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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A80399 Mris. Cooke's Meditations, being an humble thanksgiving to her Heavenly Father, for granting her a new life, having conclnded [sic] her selfe dead, and her grave made in the bottome of the sea, in that great storme. Jan. the 5th. 1649. / Composed by her selfe at her unexpected safe arrivall at Corcke. Cooke, Frances, fl. 1649. 1650 (1650) Wing C6008; Thomason E600_9; ESTC R206391 13,171 16

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preserved by the immediate wonderfull hand of God praise him Ye for whose sakes he rebuked the Sea and made the proud waves calme and hath set your feet upon dry ground declare that God is a present help in time of trouble Psal 46.1 verse and tell his goodnesse to the sons of men The Lord would not have his people to forget his mercies but he puts them in mind of deliverances How often doth he tell us in Scripture that he is our God and that he brought us out of the Land of Egypt and that with his holy Arme he hath wrought salvation for his chosen Ingratitude is a very great sin because it is a breach of the Commandements of God you shall glorify me saith he when I deliver you and I will be praised by them that dwell upon the earth The Lord Commands and requires his people to be thankfull for mercies and he takes it very unkindly when they will not so much as returne thanks 50. Ps 8. The Lord cares not for burnt-offering and sacrifices nor cattell upon a thousand hills nor for all the fowles of the mountaines nor the beasts of the fields but saith he gather my Saints together unto me 5. v. those that have made a Covenant with me And what doth God require of his Saints when they so assemble together to remember such mercies but prayse and thanksgiving and specially to pay their vowes unto the most high verse 14 Yet many of Gods people are very backward in duty of thanksgiving and that we see by the Lords oft putting them in mind to pay their vowes and to performe their Covenant which they make with him in the day of their affliction The Lord knowes very well when his people most frequent him as he saith Hosea 5.15 verse In their affliction they will seeke me early but in the day of their prosperity they forget their maker Hosea 8.14 So that the Lord complaines that he knowes not what to do with these people He findes such ebbings and flowings in their unconstant affections that he compares them to the clouds Hosea 6.4 Oh Efraim what shall I do unto thee oh Judah what shall I do unto thee for your righteousness is as the morning cloud and as the early dew it goeth away I am confident that there is not one that was in this storme of tryall as I may so call it o● a storm wherein we might sound our hearts have the bottom of the inward vitalls discovered to our selves especially such as feared the Lord and have had former acquaintance with him by way of communion through his Son but did solemnly enter into a Covenant with God and made vowes unto the most high in the great storme that if he should come and ransome them now when they were almost sinking from the power of the grave which to all apprehensions was prepared in the seas and redeeme them from the jawes of death which then presented it selfe most dreadfull and save their lives when they saw no way to escape death That they would give up themselves wholly unto the Lord all the dayes of their lives and study how to live answerable to so great a mercy and that they woul live as refined ones whom God hath pluckt out of the fire and out of the water and if they knew any way more pure or holy then other wherein they might glorify God advance his praise they would do it and that they would not value the world nor men of the world but that they would live like those whose hearts God hath melted downe and overcome with loving kindness and mercyes preservations and deliverances a heart that God hath melted downe with a sensibleness of his spirituall and temporall deliverances will be saying Lord what wilt thou have me to do Loe I come to do thy will oh God I am ready not only to be bound but also to dye for the name of Jesus Therefore let me speake a word to them to whom God hath given new I ves and it may be hath added some yeares to these renewed lives give me leave to put you in minde to remember your vowes all the dayes of your lives and live by faith and not by sense Job would not reject the counsell of his servant and therefore I shall present some Scriptures to your considerations Jonah 1.16 we may observe there that when men are in stormes and distresses then they make vowes unto God as you may see in the 16. verse then the men feared the Lord exceedingly and offered sacrifice unto the Lord and made vowes David said in Psal 61.8 verse I will prayse the Name of the Lord forever that I may daily performe my vowes Psal 116.17 verse I will offer unto the Lord the sacrifice of thanksgiving I will pay my vowes unto the Lord in the presence of all his people When thou vowest unto the Lord deferre not to pay it Eccles 5.4 v. Job 22.27 verse Thou shalt make thy prayer unto the Lord and he shall heare thee and thou shalt pay thy vowes Numb 30.2 verse If a man vow a vow unto the Lord or sweare an oath to bind his soule with a bond he shall not breake his word but he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth Deut. 23.21 When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God thou shalt not slack to pay it for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee and it would be sin in thee God hath granted me the thing I prayed for although he did not evidence to my heart then that it should be granted but he calmed and contented my heart by giving me a quiet rest of spirit to submit to my Fathers good wil pleasure that living or dying it should goe well with me and that I was not my owne but bought with a price 1 Cor. 6.20 and therefore must glorifie God both in my body and soule which are his The Lord comes to the quick and puts me to the tryall that I might know what temper I was made of and what was in my owne heart whether I had improved my talent and what stock of grace I had gained to support at such a time of need and if I had a spirit that durst encounter with death let him appeare never so terrible and in this trying condition the Lord kept me under water as I may say and expostulated the case with me and put questions to my soule and pleaded with me about life and death I mean onely this temporall death for I blesse God I know that my Redeemer lives all the time of the storme the Lord did sweetly smile upon my soule and I found a strong sensiblenesse of his love and favourable presence in supporting my faith to believe and in giving me assurance of my eternall salvation thorough Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour But concerning the being delivered from the power of the waves the rage of the sea and the danger
M ris COOKES MEDITATIONS Being an humble thanksgiving to her HEAVENLY FATHER For granting her a new life having concluded her selfe dead and her grave made in the bottome of the Sea in that great storme Jan. the 5th 1649. Composed by her selfe at her unexpected safe Arrivall at CORCKE CORKE Printed And reprinted at London by C. S. and are to be sold by Thomas Brewster and Gregory Mould at the three Bibles at the West-end of Pauls M ris COOKES MEDITATIONS BEING An humble thanksgiving to her Heavenly Father for granting her a new life having concluded her selfe dead and her grave made in the bottome of the Sea HAving solemnly promised to the most high God in the grea● storme that if his Majesty would be pleased to prolong my dayes and deliver me from so great a danger I would studie to prayse and glorifie his Name all the dayes of my life and call upon others that were in the storme so to doe if I shall neglect so to do these broken Meditations may be an evidence against me written suddenly after my comming to Corke Psal 118.17 verse I shall not dye but live and declare the works of the Lord 66. Psal 16. Come and heare all yee that feare God and I will declare what he hath done for my soule 19. verse I cryed unto him with my mouth and he was extolled with my tongue Psal 56.12 thy vowes are upon me oh God! I will render prayse unto thee for thou hast made a path in the great waters for thy redeemed to passe through and hast brought thy ransomed ones safe to land therefore blesse the Lord oh my soule and forget not such mercies who hast forgiven all mine iniquities and saved my life from so great a danger oh that I could spend this new life wholly in thy service and that I might live to the prayse and glory of his grace wherein he hath made me accepted in his beloved Eph. 2.6 v. Landing in Kinsale I said am I alive or dead Doth not the ground mov● under mee I have been dying all this storme and I cannot tell whether I am yet alive I finding my body much out of frame and my heart fainting having been ten dayes at sea without eating but the next day the Lord made mee more sensible of my new life and when I came to dive into the mighty depth of the love of God in granting mee deliverance from so great a danger my heart was so brim-full with the apprehension of his tender mercies that I could not containe my selfe but must needs burst forth in teares for feare I should not live sutable to so great a mercy and I said to my friends that I would gladly be with my Saviour if it pleased him to take mee for the mercy I received was so great that I should never be able to walk answerably in holinesse to the Lord and my care is that I might not be found a fruitlesse figtree in the garden of my God when Christ said I am come into my garden my sister my spouse it was but to gather fruit but when he expected fruit and found none he was displeased I know it is a great mercy to blesse God for mercies and they which have a heart to bless God for mercies ought to have a tongue to prayse him for the same and a pen to record them we being too prone to let them slip out of our memories which if I shall do I desire my hand may be brought to testifie against me my heart and tongue shall not only prayse him but with my pen also will I stirre up my self and intreat all others that were in the same storme partakers with me of the same deliverance to magnifie the Lord for ever Oh ye couragious Sea-men that said you were at your wits end and knew not what would become of you prayse ye the Lord O ye that came into the great Cabbin to dye with us blesse his name for ever O ye that said you would give all you had to be landed even in your enemies Quarters that you might fight for your lives prayse him that is Lord of the Sea that now we see the faces of our friends in peace and can joyfully meet together to keep dayes of thanksgiving to the Lord. Jesus Christ took speciall notice of the Lepers Luke 17.15 16. verses but one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voyce glorified God and fell downe on his face at his feet giving him thanks but Jesus said were there not ten clensed but where are the nine It is all Christ requires of a Saint to be praised for deliverances as he saith Psal 50.15 Call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee but thou shalt glorifie mee But no soule can glorifie and praise God but those whose hearts He hath wound up and tuned to such a spirituall note because they are birds which fly high upon the wing of faith and may have place to sit and sing neer the altar of God and those that are thus admitted into the holy of holyes to sing Hallelujab's to the Name of the most high God and to the Lambe are the spirits of just men made perfect already in heaven and those who are kept through the power of God by faith 1 Pet. 1.5 while they are in the world untill they come to be made one with the Father and the Son when this mortality shall be swallowed up of life and we crowned with an incorruptible crowne of glory and come to be made perfectly glorious through Christ and perfectly holy then shall we be fit to come into the presence of our God and behold his glory and admire him who is the King of Saints and then shall we worship and sing everlasting prayse to the Lord God Almighty who is great and marvellous in all his workes and just and true in all his wayes Thus to prayse God is the worke of Angells which they doe and shall doe to all eternity who are glorious creatures without sinne which are set apart onely for the worke of praysing God Oh the disproportion betwixt Men and Angells And yet God requires and looks for prayse from men as well as from Angells But Lord who is sufficient for these things who is worthy to undertake the worke of Angells whose spirits are thus ascended up on high to make an Evangelicall harmony in the eares of so holy a God whose hearts are fitted and tuned to sing everlasting prayses and Hallelujah's to the mighty Lord God of mercies to our soules redeeming mercies justifying mercies temporall deliverances God requires prayse of every one that he workes deliverance for whether spirituall or temporall He that eateth after ten dayes fasting let him give thanks yee that have escaped the rocks remember the Lord. Ye whom God hath kept from sinking and perishing in the deepe waters praise him Ye which are living monuments of his late mercy and have been