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A04696 The exposicion of Daniel the prophete gathered oute of Philip Melanchton, Iohan Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane [and] out of Iohan Draconite. [et] c. By George Ioye. A prophecye diligently to be noted of al emprowrs [and] kinges in these laste dayes Joye, George, d. 1553.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560. 1545 (1545) STC 14823; ESTC S107905 217,068 490

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chap. ye haue sene how greuouse affliccions shuld come ouer the Iewes by Antiochus and their owne bishops in the thirde monarchie Now shall ye see what horrible calamities folowed in the. iiii and last Monarchie euen the most cruell destruccion that euer was of the Iewes what greuouse persecucions oure Anticrystes vnder this last monarchie shall excercyse to the ende of the worlde For in this last monarchie it was prophecied cryst to be borne and crucifyed whose death and persecucion both of his owne bodye of his members and of his allmighty sauinge worde because it is the most horrible blasphemye and greuousest cryme it requireth the most heuey plage and most mercilesse blodye destruccion Now therfore awake ye persewers of cryst and his worde lyft vp youre heuye headis repent be ye conuerted to god for the axe of his wrath is nowe bent at the tree rote the swerde is drawne and forth stretched to smyte downe the wyked persewers of his worde ☞ In the first yere of Darii the sone of Ahasueri borne out of the Medis raigning ouer the Chaldeis In the first yere I saye of his raigne I Daniel perceyued in the bokis the nowmber of the yeres now fulfylled of the which the lorde spake by Ieremie the prophete that Ierusalem shuld lye waast 70. yeres Wherfore I turned vnto my lorde god with my supplicacion and prayers vsing them in abstinence sak and asshes Cyrus kinge of the Persies and Darius the sone of Astyagis were the firste kinges of the seconde Monarchie called the Persians and Medis This Darius raigned but two yere with Cyrus and is not that Darius here mencioned the sone of Ahasueri Cyrus was called farre of to defende his costes from the Scithians there warring vi yeres and left his sone Cambyses to raigne in his stede at home in the lande of Persie Cyrus was slayne of the Scithians as wryteth Herodotus aftir whom his cruell sone Cambyses reigned skant one yere of this Darius that firste reigned with Cyrus there is mencion in dani 5. and. 6. For it was he that suffred Daniel to be casten to the lyons Aftir Cambyses death for that he was wyked and forbode the buylding of y e temple and returne of the Iewes which all his father Cyrus commanded the posterite of the kingis of the Medis was extinct Cambyses dyinge without yssewe Then the Magi which were the preistis did set vp one of their faccion to rule the empire but he was sone put downe and slayne Then was the seconde Darius chosen by the neinge of the horse which was called Darius Hystaspis of Metasthene called Priscus Artaxerxes and Ahassue●us which had to wyfe quene Esther bywhom he had this man called here Darius also tonamed Longimanus or Darius Hystaspis his sone Cyrus raigned xxii yeares Cambyses one yeare and Magi one yere Ahasuerus xx yere and thus haue ye 44. yeres from the ende of the captiuite and of the. 70. yeres mencioned in Ieremye to this firste yeare of Darius Longimane Ahasuerus sonne In the which daniel here prayeth remembring the. lxx yeres of Iere. For all this long whyle ceassed the building of the cyte and temple and miche peple of the Iewes remayned styll at Babylon and in Persie with Daniel Esdra and Neemia● the cause why the moste parte taryed yet styll dispersed amonge the gentils was for some had their substance among them some sawe that the worke at home was so forboden of Cambyses that it went not forthward and despeyered of the reedificacion therof and some did set naught by that goodly lande of Iuda but had rather pleasure in the idols of the gentyles then in the trewe religion of God many moo causes there were of their so long taryinge For it was as harde a returne from Babylon to Iudea as was from out of Egypte into the same lande lengere were they in returninge now ere they were all brought from Babylon For they returned here now some and then some as Cyrus permitted them the buyldinge beinge forboden and letted all these 44. yeres vnto y e second yere of thissame Darius Longimane so horribly hatethe god synne Wherfore daniel now seinge the lxx yeres of Ieremye past and also more then xl yeres to and yet the most part of the peple there taryinge styll and nether temple nor cyte of Ierusalem buylded he consydering the synnes of the peple to be the cause of this breache and delaye fyll to prayer as ye see him inflammed there vnto at the reading of Ie●emye calling now vpon god almighty and the most mercyfull father of Iesu Cryste oure delyuerer to be made certeiner not onely of the tyme of Ierusalem to be re●difyed and ●yen to be at laste vtterly destroyd but also of the tyme of the coming of cryst into flesshe which tyme to knowe so insily was geuen to no prophete so long before but onely to Daniel of the which example of Daniel to be folowed of all ministers of y e worde we maye lerne not onely by the readinge of the prophetis to aske consolacion but also by the example of the prophetis to aske to be delyuered from the curse of the lawe and to obteyne of god the promises in cryst What thinke ye daniel thus tourned to god and seking the lorde prayed to obteyne and to be putt from him Verely euen this that ye see folowinge in his prayer wherin ye maye see howe he vsed the difference of the lawe and gospell But let vs heare Daniel prayinge ☞ In making my prayer vnto the lorde my God I confessed my self sayinge I beseche the oh lorde god greate and to be feared kepinge couenant and mercye with them that loue the and obserue thy preceptis heare me We be synners and haue offended we haue done vngodly and are fallen from thy commandement and gone bake from thy lawes We haue not heard thy seruāts the prophets which in thy name taught and spake to oure kinges to oure rulers to oure fathers and to all the peple of the lande With the oh lorde is rightwysnes but shame is now vnto vs as thou seist it euen to vs the Iewes cytisens of Ierusalem Israelits nyghe and farre of dispersed and scatered of the into all the nacions for these synnes which we haue committed ayenst the. Oh god ours is the shame euen the shame of oure owne kinges of oure rulers and of oure fathers because both we and they haue synned ayenst the. But it is thy propertie oh lorde bothe to haue mercye and to forgeue vs for we haue forsaken the we haue not obeyed the voyce of oure lorde god to lyue aftir his lawe setforth before vs by his seruants the prophetes For all Israel hath transgressed thy lawe yea and hath fallen bak from the the● haue not obeyed thy voyce Because we haue thus synned lo the curse and othe wryten in the lawe of Moses thy seruāt are powred forth
sight haue I done that thou shuldst be fownde trw in thy promises and ouer come whē thou art iuged that is to saye I knowlege myself to be not els but a sin ner and giltie in thy sight vt iustificeris that is In thus confessing myself I preise and declare thy iust punisshment also thy victory whyles peruerse ypocrites iuge the oh lorde to be to roughe and rigourose ayenst this owrsinfull nature accusing and condēpning thy iuste iugemēts for that thei cannot submitt themselues worthy to suffer thy hande aknowleging themselues worthely punisshed And here is the grinning anger preuey poison in menis hertis ere thei can confesse god iustly to plage them fortheir sinnes and so confesse their sinnes to him and humbly aske forgeuenes as ye may see in the 3. verse of the. 32. Psal. dauid saing whyles I now helde my tongue and woldnot confesse my secrete sinnes there tormented me greuouse vexacion euen in my bones with continuall out roring For daye and night thy hand ley so heuey vpon me pressing me down that my moistnes was turned into the somer drynes And therfore Paul oft inculketh these two wordis God to be declared iuste and also iustifying that we might prayse him whylis he iustely punissheth vs and then not ascribing to ourselues any parte of our rightwyse making but beleue that god is the onely iustifier that is oureselues then to be pronownced iustifyed when god hath me●●y on vs and forgeueth our sinnes It is sone said God is iuste and iustifying but out of the botome of our hertes paciently with teares to aknowlege the gretenes of our sinnes and to fele ourselues iustly punisshed for them and so humbly to aske forgeuenes for onely crystis sake is sampsons worke and hercules labor Necessary it is this doctrine of repentāce and contricion to be ofte and continually preched to y t chirches that thei might trwly aknolege their sinnes to God and for their sinnes verely know it all these calamities affliccions warre and plages to be powerd forth vpon them As Ieremie saith 5. Owr sinnes haue thrust all goodnes from vs. And that in so doinge our lorde god declareth himself iuste rightwise in all his workis and is not the autor of euil though thei apere euill to owe sinfull nature euil iuging of god whiche will haue the victory when he is thus iuged But fayth must be the companion of this cōtricion and setfast holde vpon the promises As here daniel not onely saith with the oh sorde there is iust dealinge rightwysnes in punisshinge but he addeth also with the is ther mercy and forgeuenes by which so ofte repeted he play nely excludeth oure owne meryts addinge not in oure rightwysnes and iuste lyuing do we aske it of y t but for thy great mercyes sake and for thy nowne anoynted crystis sake Let vs therfore vse these prayers and exercise these doctrynes vnto the which both the publyke and priuate calamities shulde excite vs. And namely now when the chirche of cryst is no lesse persecuted then it was in the Babylony●●● exylie Wherfore this prayer ought now in the congregacions to be as effectuously and as feruently sunge and sayd for the chirches as did daniel in his lyke troublose dayes And whylis I was speking in my prayer and confessinge myn owne synnes and the synnes of my peple Israel and layinge forth my supplicacion before the lorde my god for the holy hyll of my god whylis I was I saye yet in prayinge the man Gabriel whom afore I had sene in my vision came swystly fleinge vnto me and touched me aboute the eueninge oblacion tyme teaching me and speking with me saing Daniel now am I comen forth to geue y e knowleg Nethelesse assone as thou beganest to praye thy prayers were graunted fermely but I am come to tell it the because thou art so desyerouse to knowne these thinges that thou moughtst in very dede by expresse worde knowe it and vnderstande the vision Here must ye returne to the vision of daniel in the later ende of the. 8. chap. cōcerninge Anticryst wherof Daniel was more troubled then certifyed which vision was tolde him to come to passe aftir a long tyme and was boden to close vp the vision but so that this vision was euer in his mynde studeinge therof desyering to knowe it more clerely therfore the aungell calleth him here y e man of desyers or couetinge to knowe these thinges in his dayly prayers but now at last he seing that the. lxx yeres of their captiuite were past and more then xl yeres also ouergone he prayed most effectuously and feruently with expresse wordis as ye haue sene it Wherfore y e aungell Gabriel is come to him to teache him more clerely of the vision By this Daniels prayer and confession we ought to lerne how studiouse and sorowfull we shuld be for other mens afflicciōs euen as for oure ●●● It is therfore a great offence not to be moued with pitie at the plages of the peple comitted to thy cure and not to pray for them which I confirme with y e example of Samuel saying Far fro me be this synne that I shuld ceasse to pray god for you and to teache you the righte waye Also in that the aungell came so swiftly and touched him spekinge with him so familiarely it is shewed vs the aungels to be the seruants and ministers to the chosen at all tymes redye to standby teche the prechers and techers of the worde in thinges concernynge oure helthe and saluacion Also of the aungels wordis saynge Thy peticion was graunted ere thou beganest to praye we be taught that before we begyne to praye oure peticions to be hearde in heuen the lorde sayinge Before they shall calle vpon me I shall answere them whylis yet they be spekinge I will heare them Also as Daniels example inflammeth vs to praye to God and to beleue oure prayers to be hearde before they be ended euen so doth Gabriels example counforte vs to beleue aungels to be present w t be praying and to fight for vs alwayes ayenst the ga tis of hell But Gabriel exciteth daniel to be attent that he might in very dede in expresse wordes vnderstand the vision Wherfore let vs heare Gabriel declaring playnly y t tyme of crystis coming his death oure redempcion the ceassing of the Iewes ceremonies the prechinge of the gospell the takinge awaye of y e synnes and vtter fall of the Iewes comon we all And here is to be noted that when the peple in captiuite thought all the prophecies of cryst to be frustrate and themselues almost in despayer then god of his mercye conforted them with this assewered promise of Messias to come saying ☞ Lxx. hebdomades ther be prefixed and apointed for thy peple and forthy holy cytie and then shall synnes be consumed sealed vp and ●ouered and iniquite purged and the
of the Maccabes w c were their bisshops and preistis So that euermore shal the new stormes ouerwhel me the chirche And albeit y e present state of our chirche apere yet to be tollerable al thoughe she wanteth not hir trouble and present persecucions yet with in these fe we yeres there shal an heat be kindled in princes hertis and so ●y litle litle the succession of the tymes shal after the prin ces mindes yea and euen the myndes of the lerned shal be changed and all bothe the seculare and ecclesiastik sorte shal be distracted from the trwthe vnto reuenginge one another with warre And then shall ther be an harder seruitute of the chirche and false doctrines shall folowe This was verified the laste and this ye re when the keisar did set forth his wiked precepts and 32. articles of the Doctors of Louayne But let vs obey the comandement of god not doutinge himself to gouern our iournei and course vnto the ende and his wrath to be apeaced And if men go forth in their mischeif persecutinge his worde and chirche there abideth them a● heuey miserable destruccion as did fall vpon y e iewes But this one thinge dare I promi se our superciliose arrogant Ariopagites that so longe ●s thei thus persecute and thinke therby to haue their kingdom ayen in tranquilite and peace and so longe as thei suffer not the gospel to be preched fore fear of commocion but thus violently suppresse it that god shall plage them all cristendom with perpetuall batail famyn and p●●●elence wherof there shall fo lowe mutaciōs of imperies and realmes grete changes of euery estate a●d degree There arose in grece batail amonge thēselues wherby their cheif cities were almost vtterly destroid as platea Corcyra Athens Sparta It was their apoynted plage of god for their wiked vngodlynes idolatry ●echerie And the heuier grenoser was their plage because thei had not gods gospell to counfort them and to delyuer the beleuers For it is the moste great benefit of Gods mercie to kindleforth the light of the gospell when siche heuei mutacions and destrucciōs drawe nighe as many ensamples haue shewed it and euen nowe doutlese there hange ouer all realmes crystened great and soden heuey changes Wherfore that some congregacions might be sustained conforted with the trwe knowledge and very inuocacion and their heuines mitigated god hathe sent vs his gospell as the most present helpe and consolacion in the mid des of these miserable mutacions which if we repell so caste we from vs our coun forte It was not the gospell that brought the turke I speke of present examples into hongarie Oestenrik Nether was it gods worde that brought the englishmen into Scotland and into France It was not the gospel that brought Martin van Rosse before Anwerpe and to spoile a great parte of Brabant it was not the gospell that drowned Rome and selonde It was not the gospell that brought the emprowr into so many euill chaunces in his warres aftir he fled from y e counsels and dyd no good but dissembled with the Germans It is not the gospell that maketh this vniuersall derthe of vitaill of all thinges It is not y e gospell that shall bring in the Turk vpon vs. It is not the Gospell that nowe plageth all realmes with warre It is not the gospell that casteth downe abbeis and bisshopryks bringing them into this obprobrious obloquie and cōtumelie It is not the gospell that committeth the crysten princes to gyther one to destroye other But it is the very violent denyinge and thrustinge awaye and persecucion therof and of the trewe prechers It is their fyerce madnes in idolatrie and their making of newe articles with all youre other synfulnes and abominacions that hath and shall dayly plage all crystendom What I pray you profited it Hungarie the sage counsels of their bisshopes and preistes with their impes to commāde the gospell not to be there preched nor receyued for feare of commocion and dissension and then we beinge at discorde sayd they emonge oure selues a greate occasion is geuen to the Turke to inuade the londe And as this was their policie to auoyde the Turke yea rather to bring him in vpon them in dede euen so vse and practise oure emprour kinges bishops now the same wyse policie lo vnto this daye But as it came to the Hungarions and to other realmes euen so let the reste loke for lyke mutacions and worthei plages Men ignorant of the gospell what counfort what helpe delyuerance haue thei in siche anxts verely non at all but by their humane policie thei thinke to be salfe Sed vana salus hominis but vayn is the helpe and helth loked for by manis policie sayth the lorde It is therfore the lyght of the gospell that bringeth consolacion in these afflicciōs vnto godly men which though theise themselues to be op pressed with the most heuye seruitute yet be they assewered not to be vtterly destroyd which by their prayers in fayth mitigate these plages and put the per●ll from the beleuers for so greate and present is their helpe as is their fayth constant And therfore do y e superciliose hygh lokes of oure papistis erre farre out of the waye thei be deceyued and thei deceyue other if they thinke their owne wittes opinions counsels and policies to be the infallible destined tables and that allthinges muste so come to passe as they haue decrede and that from their set pur posed counsels and decrees not god himself maye sw●rue But herken o ye foles what the spirit of trewth telleth you sayinge Because this peple draweth nyghe me with their lyppes and with their mou thes speke miche worship by me their her tis being so farre fro me and because the worship that they shulde geue me they geue it me aftir their owne deuise and aftir the doctryne precepts of men therfore behold I meself shall do to this peple a thinge to be wondred at aboue mesure I shall destroye the wysdom of their wyse men the vnderstandinge and forcasts of their men of moste actiuite policie shall haue a fall Wo be to them that so depely drowne themselues in their owne policie that they thinke to hyde their thoughts and counsels from the lorde c. To whom speketh God here not to oure papistis thinke ye We see it and know it spoken vnto them as oure present dayly examples teche vs. Wherfore we render vnto God the eternall father of oure delyuerer Iesu Cryst hyghe and immortall thankis for that he hath ayen kindled to vs the lyght of his gospell Wherfore let vs praye to god in fayth and in innocēcye of lyuinge and be not afrayd of the false iugemēts and falser perswasions of these preistis of Baal Let vs enbra●e the gospell loue and reuerence the very trewe chirche let vs knowe the godly not to be called