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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10846 Certain selected histories for christian recreations vvith their seuerall moralizations. Brought into Englishe verse, and are to be song with seuerall notes: composed by Richard Robinson citizen of London Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1577 (1577) STC 21118; ESTC S101925 11,080 45

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the worlde to come To the tune of Beckinghams Galliarde YE sacred Nimphes of Hellicon By Ioues almight decree Vouchesafe once more to looke vpon This fourth solempnitie Caliope with thy christall voyce my Musicke adiuuate From ioyfull harte with Thākfull mouth Christes birth to celebrate In tyme to watche in tyme to wake While candle lasts to come Vpon this theame I here doe make This admonition Tyme let vs spende well till the ende Of howre glasse bee out runne Liue here must wee in full pretence To giue no libertie To synne by will or negligence Our light to dampnifie As Alexander sometyme kyng of Macedonia lande Decreed in Courte a Candle should Bee light and burnyng stande And sent his Heralds to eche place And coaste where he bare swaie With trumpetts blast his will to blase To subiects all That thei Which had tānsgrest should come in prest To Courte without delaie If any subiecte had transgrest Gainst Alexander kyng Let hym appeare his case redrest Should bee in eche suche thyng So that before the kyng he came Whiles candle light did caste And if he tarried paste that tyme His labour was but waste And who soeuer had doen offence And came not in due tyme To hym plaine death for negligence The kyngs will did assigne Of better and wourse some had recourse Toth courte giltie of crime The storie telles a nomber greate Appearde before the kyng The Candle castyng light and heate Had pardon for eche thyng A nomber greate there were also To come at all refused On those the kyng the penaltie Without redemption vsed And some that while the Candle burnde In commyng staied so longe The Candle out that thei retournde With woe and wailyng songe We Christians here how to appere Eche one maie learne emong ¶ The Moraliziation CHriste is this Alexander Kyng That swaies the sacred sworde We subiectes his here all liuyng If wee doe feare this Lorde As he is fauourable and with Mercie full repleate So mercifull doeth he appeare To synners small and greate Not limityng a tyme onely Of life to mortall men But lends vs sacred lore whereby He maie our hartes lighten With Candle light of deuine might Let vs take due tyme then And let vs come when Christe doeth call While Candle light doeth last Then pardon we procure vs shall Before the tyme bee past So shall we blessed light enioye And Christes pardon aye And feare no worldly foes annoye That would seeke our decaie With humble faithfull Englishe harte To Christe praie we eche one Our roiall Queene for to imparte His blessed light vpon And vs to stande with lamps in hande By hym in ioyfull throne Finis ¶ The Argument Mannes life is likened to a continuall warfare and conflicte with Sathan The Serpente and the Tode fightyng together the Serpente beyng reserued by helpe of man sheweth exāple of gratitude The Tode that sought the Serpentes destruction hath in fine his due guardon To the tune of Flearyng fancie syngyng the iiii and v. line of euery verse alike TO encrease in Christe our comfort still Reuailed vs by sondrie meanes Though scripture fraught with sacred skill Doe farre surmount all humane dreames ●mongst a sorte of pithie theames This prophane storie merits praise Christes cōbate conquest which bewraies Caesar Augustus liuyng than A noble knight his subiect was ● valiaunt worthie gentleman Who ridyng once as he did passe A Forest through by happe alasse A Tode with Serpent fightyng sawe Eche others bloud deadly to drawe With tried force a tyme fought thei The Tode hauyng the masterie This gentle knight did straight assaie In Serpents quarell happe to trie Wounded the same Tode greuouslie But not without a mortall wounde Hym self escaped and fled the grounde The Serpent also thence did flee And when in place this worthie knight Alone thought beste his wounde to see From stately steede alacke did light His inwurde partes with poyson dight He founde where did encrease his greef And homewards rides to haue releef Where long tyme languishyng in paine So that his will and Testament For to bee made he did ordaine Prepared to dye incontinent Yet when as by the fire feruent For comfort further laied he was And that dispaire in hym had place Euen then beholde the Serpent late In whose defence this greef he cought Was entered in at this knights gate And seen by seruants straight thei sought To shewe their maister thinkyng nought Of suche a happe then did he will The Serpent should be brought hym till The knight when he the Serpent sawe The same it was did well agnise In whose defence through ouerthrawe Hym self to feight did enterprise Against the Tode though ieoperdies Of death thereby his life pursewed Yet as he was with witte endewed Commaunded all his seruaunts there That thei should not the Serpent noye Saiyng daunger none I feare He will me doe but rather ioye The Serpent then did hym employe In open presence them emong To sucke the poyson with his tong Whereof takyng sacietie Out of the house forthwith he ran And purged his stomacke presently Of poyson in hym taken than And to the wounde a freshe he came Sixe tymes by course till he did voide The poison suckt the knight emploide Hym self Milke to administrate Vnto the Serpent then beholde The Tode entered the knights gate Whiche late with poison deade and colde Did wounde this courteous knight so bolde In purpose came aduenged to bee Of knight and Serpent presently The knight when as he hereof hearde Vnto his seruaunts all did saie Sirs nought dismaie be not afearde This is the Tode without all naie Whom I did wounde this other daie In defence of this Serpent heare For whose sake eke my wounde I beare So that I will if this Serpent By any meanes my healthe restore He shall escape incontinent And if you loue my life therefore This Tode destroye withouten more The seruaunts hearyng what he saied With swordes staues on Tode then laied By meanes whereof the Tode thei kilde The Serpent hereat ioyfull was And thankfully his due fulfilde As gratefull and touchyng the case Tourned aboute his feete apace Where thus departyng this Serpent The knight was healed incontinent ¶ The Moralization THe morall hereof to define First the Emperour here comparde To our heauenlie Father we assigne The same of duetie best referde The Knight olso whereof you heard Our Sauiour Iesus Christe doeth meane The Tode declares Sathan certaine The Serpent man is termed well First for the poyson of his synne Next for the medicen to expell Poyson receiued hym self within As for Christes Image eke in hym For man against the Deuill ought feight To vanquishe hym by deuine sleight Because there is none other wight But thou oh Christe our Sauiour Whiche in defence of man doeth fight Against Sathan the Tode therefore When mankinde was through synne forlore Christe sought for vs against Sathan And in our right hym ouercame Albeit not in one place onely He
so harde If wee well waie this lodgyng place Haste vs from carnall Kyngdome apace Then if wee will further to trie These three thynges wee desire to finde Let ts walke on till tholde man wee espie Euen Iesus Christe guide of mankinde With staffe of faithe for vs assignde To giue vs that repentaunce pure Whiche had shall our desires procure The foote pace then wee maie ascende Whiche leadeth vs to life sincere Seuen stepps it hath if we pretende To finde those three we sought wel eare Goe we vp these stepps whiche appere The woorkes of mercie seuen to bee Our desires then obtaine shall wee These shall conducte vs to that place Whiche wee looke for But comming than Toth gate where is all this sollace We must knocke thrise with staffe in hand That is thus muche to vnderstande Contrition Confession and satissisance Must then helpe vs in thenteraunce The Porter then to vs will stepp Gods deuine goodnesse doeth he meane Who after this our trauell greate Thus furnisht will not vs disdaine But gladlie vs will entertaine In wealth withouten want in ioye And light that last voide of all noye For whiche the Lorde in mercie guide Our goyngs and doyngs to directe That from his feare we neuer slide But that to our steps we so respecte That his gracious gates we maie amplecte And with Christe entertained bee To rest in endlesse felicitie Finis ¶ The constaunte course in spirituall combate and turneiment of eche faithfull Christian against Antechrist our malignant aduersarie obtaineth in fine condigne rewarde of tranquile felicie in this worlde and in the worlde to come perpetuall felicities inspeakeable ¶ To the tune of Iocundarie MArche now my muse with martiall might In spirituall combate conqueryng Condigne rewarde doeth euer light On verteous worthie trauellyng Declare of Adonias kyng That pretie Historie In wealth who sometyme florishyng Delighted muche to see His knights at tourney practisyng The feates of cheualrie It happened that vpon a daie By Proclamation made there His knights in armour should araie Them selues eche with shield and spere Then by decree he did ordaine What knight so euer could Hym self with prowes best demaine Haue worthie hier he should This knowne of knights a noble traine Came tourney for to holde The daie of their appearaunce come And their assembly made so The kyng did will of those knights some In one parte should aside go The other halfe of them theare He made them selues deuide The first parte chosen streight to beare Their armour did prouide To lait in place of purpose wheare The tourney should bee tride Then gaue the kyng commaundement Who on the parte contrary With speare to doe his best was bent To touche awaie take and carry The armour so that doune was laied The owner thereof presently Out of the troupe should be conuaied To tourney with his enemie And for the purpose was a maied Ordained to arme hym redily ●hat doen encounter should her knight Gainst hym that toucht the armour late Whom if he foilde or put to flight That daie he should bee decorate With royall croune and placed bee At table with the kyng A certaine knight with valiancie Conditions these hearyng With diligence about lookte hee Euery shielde beholdyng Emongst them all he marked one With apples three gilt garnisht In greate desire that shielde alone His greedie mynde had rauisht And that same shield he toucht with spere Straight waie the other knight Who ought it of the maide there Did make hym self bee dight And entereth listes withouten feare Against the other wight In tourney whiche loe he that ought The armour toucht by prowesse Behaded hym that so had sought To cary awaie his harnesse And as the kyng commaunded it Of late the conquerour Moraliztion