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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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armes to call and receiue vnto himselfe vs poore sinners lost children saying Come to me all ye that labour and are laden and I will refresh you He sheweth his woundes out of the which floweth the plentifull riuer and fountaine of his precious deare bloud to the washing awaie of all our filthynesse Hee boweth downe his head to speake friendly vnto vs. Boldly therfore with great comfort and confidence ought al sinners to resort vnto him where they shall find help consolation defence and protection there should they laie downe the heauie burthens of theyr sinnes Vnto vs must al the world be a crosse and we vnto the world onely let Christ the Lord be our life and to die with him our greatest aduantage Farre bee from vs all reioycing saue onely in the crosse of Iesus Christ farre be from vs al confidence in our owne workes merites for all our health consisteth in the crosse of Iesus Christ wherein vndoubtedly we may well set all our hope By him commeth forgiuenesse of sinnes out of him floweth the riches of all deseruing with him is the reward of all righteousnes Through the contempt of our selues and of all temporall things let vs barely nakedly and simply followe the naked and crucified Lord. Teach vs O God to haue delight in contemning our selues and all temporal things and when other folkes are in trouble to be sorrie and praie for them Grant vs grace to wish good vnto those that hurt and punish vs let vs not trust in men for there bee fewe faithfull and constant friends Heere also should we learne not to be grieued if we haue few louers and many enemies for so happened euen vnto Christ our head He had many foes to whome yet he did none euil but much good and receiued great vnthanke for his labour Sweete and acceptable should it bee vnto vs to suffer reproch of the world and to be despised for his sake yea to auoyd all voluptuousnes and ioy of the world saying we are fastned vnto the crosse with Christ To seeke much pastime pleasure of the world becommeth not him that must suffer aduersitie All this learne we in the passion of Christ and in the crosse Blessed is hee that directeth his daily exercise and his whole life there after hee shall enioy the fruit of the tree of life for euer O GOD heauenlie Father looke vppon the face of thine annointed who hanged for vs vppon the crosse Be merciful vnto vs poore sinners which bee laden with great and greeuous sinnes forgiue vs for the most worthie merites sake of thine onelie begotten deare sonne who for our sinnes was beaten and wounded Let him satisfie thee for all our sinnes He is our suretie in thy sight our faithful aduocat and mediatour him thou gladly hearest O father of mercie and graciouslie acceptest his intercession for all sinners O gracious Lord Iesu sonne of the eternall God who of verie loue towards vs tookest vpon thee our weake fleshe vndefiled from all sinne and diddest offer vp the same flesh vnto thy father vpon the Altar of the crosse for the safegard of the worlde haue mercy vppon vs thy seruauntes for thy euerlasting goodnes and for the infinite merites sake of thy holie passion For thy deseruing excelleth al mens sins and much greater is the aboundance of thy mercie then all our wickednesse Therefore flie wee vnto thee vnder the protection of thy holy crosse with sighing hearts seeke we helpe grace and remedy for our woundes Receiue vs that are fledde vnto thee Heale vs that be sick make vs iust and righteous that be sinners Drawe thou vs vppe an high O Lord Iesu from all worldlie thinges binde vppe our fleshe with thy feare wound vs with thy sweet loue that nothing els take holde of our heart saue onely Iesus Christ Out of the woundes of Iesu and out of the running out of his bloud doe wee receiue hope There finde wee medicine for our soules aboundance of grace and perfect forgiuenesse Whatsoeuer we receiue of sinfull vices whatsoeuer wee commit with bodily sensualitie the same is altogether washed and refourmed in the fountaine of Christs bloud O the vnoutspeakable loue which the sonne of God beareth towards his Church that he washeth and clenseth it with his owne bloud with the bloud of the new Testament that it may be holy pure and without spot Not with siluer and golde doth GOD redeeme his creature but with the precious bloud of his owne sonne O deare children let vs not tread vnder foote the bloud of the holie Testament let vs not be vnthankefull vnto our Sauiour Thy holie bloud O Iesu make vs pure and cleane from all sinne and sanctifie vs thoroweout that our spirite soule and bodie may cheerefullie waite for thy comming and liue with thee for euer IESVS said O Father forgiue them for they knowe not what they doe Pilate wrote a superscription of the matter and fastened it aboue at the head of the crosse The superscription was written in the Greeke Latine and Hebrew with these woordes Iesus of Nazareth king of the Iewes This superscription did many of the Iewes read for the place where Iesus was crucified was neere vnto the Citie and the superscription was written in Greeke Latine and Hebrew Then said the high Priestes of the Iewes vnto Pilate write not king of the Iewes but that he called himselfe king of the Iewes Pilate answered What I haue written I haue written The souldiers when they had crucified Iesus they tooke his garmentes and made foure parts to euery souldier one part and also his coat The coat was without seam wrought vpon thorow out Then said they together let vs not deuide it but cast lottes for it who shall haue it that the scripture might be fulfilled saying They haue parted my raiment among them and for my coat they cast lots And the souldiers did such things in deed Then sate they downe and kept him There stood also much people and beheld Doctrine and fruit THE last wordes which Iesus spake vppon the crosse ought all faithful beleeuers wel to write in their hearts and therein diligently to keepe them First he spake a louing friendly word a word ful of grace sweet comfort to al sinners sufficient and enough to breake al hardnes of hart and to prouoke fruitfull repentance Father forgiue them O how great goodnes and louing kindnes is this how ready is Iesus vnto mercy how well willing is hee to forgiue his louers that sheweth himselfe so mild and gracious vnto his enemies No angrie word no displeasure poureth hee out against those that crucified him no vengeance nor plague desireth he to fal vppon that vngracious people but speaketh most sweet woordes full of ardent loue O Father forgiue them c. In these words apeareth his exceeding great loue with vnoutspeakable softnes of mind which thorow no mallice might bee ouerome They like madde and bloud thirstie
Iesus to kisse him And when he came he stept vnto him and sayd All haile master and with that kissed him Iesus sayd vnto him Friend whereto art thou come Iudas betrayest thou the sonne of man with a kisse Iesus knowing all things that were to come vpon himselfe went forth and sayd vnto them Whom seeke ye They said Iesus of Nazareth Then sayd he vnto them I am he And Iudas that betraied him stood with them Now when Iesus sayd I am hee they went backeward and fell to the ground Then Iesus asked them againe whome seeke ye They said Iesus of Nazareth Then answered Iesus and said I haue tolde you that I am hee If ye seeke me then let these depart that the saying which he spake might bee fulfilled Of them whome thou gauest me I haue lost none Doctrine and fruit CHrist the worthy and strong Captaine when he hath whollie giuen ouer himselfe steppeth forth weaponed going manfully and stedfastlie against the prince of this world and his ministers yeelding and offering himselfe willingly to suffer for vs as Esay saith quia voluit for so was it his will No man had beene able to take him or put him to death if hee had not so willed himselfe for hee had power to leaue his owne life Many times afore did hee giue place to their fury and got himselfe out of the way but when the houre apointed of the father was come he goeth himselfe willingly meeteth death by the way Heere ought we also to learne willingly and stoutly to goe into aduersity if it bee the will of our father if Gods honour and our neighbours welfare so require For like as the father suffreth not his son to die till the houre of death come euen so standeth our life in his hand The limits that hee hath set vnto vs may we neither preuent nor ouer passe neither lieth it in the power of our enemies to kill vs when they will themselues Christ careth for those that are his the enemies are able to doe vs no harme at all no neither in bodie nor goods till the Father giue them leaue Therfore he sayth Let these go The father according to his greate mercie and gracious will thrusteth vs into aduersitie with Christ his deare beloued sonne in such wise so much and at what time he will himselfe Against his will ought we not to striue but patiently and with obedience submit our selues wholy vnto it Oh what an vnspeakable great loue is heere The shepheard dieth to saue the lyfe of the poore sheepe the Lorde goeth vnto death to the intent that the seruants should not die the creator spareth not himselfe to saue his creature If the sonne of God nowe doeth not abhorre to suffer death for vs why would wee then bee ashamed to suffer and die for hys sake And though he be verie God and sheweth his enemies the brightnes of his godly strength in that he so throweth them to the grounde yet will not he in the same houre vse such his diuine power to deliuer himself albeit he admonisheth them therby to cease from their conceiued mallice for his godly strength casteth them downe his mercie grace lifteth them vp again Out of the which great myracle they shuld haue learned not to laie hande on him malitiously they shoulde haue considered that if it had beene his pleasure hee might well haue escaped their handes so that they had not beene able to holde him but the vnbeleeuing rable are blinded indurate and hardned that neither myracle nor kindnes can moue them Oh the high maiestie of Christ how shall vnbeleeuers be able to stand before him when he shal appeare in the iudgement whereas before his weaknesse and humilitie when hee was now to bee iudged himselfe they were not able to stand If his louing voice wherewith hee speaketh so gentlie vnto them and saith I am hee dooth so feare them and throw them down What wil then the horrible voice of the Iudge doe when hee shall say depart yee cursed into euerlasting fire O how innocently and godly ought we to liue before him who is among vs and in vs heareth all our words seeth all our workes sercheth and looketh thorow all our thoughts howe secret so euer they be Christ at this time withdrew his high power and in weaknes of the flesh and in wonderfull high patience stept he forth to suffer By his ensample must wee learne not to take vs to our high estate but with patience and humblenes of mind to meet the enemie Like patience and gentlenes vseth he also towards his traitour whome hee goeth to meet not speaking rough wordes vnto him brawleth not with him rateth him not as he was well worthy but receiueth him with all softnes of mind and gentlenes whereas yet hee came to deliuer betray him into the hands of the wicked and vnto death Neither dooth the Lorde denie him so much as the kisse the token of friendship but louingly also talketh he with him albeit he also maketh mention of his vnfeined and dissembling friendship telling him of it admonishing him if he had not bene hardened to cease from his conceaued treason Wherefore we also must learne of Christ so far as concerneth our owne person and estimation with all mildnesse softnesse of mind patience and greatest loue to meete those that hate vs and betray vs if peraduenture with such loue and gentlenes of minde wee may bring them away from their malice and wickednes Heere also with great feare dread ought we to consider of the iudgement God in Iudas that he being one of the twelue and elect Disciples dooth betray and sell the Lord Iesus his gratious louing Maister Whereby wee are taught how that amongst all men there is nothing throughly perfect and whole seeing that in so holy and small number there is one man so greatly stuffed with wickednesse Therefore he that standeth let him looke that he fall not Lette couetousnes blind no man let the desire of temporall good possesse and rule no mans heart for out of couetousnes the roote of all vice groweth nothing but treason and despaire No righteousnesse no fidelity no truth no honesty can be in that hart wherin greedie couetousnes hath taken root Iudas for verie greedines of money giueth ouer God all loue and hee that afore was a fellowe and companion of the holy congregation of Gods children is become a mate companion and Captaine of the wicked vnbeleeuers hee that was chosen to the preaching of the Gospell is become an enemie persecutor and traitour against the truth O from how high great honour to what shame dishonestie and vile state falleth Iudas who hauing woluish conditions vnder sheepes cloathing doth vnder the token of loue practise treason against the trueth From Iesus the true health hee seperateth himselfe to the children of the Deuill hee getteth him amongst the bloud-thirstie yea euen he that hitherto in outward appearaunce had
God who giueth strength and power vnto those that are his Item it serueth to our commoditie and profite in that we see a good godly man fall and sinne and afterward rise vp againe and amend least we should saie Alas I am lost I haue done this and I haue done that but forasmuch as wee see that Peter by repentance weeping and conuerting agayne doeth obtaine grace it is meete and conuenient that wee acknowledge our offences vnto GOD desire grace weepe and complayne of our sinnes before GOD. For both are heere set before vs the fall and the repentaunce and this ensample is good and profitable to those that are in the right waie of godlynesse and also vnto sinners The godly iust and righteous learne by this to bee circumspect and not to presume Sinners by occasion of this doo learne immediatly to rise vp againe from theyr fall and not in anie wise to despayre Yea our owne fall learne we to knowe by Peters fal but alasse our fall is much more grieuous greater than Peters Peter sinned through weaknesse many a time doe wee sinne wilfully and aduisedly hee once we daily he was constrained thorow feare we many a time thorowe light occasions fall from the way of truth and righteousnes hee riseth vp againe forth-with we seldome and slowlie he wept bitterly we scarce doe confesse and knowledge the sinne Yea bitterlie wept he which thing al the electought to doe if they haue sinned There should nothing greeue vs more than to haue sinned against GOD than to haue displeased God This doe not wilfull sinners which passe little or nothing vpon sinne and when they come into the deepenes thereof care not for it neither confesse nor acknowledge their sinne vntill afterwarde with dispaire as it is to see in Iudas But Peter bewailing the greeuous fall and wickednesse of his deniall without further falling away into horrible desperation is preserued thorow the goodnes of God in the confidence of gods oft prooued and accustomed mercie is hee lift vp vnto blessed repentance and so healed Christs looke the true Phisitian is vnto him as much as a worde or speech Wherein wee may learne to knowe the vnspeakeable loue of GOD who euen in the middest of sinne forgetteth not his own forsaketh them not but graciously looketh vppon them with the eyes of his mercie admonisheth them speaketh vnto them through the outward and inward worde with the which gratious countenance he diswadeth them frō sinne and calleth them againe to himselfe prouoking them to sorrowe and mourning lamentation weeping Hee spreadeth out his armes and lappe of his mercie and graciously taketh vs vp againe receiueth vs with the lost sonne Therfore let vs knowledge repent and bitterly bewaile our sinnes let vs wash them away with teares and endeuor our selues with great diligence that negligently we fall not into them againe let vs runne to the bottomlesse well of the mercie of God and pray O merciful God giue vs the wel of blessed teares that from the bottome of our harts we may with Peter bewa●le our sinnes O with how great and greeuous sinnes are we laden and entangled O suffer vs not to lie vnder the heauie burden lette vs not sinke downe in heauines and desperation Set thou vs vp againe and conuert vs throughly send grace of thy holie repentaunce into our heart wash away all our sinnes and negligence graunt vs the light of newe graces and giftes let not the soules perish for whom thou diddest submit thy selfe into so many paines rebukes and at the last diddest suffer the terrible bitter death of the crosse Amen THE high Priest asked Iesus of his Disciples and of his doctrine Iesus answered him I haue openly spoken vnto the world I haue alwaies taught in the Synagogue and in the temple there as all the Iewes resort together in corners haue I taught nothing Why askest thou me Aske them that heard me what I said vnto them Behold they can tell what I said When he had thus spoken one of the ministers that stood by smote Iesus vpon his cheek said Answerest thou the high Priest so Then Iesus answered him said If I haue spoken euil then bear record of the euil but if I haue well spoken why smitest thou me Doctrine and fruite HEere in the high Priest wee see an example of those malicious persons that take in hand to ouerthrow and condemne the truth afore they heare it Great is the arrogancie of man who dare presume to make him selfe a Iudge of Gods trueth whereas of more right the truth and woorde of God should iudge our words and workes The vnderstanding of man of the flesh perceiueth not the thing that concerneth God and therefore hee refuseth it and iudgeth it vnright and so giueth sentence afore he know what the matter is This the more pitie do al they that seeke their own profit and estimation and not the honour of God Nowe in such a false and temerarious sentence gaue him buffets vpon the chocke and 〈…〉 and then asked him Area● who hath smitten thee And the seruants stroke him vpon the face and did him 〈◊〉 ●ther villany Doctrine and fruit O How vniust people come togither against the fountaine of righteousnes What false witnesse and sentence goeth against the tru●th And yet all their shifting is that their malice and hatred may haue an appearance of iustice They preuent him with false witnes they presse him with perlous and subtill questions and go about to vndermine and supplant the eternall wisedome The enemies are accusers witnesses and Iudges And whereas they reuile and blaspheme Gods sonne to the vttermost they will be seene to be the men that are sorie and displeased when God is dishonoured But as much as they seeke in the innocent lambe yet finde they nothing no not so much as any suspicion of euill so pure and sincere is all his life so true and constant are his words This example ought all faithfull beleeuers to set before their eies learning thereby so to direct their life that the enemies not onely find no vice in them but also no suspicion of euill that vnto the euill speaker there be giuen no occasion nor cause to slander and that the name of Christ thorow them be not blasphemed But whereas the honour of God so requireth wee must openly speake and confesse the truth before the vngodly although they bee angry and offended according as in this place we hear of Christ who telleth them of his glorious comming in Maiestie and power although they take it for a blasphemie Heere ought wee also diligently and deuoutlie to consider what Christ suffereth for vs what ignominie and reproch hee taketh vpon himselfe for our sakes how vilelie he is reputed and how shamefullie in his bodie and in all the parts thereof he is beaten And yet in all this how blessedly hee behaueth and sheweth him selfe to the intent that it should not greeue vs for
furnished with watching and praier may stedfastly stand and with a constant mind despise all bodily prouocations shewing patience in aduersitie not fearing the slaunders and despitefull swordes of the people neyther desiring the prayse and honour of this worlde that in the onely eternal wealth wee may sette all our trust and neuer to goe backe from the crosse for wealth nor woe but that vnder the same banner through true patience meeknesse and obedience wee may finish our life with a blessed ende Amen In the offendor that receiued of Christ the promis of grace there is set before vs a comfortable example of the mercie and loue of God for hee that afore had beene a murtherer and now was become a penitent and repentaunt person assoone as he acknowledged the trespasse and was vnfainedly sorrie for his offences committed confessing Christ the fountaine of life there was promised vnto him forgiuenesse of his sinnes and entrance into ioy Wherby wee see that no true penitent commeth too late and that no conuersion is vnfruitfull if it bee doone vnfainedly from out of the heart Here should we learne to goe into our selues to acknowledge and confesse our sinnes to complaine vnto GOD with lamentation and to desire grace at his hande affirming also that wee are well worthie of all rebuke and shame all punishment payne and aduersitie Neuerthelesse in the consideration of Gods eternal mercie wee ought not to despayre but to turne vs vnto the Bishop and chiefe shepheard of our soules and to saye Lorde remember vs in thy kingdome where thou sittest at the right hande of GOD thy Father so shall wee vndoubtedly heare this chearefull voice To day shalt thou bee with mee in paradise This word of consolation this gratious promise shall strengthen comfort our troubled hart in the carefull terrible houre so that we shal be able quietly to die forasmuch as Iesus so friendly speaketh to vs and receiueth vs so graciously Great and vnsearchable is the mercie of God that pardoneth so great a sinner and offendour and doth not cast him off neither will hee reiect our feruent praier which we in true confidence make vnto him Hee desireth not the death of a sinner but willeth that hee conuert and liue So loued hee the worlde that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not perish but haue euerlasting life neither came hee to call the righteous but sinners O Iesu bee mindfull of thy promisse thinke vpon vs thy seruantes and when wee shall depart hence speake vnto our soule these louing wordes To day shalt thou bee with mee in ioy O Lord Iesu Christ remember vs thy seruauntes that trust in thee when our tongue cannot speake when the sight of our eies fayleth and when our eares are stopped Suffer not the olde Serpent and wicked enemie the Deuill to finde anie thing in vs though hee subtilly tempt vs and craftily lay wayte for vs. In thee shall we ouercome him for in thee is our strength thou takest al our sinnes vppon thy selfe so that hee shall finde nothing in vs but must departe from vs with shame Lette them bee turned backe and soone confounded but lette our soule alway reioyce in thee and bee ioyfull of thy saluation which thou through thy death hast purchased for vs. IT was neare hande about the sixt houre And beside the crosse of Iesus stoode Marie his mother and his mothers sister Marie the wife of Cleophas and Marie Magdalene Now when Iesus sawe his mother and the disciple standing whom he loued he said vnto his mother Woman behold thy sonne Afterward said hee to the disciple Behold thy mother And from that houre foorth the disciple tooke her for his owne Doctrine and fruite IN the passion of Christ as is mentioned afore it ought to be considered that he was most extremely reuyled and suffered most great paine for our sakes This now appertaineth to the increasing of his paine that hee seeth his mother in all aduersitie who might not helpe him neyther hee her Nowe doth the sworde that Simeon spake of pierce thorow her heart But Iesus seeing her in sorrowe and heauinesse declareth his carefull loue vppon the honour and worthinesse of his dearely beloued mother and giueth her a tutour such an one as will looke vnto her On both the parties maye wee perceyue great loue which wee ought to learne of the Lord and to exercise towardes those that bee committed vnto vs. Neither is it written of the Euangelist for naught that shee stoode for thereby we see that though Marie was in verie greate heauinesse and sorrowe yet behaueth shee not he●selfe vnseemelie nor vndiscreetly as carnall men doe in aduersitie manie times Shee standeth demurely and soberly beeing fortified through the strength of the spirite that stayeth her Whereby wee may learne when our deare friendes die not to bee sorie for them beyond measure and discretion But chiefly we learne when aduersitie commeth one to haue respect to another to care for our owne faithfully to cōmit them vnto others that one may brotherly and truly looke to another but specially we ought to be carefull for those which are deare vnto God FRom the sixt houre there was darkenesse vppon all the earth till about the ninth houre and the Sunne was darkened About the ninth houre Iesus cryed with a lowd voyce Ely Ely lama sabacthani that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Some standing there when they heard it said He calleth to Helias Immediately one of them ranne and tooke a spunge and filled it with vineger and put it vppon a reede and gaue him to drinke Other said lette vs see whether Helias will come and deliuer him Doctrine and fruite IN all aduersitie and despight is all bodily and temporall comfort withdrawne from Christ that euen when hee without all consolation dooth suffer most greuous extremitie wee might perceiue his loue The Lord of all creatures that lacketh nothing commeth into so great affliction and necessitie for our sake that hee complaineth himselfe to bee forsaken of him who worketh all things in him This is the voyce of the passible mortall flesh which for vs poore sinners crieth vpon the crosse His patience is our comfort his complaint is our helpe his sicknesse is our health his paine is our satisfaction The Phisitian came from heauen that hee thorow great compassion might giue ouer him selfe into exceeding many torments and rebukes Therfore with the sick he is sicke with those that suffer hee suffereth with the sorrowfull he is sorie with them that suffer violence hee complaineth for his feeble and weake members he praieth And the voyce of the flesh and of naturall sence is neither rebellious nor desperate The fleshe feeleth great paine vndeserued the innocent holy body suffereth sore punishment the Godhead neuerthelesse vseth the highest silence And as for the diuine presence the sensible paine is not minished by it But a merueilous steadfastnes
that wee will not once regard or thinke anie such thing whereby wee might the sooner forsake the diuision and stiffenesse of our heart and in friendly vnitie and brotherly loue to doe good one vnto another Christ therefore the restorer of our decayed nature and the onely true and eternall light came into this worlde to illuminate and lighten our blinde eyes to crie with his voyce vnto vs that bee dumbe and to sette that agayne before our eyes which wee our selues haue made darke and dimme Hee cryeth vnto vs in his Gospell with a loude voyce so that no man canne saie hee hath not heard it Hee is the heauenly schoolemaster the eternall wisedome the fountayne of all knowledge the onely and true teac●●● the whole building of his Church the foundation and roofe the beginning and ende of all his commaundementes hath hee sette and comprehended in onely loue exhorting vs to loue vnitie and friendshippe and saying that men heereby shall knowe vs to bee his disciples if we loue ●hem vnto that which faith inwardly considereth and looketh vpon These tokens are instituted to signifie and represent vnto vs high and greate things to gather together and vnite the Church that beeing dispearsed euerie where ouer the face of the whole earth might gather together into one communion and fellowshippe in Christ and bee made partakers of his promises and inioye those comfortable blessings which hee hath promised from the beginning namely such as bee faithfull and true beleeuers and that the exteriour and outwarde sense might from all corporall thinges bee withdrawen to that which is spirituall for the eyes see the bread which representeth the bodie of Christ they see as the bread is broken so was the bodie of Christ broken vpon the crosse for our sinnes and that as the wine is poured in and out so was the precious bloud of Iesus Christ shedde to wash awaie all our sinnes The eares doe heare Christes wordes spoken by the Minister in the person of Christ Iesus by the which the promise is renewed by which meanes those that are his and of his Church are by a certaine feeling and comfort in their soules and consciences refreshed The tast vppon the tongue the smell in the nose and lykewise the handling and so each other member in his seuerall office euerie one of them hath his delight and operation in confessing acknowledging and dooing his seruice vnto saith But for what cause our sauiour Christ dyd specially vse bread and wine before anie other corporall things to signifie his death and shedding of his bloud it may well and easily bee perceiued by the nature of faith With bread is the bodie fedde and sustayned with wine are mennes heartes made merrie Forasmuch then as faith the life of our soules through the flesh of Christ spiritually eaten is nourished and sustained and seeing our minde is moistened and refreshed with true and perfect ioy thorough the bloud of Christ shedde for vs there was nothing more meere nothing more expedient nothing more necessarie for this Sacrament than bread and wine Moreouer through the bloud of Christ are all other oblations and sacrifices cleane layde aside and therefore Christ minding to finish the high sacrifice vppon the crosse testified and declared before hand that his bodie beeing offered vp and his bloud shed shoulde bee sufficient to wash awaie all mens sinnes and that from thence forth there shoulde not neede anie other sinne offering in the which there must bloud bee shedde Therefore woulde hee with euident and plaine wordes testifie and saie This is my bodie which is giuen for you doo this in remembrance of mee This is the cuppe of the new Testament in my bloud which shall bee shedde for many to the forgiuenesse of sinnes To the inten● th●n that this excellent and worthie propitiation and sacrifice should not out of theyr eyes and heartes he added visible signes not bare signes but seales of his couenant as was the Circumcision and Passah and common tokens of loue and friendshippe amongst men euen bread and wine which haue no bloud to declare that all bloud for sinne is onely in Iesus Christ Christs minde was also in one bodie to couple and knit together in one bodie the whole multitude of his Church To signifie this that there was nothing more apt and sit than wine and bread for like as out of many cornes is made one paste and one bread and like as out of many grapes one wine floweth together euen so by faith and loue become they all one bodie that eate of one bread and drinke of one cup. And euen from the beginning of the world it hath alwnyes beene the vse among men that with breade and wine they haue made and confirmed great friendshippe and league And euen so Christ with the distributing of the bread among his disciples would establish an euerlasting friendship with them The fourth thing now in the Church of Christ is prayer namely as Christ taught them to praie vnto the father of heauen that the kingdome of his Sonne might still growe and increase that his glory might arise and spread it selfe throughout all the worlde that his name might bee hallowed and his will fulfilled c. This is the necessariest thing of all and if we lacke this in vaine are all our good workes in vaine are all the honest actions of a ciuill lyfe in vaine are all godly exercises nothing prospereth wee goe about no oblation is sanctified all is impuritie that wee eyther doo or thinke the holy Apostle Paule willeth vs to praie continually God graunteth not the presence of his spirite to anie thing but vnto praier Without the presence of Gods spirite vnprofitable is the worde preached vnprofitable are the Sacraments ministred vnprofitable shall all thinges bee vnto vs so that praier is most requisite Let vs therefore praie vnto almightie God to increase in vs the spirite of Prayer that with our soule and spirite wee may praie continually for spirituall giftes that they may dayly increase in vs to his glorie Graunt this the great giuer of all good giftes for his mercie sake To whom bee all honour glorie power dominion and thankes for euer and euer Amen A Praier O Mercifull God preserue our heartes from pride from vaineglorie and from shamefull couetousnesse giue vs grace to abide in thy holy vocation and to be thankfull for thy grace that the fall of thine Apostle beeing alwayes before our eies we may walke in thy feare before thee For if we stand we must take heed that we fall not neither despise those that as yet doo not stand Make vs to continue thy grace for nothing haue wee sauing onely tha● which we haue receued of thee And if of weaknesse we fall put thy hand vnder vs O Lorde and suffer vs not to despaire in sinne but cause vs with repentance and sorow for our offence to resort vnto thee Oh keepe vs that we neither despaire nor betraie thy dearely beloued sonne whome
wildernesse through much trauell and labour Blessed are they that in patience without murmuring suffer the Lorde to worke and doo faithfully follow him All this and more than I can saie ought to be the consideration and exercise when we celebrate the supper of the Lord Iesu that wee so sprinkle the bloud of Christ in our heartes and drinke it into vs that it may worke in vs and bring forth fruit Our eies and hearts we ought to lift vp in to heauen and consider what the bread and wine pointeth vs vnto namely vnto the bodie of Christ that was offered vp vpon the crosse for our sinnes and to his bloud that was shed for the washing awaie of our offences and that we fashion our selues vnto his image and practise also such loue one towardes another This is the proofe that Paul speaketh of with the which a faithfull beleeuer ought to exercise himself before and in the Lords supper examining well his faith and loue which out of the loue of God towards vs is kindled and increased First ought a man to consider the excellent loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who so loued vs that he died for vs. And seeing that he biddeth vs to so high a feast of his grace we ought also to ponder the same in such sorte that wee bee thankfull vnto him and prepare our selues thereafter Saint Paul saith that there is a feeding with milke and a feeding with strong meate which is to bee obserued according to the nature and propertie of those that receiue the meate And in the Church of God there be three sortes of men as the same by the high illuminated goodwise teacher Augustine and by others is written First there be men which hauing spent their former time past in pastime and wantonnesse of the world and considering the carefull end thereof as they be inwardly moued by the grace of God haue vndertaken to cease and refraine from sinne and from all occasions of sinne in most diligent wise as neere as they can with the assistance grace and helpe of God to be circumspect and warie thereof albeit they are yet weake and haue not so strong a spirite as to laie aside and despise all worldly things out of hand And these are the right true beginners of repentant and penitent persons though they be not new beginners yet are they vnto God the Lord so deare that all things cannot sufficiently commend and praise it This is witnessed vnto vs by the holy Gospell of the vnthriftie sonne who when with shamefull riot hee had wantonly consumed his inheritance did in time of his extreame hunger conuert and turne againe to his louing Father and receiued not onely gracious forgiuenesse of his trespasse but also speciall tokens of his fathers loue as the garment the kisse the fat calfe the sweete minstrelsie and melodie This is the first anker of true repentance This is the first state concerning the blessed swineheard who forsaking the hogges wiih the coddes draffe or swillinges that hee sometimes greedily filled his belly withall and returning to his louing father is now in his first comming againe to his mercifull father graciously taken vp receiued and rewarded Who so now with this vnthriftie sonne forsaketh his sinnes and comming agayne in true and heartie repentance vnto God his most louing and gracious Father saith meekely O Father I am not worthie to bee called thy sonne for I haue sinned against heauen and before thee O make nice one of thy hired seruants To him shall the father denie nothing Who so nowe with an vnfained heart and mouth may speake this vnto God and truely and vnfainedly seeketh Iesus assuredly hee findeth him and hath with him a cheerefull supper Looke vnto whom God in his great mercie giueth such a tast of his geace let him render thanks and praise vnto almightie GOD let him nowe looke for it that the Father who hath receiued him will also nourture him in his owne schoole and through manifolde aduersities furnish him prepare him and make him more perfect Hee hath beene fedde with the milke hee must learne also to knowe what harde meate meaneth Through aduersitie and trouble some chaunces hee must bee tempted and proued whether hee haue ought in him of the blessed seede that groweth vpwardes vnto eternall life Which thing shall well appeare and bee made manifest if in time of temptation and troubles hee bee not choaked with the thornes nor troden downe by the high waie side nor withered among the stones but founde fruitfull in a good and fertill ground Other men there bee which are called reformers to whome belongeth somewhat more than there doth vnto the other For like as it appertaineth to the first repentant or prnitent persons that they continually and feruently with the confession of their sinnes vnto God with sorrowe and lamentation with praier watching and chastising of the the bodie doo breake out a waie from theyr olde sinnes harnessing and arming themselues agaynst others for to come and earnestly withstanding and forsaking their owne euill and naughtie customes if they minde to bring foorth fruite and not to fall awaie againe Euen so the reformers in the seconde order and manner after the harde rooting out of vice and wickednesse must still exercise them selues in the will of God and in good works seeking diligently experience thereof in holy Scripture and of those teachers who by reason of long practise and by the Scriptures can declare and teach the same waie When these men in such a stedfast purpose to walke and practise themselues in the will of God with his grace and power doe goe vnto the supper of the Lord they inwardly with ioy and fruit of the godly feast are nourished and refreshed For who so desireth to cleaue vnto vertue and to a godly life shall no where find the same so euidently and plaine as in Christs passion whereof hee is mindfull at the supper with faith and thankesgiuing The third sort of men are ●●lled perfect not that anie man here in time may be perfect as to lacke nothing or to haue no sinne in him but therefore are they named perfect because theyr exercise is such that after long accustomate doing of vertuous deeds after many spiritual fruits brought forth by them in patience after many temptations which they with the help of God haue ouercome They haue so wholy humbled and cast downe themselues before God being reconciled with him that they are become one spirite with Christ their head whom they cleaue vnto whose crosse and holy passion they follow without fainting so farre as theyr wit and power may suffer being dead from the world the flesh following onely the Lord Iesu Christ suffering with him and liuing with him These with their minds harts step somwhat higher than the others hauing their dwelling in heauen in the sweet contemplation beholding of Gods Almightinesse wisedome and goodnes with feruent deuotion Which men also by inioying of the said feast
most perfection to vnderstand his doctrine truth and loue for heere in this time is our knowledge vnperfect yet shuld we consider that the father loueth vs and faithfully ought we to crie and praie vnto him for his spirite that shal teach vs all truth so much as is necessarie and profitable for vs which knowledge from daie to daie shall increase till we shal see him face to face and haue the perfect knowledge of him Our nature is weake and feeble the nature diuine is high and incomprehensible we are full of darknes God is the cleere farre passing light but when our darke mist is taken away then in cleere brightnesse shall the godly light open vnto vs. Some first fruits and beginnings of Gods knowledge haue we receiued alreadie God hath cast and planted a litle seed of knowledge in our harts which through his grace and moisture shall daily grow increase and prosper Of such knowledge as we haue of God we may not presume neither of our weak faith nor yet ascribe too much vnto our own strength He that standeth let him looke that he fall not We think many times that we are verie strong in faith but aduersitie sheweth how feeble we bee and how soone we shrinke Therefore in all trouble and distresse of this world we ought to comfort our selues and trust onely in the grace and strength of Christ In him shal we finde peace and quietnesse in him shall we ouercome all our enemies for his ouercomming is our victorie his power is our strength The world is not able to hurt and plague vs more than of our gracious father is permitted vnto them for our wealth While we liue here we are in miserie affliction distresse but seeing the head hath ouercome the members ought not to doubt of the victorie Let vs with stedfast beleefe looke vnto Christ the fountaine of life our foregoer and finisher of our faith let vs stoutly step forth after him let vs go the waie that he is gone and hath troden made before Afflictions shall serue vs vnto high honor as they serued Christ the Lord vnto glorie In Christ we finde the peace rest of our consciences and soules in him we knowe and find the goodnes loue of God the father out of him receiue we power strength comfort eternall life only let vs loke that we turne not the eies of our heart faith away from him Our welfare consisteth in the stedfast beleefe and loue of Iesus Christ the sonne of God Though we many times stumble fall and be proued by sundry temptations and afflictions yet is the same good and profitable for vs that we may the better learn to know our own weaknes and againe the strength and grace of God If it were not profitable for vs Christ had not suffered his Disciples to fall so greeuously But in all distresse he putteth his hand vnder vs and in aduersitie he leaueth vs not alone as hee also left not his owne Sonne alone Though all men flie away from vs yet haue we God with vs. THese wordes spake Iesus and lift vp his eyes to heauen and said Father the houre is come glorifie thy Sonne that thy Sonne also may glorifie thee as thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh that he should giue eternall life to as manie as thou hast giuen him This is life eternall that they know thee the onely very true God whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ I haue glorified thee on the earth I haue finished the worke which thou gauest me to doo And now glorifie me thou Father with thine owne selfe with the glorie which I had with thee ere the worlde was I haue declared thy name vnto the men which thou gauest me out of the world Thine they were and thou gauest them mee and they haue kept thy sayings Now they knowe that all thinges whatsoeuer thou hast giuen me are of thee for I haue giuen vnto them the words which thou gauest me and they haue receiued them and know surely that I came out from thee do beleeue that thou didst send me Doctrine and fruite CHrist the true onely chiefe Priest who now would offer vp himselfe to the father vpon the crosse for our sins after that hee had loued his owne vnto the end comforting and strengthening them turneth nowe himselfe in an earnest and feruent praier vnto his heauenly father for an ensample and doctrine to his Disciples and all faithfull beleeuers that they in all temptations and afflictions should with an earnest and feruent praier haue recourse vnto the Father of heauen That he taught afore in wordes the same declareth hee nowe in the deede shewing not onely what but also how and after what sort wee ought to pray not onely for our selues but also for those that are giuen and committed vnto vs of God and whom we haue comforted and exhorted Our eyes and handes ought we to lift vp vnto heauen from whence our helpe commeth which doing is a token of a deuout humble lowly mind Yea the eyes not onely of the body but also of the hart and beleefe But vnto this ende principally ought all our prayers to be directed that the heauenly father may bee glorified The deuil the prince of this world throgh his adherents causeth the name and trueth of Christ his doctrine and knowledge to be rooted out despised Seeing then that wee are Gods children wee should in nothing bee so earnest as in sauing the honour of our father in furthering his glory Which thing commeth to passe when we notifie to men vpon earth his grace faithfulnes loue great mercy which he by his only begotten deare son hath declared shewed vnto mankind when we lead men vnto God from earthly vices false Gods seruice when we direct al things to his glorie Thus is Christ also honored and glorified by vs when wee through the Gospell doe publish vnto all men his power and goodnes his honor and glorie when we know that he is our sauiour our righteousnes and sanctifiing when we know that the father hath giuen all things into his power that to those whom the father hath granted to him hee may giue euerlasting life Which life euerlasting consisteth in this that wee knowe the liuing God his sonne Iesus Christ whom he sent into this world For God the father cānot be known without Christ Iesus his sonne neither is there any mo Gods but only one on whom wee hope trust The way to God is Christ whom God therfore sent downe that by him the mercie and grace of the Father might be opened and appeare vnto vs. Wherefore if we wil haue eternal life that is the knowledge of God we must beleeue in Christ and knowe him and by him as the way and mediator we must know God the father Who so refuseth Christ cannot haue the Father What should it helpe thee
the worlde also hath not knowen thee but I haue knowen thee these haue knowen that thou hast sent me And I haue declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them Doctrine and fruite AFter that Christ had committed his vnto the father that he will care for them defend keepe them while they liue in the world he desireth now that it will please him finally also to saue them and to take them to himself into his kingdome With the which praier he giueth a great consolation to his disciples and all faithfull beleeuers that we might be the more cheerefull to serue him considering the high reward that is prepared for vs that for his sake we should ioyfully and stoutly beare all aduersitie seeing he will make vs yea hath made vs alredy partakers of his glory and of his kingdome Oh the great grace and incomprehensible loue of God towards vs who through his mercie and great loue whereas wee were children of wrath and damnation hath made vs his own children elect and beloued and when wee were dead in sinne hath with his son raised vs vp from death reuiued vs made vs sit with him among those of heauen in Christ Iesu to declare vnto the ages to come the riches of his grace in kindnes and loue to vs ward through Iesus Christ Forasmuch nowe as God hath caused the lyght of his glorie euen Christ to shine into our harts and through the light of faith hath kindled and purified our hearts it is meete that in this time we liue as children of light to the intent that men may see the brightnes of those good workes which proceede of faith to the praise of our heauenly father And thogh we be not as yet bodily with Christ yet our heartes and mindes are alwaies aboue there as Christ sitteth at the right hand of God our conuersation and being is in heauen albeit wee are yet in corporall miserie with heart we desire to die and to be with Christ Wee are sure if this earthly house were fallen and broken downe that we haue one euerlasting in heauen Wee are dead but our life is reserued with Christ in GOD. It is not euident yet what wee be but when Christ our lyfe shall shewe himselfe then shall wee also appeare with him in glorie euen when wee shall rise vp and bee taken vp in the ayre and bee with him for euer and see his honour and glorie which the Angelles delight to see and beholde Oh how great pleasure and ioy is it to beholde the eternall light that neuer quencheth in the which no darknesse hath place from the which shall bee expelled and cast out all they that woulde not receiue and know the light which God hath sent into the world to illuminate them but are blinded by the Prince of this world least the the light of the Gospel should shine vpon them No wrong doth the righteous father vnto them when hee plagueth them and taketh the light from them A righteous and iust iudgement is it seeing the gracious Father so mercifully sent them the light of the truth and they yet so maliciously and stubbornly haue despised and refused it yea reason it is that they perish in vntruth in lies in euerlasting blindnes for asmuch as they wold receiue darknes rather than the light lies rather than the truth And considering that they haue forsaken the brightnes of the truth and of the son of God they must needes be cast into vtter darkenes and neuer enioy the light O gracious Father graunt vnto vs which thorow thy sonne haue known thy name that in such knowledge and light of the truth wee may increase more and more that the loue wherewith thou louest thy deare sonne may bee and remaine in vs and that thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our head may in vs his members continue still worke liue and bring forth fruit acceptable vnto thee AND when Iesus had spoken these words he went out with his Disciples as hee was woont ouer the brooke Cedron vnto mount Oliuet into a village called Gethsemani wheras was a garden into the which Iesus went with his disciples Iudas nowe who betrayed him knewe also the place for Iesus vsed oft to come thether with his disciples Iesus sayd vnto his Disciples Sit ye heere till I go yonder and pray And he tooke vnto him Peter and the two sonnes of Zebede and began to be heauy and sony And a feare and terrour came vppon him Thus said he vnto them my soule is heauie vnto the death tarrie ye heere and watch with me And hee went from them as farre as a stones cast Then fell he downe vppon his face to the ground and praied that if it were possible that houre might depart from him And thus hee praied O father vnto thee are all thinges possible take this cuppe from mee howbeit not my will but thy will bee done Doctrine and fruite AFter that Iesus hath established his Disciples in faith and loue comforting and strengthening them against aduersitie and trouble to come in this world promising also vnto them the spirit loue defence and protection of his father hee goeth now to meet his traitour and enemies and beginneth the worke of our redemption Awake vp nowe O thou faithfull and deuout soule and go after thy redemer followe his foot-steps gather vp diligently the drops of his bloud and sprinckle them with a true faith in thine heart take vp the bundle of mirrhe and lay it at thy breast O thou noble bride and spouse of Christ his passion that he suffereth for thee write then in thy minde learne to die from all sinne from thy selfe and from the world that thou maiest bee crucified vnto the world and the world vnto thee Death is vgsome and very terrible vnto the flesh but ioyfull and welcome is it vnto all such as are instructed in the secrete science of God namely that death vnto faithfull beleeuers is an ende of all trouble an enteraunce into a better and eternall lyfe Christ in that he goeth forth to meete death declareth that he wil suffer not of compulsion but willingly whereby he comforteth vs. But whereas he is heauie and trembleth before his disciples and confesseth howe hee feareth death the same is done for our wealth to declare vnto vs the weaknesse and feeblenesse that our flesh receiueth at the sight of aduersitie for in all things sinne except it was his good pleasure to become lyke vnto vs his brethren hee would take vpon him a true man who felte our aduersitie in his owne flesh and so coulde haue compassion on vs. Besides this hee sheweth also to whom our weaknesse ought to resort for comfort and helpe in aduersitie namely to our father in heauen before whome wee must fall downe with deuout and feruent praier and vnto him disclose and open our anguish
men cried Away with him crucifie him crucifie him O the wonderfull great lenitie of our Lord Iesus Christ They reuile and misintreat him to the vttermost he praieth for them that they beeing conuerted from their wickednes may acknowledge him the very true son of God to haue appeared in the flesh Here is fulfilled that Esay said hee hath borne the sinnes of many and made intercession for the transgressours that they should not perish Who now being in sinne wil despaire in the mercie of God when the great offenders that crucified and slewe the giuer of all remission found so great grace and goodnes A stedfast hope therefore ought we to conceiue and to bee sure of howe great soeuer our sinne be The hope of life standeth yet open the bowels of mercie are yet readie prepared Onely vnto him let vs resort full gratiously will hee receiue vs so far as wee giue ouer our selues vnto him Heere likewise by the example of our fore-goer wee must learne to forgiue our neighbour to pray also for our enemies and for those that do vs harme If we gladly forgiue that little God will forgiue vs the great If we so do we finde grace and are the children of the heauenly Father As for the recompencing of all despite taking of vengeance wee must commit and refer that vnto our Father who iudgeth righteously O Iesu thou heauenly schoolmaster teach vs this and graunt vs grace to doe it Giue vs also an assured hope of thy mercie and grace that wee fall into no despaire through the multitude of our sinnes but with faithfull minds to consider that for to heale sin thou camest into this world hast shed thy bloud O graunt vnto vs free refuge and sure defence vnder the shadowe of thy winges and vnder the inuincible token of thy holie crosse Receiue vs poore sinners which vtterly trust not in anie good deede or merit of our owne but onely in thy mercie Amen Verie spitefull extremitie is shewed vnto our Sauiour in that he must beholde and see how the vile vnthriftes part his clothes amongst them By this is there set forth vnto vs a doctrine how wee ought to behaue our selues if our temporall goodes bee withdrawne and taken from vs. Wee must bee readier to suffer temporal harme than to bee reuenged or with vnquiet suite at the law to require our owne He that created the whole worlde hath not a corner where to rest his head Hee that beautifieth and decketh all things hangeth bare and naked himselfe Whereby we must learne to be pacient if that which is ours be taken from vs wee must learne to bee content with few thinges and to take in good part things of small reputation and not to grudge but with quiet minds to be thankfull vnto God O Lord grant vnto vs that we appeare not naked and bare before thee cloth vs with the wedding garment of faith and loue and when wee suffer wrong giue vs grace to followe thine example in patience that no sorrowe nor heauinesse for losse of temporall goods lead vs away from thee Amen THey that passed by reuiled and blasphemed him wagging their heades and saieng ha thou that breakest downe the temple and settest it vp againe in three dayes helpe now thy selfe if thou be the Sonne of God come downe from the crosse The high Priestes also mocked him together with the Scribes and Elders and saide amongst themselues He helped others can hee not helpe himselfe If he be Christ the chosen of God the king of Israell lette him come downe now from the crosse we will beleeue him He setteth his hope and trust in God let him deliuer him if hee will haue him for hee hath said I am the Sonne of GOD. The murtherers also that were crucified with him cast the same in his teeth and reuiled him The people stoode there and wayted and the chiefe of them mocked him and saide Hath hee helped others and cannot helpe himselfe and is Christ the chosen of GOD. The souldiers also mocked him came and proffered him vineger and said If thou be king of the Iewes helpe thy selfe One of the murtherers that hanged by him reuiled him also and said If thou bee Christ helpe thy selfe and vs. But the other rebuked him and said Fearest thou not God seeing thou art in the same damnation As for vs we are iustly punished for we receiue according to our deeds but this man hath done nothing amisse And he said vnto Iesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome And Iesus said vnto him Verely I say vnto thee this day shalt thou be with me in paradise Doctrine and fruite IEsus for our sake tooke vpon himselfe the most extreme shame rebuke derision to deliuer vs from eternall villainy and that wee should learne gladly to suffer reproch and shame and to despise the vain-glorie of this world He is mocked contemned of high and lowe of spirituall temporall and of euerie man For they being ful of gal bitternes and poison poure it out with their false tongues and outwarde gestures casting out wicked slaundrous wordes and sharpening their venemous tongs against the innocent sauiour They rather shuld haue bewailed their owne great sinnes but there is no compassion nor mercie in them their harts are stopt Sathan hath the leading of them Yet cannot their malice ouercome good Iesus Through their wickednesse and despite cannot his patience bee vanquished No opprobrious or vile word might cause him to omit the worke of our redemption but hee continueth in loue and performeth it with an honorable ende Euen as hee teacheth vs to endure vnto the end so doth he practise it himselfe and declareth it vnto vs in deede and example We therfore that wil be followers of Iesu Christ shuld set before vs this excellent example of our forgoer and learne to contemne the world and stoutlie to abide in our holie vocation and purpose It is the worke of Christ that we haue in hand and before vs we haue an high perfect example giuer of whom we ought to learne euen Christ Iesus who for our sakes was obedient to the Father vntill the death of the crosse Wherefore seeing we are become children of God throgh grace we must be obedient to our heauenly father looking to his good pleasure bidding the world farewell despising the mocks and scorns therof looking vp euer diligently vnto the crucified Lorde Iesus who waiteth for vs with outstretched armes calleth vs louingly vnto him and for a shorte trauaile promiseth vs eternall rewarde and saith If thou suffer with mee thou shalt raigne with mee If thou dye with mee thou shalt also be crowned with mee O Lord Iesu Christ our fore-goer and protector graunt vs grace stedfastly to continue in our holie vocation and to abide in thy seruice that through no tediousnes or slouth we shrinke or cease from the feruentnes of good workes and holie exercises that we being alway readie
of patience is heere declared to performe the redemption of mankinde This paine and smart is so great that euen the Elements which haue no sence declare tokens of their compassion The Sunne lost his shine and hid his cheerefull light from the wicked rabble hauing as it were a displeasure for the death of their maker Seeing now that the sun mourneth and the earth quaketh much more ought we reasonable men to haue compassion and to consider the death of our maker Behold O faithfull seruant of God how thy foregoer in all his punishment and sorrowfull trouble indureth stil mild and patient and that there is heard no bitternes out of his mouth His praier and complaint sendeth hee vppe vnto his heauenlie Father neither nameth hee any other saue onely God To him alone hee complaineth and openeth his desolation Euen so ought wee to doe when aduersitie reproch or any such thing assaulteth vs wee must not vndiscreetly sorrow or be angrie but runne straight way vnto the Crosse and at the Crosse tarrie and abide a little while with the Lorde If thou be forsaken complaine of thy trouble vnto GOD the Father Consider that Iesus also for thy sake was left in great trouble and anguishe Learne thou likewise to bee soft minded and patient without murmuring or cursing Keepe thee to the onelie comfort of God giue ouer all the ioy of this world so shalt thou not bee forsaken of him All earthlie thinges set apart turne thou thy minde vppe into the Countrey of Heauen Take GOD for thy Father Iesus for thy brother Thou art of a noble high kindred namelie a childe of the euer liuing God O mercifull father wee crie vnto thee in all trouble and call vppon thee through the crucified Iesus Suffer vs not to sincke in great afflictions giue vs not ouer vnto our owne strength but the more the enemie presseth vppon vs the more bee thou our assistance For in all anguishe and trouble thou art the right helper and most faithfull friend If temptation then come vppon vs by thy fatherly will graunt vs grace O Lord patientlie to beare it and to lay the burthen vpon thy mercie that in all trouble we being els destitute of all consolatiō may put our whole trust onely in thee Amen AFter this Iesus knowing that all thinges were nowe perfourmed that the scripture might be fulfilled hee saith I thirst So there stood a vessell by full of vineger Therfore they filled a spunge with vinegar and wound it about with Isope and put to his mouth Assoone as Iesus then receiued of the Vinegar hee answered and saide It is finished Doctrine and fruite ADam satisfied his lust in the forbidden Apple which noisome lust was ocasion of our death But Iesus for the reformation of this concupiscence suffreth also vpon his tongue to restore vs againe from the fall and to conquere vs in this life His bitter drinke is vnto vs a blessed medicine Such great vnthankefulnesse of the Iewes was prophecied by King Dauid in the Psalmes To him that fedde them in the wildernesse with bread from heauen and gaue them water to drinke out of the hard stonie Rocke Euen vnto him for a recompence they giue Vineger and Gall. O the sower and vnnaturall fruite that the LORDE receiueth of his owne Vineyard which he had planted and garnished so faire To vs heere is prepared a soueraigne medicine against glotonie and all voluptuousnes of the flesh thorow the loue whereof God is forgotten and forsaken Now when Christ who is the fulfiller of the law and all the Prophets had whollie and fully perfourmed the will of his heauenlie father hee saith for a conclusion and ende of his life it is finished as hee would say Now is finished all that the old law hath written and spoken of me all that the old Testament figured with oblations and sacrifices with glory and beautie in the Gods seruice Now are truly fulfilled the holy prophesies of the Prophetes and the long wished desires of the holye olde Fathers Nowe is wrought and perfourmed all that belonged concerned the redemption of mankinde It is all as it was promised of God concluded with an honourable blessed end And looke what is behinde shall vndoubtedly be fulfilled in due time I haue accomplished the commandement of my Father who sent me into this world the worke that hee gaue mee to do haue I finished What could I do more for thee O my people that I haue not done Vppon the sixt daye hee finished the worke of the creation of the world And nowe vppon the sixt day and age of the world hee perfourmeth the blessed worke of mans redemption Vppon the sixt day hee created man and made him of the mould of the earth Vpon the sixt day hee restored him againe and deliuered him with his holy bloud Thus all things are finished the great worke of his mercie and most excellent loue is accomplished the way vnto heauen is opened and the deuils power is broken In such hope ought wee valiauntlie to trauaile at this time in this vnconstant world and not to let fall the worke of God that is begun but by his assistance to bring it vnto a blessed ende and stoutly to endure therein It is well-nie come to the point that all shal bee finished the euening and ende of our life commeth on apace wherein we may say with glad harts as Christ our foregoer did It is all finished Wherefore deare brethren let vs euer most diligently and earnestly walke in the way of the truth and of commendable vertues begun exercising our selues in righteousnes We must not think otherwise but to haue battaile against vice against the flesh the world and Satan Daily goe we on a pace towardes death in hope to attain eternal life O that we might say with Paule I haue fought a good fight I haue fulfilled my course I haue kept the faith We must suffer and haue trauaile yet a litle season the time of our deliuerance will shortly be heere O Lord Iesu direct thou all our works according to thy good pleasure illuminate purifie our minds and thoughts Teach vs how wee euer to the praise and honour of thy holy name may meekly beginne diligently doo and blessedly end all our workes and enterprises O giue vs grace faithfully to labour in the Vineyard of the Lord that the heat and trauaile driue vs not back that we faint not that in the schole of heauenly exercise wee may steadfastly indure till wee giue vp the ghost and that through thy mercie after many commendable battails and long striuing wee may say in the last houre of our life It is all finished Vouchsafe thou to bee the finall occasion of our whole life and of all our woorkings so shall it followe that thou wilt bee also our eternall reward ioy and saluation Amen ANd Iesus criyng with a loud voyce said Father into thy hands I commit my spirite And when hee had thus
a bone of him And againe another Scripture saith They shall looke on him whom they pierced Doctrine and fruite OVt of the side of him that sleeepeth vpon the crosse runneth the fountain of wholsom water with the which our vncleannes is washed away and the whole world sprinkled purified and cleansed therewith The heart is opened and wounded loue floweth out the bloud gusheth forth to the washing away of all our sins This is the true stonie rocke which being smitten vpon giueth water vnto our thirstie soules like as Eue was taken fashioned out of the rib side of her husband that slept so is the holie Church the spouse of Christ shapen out of the side of her husband This gate is opened wide to all faithfull beleeuers hee that hideth himselfe in this hole is sure from all hurt and harme Of this holie and godly fountaine who so drinketh once or taketh a draught of the holie loue dooth forthwith forget all his aduersities and griefes and shall bee whole from all wicked heate of temporall lustes and bodilie prouocations feruently shall hee bee kindled in loue and desire of eternall thinges and shall bee replenished with the vnspeakable goodnesse of the holie Ghost and in him shall bee a fountaine and well of liuing water flowing into eternall life By this creepeth the poore sinner into the louing heart of Iesus Christ which with exceeding great kindnes is pierced through and there findeth hee rest and quietnes in the stony rocke Here are opened the conduites and well pipes of life the way of our health wherein we finde rest vnto our soules shadow for heate and trauaile this fountaine of grace is neuer dried vp This is the well of the godly 〈◊〉 that floweth out of the middest of paradise to wate● the whole earth to moysture the drie hearts to wash away sinne Out of this plentifull well ought wee with great desire to draw and drinke that from henceforth wee liue not in our selues but in him who for our sakes was wounded so deep Our hart must we giue whollie vnto him that hath opened his heart so wide His heart and ours must bee all one Nothing requireth he of vs but the heart Sonne saith he giue mee thy heart Our hart must we giue to the Lord not to the world to eternall wisedome not to lightnes There do the true heardmans sheepe find pasture there are the water brookes of life there may they goe in and out Nothing is there vppon earth that so kindleth draweth and pierceth the heart of man as dooth Christes loue declared vppon the crosse When wee thus surrender our heart vnto the Lorde when wee thus wholly and fully giue ouer our heart into the Lordes hands that hee may keepe and possesse it for euer then haue we blessed peace O Lord Iesu Christ drawe thou our hearts vnto thee ioyne them together in vnseparable loue that they may feruently burne that wee may abide in thee thou in vs that the euerlasting couenant betweene vs may stand sure for euer O wound our hearts with the fiery darts of thy pearcing loue Let them pierce through all our slouthfull members and inward powers that wee beeing happily wounded may so become whole and sound Let vs haue no louer but thy selfe alone lette vs seeke no ioy nor comfort but onely in thee Thus haue we the passion and death of our Lord and redeemer Iesus Christ Now as Paule saith let vs go foorth of the tentes vnto him that for our sake is despitefully crucified without the Citie of Hierusalem and lette vs helpe him to beare his rebuke giuing him thankes and praise for his great loue In his death standeth our life for in his death is our death slaine the sting of death and firme is taken awaye Heere finde wee true life and eternall saluation here sinne is forgiuen and pardon graunted A poena culpa heere mercie is denyed vnto no man for the vertue and merites of the Lordes holie passion is bottomlesse Through his shame commeth eternall honour and glorie vnto vs. His passion is the wholesome playster for all woundes his crosse the ouerthrow of all enemies and victorie against all vice From our whole heartes therefore ought wee to reioyce in the great and blessed fruites of thy holie passion O Lorde Iesu whilest wee are in this feeble life graunt vs so to liue that wee maye direct all our workes desires and intentes according to thy godlie will and pleasure that this our temporall course may bee founde and finished in thy grace that after the ouercomming of all temptations and carefull things we may come to the reward of eternall saluation Teach thou vs dayly to die and by the spirit to subdue the flesh that when the flesh corrupteth the spirit may be taken to eternall rest Graunt vs grace chearefully and continually to cleaue vnto thy holy crosse O giue vs blessed teares of true repentance while the doore of grace standeth open graunt that we may stedfastly blessedly finish the thing which commendably is begun Let our daily exercise bee in the confideration of the passion of Christ let him be our mirrour continually let vs not shrinke from the crosse but indure with Christ in life death with him on the crosse with him in the graue and death so shal we continue in rest peace and quietnesse that when Christ our life shall appeare we may rise vp with him in glorie God the Father Sonne and holie Ghost grant this vnto vs all Amen THE BVRIALL OF IESVS CHRIST OVT of the holie Euangelists NOW when it was late for as much as it was the day of preparation afore the Sabaoth there came a rich man of Arimathia named Ioseph such a principall famous Senatour as was iust and righteous The same had not consented to their counsaile and doings for he also was one of those that waited for the kingdome of God a disciple of Iesu but secretly for feare of the Iewes Boldly went he in vnto Pilate and begged the bodie of Iesu But Pilate wondered if he were now dead alreadie And when hee had learned of the Captaine that it was he graunted him the bodie of Iesu and commended it to bee giuen him Ioseph had bought a white linnen cloth and tooke downe the bodie of Iesus and wrapt it in the faire linnen cloth There came also Nicodemus who was come to the Lord afore by night brought mirrhe and Aloes vppon an hundred pound mixt together So taking the body of Iesu they wound it with clothes and prepared it with sweet ointments according as the maner of the Iewes was to burie And by the place where Iesus was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new sepulchre There Ioseph laid Iesus in his owne new sepulchre which he had caused to be hewen out of a rocke into the which no man had yet been laid Forasmuch then as it was the Iewes day of preparing the