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A08964 The tranquillitie of the minde A verye excellent and most comfortable oration, plainely directing euerye man, & woman, to the true tranquillitie and quyetnesse of their minde. Compyled in Latine by Iohn Barnarde, student in the Vniuersity of Cambridge, now lately translated into Englishe by Anthony Marten.; Oratio pia, religiosa, et solatii plena, de vera animi tranquillitate. English Bernard, John, d. 1567?; Marten, Anthony, d. 1597. 1570 (1570) STC 1925; ESTC S101618 90,089 234

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Christ for succour Let vs make spéede to come to thys our sauior with a sounde faith and learne to depende onely vpon him by whome we are lead from the vaine similitude of good thinges vnto the true and euerlasting goodnesse it selfe Also when we be troubled in our consciences let vs go to the minister of the Church such a one as is godly no babler of things tolde him but well wylling ardent in charity One that can indure troubles with vs One learned and exercised in Scriptures and garnished with giftes of knowledge who as a skilfull Phisition is both wylling and able to make medicine in due time for euery disease who sometime féeling in himselfe the fall of his owne conscience shall easily be able to staye vp ours when it beginneth to wauer and decaye But if such a one be not readie at hande nor may easily be founde out so as his aide maye be with vs then refusing others which be vnlearned vngodlye baine talkers drunkardes rashe bablers abroade whatsoeuer we tell them in secret affected with no priuate féele of sinne no Priestes but counterfeyters of Priestes no nor ministers of Christ but bondslaues of Sathan and rascall of the common wealth of whome we cannot looke for remedie of our sinnes nor to be instructed in godlines For how can they by their doctrine make vs better when by their examples they may make vs worse refusing such I say let vs if so occasion fall out go to the lay man which is indued with the same giftes that are in a godly Minister and with him let vs conferre to him let vs open our griefes and troubles if he can giue vs anye good councell let vs heare and receyue it with a willing minde Let vs often beare in remembraunce the mistery of our redemption accomplished and performed in Christ and wheresoeuer the holye Supper of the Lorde is rightly distributed and ordered as it ought to be thyther let vs often assemble to receyue the same worthilye togither Whereby we shall strengthen our mindes in the sure hope of our saluation we shal also take fruit of the heauenly pleasure while we yet liue here and when we be called by God to depart this life we shal be in a good readinesse and well setled in an excellent hope of dying well But if so be we cast all shamefastnesse from vs making our selues common to false Gods to commit adultrie with them like shamelesse Harlots and so wickedly depart from God leauing him so louing a husband to runne like a light huswife a whoring to Idols it is greatly to be feared least he make vs a Bill of deuorcement and then we vtterly loose his heauenly grace and fauour and through our owne default be depriued of the heritage of that blessed kingdome and so put for euer from that most delectable beholding of god from the felowship of Aungels and societie of Saintes Let vs not imagine in our selues good intentes and meanings when they haue a shewe thereof and yet be contrary to the worde of God since from thence rise oftentymes doctrine of Deuils and supersticious and vngodly customes but wyth great charinesse let vs reiect them from vs. For by them the children of Israell being beguyled did sacryfice their children to Saturne Thereby Aron erected the Caulfe to the intent he might kéepe the people in their duetie and obedience Thereby the Iewes persecuted the Apostles supposing they did God good seruice therein Let vs beare away what happened to Vza for staying the Arke to Saule for sauing king Agag and the best cattell Let vs not thinke that we ought to proue our owne wisedome or to followe the aduise of mans heart which is prone and inclyned to euill nor to doe that which séemeth good and right in our owne eyes but let vs doe that which the Lorde our God hath willed and commaunded vs to doe whose voyce when we here let vs not harden our harts but in hearing the same to declare our true obedience which the Lorde hath alwaye preferred aboue oblation and sacrifice Let vs neuer so long as we haue breath and lyfe within vs consent to the intisements of the world to the suggestion of Sathan or to the desires of the fleshe nor suffer our selues through their iolly flatteries to be inchaunted and ouercome as it were wyth the swéete tune of the Marmayde or to rest as séemeth to the vngracious in the pleasaunt slumber of sinne But let vs withstand them with all our force might determining to make continuall warre wyth those thrée most cruell aduersaries ▪ Let vs call to remembrance that God is 〈◊〉 sanctification and by lyuing well let vs trie whyther we haue the testimonie of a good conscience and not onely to laye holde of the liuely hope of our saluation but euery day also to increase the same more more Let vs knowledge and confesse that the most true worde of God which is the onlye comfort of our soules and wherein consisteth the spiritual kingdome of Christ is taken away from vs for our vnthankfulnesse and that we haue deserued to be put from the same which is so inestimable a benefite as Dauid being amazed when he thought therevpon song this Verse The Lorde sayth he hath not done so to euery nation nor his iudgement hath he opened to the heathen people Wherefore with iust sorowing let vs lament and let vs pray to God contynually that he wyll forget our sinnes and restore vs to hys grace and fauour againe And although not bicause of our vnworthynesse yet for the aduauncement of his name and challenging of his honor he will rise vp and defende the constant defenders of his pure religion and ouerthrowe the obstinate aduersaries of the truth which are Authors of darkenesse and subuerters of soules that he will by his iust iudgement giue them due punishmēt for their desert Who knowing him to be God doe not glorifie hym as GOD nor obey the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christ but wandering in their owne inuentions and sticking to their owne wysedome rather suppresse and keepe vnder the worde of god But these except they shortly repent shall suffer punishment euen death euerlasting from the face of the Lorde and from the glorie of his might when he shal come to be glorified in his Saintes and become wonderfull vnto all true beléeuers in him But if affliction fall vppon vs let vs recken it in steade of a benefite vnto vs since the Lorde thereby rather informs vs as children calling vs into the right waye then reiectes vs as Bastardes and reprobates to reserue a greater punishment for vs in Hell. Let vs in tyme of aduersitie abandon all naughtie murmurings against our merciful God and vse often prayer and thankes giuing vnto him with a sure hope and confidence in his mercy which thing is the most acceptable sacrifice of all other If affliction oppresse vs and there be no staye of miseries and disquietnesse
to the endes of the earth of whome all the Prophets do beare recorde that vnder his name euery one which put their trust of saluation in him should receyue remission of sinnes That he is the mediator spokesman and peacemaker betwéene God and man the throne of grace the head Bishop and high priest to make continuall intercession for vs The propiciation for the sinnes of the worlde Our iustification The Shepehearde and Curate of our soules our hope our life and our resurrection That he is that Emanuel the father of eternall life the Prince of peace the sonne of righteousnesse the light of the Gentiles And to conclude that he is the very Messias in whom be all the promises of God euen yeas and Amen whom the Leuiticall sacrifice and olde ceremonies did represent To him did Moyses lawe tende Of him did the Prophetes before prophecie And euen the verie same did the fathers of the people of Israell wayte for whom the Apostles Martyrs Confessors and all the holy men in their dayes did beleue being shewed and sent among them Christ therefore the reconciler of God and man who deliuered vs from the cursse of the lawe became a cursse for our sakes and as Paule sayth to the Collossians hath put out to them that beleue the hand writing which was against vs and the same being taken out of the way hath fastned vpon the Crosse He for a swéete incense hath offred vp himselfe an oblation and sacrifice vnto God and by death hath vndone him for euer that had the rule of death He pacified the fathers wrath not in part but wholye and perfitely and hath fully deliuered vs from the bonde of sinne and taken vs out of the pitte of hell He hauing conquered Sathan hath borne in token of victorie his dispoyled power and principalitie openly in the sight of the worlde And sumptuously and gloriously hath this mightie conquerour of death and hell triumphed by himselfe ouer those whom he hath conquered He hath made plaine the waye to heauen and ascending vp on high hath led captiuitie captiue and giuen giftes to men He sitting in heauen on the right hande of God the father maketh continuall intercession for vs and beareth the office of a bountifull patrone aduocate and spokesman He dayly renueth in vs the Image and similitude of God which is innocencie righteousnesse and holinesse which were lost in our first parent Adam He among the number of those which were adopted by the heauenlye father to bée the children of God hath made vs copartners with him both of his name and of his kingdome and to be heyres of euerlasting blessednesse He it is that is the true tranquillitie of the minde and quieting of our consciences Hée is the stedfast peace of the hearte and pacient mittigation of our troubles This was the same which was shewed and reuealed in a certaine vision to Elyas the Charret of Israell and the horsemen therof as Elizeus wordes be at what time hée fledde to mount Horeb for feare of Iezabel For the word of the Lorde spake vnto him that he should come out of the caue wherin he rested all night and to stande before the Lorde in the Mount. And beholde the Lorde passed by and a mightie strong wind that rent the mountaynes and brake the rockes before the Lorde but the Lorde was not in the winde After the wynde there came an earth quake but the Lorde was not in the earthquake After the earthquake was a fier neyther yet was the Lorde in the fier And after the fier there came a soft still voyce which when Helias hearde he couered his face with his mantell Why was it the Lords pleasure to appéere in a soft still voyce but to shews plainely that he woulde giue rest and quietnesse vnto such are sadde and afflicted with veration both of soule and minde so as in their whole heart they séeke after God and flie onely to him for helpe as did this Elias when he sat vnder a Iuniper trée in the wildernesse wishing for death Wherfore with this voyce the Lorde in the Gospell doth mercifully call vnto him such as are become weake through desperation as are troubled in conscience and loden wyth cares saying Come vnto me all yée that labour and are heauie loden and I will refresh you Learne of me for I am méeke and humble and yée shall finde rest vnto your Soules For they which with extreme inwarde feare heartily and wyth remorse of their sinnes dreade the payne which they haue iustly deserued and being abashed and amazed for feare of hell fire and of the féendes therin do truely bewaile their sinnes and in this anguished minde through conceyuing of Gods wrath doe humbly flye as it were through this narrowe streight of perpetuall gréefes and afflictions to the vnspeakeable mercye of God through Christ meaning to liue a godly lyfe and asking pardon of their trespasses and remission of their sinnes from such doth the sonne of God wipe cléerely away all teares such doth he beholde wyth a fauourable and louing countenaunce and with the excellent comfort of his holye spirite doth he pacifie and set all their harts at ease and libertie For that place of Esay which sayth The spirite of the Lorde be vpon me for the Lorde hath annoynted me and sent me to preach good tidings to the poore that I might heale those which be contrite of heart that I might preache deliueraunce vnto the captiue and sight to the blinde that I might reuenge the oppressed and comfort them which be in heauinesse that in stéede of Ashes I might giue them plentie of Oyle of gladnesse for sighing pleasaunt oyntment for a mourning spirite a robe of honor the Euangelist expoundeth to be Christ himselfe We were al by nature the sonnes of wrath and as lost shéepe haue gone astray euery one declyning for the right trade of life vnto his own wicked wayes and forsaking God the fountaine of life and of all good things haue purchased to our selues misery death and damnation But Christ of his infinite mercy left the seate of his maiestie in heauen and being sent from aboue came into the worlde and méekelye of the virgin Marie tooke vpon him the nature of man to the intent he might haue pitie vpon our miserable state to saue sinners to call that backe againe which was gone astray to séeke and saue that which was lost and to giue his life for the redemption of manye Who also was wounded and sacrificed for our faultes and buffited for our sinnes all which the father layde vppon him in the name of vs all and by his beating and stripes made vs safe and whole This was he who euen as he drowned Pharao and the Egyptians in the red sea so by his death he querthrew Sathan the continuall enimie of mankinde and set vs at libertie béeyng washed and made cleane through the helthfull sacrament of bloud and water that ranne from him He became the wisedome
God but shall obtaine of hys bountifull goodnesse eyther an inestimable comfort in all kinde of tribulation eyther else a cleane riddance thereof or at least wise a mitigation of his troubles From hence floweth so sure a confidence in God that the saintes are in most quietnesse of minde in time of aduersitie As were those thrée most noble children which song in the flaming Fornace and inuited to their swéete song all creatures and euerie particuler part of the worlde to praise the glorious maiestie of God and to magnitie and extoll his goodnesse And as were Paule and Silas also in a certaine Citie of Macedon who being seourged with rods throwne into the innermost prison their féete fast tyde in the stockes at midnight did set forth God with praises song psalmes togither with a ioyfull minde Wherfore it is thought that GOD sheweth himselfe more amiable to vs in aduersitie than he doth in prosperitie And therevpon what a chéerefulnesse had the Apostle Paule as his wordes declare what ioye what glorying in the Lorde had he while he remembred his labors his stripes his imprisonmentes shipwrackes watchings hunger thirst colde and a number of other perils and often death also when he delighted in the infirmities rebukes necessities persecutions and anguishe which he had suffered for Christes sake when he reioysed in abyding so many great cruelties and miseries for preaching of the Gospell when he was filled with excéeding ioye in all his tribulation when he brake out in the mids of trouble into a certain godly ioyfulnesse of minde saying Blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which is the father of mercie the God of all comfort comforting vs in all our troubles in so much as we are able to comfort them that be in any maner of trouble by the same comfort wherwith we our selues are comforted of god For the same cause the Apostles departing from the face of the counsell to be scourged wen with great ioye that they might be counted worthy to beare blame for the name of Iesu Wherefore although it appeares plainely that the Church of God hath euermore bene vexed with trouble and persecution of the wicked As when Abell which was killed of hys brother Esay most cruelly sundered with a Saw Ieremie that was stoned to death by the people in Egypt Zachary slayne by the Priestes Iohn by Herode Christ by Pylate Steuen by the Iewes the Apostles by cruell Tyrants and so manye Martirs assigned to death and extreame punishment and as the godly who of wicked seorners are so troden vnder foote that oftentimes they are reputed for most vyle abiects and the crime of newe seditious deuise and doting foolishnesse layde to their charge and therfore the Prophet constrained by reason of their enuie hatred reprochings slaunders and tauntes sayde with lowde voyce beholde I and the children which the Lorde hath giuen mee are a token wonder and prodigious thing in Israell yet is it a delight among so many miseries of this life in so variable cases of mens dealing in such tossing and turning of the world in so many terrors of punishments rebukes to remember how farre from impacience the saintes of God bée with what a chéerefull countenaunce they depart from this life and with how stedfast a minde they go towardes their death as towarde the gate of eternall life How did the seauen brethren and their noble mother of whome the storie of the Machabées puttes vs in remembraunce howe light set they by those horible tormentes how scorned they the cruell tyraunt howe smally did they weigh all thinges present before their eyes in respect of the immortall ioy to come And no maruell although a mortal man that hath not the spirite of God will be amazed thereat For God hath made a choyse of the heartes of such as haue a good conscience and charitie therewithall which maketh euery thing verie pleasaunt be it neuer so bitter and vncomfortable whome he will swéetelye inspire with his peace which excéedeth all capacitie and vnderstanding and who shall be to him in stéede of a Temple wherein he will dwell and walke From hence springeth out that wonderfull pacience of the Saintes who perceyue that their obedience shall be bountifully rewarded in time to come and shall be precious and well accepted in the sight of the heauenly father through Christ Hereby is the whole minde possessed with God and strengthned by him and hereby is the liuely hope of immortalitie to come confirmed God onely which is the chiefest and that one alone goodnesse doth by the presence of his comforting spirite in the tyme of trouble so recreate and satistie with ioy the mindes of his elect that eyther they plainly put away all féele both of iniuries done vnto them of pouertie of banishment of contempt of infamie of prisonment of tormentes and of other miseryes and calamities or at least wise beare them out with an excellent courage For they desiring as the Apostle did to be loosed and hoping assuredly to die wel count death an aduauntage to them to seperate them from all miserie to giue them an entring to all aboūdance of good things whither they desire to be caried with full sayle as did Simeon who after he had séene the childe Iesus pronounced out this verse saying Lorde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace c. that the soule being loosed from the prison of the body wherin after a sort it lyeth as it were brought a fléepe maye stie vp to hir quiet rest to delectable peace and libertie and to euerlasting life where it may continually draw out of the plentiful fountaine of gods blessed maiestie continuall pleasures delectations and ioyes Who then had not rather with the wayfaring man if it so pleased God be ridde at the first stone he commeth at by the way than to endure so many griefes so many labors and daungers to the vtter tyring of his bodie during the whole course of his iourney in this life For the children of God mourne while they yet liue within this earthly mansion of the bodie which being once consumed they know how they haue a dwelling place with God euen a mancion not made with handes but such a one as is euerlasting in heauen And they being lightned with a sure hope thereof doe endure all maner of troubles not onely with a pacified mynde but with a willing and a glad heart also They count banishment for defence of the Gospell and for righteousnesse sake but a trifle They know that in this lyfe the rewarde of vertue is the hatred of the worlde is persecution is hunger and banishment which they had rather enter into among other perfite exuls of God and to wander here and there vncertainly than by remayning among Idolaters to possesse a fine and delitate lyfe while in the meane tyme by assenting and subscribing to their euils they must of
let vs by staying vpon Gods promises cast our minde beyond all griefe and vexation vpon the euerlasting good thinges and by laying the one against the other transferre those heauie troubles which presently molest vs to the rewarde of immortalitie and euerlasting ioyes to come Let vs fully resolue with our selues that there is neyther fortune nor chaunce but that all things be most righteously gouerned by the prouidence of God almightie and that what displeasure and miserie soeuer doth happen in mans life happeneth for the best to them which haue respect to godlynesse and loue God from the bottome of their hart and hauing a feruent zeale towards him doe desire him earnestlye doe choose him for their Protector and defender in all their affaires doe call vpon him onely doe flie to his mercie onely and doe repose their trust on him as their onely and alone succour So we putting our trust in the frée goodnesse mercy and clemencie of almightie God shall be replenished with excellent comfort and being kindled with loue of the true eternall good things shal be brought with a full and perfite course to that most desired quietnesse of minde Where we being filled with the spirite be it in prosperity or aduersitie let vs speake vnto our selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs singing and making melodie in our hartes with thanks giuing alwayes to the Lorde for all thinges in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ which is one and the same both yesterday and to day for euermore To God the Father also who is king of Kings and Lorde of Lordes who onelye hath immortalitie and dwelleth in the light that no man can attaine who largelye plentifully and aboundantly will participate with his elect people the thing which here onely in the heartes of Saintes is begonne euen the rest of eternall life which we so greatly long for through his beloued sonne in whome he hath made vs deare vnto him To him be dominion vertue power glorie honor and prayse euerlastinglye worlde without end Amen FINIS The Philosophers trāquillity Democritus The iourney of Apollonius The wonderfull thirst that Cleanthes had after wisedome The tranquillitie of ciuill Gouernors The insaciable ambition of Alexander Gainmongers tranquillitie Spoken ironice or in mocking wise Ouid. Esay 5. The tranquillitie of voluptuons men The modestie of the author Voluptuous men haue no part with tranquility of minde The voluptuousnesse of Xerxes Iob. 21. Luke 6. Luke 16. True tranquillitie with getting of ryches hath no societie Horace 2. Tim. 6 Math. 16. Psal. 48. Heb. 13. Iob. 1 Luke 12. Crates threw his substaunce into the sea Psal. 38. Psal. 61. Gredinesse of honour hath no part with true tranquilitie of the minde Lucan in his second booke Seneca Horace Seneca in Thyeste What true tranquillitye of the minde is and the cōmendation thereof Prayse of Philosophie Psalme 18. True tranquillitie is scuered from Philosophie and is transserred to Christ Aristotle A notable saying of Plato Trāquillity trantierred to Christ Ephe. 1. The lettes of true trāquillitie Mens Ioue bent vpon casuall goodes The confidence wee haue in mē The trust men haue in their own power and riches Euripides Miscōtent with our owne state and wondering at other mens Wicked and vnlawfull Artes. Deute 18. Desire of excelling others Heape of troubles Our life a continuall warfare The craftie wylinesse of Sathan The grieuous euils of our time The worme of the conscience What a murder Bessus committed Alexander deliuered to be worshipped as God. Sylla and Antiochus dyed wyth the disease of lyce Denying of Christ by othe Psal. 124. They lyuing in maruellous dispaire after they had forsaken the Gospell at length killed themselues Loke Gribalde in english That Christ is the true tranquillitie of the minde Math. 11. Esay 61. Luke 4. Esay 53. 2. Cor. 1. The memorie of the misterie of our redēptiō is chiefly celebrated in the precept of the Eucharist The benefites which ensue the right receyuing destributing of the sacrament of the Eucharist Psal. 110. The apt similitude of Cyrillus Purgatory Cyprian in his treatise against De metrianus S. Ambrose Comfort taken by the worde of God. Luke 11. Psal. 119. Psal. 1. Deut. 28 Leuit. 26. 2. Tim. 3. Rom. 15. Chrisosteme in the thirde sermon of Lazarus 2. Tim. 2. Gregorie in an Epistle to bishop Lean. Augustine in the third Epistle to Voluscanus Saint Hieroms opinion Drigin in a certayne Homely How the conscience may be quieted in time of contention about Religion Iohn 5. Actes 17. Chrysostomes prophecie of this oure age vpon the. 24. of of Mathew Antichrist in the church Rom. 1. Psal. 6. No refuge but to the scriptures Myracles chieflye wrought among false Christians S. Hierom vpon Nahum Mark 14. That the people themselues in the ende of the worlde shall seeke for the scriptures Luke 16. The word of greater aucthoritie than the Church The Church hir office Galat. 1. August in an Epistle to Hierom. Only the canonicall Authors can not erre Exercise of the spirite of fayth in the word of god 1. Tim. 4. The differēce betwene spirites Often and feruent prayer Indeuor to helpe others Earnest indeuor of amendement Reuerence and humilitie towards Goddes worde An excellent comparison betweene the virginitie and humilitie How nedefull is charitie to the scripture A pretie similitude of Gregorie Nazianzen in the first booke of diuinitie 2. Timo. 2. Euils imputed to Gods worde must not discourage vs from louing and defending the same Iere. 44. 3. King. 18. Amos. 4. 1. Cor. 4. A pretye quip of Tertuliau August in his seconde booke de ciuitate dei The multitude of heresies reigning abrode must not disswade vs from reading of scriptures Apoc. 2. 1. Cor. 1● Dissolute life and other euils not to be imputed to the worde of God. The supersticious sort more feruent in their Religion than the true worshippers in theirs Euiles imputed to man himselfe to Sathan and to the worlde The true Preachers without blame Act. 10. Augustine in a certaine Homily Our departing from Goddes worde The laste yeare of K. Edwarde Why Gods worde was taken from vs. The prophecie of Latimer and others In steede of Gods worde Idolatrie Goddes thretnings The Church of God and christian religion augmentes with persecution August to Volusianꝰ A noble sentence Who be excluded from a quiet minde To whome Christ is become the true tranquillitie of the minde 1. Thessa. 4. Hebrues 12. Of concupiscence How the conscience that is troubled with inwarde concupiscence may be quieted Howe to suppresse concupiscence Idienesse the feeder of lustes Mariage the shoeteanker of concupiscence 1 Cor. 7. Last of Hebrues Corrupt life of Church-men Ephe. 4. Gene. 6. Gone 19. Leuit. 8. Num. 25. Iud. 30. Sensuall lustes the cause of translating kingdomes Promise in baptisme A prettie saying 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 12. 1. Tymotb 1. The meanes of true quietnesse Of eternell life hauing beginning in this life August of the feele of eternal life Why the holy elect do so vehemently desire to leaue this earthly habitation Rom. 7. Philip. 1. Rom. 8. 2. Collos 5. The felicitye of the Saintes in life to come Psal. 35. Apoc. 7. The rewarde of the iust Psal. 83. True tranquillitie of the mind resteth in the sure confidēce in christ in the testimonie of a good conscience and in the liuely hope of eternall life Iustifying by fayth S. Barnard Of true trāquillitie of minde in time of afflictions 2. Colos 4. Deut. 29. Psal. 119. Why God doth suffer his elect to be tormented by the wicked Rom. 7. The elect not free from sin but rather prone to euil Psal. 77. The chiefe causes why God sende affliction to the iust The first cause Why God sheweth himself angry with his elect The second cause The thirde cause Publike calamuies the voyce of the lawe The fourth cause The difference of induring trouble betwene good men and euill Iere. 10. Augustine in his booke de peccatorū meritis The fife cause The six●… cause Tranquillity two wayes to the godly The seuenth cause Gene. 22. Iob. 1. Deut. 13. The eight cause Why the godly are brought to extreeme perill Psal. 21. Psal. 21. The ninth cause That there is no fortune but all thing be rightly gouerned by the omnipotent power of God. 1. Kin. 2. Math. 10. Esay 46. Esay 31. Euilles turnde to our benefit Cyprian Tranquilitie in all sicknesse and diseases No murmuring in aduersitie Mycheas the last chapter Danyel 9. Hebr. 72. Rom. 8. We see by examples whom God loueth he also chastiseth Heb. 12. ● Tim. 2. 1. Pet. 2. Dan. 6.14 Psal. 26. Psal. 32. Psal. 32. Exod. 4. Psal. 61. The Saints of most quiet minde in aduersitie Actes 16 2. Cor. 11. Wisd 5. Esay 8. The stedfast ioy of Martyrs at their death 2. Macha 7. The effecient cause of the Saints trāquillitie in affliction Death an aduauntage to the elect Hatred of the worlde the rewarde of vertue Banished for the gospell of christ Math. 10. Psal. 146. How God prouideth for the yong Rauens Esay 30. Foure causes whye god suffers the wicked so long to florishe Rom. 2. Luke 16. Mat. 6. Psal. 16. A repetition of that whiche went before In the time of Qucene Mary