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mercy_n great_a let_v sinner_n 1,997 5 7.5506 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19279 The true and perfect copie of a godly sermon preached in the minister at Lincolne, by the reuerend father in God, Thomas L. Bishop of Lincolne the .28. of August. Anno. 1575. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1575 (1575) STC 5691; ESTC S111168 25,439 76

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and is called dictum domus Eliae the saying of the schole of Elias and is attributed to the sonne of the widowe which Elias raysed from death to lyfe The summe of it is that the worlde should remayne sixe thousande yeres that is two thousand before the law two thousand vnder the lawe and two thousand vnder Messiah The first foure thousande we sée by iust computation fulfilled before Christe of the last two one and more then an halfe is passed nowe if we call to our remembrance that Christe him selfe hath promised that for his electe sake because of the excéeding trouble miserie and wickednesse the latter dayes should be shortned we shall easily gather that the world hath not many yeres to continue and howe fewe we knowe not for howe much or how litle he will abridge them we are vncerteine Nowe séeing the proofes be so euident that the last day can not be farre of for séeing the figge trée leaues be spreade Sommer must néedes be at hande the nexte is the more to moue our dull hearts diligently to consider howe and in what maner it shall be The story thereof Christ briefly comprehendeth Mat. 25. VVhen the sonne of man sayth he shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels vvith him then shall he sitte on the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered al nations and he shal separate them one from another as the shephearde deuideth his sheepe from the goates and he shall set the sheepe on the right hande but the goates on the left so forth as there foloweth Christes first comming was with al méekenesse lowlines simplicitie according to the saying of the Prophet Behold thy king commeth to thee meeke and sitteth vpon an Asse He came then to saue sinners and therefore he shewed him selfe altogether in mercy and gentlenesse but his latter comming shall be with great power maiestie and glory for then he commeth as a dreadfull Judge to reward in iustice the vnrepentant sinners that contemned his great mercies offered at his firste comming But let vs examine the maner of his comming somewhat more particularly After those signes and tokens that goe before his comming whereof I haue already spoken there be other also ioyned with the verie time of his latter appearing The sun shall be darkened the moone shall lose her light the starres shall fall from heauen and the povvers of heauen shall be moued the earth shall burne the firmament shall melt away and the last trumpe shall blowe and the voyce of the Archangell shal be heard summoning as it were all people aud sounding in their eares Surgite mortui venite ad iudicium arise you dead and come to iudgement whiche voyce S. Hierome thought he hearde euer ringing in his eares Then shall the sonne of mā appeare in the cloudes with great Maiestie as is sayde and the dead shall rise and they that be lyuing in the twinckling of an eye shall be changed and caryed into the ayre to appeare before the Lorde who commeth to iudge the worlde in ryghteousnesse This maner of Christ his comming beside his owne wordes in sundrie places of the Euangelistes is witnessed by S. Paule 2. Thes 1. VVhen the Lord Iesus Christe shall be reuealed from heauen vvith the Angels of his povver in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that knovve not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ The very place whence he shall be reuealed giueth a great authoritie and maiestie vnto his comming to iudgement from heauen saith S Paule that is from the seate and habitation of the eternall and euerliuing God where is al power wisdome and iustice From thence saith he in another place doe we looke for our sauiour the Lorde Jesu And the Angell to the Disciples at the ascention of Christ VVhy stand you saith he gasing vp into heauen this same Iesus vvhich is taken from you into heauen shal so come euen as you haue sene him goe into heauen And therefore all christians in their beliefe confesse that Christ is ascended vp into heauē from whence say they he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead In the witnesse of the Apostle aboue rehearsed the power and ende of his comming is noted vvith the Angels of his povver saith S. Paule and to this end That he may be reuenged on them that knovve not God nor haue not beleeued his Gospel Which thing muste néedes be most terrible to the wicked as it is in the same place more precisely noted But of all other the Prophet Daniel most gloriously discribeth the maner of his comming I beheld saith he til the thrones vvere set vp and the Auncient of dayes did sit vvhose garment vvas vvhite as snow and the haires of his heade like pure vvool his throne vvas like firie flame and his vvheles as burning fire There issued forth before him a firie streame a thousand thousande ministred vnto him and ten thousand stoode before him the iudgment was set and the bokes were opened c. First the Prophet sayth the Thrones vvere set vp whereby it may appeare there be moe Thrones then one that this Judge shal haue a great number of assistances to be as witnesses of his iustice against the wicked and these shal be the number of his saintes as it is witnessed in sundrie places of the Scriptures Verely verely I saye vnto you saith Christ That vvhen the sonne of man shal sit in the throne of his maiestie you that haue follovved me in regeneration shal sit also vpon twelue seats iudgig the twelue tribes of Israel This iudge is noted by Daniel to be An olde man vvith his haire as white as vvool Therby to signifie the reuerence wisdome and experience y is in him that he cā not let passe any thinge by ignorance errour or follye his garmentes as white as snowe declare vnto vs his securitie vprightnes and integritie in iudgement not respecting any person nor being corrupted with fauour hatred or money The firie stream e y issueth forth before him the flaming throne that he sitteth in signifie the dreadfull force and pearsing strength of his iudgement which no creature is able to resist As fire consumeth all things is consumed of nothing so doth the straight iudgement of God consume all the wicked of the earth For God as the Scriptures saye is a consuming fire And the Prophet Esay saith The Lorde shall comme in fire and his chariot shall be like a vvhirle vvinde that he may recompence his vēgeance in his vvrath and his indignation in a flame of fire For the Lord shal iudge all fleshe with the fire and vvith his svvorde The assistance of an infinite number of saints and Angels set forth vnto vs the wonderfull maiestie and power of the sonne of God in iudgement for if one Angell in one night were hable to destroye 185000 ▪ of the host of Senacherib of