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A11115 Heavens glory, seeke it. Earts [sic] vanitie, flye it. Hells horror, fere it Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630?; Sparke, Michael, d. 1653, attributed name. 1628 (1628) STC 21383; ESTC S112117 58,519 284

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secure in so great danger but may quake and tremble to see thy hand of vengeance before vs. And howsoeuer by our sinnes we are set in the middest of this danger yet let the hand of thy mercy which is as omnipotent as that of thy iustice rescue vs let thy out-stretched arme deliuer vs. Put vp thy sword into the scabbard oh bid it rest and be still Be fauourable and gracious vnto this thy Syon crowne her with plenty prosperity and victory Let not her enemies reioyce in her subuersion nor triumph in her destruction Hide not thy face from her in the day of trouble stoppe not thine eares at our prayers Be vnto vs all a horne of saluation a rocke of safetie a wall of brasse a strong tower and fortresse against the face and force of our enemies diuert their designes frustrate their enuie abate their fury asswage their pride restraine their power and in thy name let vs tread them vnder that maliciously and mischieuously rise vp against vs. Suffer not the light of thy Gospel to be eclipsed nor the splender of thy glory to be obscured let not thy name be dishonoured nor thy Sanctuary defiled nor thy truth slandered but now and euer defend and deliuer as thou hast formerly done this Church and State from plagne Pestilence and aboue all that most terrible vengeance the deuouring sword and that for his sake who hath led captiuity captiue and like a victorious Conqueror hath triumphed ouer all his enemies euen Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and holy Ghost be all honour and glory Amen A Prayer for them that are about the Sicke HEare vs Almighty and most mercifull God and Sauiour extend thine accustomed goodnesse to this thy seruant which is grieued with sicknesse visite him O Lord as thou didst Peters wiues mother and the Captains seruant restore vnto this sicke body his former health if it be thy will or else giue him grace to take this thy visitation patiently that after this painfull life ended he may dwell with thee in euerlasting life O Lord behold we bend our knees yea the knees of our hearts with vnfained prayers lift vp our eyes to the throne of thy mercies seat to hearken to these our petitions according to thy promises therefore O Lord grant our requests we are gathered here together in thy name in the behalfe of this thy seruant deliuer him we humbly beseech thee from these his languishing paines and miseries of sicknesse and as it hath pleased thee to lay thine hand vpon him so O Lord restore him to his former health keepe him O Lord from fearefull and terrible assaults and despightful temptations of the diuell sinne and hell deliuer him O Lord as thou deliueredst Noah from the raging waues of the flouds Lot from the destruction of Sadome Abraham from the feare of the ●aldeans the children of Israel from the tyranny of Pharaoh Dauid from the hands of Goliah the three men from the violence of the fiery furnace in Babylon Daniel from the mouth of the Lyons Ionas from the belly of the Whale and Peter from the prison of Herod Euen so O gracious Lord deliuer the soule of this person both now and whensoeuer he shall dep●rt hence from all perill and danger open vnto him at the houre of death the doore of Paradice the gates of heauen and the entry of euerlasting life O Lord Iesus Christ forgiue him all his sinnes and lead him with ioy into the kingdome of thy heauenly Father euen vnto the bosome of Abraham and appoint him his euerl sting rest that he may reioyce with thee and all the elect children of God to whom be all honour glory power and dominion Amen The sicke persons Prayer LOrd hearken to my prayer and giue eare to my humble request Lord be mercifull vnto me and giue me grace patiently to beare the crosse and in the midst of this my sicknesse alwayes to say thy will O heauenly Father be done and not mine forgiue and forget most gracious Father all mine iniquities blot them out of thy remembrance and cast them from thy sight O Lord as farre as the East is from the West the North from the South they are many and innumerable let them not rise vp in iudgement against me neither enter thou into thy narrow iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for no flesh is righteous before thee handle me not according to my deserts deale not with me after my wickednesse neither reward me aftermine iniquities O Lord my God looke not into my ●normious nor incestious life I am ashamed of my sinnes and aske pardon for my faults euen with a repenting heart and sorrowfull minde a bleeding soule with hidden teares of a true and vnfained repentance for my misdeeds yea my wounded breast surcharged with oppressing griefes doth sigh groane and lament vnder the burthen of my heinous crimes wherefore O Lord wash them away with thy bloud which thou hast shed for my sinnes and I shall be clean and pure without spot purge me O Lord with those precious drops that distilled from thy tormented heart and I shall be whiter then the snow burie mine offences in the sepulcher of thy death and cloath me with the garment of righteousnesse O Lord for thine infinite goodnesse and mercy s●ke ●eceiue me into thy tuition and fauour pardon O Lord and remit my sins as thou forgauest Dauid his murther and adultery with Bersheba Saul his persecutions of thy people Peter his deniall Mary Magdalen her lasciuious life and the Publican in the Temple with striking his breast craued thy gracious pardon saying Lord haue mercy vpon me a sinner and although my sinnes and offences are farre greater and more grieuous then these yet O Lord thy mercies exceede and are far more compassionate then our sinnes manifold I iustifie not my selfe O my God by the offences of these but declare thy righteousnesse and mercifull clemencies in forgetting and forgiuing our abhominable trespasses and transgressions of thy wil which though wee are froward yet thou art gentle though we are stubborne yet thou art meeke and though we run headlong to the pits brinke and to the gates of hell yet thou of thy goodnesse callest vs backe and remittest all that wee haue done amisse O Lord I haue acknowledged my faults that they are best knowne vnto thee wherefore O Lord I aske forgiuenes for the same send me the comfort of thy holy spirit that if thou giue me my former health and strength of body I may amend my life according to thy sacred will and walke worthily in thy Lawes and Commandements if it be thy pleasure to take mee hence out of this transitory life O Lord grant that I may rest and liue with thee for euer world without end O Lord heaken vnto these my petitions for Iesus Christ his sake I aske them and all other things which thou shalt thinke meet both for our soules and bodies in the same forme of prayer as
many debts to discharge by reason of the offences committed in his sinfull life already past NOw then if on the one side there be so many and so great respects that doe binde vs to change our sinfull life and on the otherside we haue not any sufficient excuse why we should not make this exchange How long wilt thou tarry vntill thou fully resolue to doe it Turne thine eyes a little and looke backe vpon thy life past and consider that at this present of what age soeuer thou be it is high time or rather the time well nigh past to begin to discharge some part of thy old debts Consider that thou which art a Christian regenerated in the water of holy Baptisme which doest acknowledge Almighty God for thy father and the Catholike Church for thy mother whom she hath nourished with the milke of the Gospel to wit with the doctrine of the Apostles and Euangelists consider I say that all this notwithstanding thou hast liued euen as loosely dissolutely as if thou hadst beene a meere Infidell that had neuer any knowledge of Almighty God And if thou doe denie this then tell mee what kinde of sin is there which thou hast not committed What tree is there forbidden that thou hast not beholden with thine eyes What greene meddow is there in which thou hast not at the least in desire feasted thy letcherous lust what thing hath beene set before thine eyes that thou hast not wantonly desired What appetite hast thou left vnexecuted notwithstanding that thou didst beleeue in Almighty God and that thou wert a Christian what wouldest thou haue done more if thou hadst not had any faith at all If thou hadst not looked for any other life If thou hadst not feared the d●eadfull day of iudgement What hath all thy former life ●e ne but a web of sinnes a sinke of vices a way full of brambles and thornes and a f●oward disobedience of God with whom hast thou hitherto liued but onely with thine appetite with thy flesh with thy pride and with the goods and riches of this transitory world These haue beene thy gods these haue beene thine idols whom thou hast serued and whose lawes thou hast diligently obeyed Make thine account with the Almighty God with his lawes and with his obedience and perad●●nture thou shalt finde that thou hast esteemed him no more than if he had beene a go● of wood o● stone For it is certaine that there be many Christians which beleeuing that there is a God are induced to sinne with such facilitie as though they beleeued that there were no God at all and doe offend no whit the lesse though they beleeue that there is a God then they would doe if they beleeued there were none at all What greater iniurie what greater despight can bee done than so to contemne his diuine maiestie Finally thou beleeuing all such things as Christs Church doth b●leeue hast notwithstanding so led thy life as if thou wert perswaded that the beleefe of Christians were the greatest fables or lies in the world And if the multitude of thy sinnes past and the faculty thou hast vsed in committing of them doe not make thee afraid why doest thou not feare at the least the Majesty and omnipotencie of hi● against whom thou hast sinned Lift vp thine eyes and consider the infinit greatnesse and omnipotencie of the Lord whom the powers of heauen no adore before whose Maiesty the whole compasse of the wide world lyeth prostrate in whose presence all things created are no more than chaffe carried away with the winde Consider also with thy s●lfe how vnseemely it is that such a vile worme as thou art should haue audacity so many times to offend and prouoke the wrath of so great a maiesty Consider the wonderfull and most ter●ible seue●ity ●f his iustice and what horrible punishments he hath vsed from time to time in the world against sinne and that not onely vpon particular persons but also vpon Cities Nations Kingdomes and Prouinces yea vpon the vniuersall World And not onely in earth but also in heauen and not onely vpon strangers sinners but euen vpon his owne most innocent sonne our sweet Sauiour Iesus Christ when he tooke vpon him to satisfie for the debt that we owed And if this seuerity was vsed vpon greene and innocent wood and that for the sinnes of others what then will he doe vpon dry and withered wood and against those that are loden with their owne sinnes Now what thing can bee thought more vnreasonable then that such a fraile wretch as thou art should be so saucie and malapert as to mocke with so mightie a Lord whose hand is so heauie that in case hee should strike but one stroke vpon thee hee would at one blow driue thee downe headlong into the deepe bottomelesse pit of hell without remedy Consider likewise the great patience of this our mercifull Lord who hath expected thy repentance so long euen from the time that thou didst first offend him and thinke that if after so long patience and tarrying for thee thou shalt still continue thy leaud and sinfull life abusing thus his mercy and proucking him to further indignation and wrath hee will then bend his bowe and shake his sword and raine downe vpon thee euen sharpe arrowes of euerlasting wrath and death Consider also the profoundnesse of his deepe iudgments wherof we read and see daily so great wonders We see how Salomon himselfe after his so great wisdome and after those three thousand parables and most profound mysteries vttered by him was forsaken by Almighty God and suffered to fall d●wn and adore Ido's We see how one of those seuen first Deacons of the Primitiue Church which were full of the holy Ghost became not onely an hereticke but also an arch hereticke and a father of heresies We see daily many starres fall downe from heauen vnto earth with miserable fals and to wallow themselues in the durt and to eat the meat of swine which sate before at Gods owne table and were fed with the very bread of Angels If then the iust and righteous for some secret pride or negligence or else for some ingratitude of theirs be thus iustly forsaken of Almighty God after they haue bestowed so many yeares in his seruice What maiest thou looke for that hast done in a manner nothing else in all thy life time but onely heaped sinnes vpon sinnes and hast thereby offended almighty God most grieuously Now if thou hast liued after this sort were it not reason that thou shouldst now at the length giue ouer and cease heaping sinne vpon sinne and debt vpon debt and begin to pacifie the wrath of Almighty God and to disburden thy sinfull soule Were it not meet that that time which thou hast hitherto giuen to the world to thy flesh and to the Diuell should suffice and that thou shouldest bestow some little time of that which remaineth to serue him who hath giuen thee all that
will in any one thing neither from carnall pleasures not from backbiting and slandering thy neighbours nor yet from fulfilling thine inordinate lusts and desires in case thine ability serued thee thereunto Oh what doth the worme of thy conscience say vnto thee whiles thou art in such a fond securitie and confidence continuing in such a dissolute and wicked life as thou doest Where is now become the vnderstanding iudgement and reason which thou hast of a man Why art thou not afraid of so horrible so certaine and so assured perils and dangers If there were a dish of meat set before thee some man albeit he were a lyer should say vnto thee refraine to touch and eat thereof for it is poysoned durst thou once aduenture to stretch out thy hand to take a taste thereof though the meat were neuer so sauorie and delicate and he neuer so great a lyer that should beare thee thus in hand If then the Prophets if the Apostles if the Euangelists yea if Almighty God himselfe doe cry out vnto thee and say Take heede thou miserable man for death is in that kind of meat and death doth lye lurking in that gluttonous morsell which the diuell hath set before thee How darest thou reach for euerlasting death with thine owne hands and drinke thine owne damnation Where is the applying of thy wits thy iudgement and the discourse and reason which thou l●●st of a spirituall man Where is their light where is their force Sith that none of them do● bridle thee any whit from thy common vsuall vices Oh thou wretched and carelesse creature bewitched by the common enemy Satan adi●dged to euerlasting darknesse both inward and outward and so doest goe from one darknesse to the other Thou art blinde to see thine owne misery insensible to vnderstand thine owne perdition and harder than any Adamant to feele the hammer of Gods word Oh a thousand times most miserable thou art worthy to be l●mented with none other teares than with those whe● with thy damnation was lamented when it was said Luke 19. Oh that thou knewest this day the peace quietnesse and treasures which Al mighty God hath offered vnto thee that doe now lye hidden from thine eyes Oh miserable is the day of thy natiuitie and much more miserable the day of thy death forsomuch as that shall be the beginning of thine euerlasting damnation Oh how much better had it beene for thee neuer to haue beene born if thou shalt be damned in the horrible pit of hell for euer where the torments are perpetually durable How much better had it beene for thee neuer to haue beene baptised not yet to haue receiued the Christian faith if through the abusing thereof by thy wicked life thy damnation shall thereby be the greater For if the light of reason onely sufficeth to make the Heathen Phylosophers inexcuseable because they knowing God in some degree did not glorisie him nor serue him as the Apostle saith in the first to the Romans how much lesse shall hee be excused that hath receiued the light of faith and the water of Baptisme yea and the holy Sacrament of the body and bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ hearing daily the doctrine of the Gospell if hee doe nothing more than those P●gan Phylosophers haue done Now what other thing may we inferre of the premisses but briefly to conclude That there is none other vnderstanding none other wisedome none other counsell in the world but that setting aside all the impediments and combersome dangerous wayes of this life wee follow that onely true and certaine way where by true peace and euerlasting life is obtained Hereunto are we called by reason by wisedome by law by heauen by earth by hell and by the life death iustice and mercy of Almighty God Hereunto are we also very nota●ly i●uited by the holy Ghost peaking by the mouth of Ecclesiasticus in the sixt chapter in this 〈…〉 My sonne harken ●o instruction euen from the first yeares of thy youth and in thy latter dayes thou shalt enioy the sweet fruit of wisdome Approach vnto it as one that p●●we●h and soweth and with patience expect the fruitful ●ncrease which it shall yeeld vnto thee The paines that thou sh●lt take shall be but little and the benefits that thou shalt speedily enioy shall be great My sonne hearken to my words and neglect not this my counsell which I shall giue thee put thy feet willingly into her fetters and thy necke into her chaines bow downe thy shoulders and carry her vpon thee and be not displeased with her bonds approach neere vnto her with all thy heart and follow her wayes with all thy strength seeke for her with all thy diligence and she will make her selfe knowne vnto thee and after that thou hast found her neuer forsake her for by her shalt thou finde rest in thy latter dayes and that which before did seeme so painfull vnto thee will afterwards become very pleasant Her fetters shall be a defence of thy strength and a foundation of vertue and her chaine shall be a robe of glory for in her is the beauty of life and her bonds are the bonds of health Hetherto Ecclesiasticus Whereby thou maiest vnderstand in some degree how great the beauty the delights the liberty and riches of true wisdome are which is vertue it selfe and the knowledge of Almighty God wherof we doe intreat But if all this be insufficient to mollifie our stony hearts lift vp thine eyes and fix thy thoughts constantly to behold our omnipotent God in his mercy and loue towards sinners vpon his dying crosse where he made full satisfaction for thy sinnes There shalt thou behold him in this for●e his feet nailed fast looking for thee his ●rmes spread abroad to receiue thee and his head bowing downe to giue th●e as to ●no●●er prodigall sonne n●w k●ss● of p●ace and att●●●ment From thence hee calleth thee if thou wouldest ●eare with so many callings and cries as there be wounds in his whole body Hearken thou therefore vnto these voyces and consider well with thy s●lfe that if his prayer he not heard that hearkeneth not vnto the cries of the poore how much lesse shall he be hea●d that maketh himselfe deafe to such cries as these being the most mercifull cryings of our louing sauiour and intended for our soules saluation Who is he that hath not cause to resolue himselfe who●ly into teares to weepe and bew●ile his manifold offences Who is he that can lament and will not lament at this vnlesse he be such a one as seeth not nor careth not what great shipwracke waste and hauocke he maketh of all the riches and treasures of his soule FINIS GODLY PRAYERS NECESSARY AND VSEFVLL for Christian Families vpon seuerall occasions Therefore I say vnto you What things soeuer yee desire when yee pray beleeue that ye receiue them and ye shall haue them Printed at London for M. S. 1628. Godly Christian PRAYERS A
hee himselfe hath taught vs saying Our Father c. A Prayer at the houre of death O Lord Iesus Christ which art the onely health of all men liuing and the euerlasting life of them which dye in thy faith I wretched sinner giue and submit my selfe wholly to thy most blessed will being sure that the thing cannot perish which is committed vnto thy mercy I most humbly beseech thee O Lord to giue me grace that I may now willingly leaue this fraile and wicked flesh in hope of the resurrection which in better manner shall restore it to me againe grant me O Lord God that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my soule against all temptations and that thou wilt couer and defend me with the buckler of thy mercy against the assaults of Satan I acknowledge that there is in my selfe no hope of saluation but all my hope and trust is in thy most mercifull goodnesse I haue no no merits nor good workes which I may alleadge before thee of sinnes and euill works alas I see a great heape but through thy mercy I trust to be of the number of thē to whom thou wilt not impute their sins but take and impute mee for righteous and iust and to be the inheritor of euerlasting glory Thou O most mercifull Lord wert borne for my sake thou didst suffer both hunger and thirst thou didst preach teach pray and fast for my sake thou didst all good workes and sufferedst most grieuous pangs and torments for my sake and finally thou gauest thy most precious body to dye and thy blessed bloud to be shed on the crosse for my sake wherefore most mercifull Sauiour let all these things profit me which thou hast freely giuen mee which hast giuen thy selfe for me let thy bloud cleanse and wash away the spots and foulenesse of my sinnes let thy righteousnesse hide and couer my vnrighteousnesse let the merits of thy bitter sufferings be a sufficient and propitiatory sacrifice and satisfaction for my sinnes giue me O Lord thy grace that my faith and beleefe of thy true and grieuous death wauer not in me but euer be firme and constant that the hope of thy mercy life euerlasting neuer decay in me that charitie waxe not cold in me and finally that the weaknesse of my flesh be not ouercome with the feare of death grant me also O most mercifull Sauiour that when death hath shut vp the eyes of my body yet the eyes of my soule may still behold and looke vpon thee and that when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue and speech yet my heart may cry and say vnto thee O Lord into thy hands I giue and commi● my soule Lord Iesus receiue my spirit and take mee to thy mercies Amen A Prayer for a Woman in time of her trauaile RIghteous holy Lord God I doe now finde by experience the fruit of my sinne that I must trauaile in sorrow and bring forth in paine and I vnfainedly adore the truth of thy sacred Word as certifying vnto me that sorrow must be in the Euening so comforting me also against the Morning that a Childe shall be borne Willingly I doe desire to submit my selfe in hope into this thy chastisement and to learne the desert of my sinne horrible in themselues that these temporall paines are forerunners of eternall and yet by thy mercy may be so sanctified vnto me as not onely to preuent eternal vengeance but also prepare for eternall comforts euen to be Saued by bearing of Children Grant me therefore gracious Father true repentance and pardon for my sinnes past that they may not stand at this time in this my neede betweene mee and thy mercy Giue mee a comfortable feeling of thy loue in Christ which may sweeten all other pangs though neuer so violent or extreame make me still to lift vp my soule vnto thee in my greatest agonies knowing that thou alone must giue a blessing to the ordinary meanes for my safe deliuerance Lay no more vpon me then I am able to endure strengthen my weake body to the bearing of what sorrow soeuer by which it shall seeme good vnto thee to make triall of me Grant me to consider that how soeuer it be with me yet I am alwaies as thine hand whose mercies faile not who will be found in the Mount and greatest extremitie and to whom belong the issues of death so prepare me therefore to death that I may be fit for life euen to yeeld fruit aliue vnto the world and to be renewed and enabled to nourish the same And when thou hast safely giuen mee the expected fruit of my wombe make me with a thankfull heart to consecrate both it and my selfe wholly to thy seruice all the dayes of my life through Iesus Christ mine onely Sauiour and Redeemer Amen A Thanksgiuing after safe deliuerance O Blessed for euer be thy great and glorious Name most deere and louing Father for thy great mercy to me most weake and sinfull woman Wonderfull art thou in all thy workes O Lord the riches of thy mercies are past finding out thou hast plunged me with great afflictions and yet thou hast returned and refreshed me againe thou hast brought me to the feare of the graue and yet thou hast raised me vp again to life O how hast thou shewed thy power in my weaknesse How hath thy louing kindnesse preuailed against my vnworthinesse Thou mightest for my sinnes haue left me to perish in mine extremities but thou hast compassed me about with ioyfull deliuerance thou mightest haue made my wombe a graue to burie the dead or in affoording life to another thou mightest haue procured my death but yet thou hast not onely made my wombe a wel-spring of life but restored life vnto me also for the cherishing thereof Marucilous O Lord are thy workes infinite are thy mercies my soule by present experience knoweth it well O my soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within me praise his holy name My soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefits Thou hast heard my prayers and looked vpon my sorrow thou hast redeemed my life from death and healed mine infirmities and crowned me with thine euerlasting compassions O giue me I humbly pray thee a thankfull heart not onely now while the memory sense of thy fauour is fresh before me but continually euen so long as I haue any being Grant that I may learne by this liuely euidence of thy power and mercy for euer hereafter to depend onely on thee Quicken me also to all holy duties that my thankfulnesse may appeare in my pure and Christian carriage Make me a kind and carefull mother willing to vndergoe the paine and trouble of education Let no nicenesse or curiositie hinder mee from those seruices to whom both nature and religion hath appointed me let me also be carefull when time requireth to season the fruit thou hast giuen me with the sauing knowledge of thee thy