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A02882 Domestycal or housholde sermons for a godly housholder, to his children and famyly, compiled by the godlye learned man Christopher Hegendorffyne, doctor, moste necessarye for all faythfull housholders: nowe fyrste translated oute of laten into Englysshe: by Henry Reiginalde.; Conciones aliquot domesticae. Part 1. English Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540.; Reginald, Henryfl. 1548-1549. 1548 (1548) STC 13021; ESTC S109407 32,801 94

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I beleue god beholde heare Gregorie Nazyanzene which in his fyrste boke of the worde of god writeth to beleue in any thing doth properly perteyn vnto the godhead To beleue therfore in god is to beleue and to haue asure confidence in his deuine substaunce and euerlastynge substaunce which hath neyther begynyng nor endynge And god is the name of y e deuine maiesty And for that that we do say more ouer in our beliefe that we do beleue not onelye in god but in god the father it is the beclaration of a greate fayth for he that doth beleue god to be the father to hym is promysed al thyng of god and loketh for all thynge of god for yf the sonne hath a confydence that he shall obteyne all thynge of his yearthly father how mothe more ought we to haue a confydence that we shall obteine all thynges of god the father for why as Christe sayth hym selfe if you which be euyll can gyue your Chyldren good gyftes how moch more royll the father of heauen gyue yf ye shal aske of hym Matthew the 6. Chapter What meaneth this that a christyan man saythe I beleue in god the father almightie Truly nothynge else then I beleue in God and also in god the father which can do all thynge that he wyll to whome there is nothynge impossible And it folweth the maker of heauen and yearth that is to saye I beleue in god whiche hath create heauen and yearthe and all thynge which eyther is sene in heauē or in earth whiche be the sonne the Moone the sterres innumerable the Cloudes the foules the fysshes and all kynde of beastes And god y e father hath not brought fourthe the yearthe naked but garnysshed it with greate varyetie of all thynges corne flowers grasse and with dyuerse kyndes of beastes And we ought not to thynke that god hath onely once created all these thynges with the word for he sayde and they were made whiche we see as well in heauen as in earth and so leaue in creatyng of thynges but we ought to prynte this in our remembraunce that yet God dothe create all thynges in euery momente of the whyche we haue neade of in thys presente lyfe for Christ sayth Ihon the 5. Chapter my father dothe worke euen at thys tyme I also And the C. lxiiij Psalm Thou openynge thy hande all be fulfylled wyth plentyfulnes And god dothe not create as yet soomoche but yet for all that all those thynges whiche haue bene create frome the begynnynge he doth dayly encreace w t hys power yea and also kepe with hys worde and is presente wyth all thynges that be created for so god makethe the pearthe frutefull sendynge rayne frome heauen and kepeth the frutefulnes therof leaste those whiche it bryngeth forth shoulde perysshe wyth anye tempestes but that it shoulde retourne to our vse for that thynge that I saye of the earth I wyll to be spoken also of other thynges Wherefore Saincte Paul saithe to the Collossians the 3. Chapter All thynges stande by hym and in the 2. Chapter Also to the Ephesians the first chap. he doth after the counsels of his wyll Mat. the 10. Two sparowes be soulde for a farthynge and one of them falleth not upon the earth witout the heauenly father But this article in his kinde doth require this thinge that we should beleue in god the father nowe if euerye man will examine him selfe he shal perceiue in hym selfe also many good thynges that be priuate for he shal perceyue that he is a man indewed with reason healthful in his body to haue the power to giue and to receiue and to florisshe in the quickenes of his mēbres can go hither and thither hath a perfecte sighte can heare very wel to get his lyuing But who can reherse those benefites whiche florissheth often tymes in one maner I pray the from whence do they come forsooth euen from God which hath created by his almyghtifulnesse al these thinges and daily doth create and kepeth those that be created and gyueth al thinges Therefore to beleue in God the father is to perswade with his herte that al which thou haste thou hast them of god The firste Epistle to the Corinthians the 5. Chapt. And that god hath for thy cause created al thinges whiche either be in heauen or earth and dailye doth create And thou canst not content thy selfe with these thinges but he also gentely deliuereth the frō al euils And doth adioine vnto the his holy Aungels that they may fight for the againste the assaultes of the deuill And he dothe all these thinges for bicause he is thy father by his onely goodnes and mercie and of none of thy deseruinges And thoumaist thinke to thy selfe that thou shalt haue of him all thinges seing y t he is almightie And thou causte wisshe nothinge or thinke any thinge but straight way if it pleaseth him he may graunt it the. Let vs be thankefull welbeloued chylbren vnto god the father for hys greate goodnesse and mercye towardes vs myserable synners And let vs neuer more dispayer but when we haue so heauenlye a father both gentell mercyfull and allmyghtye which will graunte to all those that doo aske of him aboundauntlye all thynges whiche they shall haue nede of for ye know y t wordes of Christ which I rehersed a lytle before Mathew the 6. chapter if you therfore seyng that ye be euyl do knowe to giue to your chyldrē good gyftes how moch more youre father which is in heauen shal gyue yf youe aske of him So be it The Seconde housholde sermon of the beliefe YE haue harde now welbeloued chyldren what god the father is what we ought to beleue of him the voice that he sente from heauen do declare Now seyng that Ihon in his first epistle the 2. chapter sayth who so euer denieth the sonne he hath not the father And in y e last chapter who so euer hath y e sonne hath lyfe who so euer hath not the sonne of god hath not lyfe furtheremore ye ought to knowe what is y e sonne of god and what we shulde beleue of him ther fore it foloweth I beleue in Iesu Christ the onely sonne of god when I saye I beleue I do not sygnifye onelye that I beleue that Christ is the sonne of god Mathew the 8. chapter for that the denyls of hell do beleue saynte Iames y e 2. Chapter But this I will it to signify that I haue the sonne of god and that those thynges which be spoken of the son of god be turned into y e commoditie vtilite of my doyng and euerie priuate mans for whye This is my very fayth in Iesus Christ which iustifieth a man Those things which truely be spoken of Christ y t he is Iesus for why he maketh safe his people frō their sinnes Matth. y e 1. Chater And that he is Christ y t is the anoynted of god y t is the Kyng Prist kyng truely for y t vnto hym is gyuen al power both in heauen in earth Mat. the last chapter and y t he is the Pryst for y e he offered him self for our synnes He brues the 6. chapter And for y t he doth make intersession for vs vntoo y e father Romayns y e 7. Chap. And besydes those do I beleue y t the same Iesus Christ is y e sonne of god truely y e onely son For whye one Christ is the onely naturall sonne of god w t out begynnyng gotten of the father as well euerlasting almightie as god the father furthermore that Christe is y e verie and euerlastinge Son of god and very god w t veri god the father as many other places of holy scripture as this which is in the first Epistle of S. Paul to y e corinthians y t 10. Chap. do wel declare And these be y e wordes of S. Paul Let vs not tempte Criste as in lyke case some of thē did tempt hym they were kylled of Serpentes Now Moises y e 4. boke y e 14. Chap. saith The lord saith Al those which haue tempted me now ten times haue not obeied vnto my voice thei shal not see y e lande c. Where y e voice of the lord or y e Lorde of al creatures is put which voice doth agree is attributed to y e only euerlasting on● ▪ and very god Where also Moyses sayth The lord of al creatures that is to sey he calleth him very God the people haue tēpted me x. tymes bye by Paul declareth who was y t god which y e people did tēpt he declareth y t it was christ whiche verylie was not yet at y t tyme borne of y e virgin Mary Wherefore it was truely spoken y t Christ was that mā of whō Moyses spake y t he was truely God become both Christ y e Son of god w t out beginnyng borne of y e father yet sōe what destinct frō y e father but of this thing we haue sufficiently declared to you Prynted at Ippiswich by Ihon Osivē Cum priuilegio ad Imprimendum solum The rest of the sermons shalbe printed shortlye
day our father sayd that it was added for this purpose after the mynde of S. Cypryan that whosoeuer wyll be y e Discyple of Christe after the voyce of hys mayster he muste forsake all thynges and aske hys dayly meate and not be longe in askynge of his petition the selfe same lorde shewyng the same whiche sayde in the 6. Chapter of Matthe Be not thoughtfull for to morow saying what shall we eate and what shall we drynke and with what shall we be clothed after these thynges do the gentyls inquire alsoo your heauenly father doth know that ye haue nede of al these thynges Ierom. Gentle brother howe doste thou vnderstand these wordes and forgyue vs our trespaces as we forgiue the that trespace agaynst vs. Doth not god therfore forgyue vs our trespaces for that we do forgyue them that trespase agaynst vs Christo My welbeloued Ierome this did our father saye as perchaunce thou doste remembre these wordes ought to be playnely taken yf our faultes shoulde trouble our conscyence that we in thys thynge oughte to know as by a sure signe and token that our trespaces be forgyuen vs of God yf we shall forgyue to our neyghboure his trespaces in the whiche he hath offended vs for why so sayth Christe in y e 6. Chapt. of Matth. Yf you forgyue vn to men their faultes your heauenly father shall forgyue you And yf you doo not forgyue vnto mē their faultes your heauenly father wyll not forgyue vnto you youre faultes Iero. Alas what a greuouse thynge is it to forgyue oure neyghboure his faultes whiche hathe hurte vs by many kynde of wayes Ch. Surely it is a greuouse thynge as thou sayest brother but they be greater faultes which god doth forgyue vs. Ierom. There foloweth except I am disceiued and brynge vs not into temptation Do we in this place desyre to be delyuered from all kynde of temptation Christop We doo notte praye heere that we shoulde not be tempted but that wee shoulde not be led into temptation that is to saye that we shoulde not be ouercome with temptation Iero. Of what enemyes be we chiefly-tempted Christ Of three enemyes the worlde the fleshe and the deuyll Iero. How be we tempted of the worlde Christ When we see that other men do excell vs eyther in ryches learnyng or else in other thynges and do dispyte or enuye theyr good fortune or learnyng or other thynges that happely chaunce vnto them Iero. And how be we tempted of the deuyll Chr. When the great abundaunce of our synnes be set before our eyes and be inticed to desperation and we are compelled to caste awaye the hope of goddes mercie Furthermore when we are stirred too murder to be a parricide or kyller of our kindred or to commit anie suche abhominable crimes Ierome And howe be we tempted of our fleshe Christ When we be tysed vnto luste aduoutry deflourynge of Oyrgyns with such other lyke synnes the deuyll beyng our good guide and pryncypall maister Iero. Doste thou beleue that by thys prayinge we shall be delyuered from all these euylles and temptations Christo Yea surelye we shall be delyuered so often as these wordes be brought fourth with a liuely fayth from the inwarde bottome of our herre Ierom. Now remayneth the last petition but delyuer vs from euyll Ch. It remeyneth euen in dede and our father thought that this petitiō was chiefly agaynst the deuyll which both farre and nere goth aboute to deuoure vs so that he confyrmed it wyth these argumentes for that it doth partely signyfye in the greake worde apo tou ponyrou that is to saye frome euyll partely for y t y t deuill is called by S. Paul to y e Ephesians the last Chapter euyll our father sayde that in this prayer there was many thynges to be asked after this fation that god wolde delyuer vs frō al euyls that is to saye frome all perylles and myschaunces which should eyther hinder body or soule and so thys word euyll muste be referred to the thynge and not to the person Ie. Wherfore do we put vnto Amen and what maner of language is it Christo Euen as I shall make vnto the an answere vnto the very effect this worde amen is an hebrew worde and in englysshe it signyfieth so be it And our father sayde that it was expounded of one Aquila for faithfully And of Saynct Ierome it is called the seale of the lordes prayer Therfor thys worde truelye was addid vnto this prayer that we shoulde not doubte but that our prayers were herde of God and so to departe hauing that which we asked of hym And for this cause we say so be it as though we shoulde saye Truely o lorde O heauenlye father we are sure y u haste hearde vs we are sure thou wylte graunt and gyue those thynges whych we haue desyred of the beholde nowe thou hast my welbeloued Ierom those thynges which partely I haue in remēbraunce and partely I haue wryten by the redynge of our father and also by y e preachinges of our congregation of the lordes prayer prayinge the that these thinges whiche I haue saide that thou woldest dilygently call them often to remembraunce and praie with me to god daily then the which thinge we can do nothinge more acceptable vnto Christe yea and also we can not deuyse wyth al our studyes a thynge that is so profytable vnto all congregations Ierom. my welbeloued Christopher I gyue the her tye thankes for thys thy greate labour and I will not be neglygent in remembrynge my deutye towardes the God sendynge me his ayde and helpe I shal vehemently indeuour my self that among my often praiers vnto my onely sauyour aucthor and leader Christ I will not be neglygente in the rest praises be vnto our lord Iesu Christ and sauyour so be it ✚ The fyrste houshold sermon vnto their chyldren famylie WElbeloued chyldrē Saynt Paule yea God the holye ghoste which speaketh by Paul in hys Epistle to y e Ephesians the 6. Chapter Teacheth fathers how they shuld both intreat their chyldren and instructe thē for thus he saythe Fathers be not wyllinge to prouoke your children to angre but brynge them vp in the doctryne and cortection of the lorde Wherefore for that I muste obey god the holye ghoste which speketh by Paul I haue decreed althoughe it shall be but rudely and of a grosse wytte to open and declare vnto you the ten commaundementes In y e whiche both all those thynges whyche god doth requyre of vs yea also those whiche belonge vnto our neyghboure be comprehended in a cōpendious some Wherefore I earnestlye beseche you y t you wyll gyue me a dylygente eare Ye shall not heare of me any thynge inuented of man but those thynges whyche the deuyne maiesty by his unspeakable goodnes towardes vs dyd drawe forth oute of the holy bosome of hys breste But here perchaunce some wold thynk these thynges what apperteyne to us Christians the ten commaundementes