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A08793 A compe[n]dius [and] a moche fruytefull treatyse of well liuynge co[n]taynyng the hole su[m]me and effect of al vertue. Wrytten by S. Bernard [and] translated by Thomas Paynell.; Modus bene vivendi. English Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153.; Paynell, Thomas. 1545 (1545) STC 1908; ESTC S108441 104,124 414

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mens hartes Also reason requyreth that he refrayne from syn that desyreth to correcte other mens vnwise persons of tentymes by the correction of other mens fautes disclose theyr owne For as longe as mā knoweth not his owne fautes the which he shuld both know bewayle he goeth curiously aboute to know other mens But yf he remēbre behold hym self well he shall not greatly īquire of other mens misdedes for he shall fynde in hym selfe that he may be wayle amend Saynt I sodore sayeth That we can soner correcte other mens vices then we can augment or increce theyre vertues Nor we be not so dilygēt to know what good mē do as we be to knowe what euyl they do Wherfore good syster I exhorte you reyther to amend your owne fautes thē to correct other mens And fyrst to loke vpon your owne mysdedes and then vpon other mens Be dilygent for youre owne correctyon careful for your owne welth amendement Neuer desyre to medle with that thynge that ye haue nothyng to do with all Nor be not curiꝰ to know where of men do speke nor what other men do Flye curiosyte leue to be curiose and to know howe other men lyue Let no curyosyte trouble or deceyue you Loke not so vpon other mens maners that ye for get your owne take hede ye be as diligent to correct youre owne mysdoynges as ye wolde be to correcte other mens Be not curiose to know y ● thing that is secrete beware yeinquire not to knowe that ꝑtayneth nothyng vnto you Kepe that thīg secrete that ye haue learnde by holy scrypture Seke for no more thē is wryttē seke for no more then holy scrypture doth shewe you nor neuer go aboute to lern that ye shulde not lerne lerne y ● curiosite is a verye daungerus and a perilus presumptiō curiosite is a perilus science for it ꝓuoketh man to heresy and bryngeth a mans minde to noughtie tales fables maketh a man bold in y ● thyng y ● is very dark hard to be vnderstāded doth caste hym into ignoraunt matters Good sister amēd your lyfe w t all the diligence ye can y e ye may here af● come to euerlastīg ¶ Of watche the .liij. cha MY welbeloued sister listē to y ● lordꝭ sayng Watche for ye knowe not whē the lord shall come And agayne I saye vnto you all watch you and S-Peter sayeth Be wyse watche in prayer For whē men shal say that theyr is peace and securite then shall sodeyn death destruction come vpō thē Salomō sayeth They are iust and wyse and theyr workes are in goddes handes and yet they can not tel whether they be ●orthe to be loued or hated Why so For al vncertayn thynges are reserued to the tyme y e is to come My good syster god hath kepte hydden frō vs the tyme of his cōmyng that by such vncertaynte long taryeng we shulde often tymes thinke that he is euermore redy to come For we be ignorant of his cōmynge We must so passe forth the ioye of this world that we forget not the bytternesse of the iudgement that is to come The deuyl doth often tymes deceyue man and so leadeth hym to syn For when he perceyueth that man is troubeled and sory for his misfaute then by a certayn securite surenes he deceyueth hī agayne Wherfore good syster when so euer we do anye good dedes it is nedefull also y t we remēber oure misdedes least that by ignoraunce of our fautes we reioyce vnwysely in oure good workes And god wold we shulde be ignoraunt of our last houre bycause we shulde be euermore indoute therof redely p̄pare our selfes vnto it w t out any assurance s Isodore sayeth Let not the iust trust in his iustnes nor y ● synner mistrust nor despere of y ● great mercy of God but let them haue in harte both hope feare And so to trust vnto his mercy that they forget not to fere his iustice For notwithstandyng that the conuersacyon of holy men is probable well alowed yet it is vncertayne to what ende they are prepared vnto And therfore a man shulde neuer be without feare for it is not man but GOd that iudgeth mans penaunce satisfaccyon And of this thynge sayeth Cesarius howe moch as man is in suertie of his mysfautes y e are past somoch y ● more he must take hede fle those that are to come Good syster byleue me y t meditacyō of death is the very lyfe of a wyse man Therfore ye shall do wysely if ye cōtinually do think vpō god at some timꝭ vpōdeth for a certayn wyse man sayeth Blessed is he that is alwayes in feare Wherfore good virgyn I exhorte monyshe you to be alwayes in feare in doute diligēt subtyl against y ● tēptacions of the deuyll and to be in cōtinual watche stryte battell agaynst hym his subtyll crafty tēptacyons Herken good Chrystys spouse what god sayeth Blessid is that seruant whome God at his cōmyng doth finde watshīg Wherfore yf ye wyll watch and set all your mynde vpon him ye shalbe counted in eternall beatitude amonge those that are fortunate blessed Ye shalbe estemed to be blessed yf ye lyfte vp the eyes of your soule with good deuocyon vnto god y ● very trew lyght and w tout dowte ye shall be greatly fortunate blessed if ye diligētly and effecteously do watche to god ward for he hath ꝓmysed to crowne those y t watch of this it is wryttē her eyes are lyke doues eyes vpō y ●ful riuers y ● which are washte w t mylke y ● eyes of y ● spouse are the good deuout peple the which lyke doues do liue in simplicite and by theyr good p̄ching good example giuyng bring many other to the way of saluacion They are estemed to be vpōy ● riuer bicause they ar cōtynually ī y ●cōuersaciō study of holy scripture washt w t mylke y t is they are through the grace of god the blessed sacramēt of bapteme pourged frō all syn what other thyng may we vederstāde by the full ryuer but the ꝓfoūde secret lernyng of holy scrypture y e which when we here it doth cōforth refresh vs. Ferthermore the doues syt most comēly vpō y e ryuer to se y e shadow of the byrdes y t fle in the ayre y e which by goyng into the water auoide al daūger so good mē by redyng of holy scrypture ꝑceyue se the subtilite crafty nesse of y e deuil by such descripcyon of thinges they know him as by a shadowe so auoydeth both hym his deceytefulnesse Therfore loke y t ye be cōtynually occupyed in y e meditacyon of holy scrypture for in y t ye shall fynde howe to auoyde al Satās craftynes and wylynes And agayne good virgyn I exhorte you to cōmyt youre selfe holy to the good counsell
soules as we verely suppose to be saued Harkē vnto me good syster I say that we shuld lament theyr deth the which y ● wycked spirytꝭ do hale carye to euerlastyng payne tormēt and not those the which the angels receiue to great ioye honoure and to the celestyall courte of paradyse I saye we shulde mourne theyr deathe the which are buryed in y ● depe pyt of hell and not those the whiche are exalted to y ● perpetual ioyes of heuē we shuld wepe for those that dye euyll and in sinne and not for those that die wel Good syster when I bewayle thē that dye well I hurte my selfe and do them no good and they that lamente and wepe for those that dye they in a maner denye the generall resurrectyon and that god rysse frome deathe to lyfe And therfore good syster we y ● byleue that all suche as dye are in heuen withe Chryste shulde not wepe for theym nor lament theyr death but rather pray for theim that yf perchaunce they be in any daunger of paine that it wolde please his gracyous mercyfulnes to delyuer theym Of iudgemēt the .lix. cha THere are two deuine iudgemētes the one in this worlde the other ī the worlde y ● is to come Many are so iudged in this presente worlde by syckenes by pouertie and by other dyuers worldly tribulacyons that here after they shall not be iudged for such tēporall paines to some are ī stede place of theyr purgacyon Other there be that begyn theyre dāpnacyō in this present world of whose saluacyon there is often tymes nother trust nor hope because they contynew in synne vngracyous lyuynge Some there be that are iudged in this worlde by tribulacyon Some other are iudged ī tyme to come by fyre after the examinatiō of the streyte iudge nor the iustice of the iust man shal not then be sure and therfore Iob saith He consumeth the Innocente and the wycked for the innocēt shal be consumed and as nothynge regarded yf his innocence becō pared with goddes innocence GOD shal consume the wretched wicked synner through y ● subtilyte of his deuyne examination his naughtynesse shalbe shewed him and he hym selfe ryghtfully condempned Chryst after as the life of good mē shal requyre so in his iudgement he wyl be fauorable and good vnto thē but to those that be wycked synners he shal appere very terryble and fereful and at the day of iudgement Chryst shal shewe hym selfe to euery man as euery mans cōscience was beynge vpon earth remaynynge styll in his pece trāquilite he shall appeare terrible to them onely whose proper cōscience shall accuse them My good syster harken vnto s Isodore wordꝭ Ther is no man clene w tout syn And therfore theyr can no mā be sure of goddes Iudgement for then we shalbe contable of euery idle worde that is spokē Alas what shall we wretches say at the day of iudgement the whiche do not onely amys vsynge of ydle and fylthy wordes but that commyt dayly so manye abhomynable and enorme crymes neuer leauynge oure noughtynesse with other vnryghtfull operacyons and workes And yf to be that the ryght delyng mā be not thē sure of goddes iudgemēt what shall be come of vs moost wretched synners and yf the Iustice of the vpright and iuste man be in no surance at the examynacy on of this streyte Iudge what shall we catyues do then that dayly do augment and increace our noutynesse and syn And yf at the daye of dome the iust man shal scacely be saued where shal we that haue synned without measure and without ende appere vpō that daye Who shall not be in drede and feare when heuen and earth shal shake and quake all the elementes be resolued by heate Of this daye it is writtē This is the day of yre of trybulacyō of mysery vengeaūce the daye of dym darkenes of the trumpet and of al or ryble sounde vpon this day the strongeste man that euer was shall be troubled ¶ The systers demaūde ALas good brother what shall we saye whē y ● strayte iudge shall come vnto vs For whē ye put me in remembraunce of his cōmīg ye cause me to wepe and by the rehersynge of that terryble and fearefull day ye haue prouoked me to heuynes ¶ The brothers āswere MY good syster it is well done yf ye for feare of this eracte strayte Iudge do wepe For or euer this day doth aproch and come we muste appere in confessyon and great waylyng before him The acceptable and helthsome day is whilst we be ī this world of the whiche it is wryttē Seke god whylste he may be founde call vpon hym whylste he is at hande The iudge cā not be sene in this presente lyfe and yet he is euen by vs he shal be sene in another worlde and shalbe far frome vs. Therfore good syster we muste nedes seke god withe all oure hart and mynde in this presente lyfe yf we intende here after to fynde him for yf we dylygentlye seke hym nowe abstanynge frome all euyll workes at the daye of iudgemēt he shall be fauorable and mercyfull vnto vs for he is maruaylous gētyll and full of all mercye For it is wrytten that he is swete and gentyll to euerye man and that is mercye is aboue all his workes Therfore good syster lette vs pray vnto this terrible moste iuste iudge with teares and greate lamentacyon with all deuocyon that at the day of his iudgemente he rewarde vs not after our merytes and iniquites but after his greate and abundaunt mercye and that we withe other mysdoers here not this terryble sentence Gette ye hence ye dampnable synners in to perpetuall fyre But that it wyll please hym we may w t his elected chosen out seruaūtes here these most ioyfull wordes Come hyther ye moste blessed receyue the kyngdome of heuen the which hath bene prepayred for you sence the begynnyng of the worlde The brothers exhortaciō GOod syster nowe I truste I haue broughte my shyppe into the hauē made an ende of my exhortacyons and good monytyons yet that notwithstandyng I retourne once agayne intendyng to speake a fewe mo wordes w t you Ye desyred me to wrytte you a fewe good monycyōs the which thynge I haue accōplyshed done not parauenture so well as I shuld haue done but yet by goddes grace as well as I coulde I haue chosen out of holy fathers saynges for youre instructyon the beste sentences I coulde fynde y ● which I haue presēted vnto you in this boke Take heed therfore my goo syster for ye haue nowe the good admonycyons and instructions of perpetuall lyfe ye haue now good counsell and as it were a rule to lyue well Nowe there cā no ignoraūce of syn excuse you ye know now how ye shall lyue well and vertuously ye can not saye nowe that ye dyd a mysse fell
of his head and delyuered hym to his enemes the whiche by by put out both his eyes And so the poore wretched man for asmoche as he behelde that he shulde not haue loked vpon he lost his syght and was in daunger of his lyfe Nowe good syster ye se that many a one by the syght of the eye haue bene bothe in daunger of body and soule Wherfore I exhorte you to make a bargayne w t your eyes that ye neuer loke wantonly vpon suche thynges as ye shuld not loke vpon beware that death enter and descende not by youre eyes into your soule but if your flesh as I haue sayde before do assale you if lechery do tempt you yf misorderd appetite do prouoke you yf the remembraunce of fornication do yet torment you set death in the presence of all these thynges cast before your eyes the ende of your lyfe call also to your remembraunce the paynes of hell that be ordeyned for syn̄ers Let the horryble day of Iudgement be before youre eyes in your mynde and Imagyn with your self how streyght it shall be for yf it were not the great mercy of God there were no man able to abyde it The remēbraūce of y ● horryble paynes and vehement fyer of hell shall quynche the heate of fornicacyō the memorye of the perpetuall flame fyre of hel shal cause you to forget all maner of fornicacy on For the greater heate quinched alwayes the lesser ouercommeth it And the ofte thynkynge vpon the horryble fyre of hell quinchet the vehement and burnynge fyre of fornicacy on Good syster I beseche GOd to gyue you trew chastite bothe of body and soule ¶ Of abstinence the .xxiiij. chapiter THat is called a perfyte faste when we fast outwardely and pray inwardly By fastynge mans prayer is soone harde By fastynge prayenge mans soule is ioyned to the angels and coupeled to God Fastynge is as stronge armoure to feyght agaynst the deuyll as may be by fastynge and prayenge the wycked spirytes are ouercommed My welbeloued syster in GOd wyll ye knowe howe fornycacion maye be best restrayned and kepte vnder Ye good brother yf it please you I pray you shew me harken then vnto me By fastynge and by abstynence fornicacyon is soone layde a syde By fastynge voluptuous pleasure lechery is quicly restrayned Neuer fyll your self luxuriousnes shall neuer ruell you Abstynence ouercōmeth y ● flesh abstinence doth brydell bodely pleasure abstynēce doth break diminyshe all fleshly lust mo cyon Abstynence dothe vtterlyè destrowe the power of fornicacion hunger and thryst doth ouer come all carnall concupyscence and lust That soule that is gyuen to diuersyte of meates and drynkes leseth the vigure and effecte of good prayer That soule that of longe seasō hathe not ben repasted nor fed w t the word of god is lyke the bodye y t hathe ben long without meat Saynt hierome sayeth that a mā muste fast meanely w t moderacyon least that to moch fasting shuld febly she the stomacke For meat moderately takē is both ꝓfytable for y ● soule the bodye A fat bellye and moch aboundaūce of meat causeth dull wyttꝭ dull vnderstādyng Also it is moche better dayly to eate lytle then to eate but seldome and moche he fasteth well that exchuyt syn Better it is to abstayne frō vice then from meat but to abstayne that ye may afterwardꝭ fyl your selfe is not laudable nor suche abstinence is nothyng cōmendable A voyde bely prouoketh a man to prayer and deuociō and a ful belly to slepe and slouthfulnesse kepe the bodye drye by the desyre of the kyngdome of heuē to thentent ye may fulfyll that is wrytten My soule my flesh doth greatly desyre god y ● flessh doth then desyre God when by moch fastyng it abstayneth and wareth drye Good syster yf ye ꝑfytly desyre god in this mortal lyfe he shal satisfye cōtēt your mind ī y ● glorious kīdome of heuē abstinēce doth both kil giue lyfe for it quyckeneth y ● soule mortifyeth the bodye Abstynēce doth edifye ingēder vertue in mans soule destroyeth the vicyousnes of y ● body We shuld w t all diligēce despyse glotony the cōcupyscens desyre of dilicate viandes meates shulde be left and litle regarded A man shuld not care for his belye when the belye is to moche replenyshed then the bodye is inflamed with wantōnesse lechery We shuld not eare to fyll the bellye but to sustayne the bodye For when the belye is full then is the fyer of fornycacyon kyndeled that body that is chasted and kepte lowe by abstynence is neuer inflamed nor hurt with the fyre of voluptuous pleasure The ryche man clothed in purpure the which to euery mānes iudgment syght lyued in great abundaūce bycause he wold not abstayne in this world from immoderate meates and drynkes was caste into the fyre of hell desyred but one droppe of water to refreshe cole his tunge withall yet he could not haue it nor neuer shal And as be abstinence all vertue is roted and edyfyed in the soule of manne so be the abundaūce of meate and drynke vice is noryshed in mās bodye nor man shall neuer obtayne the perfytenes of vertue yf he do not fyrste tame and refrayne the glotony of the belye The thre childrē were not burnt nor cōsumed because they were abstinent and sober And Danyell was delyuered frome the lyon because he was abstinent No man of hym selfe can repell temptacyon yf he refrayne not frō īmoderate eatīg drīkyng The systers demaūde DEare brother I praye you to tel me how I shuld chasten my body w t abstinēce The brothers answere GOod syster ye muste nourishe your body vnder suche a fassiō y ● it waxe not prowd and rebellyous ye muste so kepe it vnder and so represse it that it fall not ye must so refreshe your flesshe that it maye do you seruyce so chastē your body with abstinence that it peryshe not if ye punish your body more then nedethe ye kyll your frēde yf ye kepe it to wātōly ye nourish your enmy Good syster in all abstynence beware ye hurt not your bodye but the vycyousnes therof absteyne frō meates loke youre face be pale and not ruddy loke youre body be leane and not fatte eate so that ye maye be alwaies a hungerde neuer īferce nor fyll your bellye with moche meate Be euermore a hungerde a thryste in abstynence and leanenes ye can not ouercome temptacyon yf ye chastē not your body For by moch eatyng drinkyng lechery dothe encrece y ● abūdaūce of wine daīty metes doth styr y ● fleshe to bodyly pleasure luxuriusnes is euermore ioyned to saturite y ● cold of moch watchīg doth quench the heate of carnal lust euyl spirytes are very moche there where is suꝑfluytye of meate drynke Therfore good syster in Chryst Iesu yf ye intēd as I haue
vnto god Therfore my webeloued syster rede this boke willyngly and rede it ouer agayne and agayne for by it ye shall knowe howe ye shall loue bothe god and your neyghbour howe ye shal regard and dispyse these wordly and trāsytory thynges how ye shall desyre couet that is eternall and celestyall howe ye shulde suffer paciently for goddes sake all worldly aduersytes and lytle or nothynge regarde flattery and wordly prosperyte howe that in your infirmytes and sycknes ye shal thāk god not to be proude of youre health and howe that in prosperyte ye shall not eleuate or exale your selfe nor in aduersyte vnderpresse your self Therfore my welbeloued syster in Chryst it shall pertayne to your wysdome dilygently to study and to rede this boke to ensue and folowe the same Thus god aimyghtye saue you and kepe you from all euyll Of Fayth j. cha THe lorde sayeth that all thing is possyble to hym that be leueth No man can come to etnal blysse without fayth he is ryght fortunate and happye that beleueth well beleuing well liueth wel and lyuing well kepeth well his fayth For. s Paule sayeth that it is impossyble to please GOd without fayth and. S. Isodore sayeth that no man can please God without fayth Men are not constrayned to byleue but they are drawen vnto it by goodly examples and resonable persuasyons for yf man shulde be constrayned to byleue the constraynt and fere onse gone he wolde returne and wax worse then euer he was before Fayth without good and charytable workes is but deade of none effect for he that is not ornared w t good workes let hym truste nothynge to fayth for it is but dead He that beareth the crosse ought to be as ded in this world for why to beare the crosse is nothyng elles but to mortifye himselfe And he that sayeth he beareth the crosse and doth not mortifye hym selfe in this worlde is a very hypocrite and a false dyssembler But he that doutythe not at all but fermly and stedfastly byleueth all y ● is heuēly and good loke what he demaūdeth he shal optayne it He y ● bileueth in Iesus y ● son of God shall optayne etnal euerlasting lyfe who so byleueth not in hym shal neuer come thyther S. Iames sayth y ● as the bodye w tout the soule is but dead so in likewyse fayth is but dead of none effecte w tout good workꝭ My wel beloued syster fayth is an excellēt a great thing but of no substāce w tout charite Therfore loke ye haue good fayth kepe it as pure as net as ye may take hede y ● ye be vncorrupted y t it cōtinue in you And y ● ye cōfesse the selfe fayth w tout any corruptiō or folish cōmunicaciō of christe Iesu suspecte no cruelnes or euyl in hym lest y e so thīking by him ye offēde and diminish the loue ye haue or shuld haue vnto hym be iuste in your fayth and loke ye haue Ioyned to ryght fay the holy conuersacyon and that in dedes ye do not denye hym that ye do praye vnto with mouth for an euyll thynge myngled with that that good is doth infecte and mar all as through a lytle pryde all other goodnes and vertues are stayned loke therfore y ● ye the which through grace are perfaith in Fayth do not amis ī dede nor y t ye besmutter not your faith nor polute not the integrite therof by naughtie lyuynge nor that ye myngle not vyce with vertue nor ioyne yll to good Thus my good syster God preserue you in health Of esperance hope ij c. THe lord sayeth despere not but loke that ye haue the fayth of God in you hope that may be sene is no hope for what Hope is in that thynge a man seyth but yf we Hope that thynge we se not we do patienly tary for it wherupon Salomon sayeth that the abode and expectacion of iust men is ioyfulnes but the hope of euyll men shall peryshe Therfore my ryght wel beloued syster tary for the lorde and kepe his waies that is kepe his cōmaūdementes and he shal so exalte you that ye shall haue heuen for your herytage Dere syster I saye tarry for the lorde and declyne from al euyl and at the day of dome and iudgement he shal exalte you for they y e wyl not leue to doyl do lese but there labour to tary for his mercy of the which they might be sure of yf they wolde leue there mysse liuing Wherupō s Isidore saieth that we shuld fere lest y ● through the great hope y e god doth ꝓmis vs we contynue in syn And agayne y ● we fall not in dyspere bicause of his iust punishmēt correctiō the which are to great fautes y ● is to cōtynew in syn to despere of Goddꝭ mercy And therfore it shalbe best to exchew thē both y ● is to auoyde to renounce y ● is yll to haue good hope in the great mercy of god for euery good man doth enforse hym selfe through hope fere to come to euerlastīg life hope eleuathe a man to ioye anone aft the remēbraūce of euerlastynge payne bryngeth a mā to feare truly who so desperith to optain remission ꝑdon of his synnes doth cōdemne him selfe more by desperatiō then by sin Therfore good syster let your hope be sted fast in chryst Iesu for mercy shal cōpas them y ● trust in god trust stedfastly in hym therfore and do wel inhabite the earth that is y ● holy church ye shalbe nouryshed w t his goodes y ● whiche the church possesseth for y e thing y ● is done w tout y ● auctorite of y ● church is of no valure nor yet of no merite Good syst leue of all varyghtfulnesse y ● is all workes which are cōtrary vnto god or your neyghboure and trust in goddꝭ mercy leue of al iniquite and specyally all pryde the whiche is called iniquite and truste in thy sauour chryst Iesu amēd your selfe and hope in the great mercye of god put away all prauite and all noughtynesse and hope to haue pardon correcte your lyfe and trust to haue lyfe eternall to the whiche I desyre hym to bryng you that hath chosen you before all worldes Of grace iij. chap SAynt Paule say the where hath ben moch sin there hath ben moche grace so that where syn hath reygned vnto death grace may also reygne through pardon to come to eternall lyfe for the salare and rewarde of syn is no nother thynge but death● but the grace of god is eternall beatitude god hath distributed giuen grace to euery man accordynge to the measure of y e gyft of christ Welbeloued syster the profyte of a spirituall man as sayeth s Isidore is a gift of god then yf whe profyte throughe the grace of god
it must nedes folow necessary it is that we laude god of our good dedes and not ourselues Nor no man can be corrected but it must come of God for man hath nothynge that is good of hym selfe nor the occasion or wayes to do well cōmeth not of man as sayeth the Prophete Hierime good lorde sayth he I knowe wel that the wayes of man is not sufficyent to ordre his affares that is to saye it is not in mannes power to wauke in the wayes of Iustice yf God lede hym not the which fayleth nomā y ● wylduly are hym y e way But there are many y ● deserue to be depryued of y t way And whē man hath receyued any gifte of god he shulde requyre nothyng elles but well to vse the same lest be the vsurpyng of another mans offyce he lese the gift that was gyuē hi before For why he troubleth all y ● hole ordre of y ● body y ● is not content w t his owne office but vsurpeth another mānes In y ● diuisiō of goddes gyftes y ● one taketh one y ● other another for they are neuer gyuē all to one mā but to dyuers so that by humilite some one may haue that another may maruel at For when it is wryten in Ezechiel that the beastes wynges smyte one vpō another be that is sygnified that the holy saites throughe there manifold diuers vertues prouoke and moue eche others affectiōs and that the one through good examples techeth the other O honest virgyn I wolde ye shuld know that with out the grace of god preuenting accompanynge and helpyng of vs we can do nothīg that good is the grace of god dothe preuēt vs to thentente we shulde wyll that is good and verteous it accompaneth vs bicause we shuld begyn to do that good is it helpeth and worketh with vs to thentent we maye make perfyte and brynge to passe that that is good and verteous Then it is gyuen vnto vs by GOD to wyll well to begynne well and to do well it fo●t foloweth then that vertue is gyuen vs by god and that vyce and syn cōmeth of our selues of god cōmeth charite purite and honestye but as for pryde couetusnesse and cupidite is of oure selues for whe can do nothyng y e good is without the ayde help of god and throughe the grace of god whe may do great good without Goddes grace whe be very tradius slouthfull colde to all goodnesse but his grace cadyng vs we be ryght dilygēt to al vertues operaciō without God that is without his helpe we be euer more redy to synne and to al noutynesse but by his grace whe be delyuered therof without the helpe of god whe be inclined to loue these wordely thynges more then it becōmeth vs a great dele but by his grace and gracious assistaūce we despyce these vayne transitoryous and worldly thynges and delyre celestiall we war e●ected out of the celestiall paradyse for Adams mistaute but throughe his grace we truste to come thyther agayne throughe Adams wretchednes and syn we descended to hel But by goddes grace we trust to assende to euerlastīg ioye And not withstandynge we be ryche wyse and stronge yet it is all of his grace And I wolde ye shuld knowe my dere syster that all the good that we haue in this worlde we haue it of hym and that all our aduersytes and sorowfulnesse do come of our mislyuyng god through his great mercye deuydeth his gyftes amonge vs but all euyl cōmeth for oure synnes Of the grace of god cōmeth all prosperyte and of our syn and wyckednesse all aduersite by GOddes grace we optaine that is necessarye and through vyce the contrary Therfore it is very expedy●t and necessary euermore w t thankes accordynge to remember the great benefites of God of the whiche oure holy mother the church speakyng to Chryste Iesu her spouse saythe They that remember thy grace thy mercy and thy benefytes loue the y e is to say they loue y ● y ● are well mynded they are well mynnyd and of good harte y ● ascriue no ryghtfulnesse nor no holynesse to there ꝓpre merites but al to the grace of GOD. And they loue y e which are saued and remēbre thy grace O honest virgyn loke ye remēber euermore y e grace of god for al the goodnes that ye haue is by his grace Heare what Paule sayth by the grace of god sayth paule I am that I am Also by the grace of GOd ye are that ye are for that ye haue dispised the worlde and vtterly left your fathers house and are apoynted to serue god and to lyue with the handmaydens of god al these vertues goodnes do onely procede of the grace of GOD and that ye are a pure and a clene virgin and so dothe intende to contynewe it is not of your selfe but of the great grace of god The sisters demaunde GOod brother Irequyre you to tell me what this text of scrypture meaneth There is no man that is good holy or iuste but onely god The brothers answere GOod syster it is euyn so as it is wrytē For god is alonly good holy iust for he is good onely of hym selfe and by him selfe But men are not good of them selfe but by God and holy and iuste throughe his grace the whiche thynge is well declared in the cāticles I am the floures of y e feld and the lilies of the vallee● for I spred y ● swete sauer of my vertue throughout al the worlde I am the holynesse the goodnes the Iustice of them that humly do truste in me for there is noman that can be holly or good without me as I haue sayde in the holy Gospell without me ye can do nothynge I am the floures of the fleldes and the lillees of the vallees For as the feldes are ornated and goodly beset w t floures so all the worlde shyneth and is ornated with y ● faith and knowledge of Chryst Iesu I am the floures of the feldes lilees of the valles for I gyue abundantly of my grace to such as trust more in me then in there owne goodnesse Therfore I exhorte you that ye attribute nor ascriue nothyn ge to your owne merites nor that ye presume no thyng of youre selfe nor that ye put nor trust nothynge to youre owne vertue nor yet to your audacite or boldnesse but I wyll ye ascriue all to the gyft of god and to his diuine grace And in all your workes thanke god in all your dedes thanke god and in all your conuersacyon thank god let youre hope be euermore in GOD that made you of ●ought Of feare iiij cha MY we beloued siter harken what I saye harken vnto my admonition and to my wordes feare God aboue all thynges and kepe alwayes his commaundementes for the eyes of GOD are alwayes vpō those that fere hym and vpon those that fere hym and
vpon those that truste to his mercy And Salomon sayeth feare GOD and leue al wickednesse he that feareth god forgetteth nothynge and a certayne wyse man sayeth that the feare of god is glorye and that gloriation is the myrth crowne of all exultacyon the feare of god shall delyte the harte and with long lyfe gyue ioye myrthe for he that is without y ● fere of GOD can not be iustifyed the feare of god is wisdome and discipline doute not in the feare of god nor approche not towardes hym with a double harte You that feare God sustayne kepe wel his mercy depart not from hym least ye fal ye y t feare god byleue in hi your reward shall not be diminysshed You y e feare god loue hym and youre hartes shalbe illuminated and inflamed they that feare god beleue his wordes and they that feare him wyll kepe and folowe his waves they y ● feare god wyl enquere for such thyngꝭ as shall plese him are replenished with his lawes They that fere God wyll proue there hartes and in his presence sanctifye there soules they that feare god kepe his cōmaundementes and haue patience vntyl he loke vpon them that is vntyll they departe the worlde Goddes eyes are alwayes vpon them that feare hym he knoeth all there workes wysdome is the ende of the feare of god he that feareth god is very fortunate and god in tyme of tēptation shall delyuer hym from all euyll The spiryte of those y ● feare god shalbe requyred and sought for and be blessed in his syght The feare of god is lykened to paradyse and shalbe couerde with all benediction and glorye Happe is he vnto whom god hath gyuē his feare for the feare of god is the begynnynge of the loue of god O my welbeloued syster there is nothynge that kepeth or defendeth vs better frō syn then the feare of hell the loue of god to feare god is to do no euyl to leue no goodnesse vndone the which are moche necessary to cause and to ingender in man the feare of god that is the foūtayn of wisdome blyssed shall he be at the houre of his death that feryth GOd Good syster it is a very good thynge to feare God for the fere of god doth exile and banysshe syn and represse vyce the feare of god causyth a man to be wyse and diligēt where is no fere of god there y e soule is in greate parell and daunger Where is no feare of God there is mys dissolute liuynge where there is no feare of God there is abundance of syn Therfore honest virgyn loke that fere and hope be in your harte and that they contynewe in you And trust so vnto the mercy of GOd that ye alwayes feare his iustice But yet ye shall vnderstande y e there are foure maner of feares feare humane feare seruile Iniciall and chaste feare feare humayne as sayeth Cassiodore is when we feare to suffer any daūger of the body or y e feare of losse of our worldly goodes and substaūce this worldly and noughtye feare is lefte in the worlde in his fyrst degre for the Lorde sayeth ye shall not feare them y t kyll the body can not touch the soule The seconde feare is called Seruile as saythe blissed S. Austen for he y t for the great fere of the paynes of hell leuyth to synne and dothe no good for GODdes sake but for feare of payne he fearythe after the maner of a seruaunt the which dothe suche good as he dothe not for feare of lesinge of that he loueth not but for feare of punyshment whiche he feareth to suffer such men feare not to lese the swete imbrasynges of there swete spowse Iesus But they feare to be condempned of this feare saynt Paule sayeth Uerely sayeth he ye haue not receyued the spyryte of seruytute in feare but ye haue receyued the spiryte of chyldly adoption This feare seruyle is good and profitable notwithstandyng it be not sufficyēt nor yet perfyte for therby groweth by a lytle a litle a custome of Iustice and of good workes For when man begynneth to byleue the daye of Iudgment he begynneth also to feare it But he that feareth it hath not perfyte trust therof nor there is no perfyte charyte in hym that fearyth for yf he had perfyte charite he wold not feare for perfyte charite shulde cause perfyte iustice in mā And so he shuld haue no cause to fere but rather a good cause to desyre that all iniquite war paste and gone and that the kyngdōe of heuen war come What other thynge is perfyte charite but perfyte holines he hath perfyte charyte that lyueth perfytely he that lyueth perfetly hathe no cause to be condempned but to be crouned in heuē he that hath in him selfe perfyte charite nedeth not tofeare to be dāued but to hope to be a glorious saynte in heuen And of this speaketh Dauid sayenge All they that loue thy name shalbe gloryfyed in the so it foloweth y e feare is not in charite but that perfyte charite chaseth all feare awaye To this kynde of fere succedeth the thyrde feare called Iniciall that is when a man begynneth to do that thynge for Chrystes sake the whiche at the begynnyng he dyd for feare of eternal dampnatiō of this fere speketh Dauid saieuge that the feare of god is the beginning of al wysdome for Inicial is when a mā beginneth to loue God whome he feared before And so the secōd kynde of feare is excluded from the harte of man Unto this Iniciall feare succedyth the fourthe kynde of feare called chast feare be the which we feare least that the lorde tarry to longe frō vs and that he wyll leue vs and that we shall offende hym and moue him by our synnes and finally lese hym This maner of feare doth descende and spryngeth of loue of the which we rede in y ● sauter The feare of god sayeth Dauid remayneth eternally for euermore fere cōmeth fyrst to mans harte why so To prepare a place for charite whē charite shal begyn to be in y e hart of man then feare which had prepared a place for charite is reiected and sende from thense Lysten good syster vnto this example or similitude We se that by the bristell the threde is brawen throwe for the brystell enter the fyrst ledithe the threde throw the seme In lyke maner feare doth fyrst enter into mans soule and after it cōmeth charite but after that charite is onse enterde she chaseth feare away This chast feary is a very holy feare for it in genderth all goodnes in mās thought This is a holy feare y t bryngeth to mānes thought perfite charite for ꝑfet charite is perfite holynesse this is a feare that is very chaste for it falleth into no auoutery but loueth GOD aboue al thyng and preferthe nothyng aboue y e loue of
for so without any impediment or let ye shall flye and come to the celestyall kyngdome of heuē Of compassyon the xiiij Chapiter MY welbeloued syster lysten what the lorde Chryst Iesu sayeth All suche goodnesse as ye wold other mē shulde do to you loke ye do it vnto thē And s Paule sayeth be mery w t those that are mery wepe be sad with those that be sad And agayne receyue the poore man vnto you be patient with euery man And Salomon sayeth he that despiseth his neyghbour doth sin kepe your promis with your neyghbour in his pouerte and reioyce in his prosperyte be faythfull to your neyghbour in his tribulacyon he that maketh a hole to deceiue his neighbour shal fall in to it And he that prepareth a lake for his neighbour shall peryshe in it of the whiche thing speaketh the Prophet Dauyd sayenge He hath opened the lake and the dyche and is fallen into it he dothe not perfytly loue his neyghbour that dothe not sūccoure and helpe hym in his necessyte howe moch y ● more we succour helpe oure neyghbours in there necessite pouer te somoch the more we approch vnto god we shulde so care for our self that we forget not oure neyghbour Wherfore good syster loke what thynge ye wolde not that shulde chaunce to your selfe ye shall not delyre it maye chaunce and happen to youre neyghbour Be sory for poore straungers and inforce your self to be sory and to wepe for other mennes losses and damages Be heuy for other mens tribulation and be sicke with those that be sycke bewayle other mens paynes and heuynesse as youre owne Wepe w t those that wepe be to all other as ye wolde they shulde be to you do not y ● thyng to another that ye wolde not a nother shuld do to you forgyue other as ye wolde be for gyuen yf ye se youre enemye in misfortune reioyce not in his aduersite nor in your aduersires death least any such mischaunce shuld fortune vnto youre selfe be not glad of your enemyes fall least god turne his anger vpon you mysfortune shall soone fall vpō hym that reioyseth in his enemys aduersite let vs therfore be louynge to the misfortunate let vs sorow take compassyon vpon the poore let vs haue mercy vpon the wretched yf your ennemye be a hūgerd giue him meat yf he be a thrust giue him drynk despyse not the poore nor the pore orphalines be no occasyon of heuynesse to no man let no man depart from you in sorowfulnesse visyt the syckman and cōfort so the weke that ye maye haue goddes ayde and cōfort in the kyngdome of heuen ¶ Of mercy the .xv. cap. WElbeloued sister harken what GOd sayeth Blessyd be they that are mercifull for they shall haue and optayne mercy And agayne be ye mercyful for your father of heuen is mercyfull And Saynt Paule sayeth be ye good and mercyfull one to another clothe you with this vertue of mercy as y ● electe chyldrē of god Salomō sayeth y ● pitie iustyce pleaseth god moch more then doth sacrifyce mercyfulnes prepareth a place for mā after his merytes and deseruynges the pite and mercy that man hathe is but onely for hym selfe his neyghboure but y ● mercy of god is vpon euery man to be mercy full is as it were a sacrifyce vnto god it is calde mercy bycause it shulde haue pite and compassyon vpon another mans misery and wretchednesse For he that wyll not be pitefull vnto other shall neuer fynde ne optayne the mercy of god Therfore good syster loke that Iustyce pite be euer more in your syght neuer leaue of to be mercyfull for yf ye be mercyfull to other ye shal do your selfe great good He that is pitifull vnto other shall fynde god mercifull vnto hymselfe Good syster bestowe such thinges as ye haue in workes of mercy and shewe mercyfulnesse without any grudge or murmuracyon for your workes shalbe estemed after your intention Where is no beneuolence there is no mercy and take hede ye do your good dedes mercyfully and not for vayne glorye do nothynge for wordly laude ne prayse but onely to optayne ioye and rewarde euerlastynge do nothynge for any temporall opinyon but for celestyall remuneracyon do nothyng for worldly name and fame but to conquere and get lyfe euerlastyng to the whiche almyghtye GOd bryng you my good syster Amē Of the examples of sayntes the .xvj. Chap. THe good examples of sayntes are very necessary and profytable for the amendement of Chrysten people And therfore good sister there mysfautes and syn̄es and lykewyse there good amēdemēt are wryttē that we mooste wretched synners shulde not fall in to desperacion but rather hope trust after oure fall to amēde our selfe by penaūce cōsideryng through the great goodnesse of god to what amēdement ioye these blessed sayntes after there falle be cōmē vnto And therfore god to our example hath opened there good vertues that folowynge of them and doynge as they haue done we maye optayne the celestiall kyngdome of heuen but if we folow not the steppes of there payne and penaūce in this worlde we can not be eccused from suche paynes as we haue meritoriously deserued The holy sayntes for the tyme they were in this worlde neuer seased to occupy thē self in good workes as in fastynge almis dede chastite continence long animite pacience prayer persecucyon beniuolēce hūget thrust cold goyng bare in manifold other good workꝭ for goddꝭ sake The blessyd sayntes despysed y ● worlde to cōquer get the kingdome of heuē nor beyng in this worlde they haue not taken nor yet receyued y ● wretched ꝓmyses miserable ryches therof y ● whiche bryng thē to the tormētes paynes of hell y ● mys vse them but with all theyr intention and wyll they haue forsaken this miserable worlde lyftyng vp theyr eyes to hierusalem that heuenly mansion These blyssed mē haue auoyded synne bothe in worde dede ī thought in sight in hearynge in mouynge there eyes and there handes in anger in goynge in skoldynge in furye in discention in vayne glorye in pryde in elation in couytousnesse in glotony in tomochslepe in fornication in violence And to saue bothe bodye and soule they haue fasted two maner of waies Two abstaine frō delicate meates is very good but yet to abstayne from vyce is moch better of the whiche to our mother the holy churche sayeth My handes haue distilled myr what signifye the handes but y e good workes of blessyd sayntes and what other thynge betokeneth the myr but the mortificacyō of the flesh and the mortifycacion of vices the hādes of the church are the holy and blessyd sayntes of heuen the whiche do haue done manye good dedes of the whiche saynt Paule sayeth they haue done good workes and the handes of the churche haue distylled the myr of good workꝭ for they haue shewed examples
shal cōfort y ● O miserable soule who shall bewayle the. Alaswhere is the keper of mā Where is y ● redemer of al soules O goodshepparde where are ye Alas why haue ye despysed me why turne ye your face frō me Good lorde forget me not at the last Leaue me not good lorde for euermore Leaue me not in the deuyls power I am a synner I am a wretched ꝑsone yet good Lorde I come to the for help ye are very kynde ye are swete mercyfull Ye refuse nor despyse no man nor put no man from your mercy Ah good lord shew thy great mercy vpō me I hartely beseke the denye me not that thynge that ye mercyfully haue graunted to many other I do not defende my misdedes I hyde not my synnes I am ryght sory for them Alas wretche that I am I haue synde I confesse my errour I open my faute I knowledge mine iniquite Good lorde I haue done amys be mercyful vnto me wretched syn̄er ꝑdō me my mysdedes For gyue me my synnes O good Lorde yf ye regard iniquite who shal sustaine it No man can then be sure at the daye of your examynacyon nor yet the iust man with al his iustyce for who is he be he neuer so iuste that dare saye he is without syn there is no man w t out syn There is no man cleare from syn in thy syght nor amōg all the holy saites there is none vnbespotted nor they that serued god were not stedfast and iniquite hath ben founde amonge the angels y ● starres be not cleare before the lorde and heuen in thy syght is not clere Thē good lorde yf no man be w tout spot in thy syght then can not I beyng a vyle syn̄er a vile pece of earth a vile worme the chylde of man the which hathe dronke vp iniquite as water and multiplyed and increaced in synnes be cleare and without syn And yet I syt in duste and dwel in a house claye and my foundacyō is but earth Good lorde gyue me wretched synner thy ryght hande I pray the good Lorde to remēbre of what substaunce and where of I am made Remembre good lorde that I am but earth but powdre asshes Gyue me some maner of medecyn where with I may be holpen where with I may be clensed and purifyed frō all syn For I am fallen into the dept of all my syn̄es I am fallē into the depe pyt of hell delyuer my soule good lorde frō the captiuyte of hell that the deptnesse therof do not inclose me that hel do not swalowe me and that the depe pyt of hell opē not his wyde throte vpon me and that the profoundnesse and deptnesse of hel let me not to depart frō thēse Nowe the dredeful day of donie approchet nygh the laste day is come y ● tyme of death is at hāde I haue nowe nothynge left me but my graue good Lorde forgiue me or euer I go to y e place of darknes Helpe me good lord or euer I go to the land of wretchednesse O redemer of mans soule succoure me or euer I departe Unbynde and lose me frō all my synnes or euer I come vnto death The brothers answere WElbeloued sister in Chryst Iesu I be seche God almyghtye to haue mercy vpon you and to forgiue you al your sinnes al your n●sdedes and to pardon you of your synnes all your misdedes to pardon you of all that euer ye haue done and frō hense forwarde do as ye shulde do Purpose stedfastly in your harte neuer to sinne more stablysh your mynde neuer to misdo neuer to returne vnto syn neuer to defile your selfe with synne agayne after penaunce retourne not agayne to vnthryftye liuyng He is not reputed nor taken as penitent but as a gester a discem let that renueth y t he hath done penaūce for nor he is not estemed to pray hūbly but rather to mocke w t god y ● renueth y ● thīge for the whiche he hath done penaūce for s I sodore sayeth that penaūce to be but as vayne the which afterwardes is defyled arayde w t syn for a renued woūd or sore can hardely be curyd agayne and he that synneth ofte and repent hym ofte shall scacely besaued Therfore be sted fast in doyng of penaūce and leaue not of the good lyfe ye haue begon for euerlastyng lyfe is promised to those that contynew in goodnesse and Dauyd sayeth Blessed be they that euermore kepe iugement and do iustyce it is wrytten That he that contynueth vntyll the ende shall be laued Honest virgyn I exhorte you to haue alwaies a shamfast coūtenaunce to be ashamed of your synnes whē ye remēbre thē Be a shamed to lift vp your eyes whē ye thynke vpō thē when ye walk hold downe your heed let your coūtenaūce be sorowfull Let your smock be made of here let the earth be your bed ye are but dust syt therfore in duste ye are but asshes therfore syt in asshes be euermore in heuines euermore sobbīg sythyng and hauyng remorse of cōscyence in hart cōpunctyon be alwayes wepyng mornyng be always redy to wepe The seruaūtes of god good syster in this worlde be they neuer so good shuld neuer be in suerte goddes seruaūtes shuld alwayes be watching and w t great lamētacyō many folde teares reduce theyr mysdedes to memory To y ● laud of Chryst it is wrytten in the Can tycles that his heyre is as hygh as is y ● palme trye as blacke as the crow By Chrystes heare is vnderstanded good faythful people y ● which kepyng in hart the holy fayth of y e trinite cleuige vnto god do y t they beleue as hāging vpō his hed do honour hī The palme tre growīge vpwardes of heyght doth betokē vyctory Christes heyre is lykened vnto apalme tre for good people moūtyng euermore ascēdyng to the height of vertue ar brought through goddꝭ grace to victory but yet they ar blacke as y e crow For not w tstādynge y t by vertu they do euermore ascēd towardes heuē yet they knowledge thē selfe to be siners So good syster notwithstādyng ye lyue well and serue god iustlye deuoutly yet I wold ye shuld neuer leaue wepyng Therfore yf ye wyll wasshe cleane awaye youre blacke spotted sinnes loue to be euer more mournyng wepyng let your teres be swete vnto you let wayling weping delyte you be as inclining and redy to wepe as ye were to do yll and as redy to do penaunce as ye were to faule A mans me dicyne must be minystred vnto hym after as his infirmite is Greate synne requireth moche waylyng great repentaunce Good syster I pray hym to comforte you and helpe you in this worlde the whiche the aungels do worshyp in heuen Of cōmunyon that is of the receyuing of the very body and blode of Christ the .xxviii. Chapiter WHo soeuer shall eate the breade
y ● hart is mās thought in his armes his labour So y ● welbeloued bryde grome is layde vpon your hart harmes as a sygne For by the good wyll operacyō of man it is soone knowen what loue the soule bereth to her bryde grome Chryst Iesus for the loue of god is neuer Idle yf it be true loue it doth many great workes Therfore good syster I pray you to loue god ꝑfytely that for his sake ye be neuer ydle yf ye loue god perfytely ye shal neuer be ydle yf ye loue god truely ye shall auoyde al ydlenes if ye loue god w t all your hart with all your mynde then for his sake ye shal laye asyde dyspyse al ydlenes the kingdome of heuen shal not be gyuen to those that are ydle but to those y ● be studius dyligēt ī goddꝭ seruice nor to no vacabūdes or erroniꝰ ꝑsōs but to those y ● for goddes sake do truli labour ī his seruyce They y ● are slouthful to do good workꝭ shal not be ꝑtakers of y ● kīgdome of heuen Lururiousnes bodely lust doth sone deceyue those y ● a● ydle great wāderers Luxuryousnes doth trouble hī very sore whō she fīdeth ydle carnal appetyte lust giueth place to worke to diligēce to labur occupatiō Amā may be diligēt labourouertred such wātō lustꝭ desyrꝭ for whē y ● body is wel traueled we ●yd with laboure it settethe not greatelye by suche tryfelynge matters Wherfore good syster beware and preuēt idlenes loue no idlenes werye youre bodye w t labour excercyse your bodye w t good workes inquyre euermore for some ꝓfytable worke y ● your intentyō mynde maye be occupied Let your good workes and your good intentyō be euermore in god ¶ Of lyfe actyue and cōtemplatyue the 〈◊〉 Chapiter I Acob sawe a lather standīge vpō the groūde angels ascēdyng descēding and the top of this lather touched heuē All those y ● are p̄destynate to be saued those that are in y ● way of saluacyon are set vpō this lather This lather doth sygnyfy y ● church aswel militāt as tryūphāt The milytant is y ● church of this worlde the tryūphant y ● celestiall church of heuē There is vpō this lather thre orders of men seculers actyues contēplatyues The seculers are in y e lowest degre the actyues in the hygher the contēplatiues in y ● highest of these thre orders sumare in y ● myll some in the felde some in theyr beddꝭ The myll is the seculer lyfe the felde is y ● wyll of y ● seculer mā In y ● felde are the preachers of y ● worde of of god In thebed is the loue of god they y ● are in y ● myll be they that cōpasse the world and that leke loue these worldly thingꝭ they y ● are in the felde are they y ● eare the lāde sow the worde of god amōge the people they are in theyr beddꝭ y ● vtterly dyspyse all worldly substaūce ryches at the fote of this lather stande they that are worldly In y ● middle part therof at they that are called acryues in the hygheste part therof are y e contēplatyues the which are very nye vnto heuen For they thīke vpō nothīg but y ● that is heuenly they that go vp downe this lather are the angels y e which ascēde vp to god by cōtēplacyō descēde to theyr neyghbour by cōpassyon lyfe actyue is y e inocēcy of good workes the cōtēplatyue lyfe is the imaginacyō speculacyō of celesty all thīges the actyue life is comon to many the contēplatyue to very fewe y e actyue lyfe vseth well all worldly thynges but the contēplatyue gyuen all to goddes seruyce doth lytle or nothyng regarde the worlde ¶ The sisters demaūde WElbeloued brother I praye you to open vnto me the differēces betwene the lyfe actyue and the contemplatyue The brothers answere DEre syster there is a greate dyfferēce betwene thē for the actiue is to giue hī brede y t is a hungerde to gyue wyse coūsayle to teache his neyghbours to reduce correct those that are in erroure to brige the proude to humylytye to accorde those y t are at debate to vysyte y ● sicke to very y ● dede to redeme poore prisoners to dispēce prouyde for euery mā as nede shal requyre ye haue hard y ● workes of lyfe actyue Nowe I pray you harkē to y ● workꝭ of lyfe cōtēplatyue This cōtēplatyue lyfe kepeth togither y ● chatyte of god mā is quyet frō all exteryor actyō hāgyng clenīg onely to goddꝭ desyre takīg no maner of plesure ī these wor●ly thynges but dispysyng them to come to the very syght fruy cyon of god and beyng very sory to remayne longe in this my serable worlde and ponderous bodye desyreth effectuouslye to come to the cōpanye of angels there to laude god w t hympnes and other spirytuall songes desyrynge also to be among the celesty all cytyzens of heuen and there in the syght of almyghtye god to re oyce in the eternal incorruptyon Nowe good syster ye haue hard both of the actyue and the cōtemplatyue lyfe and therfore I wolde that with Mary Magdalene ye chose the best parte that is the cōtemplaty us life y ● lyfe actyue is right good but the contēplatyue moch better he that can profyte ī the actyue shall the better come to the cōtēplatiue of this ye may take an example by Iacob the which loued Rachel intearely Rachel doth sygnyfye the contēplatyue lyfe Then they gaue him Lya the which doth sygnifye the actyue lyfe this actyue lyfe dothe serue god in great labour trauayle y ● is fedyng nourishyng receyuyng clothing vysytyng cōfortyng beryenge of y e pore w t many such workes of mercy and yet Lya is the secōde chyld for there are manye mo actyue people then contemplatyue but Rachell is as moche to say as a shepe or syeynge the begīnyng for contēplatyue persons are sīple as Innocent as shepe far frō all worldly tumult stryfe cleuyng onely to deuyne contēplatyō and that to come to his syght y ● sayth I that speake vnto you am the begīnyng This Rachel had two doughters for there are two maner of cōtēplatyues some there are y ● lyue ī comē other there are y ● are solytary seperated frō al other but lyfe contēplatyue is moch more perfyte then is the actyue lyfe And as y ● egle doth fycher eyes ī the son beames nor remoueth thē not but whē he taketh some sustenaūce so deuoute ꝑsons gyuē to cōtēplacyō at some times retourne frō cōtēplacyon to the actyue lyfe For not w tstādynge heuēly thīges are moch ꝓfytable yet these inferyor worldly thīges are so necessary y e we can not well be w tout thē In so moche y ● Christ speakīg vnto the