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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06551 The courte of sapyence; Curia sapientiæ. English Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? 1510 (1510) STC 17016; ESTC S100684 35,700 85

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seruytute Saue to conspyre with all vngentylnesse And of y e Iust maūdement made full Iust trāsgresse Wherfore of ryght me thynketh he must be deed Let be quod peas that is a cruell dede And with that worde peas came in to the place Whose persone was patron of portature Her rosy lyppes with chere full of grace Offred kyssynge vnto eche creature Phebus hymselfe with all his bemed cure May not be lyke the lyght of her vysage So pure perfyte was that heuenly ymage And on this wyse she gan her tonge affyle And sayd to trouth O ryght how may this mene Is your purpose peas for to exyle And to make mercy neuermore be sene And to ordeyne deth for to reygne as quene This wolde no more but for to depryue expresse My faders realme and his souerayne rychesse Syth euery realme that hath dyuysyon Within hymselfe must nedes be desolate And we ben foure for one conclusyon For to susteyne the realme and his estate Amonge vs foure why sholde than be debate And syth that lawe wyll rather lessen peyne That it extende let peas and mercy reygne My faders realme debate suffreth no whyle It is of rest and of tranquyllyte Bycause of whiche he wryteth in his style The prynce of peas the auctour of pyte Kynge of mercy and lorde of all bounte Thus nede of force must peas reygne preuayle Thefe stryfe and debate perysshe in all batayle The chefe auaunt and commendacyon Of this hyghe realme is for it is of pees Than wherto make ye dysputacyon Contraryous ben your debate and rees With stryfe I wyll not dwell withouten lees And yf debate me from this realme dysseuer The londe of peas destroyed is for euer But syth so is there is a trespasse done Vnto mercy let yelde the trespassour It is her offyce to redresse it soone For trespasse is to mercy a myrrour And ryght as swete hath his apryce by soure So by trespasse mercy hath all her myght Without trespasse mercy hath lacke of lyght What sholde be syke but yf that sykenes were What nedeth salue but yf there were a sore What nedeth drynke there thyrste hath no powere What sholde mercy but trespasse go before But trespasse by mercy were lytell store Without trespasse none execucyon May mercy haue ne yet perfeccyon But syster trouth ye may reygne as a pryncesse Without falshode and haue your soueraynte Without Iniure and so may ryghtwysenesse Eke without warre I peas may alwaye be But mercy kyndely hath no properte Withouten trespasse of whiche she hath her myght Ryght as the sonne the mone gyueth all theyr lyght Therfore I rede as for conclusyon That we obey mercy with one accorde And that we leue all our dyscencyon For lytell thynges as clerkes bere recorde With peas groweth grete thynge with dyscorde Wyteth awaye therfore let pacyfye Our lust to one and fall we to mercy Let be quod trouth to you I nyll assent No more wyll I ywys quod ryghtwysenes And with that worde trouth to her fader went And thus she sayd O grounde of stedfastnes O permanent O very trouth endeles Holde thy behest and supporte veryte For ryghtwysenes accordeth vnto me These wordes sayth ryghtwysenes kneleth doun And sayd fader syth it is myn offyce To gyue condygne remuneracyoun To euyll and good to eche vertue vyce And not to spare for prayer ne for pryce And I shall thy godhede gloryfye That trouth asketh I must nede Iustyfye The foresayd caas reseruynge in my mynde How soone thy seruaunt lust to the offende And how he was cruell fals and vnkynde To thy behest I must of ryght attende And nede of force to Iugement condescende Wherfore I gyue sentence dyffynytyue In fourme foresayd that payne to deth hym dryue Of this processe to haue the true entent I wyll thou wete quod sapyence to me This myghty kynge is god omnipotent In one god regnaunt and persones thre His sone is cryst his doughters in degre Ben vertues foure annexte to his godhede His seruaunt is olde Adam as I rede Retourne we now to our mater agayne All though darted with asper maladye Mercy fell downe she myght no lenger fayne As a swouned or in a lytergye Peas seynge that stode on extasye And at the last with pyteous voyce mylde She sayd alas peas is for aye exylde O mercy god for my syster mercy Lyenge in a swoune dyenge for lacke of brethe For trouth vntrue and vnryghtwysenes Ayenst vs hath gyuen sentence of dethe I wyll not rest but go thrugh holte hethe Exyled awaye retourne wyll I neuer Fare well fader fare well thy realme for euer Fare well mercy fare well thy pyteous grace So well awaye that vengeaunce shall preuayle Fare well the bemed lyght of heuens place Vnto mankynde thou mayst no more auayle The pure derkenes of hell the doeth assayle O lyght in vayne the clyppes hath the incluse Man was thy lorde now man is thy refuse O seraphyn gyue thyn armonye O cherubyn thy glory do awaye O ye trones let be all your melodye Your Ierarchye dysteyned is for aye Your maystres se in what arraye She lyeth in swoune and 〈…〉 with debate Fare well fare well poore housholde desolate O souerayne myghty domynacyons O vertues and ye potestates O pryncypates with all your heuenly sownes Archaungell aungell with thryes thre estates Your spouse dame peas ouerset is with debates Now may ye wepe and Ierarchyes thre Your ordres nyne may not restored be Fare well ye all dame mercy lyeth in swoun For sothefastnes accused hath mankynde And ryghtwysenes that sholde do all reasoun Hath dampned hym as cruell and vnkynde Mercy and peas for them no grace may fynde Notwithstandynge Iugement may haue no sute Bycause of peas but it be execute Woo worth debate that neuer may haue peas Woo worth penaunce that asketh no pyte Woo worth vengeaunce that mercy may not ceas Woo worth that Iugement that hath none equyte Woo worth that trouth that hath no charyte Woo worth that Iuge that may no gylte saue And woo worth ryght that may no fauour haue Fare well saturne Ioue mars phebus bryght Fare well venus and fare well mercurye Fare well thou shynynge lady of the nyght I was your guyde but now awaye goo I O cruell mars thy temrestes fury Now mayst thou shewe and Iupyter thyn Ire Now mayst thou rayne with dartes full of fyre I was the reyne that helde you all togyder I brydled you and set you in accorde But now I go ywys I wore neuer wheder Wherfore of force ye must fall to dyscorde O thou souerayne of all batayle the lorde Now mayst thou sende comete thy messengere To sygnefye that batayle nygheth nere Whan Flora rydeth and colde awaye is gone With Iupyter than mayst thou mete at lust And Iune in some sygne of the aquylone Engendre fyre and make herbes combust Enfecte the ayre and so togyder Iuste One with other hote colde moyst and drye
y e out of deedly syn̄e visitȳge of thy poore neyghboures accordynge them that ben at debate and suche other ¶ Worshyp thy fader and moder God thy fader holy chirche thy moder the ghoostly faders thy flesshely fader and moder all men of age worshyp and prelates of holy chirche ¶ Slee no man With honde smytynge with 〈◊〉 ●ac●ytynge harte cursynge ne wyllynge euyll ne vengeaunce ¶ Do no Lechery Here is forboden all spousebreke all flesshely dedes and all mysshe dynge of mannes sede ¶ Do no thefte Here is forboden stelynge wronge purchacynge desherytynge of heyres trecherye vsurye wronge amerse mentes false mesure and weyghtes suche other ¶ Bere no false wytnesse Here is forbodeu false lyenge bacbytynge accusynge appayrynge of good name and suche other ¶ Desyre not thy neyghbours wyfe In this is not onely forboden the dede but also the desyre and wyll of herte ¶ Desyre not thy neyghbours thynges House londe beest seruaunt ne nothynge that is his ¶ The seuen deedly synnes Pryde Herof cometh bostynge of proude berynge dysplesynge scornȳge hyghe herte gay array pryde of rychesse fayrnes connynge strengthe vertue goodnes pryde of kynne vnbuxomnes vayne glory dispyte of thy neyghbour ypocrysye and suche other Enuye Glad of thy neyghbours euyll fare heuy of his welfare bacbytynge sounynge of dyscorde scornynge and suche other Wrathe Fyghtynge chydynge hurtynge betynge waryenge cursynge grutchynge desyrynge of vengeaūce cruelnes manslaughter and suche other Couetyse Falsehode in wynnynge in byenge in sellynge in metynge in weyenge gyle trecherye sacrylege symony vsurye theft receyuynge of stolen goodes extorcyon wronge withholdynge withdrawynge of seruauntes hyre withholdynge of tethes dutees of holy chirche Glotonye Etynge or drȳge ouer moche to erly to late out of mesure brekynge of fast vsynge of delycate metes drȳkes or in vsynge them to strengthe thy body to synne and suche other Slouthe Therof cometh ydelnes delyte in slepe neclygence of thy byleue vnlusty to goddes seruyse forgetfulnes of shryfte my spendynge of tyme dyspayre wanhope suche other Lecherye In thought wyll werke syght felynge dede doynge with sengle with com●e wydowes maydens wyues Goshyppes god doughter relygyous or other out of wedlocke synne ayenst kynde or suche other The fyue wyttes Syght Herynge smellynge tastynge felynge ¶ The seuen dedes of mercy bodely Fede the hongry gyue drynke to the thursty clothe y naked Herberowe the houseles vysyte the syke delyuere the prosoners and burye the poore that ben deed ¶ The seuen dedes of mercy ghoostly Teche them that can not gyue good counseyll to hym that asketh it chastyse thy subgecte that offēdeth comforte the sory forgyue him that trespaceth to the haue ruthe on the synner and praye for thyn enemye ¶ The seuen pryncypall vertues Fayth This is grounde and begynge of our saluacyon and it standeth in thre thynges In the vnyte of the godhede in thre parsones In the manhode of cryst and in the sacramentes of the chirche Hope This is a trust by the mercy of god to be saued and it standeth in the grace of god and good werkes Charyte This is the ende and parfectyon of all the commaundementes of god and it standeth in the loue of god aboue all thynge and thy neyghbour as thy selfe Ryghtwysnes This is a payenge of dute of eche thynge y t it longeth to as to god praysynge and thankynge to thy neyghboure loue and charyte and to thy selfe besynes to fulfyll goddes wyll Wysedome That is a vertue to departe good fro euyll and it stondeth in the chesynge of good and in refusynge of euyll Strengthe This maketh a man myght● hardy to do grete thynges for the loue of god and it stondeth in suffrynge pacyently aduersyte and mekely takynge prosperyte Mesure This is a meane bytwene to moche and to lytell and it stondeth in takynge suffycyently that nedeth in refusynge vtterly y t is to moche or to lytell by these thyn ges shall eche man and woman knowe god These that folowen brynge a man to heuen Good 〈…〉 pacyence in aduersyte obedyence of the commaundementes of god ryghtwysenes in dedes penaūce in the lyfe contrycyon of synne knowlege of thy selfe and charyte These brynge one in to helle Desperacion wodenes in aduersyte vnryghtwysnes of dedes loue of synne malyce obstynacion in synnes Despyte of the cōmaundementes of god hate of good thynges and ignoraunce The fyue wyttes ghoostely Mynde of y e kyndenes of god and of thy last ende vnderstōdynge of his benefytes and of his lore wyll to worshyppe hym in thought worde and dede without ony werynes reason to rewle with thy wyttes bothe inwarde outwarde without ony blyndenesse ymagynacyon of vertuous lyuynge nedeful werkes and dredefull dedes of to ye and of payne ¶ Here endeth y e court of sapyence Enprynted at London in y e Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne by Wynkyn de Worde y e yere of our lorde a M. CCCCC x. wynkyn de word