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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73706 Three profitable sermons. 1. A pastorall charge. 2. Christs Larum-bell. 3. The soules sentinell Preached at seuerall times vpon sundry occasions, by Richard Carpenter pastor of Sherwill in Devon. Carpenter, Richard, 1575-1627. 1617 (1617) STC 4683.5; ESTC S125294 87,026 278

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cannot reuerse Vse A consideration R. W. and beloued in Iesus Christ by the miscreant Atheist much contemned by the temporizing Politician greatly neglected by the carnall gospeller slightly regarded by the Popes pardon purchasing and pickpurse Purgatory beleeuing Papist corruptly intertained and by very few of the best professors so sincerely and seriously thought on and embraced as it ought to be For it is the great fault not only of great men whose greatnes maketh them too often forgetfull of goodnes but euen of vs all high and lowe rich and poore great and small that wee neuer thinke on death or prepare to dy till wee finde and feele wee can no longer liue Yea we so imbrace admire adore and doat vpon this glittering world and are so loath to leaue the ruinous tabernacle of our corruptible flesh that we are not content or willing to goe to heauen till we see there is no remedy we can stay no longer on earth For the reforming of which carnall and worldly affection and for the better inciting and stirring of vs all vp to a more frequent meditation and Christian consideration of our soone expiring life and speedy approaching death let vs now in the name of God descend to some further vse and application of that which hath beene so largely deliuered And seeing we haue beene euery way sufficiently taught what through the frowardnesse of our carnall disposition we are otherwise dull ynough to learne that in this wicked world which is nothing else but a shop of vanity a theater of iniquity whordoms stewes oppression slaughterhouse thefts refuge and for euery sinne a sinfull sanctuary there is no sure rest or residence for vs and that here we haue no continuing City but liue euery day in such incertainty that the highest healthiest holiest happiest among men cannot promise to themselues to morrow O let vs I beseech you by the tender mercies of Christ Iesus as wee tender the good of our owne soules heare and know this for our selues as Eliphaz saide to Iob Heare this and know it for thy selfe Iob 5. 27. He that knoweth not what hee should know is a beast among men hee that knoweth no more then he must needs is a man among beasts but he that knoweth all he may know and that for himselfe and his spirituall aduantage is a god among men Let vs study and striue to bee such gods and euer remember that wee must die like men Let vs esteeme of euery present day as of the day of our death and make such conscience of all our waies words and works as if wee were presently to giue an account of our life q Greg. in Moral Qui considerat qualiter erit in morte pauidus prouidus erit in operatione He that thinketh alwaies of dying will be circumspect in his doing The meditation of death is a Christian mans Philosophy O let vs as carefull christians be continually exercised in this study and as cheerefull and faithfull professors bee alwaies busied in performing those righteous and religious duties which wee would doe if wee were dying and because that death in all places wayteth for vs let vs expect it euery houre suspect it euery where and be at all times prepared for it And now at this time especially let the dreadfull spectacle of death before our eies be as a shrill trumpet sounding aloud that message of Isaiah to Ezekiah in our eares that it may sinke deepe into our hearts r Isa 38. 1. Set thy house in order for thou must dy and shalt not liue Dispose of thy temporall affaires leaue not thy lands intangled thy substance intested to be a cause of variance to thy posterity make thy will doe it in time whilst thy thoughts are free thine affections staied and thy reason not distracted with feare or senses disturbed with paines so shall thy testament be testatio mentis a witnesse of thy mind Whereas on the contrary if thou put ouer the disposing of thine estate to that troblesome time of sicknes when thine head aketh hand shaketh thy tongue faltreth thine heart fainteth and euery part is pained it may iustly bee feared that neither thy words or writing will so expresse thy meaning but that thou shalt be easily drawn to make a will after anothers mind rather then thine owne Set therefore thine house in order now that thy soule bee not wearied then with secular affaires when it should be wholly busied in making it selfe ready for God Yea set thine heart in order also and forthwith dispose of thy soule to cast vp her reckonings turne thy selfe as Ezekiah did Å¿ 2. Kin. 20. 2. to the wall that is from the world to God Silentium a mundo est susurrus cum deo consider what thou hast beene examine thy selfe what thou art premeditate what thou shalt be Cogita vnde venis erubesce c. Thinke on thy Bern. naked natiuity and blush for shame on this worlds wretchednesse misery c. Sigh for griefe on deaths approaching tyranny and tremble for feare or rather that thou mayest bee freed from feare griefe and shame make soone thy soules peace with God and the world and by faithfull repentance turne from the worlds vanities to Gods seat of mercy and weepe as t 2. Kin. 20. 3. Ezekiah did bewaile thy sinnes past keepe a narrow watch ouer thine heart for the time to come Sow in teares that thou maiest reape in ioy Psa 126. And lastly not to leaue so good a patterne in any point vnfollowed pray too as Ezekiah did though thou canst not in the same manner Lord remember how I haue walked before thee in sincerity and truth yet to the same effect for mercy as Dauid did u Psalm 25. 7. Lord remember not the sinnes of my youth Lord for thy goodnesse sake remember mee And as D. Ambr. in Psal 38. Ambrose did on the 38. Psalm Lord forgiue mee my faults heere where I haue sinned for else where I cannot be releeued except I haue my pardon heer it is in vaine to expect the restfull comfort of forgiuenesse hereafter Now is the acceptable time as St. Paul speaketh x 2. Cor. 6. 2. now is the day of saluation This world is for thy repentance the other for thy recompence y Chrys in Heb. cap. 2. hom 4. Hic locus luctae ille coronae Hoc cunaeorum tempus est illud coronarum as D. Chrisostome speaketh This is the time and place of combatting that of crowning this of working that of rewarding this is for thy patience that for thy comfort Now God is helping to all them which repent and forsake their euill ways but then he will be a seuere examiner iudge and reuenger of all our wicked workes This is our day wherein the Gospell of peace and remission of sins is preached that is Gods day wherein all that haue receiued this grace in vaine shall be punished They that will not now receiue good counsell at
other can iustly except against it I will say this to him A little thereof is now ynough and any thing at all is somewhat too much De mortuis nil nisi bonum Virgil Aeneid 3. Parce pias scelerare manus oh parce sepulto For mine own part as I dare not blanch any mans faults because it is contrary to my profession so I hold it now an vnfit time to blab or blaze a dead mans follies it is somewhat I thinke beyond my cōmission Charity vnder one vertue couers many blemishes whereas malice like a kite feeding on nothing but carrion vnder one vice couers many excellencies I will leaue malice to those which loue to dwell in the tents of Meshek following the rule of charity will passe from his former conuersation in the daies of his health to that which was much more commendable and comfortable his godly comportment behauiour in his sicknes vntill his death and what I haue seene and heard with these mine eies and eares I will boldly testifie that at my first comming to him which was a fortnight before his death I found him religiouslie disposed and concerning his end and passage out of this life well resolued the apprehension of his sins beeing so well temper'd with a sweet application of Gods mercy that he seemed to mee to goe an euen course betwixt feareles security and saithles dispaire the conscience of his manifold transgressions humbling him indeed and casting him downe but the consideration of Gods infinite mercies reuiuing him and lifting him vp againe To whō after I had made known by priuate conference with him what an especiall signe of Gods fauour it was to bee so graciouslie inuited by a lingring sicknes as a long sermon to come by the way of repentance vnto him and hereupon had cheered him vp against the terrors of death and exhorted him to deale faithfully with his owne soule in sorrowing yet more deeply suing for a pardon more earnestly for all the errors of his life because God did yet wait to Isa 30 18. shew him more mercy he heereunto made this ready answere I know and feele God to bee mercifull and were hee not exceeding mercifull I were very miserable for I haue a long account to make But fetching a deep sigh I beseech God to binde all my sins in a bundle and to cast them into the bottome of the Sea that they may neuer rise vp in iudgement against me which pithy praier twice together he vttered and that with so great vehemencie that in some conflic̄t of passion he brake foorth into teares wept bitterly which signe of gōdly sorrow appearing in him I comforted and counselled him in the wordes of the Prophet telling him that God would treasure vp al true repentant teares into his bottle and if we did mourn Psalm 56. 8. ouer Christ Iesus whom wee haue crucified by our sinnes and open vnto him a fountain of teares God would open vnto vs a fountaine of Zach. 12. 10. Zach. 13. 1. grace to wash vs from all our sins which comfortable place of Scripture hee as feelingly apprehended and applied to his soule in these words O Lord open this fountaine to me be gracious to me forgiue me forgiue me as I forgiue all the world And so vttering partly of himself and partly repeating after me these and the like sentences or short ciaculatory praiers O Lord in thee Psalm 31. Psalm 90. is my trust let me neuer be confounded returne Lord and bee pacified toward thy seruant comfort mee as thou hast afflicted mee Reueale thy grace and glory to mee and in my greatest extremity refresh mee with the sweet tast of thy mercy my heart fainteth and strength faileth but in thy helpe is my onely hope O Lord Psalm 37. 26. say to my soule I am thy saluation c. at length vpon his entreatie the whole company there present ioined together with me in a more solemne praier vnto God for him himself accompanying vs very willingly and reuerently and in this praier behauing himselfe so passionately with such wringing of his hands lifting vp of his eies with such heauy sighs and groanes of his heart expressing the feruency of his zeale and deuotion that the report heere of may seeme incredible to many wich knew his former life and conuersation But I know what I speake and I speake it not to praise the dead for my praises preaching or praiers cānot profit him neither to please any of his friends liuing for it is basenes of mind this way to picke thanke of them but to the eternall praise of the vnspeakable goodnes of our euerliuing God who shewed to this deceased knight so great mercy as to giue him so religious a mind in so great weaknes of body and not onely so but blessed him likewise with a very ready memory from the beginning to the end of his sicknes in such sort that conferring diuers times with him about some particulars concerning sound repentance and the assurance of Saluation and the certaine tokens of our peace and reconciliation with God and quoting many places of Scripture especially out of the 8. Rom 17. Ioh. out of the 51. 73. 91. Psalmes to strengthen his faith and affiance in Gods mercy through Christs merits to confirme his hope in the assured expectation of a ioyfull resurrection and to set him forward in the holy way to a happy better life to come I must confesse to the glory of God that hee would many times meet me halfe waies in the midst of the said sentēces apply them to his soule with such feruency and feeling as was much I saw to his owne comfort but more as I vnderstand to his friends ioy and admiration To be short I come to his death which was on St. Stephens day he accounting it an addition to his hoped for happines that he should goe to heauen when so blessed a Martyr ascended as by one of his deerest friends I was enformed for this I speake vpon the report of others as also how that he spent the beginning of this day in finishing his last will and testament and in performing kinde charitable offices for his brethren sisters seruants and other friends The rest as a man sequestred from the world he spent in praier in meditation and soliloquies betwixt God his soule as if he had learned of dying St. Ierom to say O my Euseb in vita Hieron friends interrupt not my approaching ioy doe not hinder me from yeelding to the earth that which is the earths vntill about the euening comming to him againe hee rowsed himselfe and glad of my presence conferred with me receiued counsell comfort and encouragement from me being desirous that I with such also as were present should once yea againe and the third time pray for him feeling belike his time to be short so that I found him euery way as religiously deuoted and christianly affected and