 4. Teacheth vs that vnlesse God make vs ioyfull wée can neuer bée rightly glad also that the hart as wel as the mouth must consent in prayer or else our prayers are nothing Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that Gods mercy rightly considered and felt is an excellent spurre to prouoke vs to prayer Ver. 6. Teacheth that God onely is to be prayed vnto Ver. 7. Teacheth vs in our afflictions to runne vnto God and to comfort our selues in this that if he haue once heard vs he wil heare vs againe Ver. 8. Expresseth the vanity of al idoles images whatsoeuer Ver. 9. Setteth forth Gods power in all and ouer all so that none is exempted from it Ver. 10. Is a plaine proofe of the vnitye of the godhead Ver. 11. Sheweth that vnlesse God do teach vs what is good we are vtterly blinde also that vnlesse he hold vs in obedience and feare of his maiesty we shall easily decline and runne aside Ver. 12. Teacheth vs not onely to cary with vs a purpose to prayse the Lorde but also vnfeignedly and continually to doe it Ver. 13. Teacheth that then God worketh the deliueraunce of his when there séemeth otherwise no way for them Verse 14. Doeth not onely set out the mischieuous mindes of proude and outragious persons but also declareth the fountaine of all their sinnes vz. forgetfulnesse and contempt of god Ver. 15. Is the same almost with verse 5. of this Psalm and is a verse of great comfort as in many respectes so namely in this that it setteth before vs not onely Gods goodnes but also the faithfull and assured perfourmaunce of all his promises Ver. 16 Teacheth vs that Gods fauourable and louing countenance is the onely matter of mirth strength and deliueraunce to his seruants Ver. 17. Sheweth that in the deliuery and safe kéeping of Gods Saintes not onely Gods glory and power is manifested the good are thereby conforted but also the enemies confounded and ashamed Psalme 87 THe whole Psalme it selfe consisting only of seuen verses Di. is nothing else but a commendation of gods Church which is commended sometimes of the firmity and stedfastnes therof Ver. 1. Sometimes of gods loue towards it Ver. 2. Sometimes of the glorious report that it hath abroade euen among the enemies therof Ver. 3.4 Sometimes for the fruitfulnes of it Verse 5. Sometimes of the delight and comfort that the faithful haue in it Ver. 7. And sometimes for one cause sometimes for an other which the diligent reader may obserue The title a Psalme and song sée Psalm 48. Se. in the title committed to the sonnes of Korah this is sundry tymes expounded before Ver. 1. God layde his foundations i. GOD established and set his Church Sée 1. Tim. 3.15 where the Church is called the pillar and ground of trueth among the holy mountaines hee calleth the mountaines holy not that they were so of them selues but because God that was holy had chosen them to a holy ende and it is not to be doubted but that he speaketh here of the lande of Canaan which was a hilly Countrey sée Exod. 15. ver 13.17 and amongst other parts of that land the hil of Sion where the ark was placed in the days of Dauid and the hil Moriah where the temple was builded by Salomon and so by consequent also of the whole City of Ierusalem sée Psal 125.1.2 Verse 2. The Lord loueth vz. with a singular and wonderfull loue the gates of Sion i. the meanest places of his temple or tabernacle some thinke that he putteth Sion for Ierusalem and these wordes gates for the inclosure thereof whatsoeuer it bée this we are to note that this loue of God procéeded from his frée election and not from any worthines of the place aboue al the habitants of Iaakob i. aboue al the places wherin Iaakob and his posterity dwelt the reason because in Ierusalem where his tabernacle and temple was he gaue most manifest declaration of his power presence and goodnes Sée Deut. 12. ver 5. c. Ver. 3. Glorious thinges i. thinges tending to thy great glory and prayse are spoken of thée vz. both by them that appertaine vnto thee and by others as may appeare by the verses following O city of God i. O Ierusalem which is called Gods Citie of God because the Lorde chose it as a peculiar place for him to dwell in Sée Psalm 48. almost throughout and Matth. 5.35 Verse 4. I will make mention this the Prophet speaketh in the name of the Church as it were noting the inlargement and increase thereof q.d. by occasion of them that shal be ioyned vnto me I will speake of them to those that are already knit to me of Rahab i. of Egipt putting some part of the land for the whole and the people therein conteined Sée Psalm 89.10 also Isaiah 51.9 and Babel i. the people inhabiting Babel the City of Assyria of which sée Gene. 10.10 among thē that knowe mee i amongest them that allowe of mée and are become my familiar friendes and Citizens as it were behold q.d. looke vpon a wonderfull thing Palestina i. the people inhabiting that Countrey called Philistines sée Psal 83.7 Tyrus i. the people dwelling in that citie Ethiopia i. the people possessing that land vz. shall bee ioyned vnto mee for hee meaneth that the people which were enemies and strangers to Gods people shal be ioyned vnto them and become Citizens of the same City there vz. in the bosome of the church as it were is he i. euery one of the faithful people conuerted vnderstanding by one al of the like sort borne vz. by a newe kind of birth and that according to the eternal purpose and counsel of God Ver. 5. And of Sion i. of the Church of God it shal be said vz. to her great prayse and commendation many are borne in her vz. by spirituall regeneration and newe birth and he vz. this also
many wordes here to signifie one thing whome thou remembrest no more he meaneth not that God hath no regard at al of them that are dead but that he séemeth so as it were vnto men this hee speaketh as a man grieuously afflicted as one caryed away with the vehemency of his grief and they are cut off i. they séeme to be cut off and remoued from thy hand i. from thy care and custody Restore this whole ver out of Immanuel thus I am counted among the dead I am shut out as the slaine lying in the graue whom thou remēbrest no more who are cut off by thy hand i. by thy power iudgment so the sense shal be more plain Ver. 6. Thou hast layed me in the lowest pit i. in most great dangers and extreme perils sée Psal 86.13 in darknes and in the déepe by all these woordes hee signifieth but one thing vz. greatnes of griefe and extreme anguish sée Psalm 130.1 for déepe and that darkenes is so vsed many places of scripture shew and here the proportion woulde bee considered for darke places are ful of horror feare horror and feare do by consequent ingender sorrow and grief déep waters or places are very dangerous for men in thē that they be not ouerwhelmed or drowned therin Ver. 7. Thine indignatiō i. sure testimonies signes of thy heauy wrath lieth vz. sore vpon me thou hast vexed me i. grieued me that inwardly outwardly with al thy waues i. with al thy wrath iudgments which thou hast laid vpon me ouerwhelmed me with as the waues of a great flood or sea ouerwhelme somewhat Ver. 8. Thou hast put away my acquaintance farre from me i. thou hast made mee destitute of al mans aide succor for euē they that should haue pitied my case haue through thy appointment their harts hardened against me sée Psalm 38.11 and made me to be abhorred of them i. lothed as it were hated of them Iob complaineth also of this Chap. 19. almost throughout I am shut vp vz. in dangers troubles euen as a birde in a cage so that I can not get out and can not get forth i. I sée no way as it were how to be deliuered from thē or how to escape Ver. 9. Mine eye is sorowful through my afflictiō i. my afflictions are so grieuous that the very signes therof appeare in mine eies countenance yea his very sight decayed thereby Psal 38.10 Lord I cal dayly vpon thée q.d. yet I do not for al this discourage my selfe but call vpon thee dayly i. not only one day after an other but all the day long as it were noting his importunity I stretch out mine handes vnto thée vz. as one that woulde bee glad to receiue some fauour succor from thée he putteth in these wordes the signe of prayer or a gesture vsed in prayer for prayer it selfe Verse 10. Wilt thou shewe a miracle to the dead i. to mée who am as it were dead q.d. it shall bee very straunge if thou restore mee and all this hée speaketh setting out one while the greatnes of his misery an other while the weakenes of his fayth and an other while prouoking GOD thereby to hasten his ayde otherwise that he should not come in time or shal the dead i. others that séeme to be dead by reason of our afflictions rise vz. out of the great dangers distresses wherin they are and praise thee vz. for thy deliuerance and mercy q.d. there is little or no hope that we shal so do for I do not vnderstande this of the resurrection of the dead no more then I do that Ezech. 37. which I think wel waied would serue also for the clearing of the sense of this place Verse 11. Shall thy louing kindnes vz. which thou art wont to shewe to them bee declared in the graue i. either in great distresse or extremity or else putting it for the persons vz. for them that bée at the last push meaning it of himselfe or others q.d. when I looke vppon the hugenes of my afflictions and griefes there is litle or no hope thereof or thy faithfulnes vz. which thou vsest in kéeping performing thy promises so that wee may sée the faith of Gods children is many times wonderfully shaken in destruction i. in them that are appointed to destruction are as it were at deaths dore Ver. 12. Shal thy wonderous works be known i. made manifest in the darke vz. places putting it for afflictions as before ver 6. of this Psal and thy righteousnes vz. which thou shewest towards thine when thou giuest them that which thou hast promised them in the land of obliuiō or forgetfulnes i. in the graue which he calleth the land of forgetfulnes because that they which are dead are soone forgotten and all this hee speaketh by the way of a continual metaphor as it were to expresse the greatnes of his misery afflictions not otherwise as I take it Ver. 13 But vnto thée q.d. notwithstanding all my afflictions the great combats that I haue indured betwéene faith and dispaire vnto thée vz. alone none other besides thée haue I cryed O Lorde i. powred forth mine earnest hearty supplications and earely q.d. yea and though thou shalt not heare me at the first yet I wil not leaue of prayer and earely vz. in the morning sée Psal 5.3 shall my prayer come before thée i. I wil pray vnto thée not meaning as though either God or he were tyed to that time but because hée woulde vse that time wherein he found himselfe best affected to prayer Ver. 14. Lorde why doest thou reiect my soule i. why doest thou séeme to despise and neglect me vnderstanding by soule which is a part of man the whole man and hydest thy face from me q.d. what is the cause that thou turnest thy countenaunce from mee as though thou wert angry with mee and diddest despise both mee and my prayers all this is spoken of God according to mans capacity and after the iudgement of flesh Verse 15. I am afflicted vz. greatly and on euery side the Prophet fetcheth an argument from his misery to moue the Lorde with spéede to pity and helpe him and at the poynt of death i. ready euen to dye and as it were at the last gaspe vnlesse thou ayd and strengthen me from my youth i. continually the Prophet noteth his daily griefe continual exercises I suffer thy terrors i. such punishments and troubles as thou laiest vpon me which do wonderfully pierce me with terror feare doubting of my life i. doubting what shal become of my life vz. whether I shal dye presently I know not or whether these vexations shal cōtinue longer vpon me I know not euen al the days of my life Ver. 16. Thine indignation i. thy manifold wrath and very many signes and tokens of the same for hée speaketh in the plural number go ouer me i.
seruaunts that whiche thou haste graciously promised are the stablishment of thy throne i. are such as vphold and magnifye thy kingdome vsing throne as verse 4. of this Psalme I suppose he speaketh of God according to mens manners who haue certayne supporters as it were of their armes or of their kinglye Charrets sée 1. Kings 10 18 19 20 mercy and truth i. grace and faythfull performaunce of thy promises which procéedeth from grace goe before thy face i. are continually with thée and in thy presence Ver. 15. Blessed is the people q.d. O indéede howsoeuer they are condemned of the worlde yet they are in best case that can reioyce in thée i. that finde such tast in thy blessinges and benefites bestowed vpon them that they are thereby prouoked to prayse and thanke thée they shal walke vz. the dayes of their pilgrimage here and that with peace and quietnesse of conscience in the light of thy countenaunce i. in thy fauour and goodnesse hanging continuallye vppon thy prouidence Verse 16. They i. such people shall reioyce i. both in word and déede shewe themselues thankefull continually this worde importeth firme and stedfast perseueraunce in thanksgiuing in thy name i. for thy great maiestye goodnesse might and power as Psalme 20.10 and in thy righteousnesse vz. practised and performed partly towards them and partly toward their enemies shall they exalt themselues i. lift vp themselues and that with praise vnto thée not as any thing reioycing in themselues but as giuing al the honor vnto thée to whome alone it belongeth Verse 17. For thou art the glory i. thou art hee alone that adornest with glory and beautifyest their strength q d. if thou with draw thy hand in stéede of glory they shal haue weakenesse and confusion and by thy fauour i. of thy frée goodnesse and not by our desertes our horns i. our estate kingdome authoritie gouernmente force power might c. as 1. Sam. 2.1 sée verse 24. of this Psalme shall be exalted vz. aboue our enemies and we shall preuayle agaynst them Verse 18. For our shielde i. our defence and safegard from euill as it were by a shield to kéepe back our enemies dartes some referre it and that not improperly to the King who was appointed to defend and gouerne them But I rather allow of the former exposition appertayneth to the Lord vz. only q.d. the helpe and defence that we haue is from him alone and our King vz. Dauid whom the Lord hath appointed to be our King and by whose hand and power as by a meane wee must be defended to the holy one of Israell vz. belongeth q.d. he and all the kingly authoritie hee hath is from the Lorde or else it would not auayle him or profite vs. Ver. 19. Then vz. O God for here he speaketh eyther of God or to God speakest thou vz. when Dauid was appoynted King in a vision this was then one of the ordinary meanes whereby God in old time appeared and manifested his will to the fathers see numb 12.6 vnto thine holy one i. Samuel the Prophet sée 1. Samuel 16. and Samuel is here called Gods holy one not onely because hée was sanctifyed by the spirite as others his children are but also because hée was appointed to an holy office vz. of Priest and Prophet sée 1. Samuel 3.20 and saydest vz. then at that time I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mighty i. I haue appointed Dauid to whom also I haue giuen force and strength to be an helpe and ayde to deliuer my people from their opressors and haue giuen him graces méete for the gouernmente and kingdome I haue exalted vz. to the height of the kingdome and gouernment one chosen out of the people i. one of meane state and condition as Psalme 78 70 71 and yet notwithstanding thorow my goodnesse apted and aduanced to that high calling Ver. 20. I haue found vz. out from amongst the rest or else thus I haue founde i. I haue prouided for me and my people as 1. Samuel 16.1 Dauid my Seruaunt i. Dauid whom I haue chosen to serue me and my people in the gouernment of the kingdome with my holy oyle i. with the oyle which I haue appoynted to such holy vses in which respect also it is called holye oyle haue I annoynted him i. appoynted him to be King ouer my people sée Psalm 45.7 Verse 21. Therefore i. because I haue thus chosen him my hand shall be established with him i. he shall haue my power and might as a sure foundation to stay himselfe vpon and mine arme i. my force and strength shall strengthen him vz. agaynst all his enemies so that I will kéepe and preserue him from all dangers and marke that vnder hand and arme which are seueral termes he meaneth nothing but prouidence p●otection might c. Verse 22. The enemie i. whatsoeuer enemye he hath shall not oppresse vz. for any long time and that eyther by fraude or by force him vz. whom I haue appointed neyther shall the wicked i. he that is giuen ouer to wickednesse howe desperate and bold soeuer he be in his vngodly attempts hurt him vz. any manner of way or any long time as before in the word oppresse Verse 23. But I will destroy vz. by my might and power and that in iustice and iudgemente his foes i. all his foes whether they be open or secret before his face i. openlye he seing and beholding the same and being mine instrumente to performe that great worke and plague them vz. with death and destruction that hate him vz. any maner of way eyther inwardly or testifie their hatred outwardely Ver. 24. My truth also i. my faithfulnesse in performance of promises and my mercy i. great goodnesse he noteth the cause of his promises and the performance thereof shal be vz. present and in effect with him vz. continuallye q.d. I will alwayes shewe my selfe faythfull and mercifull towardes him and in my name i. thorow my goodnesse strength and power as Psalme 20.1 shall his horne i. his maiestie glory power and might as before ver 17. of this Psalme shall be exalted i. lifted vp and aduanced to great heighte and reuerence Verse 25. I will set his hand also in the sea some expound it thus I wil make subiect vnto his power the very sea and riuers muche more the lande which is weaker then they I would rather expounde it thus I vz. the almighty Lord will set i. stretche out his hand i. his might power gouernement and kingdome in the sea i. euen vnto the red sea and the sea mediterraneum and this was promised Exodus 23 31. and was accomplished 2. Samuel chapter 8. and 10 and his right hand in the flouds vz. of Euphrates Nylus Iordan and others Ver. 26. He vz. Dauid my seruant shal crie vnto me i. earnestly call vpon me and say thou art my Father i. one that hath a most louing tender and prouident care ouer me my God i. my
thou hast shewed in former time vnto our Fathers which vz. also thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy truth i. which faythfully and truely thou promisedst and that by an oth adioyned to thy promise to performe to him and his séede see verse 35 of this Psalme In the other two verses vz. verse 47.48 he tooke argumentes from the vanitie of men and their life to moue the Lorde to pittie them In this verse he taketh an argument from the faythfulnesse which GOD vseth towards his seruaunts to induce him therto and in the two nexte verses vz. 50 51. he taketh an argument from the person of their enemies Verse 50. Remember O Lord i. earnestly thinke vpon that thou mayst also redresse it the rebuke of thy seruaunts i. the tauntes and rebukes wherewith thy seruaunts are laded by their enimies sée Psalm 123.4 which I beare in my bosome i. which I suffer most quietly patiently louing them as it were and making so much of them as though I fostred them in my bosome because I know they come from thée of al the mightie people i. which al the mighty people cast vpon me so the Prophet sheweth who were his enemies vz. not only the meaner sort but the most mighty of all Ver. 51. Thyne enemies vz. and ours for thy sake haue reproched thée O Lord vz. because thou hast not holpen vs saying where is now their god Psal 79.10 because they haue reproched i. blasphemed and spoken euil of with taunts rebukes the footesteps of thine annointed i. the good conuersation and behauiour of him whom thou hast appointed to be King if you referre it to Dauid If to Christe then it hath this sence that they speake euill of the doctrine and profession of Christ vpbraiding them also that wayted for his comming Vnderstanding by footesteps the féete themselues because with our féete we make our steps and by féete comming as Isaiah 52.7 Ver. 52. Praysed be the Lord for euermore this is a conclusion with thanksgiuing which in all places and in prosperitye and aduersitie the faythfull vse to giue to the Lord as Iob 1 21. So be it euen so bee it this is a consent yeelded to the same thankes giuing and the doubling maketh both for the earnestnesse and certaintie of it Sée Psalme 72.19 Ver. 1 teacheth that it behoueth Gods saints continually to praise god for his Do. mercy also that their thanksgiuing must not be inward in the hart onlye but outward also in the mouth Verse 2. teacheth that the true taste and féeling of Gods mercy and truth are two principall proppes to our consciences Verse 3 teacheth Gods goodnesse and mercy who for the further strengthening of our fayth and not for any inconstancy in him maketh an oth for the performaunce of his promises Verse 4. teacheth that Kinges and their posterity can not indure without the Lord vphold them and blesse them Verse 5. teacheth men euen by the example of heauenly creatures to prayse the Lord. Verse 6 teacheth that none neither in heauen nor earth is any way matchable with God Ver. 7 is a notable place against inuocation or prayer to Saynts Verse 8 sheweth that it is no small comfort to the consciences of Gods children rightly to consider his great power Verse 9. teacheth that Gods power and prouidence beareth a sway in the stilling of the sea and waues thereof which otherwise séeme to goe by naturall course Verse 10 teacheth vs that the ouerthrow of Gods enemies is not from man but from the Lorde himselfe and his mightye power Verse 11 sheweth that God is Lord ouer all things and that the firmity or stayednesse which the world hath it hath it not of it selfe but from the Lorde who in his power and prouidence vpholdeth the same Verse 12 proueth that God created the earth and that therefore it is not eternall as Philosophie affirmeth also although all the earth belong to the Lord as ouer which he hath a generall care yet specially that part which the faythfull inhabite Verse 13 setteth out Gods mightie strength and power which is so great as none is able to resist Verse 14 setteth out Gods iustice mercy and truth as matters not only of great comfort to his seruaunts but of great instruction also to teache them to striue to the lyke in their behauiour and dealings Verse 15 teacheth first that only Gods people are indéede blessed secondly that there is no matter of mirth or ioy but in the Lord only thirdly that Gods frée fauour and mercy is the onely vpholder of our bodily and spirituall life Verse 16 teacheth that the faythfull neuer reioyce in themselues but in the Lord and in his strength and in the faythfull accomplishment of his promises Ver. 17. teacheth that all the glory strength and power that the godly haue is from the Lord only Ver. 18. teacheth that neyther King nor people nor weapons c. are any thing without the Lord. Verse 19 teacheth that Gods word in the mouth of his ministers is a good both warrante and comforte to those that are his also that it is the Lorde that rayseth vp one and pulleth downe an other Verse 20 teacheth vs that he is in déede approued whom the Lord approueth howe much soeuer otherwise he be reiected of men Verse 21 teacheth that all the strength and power that Princes haue they haue it from the Lorde alone Verse 22 sheweth Gods care ouer his children and how mightily he will defend them it teacheth also that the wicked cannot doe what they list Ver. 23 teacheth that the ouerthrow of the vngodly is from the Lord whatsoeuer instruments he vseth to the performance thereof Verse 24. teacheth that Gods truth mercy and power are the proppes of all common wealths and kingdomes Ver. 25. teacheth that it is the Lord alone who inlargeth kingdoms Ver. 26 teacheth not only how earnest Gods children should be in their prayers but also with what a particular apprehension féeling of his mercy and power they ought to repaire vnto him Ver. 27. teacheth that meane men and high men are so much as God accounteth of them indéede and no more Ver. 28 teacheth that Gods mercy the stedfastnesse of his couenaunt be singular comforts to the consciences of his seruaunts Ver. 29. teacheth that God will be the God of the faythfull and of their séede after them Ver. 30.31 doe euidently declare what sinne is vz. the breache of the law and not obseruing Gods commaundements Ver. 32. teacheth that God wil chastice his for their sins to the end that therby they may come to amendment Verse 33 teacheth that God in the middest of his punishmentes remembreth his mercy toward his secondly that God will neuer vtterly forsake those that are his howsoeuer it pleaseth him to afflict them for a time Verse 34. sheweth that God is frée from all chaunge or shadow of turning Iames 1.17 which is a singular comfort to the afflicted foule Verse 35 expresseth Gods loue towardes vs
by beautie he meaneth the wonderful louing kindnesse and fauour of God which while it pleaseth God to shewe to his he doth after a sort adorne them with great glory and comfort which when also he withdraweth they séeme to bee in greate reproche and dishonour This then is as muche q.d. Shew vs thy fauour that not only we our selues maye thereby be comforted in our selues but also that thereby wee maye haue the great credite glory and estimation whiche wee were wont to haue with other people direct i. order guide and prosper the worke of our handes i. whatsoeuer wée shall take in hande vppon vs i. amongst vs in vs and to vs q.d. giue a good successe and blessed issue to al our enterprises he meaneth that nothing we take in hand can come to good ende except that GOD guide vs by his holy spirite euen directe the worke of our handes hee repeateth the same request agayne not onely to set forth his owne earnestnesse in prayer but also to declare howe necessarye and néedefull the thing it selfe is for whiche hée prayeth Verse 1. teacheth that it is no small comfort of conscience Do. if wee haue once felte God gracious and fauourable vnto vs. Verse 2. teacheth that the true tast and féeling of Gods eternall election is an excellent proppe for men to staye themselues on in all assaults Verse 3 teacheth that the issues both of life and death are in Gods owne power Verse 4 teacheth that the longest dayes and yeares of mans life in respect of God who is all eternity are nothing In the 5 and 6 verses by two similitudes vz. of floods and flowers he noteth the shortnesse and vanity of the life of all men of what state or condition soeuer they be Ver. 7 teacheth that the apprehension and féeling of Gods wrath worketh gréeuous effects in the mindes and bodies of those that be indéed touched therwith Ver. 8 that the matter of all Gods wrath agaynst vs is within our selues vz. both our open and secret transgressions against God and man Ver. 9 teacheth that mans life is nothing how long soeuer it be amongst men when the wrath and iudgement of God is vpon it Ver. 10 teacheth that al the dayes of the strongest mans life is nothing else but sorrow and vexation of spirite Ver. 11. teacheth how hard a thing it is and how few there are that doe rightlye and reuerently thinke of Gods fearefull wrath Verse 12 teacheth vs to pray to God to giue vs grace to thinke vpon the shortnesse of our liues and to remember the last ende a matter which we very easilye and much forget Verse 13 teacheth that nothing is so comfortable to Gods seruaunts as his fauour and loue and as when in the same they féele him reconciled vnto them Verse 14.15 teacheth vs that if we respecte our wretchednesse miserye and affliction we haue great néede to pray for the abundaunce and riches of Gods mercy to be shewed vpon vs and when we haue felt it to shew our selues vnfeignedly thankefull to him for the same Verse 16 teacheth in our prayers alwayes to respecte Gods glorye and the saluation of his people Verse 17. teacheth that nothing that wée doe can come to a good ende vnlesse the Lorde doth beginne continue and finish the same Psalme 91. Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts In the firste he declareth in what safety they are that in stedfast trust do wholy submit themselues vnto the Lord and hang vppon him from verse 1. to the end of the 13. In the second he bringeth in god speaking as a sufficient witnesse to confirme and performe the truth of all that he had sayde from verse 14. to the ende of the Psalme Se. This Psalme hath no title The Iewish expositors iudge that Moses penned it but that is not much materiall this is to be marked whosoeuer he was that writ it did shewe himselfe to haue a very singular féeling of Gods power and prouidence Verse 1. Who so i. Whosoeuer hée bée of what state and condition hée bée that dwelleth i. hath his moste vsuall abode in the secrete of the most high i. vnder the prouidence and protection of the most high GOD shall abide q.d. Suche a one néede not doubte but that hée shall alwayes continue in the shadowe of the almightie i. vnder the pleasaunte and assured defence of GOD. The Prophet sheweth what care the Lorde hath ouer his faythfull people into whatsoeuer daungers they fall and therefore exhorteth them to continue sure and stedfast to him because they that bee in his kéeping shall not be in daunger of blowes but shal dwel in a sure quiet and pleasaunt place which I suppose he meaneth by secret and shadowe Verse 2. I vz. being thus assured of his fatherlye protection will saye vz. at all times in what case or distresse souer I bee vnto the Lord vz. vppon whome I doe thus depende by fayth O myne hope i. thou whome alone I hope and trust in and my Fortresse sée Psalme 18.2 hée vz. alone and none other but hee is my GOD i. my defender and safe kéeper in him will I trust vz. all the dayes of my lyfe euen for euer and euer Immanuel readeth these two verses otherwise and maketh an other sence which indéede I better allow of thus Verse 1. To him vz. whosoeuer he bée that dwelleth i. that hangeth continually by a stedfast fayth in the secrete of the most high i. vppon the prouidence of the Lorde whether it appeare towards him or no and vnto him that lodgeth all nighte vnder the shadowe of the almighty By dwelling and lodging and all the rest of the words the Prophet meaneth nothing else but this he that daye and nighte by a liuelye fayth stayeth himselfe vppon GOD and his prouidence neyther careth much for anye worldlye casualtie as men terme it shall in déede be safe for that muste we vnderstande euen as Chickens are vnder the Hennes winges Let then the first verse go thus To him that dwelleth in the secrete of the most high and vnto him that lodgeth all night vnder the shadow of the almightie Ver. 2. Do I say vz. in mine own experience example in the Lord is my hope q.d. and by my example I woulde haue him to hope in him likewise and my fortresse i. the place of my sure defence agaynste all mine aduersaries hee is my GOD in whome I truste i. I trust vnto him and to no other but him who both canne and will defende mee Verse 3. Surelye q.d. without all doubte if so bee it thou vnfeynedlye trust in him For the man of GOD in this verse applyeth his owne example to the faythfull hée vz. whiche hath all will and power in himselfe and neuer deceaueth anye will deliuer thée i. eyther kéepe thée altogether from it or else if thou fall into it sette thée frée from the snare i. from destruction priuilye and closelye prepared for thée as snares are to catche
of thy promises in the night i. euery night by these two woordes morning and night hée meaneth continuall thankesgiuing for as his goodnes and trueth abydeth towardes vs continually so it behoueth vs to giue continuall all thankes vnto him for the same Ver. 3. Vpon an instrument of ten stringes and vpon the viole sée before Psalm 33.2 with the song vppon the harp hée meaneth that the song and the tune of the song played vpon the harpe shoulde both goe together And in this verse he speaketh not onely according to the vse that was then vnder the lawe at what times musicall instruments and songes were a part of the tutorshippe of the Iewes but meaning somewhat further vz. that men shoulde inforce themselues what in them laye to prayse the Lord earnestly by all the meanes they could Ver. 4. For thou Lorde hast made mée glad vz. both inwardly and outwardly so that both my soule and my body reioyce by thy workes i. by the contemplation and consideration of thy works in which thou settest forth thy great maiesty mercy power wisedome c. and euen thy whole selfe as it were and I will reioyce q.d. séeing thou hast giuen me so great and so good an occasion I will not faile but be glad therein in the workes of thine handes i. in the excellent things that thou thy selfe hast by thy almighty power created and made he attributeth handes to God because hée speaketh of him according to mans capacity and not that he hath any handes at all Ver. 5. O Lorde howe glorious are thy workes q.d. they are so great and ful of maiesty that no tongue is able to expresse it nor heart effectually conceiue the excellency of them and thy thoughtes are very déepe i. thy counsels purposes and manners of doing are incomprehensible and passe al vnderstanding of men The interrogation and exclamation which the Prophet vseth in this place doe sufficiently declare that God otherwise gouerneth mankynde then al mans reason is able to conceiue Verse 6. An vnwise man i. a wicked man which also he vnderstandeth by foole afterwardes the worde which hée vseth signifieth brutish as a beast meaning him that giueth himselfe ouer to his sensualitie and pleasure beastlike not regarding either Gods woorkes or his worde sée Psalm 28.5 so that wee sée what account he is of before God vz. estéemed as a bruit beast knoweth it not i. neither cōsidereth neither approueth the excellency of thy workes and iudgements and a foole i. a wicked and vngodly person as Psalm 14.1 and also generally throughout the whole booke of Prouerbs doth not vnderstande this vz. which followeth vz. that the wicked and vngodly for al their florishing state shall come to perpetual ruine and decay no they vnderstand it not though it please thée O Lorde in other mens persons to giue them dayly experience and tryall thereof Ver. 7. When the wicked growe i. increase and florish prosper and triumph as the grasse hee meaneth hereby not onely their florishing estate but withall secretly hee setteth out their quicke and flitting estate of which see before Psal 90.5.6 and al the workers of wickednes i. all they that worke wickednesse with gréedinesse delight and pleasure doe florish vz. in this worlde and here marke that if the parenthesis in the Geneua text were left out the sense woulde bee very plaine that they shal bee destroyed vz. from amongest men and that through Gods iudgements for euer yea and for euer meaning the eternall punishment that shall light vppon them Ver. 8. But thou O Lord art most high for euermore Sée the note in the Geneua Bible for the sense of this text but I rather like Immanuels translation which readeth it thus And that thou O most high art the Lorde for euermore q.d. this is an other thing beside the former which the wicked forget vz. that thou rulest and gouernest all thinges according to the good pleasure of thine owne will and power Ver. 9. For loe thine enemies O Lorde i. those that set themselues againste thée for loe thine enemies O Lorde shal perish vz. through thy mighty iudgements and this repeating of the thing twise together with that terme lo doubled do note the certaintie assurednes thereof al the workers of iniquitie sée before ver 7. of this Psal and these words all the workers of wickednes shal be destroyed vz. as things broken into pieces and shal vanish away as matters of no regarde Verse 10. But thou shalt exalt mine horne i. thou shalt not onely increase but also cause to be reuerenced my strength like the vnicornes vz. either horne or strength whose horne howe greatly it is estéemed experience teacheth for the strength of it you may sée Deut. 33.17 Num. 24.8 and I shal be annoynted he speaketh this according to the manner of the countrey wherein hee liued vnderstanding by annointing powring forth vz. of giftes and hauing also the same giftes bestowed vppon him with freshe oyle vz. whiche hath not lost his strength and power hee meaneth that hee shall not onelye inioye but bee adorned also with the graces and benefites of GOD sée Psalme 23.5 Verse 11. Mine eye also shall sée my desire vz. executed against mine enemies hee meaneth that he shoulde behold his enemies plagued and punished vnderstanding by the word enemies such as looked narrowly to his behauiour and hoped to sée destruction come vpon him the same worde is vsed Psal 5.8 when hée speaketh here of desires and wishes hee meaneth not such hasty and rash wishes as we are prouoked to through the corruption and malice of our own hartes neither as though hee desired any thing against Gods will but being throughly perswaded of the obstinate malice of the vngodly on the one side Gods iudgements ready to be powred forth vppon them on the other side for their sinnes he vttereth these spéeches and mine eares shall heare vz. by true and faithful report q.d. my hearing as well as my féeling shal be satisfied my wish vz. accomplished and performed against the wicked that rise vp against me vz. with al their force and power q.d. I shal sée them ouerthrown Ver. 12. The righteous i. he whome God accepteth as righteous and frameth to righteousnes shall florish vz. through Gods grace and goodnes towardes him like a palme trée some thinke the iust to bee compared to a palme trée for the swéetnes of the fruite which for mine owne part I sée no reason of The Rabbines and amongest the rest Abeu Ezra thinke them to be compared to palme trées for their lastingnes All knowe this and Plinie also maketh mention of it that the nature of this trée is though when weight is layd vppon it bende and bowe somewhat yet the weight being remoued it standeth vpright again and spreadeth it selfe so the faithfull notwithstanding their affliction shall when their miseries are remoued recouer newe strength and come to more force then they haue had before and shal grow vz.
in height greatnes strength like a Cedar of Lebanon of these Cedar trées wée haue hearde before Psalm 28.5 and in other places Verse 13. Such as bée planted i. such as haue taken déepe roote and bée well setled for hee speaketh not here of hypocrites which kéepe or occupy a place onely in the Church but of all faithful people in the house of the Lorde i. in the Church as 1. Timothie 3.15 and it is called Gods house both because that GOD taketh a delight to dwell there as it were and also because his exercises are there obserued and hee sheweth him selfe more familiarly to that company then to the rest beside shall florishe i. shall yéelde great store of fruite through Gods blessing in the Courtes of our GOD i. euen in the Church or assembly of the Sayntes hee speaketh of Courtes because both the tabernacle had sundry Courtes and also afterwardes the temple vz. one for the Priestes and Leuites and an other for the people Ver. 14. They shal bring forth vz. through Gods blessing and great goodnes fruite i. abundaunce and store of fruite in their age i. euen in their olde age q.d. although they bee neuer so olde yet they shall not bee barren but shall plentifully yéelde foorth fruites of righteousnesse being watred thereto through the working of the spirite what these fruites are hee sheweth in the next verse they shal be fat and florishing vnder these metaphores he meaneth that they shal be not onely in good liking but couragious and apt to all good thinges through Gods goodnes Ver. 15. To declare vz. abroade in euery place and to all men that the Lord my rocke i. that the Lorde who is my sure defence sée Psal 18.2 is righteous vz. in all his waies and namely when hee blesseth the good and powreth vengeaunce vpon the vngodly and that no iniquity vz. at all is in him vz. either in respect of his being or doings so that hee sheweth that this is one excellent fruit which the godly yéelde to confesse gods iustice and righteousnes Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that it is profitable euen for vs to praise GOD for his mercy and might Ver. 2. Teacheth vs to yéelde thankesgiuing continually vnto God Ver. 3. Teacheth vs to vse all lawful meanes to inforce our selues to that whereunto wee are so dull and backwarde Ver. 4. Teacheth vs that euen the very beholding and consideration of Gods workes ministreth great ioy vnto many of Gods children Ver. 5. Teacheth two thinges first the excellent maiesty of God which in some measure appeareth in his workes secondly that Gods iudgements and wayes are a bottomlesse depth vnto man Ver. 6. Teacheth that the wicked haue very litle or no regarde at al of Gods iudgements workes or wordes Ver. 7. Teacheth two things first that the wicked and vngodly haue in this life great prosperity secondly that they shall come to a perpetual and sodaine destruction Ver. 8. Teacheth that though man bee weake and wauering yet the Lorde is full of power and alwayes like vnto himselfe Ver. 9. Sheweth not onely what great plagues shall fall vpon the enemies of God and his trueth but also how assuredly they shall fall vpon them Ver. 10. Teacheth that howsoeuer God punisheth the wicked yet he wil remēber his own with an euerlasting mercy Ver. 11. Sheweth that God will execute iudgements vpon the wicked to the end the godly may bee strengthened in the assured perswasions which they haue in the trueth of his promises Verse 12. Setteth out the glorious and prosperous estate of the faithfull Verse 13. Teacheth that it is a good thing to ioyne our selues to the assemblies of Gods Saints for there is the place of all godly and plentiful fruites Ver. 14. Teacheth that Gods children are not voyde of the fruites of faith Ver. 15. Teacheth that this is one excellent fruite of faith vz. to set out and prayse the strength power goodnes and iustice of almighty God Psalme 93 THe faythfull in this Psalme Di. doe magnifie and prayse GOD for many thinges they doe commende and prayse him first for his great glory and euerlasting eternity and this is in the two first verses Secondly for his most excellent and mighty gouernment of all thinges and this is in verse 3.4 thirdly of the singular regarde that hee hath of his Church and this is in the last parte of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title and of this sort are Psalme 1.2.10 Se. and sundry others Verse 1. The Lorde reigneth vz. ouer all the earth but specially amongest his owne people and that not onely in ruling and gouerning the course of nature but specially by his doctrine and worde so you shall sée the worde raigning taken Psalm 96. verse 10. Psalm 97.1 Psalme 99.1 and is clothed with maiesty i. decked with great glory which by effect is declared in euerye place maintaining mankinde with a wonderfull power iustice and wisedome yet wee must note that this worde clothed signifieth not any thing that commeth from an other to him for hee hath the fulnesse of all thinges in his owne power and possession but hee speaketh in this and the next verse following of GOD according to the manner of earthly Kinges who beare rule amongest men and for their great maiesty are clothed with the most costly apparell and rich iewels the Lorde is clothed and girded with power vz. both to withstande his enemies and defende his children hee meaneth by the worde clothing that the Lorde hath power continually with him as a garment and by the worde girding that he hath it on euery side and in a readinesse to make it manifest as pleaseth him the worlde also vz. which hee hath created and made vnderstanding thereby al things in the world whatsoeuer shal be established i. preserued and maintained in the right gouernement thereof though men labour to disturbe it that it can not be moued vz. by any thing that man can imagine or doe against it hee commendeth in this verse Gods great power which hath so established the earth and all thinges therein that men can not so much as shake the least part thereof Verse 2. Thy throne i. thy kingdome and the gouernment thereof Sée Psal 89.4 putting a part of the kingdome for the kingdome and gouernement it selfe is established of olde i. was not onely setled thē but hath from that time hitherto indured and so shall for euer and euer and that word which we terme of olde is in Hebrewe before them i. before there was any certaine or set time of which men might pronounce this worde then sée Prouerb 8.22 thou art from euerlasting vz. and so shalt continue for euer euer Ver. 3. The floods i. all floods of the seas and waters haue lifted vppe their voyce i. haue made a great noyse as men doe when they inforce themselues to speake or sing loude some vnderstande by this manner of speach the enemies who with great violence did breake in vpon gods
his sight neither wil the God of Iaakob regard it q.d. hee will make no great account of our transgressions so the wicked are caryed away into sinne perswading themselues either that God maketh no account of it or if hée doe they are able to stoppe his eyes vppe and to shut his mouth Verse 8. Vnderstand vz. howe farre yee goe astray and deceiue your selues q.d. nowe at the length bee of a better mynde yee vnwise i. yee wicked and vngodly men as Psal 92.6 among the people hee meaneth by this speach not onely that they committed sinne in the sight of the people but were as a man woulde saye the ringleaders of the rest and yée fooles i. O yée wicked people as generally you shall haue that worde so vsed throughout the Prouerbes when will yee bée wise i. when will yée returne and bée of a better mynde for that is true wisedome in déede Ver. 9. Hée that planted the eare vz. in the heade and that place of the head meaning thereby the creating and making of it shall hee not heare q.d. it can not bée but hée must needes heare or hee that formed the eye i. hée that not onely gaue shape but substaunce also and being vnto it shall hée not sée q.d. it can not bée auoyded but hée must needes sée and therefore that is a vayne perswasion which you haue to thinke that hee doeth not beholde and marke your wordes and déedes and this is a reason taken from the very order of nature q.d. if GOD giue men power to heare and sée can any thing then be hidden from him as you suppose no in déed Sée such a like argument vsed Exodus 4.11 Verse 10. Or hée that chastiseth vz. with his punishmēts and iudgments the nations i. whole peoples countries yea and the whole world as in the general flood shall hée not correct vz. you that with the same or like punishments q.d. you may assure your selues that hée will come vppon you in seuere iustice and iudgement And this is an argument taken from the more to the lesse q.d. if GOD chastise and correct all people without partialty or respect of persons will he leaue some fewe men vnpunished no in deed he that teacheth man i. all mankynde and euery man that hath any thing knowledge i. any knowledge or vnderstanding that hée hath shall not hée knowe vz. the sinnes and iniquyties which you commit against him either openlye or secretlye q.d. assure your selues hée knoweth them all Verse 11. The Lorde q.d. whatsoeuer you imagine yet this is certaine that hée knoweth i. heareth seeth correcteth yea and pronounceth iudgement of the thoughtes of man i. not only the thinges that man thinketh but also the wordes hee speaketh and the workes hee doeth putting thought which is the beginning of euery thing for the pursuite and perfourmaunce of the thinges themselues that they are vanitye i. that they are vayne and shall come to no ende as by the iudgement which hée will execute vppon them shall appeare Verse 12. Blessed is the man i. certainely hee is in good case howsoeuer the world déeme of him And marke how after hee had reproued the wicked hee commeth to comfort the good whome thou chastisest vz. for a small while and that either by the ministery of wicked and vngodly men as verse 5. and 6. of this Psal or else by thine owne hande and crosses of tryall and teachest him vz. to walke in thy law i. according to the rules prescribed in the same Verse 13. That thou mayest giue him rest vz. after some short and small affliction as Psalme 30.5 vnderstanding by rest deliueraunce from all daungers and distresses and peace after the same deliueraunce from the dayes of euill i. from the tyme wherein hée was exercised with affliction and aduersitie while the pit is digged for the wicked i. not onely while the vngodly is afflicted as though he ment that the good being deliuered the vngodly shoulde bée punished in this life but also death and destruction from the Lorde is prepared for them and commeth vppon them Sée 2. Thessalonians 1. ver 5.6.7 Vnderstanding by pit death and destruction and by digging the preparing and performing thereof Ver. 14. Surely the Lorde will not faile his people i. deceiue or disappoint them in any thing neither will hee forsake his inheritaunce vz. vtterly or for euer hee here laboureth to staye the faythfull vppon the assured loue and trueth of the Lorde Verse 15. for iudgement i. Gods iudgements which in this worlde is rather executed vppon the good then vppon the badde shall returne to iustice i. shalbée brought to full and assured iustice euerye man hauing yéelded to him his right vz. affliction to them that afflict and to the afflicted Gods kingdome for which they suffer Sée 2. Thessalonians 16.7.8 not as though Gods iudgements executed in this life were vniust for hee is iust in all his workes and holy in all his wayes but because wee haue in this life but the beginning of them and in the great daye the full measure of iustice shalbée made manifest and all the vpright in heart i. all that are soundly and sincerely without hypocrisie giuen to godlinesse shall followe after it vz. chearefully meaning by the worde following not onely the approuing of it but also a holy desire to sée and imbrace the same Verse 16. Who will rise vppe with mee i. for mee against the wicked hee meaneth that none woulde defende him and his cause against the wicked or who will take my part against the workers of iniquity q.d. none saue God only by this the Prophet sheweth in his owne example that vnlesse GOD had holpen him hée had béene vtterly cast away so much was hee despised of all and so little coulde or woulde any mans helpe preuaile Verse 17. If the Lorde had not holpen mee vz. in the tyme of my distresse and feare by the woorde holpen hee meaneth plentifull helpe and deliueraunce my soule had almost dwelt in silence i. I shoulde haue béene dead and buryed hée putteth the worde soule for life as sundry tymes before and dwelling in silence for lying in the graue which is called the place of silence not onely because the deade haue no féeling force speaking c but also because they haue no power as then to prayse GOD. Sée Psalme 6.5 also Psalme 115.17 and by the worde almost hee meaneth not that hee shoulde haue escaped death but that hee shoulde shortly haue dyed Verse 18. When I sayde vz. either in wordes or thought in my heart that which followeth my foote slydeth i. I am come nowe into some one daunger or other and I seeme thereby to bee cast awaye and euen at deathes dore as it were If any man list to to take it of small daungers because slyding or slipping of the foote is no great matter I will not gainesay it thy mercye O Lorde stayed mee vz. from falling either into daunger or perill of destruction or into
i. is prepared and layde vp and yet lyeth hid as it were séede committed to the earth which shall in good time come forth sée Colossians 3.3.4 1. Cor. 12.12.1 Iohn 3.2 The Metaphor that he vseth in this place is excellent q.d. Euen as wheate or other séede cast into the earth dyeth and lyeth hidde for a certayne while before it waxe gréene and bring forth fruite so the iust suffer manye thinges before they féele ioye but theire ioye shall in good time bee made manifest and they shall haue great increase and store thereof as of one grayne cast into the grounde commeth plentie and abundaunce of Corne for the righteous i. for them whome GOD frameth to righteousnesse of life and holye conuersation and ioye this sheweth playnlye what he meant by light vz. ioye both in this lyfe and in the lyfe to come for the vprighte in harte i. for them that are voyde of hypocrisie and dissymulation Sée Psalme 33 1. Verse 12. Reioyce yée vprighteous in the Lorde q.d. Let him bee the matter of your ioye that doth suche great thinges for you and giue thankes vz. vnto him onelye for his holye remembraunce these wordes maye haue a double sence eyther thus for his holye remembraunce i. for that it pleaseth him that is holye to thinke vppon and to remember you or else thus for his holye remembraunce i. for that you haue good and often occasion giuen you by his continuall graces bestowed vppon you to remember and thinke vppon him that is holye and iust and this latter I take to bee the more simple Verse 1. Teacheth vs that it is a matter of great ioye Do. to knowe that the Lorde ruleth and gouerneth all thinges Verse 2. teacheth vs what greate power and iustice is in the Lorde Verse 3. teacheth vs that the wicked and vngodly shall not escape vnpunished Verse 4. teacheth vs that the least of Gods creatures is able to terrifie all the world Verse 5 sheweth that nothing is able to withstand the Lord in his purposes and that the strongest and gretest thinges are as nothing before him Verse 6. teacheth vs that Gods goodnesse and vprightnesse are so cleare euen in his creatures as none can pretend ignoraunce Verse 7 teacheth two things first that we may pray agaynst idols and Idolaters secondlye it sheweth what greate iudgementes shall ouertake them Verse 8 teacheth the godly to reioyce euen in Gods iudgementes executed vpon the wicked Verse 9 setteth out the excellency maiestie and almightie power of God Verse 10 teacheth first that our hatred and lothing of euill must be a seale of the law of God in our harts secondlye that God hath more then a fatherly care ouer the liues of those that be his and thirdly the wicked for all their power can not doe what they would against Gods children Verse 11. teacheth that howsoeuer the good be afflicted for a time yet is abundaunce of ioy layde vp for them Verse 12 teacheth the faithfull to shew themselues alwayes thankefull to God Psalme 98 Di. THis Psalme contayneth thrée speciall parts In the first hee exhorteth the faythfull to prayse the Lord shewing some causes that should lead them so to doe Verse 1.2.3 In the seconde he sheweth how this thanksgiuing and prayfe should be yéelded to the Lord and that is partly with the voyce and songes and partly with musicall instruments Verse 4.5.6 In the thyrde parte by exhorting dumbe creatures to yéelde thankes vnto the Lord he prouoketh men to the performaunce of that excellente and holye duetye Verse 7.8.9 Se. The Title a Psalme this hath bene expounded before and namely Psal 3. and Psalme 4 in the title Verse 1. Sing vnto the Lord a new song sée for this Psalme 96. verse 1. for hée vz. alone hath done vz. by his power and might marueylous thinges i. matters to be wondred at and farre passing the reache of man his right hand vz. alone meaning by right hand his almightye strength and power and his holy arme i. the arme of him that is holye yea holinesse it selfe vnderstanding by arme the same thing hee did by hande vz. might and strength hath gotten him i. him himselfe and in him his Church the victory vz. against all his and their enemies The Prophet meaneth that God deliuered his Church from the enemies thereof not by the meanes of man or any accustomed order but by his owne power and strength sée Psalm 44 2.3 also Isaiah 59 16. and agayne Isaiah 63.5 Ver. 2. The Lord declared vz. by the meruailous and great workes which he hath done his saluation i. his gracious deliueraunce of his Church out of al daungers and distresses and this is called his saluation because he is the only worker of it and doeth fréely bestowe the same vppon his people and his righteousnesse i. his faythfull and vprighte executing of iustice and iudgemente hath hée reuealed vz. in his mightye and marueylous workes in the sighte of the Nations i. openly not only before the Iewes but before all other Nations of the worlde Verse 3. He hath remembred i. he hath not onelye thoughte vpon but in his remembraunce performed his mercye and his truth i. his gracious goodnesse and his faythfull promises made towardes the house of Israell i. to the people of the Iewes whome hée calleth the house of Israell because they procéeded from Iaakob who was also called Israell and came from him as from one stocke or Fountayne all the endes of the earth i. all the partes and quarters of the worlde and some people inhabiting the same haue séene vz. playnly and sensibly meaning by this spéech that they haue bin made partakers of the saluations vz. mercifully promised graciously to be performed in Christ of our GOD i. of that true and euer liuing GOD whome we serue He speaketh here no doubt of the calling of the Gentiles and of those gracious promises expressed Genesis 12.3 Genesis 22.18 Verse 4. All the earth i. all people inhabiting the earth q.d. Consider this great benefyte euerye one of you and chearefullye prayse the Lorde for it sing yée lowde i. prayse him willinglye and openlye vnto the Lorde vz. who hath bestowed these greate graces vppon you crye out q.d. inforce your selfe to prayse him and reioyce vz. for the mercies which you haue receaued and sing prayses vz. continually and that to the Lorde who hath dealt so fauourablye with you as to make you of no people a people vnto himselfe The Prophet repeateth one and the selfe same thinges vnder diuers termes not only to expresse his own earnestnesse but also to declare mens dulnesse in the performaunce thereof and with all to expresse that the thinges themselues giuen from God and receaued of vs are so excellent that we can neuer be sufficient thankefull for the same Ver. 5. Sing praise vz. for the grace and blessinges receaued to the Lorde vz. who hath freely giuen the same vppon the Harpe i. vppon musicall instrumentes vnderstanding by one many or
goodnesse chuseth men to be a peculiar inheritaunce to himselfe to the end he may alwayes mayntayne them vnder the shaddow of his winges Verse 4. Enter q.d. Because hée hath adopted you therefore striue to serue him into his Gates i. into the Gates of his Temple or Tabernacle he putteth a parte for the whole and the beginning of Gods seruice vz. repayring to the publique place for the execution of that seruice and Worshippe with prayse vz. vnto his name for that and many other his great goodnesses and mercye and into his Courtes hee speaketh according to the number of Courtes in the Tabernacle meaning as before the places of publike assemblies and Gods seruice sée Psalme 94.2.10 with reioycing vz. for the blessinges and benefites which he hath bestowed vpon you prayse him vz. for his great goodnesse and kindnesse towards you and blesse his name i. thanke his maiestye and power for those his mercies sée the word blessing so vsed Mat. 14.19 Verse 5. For the Lorde is good vz. towardes all but speciallye to his owne people meaning by the worde good fauourable louing and gracious his mercye vz. towardes his sonnes and seruauntes is euerlasting i. indureth and lasteth for euer and is neuer subiect to alteration nor chaunge sée Psalme 136. thorowe out and his truth i. the truth and stedfastnesse of his promises made vnto his seruauntes for so doeth the Hebrew worde vsed in this place alwayes signifye is from generation to generation i. is continuall and neuer decayeth euen as one generation succéedeth an other not meaning but that Gods mercy shall indure when all carnall generations of men shall fayle Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs that it becommeth Gods people neuer to be ashamed to prayse the Lord. Verse 2 teacheth vs to yéelde that seruice which we performe to God chearefully and with a good hart Verse 3 teacheth vs that we haue neyther our bodily creation nor our spirituall regeneration of our selues but all from the Lord only Verse 4 teacheth vs that Gods children should shew them selues in publike assemblies publikely thankfull for publike benefits receaued at his mercifull hands Verse 5. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer man be variable in his loue and promise yet God in goodnesse and truth abideth alwayes faithfull to his Psalme 101 THis Psalme as I take it may be deuided into two parts Di. In the first the Kingly Prophet Dauid declareth what hee will performe in respecte of his owne particular person from verse 1 to the end of the 4 In the second he sheweth what hée will doe concerning other vz. punish the wicked and foster the good from verse 5 to the end of the Psalme The Title a Psalme of Dauid i. a Psalme that Dauid made Se. whether before he came to his kingdome or at the beginning of his raigne is vncertain but I suppose rather when he first entred into his kingdome Ver. 1. I wil sing i. I will both speake of and practise sée Isaiah 5.1 mercy i. fauor maintainance towards my good subiects and iudgement i. execution of punishmente vpon the wicked in which 2 parts consisteth the Magistrates dutie as appeareth Rom. 13. sée for the performaunce of this promise 2. Sam. 9.1 vnto thée O Lord will I sing the Prophet meaneth not only that he will prayse God for aduauncing him to the kingdome but that euen for his sake in repect of his own office he wil performe these matters Ver. 2 I will doe wisely i. I wil behaue my selfe vprightly and circumspectlye according to the rule of thy word which is only true wisedome in the perfit way i. in the gouernmente of my kingdome the execution of my office which he calleth a perfit way because there is prescribed in Gods word a perfit rule therof til thou commest to mée vz. to take me out of this life and to cal me to an account for the discharge of my dutie I wil walke in the vprightnes of my hart i. I wil behaue my self vprightly and soundly so that mine own hart conscience shal witnes vnto me my good dealing and holy cōuersation in the middest of mine house i. priuatly and within mine owne walles as it were yea in the eyes and sight of my whole family the Prophet in this verse promiseth two thinges as I take it in the first part of a faythfull executing of his publike charge in the second a godly conuersation priuatly Verse 3. I wil set no wicked thing before mine eyes vz. to performe or doe it yea he meaneth that he wil not only kéepe himselfe from doing wickednesse but that he will so turne himself away from it that his eyes shall not behold it I hate vz. earnestly and from the bottome of my hart the worke of them that fall away vz. from thy truth and from that righte waye that thou hast prescribed meaning by the word worke not only that defection of theirs wch is the principal but al other transgressions whatsoeuer putting one for the whole it i. such maner of dealing shal not cleaue vnto me i. either raign or dwel in me this the Prophet speaketh as assuring himselfe of gods strength to continue the profession of his truth Verse 4. A froward hart i. a peruerse rebellious mind noting in these words the séed or foūtain of sin shal vz. thorow Gods goodnes and strength depart from me vz. farre off he meaneth by this spéeche that he wil indeuour to put of the old man with the lusts therof Ephe. 4 22 I will know none euil q. d. as I wil be far from performing wickednes in acte so I will not allow or like of the same in my iudgement or vnderstanding for so is the word knowing vsed in this place as in sundrye other places before Ver. 5. Him that priuily slaundereth he meaneth not that he wil spare them that shal do it openly for if he punish the lesse offence thus he will not spare the greater which is open slaunder his neighbour i. any whether hée dwell nigh or farre from him for so generally and largely doe I take this worde sée Psalme 15.3 will I destroy i. most sharply punish and that euen by death if the hainousnes of the offence require it him that hath a proud looke i. he that is lofty proud for pride appeareth many times euen in the very eye brées and eyes themselues whē they be lifted vp and high harte or as it is in the Hebrew text large in harte meaning by that maner of spéech one that hath a mind to aspire to great matters therefore is puffed vp with ouerwéening of himself I cannot suffer vz. or indure at any hand he meaneth by these spéeches that he cannot abide pride nor the tokens nor signes thereof nor the persons giuen thereto Ver. 6. Mine eyes shal be i. I wil carefully looke vnto and haue special regard of vnto the faithful of the land i. vnto the good and godlye peo-people that dwell in the lande wheresouer
of the Lorde i. shal tremble at his great power and maiesty though not with the reuerent and right feare thereof which his owne children only haue and al the kings of the earth q.d. this feare shal not onely sease the heartes of their common people but euen of their greatest and mightiest princes thy glory i. they shal feare thy maiesty glory which doest such great and glorious thinges for thy people Verse 16. When the Lorde hee noteth the time of the trembling of the kings and people shall builde vp Sion i. his Church vz. decayed and cast downe hee vseth this worde Sion generally for the place of Gods seruice because that sometime the arke of couenant was placed there and shal appeare in his glory i. shall shewe himselfe glorious and triumphant which shall no doubt be comfortable to his children and feareful to his enemies Ver. 17. And shal turne vz. his gracious and louing countenance meaning by this speach yéelding or graunting vnto the prayer i. to the harty supplications and requests of the desolate i. of thē that are forsaken of all whom though they stand in néede of euery mans helpe yet no man helpeth The worde properly signifieth a kinde of shrubble which groweth in vntilled places as a brier or such like by which he noteth also the people that were in the captiuity of Babylon as in a deserte and wilde place and not despise their prayer vz. which they make vnto him in their affliction hee speaketh one thing twise as it were of which sundry times before and not as though god did euer despise the supplications of his poore seruants Ver. 18. This vz. gracious hearing of his poore seruants prayers and deliuery of them out of captiuity shal be written vz. as an excellent thing and worthy of continual remembrance for the generation to come vz. that they therby may be instructed both of the power of God and his faithfulnes and trueth in performing his promises and the people vz. of Israel and Iudah which shalbée created i. which shal returne out of the captiuity of Babylon which hée compareth to be a second birth or creation as it were because they séemed therin to bée as dead Sée Ezech 37. from ver 1. to the ende of the 14. of which also for the greatnes of it it is sundry times sayd in the Prophets It shalbée no more sayd the Lord liueth that brought the people out of Egypt but that brought the people from the lande of the North shall prayse the Lorde vz. for his great goodnes and mercy towardes them Ver. 19. For hée hath looked downe vz. vppon the great outrage of his enemies and the wonderfull affliction of his people from the height of his sanctuary i. euen from the very heauens as hée séemeth to expound it euen in this verse out of the heauē which is the throne of his maiesty did the Lorde behold the earth i. not onely the earth it self but specially and chiefly men inhabiting the earth and amongest the rest his owne people as may appeare in the verses following Verse 20. That hee might heare vz. and so take pity of the mourning i. the sighings gronings and lamentable cryes of the prisoner i. of the prisoners one number put for an other meaning those that were bound and helde as captiues in Babilon and deliuer vz. out of daunger distresse and all manner of feare the children of death i. them that were at deaths doore or appointed to death as it were Sée Psal 79.11 Ver. 21. That they vz. so deliuered noting also the end why god giueth deliueraunce vnto his seruants may declare i. set out and publish and that both by word and déede the name of the Lord i. his power maiesty goodnes c. as Psal 21.1 in Sion i. in his Church and his prayse i. the prayse which is due vnto him for the same not that any is able to prayse him sufficiently for his power and goodnes in Ierusalem i. in the Church as before Sion and Ierusalem being the principall places of his worshippe put for his whole Church and the publike assemblies and congregations thereof sée Psal 2.6 Ver. 22. When the people vz. which are nowe in captiuity and dispersed abroad shal be gathered together vz. to serue the Lorde in these places and after that sort which he himselfe hath prescribed and the kingdomes vz. of the earth meaning hereby the calling of other people besides the Iewes to serue the Lord vz. according to the prescript rule of his word The Prophet noteth two thinges specially in this verse the one is the returning of the people out of Babylon the other is the calling of the Gentiles to the religion and seruice of God Ver. 23. He i. the Lorde abated vz. by outwarde and inward afflictions my strength i. whatsoeuer séemed excellent in mee putting one excellent thing for many in the way vz. wherein I walked meaning the daies and course of his life as may appeare by that which followeth in this verse and shortened vz. in mine owne iudgment and as I supposed for otherwise in respect of God our dayes are certainely numbred my dayes i. the dayes of my life Ver. 24. And I sayd vz. in that great affliction and griefe O my God take mee not away vz. out of this life q.d. let mee not vanishe awaye but shewe mée thy fauour in continuing my life in the middest of my dayes i. before I come to the full ende of my race and all this and that in the former verse the Prophet speaketh not onely in his owne person but in the name of the rest of the faithful thy yéeres indure from generation to generation i. thou continuest and abidest for euer and art alwayes one make mee therefore q.d. like vnto thy selfe Verse 25. Thou vz. O GOD hast afore tyme vz. in the beginning layde the foundation of the earth i. created and mainteined the earth and all thinges therein hee sheweth Gods eternitie because hee was before all thinges created and was the maker of all thinges whatsoeuer and the heauens vz. and all thinges therein conteined are the worke of thine handes i. thou hast made them handes attributed to GOD for our vnderstanding sake Verse 26. They vz. the heauen the earth and all thinges therein shall perish vz. not in respect of their substance but in respect of their qualities sée Isaiah 65.17 Isaiah 66.22 Reuelat. 21.1 2. Peter 3.12.13 and this perishing hée calleth afterwardes in this verse a chaunging but thou shalt indure vz. frée from any alteration or chaunge as Iames 1.17 and that for euer and euer hée here commendeth Gods eternity by comparison euen they all q.d. not one of them accepted shall waxe olde as doeth a garment i. shall through continuaunce of tyme decay as doeth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them this is a metaphor taken from men who changing their garmentes from worse to better of which chaunge of the creatures the Apostle
speaketh Roman verses Nowe if any wil demaunde to what vse the creatures shal be imployed I answere that for as much as GOD in his worde hath not reueiled that it is more then curiositie to aske the same and they shal bee changed i. they shall certainely and without fayle bée chaunged for so much doeth the doubling of the worde chaunge import Verse 27. But thou art the same i. alwayes one and the selfe same without any shadowe of chaunging q.d. howsoeuer the creatures bee variable yet thou the creator art alwayes vnchaungeable and thy yeeres i. the time of thy essence and beeing shall not fayle vz. for euer and euer q.d. thou art and hast béene from euerlasting and so shalt continue Verse 28. The children of thy seruantes i. thy godly ones and their godly posterity shall continue vz. stedfast and sure alwayes safe vnder thy almighty defence whatsoeuer great alteration shal bee in heauen or earth and their séede i. their race and posteritie shall stande fast vz. so that they shall not bée mooued for euer in thy sight i. before thée hée meaneth that GOD will care for and preserue for euer the godly Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to be earnest with the Lord to grant vs our holy requests Do. Verse 2. Sheweth that in the time of affliction nothing is more grieuous to Gods children then to perceiue God any long time absent Ver. 3.4.5 Do declare what great affliction the godly are in for their sinnes and the wrath of God vppon them for the same Verse 6.7 Shewe that it is no new thing to sée the children of God forsaken of men Verse 8. Noteth two things the one is howe that the godly are subiect to the vyle both woordes and deedes of the vngodly the other that the wicked giue themselues a full swinge to all manner of outrage both in worde and deede Verse 9. Teacheth that so long as wée féele Gods wrath vppon vs for our sinnes our meat and drinke is not pleasaunt and delightfull vnto vs. Verse 10. Teacheth vs three things first howe much wee shoulde stande in awe of the fearce wrath and indignation of the Lorde Secondly that in this life Gods children haue no durable estate and thirdly that their exaltation and depressing is not by fortune as they say but from the Lorde onely Verse 11. Setteth out the shortnesse and troublesomnesse of mans life Verse 12. Setteth out the eternity and continuaunce of the almightie Verse 13. Teacheth vs to haue an assured trust that God wil looke graciously vppon the afflictions of his Church Verse 14. Teacheth Gods children two thinges first to delyte more euen in the verye ruines of the Church then in the palaces of the vngodly secondly to pity and pray for the reforming of the desolations thereof Ver. 15. and 16. Teach vs that Gods fauour shewed to his Church shalbée matter of sufficient terrour to the wicked and vngodly Ver. 17. Is comfortable shewing that the prayers of Gods poore people shall neuer returne empty from the Lorde Ver. 18. Teacheth the faithful to haue a care for their posterity that both Gods mercy towards them and his iudgements vpon the wicked might be conueyed to their children Ver. 19. Teacheth that God beholdeth al things done vpon the earth contrary to the imagination of them who suppose him to sit as idle in heauen Ver. 20. Teacheth that God taketh speciall regarde of those that be his and namely when they are in the greatest distresse Ver. 21. Teacheth that god doth deliuer his people out of al their feares specially to this end that they might publish his prayse for the same in the Church Ver. 22. Teacheth that our assemblies should be for the seruice and glory of god Ver. 23. Teacheth that God for the trial of his children layeth manifold afflictions vpon them in this life Verse 24. Teacheth vs that wee may pray for long life but yet so that that life may bée referred to Gods glory Verse 25. Teacheth that God is the maker of heauen and earth Verse 26. Teacheth the variablenesse of the creature which shoulde instruct vs so to vse the worlde as though wee vsed it not and no otherwise but as it may further vs to the hope of a better life Ver. 27. Teacheth that howsoeuer variable the creature is yet the creator is altogether vnchaungeable Ver. 28. Setteth out to the comfort of the godly their continuaunce Psalme 103. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first hee doeth stirre vp and prouoke himselfe to be thankful to the Lord and this is conteyned in the two first verses In the seconde hee sheweth causes for which men shoulde prayse the Lorde as for the forgiuenesse of their sinnes for their deliuery from daunger and the continuall course of his mercies from ver 3. to the end of the 19. In the last part he exhorteth euen all creatures to praise the Lord for the largenes of his goodnes from ver 20. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title of this Psalme hath beene expounded before in others of the lyke inscription Ver. 1. My soule hee exhorteth the soule to this great worke because if that be ready the other cannot be much backward and the word soule is vsed here for the seate of vnderstanding and afflictions prayse thou the Lord vz. for his great mercies and all that is within me as my thought my hart and all the powers both of the one and the other and hee meaneth all inwarde thinges because those parts specially doeth the Lorde regarde as Psal 51.17 Ioh. 4.23 prayse his holy name i. set foorth the glory that apperteineth to his maiesty power goodnes c. name is here vsed as Psalm 20.3 Ver. 2. My soule praise thou the Lord this is expounded before ver 1. and forget not vz. through negligence or otherwise but earnestly thinke vpon to the vttermost of thy power al his benefites i. not onely all but any one of them as possible thou canst and by this meanes he prepareth himself a way to speak of the blessings which afterwardes he reckoneth vp Ver. 3. Which vz. alone forgiueth thée fréely vz. and of his owne mercy onely without any merites or deserts of thyne at all all thine iniquity vz. committed either against God or man either of ignoraunce or of knowledge and he beginneth with the frée forgiuenes of sinnes because it is as it were the fountaine from which al other blessinges flowe many whereof he reckoneth vp afterwardes which are nothing else but the effects of that reconciliation and healeth vz. of his great goodnes his mighty power all thine infirmities vz. bodily or spirituall outwarde or inward Ver. 4. Which vz. alone as before ver 3. redéemeth vz. by his great and mighty power thy life i. thy whole man both body and soule putting a part for the whole from the graue i. from death and destruction Sée Psalm 16.10 putting that which followeth death for death it selfe and crowneth
thée i. adorneth and compasseth thée about as the crowne is a testimony of glory and honour and compasseth the whole head round about with mercyes and compassions i. with great abundaunce and varietye of mercies which appeareth both in that hée vseth two woordes signifiying almost both one thing and also because hée putteth the latter in the plurall number Verse 5. Which satisfieth the mouth i. which filleth thine affection and appetyte Sée Psalm 81.10 hee séemeth to alude to men which take great licence to themselues in eating and drinking meaning that God will abundauntly satisfie vs and giue vs all that wee can wish with good thinges i. with all manner of good thinges so that nothing should bee wanting and thy youth i. the dayes and times of thine age yea euen though thou bee olde yet shall it bée as youth is renued vz. through the speciall blessing and goodnes of GOD as the Egles which liue long and dye not but through want of abilitie to take in their meate as Aristotle and Plinie both shewe Verse 6. The Lorde vz. himselfe executeth vz. both in word and déed specially when men are negligent righteousnesse and iudgement i. suche sentence as are righteous and iuste Sée Psalm 97.2 to all vz. of his children and seruauntes that are oppressed vz. by wicked and vngodly men Verse 7. Hée vz. God the Lorde made his wayes knowne by wayes hee vnderstandeth not onely the deliuerance of the people out of Egipt and all that hée did for them till hée brought them into the lande of Canaan but euen his whole lawe vnto Moses vz. first and before others and afterwardes by him to all his people and his workes i. the excellent and noble workes which hée did and that for their sakes vnto the children of Israel vz. which hee had chosen to bee a peculiar people to himselfe Verse 8. The Lorde is full of compassion and mercye vz. to them that come vnto him slow to anger vz. though men by their wickednesses prouoke him much thereto and of great kindnes vz. towardes them that turne vnto him this sentence seemeth to bée taken out of Exodus 34.6 where the nature of GOD is so farre set foorth vnto vs as is profitable for vs to knowe and séemeth to bée the same with Nehe. 9 17. Psalm 86.15 Verse 9. Hee will not alway chyde vz. with men and specially with his children neither keepe his anger for euer vz. towardes them Sée Leuitic 19.18 Ver. 10. Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes i. hee hath not punished vs according to the greatnesse and grieuousnesse of our sinnes nor regarded vs vz. in his iustice and iudgements heare wée sée what rewardes wee may looke for from the Lorde in respect of our selues according to our iniquities vz. committed against him and our brethren Verse 11. For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth q.d. looke what distaunce there is betwéene heauen and earth which is very great and wonderfull yea infinite as it were so great is his mercye i. the mercy which hée sheweth for if hee had it in himselfe and powred it not foorth vpon others it were to litle purpose towardes them that feare him vz. with an vnfeigned heart putting the feare of GOD for care conscience and obedience to his trueth Verse 12. As farre as the East is from the West vz. which wee knowe to be so farre asunder that they shall neuer come together so farre yea and further to if further possible can bée hee meaneth by this comparison that the Lorde hath vtterly remoued our iniquities from vs hath hee remooued our sinnes i. the sinnes that wee haue committed from vs i. who were the doers thereof Verse 13. As a Father vz. earthly or naturall hath compassion on his children notwithstanding that manye times they doe prouoke him to displeasure so yea and in farre greater measure by howe much GOD is greater then man and his afflictions more certaine and sure hath the Lorde compassion i. hée vouchsaueth them mercye notwithstanding they deserue it not on them that feare him Sée verse 11. of this Psalme Verse 14. For hee knoweth vz. by manye degrees better then wée our selues whereof wée bée made i. of howe brittle a matter wée are created for so much doeth the Hebrewe woorde import which sense also maye bee gathered by that whiche followeth in this verse hee remembreth though men many times forget it that wee are but dust and that into the same wee shall returne Sée Genesis 3.19 Verse 15. The dayes of man i. the course of his yéeres and age or the tyme of his life are as grasse vz. which is cutte downe withered and quickely consumed hee meaneth by this speach the breuitye and shortnesse of mans lyfe as a flowre of the fielde so florisheth hée i. hee is nowe florishing and by and by withered and note that hée speaketh of a flowre of the fielde rather then of a garden flowre because that fielde flowres are more subiect to stormes tempest heate c. then the garden which haue more shelture and couerture Verse 16. For the winde vz. sent from GOD meaning by wynde which is one meane to marre the beautye of blossomes and flowres all other whatsoeuer goeth ouer it vz. with violence and so ●ppeth it either with extreme colde as the Easternewynde or with partching heate as the Westerne wynde and it is gone vz. out of mens sight hée meaneth that it is decayed and the place thereof i. the grounde wherein it grewe shall knowe it no more vz. in mans iudgement meaning also by the woorde it the selfe same and not any other of the same kynde In these two last verses hée doeth nothing else but by a similitude sette out the shortnesse and vanitye of mans lyfe which is no better then an hearbe or grasse subiect to cutting downe weather wynde and such lyke Verse 17. But the louing kindnesse of the Lorde vz. towardes his sonnes and seruauntes indureth for euer and euer the reason is because those whome the Lorde loueth hee loueth for euer vppon them i. playnelye testified towardes them and plentifullye powred foorth vppon them that feare him Sée verse 11. and 13. of this Psalme and his righteousnesse i. his iust and faythfull kéeping of his promise and the succour and ayde by which hée maynteyneth and preserueth his vppon childrens children i. to all posteritye Verse 18. Vnto them that kéepe vz. in their behauiour and conuersation his couenaunt i. his Lawe which is called a couenaunt because it conteyneth the conditions of bargayne as it were betwéene GOD and his people and thinke vppon them vz. in their déepe thoughts and secret heart his commandementes i. the matters which hée hath commaunded to doe them vz. in their outwarde conuersation and dealing Verse 19. The Lorde hath prepared his throne in heauen i. hée hath a kingdome and exerciseth the same euen in heauen and yet that letteth not but that his iurisdiction ruleth our all vz. what
soeuer either in heauen or in earth And this verse conteyneth one cause amongest manye why men shoulde prayse GOD vz. for his gracious and large gouernement Verse 20. Prayse the Lorde yée his Angels Angels are sayde to bée Gods not onelye because hée created them but also because hee vseth them at his pleasure in the execution of his will that excell in strength vz. all other creatures vnderstanding also by strengthe whatsoeuer is excellent in them so haue you the woorde vsed before Psalme 102.23 that doe his commaundemente i. the thinges hée commaundeth you in obeying the voyce of his woorde q.d. you are so readye in obeying that so soone as the Lorde speaketh you are readye to doe it Verse 21. Prayse the Lorde all yée his hostes some referre this woorde generallye to all his creatures because the Lorde hath them at commaundement as a Captayne hath his armed men and Souldiers to vse them as pleaseth him some onelye to Angels but I allowe rather the former reason by that which is written Genesis 2.1 Yée his Seruauntes that doe his pleasure i. what pleaseth him before hee called his creatures hostes for the multitude of them Nowe hée calleth them Seruaunts because hée hath them at commaundemente Verse 22. Prayse the Lorde vz. for his vnspeakeable goodnesse all yée his woorkes i. all his creatures of what order or condition so euer yée bée in all places of his dominion i. euerye where because hee ruleth euerye where and doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him bothe in heauen and in earth my soule prayse thou the Lorde hee shutteth vppe the Psalme with the same sentence hee beganne it and therefore Sée verse 1. of this Psalme And this is verye ryfe to begynne and ende a Psalme with one and the selfesame sentence Sée Psalme 106. verse 1. and last also Psalme 147. verse 1. and last Psalme 148. and Psalme 150. verse 1. and last Verse 1. Teacheth vs first to inforce our selues Do. to the praysing and thanking of God for his graces Secondlye that our thankesgiuing shoulde be vnfeignedly as procéeding in déede from the inwarde man Verse 2. Teacheth also two thinges the first is that wée shoulde striue in an earnest and déepe meditation to remember so nigh as wee can all the benefits and blessings of almightie GOD Secondly that they rightly thought vppon are strong arguments to prouoke thankfulnes from vs. Ver. 3.4 He teacheth vs for what causes and graces wée shoulde bee thankefull vz. both for spirituall and bodily blessings they teach also that all the graces which wee haue wee receiue onely from the Lorde but yet let vs somewhat more particularly consider them Verse 3. Teacheth vs that God alone forgiueth sinnes secondly that hee doeth it of his owne mercy onely which ouerthroweth mans merites thirdly that in the abundaunce of his goodnesse hée fréely pardoneth al of them originall actual c. by which wée sée that Papistes are deceiued who suppose originall sinne only to bée taken away by Christ and as for actuall sinnes committed after baptisme men must satisfie for them Lastly it teacheth that euen the infirmities and weakenesse of our flesh can not bee cured no though wée vse all meanes vnlesse the Lorde put his handes to that great woorke Verse 4. Teacheth first that the issues of life and death are in Gods owne hande Secondly that if a man escape daunger or distresse it is by the Lorde onely and not by his owne strength or any thing in him Thirdly that the Lorde is not skant or pinching in his goodnesse but plentifullye powreth it foorth vppon those that are his Verse 5. Teacheth vs that those which feare the Lorde can want nothing that good is Secondly that hee graciously bringeth his children to a good olde age and maketh them to passe through the miseries thereof with as great ioye as in the dayes of their youth Verse 6. Teacheth that howsoeuer men deale vniustlye yet the Lorde will deale vprightly which is a great comfort vnto his children Verse 7. Teacheth that it is a singular grace of GOD to haue his woorde and that declared also vnto men by faithfull ministers Verse 8. Teacheth vs to set against our owne wretchednesse and miserye the abundaunt riches of Gods eternall mercye Verse 9. Teacheth vs that this is no small comfort that Gods anger indureth not long towards his children Sée Psalme 30.5 Verse 10. Teacheth vs that howesoeuer our sinnes deserue eternall death yet GOD doeth but beate vs in this lyfe to the ende wee might bee saued in the life to come Verse 11. Teacheth vs that Gods mercye is infinyte and incomprehensible Verse 12. Teacheth vs that sinne and iniquitie shall neuer bee layde to the charge of Gods elect Verse 13. Setteth out the exceeding loue of GOD towardes his sonnes and seruauntes Verse 14. Teacheth that euen our owne miserable state and condition doeth moue the Lorde in mercy to deale with vs. Verse 15.16 Vnder the similitude of the grasse flowre wind c. doe set foorth not onely the shortnes but also the miseries and troubles of mans life in this life Verse 17. Teacheth that though man bée subiect to chaunge yet God is alwayes like vnto himselfe and that there is no ende or measure of his goodnesse towardes them that feare him Ver. 18. Teacheth vs that there must bee ioyned with the knowledge of Gods woorde practise and obedience also that man must diligently meditate in the lawe of the Lorde and his commaundementes to the ende they may perfourme the thinges prescribed in the same Verse 19. Setteth out the largenesse of Gods kingdome which is comfortable to the godly because thereby wée sée that deuils and wicked men can not doe what they list Verse 20. In the Angels examples wee learne willing obedience to the voyce and worde of the Lorde Verse 21.22 Teach vs that if all Gods creatures should praise the Lorde much more man that excellent creature not onely because that for his sake all thinges were created but also because hée hath receiued infinite numbers of benefites aboue the rest Ver. 22. And these woordes in all places of his dominion teach Gods children neuer to be ashamed in any place to set foorth the prayses of their louing GOD and in that hee doeth ende the Psalme with the same sentence that hee did beginne it hee doeth not onely shewe howe excellent a thing the Sacrifice of thankesgiuing is but also howe dull men are thereto and that maketh him in this Psalme to double and treble that sentence that so hee might the better stirre them vp to the perfourmaunce of that great duety Psalme 104 THe Psalme of it selfe comprehendeth diuers and sundry matters and therefore can not easily and fitly be diuided Di. Notwithstanding it principally propoundeth these partes as I thinke In the first the Prophet prouoketh himselfe and others to praise God for his power from ver 1. to the end of the 10. In the seconde hee painteth out the singular prouidence of God towardes his
those that are his but rather hee praieth the Lord to shew by effect that he hath care ouer him sée Genesis 8 1. O Lord vz. in whom alone I put my trust and therfore as a sure testimony thereof call vpon them with the fauour of thy people i. with that fauour that thou hast promised and art wont to shew to thy people he calleth that frée loue and mercy which God carieth towards his the fauour of his people visit vz. with mercy and goodnesse for to visit in this place is taken in the good parte euen for the accomplishment of Gods gracious promises towards his seruauntes sée Gen. 21.1 me vz. oppressed with mine own gréefe the gréefe of my people with thy saluation i. with gracious fauour deliuerance from thée so you haue had the word saluation sundry times vsed before namely Psal 3.8 ver 5. That I may sée vz. not only with my bodily and spiritual eyes but also possesse inioy sée Psal 34.12 fight put for inioying the felicity of thy chosen i. the blessednes and goodnes that thou bestowest vppon them whome thou hast chosen to thy self reioice in the ioy of thy people i. haue an occasion giuen me to reioyce as thy saints and seruaunts doe and glory vz. not in my selfe but in thée with thine inheritaunce i. with thy people whom thou hast elected an heritage to thy selfe for inheritance sée Psal 28.9 Ver. 6. We haue sinned vz. against thy Maiesty with our fathers i. as our fathers haue done also q.d. we they also haue sinned not as though they had both sinned at one time but that they were al culpable of sin against him vnderstanding by fathers al their ancestors we haue cōmitted vz. continally without ceasing iniquity done wickedly vz. both agaynst God man The Prophet cannot content himselfe with any words to set forth the notoriousnes of his own sins and the sins of his people Ver. 7. Our Fathers i. our ancestors as before ver 6. of this Psal vnderstood not i. did not rightly or wisely consider of thy wonders in Egipt i. those great works that thou diddest for their sake in that land neither remembred they vz. as they should haue don to haue prouoked thē to thankfulnes towards thée for the same the multitude of thy mereies vz. shewed euē frō the time of Abrahams calling vnto this present but speciallye those thinges that were done in Egipt before their eyes but rebelled vz. against thée at the sea euen at the red sea for the more assurance he nameth the sea And this may bée vnderstoode either of their rebellion Exod. 14.11 before they passed through the sea or else of their murmuring and rebellion after they came through the sea Exod. 16.2 c. q.d. they were no sooner passed the sea but immediatly they beganne to rebell or of both of them together Immanuel readeth it farre otherwise and giueth an other sense but methinketh this is playne Ver. 8. Neuerthelesse q.d. notwithstanding all their sinnes hee saued them i. hée deliuered them from daungers and distresse as sundry times before for his names sake i. because hee woulde not haue his maiesty goodnes and power ill spoken of amongest the Heathen that hée might make his power to bee knowne vz. thereby and that euen among all his and their enemies Ver. 9. And he rebuked the red sea he now prayseth and setteth out the power of God because that at his onely commaundement and will the sea gaue frée passage to his people for the word rebuke sée Psalm 104.7 and it was dried vp vp in that place through which the people had passage for otherwise the waters were as a wall vnto them on their right hande and on their left sée Exod. 14.21.22 and he led them vz. safely in the déepe vz. of the redde Sea meaning that God caried them betwéene two heapes of waters which waters gaue place vnto the Israelites by Gods appoyntment as if that the place it selfe had béene by nature dry sée Exod. 15.5 as in the wildernes i. as vpon the dry land in a safe and playne way Ver. 10. And he saued them i. deliuered them vz. the Israelites from the aduersaries hand i. from the power and force of them that pursued them with a deadly hatred meaning the Egiptians and deliuered them from the hande of the enemy i. set them frée from the power rage of the Egiptians counting them all but as one enemie because they were all of one heart and mynd to do mischiefe to Gods people Ver. 11. and the waters vz. of the red sea couered their oppressors i. ouer whelmed and drowned them so that not one of them was left vz. aliue to carry backe any tydinges Sée Exod. 14.28 Ver. 12. Then vz. when they had séene al these gret things beléeued they his words this is not spoken for their prayse but to amplifie the fault of their rebellion for that they continued not but immediatly fell to distrust and vnbelief and sang prayses vnto him vz. for his great mercies practised towardes them Sée the history of ver in the 14. and 15. chapters of the booke of Exodus Ver. 13. But incontinently i. they were almost no sooner deliuered they forgate his workes vz. which he had done for them hee meaneth not by forgetting that the remembrance of them was vtterly rased out of all their myndes but that they had them not in that due and reuerent regarde they should haue had for the strengthening of their fayth sée for their sodaine chaunge Exod. 15 22.23 and wayted not vz. with patience for his coūsell i. for the thinges which in his eternall counsell he had purposed to bestow vpon them his purpose is to note that as they would not be gouerned by god suffering him to do all according to his good pleasure but woulde followe the deuises of their owne heads and hearts so they did it though the remēbraunce of gods benefits were fresh before them which circumstance aggrauated their sinne Ver. 14. But lusted with concupiscence by doubling the word the Prophet mindeth not onely to note the sinne of their lust but the very burning and rage of that sinne of theirs in the wildernes he noteth also the place for the more certainety of the story and tempted God in the desert to tempt God is in this place put for not staying themselues vppon Gods will but laying the raynes in their neckes and following their owne concupiscences to aske more of God then hee would giue them and when he speaketh of lusting tempting we must vnderstande that they did it more then once as may appeare Exod. 15.24 Exod. 16. throughout Exod. 17.2 c. Numb 11.1 Numb 20.3 c. Ver. 15. Then he gaue them their desire i. the things which they desired and demanded so gracious was God howsoeuer rebellious they were and sent leanenes into their soule i. into their body one part being put for an other or else
themselues had deuised to themselues meaning also by whoring that they followed it earnestly and with delight Ver. 40. Therefore vz. for their great grieuous sinnes was the wrath of the Lorde kindled vz. very hote meaning by kindling the preparing of it against his people i. against that people that hée had chosen to bee his owne and hée abhorred i. lothed and hated as it were and that for their sinnes sake his owne inheritance i. both the land the people whome hee tooke for an inheritaunce vnto himselfe Ver. 41. And he gaue them vz. for their great sinnes committed against him into the lande of the Heathen i. into their power and possession and they that hated them i. the gētiles who could at no hand away with them because they came to enioye their lande were Lordes ouer them i. ruled them at their owne pleasure sée for this speach Isaiah 26.13 and for the truth of the matter the whole booke of Iudges and namely chap. 2.14 Ver. 42. Their enemies also oppressed thm vz. sore and hardly and many times and they were humbled i. subiected and that sundry tymes vnder their hand i. vnto their power and authority Ver. 43. Many a time did hée vz. God deliuer them vz. out of the hande and power of their enemies but vz. notwithstanding these great graces they prouoked him vz. to wrath against them and that sundry times also by their counsels i. by those things which they themselues had grauely and as it were in counsel concluded and resolued vppon to perfourme therefore they were brought downe vz. from that high state of liberty and fréedome wherein God had set them to miserable captiuity and bondage by their iniquity vz. committed against his maiesty Ver. 44. Yet hee sawe q.d. notwithstanding these grieuous sinnes of theirs he did not onely behold them afflicted but pitied them when they were in affliction i. in any trouble and hee hearde their cry i. granted them al things they prayed for when they prayed which was a sure token of compassion towardes them Verse 45. And hée remembred his couenant vz. which hee had made with their Fathers and them the Prophet in these two verses noteth two meanes whereby God was moued to doe good to this people the one was his frée mercy and the other was his gracious couenant towardes them i. for their good and on their behalfe and repented vz. of the punishmentes that hee had purposed to bring vppon them meaning hereby that God after a sort chaunged as it were his purpose not that God is subiect to alteration or chaunge but because pardoning both the fault and the punishment hée séemeth vnto vs to chaunge and this manner of speach is applied to the weakenes of our capacity Sée Gene. 6.6 according to the multitude of his mercies q.d. euen as hee is inclined to shewe abundance of fauour so he shewed them the riches of his grace Ver. 46. And gaue them fauour i. made them to finde fauour Sée Gene. 45.14 in the sight of all them that led them captiues the Lorde who hath the disposing of all mens heartes so inclined their heartes to his people Ver. 47. Saue vs O Lorde our God i. deliuer vs and set vs frée from the daungers and distresses wherein wée are and gather vs from among the Heathen whose captiues we are for our sinnes and amongest whome we heare and sée things tending much to thy dishonour and the griefe of our soules and marke the Prophets zeale and loue towardes the people though hée were king and the gouernement well established yet because that by the confusion that was in the dayes of the Iudges and Saul many people were out of their owne countrey hée prayeth the Lorde as for himselfe to reduce and bring them backe agayne that we may prayse thy holy name i. thy maiesty power goodnesse c. which is full also of all holinesse and glorye in thy prayse i. reioyce and boast as it were of this that wee haue him for our GOD who alone is worthy all prayse and glorye Verse 48. Blessed i. praysed bée the Lord GOD of Israell i. hée that is the defender of the people of Israel who are called Israell because they came of Iaakob otherwise called Israell for euer and euer and let all the people say so bee it i. let all young and olde one and other acknowledge that hée alone is woorthye prayse and giue their frée and willing consent vnto it for so much hee meaneth by so bée it prayse yée the Lorde Sée Psalme 104. and 105. in the ende Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that the greatnesse of Gods goodnes Do. and the continuaunce of his mercies shoulde prouoke vs earnestly and continually to praise the Lorde Verse 2. Teacheth first that Gods graces and woorkes are infinite Secondly that though wée can not so sufficiently prayse him as wee shoulde yet wée shoulde not for all that leaue off to doe that which hée hath giuen vs grace to doe Verse 3. Teacheth vs to deale well and to continue in well doing and that so wee shall in the end atteine true blessednesse Ver. 4. Teacheth vs in distresse to cal vpon the Lord. Ver. 4. and 5. Teach vs to set before vs Gods mercies towardes his children that wee may assure our selues in hope to receiue the like Ver. 6. Teacheth vs humbly vnfeignedly fully confesse to our sins Ver. 7. Teacheth vs that forgetfulnes of Gods graces is the high way to all rebellion and sinne it teacheth vs also that forefathers are not always to be followed Verse 8 teacheth that though the sinnes of his children be very great yet they doe not alwayes set or hinder the riuers of his mercies towards them Ver. 9. Teacheth first that for the benefite of his children he will make things go contrary to their natural course Secondly that when his children in mens eyes séeme to bée in the greatest daungers hée will lead them as safely as though they were in none at all Ver. 10. Sheweth that al maner of deliuerances come from the Lord onely and his power Ver. 11. Teacheth that the same things that God maketh to giue place to his childrē shall serue to the vtter destruction of his and their enemies Ver. 12. Teacheth vs alwayes to beléeue the trueth of Gods worde yea though wee sée no meane how it can be performed secondly that wée should continually prayse God for his mercies Ver. 13. Teacheth that it is a very easie thing to fall into sinne it teacheth also that forgetfulnes of gods graces is as it were the nurse mother of many other transgressions also that we should tary the Lordes leasure for the accomplishing of that which hée hath appoynted vs. Ver. 14. Teacheth that lust or concupiscence is sinne also also that we should not tempt or try the Lord Ver. 15. Teacheth that God bestowing h●● benefits vpon the wicked doth many times with all lay punishments vpon them Ver. 16. Teacheth vs to loue and reuerence the
he doth in the time of their nauigation trade and his wonders i. the wnnderful things that both he hath placed and doeth sundry times perfourme in the déepe i. in the déepe and bottomles waters as it were of the sea Ver. 25. For he commandeth and rayseth the stormy wind i. the tempest by Sea q.d. if hee do but speake the tempest is sodainely moued euen at his onely commaundement so that men can not rightly attribute it to fortune or any naturall cause whatsoeuer and it vz. the tempest and storme so raysed by his commaundement lifteth vp the waues thereof vz. of the Sea hée meaneth that the storme sent from God causeth the sea to swell rage and roare Ver. 26. They i. the mariners and marchants in the shippe or the ships wherin they are neither deny I also but that it may be referred to the waues surges of the sea mount vp vz. being forced and carryed by the waues of the Sea into heauen i. very high and descende to the déepe vz. of the waters hee meaneth that they are sometimes aloft and sometimes againe very lowe by reasō of the going of the waues and surges so that their soule melteth i. their courage fayleth and they are ready to yéelde vp the ghost as it were being brought through lothsomnesse and tossing to vomiting euen as though they should presently giue vp their life and powre out their soule as some thinne matter with vomiting for trouble i. through the trouble and anguish which they indure Ver. 27. They i. the shippes and the men in them are tossed to and fro vz. vppon the Sea by reason of the storme and tempest and stagger like a drunken man i. réele hither and thither without any gouernment or stay of themselues and all their cunning vz. in nauigation or sayling yea their very wit and iudgement q.d. they are in such sort astonished that their art and knowledge standeth them in litle or no stéede is gone vz. from them because they haue no vse of it hée meaneth that they can not tell what to doe so that in respect of man they doe vtterly dispaire of their safety Ver. 28. Is the same both in woordes and meaning with ver 19. of this Psal Ver. 29. Hee i. God turneth vz. by his almightie power the storme vz. which made the Sea to rage so taking away the cause the effect ceaseth to calme vz. weather so that vz. thereby the waues thereof i. of the Sea raysed vp by the tempest are still i. quiet and neither rage nor roare Verse 30. When they i. the waues and surges of the Sea are quieted vz. through Gods power and of his great goodnes towardes the trauilers they i. the mariners marchants trauaylers c. are glad vz. excéedingly and hée i. God of his goodnesse bringeth them vz. safe and sound vnto the hauen where they woulde bée i. vnto a place of rest refreshing and quietnes where they long wished and desired to bée Verse 31. Is the same in woordes and sense with verse 21. of this Psalme Verse 32. And let them vz. so deliuered and brought to the place where they woulde bée exalt him i. prayse God and shewe themselues thankefull vnto him in the congregation of the people i. openly and in the assemblies of Gods Saints declaring that such great and so many benefites shoulde bée acknowledged not onely particularly or priuately but also deserue to bee magnified in all places and prayse him vz. for that his mercy and goodnes in the assembly of the elders i. in the méetings of such as had the gouernement of the people q.d. they shoulde perfourme it not onely before the people but also before the magistrate because that as men haue more experience and wisedome one then an other so they might bee more fit hearers and declarers of Gods prayses Ver. 33. Hée turneth vz. in his power and iustice against the vngodly the floodes into a wildernes i. hee dryeth vp great floods and the springs of waters which a man woulde thinke would neuer be dryed vp in to drienes vz. so that there is scarce a droppe to be found there Ver 34. And a fruitful lande i. a lande that bare great store of fruite by reason of his speciall blessing or through abundance of floods waters springs into barrennesse or as the Hebrewe worde also importeth into saltnesse because by saltnes the land is made barren Sée Luke 14.34.35 hée meaneth that the lande should bée altogether barren as though a man had sowed salt there because there is nothing more barren then salt but yet here hee setteth foorth Gods prouidence in the fruitfulnesse and barrennes of grounde because the most plentifull are dryed vp and the barren take as it were a newe nature vppon them for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein i. for the sinnes that the people of those landes commit against him Verse 35. Againe hée turneth vz. by his almighty power the wildernesse which is as it were consumed with drought and barennesse into pooles of water i. into abundaunce of water and the dry lande vz. where no water was before into water springs i. into plenty of water this is the direct contrary to verse 33. by which the Prophet sheweth that the Lorde doeth and can doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him Verse 36. And there vz. in these fruitfull and plentifull places hee placeth the hungry i. such as were inforced to forsake their owne Countrey and to goe to another place to séeke maintenaunce for their life and they vz. which were so poore before growe to that strength and greatnesse that they build a Citie vz. in that place or lande to dwell in vz. safe and sounde from the rage of men and the violence of beastes Verse 37. And sowe the fieldes vz. with corne and graine to giue them bread and plant vineyardes to minister vnto them wine and drinke which vz. fieldes and vineyardes bring forth vz. through Gods blessing men trauailing and tilling the same according to Gods ordinaunce fruitefull increase i. store and abundaunce of fruite or increase In this verse hée declareth with what great plentifulnes God maketh the land that before was barren to abound q.d. good men being brought into that lande to inhabite it they will dresse and till the barren fields thereof and yet they shall not doe it in vayne for through Gods blessing the fields and vineyardes shall yéelde plentifull fruite Verse 38. For hée blesseth them i. they themselues their labours and whatsoeuer belongeth to them and that with his fauour and goodnes and they multiply excéedingly vz. through his blessing and hée diminisheth not i. hée doeth greatly increase their cattle i. not onely their beastes but all their goods putting one sort for all sortes Verse 39. Againe q.d. beholde on the other side Gods iustice against the wicked men are dimished vz. both in number force and substaunce and brought lowe vz. before men specially when GOD curseth them by oppression euill and sorrowe
vz. layde vppon them by others and the griefe and anguish of their owne heartes Verse 40. Hée powreth contempt vppon Princes i. hée maketh them plentifully to bée contemned and despised this the Prophet addeth least men shoulde thinke it did méete with none but the poore sort and causeth them to erre vz. for shame of men and want of things necessary vnderstanding by erring wandering vp and down in desert places out of the way i. in wildernesses which haue no ordinary or common way in them and all this they doe because they woulde flie the sight of men Verse 41. Yet q.d. though hée deale thus hardly with wicked and vngodly Princes yet hée dealeth otherwise with the godly poore hée rayseth vp vz. into honour wealth estimation riches c. Sée Psalm 13.7 the poore i. him that standeth in néede of his helpe and grace and féeleth that want of his owne out of misery vz. wherein hée is or lyeth and maketh him families i. increaseth his housholdes stockes and ofspring like a flocke of sheepe i. in very great number for shéepe doe yéeld a great increase and a flocke of shéep comprehendeth many in number Verse 42. The righteous i. such good men as haue their sight lightened by fayth and whome the Lorde accounteth as righteous shall sée vz. both with their bodily and spirituall eyes it vz. the effectes and testimonies of Gods prouidence spoken of before in this Psalme and reioyce vz. greatly in the Lord who doeth the same whereas the vngodly being blinde in their vnderstanding not knowing that the worlde is gouerned by Gods prouidence but by blind fortune as they imagine shall remayne blynde confounded and dumbe in themselues not hauing any thing to say against this and al iniquitie i. euery man giuen to iniquitie naming the person by the thing by reason of the abundance which is in the man Sée Iob 5.16 shall stoppe her mouth i. hée or they shall haue nothing to say against this great worke of Gods prouidence Verse 43. Who is wise vz. according to GOD for it must bée Gods wisedome and not mans that must perfourme this great thing that hée may obserue vz. in his vnderstanding and heart and that diligently and déepely these thinges i. these great and excellent matters which the Lorde worketh the Prophet meaneth both that the number of them that beholde Gods workes with earnest consideration is very smal and also that by reason of the excellency of them a man had néed to imploye all the power of his bodye and mynde to the comprehension thereof Sée Hosea 14.9 for they shall vnderstande i. sensibly perceiue and feele the louing kindnes of the Lorde vz. towardes them that bee his the Prophet addeth this reason as an incouragement vnto men to prouoke them diligently to looke into Gods wonderfull workes shewing that then men in déede begin to bee wise when they beginne to apply themselues rightly to way Gods workes Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs both in our owne persons and to prouoke others also to praise God for his mercies towardes vs and for the continuaunce of the same Verse 2. Sheweth that they especially are bounde to publish Gods prayses which haue receiued greatest testimonies of his fauour Ver. 3. Sheweth Gods mercies towardes his people in gathering together those that were dispersed Verse 4. and 5. Shew that then are Gods mercies most swéete when men are in greatest distresse and misery Verse 6. Teacheth first that afflictions and wantes are notable spurres to earnest prayer Secondly that the Lorde onely is to be called vppon Thirdly that hée refuseth none that call vppon him specially if it be in spirit and trueth Verse 7. Teacheth that when God is our guide wée shall goe right and prosper in those thinges which wée take in hande Ver. 8. Teacheth vs that Gods mercies bestowed vppon vs require at our handes both a priuate and a publike or open confession thereof Verse 9. Teacheth that God alone is hée who relieueth the néede of his and that with all goodnes Ver. 10.11 Teach that contempt of Gods word and rebellion against his maiesty is the occasion of all misery bondage c. Ver. 12. Teacheth first that when God forsaketh a people then they must néedes come to ruine Secondly that for the sinnes of the people hée stoppeth vp the bowels and compassion of those that might helpe them Verse 13. Conteyneth the same doctrines that ver 6. doeth as it is the same in words and sense Verse 14. Teacheth that God alone is hee that deliuereth out of captiuitie or distresse whatsoeuer meanes hée vseth therein Verse 15. Deliuereth the fame doctrines that verse 8. doeth Ver. 16. Teacheth that there is no thing or creature able to withstande Gods power or to let his purpose Ver. 17. Teacheth that all wisedome and wife men without godlines is nothing but folly also that inquities are as strong as cartropes to pull vppon vs all manner of punishments Verse 18. Teacheth vs that euen appetite to our meat is a good gift of the Lorde also that when men are in greatest extremitie then is GOD most commonly nigh vnto them Verse 19. Teacheth the same doctrines that verse 6. doeth Verse 20. Teacheth that Gods only word is of power sufficient to doe whatsoeuer it shall please him Verse 21. Setteth out the same doctrines with verse 8. Verse 22. Teacheth vs not onely to publish Gods great woorkes but also to doe it chearefully gladly and willingly Verse 23. Teacheth that nauigation the calling of a mariner and the trade of mar●haundife are not of themselues thinges vnlawefull Verse 24. Sheweth that Gods power and glory appeareth as well on the Sea as on the Lande Verse 25. Sheweth that stormes tempestes and the swelling of the Sea arise not by fortune or vppon naturall causes onely but by the speciall commaundement and appoyntment of God Verse 26. Doeth not onely set foorth gods great power that worketh such great thinges but sheweth that men are not blockes and voyde of affection as the Stoickes imagined but haue their passions which of themselues in some respect are not euill but the extremitie of them onelye Verse 27. teacheth that there is no policy wisedome witte or cunning agaynst the Lord. Verse 28 is the same in words meaning and doctrines with verse 6. Verse 29 teacheth that God only maketh the weather and seas calme sée Mat. 8 26 27. Verse 30 teacheth that men deliuered from some perill may oughte to reioyce also that God graciously graunteth men euen the things they desire and many times more then they wish also Verse 31 conteineth the same doctrines that verse 8 doth Ver. 32 teacheth vs that no place or people should hinder vs from praysing of God for his graces nay the more the greater men the rather we should do it to the end that they by our examples might be drawn on to the like Ver. 33 teacheth first that God guideth and gouerneth thinges here below whatsoeuer a company of dizy
headed men dreame to the contrary secondly that he doth vpon the earth euen whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 34 teacheth that sin and vngodlines is the mean to turn al plenty into pouerty and al blessings into cursings Verse 35 teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of ground and plenty of al things is Gods only gift Ver. 36 teacheth that God in great mercy prepareth abundance for them that want and giueth them safety shilter from al their enemies Ver. 37. Teacheth Gods children euen in the middest of Gods blessings and abundance yet notwithstanding to imploy themselues in ordinary trauayle and labour Ver. 38 teacheth vs that it is not the trauayle of man but Gods blessing that maketh men rich sée Psal 127.2 Verse 39 teacheth that afflictions are good means to bring men to the right knowledge of God and themselues Verse 40 teacheth that the estate of Princes and great men is not so sure as they commonly fantasie Ver. 41 teacheth vs that preferment commeth not from the east nor weast but from the Lord only sée Psalme 75 6. Verse 42 teacheth that godly men may reioyce as in the benefites of God bestowed vpon others so in his iudgements poured forth vpon the wicked it teacheth also that Gods mercies vpon his children and his punishments vpon the vngodly bring forth an other effect in the wicked that is taketh from them all sence so that they neyther haue harts to conceiue nor mouthes to speake either with or against god in his dealings Ver. 43 teacheth first that men ought déeply to weigh Gods wonderful workes secondly that the number of thē that do so in déede is very small in respect of the other thirdly that the consideration of his works is one good means to make vs sée and féele not his power and prouidenee only but also his eternall goodnes and incomprehensible mercy Psalme 108 THis Psalme as I take it may be deuided into two parts Di. In the first the Prophet stirreth vp himself to prayse God calling also vpon him for helpe and deliuerance from verse 1. to the ende of the 6 verse In the second the Prophet assuring himselfe by reason of Gods promises that his enemies should be ouerthrowne maketh his prayer vnto God for strength to performe it And this part reacheth from verse 7 to the end of the Psalme Se. The title A song or Psalm of Dauid sée before Psal 48. in the title and in that it is sayd here a Psalm of Dauid it is euident that he was the author of it Though it be true that this Psal be made of two Psalmes before going that is of Psal 57 from ver 7 to the end of the Psal and of Psal 60 from verse 5. to the end of the Psal frō whence also the sence doctrines might very wel be fet yet notwithstanding because there is some difference somwhat shal be sayd in this place Ver. 1. O God mine hart i. my inward man is prepared vz. to prayse thée for thy mercies so is my tongue i. mine outward man also putting a part for the whole q.d. I am ready both in the inward man outward mā to magnify thée for thy graces I vz. my self none other for me wil sing gyue praise vz. vnto thée alone Ver. 2. Awake Viol and Harpe he incourageth not only himself but also his instruments to praise God that euen thereby hee himselfe might be the better prouoked thereto I will awake vz. from my sléepe and rise vp from my bed early vz. in the morning the Prophet meaneth that he will euen breake his sléepe to performe seruices to God Verse 3 I wil praise thée O Lord vz. for thy mercies great and vnspeakeable among the people vz. whom thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe and I will sing vnto thée vz. prayses and thanksgiuing amongst the nations vz. round about vs the Prophet meaneth that he would so publish Gods prayses that euen the Gentiles should heare of it Ver. 4. For thy mercy vz. towardes all men but speciallye towards thy sonnes and seruaunts is great i. is so great that it is aboue the heauens i. higher then the heauens themselues so that as the space betwéene heauen and earth is infinite so is thy mercy and thy truth vz. reacheth he vnderstandeth by truth Gods faythfulnesse in making kéeping and performing promise vnto the Cloudes by these maner of spéeches hée meaneth nothing else but that Gods mercy is vnmeasurable and incomprehensible as it were in respecte of the greatnesse of it Verse 5. Exalt thy selfe O GOD vz. by thy mighte and power aboue the heauens i. aboue the highest thinges that may be not that he meaneth that God was not then and alwayes is exalted but that he prayeth the Lorde by effect to shew it amongste men and let thy glory i. the praise that appertaineth vnto thy glory be vz. dispersed farre and wide vpon al the earth i. in euery place of the worlde The Prophet sheweth in this verse that the firste thing that moued him to make this request is Gods glorye In the nexte Verse hée sheweth that an other reason is the saluation and deliueraunce of his people Verse 6. That thy beloued vz. people that is suche people as thou fauourest and louest of thine owne mercye onely without any merites of theirs may be deliuered vz. out of the great daungers distresses and feares wherein they are helpe vz. both them and me and euerye one of vs in this case for it shoulde séeme that Dauid made this Psalme at the beginning of his Kingdome when thinking vppon his enimies and his owne weakenesse it was tyme to craue helpe at the Lords hands for himselfe and his people with thy right hand i. with thy mighty power and strength that so thereby I may ouercome these enemies and heare me vz. praying vnto thée for my selfe and my people vnderstanding by hearing graunting his requestes Verse 7. GOD vz. himselfe hath spoken vz. openlye and playnlye and that by his holye Prophet Samuell that hee will establshe and inlarge the kingdome in my hande yea he hath spoken it in his holinesse i. hée hath holilye and assuredly promised it mée so that I néede not doubte any more of it then of his holinesse therefore vz. for this his mercye I will reioyce vz. greatlye for séeing he hath promised mée I knowe that I shall diuide vz. as the right owner and possessor of it Shechem Shechem is the name of a place on this side Iordan as the valley of Succoth was beyond Iordan Hée nameth certayne places of the land whiche by reason of Saules stocke and those that tooke part with him as Abner and such like he had not at the enterance into his Kingdome in his possession and yet notwithstanding assured himselfe that he should haue them and measure vz. to euery man his portion as Ioshua did by which the prophet noteth his gouernment kingdome ouer it the valley of Succoth this is expounded alredy before euen in this verse
my misery shaked their heads vz. at me that in sign of mockery contēpt sée 2. King 19.21 this verified in Christ as appeareth Mat. 27.39 Ver. 26. Help me vz. in these distresses O Lord my God q.d. vnles thou help I shal be ouerthrown saue me i. deliuer me frō the power of the wicked according to thy mercy vz. promised to thy seruants performed to many of them Ver. 27. And they i. euen the very wicked vngodly shal know i. féele confesse that this vz. my deliuerance and help is thine hand i. is done and wrought by thy mighty power that thou Lord vz. alone none other with thée hast done it vz. for my good and safety Ver. 28. Though they i. the wicked curse i. speake and doe all manner of euil against me yet thou wilt blesse vz. me meaning by blessing a plentiful giuing of al graces this the Prophet speaketh in the assured perswasion of Gods mercy in contēpt of his aduersaries enterprises q.d. let thē curse as much as they wil or can yet this is my cōfort that thou wilt blesse me with thy fauour they shal arise vz. vp and that to do mischéef against me and be cōfounded vz. by thy mighty power in their wicked enterprises but thy seruants shal reioice vz. in thy goodnesse towards him the destruction of his and thine enemies marke that in these 3. verses 26 27 28. He prayeth for his own safety deliuerance as in the next for his enemies ouerthrow Ver. 29. Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame i. let them be vtterly confoūded ashamed or couered with shame as men are with their clothes let thē couer thēselues with their cōfusion as with a cloke he meaneth that they should be compassed in on euery side with shame confusion wishing also that the best couerture that they might haue for themselues in the daye of distresse might be but only shame confusion of face This doubling of the sentence serueth not only to note the Prophets earnestnesse but also to set out the abundance continuance of shame to be poured forth vppon the wicked Ver 30. I vz. being thus deliuered from the vngodlies power will giue thanks vnto the Lord greatly i. will oftē and as it were continually prayse his name for it with my mouth i. openly and before others q.d. I wil not do it inwardly only in my hart but openly with my mouth and tongue putting the word mouth wherby voices are vttered for the very words of praise thanksgiuing and praise him vz. for his great power goodnes mercy towards me amōg the multitude vz. of his people assembled also for to praise him Ver. 31. For he i. the Lord wil stand vz. continually at the right hand of the poore i. hard by him that is afflicted meaning by standing at the right hand the continuall power prouidēce goodnes of God watching ouer those that are his to saue him i. to deliuer him and set him frée though he speake but of one yet hee meaneth al the faithful for that which God is to one of his he is to all of them from them that would condemn his soule i. from thē that would condemn him to death By soule he vnderstandeth the whole man and by the word condemn he sheweth that he had to do with the King and other mighty enimies Ver. 1 teacheth vs earnestly to cōmend our selues our causes into gods hāds by prayer Do. Ver. 2 setteth out the deceit hipocrisie lying of the vngodly Verse 3 sheweth how the wicked spare not to speake do euil also though they haue no cause giuen them Ver. 4 sheweth that the wicked many times recompence good with euil it teacheth the faithful also in the midst of alcōfusion to betake themselues to praier Ver. 5 sheweth that it is a portion alotted to Gods childrē in this life to be many times molested of them of whom they haue best deserued the Lord working this because he would thereby bring them out of loue with this life teach thē not to hang to much vpō men Ver. 6 7. c. teach first that we may pray against the malicious obstinate enemies of Gods people Ver. 6 teacheth further that it is a sign god is very angry whē he causeth one wicked man to punish another Ver. 7 sheweth that god wil somtimes make the very intreaty of the wicked serue to his own hurt Ver. 8.9.10 teach that it is many times a token of Gods wrath to be cut off in the middest of our dayes to haue our offices giuen to other to leaue behind vs poore fatherles children widdows I say many times because it is not always so Ver. 11 doth liuely describe the nature of the hard harted extortioner cruel stranger Ver. 12 teacheth that it should be no smal gréefe vnto vs if mens bowels compassion be shut vp against vs. Ver. 13 sheweth that God in his iudgmenes doth many times root out men their rases Ver. 14 teacheth that god punisheth the sinnes of vngodly fathers in their wicked children walking in the same ways Ver. 15 teacheth that it should déepely wound vs to know that God beholdeth al our sins Ver. 16 teacheth that God in his iustice doth punish men with those sins that they haue cōmitted against other Ver. 17 teacheth vs that they wch delighte continue in euil shal frō the Lord haue abundance of euil poured vpon them The same thing doth verse 18 19 teach Ver. 20. teacheth that al punishmēts poured vpon the wicked procéed frō the Lord. Ver. 21 teacheth that whē men sée or know that God wil deale in punishment against the wicked it then behoueth that godly to flie to his mercy by praier Ver. 22 teacheth vs that euē our own miseries shold moue vs to make harty supplicatiō vnto the Lord. Ver. 23 24 shew into what pittiful estate Gods children are many times brought Ver. 25 teacheth that it is no new thing for the wicked to scoffe skorn at the godly Ver. 26 teacheth vs in al our praiers to flie to Gods mercy Ver. 27 teacheth that the very wicked shal be constrained to confes gods hand in their punishment the deliueraunce of his children so did Pharaoh the Egiptians Ver. 28 teacheth that mans cursing cannot hurt where God hath promised his blessing Ver. 29 teacheth vs that we may pray against the wicked in that the Prophet doubleth his praier he teacheth vs that we should do so specially then when Satan bewraieth his subtilties and crafts Ver. 30 teacheth vs both secretly and openly to giue thanks to the Lord for his mercies Ver. 31 teacheth that God is nigh to his children euen to deliuer them in their greatest distresses and feares Psalme 110. THis Psalme being principally a prophecie of the kingdom priesthood of Christ consisteth especially of two parts Di. In the first are described the offices
and earth This verse and the verses following conteine and answere to the blasphemous scorning of the aduersaries conteined ver 3. and in this answere the true GOD is manifestly set out ver 4. and further it is declared that the false may not onely not be compared with him but not with men no not so much as with the smallest creature liuing ver and therefore that men shoulde no more feare the worshippers of idoles then the idoles themselues ver 8. so that here he opposeth the assurance of fayth against the blasphemies of vnbeléeuers and declareth that God hath an infinite power and such a one as can not bee limited in so much that all the worlde being vnder his gouernement hée fréely executeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him no man being able to let him therein yea that he is not onely aboue all lets and hinderaunces but also that he vseth the same to serue to the furtherance of his purposes and therefore hée addeth that hee doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 4. Their idoles i. the idoles of the heathen ver 2. of this Psal and which they serue as siluer and golde i are made of siluer and gold q.d. that is the best they can bee made of the worke of mens handes i. they are such woorkes as mens handes haue made Verse 5. They haue a mouth i. the proportion and similitude of a mouth and speake not i. can not speake therewith they haue eyes i. a shewe and likenes of eyes and sée not i. can not sée therewith and after the same sort must you vnderstande all that is sayd of them ver 6.7 The faithful do hereby declare that it is an absurd thing for men demaund of idoles that which they want or to put any trust in them séeing that they haue neither mouing féeling nor any other sense And in these verses hée maketh an opposition betwéene the true God and the false gods which are nothing but dead idoles and haue no power at all in these verses is conteined also a laying of that iustly vpon these false gods which the idolaters vntruely did charge the true God withall and the argumentes are taken first of the effect because their idoles were nothing but terrors and such as did trouble mens myndes with grieuous superstition from whence also they séeme in Hebrewe to haue their names and not comforting and sauing any as God doeth all his continually Secondly of the matter because that though they bee very precious yet they are earthly thinges and without life but God is the author of life and dwelleth in heauen thirdly of their beginning because mens handes made them whereas God is eternall and vncreated who also by his very word made al things lastly because they are idle and vnprofitable and not indued with any power of life but rather vaine shadowes of liuing thinges whereas the Lorde doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him And by this meanes hee beateth downe the vayne confidence and pride of the wicked who bragged of the helpe of their gods to whome they themselues gaue a beginning and though they bee made of golde and siluer vnderstanding thereby any other precious matter whatsoeuer yet so it is the value of the matter causeth not that the idoles should bée more excellent if they might be compared with GOD. Verse 8. They that make them i. the caruers grauers painters c. are like vnto them i. brutish as it were and insensible q.d. they are no more able to resist thée and thy power then those dead images are able to resist a liuing man neither are they able more to hurt thy people then a blocke or a stocke of it selfe can hurt a liuing creature so are i. in the like case and condition also are all vz. of what state or condition soeuer they bee that trust in them vz. either litle or much and here they shewe one cause wherefore God hateth idoles vz. because the honour due to him alone is giuen to thē Ver. 9. O Israel now he speaketh to the faithfull and exhorteth them to trust in God onely q.d. But thou O Israel séeing thou hast had proofe of the alsufficiency of God and of the vanity of idoles trust thou in the Lorde vz. alone ioyne no other with him for hee is their helpe i. of the faithfull and of those that truste in him q.d. he alwayes helpeth them and their shield vz. in the day of distresse meaning vnder this terme shielde his protecting and defending of them Sée Psal 18.2 Ver. 10. O house of Aaron i. O ye priests and Leuites which were ioyned vnto the priests for their ease he speaketh specially vnto these because they should shew the way vnto others trust ye in the Lord vz. also that ye in féeling the same your selues may the better teach and perswade other men to imbrace it for he is their helpe and their shield sée ver 9. of this Psal Ver. 11. Yée vz. of what nation soeuer ye be and are now come to the knowledge of God that feare the Lord i. worship him and serue him according to his word trust in the Lord for he is their helpe and their shield sée ver 9.10 of this Psalme Ver. 12. The Lord vz. himselfe hath beene mindfull i. by effect and déede hath declared his care and remembraunce of vs vz. being in distresse and that by reason of the couenant which he made with vs hee will blesse vz. vs al of what state or condition so euer we be vnderstanding by blessing all maner of prosperity whatsoeuer hée will blesse the house of Israell i. all the race and posterity of Israel nowe hée applieth that particularly which hée spake before generally hée will blesse the house of Aaron i. the Priestes and Leuites as before verse 10. Ver. 13. Hée will blesse them that feare the Lorde i. such as worship and serue him as before verse 11. Marke also howe he speaketh of God in the thirde person And this often repeating of the woorde blessing serueth not onely to note the continuall course of Gods graces vpon his children but also to expresse the certaintie and assurednes thereof both small and greate i. as well those that are vile and contemptible in the world as those that are in greatest estimation and regard the reason of it is because GOD respecteth no mans person Verse 14. The Lorde will increase vz. through his great goodnesse and mercy his graces towardes you vz. which are his people hée meaneth that he will giue them a dayly supply of new benefites and greater then they haue had before towardes you and towards your children hée noteth in these woordes the largenesse of Gods blessing to be bestowed vppon the godly and their godly posterity Verse 15. Yée are the blessed of the Lorde i. you are such as the Lorde himselfe hath not onely promised bur perfourmed great blessinges vnto and therefore you néede not doubt or feare which made vz. by the worde of his power in the beginning and
for some deliuerances he addeth the cup of saluation that is deliuerances how Dauid performed this sée 1. Chro. c. and will call vpon the name of the Lord i. pray vnto him also q.d. I wil not only thank him for his benefites but pray vnto him for the increase and continuance thereof Ver. 14. I will pay vz. with a frée and willing heart my vowes i. the thinges that I haue vowed or the sacrifices of thanksgiuing which I promised vnto him if he deliuered me out of distresse for amongst other that vsed to make vowes they did it that were in extreme danger distresse q.d. I wil not only by wordes confesse my self to be safe from danger so witnes the thankfulnes of my mind but I wil declare it also by offring the sacrifices which I vowed to the Lorde at what time Saul did pursue me very hardly The ende of vowes was to seale in the hearts of Gods children a hope to obtaine that which they did aske and moreouer to prouoke and bind them to thanksgiuing and this liberty to vow is permitted vnto Gods children to comfort them in their infirmities and not otherwise and that word pay noteth that it is due debt and that it can not be omitted without sinne if the thing vowed be lawful euen now q.d. I will not deferre it in the presence of all his people i. in the temple or place of publike exercise whether al Gods people resorted or else before all the Israelits whom he gathered together to Ierusalem to bring the arke of the Lorde thither Sée 1. Chro. 15.3 Ver. 15. Precious i. deare and of great account and regard in the sight of the Lord i. before him and his iudgement is the death of his saints i. death or mischief imagined or performed towards those whom he alloweth of q.d. God by my example hath declared how deare vnto him is the life of faithfull men séeing that hee hath so often preserued me assaulted so many wayes and with so great force or thus God doeth grieuously take good mens deathes and therefore they shall not escape vnpunished that kill them And marke this that for his comfort he setteth this against the malice of his enemies that God doth not at al aduenture deliuer his vp to death but maketh great account of them for the word saints sée Psalm 30.4 Ver. 16. Beholde Lord q.d. most true is it Lorde that thou wilt not haue the godly slayne for thou hast preserued me thy poore seruant for I am thy seruant vz. and thou hast shewed mée this grace and fauour I am thy seruaunt hee repeateth the same againe as a matter of no small comfort vnto himselfe neither must wee so vnderstand him as though hée grounded the causes of his deliuerance vpon his seruices perfourmed to God but vppon Gods frée election q.d. from my mothtrs wombe yea before I was borne this honour and goodnes was prepared for mee and the sonne of thy handmayde i. of a woman who did purely worship thée and this he speaketh because that children by reason of their first education imitated the disposition and manners of their mothers for which cause also it should séeme that the names of the kings mothers are so commonly expressed in the bookes of kings sée for this phrase Psal 86.16 thou vz. alone hast broken vz. in pieces or a sunder by thy almighty power my bands i. either the bands that I was bound in or else the bandes that were prepared to bind me in by this maner of spéech he meaneth that god had deliuered him from the danger wherin he was or else he had kept him that he came not into the troubles that his enemies had prepared for him Ver. 17. I will offer vnto thee a sacrifice of praise vz. for thy mercy goodnes shewed vnto mee he meaneth that he wil acknowledge confesse gods goodnes praise him for the same for here he protesteth again as he had done before ver 13.14 that hee would giue God thanks which is a signe that he was not vnthankful and I will cal vppon the name of the Lord marke the sodaine change of the person from the seconde to the third he meaneth by this speach that he wil neuer cease to worship God to praise God sée before ver 13. of this Psal Ver. 18. I wil pay c. This is the same with ver 14. before going both in words meaning therfore we shall not néed to stand vpon it Ver. 19. In the courtes of the Lordes house i. in the place of publik resort and assembly whether the people came together to serue God meaning no doubt the Church euen in the middest of thée O Ierusalem i. openly in that most famous City in which was at that time the only place appointed for gods sacrifices and seruice because there was but one only altar and that was placed there from which also it was not lawful for any man to withdraw himselfe Ver. 1. Teacheth vs vnfeignedly to loue the Lord Do. also that he is nigh to the supplication praiers of the faithful Ver. 2. 3. Teach vs that the time of affliction is an acceptable time to pray to God in that affliction it selfe addeth also an edge vnto our praiers Ver. 3. Doth further teach into what great anguish distresse the children of god are many times brought Ver. 4. teacheth vs earnestnes continuance in praier vnto almighty God Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that the consideration and féeling of Gods mercy is ought to be a notable spurre vnto prayer Ver. 6. Teacheth vs that Gods mercy towards other men our selues also should assure vs that our prayers shal be heard and we deliuered Verse 7. Teacheth vs to comfort our selues what wee may in our distresse and heauinesse also that God himselfe is the onely proppe and stay of those that are his Ver. 8. teacheth that god doth graciously preserue those that depend vpon him how great or how many soeuer their troubles bee Ver. 9. Teacheth that those which are vnder the sauegarde prouidence and protection of almightie God shal neuer miscary Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that faith in God and his promises maketh vs bold in prayer to him and ouercommeth all assaults of Satans malice our owne corruption Ver. 11. Teacheth into what extremities gods children oftentimes fal specially whē they do not presently see the accomplishmēt of Gods promises Ver. 12. Teacheth vs that Gods benefites are so many and excellent that wee are not able to comprehende much lesse to answere the least part of them Ver. 13. Teacheth that vnfeigned and humble thankesgiuing is the most acceptable sacrifice to almighty God Ver. 14. Teacheth vs that when we haue vowed any thing which is lawfull and holy wee ought to performe it but what serueth this for vowes of monkery single life c. Ver. 15. Teacheth vs that god careth for that very tenderly those that are his which is a
open vnto him euen as though the Sacrifices were already present and ready that I may go into them vz. willingly chearefully and gladly and praise the Lord vz. with all my hart for his graces bestowed vpon me Ver. 20. This is the gate of the Lord q.d. seing that these gates belong vnto the Lord it is very méete they should be opened to his seruaunts the righteous shal enter into it vz. there to prayse the Lord and to pray vnto him Ver. 21. I vz. the people of Israell and Iudah the holy Ghost speaketh of them all as though they were but one because they all make but one body and here beginneth the third part of the Psalme will praise vz. with my whole hart and continuallye thée vz. O Lord for thou hast heard me i. granted my praiers and requests made vnto thée and hast ben my deliueraunce i. him that hath deliuered me out of al trouble Verse 22. The stone vz. which God himselfe had appointed as méete for the building to stay vphold and bind together the whole kingdome whiche vz. stone also the builders refused i. the principal gouernors both in the church and in the Kingdome in Saules time and in the dayes of Ishboseth if wee respect Dauid but if we respect Christ then the Priests Pharises and all the rest who by duty should haue built vp the Church and not destroyd it is vz. now thorow Gods appointment the head of the corner i. the chéefe stone in the building not only because it is sette in the most excellentest place of the whole building but also because it doth sustayne the whole waight of the house In this verse referred to Dauid the people shew how that though the greate men stood agaynst him yet God exalted him to the kingdome maugre all their deuises which as it followeth in the next verse was a wonderfull thing But it is truly accomplished in our Sauiour Christ as appeareth Matt. 21.41 Act. 4.11 who is indéede the true corner stone Ephe. 2 20. in whome all the building coupled together groweth vnto a holy Temple in the Lord Ver. 23. This vz. exaltation of the chéefe corner stone so contemptuouslye reiected of the greate men of the world was the Lords doing vz. only and that in mercy towardes vs miserable men whether wee respect Dauid as the figure and so apply it to the people of the Iewes or else referre it to Christ as the truth and substaunce and it is meruaylous in our eyes i. we déeme it and take it to be a wōderfull thing far beyond the reach of our wit and reason and yet we know and beléeue the same to be faithfully performed Ver. 24. This is the day vz. in which the Lord sheweth by effect that he is gracious towards vs in giuing vs so good a King which the Lord hath made vz. for our comforte and good let vs reioyce vz. before the Lord and be glad in it vz. for the graces which hée hath bestowed vpon vs. Verse 25. O Lord I pray thée vz. euen for thy owne names sake and for thy mercy sake and the word I is to be taken here as verse 21 of this Psalme saue now vz. our King thy seruaunt vnderstanding by the word sauing not only deliueraunce from daunger but aid and succoure to ouercome al our enemies and that word now importeth a present supplye without delay not that they prescribe God a time but to the ende the enemies might be quickly ouerthrowne O Lord I pray thée now vz. at this present wherein good occasion is offred giue prosperity vz. to our King and to vs in his ministery These be the prayers of the people wishing good vnto their King and themselues sée for this purpose Psalme 20. thorowout Verse 26. Blessed be he vz. with all kind of graces both outward and inward that commeth vz. to rule and gouerne amongst vs in the name of the Lorde i. by power and authoritie giuen him from the Lord q.d. That thrusteth not in himselfe but taketh the kingdome vpon him by the commandement and appointment of God Sée this applyed to our Sauiour Christ Mat. 21 9 We vz. which are the Lords Priests and wayt vpon the Altar haue blessed you vz. both King and people vnderstanding by blessing praying for them and wishing them all good which was a part of the Priests office as appeareth Deutron 10.8 Num. 6 23 c. out of the house of the Lord he noteth the place frō whence this blessing was pronounced vz. euen in that place where God was serued and in which place both Priests and people were assembled to worship him and these are the Priests words and prayers Verse 27. The Lord vz. which hath done these things for Dauid and vs is mighty vz. aboue all both in heauen and in earth and hath giuen vs vz. thorow his great mercy goodnesse light i. prosperity and al kinde of gladnes for so much do the Hebrewes comprehend vnder the word light sée Esth 8 16. binde the sacrifice vz. of praise and thanksgiuing which you offer to the Lord putting one number for an other and vnderstanding by one many as may appeare because he addeth with cords for many cords néed not for the tying of one sacrifice but hee meaneth that they should bind and bring al their sacrifices together and haue them in a readinesse as it were presentlye to offer them vp to the Lord vnto the hornes of the Altar he meaneth by this spéech that they shoulde bring them together and fill as it were the whole court of the Lord for further then that place it was not lawfull for the people to goe so that he meaneth by bringing them to the hornes of the Altar nothing else but presenting them before the Lord that as nigh as they might by warrāt of the law go so that Dauid minding to ioin the outward ceremonies of the law with the inwarde affection and seruice of the hart exhorteth euery one to prepare to present that which is necessarye to offer vp to God for the sacrifice of thanksgiuing The hebrew word whiche is here turnd sacrifice doth properly signify a sacrifice offred on some feast day the word that is translated cords signifieth a cord made of many thréeds or ropes put together and hath his name as it should séeme of the thicknes of it Ver. 28 Thou art my God i. he that alone hath mightily deliuered me from mine enemies These be Dauids words vttered either in his own name or in the Priests name concluding the Psalm with thanksgiuing as he had before taken vpon him that person both of the people Priests ver 21. ver 26. of this Psalme I wil praise thée vz. for thy goodnes mercy power manifested vnto me euen my God q.d. Though thou art a God vnto al yet by particular experience I haue found thée so chéefely vnto me therfore I wil exalt thée vz. amongst men with praise thanksgiuing Ver. 29.
open his mouth boldly Ephes 6.19 and if we read as it is in the English text vtterly it declareth that hee had not such a great boldenesse to speake as were to bee wished for I wayte vz. with diligence and patience for thy iudgments vz. to bee executed vppon the wicked in iustice and vppon thy children in mercy the worde iudgementes being vsed here for the promises which God hath made conteining either the punishments of the vngodly or his mercies to his children Sée verse 39. of this Psalme Verse 44. So vz. by this meanes when thou shalt continue with mée the woorde of trueth shall I alway keepe vz. through thy goodnes and strength thy lawe vz. which thou hast prescribed for mee to walke in for euer and euer the Prophet meaneth that through Gods strength hée shall continue in the knowledge and practise of Gods woorde all the dayes of his life Verse 45. And I vz. thy poore and vnworthy seruaunt will walke vz. through thy mercy and goodnesse meaning by walking that hee woulde liue and bée conuersaunt amongest men at libertye i. in playne and easie wayes or in great and broade wayes or as a man woulde say in the kinges high way which Saint Iames chapter 2.8 calleth the royall lawe meaning also that he would walke without feare of daunger as they doe most commonly which are in a kingly or broad way for I séeke vz. with an vnfeigned heart and continually thy preceptes i. the vnderstanding of them and obedience to them Ver. 46. I will speake also vz. fréely boldly and plainely of thy testimonies i. of thy lawe and the pointes and matters therein propounded before kinges i. mighty men of the earth and magistrates q.d. I will doe it in deede and that not only before inferiour persons and in their sight and hearing but euen before them who for their greatnes are wont to stoppe vp other mens mouthes and command thē silence Surely it is a good token that men haue well profited in Gods word when men are armed against all terrors of men and will not bee ashamed vz. to speake of it fréely and boldly Verse 47. And my delight shal be vz. continually and all the daies of my life in thy commandements i. in thy lawe by which thou hast commanded mee what I should do and what I should leaue vndone which I haue loued vz. not in words onely but in déede and trueth and with an vnfeigned loue Ver. 48. Mine hands also will I lift vp vnto thy commandements q.d. I will stretch out my handes that I may readily receiue turne ouer and search out thy commaundements and this similitude declareth the earnestnes of his desire because that looke whatsoeuer we desire to haue we do straine our selues to take it and lay holde of it by stretching out our hands which I haue loued sée ver 47. and I will meditate in thy statutes sée ver 23.27 of this Psalme Do. Ver. 41. Teacheth vs that Gods promise is a sure grounde vnto vs of his loue and our saluation Ver. 42. Teacheth vs that grounded perswasion out of the word maketh vs bold to speake euen in the face of our aduersaries Ver. 43. Teacheth vs that there can no greater punishment be laid vpon vs in this life then to lacke Gods word also that we should in all cases with patience tary the Lords leasure Ver. 44. Teacheth vs to indeuour what in vs lyeth continually to keepe Gods lawe Verse 45. Teacheth vs that he walketh simply and surely that walketh according to the prescript rule of Gods worde Ver. 46. Teacheth vs that no feare of men nor shame of our selues should cause vs to conceale or kéepe backe anye part of Gods trueth Ver. 47. Teacheth vs vnfeignedly to loue and continually to delight in the lawe and word of GOD. Ver. 48. Teacheth vs with earnestnes and readines to labour to apprehende Gods trueth and to holde it fast when wée haue obteyned it also to vse not only hearing and reading of Gods word but dayly meditation therein Zain Di. THe Prophet in this vii part doth first pray vnto God that hee might in himselfe effectually féele the accomplishment of Gods promises and this conteyned ver 49. Secondly he sheweth what great comfort and consolation he had in the word of God and by the keeping thereof and this is ver Lastly hee shewed that no scornes of the wicked woulde turne him away from God and his truth and that he recompensed that euil of theirs with this good fearing greatly the great iudgements which for the contempt of God and his trueth should fal vpon them ver 51.53 Se. Ver. 49. Remember i. declare by effect that thou doest remember Sée Gen. 8.1 the promise made i. the promise which thou hast made to thy seruaunt i. to me thy seruant he speaketh of himselfe in the third person wherein i. in which promise thou hast caused mee to trust vz. not onely because thou hast made and giuen me the same promise but also hast commaunded mee to take sure hold thereof The Prophet here desireth God in déede to perfourme that which he had promised him whereby hee sheweth that though God séemed to be farre off yet he would stay himselfe vpon his worde Ver. 50. It i. thy promise made vnto me is my comfort i. doth greatly comfort me in my trouble i. when I am in any trouble whatsoeuer when I thinke of it this is as it were the speach of his heart receiuing singular comfort by meditations in Gods promises for thy promise vz. made vnto me in thy word hath quickened me i. hath not onely strengthened and confirmed mee at all times but euen then when I séemed to be nigh vnto death or as it were dead already it did after a sort restore me to life Ver. 51. The proude vz. men of the worlde meaning thereby the wicked and vngodly whome hee calleth proude because they did despise God himselfe and treade vnder foote as it were all his holy doctrine haue had me excéedingly in derision i. haue scoffed and ieared at me not onely very much but also continually for that word excéedingly noteth also that day by day and one day after an other they did assault him with newe and fresh combats of scoffes and taunts yet q.d. for all that they haue done I haue not declined i. gone aside or astray from thy law vz. which thou hast prescribed for me to walke in q.d. no floutes or taunts of men could pull mee from the obedience of thy trueth Ver. 52. I remēbred i. I called to mynd in my meditations and déepely thought vpon thy iudgements i. such examples as wherby thou shewedst thy selfe to be iudge of the world of old i. which thou diddest and madest manifest in former ages hee meaneth that he thought vppon such iudgements as God in former times had declared vnto the worlde for iudgements read ver 43. of this Psalme vnderstanding thereby Gods punishments vppon the wicked and his mercy towards
me away from the obedience of thy trueth Verse 62. At midnight vz. when others are fast and sound a sleepe Sée before verse 55. This declareth his ardency and affection q.d. euen then when I shoulde take my rest as others doe will I rise vz. not onely from my sléepe but euen out of my bed to giue thanks vnto thée vz. for thy gret infinite blessings bestowed vpon me or as followeth because of thy righteous iudgementes i. because of the faithful performing of all those thinges which thou hast promised either in mercy to thy seruants or in iustice to thine enemies Verse 63. I am a companion i. I vse and frequent the company of all thē that feare thee i. serue and worshippe thee with that reuerent feare that appertayneth vnto thée and kéepe thy preceptes i. hee sheweth howe men may know whether they themselues or others feare GOD or no euen by keeping his lawe and doing the things that it requireth And the Prophet kept company with these good men both that he himselfe by them might bee confirmed and also that he might aide and confirme them Ver. 64. The earth i. the whole world it selfe and all the creatures therein conteined O Lord vz. whome I serue alone is full vz. in euery place and quarter so that a man can turne his eye or head no way but he shal sée plaine testimonies of it of thy mercy vz. towardes it and al thy creatures teach me thy statutes sée ver 26. of this Psalme he desireth that the mercy of God which is spred abroad ouer all creatures may be manifested to himward so that thereby he may profit in Gods lawe because that the spirit of vnderstanding is a principal signe of Gods fauour and grace and this petition consisteth of two partes vz. that God pitying his wretchednesse and want of knowledge woulde perfourme his promise made to him in that behalfe whereunto the better to induce God he vseth an argument taken from the abundance of Gods mercy manifested to al his creatures that is the second part or point Do. Ver. 57. Teacheth vs that séeing God hath chosen vs to bee his people wee should carry with vs a resolute perswasion to obey his lawe Ver. 58. Teacheth vs that the prayers which we make vnto God should be vnfeigned and procéed not onely from the tongue but from the heart also also that in our prayers we should make Gods mercies and promises principall proppes of our faith Ver. 59. Teacheth vs not onely to haue a carefull eye to our conuersation past and present but also it sheweth vs that the single sight therof is a good meane to bring vs to the obedience of God Ver. 60. Teacheth vs with speed to turne vnto the Lorde and not to put of from day to day as worldly men doe Verse 61. Doeth not only set out the cruel and spoyling minds that the wicked haue but sheweth also that the children of God shoulde haue such constancie in his trueth as nothing shoulde withdrawe them from it Verse 62. Teacheth vs to haue such care of Gods seruice that wee should many times break our sléepes as it were to performe that duety Ver. 63. Teacheth vs as to auoyd euil company so for the profite that maye come to our selues thereby and for the good that we may do to others to frequent good company Ver. 64. Setteth out the largenes of Gods mercy and sheweth what want of knowledge wée haue in Gods holy worde Teth Di. THis being the 9. part of the Psalme consisteth specially of these pointes first the Prophet confesseth gods great goodnes towards him and prayeth for the continuance therof Ver. 65.66.68 Secondly he declareth that euen the afflictions which they suffered in this life were through the consolation which he had in the word comfortable and profitable vnto him Ver. 67.71.72 Thirdly he setteth out the cruelty and naughtines of the wicked and his owne goodnes and yet without any boasting thereof ver 69.70 Ver. 65. O Lord vz. the only true God thou hast dealt vz. in euery thing Se. and euery way graciously i. in all fauour loue and mercy with thy seruaunt i. with me thy seruant for he speaketh of himselfe in the thirde person according to thy worde i. according to thy promise that thou hast made and giuen mee q.d. as thou hast graciously promised mee all goodnes so hast thou graciously also and in great mercy perfourmed the same Ver. 66. Teach mée vz. who of my selfe am blinde and ignorant good iudgment and knowledge vz. out of thy holy woorde q.d. teach mee by the light of thy holy worde in sound iudgements and knowledge to discerne betwéene trueth and falshoode for I haue beléeued vz. stedfastly thy commaundementes vz. that they are good true and holy he meaneth also by this manner of speach that hee did willingly imbrace all that which was appointed in gods lawe Ver. 67. Before I was afflicted vz from thée and by thine appointment I went astray vz. from the wayes of thy commandements but nowe vz. since thy corrections were vpon mée I kéepe vz. with a sincere and good mynde vnderstanding by kéeping obseruing and obeying thy word i. the things manifested and cōmaunded in thy word Sée Hosea 5.15 Immanuel readeth it thus when I did not yet speake i. euen from my birth I am a sinner a stranger from thy lawe and the childe of wrath as Psal 51.5 I went astray i. I was a sinner against thée as before but now I kéepe vz. diligently or in my heart meaning also that he layd it vp in his mind thy word i. thy promises Thus he applieth it to original sinne whatsoeuer it is certaine it is that hee was not deliuered from that stubbornes and peruerse rebellion wherewith all mankinde is infected but by the mighty working of Gods holy worde and spirit Ver. 68. Thou vz. O Lord art good and gracious as to all so specially to thy people sée Psal 86.5 teach me thy statutes sée ver 26.64 of this Psalme and marke howe to moue the Lord to teach him in his lawe hée setteth before him Gods bounty and goodnes Ver. 69. The proude sée ver 51. of this Psalme hee meaneth by this speach the chiefe men amongest them who were puffed vp with a peruerse and vayne trust in their honours and riches haue imagined as secretly and within themselues so cunningly and finely a lye i. false and vniust accusations hee putteth one for many against mee vz. euen to take away my life if it be possible but I will kéepe vz. through thy goodnes strength and assistaunce thy precepts i. the thinges that thou hast commaunded with my whole heart i. sincerely and vnfeignedly Ver. 70. Their heart i. their minde vnderstanding is fat as grease i. is mightily fatned so that there is nothing in it as it were but fat he meaneth by fat as grease not onely that they were puffed vp with prosperitie and so made vnapt to vnderstand holy thinges
felt is the speciall matter of comfort to al his children Ver. 77. Teacheth vs that wee can not liue no not in this life much lesse in the life to come without Gods great mercy Ver. 78. Teacheth vs that wee may pray against the wicked also what the nature of the wirked is vz. to vse force and flattery against Gods Saintes to worke them hurt if they can thereby lastly that serious meditation in Gods lawe is a singular comfort agaynst the assaultes of our enemies Ver. 79. Teacheth vs to pray for them that bee shrunke away euen as for our selues also that there is no right worshippe of God without the knowledge of his woorde Ver. 80. Teacheth vs to pray earnestly against the sinne of hypocrisie and dissimulation Caph. Di. THe Prophet in this eleuenth part maketh hearty prayer to the Lorde for helpe and deliuery first because of the miserable estate wherein hee himselfe was in respect of his owne person verse Secondly in respecte of the great outrage and cruelty of his enemies verse Se. Verse 81. My soule faynteth i. my life is euen as it were consumed for thy saluation i. with looking for helpe and deliueraunce from thée yet q.d. notwithstanding all this great distresse wherein I am I doe wayte vz. in hope and patience for thy worde i. for the accomplishment of those thinges which thou in thy worde hast promised q.d. I haue in great patience waited for deliuerance from thée and wil waite for it still for by fainting hee vnderstandeth a certaine patience whose force though it séeme to be vtterly lost yet doeth it not altogether forsake them in whome it is who séeme notwithstanding to bee dead but putteth into their heartes secret gronings yea such as men cannot well expresse Ver. 82. Mine eies i. the power strength and sight of mine eies faile i. decayeth and waxeth dimme for otherwise hée had his eyes still for thy promise i. with looking for the accomplishment of thy promise so long thou séemest to mée to deferre and put it off saying i. in so much that I burst foorth into this speach and saide when wilt thou comfort mee vz. distressed and afflicted on euery side such a sore conflict and battaile had Dauid within himselfe Verse 83. For I am like a bottle vz. made of beastes skinnes in the smoke i. hanged vp in the smoke hee meaneth that through griefe and misery hée was wrinkled withered dryed away and consumed as it were yet do I not forget thy statutes q.d. my miseries driue me not into a forgetfulnes of thée and thy word but make mee more to remember thée it Verse 84. Howe many are the dayes vz. of affliction and trouble of thy seruaunt i. which thy seruaunt shall indure Sée Psalme 116.2 in the Prophetes also we shal read this phrase the dayes of Egipt the dayes of Babilon c. when wilt thou execute iudgement i. when wilt thou punish on them that persecute me vz. without a cause Verse 85. The proude Sée before ver 51.69.78 haue digged pits for me i. haue secretly and by ambushes as it were sought my death and destruction Sée Psalm 7.15 which vz. craftie and subtil kinde of dealing is not after thy lawe i. consenteth not with the trueth of thy woorde but directly fighteth against it and this hee addeth to moue the Lorde the rather to execute iustice Immanuel referreth it to the persons thus The proude who conforme not themselues to thy lawe i. will not bee ruled after thy woorde nor order their life according to it haue digged pittes for mee but me thinketh the other sence is as playne Verse 86. All thy commaundements i. they all generally and euery one of them particularly are true i. most true yea trueth it selfe and in all trueth and vprightnesse enioyned men to obserue them they i. the proude and wicked men persecute mée falsely i. not only without a cause on my part but lyingly and slanderously in respect of themselues helpe mée vz. thus distressed and deliuer mee from these bloody and cruell men Verse 87. They had almost consumed me vz. through their wicked deuises and cruell practises vppon the earth i. liuing here vppon the earth with them Immanuel readeth it better thus cast downe vppon the earth i. being very much humbled and afflicted q.d. my miserie coulde not moue them to pity mee but the more weake I was the more cruell they were against mée but vz. for all that I forsooke not thy statutes i. I ceased not to beléeue thy woorde and to walke in obedience of it Verse 88. Quicken mee i. recreate and refresh mée ouer all my troubles and as it were call mée backe from death to life according to thy louing kindenes vz. which thou wast wont to shewe to thy seruaunts and hast heretofore declared vnto mee so shall I kéepe vz. diligently and carefully the testimonie of thy mouth i. thy woorde and lawe which is thus named to set out the authoritie that it hath in it selfe and shoulde haue amongest men Sée ver 13. of this Psalme Ver. 81. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer the faith hope Do. and patience of Gods children bee for a time darkened yet is is neuer vtterly quenched or put out Ver. 82. Teacheth vs that God many times bringeth his children to a lowe ebbe and doth for a long while withholde his aide yet doeth he not altogether for euer forsake them it sheweth also what great conflicts the godly haue in their troubles Ver. 83. Teacheth vs that no misery shoulde make vs to forget Gods word nay rather the more our miseries are the more should we meditate therin because in it only is sound comfort to be found Ver. 84. Teacheth vs that euen Gods children do many times desire to know those things which the Lord hath not particularly reuealed vnto them in his word Ver. 85. Teachech vs that the wicked are both cruel and crafty Ver. 86. Teacheth vs that the more egerly men molest vs the more earnestly we should call vpon God for his helpe Ver. 87. Teacheth vs two things first that the vngodly are without bowels of pity and compassion secondly that we should be so rooted in the loue and knowledge of God and his trueth as nothing shoulde pull vs away therefrom Ver. 88. Teacheth vs that wee can performe nothing obediently to God till it please him to giue vs the grace and strength Lamed Di. IN this part the Prophet maketh plaine proofe of the certainety continuance and truth of Gods word first by the very works of creation ver 89.90.91 secondly by his owne particular experience and practise ver 92.93.94 and so on to the end of this part Se. Ver 89. O Lorde thy woorde indureth for euer in heauen q.d. euen the very heauens can be witnesse of the continuance and constancie of thy worde séeing that they in the strength of thy word continue and abide much more shall thy word it selfe indure Some expound it thus the Prophet affirmeth
and he testifyeth by this worde so often vsed in this Psalme that euen in the middest of life we are dead vnlesse we be quickened and vpholden by the power of God according to thy iudgement vz. pronounced in thy word or we may take iudgement to be put for the word it selfe which declareth vnto vs Gods goodnesse he alludeth no doubt to the office of an earthly iudge whose duty cōsisteth in these ij points to absolue and lose some and to pronounce the sentēce of condēnation vpon other some in which sence also we say in the cōmon cōfession of our fayth that Christ our sauiour shal come from heauen to iudge the quick and the dead Ver. 150. They draw neare vz. to me euen to persecute hurte and destroy me that follow after malice i. that pursue the mischieuous and wicked attempts which they themselues in their own malice had maliciouslye and wickedly deuised against me and are far from thy law i. they care not either for the sight hearing or knowledge of it thus he giueth two properties to know the wicked by the first is that they are malicious the second which indéed is the welspring of al mischiefe they despise Gods law Ver. 151. Thou arte neare O Lord vz. to al thine euen to aid succour them in their distresses for al thy commaundements are true that word for would better be turned and and he meaneth that not only the words wherwith gods commandements are expressed but euen the very things commanded therein are iust true holy Verse 152. I vz. my selfe haue knowne vz. euen by mine own practise and experience long time i. not only of late but sundry times heretofore whiche I will neuer forget by thy testimonies i. by thy word that thou hast established them for euer i. that thou hast ordained that it should abide firm and stable for euer and euer sée ver 89 of this Psalm and verse 144. Verse 145 teacheth vs that in all our supplications praiers to the Lord Do. our hart and our words should concur consent together Verse 146 teacheth vs that the former experience of Gods goodnesse in hearing our praiers shoulde imbolden vs both to pray and to hope to receaue the like Verse 147 teacheth vs euen to breake our sléepes to giue our selues to prayer and calling vppon the name of GOD. Verse 148 teacheth vs to be continually diligente and carefull in the meditation and studye of Gods worde Verse 149 teacheth vs that Gods frée mercy is the first cause of the graunting of al our requests Ver. 150 doth liuely paynt out the nature and disposition of the wicked and vngodly Verse 151 teacheth vs that the Lord is neuer absent from those that loue and feare him Verse 152 teacheth vs that to know the assurednesse of Gods worde and to haue felt by proofe the certainty thereof are two notable proppes of our fayth and hope Resch Di. IN this part as in the former the Prophet continueth his prayers to almighty God vsing certaine arguments to induce the Lord to graunt him his requests as first his own misery affliction and gréefe verse 153 154 158. secondlye the desperate estate of the wicked and the greate heape of his enemies 155 157. Thirdlye the great loue mercy and truth of the Lord verse 156 159 160. Se. Verse 153. Behold mine affliction i. how great the affliction is which I presently indure not that the Prophet thought the Lord did not beholde it but because he would haue him by effect to declare that he did regard and consider it and deliuer me vz. out of the same for I haue not forgotten vz. as the wicked men doe verse 139 but I haue thought vpon it to doe it thy lawe i. thy worde as sundrye times before Ver. 154. Pleade my cause vz. against mine aduersaries that would oppresse me sée Psalme 35. verse 1. and verse 122 of this Psalme It is as much as if he should desire the Lord to defende him and his case and deliuer mée vz. from them that would oppresse me as ver 134 sée also for this phrase ver 153. quickē me according vnto thy word sée verse 25 of this Psal Verse 155. Saluation i. helpe and deliueraunce out of daunger as Psalm 3 8 is farre from the wicked i. they shall haue no parte or portion of it and this he speaketh specially of his aduersaries who defended an vniust cause against him because they séeke not vz. vnfeignedlye and from a good harte thy statutes i. thy worde and that to know and to do them Ver. 156. Great are thy tender mercyes O Lord vz. towards thy sonnes and seruaunts Sée Psalme 86 5 13 15. quicken me according to thy iudgements sée verse 149 of this Psalme Verse 157. My persecutors and mine oppressors i. those that persecute and oppresse me are manye vz. in number and great in power yet doe I not swarue from thy testimonies q.d. for all that I leaue not the loue and obedience of thy truth sée verse 110. of this Psalm Ver. 158. I saw vz. euen with mine eyes meaning that he did certainly know the naughtinesse of the wicked men the transgressors vz. of thy law for sinne is the transgression and breache of Gods lawe 1. Iohn 3 4 and was gréeued vz. with them and at them for their sinnes sake sée before verse 53 136 139. because they kepte not thy worde i. because they had no care eyther to know it or doe it Sée verse 136. Verse 159. Consider O Lorde the Prophet speaketh this not as though he doubted whether god knew it yea or no but to intreat the Lord by effects to declare the care that he had of him how I loue thy precepts i. how much I loue them sée ver 97 113 127 and sundry other places of this Psalm quicken me according to thy louing kindnesse this may stand vs in stéed of an exposition of that which was sayd before 149 156 if that bée not plaine ynough as that he should vnderstand by iudgements Gods promises and mercies in which sence also the word is vsed in sundry places of scripture Ver. 160. The beginning of thy word is truth i. thy worde hath bin true euen since the beginning and al the iudgements of thy righteousnesse i. all thy iust and righteous iudgements indure for euer the Prophets purpose is in this verse to note that Gods word is most certain faithful stedfast and durable Ver. 153 teacheth vs Do. that euen our very affections are good matters to moue the Lord to haue mercy vpon vs. Verse 154 teacheth vs whether we haue mās ayd or no yet we should continually hang vpon the Lord and pray vnto him for our iust defence euery maner of way Ver. 155 teacheth vs that a very cōtempt of Gods word which the wicked vse is a seale vnto Gods children that no parte or péece of Gods fauour belongeth vnto them Ver. 156 doth notably set out the aboūdant riches infinit treasure
neither hee himselfe imagined neither should we imagine any fleshly thing of God Ver. 2. Beholde euen as the eies of seruants looke vz. earnestly and attentiuely vnto the hand of their misteris i. vnto their power aide and helpe not doubting of their faithfulnes succour and defence neither yet looking for aide from others besides their misteris and as the eyes of a maide vz. looke and wayte vpon the hande of her maistresse i. the power helpe and succour of her whom God hath placed ouer her as before in this verse so our eyes vz. both of our bodyes and of our mindes as ver 1. of this Psalme wait vz. with patience continuance vpon the Lorde vz. only our God i. whom we serue and worshippe vntill hee haue mercy vpon i. vntil he shewe by effect that hee wil take pitie vpon vs and deliuer vs out of our griefs the woord vntil in this place meaneth not as though that then they would leaue of to trust in him but it noteth continuance and perpetuity of tyme sée Psalm 110.1 and many other places Ver. 3. Haue mercy vpon vs vz. that are so greatly distressed and afflicted O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs this doubling of their prayer noteth both their great earnestnes and also their great néede wherein they were for wee haue suffered vz. a long while together to much contempt vz. from the proud and wealthy men of the world as may appeare by the next woordes following Verse 4. Our soule i. euen our whole life is filled to full vz. in our iudgements if thou O Lord thinke it so also of the mocking of the wealthy i. with the mockes and taunts which the rich men of the world vomit out against vs and he speaketh thus because that many times riches ingender fearcenes and pride of heart and of the dispitfulnes of the proude i. with that despite and hatred which the proude vse against vs. Do. Verse 1. Teacheth in all extremities whether men sticke to vs or forsake vs to hang vppon the Lorde our God onely Verse 2. Teacheth vs by a notable similitude neuer to leaue off either trust in God or prayer vnto him til such tyme as hée graciously looke vppon vs and graunt vs our petitions Verse 3. Teacheth vs to bee earnest in prayer with the Lorde our God Ver. 4. Setteth out the naughty nature of the wicked men of the worlde who can doe nothing else but mocke and disdayne the sonnes and seruants of the most high God Psalme 124 THe Prophet in this Psalme specially propoundeth two things Di. first in what case he and the rest of the godly should haue béene through the rage of the wicked had not the Lorde taken their part ver secondly hee prayseth the Lorde for setting him and others frée from the great dangers wherin they were and so concludeth the Psalme in the commendation of Gods grace and power ver 6.7.8 The title is expounded before Psalme 122. in the title thereof Ver. 1. Se. If the Lorde vz. by his almightie power and presence had not béene on our side i. had not taken our partes may Israel nowe say vz. very iustly and truely hee putteth this worde Israel for the people of God as Galat. 6.16 Verse 2. If the Lorde had not béene on our side by this repetition of one and the selfe same thing hee noteth both the greatnes of the daunger wherein they were and the excellency of the benefite which God did bestow vpon them in deliuering them from the same and it may stand vs in stéede of a bridle to keepe vs occupied in the meditation of Gods deliueraunces to the end we forget them not when men vz. casting all feare of God and loue of his people aside rose vp vz. in their rage and madnes against vs vz. to destroy vs. Ver. 3. They had then swallowed vs vp quicke i. without all doubt they had destroyed vs and by these woordes swallowing vp quicke they signifie both the barbarous crueltie of the enemie and also their owne weakenes to resist so mightie enemies and here marke that very likely it is that Dauid made this Psalme in his owne name and the name of the Church when their wrath was kindled against vs i. when they were set on a rage presently as it were to destroy vs. Ver. 4. Then the waters i. the great abundaunce of their wrath and fury and the daungerous estate of affliction wherein wee were Sée Psalm 69.1 had drowned vs i. had ouerwhelmed vs and quite and cleane destroyed vs and the streame vz. of their rage had gone ouer our soule i. had persed euen vnto the inward man and had doubtles taken away our life Verse 5. Then had the swelling waters gone ouer our soule hée repeateth the same thing againe both to set out the cruelty of the enemies and the desperate estate as it were wherein they themselues were that by this meanes Gods mercie might bee the more magnified who had graciously deliuered them from the same and in that they compare the forces of their enemies to great riuers streames waters and such like they therby declare that the enemies had more outwarde force then the Churche had and they doe it also to this ende that declaring it in his liuely colours other men might bee made the better to féele it Ver. 6. Praysed be the Lord vz. continually for this his great goodnes mercy towards vs which hath not giuen vs vz. vp that is deliuered vs or made vs which in his iustice for our sinnes he might haue done as a pray i. to be spoyled and deuoured vnto their téeth i. vnto their cruelty and rage hée compareth the enemies here to wild beastes that with their téeth teare in sunder such things as they get to pray vpon Ver. 7. Our soule i. our life and we our selues as sundry times before and namely Psal 120.2.6 is escaped i. is graciously deliuered and so by that meanes hath escaped their barbarous cruelty euen as a birde vz. taken in a foulers snare or grinne and yet notwithstanding is by some mean or other deliuered escaped thence out of the foulers snare i. out of that snare which the foulers lay for it or for thē the snare vz. which our enemies prepared and layd for vs and this word sheweth that the wicked did ioyne to their force and violence treason and subtiltie and that yet notwithstanding Gods people yea though they were voyd of counsell and of force were miraculously preserued by Gods owne hande is broken vz. through the might and power of our God and wee are deliuered vz. through his goodnes out of al those dangers Ver. 8. Our helpe i. the help and succour which we looke for and must haue is i. standeth onely and is no where else to be found but in the name of the Lorde i. in his might power maiesty goodnes c. as Psa 20.1 which hath made heauen and earth this is expounded before Psal 121. ver 2. Do.
Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that if God take not part with his children defend them they shal easily be ouerthrown Ver. 2 teacheth the selfsame thing and sheweth further that men are many times to men wolues and deuourers though happely not in action because by god they are restrained therfrom yet in affection Ver. 3 teacheth vs that when God his children are in the greatest dangers he is most nigh to deliuer them also that the wrath of man neuer worketh the righteousnes of God Verse 4. and 5. Declare and set out the rage and crueltie of the wicked and vngodly men Ver. 6. Teacheth vs first Gods mercy in deliuering his from al their dangers and feares secondly our duty that we ought by al maner of meanes to shew our selues thankful vnto him for the same Ver. 7. Teacheth vs that the wicked ioyne to their power and crueltie craft and subtiltie but it sheweth further that there is no wisedome strength or policy that can preuaile against the Lorde and his people whome hee will succour Ver. 8. Teacheth vs that God alone is hee whom his people must trust to for helpe and succour Psalme 125 Di. THis Psalme consisteth of two parts in the first the prophet propoūdeth doctrine shewing in what assurance the faithful are which do trust in the Lord. ver 1.2.3 In the second he maketh his prayer for them that bee good and sheweth what punishments shall ouertake the wicked and what prosperitie shal be to the faithful holy people ver 4.5 The title is expounded before Psalme 120. Ver. 1. Se. They that trust vz. assuredly and stedfastly in the Lorde vz. onely ioyning none other neither in heauen nor in earth with him shalbée vz. stedfast and vnmoueable as mount Sion i. as the rocke whereuppon the Church is builded yea and as the Church it selfe against which no stormes nor tempests no nor the gates of hell shall preuayle Sée Matth. 7.24 Matth. 16.18 which can not bee remooued vz. though the worlde and wicked men doe what they can against it but remaineth vz. stedfast and sure for euer i. continually nowe we must knowe that the stedfastnes of the Church and euery particular member therof hangeth not of themselues but of Gods eternall loue towards them and Christs earnest prayers for them as when hee sayth to Peter Luke 22.32 I haue prayed for thée that thy fayth fayle not Verse 2. As the mountaines are about Ierusalem vz. to strengthen and defende them from the force of their enemies so is the Lorde about his people vz. on euery side of them to saue them from the violence of men from hencefoorth and for euer i. hee is presently their defence and will bee so continually so that by this similitude taken from the mountaines compassing Ierusalem The Prophet setteth out the sure and secret defence of GOD towardes euery particular one of his Church and this wée sée playnely set out Psalme 5.12 also Psalme 34.7 also Psalme 91. throughout also Psalme 121. throughoute Zachari 2.5 Verse 3. For in this verse hée preuenteth an obiection which might bee made thus doe we not sée the Church many tymes afflicted notwithstanding this large promise yeas sayth hée but it continueth not long yea the very calamities them selues make the defence of the godly more famous and notable the rodde vz. of gouernement and authoritie meaning thereby the Scepter putting the signe of gouernement for gouernement it selfe of the wicked vz. men of this worlde in the Hebrewe text hee vseth the woorde wickednesse putting the thing for the men giuen thereto and so the Geneua text yéeldeth the sense shall not rest vz. longe but shal bee quickely remooued and so the good deliuered as 1 Corinth 10.13 on the lot of the righteous i. vppon the Church and inheritance of the godly people which hee calleth the lot of the righteous because GOD hath as it were giuen the same vnto them by lot as it were for an inheritance lest the righteous put foorth their hande vnto wickednesse i. doe commit wickednesse and sinne eyther by murmuring against GOD or by falling to the impieties of their persecutours and so hee sheweth a reason why affliction lyeth not long vppon Gods children and for this cause as it shoulde séeme did the Lorde commaund them to bée flayne that inhabited Canaan leste the people shoulde followe theire fashions the summe of all is q.d. though the Lorde appoynt his to bee afflicted for a tyme by very wicked people yet hee will not leaue them for euer for the wicked shall not alwayes haue power and authoritie ouer the godly So that this thirde verse is as it were a correction of the other q.d. Gods protection lettteth not but that his should be waked by crosses and tribulations to the end that the righteous being tryed by temptation should not giue themselues ouer to licenciousnes in sin which he expresseth by stretching out their handes their hands I say which before were subiected to the obedience of Gods will vnderstanding by hands their whole man putting a part for the whole Verse 4. Doe well O Lorde i. blesse and pursue continually with thy fauour Sée Psalme 119.17 vnto those that be good i. vnto such as thou hast made good vnto thy selfe by thy worde and the working of thy spirite for otherwise there is none good no not one as Psalme 14.1.3 and true i. found and vpright both to thy maiesty and to men in their hearts i. in their affections hee putteth the seate of affections for affections them selues Verse 5. But those that turne aside i. hypocrites which haue a place in the Churche and liue in it though they bée not of it and by turning a side hée meaneth going stray from the right way which God hath sanctified in his worde by their crooked wayes i. by deuises and imaginations of their owne for all that man deuiseth without God is crooked and peruerse Immanuel readeth it thus but those that set their mindes vppon their own crooked waies which in my iudgement is more playne shall the Lorde vz. himselfe in his great iustice and iudgement leade vz. out of his Church foorth vnto iudgement meaning that he shall pull them out from the godly and then pronounce sentence of condemnation agaynst them and giue them their portion euen eternal iudgment Matth. 21.41 Matth. 25.32 Luke 12.46 with the workers of iniquities i. with all others that haue giuen ouer themselues with gréedines to commit sinne sée Matth. but peace i. al maner of blessednes and prosperity as Psalm 122.6.7 shal bee vz. continually vppon Israel i. vppon Gods Church and people Sée Psalme 124.1 and by Israel hee meaneth not onely them that came of Abraham according to the fleshe but those that are Abrahams children by fayth So that he sheweth that the peace of the Church shall procéed from this that the wicked shal bee driuen out of it Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs what stedfastnes Gods people haue as who can neuer fal away
from grace because whom the Lorde loueth he loueth for euer Verse 2. Teacheth vs that God compasseth his seruants so on euery side that no euil can come vnto them further then hee himselfe wil. Sée Iob. 1.10 Ver. 3. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer we be afflicted yet our afflictions are but momentary and indure but for a short space Sée Psalme 30.5 also 2. Corinth 4.17 Ver. 4. Teacheth vs to pray for the continuance of gods fauour vpon our brethren euen as towardes our selues Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer hypocrites florish in the Church for a while yet the Lorde will plague them in the end also it teacheth vs that howsoeuer he punisheth the wicked yet hee will graciously blesse his owne Psalme 126. THis Psalme may bée diuided into two partes Di. In the first the faithful declare how strange a thing their deliueraunce out of Babilon was confessing it to be done onely by God for which they declare their ioy Ver. 1.2.3 In the seconde they pray the Lord to performe the worke which he had begun prophecying euen by the spirit of prophecy the ful accomplishment and performance thereof ver 4.5.6 The title A song of degrées this is expounded before Psalm 120. Se. in the title or Psalme of Dauid this is not in the Hebrew text and therfore would bee left out for this Psalme seemeth not to bée made by Dauid or in Dauids tyme but in the dayes of Cyrus who published a proclamation for the returne of the Iewes into their countrey at the which diuers of the godly reioycing together penned also this Psalme Verse 1. When the Lord vz. of his great goodnes and mercy brought againe vz. out of Babylon whither they were taryed captiues for their sinne and thus they ascribe all the worke of deliueraunce wholy to the Lorde the captiuity i. the captiues he putteth the thing for the persons as wée haue noted out before Psalme 125.3 out of the Hebrewe text of Sion i. of the Church of the Iewes hée meaneth all the people by the place which was of greatest excellenty amongest them to witte Sion whereuppon the temple was builded in which God was worshipped wée were vz. in our owne iudgement and estimation like them that dreame vz. that dreame of excellent things and yet haue the●● not not but that they were deliuered but the wonderfulnes of the deliuerance was so great and so incomprehensible to all mens vnderstanding that it séemed almost impossible to bee performed q.d. wée coulde hardly perswade our selues of it til wée saw the Gentiles speake of our great deliueraunce and 〈◊〉 help vs forwarde with ayde towardes our owne Countrey sée Ezra 1. through out Verse 2. Then when wee knewe that God had done this great worke for vs was our mouth filled with laughter i. wee had a plentifull and large occasion giuen vs of reioycing because the countenance and face are specially occupied in laughing and the mouth is a part thereof hee putteth a part for the whole yea euen for the whole man if you will and our tongue with ioy i. wee had great occasion also to speake ioyfull words q.d. wee had occasion giuen vs not onely to bée merry in countenaunce whereas before in our captiuity wee hanged downe our heades but also we expressed the ioy of our heartes by our woordes then vz. when they also sawe it sayde they amongest the heathen i. diuers and many of the heathen amongst whome wee were captiues and prisoners the Lorde vz. their God whom they worshippe and serue hath done vz. through his great strength and power great thinges i. excellent yea and wonderfull thinges for them i. for their sake and euen for their particular persons also They meane that the miracle of their deliueraunce was so great that the Gentiles themselues did euen perceiue it and confesse it Verse 3. The Lorde vz. our GOD for these are the woordes of the faythfull answering as it were the heathen that confessed GOD to bee the worker of their deliueraunce q.d. wée confesse it also with you the Lorde hath done great thinges all this is expounded before verse 2. for vs though wee bee his poore and vnworthy seruauntes so all serueth for the magnifiyng of Gods might and mercy Verse 4. O Lorde bring agayne vz. through thy almighty power and that out of Babylon into the lande of Iudah our captiuity i. our brethren and friendes which yet remayne captiues Sée ver 1. of this Psal as vz. thou many tymes bryngest the riuers i. abundaunce of waters in the South i. into the South putting the South Countrey for dry and barren places because of the continuall and ardent heate of the sunne in that quarter which parcheth all their grasse come c. and dryeth vp as it were all their riuers and waters and n●ce that in this place the Prophet compareth Gods fauour in the deliueraunce of his people with the riuers of water and the people themselues in captiuity with a barren and drye lande from whome none could turne away Gods fauour if it pleased him to water them therewith So that in this verse the Church prayeth the Lorde to stretch out his hande to the faythfull which remayned yet in Babylon and to helpe them from thence for albeit it was a very harde matter that the remnaunt dispersed shoulde bee gathered together into one body yet they stayed themselues vppon the power of GOD who coulde as easily do that as cause riuers of waters to runne through the South Countryes Verse 5. They that sowe in teares this is an other allegory as it were or similitude in which the people caryed into captiuity are compared to néedy husbandmen who cast into the grounde for séede euen that which was left them for the sustentation of lyfe shall vz. in good tyme reape with ioy q.d. their sorrowe shal bee recompensed with gladnes in this other part of the similitude hee compareth the people returning out of captiuity to reapers or husbandmen which are glad for the abundaunt haruest which they finde the meaning of altogether is that the Iewes who were heauy and sad when they were caryed captiues into Babylon shal bee ioyfull when they shall haue reaped that is to say obteyned the fruite of their hope that is a glorious deliueraunce And this similitude declareth that such as were vphelde by the promise of God albeit that in extreme famine or neede they did cast séede into the grounde euen as it were at all aduenture yet that they were notwithstanding nourished and felt in their heartes the hope of that returne which GOD had promised them Verse 6. They this word may either bee referred to the néedy husbandman that hauing by some meane or other gotten séede are wont to sowe it with griefe or else to the people in captiuitie who went thither with heauinesse of heart and abundaunce of teares I referre it rather to the people went vz. out of their owne lande into Chaldea being caryed captiues weeping i. sorrowfull
and heauie hearted expressing that griefe of theirs by teares and caryed vz. with them into that straunge countrey precious séede i. hope and fayth in the trueth of Gods promises which none coulde take from them but they shall returne vz. from thence into their owne Countrey with ioy i. with great store of outwarde and inwarde comfort and bring vz. with them after that they haue gathered in their haruest as it were their sheaues or after some their handfuls whatsoeuer it is hee meaneth that they shall returne againe with greater abundance of féeling then they caryed with them thus doeth GOD make his children to thriue vnder the crosse Verse 1. Do. Teacheth vs that whatsoeuer instruments or meanes GOD vseth in the performaunce of his counsels yet all the glory of the fact must be adscribed to him alone Verse 2. Teacheth vs to bée glad and to reioyce specially in the Lorde and his goodnesse when it pleaseth him to offer vs occasion and to giue vs matter of mirth also it sheweth that Gods works for his children are so playne and sensible that euen the wicked are inforced to confesse them Verse 3. Teacheth vs plainely and with thankefulnesse to acknowledge Gods graces bestowed vppon vs. Verse 4. Teacheth vs that when GOD hath deliuered vs from misery yet wée shoulde not forget our brethren that lye plagued in the same wherein wée were but that wee shoulde remember them in our earnest prayers to the Lord. Ver. 5. and 6. Teach vs that howsoeuer wee bee afflicted and made sorrowfull for a tyme yet a day will come wherein we shall reioyce and haue our heades lifted vp which time we ought to attend in all patience Psalme 127. THis Psalme consisteth wholly of instruction and doctrine Di. and may bée diuided into two partes In the first the holy Ghost sheweth that both publike administration and rule must bee blessed by GOD or else they will bee to no effect Verse 1.2 Secondlye hee declareth particularly that children are a speciall blessing giuen to men from the Lorde and this reacheth from verse 3. to the ende of the Psalme The title A song of degrees this is expounded before Psalme 120. Se. or Psalme of Salomon i. which Salomon made some read or for Salomon as though Dauid his father had made it as an instruction for him Sée somewhat of this matter Psalme 72. in the title thereof whether Salomon made it or Dauid for his vse it is not much materiall this is to bee marked that here the Prophet woulde giue vs to vnderstande that all thinges whatsoeuer must bee directed and gouerned by God or else they can not come to any good successe or ende Verse 1. Except the Lorde builde the house by house hée meaneth not onely the frame of an house wherein men dwell but the persons commonly called the housholde or familie yea and the very order and manner of gouernement thereof and by building hee meaneth blesse it and further it yea do all in all in it and about it they labour in vayne i. they take paines to no end or purpose but lose their trauaile that builde it i. that indeuour or toyle about it to builde it set it vp and bring it to good order except the Lorde keepe the Citie vz. from the rage and spoyle of the enemie vnderstanding by Citie not onely the houses and wals but the people and the whole common wealth yea the very fourme and order of their politike gouernement the kéeper i. he that is appointed by office to keepe it meaning hereby not onely the watch which order is obserued in al townes of warre and those that suspect the enemy but euen the iudges and maiestrates who also in the Scriptures are called watchmen watcheth in vayne i. to no ende or purpose hée meaneth that all the industrie of men either in maintaining or gouerning a familie or in vpholding a good pollicie and gouernment in a Citie shalbée vayne and vnprofitable vnlesse GOD guyde all and giue good successe thereto Verse 2. It is in vayne vz. vnlesse Gods speciall blessing bee present with you for you vz. of what state or condition so euer you bee to ryse earely vz. to your labour and worke and to lye downe late i. to goe to bed from your worke and eat the bread of sorrowe i. sustenaunce gotten with great payne and trauayle of the bodie and great griefe of mynde so that they can not eate quietlye with a mind free from labour care and feare but q.d. notwithstanding the vngodly haue these griefes and cares hée i. the Lorde will surely i. without fayle giue vz. of his méere liberalitie and mercie rest i. both norishment and all good thinges whatsoeuer and yet not yéelding vnto them an idle life or forbidding them labour because the faythfull doe willingly subiect themselues thereto through the obedience of fayth to his beloued vz. people putting one for all for hee speaketh here in the singular loued by beloued ones hee meaneth them whome the Lorde loueth and such also as being confirmed in his loue towardes them doe wholy commit themselues vnto him Verse 3. Beholde q.d. consider it as a thing most certayne and profitable children i. posteritie and issue which it pleaseth GOD to giue in this life are the inheritance of the Lorde i. are a portion that as it were for an inheritance the Lord giueth vnto vs and the fruit of the wombe i. children sée Micah 6.7 his reward i. a reward that he giueth to men in this life and mark that in these thrée last verses he maketh thrée degrées as it were of gods blessing in this ver he mentioneth the blessing of posterity or generatiō in ver 4. hee speaketh of their good liberall and obediēt education and verse 5 he sheweth what fruits come by them that are well brought vp The hebrew word whiche we turne here reward signifieth euery good thing whatsoeuer that God giueth vnto men Ver. 4. As are the arrowes i. the cleane and well kept arrowes in the hand of the strong man or at the hand of the strong man that is to say alwayes in a readinesse so are the children of youth i. so are the children that are begotten in the flower of their parents age meaning it of those children whiche are well brought vp that they are in a readinesse alwayes to goe and come and to doe all good things enioyned them I know there is another sence of these wordes as to the end he might the more commend this benefite of God he should commend them for their naturall force because their fathers might strengthen and defend themselues by them as it were by archers and good men But me thinketh the other is a more fit sence for this place Verse 5. Blessed is he vz. from the Lord and euen in the sight and presence of men that hath his quiuer full of them i. that is replenished and hath his house garnished with such good children for he continueth in the similitude
groweth vppon houses incontinently withereth because it hath not earth sufficient vnder it to giue it moysture and nourishment wherefore looke by how much they shall thorow the greatnesse of their pride draw nigh to the Sunne so much the more sodainlye shall they be consumed because they haue no roote Verse 7. whereof i. wherewith the mower i. he that should mowe it filleth not his hande q.d. it is so skarse that he can not take a handful of it neither the glainer vz. which commeth after the mower and looketh more narrowly his lappe i. can get anye thing to speake of this may haue a double sence and both good though I confesse there is but one right sence of all scriptures for it may bee referred vnto the grasse spoken of before in the house toppe and then his meaning is that it commeth not to any ripenesse in so muche that it can neyther be mowed nor gathered but this I approue not because men vse not to mow grasse on the house toppe nor yet to gather it to any vse or it maye bee another Metaphor taken from Corne that commeth thinly vp here an eare and there an eare noting that the wicked thorow Gods iudgements should be brought to such a wasting that very few or none of them should be left and I take to be the more fitte sence Verse 8. Neither they which go by vz. the mowers and reapers say the blessing of the Lord be vpon you i. the Lord blesse you and your haruest because they cannot say so for they sée Gods hand vpon them in scarsitie Those that passed by were wont to wish well to the haruest workers as appeareth Ruth 2 4 so that this is as much q. d. They shall not pray no not for the worke men much lesse wish well to the haruest it selfe or this particle sheweth that it is an other kinde of spéeche that they vsed to the haruest men wée blesse you i. wée wishe you good in the name of the Lord i. thorow his maiesty power and goodnesse Do. Verse 1 setteth out the continual both malice assaults of the wicked against the godly Ver. 2 sheweth that they can neuer preuaile vtterly against them Ver. 3. declareth the hard hartednes and vnmercifulnes of the wicked Ver. 4 teacheth vs that God doth frustrate al the purposes and attempts of the vngodly whatsoeuer Ver. 5 conteineth the destruction of them that persecute the church Ver. 6 sheweth that the vngodlye are of no long continuaunce because they haue no déepe roote Ver. 7 sheweth that the vngodly wicked are vtterly vnprofitable to euery good thing Ver. 8 teacheth vs that it is a testimony of Gods greate curse vpon vs to want eyther the prayers or good wishes of the godly Psalme 130. Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts In the first he maketh his earnest prayer vnto the Lorde desiring him to remoue his sinnes that so he may féele his singular mercy ver 1 2 3 4. In the second he testifyeth his fayth and patience exhorting the faythful continually to hang vpon the Lord from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title is expounded before Psal 120. Ver. 1. Out of the déepe places i. out of most deepe and huge dangers it is a metaphor taken from waters ready to drown a man sée Psal 69 1 2. haue I called vnto thée Lord i. earnestlye prayed vnto thée sée Psal 116.3 4. so that we sée that the Prophet when he felt himself sore oppressed with distresse yea as it were plunged in a gulfe of perplexity calleth earnestly vpon God for the greater the afflictions are whiche Gods children indure the more earnest are their supplications Ver. 2. Lord heare my voice i. graunt me the praiers which I expresse with my voice let thine eares attend i. harken diligently meaning that he would haue the Lord by effecte to shew that he had carefully heard his prayers to the voice of my prayers i. to the words whiche I vse in my praiers because the voyce is a meane to vtter wordes he putteth it for the words themselues Ver. 3. If thou O Lorde vz. which séest and knowest all thinges straitly markest i. narrowlye weighest or kéepest as a man would a register or reckoning iniquities i. the infinit numbers of sinnes committed agaynst thée and others for so I take the word in the plurall number who shall stand vz. in thy presence or before thée sée Psalme 1 5. q.d. who is hée that shall be able to beare thy iudgement or the least parte thereof Verely there is not one amongst all men that either haue bin are or shal be He meaneth then that we can not be iust but by the remission of sinnes and I take this verse to containe a reason as it were of his former prayer q.d. Spare vs not for our owne sake for there is nothing in vs that can mooue thée to pitie vs but for thine own mercy sake as in the next verse Verse 4. But mercy is with thée i. thou hast infinite and abundaunt mercy that thou mayst bée feared vz. amongest men and hée putteth feare in this place for the reuerente and sincere seruice of GOD so that he doth as it were desire GOD to haue regarde of his owne glorye whiche consysteth in the fayth and truth of his promises and in his worship and seruice both whiche shoulde vtterlye decaye if the Lorde did straightlye obserue our iniquities and destroy vs in his iudgement therefore and so he sheweth that there is no reuerence of God in mens hartes till his mercies bee sensiblye felte and knowne whiche is the foundation thereof and by feare he meaneth in this place the reuerent feare of Children and not the slauish feare of Seruaunts Verse 5. I haue vz. heretofore and yet at this present doe for vnder this hee comprehendeth also the present time wayted i. trusted and hoped and haue obtained that which I hoped for my soule hath waited vz. vpon the Lord as in the next verse Hée meaneth by this that he trusted in God not feignedly or in hipocrisie but hartily and from the déepe affection of his hart whereby he sheweth that the seate of sure hope is in the hart and I haue trusted vz. stedfastly in his worde i. in all his word generallye but specially in his promises made vnto mee Meaning that as he had before trusted and obtained fauour so he would doe still Verse 6 My soule wayteth on the Lord sée this expounded before verse 5. the repeating of it séemeth to shew the ardencie of his zeale and his continuaunce in hanging vpon God more then the morning watch i. that watch that is appointed to watch til the morning hath no body to ease him from his watche al night long watcheth for the morning i. for that time wherein in the morning he shall leaue his watch q.d. I am more desirous to inioy God and the fauours of his grace then the watchmen which are weary with
watching all night do desire to sée the breaking vp of their watch in the morning Verse 7 Let Israell i. Gods faithfull people as before Psalme 129 and afterwardes Psal 131 3 and in this verse he exhorteth all the Church by this example to hāg vpon God wayt vz. with patience on the Lorde vz. only and no other but him for with the Lord is mercy i. hee is gracious and mercifull as before verse 4 of this Psalme and this is a reason why he woulde haue the faithfull to hang vpon the Lord and with him is greate redemption vz. procéeding from that mercye of his as the streame from the Fountayne Meaning by that word great redemption that the Lord hath diuers meanes to deliuer his by and to draw them out of all daungers wherein soeuer they shal be Ver. 8. And he vz. himself and no other for him shall vz. most certainlye and assuredly redéeme i. set frée and deliuer Israell i. his faythfull people which shall haue their trust in him from all his iniquities i. not onely from all their sins but also from all daungers and distresses whereinto their sinnes mighte cast them For so largely doe I rest perswaded that the word shoulde be taken in this place Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs that the more afflictions increase vpon vs the more earnest and often should we be with the Lord by prayer Verse 2 teacheth vs that because sinne cleaueth fast vnto vs and our praiers pierce little or nothing that therefore we should continually call vpon the Lord to heare our prayers Verse 3 teacheth vs in our prayers to haue recourse vnto Gods mercy onely also that no man is able to stand as righteous in the presence and iudgement of God Verse 4 sheweth that Gods mercy should not breede carelesnesse in vs but care and conscience to walke before him in feare and trembling Verse 5 teacheth that there was neuer yet any one confounded that did vnfeignedlye put his trust in the Lord Verse 6 teacheth vs earnestly to hunger and thyrste after the Lord. Verse 7 teacheth vs to prouoke others as well as our selues with patience to waite vpon the Lord. Verse 8 teacheth vs that it is God onlye that can deliuer from sinne and from all those punishments whiche sinne hath pulled vpon vs. Psalme 131. Di. THe Prophet in this Psalme propoundeth two thinges first he setteth downe the simplicitie and humblenesse of his own minde ver 1 2. Secondly he exhorteth the faithfull by his example to stryue to patience verse 3. Se. The title is expounded before Psalme 120 also Psalme 122 in the title thereof Verse 1. Lord vz. whom I serue q.d. thou knowest whether it bee true or no that I speake though men will not beléeue me mine heart is not haughty he beginneth with the fountayne of pride which is in the heart q.d. Thou knowest that I haue not so much as in hart affected the Kingdome or Saules ruine or taken in hande any great matter but by a stedfast faith haue wholye stayed my selfe vpon thée and rested in the obedience of thy will neither are mine eyes loftie from the inward which is the hart he commeth to the outward which are the eyes q.d. that there was not in his visage or countinance any signe of pride but that outwardly he gaue an euident testimony of the humilitie of his hart inwardly neither haue I walked in great matters i. I haue not attempted high enterprises by fact without the reache of my calling and hid from me i. I haue not assayed to looke into such thinges as passe the lighte of capacity and vnderstanding which thou gauest me Verse 2. Surely q.d. this is most certain and thou knowest it though I would not report it I haue behaued my selfe vz. both outwardly and inwardly like one weaned from his mother i. euen as a little childe which is humble and lowly in whiche respecte our sauiour sayth except we receaue the kingdome of God as a little child we shall not enter therein Mar. 10 15. and Paul bee not children in vnderstanding but as concerning maliciousnesse be children 1 Cor. 14 20. and kéept silence i. speake very little or nothing I am in my selfe i. in mine owne perswasion and that in the vpright testimonie of a good conscience before God as one that is weaned i. as a yong childe in respect of affections and wicked desires for children commonly are not very old when they are weaned Ver. 3. Let Israell waye on the Lord sée this expounded Psal 130. ver 7. from henceforth and for euer i. from this time and continually Ver. 1 teacheth vs to auoyd pryde and arrogancye Do. both inwardly in the hart and outwardly in the countenance and behauiour Ver. 2 teacheth vs to striue to all humilitie and lowlinesse of affection Ver. 3 teacheth vs not only with patience for the time to wait vpon the Lord but to doe it continually for euer Psalme 132. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts Di In the first is conteined a prayer for Dauid the Lords Priests and the faithfull people of God with a declaration of their zeale to Gods worship and seruice from verse 1. to the end of the 10. In the second there is expressed both Gods promises made particularly to Dauid and his posterity also to the whole churche generally from ver 11. to the end of the Psalme The Title is expounded before in the title of Psal 120. Ver. 1. Lord vz. Se. which art the only true God iudgest vprightly remēber i. declare by effects that thou remēbrest and beholdest him that thou doest approue the purpose of his mind in graunting him his request for otherwise God neuer forgetteth specially those that are his sée Gen. 8.1 Dauid vz. thine annointed king seruaunt and al his affliction i. al and euery one of the troubles which he hath indured specially the great care of his hart for the building of thy Temple of which sée 2. Sam. 7 1 2 3. but specially that which followeth in this Psal and all this he alleageth not as boasting of any thing he did but that séeing the Lord mercifull vnto him he might thereby take an argument of good things Ver. 2. who sware vnto the Lord i. bound himselfe vnto him by an oth and that to this end that therby he might be the more carefully bound to perform the good wch hée had promised sée Psal 119 6 vowed a vow i. promised that certainly this difference I take to be betwéen an oth a vow that the one is made with calling god to witnes the other is a solemn protestation or promise only yet so that if it be made concerning good things and by them that haue power in themselues to perform it it bindeth the cōscience sée Num. 30 thorow out to the mighty god of Iaakob i. to God who by his mightie force and power did deliuer the Patriarche Iaakob from all his daungers faying vz.
thée meaning that he would prouide that one of his children posterity should cōtinually succéed him in the kingdom Ver. 12. If thy sons i. thy posterity these are gods words to Dauid establishing the couenāt with him his séed kéepe vz. vnfaignedly and with all their hart my couenaunt i. the couenante which I haue made with them and is passed betwéene them me and my testimonies i. my law word and that euery particular péece of it for so muche do I think doth the plural number in this place signifie that I shall teach them vz. by the ministery of my seruaunts the Priests and Prophets their sonnes also i. their posterity euen to many generations shall sit vpon thy Throne i. shall succéede thée and them in the Kingdome putting throne a part of the kingdome for the whole and it is called Dauids throne or kingdome because he was the first man of al his race that God aduanced to that high honor for euer i. for a lōg season referred to Dauid his natural séede but for all eternitie referred to Christ sée these words expounded 1 King 2 4 also 1 King 8 25 also 2. Chron. 6 16. Verse 13. For the Lord vz. himselfe hath chosen vz. of his great mercy Sion i. his Church or Ierusalem vz. to be the place where his arke should abide he himselfe be serued and loued vz. of his own good pleasure and not for any excellency or worthines that was in it to dwell in it i. to remayne and to abide there as in the next verse Ver. 14. This vz. place is my rest i. is the place wherein I will haue mine arke to staye for euer i. for a long tyme if we referre it to the Materiall Ierusalem but continuallye euen to all eternitye if wée referre it to the Churche here will I dwell i. in this place I will giue of my presence power and continuall aboade for I haue a delight therein i. I haue delighted and loued to dwell there as in the nexte verse before going sée Psalme 78 68. Verse 15. I vz. who am able to do it wil surely i. without all fayle blesse vz. plentifully and abundantly hir vitailes i. all thinges that I shal giue her necessarye for the maintaynaunce of this present life q.d. I will not only giue them abundaunce of vitailes but I will make their meate and drinke profitable vnto them and will satisfye vz. with abundaunce and plentye her poore i. the poore which shal be in Sion or in the Churche with breade i. with thinges necessarye for the nourishmente of this life He ioyneth here spirituall graces to the temporall blessinges declaring that hée will so prouide euen for the poorest of them that they shall not onelye not want their ordinarye vittayles at anye tyme but haue them in greate plentye Verse 16. And vz. I my selfe who am the only Lorde will clothe sée before verse 9. of this Psalme hir Priestes i. those that attende vppon holy exercises and seruices in hir with saluation i. with deliueraunce from daungers and distresses he meaneth that hee will defende and kéepe vnder his sauegarde the ministers of his Church and his saynts i. the people of Sion or of the Church sée before verse 9 shall shout for ioy vz. of that goodnesse and grace whiche GOD shall shewe to the whole Churche and euerye particular member of it and this phrase shouting for ioye or as it is in the hebrew in singing shall sing doth not only note the great ioy which they shall haue But the certaintie and assurednesse of it also Ver. 17. There i. in Sion Ierusalem or in the Churche will I make i. cause thorowe my power goodnes the horn of Dauid i. the power might kingdome c of Dauid my seruant to hud i. to prosper and increase it is a metaphor taken from beasts who haue snags in their heads as deare haue which are vnto thē in stéed of bowes as it were by which he noteth their flourishing and prospering for I haue ordeined vz. in mine eternal counsel a light vz. euen in that place meaning by light the regall dignity glory and the godly person that should execute the same as 2 Sam. 21.17 1 King 11 36. for mine annointed i. for Dauid my seruaunt whom I haue appointed to be King some expound it thus q.d. I wil bring to passe that the kingly dignity shal not so be quenched but that it shall always shew forth some light the other sence is better in my minde Ver. 18. His enemies i. Dauids enemies and the enemies of his godly posteritie will I clothe with shame i. compas them about with confusion of face so that they shall not dare to lift vp their heads meaning further that he would euen confound and destroy them but on him i. him himselfe his posterity shall his crown florish i. his kingdom shal continue florishing and not wither away but be preserued alwayes in his force and beauty and this was fully accomplished in Christ Verse 1 teacheth vs to beséech the Lord to declare by effect that he thinketh vpō vs. Do. Ver. 2 teacheth vs to bind our selues by all lawful means we can to the obedience seruice of our God Ver. 3 teacheth vs that we shoulde little estéeme all the pleasures of this life in respect of God and his glory Ver. 4 teacheth vs that we should make but little account of profitable necessary thinges in respecte therof Ver. 5 teacheth vs to ioyn our selues to the exercises assemblies of gods congregation Ver. 6 doth cōmend vnto vs the care of Gods Church religion seruice Ver. 7 teacheth vs not only to heare of Gods Church but when wee haue heard of it to labour the finding of it Ver. 8 teacheth vs to pray the Lord to be continually present with vs to beséech him to giue vs al the signes testimonies of his fauour Ver. 9 teacheth all but specially Kings to pray for the ministers and officers of Gods Church for the whole congregation Ver. 10 teacheth vs to offer vp all our prayers in the name meditation of Christ Iesus only Ver. 11 sheweth how that God for the strengthening of our fayth in the truth of his word doth euen bind himselfe vnto vs by an oth Ver. 12 teacheth vs that albeit the couenant that God hath made with vs be of it selfe and as it procéedeth from God frée yet it is deliuered vnder certaine conditions whiche he would haue to be obserued that we in some measure performing the same might be more and more confirmed in the truth of it Ver. 13 sheweth vs that gods frée loue is the chéefe cause of al his graces towards the Church Ver. 14 teach vs that Gods grace towards his Church is vnchangeable and abideth for euer Ver. 15 setteth forth Gods great liberality towards the Church and his singular fauour who will not destitute no not the meanest or poorest Ver. 16 teacheth vs euen in
wil spéedily send vs to god cried I vnto the Lord sée this expounded verse 1. of this Psal and sayd vz. frō the bottome of my hart thou art my hope i. he in whom I put my hope to be deliuered from al my distres feare for otherwise he had his hope fast setled in his hart and my portion vz. wherewith I do content my self knowing that hauing thée I haue all things wanting thée I haue nothing in the land of the liuing i. in this worlde in this very present life as Psal .. 27 13 Ver. 6. Hearken vnto my cry i. graunt my petition which I do earnestly make vnto thée and poure forth before thée for I am brought very low vz. by outward persecutions and inward gréefes as ver 3 of this Psal meaning by this spéech also that he was at the last cast and euen as it were at deaths dore deliuer me vz. of thy goodnesse thorow thy great power might from my persecutors i. from such as persecute me that without anye cause on my part for they are too strong for me vz. alone of my selfe meaning that he was not able to deale with thē any maner of way vnles God tooke his part and strengthened him Ver. 7. Bring vz. thorow thy goodnes and power my soule i. my life me my selfe a part put for the whole as Psal 14.1.8 and ver 4 of this Psal out of prison i. out of this most present daunger and captiuity wherin I am with which I am cōpassed about on euery side by the reason of the rage of mine enemies as the prison is with strong wals that I may praise thy name i. thy maiesty power and goodnes for that deliuerāce so we haue had the word name vsed sundry times in that sence before then i. when thou shalt haue deliuered me shal the righteous come about me i. a great number of good people shal come vnto me and heare me setting forth thy praise for thy mercy towards me shal not only reioyce be glad on my behalf but prayse thy name together with me when thou art beneficiall vnto me i. when thou shalt haue bestowed vpon me this great benefit of deliueraunce sée Psal 119.17 Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs earnestnes and feruency in prayer Ver. 2 teacheth vs that the way to be rid from affliction is harty calling vpon the name of the Lord. Ver. 3 teacheth vs that howsoeuer we be distressed either outwardly or inwardly this is our comfort that the Lord approueth vs. Ver. 4. teacheth vs of what little estimation Gods children be with the world and worldly men Ver. 5 teacheth vs that the more afflictions increase vpon vs the more chearefully should we stirre vp our fayth and hope and earnestly call vpon the Lord. Ver. 6. teacheth vs that the féeling of our own misery and weakenesse and the feare of our foes force should be good whetstones to sharpen our prayers Verse 7 teacheth vs not onlye to prayse God for those mercies which he bestoweth vppon vs our selues but also to repaire to others vppon whome God hath bestowed great graces that thereby we may be prouoked to prayse God not only for thē but for our selues also and his mercy towards vs. Psalme 143 I Doe iudge that this Psalm may very fitly be diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet beséecheth the Lord to grant his petition and to remooue his sins which might be a hinderaunce to his mercies alleaging certayne reasons of his supplication as the rage of the enemie his owne weakenes the experience he had had of Gods goodnesse c. from verse 1. to the end of sixt In the second part he doth as it were renewe his prayer afresh desiring the Lord to graunt his requests to shew him his mercy to order his conuersation and to deliuer him from his aduersaries and oppressors from verse 7. to the end of the Psalme The title A Psalme of Dauid i. which Dauid made Se. this is the title of sundry Psalmes and hath bin expounded before Ver. 1. Heare my prayer O Lord i. graunt me the things that I pray for hearken vnto my supplication i. giue me the things that I humbly sue vnto thée for answere me vz. who call vppon thée and pray vnto thée vnderstanding by answering also yéelding vnto his requests in thy truth i. according to thy gracious promises which contayn in thē nothing but truth because they procéed from thée that art the God of truth and truth it self in thy righteousnesse i. according to thy righteous nature who doest deliuer a iust cause from iniustice or else by righteousnes we may vnderstand gods goodnesse by which he maintaineth those that are his for gods righteousnesse specially shineth forth in his faithful accomplishment of his promises Ver. 2. And enter not into iudgement i. be so farre of from pronouncing sentence I pray thée that I would not haue thée to begin to prepare thy selfe to lay out my faults or to come into iudgement with thy seruaunt i. with me thy seruaūt speaking of himself in the third persō as sundry times before namely Psal 119 17. for in thy sight i. before thée if thou shouldest once take vppon thée to enter into iudgement with thē shal none of what state or condition soeuer he be that liueth vz. euen now or shal liue hereafter be iustified i. be foūd iust if he be loked vpon in himself for otherwise he mindeth not to say that al shall be condēned for God hath a remnaunt in election according to grace Ver. 3. For the enemie i. my enemy or enemies rather ●utting one who was the chéef as Saul or some such other for him al his cōplices hath persecuted my soule i. hath egarly pursued me and my life to take it awaye from mee hee hath smitten vz. with his rage and crueltie my life i. me my selfe my company that I haue with me who are means for the preseruation of my life which appeareth plainly by the history of the first booke of Sam. and by Psalme 141.7 he i. the enemye as in the beginning of this verse hath layde mée in the darkenesse i. hath caused me and mine to dwell in Caues and holes and other darke places sée 1 Samuel 24.4 as they that haue bin deade long agoe q.d. By the importunitie of our enemies we are inforced to flie the light to liue in darke places euen as it were in the graues with them that died long sithence Ver. 4. And my spirit was in perplexitie in me i. I was greatlye and gréeuously troubled sée Psal 77.3 also Psal 142.3 and my hart within me was amased vz. by reason of the gréeuous assaultes that both outwardlye and inwardly I did indure Ver. 5. Yet q.d. notwithstanding al my heauy affliction do I remember vz. euen to my great ioy and comforte the time past i. the graces and blessinges whiche in former time thou diddest bestowe vppon my
busie with him either the Philistine as 2 Sam. 5. or els some other as 2. Sam. 8. Ver. 1. Blessed i. praised and that continually be the Lord my strength i. he who alone giueth me strength to ouercome mine enemies sée Psal 18.2 which teacheth my hands to fight vz. against his mine enemies meaning hereby also that God gaue him strength to ouercome them as wel as knowledge in warlike affaires to deale with them and my fingers to battaile i. apteth them and maketh thē able to indure fighting Ver. 2. He vz. alone is my goodnesse i. whatsoeuer good thing I haue eyther within mee or without mée hee is the Fountayne from whence it floweth meaning also that hée had euer felte GOD liberall and mercifull towards him my Fortresse my Tower and my deliuerer my Shield all these termes are expounded Psalme 18.2 and in him I trust vz. stedfastlye and continually which subdueth vz. by his almighty power my people i. the subiectes that hée hath giuen me vnder me i. vnder the obedience of me and my lawes he meaneth that GOD did put into the hartes of his people a minde willing and faythfull to commit themselues vnder him and his gouernment Ver. 3. Lord what is man i. of himselfe what account or regard is he to be had in that thou regardest him vz. so greatly and so much as thou doest or the sonne of man i. his posterity how great or famous soeuer it bée that thou thinkest vppon him vz. in such great mercy and with so fatherlye a care sée Psalme 8. verse 4.5 c. Verse 4. Man is lyke to vanitie i. to a thing of no accounte or regarde or to a vayne thing In an other place hée sayeth that they are vanitye that the chéefe men are but lyes and to laye them vppon the Ballance they are altogether lighter then vanitie Psalme 62.9 his dayes i. the dayes of this life in this worlde are like a shadowe that passeth vz. oute of mennes sightes and remembraunces quicklie and sodainlie q.d. his life is but short and of small continuaunce see Iob. 14.1.2 see also for this verse Psalme 39.5.6 and psalme 90. almoste throughout Ver. 5. Bow thine heauens O Lorde vz. to come to succour and help me this is spoken of God according to mens vnderstanding he calleth the heauens Gods owne both because he created them and hath his principal habitation and dwelling in them sée for this phrase 2. Sam. 22.10 also Psal 18.9 and come downe vz. to deliuer me from the hands of mine enemies persecutors touch vz. in thy wrath and furie q.d. thou néedest not vse al thy power or any great might against them begin but only to lay thy hand vpon them q.d. and do but touch them as a man would say softly and yet they shal be consumed the mountaines i. my most high and mightie enemies this kind of metaphor is very often vsed in the Prophets sée Isai 2.14 they shal smoke yea burne and that to their owne destruction he putteth the beginning of their miseries for the accomplishment and ful performaunce thereof And hee vseth all these maner of speaches both in this verse and in the verse following that hee might more excellently set out Gods power who deliuereth his after a wonderful sort and that he might declare that no worldly lets or hinderaunces are able to do any thing against Gods infinite power which hee apprehended by faith Ver. 6. Cast forth the lightning scatter them vz. one from an other so that they may not be able to gather their forces together againe q.d. by thy heauenly wisedome and power destroy and ouerthrow them shoot out thine arrowes vz. against them vnderstanding by arrowes either thunders or some other particular iudgments and consume thē vz. vtterly and from amongst men that they may no longer molest me and thy people Ver. 7. Send thine hand from aboue i. display and make manifest here below vpon the earth thy might and power which séemeth after a sort to be shut vp in heauen because thy seruants be not deliuered from their distresses deliuer me vz. of thy goodnes and through thy power from the rage and violence of those that persecute me and take me vz. who am ready to be drowned with troubles out of the great waters vz. which are ready to ouerflow and drowne mee by great waters he doth not only vnderstand the grieuous afflictions wherein he was but also the extreme rage of his enemies who did breake in vppon him as waters of the sea into the land sée Psal 18.4 also 69.1 also 124.4 and from the hand i. from the power and force of strangers this may be referred either to coūterfeit and bastardly Israelites who though they bragged in mouth that they were good people yet were they in déede starke naught or else to thē that were in déed idolaters and infidels such as the Philistines were and to these latter would I rather apply it Ver. 8. Whose mouth talketh vanity i. who doe nothing else but speak and vtter vaine and vncertaine thinges proudly promising vnto themselues great things and their right hand is a right hand of iniquitie i. they are vnfaithful people and ful of subtilty and haue no certainetie nor assuraunce in them This speach is borrowed from the common custome of men who when they make a promise giue one another their hands sée Gal. 2.9 Ver. 9. I wil sing vz. euen from my heart a new song i. a singular and excellent song sée Psal 98.1 vnto thée O God vz. when thou shalt haue performed these graces in deliuering me and ouerthrowing mine enemies and the Prophet maketh this promise and carieth with him a purpose to performe it because he was certainely perswaded and assured that God would in déed do both the one and the other sing vnto thée vpon a viole and an instrument of ten strings sée Psal 33.2 also Psal 92.3 he meaneth that he would vse these instruments as meanes to stirre vp his affectiōs and to prouoke him more earnestly and heartily to serue the lord Ver. 10. It is hee vz. alone that giueth vz. of his goodnes and mercy deliuerance vz. from all dangers and distresses and rescueth vz. when no other can do that for him Dauid his seruaunt i. me whom he hath aduaunced to this honour to serue him in the gouernment of the kingdome and thus hee speaketh of himselfe in the thirde person from the hurtful sword i. from the sworde of his enemies who did purpose to hurt him if they coulde haue caught him or ouerthrowne him wée may also stretch this worde further as that vnder it he should comprehende all the daungers through the which hee had passed and hee meaneth that this should be the argument or matter of the song that hee woulde sing to the Lorde Ver. 11. Rescue me vz. O Lord for vnto him onely hee directeth his prayers and deliuer me vz. who am in distresse and daunger on euery
side from the hand of strangers sée for the vnderstanding of this and all that followeth in this verse the 7. and 8. verse of this Psalme where you shall sée the very same wordes Ver. 12. That our sonnes i. the posteritie that we shal leaue behind vs through thy fauour towardes vs and thy iudgements vpon thine and our enemies may be as the plants i. tender faire gréene and florishing growing vp in their youth this may be referred either to the childrē or to the plants but I rather refer it to the plantes q.d. euen as plantes set in good grounde grow vp a pace so by this thy blessing the séede that we shall leaue behinde vs shall increase in all comelines beautie and good thinges and our daughters i. our seede and posteritie for vnder these two sonnes and daughters hee meaneth all posteritie either male or female which they coulde leaue behinde them as the corner stones vz. of the house builded or in the foundation of the house which were not onely profitable to vpholde the whole building as Psalme 118.22 but also was finely hewen cunningly wrought grauen i. curiously wrought and cut after the similitude of a pallace i. after the forme of most costly stones wherewith most costly buildinges as palaces are built But I like better Immnuel who readeth it thus that our sonnes being as the plantes growing vp in their youth our daughters being as the corner stones al this agréeth with the sense before giuen may bee the building of the temple i. may be such stones as may be vsed to the building and polishing of Gods church that we may altogether grow vp to an holy temple in the Lord Ephe 2.21 also Ephe. 4.12.13 Ver. 13. That our corners i. not onely the barnes and store houses which we haue but euery corner of our dwelling house maye bee full vz. through thy blessing and abounding vz. in great measure and plenty with diuers sortes vz. not onely of graine and corne but of all maner of prouision and that our shéepe may bring forth vz. through thy especial blessing thousandes and ten thousandes i. may increase infinitely and as it were without number for he putteth a number certaine for an vncertaine in our stréetes i. openly so that not only we our selues to our great ioy but our aduersaries to their great griefe may beholde the same Verse 14. That our oxen vz. also through this thy blessing may be strong to labour i. méete and fit for all that labour whereunto thou hast appointed them and we shal according to thy will vse them he meaneth by this that the people may bee rich and abounde with al maner of worldly blessings that there bee none inuasion vz. of the enemie against vs that is that the enemy runne not in vppon our lande and vs neither make breaches in our wals nor enter into our cities nor going out vz. to battle and warre which can not be if none come to assault them nor no crying in our stréetes i. neither noyse or sodaine tumult as commeth to passe in the taking of townes nor no mourning by any occasion either when the enemies slay vs or otherwise q.d. that no euill thing at all may come vpon vs that no good thing may passe from vs and that we haue no heauines nor cause therof within vs our Cities but al things ioyful and pleasant Ver. 15. Blessed are the people that be so i. in so good a cause d.q. most happy surely are they yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lorde i. they in déede are blessed who howsoeuer they haue or inioy the outward blessings before rehearsed or haue them not yet so do tast and féele the grace of God that they are still perswaded of his fatherly loue towards them and in the apprehension thereof goe on forward towards the obtaining of the heauenly inheritance Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that we can do nothing no not outwarde things well Do. vnlesse the Lorde teach and instruct vs. Ver. 2. Teacheth vs first that God alone is the whole aide and defence of his children secondly that it is not kings powers and pollicies that kéepe the people in good order and subiection but hee alone who boweth their heartes thereto Verse 3. Teacheth vs that there is nothing in man as of man that can commend him to God Ver. 4. Setteth out the vanity brittlenes and shortnes of mans life Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that God néedeth not to vse any great power for the ouerthrowe of his enemies Verse 6. Teacheth vs that wee may safely pray agaynst the malicious and obstinate enemies of his trueth Verse 7. Teacheth vs that vnlesse GOD deliuer vs out of our great daungers there is no way or meanes for vs to escape out of them Verse 8. Teacheth vs that there is nothing but vanitie lying and falshoode to bée looked for at the handes of the wicked Verse 9. teacheth vs to bee alwayes thankefull to the Lorde for his mercies and because wee are very dull thereto to stirre vp our selues by all the meanes wee can Verse 10 teacheth vs that Kinges victories and their deliuerances from daungers procéed from God as well as the poore mans doeth Ver. 11. teacheth vs that because we can not helpe our selues wee shoulde pray the Lorde to deliuer vs from distresses Verse 12. teacheth vs that it is a singular blessing to haue a posteritie grafted into Gods Church Verse 13 teacheth vs that abundance of al things come from the Lorde onely Verse 14. Teacheth vs that neither our cattell nor any thing else can stand vs in steede without Gods especial blessing and al these three verses layde together doe teach vs further what great commodities insue to Gods people by the ouerthrow of their enemies also that euen these outward blessinges are to Gods seruants sure seales and testimonies of a better hope Ver. 15. Teacheth vs that they in déed are in some measure blessed that haue these outwarde benefites bestowed vpon them but yet they are in better case which though they wante them féele with assuraunce of perswasion the eternal fauour of God towards them in the hope and certaintie of a better life Psalme 145 Di. THis Psalm propounding specially the matter of thanksgiuing and praise vnto the Lord may bée diuided into foure partes In the first hee himselfe promiseth to praise the Lorde shewing a cause wherefore Ver. 1.2.3 In the second he doeth as it were prophecie that all Gods creatures and workes shal serue to set forth his praise from ver 4. vnto to the end of the 12. In the third he sheweth reasons and causes why men should praise the Lorde to wit for his gouernement his mercy his prouidence c. from verse 13. to the 20. And lastly hee shutteth vp the Psalme with promise of thankesgiuing as he began it ver 21. Se. The title A Psalme of Dauid i. which hee made of prayse vz. vnto the Lord i. of such prayse and thankesgiuing as
he promised and perfourmed vnto him So that this worde séemeth to comprehende the argument or the whole matter of the Psalme this Psalme is written in the order of the Alphabet euery verse beginning with the letters as they are in order in the Hebrewe Alphabet one onely being omitted and that is the letter Nun in the 14. verse which beginneth with Samech the next letter in the Alphabet such Psalmes we haue had before Psal 25. which beginneth euery verse so two or thrée onely excepted such also are Psalm 111. and 112. which beginne euery verse of it and the seconde part of it which two letters of the Hebrewe Alphabet in order Ver. 1. O my God i. he whome onely I worship and king i. whom I serue whose subiect I am I wil extol thée vz. in my songes and thankesgiuinges and that aboue all whatsoeuer and will blesse i. prayse thy name i thy maiesty power and goodnes for euer and euer i. continually Ver. 2 I wil blesse thée i. praise thée as before ver 1. dayly i. euery day q.d. no day shall passe ouer my head but I will spend it or some part of it in magnifiyng of thee and prayse thy name for euer and euer sée before ver 1. of this Psalme Verse 3. Great is the Lorde vz. in power and goodnes towardes all but chiefely towardes his owne and most worthy to be praised vz. for those excellent things that be in him and the great workes that he doth dayly and his greatnesse is incomprehensible vz. of vs men for though after regeneration wee doe looke into it by fayth yet it is but in some measure for we knowe in part and prophecie in part 1. Corinth 13.9 and though it bée sayde that in the life to come we shall see him as he is 1. Iohn 3.2 yet he meaneth not that there wee shalbée able to attaine to the full apprehension of Gods eternall maiestye because he dwelleth in light that no man can come vnto 1. Tim. 6.16 and that which is finite as we shal bee after the resurrection though wee shall haue glorified bodies can not comprehend that which is infinite as God is alwayes but that wee shall haue a farre greater measure in that life then wee haue had in this Ver. 4. Generation shall prayse thy workes vnto generation i. the prayse and excellencie of thy great workes shal be magnified in al ages both because thou doest continue thy great workes in euery age and giuest men care and conscience to publish the same to their posteritie and declare thy power i. the generations shall preach and set out the greatnes of thy power and the excellency thereof Immanuel referreth it to Gods workes both senses are true Ver. 5. I will meditate vz. déepely and diligently of the beautie i. not onely of the comelinesse but also of the excellency of thy glorious maiestye i. of thy maiesty which is full of wonderfull glory and thy wonderfull workes i. I will meditate of thy workes also which are rather to bee wondered at then comprehended Ver. 6. And they i. men and specially thy people shall speake vz. openly and plainely meaning that they shall declare and set abroade of the power vz. which is great and excéeding of thy fearefull acts i. of those iudgments which thou exercisest vppon the contemners of thy maiestie which should strike feare into al mens hearts and I wil declare vz. fréely and openly thy greatnes i. thy excellency maiesty and power Sée ver 3. of this Psal Ver. 7. They i. men shall breake out i. playnely and with open mouth into the mention i. euen to the making mention of thy gret goodnes vz. towards all but specially towardes thy people and shall sing aloude i. speake openlye and playnely of thy righteousnesse i. of thy faithfull and iust dealing towards all Ver. 8. The Lorde is gracious and merciful this séemeth to be the speciall matter of their song and praysing and it séemeth to bee taken out of Exod. 34.6 sée also Psalme 86.5.15 slowe to anger i. not easily moued to punish and of great mercy vz. towardes those that drawe me vnto him Ver. 9. The Lorde is good to all vz. his creatures and namely men but chiefely amongst them to his chosen people and his mercies i. the abundaunt plenty of his mercie for so much I suppose the word in the plurall number importeth are ouer all his woorkes i. there is none of his woorkes but it sheweth vnto others and findeth in it selfe very large testimonies of Gods mercy and goodnes They then do not rightly vnderstand the place that from hence would gather that Gods mercy excéedeth all his works though that is to be confessed to bee true But this is the true and naturall meaning thereof that though it be so that by meanes of sinne all the worlde bee wrapped vp vnder the curse yet the mercy of God passeth through al his creatures and entereth euen vnto the very bruit beastes as ver 15.16 of this Psalme Ver. 10. Al thy workes vz. which thou hast created and the noble deedes which thou hast done prayse thée O Lorde vz. in their kinde that is doe set foorth thy prayses vnto men and doe put in to their mouthes as it were an occasion to prayse thee and thy Saintes i. those whome thou hast made holy vnto thy selfe Sée Psalme 16.3 also 30.4 also 132.9 blesse thee i. prayse thée as ver 1.2 of this Psal Ver. 11. They i. both thy workes and people shewe vz. out and that sensiblie and plainely the glory of thy kingdome i. the excellency of thy rule and gouernement meaning also that Gods woorkes and the prayses of his people shoote all at this marke vz. to bring the worlde in subiection to his obedience and speake of thy power i. set it foorth very plainely howe the creatures perfourme this Sée Psalme 19.1.2 c. also Roman 1.19.20 c. Verse 12. To cause his power i. Gods power for hée sodainely chaungeth the person from the seconde to the thirde to be knowne In these wordes hee noteth the ende why God vseth his creatures and mens praises vz. that other men thereby may be drawne to see approue and confesse his goodnes and power to the sonnes of men i. to all ages and posterities and the glorious renowne of his kingdome sée ver 11. of this Psalme Ver. 13. Thy kingdome i. the gouernement which thou exercisest ouer all is an euerlasting kingdome i. shall neuer haue ende and thy dominion vz. which thou hast indureth throughout all ages i. shall neuer decay Ver. 14. The Lorde vz. himself vpholdeth vz. by his mercy all that fall vz. into any daunger or distresse Sée Prouerb 24.16.17 and yet wée must restraine that general terme to such as the Lord knoweth in his goodnes are méete to be vpholden and staied without which goodnes of his none is raised vp or maintained and lifteth vp all that are ready to fall q.d. whether they bee entering into
GOD also as who requireth the same at our handes as a péece of his seruice Psalme 50.15 and prayse vz. giuen vnfeynedly vnto GOD is comelie vz. both before him and all good men though the wicked of the worlde make no account of it but as a deformed thing sée for these two wordes good and comelie Psalme 133.1 Verse 2. The Lord vz. him selfe doth buyld vp vz. thorowe his goodnesse and power Ierusalem i. his Church and vnder the terme builde the Holy Ghost doth meane that GOD is the author the founder yea all in all for his Church and gathereth to gether vz. by the voyce of his worde and the vse of his Sacramentes the dispersed of Israell i. the straying members of his Church If we referre it to Ierusalem and the Iewes he meaneth that GOD hath bene alwayes a gracious Father vnto that people and that howsoeuer they were now scattered abroad into other cuntreyes yet he would bringe them home agayne to theyr owne If wée referre it to the Church as wée may and ought to do in déede he meaneth then that it is not builded by mans power but by a heauenly and diuine power that is by GOD himselfe who gathereth into the bosome or lappe of his Church all those that are strayed from it and appertayne to his election Verse 3. Hee i. the Lorde healeth vz. by his worde and most comfortable promises conteyned therein which are the medicines of our soules and the diseases thereof and this he doth for his promise sake broken in harte i. humbled in the inward man for their sinnes committed agaynst him sée Psalme 51.17 it may also be taken for such as be grieuouslie afflicted either outwardly or inwardly yea throwen downe and ouerwhelmed as it were with their affliction and buildeth vp their sores i. remedieth and redresseth their hurtes and euills and cureth as it were theyr griefes like a good Shéepheard Ezech. 344. and as the good Samaritane Luke 10.34 and as a good Surgion is wont to doo after that he hath opened and dressed his patients woundes Verse 4. He i. the Lorde counteth the number of the starres i. knoweth the very certayne number of them and not that we should thinke that he sitteth there to reckon them after the manner of men calleth them all by their names i. knoweth howe to name euery one of them q.d. that GOD which sitteth in heauen and knoweth all thinges yea euen the least thinges that are and who also ruleth all thinges euen in the very Heauens and doth by name beare rule ouer euerie one of them according to his authoritie and might sée Isaiah 40.26 yea euen that God is worthie to be praysed declaring also that it is no more harde matter for God to gather his Church the dispersion thereof then to number the starres and to giue to euery thing his office might property guiding them all by his prouidence and wisedome in such sorte that nothing shal be disorderous in that great multitude Ver. 5. Great is our lord vz. in goodnesse great is his power vz. also d.q. both his goodnes and power is very great yea infinite Sée Psal 135.3 his wisedome is infinite vz. to men as who can neither account it nor throughly comprehende it vnderstanding by wisedome his most fatherly and wise gouernement also and the particulars thereof Ver. 6. The Lorde relieueth i. comforteth by his woorde and spirite and many times in his prouidence exalteth to great honour as Psal 113.7 the méeke i. the humble hearted and such as by their afflictions are brought to true lowlines and abaseth the wicked to the ground i. casteth them downe from the top of their honour euen as lowe as can bee Ver. 7. Sing vz. prayses and thankesgiuing vnto the Lorde vz. our God with prayse i. with ioyfulnes also as well as with prayse sing vz. Psalmes of prayse vpon the harp hee addeth instruments for the better stirring of men vp Sée Psalme 144.9 and yet this was but temporal and arbitrarie vnto our God sée ver 1. of this Psalme Verse 8. Which couereth the heauens with cloudes i. casteth thick cloudes conteining raine in them ouer the firmament meaning thereby that God doeth by that meanes chaunge as it were the face of the heauen which shoulde drawe vs euen to wonder at his power and prepareth vz. by that meanes raine for the earth i. for the good and profit of the earth because without raine and moisture from heauen it woulde bee vtterly barren and maketh vz. through his speciall blessing as the first cause and the raine as the instrument the grasse to growe vz. in great plenty and abundaunce vpon the mountaines i. in most barren and drie places which are for the most part very scant of grasse because they are nigh to the parching and pearsing heate of the Sunne Verse 9. Which giueth vz. in mercy to beastes their foode i. the nourishment wherewith they are maintained and liue and to the young rauens which are not able to féede themselues which crye vz. through want of foode and sustenaunce Sée Iob. 39.3 and in this verse the Prophet setteth out Gods fatherly care and prouidence which stretcheth it selfe euen to Rauens or Crowes whiche are the most contemned foules almost that are men making no account of them as for foode but vtterly to destroy them as hurtefull and noysome Verse 10. Hée i. GOD hath not pleasure i. careth not for nor delighteth in in the strength of an horse of which you may reade a liuely description Iob. 39.22.23 c. and vnder this and that which followeth hee comprehendeth all meanes of flesh and blood whatsoeuer in which many men put their trust but that is a peruerse thing and much to bee condemned and yet without that wee may lawfully vse all holy meanes which God shall giue vs neither delighteth hee in the legges of man vz. howe strong well proportioned swift and nimble so euer they bee meaning notwithstanding that God exerciseth this goodnes towards vs of the vse of the meanes not for any worthinesse that is in any of the Creatures but for his owne glory fake and the good of his Church Verse 11. But the Lorde delighteth in them i. both careth verye much for them and taketh singular pleasure in them that feare him i. sincerelye worshippe and serue him hauing a reuerent feare of his maiesty in their heartes and attende vz. in hope and patience vppon his mercy i. the time till in mercie hee perfourme that which hee hath graciously promised them Verse 12. Praise the Lorde vz. for his mercy and goodnes O Ierusalem i. O thou his Church prayse thy God i. the GOD which thou seruest O Sion by Sion and Ierusalem he vnderstandeth both one thing vz. Gods Church and congregation Sée Psalme 51.18 meaning also by this often prouoking of men to prayse the Lorde to teach them this that they can neuer want occasion or matter in that behalfe Ver. 13. For he hath made
in that he beginneth with them he doth not only closely as it were reproue them for their vnthankfulnesse because that whereas they are more bound to God then others by reason the greater benefits they haue receaued from him and yet notwithstanding they are more slow to doe their dutie in this behalfe vnlesse they be wonderfully prouoked and pricked on forward defrauding God by that meanes of the praise which is due vnto him supposing that the world was made only for them but also secretly telleth thē their dutie to wit that they should go before others in the performance of that great office for the more that any hath receaued and in the offices of his exaltation draweth nigh to God the more is he bound to serue him and to magnify the riches of his grace and al people vz. of the world of what nation country or kinred soeuer they be princes and all iudges of the world i. al that haue the matters of state or publike iustice committed vnto them Ver. 12. Yong men and maids old men and children the particular recitall of the distinction of ages and sexes which the Prophet vseth in this verse doth sufficiently declare that all without exception should imploy themselues in the seruice praysing of God And these two words virgins children import an amplifying as it were of the matter q.d. yea let virgins which are not so well instructed as the male kind is and let children which are not so skilfull as the old sort are performe this dutie of praise vnto the Lord. Ver. 13. Let them vz. altogether both heauenly and earthly reasonable and vnreasonable but chéefely the reasonable creatures laste rehearsed verse 11 12. prayse the name of the Lorde i. his goodnesse power and might for his name only is to be exalted vz. in the songes and prayses of his peoples meaning that none is worthy of prayse in respect of himselfe but he alone sée Psalme 145 3. and his praise aboue the earth and the heauens i. he is to be praysed more then the heauens or the earth or else his prayse is so great that neither the heauens nor the earth nor all thinges therein contayned are able sufficiently to expresse it and this is the firste reason why they should prayse him taken from the excellēcy of Gods own maiestie Ver. 14. For he vz. alone hath exalted vz. by his power and mighte the borne of his people i. their strength for so haue we had the word horne vsed sundry times heretofore meaning that God aduaunced his Churche both into great strength and dignity which vz. exaltation and lifting vp of their glory and strength is a prayse to all his saints i. tendeth not only to their glory and prayse but also offreth them a plentifull occasion to prayse and magnifie his name by reason of the grace which he hath shewed them For the worde Saints sée Psalme 145 10. euen for the children of Israell i. euen for the true and right Israelites and this is an other terme proper and peculiar to Gods sonnes and seruaunts a people that is nere vnto him vz. by the reason of the couenant which God hath made with them in the person of Abraham and confirmed in his sonne Christ and thus he doth more and more specifie the people who haue most singular occasion to praise him praise yee the Lorde sée Psal 146 in the end Do. One generall doctrine is offred in this Psalme from ver 1. to the end of the 10. vz. that if all Gods creatures in the dutie and by the right of their creation are bound to praise God in their kind much more man for whose sake all the creatures were made that are made An other generall doctrine wee may gather out of verse 2. that if Angels must be put in mind of the performance of this dutie men had much more néede to be remembred and not only so but to bee pricked and prouoked forward thereto Verse 5 being a generall inference vpon the particular premisses doth playnly proue that Angels as well as other things were created and that therefore that is a dotage of some to thinke that they were without beginning and withall it plainlye and sufficientlye ouerthroweth the dreame of the Sadduces who did thinke that there was neither Angell nor spirit Verse 6 teacheth vs that not one of the creatures nor all the creatures can go beyonde the boundes which God hath set them in his eternall decrée Verse 8 teacheth vs that al gods creatures are but instruments to execute that which God will haue them to doe Verse 11 teacheth vs that as Kings are the highest so they should be the first and examples to others in the seruice of God Verse 12 teacheth vs that no age or sexe can or should be exempted from the sincere worship and seruice of God Ver. 13. teacheth vs that as God onely is to be praysed so he is only to be prayed vnto because praise and prayer belong onlye vnto him alone Verse 14 teacheth vs first that al the glory and strength which the church hath it hath it from God secondly that God neuer bestoweth benefit vpon the Churche but that it becommeth the same aboue all others to bée thankfull to God for it Psalme 149 THis psalme may bee deuided into two partes Di. In the first hee exhorteth the faithfull to praise God for his great grace and mercie bestowed vpon them from Ver. i. to the end of the 4. In the second he prouoketh them to prayse him for the strength and power which he gaue them to subdue their enemies from Ver. 5. to the end of the psalme The title is expounded before Psalme 148. Se. in sundrie other places Ver. 1. Singe yee vz. which are his sonnes and seruantes vnto the Lord vz. your God a newe song i. a singular and excelent song by reason of an vnacustomed benefite which you haue receaued from the Lord. sée Psalme 33.3 also psalme 144.9 let his praise i. songes and Psalmes made vnto his praise be heard vz. openlie and painelie in the congregation of saincte i. in his Church this is an excelent description of the Church for saincts sée Psalme 148.14 Ver. 2. Let Israell i. the Church of God and faithfull people sée Psalme 147.19 also 148.14 reioyce vz. excedinglie and with an vnfeyned ioye in him that made him i. in God and hee meaneth it not here of the generall creation onely but also of their frée adoption by which they were chosen seperated from all mankinde to be a peculiar people to God which was as it were a newe creation and let the children of Sion i. the faithfull members of the Church sée Psalme 146.10 and 147.12 reioyce vz. as before in this verse in their king i. either in Dauid and so by consequent in Christ because Dauid was but a figure of him or els in God whom the faithfull many times call their king as Psalme 5.2 and this latter do I rather allowe
they should prayse God by all holy and lawfull meanes they could sée to this purpose before Psalm 149 3. Concerning these instruments it is true that vnder the law they serued to lead the people to a certayne kind of holy ioy If any would inferre herevpon therefore they should be vsed now publikely in the Church they are much deceaued for they were but ceremonies we know and beléeue that the ceremoniall law and euery part and péece thereof is abolished so that we can not without iniury to Christ retayne them publikely in our Churches Concerning the priuate vse of them they are so far forth to bée vsed as they prouoke vs to holinesse if they be instruments to stirre vp men to sinne and filthinesse they must be detested and abhorred as vile and abhominable Ver. 6. Let euery thing that hath breath prayse the Lord. Some referre it to all creatures and it is true that the word may well beare import so much I for mine own part refer it only to men who though they liue as other creatures do yet the word breath as also the word life doth more properly agrée to them then to beasts prayse ye the Lord sée before in the end of thrée or foure of these last Psalmes Now let vs marke that when the scripture doth so often times put vs in mind to prayse the Lord it doth iustly charge and vpbrayd vs with our vnthankfulnesse and slouthfulnesse in that behalfe Do. Verse 1 2 teach vs that we are bound to praise God and shew also certayne causes why we should doe it vz. for the holinesse he communicateth to vs for his great care and prouidence ouer vs and all creatures for his mercies towards vs and his iudgements towards the wicked Ver. 2 teacheth vs that though we cannot praise God or pray vnto him as we should and he iustly deserueth yet we should not for all that leaue of Ver. 3.4.5 teache vs to vse all the holy and lawfull meanes wée can to stir vp our selues to vnfeigned thankfulnesse to our God Ver. 6. teacheth vs that men aboue all his other creatures are specially bound to bée continually thankefull vnto him Ephes 3. Ver. 20.21 Vnto him that is able to doe exceeding abundantly euen aboue all that we aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs bee prayse in the Church by Christ Iesus thorowout all generations for euer So be it Faultes escaped The first number noteth the page the second the line Pag. 1. l 13. they r theirs 2. l. 12. in the r of the. 3. l. 40. they r men 5. l. 3. many r mā l. 15. kingly r king by l. 16. imagination inauguration 9. li. 28. of r. from l. 41. cōtriued r conteined 10. l. 6. or r on l. 22. draw deceiue 14. l. 39. such r further 15. li. 20. rebuked reputed li. 26. crueltie subtiltie r cruelly and subtilly li. 31. par r per. 19. l. 21. time terme 22. l. 24. putteth r put them li. 37. summe r same 23. l. 20 consisteth r trusteth 27. li. 7 t●●e r terme 35. li. 2. out r on li. 9. not to r to note 40. l. 32. thy r my 46. l. 28. possible r impossible l. 31. Gods r God 46. l. 18. lustines loftiner l. 26 sentences senses 51. li. 20. remoued reuiued 59. li. 32. strike r stirre 68. li. 27. affection r affliction 70 l. 38 quarellors quarellous 73. li. 10. better r bitter li. 30. set r fet 74 li. 3. intent innocent 77. li. 20 guilty r guile 82. l. 24. reiected recited 85. 38. spoke r smoke 88. l. 33. past me past cure 91 li. 40. drunke dumbe 96. li 20. trusty vntrusty 97. li. 30. parting for panting 104. l. 39. kimcho for kimchi 100. l. 37. performed for perfumed 110. l. 20. 1. Cor. for 1. Chro. 111. l. 15. breathing for breaking 113. l. 30. sects r sorts 161 l. 21. expounded r propounded l. 36. ceased r seized 172. l. 34. captaines r captiues 174. l 20. mother read both our 176 l 6. expound for propound l. 7. expoundeth propoundeth l. 16. seeke for setteth out 181. l. 6. altogether r All together 186. l. 17. faithful r faith 203. l. 1. afflictions r affections 205. l. 29. godly for vngodly 255. l. 24. first r for so 259. l 27. referred r corrected 265. l. 18. see r vse 266. l. 10. mortal for immortal 271. li. 26. strange r strong 303. l. 16. comfort r confute 315. li 11. three r two 347 li 35. for necess r. but for necess 354. l. 18. peraphrasis read periphrasis l. 19. beginning r begetting 363. lī 13. meaneth for nameth 364. li. 28. lande read hand 367. l. 13. slaieth for staineth 397. l. 31. reed for rod li 38. bands r bounds li. 40. supposes r suppostes 399 li. 13. Himites r Hiuites 405. li. 4. shal r should 406. l. 25. inuisible for insensible