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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22061 The letters which Iohan Ashwel priour of Newnham Abbey besids Bedforde, sente secretely to the Bishope of Lyncolne in the yeare of our lord M.D.xxvii. Where in the sayde priour accuseth George Ioye that tyme beinge felawe of Peter college in Cambridge, of fower opinio[n]s: with the answer of the sayed George vn to the same opinions. Joye, George, d. 1553.; Ashwell, John, d. 1541? 1531 (1531) STC 845; ESTC S109050 30,257 49

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wherof to reioyse but not before God And euen here is Iames question soluted Iaco. 2. sayng Abraham our father was he not iustified by his dedes when he wolde haue offred his sonne Isaac yes verely as here saith Paule he had to reioyse before men but not before God that is to saye he had that dede which iustified him ād declared him iuste vtwardly before men with the rightwisnes of the lawe for his obedience but as concerninge the rightwisnes of 〈◊〉 before God saith Paule Abrahā beleued in God and it was rekened him for rightwisnes This is Paules firste argument to proue his principal proposicion which argument he taketh of the example of Abraham father of the peple of God In whom the forme of rightwismakinge was firste declared and setforthe for our example The seconde argumente Paule deduceth of the diffiniciō of th●s worde Vvas Rekened which standeth in the sayd autorite of Genes●s 15. and it signifieth a rekeninge a fre forgeuenes of a dutye which the dettour is not able to paye sainge To hī that worketh is the rewarde not rekened of fauoure but of dutye And to him that worketh not but beleueth on hī that iustifieth the vngodly Faith is rekened for rightwisnes faithe sayth he ād not workes euen as Dauid sayth Blessed is that man to whome the lorde rekeneth not his sinne he sayd not blessed is he that worketh but he to whō God rekeneth not sinne that is to saye althoughe he be a sinner and not able to come oute of dette yet wil not God of his mercy reken it vnto hym ne laye it to his charge for that the penitent sinner beleueth that Christe made satisfaction for him ād payd the raunsome for it with his preciouse bloude And vpon this fre forgeuenes he sealed him a quitaunce with the seale of circumcision which was a tokē to hī that he was iustified by his faith But we haue nowe a more suer ād liuelyer token of our right wismakinge by faithe for god hath confirmed vs in Christe he hath anoynted vs he hath cōsegned vs vnto him and geuen vs his holygost for an erneste of his promise to be iustified by faith 2. Cor. 1 and Ephe. 1. thus sayng Aftir that you harde the Gospel which is the worde of truth wheryn ye beleued ye were scaled with the holy spirit whiche is to vs as an ernest peny to be assuerde of our promised heretage whiche is purchesed vs by redempcion into the prayse of the glorie of God Mo argumentes Paule maketh in the same 4. cap. to the Romans for the probacion of his sentence espye them oute if you can and desyer God to geue you vnderstandinge Also ye shal knowe that Christe came not as a lawyer like Moses but he was the very redemer and reconcyler of the beleuers thorow his bloude into his fathers fauour and grace The lawe was geuen by Moses but remission of sinnes and the holygoste is geuen by Christe Iohan 1. ye that vnto all vpon al that beleue Ro. 1 Oh what consolacion is in this one place set forthe for feared and troubled conscienses suerly no tonge can expresse it for althoughe we wante good workes as we wante al for there is not one that doth good but we ar al sinners yet let vs beleue that for Christes sake we are receyued frely into our fathers grace This rightwisnes is set forth of his mercie for vs with oute the workes of the lawe wherfore suerly it were grete blasphemie agenst Christe and no lesse defilinge of his mercie se●te not to receyue the merites of his passion that is to saye the rightwisnes by faithe but to turne it into our sinful workes If ●ny man ▪ be he neuer so holy shuldbe iustified by his workes then had ●hriste saith Paule to the Galat. in the secōd chapter dyed in vaine for that same man let vs therfore receyue Christes rightwisnes nowe offred vs let vs truste to his rightwisnes and merets not to our owne nor yet to eny others for al our rightwisnesses saith I saie ī the. 64. chapter ar as the spotted and foure clothes of a menstruose It is verely ● grete blasphemie to refuse this suer and fre forgeuenes in Christes bloude ye ād a dam●able thinge to 〈…〉 it as heresie and to seke for workes of our owne muencion vpon this hope and beliefe to deserue heuen and to be iustified by them For this article to ●e knowne Paule swet so sore in his pistles and laboured in h●s preachin●e But yet let not blinde carnal reason make this obiection agenste him saing If faithe withoute workes iustifieth then nede we not to do eny good workes Not so 〈◊〉 for by faithe therfore ar we iustified to thentente we shuld ▪ do good workes neuer ceasse and therfore Paule after that he had sufficiently proued his conclusion dyd serro in the. 12. 〈…〉 to the 〈…〉 good workes then euer we ar able to do 〈◊〉 wor●es in their place and faith in hir place for if the workes ar not done of faith then are they sinne Rom. xiiij ¶ Nowe master prior because you or not gretly acqueynted with Paules doctrine althoughe he be your patrone and paynted at your gates because his argumēts ar to highe for them that neuer felt faith nor yet tasted the fealinge of the spirite of faith i● the schole of the crosse I wil descēde with yowe into a more sensible demonstracion to proue Paules sainges trwe to dāne your opiniō Paule as he was going to persecute Christes chirche was smiten downe a murderer and rose agene a iustified man which yet had done no good workes but only beleued in Iesu Christ that smit him downe and spake vnto him ergo faith only iustified The yonge innocent newe Christined and departed I thinke you wil graunte is iustified but not bi his workes ergo The thefe that hanged by Christe was iustified vpon the crosse but not for eny workes that he ther did ergo for his faith only Wherfore sir me thinke ye were to hastye to iuge me a Lutherane and an heretique for affirming or holding eny saing of holy scripture which I knowe wel you vnderstand not ād to impute vnto me that whiche I neuer said and so preuely to accuse me where vpon to avoyde the cruel tirānye of my lorde your reuerent spiritual father with his adherentes that yet fight agenste the lorde and his anoynted I was constr●yned to lese al that I had and to flee Syr stande yowe to your glisteringe good workes and glor●ouse merets beleuinge to be iustified and forgeuē for them not in Christes dethe and truste you to them if you wil ●or as for me which am an heretique and a Luther●ne in your opinion I shall by Goddis grace fea●e with Iobe al my deades praye with Dauid O lorde I beseche the entre not into iugemēt with thy seruaunte but saue me deliuer me for thy rightwisnes sake not for mine