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A16525 The holy exercise of fasting Described largely and plainly out of the word of God: with all the parts and causes, and seuerall kinds of the same: together with the most fit times, and conuenient seasons, when and how long it should be held: with the manifold fruite and commoditie that redoundeth to vs thereby: and the whole nature and order thereof. In certaine homilies or sermons, for the benefit of all those, that with care and conscience intend at any time publikely or priuately to put in practise the same. By Nicolas Bownde Doctor of diuinitie. Perused and allowed by publike authoritie. Bownd, Nicholas, d. 1613. 1604 (1604) STC 3438; ESTC S114771 132,330 360

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beyond the bounds of modestie and good maners so if we could aswell see and feele this great miserie that we and our brethren are in it would make vs to be so importunate with the Lord in our prayers that we would haue no nay at his handes but still stand knocking at the gate of his mercie vntill hee hath opened and sent vs away with a gratious answer as Dauid in the one fifty Psalme pressed downe with the heauie burden of his sinnes did crie vnto God againe and againe for mercie and would not haue his mouth stopped vntill the Lord had mercie vpon him saying Haue mercie upon me O God Psa 51.1.2 according to thy louing kindnesse according to the multitude of thy cōpassions put away mine iniquiti●● wash me throughly from mine iniquitie and clense me from my sin purge me with Hysope washe me make mee to heare ioy and gladnesse and so foorth as followeth where euerie verse almost containeth a seueral petition earnestly crauing mercie of God for his sinnes yea as blinde Bartimaeus cried after Christ in the waie Mar. 10.46 Iesus the sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me and manie rebuked him because he should hold his peace but he cried much more O sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me and would neuer leaue calling and crying vntill Christ stoode still and commanded him to be called so we in this case should neuer leaue calling vpon God vntill by diminishing of the plague we might see some token of his mercie Nay we should be like to the woman of Syrophenisse who came suing to Christ for her daughter Math. 15.21 and saide Haue mercie on me O Lord the soone of Dauid and he by his silence seemed not to regard her and when his Disciples did speake to him for her he answered them as though she were not to be regarded saying I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel when shee came neerer her-selfe and saide Lord helpe me then he seemed cleane to cast her off and to leaue her without all hope ●4 01 〈◊〉 in saying It is not good to take the childrens bread and to cast it to whelpes yet for al this she would not giue ouer her need was so great but desired as a whelpe to eate of the crummes And by earnest suite we shall finde ● supplie in time that fell from her masters table and so Christ heard her at the last and said vnto her O woman great is thy faith be it to thee as thou desirest and her daughter was made whole at that houre Euen so our selues though we may seeme all this while to haue praied in vaine and to haue lost our labour and the Lorde God not to regard vs because the plague is not one whit lessened but rather increased yet because our need is so great let vs not giue ouer but in all feruencie of praier hold out and waite vpon God and how Psal 123. ● Euen as the eies of seruants looke vnto the hand of their maisters and as the eies of a maiden vnto the hand of her mistresse so let our eies waite vpon the Lord our God vntill he haue mercie vpon vs. And let euerie one saie Psal 130.5 I haue waited on the Lorde my soule hath waited and I haue trusted in his worde my soule waiteth on the Lord more then the morning watch watcheth for the morning and so let vs incourage all Israel euen the people of God to waite vpon him for with him is mercy with him is great redemption and he wil redeeme them from al their iniquities that is as he hath manie waies and meanes to deliuer those that be his so he will vpon their repentance forgiue them all their sinnes and much more deliuer from the deserued punishment of the same ●he consci●ce of our ●woorthi●sse must ●t hinder ● but ra●er make 〈◊〉 more fer●ut in prai● Moreouer that wee might praie so earnestly as we should let vs further consider our great vnwoorthinesse by reason of our innumerable sinnes that when wee shall see that whether wee looke to our selues or to other there is no cause that the Lord should heare and helpe vs for wee haue not done our dutie as we ought wee haue not profited by his worde and great patience nay wee haue by the abuse of them and by other of our sinnes prouoked his wrath against vs and haue deserued that this deadly plague shuld continew and make an end of vs all we may be importunate with him to spare vs that so though not for anie thing that is in vs of his great mercie for Christes sake by opportunitie hee may be ouercome as wee haue seene by the parable of the wicked Iudge how he will be and as we haue seene how Iacob would not giue ouer wrestling vntill he had blessed him at the last obtained the blessing So the Lord seeing that we are not wearie of calling vpon him though he finde vs vnwoorthie might heare and helpe vs. And so let not the conscience of our vnwoorthinesse stoppe our mouthes hinder our praiers but rather mooue vs to be the more earnest confessing the same as Ezra Ezra 9.6 doth I am confounded and ashamed to lift vp mine eies vnto thee my God for our iniquities are increased ouer our head and our trespasse is growen vp vnto the heauen and as Daniel Dan. 9.8 doth O Lord vnto vs appertaineth open shame to our kings to our princes and to our fathers because we haue sinned against thee yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in the Lord our God albeit we haue rebelled against him and so may we truely say of our selues and of our land and countrey wherein we liue And lastly for this present let vs consider that as in no other thing so in this most of all none can helpe vs but the Lord ●nd the con●eration of ●is that ●e can ●lpe vs but 〈◊〉 Lord. there are meanes appointed for euery thing but vnlesse hee giue them we can not haue them and then also the right vse and successe of them is of the Lord so that he can not onely denie them vnto vs but curse them when we haue them that they shall do vs no good so that we may truly saie My helpe commeth from the Lorde 〈◊〉 121.2 who hath made both heauen earth therefore we had need to praie to him so much the more earnestly for the trusting to this and that hindereth our praier But the time cutteth mee off from this and so I leaue it to be supplied by the spirit of God which is able to giue you vnderstanding in all things HOMIL V. The fifth Homilie doth further intreat of feruencie of praier requisite in fasting and to the end we may consider what great things God hath promised to fasting and praier and how he hath performed the same not onely to the godly but euen to the wicked who haue thereby
almost all the land ouer especially in these southerne parts and scarcely anie shiere or countrey is free from it Such a thing as almost hath not beene heard of among vs So that wee say of it as the prophet Ioel speaketh of that great affliction that was in his time who to mooue them to a most serious and deepe consideration of that hande of God that was then verie heauily vpon them saith on this wise Ioel. 1.2 Heare O yee Elders and harken all yee inhabitants of the lande whether such a thing hath beene in your daies or in the daies of your fathers tell your children of it and let your children shew it to their children and their children to another generation and then he doth at large describe the calamitie that was vpon them but before hand hee telleth them as wee haue heard that it was such a strange thing as neither themselues nor their fathers had seene nor their posteritie should after them but he memorie of it was to be kep● from age to age euen to all posteritie So we may say of this mortall pestilence and pestilent mortalitie that the like was neuer in our dayes nor in the dayes of our f●thers the ol●est man or woman that liueth can not of their owne knowledge make relation of the like so that we haue great cause neuer to forget it but to keepe the memorie of it with profit to our selues and also to tell it to our children to our childrens children that they may thinke of it also wisely to applie it to themselues and so to profit by our harmes that we all the sonnes and daughters of faithfull Abraham may do Gen. 18.19 as it is sayd of him namely Command our sonnes and our households after vs that they keepe the way of the Lord and doe righteousnesse that God may not only keepe from them all his plagues but bring vpon them all that good which hee hath promised to those that feare him Seeing then that the hand of the Lord is more heauie vpon vs and vpon our brethren this way then euer we or our fathers haue felt or knowen it we must needs confesse that vnlesse we be senselesse and hard-hearted And so ho● iust cause th●re is of publike fasting and prayer we haue great cause to sorrow and to mourne and so to know the day of our visitation so to acknowledge this to be the very time that God requireth of vs fasting and prayer and all kinde of humiliation that possibly can be So that if euer we should do it now we ought and if there be any time fit for it this time of so great and so long affliction and so consequently of so great sorow weeping and mourning is most fit for it Therefore if now we should neglect it and spend away the time in feasting in all kinde of mirth and iollitie as it is to be feared Esa 22.12 that too many do euen as the wicked in former times haue done there would be more than too great likelihood that not onely this plague should continue and increase but some more grieuous punishment should come vpon vs heereafter and all of vs must needs haue iust cause to feare it In the time of the law they were not onely commanded to celebrate the Passeouer yeerely but to keepe it at the time that God had appointed and this he required so straitly that if any had no let and impediment as if he should be cleare ●euit 9.13 and not in a iourney and yet should be negligēt to keepe the Passeouer the same parson should be cut off from his people because he brought not the offering of Lord in his due season that man should beare his sinne if we then do not at this time when God requireth it of vs bring to him the obedience of fasting and praier and offer vnto him in all humilitie as the time requireth the sacrifices of broken hearts and contrite spirits we can not onely not looke for any mercy according to our great need but we may assure our selues of some further great punishment if wee be not wholly destroyed and cut off from his people Therefore let vs not be like vnto those foolish Iewes who knew not nor regarded the time of their visitation and so did not consider either what mercie God offered vnto them or what dueties he required of them in that time of whō our Sauiour Christ iustly complaineth in the Gospell and vttereth his complaint out of the abundance of his loue with many teares saying Luk. 19.42 O if thou hadst euen knowen at the least in this thy day those things that belong to thy peace but now are they hidden from thine eyes So wee should now be ignorant what God requireth of vs at this time and not do it Let vs then be perswaded vpon the former reasons commandements and examples that howsoeuer God at other times giueth vs libertie to feast and to reioyce and to vse his benefits not onely for necessity but for delight according to the sundrie causes of mirth which by his blessings is bestowed vpon vs he shall offer vnto vs yet at this time it being a time of so great affliction and so of sorrow euerie where as hath not bene knowne or heard of whiche they doe best know that haue beene vnder the hande of God and we our selues cannot altogither be ignorant of it let vs bee perswaded I say that the Lord requireth of vs fasting and mourning and great humiliation that so we may doe that that we doe in faith and in obedience to his holy commandement and that most willingly also that he might accept it at our handes and reward vs for it And heere againe by the waie we may easily iudge of the fastes held in the time of poperie and ignorance In poperie this difference of time for fasting was wholly neglected namely that they were according to the blindnesse of that time both ignorantly imposed vpon mens consciences and also verie superstitiously obeied when as they made no difference or choise of times but without all discretion appointed the time of Lent and all Ember weekes as they call them and euery Saints eeuen yeerelie to be fasted let the times be then as they will be not considering whether the time be or shall be a time of ioy or sorrow of weeping or of reioicing as a time of peace or of warre a time of sicknesse or of health a time of dearth or of plentie or generally a time of prosperitie or of aduersitie this they doe not for ciuill pollicie as we keepe them but of meere consciene inioyning all men vnder the paine of sinne and fearefull curse of the Pope vpon such and such daies yeerely to fast euen vnto their dying daie when as it may fal out for ought that they know that such times may be full of causes of reioicing publikely or priuately so feasting were more fit for them
recompensed that great losse by sending so worthy a King into her roome yet we might then haue feared some other great punishment as we see how this plague hath followed and there was cause to feare it before though few did thinke of it and what may be next vnto this we know not wee are sure that much hath beene deserued and so by fasting and prayer in respect of these great sinnes wee had need to seeke to the Lord to turne it away And thus much for the second cause which might mooue vs to feare some great wrath and displeasure of God to bee shewed in some kinde of correction and rodde of his whereby wee might willingly humble our selues before him in publike fasting euen the great sinnes that in all sorts euery where abound and most shamefully lift vp their heads vncontroled Thirdly and last of all Gods nor ●● to come apearing i● his iudgement denounced haue been causes of publike s● s●ing concerning this matter the seruants of God in former times haue wisely discerned beforehand of the stormie tempest of Gods wrath to come by the fearefull threatnings of Gods iudgement denounced against them by his faithfull seruaunts that haue spoken to them in his Name whom as they haue beene perswaded that they haue beene stirred vp by his holy spirit to speake vnto them from his mouth and to warne them thereby out of his word as from himselfe so they haue feared the things that haue beene spoken against them and as though they did see them comming haue sought vnto him by fasting and prayer to escape them And this is the thing that mooued the King of Niniue to doe as he did namelie that when hee heard the preaching of the Prophet Iona how hee did crie out against their sinne and threatned Gods vengeance to light speedily vpon the whole citie vnlesse they did speedilie repent ●ona 3.4 euen that within fortie dayes Niniue should be ouerthrowen when this word came vnto him hee arose from his throne laied his robe from him and couered himselfe with sackecloth and sate in ashes and proclaimed a fast thorow the whole citie by the counsell of the King his nobles saying Let neither man nor beast feed nor drinke water that so in all humilitie they seeking to God for mercy and turning euery man frō his euill wa●es they might bee spared in this which they saw they had so great cause to feare for it is sayd The people of Niniue beleeued God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them euen to the least of them they beleeued in God and that moued them to do so that is they beleeued that Iona Iona. 3.5 who thus preached was a true Prophet and that God had sent him to doe this message vnto them and that their sinnes had deserued this vtter destruction threatned and that of his iustice God might bring it vpon them and therefore though they yet sawe not howe and which way it should come to passe yet beleeuing these things they fell to fasting and prayer to pacifie Gods wrath and to escap● it So that as the sound of the trumpet doth warne men to prepare themselues to battell and to go meet with their enemies so this preaching of Gods seruant who lifted vp his voice against them as a trumpet did awaken them out of the sleepe of security and to meet the Lord who was become their enemie by reason of their sinnes and in fasting and praier humblie submitting themselues vnto him to intreat at his hands conditions of peace And truelie in this respect if we should not in like maner seeke to the Lord with fasting praier that his wrath might be appeased towards vs we could not plead ignorance as not knowing anie cause why we should doe so ●Ve haue not wanted this ●ause of publike fasting ●mong vs. for we must needes confesse that the faithfull Ministers of Christ haue often and long ago in the pulpits proclaimed open warre against vs for our sinnes that is they haue threatned Gods heauie iudgements against vs out of his Word to rowse vs from the drowsie securitie of sinne Haue we not heard it preached vnto vs as it was to the Iewes that the kingdome of God should bee taken from vs for our great barrennesse Mat. 21.43 and green to a nation that should bring forth the fruits thereof And haue we not heard the words of the Prophet ●sa 5.1 that whereas the Lord had planted among vs a vineyard in a very fruitefull hill and had hedged it and gathered out the stones of it and had planted it with the best plants and had built a tower in the middes thereof and made a wine-presse therein and then looked that it should bring foorth grapes but it brought foorth wilde grapes that therefore hee would take awaie the hedge thereof that it might be eaten vp and would breake downe the wall thereof that it might be troden down and that he would lay it waste that it should not be digged but briers and thornes should growe vp in it and woulde commaund the cloudes that they should not raine vpon it And as this hath beene threatned so the Lord might according to our deserts after the death of our late Queene Elizabeth haue giuen vs vp either into the hands of some forraine enemies abroad or rebellious persons at home who might haue broken downe all and laid vs the Church of God waste Now though he hath spared vs this waie yet according to former iudgement denounced hee hath not let vs alone in our sinnes but hath taken vs into his owne hande by sending this pestilence among vs which Dauid accounted a great fauour when it was offered vnto him by the prophet Gad 2. Sam. 24.13 after that hee had offended the Lord in numbring of the people whether of these three punishments he would choose either seuen yeeres famine to come vpon the land or to flie three monthes before his enemies or that there should be three daies pestilence in the land saying I am in a woonderfull great strait let vs now fal into the hand of the Lord for his mercies are great and let me not fall into the hand of men and so hee chose the pestilence as a mercifull visitation of the Lord and so must we thinke that though the Lorde hath brought this upon vs for our sinnes according to that that hath beene threatned by his seruants yet heerein he hath delt verie mercifully with vs in that he hath deliuered vs from the cruel oppression of bloody men For Gods iudgements to come for our sinnes haue beene constantly threatned We must needs then acknowledge that the seruants of God haue not kept silence against our sins but haue out of his worde shewed that of his iustice and trueth hee must needes punish vs some waie for our sinnes vnlesse we speedily repent And this as it hath beene alwaies the vsuall dealing of
THE HOLY EXERCISE OF FASTING Described largely and plainly out of the word of God with all the parts and causes and seuerall kinds of the same together with the most fit times and conuenient seasons when and how long it should be held with the manifold fruite and commoditie that redoundeth to vs thereby and the whole nature and order thereof In Certaine Homilies or Sermons for the benefit of all those that with care and conscience intend at any time publikely or priuately to put in practise the same By Nicolas Bownde Doctor of diuinitie Perused and allowed by publike authoritie Occupie till I come Luk. 16.13 Math. 25.11 It is well done good seruant and faithfull thou hast beene faithfull in little I will make thee ruler ouer much enter into thy masters ioy Printed by IOHN LEGAT Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1604. And are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard by Simon Waterson To the right Reuerend father in God and right honourable Lord Doctor Iohn Iegon Lord Bishop of Norwich the continuance and daily increase of all those heauenly vertues and graces which the Apostle S. Paul requireth in a Bishop 1. Tim. 3.2 RIght reuerend father and very honourable Lord besides many other weightie reasons whereby I haue beene mooued to commend this simple present vnto your Lordships fauour which it is not necessarie nor conuenient to make all the world acquainted with it is enough that your Lordship priuately doth take knowledge of them it may be sufficient openly to professe thus much That whereas my selfe with all the rest of my brethren fellow ministers were in our countrie and in all the rest of your L. Dioces of Norfolke and Suffolke the last sommer inioyned by your letters sent to your officers to that ende according to the order set downe before in print by the authoritie of the Kings most excellent maiestie to come to the Church euery we●ke vpon the wednesdaies and fridaies with the rest of our people flocke committed vnto vs there and then to be occupied in praier and fasting to intreat the Lord for our sinnes and for the sinnes of the rest in this land that so his heauie hand which by the pestilence was then very sharpely and that a long time stretched out in many cheife cities and towns of this realme and namely of this your L. Dioces as Norwich and Yarmouth and some other might be called in at his appointed time Sam. 24.16 as it was in the daies of king Dauid Whereby it came to passe that both here and in many places els there was much more preaching hearing of the word of God and praying vnto him then was before and otherwise would haue beene So that by meanes of the straite charge laid vpon all by your L. letter there was much good done in this countrie at that time the fruite whereof I hope remaineth vnto this day For though the booke containing the cause and order of those fasts which was made by some of the cheife gouernours in the Church of England and was authorized by the Kings Highnesse did as I take it not onely giue leaue vnto all places publikely to meete vpon these aboue named daies to these ends but did inioyne them to it and so all men might haue taken knowledge of it and of their dutie therein from thence especially when the cause of it namely so grieuous and so vniuersall a plague was so notorious that it could not be hid from any yet it was found too true by experience in many places that vntill such time as men were further called vpon by your Lordships letter full of great and weightie reasons to perswade thereunto that neither many ministers had any care to call vpon their people to so holy and necessarie a seruice nor the people any great deuotion to come So slowe are men vnto any part of Gods seruice yea though it doth so greatly cōcerne them especially to this principall part of it in fasting and praier which hath beene very long out of vse that they had neede not onely lightly to be called vpon but with many strong coards violently hailed vnto it though vnto all matters of the world they are so forward and hastie that they runne of their own accord and none can stay them Hereupon it hath come to passe that a great part of the good that this way hath beene done vnto the people of God and seruice to his maiestie is to be imputed vnto your lordships diligent care who did so timely and effectually stirre vp men vnto it especially in respect of those cheife places others vnder your Lordships iurisdiction which then were greatly subiect vnto this visitation as well as other parts of this land neither are they all of them yet free from it Therefore these beeing part of my labours at that time they are in some sort due vnto your Lordship by whose means I receiued incouragement thereunto as others did to the like And I haue presumed to present them vnto your Lordship that by them you may see and by one may iudge of the rest how readie we are and shall be to yeild obedience to all your L. godly proceedings promising for my selfe and presuming of the rest that when we shall be likewise commanded which we expect and hope for in time to keepe solemne dayes of thanksgiuing for the mitigating of this plague in so great measure in the most places and for the cleane taking of it away in many we will be by the grace of God as ready to performe that part of seruice as we haue beene forward vnto this And in the meane season according to our bounden duty we will indeauour not only priuatly to be thankfull vnto God but vpon all such daies as we haue our publike assemblies to doe it in some part and to call vpon our people to be thankfull to God with vs both in hart words and life least the Lord for our vnthankfulnes doe returne vpon vs with the same or some other great punishment of his Which we haue so much the more cause to feare vnles we thus seeke to preuent it because the late memory of so great a worke both of iustice in sending the plague and of mercy in taking it away is not so fresh effectuall with all men nay with very few as it should but they like to vngratious children so soone forget the rodd as it is off their back And seeing by these your Lordship may take knowledge that by your godly incitation many were made more painfull in their callings at the least for that time then otherwise they would have beene whereby also God was more honoured and the people more instructed your Lordship will according to that high place wherein God hath placed you especially to that end take all opportunities by word and writing still to incite all men to be zealous and feruent in the worke of the ministery by giuing all good
vnder the heauen and so there is a time wherein we are as well commanded to fast as we haue liberty to feast and therefore as Esra and the Leuites would not haue the people to fast weepe then Nehem. 8.10.11 but rather to eate and reioice when it was a time of ioy So the Prophet Esay findeth fault with some of his time Esay 22.12.13 who when the Lord called them by his worde and punishments vnto fasting they fell to feasting and so there was as he said killing of sheepe and oxen eating and drinking And so neither of them knew what was fit for their seuerall times we must therefore be perswaded that as there are times in which God of his great mercy giueth vs liberty to feast and to vse his creatures not onely for necessitie sparingly but for delight abundantly as at marriages and other times of reioicing so there is a time also when he would haue vs not onely eate temperately which we must doe alwaies euen at feasts that wee fall not to surfiting and drunkennesse but euen to absteine wholly from meat and drink and all other comforts of this life to those blessed endes for which he hath ordained it ●he Iewes ●d a stan●ng fast ●erely ●eu 16.29 To this end wee may remember what is written concerning fasting in the booke of Leuiticus and namely how there it is said that the Lord commaunded the Iewes once a yeere that euery soule should humble it selfe with fasting before the Lorde in one of the great assemblies where Moses sheweth or rather the Lord by him that this fast should be kept perpetually once a yeere and in what moneth and what day of the moneth and to what end namely to humble themselues for their sinnes and therefore what must then be done viz. that they must abstaine from all worke and worldly businesse and be occupied in all exercise of Gods worship as vpon the Sabbath day and that the Priest should make attonement by praier to obtaine remission of their sinnes And the same commandement is set downe againe in as many wordes in the 23. Leu. 23.2 chapter of the same booke where he sheweth that all were bounde to it and that they should then lay aside all their wordly businesse and haue an holy conuocation and therein haue sacrifices and praier that it might be a Sabbath vnto them as all fastes are of the nature of the Sabbathes sauing that in them they abstaine from meat and then all things are done to an other end euen that there might be great humiliation in them for their sinnes which two are not so proper vnto the Sabbath and so vpon their repentance God might be reconciled vnto them and spare them which are most excellent ends of fasting and a great fruit of that worke which might prouoke all vnto it and none might repent them of their labour And in these places though there be no mention of absteining from meate and drinke and so they may seeme not to appertaine to this argument of fasting yet besides that all learned men doe thus take them that this was a day of yeerely fasting euen the verie circumstance also of the text doth necessarily lead vs vnto this interpretation for when he not onely makes it a daie of abstaining from al worke and spending it wholly in Gods seruice publikely but also that the end of it should be that they might be humbled for their sins so reconciled vnto God this humbling of their souls is principally vrged and we know that the humbling of the body is a meanes to humble the soule and the body is specially humbled and brought downe by abstaining from meate and drinke and other comforts of it and besides we finde by practise in the Scripture that in other times of great humiliation the seruants of God haue abstained from these things therefore wee may be assured that this is ment in these places and that this was their practise that vpon this day they abstaining from meat and drinke did thus also cease from worke and were occupied in Gods worship to this end euen to the humbling of themselues before the Lord and so this was the thing that was commaunded them yeerely to doe euen to keepe a daie of fast And there was great reason of it There was great reas● of it for in the yeere many great sins might be committed of al sorts which might iustly prouoke Gods wrath against them and so they had great cause to be humbled for them and once in the yeere God might shew some tokens of his displeasure in some of his punishments as by raising vp some enemies against them by sending sicknes scarcitie vnseasonable weather and such like therefore they might thinke that once in the yeere at the least there was cause for them thus to humble themselues especially when God had cōmanded them so to do For though they should thus humble themselues continually for their sinnes as they sell out yet to helpe their i●fi●mitie ●hey had a set time appointed for it 〈◊〉 doe it more thorowly For as the● 〈…〉 Sabbath giuen them that 〈◊〉 a weeke they might wholly 〈◊〉 ●om their labors and attend vpon the worship of God for their good t●ough they should euery day redee●e the time and as they had their daily sacrifices morning and euening and so times for praier So heere though all should continually be humbled for their sinnes priuate and mourne for them that were publike when they saw any tokens of Gods displeasure yet to helpe their infirmitie heerein they had a solemne day appointed for this purpose that the time it selfe might not onely put them in minde of that which otherwise would haue beene forgotten of the most or not so seriously thought vpon but also further them therein And as we finde by experience how needful it is to haue a Sabbath to put vs in minde of and to further vs in Gods seruice for how few doe it at all or as they should vpon the weeke daies and then what would they doe if there were no Sabbath at all So the godly no doubt in those daies did finde by their owne experience that though they had oftentimes cause in respect of their sinnes and the punishment of them to fast publikely and priuately yet if they had had no set time appointed for it they should verie often haue failed in so necessarie a dutie euen as we see among our selues that because we haue no such times appointed for vs that verie few though they haue great cause do practise it at any time Therefore this was Gods goodnesse to that people to giue them such a commandement How farre he equity f that law ●indeth vs. Now though the ceremony of the yeerely day be taken away as many other solemne daies of theirs are yet the thing it selfe that is Fasting is not taken away for though we be not tied to that yeerly day yet we are bound at somtimes
our best or our second For as it is said of the Israelites whē Moses brought them that ill tidings from the Lord ●od 33 4. after their idolatrie with their golden calfe that he would not goe with them but send an angell before them When the people heard this euill tidings they sorrowed and no man put on his best raiment it was a time of sorrow therefore they did not put on their best raiment So all times of fasting being times of sorrow all men and women then should haue off their best apparell and be dissolute rather then ordinarily careful in dressing of themselues for what curiositie can there be in putting on of a peece of sackecloth which in fasting was the common attire of them all ●here ou●ht 〈◊〉 a diffe●nce of our ●p●arell ac●●●din● to 〈◊〉 times And truely all experience both of holy Scripture and otherwise doth sufficiently shewe that godly wise men women haue obserued a difference according to the time as of other outward behauiour and things so of their apparell and thus as there hath bene a time of feasting and a time of fasting so a time to come foorth in their best in their worst apparell For it is noted of Hester that vertuous and noble Queene Hest 5.1 that at the end of the fast she put on hir roiall apparell that is such as was meete for a Princes to be seene in insinuating that during the time of the fast she wore other apparel or this change on the sudden should not haue beene obserued and declared 2. Sam. 12.20 And King Dauid also when the childe was dead and so no longer cause of seeking to the Lord by fasting and praier for the life of it He arose from the earth and washed and annointed himselfe and changed his apparel and came into the house of the Lord and worshipped that is he clothed himselfe like a king and did annoint and trimme vp himselfe to looke cheerefully to shew that whiles he fasted he was dissolute and carelesse of himselfe and abstained from all ornaments and delights So Iudith that vertuous woman when she went to Holophernes for the safegarde of her people did put off her widdowes apparell that is her mourning weede which during the time of her widdowhood she had worne before which was a time of mourning and then she did annoint herselfe and put on all maner of ornaments which though she had yet she did not vse them before so she had for the seueral times of sorrow and ioy sutable kinds of dressing and did vse them accordingly Then in the day of fasting wherein greatest sorrow should be and be openly professed wee should outwardly shew it in our apparell and dressing as well as in other things that both for costlinesse and curiositie it should differ frō other which though they be but outward things yet seeing they are practised of the godly and tend to this end ●ost●inesse f apparell nd curiositie 〈◊〉 dr●ssing a reat fault pon the aie of fast we must follow their example Therefore it were a great sinne vpon this day to set out our selues in pride either of apparell or iewels or sweete odors and perfumes as flowers in our hands or bosoms farther then necessitie in time of infection requireth or of starching or curling and crisping of haire and so to come abroad to see and to be seene and in the daies of greatest humiliation to lift vp themselues highest and to set out themselues as it were to sale in all maner of brauerie and delight and then when they should cast down themselues lowest with the Publicane to receaue mercy they should set vp the Peacocks feathers highest as though they did not need it or cared not for it And this is to be noted the rather because that some if they come abroad and be seene will not abate one haire of their pride though they be very sluts and slouins at home if it offend not your eares so to call them And these are the outward exercises of the bodie which are common to al those that professe to keepe this holie ordinance as they should of what degree or calling soeuer they be there is one more remaining which is proper to all that are maried who as they haue one comfort and commoditie in that estate euen of their bodies aboue others so they are during the time of fast to abstaine from it ●uring the me of fast ●e maried ●rties are abstaine ●om the ariage bed for if we be debarred then of the vse of those things that are absolutely necessary for the preseruation of our liues then much more from those which are not of that necessitie but rather for the comfort of our liues and as all other pleasures delights and recreations which are at other times lawfull are to be withdrawen from the bodie so this also Therefore then the maried parties with mutuall consent are to absteine from the fellowship one of an other and from the mariage bedde as the Apostle speaketh Cor. 7.5 Defraud not one an other except it be with consent for a time that yee may giue your selues to fasting and praier and againe come together lest satan tempt you for your incontinencie whereas at other times he doth wholly forbid this abstinence least satan should tempt them to sinne by refusing the remedie of it so at this time he doth require it to this ende that hee nameth And this is so straitly required that it is forbidden euen to them that are but newely maried as to the bridergroome and the bride who in this haue the greatest liberty aboue all other for the Prophet Ioel calling all sorts of men and women vnto fasting because the punishment then vpon them was very great speaketh euen to both these by name and not onely willeth them also to fast but to run out of their chamber saying Gather the people Ioel. 2.16 sanctifie the congregation gather the Elders assemble the children and those that sucke the brests let the Bridegroome goe foorth of his chamber and the Bride out of her Bride-chamber And thus much of the seueral things wherin the outward abstinence consisteth which is the first part of this holy exercise now it remaineth that I should intreat of the inwarde vertues of the minde to be attained vnto by these meanes which are those that follow HOMIL III. The third Homil●e intreateth of the inward vertues of the minde to be attained vnto and professed in fasting without the which the outward abstinence is no●hing woorth namely of true humilitie and casting downe of our selues before God and wherein that consisteth and how necessary it is and by what meanes we may atttaine vnto it The out●ard absti●ence is to ●urther vs ●n the in●ard graces ●f the spirit IN the former Treatise we haue shewed wherein the first part of fasting consisteth which thogh it be first in order yet is last in account that which in it self is referred
not lift vp his eies vnto heauen but knocked on his brest and saide cap. 15.21 Lord be mercifull vnto me a sinner and let him be vile in his own eies as the prodigall sonne was when he came to his father and said Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee and am no more woorthie to be called thy sonne So let vs iudge and say of ourselues from the bottome of our harts that we are vnwoorthie of all his benefites publike and priuate and most woorthie of all his punishments euen of this plague that is among vs and that it should still continue and increase and so let vs iudge our selues that he may not iudge vs or that in his good time he may cease iudgeing of vs as he hath promised 1. Cor. 11.31 For euen as the father looketh that the childe should humble himselfe to the confession of his fault before him when he hath taken the rod of correction into his hand and then he is ready to spare him and not before so the Lord looketh for this at the handes of men much more and if we could haue done this thorowly long before wee might haue escaped happely this present iudgement so if we can but euen now doe it we may come out of it in time or haue it turned into some blessing and vntill then he will not cease or if he do he reserueth vs but to some further iudgement If then we would haue any good by this fasting we must humble our selues and the more wee can do it to sorrow for our sinnes the more mercie may wee looke for from God Ezek. 18.23.31 For he desireth not the death of a sinner but rather that he should repent and liue as he hath witnessed by his holy Prophet and the people of Nineue Iona 3.8 when they turned euery man from his euill way and from the wickednesse that was in his handes and thus humbled themselues then God repented and turned from his fierce wrath that they perished not as Jona had conditionally threatened before But this point is more largely to be considered of heereafter when I shall by the grace of God speake of the manifolde fruits of fasting in the meane season now we onely see what measure of humilitie then God requireth of vs. But if any should not only not humble himselfe and be sory for his sinne But if we grow proud by them then are they vnprofitable and hurtfull vnto vs. but vpon confidence of his fasting wax bolder to sinne and in a false persuasion that through obedience giuen vnto God in this one point he may be the bolder to be disobedient in another as too many thinke that because they haue done some good seruice vnto God to day they may at other times take scope and libertie to themselues in sinne and so set one against another or if heereupon they grow proud and thinke well of themselues because they do so and so as some are readie to boast and say Oh we haue beene at a fast to day but you haue not and so despise other that doe not and iustifie themselues in comparison of them like vnto those proud Pharisies that saide vnto our Sauiour Christ Why doe the Disciples of Iohn fast often and praie ●uk 5.33 and the Disciples of the Pharises also but thine eate and drinke then this holy ordinance of God is shamefully abused and peruerted from the right end of it and so that that should be a soueraigne medicine to cure our soules by this horrible abuse is turned into ranke poison to kill vs. For that that should make vs so to sorrow for our sinnes that we should vnfainedly purpose to leaue thē maketh vs more presumptuous and bould to sinne and that that should humble vs before men in respect of our vilenesse doth make vs to swell and puffe vs vp in respect of our holinesse and worthinesse therefore we must take heed that we fal not into these grosse sinnes By this also it appeareth how farre the Papists Church is from the true maner of fasting for they doe greatly boast of their fastings as the proud Pharises did before and they make them meritorious for the pardoning of their sinnes for this is part of the penance that is inioined them to make satisfaction euē to fast so many times vpon such such daies As all popish fasts are because they are puffed vp in the merit of thē and after such a maner more or lesse strictly according to the prescript of their ghostly father Which fasts of theirs how well they haue kept We haue seene before but now we say that they make them equall with the bloud of Christ which is onely able to clense vs from all our sinnes When they then ascribe remission of sins to their fastings thinke that partly they deserue it thereby and that God is bounde as it were vnto them for it this wickednesse not onely bereaueth them of all fruit of it but maketh them guiltie of horrible blasphemie and so all their fasts as they were ridiculous and foolish placing them in those things wherein they did not consist so were they most vngodly when they made them able to merite remission of sinnes whereby it came to passe that thereby they were not onely not humbled but contrarie to the nature of it exceedingly puft vp by them We then if we will haue anie blessing frō God by these means must not onely abstaine from this blasphemous pride to thinke the better of our selues because we doe thus as that euen by this we must labour to come to a greater measure of humilitie for our sinnes then we had before or otherwise could come vnto Seeing then this humiliation is a speciall vertue and grace of God to be attained vnto in the day of fast it is necessarie to be considered The medit●tion of our sinnes and the punishment of the is a meane truely to humble vs what is to be done for the effecting of it that is how and by what meanes wee may humble and cast downe our selues And that is done by the consideration of the greatnesse of our sinnes and the grieuous punishment due to vs for them for the more that we know and meditate vpon these the more by the blessing of God shall we be humbled and the lesse wee know or thinke of them the further shall we be from this true humilitie For this one thing euen to consider seriously how ma●●e waies wee haue offended God and how great wrath and condemnation is belonging to vs for it will breake our harde and stonie hearts if anie thing in the world will doe it and nothing will doe it but this and so farre foorth as it bringeth vs vnto this For let a man haue neuer so great a crosse besides as be he poore or sicke or in disgrace or haue some worldly losse yet he may hope to recouer that estate or may thinke that he hath some
aduisedly consider howe God hath not onely punished the wicked for their sinnes but that hee hath not spared his owne children as that hee not onely vtterly destroied those seauen goodly churches in Asia because they fell from their first loue and did not repent in time but also did euen cast off the Iewes his owne people for their contempt of his word Mat. 21.43 and tooke away the Gospell of the kingdome from them vnto this day because they did not bring foorth the fruites of it that as the Apostle saith We by their fall might feare Rom. 11.20.21 and seeing hee spared not the naturall branches we shoulde take heed least hee also spare not vs. But most of all we may see the fierce wrath of God against sinne to humble vs Euen vpon his owne sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour and his vnchangeable iustice in the person of his owne deare Sonne who taking vpon him our sinnes was in all torments of soule and bodie pressed downe with them to the bottome of hell for a time Heb. 5.7 Luk. 22.44 no praiers or supplications that hee could make euen with strong cries could deliuer him no agonie or bloudie sweats that hee indured in his soule and bodie could pacifie it and set him free but he must needs beare it vnto the full and so inded as the Prophet foretolde he was wounded for our transgressions Esa 53.8 he was broken for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was vpon him that so we by the law seeing our sinnes and by his curses acknowledging our desert for the same and by the execution of them his constant and immutable iustice in them might in feare and trembling cast downe our selues at his feet and as in fasting we haue bereaued our selues willingly of all so we might feele and in feeling confesse that we are vnwoorthie of all and so come to this most excellent vertue of humilitie which is the first part of those inward graces which by the outward exercise of fasting is to be laboured after and openly professed And so much of that now remaineth the other to be spoken of HOMIL IIII. The fourth Homilie continueth to intreat of the inward vertues of the mind and namely of the hope that we should haue of the pardon of our sinnes vpon our true repentance and that God will giue vs the things that we seeke to him for which hope must stirre vs vp to feruent and long prayer and how by importunitie wee shall preuaile with God and what things els may quicken vs vnto feruent prayer THe second part of the inward vertues of the mind and graces of the spirit of God which we must not only haue The second inward vertue is the hope that by faith we should haue of the fauour of God vpon our true humilitie but labour to be furthered in by this outward exercise of fasting and to which end we do vndertake it and which also we must openly professe is an assurance full hope that God for Christ his sake vpon our true repentance for our sinnes and vnfained humiliation for them and forsaking of them will pardon them all and will giue vs all those things that we stand in need of and wee then make humble sute vnto him for So then this is also another thing that as at all other times so most of all in the day of fast we must labour after euen an increase of faith whereby wee may be raised vp in our soules through the grace of God in Christ as high as the conscience of our sinnes and the deserued punishment of them doth cast vs downe and a full perswasion that we shall obtaine the remoouing of those euils through the death merits of our Sauior Christ which either presently presse vs or iustly hang ouer our heads For as true repentance humbling vs and as it were casting vs downe with one hand both in sorow for our sinnes and confession of the same leaueth vs not in that downefall lest we should dispaire but gratiously reacheth the other hand to lift vs vp againe and this is the right end of all true humilitie not to dismay vs but to comfort vs with the hope of Gods fauour euen from thence as it is sayd Humble your selues vnder the mightie hand of God 1. Pet. 5. ●5 that he may exalt you in due time And againe he resisteth the proud but giueth grace to the humble So this solemne profession of humilitie in fasting and praier much more doth and must so cast vs downe and abase vs in the conscience of our vnwoorthinesse euen of the least of Gods benefits openly in our practise by bereauing our selues of them for a time professing so much as that it doth giue vs so much the more hope of fauour from God by how much we doe then more then ordinarily iudge our selues So that heere is another thing to be furthered in by this outwarde abstinence namely In which w● must be furthered by the inward and outward affliction of the body and the minde that wee may haue a greater hope and assurance then before that God for Christs sake will be mercifull vnto vs because we doe according to his commandement more humble our selues then before not for the merite or woorthinesse of that but because of the gratious promises which of his free mercie he hath made to all those that thus turne vnto him and vnfainedly seeke him For as the abstinence without this humiliation is nothing worth so is the casting down of our selues in the sight and feeling of our sins our vnworthinesse for the same of no value or profite without this hope in the goodnesse of God and therefore as this abstinence must bring vs to this contrition of heart so that must further vs in our hope And therefore vnto this abstinence there hath beene alwais adioined as a thing inseparable supplications praiers which cannot be at all in any acceptable maner without some hope and assurance from God that we shall bee heard And therefore fasting is neuer without prayer As then in all maner of fastes we must first cleerely see our sins confesse them vnfainedly and thoroughly iudge our selues for them so must we then also with good hope in the goodnesse of God for Christes sake praie earnestly for the full pardon and forgiuenesse of them and for the turning away or remoouing from vs all heauie iudgements which are due to vs or vpon vs for the same So that this is an other thing required of vs in the day of fasting which we now keepe and to which end we doe abstaine as we do euen that with great hope vpon our great humiliation we might praie to God to remooue from our brethren this heauy hand of his that hath a long time lien sore vpon vs and vpon them And thus we shall find in holy scripture that all the best seruants of God haue in their fastings vsed solemne
they praied thus importunately it appeareth that in this great humilitie of theirs And by importunitie of praier the Lord will be ouercome declared by their fasting and maner of it they had great hope of obtaining their requests of God vnto whom they did sue And thus must we doe in the day of our fasting I saie we must labour for that measure of faith in gods goodnesse through the blessed merits of Christ our Sauiour that might mooue vs to pray earnestly and as it were to crie mightily vnto God for the remouing nowe at the last of this grieuous plague that though wee haue iustlie deserued it and a great deale more yet for the Lords sake it would please him vpon our true repentance and earnest seeking vnto him for mercie to turne it away Which if wee doe then he vndoubtedly will heare vs in his good time as hee hath witnessed vnto vs in the Gospell by the Parables both of the wicked Iudge Luk. 18.2 who by the importunity of the widow was ouercome at the last to doe her right and this was propounded as Christ himselfe faith to this end to teach men to pray often and not to waxe faint whereupon he inferreth this generall doctrine vers 6.7 Heare what the vnrighteous Iudge saith and shall not God auenge his elect which crie daie and night vnto him though hee suffered long for them So God will heare those that crie daie and night that is that praie earnestly and continuallie And againe in the other parable of the man that came to his friend at midnight to borrow three loues Luk. 11.5 who though he was vnwilling at the first yet because of his importunitie did arise gaue him as many as he would whereupon hee maketh this generall promise to al those that shal thus seeke vnto God that is earnestly and without ceasing that he will heare them saying Aske and it shal be giuen you seeke and yee shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you for euerie one that asketh receaueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened that is if yee seeke and aske after this maner So by these examples wee may be assured that God will heare vs for this thing if we pray vnto him eatnestly without ceasing though we haue hitherto seene little successe of our praiers for the plague is not only not taken away but is greatly increased euery where He often deferreth to giue that we might bee quickened vp to feruencie of prayer And truely the Lord doeth manie times deferre of purpose to grant that which we aske and which also he hath promised and is purposed to giue that we might be mooued in the feeling of our want to pray earnestly for it and that the want of it for a time might quicken vp our dead hearts and dull spirits vnto greater feruencie of prayer that also when we shall see that we haue such things giuen vnto vs and that wee haue obtained them by our prayer yea by long and earnest prayer wee might make the more account of them and esteeme them as we ought and also be so much the more thankefull vnto God for the same For the Lord indeed hath of his great mercie promised that if we call vpon him he will heare vs as we haue learned euen now out of the Gospell of S. Luke and may further learne out of many other places of Scripture besides as Psal 50.15 Call vpon me in the time of thy trouble and I will heare thee and deliuer thee and many other but he hath set downe no time when we shall see and perceiue that hee hath heard vs sauing that it is sayd I will heare thee in due time Psal 10.1 euen in affliction Nowe which is the most conuenient time for God to help vs in Act. 1.7 that we must not prescribe vnto him neither is it alwayes meet for vs to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power therefore as they be best knowen to his heauenly Maiestie so wee must leaue the declaration of them to him alone not doubting but that he will heare vs in due time euen in affliction Hee doth deferre many times of purpose for good causes both that wee might be stirred vp thereby to pray to him earnestly and continually not doubting one whit of the trueth of his promises and that when we haue our requests granted we might esteeme of so great a benefit and be thankefull to him for the same For assuredly if wee did alwayes finde that the Lord did giue vs euery thing at the first asking though wee graunt that hee giueth vs continually more than we aske such is our vnthankefulnesse that both wee would come vnto him very coldly and pray drowsilie for wee would make it but an ordinarie matter Therefore if we continue in feruent prayer the Lord will heare vs at the last Aske haue and also wee would not so highlie esteeme of the things giuen vnto vs nor labor to be so thankfull to him for the same as our bounde duty did require Therfore concerning all other things and namely this present visitation of the Plague the more that the Lord deferreth to take it away the more earnest let vs be in prayer and let not the delay of it quench the heat of our desire one whit but kindle it more and more and I do assure you in the word of the Lord that if we faint not in praier but lift vp our hearts and hands still vnto the Throne of his Mercy that he will in time heare vs and shew mercie vnto vs and that he will not onely do so but he will make it manifest and apparant vnto the very soules and consciences of vs all This therefore is another most excellent vse and end of fasting The outward abstinence must quicken vs vp vnto feruencie of pra● euen to quicken vs vp vnto greater feruency in prayer for as we finde by experience when our bellies are full and we are in the abundance of all pleasures and outward blessings wee are not so fit for prayer and therefore a sober diet and a moderate vse of all other of Gods creatures and benefits will alwayes make vs the more fit for prayer but when the bodie is pinched with hunger and the want of other necessarie helpes meet for it the feeling of our want shall be a meanes to set a sharper edge vpon our prayers to make them more piercing and as it were to giue a wing vnto them to flie aloft aboue the clouds euen to make them enter into heauen and to come before the throne of God We ought then in these daies of abstinence thus to profit by the feeling of the want of our bodies so to iudge our selues vnwoorthy not onely of all that which wee abstaine from but of all other things besides yea of life it selfe that we thereby be mooued
obtained great deliuerances yea how men by humble supplication haue preuailed with men euen with their enemies I Am at this present to proceede in that argument To quicke● vs vp further vnto feruent pra●er we mus● consider that I entred into the last day and could not then well finish for want of time namely to continue further to declare how wee may attaine vnto that feruencie of praier that hath beene spoken of which is so necessary in the fasting we haue in hand Therefore besides all that hath beene said to this end we are lastly to consider that we might be mooued to praie so earnestly as we should to consider I say the gratious promises that God hath made to all those that haue or shall heereafter at any time hold this exercise of fasting vnto him in any measure of trueth and how the same from time to time haue beene performed vnto them insomuch that though the beginning of their fast hath beene full of heauinesse and with much sorrow for their sinnes and for the wrath of God against them appearing in some grieuous punishment yet the end thereof hath beene with much reioicing and comfort in assured hope both of the free pardon and forgiuenesse of them with perfect reconciliation vnto God and also with good hope of obtaining of all such things as they haue sued for by earnest and feruent praier First what pr●mises God hath ●ade to those that seeke vnto him in fasting and praier And first of all concerning the promise that the Lord of his great mercy hath made to all those that seeke vnto him in all humilitie by fasting and praier we may see what the prophet Ioel Ioel 1.4 saith Who exhorting the people to fasting and praier because of that great calamitie that was vpon them by reason that the fruites of the earth were so wholly destroied for that which was left of the Palmer-worme the Grashopper had eaten and the residue of the Grashopper had the Canker-worme eaten and the residue of the Canker-worme had the Caterpiller eaten cap. 2.1 exhorting them I saie to turne vnto the Lord with all their hart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and to rent their hearts and not their clothes and to turne vnto the Lord their God that is not their clothes onely according to the maner of that time in great sorrow but their hearts especiallie that so their sorrow might bee in truth not in appearance onelie setteth before them the great mercy of god to al those that so come vnto him saying For the Lord is gracious and mercifull slowe to anger and of great kindnesse and repenteth him of the euill who knoweth if he will returne namely to his accustomed mercifull dealing and repent that is of that euill that he might further bring vpon them and leaue a blessing behinde him euen a meat offering and a drinke offering vnto the Lorde their God that is some thing to be serued with for the glorie of his name least his seruice should faile as hee had complained before that the meat offring and drinke offring was cut off from the house of the Lorde ●oel 1.7 for which the Priestes the Lordes ministers did mourne Then we see how the Prophet in the name of the Lord doth promise vnto them that if they would thorowly humble themselues for their sinnes the cause of this great affliction noted by the rending of their hearts though the Lord had begunne to punish them already and that most grieuously yet he would stay his heauy hand and bestow some blessing vpon them where in saying Who knoweth or who can tell his meaning is nothing lesse than to call it into question or any wayes to make them doubt of it but rather to consider the hardnesse of the thing and so to seeke for it the more earnestly that they might haue some hope of it as if he had sayd Seeing God is so mercifull as he had spoken of him before calling him Gratious slow to anger and of great kindnes and one that repenteth him of the euill there is no doubt of the thing but that if they could humble themselues as he required and pray earnestly though he had begun to punish them already yet hee would repent and spare them As also it is sayd in the Prophet Jona Iona 3.9 by the King of Nineue who proclaimed a fast and willed all men to put on sackecloth and to crie mightily vnto the Lord and euery man to turne from his euill way and from the wickednesse of his hands Who can tell if God will turne and repent and turne away from his fierce wrath that wee perish not which he vttereth after this maner saying Who can tell to shew the hardnesse and difficultie of it that they might crie vnto God the more earnestly or mightily as hee also willeth them there So that as from the forenamed place of Ioel wee haue a commandement to fast publikely when Gods hand is heauie vpon vs as it is now and hath been a long time when as hee thus speaketh Thus sayth the Lord Ioel 2.12 turne you vnto me with all your hearts and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning so forth so from thence also we haue a promise as we haue heard that if we can humble our selues thorowly iudging and condemning our selues as we ought which is meant by renting of our hearts as was sayd before and turne with all our hearts from our sinnes euen with sorrow and griefe for them vnto the Lord that he himselfe will in this punishment of ours also repent and leaue a blessing behinde as is sayd there that is some cause to praise and magnifie his holy Name and the reason why we haue it no sooner is that men haue not all this while cast down themselues before the high throne of Gods iudgement as they should and vnfainedly leaue all their sins which if men could come vnto in that maner measure that they ought then heere is a most gratious sure promise made vnto vs from the Lord by the mouth of his holy Prophet that hee will be mercifull vnto vs and spare vs which he will also vndoubtedly performe for he is Trueth it selfe Therefore that we might doe this that we doe in faith Which promises wee must at this present set before our eyes I meane continue still to fast and pray and not giue it ouer or wax wearie of it as of our selues wee are too prone vnto it yea that in thus abstaining wee might pray earnestly vnto God to stay his heauie hand and to put an happie end at the last vnto this long and great mortality Let vs consider that euen this promise is made to vs and written for this very time and for this purpose that if in this fasting euery man will turne from all his sinnes with his whole heart and be sorie for them euen from the very bottome of his heart that
the Lord himselfe will repent of all that euill that he hath begun to do vnto vs and though hee hath taken away many thousands alreadie yet he will spare the rest and leaue some euery where to praise his Name So many therefore among vs as doe thus with true repentance turne from their sinnes to serue the Lord in holinesse and newnesse of life may praie with great hope and comfort for mercie from the Lord for the promise is made vnto them whosoeuer they be but all they that yeeld to this outward bodily exercise of fasting but are not thus broken in their harts nor affected in their soules neither haue any care so to be as they cannot call vpon the name of the Lord with anie earnestnesse of praier but all is done formally and ceremonially of them so they cannot haue anie great hope of being heard but shall speede thereafter And especially we may see plainely from the eighteenth verse of that chapter vnto the end of the same Which promises are most certaine and belonging to vs as well as to the Iewes how plainely and largely he doth promise not onely a remoouing of that great punishment which was verie much and for the certaintie of it and to assure her faith of it speaketh of it as though it were alreadie come saying then will the Lord be iealous ouer his lande and spare his people Ioel 2.18 and againe ver 22. be not afraid yee beastes of the field for the pastures of the wildernesse are greene for the tree beareth her fruite the figge tree and the vine doe giue their force be glad then yee children of Sion and reioice in the Lord your God for he hath giuen you the raine of righteousnesse that is as much as is meet for you in this great drought In al which words he speaking of this benefite to come as though it were already giuen them according to the maner of the prophets doth shew that he had alreadie receaued this promise from the Lorde that if they did thus throughly cast downe themselues in the guiltinesse of their sinnes and conscience of their deserts he would spare them and blesse them and besides hee would poure out his holy spirit most plentifully vpon them And this vndoubtedly is set downe for our consolation and instruction to shew vs what in the like case we may looke for And truely it must needes be so for there is no respect of persons with God and the promises of his worde though spoken vnto some particular people vpon some occasion yet are for all ages and times and doe generally belong to all alike vpon the same condition Therefore when as it saide to them Turne vnto the Lorde with all your heart and rent your hearts and when you are thus humbled the Lord will returne for your good and so foorth as it followeth in that place it is spoken not to them onely but to all such as in the like case shall thus do and so vnto vs now that we may be assured that if we thus do in that measure that we doe it in truth we shall finde mercie with the Lorde and so may praie for it most earnestlie in faith as they were willed to doe And the rather that we might thus doe Secondly consider the fulfilling of these promises to al those that haue vsed fasting and praier and be confirmed in the truth of this hope let vs vnto this gracious promise that we haue heard of ioine the consideration of all the fastes of the faithfull seruants of God set downe in the old and new Testament and see what hath beene the issue of them and whether they haue not obtained the things that they haue thus sued for and if the Lord hath not turned their sorrow into ioy Isa 61.3 their fasting into feasting and so hath giuen as the prophet speaketh to them that haue mourned beatitie for ashes the oile of ioy for mourning and the g●rment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse And heere wee may first of all consider what was the fruite of that fast which the Israelites helde in the time of the Iudges when for the wickednesse done to the Leuites concubine they fought against the Beniamites and were ouerthrowne in the first battle Iudg. 20. so that there was slaine that daie two and twentie thousand they fasted and praied set vpon them the second time yet were ouerthrowne in that battle also for the men of Beniamin slew downe to the ground of the children of Israel againe eighteene thousand all which could handle the sword then they fasted and praied the second time and got the victory when they were throughly humbled So that by fasting praier they preuailed against them at the last though not at the first and might haue done sooner if they had beene sufficiently humbled before As the Israelites thereby at the last preuailed against the Beniamites Wee haue hitherto with the rest of our brethren fasted and praied often that this grieuous plague raging in manie places might haue an ende and yet haue not thus farre preuailed with the Lord but the people stil die euerie where in great number yea it hath increased greatly since wee began so that ours and their estate is woorse then it was before we began euen as the Israelites did fall by thousands before their enimies after that they had by fasting and praier asked counsell of the Lord but if wee can hold out in this exercise vnto the end and not be discouraged though wee see little successe at the first and the more that wee see the hand of God increased against vs in iustice the more wee labour to grow in humilitie and feruency of praier then we doubt not but at the last by the euent as the Israelites did we shall see that we haue not all this while lost our labour and called vpon the name of God in vaine Therefore that we might with assured confidence and good hope perseuer in this holy exercise of fasting and praier besides the promise of God made vnto it which we haue heard let vs set this worthy example before our eies to comfort vs that though the beginning hath beene full of so●●owe as it was with them yet the end will be full of ioy and consolation to our selues and others and to the praise and glorie of almightie God To this we may adioine that notable and famous example that we haue in the booke of Hester Hest 3.6 where it is said that Haman for the malice that hee bare against Mordecay sought the vtter destruction of all the Iewes for he thought it too little to laie handes on Mordecay himselfe alone and because they had shewed him the people of Mordecay he sought to destroy all the Iewes that were through out the whole kingdome of Ahashuerosh and to this end he had obtained a Decree from the king Hest 3.13 to roote out and to destroie and to
he had said hee would doe vnto them and did it not Thus we see againe what was the effect of this fast which they held in great ignorance no doubt and much weakenesse yet in truth namely that the Lord seeing them sufficiently humbled by the ministerie of his Prophets in the guiltinesse of their sinne and the deserued destruction threatned against them euerie one to forsake their euill waies for which he was iustly offended with them he staied that plague which he had threatned and had otherwise most certainly brought vpon them And this also may greatly confirme our hope in this seruice of ours that thogh for our sinnes we must needs confesse that wee haue deserued not onely this beginning and continuance of the pestilence but vtter destruction yet if euerie man would so wholly leaue his euill waies that the Lord who is the searcher of the heart and reines might see it and take knowledge of it and of that repentance and amendement of life that should be in all and so then they would crie mightily vnto God as these did he would yet repent him of the euill which he hath otherwise further determined to bring vpon vs and not do it but might stay this grieuous plague from spreading like a canker and from further comming into those places where yet it is not and in those places that are infected with it he might so diminish it from day to daie that it cause not a finall destruction as was threatned to the Niniuites and we haue iustly deserued Therefore to conclude this one point By this exp●ri●nce in oth●rs wee must be confirmed in hope of God goodnesse to ou● selues a● this time that we might haue courage and comfort in this that wee doe by a sure and certaine expectation of some blessed fruit of it in time we haue hitherto seene how the Lord of his great mercy and trueth hath neuer failed them that in fasting and prayer according to his owne ordinance haue sought vnto him in trueth Heb. 12.1 that we hauing so great a cloud of witnesses as the Apostle speaketh to subscribe vnto this doctrine by their owne experience might not doubt but that the Lord in due time wil hear vs as he hath done them Yea if we can remember but our owne experience and that that our selues haue made triall of through the goodnesse of God how in former times he hath heard vs Much more your owne ●●perience 〈◊〉 times ●●st when we haue by fasting and prayer thus publikelie sought vnto him as when the Inuincible falsely so called Spanish Nauie was vpon our coasts how wonderfully vpon our earnest sute and supplications euery where made to that end not onely wee were preserued from that horrible destruction which they most wickedly intended against vs but that themselues were drowned in the sea euen the horse and him that rode vpon him ●od 15.1 as the Aegyptians were when they came against the Israelites And truly we may remember what a sudden and great feare all men for the most part were then stricken with and not without cause and so how earnestly they did seeke vnto God when as there was in all places much fasting and prayer and the people came willingly to it if we could do so now when the Lord threatneth destruction to vs and to all places as he did then though after another maner wee might by our owne experience comfortablie lift vp our heads and looke with good assurance for the like mercy that we found for God is the same if we be not changed when as by former experience like as Dauid said when he went against Goliath to fight with him whose great stature and complet armour of brasse and weapons might iustly haue terrified him The Lord that deliuered me out of the paw of the Lion 1. Sam. 17.37 and out of the paw of the Beare he will deliuer mee out of the hand of this Philistim so we might all say The same God of mercy that hath heeretofore heard vs when we haue in true humilitie sought vnto him wee doubt not when wee haue sufficiently profited by this affliction will now heare vs also and deliuer vs. For indeed if we finde both in the Scripture and by dayly experience in our selues and in other The ordina●y pray●rs ●f the faith●ull haue ob●ained great ●hings much more their ●astings and ●rayer that the ordinarie prayers of Gods seruants and namely of our selues are not sent away emptie but that the Lord doth dayly according to the same blesse vs and them then these prayers which wee now make with fasting which are more than ordinary we may be assured shall bring great blessings vpon vs. When at the commandement of Herod ●ct 12.5 Peter was kept in prison earnest prayer was made of the Church vnto God for him and when Herod would haue brought him out vnto the people the same night slept Peter betweene two souldiers bound with two chains and the keeper before the doore kept the prison and beholde the Angell of the Lord came vpon them and a light shined in the house and he smote Peter on the side and raised him vp saying Arise quickly and his chaines fell from his hands and so he was deliuered If then the ordinarie prayer of the Church be of so great force and doe so greatly preuaile with the Lord as to frustrate the counsels of great Tyrants to procure the helpe presence of Angels from heauen to open the prison doores and to vnloosen fetters and chaines of iron then what sh●ll the extraordinarie prayers of the Church euen their fastings and prayers do Therefore we need not doubt but if we cōtinue to profit in humility by this fatherly visitation of the Lord and in repentance for all our sinnes and in continuance and feruencie of praier but we shall see some great fruit of them at the last euen in that verie thing that we most of all desire And that wee might yet be further comforted in this great heauinesse of ours with hope of some mercie from God euen that he would spare vs at the last according to our earnest desire let vs remember how when King Ahab a wicked and verie vngodlie man fasted for that destruction which the prophet Elijah had by the worde of the Lord threatned against him 1. King 21.21 euen that the Lord would bring euill vpon him and take away al his posteritie make his house desolate like the house of Ieroboam what great mercie he obtained of the Lord Which fast of his The Lord hath rewarded the wicked that haue vsed this ordinance but in ●utward ceremonies though it was not ioined with true repentance or any true knowledge how to serue the Lord aright neither could be for he was an idolatour yet being performed in some sort onely in keeping the outward ceremonie as putting on sackecloth and abstaining from meat and drinke and giuing some other outward token
of sorrow and griefe that that fast of his was not vnrewarded of the Lord. For by that meanes he obtained that the execution of that iudgement against himselfe and all his posteritie which we haue heard of concerning the rasing of him and them from the kingdome and throne of Israel was put off and differred vntill his sonnes daies as it is saide in the wordes of that text that when he had heard what the prophet had prophesied against him 1. King 21.27 hee rent his clothes and put sackecloth vpon himselfe and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went softly in token of mourning and the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Theshbite saying Seest thou how Ahab is humbled because hee submitteth himselfe before me I will not bring this euill in his daies but in his sonnes daies I will bring euill vpon his house If the Lord then did so iustify this ordinance of his in the person of this wicked man when he did stoope but vnto the outward ceremonie and bodily exercise of it and was altogither voide of true humilitie and sound repentance resting onely in the bare outward tokens of them and had not his heart throughly broken by faith that hee differred this deserued and denounced iudgement so long that it came not in his daies which was a great outward blessing and honour vpon him how then much more if we so vse this outward abstinence as we doe Much m●re will he doe it to his seruants that vse it in trueth that especially we ioine to it the inward vertues of humilitie and repentance and contrition of hart and feruencie of praier will the Lord be appeased towards vs and at the least bee so farre foorth intreated that hee differre that great wrath of his that otherwise might breake out to our vtter destruction For if the Lorde hath shewed such mercie to the wicked as to spare them in this world for a time whē they haue submitted themselues to the outward obedience of this commandement of humbling thēselues in fasting though in great hypocrisie then howe much more will he spare his owne children that vse it in sincerity and trueth Therfore let this example also somewhat incourage vs with hope of good successe that wee shall finde the Lorde mercifull vnto vs in thus seeking vnto him in this time of great need And wee haue great reason so to doe if we doe but well weigh the dealing of one man towards another that when in affliction they haue submitted themselues vnto them they haue founde fauour with them By humble sub●ission and p●a●er men haue found s●uou● with their enimi●s though they had greatly offended them before the onelie hope of this hath mooued them to seeke after this maner euen to those which were their professed enimies before and they haue done it not in vaine For thus it is written of Benadad king of Aram that when he was ouercome in two battels of Ahab king of Israel 1. King 20.29 and receaued so great an ouerthrow in the latter that in it were slaine of the Aramites an hundred thousand footemen in one daie and so was out of hope of anie safetie for himselfe at the length by the aduise of his seruants he put his companie into sackcloth with roapes about their heads and so came to the kind of Israel and intreated for their liues hoping by submitting thēselues vnto him after this maner to obtaine pardon as indeed they did For the messengers when in this araie they came vnto him 1. King 2● 33 said Thy seruant Benhadad saith I praie thee let me liue vsing all words and behauiour of great submission and Ahab answered he is my brother is he yet aliue goe bring him to me and when hee came hee made a couenant with him and let him goe See what is the fruite of true humiliation and humble supplication and if men will humble themselues and sue earnestly vnto men in hope of pardon 〈…〉 G●d howe much more should they doe it vnto the Lorde whom they haue more offended and who hath greater power to punish them and if vnto those of whom they had no promise before of obtaining any thing but come to them altogither as it were at aduenture then much more to him of whom we haue so manie gratious promises in the Gospell to allure and encourage vs and if vnto those which were their open and professed aduersaries then most of al vnto him that is reconciled vnto vs by the blood of his sonne and is become our father in him and if vnto them where we haue none to speake and intreat for vs but our selues then especially to him where we haue an aduocate and mediatour 1. Ioh. 2.2 euen Iesus Christ the righteous who is also the propitiation for our sinnes and if vnto them of whose loue we neuer made triall before then vnto him much more who as he hath first shewed it aboue all measure in giuing his sonne to die for vs and that when we were his enimies hath since confirmed it vnto vs many waies that we need not doubt of it And on the other side if so great mercy hath beene thus found of men who haue scarce one drop of that compassion in them which is like a great deepe sea in the Lord then may we be assured that we shall not misse of it at his hands if we continue seeking and waite vpon him for it as we should and if a man hath found it of his enimy then much more of his God to whom he is reconciled and if where none speake for him but mortall men like themselues then much more where Iesus Christ the sonne of God maketh continual intercession for vs. So that euery waie we see we haue cause to doe as we do hoping assuredlie that we shall not doe it in vaine 〈…〉 praier Therefore if the commandement of God did not compell vs to the obedience of this humble submission as it doth yet the liberall and most certain promises which are made to them that shall vse it and especially the experience that we and other haue found of the vndoubted trueth of them should prouoke vs to this holy exercise of fasting and praier which if men will not come vnto so farre as they be able what remaineth for them and what other thing can they looke for but that if they will not humble themselues with the people of God to finde mercie they shall taste of his wrath with the wicked and if they wil not weepe now for their sinnes with the one they should houle in the punishment of them when it shall be too late with the other and if they wil haue no part nor portion in the obedience of Gods commandement giuen to his people both vnder the Law and the Gospell that they should haue part with them in the promises of reward made to them in them both Euen as the Lord himselfe in plaine words hath threatned that
malice he bare against Mordecay sought the desolation of all them and had diuelishly plotted for it that he obtained the kings Decree in writing against them for it which for the more speedie executing of the same was sent by postes into all prouinces of his kingdome where the Iewes were to roote out and to destroie them all in one daie both yoong and old children and women Hest 4.1 heereupon it came to passe that not onely Mordecay himselfe when he perceaued all that was done he rent his clothes And all the I●wes when they mourned for the deuise of Haman and put on sackcloth and ashes and went out into the middes of the citie and cried with a great crie and bitter but also in euerie prouince and place whether the king● charge and his commission came there was great sorrow among the Iewes and weeping mourning and many laie in sackecloth and ashes vers 16. Now in this time of so great heauines sorrow as was not heard of before by the aduise of H●ster al the Iewes that were found in the chiefe citie Sushan were commanded to assemble themselues together and to fast and praie vnto God by the space of three daies and three nights and she promised that herselfe and her maides woulde doe the like and Mordecay the Iewes did according to this commandement So all of them at this time seeing what cause they had of mourning more then before knew that nowe fasting and praier was most requisite for them for though Haman and the king sat drinking and making merie as fearing nothing yet the citie of Shushan was in perplexitie and so had cause to doe as they did So did the Iewes also in Ierusalem and all Iudah in the like case in the raigne of Iehos●aphat when a great armie of the Ammonites 2. Chro. 20.3 Moabites came vp against him they feared greatly some ouerthrow euen the losse of their liues And when they were in feare of forraine enimies and goods and all that they had if the Lotde were not mercifull to them to defend them and this feare of danger so neere at hande and so likely to come vpon them caused great sorrow for they confesse and saie there is no strength in vs to stand before this great multitude ver 12. that cometh against vs neither doe we knowe what to doe Then the king proclaimed a fast throughout all Iudah and they gathered themselues together to aske counsell of Lord they came out of all the cities of Judah to inquire of the Lord. When they were in this distresse for feare of their enimies that they knew not themselues what to doe they humbled themselues before the Lord in fasting and praier that he would shew thē what they should do And to be short in so large an argumēt this is that which the prophet Ioel sheweth the people that the Lord required of them in that time of their miserie that they were fallen into that the verie present sorrow that they were iustly fallen into by reason of the hand of God lying so heauily vpon them did require and call vpon them for at that time for when he had spoken of the great scarcitie that was among them by reason of catterpillers and other vermine which had eaten vp and destroied the fruites of the earth and so for this present affliction they had all cause to mourne euen as he calleth all sortes vnto it euen them that were most senselesse saying awake yee drunkards and weepe ●el 1.5 and houle all yee drinkers of wine and againe Mourne like a virgine girded ●ith sackcloth for the husband of her youth and againe Girde your selues and lament yee priestes houle yee ministers of the altar 〈◊〉 1 ● Thereupon he giueth them this charge to sanctifie a fast and to call a solemne assemblie to gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the lande into the house of the Lord● ●ourning 〈…〉 ●g●ther and crie vnto him So he sheweth them that in this time of common sorrow they had all cause to seeke vnto the Lord in fasting and praier and after●ards he sheweth more plainely that at ●his time by reason of the common calamitie and griefe for it the Lord did commaund them so to doe in these words 〈◊〉 1 ● Therefore nowe the Lord saith Turne vnto me with all your hearts and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning where he ioineth these two together fasting weeping and mourning and saith that the Lord doth require both of them and the one should not bee seuered from the other but seeing the Lord had giuen them so great cause of weeping and mourning hee would haue them seeke vnto him for mercie by praier and fasting Seeing then the Lord hath with his owne voice appointed out the time namely that the time of mourning should be a time of fasting and also holy men and women in the wisedome of Gods spirite haue so obserued the difference of times that as there hath fallen out any great cause of sorrow in their time so they haue put this in practise as wee haue seene by manie examples wee must thinke that the same commandement bindeth vs to the like practise when any such occas●on of time shall befall vs and that their practise must be our imitation This is and hath beene a long time of great sorrow vnto vs ●hat cause 〈◊〉 common ●●rrow we ●iue in our ●●●ne if we did rightly consider of things as we should for if there had beene nothing else but the losse of so gratious vertuous peaceable a Queene of whose religious wise peaceable gouernmēt we haue had experience these 45. yeeres that one thing might haue put sufficient sorrow into vs to cause vs to haue humbled our selues before God in fasting and praier for our great vnthankfulnesse and other sinnes which were the cause of it But when vnto that losse which yet it hath pleased the Lord most mercifully to supplie by causing our soueraigne Lorde King Iames so quietly to possesse his heritance of this crowne whose royall person and noble progenie the Lord preserue and blesse for euer when vnto this losse I say there hath beene added presently vpon the necke of it so great a plague and pestilence as wee haue not knowen nor hath beene heard of in the daies of our forefathers that it should continue so long and in that extremity that it hath done as to die weekely so many thousandes in this lande and thus from weeke to weeke and the same not onely to be in one chiefe and mother citie of this realme but also in al other almost of account and in townes corporate yea in the sea-coast townes also exceeding much so that many houses in them are left empty and desolate without inhabitant Especially 〈◊〉 respect of this great and long co●tinued pest●lence and it is also in many villages and small townes so that it is dispersed
sometimes two daies or three daies at the discretion of those that haue such cause to vse it And this appeareth by the fast of the Iewes which they kept in the time of their captiuitie of whom it is saide in the booke of Hester that when Mordecay sent vnto her the copie of the Kings commission sealed with his own signet for the rooting out of all the Iewes in one daie so that it was decreed that the whole Church of God should bee rased wit from the face of the earth at once H●st 4 1● then she promised that she would aduenture her life for them and goe into the King to make suite for them and that she and they might finde fauour with the Lord and with the King she willed them all to fast and praie three daies and three nights and neither eate nor drinke and she promised that her selfe and her maides woulde doe the like and it is said moreouer in the text that Mordecay went his way and hee and the Iewes did as they were commanded So that in this great extremitie of theirs they continued their fast for the space of manie daies together and so ought we to doe if the like affliction were vpon vs. But for this present though by the grace mercy ●f God it be otherwise with vs yet vndoubtedly in respect of this visitatō which is verie grieuous wee ought to continue our fast one daie weekely so long as it shall be continued vpon vs and so though wee doe not keepe it ma●●e daies together yet we may and ought to doe it manie daies one after an other For seeing that it is appointed for the time of affliction and then one whole daie at the least is alotted for it so long as this time of affliction shall continue we should not be vnwilling weekely to bestow one day this waie that so the Lord may bee intreated with vs at the last And thus much for the time how long any fast should be held Now further we are to consider how we should bestow this time of fasting and wherein we are to be occupied in the daie of fast The time of fasting is 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 of th● Sabbath And for the better vnderstanding of that wee must knowe thus much that the time of fasting how long soeuer whether it bee but one daie or more is alwaies of the nature of the Sabbath therfore looke how we ought to bestow the Sabbath in resting from the ordinarie labors and workes of our callings and from all kinde of recreations and pastimes much more and come to the Church and be occupied in Gods seruice publikely and priuately so ought we to do vpon the day of fasting And that we might be assured heereof first we doe read that this day as it is of that nature so it hath that name giuen vnto it for it is called a Sabbath Leu. 23.23 This shal be vnto you a Sabbath of rest yee shal humble your soules in the ninth daie of the month at eeuen from eeuen to eeuen yee shall celebrate your Sabbath where twise in one verse Moses calleth it a Sabbath Secondlie it is called a Sabbath of rest and they are willed to rest their Sabbath to shewe that vpon that daie as vpon the ordinarie Sabbath day they should rest from the labours of their calling and more particularly they are forbidden to doe anie kinde of worke vpon that daie Leu. 23.28 as it is saide Yee shall doe no worke that same daie for it is a day of reconciliation to make attonement for you before the Lorde your God And this euerie person is forbidden And therefore then we ought to r●st from the ordinary worke ●f our ●aking that vnder the punishment of Gods high displeasure to bee poured vpon them to their vtter destruction as it is set downe in the next verse following and euerie person that shall doe anie worke that same day the same person wil I destroy from among his people Therefore vpon this day all men should carefully giue ouer all ordinary workes of their calling and haue nothing to doe with them and not onely from their hands but their mindes from them according to the same strictnesse that they are bounde vnto vpon the Sabbath daie Insomuch that if there bee occasion to keepe a fast in the time of haruest or seed-time or any other time of businesse so manie as doe professe to keepe it must altogither abstaine from all such workes as were otherwise not onely lawfull but necessarie Which that we might the rather most yeeld vnto Workes of necessitie ar● then permitted wee acknowledge and teach that in this daie of rest there is that liberty granted vnto vs both for the preparing of meat and drinke at the euening yea and at other times also of the daie if it be necessarie as for those that bee weake and sickely and for all other works of necessitie as anie occasion shall be offred that we haue vpon the Sabbath daies As for example if any be sicke it is lawfull to take paines about them yea to ride go for them if any sudden casualtie fall out by fire or water or theeues or such like it is lawfull to take all paines to represse the rage and furie of them But setting all such cases of necessitie aside all men ought wholy vpon these daies to rest from their labours which the Lorde hath straightly forbidden with the denunciation of a fearefull curse that he will assuredly bring vpon al those that breake it euen that he will cut them off from his people And besides this resting from worke which is necessarily required wee ought to bestow the whole day in the publicke and priuate exercises of the worship and seruice of God We must be●tow that lay wholly on the seruice of God as in hearing the Word of God read and preached confessing our sinnes and praying vnto the Lord and in all other meanes that might further vs thereunto and most of all which may quicken vs vp vnto true humilitie and feruency in prayer And therefore the Prophet Ioel Ioel 1.15 thus speaketh of it exhorting them to keepe a solemne day of fast sayeth Sanctifie a fast call a solemne assembly he doth not will them to appoint a day of fasting but to sanctifie it and keepe it holy to shew that it ought to be kept euen as an holy Sabbath So that as the seuenth day was sayd to be sanctified from the beginning because it was not appointed for the works of our calling but for the worship of God Exod. 20. and we are willed to remember it to keepe it holy so we should thinke of this day of fast as of an holy day and so rem●mber it and thinke of it before hand that we take order for and so dispose of all our worldly businesse and affaires that that day we haue nothing to hinder vs from bestowing it wholly vpon the worship and seruice
them namely the signes of Gods wrath by al likelihood shortly to come vpon them Wherein they haue prouidently behaued themselues like vnto those that are wise who being in their iourney and spying a blacke cloud to arise so perceiuing some great tempest to be at hande haue either prepared themselues well for it or haue sought some shelter against it So they foreseeing by all probable coniectures so great calamity to come vpon them haue by fasting and praier sought vnto the Lord as to the onely gouernour and disposer of all things either of his great mercy to turne it away from them or of his infinite compassion to mitigate the extremity of it or to giue them patience and strength to beare it or that some way or other they might finde fauour with him in it And concerning the signes and tokens of Gods wrath shortly to come they haue wisely obserued and considered of them diuersly As first of all in the course of his prouidence that seeing ordinarily such and such causes doe bring forth such effects euents and therefore by the cause as by a signe more then probable Which signe haue beene considered in the ordinary course of gods prouidence they haue not vnaduisedly feared such sequels and haue seene Gods anger in them And namely we see that vnseasonable weather as want of raine in due season or too great aboundance of it out of time betokeneth scarsity of the fruites of the earth and so consequently dearth and famine preparation for warre by a mightie and strong enimie threatneth the losse of men and spoiling of goods the beginning of the plague portendeth great mortalitie and such like therefore when there hath beene but the beginning of such things seeing the stormie tempest as it were arising they haue sought by this ordinance of fasting as by a sure refuge to escape it And so we read that when there came some and told Iehoshaphat King of Iudah saying 2. Chr. 20.2 There commeth a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea out of Aram and behold they be in Hazzon Tamar which is in Engedi And Iehoshaphat fefeared sat himselfe to seeke the Lord proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah Iudah gathered themselues together to aske coūsel of the Lord they came out of all the cities of Iudah to inquire of the Lord. Thus we see when this huge armie of the Ammonites Moabites and mount Seir did but come vp against Ierusalem at the first hearing of it though yet nothing was done neither were they come to them considering what was likely to be the euent of that warre if they had proceeded and if the Lord had not holpen them he proclaimed a fast and did thus seeke to escape that which was like to come So likewise in the time of the captiuitie when ambitious and cruell Haman the mortall enimie of the Iews so breathed after their vtter destruction that he ceased not to cast lottes from day to day to finde out a prosperous time to bring his mischieuous purpose to passe and at the last had got the King to set his hande to a Decree concerning the finall racing of them all out in one daie and Mordecay had sent the copie of this commission to the Queene Hester Hest 4.6 long before the bloodie day of that intended massacre came they sought vnto the Lorde And so they haue sought to preuent Gods wrath and haue not taried till it came vpon them for Hester commanded heereupon that they should assemble all the Iewes and fast and pray for her as she likewise promised for herselfe for her maides that they woulde doe so also So that these before their enimies began the slaughter by all probability of that that was done already seeing what was most like to insue if God were not mercifull vnto them to turn the hart of the king towards thē before-hand they sought by fasting praier to escape it and did so as it followeth in that storie more at large And so by these few examples we see how the seruants of God that haue beene godly wise haue not alwaies taried vntil Gods wrath in some of his punishments hath seased vpon them but the very foresight of it a loofe of hath bin enough to moue thē to seeke vnto the Lorde in fasting and praier to escape it or to finde mercie in it Euen as an ingenuous childe and he that is of anie good disposition seeketh to his father for pardon not onely when he is vnder the rodde of correction and feeleth the stripes but when hee seeth his father with an angrie countenance comming towards him with the rodde in his hands so they haue not taried till they haue felt the smart of Gods correction vpon themselues but the verie shew of his wrath comming against them hath beene sufficient to moue them to humble themselues before him and to craue his pardon In which respect also besides that that we spake of before we must needs confesse that wee haue great cause to fast and pray publikly for besides that great wrath of God that hath beene a long time vpon our brethren In respect of Gods wrath likely yet further to come vpon v● there is cause of these publike fasts which is a thing present and so ought to moue if we further consider what cause wee haue to feare our selues our houses and our townes though hitherto by the grace of God nothing is come vpon vs we shall acknowledge it to bee true And to this end we must acknowledge the nature of this disease to be very contagious and infectiue aboue all other and that it spreadeth from one place to another after a speciall maner and that it infecteth also after an extraordinarie kinde as not onely by touching and eating and drinking with them and keeping them companie that are sicke of it as some other diseases doe but euen by the breath that we draw in which as it is the most common nourishment that wee haue and without the which wee can not liue so it is most subtile and speedie aboue all other so that it worketh in vs with great expedition whereupon it commeth to passe that euen by passing by thē euen suddenly with the breath and sauour of them that are infected we are corrupted and it is a poison and so infecteth deadly and speedilie as all poisons doe all the parts of the body ●f we consi●er the con●agious na●ure of the plague how speedily and how deadly ●t infecteth and not so much corrupteth the humors of the bodie which is sufficient to breed deadly diseases as it infecteth the heart and the spirits and all the vitall parts and therefore dispatcheth a man quickely and killeth him speedily so may die suddenly as experience teacheth euen in this plague that some being taken into a mans house ouer night haue beene found dead in the morning and some haue fallen from their horses as they trauelled and
God towards his Church to which specially he hath giuen his worde and the Ministers thereof to warne them of his deserued punishments beforehand as it is saide of the Prophet Ezekiel Ezek. 3.17 Sonne of man I haue made thee a watchman to the house of Israel therefore heare the worde at my mouth and giue them warning from me so we have not wanted this great mercie of God For by the Ministers of our time from the trueth of Gods worde wee haue beene warned of his iudgements to come from time to time Who though by the spirit of prophecie they could not foretel whē in what daie or moneth or yeere or after what maner either with the sworde famine or pestilence as the prophets did in their time to whom it was speciallie reuealed yet out of the most certaine trueth of Gods worde and the constant course of his dealing in former times they haue constantlie auouched and saide that God must needes before it bee long some waies punish vs for our sinnes as it is nowe come to passe and as it hath beene preached vnto the people before And hath not this bene seuerelie denounced against vs often Math. 3.10 which Iohn Baptist did against the Iewes Now is the axe put to the roote of the tree therefore euerie tree which bringeth not foorth good fruite shal be hewen downe and cast into the fire hath it not beene preached that God would vtterly destroy all those that liue vnprofitable vnder his Gospell destroie them I say euen by the rootes yet vndoubtedly this hath beene often sounded in the eares of all hearers chap. 21.19 and that the figge-tree that hath nothing on it but leaues shall be accursed and wither that is all hypocrites that content themselues with a bare outwarde profession of the Gospell and labour not for the inward vertue and power of it in their life to the glory of God and the benefite of others shall be discouered in time and come to nought according to the praier of the prophet Doe well O Lord vnto those Psal 125.4 that be good true in their hearts but these that turne aside by the crooked waies them shal the Lord lead with the workers of iniquitie but peace shall bee vpon Israel Luk. 13.6 And though he be a most patient God towards al euen towards the wicked yet he wil seuerely punish those at the last that abuse his great patience as appeareth in the parable of a certaine housbandman who had a figge-tree planted in his vineyard he came and sought fruit therein and found none then said he to the dresser of his vinyard Behold this three yeres haue I come and sought fruite of this figge-tree and find none cut it down why keepeth it also the ground barren And he answered and saide vnto him Lord let it alone this yeere also till I digge round about it and dunge it and if it beare fruit well if not then after thou shalt cut it downe Rom. 2.4 So the God of patience who thereby leadeth all men to repentance or leaueth them without excuse hath waited for our repentance and amendment of life as the fruit of all the paines that he hath taken with vs in his Gospell but vndoubtedly if after this preaching from yeere to yeere we remaine vnfruitfull at the last he will root them vp which make the Church barren which is in it owne nature the most fruitfull place in the world And therefore wee ought long agoe to haue sought vnto God in fasting and ●raier to escape this wrath These such like things haue not onely beene preached euerie where but with greate earnestnesse and zeale so vttered that we might easilie discerne that they spake not of themselues but were thereunto stirred vp by the spirit of God so that God warned vs of his iudgements by them and therefore wee should haue beleeued them and so haue sought heeretofore by fasting and praier to haue these ●●ings turned away For as Dauid whē●he prophet Nathan terrified his con●ience with the fearefull denuntiation Gods iudgement for his sinne say●g 2. Sam. 12.9 Wherefore hast thou despised the commandement of the Lorde to doe euill in his sight therefore the sword shall neuer depart from thine house then he besought the Lord fasted and lay all night vpon the earth before all came vpon him And as Ahab King of Israel when Eliah the prophet reproouing him sharpely for his sinne saide vnto him in the name of God behold I will bring euill vpon thee and take awaie thy posteritie 1. King 21.21 c. when hee heard these words hee rent his clothes and put sackecloth vpon him and fasted and so both these when they did heare from messenger of God what was due to them for their sinnes they sought by priuate fasting to haue it turned away So when the Lord euerie where stirred vp his seruants with all zeale and feruencie of spirit more then ordinarily thus to speake vnto vs and did sing vnto vs the dolefull song of his heauie iudgements and so with Iohn Baptist did mourne vnto vs Luk. 7.32 that we might haue wept we should haue done as the Niniuites did Iona 3.5 that is wee should haue beleeued God and his seruants and haue put on sackecloth from the greatest to the least and so by fasting and praier haue sought vnto the Lord to turne it away not carelesly to haue taried till the hand of God was vpon vs as now we haue done Wee should haue beene wise as others haue beene before vs to haue taken knowledge of Gods wrath to come by the threatnings of his word preached vnto vs by his seruants and so sought to preuent them as they did Thus we see A conclusio● shewing what cause there is of publike fasting in respect of Gods wrath appearing against our selues that whether we looke to the time present or to come and therein to the course of Gods prouidence whereby if wee consider all things well wee haue more cause to feare our selues then to be secure or wee looke to sinne that aboundeth euerie where which being vnrepented of calleth for vengeance at Gods hand against vs or wee consider this that our sinnes haue beene sharpely reprooued and Gods curse for them threatned against vs by those that haue spoken vnto vs in his name we haue great cause to doe as we doe I meane to resort thus to the Church to seeke vnto God by fasting and praier yea wee should haue done it long before and seeing that there are so manie causes of publike fasting among vs wee must therefore thinke that the Lorde requireth the thing it selfe at our hands Which we shall the rather also be perswaded of if besides all this that hath beene spoken to that end we further consider that the people of God alwaies making this a sufficient cause of their fastings euē the wrath of God appearing against his Church as we
not onely to manie persons but to manie places euen the chiefe cities and townes of this realme When as Haman sought the destruction of Mordecai principally because hee would not satisfie his proud humour in giuing him that reuerence which hee required and then for his sake the destruction of all the Iewes Hest 3.5 for his malice was so great and hee was so full of wrath and indignatiō against him that he thought it too little to lay hands onely one Mordecay and bicause they had shewed him the people of Mordecay Haman sought to destroy all the Iewes that were throughout the whole kingdome of Ah●s●uerosh euen t●●●eople of Mordec●y and had preuailed thus farre with the king that he had obt●ined a commission to that end sealed with the kings ring euen to roote out to kill and destroy all the Iewes both yoong and old children women in one day and Queene Hester Hester being without danger fasted for the mi●ery of others who was a Iew herselfe had intelligence of this from Mordecay she might haue thought that al this did not appertaine vnto her she being the Queene and so deare vnto the king none durst be so bold as to touch her if all the rest of the Iewes were slaine yet she shuld escape for all this she is in great compassion affected with the sorrow and miserie of the rest of the people and so she putteth off her princely attire entreth into her secret chamber H●st 4.16 there with her maides humbleth her selfe before God for them in fasting and praier three dayes and three nights together If then it were possible for vs in this so common and daungerous contagion and mortality of many of our brethren in so many places of this land dispersed to haue as good hope and likelihoode of our owne securitie and freedome from it as this good Queene might haue had from that destruction that was intended generally against all the Iewes yet wee should be so touched with the estate of others that are like to perish So s●ould w● that a●e wh●● for them that are visited with the plagu● that we should seek to succor them at the least by our prayers and supplications vnto God for them with fasting and humbling of our selues to that end as she did But especially we should be farre from that prophane securitie and carnall voluptuousnesse which is noted to haue beene in the King and Haman ●est 3.15 that they two sate drinking and making of good cheere when the whole Citie of Shushan was in great perplexitie so we should giue our selues to eating and drinking and all kind of mirth and iolitie like Epicures and belligods as it is to be feared that too many doe when in many Cities and Townes other are in great distresse and perplexitie of mind Yea we are to feare that fewe of the better sort haue layde this great visitation so neere their heart as they should which is one cause that it continueth so long and in that great measure that it doth Let vs then put vpon vs the person of our brethren and labour to haue the feeling of their estate A conclusion shewing what cause we haue to fast for our brethren as though it were our owne and then we shall know and confesse that if there had beene no order taken for these fastings publikely wee in loue should haue submitted our selues vnto them priuately but now seeing we are commanded by the publike authoritie of our Superiors and that also vpon so good ground as wee haue heard that wee are bound vnto it so much the more And the rather that we might doe it we may know thus much that they obserue this fast in Scotland for vs because now we are not onely vnder one Religion but vnder the same gouernement and therefore we must account the estate of the one common to the other as they by this practise for their part shew that they doe if they that are so farre off are mooued with it so greatly then we that are so neere must needes be too senselesse and void of compassion if we should not by fasting and prayer seeke that so great a wrath of God so long continued might in Gods most blessed time bee remooued and taken cleane away that so it might please him of his infinite mercie to worke that true repentance in all whereby he might be mooued to heale all those places that haue a long time bene diseased that there might be that intercourse of dealing betweene man and man in all places without danger or feare that hath beene and that it might not onely be remooued but with the fauour of God and with the amendement of all our sinnefull liues that so it might be a blessing in deede and not a curse and that we may so profit by it for the time to come that we take that warning which our Sauiour Christ gaue vnto the diseased man whom he had healed Ioh. 5.14 Behold thou art made whole sinne no more least a worse thing come vnto thee Which grace God grant vnto vs and to all the people of this lande for Iesus Christs sake to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one true immortall inuisible and only wise God be ascribed from vs and from all his creatures all honour glory and praise power and thankesgiuing from this time foorth and for euer hereafter world without end Amen A direction for Prayer Fit and conuenient for all those that being ignorant or vnacquainted with priuate prayer are desirous to pray by themselues FIrst let your ordinary praiers be sudden but take some time beforehand by meditation to prepare your selfe vnto praier and let this be the beginning of your praier that God would prepare your heart vnto praier Eccl. 4.17 Math. 6.6 Psal 108.1 Then make an humble confession of your sinnes vnto God and that both generally that you haue bene conceiued and borne in and continually liued in breaking his holie law daily in thought worde and deed and of some more particularly wherin you haue most offended him in any part of your life Psa 40.12 51.4.5 32.5 Dan. 9.5.6 Acknowledge vnto God from the bottome of your hart that for these sinnes of yours is most due vnto you his heauie wrath and indignation and all those punishments and plagues which in his Law he hath threatned to bring vpon sinners both in this life the life to come and more specially iudge your selfe most woorthie of those particular iudgements that any waies you are in danger of or that you are presently in Ezr. 9.6.15 Dan. 9.7 c. Luk. 23.41 Psal 130.3 Pray that in the conscience of this fearefull estate of yours you may be humbled before God in that maner and measure that so great a sinner should be and that in all humilitie you might cast downe your selfe in your owne conceit before God and his holy Angels and all men in respect of the