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A51839 XVIII sermons on the second chapter of the 2d Epistle to the Thessalonians containing the description, rise, growth, and fall of Antichrist : with divers cautions and arguments to establish Christians against the apostacy of the Church of Rome : very necessary for these times / by that late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1679 (1679) Wing M522; ESTC R7577 216,743 470

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Benefits Therefore it is not the special but the general Love which first draweth in our hearts to God yea the Saints after some Testimonies received of God's special Love still make this to be the great ingaging Motive Gal. 2.20 I live by Faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me Well then this is most likely to be meant by the Apostle II. This must needs give great boldness in Prayer 1. By this we see the God's Love is not a cold ineffectual Love that consists only in raw wishes but an operative active Love that issueth forth to accomplish what he intendeth to us though by the most costly means and acted at the dearest rate God is good and doth good Psal. 119.68 He hath a Love to us and will do good to us Our Love many times goes no further than good Wishes or good Words Be warmed be cloathed but giveth not those things which are needful to the Body Iames 2.16 but God resteth not in kind Wishes but giveth a full demonstration of it If Christ be needful to ●he Saints they shall have him if God spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things 2. It is an act of such infinite Love in God to give us Christ to die for us such as may raise our wonder and astonishment God's Love is an unmeasurable Love ●nd so inlargeth our expectations and capacity for the reception of other things Ephes. 3.18 19. That ye may comprehend with all Saints to know what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the Love of Christ which passeth knowledg that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God There is such an immensity in the Love of Christ as raiseth our desire and hopes to expect all other things from God that belong to our Duty and Happiness If God will do this what will he not do for those whom he loveth He that hath given the greatest Gift will not stick at lesser things He that hath given a Talent shall he not give a Penny He that hath given Christ will he not give pardon to cancel our Debts Grace to do our Duty Comfort to support us in Afflictions Supplies to maintain and protect us during our Service Finally Will he not reward us when our Work is over Reconciliation by his Death is propounded as more difficult than Salvation by his Life Rom. 5.10 For if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life 3. It is a Gift in order to other things and therefore he will compleat that Gift Christ came to purchase all manner of Blessings for us the Favour of God The ●ruition of God the everlasting Fruition of God in Glory and all things by the way n●c●●sary thereunto There are two Argum●●● implied 1. That God may now do us good without any impeachment of his Honour His Justice and Holiness is sufficiently demonstrated the Authority of his Law and Truth of his Threatnings kept up Rom. 3.25 26. Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God To declare I say at this time his Righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Iesus 2. That after God by an antecedent bounty hath layed the Foundation so broad and deep the consequent bounty which is as the upper Building for which this Foundation was intended will be laid on also It was said of the foolish Builder That he began and was not able to finish Surely the wise God if we be qualified and put no impediment on our part will finish what he hath begun 4. Because the giving of Christ sheweth how freely God will give all things to us he gave Christ unasked unsought to in this instance we see his free and undeserved love This was love to Rebels and Enemies when the World had corrupted their way and cast off God then Christ died for us a consideration which serveth to support our Confidence notwithstanding the sense of our unworthiness In the Covenant of Grace great and wonderful Mercies are given out to a world of Sinners and to our selves among the rest we see how loth God is Sinners should perish That sins may be pardoned if we will accept God's terms that hath given such general testimony of his Love to Mankind his Love to miserable sinners That is willing they should be reconciled that there is not so much difference between us and others as between him and all Now this incourageth us to fulfil the Conditions of the Gospel notwithstanding our unworthiness of the Privileges thereof 1. Vse is Caution Let us not have wrong thoughts of God when we come to him We think of God the Father as one that is all Wrath and Justice and unwilling to be reconciled to Man or brought to it with much difficulty No Christ came on purpose to show the Love and Loveliness of God to us for our Redemption came first out of the Bosom of God and Christ's mission into the World and dying for Sinners was the fruit of his Love and mainly for this end to give us a full Demonstration of the Love of God and his pity to the lost World of Sinners that when our Guilt had made him frightful to us we might not fly from him as a Condemning God but love Him and serve Him and pray to Him as one willing to be Reconciled to us therefore take heed what Picture of God you draw in your Minds Light and heat are not more abundant in the Sun than Love is in God 2. Vse of Direction to us How to conceive of God in Prayer as one that loveth us We have gained a great point when we are pe●●uaded of this and can come with this thought into his Presence that I am praying to a God that loveth me and will do me good You will say If I could come to that I have gained a great point indeed But what hindreth There is I confess a two-fold Love his General Love and his Special Love His General Love which intendeth Benefits to us and his Special Love which hath already put us in possession of them His General Love to the lost World and his Love and Mercy to us in particular putting us in possession of the saving Benefits purchased and intended 1. The General Love to the lost World that is a great thing the Devil seeketh to hide and obscure the wonderful Love of God revealed in our Redeemer that we may still fly from God as more willing to Punish than to Save and many poor dark Creatures gratifie his design We are still seeking signs and tokens of God's Love something to warrant us to come to God by Christ and to persuade us
have need of before you ask him He observed every weary step of David in the Wilderness and all his Tears and Sorrows Psal. 56.8 Thou tellest my Wandrings put thou my Tears in thy Bottle are they not in thy Book He particularly took notice of all the Troubles and Sorrows of his Exile and wandring Condition as if his Tears had been preserved in a Bottle and his Troubles registred or recorde● in a Book The Doctrine of the Gentiles was Dii magna curant parva negligunt The great and weighty Matters the Lord took into his Care but left other things to their own event and chance but the Doctrine of the Scriptures is otherwise God taketh notice of every particular Person For our Prayers Psal. 34.6 This poor Man cried unto the Lord and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his Troubles How obscure soever the Worshipper be in the account of the World if he depend on God the Lord will regard him 2. For his Power he is able to do all Things Mark 14.36 Abba Father all things are possible to thee 3. For his Goodness he relieveth all his Creatures heareth the moans of the Beasts much more the Prayers of the Saints Psal. 145.15 16. The Eyes of all things wait upon the Lord and thou givest them their Meat in due season c. Now this he makes a ground of fulfilling the desires of them that fe●r him and being near to all that call upon him Vers. 18 19. He that feedeth a Kite will he not provide for a Child Surely we have more reason to trust in God than they if you think this belongeth to his common Bounty But in Spiritual things it is otherwise he is most pleased when we ask Spiritual Blessings 1 Kings 3.10 It pleased the Lord that Solomon asked this thing Well then since none other is capable and God is to him must we come 2. The Scriptures which are the proper Rule of Worship direct us to no other When Christ taught his Disciples to pray he directeth them to God Luke 11.2 When ye pray say Our Father which art in Heaven Invovation is Divine Worship and so done to God alone 3. When the Spirit moveth us to pray he inclineth us to come to God Rom. 8.15 Ye have received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father Gal. 4.5 6. Because ye are Sons he hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your Hearts crying Abba Father He doth not move us to go to the Saints but to God The Vse Well then if any t●ouble befal us let us call on God unbosom our selves to him Psal. 50.15 Call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me If we want any Grace let us go to the God of all Grace in the Name of Christ Heb. 4.16 Seeing therefore we have a great High Priest that is entred into Heaven Iesus the Son of God let us come boldly to the Throne of Grace t●at we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help us in a time of need We can pray to none but to him in whom we trust Psalm 62.8 Trust in the Lord at all times pour out your Hearts before him Trust is the Foundation of Prayer they that look to God for all will frequently apply themselves to him Our Necessities and Wants are continual both as to the Temporal and Spiritual Things we need not only daily Bread but daily Pardon daily Strength against Temptations therefore let us often come to God III. Observation That Jesus Christ is invoked together with the Father as an Author of Grace and thereby his God-head is proved for he that is an Object both of Internal and External Worship is God Now such is Christ. Of Internal Worship Ioh. 14.1 Ye believe in God believe also in me Though Christ died as Man yet he is God equal with the Father and an Object of Faith and Trust. For External Worship or Prayer the Text is clear Our Lord Iesus Christ and God even our Father That is much for the comfort of the Faithful that we have God to trust in and Christ to trust in that we that have sinned with both hands earnestly have a double ground of our Comfort and Hope the infinite Mercy and Power of God and the infinite Merit of a Mediator There is a great latitude in the Object of Faith and so of Invocation The Lord Iesus Christ himself and God our Father There is no pain so great that God in Christ cannot remove no Danger so dreadful but he can prevent no Misery so deep but he can deliver from it no Enemy so strong but he can vanquis● them no Want that he cannot supply When we have a Want that he cannot supply or a Sickness that he cannot cure or a Danger that he cannot prevent or a Misery that he cannot remove or Enemies that are too hard for him then we may sit down and despair and die I speak of both as one for God and Christ are here joined as to the same effect comforting their Hearts and stablishing them in every good Word an● Work IV. We can obtain nothing from God unless we seek it in Christ. Therefore the Apostle beginneth his Prayer Now our Lord Iesus Christ and God c. God Alone i● abundantly enough for our happiness for there is in him more than abundantly enough to satisfy all the Capacities of the Creature but without a Mediator how shall we come to receive of his fulness If Ma● had kept innocent God had been enough to us for in Innocency there was no Media●or but to Man fallen a Mediator is necessary 1. I shall state the necessity of i● Because of Distance and Difference we are unworthy to approach his Holy Presence and God hath a Quarrel and Controversy with us which till it be taken up we can expect no good thing from him 1. Distance We are stranged from God by the Fall and having lost his Image lost his Favour and Fellowship and all communion with him so that God now is looked upon by us as out of the reach of our Commerce which hindreth our love and confidence in him for we can hardly depend upon one so far above us that he will take notice of us or take care for us so as to relieve us in our Necessities or help us in our Miseries and give us the Blessings we ask of him or that we shall be welcome to him when we come with our Prayers and Supplications God taught the Israelites their distance and the Apostle telleth us that all that dispensation the Holy Ghost did signify That the way into the Holiest was not yet made ●anifest w●ile the first T●bernacle was standing Heb. 9.8 They could not come near God without danger of Death he would not have them so familiar w●th him 2. Difference or Controversy A Mediator is used only between disagreeing Parties When Man was guilty God was angry Conscience of Sin
the World to come though these things be set before him in the Promises of the Gospel they leave no impression upon his heart There needeth a very quick sight to be able to look from Earth to Heaven therefore till we are enlightned by the Spirit we can have no saving knowledg of those things which pertain to the Kingdom of God or eternal Life 2. By way of Inclination the Spirit doth not only open the Eyes of our Mind but he doth also incline our hearts to mind and seek after these things as our Portion and Happiness Acts 16.14 God opened the Heart of Lydia There is an opening of our Mind and an opening of our Hearts necessary for the Wisdom of the Flesh is kneaded into our Natures and we are prepossessed and entangled with divers foolish and hurtful Lusts. Though we know these things we regard them not and therefore the Work of the Spirit is necessary to incline us earnestly to look and long and patiently to wait for Blessedness to come Gal. 5.5 For we through the Spirit wait for the Hope of Righteousness by Faith Alas otherwise we should never regard these things certainly we would not wait for them with so much patience and self-denial and solace our hearts with these Hopes in the midst of all our Labours Adversities and Troubles when all is in Expectation and so little in Possession 3. By way of Excitation he doth quicken us and comfort us by raising our Thoughts Desires and Endeavours after the promised Glory and Blessedness Rom. 15.13 Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in Hope through the Power of the Holy Ghost It is by his lively Impressions that this Grace is acted in us with any profit our Hope is acted and increased by his Power blessing the Promises of the Gospel to this end 2. That it is his free Gift That which moveth God to give us this Hope is his meer Love and Grace 1. The Matter of Hope is God's free undeserved Mercy The Mercy of God is every where made the great invitation of Hope to the fallen Creature Psal. 130.7 Let Israel hope in the Lord for with the Lord is Mercy and plenteous Redemption Without this there were no Hope for us and therefore the Saints make this their Anchor-hold Psal. 13.5 I have trusted in thy Mercy therefore my Soul shall rejoice in thy Salvation Let others trust in what they will Lord I will trust in thy Mercy This is that which maketh Hope lift up the Head Iude 21. Looking for the Mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ unto eternal Life There is our best and strongest Plea But 2. For the Grace of Hope it is the mere Fruit of the Lord's Mercy such are our undeservings and ill-deservings that nothing else could incline him to give us this Hope He was not induced by any Merits of ours which are none nor hindred by any demerits or sins of ours which were many and great only his Grace moved him to bring us under the hopes of the Gospel that we might set our selves with longing and certain expectation in the way of Holiness to seek after the eternal enjoyment of himself 1 Pet. 1.3 Of his abundant Mercy he hath begotten us to a lively Hope There were so many Provocations on our part such great privileges to be injoyed that nothing but abundant Mercy could give us this Hope II. What incouragement is this in Prayer if God hath given us good Hope through Grace 1. God would not invite and raise an Hope to disappoint it For surely the Lord will not deceive his Creature that dependeth upon his Word and therefore we are allowed to challenge him Psalm 119.49 Remember thy Word unto thy Servant on which thou hast caused me to hope The words contain a double Argument the Promise was of God's making and the Hope of his operation it is thy Word and thou hast caused me to hope his Grant in the New Covenant and his Influence by the Spirit we have a strong Tie upon him as he giveth us the Promise which is a ground of Hope surely we may put his Bonds in suit Chirographa tua tibi injiciebat Domine but when his Spirit hath caused us to hope it is not with a purpose to defeat it and therefore we may expect necessary Blessings such as are support and establishment in Holiness Sometimes God promiseth that we may believe and then promiseth again because we do believe and trust in him Isa. 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee Actual Hope and Trust giveth a fresh Claim or new Interest for God will not fail a trusting Soul as a generous Man will not fail his Friend if he rely on him We count this to be the strongest Bond we can lay upon another to be mindful of us and faithful to us I wholy trust upon you Now much more will God do so when he hath sent his Work before him he will bring this Reward with him when he hath invited Hope by his Promise and caused Hope by his Spirit he will give the Mercy you hope for for he hath prepared you for it by his preventing Grace I remember the Prophet telleth God Jer. 20.7 O Lord thou hast deceived me and I was deceived words that seem to intrench upon the Honour of God Some interpret them as if they were spoken by the Prophet in a Passion others soften them by another rendring Thou hast persuaded me and I was persuaded that is to undertake the Prophetical Office to which I was nothing forward of my self and have found it more troublesome than I expected But why may not the words be spoken as a supposition If I be deceived thou hast deceived me God had told him that he would make him as a Brazen Wall and had raised a Faith and Hope in him that he would bear him out in his Work and so it signifies no more but I cannot be deceived When you have God's Word and a well-grounded Hope it is not a foolish Imagination or vain Expectation God will not deceive a poor Creature that trusts in him for necessary things such as Perseverance and Establishment in Holiness 2. He that giveth us Hope will give us all things necessary to the thing hoped for therefore when God hath called us to the Hope of Eternal Glory by Jesus Christ we may with the more confidence pray for necessary support and establishme●t in the way This Argument seemeth to be urged by the Apostle 1 Pet. 5.10 The God of all Grace who called you to his Heavenly Glory by Iesus Christ af●er ye have suffered a while make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you God that called us to Eternal Glory foresaw the Difficulties and Troubles we should meet with by the way and therefore provideth Grace answerable which we are to sue out by Prayer Surely he that called them to
caution them as we have from God They pretend to believe the Scriptures yet how do they seek to evade the force of them by crafty distinctions that will never satisfie Conscience though they help to blind the mind and harden the heart That which I urge is this they were never interdicted this kind of worship by their Gods but these know that it is severely forbidden by our God and the second Commandement so stareth in their Faces that it is expunged out of their Catechisms and Vasquez is bold to affirm that the second Commandement is Ceremonial Lactantius of old said Non est dubium religio nulla est ubi cujusque simulac●rum est 3. The Pagans did adore their Gods in their Images but never was any so sottish among them to imagine that an Image was to be adored with the same degree of worship as God himself but this is the corrupt Doctrine of the Papists that an Image is to be worshipped with the same worship w●erewith God himself is worshipped Imagini Christi Latria debetur Aquinas That is the proper worship of God 1. Vse to shew how necessary it is to take heed that we be not found among the followers of Antichrist since these errors are damnable Salvation and damnation are not trifles nor matters to be played withal Surely we need have our eyes in our head and not to be hood-winked when we are upon the brink of a bottomless Gulph Both sides lay damnation at one anothers Door they for our departing from the Catholick Church out of which is no Salvation as they pretend we upon their departing from the Catholick Faith and simplicity of the Gospel Now external order is not of such consideration as Faith but when they will be able to prove that Christ hath setled this order in the Church that all his Subjects should be obedient to one universal visible head and that this head is the Pope and therefore when their very Order is an incroachment and usurpation to depart from them is to return to Christ Again where is Salvation most likely to be found rather with them who seek all their Religion in the Scriptures a●d stick there or with those who not contented with the Apostolical Doctrine contained in the Scriptures have brought in unwritten Traditions as an equal rule of Faith with Scripture and the Sacrifice of the Mass and Purgatory the Religious Invocations of Saints and many other enormities and uphold these Innovations with all manner of Tyranny and Cruelty exercised upon Christs faithful Servants If men go to Heaven without Prayers which they understand and Scriptures half Christs Sacrament a piece of his merits and some supe●stitious observances yea plain Idolatry then the way to Heaven is sooner to be had in Popery but he that hath but half an Eye may soon see which is the surer side Surely the surest way to avoid damnation is to avoid sin Now where are Souls so much in danger of sin as in the Roman Society where so little is given to internal life and piety and so much to external Pomp and Service and where errors are so palpable that either men do not believe them with their hearts or if their hearts were upright and not perverse and obstinate could not believe them but just so is the way of Popery to true Christianity Surely whatever it be to Papists it would be absolutely damnable to us as wilfully to thrust our selves upon apparent ruine There is a cavil or pretence which I shall speak unto on this occasion That many Protestants confess Papists may be saved in their Faith whereas they hold Protestants and other Hereticks may not be saved out of the Catholick Church And therefore it is safe to enter into that way which is safe by the consent of both parts Ans. 1. Mens opinions are no ground of Faith Persons may be in a sad woful Case that men speak well of Luke 6.26 Wo unto you when all men shall speak well of you It is not what Man saith but what the word of God saith Now the word speaketh terrible things to them Them that perish and That they all might be damned who believed not the truth c. Secondly The word of God teacheth us to judge of the way rather than persons who stand or fall to their own Master The way is damnable If on the one side there be Charity to some persons that sin of invincible ignorance and are saved as by fire 1 Cor. 3.13 which the other side will not grant to a contrary perswasion it argueth Charity on one side which hopeth all things malice on the other who rashly condemn men without evidence yea against it 3. If this argument would hold good it had been better in Christ and the Apostles time to be a Jewish Proselyte than a Christian Christ acknowledgeth Salvation is of the Jews their promises of adoption and glory but the Jews pronounced him and his followers accursed scourged imprisoned them yet did not get so far as Papists to murder and butcher them Suppose a little time that Catholicks owned Donatists as Brethren allowed their Baptism but Donatists are rebaptized and upon pain of damnation require all so to be and say Save thy Soul become a Christian. Now a Pagan should rather by this argument join himself to Donatists than Catholicks Lastly The Argument may be retorted A Protestant keepeth himself to his Bible Baptismal Covenant Creed but denieth many things which Papists believe and practise as Papal Infallibility Transubstantiation Purgatory Invocation of Saints worshipping of Images they cannot but say Protestants are in the right 2. Vse observe the degrees of obduration not receiving the truth in the love of it believing a Lie discarding Truth and then taking pleasure in unrighteousness and then cometh Damnation SERMON XI 2 Thess. 2.13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you Brethren beloved of the Lord because the Lord hath from the beginning chosen you to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth THE Adversative Particle But sheweth what respect these words have to what went before He had spoken of God's direful Judgment of sending strong delusion on them that had no love to the pure Truth but sinned against Light and had pleasure in the false worship and superstitions countenanced by the World Now lest the Thessalonians should be troubled at this sad prediction he sheweth what cause he had to bless God in their behalf The subjoining of this consolation doth teach us three things 1. That it is a great favour of God to us to escape Antichristian Errors They are so dangerous in their own nature so insinuative and inveigling by plausible appea●ance and accompanied with such worldly baits and advan●●ges that it is a great mercy ●hat God hath taught us better things But then be sure you be in the right out of Conscience and Evidence not out of Faction and Interest And that you hate Popery out
of the love of the Truth rather than because you are out of the reach of the temptation However it is a great mercy that God keepeth off the Temptation till we are better setled in Religion 2. That the Election of God giveth a People great advantages against Errors especially against the impostures of Antichrist for when he speaketh of the sad estate of those who are seduced by the Man of Sin he presently addeth but we are bound to give thanks to God for you for he hath chosen you to Salvation You will say the Thessalonians received the Gospel before these corruptions were brought into the Church but though Antichrist was not then in being and this corrupt Christianity not then set a foot yet there were some preparations for it The mystery of iniquity already worketh and they were preserved from the taint of it by the Election of God for either God suffereth not the Elect to be deceived in momentous points or sooner or later he reduceth them the purpose of God according to Election must stand Rom. 9.11 Rom. 11.7 The Election hath obtained and the rest were blinded So 2 Tim. 2.18 19. They have overthrown the faith of some nevertheless the Foundation of the Lord standeth sure Still the Elect of God escape the seduction and especially Antichristian Error Rev. 13.8 The dwellers upon Earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life 3. How careful we should be to support the Hearts of God's People when we speak of his terrible Judgments on the wicked This was the practice of the Apostles every where as when the Author to the Hebrews had spoken of the dreadful estate of Apostates whose end is to be burned Heb. 6.9 But we are perswaded better things of you and things that accompany Salvation though we thus speak he did not condemn them all as Apostates nor would not discourage them by that terrible Threatning So again after another terrible passage Heb. 10.39 But we are not of them that draw back to perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul Once more when another Apostle had spoken of the Sin unto death which is not to be prayed for he presently addeth 1 Joh. 5.18 19. Whosoever is born of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one toucheth him not And we know that we are of God and the whole World lieth in wickedness Zuinglius saith Bone Christiane h●●c nihil ad te c. Good Christian this is not thy portion when he had flashed the terrours of the Lord in the face of Sinners The reasons of this are partly with respect to the Saints who sometimes out of weakness and infirmity and sometimes out of tenderness of Conscience are apt to be startled electorum corda semper ad se sollicite pudeant Gregor We deserve such dreadful Judgments and therefore fear them partly with respect to our selves that we may rightly divide the Word of Truth 2 Tim. 2.15 Study to shew thy self approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth Give every one his portion not make their hearts sad whom God would not make sad and therefore they are much to blame who in reproving Sinners stab a Saint at the Heart and take the doctrine but for a colour to make a perverse application The Apostle here useth more tenderness God shall send them strong delusion But we are bound always to give thanks for you Brethren beloved of the Lord because the Lord hath from the beginning chosen you to Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth In the words are two things 1. An acknowledgment of this obligation to give thanks for them But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you Brethren c. 2. The matter or particular cause of his thanksgiving because the Lord hath from the beginning chosen you to Salvation c. First There are 1. the Titles he giveth Brethren and Beloved of the Lord they were not only beloved of the Apostle but the Lord himself both with an antecedent Love bestowing Grace upon them and also a consequent Love they believing in his Name living according to his Precepts suffering for the Truth 2. His obligation to bless God in their behalf we are bound to give thanks to God always for you There is first giving thanks which sheweth his esteem of the blessing 2. Always which s●eweth how deeply he was affected with it 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We are bound he acknowledgeth a Debt and bond of Duty we must not only give thanks to God for our own Election but the Election of others Out of the law of Brotherly Love we loving them as our own Souls respect to the Glo●y of God which is promoted by the Salvation of others as well as our selves 2. The matter of the thanksgiving their Election to Salvation which is two ways amplified 1. By the Antiquity of it from the beginning that is from everlasting for so it is taken sometimes as Joh. 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God That is before the first point of time before God began to create all things 2. From the means of its accomplishment two are mentioned one on God's pa●t the sanctification of the Spirit The other on ours the belief of the Truth From the whole observe Doct. That the great matter of our thanksgiving to God is his eternal Election of us whether for our selves or others This is that which leaveth a Debt or an indispensible Obligation always to bless and praise his Name In pursuing this Point I shall first consider how Election is here set forth 2. Give you the reasons why this is the great matter of thanksgiving 1. How it is here set forth 1. By the rise of it which is the meer love of God for he calleth these Brethren ●eloved of t●e Lord. And that the only original cause and motive of Election is God's Love and Grace this is asserted in other Scriptures As for instance in the Types of Election and Reprobation Rom. 9.13 Iacob have I loved and Esau h●ve I hated God's respect to Iacob above Esau is ascribed to his love So to the posterity of Iacob whom he distinguished from other Nations Deut. 7.7 8. The Lord did not set his love upon you and choose you because ye were more in number than any People for ye were the fewest of all People but because the Lord loved you And still the Lord's Election is an Election of Grace There is no antecedent worthiness in the People whom he chooseth 2 Tim. 1.9 not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given in Christ Iesus before the World began Now Grace is nothing but the Love of God working freely and of its own Inclination 2. The Act it self he hath chosen you making a distinction
of God and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanc●ified an unholy Thing and hath done despite unto the Spirit of Grace That is were in external Covenant with God and visibly dedicated But there is an other Sanctification which is the Fruit of the Spirit 〈◊〉 a real Change in them 1 Cor. 6.11 And such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God Find this and you find a sufficient Evidence Namely if you become new Creatures and be enabled to forsake Sin and follow after that which is pleasing in the sight of God Sanc●ification of the Spirit is not so much known by Dedication and Profession but by ●he real and fixed inclination of your Souls to God and Heaven and living accordingly you are turned to God and live to God 2. Your belief of the Truth that is of the Gospel Now this is meant not of a dead Faith or such a cold Assent as only begets an Opinion in us of the truth of Christian Religion but such a lively Faith as bringeth us under the power of it For it is opposed to them that do not receive the Truth in the love of it Ver. 10. To them that believed not the Truth because they had pleasure in Vnrighteousness Ver. 12. That lived under the power of fleshly and worldly Lusts. And it is spoken of them who had received the Truth so as to obey it and suffer for it as the Thessalonians are described all along And in short such a belief of the Truth as caused them to enter into Covenant with Christ and make conscience of their Fidelity to him And here in this Verse we learn That a bare belief of the Truth doth not save unless accompanied with the Sanctification of the Spirit And therefore both must be taken together when the Word cometh to us not in Word only but in Power and much assurance and joy in the Holy Ghost it is an infallible evidence of our Election of God 1 Thess. 1.5 Alas many have a general cold belief of the Gospel that never felt the effect of it upon their Hearts 4. Observe the necessary Connection that is between both these Means The Sanctification of the Spirit and the Belief of the Truth 1. There is a necessary Connection between them as between the Cause and the Effect For none are powerfully drawn to believe in Christ but such as are Sanctified by his Spirit It is not in the power of any Creature to incline us to God or bring us to come to him by Christ. But this Work is wholly reserved to the Spirit And so the Lord himself doth powerfully bring to pass his own Decrees as by Christ Redeeming so by the Spirit Sanctifying The Spirit is the Author both of Faith and Holiness Saving Grace is called a New Creature 2 Cor. 5.17 Therefore if any Man be in Christ he is a New Creature Ephes. 2.10 For we are his Workmanship created in Christ Iesus unto good Works which God hath before ordaine● that we should walk in them And to Create is the Work of a Divine Power Creat●re and Creator are Relatives And certainly the noblest Creature such as the New Creature is cannot be framed by any but God It is called a New Birth and the New Birth is only from the Spirit Iohn 3.5 6. Well then these are fitly coupled the Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth That God's Work may make way for ours 2. There is the Connection of Concomitancy between the Gospel and the Spirit The Spirit only goeth along with the Gospel and no other Doctrine and so both external and internal Grace are of God John 17.17 Sanctifie them by thy Truth thy Word is Truth It was fit that a Super-natural Doctrine should be accompanied with a Supernatural Operation and Power How else should it be known to be of God The Truth and the Spirit are inseparable Companions Where there is little of God known there is little of his Spirit As in the Natural Truth revealed to the Heathens Somewhat God shewed unto them Rom. 1.19 In the darker Revelation to the Iews there is but a fainter degree of the Spirit but Grace and Truth come by Iesus Christ. There goeth along with the Doctrine of the Gospel a mighty Spirit of Holiness for thereby God would prove the Verity and Truth of this Religion and suitably to the rich Mercy prepared for us in Christ. 3. There is a subordination of Faith to this Work of the Spirit by the Truth For the greatest Things work not till they be considered and beli●ved 1 Thess. 2.12 Ye received it not as the Word of Men but as it is in Truth the Word of God which worketh effectually also in you that believe A sound Belief produceth strong Affections and strong Affections govern our Practice and Conversation So that fitly are these things united as the fruits of our Election and means of Salvation 2. Why this is the great matter of our thansgiving to God That I shall evidence in the following considerations 1. That Thanksgiving to God is a great and necessary duty expresly injoin'd by him and expected from us 1 Thess. 5.18 In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Iesus When God hath interposed his Will all debates are silenced If there were nothing else in the case this is motive enough to a gracious Heart for the fundamental reason of all obedience is the Will of God Our thankfulness is no benefit to God yet he is pleased with it as it sheweth our Honesty and Ingenuity And to us Christians the very Life and Soul of our Religion is Thankfulness therefore God will have us continually exercised in it Heb. 13.15 Let us offer the Sacrifice of Praise continually that is the fruit of our Lips giving thanks unto his Name As our understanding was given us to think of God and know him So our speech was given us to speak of God and praise him We praise God for all his works we give him thanks for such as are beneficial to us In Praise we ascribe all Honour Excellency and Perfection unto him In giving thanks we express what he hath done for our selves or others Now this must be done continually for God is continually beneficial unto us by daily Mercies giving us new matter of Praise and Thanksgiving Besides there are some Mercies so great that they should never be forgotten 2. That we are to give thanks chiefly for Spiritual and Eternal Mercies Eph. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. For we cannot give thanks rightly without a just esteem of the Mercy we give thanks for But spiritual and eternal Mercies do much excel those that are temporal and transitory We are bound to bless the Lord for
little Flock for it is your Fathers good Pleasure to giv● you the Kingdom And this is accompanied with his active Providence and Care over us all the way thither So that all things are sanctified to us that we may be sanctified to God Rom. 8.28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the Called according to his purpose 2. It sheweth us that the Elect have cause to bless God if they be chosen to Salvation though not to Wealth Pleasure and Honour These Thessalonians endured great Afflictions for the Gospel sake yet Pa●l looked upon himself as bound to give thanks always to God for them because he had chosen them to Salvation God disperseth his Gifts variously some are shall I say chosen or condemned rather to Worldly Felicity It is the Will of God they should attain great Wealth and Honour here and will you envy them and repine against Providence though God hath reserved you for a better Estate hereafter Compare two places one is Ier. 17.13 All that forsake thee shall be written in the Earth The other is Luke 10.20 Rejoyce in this that your Names are written in Heaven Which is the better Privilege to be written in Earth or to be written in Heaven To have a great Name in the Subsidy-Book or to have our Names written in the Book of Life The one is their Punishment the other your Blessedness Second Use is Exhortation It presseth you to two things 1. Put in for a share and interest in this Mercy that is to say in the Apostle's words 2 Pet. 1.10 Give deligence to make your Calling and election sure God hath told us who are Elected and who are not Therefore our way is to accept of the general Grace offered and to devote and resign our selves to God and to depend upon the Merits of our Redeemer and put our selves under the Discipline of his Spirit in the use of the appointed Means humbly waiting for his renewing and reconciling Grace and every Day more and more by diligence in the holy and heavenly Life getting your Interest more assured For by this means do we come to know the purposed Love of God and that he hath not appointed us to Wrath but to obtain eternal Salvation by our Lord Iesus Christ. We need not say who shall go up to Heaven to know the Mind of God Our Election is known to us by our Vocation and our Vocation by the Fruits our walking before him in Holiness and Righteousness all our Days Surely the knowledg of our Election is a thing greatly to be desired because our Eternal Happiness and all Spiritual good Things depend upon it Election is the free Love of God by which he intendeth these Blessings to us This is manifested by Calling by which they begin to be applied to us then the effectual Operation which these Blessings have in us discovereth Calling when we call on the Name of Christ and depart from Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 2. We should praise and admire and esteem this glorious Grace and shew our Thankfulness both in Word and Deed. 1. In Word because that is a means to kindle in our Hearts the Love of God and to stir up a Spiritual rejoycing in him Psal. 103.1 2 3. Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his Benefits Who forgiveth all thine Iniquities who healeth all thy Diseases c. 2. But chiefly in Deed you are more obliged to live to God than other Men wh●n passing by thousands who in outward ●espects were better than you and you as deep in Sin as they Not only without but against all merit of yours by his singular Grace set you apart for himself Shall I sin against God and grieve his Spirit No Let me glorifie him as long as I have a Day to live SERMON XII 2 Thess. 2.14 Whereunto he called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Iesus Christ. AFter the Doctrine of Antichrist and God's dreadful Spiritual J●dgments on his Abetters and Followers the Apostle interposeth some matter of Consolation to the Thessalonians As before he comforted them from their Election so now from their Vocation Therefore as we saw the Doctrine of Election set forth in the former Verse with all its appendant Branches and Circumstances So now the Doctrine of Vocation with what belongeth to it Here Calling is set forth 1. By the Author of it he called you that is God who from the beginning hath chosen you to Salvation 2. The outward Means by our Gospel 3. The End which is double 1. Subordinate in the word Whereunto to Faith and Holiness 2. Ultimate to the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Iesus Christ. Whereunto he called you c. Doct. All that are Elected by God are in time effectually called by Faith and Holiness to obtain Eternal Life 1. I shall open effectual Calling by what is said of it in the Text. 2. That all chosen by God are called in this Way 1. Let me explain Effectual Calling 1. The Author of it he called you Namely God spoken of in the former Verse I prove it by these two Reasons 1. None else hath Authority to call 2. None else hath Power to call 1. Authority to call either to Duties or Priviledges for Calling is an earnest invitation to Duties upon the offer of several Priviledges 1. Duties 1. God is our proper Lord and rightful Soveraign He may justly challenge our Obedience being our Creator he is our Owner and being our Owner he is our Soveraign and Law-giver and may enact what Laws he pleaseth Certainly Creation giveth him an interest in us For every Man taketh himself to have an● Authority over what he hath made to dispose of it as he pleaseth Now he that properly made all things is God Man is said to make a thing as he bestoweth Ar● upon it but God bestoweth Being upon it A Potter may form his Clay into what Vessel he pleaseth to make one Vessel unto Honour and another unto dishonour Rom. 9.21 that is either a Dish for Food or a Vessel to serve the vilest uses of Nature for Meat or Excrements But we speak of Rational Creatures that are capable of proper Government Surely God made us and hath a right to govern us Our Parents are but Instruments of his Providence they know not how the Child is framed in the Womb c. Now he calleth upon us to do our Duty with Original Supreme Authority we may refuse others if they speak not to us in his Name they have no right over our Consciences to impose new Duties upon us James 4.12 There is one Lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy Now his Calling being a powerful Excitation to do our Duty it originally belongeth to God 2. As to Priviledges The Blessings God offereth are so great and glorious
Title to govern us but yet it was not comfortable to us it was but such a Right as a Prince hath to chastise his Rebellious Subjects We forfeited our Interest in his gracious Protection therefore was this new Interest set afoot to save and recover Fallen Man therefore this Lordship is spoken of as Medicinal and Restorative to reduce Man to the Obedience of God that made him Acts 10.38 God anointed Iesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed with the Devil It is a Lordship that conduceth to make Peace between God and Man that we may again enjoy his Favour and live in his Obedience Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted with his right Hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance unto Israel and remission of sins This new Lord hath made a new Law of Grace which is Lex Remedians a Remedy propounded for the recovering the lapsed World of Mankind the great benefit is Remission of Sins the great Duty Repentance Use 1. To perswade us to submit our selves to this Blessed Lord by our voluntary consent Psalm 45.11 He is thy Lord worship thou him There is a passive Subjection and a voluntary Submission By a passive Subjection all Creatures are under the Power of the Son of God and our Redeemer And amongst the rest the Devils themselves though grievous Revolters and Rebels are not exempted Every Knee is forced to bow to Christ. By voluntary submission those are Christ's Subjects and admitted into his Kingdom who willingly give up themselves to the Redeemer to be saved upon his own terms 2 Cor. 8.5 They first gave their own selves to the Lord. The Devils and wicked Men are his against their wills bu● all Christ's People are his by their own consent Vse 2. Let us perform the Duties which this Title calleth for Our Obedience is the best Testimony of our subjection to him Many seem to like Christ as a Saviour but refuse him as a Lord whereas Christ is not only a Saviour to Bless but a Lord to Rule and Command Therefore if we catch at Comforts and neglect Duty we ●o not own Christ's Authority The Libertine yokeless Spirit is natural to all Luke 19.14 We will not have this Man to raign over us Psal. 12.4 With our Tongues we will prevail our Lips are our own who is Lord over us Psal. 2.3 Let us break their Bands ass●nder and cast away their Cords from us Some are so in Opinion but most in Practice We would not be uner Command we love Privileges but decline Duties But he is the Head of the Church who is the Saviour of the Body Ephes. 5.23 If we would have Privileges by him we must set our selves to obey his Laws If thou hast no care to obey him as a Lord thy esteem of Christ is but imaginary thy knowledg but partial thy application of him unsound But we wil● own him as Lord How is that understood Will you give him an empty Title or some superficial Complements and Observances Luke 6● 46 And why call you me Lord Lord and do not the things that I say It is a Mockage Or will you please your selves with strict Opinions Matth. 6.21 22. For where your Treasure is there will your Heart be also The light of the Body is the Eye if therefore thine Eye be single thy whole Body shall be full of Light if therefore the Light that is in thee be Darkness how great is that Darkness No nothing less than a through subjection to his holy Laws forsaking all other Lords Isa. 26.13 O Lord our God other Lords besides thee have had dominion over us but by thee only will we make mention of thy Name And then a strict Observance Col. 1.11 strengthened with all might according to his glorious Power unto all Patience and Long-suffering with joyfulness Vse 3. Depend upon Christ for the effects of his Love to you which are the Privileges of his Kingdom which are Pardon of Sins Col 1.13 14. In whom we have redemption through his Blood the forgiveness of our Sins the santification of the Spirit Heb. 8.10 This is the Covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after those Days saith the Lord I will put my Laws into their Minds and write them in their Hearts Assistance in carrying on the Spir●tual Life that here surely our Lord will not desert us but help us in our O●●●ience to him Finally everlasting Life Heb. 5.9 And being made Perfect he became the Author of eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him When the Devil and his Instruments are cast into Hell Christ's faithful Subjects and Servants are advanced into eternal Glory and Blessedness 2. God is represented under the Title of a Father and God even our Father God is a word of Power Father expresseth his good Will and Love God standeth in both Relations to us as he did also to Christ. John 20.17 I go to my God and your God my Father and your Father Both joyned together signifie his Power and readiness to do Good He that is our Father is true God also and he that is true God is also our Father and therefore we may depend on him That which we are to open is the term Father which speaketh both Comforth and Duty to us 1. Comfort For God's dealing with us will be very Fatherly as a Father loveth his Children so will God love his People 2 Cor. 6.18 I will be a Father to ●ou and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord. 1. He will pardon our Sins and Frailties and spare us and pity us notwithstanding our ill deservings Psal. 103.13 Like as a Father pitieth his Children so the Lord pitieth them that fear him Mal. 3.17 They shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts in that Day when I make up my Iewels and I will spare them as a Man spareth his won Son that serveth him Surely this is a Grace we stand in need of because of our manifold Infirmities and daily Failings 2. He will give Grace that we may ●●rve him better Luke 11.13 If ye then b●●●g evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Do but cry to him as an hungry Child to his Father for Bread and God will not deny this great Gift to you 3. God will provide for us and give such an allowance of Temporal Mercies as are convenient Mark 6.25 Take no thought 〈◊〉 your Life what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink nor yet for your Body what ye shall put on And Ver. 32. For after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things The belief of Adoption and particular Providence kills all distrustful fears and cares at the very Root 4. He will protect you and preserve you against
That Interest giveth some hope and confidence is evident because sometimes the Saints plead the common Relation that they are the Workmanship of his hands Psalm 119.73 Thy hands have made me and fas●ioned me give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandments They will not quit their Interest in God if they cannot come as his special Servants yet as his Creatures one way another they will intitle themselves to him Vse To direct the Servants of God when they ask any Grace of him to bring it to his still Our Lord and our Father But how shall they do so if they have no assurance I answer 1. There are some Titles which imply a claim to Benefits and Priviledges others that infer an obligation to Duty these latter may be used without any usurpation Ioh. 20.28 My Lord and my God 2. Resignation of your selves to him sheweth you are his and in time you will come to know that he is yours if you make it good Psalm 119.94 I am thine save me for I have sought thy Precepts Resolve to obey him and serve him however he deal with you Choice of God for our Portion and Christ for our Lord sheweth you are resolved to be his 3. Speak as the Covenant speaketh that you are under till your sincerity be more unquestionable God offers himself to be our God and Redeemer and Father Christ to be our Lord and Saviour Isa. 63.16 Doubtless thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledg us not thou O Lord art our Father our Redeemer thy Name is from everlasting God offered himself to be so and God is angry for not owning it Jer. 3.4 Wilt thou no● from this time cry unto me My Father thou art the guide of my Youth SERMON XV. 2 Thess. 2.16 17. Which hath loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope through Grace VVE come now to the second Branch The ground of Audience and Success in Prayer Which hath loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope through Grace Where three grounds of Acceptance are intimated 1. The first is taken from the Rise and Foundation of all the Love of God he hath loved us 2. From the Matter of our Comfort he hath given us everlasting Consolation 3. From the Way whereby we receive it and entertain it and good hope through Grace The first relateth to our Redemption by Christ. The second to the New Covenant The third to the disposition of our Hearts and how we are affected in the reception of these thi●●● as will appear more in the expli 〈…〉 Branch 〈…〉 with the Rise and Founda 〈…〉 race which we expect and ●●g of ●od in Prayer He hath loved us Doct. That God's Love to Sinners manifested in our Redemption by Christ giveth great boldness and encouragement in Prayer 1. I shall prove this is the Love here intended 2. That this giveth boldness in Prayer I. That this is the Love here intended for these Reasons 1. This is a visible effect and demonstration of his Love to us 1 John 3.16 Hereby perceive we the Love of God to us in that he layed down his life for us And I Iohn 4.9 10. In this was manifested the Love of God towards us in that he sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live by him Herein was Love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent ●is Son to be a propitia●ion for our sins From these places I gather that to found our Confidence and Hope it was needful that the Love God had to us s●ould shew it self by some manifest and real proof How can we tell how God's Heart standeth affected to mankind but by the Effects What-ever benevolence or good-will he had towards us it is not evident to us till it break forth into some Action and real performance of some great thing for us Now this was fully manifested in giving his Son to die for a sinful World that he hath a love for us and doth really desire our Salvation There is an hidden love of God which is his eternal Purpose and Decree and there is an open and declared Love and that is first and most seen in our Redemption by Christ. In Predestination his Love was conceived in his Heart in Redemption it is manifested in the Effects that was the Rise this the visible Demonstration and Sign of it Now the Apostle would not reason from what was hidden and secret but from what is open and manifest 2. This is not only the Demonstration and visible Proof of the reality of his Love but an ample representation and commendation of the greatness of his Love Rom. 5.8 But God commendeth his Love to us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us A thing may be demonstrated to be real that yet is not commended or set forth as great and glorious But God would express his Love in such an astonishing Instance that we might admire the greatness as well as believe the reality of it John 3.16 God so loved the World c. that is so unspeakably so unconceivably would he express his Love to Mankind as to send his Son to assume our Nature and die for our Transgressions He doth not tell you how but leaveth you to admire at it and rejoice in it What may we not expect from this Love this great Love if God loveth us at such rate surely he is in good earnest his Heart is set upon our Salvation or else he would never have taken this course of giving his only Son to suffer an accursed and shameful Death Now when the Apostle saith God hath loved us he meaneth it of the great instance of his Love Analogum pe● se positum stat pro suo significatu famosiori Words not restrained by the Context must be interpreted in the most famous and known sense 3. This is the first motive to draw our hearts to him 1 John 4.19 We love him because he loved us first The first motive of our Affection is not his special Electing-Love to us above others for that we cannot know before we love him but his common Love and Mercy to Sinners and that was manifested in Christ's being sent to be a Propitiation for our Sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole World This is that which is propounded to us to recover and reconcile our alienated and estranged Affections to God 2 Cor. 5.19 20. God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself not imputing their Trespasses unto him This Grace God offereth to us as well as others namely that for Christ's sake he will pardon our Sins if we will lay down our Weapons and enter into his Peace None are bound to believe that God specially loveth them but those that are specially beloved by him for none are bound to believe a falshood and a falshood it is to us till we have the saving Effects and
we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end Their Hope is slight and fluid the Temporary loseth his Joy and Comfort which he conceived in the offers of the Gospel and so either casts off the profession of Godliness or neglecteth the Power and Practice of it But the true Christian is Serious Patient Heavenly and Holy because he is alway looking to his End and sweetneth his Work by his great Hope keepeth up his Taste or lively expectation of the Mercy of Christ to everlasting Life Nay this differenceth the Children of God those that are in their Conflict from those that are in their Triumph the Sanctified and Glorified those that are in their Way and those that are at Home They that are at Home are enjoying what we expect and in posse●●ion of that Supreme Good that we yet hope for they have neither Miseries to fear nor Blessings to desire beyond what they do enjoy they see what they love and possess what they see But the time of our Advancement is not yet come and therefore we can only look and long for it this is our Work and present Happiness 2. Now the Covenant of God is contrived to raise Hope in us The Iachin and Boaz the two Pillars that support it are Mercy and Truth Micah 7.20 Thou wilt perform the Truth to Jacob and t●e Mercy to Abraham Psal. 25.10 All the Paths of the Lord ●re Mercy and Truth unto such as keep his Covenant and his Testimonies And Psal. 138.2 I will praise the Name for thy loving Kindness and Truth For thou hast magnified thy Word above all thy Name And in many other Scriptures 1. The Mercy and Grace of the Covenant 1. In the frame of it where excellent Benefits are dispensed upon free Terms that our Faith and Hope may be in God the Lord would not leave the sinful Creature under Despair but hath provided a way how we may be R●conciled and Glorified Psal. 130.4 There is forgiveness with thee that thou mayst be feared Mercy opens the Door for us the very offer speaks much Mercy the terms are Mercy So much Duty is required as is necessary and doth arise from the nature of the thing Violence would be offered to the Reason of a serious Creature if such things were not required 2. In the dispensations of th● Blessings of the Covenant Now Gal. 6.16 To as many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and Mercy and on the Israel of God There are many Infirmities and Fra●lties but God passeth them by when there is Sincerity Our Faith is weak and mingled with Doubtings our Love to God clogged with much inordinate Self-love our Obedience often interrupted Too much deadness and coldness in holy Things yet these do not cast us out of the favour of God nor make void our Interest in the Covenant where the Heart for the main is set to serve him and please him Mal. 3.17 I will spare them as a Man spareth his own Son that ●erveth him 3. At the very close of all it is Grace Hope unto the end for the Grace that is brought unto you at the Revelation of Christ 1 Pet. 1.13 Then there will be the fullest and largest Manifestation of God's Love and free Grace There is Grace brought to us now by the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospel but when his Person shall be revealed Grace shall be seen in all its Graciousness We see his Grace in the pardon of Sins and that measure of Sanctification which now we attain unto that he is pleased to pass by our Offences and take us into his Family and give us right to his Heavenly Kingdom and some taste of his Love and remote Service But when Pardon shall be pronounced by the Judge's Mouth when he shall take us not only into his Family but into his Palace and Father's House and give us not Right only but Possession and we shall be admitted to the immediate Vision and Fruition of God and be everlastingly imployed in Heavenly Praising and delighting in him then Grace will be Grace indeed 2. His Truth and Mercy openeth the Door for us Truth keepeth it open Mercy is the Pipe Truth is the conveyance Now God bindeth himself by Promise and hath ever been tender of his Word We may see for the present that a Covenant-Interest is no fruitless thing he hath confirmed this Hope to the World by Miracles to us within the Church by the Seal and earnest of his Spirit or the impression of his Image preparing the Hearts of the Faithful for this blessed Estate Ephes. 4.30 Grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the Day of Redemption 2 Cor. 5.5 Who hath given us the earnest of his Spirit He hath appointed Ordinances to revive our Hopes 1 Cor. 11.26 For as often as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye do shew the Lord's Death till he come By daily experience we see many of God's Children have gone out of the World chearfully professing this Hope we have the same Father of whom the whole Family in Heaven and Earth is named Ephes. 3.15 are reconciled to him by the same Christ. Col. 1.20 Having made peace through the Blood of the Cross by him to reconcile all things to himself by him I say whether they be things in Earth or things in Heaven If he be so good to that part of the Family that is now in Heaven he will be good to them also that are working out their Salvation with fear and trembling 3. What an advantage is it to the Spiritual Life to have good Hope wrought in us through Grace 1. It maketh us diligent and Serious Christianity implieth a serious application of our Heart and Mind to do what Christ requireth that we may obtain what he hath offered to do it as our first work and chief business Phil. 2.12 Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling Heb. 4.1 Let us labour to enter into that rest That is imply our utmost care and diligence Now all the Executive Powers are fortified and strengthened in their Operation by Hope 2. To be Patient and Mortified that we subdue our Lusts and bear the loss of our Interests with an humble and quiet Mind Rom. 12.12 Patient in Tribulation rejoycing in Hope And for Lusts 1 John 3.3 He that hath this Hope purifieth himself even as he is Pure 3. To be Heavenly and Holy the one respects our End the other our Race For it is not a few dead lifeless Thoughts now and then but the continual and delightful fore-sight of Eternal Bliss What is the way to Heaven but Hope And who more pure and holy than they that look for such things 2 Pet. 3.14 Wherefore Bel●ved seeing ye look for such things be diligent that ye be found of him in peace without spot and blameless Vse 2. Well then get this Hope But what must we do You will say It is God's Gift Yet