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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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therof but he sayd bryng meale and he cast it into the po● and sayd Fyl for the people that they maye eate and there was no more harme in the potte The .vi. Chapter ANd beholde there was a greate dearthe in Samaria and Benhadad king of Siria besieged it vntyll an Asses head was sold for foure score syluer pence and the fourth parte of a cab of doues dunge for .v. sicles The .xiii. Chapter THe souldiers of the Moabites came into the lande the same yeare and it chaunced as some of them were buryeng a man and spyed the souldiers they cast the man into the sepulchre of Eliseus and when the man was rolled downe touched the bodye of Eliseus he reuiued and stode vpon his feete The .xviii. Chapter HEzekia put away the hyl aulters and brake the Idolles and cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen serpent that Moses hadde made for vnto those dayes the chyldren of Israel dyd burne sacrifice to it and he called it Nehustā The .xix. Chapter ANd so it came to passe that the selfe same tyghte the aungell of the lorde wente oute and smote in the hoost of the Assirians an hūdred foure score and fyue thousande The .xx. Chapter HAd Hesekia tourned his face to the waland prayed to the lorde saying I beseche thee nowe O Lorde remembre howe I haue walked before thee in truthe and with a perfite hearte haue done that whiche is good in thy sight Hesekia wepte sore Esaye sayde to Hesekia Thus saith the lord god of Dauid thy father I haue herd thy prayer and sene thy teares And beholde I wyll heale thee so that on the thyrde daye thou shalte go vp into the house of the Lorde And I wyll adde vnto thy dayes yet fiftene yeare Shal the shado we go forwarde ten degrees or go backe agayne ten degrees Hesekia answered it is a lyght thyng for the shadowe to go downe ten degrees nether is that my desyre but yf the shadowe go backewarde ten degrees it is no light thynge And Esaye the prophete called vnto the lorde and he brought the shadowe tenne degrees backewardes by whych it had goen downe in the dyall of Ahas Th .xxii. Chapter THe Kyng Iosus sent Saphan sayinge go vp to Nelkia the hye prieste that he maye summe the syluer which is brought into the house of the lorde whiche the kepers of the porche haue gathered of the people c. Howe be it let no te●●nyng be made with them of the moneye that is delyuered into theyr handes for theyr vse is to deal ▪ faythfully ¶ The fyrst booke of Chronicles the tenthe Chapter SAVL dyed for his trespasse that he trespassed agaynst the Lorde in that he kepte not the worde of the lorde and in that he soughte and asked counsayle of a womanne that wrought with a spirite and asked not of the Lorde And therfore he slue hym and turned the kyngdom vnto Dauid the sonne of Esay The .xv. Chapter ANd Chenanishu the chiefe of the Leuites was wayster of the songe for he taughte other to synge because he was a man of vnderstandynge ¶ The .xvi. Chapter O Gyue thankes vnto the Lorde call vpon his name make his actes knowen amonge the people Synge vnto hym and playe vnto hym talke of all his wondrefull dedes Reioyse in his holy name lette the hartes of them that seke the Lorde be gladde Seke the lorde and his strengthe seke his presence alwaye Touche not myne annoynted and do my Prophetes no harme The .xx. Chapter And there chaunced yet agayne warre at Geth ▪ where as was a man of a great stature with xx●●… fyngers and toes .vi. on euery hande and .vi. on euery foote and was the sonne of Raphath The .xxi. Chapter HAd Dauid sayde vnto God I am in an excedyng strayte Lette me fall nowe into the hande of the lorde for passyng greate are his mercyes but let me not fall into the hande of men The .xxii. Chapter HAd Dauid sayd vnto Salomon my sōne I thought as it was in my heart to buyld an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God but the worde of the lorde came to me saying thou haste shed muche bloude and haste made greate battayles thou shalte therefore not buylde an house vnto my name for thou haste shedde muche bloude vpon the earth in my syght The .xxiij. Chapter HAD the Leuites were noumbred from the age of .xxx. yere and aboue and the numbre and summe of them was .xxxvii. thousande men Of whiche .xxxiiii. M. were sette to fourther the worke of the house of the Lorde and .vi. M. were officers and iudges iiii M. were porters and .iiii. M praysed the lorde with suche instrumentes as was made to prayse withall The .xxv. Chapter IEduthun and Heman execated the seruice in the house of god at the kynges hande And the multitude of them with theyr brethren that were instructe in the songes of the lorde euen all that were commyng were two hundred foure froze and eyght The .xxviij. Chapter THe Lorde searchech all heartes and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacion of thoughtes The .xxix. Chapter OUre dayes on the earth are but as a shadow and there is none abydynge ¶ The .ii. boke of the Chronicles the .vi. Chapter AND wyll GOD in verye dede dwel with mē on earth beholde heauen and heauen aboue al heauens do not contayne thee howe muche lesse the house whyche I haue buylded The .vii. Chapter This house whiche I haue sanctified for my name wyl I cast out of my sight and wyll make it to be a prouerbe and a ieste among all nacions And euery one that passeth by shall be astoned at this house whiche belonged to the moost hye GOD and shal saye why hath the lorde delte on this fashion with this land and with this house And they shal aunswere bycause they forsoke the lorde god of theyr father whiche broughte them oute of the lande of Egypte and caught holde on other goddes and worshypped them and serued them euen therfore hathe he broughte all this euell vpon them The .xiiii. Chapter HAd Asa eryed vnto the lorde hys god and sayde lord it is no harde thynge with the to helpe eyther manye or them that haue no power Helpe vs therfore O lorde our god for we truste to the and in thy name we go agaynste this multitude The .xvi. Chapter THe eyes of the Lorde beholde al the earthe to strengthe them that are of perfect heart towarde hym The .xxiiij. Chapter HAd the sprite of God came vpon Zacharye the sonne Iehoiada the priest whiche stode by the people and sayde vnto them Thus saythe god why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the lorde that ye cannot prospere for because ye haue forsaken the lorde he also hathe forsaken you And thay conspired agaynst hym and stoned hym with stones at the commaundemente of the kynge euen in the courte of the house of the lord The .xxvi. Chapter TZia transgressed agaynst the lorde his god and wente into the
myght be eased from their wyckednes the ten thousande part of men shulde not be made lyuynge And yf the iudge forgaue not those whiche he healed with his worde and yf he wold destroy the multitude that striueth there shuld be very fewe left in an vnnumerable multitude ¶ The .viii. Chapter THe most highest made this worlde for many but the world to come for fewe I will tell the a symilitude Esoras As when thou askeste the earthe it shall saye vnto the that it geueth muche moulde wherof earthen vessels are made but litle of it that golde commeth of euen so is it with the worcke of this worlde There be manye created but fewe shal be preserued Yf thou haue mercye vpon vs thou shal be called mercyfull where as we haue no worckes of righteousnes for the righteous whiche haue laid vp many good worckes together shal out of their dedes receaue rewarde ¶ The .ix. Chapter LYke as the felde is so is also the seede as the floures be so are the coloures also suche as the worckeman is suche is the worcke and as the husband man is him selfe so is his husbandry also ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter THe weaker that the worlde and the time is the more shall synne wyckednesse increase in them that dwell vpon earthe for the truthe is fled farre awaye and lesynge is harde at hande Yf so be that ye wyll subdue your owne vnderstandyng and reforme your herte ye shall be kept aliue and after deathe shall ye optaine mercy for after deathe shall the iudgement come when we shall lyue againe and then shall the names of the righteous be manifest and the workes of the vngodly shall be declared ¶ The .xv. Chapter THus saith the lorde god my right hand shall not spare the synners my sweard shal not cease ouer thē that shed innocent bloude vpō earth The .xvi. Chapter ANd when youre synnes are brought forthe ye shal be ashamed before menne and youre owne synnes shal be your accusers in that daye Wo be vnto them that are subdued vnto theyr synnes and tangled in theyr wickednesse like as a felde is hedged in with bushes and the pathe thereof couered with thornes and that no manne maye trauayle thorow and so is he taken and cast in the fyre and brente ¶ The booke of Tobias The fyrst Chapter TObias gat him to Ierusalem vnto the temple of the lord there worshipped the lord god of Israel faythfully offeryng of al his first frutes tythes so that in the thyrde yeare he ministred all the tythes vnto the straungers conuertes Tobias taughte his son frō his youth vp to feare god and to refrayne from all synne Tobias fed the hungry clothed the naked and buried the dead and slayne diligently The .ii. Chapter THis temptatiō of blindnesse did god suffer to happen vnto hym that they whiche came after might haue an exāple of his paciēce lyke as of holy Iob for in so muche as he euer feared god frō his youthe vp kepte his cōmaūdementes he grudged not against god that the plage of blindnes chaūsed vnto him but remained sted fast in the feare of god and thanked god all the dayes of his lyfe ¶ The .iii. Chapter BLessed be thy name o god of our fathers whiche when thou arte wroth shewest mercy and in time of trouble thou forgeuest the synnes of them that call vpon the. Whosoeuer loueth the and serueth the a right is sure of this that if his life be tempted and proued it standeth in the trying and yf he endure in patience he shall haue a rewarde and be hyghlye crowned if he be in troble that god no doubte shall delyuer him and yf his lyfe be in chastening that he shall haue leue to come vnto thy mercye For thou hast no pleasure in our damnation and why after a storme thou makest the wether fayre and styll after wepinge and heuynes thou geuest greate ioye ¶ The .iiii. Chapter HOlde thy mother in honoure all the dayes of her lyfe for thou oughteste to remember what and howe greate parels she suffered for the in her wombe Geue almes of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face frō the pore and so shall it come to passe that the face of the lord shall not be turned away from the. Mercy delyuereth from all synne from death and suffereth not the soule to come in darcknes A greate conforte is mercy before the highe god vnto all them that shewe it Whosoeuer worcketh any thynge for the immediatly geue him his hyre and loke that thy hyred seruauntes wages remayne not by the ouer nyght Looke that thou neuer do vnto another man the thinge that thou woldest not another manne shoulde do vnto the. The .vi. Chapter Yf thou layest a pece of the herte vpon the coales the smoke therof driueth awaye all maner of euell spretes wether it be from man or woman so that from thenceforthe the same shall come no more vnto them Heare me and I wyll tell the what they be of whome the deuyll hathe power Namelye they that receaue mariage of suche a fashion that they shute god oute from them and from theyr herte and geue theym selues to their owne luste euen as it were an horse and mule whiche haue no vnderstandynge vpon suche hathe the deuyll power But when thou takest Sara and art come in to her chaumbre wytholde thy selfe from her thre dayes and geue thy diligence vnto nothing but vnto prayer with her The .x. Chapter SO the elders embraced their doughter ●yssed her and let her goo exortyng her to honoure her father and mother in lawe to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order to shewe her selte fawtlesse ¶ The .xii. Chapter IT is good to hyde the kynges secrete but to shewe the worckes of god to prayse them is an honorable thinge Prayer is good with fastyng and mercye is better then to horde vp treasures of golde For mercye delyuereth frome deathe clenseth synne and causeth to fynde euerlastyng lyfe But they that do synne and vnrighteousnes are the enemies of their owne soule When thou prayedest with teares and buriedest the deade and leftest thy dyner and hyddest the dead in thy house vpon the daye tyme that thou myghtest burye them in the nighte I offered thy prayer before the lorde You thougt that I dyd eate and dryncke wythe you but I vse meate that is muscible and drinck that can not be sene of menne The boke of Iudith The fourth Chapter BE ye sure that the lorde wyll here your petitions if ye continue stedfast in fastinges and prayers in the syghte of the lorde The .viii. Chapter Iudyth ware a smocke of heare and fasted all the dayes of her lyfe excepte the sabothes new mones the solempne daies that the people of Israell kepte The .ix. Chapter THy power o lord standethe not in the power of men neither hast thou anye plesur in the strenghte of horses
temple of the Lorde to burne cense vpon the altare of incense And Azariahu the priest went in after hym and with hym fourescore priestes of the lorde that were valiaūt men And they stoode by Vzia the kyng and sayde vnto him It pertaineth not to the Vziato burne incense vnto the lord but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrated for to offer incense Come therfore out of the Sanctuarye for thou hast trespaced and it is no worshyp to the before the lorde god And Vzia was wroth and hadde incense in his hande to burne it and so whyle he had indignaciō against the priestes the leprosy sprang in his foreheade before the priestes in the house of the lorde euen besyde the incense altare The .xxxii. Chapter PLucke vp your hertes and be strong be not afrayed nor discoraged for the king of Assur and for all the multitude that he hath with hym for there be mo with vs then with him With him is an arme of fleshe but with vs is the lorde oure god for to helpe vs and to fight oure battayles The .xxxiii. Chapter ¶ And when Manasses was in tribulation he besought the lord his god and humbled him selfe excedingly before the god of his fathere made intercessyon to him god was intreated of him and hearde his prayer and brought him againe to Ierusalem into his kingdome and then Manasse knewe that the lorde was god ¶ The fyrst boke of Esdras The .vii. Chapter AND we certifie you that ye haue no auctorite to require taxynge and custome yearly rentes vpō any of the prestes leuites singers porters Nethinuns and ministers in the house of his god The .viii. Chapter The hāde of our god is vpō all them that seke hym in goodnes his violence and wrath is against all them that forsake him ¶ The .ii. boke of Esdras The .v. Chapter I And my brethren and my seruauntes do lende them money corne but as for vsury let vs leaue it The .xii. Chapter In the tyme of Zorobabell and Nehemiah dyd al they of Israell geue portions vnto the syngers porters euerye daye his portion and they gaue tythes vnto the Leuites and the Leuites gaue tythes againe vnto the chyldren of Aaron ¶ The .iii. boke of Esdras The .iii. Chapter WYne is a stronge thyng The kyng is stronger Women haue yet more strenghte but aboue all thynges the truthe beareth awaye the victorie ¶ The .iiii. Chapter TRuthe endureth and is alwaye stronge it lyueth conquereth for euermore worlde without ende ¶ The .viii. Chapter I Commaunde you also that ye require no taxe nor tribute of the preastes Leuites syngers and ministers of the temple nor of the writers and that no man haue auctorite to medle any thing against them The .iiii. boke of Esdras the .i. Chap. WHat shall I do vnto the O Iacob Thou Iuda woldest not obey me I wyll turne me to another people and vnto those wil I geue my name that they maye kepe my statutes seynge ye haue forsaken me I will forsake you When ye desyre me to be gracious vnto you I shall haue no mercye vpon you Whan ye call vpon me I wyll not heare you for ye haue defiled your handes with bloude and your fete are swyfte to commit manslaughter Ye haue not forsaken me in a maner but your owne selues saithe the lorde ¶ The .ii. Chapter EXecute iustice for the wyddowe be iudge for the fatherles geue to the peore defende the confortlesse clothe the naked heale the wounded and sicke laugh not a lame man so scorne defende the crepell and let the blynde come into the lyght of my clearenes whersoeuer thou fyndest the dead take them and bury them and I shall geue the the fyrst place in my resurrection ¶ The .iiii. Chapter GO thy waye waye me the weight of the fyre or measure me the blaste of the wynde or call me againe the daye that is paste They that dowell vpon earth may vnderstande nothinge but that whiche is vpon earthe and he that dwelleth aboue the heauens maye onely vnderstande the thinges that are aboue the heuens The worlde hasteth fast to passe away and can not comprehende the thynges that are promysed for the righteous in time to come for this world is full of vnryghteousnes and weakenes The corne of euel sede hathe bene sowne in the hearte of man from the begynnynge ¶ The .v. Chapter BEholde the dayes shall come that they whiche dwell vpō the earth shal be taken in a great nombre and the waye of the truthe shal be hydde and the lande shal be barren from faithe but iniquitie shall haue the vpper hande lyke as thou hast sene nowe and as thou haste hearde long ago And he said vnto me Nombre the thinges that are yet not come gather me together the droppes that are scattered abroade make me the floures greane againe that are wythered open me the thinge that is closed brynge me forth the wyndes that are shut vp shewe me the Image of a voyce and then shall I declare the thynge that thou labourest to knowe ¶ The .vi. Chapter FRom Abraham vnto Isahar when Iacob Esau were borne of him Iacobs hande helde fyrste the heir of Esau for Esau is the ende of this worlde and Iacob is the begynnynge of it that foloweth The hande of man betwyxt the hele and the hande The earthe shall restore those that haue slepte in her and so shall the dust those that dwell in silence and the secrete places shall delyuer those that be committed vnto them ¶ The .vii. Chapter HAnd the moste hyghest shal be openly declared vpon the seate of iudgement and all miserye shall vanyshe awaye and longe sufferynge shal be gathered togyther but the iudgement shal continue the truthe shall remayne and faith shall waxe strong the worke shall folowe and the rewarde shal be shewed the righteousnes shal watch and the vnrighteousnes shall beare no rule The daye of dome shal be the ende of this time the begynnyng of the immortalitie for to come where in all corruption is vanyshed all voluptuousnes is lowsed all mysbeleue taken awaye righteousnes growed the verite spronge vp Then shal no man be able to saue him that is destroyed nor oppresse him that hath gyuen the victory I knowe lorde that the hyghest is mercyfull in that he hath mercye vpon them whiche are not yet in the worlde and vpon those also that walke in his lawe and that he is pacient and long sufferynge towarde those that haue synned in they re worckes and that he is liberall to geue where as it requyreth and that he is of greate mercye for he multiplied his louyng kyndnesse toward those that are present and that are paste and to theym whiche are for to come for yf he multiplye not hys mercyes the worlde shall not be made liuing with those that dwell therin He geueth also for yf he gaue not of his goodnes that they whiche haue done euyll
but the vngodlye and hym that delyted in wychednes dothe his soule abhorre vpon the vngodly he shall raygne snares fyre and brymstone storme and tempeste this shal be their portion to dryncke ¶ The .xii. Chapter THe Lorde shel rote out all disceatful lippes and the tong that speaketh proude thinges ¶ The .xiii. Chapter HOwe longe shall mine enemy triumphe ouer me Consider and heare me O lord my god lyghten myne eyes that I stepe not in deathe lest myne enemye saye I haue preuayled against hym For yf I be cast downe they that trouble me wyl reioyce at it But my truste is in thy mercye and my herte is ioyfull in thy saluation The .xiiii. Chapter THe Lorde loked downe from heauen vpon the chyldren of men to se yf there were any that wolde vnderstande and seke after god But they are all gone out of the waye they are altogether become abhominable there is none that doth good no not one ¶ The .xv. Chapter LOrde who shall dwell in thy tabernacle he that hathe not geuen hys money to vsurye nor taken rewarde against the innocent ¶ The .xvi. Chapter THe Lorde hym selfe is the portion of myne enheritaunce Thou shalte not leue my soule in hel neyther shalte thou suffer thy holy one to se corruption The .xviii. Chapter The lorde shall rewarde me after my righteous dealyng accordynge to the clennes of my handes shall he recompence me With the holy thou shalte be holye and with a perfect man thou shalt be perfect With the cleane thou shalte be cleane and with the frowarde thou shalte learne frowardnes ¶ The .xix. Chapter The iudgementes of the Lorde are true righteous all together More to be desyred are they than golde yea then muche fyne golde sweter then hony combe of the hony Moreouer by them is thy seruaunt taught and in kepynge of them there is great rewarde Who can tell how ofte he offendeth Oh clense thou me fro my secrete fautes Kepe thy seruaunt also from presumptuous synnes lest they get the dominion ouer me so shall I be vndefiled and innocent from the greate offence ¶ The .xx. Chapter SOme put theyr trust in charrettes and some in horses but we wyll remembre the name of the lorde oure god They are broughte downe and fallen but we are rysen and stande vpright The .xxii. Chapter I Am a worme and no mā a very scorne of men and the outcast of the people They pearsed my handes and my fete I maye tell all my bones they stande staring and lokynge vpon me They parte my garmentes among them and caste lottes vpon my vesture ¶ The .xxiii. Chapter Though I walke thorow the valley of the shadowe of death I wyll feare no euyll for thou art with me ¶ The .xxiiii. Chapter Who shall ryse vp into the hyll of the lord euen he that hathe clene handes and a pure harte and that hath not lyft vp his mynde vnto vanitie nor sworne to deceyue his neyghbour The. 25. Cha. What man is he that feareth the lorde him shal he teache in the waye that he shall chose His soule shall dowell at ease and his seede shall inherit the lande The secrete of the lorde is amonge them that feare him he wil shew thē his conuenaunt ¶ The .xxvii. Chapter ONe thing haue I desired of the lord whiche I wyll requyre euen that I maye dwell in the house of the lorde all the dayes of my lyfe to beholde the fayre beauty of the lorde and to viset his temple ¶ The .xxviii. Chapter O Plucke me not awaye with the vngodly and wycked doers whiche speake frēdly to their neighboures but ymagine myschefe in their hertes Rewarde them according to the wyckednesse of their owne inuentions Recōpence them after the worcke of their handes paye theim that they haue deserued For they regarde not in they re mynde the worckes of the lorde nor the operations of his handes therfore shall he breake them downe and not buylde them vp The .xxxii. Chapter BLessed is he whose vnryghteousnes is forgeuen and whose synne is couered Blessed is that man vnto whome the lorde imputeth no synne and in whose sprete there is no gyle The .xxxiii. Chapter THe lorde bringeth the counsaile of the heathen to nought and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effecte and casteth oute the counseyles of princes There is no kinge that can be saued by the multitude of an hooste neyther is anye myghtye man deliuered by moche strenght A horse is counted but a vaine thinge to saue a man neyther shall he delyuer any man by his greate strength Beholde the eye of the lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put their trust in hys mercy To delyuer their soules from deathe and to fede them in tyme of dearth The .xxxiiii. Chapter I wyll alwaye geue thankes vnto the lorde his prayse shall euer be in my mouthe The aungel of the lorde tarieth rounde about them that feare him and delyuereth them O tast and se howe gracious the lorde is blessed is the manne that trusteth in hym O feare the lorde ye that be his sainctes for they that feare hym lacke nothinge What man is he that lusteth to lyue and wolde faine se good dayes Kepe thy tonge frome euyll and thy lyppes that they speake nogyle Eschue euyll and do good se he peace and ensue it The eyes of the lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers The countinaunce of the Lorde is agaynste them that do euyll to rote out the remembraunce of them from the earth The righteous crye the lorde heareth them deliuereth them out of all their troubles The lorde is nye vnto them that are of a contrite herte and wyll saue suche as be of an humble sprete Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the lord deliuereth him out of all He kepeth all hys bones so that not one of them is broken The .xxxv. Chapter I putte on sacke clothe and humbled my soule with fastynge and my prayer shall retourne in to my owne bosome The .xxxvii. Chapter Wycked doers shal be roted oute and they that paciently abyde the lorde these shall inherite the lande Yet a lytle whyle and the vngodly shal be cleane gone thou shalte loke after his place and he shal be awaye But the meke spirited shall possesse the earthe and shal be refreshed in the multitude of peace A small thinge that the righteous hath is better then great richesse of the vngodly I haue bene yonge and nowe am olde and yet saw I neuer the righteous forsaken nor his seede beggyng theyr breade The mouthe of the righteous is exercised in wysdome and his tounge wylbe talkynge of iudgement I my selfe haue sene the vngodly in greate power and florishyng lyke a grene bay tree I went by and lo he was gone I soughte hym but his place coulde no where be founde ¶ The .xxxviii. Chapter There is no health in my fleshe And there is
wordes with discrecion He hath sparsed abrode and geuen to the poore and his righteousnesse remayneth for euer his horne shal be exalted with honoure The .cxiii. Chapter HE taketh vp the simple out of the duste and lyfteth the poore out of the myre That he maye set hym with the princes euen with the princes of his people The .cxviii. Chapter IT is better to truste in the Lorde then to put any confidence in man It is better to truste in the lorde then to put anye confidence in princes The .cxix. Chapter BLessed are those that be vndefyled in the waye and walke in the waye of the lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies seke him with there hole herte For they whiche do no wyckednesse walke in his wayes It is good for me that I haue bene in trouble that I maye learne thy statutes The lawe of thy mouthe is dearer vnto me then thousandes of golde and syluer O howe swete are thy wordes vnto my throte yea swetter then hony vnto my mouthe Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my fete and a lyghte vnto my pathes My soule is alwaye in my hande When thy worde goeth forthe it geueth lyghte and vnderstandyng euen to the symple The .cxx. Chapter What reward shal be geuen vnto the thou false tong euen mighty and sharpe arowes with hoote burnynge coles They that sowe in teares shall repe in ioye he that now goeth in his waye wepyng and beareth forth good seede shall doutles come agayne with ioye and brynge his sheaues with him The .cxxvii. Chapter EXcepte the lorde buylde the house theyr laboure is but lost that buylde it Except the lorde kepeth the cytie the watche manne waketh but in vayne The .cxxxviii. Chapter THoughe the lorde be hye yet hathe he respect vnto the lowlye as for the proude he beholdeth him a farre of The .cxxxix. Chapter WHether shall I go then from the sprete or whether shall I go then from thy presence yf I clyme vp into heauen thou arte there yf I go downe into hell thou arte there also yf I take the wynges of the morenynge and remaine in the vttermoste partes of the sea euen there also shall thy hande leade me thi right hande shal hold me The .cxl. Chapter A Man full of wordes shall not prosper vpon the earthe The .cxli. Chapter SEt a watche O lorde before my mouth and kepe the doore of my lyppes The .cxlii. Chapter I Cried vnto the O lorde and sayd thou art my hope my portion in the lande of liuing The .cxliii. Chapter INter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy syghte shall no manne lyuynge be iustified The .cxlv. Chapter THe lorde is louinge vnto euery man and his mercy is ouer all his worckes The lorde is nye vnto all them that call vpon him yea all suche as call vpon him faithfully The .cxlvi. Chapter O Put not youre truste in princes nor in anye chylde of man for there is no helpe in them The .clxvii. Chapter HE hathe no pleasure in the strengthe of an horse neyther deliteth he in anye mans legges but the lordes delyte is in theym that feare him and put their truste in his mercy ¶ The Prouerbes the fyrst Chapter THe feare of God is the beginning of wysedome but foles despise wisedome and instruccion My sonne consent not vnto synners yf they entice thee and saye come with vs. In vayne is the net layd forth before the byrdes eies I haue called and ye refused it I haue stretched out my hande and no man regarded it but all my counsele haue ye despised and set my corrections at naught The .ii. Chapter Walke thou in the waye of suche as be vertuous kepe the pathes of the righteous The .iii. Chapter LEt mercye and faythfulnes neuer go from thee bynde them about thy necke and wryte them in the tables of thy hearte so shalte thou fynde fauoure and good vnderstandynge in the syght of god and men Be not wyse in thyne owne conceyte Whome the lorde loueth hym he chasteneth and yet delyteth in him euen as a father in his owne sonne All the thynges that thou canst desyre are not to be compared vnto wysedome Wythdrawe no good thynge from them that haue nede so long as thyne hande is able to do it Saye not vnto thy neyghboure go thy waye and come agayne to morowe wyll I geue thee where as thou hall nowe to geue hym The .iiii. Chapter THe chiefe poynt of wysedome is that thou be wyllyng to obteyne wysedome and before all thy goodes to get the vnderstandyng Take faste holde of doctrine and let her not go kepe her for she is thy lyfe But awaye from thee a froward mouthe and let the lippes of slaunder be far from the. The .v. Chapter THe lyppes of an harlot are a droppyng hony combe and her throte is more glystering then Oyle But at the laste she is as bitter as wormewood her tonge as sharpe as a two edged swearde The .vi. Chapter Go to the Emmet thou sluggarde consider her wayes and learne to be wyse She hath no guide nor ouersear nor ruler yet in the sommer she prouideth her meate and gathereth her foode togyther in the haruest These syre thynges doth the lorde hate and the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth Aproude looke A lying tongue handes that shedde innocente bloude an hearte that goeth aboute with wicked ymaginacion feete that be swift in running to do mischiefe A false witnes that bryngeth vp lyes And suche one as soweth discord among brethrē An harlot wyll make a manne to begge his breade Maye a man take fyre in his bosome and his clothes not be brente Or can one go vpon hoote coales and his feete not be hurte Euen so who so euer goeth into his neyghbours wyfe and toucheth her cannot be vngyltye The .viii. Chapter They that seke me early shall fynde me The .ix. Chapter REproue not a scorner lest he owe the euyll wyll but rebuke a wyse manne and he wyll loue the. Stolen waters are swets and the breade that is priuely eaten hath a good taste The .x. Chapter A Wise sonne maketh a glad father but an vndiscrete son is an heuinesse vnto his mother Treasures that are wyckedly gotten profyte nothing but righteousnes deliuereth from death A wyse man wyll receyue warnynge Loue couereth the multitude of synnes He that refuseth to be refourmed desceyueth him selfe Where moche bablynge is there must nedes be offence and he that refraineth his lyppes is wise An innocent tonge is a noble treasure As vineger is to the tethe and as smoke is vnto the eyes euen so is a slouggyshe person to them that sendeth him forth The .xi. Chapter WHereno good counsayle is there the people decaye but where as many are that can geue coūsayle there is wealthe He that is suretye for a straunger hurteth hym selfe and he that medieth not with suretyshyppe is sure A fayre woman without discrete maners is like a rynge of golde in a swynnes snoute Some man
gyueth hym selfe to wyckednesse The .ix. Chapter THey that belyuing knowe that they shall dye but they that or dead know nothyng neyther deserue they any more For they re memoriall is forgotten so that they be neither loued hated nor enuyed neyther haue they any more parte in the worlde in all that is done vnder the sunne Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande to do that do with all thy power For in the graue that thou goest vnto there is neyther worcke counsayle knowledge nor wysdome For a man knoweth not his tyme but lyke as the fyshe are taken with the angle and as the byrdes are caught with the snare euen so are men taken in the perillous tyme when it commeth sodenly vpon them The .x. Chapter A Bablet of his tongue is no better thē a serpent that stingeth without hysiyng Woo be vnto thee o thou lande whose king is but a chylde and whose princes are early at theyr bankettes But well is thee o thou lande whose kynge is come of nobles and whose princes eate in due season For necessitie and not for lust Wishe the kyng no euell in thy thought● and speake no hurte of the ryche in thy preuye chambre for a byrde of the ayre shall betraye thy voyce with her fethers shal she bewrayethy wordes The .xi. Chapter WHen the tree falleth whether it be toward the South or North in what place so euer it fall there it lyeth ¶ The booke of wysdome the fyrste Chapter WYsedome shall not entre into a frowarde soule nor dwel in the body that is subdued vnto synne The mouth that speaketh lyes stayeth the soule The .ii. Chapter Thorowe enuy of the deuel came death into the worlde The .iii. Chapter GLorious is the fruite of good labour and that roote of wisdome shall neuer fade awaye The .iiii. Chapter ASe is an honourable thynge neuertheles it standeth not onely in the length of time nor in the multitude of yeares but a mans wisedom is the graye heare and an vndefiled lyfe is the olde age The .v. Chapter THe righteous shal lyue for euermore theyr rewarde also is with the lorde and they re remembraunce with the hygheste The .vi. Chapter MErry is graūted vnto the symple but they that be in auctorite shal be soreptin● shed The kepyng of the lawe is perfection and an vncorrupt lyfe maketh a man familier with god The multitude of the wyse is the welfare of the worlde and a wyse kinge is the vyholdyng of the people The .vii. Chapter WYsedome is the breth of the power of god and a pure cleane expressynge of the clearenesse of almighty god God loueth no man but him in whome wysedome dwelleth The .ix. Chapter A Mortall and corruptible bodye is heauy to the soule and the catthlye mansion kepest downe that vnderstondynge that museth vpon many thinges The .xi. Chapter LObe wherewithall a manne synneth by the same also shall he he punyshed Thou hast ordered all thinges in measure numbre and weighte The .xii. Chapter WHere as thou doest but chasten vs thou p●nyshest oure enemies dyuers wayes to the intent that when we punyshe we shuld remember thy goodnes when we out selues are punyshed to put oure trust in thy mercye The .xiii. Chapter BY the greatnesse and bewte of the creature the maket therof maye plainely be knowen The .xiiii. Chapter CUrsed is the ydoll that is made with handes yea both it and he that made it The .xvi. Chapter It was nether herbe nor piaster that restored them to health but thy worde o Lord which healest all thynges It is thou o Lorde that haste power of life and death thou leadest vnto dethes dore and bringest vp againe The .xvii. Chapter IT is an heauy thinge when a mannes owne conscience beareth recorde of his wickednes and condemneth him And whye a vexed and a wounded conscience taketh euer truell thinges in hande ¶ The boke of Iesus the sonne of Sirach the firste Chapt. THe feare of the Lorde is the rote of wisedome hir braūches are longe life The .ii. Chapter LIke as golde and siluer are tried in the sire euē●o are acceptable men in the furnace of aduersitie Better it is for vs to fall into the handes of the lorde them into the handes of men for his merceye is it great as hymselfe The .iii. Chapter HOuoure thy father in dede in woorde and in all pacience that thou mayest haue god● biessyng and his blessyng shall abyde with thece● the last The greater thou art the more humble thy selfe in all thyngee and thou shalt fynde fauoure in the sighte of god Seeke not oute the thinges that are about thy capacitie and searche not the grounde of such thynges as are to mightie for thee but loke what god hath commaunded thee thynke vpon that al waye and be not curious in manye of his workes For it is not nedefull for thee to see with thine eyes the thynges that are secrete Make not thou to muche searche in superfluous thyngee and be not curious in many of his woorkes for manye thynges are shewed vnto thee alreadye which be aboue the capacitie of men The medlyng with suche hath begyled many a man and tāgled their wittes in vanitie Nowe he that loueth petell shall perishe therein God hath respecte vnto hym that is thankful he thynketh vpon hym ageynst the tyme to come so that when he falleth he shall fynde a stronge holde The .iiii. Chapter CAst not thyne eyes asyde from the poore for any euell wyll that thou geue hym none occasion to speape euel by thee For yf he complaint of thee in the bytternesse of his soule his prayer shal be hearde euen he that made hym shall heart hym My sonne make muche of tyme eschewe the thyng that is euell and for thy lyfe shame not to dye the trueth For there is a shame that bryngeth synne and there is a shame that bryngethe worshippe and fauoure Be not hastye in thy tounge neyther slacke and negligent in thy workes Let not thyne hande be stretched out to recepue and shutte whan thou shuldeit geue The .v. Chapter BEcause thy sonne is geuen the be not therfore without feare neyther heape one synne vpon another And saye not tushe the mercye of the lorde is great he shall forgeue me my synnes be they neuer so many For like as he is mercyful so goeth wrath from hym also and his indignaciō commeth downe vpon synners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lorde and put not of from daye to daye for sodenty shal his wrathe come and in the tyme of vengeaunce he shall destroye thee Be swyfte to heare but slowe and paciente in geuyng answere The .vi. Chapter HOlde frend shippe with many neuerthelesse haue but one counceller of a thousande Yf thou gettest a frende proue hym fyrste be not hasty to geue hym credence For some man is a frende but for a tyme and wyll not abyde in the daye of trouble And there is some frende that turneth to enemitte and taketh part agaynst the
open youre graues O my people and take you out of your sepulchres and brynge you into the lande of Israel againe So shall ye knowe that I am the lorde when I open your graues and bring you out of them My spirite also wyll I put in you and ye shall liue I wil se●te you agayne in youre owne lande and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde whiche haue sayde it and fulfilled it in dede The .xliii. Chapter O Thou sonne of man this tome is my feate and the place of my foote steps where as I wyll dwell amonge the children of Israell for euermore The .xliiii. Chapter THey shall not shaue theyr heades nor nourishe the bushe of theyr heare but rounde theyr heades onely All the priestes that go into the inmoste courte shall drynke no wyne They shall mary no wydowe neyther one that is putte from her husband but a mayde of the scede of the house of Israel or a wydow that hath had a priest before The .xlv. Chapter VPon the .xiiii. daye of the fyrste moneth ye shall kepe Easter seuen dayes shall the feast continue wherein there shall no sowre nor leuended breade be eaten One sycle maketh twenty garres So .xx. sicles and .xxv. and .xv. sicles make a pounde The .xlvi. Chapter If the Prince geue a gifte vnto anye of his sonnes then shall it be his sonnes heritage perpetuall that he maye possesse it But yf he wyll geue one of his seruantes some of his heritage it shal be his vnto the fre yeare and then to returne agayne vnto the Prince for his heritage shall be his sonnes only The booke of the Prophete Daniel the .ii. Chapter ANd Daniel praysed the God of heauen Daniel also cryed loude and sayde O that the name of GOD myghte he praysed for euer and euer for wysedome and strengthe are his owne he chaungeth the times and ages he putteth downe kynges he setteth vp kynges he geueth wysedome vnto the wyse and vnderstandyng to those that vnderstande he openeth the depe secretes he knoweth the thyng that lyeth in darkenesse for the lyghte dwelleth with him The .iiii. Chapter WHerfore O kynge be contente with my coūsell that thou mayest redeme thy synnes with alinesse and thyne ▪ offences with mercye to poore people for this shal be an healyng of thyne erroure O kynge Nabuchodonozor to the it is spoken Thy kyngdome shall departe from thee thou shalte be caste out of mennes companye thy dwellynge shal be with the beastes of the fielde so that thou shalte eate grasse as an Oxe tyll seuen yeares be come and goen ouer thee euen vntyll thou knowest that the kygheste hathe power vpon the kyngdomes of men and that he maye geue them vnto whome it pleaseth hym The .v. Chapter MAne Thetell Phares Nowe the interpretacion of the thing is this Mane God hath noumbred the kingdome and broughte it to an ende Thetel thou arte wayed in the balaunce and arte founde to lighte Phares thy kingdome is delie in partes and geuen to the Medes and Parses The .vii. Chapter HE shal suddue three kinges and shall speake wordes againste the hyghest of all he shall destroye the sayntes of the mooste hyghest and thynke that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes They shall be geuen vnder his power vntyll a tyme two tymes and halfe a time But the iudgemente shall be kepte so that his power shal be taken from hym for he shall be destroyed and peryshe at the laste The .ix. Chapter I Turned me vnto my God the Lorde for to praye and make myne intercercession with fasting sackecloth and ashes We do not cast our prayers before thee in our owne righteousenesse no but onely in thy greate mercies The .xii. Chapter THere shall come a tyme of trouble suche as neuer was sence there began to be any people vnto the same tyme. Then shall thy people de delyuered yea al those that be founde wrytten in the booke Many of them that sleape in the duste of the earthe shall awake some to euerlastynge lyte some to perpertuall shame and reprofe the wyse suche as haue taught other shall glyster as the shynyng of heauen and those that haue instructe the multitude vnto godlynesse shal be as the sterres worlde without ende The .xiii. Chapter WEl it is better for me to fall into youre bandes with out the bede doyns then to synne in the syghte of the lorde ¶ The booke of the Prophete Oseas The fyrst Chapter GO thy waye take an harlotiets thy wyfs gette children by her The .ii. Chapter I Wyll haue mercy vpon her that was without mercy The .iiii. Chapter THe lorde must punyshe thē that dwell in the lāde And why there is no truthe there is no mercy there is no knowledge of god in the lande but see eating liynge manslaughter thefte and aduoutrye haue gotten the vpper hande and one gyltynesse foloweth another Therfore shal the lande be in a miserable case and all they that dwell therin shall be rooted out The beastes of the felde the foules of the ayre and the fyshes of the see shall dye My people peryshe because they haue no know ledge Whoredome wyne and dronckennesse taketh the herte awaye The .vi. Chapter I Haue pleasure in louynge kyndnes and not in offerynge yea in the knowledge of god more then in burnt sacrifice As the theues armed waite for him that passeth by the waye suche is the counsayle of the presses whiche with one agterd counsayle murther cruelly suche as keye the waye yea they dare do all vnspeakable myschefe The .x. Chapter SOwe vnto righteousnesse reape the frutes of weldoynge plowe vp youre freshe lande for it is tyme to seke the lorde tyll he come and raine righteousnesse vpon you but you haue plowed vngodlynesse ye haue reaped iniquitie you haue eaten the frute of lyes The .xii. Chapter Iacob toke his brother by the hele when he was yet in his mothers wombe and in his strength he wrestled with god he stroue with the aungell and gat the victory so that he prayde and desired him The .xiii. Chapter O Israell thine iniquitie hath destroyed the. but in me onely is thy helpe O deathe I wyll be thy deathe O hell I wyl be thy slinge The .xiiii. Chapter THe wayes of the lorde are righteous suche as be godlye wyll walke in them As for the wycked they wyll stomble therin ¶ The booke of the Prophete Ioel The first Chapter WAke vp ye dronkardes and wepe mourne all ye wyne suppere because of your swet wyne for it shal be taken awaye from youre mouthe Gyrde you and mourne O ye prestes mourne ye ministers of the aultar go your waye in and sleape in sackeclothe proclayme a faslyng cal the congregacyon gather the elders and all the inhabytoure of the lande together in to the house of the lorde youre god crye vnto the lord alas alas for this daye And why the daye of the lorde is at hande and cometh as a destroyer from the almyghtye The .ii.
the euell spirite i. of the kinges .xvi. Dauid faying to Goliah .i. of the kinges .xvii. Dauid wolde not laye his handes vpon kynge Saule .i. of the kinges .xxiiii. Dauid did fast wepe for his childes life 2. Re. 12. Dauides answere to Gad the prophete .ii. of the kynges .xxiiii. Dauid dyd not buylde goddes temple and why .i. of the Chroni xxi Dauides desyre psal .xxvii. xxviii Death in the yot .iiii. of the kinges .iiii. Death and lyfe in the tonge prouer .xviii. Death came by the deuell wysd .i. Deathe is bothe bytter and swete Syrach .xli. Deade men knowe nothinge Preacher .ix. Deade men shall rise Esay .xxvi. Eze. 37. Da .xii. Dedication of the auleer machs .iiii. Deformite of bodye letteth a man to be a prieste Leui .xxi. Deuorcement Deute .xxi. Dina is inforced Gene .xxxiiii. Disobedient chylde Deute .xxi. Discrete seruaunt Syrach .vii. Dyet prolongeth lyfe Syrach .xxxvii. Doue Gene .viii. Do good to the deade Syrach .vii. Doeg at Sauls commaundement slewe .lx. priestes .i. of the kynges .xxii. Domes daye .iiii. of Esoras .vii. Esay .xiii. Daniel xii Ioel .iiii. Sopho .i. zacha .xiiii. mala .iii. iiii Doctrineis lyfe Prouer .iiii. Dreames Syrach .xxxiiii. Drockennes Esa .v. Dronckardes Ioel .i. Nahum .i. E Earthe Gene .i. Earthe was corrupte Gene .vi. Earthe shal be no more destroyed with water ge .ix. Eate for necessitie and not for lust preacher .x. Egiptians eate not with the Hebrues gene .xliii. Ely fell backwarde and brake his necke .i. Re .iiii. Elyas fast .iii. Reg .xiiii. Elyas shall appeare before vomes daye mala .iiii. Elyas deuided the water with his mantell .iiii. of the kyng .ii. Eliseus sepulchre .iiii. of the kyng .xiii. Enoch Syrach .xlix. Eldest chylde must haue double porcion Deu .xxi Entycers of maydens Exo .xxii. Eye of the Lorde psal .xxxiii. xxxiiii Easter continued .vii. dayes and of the breade that was eaten Ezech .xlv. Esau doth sel his byrthright gene .xxv Euery man shoulde be LORDE in his owns house Esther .i. Euery man shall beare his own offences eze .xviii Euery mā deceiueth god in payng of tithes ma .iii Excesse of wine Syrach .xxxi. xxxvii F. Faythfull frende Syrach .vi. Fall into the handes of god Sirach .ii. Faythfull seruaunt Syrach .xxxiii. False witnesse Deut .xix. False tongue and the rewarde therof psalm .cxx. Fastyng of the euyll is reproued Psalm .lxix. Fast for synnes Syrach .xxxiiii. Fastyng that pleaseth displeaseth god esai iviii Fielde must not be sowen with diuerse sede Leui .xix Fede thyne enemye prouer .xxv Feare of God Psal .cxi. Prouer .i. Syrac .xi. Feare thy kynge Prouer .xx. Feete of the Ambassadours Esay .lii. Fyre must burne continually vpon the aulter le .vi Fyre shall go before god at the later daye Psal .l. xcvii Esay .lxvi. Ioel .ii. Fyre of hell Esay .xxx. Fyer of the wicked shall not quenche Esa .lxvi. Fynger of god Exo .viii. Fyrste borne of all thynges is goddes Exo .xiii. nume .iii. xviii Fy●●● serpentes nume .xxii. Flying booke zachari .v. Foure strong thynges .iii. Esdras .iii. Foure thynges saye neuer hoo pro .xxx. Foure thynges that passe mans capacitie pro .xxx Foure thynges that disquiet the earth pro .xxx. Foure thynges to be feared syrach .xxvi Foure fastes zachari .viii. Fornicacion with stones Iere .iii. Frewill syrach .xv. G Gathering of grapes Leui .xix. Gedeon and the number of his sonnes Iudi .viii. Geue to the poore pro .xxviii. Gelousy Syrach .xxvi. Geue not thy goodes to another sirach .xxxiii Gyft of a prince geuen to his sonne or to his seruauntes sonne Eze .xlvi. Giftes blynde men Exo .xxiii. Deu .xvi. syrac .xii. God repenteth that he made man gene .vi. God doth not repent nume .xxiii. God will no more curse the grounde gene .viii. God sweareth by hymselfe gene .xxii. Esa .xlv. God blesseth Iacob and the cause why gen .xxvi. God dothe holde Pharos harte Exo .iiii. God kepte Pharo and why Exo .ix. God is a gelouse god Exo .xx. God dothe visite synne vnto the thyrde and the fourthe generacion Exo .xx. nume .xiiii. God is full of mercy nume .xiiii. iiii Esd .vii. God of the aulter is the priestes enheri nu .xviii. God hardened kyng Sehons harte Deut .ii. God is nye vnto vs in all thynges Deut .iiii. God must be beloued and howe Deut .vi. God rewardeth those that hate hym and howe Deut .vii. God and what he requireth of manne Deut .x. Miche .vi. God is a mighty lorde of power .i. Reg .ii. God beholdeth the harte .i. Reg .xvi. God at seasons doth sende euen spirites to men .l. Reg .xvi. God hath no pleasure in oure damnacion tobi .iii. God teacheth those that feare hym and what Psalme .xxv. God destroyeth the counsellers of princes ps 33. God is with the contrite psal .xxxiiii. God shall neuer fayle Psal C .ii. God hath a respecte vnto the lowly psa .xiii. viii God is euery where Psal Cxxxix God deliteth in those he chastneth prouer .iii. God hath a respecte vnto the thankefull syrac .iii. God is mercifull and wrathfull syrach .v. God heareth vs not and why Esay .lix. God doth not forsake his people for euer Lamen .iii. ii Macha .vi. God is the geuer of kyngdomes Danyel .iiii. God is a strong holde Naum .i. God loued Iacob and hated Esau Mala .i. God will beare witnesse agaynste the wicked Malachy .ii. God suffreth not his people to be longe vnpunisshed .ii. Machab .vi. God geueth the victorye accordynge to his owne wyll .ii. Macha .xv. Goddes commaundementes Exo .xx. Goddes commaundementes muste euery where bespoken of Deut .vi. Goddes manifold blessinges deut .vii. Goddes curse is on those that are hanged Deut .xxi. Goddes mercies are passing great .i. Cro .xxi. Gods pleasure is in the humble and meke Iu .ix. Gods bowe and arrowes are ready Psal .vii. Gods iudgementes are true psalm .xix. Gods visitacion psal .lxxxix. Gods mercy shall endure for euer psalm .ciii. Gods mercy excedeth his workes psa .cxlv. Gods delite and pleasure in whom psalme .xlvii Gods seruauntes shall prosper Esa .lxv. Gods repentaunce Iere .xviii. Gods might and power Dany .ii. Gods delite miche .vii. Good workes receaue rewarde .iiii. Esdras .viii. Good workes psal .cxi. Goodes vaynely gotten Prouer .xiii. Good wyfe pro .xviii. Good name preach .vii. syrac .xli. H. Habelles oblacion and death gene .iiii. Hande of god .i. Esd .viii. Ham the father of Canaan gene .ix. Hagars sonne begynge bonde cannot be heyre with Isaac gen .xxi. Hanon mysusyng Dauids seruauntes .ii. of the kinges .x. Happye is the man whome god punisheth Iob .v. Happye is he that is not borne preach .iiii. Henoche gene .v. Helpe thy enemy Ex .xxiii. He that goeth out of his sanctuary maye be slayne Nume .xxv. Heare the poore as well as the ryche Deut .i. He that wyll not heare the Prieste and the iudge shall dye deut .xvii. Hezekia destroyed the brasen serpent iiii Re. xviii Hezekias prayer .iiii. Reg .xx. Esa .xxxviii. Hezekias life is prolonged .iiii. Re .xx. He that iustifieth himselfe condemneth hymselfe
ye axe of hym When ye faste be not sadde as the Ypocrites are For the disfigure theyr faces that they might be sene of men how they faste Verely I saye vnto you they haue theyr rewarde But thou when thou fastest annoynte thine heade and washe thy face that it appere not vnto men howe that thou fasteste But vnto thy father whiche is in secrete and thy father whiche seeth in secrete shall rewarde thee openlye Se that ye gather you not treasure vpon the earthe where ruste and mothes corrupte where theues breake through and steale But gather ye treasure together in heauen where neither rust nor mothes corrupte where theues neither breake vp nor steale For wheresoeuer youre treasure is there wyll youre heartes be also No man can serue two maysters For either he shall hate the one and loue the other or elles he shall lene to the one and despise the other ye cannot serue God and Mammon I saye vnto you be not carefull for your lyfe what ye shall eate or what ye shall drinke nor yee for your body what ye shall put on Is not the life more worthe than meate and the bodye more of value then raymente Beholde the fowles of the ayre for they sowe not neither reape nor yet carye into the barnes and yet y●ur heauenlye father feedeth them Are ye not muche better then they Which of you though he toke thought therfore coulde put one cubite vnto his stature And why cate ye thē for rayment Considre thelilyes of the fielde howe they growe they labour not neither spinne And yet for all that I saye vnto you that euen Salomon in all his royaltie was not arayde lyke vnto one of these Wherfore yf god so clothe the grasse which to daye in the fielde and to motowe shal be cast into the fornace shall he not muche more do the same vnto you O ye of lytle faith Therfore take no thought saying what shal we eate or what shall we drynke or werewith shall we be clothed After all these thynges seke the gentyles For your heauenly father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thynges But rather seke ye fyrste the Kyngdome of heauen and the righteousenesse thereof and all these thynges shal be ministred vnto you Care not then for to morow but let the morowe care for it selfe for the daye presēt hath euer ynough of his own trouble The .vii. Chapter IVdge not that ye be not iudged for as ye iudge so shall ye be iudged And with what measure ye meate with the same shall it be measured to you agayne Why seest thou a moote in thy brothers tye and perceauest not the beame that is in thine own eyes Or why sayest thou to thy brother suffer me to plucke oute the moote out of thyne eye and be holde a beame is in thyne owne eye Ypocrite first cast out the beame out of thyne own eye and then shalt thou see clearely to pluck out the mote out of thy brothers eye Geue not that whiche is holy to dogges neither caste ye your pearles before swyne lesse they treade them vnder theyr fete and the other turne agayne and all to rent you Are and it shall be geuen you Seke and ye shal fynde Knocke and it shal be opened vnto you For whosoeuer axeth receaneth he that sekethe ▪ findeth to hym that knocketh it shal be opened whatsoeuer ye wolde that men should do to you euen so do to them Enter in at the strayte gate for wyde is the gate and brode is the waye that leadeth to destruction and many there be whiche go in therat But strayte is the waye whiche leadeth vnto lyfe and fewe there be that fynde it Beware of talse prophetes whiche come to you in shepes clothyng but inwardly they be rauenyng wolues Ye shall knowe them by theyr fruites Euery tree that bryngeth not foorthe good fruite shal be hewen downe and cast into the fyre Not all they that saye vnto me Mayster Mayster shall enter into the kyngdome of heauē but he that dothe my fathers wyll whiche is in heauen The .viii. Chapter SYr I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the worde onlye and my seruaunt shal be healed Verely I saye vnto you I haue not founde so great fayth no not in Israell Master I will folowe the whither soeuer thou goest And Iesus sayde vnto hym the foxes haue holes and the byrdes of the ayre haue nestes but the sonne of the man hathe not whereon to rest his head Another that was of his disciples sayde vnto hym master suffer me first to go and burye my father But Iesus sayde vnto hym folowe me and let the dead burie theyr deade And beholde the deuilles cryed out sayenge O Iesu the sonne of God what haue we to do with thee Art thou come hither to tormente vs before the tyme become And there was a good waye of from them a great heard of swyne fedyng Then the deuils besought him sayinge yf thou easte vs oute suffer vs to go oure waye into the hearde of swyne And he sayde vnto them to your wates The .ix. Chapter HAd when Iesus sawe the faythe of them he sayde to the seeke of the paisie sonne be of good chere thy sinnes be forgeuen thee Why eateth youre mayster with Publicanes and sinners when Iesus hearde that he sayde vnto them The hole nede not the phisicion but they that are sycke Go and learne what that meaneth I haue pleasure in mercy and not in offring For I am not come to call the righteous but the synners to repentaunce No man pieceth an olde garment with a piece of newe clothe for then taketh he awaye the piece agayne from the garment and the rente is made greater Neither do men put newe wyne in olde vessels for then the vessels breake and the wyne runneth out and the vessels perishe But they powre newe wyne into newe vessels and so are both saued together Then sayde he to his disciples the harueste is greate but the labourers are fewe wherfore praye the Lorde of the haruest to sende for the labourers into his haruest The .x. Chapter HAd he called his .xii. disciples vnto hym and gaue them power ouer vncleane spirites to cast them out and to heale all maner of sickenesses and all maner diseases These .xii. dyd Iesus sead and commaunded them saying Go not into the wayes that leade to Gentiles and into the cities of the Samaritanes enter ye not but go rather to the loste shepe of the house of Israell God and preache saying that the kyngdome of heauen is at hande Heale the sicke clense the Lepers tayse the deade cast out the de●●ls Frelyepe haue receyued frelye geue agayne Possesse not golde nor syluer nor brasse in youre girdel● nor yet scrip towardes your ioutneye neither two coates neither shoes nor yet a staffe For the workeman is worthy to haue his meate Into whatsouer citie or toune ye shal come enquyre who